Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 01, 1871, Image 3
• :A.--'IVOILD TO TIM,- A• llumrich, in hitinice, new Aorc, on the corner of Nortlf Hanover and Louthor streets, has just received a large and fresh Aocic of goods; . comprising sugar cured and other hams, dried beef, dried tongue, driepttits, canned fruits, apple butter, pine q. pies, lemons and oranges, together with-every thing to be found in a first-class .green grocery. Fruit of all hinds, in seasom-mado a specialty. .Give h im . n. call. . . [ANN O[J,NCE.MENTS. ] A.T O TFIt two years' absence, Nellie Love (formerly Nellie 31faskell) returns, to this place with her talented Company. They will perform at Rheem's Hall, on Monday and Tuesday, .Tune 5 and 0. TILE VERY LATEST Arrival of dvy'goods-of 'all-:kinds, at the cyitral dry goods store. Grenadine lawns, he nannies, pongees silk, pongees white piques, lace points, lace sacks, shawls, pongee and linen parasols, kid gloves, the new pattern, of single and double width brussels carpet, is selling rapidly. _ Do not fail to call and see it, and be satisfied. Also 1116 largest variety of all othe•' kinds of carpets, and oil cloths, all selling 'cheaper than the cheapest: Call at the Cent for leer gains. LEIDTCII& MILLER NEWS DEPOT AND MUSIC STORE. I am constantly receiving all the daily, weekly and monthly papers, and maga zines, at my paper 'stand, No. 11. West Main street,.all kinds of musical instru ments, also all the best make of organs. Persons desiring anything in the 'music Rife, it will be to their advantage to call at my store and examine my stock, be fore purchasing elsewhere. A fine line Sheet music ; rib° a sprendid Oreulating Library, 2 cents' per day, 2.7 cents per mouth, $2.50 per year. Call and sec me at No. 21 West Main street. Sec my musical advertisement in another col- N. HARKNESS 131118 RATIONAL PA I TII . Why have the public such dmplicit faith in the 'restorative properties of Iloojland's G,tinan Bitters,' Tt is be cause its history for more thaw thirty years, liasdieen one unbroken, undisputed record of cures. Dyspepsia, neivolis debility, liver disease, kidney affections. and purifying properties ; while the Ue rum Which contains in addT dion, a: pure dill:I:lye ditinil;:int, works wonfleo, where a more powerful agent is fuiprired. Sold by all Druggists. 1)(MIN . 1VITlI lIIGII T'.I?ICES 1,;()I; WHITE WASh I T. J. Smith, is noa• pref,ared to ,rushing, and wall cleaning, antl,..tvall scraping, oil the most, improved plan, aml ut the shortest, notice. 'I here meet lie no removing of ealpets or furniture. Satisfaction -given, Or ,110 -pay required. (loud references given. Please . leave riders at the barber shop' of David Welch; or Calvin Able, or,at the ollieo : of 1. L. Sterner .1: Bro., livery and e; change stables. Pliiase give me t a call. FUR SALE A largo merchant mill, situated in Ilarford county, Maryland, about one and a half miles•from Edgewood - sta tion, on Philadelphia, - Wilming,t on, and Baltimore railroad, has - four run 6f burrs, with capacity of- 2(1,000 barrels, which with a small - outlay, can be in creased to :10,000 barrels'. Also, a line farm'ad • joining the mill, containing :1411 acres, 211(1 acres of which Is cleared, and in a high state of cultivation ; theme arc :1 houses on the farm, also, barn, stable, corn house, &c., Fur further infor mation apply to . _ E. J. SNOW & Co., No. 10, Spear's Wharf, Baltimore, Maryfluid iniail ',lll GO to 'Madame Rote for , your lials and boimet, PEAcii.BurrEit nt Iluinrivit s COM lIINCIS made into sv, itches, chig nons, curls, Iliretts , &v . " . at )la,iine Rotes. ArI'END to securing your coal fot• win ter while prices are low and quality good Call at the yards of A. 11.131,A1it. BAIt KLYSTON I: Hi:, VERA NI M' iv ,Etc.—Ball's Keystone Reaper and Mom cr, with the Johnson Self Rake .\t I ;whin mgt, manufactured by the Reese, Stoats Mellick Matinfachiriiig C‘lf,' 3 ,. long, N. is pronounced by c o mpel,•iit Judges a iMmhine of unsurpaksed mrrii It is simple ill construction, light and strong, and not liable to get out of oider. It had an immense - sale last year, was thoroughly tested, and gave universal satisfaetiOn. The Mowing anti Reaping A ttachinents are entirely separate, which enables theffarnier to change froin mow ing to reaping 111 live minutes, molting a good single mower and one of the very best combined machines in use. Farmers contemplating, the purelt ase of a Mower and Reaper will do well to examine Ball's Keyigtune, and - we feel satisfied they` will make selection of it. Mr. Peter Snydei,. I.f Silver Spring township, 'is the agent. for Ball's Keystone Reaper and Mower. I lis post office address is Iloguestowil.• tnina2t..* G !LEEN APPLES at Iluinrieh's DR. W. MART L. 11,A1,1 ' ()iliac and residence 37 South It:wove!. street, Carlisle; Pa. llooins strictly pri vate. Consultation free. DrSs. huh undies the treatment, of female diseiistis a specialty; lde7ooin Fnn carried and, dried, fruits go to CHOICE fowls and („s for sale, em'a fully bred from imported stock. Satis faction guaranteed in all eases. I am now prepared to book orders for the following varieties : • • Darle Brahma, per dot 53.00. • Light do. 1.00. Black Cochin, 1.00. Grey Dorking, 2.00, Black Spanish, (white face) 1.00. - All Orders filled in the order received. Call on.or address, r JER§P.I3. No. 121, S. Pitt Street. JUST rOC6iVea \ Nil„ lot of , , oranges and leinons'at " • 2tima7ltf • GolkMadame Rote for.yourphignons, switclicp, curls, &c., BUY THE BEST! The Cabinet Range with hot closet is; without doubt, the finea -- Nkin:;, , and baking' range in the market; alod 'saves one-third the fuel of cooking stoves.' Call and see them at' Win. Fridley's store,' No, 21 North Hanover street. Also look at his refrigerators, N.Vitey cooltirs, bread 'safes, umbrella stands and a full line'of house furnishing' oods. .2tinut7.l6m • cliocsei - r'buttef --- ami water crackers at llumrich's. ' List? nunNEVArimal Also• a full assortment of lumbar at the .lowost prices,, at the yanla of, ~•, „ A. H. BLAin. . Ptinu . 7o. THE SPRAGUE MOWER The'latest improvement, made of Iron and Steel, with eneased.gearing andliest workmanship.2 , .For lightness of draft, simplicity, strength, offectiveneSs 'end .cheapnessi not equalled by any machine •in -the. Market. •larniers are'rcquested to call and see it at the Farm Machine Works of F. GARDNER & C 0.,. Car lisle. Also on hand, the celebrated Col lins! Steel Plows, which will not stick, in ,any soil,. Price $2l. 18maThit. 18. - NOTIONS & FANCY G ODS. For thy - above, go to J. 11. Wolf's - , No. 18 North Han Over street, where you will find the best assortment of Notions and small wares in the town, and from 10 to 80 veer, cent cheaper.' I desire to call your spechil attention to the following : A full line of linen pongee and silk pat'asols, and sun , mnbrellas, fans of -every—deseription—and---price.--- kile.nt."s r .ladies' and Misses' kid. gloves. A lat•go ussortnient of cotton hosiery very cheap. Also white cotton trimmings, Hamburg' edges and insertings, silk, cord edgc nuMtuit and sash ribbons very cheap ; ladies and gents' summer underclothing corsets and Loup slams in large variety. A kill line ortowid;, napkins and crash, linen shirt fronts, and ready made shirts ; ladies' and gi ids' linen and lace hand kerchiefs in all grades. Call and ex amine our goods before purchasing else. where. N. I. \\ hen goods are •s(LI by tla package or full piece, .):.klll' furnished at wholes:do pries. .1? 11. WULF. POTATO —Peach 1.11( wlmlcsalt Env 4111117'1U' ' liarriNburg. A ILAunv. addilion lately made lu I rdoel Ilrhilllber, in the yard, of A. I I. ISLAIR. LADII:S desiring a beiMind ❑nil fash ionable . hat or bonnet, go to Madame Hide, three. doors below 'llentz•s goods store. POR SALE OR. RENT. A large ath r l &ffinnodiotts• 0)11.e -story brick house, on the corner of Main and Bedl44rd street. s, now' occupied by - .Miss. Gordon, has all the modern - improve meths, sitlt brief: stable and t ice hothe attached. Inqui:v Shapley, corner or North and - Pitt sheets. ;•11:(1.\ 1. N()TIOES ERLIT JARS M=l 'Fla: Lust and cheapest fitlit jar C or In rentetl. \Vitt. 131,tir Son liar,. the ex eln,d‘tt control of there jai's in this ro gion ..r rtountry, and hate 111:1th` exlen situ artangentyn ts far silfrlliTing the Star and jags, Nvholesale and ro tail, at rxtrentrdy lute rater. Wm..l;4mit & .)lay 24. IS7 - 1. South Eml P. S. Ttie tradq is respectfully is timed to our monthly circulay. 1 (11.11'1 . 1!;1; ()17--1?'.1-cTs I= •, i•I Lit I itil I iiiililit• 11,,. •••111.ill tit tt• 11,Itei • 11:41 •:. lir, .1 it di, !It Ow 1 . 1 . -1 •i • , 1104 `044,1,• is .1 ~,•. A putt. .pL.b,i , ag,•llt. iii I p. .lii. I , O ibr vuL,n.l I!!! lit 1 .1 •“. It..- al, I lb. IL 1., u , )li. . t. .Al,l tli.• .ill 1/, etc.! 1),11 11 II 1,1 it Itil.. .1111• ...k a, 1 ,tl.? "Ili, 1..1 lit ntio It tt Lap 131.:.:1 .4•lct,ily ,1,11.111 L ell , . tittg ra.lttO cute. k tto Is.. It.. t: ti v ot, n,„l tlitt ty .•I Ititlto . t.t ‘ l.„ I. 111'1.11A 1111,11101, 1,11.1 V• iju h/t 1i..11t:14 m i II II" f. , ‘ . 1.1.• , ( 1 isitrlli4, all 1%.1) 11,,, and the . gvittlo st 11,0, II apiat• 1, Iu the aci,.lll, m, 'tern 11“: , lig . ht...t .acinol. 'llll. ,'lull,', ul 1.1.11 N‘ltich rt.nil. :4,, Jot llso.t . 01111 Mllkl • .11 ....Is DEEM MI SAFE, SPEEDY, AND Dr. )1.33 ris' 35'.3 rot, 3of 1V3131 Chrrry, 3333.1 3133333 133 ~,1..•33 111:1IIIII.I1 I 11 . 1 elitirr•ly.ll,w 133333 , 3 3 , 33.111/11i.111, th, I, .1, 1.33.3 w n ret,1313. 3 .. 11.,. 333 33g133.3 r 3313134. , ri. T 13•33.33, 333331 3311 • I 33133, C 3333333 3.3133, 1 . 13 3 333 3 3331 tc3 13333 111.11111 I. al 1.33 33 3 33113;33 3 , 333 3311111, 13.4 33f al 1•....3 3 - . 43, 33 1 and the I a IA 3 33 33 11, 1:1, 111 . 1., . it , ~ t 1 h I N V. €.. A 11 ..thh .1 • N. :It .1 tt IS!!!!Ell =ME = ttlltg , 1.,' A:l , , 11. I I, ,nrtl., fit I= I= =I tiocc I y sid.lcscsischscz the stmcsulacst occssn, \ I IsVA Ncs II NIII th c.trcciq s.sistll7lly PE \\ 1,,i ) o I 'I itt./1/ t 11.1 s 4.1 thr.oll,ll tl. i:lsn AN: z• hi I I). n.l 1,11..1 it. 4‘ In ..11.,1 1 3 nu Iwo 1111. no e d.. 1114 wlitltr. 111..1 1 . .. r imp 0:11.11. Yr in ; ogivrt I.i 1 i• ~/..1111 1 . 01: 1,11 by n. / 10,1 1.1 . 111/.11 , 111 11,11 111 . 1' 11,11/, /11.• 11./1/1/11. 1/t.,.11/1 11/ 111.• 11111/11•14.11• 11 11111111. e ., utt,orlth!, kin Il11.1(11 ,, , h i P., Al' , Illju 1 . 1 VLI, alio] .kill,. 11' till!, .Ii- I,lt t 1,101( N 11,411. 4 .1 k, it. I • "On pt 4 ,1,1' s • C... 11 )1 All E S , I•.\lo.lsi.F. iltoiwcF. '.1.%.111:ET. awreetecl Weekly by 'IL U. WmAhr,red. . . -..A...../rust,, Weddev4ity, Nay :11, INTI. P. 13111. ). Peii irie 1., Oil sr 1 •b: II PIN 1: PIA , I /e...k".41 4 ..,1 .w 1•ElePI N I: I. r E rq,u ul7 4 :tll !I'll/ PI 117/E.I i ' • I 40, /f a 1 II'HE.I 7' -, - I :. ' II YE III r(1 //.\' lITJ 1 WM TE OA TS ' (.1 II 1..1 CA' 0,1 TS 63 . (7,0 r EA'S E Ell h CO 77.1107'111771:131 I . kl '1 , 7).1.1W • Elit , • 170 PROVVION MARKET Corrected' Weekly by Wm. lliaii; 5^,4u1. (;,etbdr, 111dtp,day, ..Ifoy 111, 1871. .lIITTEU C. y If, ' 1.4 - 9'. 1.1.0 W .11 irn.r COS HAMS do NIIO EleB ... . do Sin ..... 11'1111 111:11 le ED do DP IRD 4 PPLES. (;:i STOOK MAItICETR. • Phil° firilliAhl ' . jl, • 11.11 IL 'The arrivals 0111,1 Par, Iltef Paid, we, 11 . ,rip , &it rrG, reaudtlitu '11101,1\2,303 hrad. dad closed very dull, /ovarian lawer.t, and ',nines were aa , lllll and lower, within the following rang., P.1,7"11E, pe 73f.OPSe. PA lit ..I.V1) (;0(lb UITT LE. • CO . M.ll•od\ - . .I(a6 CO: Wit and C,!l.l"Eit for re tdraa tin toatil. 1;5 , quote • . 1 / 4 'prinarnt at $45, mat (Was 00 Calvet, 0 $65._ lion (Mr qf 200 /tet;a. SHE,Er dull andlaiella la prices. Walpole? Wantid at Odka 7e, and clipprd at 465 - Rereipf4 15,000 head. . HOGS cool toot doll owl 111 . 10, , I . (11111 . 111le to th , wqr, _uudat!_the t _ipflitely,_tirr4orls-of LL-beau-h./7-4,v -this sumnirr. IVe quote conattonia $4 5060 75 ~ 1 1 primr in t Si 100 111 !IrtJW: cnru Jrd, .fir cuitdx 2000 DEATHS ILARDIIII.—Iii this berourrls, onlhe twoot lath ul limo,!tiny 0., youngext daughter or Alicua C: tool Lydia Hartley, agua 1 year and 13 dna. . • ring '(From thV Philadelphia North ..urrican.l P.ITILAD.E.Y;PRIA MARKETS. . FLOUR ; GRAIN' AND SEEDS, ;77' l'hijadelphia, May 30, 1/371. EXTRA I . _ LILIt Y $7 25 Exru..l FLOUR , RIR FLOUR WHEAT RED::.. WHITE 1171E4 T RYE COP V ' 0.1 TS DISZEZEM II.IIO77IYSEFD FLA-IWEED-1., .21 7 E 11"r0-D A Y. MENEII FQ.ll , l' WO .NIGHTS ONLY ! MONDAY ,C! , TUESDAY June 5 C 0. NELLIE LOVE'S (formerly Nellie Maskell's,) VARIETY COMIQUE, A3t) FULL ORCHESTRA- BRASS AND STRING. Comedies, Burlesques, Songs & Dances. Admissron_ailizents- _Gallery,_22) cents._ Reserved seats, i 0 cents, which may Sc secured at Book Store. Chaige of programme Tuesday evening , s open at 7: pof,,rth,t rom menet' ut SLo'rlorl,. E. M. (401"11101,D, 1 jeTI lt, Business Agent. LAVO 'ONT rylIE mosT nr:r,n,n•rrur, TOOTH CLEANSER .AND BREATH PURIFIER Itr I, it 11 4 T I . : ET f i." 111 • It pt,vettt4 the forni.ltiott TA IZTA It WI tin =I It 1t.111..13 11 1'1: 11;lt .INT II E1`1"1 I=l LA 1I)NT to . .1 =I II: I•.:o 'CARR I;IIOTHERS,vq MEE rine folio \Ling. instructions havc .iL i•IN •Inco • %, I I Jul, 11.11,11.1 , ,11-• 1 .1.11:15 1.. .\•,1.1 1. 1•7 ~ .rt•i ti, .illlll :113 I. t•7l =III,1 :q :11.1 t ,111. t .10111111. 1.71 Ot OW I/1111i ,t,), .It. 111 Ilia it.lllil,, I. zo„I. I ' 3l 1.:•1 NoTicr: i. 1,,•1 , •1.y1. , :111 ,%111141 , C. 1111 , I•111.1i%11I 1.1.111 !ill' 1 , 1.1011 1 tllll, 111 II tki th, Is7l, Mt- 1.•11 11..110, 1 ~ 1 (111,1 tll/1 , , CPI' 1111. 11. 1.111) f 51 1,1 k t:1 illl/1 11111 1..• :I Ulu,' 1,, In.• an,..11111 of 1111 , 1., 1% 31 11 I' 111 1 je71:21 _ (yII 3 IIA NS . Cll liT SALE. .1t1li.• 17 1 , 711,, ,1 N:1111111/1.1. 14 , 1 111 111. 1111i11.111,' 1%11111 1 111111o•r• hin.l comity 11 . t!,.• 111,.1.•,,g-ut 1 1,1+1,, I.v l'ottrt to,lll %, , 11 Ilet• 1 , 1 4,1:11,4 11,0,1 Nom hot 1..m11•111p.11,• tr 1.•. 4 1 111 t. u,..t•t• 11.1.1 , i.. 11 .• I 110 . II 1111 1.1 1/11111 , 111 1 / I 'l.l niol .1113" t; 111,1, • 1:1111 , ,ltl„nl•L 1.1 11,• . top till 1.11 1111,,1•1 11s1 T 1,113.- 1011 .1111 i \I, 1 . 11,11,11 11,111111111, 1551 Ii A ,11.1NE-11 1/F Al It P.,. /ll' 11• 111 11•. , . 111 Q 11,1 TIVII ,1 ,4 1:1' 1 \I 11111 ,1: .11.11 1,11 l• tb 111 . s% it 1. 1.111,1 117717.. TE1111... t'l I. 1: - I I ii.• I „I 11, 111 I lo• 1.1 . 111.•" t.II 111.• ills, .k.. 111 A 1,11 do• I I 1= 111 LiNt 01-unclaimed Iclter: remaining iii the inlstonlee at ('arli,le, Pa., for the WEEK EN . I)ING MAY :11, 1871: =MEE 11% a 1 Gll.oli NI• , 11. I 1,11,1 E =Ell= =III IMETEIIII I h 111 11 ... I II h .1.....1. I .k , itthly 11 I. D.1%11 1 , 0rtter . ..1..1.11 1..1. lru t. fl II .I , lln T lllllinget A t. io .1.111,11, • tLilo& c., ll'T:❑ ti" 11'r1rll CIVal ItIIEEAE, I'6stnliAtres, C 11 \11•,51•I tjHI 5..11 1114111 tt 10e1nev11 In I, ,11 Iris tnlintt rgt in. in Mr)} 1.1 . at Om u 'l'llrlil -p 111111• tnitintu Co. Itnstun Otttan Pt ince tti gin Co Sittitit nt.i 011,1,1 thgnn o, tson h ....lin llnvtvU tt (nun, - r 01,-It • 1ti1t...11 It ont o 111 Int Ittlit. in pot sit nlil,r I , I . lan A 111,1,1 uht .01.. to 1'1.1111.10., Hos, In:. OIV.Iu hutting porrlnt,ing ultern, as ion tort J enn att. nit. 'I lilt 1111 V, nl Orgt. rannlt.g Irian to ;300. bitt.culootts runt. SISU to itt U. et, 1 ant in . ..lmre.] to 11th nt tint sant., grimtlory aro void nit tine Fortin . ... thnroby nitrin„tt troigNt. Yin), ennui Mate - NOR. yity giving intrii.,c.)l. AIM., Pinto et (Julian+, VII/ In., Villtlll. I . lttn, littrinonfuns, Tllllll/0;11 . 1111 . :1, l'll . olol, • lie mitt • Millar .xtrlitt,n, Tuning Forlot, .\lll.lll r, unit ry,lting align.- Etining to trio tuns u Ittn.ll.ln, nil ul'ultiult 1 con nod will, clueing nX they cit. he IntritlA nit} • where, N.-It —4orgett-tionti Melotivonn ettptirt-tl,-givit tint n cull. " N. lIA UN NESS, ' No.ll IYvnt )lain Strret. A. R. 31.1.41,1_,1tE. 1 , .1. 71. '3I'NEEIIAN M'CLURE & M'KEEIIAN, - . , A'I"2OIINEVS Al' I,AW ' . 141 FI . IIIIII LIX , IIIIIrSIJ, 1.1111“,!..i1bia, • . lja77lly , MEM Sale ExT,Mniff, OF vA"- `Batur(biy, Jitne , lo, 1871 mittan,ignell,,exeentors or lin, unt trill ,ill,l tinhttn..lit or A% klentiog,, dere/teed, will lap 111. 10 11111111 e /011110,11 the aboved.ty, the following relit entattt, to 011. T.lllllll uuo-hulf:lenn Of the hest totality if lime ntona 1311111, hl 1110 1 1 / 1 . 1V11.114 village or Sprlngvillel, near Iltelltne^ Springa, :omit Middleton tow °ship. This In id to beautifully eitnated en 11111 neat 1111111 of the road, leaditte. from l'arlinljto eltont one relit ill of a tette beet the, letter place. It 11111r,111r /114, 10'011 . 1'1'1hr property In tools Into, orfis tv'm hole, to holt, the a shun of purchnhorn. Altera trot unlit liver he divided Into forty-eight bonding lots, centaittlog CI feel in'front, and about Poet In depth too -1:t foot alley, with in ,40 fool street running throughdoortenth,lentocast to -seetet. - -A - dcAll-of—the-itroeto ty-catt—bottaett-loy-eall log out 'Airs. Iletitur A. Fleming, ...aiding on the proud., For f,ttnlitig .1.11,p0,en thin Irma imnnup Iw excelled In the Ouitibellani valley. The Mira iTT4l,37 will greatly, twit:tore Ito value. Slit,' to coninTenee at 1 o'clock, p. tn., on Hold day, wheh terma Sill bo mode lenown hy ECM ... . I. 00 6 00 1 Bill 1 64 . .1 75 cOl 80 . , 1 10 77,5, cm= IX THE WORLD MEE =ll IMMIIIMME=MII =ME =MEE ~ ) t i lilt i• • it ii. 1.:111 lit tut', q'll. lk l' It• rrnr =MEM M ••Itu I' , I .1 •,• • SI =MI ;•litiili NI I =I I= Nhllcr lIIM I=l=l TIP STEIL ,A-.—FLEMINCI, ..10SEPTI A. STUART, Exectil4l9. d. .L.SPONSLER'S COLUMN. A L. SPONSLER, Real . EAtate Agent, Scrivener, Conveyniceer., Itratt , alien aril Claim Agent. °Mee Alain Street roar Centro Square.• DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT PRI, VAT? SALE.-=The' owner &rhomte of re-' moving %vest, private Halo a- LOT OF GROUND, • ot,mted on Itedfonl otreot, In thn borough, of Cur containing 4l feat front by 100 feet In tleptb and having thereon erected a TWO STORY",IeRAME—IIOUSE,' with brisk beck linibilmt, wank lit:ulna, (with eittorti tbrrrhr.)smoke hoime,loike oviiii r stod tJI necetmlry outbuildings. The prow rty fronting oti • Bedford street is 43 Pet front ty 24 feet deep. Tire bark fronting-nn Loose. 21 feet in front'. The property In II rely new, coatninn n storeroom, now nemiciled ;I c n gym.i ry store. is in I..%,hed i sonilit ion, and Is admirably shunt d for in business stand. Per- Malin WI:Ih X 1,. V lOW the property, 0411 (111 eu Icy on the °Utter, renilliog on 'the rambles. Fer terinntinil farther pattimilars empire of ^ SPONST,EIit Real Estate Agent. Two , Story Brick Dw'elliiig • jurlpro. hall, and hrtehen.ern Cite IL ea Moor, and three cbarn bers on tit° locoed story, Iv th a Moshe,' mile hack and front, slain, ay balcony In bark building, and grape arhor end lifirant in the yard. Apply to A. I. SPON,II.V.II, 1 rnot7o Heal Il•tate Agent. rr HE siihseriber has se'veratyitlier val pr,porth, in eligible parts of the town, o 'deli will I.e'l rason ably disposed of A. Ir. 17.0 , 711 _ It , al Itstate Agent. VIIIGIN'T.A. LAN DS in the Slienan.• 11111111 - Valley I'r oes—A oninber of valliable, luol highly faim,,,e , l farms Ii " Valley'sare of. leod .or sale The trews 11 11 from On to :150 acres The 1..0 , 1 is 4,r best quility Of limestone. fully 'girl, if not superior, to the 1111111 in IMI/I,IIIIIW 41 I ley, and will Ine chs.dre. , a .1 at astonishingly 11,10 1. ors. 'I he extension el Ilninberiaml Valley 11W , road into Virginia, it• now siirvepel, x ill run it nediately through the so lion country In These 11111110 ore I -.rubel, whir olmn coin. pl. , ell, t , gelher o Olt the etivaitltigo el the Shenan doah river tcansp otation o ill give theta all the ad 11114rges of Noct 11.0 II not Ito-trots markets. A F pirnihti ',overt neity fin Ittecoll, insestmenLs. Is hcri. iiifcroil. - A foil and !aloofa dem.: iiition of Ow location anti eltaractor of Um vir ions t act 4 may to hail, Ity alp- A. lo SPONSLER, 10 log to Cittilfin ltrill rcitaii• Agent, Calif.', ~,.,„,„.a . ,.....,.,_-_,...v..„,---.., -., .....-...,.. i.......-,--c............. IValker's Vincyar A MtV:AT MEDICAL DISCOVERY 1 IL. CAL I , OIM A V I . N E 0 A It • 11 undivds bear Testimony to their \V ontlerful Curative ElLlets. ME= 4:,111, t 1 MID MEE =IEEE . .•.ul tht t.I I I t_ „ u tdh.ttn',eit u,•+stint ttitt,it.ttt ..tre tttrue:Nletlit e, 11 . ..111 the Nti‘e t h., 11,y al.. tla , .,;reat'lll , aal Poriliar, and Lit, ~;it It, 1 . .1. iido. a 1,6,1 11,0, tior :Ind In. 111•111 N 1.1,11 1:1 iti1 . 121 ., tl II II /1 . ..111 i• rl • •Ittm. 11. pt. , 11.1,41 Illy I= Pot Ittllatttiti.col , :sod brob. Itbut:lll.tli.ill nud 0,11 It 114 1 111 , Ir, I I ill• 1110,1 I ! i • 1:;11 till Bli (VIM II:" 1,1.1 . 11 1.1,4 i :Ile • 4.4 . 111. 1, I:iii011. \ 111:tto 1 I I , o t It I. rail) rrtrigr rur ir: rrl gait, irr+.r r r 11, ilr nrl it ln, I r ilr it'll 0k11.1,, TIL;1011, , , t r 11111=l1111111 11,111:,li s l'Apitart.ll to: the ljeart, 11311..111,M Lite 1,11 . 11 g, Pain I,ow rogion iof the K iIIIIIIhI . II ”11111 . syropt,ll '; T,lll kI.IIP i 111: Si 111”. /1 111111 tiflitl/11I1' 1,1 li I It f. r 011111 r,f tied. the tit till hit ti Ig,r to 1110 I;, 111 Hloi nllll/11111 Ilt 1.. the •., 'vy• lir gr. ti • riTel .•it •h in Ilt.. c.f To.r.ll.•—+ .1, Arknu 11,1, u., :krl, Ai. S 1111 .11,. i'lk.lll. .1.1:11., .111 , 1, with 1 heir 1,.1 I I,l.,ltvrirx, 4:H11411.P Still, 111•1' 11101 .Ittilirtm, 11 . 11q1 s during .17111 .1 3 ~1 11•.1 1.3 1,i1" , h1. 111'1;1140,1 e• of l/.111 , -7 .11 tl ..71,. r c't VI 11. 1 1111‘ ae 111 ,1,r.,0r1.,01”11.z.1im0...1 the liver,a 111,• 111.11.111. 'l' te 1. „+.,h, /11.1 great ..111..: I'f 111.. .. „ I , 11 I! l• 11.1,1171c , ht,plitgatIre sertilig .1 1. MI, fill 11 Ilz7. lire upon 15:1111. ~,, tr.. s 110 liii pm pi, tii NV. :it I.'ove the dark,o . /11.1: I . Sk It 5,11 . 01 111,11 11,:r .1..1. at the .41:Inflating tfl.• se re,iOIIS the lit. r, Tool genel“:l r4,:otiOtt the healthy it Cot.. of the tile. 'tit.. otgans The liiliVPrSni 1.”1.11.1) of 1111 s renooly It region.t to no i•P , ,is sullielent t.volr nee of 1,,0.1 a, A 1. toed) io 1 ,1 4 1, , 0 1 i .ote•, 11$ It. r:$.111111Leuto, .1, 1.- .. tl , l II a I S ', S. :1 , 1, Ifttut fill =I 1,111. 1 . . I AS 1.1 ti sl.l y. it ovg thr I'LLltp.l•4 I= 1114 E.. 1 1,1 .11,4 •11 iu El lit, • It X, he” iti. 1 ttopl Oil, 11111 ti• I pin ‘,1".11. Kel.p tin. 1.1 4,01 t.t.l 11 , :tillt .1 n ttul 1 . ,. 'VII., tit. I .1111 tt- 'tot I, 1. g it the et).. itt.tity Ito 11,111.i , ..111.• I tri,lll ty rutt,.,.d roc 1,11 as 11 , , I t.rd the it , 111.1 • . ttottr 1.111 tYr?it Fzunt It tittel Sit ottnh. .1. IV.‘l,lil:lZ. 11. NIvIAJNA SCO (1 - 11, Ag, San Fr itivi.v II rill.. 1111111.2 Jtiot 11 C 111, 5t0..•1. N.. 1% k ~ 111 and 1...1.1, • Patti /Ho re ...lilverlisement ripoltpANT NurrlcE = II Its r,ll Or ant.airohigto tVOon.l ti,vr et,l tu any 'Mit 01 OW I:4,llltry. Fir! . (tf Exp ress rges IN= I= VIZMNIM (11.$11;.1lei tome \\ OS it: tilt• 1 1. tatit..• ,t a II ntalit , , It 1,, al•II.Itt• I a Aiti'i, I, II It It: Alt , Intl V.upon 111/111111 prrtmidly by imeil GI I lines el Semple, o 161. NVSV, 1111181 1.111141.1, lif l'ren,ls, 1 , 1/ DOllll . Ollll . %hill' lac ntri.....ttartint r •' llll ill Sell WY lOW, b, /Wl'', 3, 111 Itl uy Ifoune ill ill.• el/1111i: y. 111 g our we de. I new I lel' and il I 1.111,1 11111 . 1, ill 11.0 ill 111.,1 , 111 11.1.1 Inepeel t log 11ie..14e..• , •1L I s .1 snit. ~e , p 1 siiii l'seg 111 r hell.. lorry •ad tall ton vatit und 1,1 I,‘• 140 ball 11./33, aro ulrb , and gao xat nal. Illigam lir ..ent rnx laani II lon g Irr 4,1111. 111 g for et al.l spueify the. Id Oil or 14•11, 00,111'11. %1e 15e. , 1, llm gialit•A ul 1,0 j viaxx Of 1,0114, 1111111 1111. 11 , WePri 11 , the 111U:A 011111. r. . 0.111./ . .4 101:1V011101•1110i hy..0141 li y k I hi 0. 0 11. Vlollllo.'llol 1.; 10..6•Pi1y., '1711)..t01 urn lull wl L. l't 14bin4 and Ptiyl.ago li.partinvut. Atl.lrt,o4 • II 1 IILTON 1117, 11M, :MI, and 20:i II ext liitillistor • St.evt, Mit:1712.1%. Sh Su& SATE., On Satiliiirty, ;lane 3, 1871 , , Ity ‘lrloo of it writ of Elora Forpot tx , toot out I f tiro Court i.I, COllll.lll 1'1,..0i of' Coniio 1 liin..outily, I'n, owl IO 1 1 ,0,111iTetCli, I Will I Xl/11. , 0 tp 8111 al the Corot noun°, to Ille liorotolli 01 V oliulg ori (lm oho, clay. nt 10 o'clork it. to , tilt ro 10 , 0114 do serilod rota 1'0(111 , To % it: A ti . 111 5 ., i.1 . 1111.11r1'0111111 /11.111111.11 ill \'nnr I' 111.1- ,14), timberland cannily pa., !wooded On tin , 111. 11111 i 0101111 Ly 31tiiiiia Itrieltrr, on (lin cer t by Lridicll mill 'Wan.% anilulllisp by Iha Yollow cirri'', containing 111 111 . 11.1,.11101 . 11' nr lena, bnvilig thiamin ono a ory log titvolling 01°1110. Si.,. d and taken In rsrcul ion •m tlr propnrty of lining,' 11. Moyer. anti .I.ino Moyer. , To Lo mold by inn a, 1{..401t1•;51AN, dims IT. • , Sburlll'B j '11,• t4ll Hail, Or or ,or'rri $6O will br n gob 1.11 to bo pall Ivlooi Jim prOrolly “trirko.l oil . ; uu d on ill tso „ lop ooder '23tolt7l:lt •' • ===:2= . propos . als will bo ,receivoil by tlio 11,1nril cif • &hoot Into tors - of -Newton ..towashiti,_uutti...llonday,-tha-111111 -410,3r_or_ ono, lA7I, for, thu building of a now School (Moor's) No. 3, .• ' Thu contractor to have tho•old house' and to flplsh . l'hins And spooltirations can bu own by calting on P. a McCoy, 001.11110, or at tho onion of N. Mb Ilions,.Novr 01110. Ily ontor of the Board. N. WILLIAMS, 18AA0 IYMINER, tiorrulary, • i ' Preslihnit. 23nuials' „May 10, 187 1. ~ .~~1 Dr. Ayers' .Itredicines. AYER'S SARSAPARILLA. FOR PyrItIFYING TIIE ➢LOO D - . Tho reputation this excellent medicine enjoys, is derived from its cures, many of which are truly marvelnuo. Inveterate ease; of ,Scrofulous :dis• ease, .whece the system seamed saturated with corruption, have been purified and cured by it. Scrofulous affections and disorders, which were ag gra vatedi•by the scrofulous contamination. until they were painfully afflicting, have boon radically cured In such great numbers In alm6st every sec tion of the country, that the public .scarcely need informed onto virtues or wee. . . - . . . . . 'Scrofulous poison Is ;moor the moat destructive enemies of our race. Often,,this unseen and .unfelt tenant of the organism undermines the constitu tion, and invites the attack of enfeebling or fatal 'diseases, without - exciting a suspicion of Its prat,. mice. . Again, It anoint to breed Infection thlsough out the body, and than, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop Into one or other of its hideous forms, either on the - among the •itets. In tho la' ter, tubercle's may bo euddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed. in the llver,-.or, It shows Its; presets, by eruptions on the skin or foul ulcerations on tome part of the body, nonce, thy OCCASIOrtAI use of a bottle of this, Sarsaparilla is advisable. even when no' active symptoms of disease appear. Persons afflicted with t Ise following complaints; generally find Immediate relief, and, at length, cure, by the use of this SAR.SA PA ',ULLA : St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, rider, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ring worm, Sore Eyes, Sore Ears,- and other eruptions or 'visible - form - of -- Scrofulous - he more concealed forme, as 'Dyspepsia, prepay, IlearlDisease, Fits, Epilepsy, Neuralgia, nod the elisions Ulcerous affections of the muscular mid nervous systems._ Syphilis or Venereal end Mercurial Diseases ore cured by it, though a long time is required for subs lining these obstinate maladies by any medicine. But long continued use nt this 'lndiana will curd the complaint. Lcucorrlocri or Whiten, Uterine Ulcera tions, and Female Dloeooea, RIO commonly noon le lieved and ultimately cured by its purifying and invigorating effect. Minute Directions for each rota are found In our Almanac, supplied gras is. Rheuntolisin nod Goia, when roused by accumulitlonn of en Irene°. mat ters :n the blood, yield quickly to It, as •iso Lisdr Complaints, Torpidity, Congestion, or Inflanla lion of the,Licer and Jaundice, when striping, as theylitte'n do, from 'the rankling pokon in ,the blood: SA RSA PA I? ILIA Is a great restorer 'tor lice strength and vlgor,of the system. Those who -ate-haremsid-ensi Despondent,..s/erplers end. troubled with Nervous Apprelansions Or Fred; or any of the affection!' symptosnatie of peakness, will find immediate neliet and convincing evi dence of its restorative power upon trial. P l' A, BED BY MAK! c ka/ and Art/al/tied C'honists. MEMUC== . . . J. B. IIA.VEBSTICK, Ago:4, CAttLISLE, PA. 2:111111711y • To the Youlty-Nen'. M A,N4IOOD : - non• LOST, 11019 RESTORED Just pubflohod, a nem• edition of Dr. CitivericelEo Cc lebrott al ii.hay on tho radical core (ai ithout mod. Dine) of Sporolataii rldra. or Seminal Weakiienin In voluntary Santana! I.ntaea, Impotency, Menial anal I'llysigol I minimally. DopeJlonints to Marriage, etc.; ono Coneoloption; Epilepor, anal Flit, indocad by Sell-lod ulgatiro air Sexual E'llinvitgatico. :Sr Price, in's, sealed envelope, °NI'S' STX CHNTS. The erdebrated author, In ti's ad etkettble "treaty clearly II• nionstratem from II th iely yettra' ratteessful practice, t hat the alarming coneetptenet, of ettlf-abotte nuty adleally cured, u Ith o t the datitterona use of Intertutl medicine tr the at Oh:Allan of the knife; mein lugg—tint a mode el at once maple. rertaln and trTecinal, by meant; of whieh every aulTerer, no me tier what It r renthron rimy Ire, may cure himeelt 1111.11 ply, le. It witty, and radically. • . Aro- Thht lecture should be In the hands of every youth and every mum 111 the I:111d, ant 11111 i, wml, ht n plain envelope, to any addreatt, potted I on tw rip(• f alit:rote, or two pest tdanttot, Ale., Dr. t ulvorwrli'd Marriage (hide," prier. 915 my Adder'. the publit.heret =I I lIAe. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 ry, 9t.“ Ic, lot 0111 , 0 Ilux, 4,65 e :1)11..70 llitliniTy «lid SlrairGoods Qlrfil.:1(1 Alin SUMMER LMPORTA.- IJ 'HUN. Ids 7 I . • • RIBBONS, ..1/TL L 1 X EltlA -VD STRA 11' 000.0 s. Armstrong, Cator & Co. I niporlorn nod ./.1.1.1... of Ts omnin'ti(tail 1111.1.01, ~,.nn, Silk„, Sntlon and 111..1.14, N. In, C1.11...a, IlueLrr, l'otivf•ny Foal horn Orn.onentn, Straw Bonnets and Ladies' Hats, Trinm.d Ilt.ds, Le., Ar 937 awl 280 BA LTIMOR E :TREET, BALTIMORE, MD., tht• 1.. k h,, I lin thirreoah try and antaittall..l in rhaira Vikrioly nll4l rata prit•lng lii Earo r ran novalti, ' Ordrorasoil. Iltd, and promptlit!, ..,, 2.11.1471'h, • CITY AD VERTISEMES HOLLIDAYSBERQ SEMINARY, I=l cRoOK'S OF TAR 69 r A BUSHED 1,62. A 11,1 VIIIII . II las Inn, loslnd iOl . 10 A. Jiro, nr provnil I ; 11n11.11.19 Orl'nOuble of guying all Inv p , r - at and longs; porforntlng ninny . ,11.1 . 1; kls vur,s, Inegilg a trial troll; all vs); ; Jiro wan,. g ft. In otiollarafle limn and va 111,y , seettIng noln-f nt I pat Irl projtnlirn pr roil you from lag cured also? 0..1,114 ('.lds —Th.. druggintx sa) it .11 es them.H. AntMon.—The rvtiof nod curt, of It are 'nary lout, 111,1111101=Every sufferer Will find rol.rf and Throat' Illootan r , qulre g 11 olly a ft, 0141 , 11. Lung Itirra.../I.—llex cored toimot pr0m...v.110. rurttl.k. renot—it, still itivigtirrttes Liar sifectivii regu`shis this spop-In.-lls heiffilly action - on tho otorancli corel .1. Atiticti,cr —lt itprel Ito re storing Ulioary Organi, —Action 011 them km/irked wit! prompt • - OR. OF TAR is rich In tho nal qua hies of Tar, comb/ilea . with • Relabl • 1, grethotits dd twolotal , lcil valor, width outku it moat t only for the .ronl hLdolx townterttLyti, t tit it ripolls le4lttres isluntst,.l 4lre• gilt cle.taes mutual li, rolnaos the liver ao.d puts them to awl, causu lie 1,1,1 tit thge•t, awl 1113,1, 1111 l• 1 41 11,1 /.llll l i 1401 4 111 rtrwitv apt...rioted 1 1 1 4 111 4111,1 awl ni 1,. II you 11 • 11111,.101 /111) 1.19... we 1.1.0, If )it t try tonic ptopo•rtt. a II Dr. too of Tar, you a ill add 'our tenli t.ttay to it. groat value in t •roll, lady •ill. that 11 , 01 I. 111,. f^." 1.1 epal cl It) 111,1 t't It l'ltyoK,t, Itolti it It, wtg st- evcr) wilt, to. , Ittot tter fist at. Tattoo 4, Src. tut., la, i..)es,Scrolula to an) tom, itloootta -11-ow itinott.. • I Ow, r, I..uptioto Totter, 1 ' 1,141 111 4 1111, 1.1 coo 111111 14111 50t0.., or tilos ott n de ., prave t condition of the hi od e 'also 11i'.C0mp"....1 suptot Poke Root, It is coulloutal with the bent 1 11 ///17 1 4 / l 41111 1 .11• tious of lion know., obi! is 1111. Lent Altvrattve and Blood Poritirr tootle. I intone your Blood ono hull la. It to o di a. Oils. fact, iaal I illy 11 01 . .1 FE LAW° S. i Lk, Iht) 1 - • FIZA , qtANT SAPOLI ChtAll • lilt' 1. 0,1 . 1. 1111.1 nil kiii•!s C Clothing ; Olenniv, ar. dr., inilantly, Ow 'rag; liojilry 11 ;;Pmt fil'il IV. ,;11•1 Cx ilt tigeimt,tl;;l fancy g0.41s FR kti It 1N l' SAPO I ENE 1,.11,;11, • 1'.11.1,, it) La Salle nts.rct, AGENTS BEAD ! WE IVII,I. PAY AGENT: , A 5.31. A ltV tiF CSO PER W E'ER ,ra !ago e I/1111i. 4 1011 10 S• 1/111 . 111.‘, ~ J..11 linen • 11. Ore. 31, 31 . ,t/ • E , 361 , 11111, 316.1. $lO . (+ it ‘ : 3 1 1 1 • Qtrli;),r, A MONTH. -Horse j111(1 Car ri ge for II EIIfAIV, Alfred, u. TlUI"I'llE APPLE PARER, CORER r. li ma. I It Dividends. 47th Dividend. C Alt ',ISLE DEPOSIT BANK. 1 Carlisle, , Pa., May 2, 1871. f rho heard of Dirt cline have (fife flay 010 Idled n ffidChd of PI PE per vent. fir the teal sit motif ht, on the Coldtallitook, tree r uf 'State met N .110.0t1 tar. X, I ILylll,io till 11101,11,1. -J. P. 11ASSIA:11, •Inuf7 Mot Cushier, • DIV IDEN i) NOTICE. - • 'rho (Wort of 111. ertofif of the ent'llelof (lan nod Water Cotojeff y, Intro thin lay declared n` Invid ud of FM: j'Ele _CENT owtheir enplfid ,took, payable et the Olive of Treasortrofi or otter (Ito 111 teenth 01 Mu-. A. C. SPUN n, Mir fi, 1871. n 0.7111 , • . Go e 1 . 11.111en,t Properly' for Sole fIOVERNMENT SALE OF CON X_A I r.mzil:o plton:lcm , Will lo old at 01)111110 barrack'','a., on ita , ourdity, tiny of Joule, hal, coin on tieing lit 0 o'clock, a in., etzt.dononml pro'pn. connlntlng I. Qtt..rterontinler's titorin, heating Mover., and etyvu pli.o and olhoWn, cart awl lonenen..,ldae/t -smith Anon., woven calponter'm (cola Intonon'ot toolF, painter's look. mlneellaneotto tools. Citing and 0011 Zillkpagft, briNtlo6ll flploloN, oxen, picks Mid loin die., eating halal. •, Also one molt. 'f,rins 'cloth In guverminlot fonds. 11. DIAIINICAN, lot l' out; Ad A VC, Rill Cavalry, A ling,:Analntant lltiartermantor. Vomiting . Pure, _Uri ger, Chem ca t s, &v. ..` F"PURE VRUGS, CHEMIOM,S;' and Patout latllAnan, qi to J. 11. Ilavoriltlek, No. 5 South llntiovor ntr,eot. Also, aup loadhlassort• alma of Toilet Euaig, Priuniurles, and Fanny Toilet Articles. • ' • .1. it,' II AVHItBTIK, No. 5 - 11Ontll H , onor strool, CoTlfiireTKT -1300t70 OU-can---crbtain--pyo-StuffsF-Porfu4 Y inorles,,amt•lency Articles, at J. tt. Baur atitlea, rbynlaiono . preacrlpNous carofulTY cow pouiolod at all tloroa. ' 1141.VE116TICIC, N 0.5 Ootith Ilanofer s treat, Mool7o . • • THE EMPIIZE Al UTTIA L urI , T.EXAMPL I 5 I Mil EMPIRE DitiTUAL*7- LIFE INSURANCE CIMPANY, • • OF NEW..YOIIIII Vim , first Fifteoi Months of ifo existence Lis ',Holed - OVER FORTY;PIVF lIUNDEED POLICIES t INSURII 4 :6 OVER $8,000,000.00 and taking Premiums 000,000.00, being the largest eounneueement bualness ever done by auy company In the world I • I=3 OFfitbiary whole-11(o pulieleff aro obsoletely non forfeitable from payment t f find (tunnel premium. Special Ineurance muii-ferreltillilu tiller Inn /1111Itml payments All polleirs tecuOtestable for usual causer, and absolutely lasuatestaldu aftor two norm al pretninuks. All rest Hatteras upon travel and reeldettee t unloved and ne permits required. r • Noaccumulati•U of luterent on Loans or Deferred Premiums, and no. increase of annual payments on any class of • flue-third of the premium loaned to the party in quired, if desired, and au flute required. Dividend° on the progressive plait. Cud also upon the guarantee Interest plan. Domino.° of the company conducted on the Mutual Plan. Polley simple and fair In Its provielone. Incontestability of Policies It Is the I.tirpone of The Itinipho to fulfill ell Its contracts, the evidence of which is that its pulley lies Tie convenient refuges liy,lncallikf which It eau °seep° a Just demand. Prow. , fraud ou the part of tboinsnred will always luvalldate a pulley. Also outride, If eotniuitted previous to tho payment of lire second atithiarfirenillitu; or death caused by engaging in any iipeeially lutznrdbus business within the first two years.` But after the expiration of two y6tir, , , the policy will ho hold Incontestable for all nooses except fraud. Non-Forfeiture of JAMPolicies Nu [Jolley of In:minuet, With continuoo plymonts for life will be forfeited or lieeonio void by the non payunnit of pendulum thereoh, until the full paying power of the prentinnis Intro been exhaueted. The longutitie of the policy to "That If oily .prioninin aftor lho ❑rut imnunl pro• alum shall litivo been Fuld, shall pot Iw paid en the day when due, sod the mild tosored mhall, within thirl l r days thereaftar, givo notice In writing o f ion hliity to pity the ming, cud of a droiro that said policy shall ho I s onliaired in force under the follow ing condition.. Theo, and to Hoch mole this policy shall not ho forfeited or become void by the nor, payment of tine gold premium due thereon, until attar Ile usplrallon of a period, to bo determined an to The not vanau of this pulley when the premium becomes duo, shall be determined by actu arial calculation, and after deducting from such net value the luaus opun sold pulley onenneelod I.y die i- Mak, Itllll any Indebtedness to the rimpany, Mat. fifths of ulna ;entail's Moat be entividored a net onn tilt:premium tictemporary /11S11.111, and thte policy shall hr continued In force during thwtehn for chili It will Moore, according td the age of Ih u • patty at the lime of the lapse of the premium Example of the Non , Forfeitable Plan - of the "Empiyo." Age of purls inmored, 35 4Jlsolry o hole life : policy Ono thoolal premium will coati II tr; ' • Ur policy / turev.2 y eat and 3 ,fiQ Two ttonool prewar!. will 1 . 1111 ir ue thy holly) li force 4 yenix ani 12 tloyo. Threentunni tlprenultino will entillunwn tinl policy In ti eco,ll yearns and 27 tht)m. lour. Militia] premium, will cuLtiune the poker In 1 . 0 ee 8 3 enr.ennil 11 &II x. Fire nun aid pi etniuenn sIII t.itttitin.. the pair). in lo: ce 10 :Intl to; dnyv. 0 FY 1 C; lilt S G. Hilton Scribner, President George W. Smith, Vice Presi dent. Sidney W. ()refill, Secretary Lemuel IL kVaters, ketuary TholnaB K. Mac), Nledi cal Examiner Evervit ;itipA,riiO4.tolotit Agt!liell . N 'I'IIE TESTIMONY OF TILE PRESS TIIN Eli II I'l l l3llp 1111131' lus.lilislioss, stos•scsot Isy tudissisle 111011, on3ollllll Loosinsoos {u Luis mod s k slss tt sosty burly slay to situusl islosoltos to Hisouisisr wllh llso oldosst compunissm r. 1 .1111 0114r111 . 101: 111 1110 0111itry. ll ltu ofilearu and dlr.L. 11 1/311111 nutissiturts urtutoiztol wills [lto TILIVI Tv( tostalolluisluts. u loAltsitiou —.V. V, Jatiliary Ib7o. "'flak 1:m.1,411y le 0. groat sisect..; I , 0 .0011 of ohlr, 4connoileo, 11;11 noinikgeomut. 'rhu Eloplre lOto oo x . operlo lu OM conittry."—Bosion • " TIM' H 1.1 1 .0. 1 ,11 Mt 1110 n 1..1 Lw•u 1111M1lir1/11.11.1/.. " the Kini.h..l will attract Ulu Int..rost 01 Ilin• 1,11ell1.111.• Wide/MIMI Mill 1t..- .elector. dley t. th!. COII4IIIIIV. we r.. 0 Jut firida lu the got 0u0e1•.44 .111 uscull ;It c0311111111y."--Zion'r llerGld niktvemsful Couipattr."—rongreinfientnygt Enip 3111 tit .1 Is net:mewl...ll. The men nonnented milli it nun, for. those who knot thum, n nufllciont recotuntonthol n of Ihe 01113/1111) "—The Nafient. "ItAn with peoulitir p . ieentire that Mil oneek of thin new Undidate for publir Atm . . We . ktew many genes sineo the I i.whient ofthu tompeogN We knew him to ben sins of energy, of abiuwel,,r, of superior. bileltundaUllh y, mal above all else. a nueunnftil mint In whniever ho imam Wen. Thwtermil in, the COIII. rainy hos adoptttl the but improve:natal; of the gag hi he organivitien.”—Xem England insuraneezSa rale. • ' GLO. B. EMIG, i. AGID!!T PO . ll. . • I -Cumboilanti,-Porry,--azid-JuniataToun7 4 0F1.40g WITH - 8. lIT~PIIURN,.Jn. 14July701y CITY iDVERTISEMEN:TS. =23 HIGHEST PREMIUM SILVER RIVAL, awarded over all competition, at Mechanics' Exhibition, Boston, October, MIL ' TUI ORIGINAL AND GENUINE SELF-REOULATING WROUGHT IRON, AIR,TIGIII7, '4l GAS-CONSUMING - 11 - E A T Eli with patented Duat keret.), Crate Bar,R,ento, Wrctigl, t Iron Radiator, and A U tOniqtle Regulator, I, r urnins Antbraelto or.illtumlnotn. Coin or Wood. • 10 stern for brickwork, and 2 Out; Portable. • Manufactorol only by - - . J. RE Y N SON, N. W. cor. 13th 6- FabcrtStreetn, PRI bADELPHIA, PA. These Heaters are lltilllo of wratight Iron well riveted tov.ellier, and are warranted to he abet. lately Ohl and Ditat--rrightl---They are the on! Heaters that aro man/Kcal' Wltllolll nor dampen. and In whirl. all kinds of fool CILII lie lafrool a Ithou alteration. Cooking Rangim, fur noon., R.-dant MAU, nwl FOll ivs QM Flat 'Pop Heating Range, Fire Place Heaters, Low Down Grates, Slate Mantels, Registers, Ventilatcl4. Pamphlets giving full Leberlid ion, sent fl 0e,.10 alp address. 2UjulieiV•ly SPECIAL 'NOTICE. • CLARK ~VIIIDD.L.E A.peetrity,,iworm Omir h I,d+ that EIR. JRIERMI.AII ROBBINS, (tote or the IP.ol . tors - thlu day os n.., eitttod hitodelf them, nadir the [lfni time o ROBBINS, CLARK & BIDDLE, arid w9ll continuo tho WATCH AND JEWEUtY BUSINESS ot the o:,1 stand. 1,121 CHESTNUT :. , Tll J They :Ire now offering, nt reduced pensa i 1101110 Mock of AMERICAN AND SWIMS WATCIIES, DIADONDS, JEWELRY, STERLING SILVERWARE, TABLE cOn.Eitv, MANTEL cLOCKS ENGLISH, ERENCII AND VIENNA. LEATHER AND. FANCY GOODS 29.470 THE BEST AND CHOICEST • SMOKING TOBACCO fuetni 0,~l FACTORY NO. 1, =I Ai) - Svc that evvry powl:Qgt., 1.11) 1,.n s !ha i I.,wript 100. I.ook I' TO THE WORKING CLASS.—MaIe tit FF:NIAIY. W, , are 1111 W prepared to fur nitat sibrlasser with cotenant employment at the u hole or part of the time. Ihnourro ilow, re npe;tnlle null core ptolitehle. I , r-ton-ref tither sox' , slily earn bout $3 t0t4 , 5 for evening, awl it nhtelt lergo4 01110110. by deretituf their wit le tune to the 1.0010,11. Boy , end girls earn 110:IrlY 0.1 nton or M1 , 11111:11 Any one .0111111.,' our fell hi form., lob, certain to melte money fast. That you only tort the le,ittenr, wa oitl rend Ireu by me 4, our FU LI. INoTIIUCI'IION, 11.01 V TO COOT NI EWE, n et. veltittble sample pat:loge of 0011114. Thi3O .0 . 1141111 Are nltlltteg - fain per nook, tleyntinst four or li,o hours 0 11,. Nil cAPITAL N344:11 to Mart 10101 0.11 It le.tulaptetl ter ail loritlitioo 11 you wont pernutocut emploomont, and large tot urns, and your ntithees to NI. YOUNG CO., II) Fir t rtreet, New York. 2mh7lttin J. E. Caldwell to Co., Jewelers ALTHAiI AV ATCHES ! J. E. CALDWELL & CO., MIZMIZI DO2 CHESTN UT STREET, P 111 LA DELI II lA, Are uow pr,p,tied to 1111,.itlurm 1111. tho GENUINE 'WALTHAM W'ATC'HES, ',hill 0%11 g1,1111.111i,, in i• Is Karat Gold or coin Silver Cases, No olio, qualltivs ho'd by ) Tht...• uat, beh grhal hx..r) In lints liuL•11, ht.) le, nod ih• tithe I...t.witz .tthatl at, 1111,1 1.. 1:0•11,‘ 1.1 h cl, tt ..1•1!) h two hilw I, • 11/lii I Ple;tsc Wild to us rot' a Price List. ! In Onlrrs I.l4•keti . I'olll 311 Wilt C D. to not to rite FIXI o log lo ol r ery adtunlogr jo tined l,y o 111 l , u rlinv r. Jas. E. • .(7il((Irrll • I 0., 002 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia MEM FOP Sole or Rpm' FOB. RENT Th.. xl.tweruoni,Wv.,l Main sir , ; I, ai d vw occoplo4l bT Sairmul i I ln lady, in f r etot Ii 11111, lir o st of April next. Apply at 'rats 01, MEE= N O. 36 WEST 40 U T i i E lt c T IL J. :E .1 B. II A VERSTICK. 12jani I FOR SALE' A In g , tottlitil:. of L+TON 1.7; su tuldo (la curt , , 111.1 .1.11. hut • og x. Enquire of . MitS. 1) PUTTS, .11nrel,,hing 'l'ur. t. 441 NI/111 IlUnovor sire, roJuull OR SALE. Several lots situated be. .1_ _twee. Lotort Spy out (Antrim., LOOO ooiln 1.10 lor 111, Or for lurk Rottlentog; Lritig log/. quolity w gi'oti .1 lull. tlibi pm pot.o. .10: to CHAS. II ,111 , .I'llUltS ahnia ttr Irrac Jewdry ( - MOONS, ‘i a° IRs, AND .11:1V 1.! R D 1 N 1 LE, P R .A,("V IC'A I. IV ATC If 3e4 1C r; R, No. 3 Inhoff's MARKET SQUALE, CARLISLE, PA., out, Jour Hint orthe Voluntr;:r Printing Ofileo, Would respovlto ly inform MS tld fritools at d I.lm pithily In F,n ITAI, that Ito hits ennonenrod tho ,Vateh and Jewelry Business°, to the nbore mune,' 1.1141 or, %viten, he In prepared to do any. kind of work in the lino of Cloaks, IViltchpF, Jpwoh.y, kri ltanlnu limit over tA,TIIIy yearn experience It, the hunktens, I Put confident 1 eau Oro entire natlnfactlon to all who arer ow with their work. , Special ottoutlos pout to the rop.ilog of Vino Wattlmo: All work Otrinntoil, Eugrit:ing dolly it mholt notice. MEE W. D. A.,NA.UOI.E. I.4very and Balc StabicB Livs,Pn. SALE, AND EXCHANGE J; L. :fiTERisTER Inrpcti• Of ItrOta 1101131 3 AND CAUDIAGNS TO DID.Ii ON NIASONALOE TERUO, AND AT, SHORTEST .. NOTION. .OAnNIAGICN.IrtrItNINIIED -VOIL-ILINERALS- . . Made roput for 30 hard of 1102.,r,5t! 1 174b10 ' .", • Limes of Travel SOUTH MOUNTAIN IRON • RAII,HOAD'. , 01 , 110111t5.. Office Ge4eral Superintendent, 1 eqrlislei.PA., October 3, 1370. 5, RITN . As FOLLOWS Lenve Cur Dela (0. V. R. It,. Depot) 1.33 2.50 Junction ' " ado • - ;1.00 NIL Holly 720 • ' 3.10 " Ilun tee,' Run 805 Artivo 4OU Arrive nt Pine,Grov , S 15 _ nICTURISING :__ _ • Li ale Pine Grove 91111 HunterN Bon 9 . 45' Ml Holly 1{) *VI Arrivti et .Inuetlnn 10.40. IF. C. .1101.9, • itio7o N OPTIIERN CENTRAL RAI L W AY DI RECT.. ROUTE NORTH AND SOUTH. Oh and after January 2, 1871 : NORTHWARD , —Lenves liarrislonn; ; n lrll 801003ry 1 011 0 1111 1111 Lotpiport ti.ns nJr,. ),In 11 , 1 1 1.30 n 01; COOlOlOOlOOO 3.10 p In; Its chtniter 4 -1J p 01; I'oll4lo 111'0 p ; Niagara Fall, 900 p in, AI c0unn0,1.,111,11-1., , ,,,i Murk , mi., 0.05 a 111 : ari hos id Sanlinry 10 50 n 111. Mnll-13invei, Ilorrli.liorg I 55 li ni ; iirj ivini of. 'llll- 1,,,y 4:30 pni ; 11 - 1111,innt, "rt. 023 . 1, in ; ';IIIIII, 10:;np in ; .11i1111ilu 6_5,, lt, , Magian Faini 10 11.1 6 m.' Fast Unit—lA.les Ilarrnilinti2 195 p n 1; ...h., at 51141,1115 0,15 II ni; IVillinuisport. 6.1,1 p 111. DIETZEI - p I Lon eti I urrniburg n :11 a ;uu ire., rtt 1gr.1,1;..1,5 w: itu ltimoni 1115 IVl,l;iligt.;tl 1.10 p Aevonnotelitliiii-Learin PO 11 arrisoo xl Vo r k) a in Baltimore pm ; it,tn., Bxprme-liiiiives II;iL I 195 n m: rk 1.2.00 p ni; :WS p Ili {t 11 til . l giant 5.0.5 p 111. 31101-Leaves Berri/Mori, I p m ie. at York 2.55 p to; Iltiltimori, I; IS p•in; ‘Valthlogton 10.1, p m. Aemooneelation -Lees p arrivor lit York 7.10 100 prois= . l.eliver 1(1.15 p m arrive/. al York -11-60-:p-itm-Htrltitirerell-tr--m-,-W,lrhl-irrrm -6 SO A1.11:1:11 II FISK I.:, , 1;1.nel:a Sok.,lttlythtlent, fist rn.bil.g. .r. Ii U. S IiiII:St:, ' (I , •Otiil l'it,tett;.,, Agent. I:lthint.a.t. I life 1!m _ CI? )1131)IRI,A NT/ .1' A ',LEV R. ciLt NOE OF 110Ul19. WINTER A RRA NbEM ENT. - :111.1 Novantlper 1','.., n4', Train. will ont daily, as fidlow.,,,Snwla,s W EST WARI)! ACCONIIOD.4.TION TIC AIN 1.V1 . 1.1 . 11nri 8':110 A. CI 114111.'0MT Ne‘6llle 11.40, Skii.p.,Nl.ltr,r J-,1.131-g 10.14. (4,k,- cast le 11:16, Itrrii in,tt t. a. MAII, TN AIN knvcs 11111.4.0r,.1::,:1. 1 , r, c 11.1,15•4100 g' 27, Clrli.,l, 2.55, N, :1:12. : 4 1,i1,- 40014h1rg 102, C1:50114.1t.1.0rg 1.15, II; t... 0,504.1., (1:11, arrt‘lol,,l 11540.,00‘ ti 5.40, P EXPRESS TIMIS , : I,m. 1110.1,10rg -I0 11, ;,:11 . 2, Pal NeIVI Sh,,, re•milinrg inz. 111 I haltil.ernborg p A MIXED TII.IIN Das t 7 15 On 0050,11 e 9:00, arrn lug el 115g1•..,•0 , 1,11 1105, A 51 E A ST WARD! /NI NIOD.ITION TRAIN 11.41V,11,1.111110 151.111 g 5910 A 51, Slilpiotst.l , org S NO. vine. 6:30, Met tniveiblirg 7:00 obit mg at Ihtlll.l , lirg 5/. \ 1.471. TRA IN I,aves linge , Rlown S::10 NI. 1; !VIM/- 1'4511,111 1 M), l'ltamlooltitlnrg 9:46, SIllipt•11,1 , 10 I Varlille II: 9, Nlech,L.J, 1.2,05 or, It ing lit 11ngr1.4,111 g F;XI'It lISS TR.% I I tnt vex n 1:210 0, reonwitl, l , l,llol.,shurg 2;10, Cat :01, Oar g art-11in,, :55 0100110,1.11 A, 1. 11 A 311 N Haw I'• g at. Cir. , enettytit. 1: . !7, r 1,11151 2 1 , n. , 01111..1 Ifk11• 3I ll,' ith 1.1.0111., 1 , . mid 11 , 011 liohLt 1.'1*..1 L. 11 aLlng• t, 11, 11.11 11111 rt., Pol.-burg. n11.111:1 1...11.1- e-t 1/. N. 1.1 1.1, S:lpt (11111.0, 21, 1,;.1 NNSY HAIM:MAD. F. It T 1311.1 TA 111. C. Eight Tiltitis (Daily) to and from Phila delphia and l'ittAlmrg„ and .Two Trains Daily to and from Erie (Sundays excepke ( l). AFTER MONDAY, MAY, 29111, 1,571, ettg, .Pf the litts, Mum road 1,111 any all! dniurt Irani 11:irri.1 urg antl am :ye al Pitt :n1,11 , 11 It an! Ptttnlntng =I 13-I.ltilatlelphia I.2xprettx lonets Harrittlatiat daily (except 717,1.1)) at .1 73 and tterlyes at 11 eta Philatletpli al 777 a 7 37— FAA Ilan It ave.; Ilatrialtarg daily (extxtltt 71,10110 at 7 155.. n 10 , and Relit.. at it'et.t. plifit a' II 17 a 71.01 t r !eat, Alt atm daily (except Sunday) al 1111 p nl. and at ox al Ilarrittlateg At II 0111 i. 10 4:,--l'lncll,ll.itt 1.1,pr0e., 14.,‘”11,r1x1m, lit 10 1. 1 , 11. 111., /11,11htri.4, NY, 1 1 11114t41,11.1.1a :i1 MEM II 25—P.t. Expr,....i Itarright,t 4 balY nt 11,9.5 /ttu., Rod art iles 1.11:11/o1elp1/1., pt 39-, p. 1 —l.lOllll I FXF'I;IISS. irlll.ll-1.111.g drily lit p. Pk.. andiv: • 1 nt Nrce.l p. In. Arsoniniailatinn vcs "divans dally (Sunday evalitsili al 7 2, - ; 1. and at liar ristairg it 1 nh p. in. t 55—Harrisburg Anis...intal lon leaves Itarrisi tairg at 41 bbp. , and tiny sat l'hi tit Ijibi.t lit 0 40 p 30—Lanravtor Train, via Mount Jay, leaves Ilarrisharg 41anly (”No•pt ,anday) at 7 tt., a. , nuJ arri,on at 14enL PIM:W..IOOa at 12 20 nnoa. E=l 4 a3—Viii• Paul Llnin teat, for Eris•, Ins Ilur rininirt; it:loy inneopt tiirmlny)nt 4 3". p. r , ;irri Ong' at Erie nt 7 40 11 NI Al I. p.xia.pi Sat 111 tiny.) I‘l,l, for Frio. learon Harrisburg daily aL 11 ta .111.111. at Erla at :t ntl p 11 4:,—Cinemnittl Expres, daily at 11 43 n. ip , trig, at Altoona al 4 4T, a 10., and l'illsbant at 10 00 :.o—rit,sT PACII - 11' EMT 11111,1,- bur g at,nn tit A liot,m.n In Is. 111 , 1001 n ut Pit t•latrg 111 :L. 111 10—ntentaninl l'acille I.:•prt nt 2 10 a it, ni tw at Alt.,.na at In :in a. tn , Itrn'talttinst and .1,1,1 la 1.40 is. inn. Line lett,l,l II I 1.1,181 . ,;11,881y 1 4 :tt A Jd p rt, en al AllB.Bot :It p tztl.B, 4tlpper 18,1 lit s stt Pitt..l , BlloBl I :M it Ili. fled 11 . 1k , 1•4 11,trr,Imig. 11111 y pt 888,1- ) ptti .1110...tta :81 , It p tit, t,81,1.. S1111 , 1'1 . .1,1..11 . :t I-1 tog I 611,1 tit IVay :1 1 1 t)88 It. ii P .1 11;881,v tit u.a 111 .P 1 t ri‘v• zit AI, ii:k :k1 al P. :It 1 . 11,1 , 11, •I 9 p. 111...1 . 1:, [oldie lit , ISI lot. It It. llat i+l , tBB, '2lB, ISt i I.)EAT)ING =9 :\lonclay, )lay 15, 1871 it ItEA IC Ll' I: 1 , 1.0 , 1 North and NortlolVa.,l Ir l'h No, 1.11,, Iholthuk. It. Its, Ton, oltilt, I. I. toot, 1.:1.1.r..11. Co- I otohlo, A.., At. Train+ In. n.r Sow l'olk, ,n lellu,rn: At 0, a co, and 00 p t. 1.111110 nith rho+. I'ol.olp V 31.111 1111111'0:111, arrivloo. at Now York nit Ina/5 n m , lkno p. risplacivoly! Slnco ll g pang tiro .1:40 a In Li ain llonno.lng, Lea,. Now Yo. ~at ll:00 a II), 1.2.10 noon, 10.,1 :00 p tn. I lilladelphla, al 7:30 .:141 ani. and p m. Plo plug Cars Iletinlip ivy the p train N..w Alon, ,V1111. , 11101.11 go. Len lr 11.1.1‘n100 a may' U on , ling. Polt•,111r, T.ona• .In , , tdmil.l,l , 111 , , A. 111.01, :11111110k111, 1011 . Plili/011•11,111a, at n:Ill a In, 4alLf bard .1:03 p 4.1 J 11111: 111 Leh: \HMI trod prlnvip I *ray nlntiun. rim: 4:0.1 I, Ili illllll rmur el 11)41 . 01' Po.): rill.. d colon. lo Iv. F. P011,q11.., S. ILit IlaCrn AolFuln.;,',/ , ,,4 1.1,1.111 unit It iIIO3II, •Vi• Ilnrri IP arg al 3:10 p l'Ant ;min !lain na.l It ../1.1:111 tor Allt.niax 11,1.:asttao, and N. 11 Yo k, .111.9 k n 111. Mid 4 dqr,o 1t..1 1.111:. I• al Nov Vt kat 11:110 a al, 12:2111,1011 . ;1101 5:001 01, 0 d .tllrll t.m at 7: . 20 nn, 1 . .k . 2.5 noon, .2:11,4,', anti p 11 . 113. l'lNrladvlplil I I 7:110 a ia„ vanuecting Ith mtnidaf 401 1:1111 1 ; .1110 , 31.- VHIJIii It tilrand, 14.111. tang tidal 11 at, tt•dddati at a I stations. loatel'..llB,illt. tkau a al. and .:111 p lit 11111111 it 111,, ar ..1:10 and 11:19 a at, I ; at 71112 a In, and 19:13 Imo', 11111 itloy 7:931 u w aml 1:211 p 111, T.11111010)1, xt S::181 ni, 411.1 ill 0 p /11, lot I'll Indclpldu, NI . W 14 I'll, It. adily, liar riabarg, hr 1,10101. lti 1111.1 SlaPpllellllllon Itlilroad, at 11:111 a 111, Itaryl,daltr„ and a in, for Vino (10,1011 Tretacat. Itendiag .I.ol.laamodatiln Train IkaV.S nt .5,10 n at, ritOrt4 'tootling at 7:30, a la, 111110114; ut ;20 a al. Itt.taratag, teatvx delphla at .5111 11 111, pot:1111g Itoading at 7196 p in, ar- I ving at Potinvillo at 0,111 p ta. , PI, bit OW ,tlo.olll.lotiltt 1011.1 ' raill I.ltVr. .1111 V II f leavesl , l,iiml.ll.lllo. nt 1:311 1, et,lnuil, It nnllttant Irnina lunr. 110111111 g. at 7:::11 lit mid p 111,1111' La, Lit u, 1,1.1 . 11 , tt . 1 . , 01' Iwu bill, Lt.. Pori:10111,1 itt e 7:l7. IHQG 11111: :11110 and 6.0.1 p ul; 01401 . 1111ig: 1011, e u 1 1I I, 11:10 a 111, 12;:1O 110. 11, und 4146 p IN, Dun Ding N1:111111111.11110 (1111110 Ull Ilehillog Railroad. • Colent,Ml.4l,Ct..lll,llrolid Araina_leave Po(talon . lit 5:10 11111, 1,16 11.1 , 41 0,15 p m, returning, limy° Oil. tint at 7.00 and 11:25a ni.11 . 11.i :Loll II iL elltllice lug Willi shnilnr 1111118 on Reading Railroad. 'Cheater Valley Railroad rules little Bridgeport at 8:30 n lit, rind 2:05 and 0:02 p ut ; raturning, hone lloyttlittgl own itt 11:40 a in, 12:45 noon, and 5:25 p connecting with Onilar tritium on Rooting Railroad. On i.andayi, I olive New York at 5:00 p in, delplita, lit 8.00 a at, and a:l5 p (the 0:00 ain t rain rn titling only 44, Road:llg ) leave t ottnville at '8:00 a ; lea)0 littrrialturg at 2:40a at, and 2:011 11 . at; kayo Alleulun it at 4,25 and 11:35 p to; leave lt, riding at 7:15 a, to, rind 0:60.p in for Ilarriallarg,, at 4.:32 ti in for New York, tit 7.20 n at, fog- Allentown and at 11:40 a at, and 4:15 p nn. for Commutation, 511Ieage, HOllllOll, School and Etenr don tieketx, to nnid front All 'HAWN at redtmedfates. Baggage checked througß; rote litindrad pounds allowed each putt,tnger J. E. WOOTTEN, Atia Supt otr.l Eng: Ramping, Mi., )Iny l 5, 1611. BOOtetsi'Crosses, Se NEW ADVEIITISEMENT.-,--.Bon quetp, svrentlis, crosses, cot flowers, stud ~00t Arcortillons for pnrtteo, Ive.oologo, to:ranged Irr, Ole.bunt..nlylo_oLort,_to.ot dor—By ,11 ma7l4itt • 0. E. VON TIELLEN. ,Traitel;q. A GENTS WANTED.—A gonprar ,ugent wanted to pollott'lngoratirett tOr a lion& Totturnoco Company, I Iltalvlptk la, ,Inquite It'llllS OFFICE, Amain to • . . , Hall's, Vegetable Hair Renew HALL'S XEGETABLip,sicnrzi• It RENE IV I. H A I lkstmes In the only perfected nod:solo cally prepared preparation of Gray J:11141 r to pit , publ'e IBM 11:121 1. C1,111111.'0161' lu meth. lEEE 1141. fray Hair in xnou rexturrol to rolor sold I Original 11,,ney,latch is mul.h alum GEO by all. rerpons a Luxe liitir is ,;, u 111. byLilio-mi :Promotes our Roomer, tooir x, r its goo ' r Growth ! rectm, ~, by It , tonic 'l' lain ing properreßdr g:n.,d. and i , , a le incited owl 1110 holr grow HI and xtrong gtgain. lii C... Or Ii Splendid It won - rtate a tow gra Di es. i n I=t= ry one It is roollag, and allays all itch !tad irritatfun of ILa 11,14. It LEE and btalil the .11.11.1 znalivs the scalp %% hi to mid 1.11 hicken Ann drendirg It le the hest and u• economical preparation in the wo MEM I=llllll2Ml ME s,•.an..•pia'r.ottuxt• on the Tucks fr.•a L.. all, mail mod Ilroters iii Meclivirie. FIZIEM Price Ono I)tillar Pet' Bottle It . IT A. & Propriety I.Al3oltAlOtr, NM+111;.1, N. II , S. A. HAVERSTICK, Agrnt, CARLISLE, PA Luk - 0 I Carli sle Mach ine 11-0):hs _ F GARDNER & CO' fr ItT,ISLE .11 CIILVN WO R11;-.Y. IV 11 AyII I N ;4 I , I, It . 1 d 7 I Renping ! So - yding ! Threshin THE CEMEERLAND VALLEY THRESHER AND SEPARATM Offel illiN lIIIW Thre4lll.l. urnl Siiparaior. iCal k. l'iiti‘nto in the fliruipis of Ciiniburland (.1.1111ii., no lolly r,lrtol, it not lily notolline now twoolfaelot.e.l. It has tiro grl :I.ll,lntago of tiny plain sun Miliplo in ronstritotit It IA it I=l I' Ell 1:1"1 . I: 1 . .1 It .1 It .1N I? I. I, AS E Illtiiing it 11., oluking to..•t Ins 1 , ,,,11 , 1y. 11111 , 1/1 1111114 1,11. , /1 . 11111,1• 11 13=1 IPiil •a% att t 1"1.1 0,11010 m 11P achine. 1. int onto oly tho 4 vholl Ilion 111. .11 . I1W. It a tat ...V I'lllllli II g nonolline, nod m do iII w. o tlooghls. 'rod: o p a van Inc. It i, :tt lb.. L0.111,L The II 0 It S It - I I) Sr Ii It , n•hich we furnish to run the Citinlieelanil Vnl •fh lesh, t is abui new unit Nit lrely dilrerent In e, 4truct ion front idiot it line,• heretoloro Luill, tut. Inn. touch urealer power nod speed with ligh dealt, NI: that time horses only will lin, roil& loony other nuichinen reitifiro six :mil el Irlie Clot!menial V.illov l'hrosher antlettmaer tried on ilia grtsjolls of the Cumberland Cstutity :•orreto at the Fair of 10711, a large oro, or tarmsnt being present to a limas lot °portal° TIM Or al was conlitletely buret...Ain, tool the multi moved in abillty to thrt,h, clr.tu, and sopara grain in the most Flutist - at tory manner. All so witomstal . tho trial esprettml their approval In t Walnut t term+. lite Committee on Agrieultto Iniplemontasulap gass—Alto ntaahlno n special 0.11 In their roport, strongly rescontneutlintt it. Cumberland Valles Thresher and Separator has a been reverdly usedliy Col. Wi Ham M. Menders at Iris harm miler Carlisle. In threshing and eleani a large erop So fully in he smthfivd a! its groat in Its that he allows us 10 use his 11a11.1,11 a referon Tanners who w lob further and fuller particulars to t Ire working qualities of lids 111,11 mac hi Its therefore rr spectral y referred to Col. Menders. (100 of the Inert widely known farmers ut Cumb laud totality. Coniberland Valley Three,ler AO] /111%11), I•li nud anbitantially Luilt, of the hoot mate! i .rolidly framed In every 'part, antl prettenting a hat horna external appearance. Price of machine, iv I .10 holt cylinder, $..21111, without migun. A gr. advantage of fide 111.11111 C in that it can be read repall,Nt any good chop nit hoot tioublu. = IMMO MOWER AND REA,PE] pill also !mild this new initchine,telfli shots and Improvements, fully remedying tho defects a ateak point, of these built last s,lNell. Um aim to •dirply fai mess o lilt a good home-mode initehlf Which, if not idiperler in all respects lb 1111,8., prong nein IL ill•tal.C.A. NI 111 noserthelosif 111,, in nil fres tial poii 14 a paid and ask h 1 it ni The 11711ougliby Patent SI'ItING URAiI 1)IZI1,1 Ivft Inilid thin terll lu u , un Dial, Drill n ° xi ttitlieut Dunne Attachment, and the shovels .r 1 sigvag tlwrs, just as the larnew 'mere Pe Itew 11,0, ako, in new awl iniproxiel plan m m , selling the guns tut. for xhirli we hare utititin Letters Patent, xhick, with other itOl.O,OlPlll 111110,1 010 thq, VOlll4lOO 11.114.111 t Drill 11111011fitutul , ..1 in the vellutry. AN3),,,n }Lind 3 101 l line of Ie; if M'I'LT 1 - uAL lit LEMEN 7' heth of iiitr 01,11111111111(artura mid from other rot, thilimems, Im Indiug every miefuhtimellitie or. by the hem,. We may iiimmoriito Hay Mikes, ii fir hiwell 'I lie, lims and Wet.° ors, Cern tthelle Imve. Chico kite's, and llto v, r.‘u r and ether nrllr,lra lien 10 I le aer- lnl,rn ha' mill hinds tit T 1? O. N WORK_ ill “tir. • I ru , iw Foundry and MAtlllthr:4llt3t.q,llllii it UILDIN (i 11,A T IL IA LS of evory doo.ll).tion In our Door nod 131,.1 Fto.t,) A full olovlc of =II 1111111yr1 On 1111111, Ph:11,111qt UN to fl !I oil ord 1 , 1'01111903. at the ss g•st II 10$. Fornittro. lodide tool gottinfitet tigers alit tussled t l gis itt 11 call a too. t:tir lit. 111110$ In ins ing oat good_ work. . ^ 1171.1'111 William Brady's Ad' ITOLIDAY GOODS! r~rri IA .31 . .17 R A .p :1.2 MARKET STREET,' HARMSDURO, Has Jud. rothroott front Ntqk York with tin ktrp (lop& dor ',ought to MN d hi pod of HOLIDAY AND BRIDAL SILVEI of vlegoot . nod fiuteh, iron itt e,lolorn!, (I tin Mhouracturing employ.' • BEA UTTPUD PLATED WA ITE, GEM Cikke .11 Frul t pad,els, Coslere, Pickle awl Celery SIMI& . Soup 'rureens, Whitt Sho 14, etc., etc. Tahiti Cutlery of glegint Benign and finish, fro. the refeltratedunitionieD ry of DarrGo alleux.Allol non, Sheffield, with pearl, Ivory and 'dated kin lieu. OCII . PANCY ROODS DEPARTMENT Emile •ers the following Ladle.: Eleglu ligndk. editor Cattog and-tiler., Rotten c•tiabined— Le:DPhil! article, T,dlet Set, Writing It J, or Stands; I /dor Quinn, Wurk Ihtex. Citrd I tunnel Fear of Violet and Sandal o Leather,Silk, Sri ate., eta., lhonges, Stunt. I to, Cent.. Pie. Co., rte., ete , Moats, Play trio to 2to 10 nit nod with Delkand Maud° to atilt laiet.t. Prone Clhel. it, In (lilt, 11111114tl and Al ,ride Col In Cigar Stands, Cigar, Cti/iril, ii1111:00 It Xi (811,1 . and Plated), Parlor Thermonict Fien, Corona awl Podzet lloo,dand a great varlet . of,ever) thing In fine. Itia ne. Call and oxatn'Ai grand ahortntent, " WILLIAM DR 202 Mar.. et direct, Ilatyloburg, BEM z. P. • Boyer, Po!, sville .Petalth _4•P. BoiEl3, , POTTSVILLE, PA , • :Miziaifaitur . er of T RAIL, from 16 to 64 pounds per yard - All Slw.os 1100 K SPUiIIS, I= AND ellAlit Al s o 3mitellAN ilAlt IRON, of kW olzoa, co ainutly on Ilan Not l,!zo lowoxl ikot n11'1111(10, .• . Till,Rulliilg d. wry: ac unery, Boilers, and • Steani'thimii r T ouDE Allloy miner and Otippor of do celektqa, '• lit. 'h olly spring.llenutlile Iron Ore. Na7ltlin • Ell 12 EUT)3II=! I=