Sioves, Etnware and Pumps GRAWOPE.NINg .017 RBINESKITH & RUPP, NO. 62 AND 64 IPORTIt lIAN'OVER.STRNET, ND S[I&ET•IILON WORKERS, and dealers in Cook,' Pardor, and every variety of HEATING 'STOVES Tho eubmribsra having mostly oraotod'a mania d ions Store roots, adjoining their old stand, affording Increased &Giallo. Mr baldness, are now prepared to. furnish their patrons and the public generally pith every article. in their line, ma the Most aocommo dating-torms. With a large and varied assortment, to which addition...are •onstently made, they foci confident that In quality and prion they are ahoadal all sompetition. PARLOR.STOTEA COMCBTOVEIS, OFF/CR, STOVEO This department of their stook la unexadlod Sra artistic design, superior finish, and simplicity of arraogomtint, among whloli may be mootionod tho- SUNNY SIDE FIRE PLACE HEATER, ,SUNNY AIDE 'DOUBLIG.OYEN 000 E, DAELETYI3IIEAY, NOIILE COOK, and NOVELTY , i , ARLOR COOK STOVE with a variety of other Cook illoyee wail kuown for their asealionaa. KITCHEN RANGES, of all ktpde,theludlng. the celebrated NATIONAL NANGE: BASE.-BURNE.RS, If you want an Ornamenta Stove, - If you want an Economical Stove, If you want a Powerful Heating Stove, If you want a Perpetual Piro Keeping . Stove, null owl oxamlna our stock, where you will and Ike ORIENTAL NOT BLAST, ' 'with raverAbla flue and oven ORIENTAL PARLOR RE TER,'. for two or mono room. SPEAR'S REVOLVEN -MORT, AND MAGIC LIGHT BASE' BURNERS, with a largo tilirstwtinota t . of PARLOR AND MICE' STOVES lEEE I=l Plqlit nod Japnuucd, Including Toilot `Yarn, Cash and Deed Boxes, Bread, Cake, and Sugar Boxes, Knives and Forks, Spoonk Of all kinds, • 4 Ladles, Lanterns, Coal Buskets,t Enameled and Plain Hollow Ware, Wrought Iron Pawl, lihove's cad Tonga, Coal and Flom,ieyea, Flat Irvin, Dna. Lett..., Fruit Jam, k‘v..; ho., &c., embraeing a marg. and oomplate aa t m.set to which we lerita the atteotloa of Imperil. We are also prepared to furnish Pumps for Cisterns and Deep Wells, ritito;ave for anlo th• colobrated CTICUMBHR WOOD PI: AP, n,rrartiod gental•o. C.,wtrlntly thit baud- rink: BRICE ♦ND REPAIRS FOR STOVES ROOVIDU,APOUTIVQ, JUD WORK uttondud to protoptly •Ld of 1,16801111.b1a Ur Old Stoves taken in exeltange Thankful for the patronage heretofore bestowed on no wo ore determined, by incroseod efforts, to merit a eontinuance of It, and respect/Way mink the in bin , to call and examine for theraserrois. RUPP, 'Dios. 621. and I , IOMTLI HANOTER EITIMST, CARLIBLV, IS DI TO Dry Goods wad Notions 121 Fresh Arrival of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS 117' OGILB1"S CHEAP CASH STORE , • I um LOW 40111 mg a large flak of th• hdddwom I. dud •k.ipdat Dry Dada lu Cnukberialdl cuudty FOR 'FHB LADIES! A 11Alio utmost etyloa Dross Gouda, leic•, Cup“nitl Fenno, Shawls, C•iri end Collars, 11Liite Nouns, wh., A.., et eery low pikes. The d:lai:at end biet hook Aliinebas la town. Bleached stud tublenebeil of .11 makes mid Fr cue, front 6 colt to t 6). Another lot of ptie beautiful a• 'Nan tool., at 2 seats Ilingliarn • fr un tl semi to ta 'Robb/ Linens, Colored and Whit. Towels and N 0111.1.11. r. ut sorb*. Clothsquiti Cassimol.oB, A 160, Ipply , ',"+lll/ will too ,01.1 al g , vat'y reLlory lienlncky J;nann, front In o.;;iiti 10• l'atl; trsclur, 1.111011 Drilliur, , Proton , BlM/1 Mirii; lor In and I nil kir.l6 al 'tor joie., Non ;IA —\fir too nil tools nu Noll Tim n uslionlshlogly prl.,m, Sto; k ; gs, GIO•V4. SU. ,1,114,1 T111.1 , 13: 1 / 1 , 1dh, er., Tri 01111,11 In o it Nnranoln and Hun Umbrellas, A oi,v rttus•t ills,. 51 .5.. all haul at. xle.n ,t nn chum. wt.,. wet t 4( lion 5 I.sshich I wo•11 elan the' awisi (4. nt 5.5 shleg le wire 14451.1, a. I will het ny ua y h in Caillide. ilsnellect th nine 47 Wont Dlulu alruot, odi xitp Ike ias 4n:id loruelile l• +how Lad'4h:' lila, BOOTS AND SHOES, 1 h.tre Just r aulisd aad up mid a roil iwaurina•• or ull thu new stylus DWI.' andpusses' Dna a a• alippors wul tondo, nad Ot law pleat. Call am! ma Mut.. , 60 46L ‘6&_o6 11.6 Y e,irt '„p7l Clotho and Furnishing Goods AND BOYS wolersicaoll wMd redpeotia 1)4/ real Ow of trolioo or hi; uw.tuwur. 4.41 . ' pubil• go urnlly to II IN u:a'rci 1.4 und-largo rimortio.lit of Cloths, Cassimeres, VESTINGS, wipoelally . adapted,!, , w Si;ri Sununer Wear All Mu Inluel stylet to be !ot In sitoro, and. roads lor your catty l•epiollon All I o oILIo et'oris will be 'moil., Ito pietist, yu. and giro you u god fit. Ituyinly oulyqopur Ole coo bratodaud me4utlge vitter, .Mll. JOHN' 114§, Into of a Faalkloshblo. House, Broadway, Now. York• I hare thop:onourn of announoi Lig to you now, A Perfect . Fit A •otnploto Ammon...tint of Gentlemen's Vurnishing Goods 41 o TaWas, Curppt Sate:Lola. Trdtiki;,. &o _ Give us .a; Yount, Resiyuctfully,. IMkC.UY'SNOQTOH, Nu.,,22Nurtli Unuurur Str,:ut.C.olglo .13titrkblisliel 1847 13,1:(70 pry avd Do • estic Goo4r4ee. .10111 i - EADQUARTERS FOR . . . • . , 11 • . • Ditt. :GOODS .. • . , . . . , .. . .• „,..., Snot opened an eiltire new and desirable stock - of ,epring and mummer dry geode, fur ladles and gentle melee *ear,. conaliting of .' • . , JapaneFo Silk and Wool Burgos, Shepherds Plaid Wool Borges, GranitoLustros, Melangs, Swiss and Mull Muslim; and ell kiwis of Whfto Goods nsod CASSINIERI , IF, CLOTHS and VK,9TINGS for sprlnz Nuns. An tho uoveltiva or Iho aowinn SHAWLS ! SHAWLS ! I Hogtory and 0 lovoa. Ilonso Fortitshlag Goods poll as TickingB, Sheetings; Pillow Casings Blankets, hlarseillesAuilts irrieJ for Hun. Lucylng purprmes DomesticF iulargo quantitica DOlllieTfC'i, 1,011.11STICS: 1 n oME4 11 t We aro prepared to offer grout ludnueineutir, as the markets ore lower 'than they Iwo been for too Yours, and as 'our stock• la entirely new and Crush, bought for t.l.e cash, we fort' auto la promising to give our groat hArgnles,.t d ell Sew goods. We !ovate all kindly, to call end etainslne oar stock before purchasing and docidu for thpinsoires.— Thank rut for the liboral patronage lu the poet, we promise to ha alive to taro iatorests of our friends to the future, by keeping such goods, an will render satisfaction to all. All alio wish to sate money are inured to - call-upou us and fnd a sours* of profit, by dealing with no. - DUKE & - BURKTIOLDER, North linnovor Wot., fortholo Dr,,, t Book 1871, EIRE DECLINE IN GIOLI? I corutEsvomnsa rwcurat IN GOODS! Quite on 0.1(01,101a lit 'lto Dry, lioods market, In a Tory marked data. In prices of DRESS GOODS, Silks, Dahands, Mt. Immo, A Ipuccas. Poplins, Y.-go, Reps, sod's largo snridiy, comprising neaml,,s, vory• thkg la this lino or goods. STAPLE GOODS Nauru, Tickintgo.Oinghluns, 111an1 etn,t ottwades, Etutucky Amass, CLOTIAS and CASSINIERES, 1.1 non Laid Coq. Tn IL May rg, Blrrlf Clivvics WRITE GOODS SW.l[lll, NlAgis Culla° frx, Jmlawia, ❑um,'rurlenai., 011116th . at.d ,rlk.ii Ed g .g. nud In Hollings HOSIERY, GLOVES, Trlnitnlnwi, In grunt 1111 ie y . I Iblnn.•, or the Inna nud FANCY GOODS of it gee•nt , el till tlioap Ladies' Uncle,. Clothing, inry ttlitlxolurly umdon• 11, ttliitniol. 41. CAttel3TB, OIL CLOTHS, Roggets, Dugs. Window Shish's, Qnii,a, Colin to, panes, and nianyttuud. out 1111 , t 01/Ild r r what,. a. We claim to liavo the tactual nod, b. at atuuk ppt Dry Good. la th• loteriur tau .tuts, and will • all at goat prlea• an whit eattfryttil what tido la tho pingo t• got gaud bargain. Altak7o • IHONTZ a DO,- Plumbing, Gag Pitting, dc, of every Je•enptten cotiettattly.dirthood. ar Nude 10 order, at rOlixonnble 1111.1 N( Dulls bps expo, toured worittuoufttopluyed, he hajwe by a demo atteatioa to bullet tot re eeettro the 1,01.11 e patronato. . . . •• Rotactiber the plitro„. • NO. 18 Wittd.'t 31A,1N 8T11131t:T. At No. 1i North Bilithror Street, _ sAsituct; It. 014111/T. 24150v7 , 1 y JAMBS • W. F. lIENWOOD. ',PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM I T - 1 . I N - • C.►RLISTJ. 1 N 'A EIT,ILL AT BUSINHSSI Tlio undonitstthitore now folly p , epo, ad to ut bind to tlit. bual.o,aa Itt al I.* tillroroot !rancho, Th ey 'also keep cll.:oat) • /•, WATI!Ii CLOSKTS, It 4TU lUDS. WATER 01, ,, 5 , T5, . ItATII TUBS, WA rim c1,....8MT5, B %TB TUNS, Vf Anltt CIPSISTS BATH 'I !IBS, WASII BASINS, BYDR. tNTO, till Rod Yo to ClAtorits; Lift wild Force Clatorm, . . nett Deep Wen Pampa. Load, err CoVa and Daep Wall Pumpn, Lead; Torra Cotta end Iron Inpu. Chimney Sopa and Mum. 1 . . - . GAS. PIPE AND . FIXTURES Mobil, dad ail 1,111,1e.0t Dram Work km ot tato Ilia water constantly keutl, or-turnhohod to 4.1,', Dwellingo, Churchee, Factorise and other bulldine•, la town or country, fitted up with nuptnosi nud dim peak. All work warrantod. . , Thankful fur public patronage; no . .hopo by stilt t attontion to boobies/ to merit a eontionnuto or tt Immo. Terme reasonable, It requiring but one tr ii: to /tea aro your ctuttom.e. Oleo u% a call, Don't to n-s. tho place, ho 18,'Nerth Hanover street; In !no b 0... most of Blpo'r 110 a building . . All =orders left a tit reeldenoo of either Yawn.' . .. C , lIENTVOO.7? , att-any Hine, either dny or night, will ), prlttutit.:y attended to. Joint. Campbell, • Alexander'. It w. Itltt, a William liontrood,South Oita, Ott', .11reutt natio,: spacial idvaitogra Wa are prepared fn furnish COPPITR. 'WORK Oy ALL DESCICIPTIONR. yir Still limiter and other Yurporl , e, at Immo or 'at a diotaboo.' COPPER PIPE furnlnhol to oidorMlhoidrawo or brand: 'Jingly Homer, (;olladay. cp cqmp'ny PRINI7 OPENING ! T ..1 .110,1fh'R,' , C01: 1 TJADAY .•r•• -I-..' 1412 and 1414 Chestnut Street PHILAMT4PIiX'A: -•- "it ) . L Iteepoctfully I,vl e th!t public lc !,11 luspeitlon of CHOICE STOCK EUROPEAN NOV4TIES Pique Wettings, Nainsooks, Welt they feel ecatllll6tit l stuillig. Victoria Lawns, lb 1.1.1:i country; either ?or lie groat varloty or tly,lfrt Amoug the var.loocatoeltn Itt which Ave ar0...W.11b trotild call n, ocrat tktfcutio!) to SILK DE`l'All'i'/ITE:V.T, • which is roplitte with nil t.ho shadvet of Um 111.119,;n, nut before and u very full line of Lu Tkun,..0.1,.... u t ery uruderuto .1u BL ACK' SILtKS 0.1 ' 1 , 00. awl tilont unpt 1.1 onced nittkt44 id LYONS of °very gradu An pH., tram *1.50 per yard to 00.00 per yard Our lung And iuti um tip uctionlntanru with thu and all goods ulnonfactures inableN I. tO,tTor uueruld miven'ngva DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT, E= coutnitts t.l 0 otAteo t tl and bunt tooter:al It noon to lie Frruch sr 1.111 Grenadines, Grenadine Haregcs, Hu nan°, Square Most, du;-, a now .attiala. Al- Ilium. good:. NVO ..lrar at Iho xerge all .10 examine our Stock, anti 201.11719 int 131 u EXCELSIOR'- STOVE AND TIN II 1. The;ind w.atld rvapa-thilly itklarnt eltladnu of Car isk and e tdnity, that he sidl do tho STOVE AND TINWAIAT, HUAI • E 9, lu alt it , . various I.r•uttlii.o. Ile li.sswevti el Ih Agrucy for thu f..llu.ring pupilar Parlor and Office :'"toves, Morning Glory,- Heater, V. • t OV Ctbmliinalnn!+(;aa Heaters, Ranges, and Fireboard Stoves, which Ite Ir prepared t* rum. Mt .t the lowelt market • • •"Btoru !kindling promptly ottooded to. Roofing l.pouting, and Jobbing ostonnted In tligo nv,it en6.o foolery mono,. J G OALLIO, CARLISLE, PENNA., ThollATtElt of Cor The 11 iTrIII of Curlletel I Theleiee et.lesjurt 'chaired! Thu 'atuot utel••e xlm f lys oo haUttl I SILK U Irt.l how tho beet Mulinfactutug 111 • P t:IIIONA111.13.1101Juft twill II J. ALLIO wI 100 to roll ottoutiou to tati largo .took of 4 '0 , 1111111U fitettlr , a Irate to order, ..a bee the bout .rrehgemonfe for oolorine: liate, Woolon Goode, and Overcoats, at short notice The Ilighert ()ABU NhICEB pad fur .ria , lll9/C HIM A . VILL, - 5)11 NO i 0 MAIN. STRENT.• 1050p69 LUMBER 11.A.NIJFAOT - 011,Y.1 Tho‘ottoullon of and tiulldeis In Inv!frit It; the nivr mill of floorgo Throne, ou Monutolo aro'ek,' *4 abovo Phu, liroveßuruoi.e, Where lontbor for building aloft, Jolla. and Who, con pur,cliagod at roosOilhblo WOO!' For foitliko , lnfo . rmation, iutdrooß my Bopoiln to Lolont, !fumy 21111tonborAor, MOunteln .CrocO{'Not omtb, eumborlutoV4autiti,l y • • .I'roposals :for Beef. Oraide A 4 O B.;'ClaiClaim DAlliAert, 1 - ' ' . April 10.1871. SEALED: proposala .Iw:duplicate, wilt . -14 received at .t de Wilco, until 10.0 lo!k d'. id' M ar y 28, 1871, for furnfaldnd tho free:P.4o rrouired V'y tbo Subilutinco Department, U. 8; A:.,'nt lble 1.:n.101G . during aIX ; roontjto, Cotlitafrating. t , tioo .1, ant. Information de to condld uality f burlona Trtyllient,dic., eon be oblilloodl.y tippliention to IL Id AtiN KIN ' •Itirat :Clint., lib V.execiioy, A: C. 8. 20 . np7lat" — ', :, MN Of their own selontion for the Proseta'Season §,NOT SUR P ED Willy of SPICINO STLI vbit SUITS, Mourning Depa rt in:ent judge' for themselves Stove. and Tintvalle EMI'ORIEM Mornidg Liglit Parlor Light, Light Houso, Eureka, Regulator, >rfatiara, Superior, '4INWAttlt, HAI 8 AN D = HATE 4 7 D.CA PA9 COU.NI••RY FURS Zumbe2. . r. ,f-W . YI 4 ;VTAT `P . " 18 I wil9WHfft3V)l23'4l‘LTAnt a"' 'CARLISLE HARDWARE 110 \ EISE I pLVAr SAXTON: I J. P. DISLER I D. D. B.itiN 11. SAN7' 0 N 0 ~-. C Se l i e ' L ' lit • AMA - - tit:kU . : ~.., -.,....., fr , ~.,, --, ,;:.•-, 44 , . - fi ' ft ' 10,111 Aklt 'c . l\ke 5 nuk \lt .0 ; ;; , 1 r AXXH 'Kg ,;;,. •-,,,,,:;: ;, : .-,-; :,....:; p , of - Ar.el(l. . (),..l:lLiiiix tal $ 2. V.+‘;,0 , .,., Slei AAA ,u k.\,S -A) tOk, kk:), ,A\ ‘o,lk=- ME I;V.\\o•Ck \ 0;k/. kb 0 . 0 • e.,. /lAA- itrahb, R (ALRX(RI,II Ain . . k./a. .kJhx ) NZ Pell OM ARAAAMIAR. AYLCIIYIAN= ',llll nal 1111,e' - . _ secitro 3ohlwrs' rates;' thereby ofivriog nT etra Intltirrille6lB2 AVo'svoultr ioVitti n o attention of •tio public do mat• Innuendo stdek of 'l3uildirig Hardware, J.,000 keg,' nntt, Wlons & Buck Whits Lends, colors; Froncli and American window glues and Mirror Übta. tlax,etl oil, varnishes, 1:c , &a., Cement, Calcine Vim Oa, nitre Sand, &n,. &c. Parfriing Hardware, AND AGRICULTURAL Implements Mamas; Choi.. !hovels, Forrits, Rakes, .Snyt hos, Snoths, SindKos, Urilla, Crowbarg Dimling Irons, Uu• pont's Glazed ISlnvtillg Powdor, Rolm, Psrlit Crain Yugo, Leatl,erltettl g, Cum Belting, Ilcso and Parking, }till, Cf(l/11 Cutand Circular tarot, Plutform, Counter and Toa &mica, (luring 51urhints, Plows end Plow Castings, CUltivatois, CO4 C//,,y4 E'ER.S" CI b DS, llots ntl.l BLACKSMITHS' GOODS, Iron and Steel; Durden's Horse and blu'e Shoot, Redv, to. Eardware ',Note, fur all mocha.. lent bra nil., front Lust English and • Atherleitu makes, MllB4llll tip on hand and on, rnoted. ITOUSP, FURNISHING H A-R DWA R-E , (Warren - re, Pearl. Ivory oni Robb, Handled TolA Chtiery, Elver I`loted Fotk and Spoons, Cwtain Coroie.n, Ilooiln Stair Rolle, 1 - 10111eo tri mrere Irpoe, Plain and I v or. &ail/ /14101 ,, , Solid P. 'Patent Ire Crioint I'vreren,;&e., - ." IVostenboini I: Rodgers' Fine Pocket Cutlery anti f..rissors Wire, Nth; and Floe or llle,ltets Fine Bird Cittp.a, Flitting Curling trues, .te. kneetaßlating torroatlng Illarktmar,PC'Prepared Ilartirsa thr and IJlu. king. :iteriul.atrengeninnts for furn'hiling Mori.le Tiling anti State Mantles. Sole nrents 1,4 Planles /lowa. Sot, :40111.9 for the Patent Post.llo'n Wprer,dfgzing n Post ill/lo e Loll minfito. Salo' agants tor Palnitr's Pirte)it .4d. ju• ti6lo Iron Paters. Goods stellvered free not with great t o ptno Will guarantee goods to manhunts as low as rite {hires, losing freights in most rases, Thankful nor p st and sit In hoof 3 - our kind p t sue ago:nl Intr.«, We rclutain,_rl,llle.fu ly, 11. SAXTON & CO., I Nn. lh MAIN STltlirr, Carlisle, Pa., REM Pacific Guano Company pACIFIC GUANO COMPAN 'A HITA L, $1,(100,000 JOHN S. -REF/SE , & Co., N R I, G EYTS, MIME 192 South Dula ware A venue DELPIII.4 fibr.o T 1 PACIFIC (1 1T 'A \ , Rediieed Prices., r to Ow kytitt, 'l l l.l /.1 Smttlwrii 811 1101 glrrn 10001 0.,.111 uniform ...o.l4facti4rn 11,11 ;In • t!1,111 'cite tr. 1,1., in 11 It 11) II 1,11, until t. • I"1,11tpl/ 1110 11.. 11411.111. ,11,. tli at, ”tla • I 1 I:11, •:. t 1.0. ti ih t , i (11111 . 11 , t Ur.`li••l 11111•rort 1/lit•n Igo tn, 4)1 •r, 111 , nnum , at I cr1,.•11 t.ll ran ha, . Inar, it t high. Ito t (.1 Ill• autop , 11 I.est inn•-ti in I 31.illto•t, that .1 111 tlolial fa n 'ilitir., a 11041h7 ill , . 1.t. , 1 Kn. antic 414111 V, eit 711 i, t,o1.1:1t ret.lll InT I.r tl agrt.l.l u( ilia ul p. 111 thsouglt,•lll .1, tt,y, 1,./11 /In tit S 1/ au. ttllu mink It) .! I . JOHN S. REESE I Ovuorel itgunta fur : tho 4.1.21111111 y Liberal Diezoout to DpalLns, J. 6• D. RII,OADS, Agents, YaS,•PENN'=I: Onshil:ltintl ' Ru7l3in Boots, Shoes and, Tricti74. anioll3l SPQNPLEB, • I NO. 1:3,,...ti0uth ILinoie siri;,:t):(!itf/ish. Thookful for tho 11,011 g• extendol t•ti hog.; tofoi:e. do I,uw eii„ounce their n•nul eitock BPItINU STILES OY 11,01'S ANI) 8110 ES, e'rf Ladies anti ~IISKCN~ Goats and 80y5... which are unrhrullud sil!I 1 ettlltl.. Alnb T,RUNICS AND VALISE'S, AND .11u1-8. An of ,which ho old at mural profit. Sal Lona nod all, nod gut u hdl miulluleut fur lour Tatmoyi 14aD70 CIIIEA.I' Goods aro not itlnrnys tho lont. Vann yun go to INy nu mild°, and empocielly Li tbo innttee of ! ' B'o OTS A-11 . D.' &IVO' E B 'go too dealer qd Nrhoeit ot,q'...y sin ou c rely, for very 'tow aro good judges of len th er:'' this tirno arr.. year mossy willso wanting light t boOts and reel for sunntior wear: epolbo 'aecommodat d s,^t! .:" ADAM'DYR,ERT'S ! .• Nyttero wllLte tonna- a supply at the lowest itrlctis Beata and elute. motto to order with the utmost lit . ' I ''' •• '' ....1 ... • .I'. •1 Chittithers,.till4; bilieesijloirders Aloti s itliags, ke..,&e., • -) ' . n Ware selling all 0ur . g00,(14 at ' -'eity,i!ile,es, aad are ,pr,:pared to oiler inducements to all who call. ~ • • ' f . . .. S• . , ' • 1871.. „ SPRING. ,I 1, EW Gree ,field, Xo. 18 East Main /Wed - , Opposite Saxton's- Hardware-Store. Has now 00 exhibition n magnificent stock of Athelican,French and Eng , DRESS •it• S 9 Suitable fur the: Spring 'Frado Bilks, Japanese Poplins, • Serges, Black and White Plaids, Silk Mixed Sergv,, Bright Plaids for Children and Misses. A kreitt, variety of : , .;cw Csuds fur Ladies' suits. In - IC:5 1 A 11)ac as 9 I defy competition, for beauty in lustre, weight, qualify and prices, and they will surpass any ever offered in this town. A full, stock of Embroidery, Hosiery and Gloves,' Spring Shwls; Popular Prices .3 7 . f( : , Yar( s O He° at 69 8, (hind fronlestic Gi*nuns at 10 and 1!"-* . Appleton ' A" niuslin, only I.l23eents-: S'emper lawn lln , lin, only 111 cents. Wamsulla :Nluslin, 2 , 1 amts . . CLOTHS AN.) CASSIMERES. Having enlarged this department, It am firepareil to oilirr an tssort mcnt that cannot be innyasseci in any of our Tailors. French Suitir:ss in eN 7 ery shade. Seidel' and English Cheviots. French t'lott,•A curl . ras , inieres, All the popular • mak e s of American goods. `Garments made to EVY (1 11 1B :alb t 2.4 1.4.).,..RE1 .la ) ,T,tliVii; ei,it -, 2:62tD . 0 /JP FRYSINGER & WEISEICS ii t ~.: e% th:,,,-7N, ^,„ i . , :M. , k ' 4'. ,Atj r ; 11 A. ATI \, . ~.. .:-...,:, - . ,•1 '024 ~.! 4( '; '') v. el dil It' -ca" - l' , I t 6; ' 1 ,P . 1 1 I_ 0 1 ° ) \)L. < ; o9 7 i \I 0 . TV Y ER Carpets (;.\,, IZ - 1 ) 1 4 ,1'S in tLi. valley, ewilprising English Tapestry,' : Brussels, Three Ply. Extra, - Superfine, Ingrains, - Two Plys; Plain and. Twilled, . Venitians, ) Rag, Hall and Stair .„). . . (~;" • (,:•',, . '':%, 17 - -, ~,,M) , N‘ .,.. %, '",.,:."'i ' \ 47A1l \ .:10 .:,-,z.. -,n • \in -,:n \ii Li ` , ...., t rl IN ENDLESS A'ARIETIES 011 - A cLorrus9 In' a'.l: widths and ;tll,sty . les; choice tilitrble Tat turns for balls, It , zD;) MATS AND Oar ,tet ~~~~~ ~~~ Which we are'§elliug lower than. mul be bought elsewhere! 4 1 1, e 4,, r , F t cy tf a ti, :40?' 4 "1 , of . . .... . . airra We havii roeeived.a large. and well-selected' stock of .Wahl P . f :Fhich we rates. ~ - .:.• DOUBLE WIDTHS. TINTS, GOLD, SATIN, Cash Paid for WOOL . ! 9rrit t r a ',T..6bwODP Success. Sheet ing White Goods, 10 - and. 12 1-2. L. T. CREENFE'LD, No. 18 Ea,t. Uaiu Streel iIID : t - , "N . P.. ' ..l , ',. .4 i. tk , i"., I ' ' i ,,1 ..1 . e s t. ... ~, _:., ..„, g ..; Pz.: . - -fi e OLD STANO. Oarpet! 'I3SS , MATT NGS, Ch ins ik.volz••l s ! r em JA • 0 , UC fled !:''.Y!,,i!'W:,:i,;p:p' •• 1871. "[.incur, Order, r ; T\:r:l,rE