Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 01, 1871, Image 2

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VOL: 71. NO. 22
Republican Stato Ticket
COL. ROBERT 'B. BEATR, of Schuylkill
A Democratic State. qonvention' met
at Harrisburg last week, to nominate
-candidates for State Officers, and to an
nounce anew the political creed Of that
party. Its nominees are men who were
soldiers, who fought, perhaps, just as
well, and certainly, no better than at
least one 'hundred thbusand other sol
diers, who are unknown „and unheard,
_fifty_miles from thdiT.,presenf place of
residence. "Getieral,`V' - rallfeY - Colotrel -
McCandless, who leads the ticket, when
offered the position of a brigadier gen--
oral, refused it on the ground that his
self respect would not allow hint to.coun
tenance the measures of the-Republican
administration, by accepting promotion
from it, and declaring that the post of
honor was that of the private citizen, he
withdrew from the field at a time when
soldiers wore sorely needed.
It is only justice to him,. to say that
this piece of folly should 'not be taken as
a fair index of his character. A lot of
Philadelphia :politicians, who, with a
desire to use him, were flattering him to
his ruin induced him to do thiS imry silly
act,- for-which he has-doubtless repented
often. Ile is,. perhaps, as good a man as
could he induced just now, to take a
Democratic nomination for a State office,
and he will be beaten justabout as badly
and not any worse, than would any one
else on whom the honors of the Demo-
Cratie party Might have been flung. Capt.
Cooper, the candidate for Surveyor Gen
eral, is a person who was doubtless intro
duced to 3lessrs. Cassidy, McMullin,
Lester Smith and Juhn Tobin, about an
horn- before he was nominated, and thus
.he and those magnates of the Demo
cratic party became mutually. aware of
thM existence of each other.
But if the nominations were by no
means remarkable, the platform on which
the : gentlemen found themselves mount
ed, is one of the curiosities of American
polities. All that is in it that van not
be explaindd, to mean anything that is
necessary to obtaiti , the, vote of anybody
who needs conversion, are the following
resolutions, and if they -are not unadul
terated Republicanism, we don't know
where to find the article. The first is
the cue w hick winds up the negro suf
frage business, and is :is follows ;
" llesolecd, That, we recognize the
binding obligation of all the provisions
of the constitution of the united States
as they now exist, ?hid we deprecate the
discussion of issues which have beeirset:'
tied in the manker and by the an thority
constitutionally appointed : "
The second is 'the endorsement of the
financial policy of Mr. Boutwoll, and .
runs thus :
"Resolvid, That the public debt is
liinding upon the nation, amionust be
Paid ; and that we are unalterably op
posed to any and all movements looking
towards repudiation, direct or indirect,
but in justice to the laboring and produc
ing classes the- rate of interest thereon
should be reduced at the earliest practi
cable date."
Hero we have in a word, the grand
fizzle of Delhoeratic pretensions. „The
Constitution, as it is, recognizes the
equality of all men before the taw, with
out distinctioh of race, color or previous
condition, and it places in every man's
hand the ballot to secure his rights.
The Constitution that does this justice,
was made to do it by the Republican
party. ale Democratic turfy acknowl
edges its binding force. The Republi
cans say tlytt, thesequestions are settled
for all time, and the Democracy say they
deprecate even the discussion of the old
issues. What can we say more? Grant's
administration took up . the gauntlet
against every kind of repudiation, and
proceeded at once to reduce the rate of in
terest on the National debt. The Democ
racy say that " them's our sent intents ex
actly- and hitre all issues cease.
13 tit. trhat has become of that valiant
old organi?zat ion that - eidled itself tin
white man's party, and run the heaviest
imaginable tilts against the bloated bond
holders,t) Must uc 111!Ver again of the hor
rors • 1111 , Mgehati011, Of the natural
suptemaey ui the. white race, 1/r of thfl
1 , 1:111 01 1 paying government
bonds by the issue of o•ks ? Surely
we have fallen on evil times. Itepuhli•
calls have,done all the Mk:chief,' tuld the
Democracy now and f.wever recognize
the binding force of the work, and de
precate even the discussion of it. Oh
dear !
Do 1 On?
1.1" 11,11 /Or 11111.'1.1
AI.. thing.; Milo they 4,111,
Or in vinlonn uhuutt
I» Mil I it it I,tatil/11 . It failure ?
Oi I• the Cata pl .)ed
\lad• :10, 11471
The -Legislature:.greatly to the delight
cif every one, except the hotel keepers of
this goodly city, has at length adjourned
and gone. On Wednesday last, the
Clouse agreed to go through the forniality
of appointing a committee of conference,
on the Registry aet, and the Senate,
although every Senator jmow that there
• was 116 i king in it at all, accepted the
tendered olive branch, :mil went to
work. Saturday last, at noon, was
agreed upon by. both branches, as the
,time fur floal' adjournment, . and every_
body wenl to work industriously to clear
uit the tailendars , ,as far as possible, be
fore that time. An immense number of
private or local, hills were liannne'red
through, while the committee of Con
ference on the appropriation bill, were
completing their labors. Late on Friday
afternoon, the punderiam document was
' - presented with the report of the com
mittee, and the most important measure
of the session, was ready for final liction.•
In the Senate, a NW gentlemen briefly
*fined their positions, and then the bill
passed, In the House, the clause giving
chambertiburg an appropriation of $300,-
000 raised consitlerable'biteitement; , 34
for a time threatened to defeat the bin.
After considerable splurging,, a vote was
finally ;talon, and the bill passed, ayes
nays 41. Everybody was relieved.
'The montberswho had about drawn all
their -pay, felt that the-Treasury- offices
were inotected, and those 'ivho had any
prospective interest in. the Dill; were ex
ceedingly thankful that it had escaped
accidents at so, critical a period. .
. After the passage or the Appropriation
hill there was nothing fey tile Legisla
ture to do but to kill the'Ciine'eniaining
until the hour of adjournment'. This
Was 'done ,in n miety - of- ways. The
'usual votes of thalilcs to Spealiers, Chap
lains, Clerks' and Pages, were given.
Speaker Webb received a watab, a-pie
:tura, a Over pitehoriand no ivory gavel,
with a speech accompanying ca ob. Glen.
Selfridge also came in for a lot of things
and - speeches. In the Senate, the offi
cers got. alSo 'a -lot or watches -and
silver ware; perhaps not so -"many
as did those of the Rouse, but
thou they were saved from Up infliction
of any speeches, so on' the whole, the
mm;(3 was abo/it even. After all these
things were over, the Senate proceeded
to elect ti Speaker _ad interim. The
Democrats voted for Senator Broad
, head, of Carbon, and the Republicans
for Senator Rutan, of Beaver. Mr.
Wallace then read his little valedictory.
Mr. Broadhead was sworn, and read his
1 acknowledgments for the hpnor confer
red, and the Legislative machine was
1 -
This mollifiable Legislature was fn
session for five full months, and yet less
busi7s of an important character was
-fran cted-Ahttn-at- any-former -session,-
The Apportionment bill, the Appropiia-;
tion bill, and the_ hill regulating Public
Printing, were all the legislation iu
which the people at large were inter
ested. The rest of the labor consisted
in the usual amount of private jobs, and
local legislation, nearly all of which, to
use the language of Senator Buckalew,
"tsas either frivalous, or entirely per
nicious." The great and important
measures of the session, constitutional
reform'and the considefation of the civil
code, were entirely ignored. The Sen
ate, with a presumption on the indul
gence of the pimple: that was really as.;
tonisldng, frittered away almost two
mouths, in which the majority had an
understanding that no House bill should
be etisidered at all. This, with the ad
ditional outrage of refusing to"alleW the
seat of Senator Dechert to be contested,
fully demonstrated how determined the
Democratic party are to resort to any
revolutionary measures whatever, at
their own good will and pleasure. And
as by the present Apportionment bill the
Senate will remain pemoprdtie, at least
1 one year longer ; the Republicans who,
last year contribute - a to this lamentable
1 condition of things, can view the result's
of their work with whatever feelings in
the matter they may see lit to indulge.
It should, also he stated, as an item
of news, that the Democratic State Con
vention met here last week, to nominate
candidates for Auditor and Surveyor
General.. The convention was a very
meagre and spiritless affair, there being
no :ttt.ettdanee whatinlir, outside of the
delegates. Gen. MeCandfcss, and (.:apt.
Cooper, receiVed the nominations, and
were placed on the advanced platform
of the party— negt.o citizenship,. negro
sufitage, and the payment of the .Na
tional debt. The old hunkers in the
party, strury and gnashed their teeth
vigorously, but it vas no go—the pro
gressive of the party mete bouml to . have
live issues to tight on, and Chop
prevailed. It wont make much differ
envy, however, whether time Demisulicy
accept the situation or not, their cant
• paign will he as others have been here
tofore. ,
" Vall:Mdigham," says the Cincinnati
Gdzeite, "advertises a new suit, of princi
ples for the Democratic party. On dis
play it turned out to be only, a sat of
Republican old clot lies. Item is a steady
market for the worn out garments of
the Republican party. Moses Vallandig
ham will take them for a Democratic
outfit, fancy we hear him : Yust
look at this bootiful suit. De fashion
only last year. I had hint from do Re
publican barty. Cost me fifteen dollar.
Take him for nine. Must have a belle
IN former times, lhfr. Wallace used to
fornish young Democratic orators,
speeches for use during the campaign.
JAwas a pretty easy thing to do,• when
the colored 'gentleman was to be abused,
but since dead issues are to be discarded,
it will require more trouble. Won't it
be rare fun to hear our eloquent orators
of the Democratic party, convincing the
unterritied of the rural districts, that
the Amendments to the Constitution are
binding? But, to this complexion must
we come at last.
Tit 1.: Siiinlay Herrn of Um ahlest,
and most vigoion, Deinotaiitic papern iu
tic State, the plat-I'o4:in la the
and a lie. It either is list that' thing,
or vise the proressions and teaching:: of
I)einovratie the titit lot
yial, have Now which
THE ",VE IV I) /'/•I 11 T 1 k
One ante resolutions of the late Ihneo
or:ltie Stills . Convention, without darin;2;
to make 1ln; charge di-dinutly and boldly,
sncakittgty insinuates the falsehood that
the ines'ent National Administration has
nwltiplied ollieers and salaries and in:
creased the national debt, instead of do
ing exactly the reverse. The resolution
declares that the .Democracy artin' fa‘ur
ul'" npplying , all the po,silde saving of
the public revenue to the disnlutrge_rtf.
the natinnal debt and opposed to a
multiplication of .'tllicers and salarieZ,
nterely to make place for partisans and
for increasing by ev e ry devit2e hto pub
lie debt." "
. In this connection the ['ow
wercial calls attention to the actual re.
(wilds and expenditures of the govern.
'Dent for the last two ye: fs ol• Johtißon:s
41 the first, two of Grant's
lion, viz:
Iter~i pt.,/ I ol.tot • tiiti.les • lp2
Rut, lilts, 111, t • 149,:tt1f.,491
(hill Al( i 1 1 ..."
1),...e.e ii (trant
Prjfit r (lima
Lt roam:lion by print
Tile CoMenerciai pertinently suggests
the inquiry, whether with their newly
berrdwifif prinelliles on the negro epics.
Lion, it would no ho well for' the Do
tuocracy "to. lay in a slight stock of
truthfulness for occasional use" in the
long and weary journey that lies before
it? A "new depafinie" is netiTless••re
quisite in this respect than on the rituve.
tionS of slavery and suffrage.
PITTSTON, Penn., May 28.—A column
of smAre, which soon'grew.dense, riaim;
from the shaft of the West Pittston mine
yesterday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, told
that the shaft was on fire, • and cans, t
an immediate rush of all' the :people'
about here for the rescue of the miner•
one miners known to be below. Theme
succeeded 24 hotirs of desperate exertion
to•sttbdue thefli•e and to penetrate the .
recesses of the mine before all .the' un
fortunate men should be suftocate&'•A;
the cud of that period, the last of the ns
who had.•&en entombed' was 'bronght.t 0
the surface. Ilightepp wore dead. Most
of the others woretn a state of insensi
bility when found; but recovered itpoit
reaching the air aboire ground.
the horrors,of , Avondale 'fresh in their
minds, few had hope that .any
of these Men should: be saved, and the
drief-strieli r eC.: women 'and , 'eldfdren
olsutered as near ns they coeld,ebotitthe
mouth Qf the :shaf4 Waiting' piteously,
and alinost hopelessly aivaiting the re-'
suit of the search below. To, some of
them, who were at first appalled by the
sight of the apparently lifeless body of a
brmfght to the surface,
there came thelgreat happiness of find
ing that it was but a seeming death.
But rising above all else were the , lond
lamentations of newly made widows and
orphans, and strong men paled as they .
worked about the shaft' with almost
frenzied energy.
4s the news of the disaster spread peo
ple came front all the cotiCtry round, on
foot and in earriaq,es and other eonv'iiy
ances, and 'the aye been:here already
_over _10,00.-...The_bostle,__exeitoment,
and-violent anguish 'attending the efforts.
at rescue are now succeeded by settled
gloom and stillness, though within
houses here and there, the sobs of be
reaved ones are heard.
The West Pittston mdue.eimwned and
operated by Brown A: Blake. It has
but one opening, and, as required by . the
provisions oc.the Ventilation act, ,passed
after the Avondale calamity of last year,
gangs of men were at work opening a
second haft. At 2 p. m. the engineer
began hoisting out those who were be
low, their eight hours worldiaving been
completed. Three carriage loads of men
had been raised when the fire was dis
covered. It spread rapidly along the dry
wood work above and diiwit the sides of
the shaft. The situation thus became a
purred - parallel to that at Avondale.
The-engineer remained at, his post, and
though enveloped in smoke, lowered and
hoisted the carriage four times ; but, it
seems, no more- men were brought up.
The rope-was thou burned off, the car
riage fell into the shaft, and the engineer,
after being much injured, made his
escape from the flames. The' Month of
the shaft is conspicuously located, so that
all the people of the valley wore speedily
made aware of the nature of the disaster,'
nod hurried to the place.'
By 2 o'clock the breaker and engine
house were ncatly consumed, and men
had begun clearing away the debris, to
enable the firemen to get' to work as soon
as possible. - Neantime,:lire migines had,
been telegraphed for and soon arriyed
from, Pittston, Kingston, Wilkesbarre,
and Scranton. Tire Susquehanna is
half a mile distant, and it was necessrry
to In ing water from it. A line of 3 . 00
men, with buckets, was formed, teams
were einzaged iii hauling water, and
locamotives wore employed in bringing
ttp their tanks fulluf water fat Orr , supply
Or the steamers,
It was It.:10 o'clock before Ills steady.
streams of water pooped into the mouth
of the shaft had subdued the tire as to
enable the shaft, to be cleared, and pre
parations to be made -for a descent.
'Thousands of men, women and children
had in-the meantime assembled from
every direction. It became necessary to_
stretch ropes about the month ofWte
shaft . , and to adopt a system of police,
as at Avondale, to keep back the crowd.
Meanwhile nmnerout superintendents,
managers, engineers, and other leading
men had arrived, and the wink I,l.M:ceded
more - systematically than in the fir:A
hours of wild terror and excitement.
A.1„.7. a (log was let down into the shaft
for some distance, and after remaining
three minutes was brought up alive. Ile_
was then lowered to the bottom, 280 feet,
and on ,being raised, after fife minutes,
was 'found to be apparently uninjured,
This gave hope for the safety of the
!Miters. Hut when a temporary frame
work was placed at the mouth, and WU
liam Low, of the Pennsylvania Coal elom
lead been lowered 75
_feet, with a
rope attached 'to his Ig, he reported
serioui 0b.4 - ructiOlN In the shalt. It was
then feared that before they could be
cleared and the men reached they would
be drowned by the rise of water in the
;nine, if not stawated hour, before.
At S o'clock the teiheinte clearing or
the shaft I,, , p;ati, ttcu men descending
upon the carriage, with axes VIII a pail
of water, and teftring* it way the hall
burned linibmis as they pro, eedtl.
Other,: relieved them. airi at Ilit , curl
;trio hours 111, , ,vay %vas cleared for
100 feet, hart beynt),l that plligl,thof 1111-
strtiotillis were much fetter. A pal
lion, to all in rellitring upward and
downward . eittirentx aji. uvJt, Ot.fl
,tl'll,•ttd as they descended, the ,)1,1 part -
lion having been hurtled.
The rollosving are the names or those
why %yew below.
Aiiriiii Ids three sons,
Itoberi, and Thontas, I'it Far-
Thomas Bo
_Anthony No r d, David Thomas
Savage,. Crehan, Thoilias
George Carl],
('rice, David Edwards, Ninth) Cuutioy,
lildwards, Mike Cox, Owen
Slacking,' NVilliarn Morgan, baron lieb
erts, Hobert Roberts, tveish,
Hiram Curtis, John Burroughs, Evan R.
„lJaads.,...Luncii„Jones, Davis,
John Lloyd , George Ed
wards, Patrick Carden, Toni yrossor,
Meliiiniess, 13enjainiti
and others.
At 12:30 they reached the hottom of
the shall, and brought to the sin.facc.
,ine man, Andlitiv Morgan, residing at
Brandy Pettch, Pittston. Ile was in a
comatose st.tte, and insensible. They
also • found 1 brain 'Clu i rtis, dead, lying
with his face in the I water., At 12;15
they reported that the men had barri
caded themselves in and sent lip the
cage fen mine men and tools. But little
hopes il:Cre then .entertained for the
safety of the roma ining,y ietims, and the
excitement became greater than ever.
. lip to 1:1 o'clock this morning, 21 men
had beck brought to the top, of which
number six were dqad. "11. were in
,ensible when brouglit out, Out one or
wo have so far recovered as to be able
to give an account of themselves. An
yew: Morgan, who • was OM tirst ono
discovered List night, is still alive,
hough his recovery is yet doubtful. Ile,
i 4 still unconsaious. The exploring par
ties were compelled to proceed with tho
:ttmost caution, and Were frequently
brought out tulphiiiitted with foul gases.
H 1,1111, , p
.1.1 )4.i,7 1.1
.121 112,F,14
I:R3 '0 1,9 11
211: 1) 11.9
414,754 411
At 10 a. m.,"30 men had been brought
mit, 10 of whom were dead, andlnoon
not mote than ono or two remained in
the mine. Eiory one of tho mon . brought
up since 10 a. m., was found stone timid.
At 2:30 p. In., the last, man, 140. J.
Jones, , who was supposed to ho crushed
'tinder' the carriage, was brought up alive:
:to was found in a distant portion of the
mine. 'There have now been taken out
men, of }viloni 10 woro (Matt
At the BOOM) of thh catastrophe, the
excitement has .been almost ;Indescriba
ble.' Thotthandit' . of people" crowded
around' tbal Month of the' plit In their
ttagerness to;sce and heiti. Vehicles of .
all deSoriptiong have come mn tho'groMad
froM all ditMotionk and froth Mvery.por
'tton of`blio Wyoming and Lea:manna
valleys; and the streote' of Pittston and
West Pittston aro crowded with pedes
trians, hurrying 'to, and from the Seenc„of
tho,disaster. ,lehas not yet been elearly
ascertained how, the fire • originhted,
though it apPerirs to have been
. caused
by friction in tho journals of the shesi'ieo,
or of the breaker, as at Avondale r '
Items ~,lbout Kome.
altunsnAy, JUNE
TODAY (Wdnesday) is Emberday
. .
A LARGE lot.or Pine Apples knit re
ceived at litunrieh's. . l'•
51,n , 1
,iroprirtant changes in.the Pcnn
sjqvania Railroad. z .
IVE hre now afflicted with sweet cher
ries of infthTor 4it lifteen cents
per quart—steno; included..
How's Tuis?—Mr. Peter Ft.l•Tol
of Mount Holly Spring, has early White
Hose potatoes tit for use. Who can heat
it in Cumberhutll county?
orTuRT picnic will certainly come_offsin
Saturday next, dtine 3. The ears will
leave for the picnic grounds, (Hunter's
Run,) at 8 o'clock. A pleaif(mt time is
LosT.—A haudsome bhirt stud was
lest on The tinder will be
liberally rewarded on returning the same
RuNAwAy.—On Friday morninir last,
a mile attached to an empty cart, dashed
down Hanover street, at a furious rate,
to the imminent peril of pedestrians.
The time of Bonner's famous Dexter, or
Goldsmith Maid, was entirely eclipsed
by the speed of la muleship.
nest, the popular agent of .T. W. Hen
derson, esq., appears to be doing a rush
ing business in - the ice trade. It requires
about three loads. every rnornipg to
supply his rapidly growing custom.
~" Coolly" keeps no account of weight.
IcE.—Mr. David Rhoads, ice merchant,
has.. also Wen doing a goad business in
the sale of ice, judging from- the heavy
loads he hauls through the streets.
Persons in need of ice during the day,-
(min procure it from Jack Sites' green
grocery, on 'West Pomfret street. ,
.I.t;%[Efi BROWN will sell,- -without re
serge, his entire stook of household and
kitchen furniture on next Saturday
afternoon, at one o'clock. The sale will
take place at his residence, No. 67 West
Loather street.
Tnr Cuinberland boys etercised
steamer, at the spring, on last Saturday
evening. The trial proved satisfactory.
"Goodies" where are you? •loin turn
should soon come, as the steamer belong
ing to this company has not been exer
cised for a long time.
Do not forget the Strawberry .fenti , :ral,
for the benefit of the Reformed church,
of this place, which opens in Rheem's
Hall, Wednesday evening, • To'continue
open four nights.
NEW POTATOES—the first of the sea
son—have made their appearance in
market. They sell readily at only 20
,•ents per quarter of a peek., Old pota
toes are plenty, but arc held at high fig
ures ; 40 and 50 cents being demanded
for theni,
Tif.ixt.s.—" Bossy'' Wetzel and C.
li:tritest will please accept our thanks
for the huge lumps of ice they have pre
sented us with during the past few days.
Our friends—the ice brigade—Seem de
termined to freeze us to death, consider
ing, the large quantities we are in daily
receipt , of. sever tire in well doing,
gentleman. We fully appreciate your
kindness, but language fails to express
-Ffsu is said to be very scar& this
Spring, it, the Conodoguinet. This is
nu doubt attributable Go the large 1111111-
her of Waltonitos that visit this stream,
daily, in quest of the fumy tribe. Al.
though we oce*onally see some lucky
fisherman returning with a nice string of
" cattics" or "Nullifies," captured at
the " Pike Pond."
Plu TO LEAVE.—The Quarter
master's stores at the Carlisle Barracks,
are being boxed ready for shipment.
Tun men have been detailed to remain
with Sergeant Fury, who is-to be left in
charge of the murison.
BASE BA —A match game of Base
Ball was played between the Mutuals, of
Mechanicsburg, and the bibttysburg
Club, of Gettysburg, on the Fair
Grounds, in the latter place. TIM
3Eutuals were defeated by i one score.
• COMM F NCEMENT WEsti...---The Eighty-
Eighth Commencement of Dickinson
College, will, be held in Emory Chapel,
on 1 hursday, the eighth instant. The
usual exercises will he held on the four
preceding days. It is expected that a
larger number of visitors than usual will
visit town during the coating week.
Lo:r•'r Tow S.—Dr. Daniel unman, a
citizen or this place for several years
past, and late prom lett)! of the drug
st,ire en North 11. mover itroet, took his
MT:unite for Pittsburg, wu Priday lasi.
Ile klitemis to make the '•smoky city"
his future home. Ills clerk, Mr. J•u•nb
1,. Corbel, accompanied
ST nilj" I.: linV - P k.ziTT e....killjox
of the Reno mud Chinni), will open their
festival in Rheum's ILill, this evening,
( Wednesday. ) Thine lead be no charge
for tubbi:oion. Cakes, ice (team, stra w
hin lie), Are, will he serv,ed. A Cordial
in% hallo)) is extended to all, and a
lively time is expected between the
compel - 11,os for the splendid Cane,
heavily mounted with gold, which is to
be voted to the wort popular Batik Clevlc
of (Sarlislu.
Pic Nit.— The iilemiw.s of this Per
manent Troop, stationed at the Carlisle
Barracks, held a picnic in the grove, at,
the Meeting llouse Springs, on Monday
last.. Before thcrir departure for the
grounds, they,passed through the prin
cipal streets, headed by the Barracks
Band, creating an' unusual maiitement
among young America. The "
ist,!;' returned between 8 and 0 o'clock
id) the evening, well pleased with the
fest ivities,of the day.
'11111.: citizens of West) North street
were regaled the other evening, with an
extemporaneous.)address, by ono of the
residents of that locality, to the no little
amusement of all who chanced to ap.
proach within listening distance. 'We
did not learn what was the subject of
his discourse, but front the style in
which delivered, we Biotic lie
must have been discussing the merits of
the "Local Option s ' bill, or the Sudden
decline in the price of Lager Beer,- as the
orator was " chuck full.''
;,S in/cilia:ay &C.—Those of our readers
who wish to purchase fruit trees; vines,.
ornamental trees or shrubberry,, would
make a safe investment, by giving their
orders to Messrs. M. H. and .T. H. Husim
berm, agents of the celebratcd'Rochester
nurseries. Mr. M. 11. Dusinberro, visited
this place last season, and is, therefore,
'well and faVorablk known to the majority,
of our citizens/. Their facilities forllll
- orders are vastly superior to those of
the last 'season and the terms are very
moderato. •
, ,„,:[,,
-A Goon IDEA.-.Deputy Sheriff'. loon
K. Goodyear, has resolved to .place' a
Register within the prison, and require
every person that visits that institution
to NVitehis Or her name, as the case may
be, Rhin' its pages. This is a very
good ..„,dea, and should, be adopted, .as .
there is ' a certain cleSs of persons-that,
visit the jail two or- three times every
day, to the , - great anuoyancri - of theloill
cials, and by - thus adopting the Registry
Plan, it, may put a cheek te their fre
quent visits. - ' ' '
PuisA Hoirits.—Tho •" powers. that
, bo" et Fort Foreman .hereby give no
tico, that, yisitors _to_that institution cal}
obtain admittance, daily, from p.n. m.
p. PorsMis wishing to visit the
jail will please malMit . note pf this an
nouncement, in order that they may not
no . disappointed should they seek — fidi
Mission after these hours. These rules
will be strictly adhered to, and no do
parturo or deviation from the ' )
same. But
the prison is open at all hours of the
eight or apy accessiblo4r thoinonrcera
tion of'yiolators of the 'laws of our emu
try. ' • - , .
LACE colltirs for 10 . Coots, at,^Madaino
.Rotos. -
•TrIE Hinia,R is the best local paper in
tlui county—only $2. per year in advance.
'Rut 'drops for 5 eenle; at , Madatoe
LARGE delegations of the Mcnsons . ana
Red Men — left for Shippensburg, cin;thci
excursion train this morning.
TrrE cheapest lace collars in Carlisle,
at ITagam'e ; , , ,
' 01 0 FICER FAIIEIIt. seized five - lumps 1::if
weight.btitteria market this morning, for light
' S)4ITTS of jet jewelry. fur 10 . cents, at
Madartio Rotes.
I A :LARGE Cake is to be voted for. at the
Reformed festival, which opens this
evening, to be awarded to the Editor re
ceiving the highest number of votes.
KRAMER'S now building is
beingrpi y tished forward. 'The
_catpent rs and brie layers taking advan
tage of tim beautiful weather we have
been -- enjoying.
• ARRESTED.—O» Friday evening last,
three colored boys were arrested for
spitting tobacco juice on persons passing
underneath-the veranda of the Good
Will Hall. They were placed in Fort
Foreman fop 24 hours. They should
have been detained for a weelc't'at least,
for indulging in such a filthy practice.
ANOTHER.—On Sabbath morning last,
as Mr. IJohn ' Keller was going to -the
country, .the. young -Hambletonian colt
ho was driving, frightened at a passing
objcdt, and started for town at a very
lively rate of speed. The occupant was
not injured, but the buggy Was "de
moralized" to the value of at least $25.
WE go to press a few hours later to
tlAy,__than usual. This is owing 'to the
fact that ova oioncE was closed yester
day to allow our employees to participate
in the Decoration of the graves of our_
fallen brave., Inn addition, we have an
nuustrally heady run of job work this
week. , Our friends will bear with us
this once, as we are, generally, "on time."
Last Friday evening, the young folks of
"South End," held a meeting for the
purpose of organizing a musical associa
tion. They met at 8 o'clock, and in a
few minutes called the meeting to - order,
when .they adopted several resolutions.
The association intend meeting every
Friday evening for practice. At this
time, they have six members, and a great
many applications for admittance.
Success to - them. - •
How TALL Ls Tins ?—Mr. Harry Rice,
the gentlemanly stage driver on • the
feat: between this place and Centreville,
placed a stalk of- rye. on our table,- on
last Monday morning, tliat measures nine
feet and two inches. If any one can beat
this, we should like to hear from them.
Fair square monument, no "gouging."
The stalk Of rye refefred to was grown
on the farm of Mr. John Beetem, in Penn
Contunt STONE LRYINO.—The corner
stone • of the Cumberland Valley State
Normal school will take place, with ap
propriate ceremonies, to-day (Wednes
day): A number of our citizens will
visit Shippeniburg to-day. The exer
excises will, no doubt, be unusually im
pressive, as the 'Masonic ,Frateruity ha's
them in charge.
• Woo HAS THEM?—During the past
year welt-known' parties obtained the
bon of two large National flags from
"Bosley" Wetzel, and iii&e,• as yet,
failed to return Hunt. If these lines
should cola to the notice of the persons
having them in Rich- possession, they
will save furdwr trouble by immediately
returning them to the Franklin House.
HonsE BAZAAIL—The neighborhood
of North Hanover street, in the vicinity
of Thudium's Exchange hotel, was con
verted into a horse bazaar, oh last Satur
day. A certain well-known butcher, the
owner of ",Lady Lightfoot," made a
trade with a citizen of Perry county.
Considerable excitement was created. by
„" Lady" refusing at first to work in
hailiess, but the " ditlioully" was speed
ily remedied, and the stranger went on
his i,vay rejoicing.
Ovriciat. Vnirr.—The leers of the
Grand Chapter of Royal Ardt Masons,
paid an official visit to this place on
Saturday last. They arrived in a special
car attached to the 5 p. m., train and re
mained over Sabbath. In the evening
they visited St. Joint's Chattier of this
place, for the purpose of instructing the
officers itt the work of the several de
grjes of M. M.. M. E. Master and Royal
Arch Masonry. -On Sabbath the visit, r;
wCre taken to :Omit hilly Spring , , by
members iii the Fraternity of this place.
While itt town they were, the guests of
"Burk" at the Mansion House. They
left for Chamberitburg on the ft a. in.
train, on Monday.
WHAT Tarr S-ty of , Cs.--The follow
ing highly complimentary notice of Toe
HERA LI), appears in the ',slew York Slur,
of the twenty-seventh instant, to which
are make our most - proTound bdii:
CARLISLE llmimd3o.-000 of the very
best country paper ''among our numerous
exchanges is tbe'llitlALll, published •at
Carlisle, Pa. Its typography is correct
and neat, its literary matter exhibits ex
cellent discrimination and taste, and its
local columns are particularly :full and
newsy. It may not be the, square -thing
to call a flne,tolim of 0,000 inhabitants
'country ;' so we use the expressiiin
relatively ouly."
A CCIDE 'l'.—On Friday morning last,
as Mv:Saninel Spangler, earpenter,,..of
this place, was engaged in removing
some scaffolding from the new building
of Major Paxton, on College street, he
slipped and fell a distance of about 311
feet. When 'taken up Mr. S. was in an
jtisensible condikiim, and the workmen
were obliged to remove him to his home.
Ills escape was a fortunate 0i03 4 ,-' 'indeed,
as he might have been instantly killed.
We are glad to say that.he is able to po
about again, and with soon be ;sufficiently
recovered to resume work.
-9N the following' - day; Mr. Christ
Reighter, in endeavoring to remove some
lumber,' at the same building, slipped
and fell,- dam aging his countenance - con-
Siderablyi but not sustaining any serious
injury. 116 .informs us that
-had it not
boon for his massive . proportions, he
would have went through to the fotinda 7
tion. , vt‘ He has entirely recovered.
'FlliE.—On 'Friday afternoon lastffabout
4 o'clock, the alarm Of fire was 4 . ivcn.
Upon reaching thestipot'vre . found 'it to
be' the back building . !f . Mr. Joseph L.
Sterner's residence, on .Bast .'Loather
street, adjoining :the 'school property.
The &onion wore promptly, 'on hand,
and in a very 81104 time the Jlatee Were
stkflued. The origin of-the fire is nbt
positively known, although , it is said . to
have 'originated from the schOol boys
phasing with fire cenckeis. 'One of them
chanced to fall on the Toot' of The build
ing, 6:0., iminediately
The Aot liras 'entirely burned
baeWhediding; and the luitige 00mph:444 7
flooded with water: lir., Sterner's' kW,
is about $2OO, ;fully covered by insurance
in the4lien ancrEitst Perinsboietigh
adranee'Cotiniany7 . • •
HATS for tit) cents'at Madame Rotes
FRYSINOEIt 45 WEISER have reduced
all their carpets, oil cloths, shades, wall
papers, &c., down to the lowest prices,
in order to reduce their stock over the
dull. season. 'They Mill have a large
varietY - otall kiuda of goads in their line ;
the cheapest wall papeis in town._ Call
and see for yourself, No. 23 East Main
street., • •
SASH. iibbons, 7 inches wide, for 1.25, at
Madame Rotes..
THE pavements surrounding the pub
lic squares are thickly strewn with dead
leaves, reminding a persOn of the advent
of Fall.
LACE bats at Madame Rotes, cheaper
than the cheapest. .
ALABAMA CLAIMB.—We are informed
that the most persistent-and unyielding
of the private citizens-who have claims
vs. the British Government, are Dr. J. C .
Ayer & Co:, of Lowell, Mass., the manu_
factures of medicines. They will con
sent to nothing r6ss than that tIAI3A, de_
Maud_ for med Mines destroyed by the
British pirates shall be paid in-gold' and
in dollars to the last cent. They are
emboldened by the fact that the destruc
tion of their goods by the English in
China and elsenbere (for where are not
that troublesdme nation trampling upon
somebody ?) have hitherto been paid in
full, and they now say that they shall be.
They however propose this compromise :
—Give us girt ala and we will call it
even, because. we can then 'send our
remedies there without duty. [ 11 1 W:thing-,
ton News.
CALL at Madame Rotes and be con
vinced that she is selling - cheaper than
the cheapest. _ ,
evening kist, the First 'h ngli sll Lutheran
church was tilled with a large audience
to listen to some interesting addresses,
'relative to the success of,the American
Tract Society. Rev. J. W. Edie, Dfs
tOctEecretary, engaged the .attention of
the congregation for a considerable time,
detailing the character of the work en
gaged in by the Society, furnishing, at
the same time, some very interesting
statistics. Rev. Joel Swartz, D.D., and
Rev. Dr. Wing, each made a few re
marks appropriate to the occasion. At
the conclusion Of the addresses, a collec
tion was taken nri, which was responded
to, liberally, by the congregation. Any
friends of the cause so desiring, can for
ward contributions to Rev. Edic, at
Coatesville, Pa.
THE cheapest millinery goods in Car
lisle, at Madame Rotes.
THE last Dress Rehearsal of the Phil
harmonic Association for the present
season, was given in Good Will Hall, on
last Monday evening, and was decidedly
the best entertainment of the season.
The selectiOns, raised from the simple bal
lad and plain chorus to the more difficult
music of the_most celebrated composers.
We arc sorry there was not a large
mil:Hence present to show their apprecia ,
tion of the merit of this Association.
We consider it the duty of all to encourage
home talent by their patronage, particu
larly when the entertainments are so far .
superior to the large majority of the
travelling shows .which almost weekly
come atnony - us. This Association has
made much progress during the past
winter, and we are pleased to learn that
it is the intention to reorganize next
Fall, and make it a permanent institu
tion. Carlisle possesses as muclanusical
talent as any town in the State, and we
see no reason why a permanent organiza
tion of this kind should not prove p leas
ant and profitable toroncerned, and
receive a liberal cocoa' gement from our
Go to 31adanie Rotes for all your sash
ribbons, lace collars, 'setts jewelry and
all millinery goods, No. :35 South Han
over street.
fertile fields of the far West are ag ain
attiacting the attention of the people of
the older settlements, and many, have de •
termined to try their 'fortunes in a
c.mntry in which lands can be had for the
mere settl- meta on then,. A_ favorite,"
.tint very desirable plan of operation',
aniong those who have in view a -
uncut in the far West, is by eimneet
themselves with some of the num,q,,as
colonies, which are funning for that
purpose, and many people ars fully oldie
to the benefits of sueli en arrangement
An association has been form, d in this
county, by the name of the Penn ;out
Dickinson Colonial Ass, wiat i ,, n. It wa.
organized last. February, and, a commit tee
consisting of Dr. Slos•maker, Prof. Lynn,
and:other exrerienced and hit elligent
gentlemen, were sent to the far West, t
select a location for the colony. 'After con
siderable eT.ploration, they then del ermin
ed the most eligible site to locate the
coh - My. was in Russell &platy, in Central
Kansas, on the line of the Kansas
Retail. They also concluded a contraet•wit
the Land Commissioner, to hold in reserve
for 00 days, au entire toWitShini - lo allow
the association time to locate under the
homestead and pre-emption laws, and to
:Purchase the balance. The township is
six miles square, containing 86 sections
of 619. acres, or 20,010 acres in all.. The
one-hall of this township, 11,520 acres,
can bu bought for •$30,000. The "(min
mittee"rcport the canary heautifuh'and
the hued of the first quality of prairie. The
Kansas Pacific Railroad, passes through
•the Northern portion of the township, and
the Smoky Hill river, through the
Southern portion. The water is excellent
and abundant, the climate is good, and
everything indicates that it is a most do
-sirable place of settlement.
It is unnecessarpte enlarge on the ad-
Vantages of settling in any dew country
with 'a colony. The costs of tramiporta
tion is greatly lesiened, in fact, it does
not exceed one.half of what it' Would
cost each Man to go .Separateli. It en
ables theMto locate anywhere, irrespect
ive of former settlements. They will
have with them, at once, their mechan
ics, doctor, school teaoluM and preacher.
The value of the hind will be doubled in
value, the moment the colony macho's
its location,.luid in this instance, as the
township is central. the colony may
count with almost,: certainty on getting
the county scat located in their townihip- -
Lnmber, building material -of every de
seription,---and—farining impleinents can
be bought by wholesale, at lomat, 25 per
. cheaper than by an
This colony have, alai; arranged with
. the Kansas Pacific Railroad fbr freight
and transportation fof one year 'at half
rates. . •
From. the representatiOns of the Com
mittee, we know'of no bettor chance for
a western Anyesttrient_than_this _colony
offers, and wo would commend it 'to the
consideration-of—thmie—Who-are - -turning
their . eyee , :westward. Persons desiring
afore liptclqo Informql.iob, . address
pi. Shoemaker, or Prof. Lynn, at now - ,
vine,. or Samuel Ci,iOVer, at Dickinson.
BEiu 'and flies
Two or three smalbchildren were lost
yesterday. But they were subsequently
returned to the "loved ones" without
having the Court HoilseAmil rung. •
THE services of the Chambersbbrg
Band have been sesured by the students
of Dickinson College, to fdrnisli the mu
sic for the approaching Commencement.
Tnu.,..Bloorplield Times comes to hand
this week, with. , but one side printed.
We have a notion " retaliate," but
have „r;oncludetb to send a good paper.
Try add do better next time.
Oun hardware merchants are already
beginning to 'display their mowing
scythes and grain cradles, warning us
of tile near approach of haymaking and
DANri" EMILNGER, an employee of
the Western Telegraph Company, was
in town the other day, trimming branches
off of the trees that came in contact with
the wires. As a trimmist, lie is a. sm.,
CITI 'LENS residing along the principal
Streets have been notified by Chief Bur
gess,Ttow, to trite the lower branches. of
the trees in front' of their residences.
We noticed one individual complying
with the request last evening.
Thompson, Chairman of ComMiltee of
Arrangements for the Commencement
Exercises, authorizes us to contrkdict
the report, circulated that admission
tickets are required on Commencement
Day. The seats are free to all, except-
Small children.
train left town at 9 n. m., this morning,
for . Shippensburg. It will return at 4.30
! Fare fol. the found trip,l73 cents.
Many - of our citizens took advantage of
the excursion rates 'to visit our sister
town on this important occasion.
Messrs. Mullin, iroprietors of this fash
ionable summer resort, are now fully pre
pared for the reception of visitors.
They- have spared...neither pains nor
expense to render this celebrated place
doubly attractive.
No tidings, as yet-,'gave been received
from Philadelphia, by Charles E. Mag,
esq., relative to the examina
tion of the stomach of the late 31Irs .
Kiehl. The husband is still incarcerated
in "Fort Foreman," and will lemain in
custody until the results of the pwt ;nor
tem examination have been made known.
_ _
TrnEF.--On Monday evening
last, an individual entered the residence
of Mr. Alfred' Seiler, on West Loather
street, and stole a satchel containing
about 80 shoes. The satchel was found
the following morning in Mr. Hamilton's
lot ; the thief ascertained that it contained
all odd shoes, and abamhmed the same.
Mr. Sewer is an agent of the'earlsle.Shoe
Factory, which accounts for the fact of
Lim laving-the large number of shoe' in
his possession.
POWIWIL 3rMiAZlNE:—CarliSle is to
hare a powder magazine nlthiii its limits.
Who says this is not auage of progress?
The building is now iu course of erection
on North Pitt street, and is a frame
structure. We should say it " was the
house that Jack built," WI n carpenter,
bearing that name, is building it.. We'
do not know whether any nitro, ;Ili/urine
will' lie used -to the manufacture of the
article. Dr. Frank, late proprietor of
the drug store, on the corner of West
Louther and Pitt streets, is the projector
of the new enterprise. The powder lie
proposes to make, is the celebrated Frank
horse and cattle powder.
To tht)so of our citizens who have ve
hicles, and wish there re-painted or
"touched up," they are respectfully in
vited to call on 31r. Charles Alcoa, at
his shops in the same building with A.
B. Zeiglet's Livery, on Bedford street.
Painting, in all its various branches,
neatly and promptly executed. An ex
perience of a 1)111101er of years, has given
hire a thorough understanding of the
burin , work will be done in the
be:* and most complete manner, and
elie4p,•r thmi elsewhere. The public is
invited to ;ice him a van, as he gnaraft.
'-at krat•l ion, or no pay.
Fit;Tit yming "100.1 — Well
kW/WU hi this . rominunity, being full of
" tiOding whiskey — last. Wedne,day
It ernmin, wept to (tat dile! CO's
WOrkti and began It; quarry]
with one of the workmen, emPloyed iu
the foundry; aeon:dog hint of stutdry
ellai•ges, Cu. 'nuc young man was re
quested to desist, but he still refused,
when tiro wOrkmen " went for" him it id
Mace and 'EdWanls, and 'used him up
" most beautifully," and to cap the cli-
InflV, the - young man wits' incarcerated
in '• Fort Poreman" until the effects or
the liquor had_left hint. Wm : would ad.
vise him to steer clear Of the lotlndri in
We future.,
_DEciiitA.OoN DAT.--On TiMsdlay, the
„in accordance 'with
Previous arrangements made by the sth.-
viving soldiers of the late war, the cere
iihony of decorating, with choicest
flowers, the graves of our heroic dead,
was performed with appropriate„cere r
loonies. Invitations' were generally is
sued, and, although, several of the eivic
societies did not nartiiiipate, yet the. re
spoil'() was in every way worthy. of all
whii, in any manner, participated.
At 2 o'clock the 0,1111 House was
filled to overflowing, when he meeting
was called to order by General Lemuel
Todd. Prayer was then effe'red by Rev.
Wm. Prysinger,. after which the
hauuhyaic' Musical Associatioii sued
music appropriate to the occasion. Tiff
'Bev. * Wm A. Leveret t; having been se,'
lected to deliver our alldreSs upon this
'occasion, was then infrodueed to the
audience, The Reverend geritlonian,-oc ;
cupied the 'attention of his hearers for
about 110 minutch, in an able and interest :
ing address, illustrating the peculiar fit
ness and beauty of tlic ceremony:
Upon tho conclusion of his remarks the
Philharmonic sung tlie.!! Star pangled
Banner. The flowers. ; were fhim dis
tributed to the 'soldhirs and' citizens,
After which tho procession was formed
in front of the Can't House, in tho'.fol
lowing order : 9
Carlisle Barracks Band.
Surviving Soldiers of the Into War: "
Officers amt soldier from the Carlisle
Drum Corps.
wheels. •
Civic Societies
. After which ;came a four horse wagon,
filled , with 'Srouni Misses: dresso in
white, each wearingw - blnek' sash.
The *cession first moved to the Old
Cemetery, whora the gt:nves of the dead
heroes Iv* decked with the choicest
flowers of the season, After sindlao3xer
-cases in-tlie-Oatholic-Chttrelt-lrn , rd-and-
Ashlnnd Cemetery,-.tho procession
joined in , singing tint 'Doxology, when
the benediction was pronolinced by 4101.
Wm. Frysinger, and the vast assemblage
. .
llErin—The warm weather.
r rLAA7zo OUT—The fish season.
'Prnr: sell at $1.25 per half
dozen in market. •
NEW CABBAGE, is:offer( .. ,d; ".' lit 0 and 20
cents por heilVaccordifg to the size.
TEE ice cream season is here, in all its
TRY Burk's Soda Water, No. 8 West
Main street.
LAVODONT. —We would call attention
to the advertisement of Havociont, which
appears under the head of "New To-
Day." Buy it, try it and use it.
TICS Devotion of the Forty Hours will
be . observed, with appropriate religious
exercises, in Bt. Patrick's (Catholib)
church on next Sabbath.
SAMUEL STouT has been appointed. on
the police forde, by the town ConnCH, la
their meeting on last Saturday, in plaim
Wareham,, resigned.
SPRING CIIICRENS RIO tiff offered ht
plarket at 50 and 75 cents pe, 4 pair: 'Very
exhorbitant figures, as i•ome Or the
"chucks" are barely fledged. •
WfirrsuNTlDE.—Sunday last was Whit
Sunday, and as it did not rain on that
(IV; we suppose if the prediction proves
true, we will have seven successive clear
UNFOUTUNATE—One day last week
Daniel Bailey, a young man in the em
ploy of " Uncle" John Noble, cut the
fore finger of the left hand very severely.
The next day he run a large hook into
the same hand, inflicting a painful
w;fuml._ but by proper treatment the
injured member is rapidly improving.
- EXAMINATION DAY will soon - be here.
Daily we hear, groups of school children
discussing the merits of their respectiim
classes. These exathinations are quite a
feature of , dur public schtols, as evi
denced by the deep interest manifested
by the parents and friends of the com
mon schools of Carlisle, in their attend
ance upon them.
The members of the First Presbyterian
churh, (Dr.. lying, pastor,) imbued with
the spirit of improvement manifested
by their brethren of the Seiiond Presby
terian church, are seriously considering
the feasibility of making .extensive and
modern improvements to their place of
worship. These prom;-;ed changes will
take place during the coaling summer
THE dxy,and .heated term still conz
tinues and no signs if rain. A numbe'r
of farmers visited ova 'OFFICE last Satur
day, and were unanimous in their re
ports respecting
grass crop, 'owing to this fact, will be a
very light one in many localities. .The
wheat looks splendidly, and gives promise
Or a bounteous crop. Fruit of all hinds
and vegetables are also suffering, very
A mattEn Vuss.—Our citizens should
bear in mind that ;lames Nell', on
West Main street, has a " necktie fuss'.
.every evening. lie has just returned
from the city with a large and well
selected assortment' of neckties, scarfs,
collars, &c , all of which lie 13.11.9ispoAc
on reasonable terms, to suit, his
numerous customers. lie has also
greatly increased his stock of tobaccos
and cigars, having a number of choice
brands, never before offered in Carlisle.
Go in and see him.
EEMOVI Se CORPSES. —( hi Monday
morning last, A. B. Ewing, Illidertaker,
with fifteen men under his control, emit
menced to raise the, bodies of deceased
soldiers, interred in the lt:irracks burial
ground, preparatory to their removal to
AShialid Cemetery. There are about
41))) bodies to disinter, and about '2l. days
Will be occupied in the week.
P. S. Since the above was put in type
the removal of the bodies has been post
ied until further notice, at the request
of Colonel Sumner. This is no doubt
owing to the eXCCSSi wauu,weatber al
this time.
A SuccEss—The strawberry festival of
the Aniejican Mechanics, held Ittt week,
in Good Will Hall.
.Thu C'tiininittee of
Arrangements original 13 - • intended ,to
lthl it but one'llight. The liberal man
ner in which they were patronized the
first evening, induced them to continue it
the te o succeeding evenings. The hall
'was t.t.a crony and ha ii.lsoMely deem tiled ;
the. National rulers :ind the vfeldeles nl
der 1.11411)111in:0 i lig rair ladies were
iu ettembence, :Hid add, d tautly to the
occasion ; Oat tables fairly groatital .with
the large, handsome cakes with which
they were ladencil. while the strawber
ries and ice cream wt , re perfectly delici•
I.o , :cruttE —Bev. Dr. Butler, the
roundel of the M. E. 'Mission; in Lelia,
will deliver a lecture, or
Ti Women of Indih," in the First
M. 4. Church, Carlisle. Saturday even
ing next. Many or our • itizens heaid
the Doctor at the Missionary All'lliVel'-
sary, during the late Conference Session,
and will doubtless he glad to hear him
iigain, on a most interesting theme, upon
which he is so well...qualified to speak:
Lecture to commence at 8 o'clock. A d;
. free.
There will be no preaching in the First
M. E. Church, next Sabbath morning
but. Bev. Dr. Butler, will
, deliver
r Mig
siory address at o'clock p. and
prel(ieh at night. Members' of other
churches, and eapcerally.Sabbath School
teachers and scholars, are -cordially in:
vited to attend the Missionttry Mecti»g,
in the a ftei noon.
It topimilleat. , ,
Dime HERALD :: z TII6 CnniLcrlalnl
County Horticultural Soviet y will hold
its SprMg exhibition in Franklin Hall;
.Idechmasburg, on June' 12, 13 anti 14.
;The society is Comparatively young, yet
At has obtained a wide spread reputation.
'flits is owing to the fact, that it is made
'up .of live men. Men who , • spare lie ither
time nor l ineans to make it a success.
We expect a good time, :tad would ear;
ie:4ly urge on all lovers of fruit, :vegeta
bles, iloweis, needle work, fancy arti
cles, curiosities, &c., to land a helping
hand., Heretofore the
_articles contrib.
have been mainly from the lower
.and `ef the county. However, last
some flee fruits, and other articles come
from the upper Dad of the county. The
members extend the "olive !Handl', to
every one, and desire that the Horticul
tural Society should become really a
county. inatitudia.''''Whlo .we' . .wish to
reach every district in,Oar own county,
we cordially invite adjoining coanties ts .. )
contribute.. Some of the finest contribu
'lions heretofore made,,. Came fromad,
joining - counties. 'Thelma I Object of the
society is to.crcate'and porpotnate a spirit
for the. cultivation of good . vegetables,
_fruits,—S-m !i _ and -also-to -awaken- an-i
threatfor the oultyation of flowers: Wife
hope - toinwe'quito - a — respentable:coiltriv
button from beautibll town, as well
ais from-the surrounding county. . Please
push the ball and help to keep it
moving. A /410.113k11:
Tuts Town Council held a meeting 'on .
last Saturday evening. ' •
TUE Ca'rlisfe Building. and Loan •As
seciation meets in . the • Arbitration
Chamber, every Saturday . . evening. '
CARPENTERS aro engaged in; makintki
alterations to- • ,the Council Chamber,
Preparatory 'to 'its occupation .by the
'County Treasurer, Mr. Wetzel.
A NORSE, on which was seated a hat .
less rider; dashed along West strpet k
about • 8 o'clock on Saturday evening,
having been frightened by a passing
wagon. Ile was checked a short dis
ta nee trp the• Walnut Bottom road.
A NVISANCE.—Too many • loafeli ere
allowed to " while away the shining
hours," in and around the Market house.
The Market Master should give them
" marching orders," as they should not
be allowed to lounge on the stalls, on
which marketinglr, exposed to sale,
DON'T forget that a handsome - gold
headed cane will be voted fur, at the Re
formed festival, which oPens in Rheem's
Ilall, on Wednesday evening. It is to be
voted to the most popular bunk Oftici s al
in this place. Turn out, - ye. friends of
aspiring hank clerks, and vote'early - and
often. The cane to be voted for, can be
seen in the show window of Mr. Thomas'
eonlyn, the popular
,jeweler, in Given's
new building. It is a beauty. We will
publish the official retu. us in our next.
THE Penn Sylvania School Journal for
June, the last number of the current
Volume, iK,IIOW upon'our table. Among
articles of note is one by the Editor,
lion. ;T: P. Wick.ersham . ; upon "Future
Educational Development—Shall 'we
drive or shall we draw?" opposing cam•
mdsory attendancd until another means
have been tried and - found to fail ; a good
article on "The Ungraded School," by
Hon. M. A. Newell; State Superintendent
of Maryland ; "The Old and the New,"
by Icairy Ilimek. esq. ; Reminiscences
of Dr. Burrowes ; an illustrated article
on School Architecture; "School Gov
ernment," by Prof. A. N. Raub ; " the
Co-Education of the sexes in St. Louis ;"
and the last. of a series of interesting pa
pers on "The World's -Birthday."
Other articles appear which we have
not space to enumerate, together with
full edit.rial and official departments,
department of scion( ilk intelligence, book
notices, etc. The Index .to the nine
teenth volume which is found in this
number, occupies two large closely
printed pages, and should be the Jour
nal's best advertisement. The twentieth
volume begins with the July number:
Every Teacher and Direet or would be
benefit its nmuthly visits. It is the
educational journal of PVimsylvania.
Subscription price, $1.:10 ; to clubs of
five or more, $1.25. Begin with the
voltune. Address 1. P. Wickersham. &
Co., Lancaster, Pa.
cMne of the much-talked of evening
A month since the subject.
was agitated 'lively, and it. appeared to
be a fixed fact that such a train would
be immediately placed upon the road.
But for .the past few weeks we have
heard nothing more-concerning it, awl
the subject. lies dormant. The business
men of the entire valley, from Cham
bershurg to the river, desire an evening
train cast, on the Cumberland Valley, and
why should they not he glatified ? We
feel assured that the additional expense
attendant upon this extra train,. would
be amply repaid by the liberal patronage
it would receive from ourmerehants and
other.lmsiness men. We all remember
how the Accommodation Train was
placed upon the road a few years since,
as a venture, and by referring to the
last Annual Report, of the Managers of
the t'innpany,' it will be observed that
large profits have been derived there
from. An instance, at hand, last Mon
day morning, the Accommodation Train
numbered four co:relies, tilled with pas
sengers. We say let us have the evening
train, east, as all experiment, if not iing
else. If it does ..not remunerate he
company sufficiently, they can ettsily
disamtinue the same.
train, east
l • PILEM COI; Clllll
- cases have been-disposed
of by the Supreme since our last.
issue. A number aot her eases came Tie_
fore the Cotti but as it adjourned
Inst. week, the decisions will not lie
July next, Them that body
ronreues ill :
Follght. 45: SIIII—CIIIIIber
-1-111.1 Na. .11, May 'l'et 6', 1871.
Judgment affirmed. Thom pson, C'
Lindell:3llo al vs. Lind Fey— , C'umber
-I,nd county, No. 08, May kiln, 1871.
Judgment aliiumed. Sharswood;
Daniel Lefevre's appeal—Cumberland
county, No. 108, _May Term, 1871. De :
'Lave atlirmeiratut appeal dio?;kissed s at.thn
cost of tliMppeflant. SlurToud, ,T.
Gorgas vs. Cumberland empty et
CuMberland bounty' . Appal dislissed
at cost ofappellant.
The following eases were indisposed
of :
Bud:. Ider's lix'r vs. Plan (—No. 'BO,
May Tell I, 1871. C'timberland county.
Argued. lepbutn , 111211(101'NC/1P an& Hays
fur plaintiff in error Shearer and Miller
for defendant, in error. •
Lam heft vs. Stone—No. May Term,
1671—Cumberland county. • Argued.
C0111111(111 for plaintiff in error ; defendant
i o, error submitted. on Opel...books.
l'ratz LaVOViY. .
Beetem's ndministi•atorrivs. Henry •1.,
THEATRICAL.—Mr. E. 31 Gotthold,
the agent of the Nellie Love trOnpe,'is iu
our town, making arrangements - for the
early appearance of the above troupe,
next week. .otiVeitizens will remember
Mrs. Love,(3(vho appeared heril about 2
years ago, under her maidea :name of
"Nellie Wakel4' l and by. her lady-like
deportment, as well as an artiste, of the
highest order, won for herself golden
I - opinions, and the non de plume of "'flio,
pek . ofthe - Let the inhabitants
oethis_ town Awn out en masee' and greet
our old Bikini and 'favorite—for further
satisfaction, we clip the following from
the Lfunlingdon Globe
Loct Now You - 6 Co 4-. •
IQUE.—This. Grand Combination gave
their first entertainment at Yenter's
(I,,filir, last evening., The performance
was far above ; anything Of thekind that
hag been here for some thne, and entirely
free from that evil' generally attending
travelling companies (vulgarity.) M.S . .
Nollio Love is an actress of me accom
plishments, whilo• as a vocal& aMt claa-:
souse WO should think sits' has but. few
equals. ,In the burlesque of. -Brown
amongst the Brahmins, she ag.onishod -
the audience, by the rapidity - of. her
changes of costump."% •
. .
This celebrated EngliSh Troupe will
,exhibit-in-Rhoe.m'ti Hall, two nights
only, Monday and Tuesday, J olio 5 and 6.
bored), at Piper's book store. For fur
ther partieularOmadvertineinen re Ad
mission, 115 cents;, Gallery,' 25 cunt(; Ro
qpry9d B,ents, G I O cents.