18. NOTIORS ,FAAY , GOOIiS. 18 For tho tibovo, go to J. - 11. Wolf's, `o• 18 Nortli Ilaiioier street, ,where -you will find the best assortment of Notions and •—• -sinidrisTif,egin'the-towm-and- frnm-10.Xo 20 . per,cont cheaper. I desire to call — your - to the following ; 'Vim ,of linen pongee and silk, Parasols; and sun 'umbrellas, fans of every description and price. Gent's, o ladies' and Misses' kid gloves. A hirrre assortment of cotton-liosiery very cheap. Also white cotton iximinings, Hamburg edges and' inscrting`g, silk, ,cord edge mantua and, saSilibbons very cheap ; *di pa' and gents' summer underclothing ; corsets and hoop skirts in largo variety. A full line of towels, napkins and crash, • linen shirt fronts, and ready made shirts ; - ladies' and gouts' linen and lace band- I • kerchiefs Tir- all grades. Call 'and ex amine our goods before purchasing else wherb. W - When -- goods - nre-sold-by-the dozen, package or full piece, they will be furnished at wholcsale'price. -- J.. H. 'WOLF. FOR SALE A largo merchant mill, situated in Hayford county, Maryland, about ono and a half miles from " Edge Wood" sta tion, on Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore railroad,• has four run of burrs,- with -capacityof 2_l_looo barrels, which „with* a small outlay,ilw creased.th 80,000. barrels. Also, a fine farm adjoining the mill, containing 340 acres; 200 acres of why" is cleared, and in a high state of cultivation ; there are 3 houses on'tho farm, also, barn, stable, corn house, , &c., Sm., For further infor mation apply to - E. J. SNow ,CCo„ No. 10, Spear's Wharf, - Baltimore, Maryland. I 4m1,713in. PICRELS. cheese, batter water crackers at kumrieh's. NOTICE. I Live this day associated my son, A. C. 1 nsminger with me in partnership, the business will hereafter be conducted under the firm of Geo. Ensminger Son. ' We have now ion hand a largo assort' wont of Slaughter, Oak and Hemlock Sole, French_ and American Call; ' Morocco, and a full line of shoe (Mina harness and net leather, to which we in cite your altdition, and solicit your pat ronage, as heretofore. Respectfully Olio. EN23311N01., A. C. EIsT! , NI IN oEli, No. G 3 N. Hanover Street. 4nia7l4t I'E4C/I BUTTER at Iltunrieles POTATOES.—PeIeh Whirl('Sale. 4111117ttf A LAUGE addition lately made to the stock of lumber, in the yards.of A. 11. Bl.Allt. .( . Just' received. R lot of prances al lemons at Mantic:ll's. FOR SALE OR REM A large and commodious three-story luick house, on the corner of Main and Bedford streets, now occupied by Mrs., Gordon, has all the modern improve ments, with. ,brick :A able and ice house attached. Inquire of R. E. Shapley, corner of North and Pitt streets. • ATTEND to securing your coal for ter while price7Ole low and quality goth Call at the_ yards of Dn. W. D. HALL DRSS. MART L. HALL. Office and residence ;31" South Hanover street, Carlisle, Pa. Rooms strictly pri vate. Consultation free. Drss. Ball makes the treatment of female diseases specialty. ide7Otim L/MEISURNERS' coal constantly on hand. Also a full assortment of lumber at the lowest prices, at the yards of A. 11. 13LAin. `'Uate7o SPECIAL NOTIC I,',S SPECIALTY. WHOLESALE AYE 'RETAIL. Blair Sz Son make a specialty of 'crackers and biscuit., The following arc some of the varieties they keep con stantly on hand, amt offer at very low prices . . Water - crackers, Sugar biscuit, Traitor' - do. - Wino do. Soda do. Fruit do. Extra Illoston • do. London do. Oat Meal_ • do. _ Lemon soaps, Cream do. Wino do. Oyster do. Ginger do. Slagar jumbles, Strawberry cakes, Wsi. BLAIN & SON, South End. May 15, 1871 WIRE RAILING, WIRE ()CARDS, for Store Fronts, Asylums, Trott ltedkeads, Wire, Web ''bingo for sheep end poultry yards, Driss and Iron wire cloth Stoves, Fenders, :croons for coal, ores nand, 4c., Heavy Crlutpod Cloth for spark arresters InivapaWlre for IKlndours So., l'uper Makers Ornainontal Wire 11'orks. Every Infolum. eon by addressing the manufacturers, M. WALK Ell SONS' No 11 North Slath street Philadelphia. nut/1711i 4 - 11 5. S. iJe ." SAFE, SPEEDY, AND SURE.' •11.. Morris' Syrup of Tar, Wild [:lorry, nod nom /toned, to noun utact tared by ao entirely lit, pre', qe; and contains Ow Lest huovin retuctlies for C, C9Atl2l, Sur° Throat, trail oil 1.11 ntr COllllO.lll. Pleasant to the taste, but powerful. in Its nation. Sant for a circular coot:doing Mt of article; ustol, Omit this '41,1111(0r of prepartng them. to t • • lilt. - I:ablott, General Agents . Join Ilonry;S Colingo Plane, N.Y. Jolt won, rfolloway Colelti, 502 Ardltst., Ph lin Sold In Cnrlt•le by Comma. IL IVuelleington, 11% E. Horn, 'l'. N. I , runk, and J., It. Ha eurktlek. - I3 WISI , WuiLo wisdom )rill benefit you t to not Stlnays • on. trotted by ;your. incredulity, hundrcd.i have tomflit ;roller front t h e horrors orDysio!psit Wong)) thu medium of DIUUTEN ANT!•DYSPLPTICISTOIII. , CIIIIITTE. mud found It. Why should you sofror.wison.thls mind. ratio stomachic has cured many similar mass-why du you doubt whllsothor urn Cured Delay in this miittar both datigerolla and units:on Your •healthr happiness and buelnolos anffora, while constobt: neglect is fnegnently full-wed by serious -and-uncoil trollablo, results. Ds:nurses .11172E11.11 art) equally useful in tho'numerous offendinii DWI fustian; as plLloll9l.4ad, CUMITIPATION, fe. , NVidio !or Nevin and Anon and, other disorders preueeding from,BlirawAr.c It Is tla only reliable presentlim and remedy known.. 2lse 09 MARKETS . , . . . -arr :,.cAt.,lstr, rnopuer; 1,1A11.1i.r.,T; ‘ ' P ivoted Weekly b'y B. tl. Woodzeird. ... Carlige, ll'aliteadoy. Afay 17, 1871. PA MILT FLOTTRJ . ' 1 . ^SB,OO .I . III.IiRPIIVR.PLOUIL - - -' "4 80 .NUI'.BI.Ii.I , INE .11.1"E'PL01.1.11 480 'frinri: WIIEA T 110 10:D 11'.11.1•1,12' 150 RYE'- -• . _BO ' CORN' ,_ • 88 -.1V114;111 0,11:1 ' • - .80 ..I.ILSICK OATS -" . CAOI7/(SEED ' 4 , . - •41 841 WIMOULLMD - ' ' 4 i3O FLAXSEED 1 70 •••+; CALIALIO PROVISION MAlllll l 7r. Corrected Weeilly , l4 IVm. Blair 6 , Son.' Hide, Wednesday 4 Nayl7 1871, BletrpC $ 2o ..POCS 7'.IIBLOW BEESWAX BACON HAMS do SMOULDERS do SIDES WHITE BEANS PARED PEACHES.. UNPA RED do i Vr.DRIED PpliES. lA.us . • [Aron, the rlsilqatlphia 2V 9' rh . 1,1 5' 4. ° 4 ' „ . , .. , ~ ” •30 , oi I,TM - 41DEZP.711.4.3IARKEZW; . I+LOl7ll, CIItAINr Ala/ 817E178. ' • ' ,EXT/iA PA MM 7' /1 2 / 2 "Phi"' ' '"" 10 . 1"1-'' 87 00 .R.rrEA FLOUR 0 . 00 RTC FLOUR .....1..."' ~%- n Nz.n ..,1 1 1 1. 70 IVREA T RED -' -WHITE 117114,12' _ - •• • ••1 6501 43 RTE ............ :\ . 129 CORN 78 OATS, - ' ,1 1 ' CLOVERSEED,,. - .... '• " ' •• .801:Paper 110 • g'INOTICFSEED .. • ..-. ' • fi 40 R t trod . iTUND ' '' t 9 . ' pry 200' rirarrimas and antes of Beef Wide were large Lis ii:cek, reaching. about 1,000 head. The make! - closed very dull, favoring buyers, and prices hyerc - EXTRA FAT CA4TLE, ker B@ 9 / 4 4: FAIR A ND COOD CA TTEE...,_ j , ..) , ; 10 7 . 1 41 00,11.110.1" VOWS anal CA LIES 11 are duller, and 'no dc,. 'nand. in: pun!, ~ p rivgers 01 $4O, qita Lbws gild Calves 01-$45, Ri.ccipts J 2:)0 //cud. SHEEP " irere OW, without, change is price. 1F Tali Wooled 'al 73,161.*,,1,, and, clipprd of 5@:G/c. Ifeccipla 10,000 hood. OGS awe dull and lower. Sales of co ml.! a $7‘a,7.5n j,cr 100 Ms net. Itectipts x,OOO fired. LOCIIMAN--)YEAVEII,—On the fnrrtb in tent 111 tho Lutheran l'orbolloge, In this plsat•, br Itor Dr. Swartz, Mr. C I,..Leebtuan, 31iqe Alio; Won vor, both of Corlible. MULLEN—MN° W A I3—On the fifteenth In M , i‘b by the harm., Alr. Joseph Mullon, of Non York, rind;Visa Ileitis Milos:ill, of this place. RUDY—EARN ES'P.—At Nosy Kingston, by Nov 1. (1. M, - §,rongle, on the to rutieth of 'April, 1071 Mr. Paolo! Itioly, of Carlisle, In Miss Earnest, 0 Mifflin roupty, 1n... 31eMATII.—In this borough, ott the blxtrrnll lestaat; :sirs. Mary C. MeMath, rife orJaniee Mendh Aged 67 years. 18E110ItE.—In Ihnonden ton - whip, on the fi tenth of April, 31 joule Irene na,l3 ore, fan, daughtor of Jacob A. and :largaret Raoehui e, age S loon 016 and 2.: dye. KIEFFER—At hie re,itlence, in ratll , le, 011 II eleventh ito.t:tot, Bev. I.:phi:llm Metter , in I d a ni tieth ear. 111 , 1[1.—Oa the iastaat. itLlllampt Satalt Ini,aliath claaalttur .101111 (Ma flged three month.. =VEN=IM 'SU 31 31 It T 31 E TAB 1. Eight Trains (Daily) to and from Phila delphia and Pittsburg, and Two Traing llaily to 1111,1 froill_Elqo • (Sundays excepted). ' ..- A _FTER-1110NDAY, NAY, liitlr,--1871,- Pas•ruger 'Praha , of the Peons)oia toad con, I\lly ill departfr out luau klairg tutu arrive at Philadelphia and l'iltbliarg.aa tulle, 2 3(l—rhn.oorhi. T:xpre, dans fn,...pt 0100 day) at '2 30 It. tn., attd ttrrik, 11 . kd nt 6 .16 a. tu. 11 3 , -0,1 I.illo I , IIV. Ilart Itlottn• daily 71.100 , 110Injtat 6 3 , a. lit , nOlllllll Phdatlrl phin at 10 '2O a. nt 01nd r.titt (oxrej4 Sunday). at 3 n.I p. tn.. Idol art - iron at Hart witting:it U, 00 it 10. 10 .I:,—Cad inottti Expi ns.. 1,10, 11 - nrrinlittrtt 11:16) nt 10 'l5 1' w., ard art kr. at )Cost Philatlelplittwa 3 in a. tn. II 2:.—rarille Iturem Ifarripburg (I , lly at 11 21, a In., and al/ Ises /a \Vest Pialutlelrlaa ut :; 15 p, tit. • 1 2.1--17011 It tt I'\ Pie 1•;SS leaves Ilarri9l.apt: dni (rln..pt Snittint., nt I p. 411., nut/. art Ives at W.; 1 'litt:l.l.ll.lm nt it ott p tn. litt - p.tatt .% I e..attn...lnlion lonvt's Alittnno time (mttpiny ex.-.1.1t..1. tit 7 . 25 a. at., awl ...hen nt jiar ristatt - g- to 1 15 it tn. • :.".-1143,...11.1rg Av.., 1333.1itlait 1.•:”.1 Luca. at a p. 1111iV nnl Phi .1.1.11,111 A 3 13 I.in, . 7 :13-1,01 34ter 11.1 Joy, Iva,r t aN, apt ,111111.11 i al 7 al a. m. Ala rn \\ ant Plillad,lpltni ot 1J Al Blows—by 11 EBY & I I arrisburg. va,t I.llv. west, for 14rie, loawat liar rit,ttut (pat:opt. Smola)) at 4 ip. lit., :ark tag at frig at 7 4tt a. tii 11 5-1.111111 lil.‘ 1, ittxrt pl Sttitittl.ty.) lit itt. Hari islaitg i daily at 11 a. 4. ; it trip at Britt al 10 it tn. 11 4.a—l'intitiatiti 11ap1 It, It 3, rit,ltarst at II 4;t n 111 al I itt .A t., am at 4 44 is. tiat artist c itl 1'111,1.04 it 10 00 n. 111. . I A—II I . .tf I VIC . I:tav,t Hat rt. ttal., at 1 bit n. in . Allttana It 111 a. nI arti‘tt , 111 l'ilt-Iturg In a. 111. ..10—:'1,0111i If. : 4%12 , ri0:111 il:1111 :It 111 a.m.. n,lll , /1 . taii.l, )91, .liviZl4lllllll rts. :tt I`,,lmrl al 1,100, I. ra+t'g 411013 at .1 .10 p.lO , alms t, t .1000 ha at 0 :,.0 p. alt, takv. Aupp, a•.. 1 nri iv. 0 at hat ilalrg at 1 20 a..tn, )laic-i rria Iva, vs Ilarrioburg flans , CoXerpt inn day) at 1 10 p 10., at lit A Ito..na at 7 t p. ta t ., h um., and al rty., 10 l'attl Inn at 1 00 a tn. Way Ittunn.tann 10.tveh 11.11 dotty a 7 00 n. •111.,:irrile. , ut Alt , ana at 1 20 p tn., and Pittsburg at 0 'OO p. . . . A. It BLAIR ' FAMUF.I. A. BLACK, - Suift 311.1.11 e Liv. Pelt 11.1. R . . It Han isLurg Ma) 1:1, IS7I. , READING'ItAIL ROAD ,Monday, •31 . .iy 15, 1571 GIIE.I7* ',INV F1(101 '1'111: N.ot th No, th- 1..1 Poi I , A•Itl ,hatt.rol.in, A n, 14,11,0,, LI II z, I,lmunqtrr, 12,p , . • 11..m1.10.ra rot Now Vozl, as folloaN. At 2,10 and .10, aLL itt 1::00.1p at, conam•tlnlt , with altollar train% 011 illlltlYiVAllia Railroad, anti rrivitig nt NOW York at 10:ILi a. B:su tol Uitto ret viy. Bleeping Ct, accoln. ktly the 2.4 U a nu train v. Ithout chango. Itotgroingt Leave Nmv lit 1,00 nin, 12..30 Loon, and 1.:00 p l'hiholliqpkin, at 7•10 k ti toil 3:30 p m. Siorping Cary nerotivp tny the, 50)0 p to rain ['rota Now York, without ell:. Leave Ilmriahurg for Howling l'ott-villo, Tnnia- Ina, Niinej, A.lllanti, ,liantokio. A iloutoit n and Plaladelpina, at S.lO a in, 2:aa allti 4itla p h• op plia4 at Lebanon Mid princip ii way station , : the 4:05 p w tmiu conam.thig for Philalleiplhk, 'lntl Col viii lain, only. For Pont„ Sn 1.911.111 1111, In aunt Auburn n 4./ 5 , 1111314111 anal :'insnion 114I1reanl, 11,10 Illtrti•lntng at :1:1111. East Itennsylrannt (tail lead t 4 Alen helve Itetullat for Allentown, Bunton, vol 'NOV Yo n k, at 4..n2, lteno a m, unit 4:05 p no. lleturnin2, leave Noe York at 0:00 am, 12,30 te no n and 5:00 p nn, d Allen loon at 7:20 a nn, 1.2:25 111,1)11, 2:13,4:25 nod 0:33 11111. hay PAssenger l'illialiolllll.l tit 7:311 n on, connecting e nth aims tar Irwin on East Pennsyl vania 11 intro.], Cle u, clog from lleatllng at tpzy p no, stoppina: at Innl vial tans. Leave Pollxville.pi Dial) a m, nod 2 30 p It MINI a 111, ,11. i /1. , 1,i11, 111. i III.) It m..\•l, 7: 1 e , .tml 12 411 elem. ( :51 a 111. Mid l l _~lp 11. Tamatitek, nllll. iel %le I, m, • ishorg, &e. Lnnve Seltuvll.lll nn.l Sompltlutztl„t 3111..at1. I. illti VI. :.1:1 II 111, Ir Pine itt - One ontl Tremont. ltentling Artntmlnutintinit 'from Itt•titt nt 1:10 II m, D.Dtsys Rt.ndmg at 7.Sn it t :lig lit at Iti:2o tn. 1.., tilplittt p at, Reading 'at 7:05 p lir mr: Putpoilllti m ti: lit p 111. PLIIISIOWLIArecamnodmi.., Train leaves Potti•tiimi 6.3 p II III; ping leit‘es Pittlualelphlit ut 4:8 Columbia Milli:o3,l trains at 7:'2 , 1.4 p Ephrata, I.itiz, I:a- =SE TWO. 011 , 1 trill 10,10 nr Pvlldomot,lllll lien at 7:17, tend it 1e,;.09 and II no p ; 30, Mott !Icon. and 1'1:111 el. oneeting ttallet en Ile:It/Ise: coid,..kiohlik Rain. d 11,1,9 leave P9ll,lpwn at 9:14. ti ul, 1,12 , ;1.1111 9,45 t . in, rentenlng,lol. 0 lit. Ph.ll.- MI at 7.ltu natt 11:2,', marl 9.ott p cunmeting 9 h 111111.,e ills on Itttadie9 • • (Lester galley- ltoiltonMordlos Noyallfldp-rport nt 0:30 a 111, Owl 2:112 owl 5:32 p m ; tutu! ohm, lea, //01,111040.0elint 0:4“ n tn, 12:15 noon, and a 2.i p mum:ming with tkollar trains on Reading nadrmol, - - Ott : Leave New York at 5:00 p to, Phil:, delphlm at, 11.00 a to,ond 3:15 p m, Oho 0100 a in train rillintin.? Only to Reading.) lottovilie nt in;. Irnr, 11 - zundshun; nt 2,10 a In, nod 2:0. 1 p I.; ledvo Allentoxn at 4,25 and Mr, p In; leave Re:talon at (elk n. in, aod U:5O p m for Ilarrinhorg, at .132. in for N4de York, td 7.2 0 nill, for Allentown and at 11,40 a 10, lind 1:15 p tn. for Plilladelphia. • emomutnium, Mileage, Season, and Finn tieltets, to and from all paints ut rodoond ratnk. llaggag,elfi.ohed Ihronoll; one hundred pounds alto: wt mad, 100,112401..• '_Crilt - 11 n '- J. 'E. VOOTTEN, • Aaßt siipt nail hi d. Mach'ry ll.. Wing, Pa., Il[ty 15, Ibil. • VXEABLUE TOBS'STATE 'SALE OF }TALL% BEAL E. • '. aturdwij Viine 10; Tito uncloritigooll, evorntorA boil nn l •Alatnont of 11 ikon Flenling A ilgunseil, Will ex in so publio sale, DD tbo 109 Witty, trio following real tato, to wit: Ten and one.half nem of tine best quality of lime-. atone land, fir the thriving till of tiplingville, near Bonin.: 311111110 cm too Title boat is bhalltihilly emoted nn Ole west aide „r tine road, icodin y front Carlisle to Boiling F,111148, afiout one.fetirth of a toile from, the latter pare, , )t in pCeponed to oiler the 'property in town lota, ore+ a whole; to suit the {tidies of parchasera. Thu libova tract xlll first be divided into forly-night building lota, containing 43 feet In front, and about 11th fret In depth to a 15 foot alloy, with it 40 foot street running through the centre,, trout Fast to west: A draft of llnt'propetty can he ae on t r y colt. hug on hire. Hester A. Fleming, ,residing on. thei premixes. Por' firming luminous this land cannot ha etei,fled In the Cutobeiland valley. 'rho Mlle !liar railroad will'run very near the property, which . • will greatly onhanue its value.' . , Salo to commence at 1 o'clock, p. in., on Bald Any, when term-mill Lo made known Ipy . 11l WITH A. 'FLEMING, . .. . JOSEPH 'A. SWAW.r, 0 . 38not7lte . . , , Exocutoto. * SALE. • KJ, • ,Onstirdity, ,Ttitia 3,'1871. By virtue of tic writ of .I , lrra Padua, Mooed out of tho Court of Coninion Pleat or .cumberl.d county, Pa , and to me d/roctud,..lwill exuove to mile at the Court ,Thatee, In the Borough OArllido,. ml tho :Word dayod 10 o'clock, a. tit., the , fullowlitg de aclibnd real cetnlo, To vrlt: - , A tract or lot of grinuid inalcd In /drinru ' t Own 111111i, county. In., bounded on lire e.:st cud youth by Jluxcn itrlckt.c,,on tint; watt I.y Leldlelt and lf4tter,loll,l 011 the 1141111 by the Yellow Ilreociika creek, Colituitibigjlp..ll,l, 11101 . 1) or lens, i.ving 111M0011 'erected a ode•etor'y lug dwelling 11011.. Siezvil and takerr - tu y;(4101110,1 lit the propOrty of Oco?go It. Moyer. and Bllceltclh lout Meyer. Tu ho.ttold by rue. • DIME • J.l{. I . OIITAIAN, Slieriff'd 0111. re, Car ' • ' HlrmilC Math IS, 1F71. , . ;:Conditi, , nB.—on got sohm'or z5OO or over, $5O drill bo'rerinfrol•tO ho pill whan tho propurty in ettielcen old; 11111 i $ . 23 Halos under.ssoo: • nuklalat ' Eq9s roli.HATcnqrG , . .. Dark Itrnlimn, per tlnynn ' - ' ' ' $ 3 .00. Until Inunnin, per domm,.l sl.oo, 11110:Ic Coellln, Per barn ' - ' 'AI 00. IV Itite.lne.lll 11laelc Spnl.ll . Sl.OO. 'itoung chlukenn In neptember. A ildre. • • 3, 8.. nehtim,• Z 104 , 9,1 lionill RiR Windt, g011111,)ro, Mon7l.ll.\' • • " • . • STOCR.:3IIIII{F t .OB. - Milatlephia, Momley, Jllayls,-.187 MARRIED DIED NEW TO-DAY. IMMI \ti I • i It II I=l9 NEW TO-DAY« 'DEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, k .carlialc; I'n., at closo ofbasth as, 2 , 3,1871:" ' • RI'SOURCfS. 01,7114 43 Over-Drafts Vi,385 U. 'Bonds to secure Circulation Other Steelts,-Doutle,nud Mortgages... Due troln.lledeetning It CH erva-Agents.. " other National bank's " " Ban ks.and Banking house and Insuranuefi ' Furniture and Fixtures' Current Expenses Taxes Paid Cash Items, incliiding Stanto Milan( other National lima, Fractional Currency, including Legal Tender Notes.. Protest Account LIABILITIES Cal;ital Stork paid In Disconnt and Intert,t Front and Lcsq National Bank 00..culation elutstanding 45,000 00 Indivo.l Depobits • 01,016 18 United Staten Delmont, 100 00 Due to National Itank.i .12,320 54 0 .• other Bahl:, and Ilankern 12,017 60 .orate ..fillnsylraithe, • - - - - 77 eamoss/and, ' B ' 1, rharlea 11. Ilvpborn, Cashier of 1.116 Nn lional Bank, of Corikl,,,Pentert, do solemnly afflioi that Um above atmemont is tine, to thin boat of m) knowledge and lie CIIAS. H. HEPBURN, Ctuhier. Subetrribed and oflirtitod before too this ten day of May, IS7I. ' • aft) lES M. ALLEN, Nottiry ,t Correct—At trot SA IIU EL TiErit.uilN; - Directors. .1. ft. ORR, 1 , -tott7l.l( List of unclainied letters remaining in the pistoffice at Carlisle, Pa., for the WEEK ENDING I,IIY. 17, 1871 : LADIES' LIST. • Bowel, )(aggie It McCurdy S S (Hubs :111nole Noldo Bello litlllXe .1110 e Pell . , Annie j Itelwern Soonner Cntherlno Long EilzabeLb 'Mon". Alory 31cAillxteritnnetta . — Webb'Carolino blouur Sarah J ZeiglEr Philip - a ENTLEMEirS LISP. 'Adams Patrick beck Andrew Puraside St Thomas Latvia floury Barnhart Peter. . Martin Oeorgo Bettor Andrew IL• Marley Jacob Carn..ltev J Moore Daniel Magnum David P Naninger A Bahian Janice Sipo biannual Darr Jon Abort Jrcob rio,d 'EIKsIcy Abram Gininger Wm Petit Walter ()mien snarl - Shealler Win G land:once .rallt.l Thllllll. P . Ilyation,on it Zll%, Fred E. I). ItHEEM, Postmistress GI-I'Y ADVERTISEMENTS. 111 . OLLI DAYSBURG SE3IINARI 1101,1,1DAYS111/1111, PA. 11) . 13.. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR. P,S PA 111,1OL1111/ 1862. A lean dy 101101 Fob boon tooted for 10 years, and proved in th011...01d0 of cans wapablo of curing all disonbor of the tarool 'and POrfornillig nntay arl:ableenrol, mot !ill a trial 110111 all aro aallerolg from uflootions 11011 lainly booking relief S 1 ill pOt lot it...ludic,. iirevoLt Con iron brO et/Loured a o7 ohd Cold,—Tho liras:gists boy it caret thorn aft. A.llioin.—The reliof and, cures of it are tortmtlous. hulTeror wall IlnJ.relict and I= I.untE; ured cosys prcawonecti rellovnies no.llavigorateB the syaoul 1;11,r (''.l3.ltial.—.Nloq eller:tiro regulator of till: gap. health) Retloll Qt the Blom.] ni e, Apps tt,•tt —lt itt llm Itttalth.piling:ttutl nttretite :to - . tnonnt . , t lio.to lb g.ite. --:Acilen on them iw,tnarked am liltWIN E OFTAII is rich In the medl,l- oat i t itit•it lie, id Tar, . with vegetable In et' et ttiliiiiolited value, Ithiell make it un ser patoid. to t ohly lot the entntilaitits enumerated, but 'it elpolly re+l4,rog 4.ll.t.tvd.strifitgllt. cleanses the et.01.14r1L,1 , 11.‘:84.111.1 liver nodputs Li/1,11 to trade I'AII•U4 the to tligeia, and utak en pule blood, and tweets a NINA, by spinet-hued by bath eiatuil and :di 1.. If pin nie sine Eel massy may. leo knote If y the I il,•-giv-Ing untie properties of Dr. Wltte ol Tar, you gill add your ft.:44110.y to it , greet fn vorneeting ;city •' ills that is heir to" Incest...4l only l u 01,1V1,11 C 11001( At CO. by DruggVi, evert where., =I , ut.q of tho 1.:3 nr Svr”lula in nny form. Illtitrnn •111, Dist,l,l'2l of tho Llvor, Eruptiontt, Pimples, Boil oft, r. t ,11.1 110101, tool old Hort.t, or not 111...1ing on tt (1.111111,1 toottlitioo of. Ito' I.llto Dr. l'ltotth's Contio - tontl :43 ritp 01 l'okt• 1, .11. It I- 01111.111e1 \tail Elio brit tont(' prepora tir.u, of Iron hnowil, un.l is 11.5 In.st AlteraliNe und 111....1 PM Vienne,' your Blood. 'l'iy one I ottle. :bbd by dr Prq , r° ,l n iy by = ri A.GI R.A1 , 1 SA.POLIEN E Clomps Kid Gloves and nil kinds of Cloths and Clothing; removes Point, 0 reaso,Tar, &c., instantly, without the least ',Wiry to.tho finest fithrto. Fold by tintggists and fancy goods denim, FRACILANT SAPOIIEN•11 C0.,311 street, Now York, .16 :toile street, Chicago. AGENTS READ THIS I 'WE WILT, PAY AGENT'S A SALARY OF FAO PLR WEEK and est...at, or allow a large entomb, pion to. ,Il our now and wontlfd nil inventions. Ad, dress M. ITAGNEiL & CV., Maraliatl, Mich. 1 A DAY PURL-ALL WITil Atl.lt , os A. E. URALApI Spi-itigl4.l.t. It. 4.Z 46 1.?‘),, A mown Horse and Car -41F,.0 lurui,Lcd. Eximumi paid. 11. SII Alm d, Me. - - }A pp r 1 3 - U Y ,1 A PPL ;. E PA ) REE, CORER Sole of Personal Properly. CIIZENT AturioN SALE AT CAR- Vi Li; I. F. It AI: Il.k. !nolo 11 11 1 I. 801,1 la 1101111' auction, for root , (or pest ato 0.110 at any lime.) on Saturday, twentieth day of Slay, at 10 O'CICICk, a. to. . Carriages, 1 briar orytho, 1 01 1;ttitot, 5 lamps, homes, 4 tin dippers, rim pato, oll.clotbs, Sc., S'iltatin spauns '• Intumlioltt furitittae of 170 tons ice, (more or all tl4,ol'lrtiUlo+, So., Los,) . 75 chirs, 1 calendar clock, 2 pitmen:, 6 dozen bowls, 1 band cultivator, 6 large platus, . 1 horse cultivator, 2 liars, , 0.,... 2 Water' rot-101 t, satezen bath brick, 1 rater rail, ' 0 114t7.0 I emery cloth, 2 K 1 001 ',the., ... 5 dozen stove pullall, 119 - lialilng-1• 1 illi t - . 1 litllelt mice, . 7 111?11 pan?, - fa tenterin,i puts, li memo Imo?, 3 book notes, 1 lArge boiler, • 1. grass ctilanignmellino,, lolol•ccenteito brile , ?,' ' ll Itittite, -- -- .a- _ .__ t •• mrelag knives, I I 11 l 0,1 I,llletr, • 1 small sralco, I I it Ve:11:1. 1.11101, Lot of Saloon and ha IV, 1 1011011 611. W, (1101 00.1,01,1 1 1111 IkAllicltel, ' ' ' "dr.) •''•i , .' ,' . 1 eon, pail, 1 largo vegetable pinion; 14'11001 110'111tilre, MK/11l 4 acres, moral books, obit., ,to. / of or lean, all planted, post x0400,1) 1 'hot hlaish blotters, ' flower pots, Ol i o nod beating Napa-, 1 conga pot, . • rotas. ' • . t 11 11107121 1.4517 if Ofe4 l6PiiiiBl2 l `&C. . ' . IVEW IO ADVERTISEMENT.—Bou-I 1 • tplets, ITltt , t!lft flmrern , m 1,1011411 • l..coratkins for pArtlen, weildinge, 404 nthingokl , ln' 11. bent style of art, to older. 117 • • ' I I nih.7l4 111 • " 0. 11. VON I all Dividends. •• : 47th - Dividend H .' CARLISt i E DEPOSITI3AIOi. Carlisle; Pa., May 2, 1871. f ' Tito Board of Dlreelora llnvii 0119 day (Iceland ix; . , Dtvitlencl.of PprE'per cent. tkr the 1..4( SIX itiontliq, on the Capital Stock, qua of , State and National taxes, payaklo on donneml. ! „ . .1, 1 1 .11.ASSLE11; ' , ; ' , • I? ~. IVIDEND • : , NoTiof: --• Tho ,, Di-; ,-- rectorx of inn Purnimi ]look, 'taro this clay, dor - alma it (I fv Illond of - foto 4 - por cent, door of tnies; payithlo to tho jitoOtliolder4 on donmr.d. , .• " . J (I 11014118, Crilliof, CM= DIVIDEND NOTICE rho Banta or Ifeetors of tha Carnal] dig and %dal . Conlmay, have thin day declared a Dividend Of FIVE PER f.LIINT au 1114.1 r caidtal Oa* Itltyttido at tbo utllcd ortrrealturverott or Alter Oat It fit:watt . tit' May. Mity '6, 11ii 11 adtillf SPONMEn; Tq.asitror. ',VW(ding Propimais, • . ROPOSALS,:—SoaIod . proposals for AL, 'li tabling a Ilona° for.tho Yirnt Nathinal Dank; of Isiewollio, will bo received at the tanking Homo, null !Tuesday : tam fling, May la. , Who building will bo put out hi "ono entire contract.: Tho coulinitte4 renerve lire tight to.aroept ally bid, orrejoct all MI, Any illeiv.irceitiont between otintractOrlind 4 cantnilt.i toe, to bo decided and stalled by Ow and opecifloatlons can be neon at tho clothing atera of L. 11. , order of the buildingConnul t tee. 7 . 27tipTiftr • Pitsoebrugs, Chemicals, itc. 011:P1J11111 , •DliU08;, ; 011ElitICALS; tool Pdtant lit mild Roo, go to J. - B. II avtold felt, No. 1, Booth lionovvy xtreut. Moo, d'eplondidtwortt moot orl'ottot Bono, Purionterlon, nod Fancy Tact, Artici"• " • ' J. It. HAVERStICI No. kto,oth'lronover etroct,Cludirde,,Vit, 1 1800t70 • J.I.4IIiLCOHN.III4W, 1.• ! ATTORNIII Al! LAW, i •, 01116 No, 7, jilwom'it noll,tu goy of Lilo Court • 1000. ITixx. E.itz-AN;LN;4sV,TF4-re TT XAMPLED I a. A1V.PN 1 7.R1P.m17y,44 , ; . ri ; 50,000 00 31,000 00 0,553 70 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 400-41 11,006 85 B,OOE 17 1,008 •15 1,790 0 0;2:17 98 7,15 Q 77 3,595 00 7,040 81 16,001 00 18 40 ' f¢ LLo first 'Vitt oneo Latia:cid, OVER FORTY•FIVF lIEINDft,O POLIOIESI $21.3,G; oa ... 4 1suRiNg $8,00p000.00 and taking • i'remiums $500,000100, Wing Cho blegegt 2ommoncoment bueinees over done N, by any company ke the wdrld I 02 00 11," 3 02 L,lOB fJ TIIE REASON FOR IT. $21.3 -LW 08 -Ordinary. wholealfa_pulicier Ard„nign2i.utdiilip_n forfoltablo from - payment of first unnual praintion. • Special hieurnoce non-forftltable atter two mono mymonto. All policies iasontestable for usual causes, and bsolutely incontestable after two annual prowlums. All rostrlctiono upon travel end rooltlento romoved nd no rieFnilte roqulro - cl. - • No neciannlation of interost on LOII,III or Deferrod Premiums, and no incrocco of unnvol paytnento Ott nny clop of policies. . Ono-third of the premium lonned to 'the' inoty Jul tired, if &mired, and no Note required. Dividonds on tI,o progremnvo plan," nod nituo upon no guinrikutliit - Oremt, plat BUNitietS of ato cow.), coudtbAell nu tl4ifiltu Plan. Poliuy nimplo and fair In It. provialo. Incontestability of Policies Ii is ilio . purposo of The Empire to fulfill all its Contracts, the evidence of which to that its policy hitsino convenient refugee liy manna of which It can escape a justdomand. Proven fraud on the part of the insured will always invalidate a pulley, Also suicide, If committed previous to the payment of tho eeconirannual proinium; or death caused lit engaging In any specially harm - dans business vrithin the firut two years. But after the •elp iration of two years, the policy will ho "hold incontestable for r all causes except Wood. Non-Forfeiture of Lifo Policios No Dolify'of Ineptonce With conlinuoiml nnymonle . fnclife will la; forfeited or become toil by the non payment of premiums theroon, until thy full paying power of the picol - hints have boon oxhnostutl. The languago of the pulley le : • Thnt it any premium taty the first rottionl pr turn obeli have been paid, 'ILA not be paid on ay when duo, and the haid afrsured ehall, witht thirt! ittyli thereafter, glt o notice in writing of htlit r y to pay the, same, anti of it ilesiro that Ifni iffiliey than 1,0 continued in force under the full., imp conditions. Than, and In such ease tide policy shall not be forfeited or become void, by the n• payment of the haldpi conjoin due 1114,0 n, natty afte on r the expiration.of n pcolod, to be determined se fol lows, to Wit: Tho net value of this policy when tho premium becomes due, shall bo do - rel-mined by actu arial °nictitation, and after deducting from such not s mime the borne upon sold policy uneancelod by divi donde, and tiny inliebtetiness to tho company, fear fill 1.1 w/int remains shall ho considered , a Oct Aill gie premium of temporary insurance, and this policy thou be continued In forte during the;torm for which according_ to the ligo tlie'tt,Mpref the tepee orb., premlun, ' .Example of the Non-Forfeitable Plan of the Etupire." Age of inlay Instwediss; Ordinary whole Ilfe policy One annual premium all continuo the pplicy f .' force 2 yoaraUntl 3 dajn, . r" T.wo annual :lutaltune will-continua the policy In year+. and 12 lays. Three annual premium, will rentisna the policy f forco 6 yonre and 27 djtys. Four annual prolnlorrls continua Oro policy I lotto ii yearn and 40 days. Flvo annual pri.mitimm will continnii Ilia palled i force 10 7rme,nn i Of dal v. 0 F F be It It S G. Milton Ser, President 4eorge W. Smith, -Viee•Presi deist. Statiey W. Crofut, Secretary Lemuel IL Waters, Actuary Th . ornas-K. Marcy ; :AL D., Medi cal Exauiiiier Everett Cinp, Superintendent o Agencigs T]lll2,' TESTIIIOqy pF PRESS The glinpio ta a popular Institution, ulauag , bll loctin9t i at a pony early day 0, stat.td tilt4tlOrsp', .110tAdec i lvith r eoutp4o.li.ls at la alisraettir' 0 IQ; rttnttlr. Its facers - titi l dlrectors 4 ; " sold litere,oi•gatillt&rivltli the VICW Eof , tlo4l(44oi;_a Inctefiend nt,'Yanitilt'y 2d;.1870. ;i(!!,.4);•1 TrlalrOppmitisvirgrenVouccop.klairiptu) . of blC,k i•C r tlntfttliettP,Antl'rel ninhili?Dralint. i i .:rnplro hug no imverlor In the enuntry."--Boaton: Tho enecossaf Ho Empiro boa heou onsurpasnoti.': "The Ettiptee *)11 , v.ifitiAtitisaut of thom : contemplating Life Ineuraeco."— Watchman and Re.: UZ2 11: ,)•,, ~ Jl,l -"" a policy In this Cpmpany. too fee) it Just patio In thit gteattnipocuf It is itilliev,l4l:.,'--Er An exFullvil =ME v°4 P 46, 0 4 1) 6 66 , 1114 . —C0r1y ... ) pi/Minim/4i • • n.Th'p roupira hfutuel makierpneued, The ran edlinectott with It are. lon thou° who kuow,thwn, eurnoiont riloohitttenilittah'eof ,Cothpany."—n4 Natioit, " It is wltli ilociphiyA)l9 ' u . dt , iru f.hnt:voq"iii>ank.gl . . Apr ,p,Rdtditto fir putlia know maul_ yearn olnco tho ProOdont of . tio company. Wo kttyr him moo buoinoso o'loo. 9meirp4ifu) ;min 112:whrtta:rei he I 1414tor!blic es. , i Tk(Ctructilertlio.com, thl i 'day . 1 . 1 i4, 6 r00411 1 ,91 0 'r: - '40. 0 I *nsi44 act 4 getico .:1 •opi ; t 11.1 . P.11'3 ,•i•.. , .1 '' - iW t:I 3iIK,• 3 IPI I Climb and juniiitii64tui , , 0109 i. Vil i ntlf;:iithVb:thill;: n. fr,,,t rat t "OTIT LIST OP DICALERS. IN .00005 1 Watts, and Merchandico, alto Drawer's, Dina lore, Lumbermen, Noting Bongos, do., within the County or.Cdroberland, 'as appralied and,naeosead by D. M. Handl, Mercantile Apprataar, In accordance with the ee eral, Acts of Aasombly, na fOItOWE, to ithr 12 471101L1 GooSLE. " D ry G o d s . - -- • D II Lackey, Duke '4 litzrkbelderj. Bentzlz eq.;„ T A 'Harbor ' , • • ' Wm A billet, • D A Sawyer,' I,T Greenfield, Watch & J. 1.1 lilting, ' 1111 .., . . John Faller, . - . .___,_ - . . 14 7 John llnrahr, 1 4 7 . , 1 W Beehore, . 0 Inlioff-,u Io' 20 Win Blair & Soo, .• . 1 67 John Heckman, 13 10' J A Wetzel,- ) 14 7 11. Hildebrandt, - e 14 7 , Baer/ Hughes, - , . . 14 7 J 1) Sleek, ._ . , 14 7 All Monasmith, • 14 7 Joe Shuman; 14 7-- 0 B Hoffman / 1 10 John .Wolf;jr.',- , • JII IdasOnhehnefi ) , , 14 l3 10 A S Sites, " i I:. •, J A Zeigler, ~ ' • ,- iiht - ,-i " .T.Forthmen,_:_. , :ii. ,______L_ 14 7 —l4--7 F kebonbay9,• , : , , .•• • , Jlt Egliert, - • '' - , 14 7 .1 Bentzler; • II ... 0 Llzman,, ~. . , 14 7 G L De - annoy, c 14 7 Confectionery, t. . P Mllfer, 14 7 17m Sellers, ' ' ~, ' ' 14 7 • Illrz Kiefer, 14 7 .. George Faber, - 14 7 0 Yocum, 14 7 1) IV Bur k holder, ' . 14 . 7 TIT It Satelelle,. 14 7 IV Sprineler, ' . . .14 7 IV Id Hughes, II Jacob Sint tin, 14 7 _Milliners. • . - Sire A •lintton l-4-7 Mrs B IVIIIMme, • , 14 7 Moo Richard, . ' 14 7 larz N e i, ).., - -, ' 1,4 ' 7 . - Clothing. • Wm Pretzel; Kll Leonard, ' 14 7 John BB lot, - II id Smiles ) asx. 14 7 I Livingston„- - ; 12 17'60 Wm Bailing, . A . G Lecldur, 14 7 11 9 'Ritter, 14 - 7 - 3 A Zakinsi - - - -.." 4 . 3 Kronehhorg, - - - 14 7 J A holler, Jacob M. 119, J 0 Cull lu, Frysingor fser, 12 12 50 Fancy Goods, J H Wolfk Co Coyle ei Co. J.ll•lirtrerstick, 14 7 BA llaversticht 33 10 Dr D Comm.. Carman A 15'orthiugton,2 4 . 7 . . '1 N Frnelk, • , ~ , 1.4 7 IV 1. Horn, l4 7 BootB and Shoes. T Cortannn, l4 7 . . • StrtihM It t 4 .p0111,11e1 . , ' ri 15 P Unman; 14 7 ?if C Myers, 14 7 • W3l Porter, t .14 7 PUP/lil um- Chas Shapley, 14 7 1) Sipe Soo, 14 7 A B liwiug, - 14 John Lizalan, 14 7 Tobacconists: .1 A (Ivnilin, 14 7 B K Snlngler, 14 7 .1 Livingston, N 13 10 .1 P Nell', •, 14 7 ci - o Dosh, ' '• • 14 ,7,. , . Stoves. , 3 \I 11 )1,11,1 R Cloudy, 11 Fridley A IV NS all or, CrEnsminger, Miclmo' 3 Nustninger, Jewelry II r, r• 0 Krume T Cunt) n, BowerN ll,Saiton .4 Co.> Juo S Low, It Alllso,f, Il C Woodward, Maim S Bro., II dlarkneoo,.. Rosier k Bro., Gee A It li icliontln .t Bro. A II Blair, I= J Lon lon, 1{ h. Plpo Tf P gliatiman, N Ilarkne 1, Wheelor &Wllsou'o I.k lu Faber, Onwa d k Iluttorf, Itrindlo & Nylewungor, Dorm'.liner, .lilcock & Co., J B Horst & Son, P WeOuttlfr, 14 7 , Wise & Mniver, 12 12 40 S Iltinton, 14 7 0 Witet, • 14 7 0 W Bowman, 14 7 A 11' I !Meld.,. 14 7 I) W Eberly, - 12 12 10 E S Brentlt, ' 14 7 JJ Smith', 14 7' J A 113018003, • 11 ]I J Eminser, - 14 • 7 J W TII2eI, • t 13 10 Confectionery. .• P Uhler, Grove k Staley, ?arm O'Brian, T IV Abram., J Slutom, 11611,10 . 4 1 / a y, .. 14 7 . 311 Norie»inlafr, 14 7 . .In 11prting & Co., , . - ' 'l4 7 JIV Byerv,l4 7 11 1113unvely, 14 7 . . • I i'.'t , ' ' z Bots and ;Shoes. TXtme, ` . .14 -, 7 J 0 .Ifo wtn an , ° 14 7 II Vim, 14 7 ... 0 Krlder,. 14 7 . . - Ilwri4), Mat;l:'& Dent', =I Tobacco.' ir7iPitn,P,; l ' • .!' f 31 441,4,vi1er, 14 7 J l'altdurd • " i , ~• •,14 7 • • • • ,- )7,,?vea, G. E,woi),10.0141), 7" /lunch dz c 0.., „ 'l4 , " : • .13,a7ceiv. • • j),:kir,a,,iil4,, •" ' „', 7 . "; jetbetery.• • • , • .• 'f3Wa;:ti. - 14 L. t.;7. .,..-L:-.'; ~,!." '.; , ;sa ~.- ',..::,... _. EboOy k , ;11,16 Q .11obbk.Bon, . ll 16 • Miller &anrrelli,..: . f•' : • , 11 ; 10 ~,,, 0 Hummel, • ••• • • 14 . 7.;,-' 10 00 ~. i VI I ert n n e? . ! ey, ' • . ' . '- ii " ' .• 11 II , !Welter & Nobly,.. • ~. „. ~ 0- ~20 ~:, Coeur & Aehourotter,.,i . • . , • ,- 14 '7.' . • . II MoonitCO:, 3 Lon .1 Mlllelgon & eon,' L SUM, J L Booker, IV Mod(11 on, I=ll .1 D 11111111rahborgor, XI O Ourr Agt• . hforchant _T. ICreY• ry ' •U.• 14 7' • 1, , .• Pedro?.r,.• • , Brandt, ; ;'„ . . I,;' ;;; Wiry 1101 ' /I •,• , • .11 , : •- 1101 7 ., • El • . • 411004 Apo . , ~„. ,• • , :, &wimp MachOos. L , Shept - 90 :;;,r .Dry, :7:;! , Fppdgmes,, . , , . , 12 32 20 3 3 B Reddish. 10 20 . J D Danner Jaintsbn Jr G o o;' Kuntz Az Montgomery, ' ; 114 i Vilmildidit'd: ' • • ' " 14' 7 'Carman 7 1 7 7 ;1 2 ' P. 7'9 O F.41'111111;14, •' '' •'• IC" 7 #4, #9l)tir ,k4op f :•: f ,^ 0.1. 1124, - .10 11 tiaonfectiOnerli..•; I d;I It as 1.•7 I. J liCopor, ltUati of Dealds: • 13 $lO--- 12 12 60 " 9 23 11 .16 - 14- 7 413-10 11 16 'lO 20 14 7 12 *l2 60 Groceries. Mali and Caps 14 7 14 7 14, 7 Carpets. • 11 15 11 15 Drugs 7 1 14 7 14 7 14 4 14 7 11, 7 14 "4 , 11 7 14 7 Hardware 10 20 0 25 Product. 14 7 14 T 11 16 11 16 14 7 11 10 ' Coal - 13 10 , 14 7 13• 12 50 Blanketa =I Books EMI Pleaggraphs IMMI Music EMI Booing Machines. Ell MECIIANICEMTIAG. Dry Goods. n 15 10 20 14 7 11 15 11 15 Groceries. 14 7 11 7 .MI BM Moab g 14 7 1 • 7 lltts and Cap, ]3 10 Drugs For i riiture, 14 7 • 14 7 14 7 ,Elittchoard, HEM 14 7 • 14 7 12 1 0 60 11 16 Booksr, 14 7 Photbgi'aplis =I Mimic i ill Agriculturists CM 14- 7 '6ILIPPENNIIIIIIO. , 11 i 12 12 ISO 12 12 10 ZeciTers. - , • pothfitg, i• ' '• .7 M smilo y, " 13 10 .7 1311141 r, • 14 7 • .T.Bridgas & Bon, 14 7 .• . . - :Hata and Cape. .13 Cole,. 14 7 - JaPeirlli - .7 14 • 7 Druga .70 Altick, - 14 7 J P Rankin, 14 7 'Ruby, &Co., • k 14 7 Boots and Biota. ilfr Walters, ' Furnitufe B J Booddy, • Dernhaat, Duko & Bro., Tobacco Mr Itigbes, Stoves E U Walters, Wolf k bro., . Ilykes Winton', Hardware Mc'P'tereon k Cox; & Storrott, Movie& & Rebook, Produce , -T_B-Blotr, I Ber.r. ChWer 4 - Cd., r Lawton & Co., . J B Hurst, . . . Booko. 3.ltelso - 0 Fancy Goods. Ocker,, 14 NEW VILLE. • Dry Lloods. Tl4c'Caudhsh,'„';' ' ; E Joules; I 25' Stough Elliott, 10 20 Groceries iltoitiaa:dieo.,---- 14 7 8 111 Olausgr & Son, , 13 lo 8 8101480 r & Son k ' 14 7 Co7lfeCyo/1671, I 2 , . , XdraWford • , . .. 14 . 1 -0 W Trill, ' 14 7 J Latigklln, • . 14 7 • • • ,Virchdni Tailor II Ih - waster, 14 7 .4 hardware. II Skinner, B B Fliekingor, Stoves. G Drugs M B Road, V B Benno, 8 8 Huber, Boots and ShOes J W 15Ie'Clure, Maxwell Si JJFlcker, Dealer ID= Furniture. .1 Uri cker, Woodburn enulonberger, Tozretry B7.l.nnilie, • LOW= ALLEN. Dry Goods. A Bowinau & Co., 14 7 J 9 Kunkle & 14 7 Boors and .571 . .0e5. A Preta Sou' " ' 14 7 Slo yes C] J Mtrieb, ruisir.DEN. Dry .00qs. RUpp &Co , ' 14 7 D Rupp, 13 10 S Wulf, It 7 Grocery. J M Tymplin, Prod tee .1 BS .1 Co., NEW 01:151IIERLA1.0 Dr Goode. T {Fillet, Bonghtnan & Son, Ross & Co., Lunabo C Oyster, lilt Mu er, J 8 Leo, J o,‘ cp. - 1 Ninvnual. Dry Goods Elliott h Bur, Svilgort, FRANKFORD DiT Goods J 11 Mai otz, I) S In Icreon MIDDLESEX, Dry Goods J II SyrMr, II 0 Mire EAST PENNSBORO . , Dry Goods. I I °miner, II N Bowman Groceries Hoover 14.. Augnoy, Wm 41etz, Confectionery . Theo Molt., W 0 Bank., Milliners Mre W A Koser, Miss Martin, 'hones LIME Produce. Zacharls• kCu 14 7 Lte1111.63 ,ft Cu., 14 Lumbar II Mley, T 1411 tligt , r, J Bast, NEWTON. Dry Goods 4-A,Stonor, Strohm & Mellingdr, Clover-&-Earnut, Fototnau lc Sirohm, J Kyle, "FoeuV4---Co., Groceries J Ileborlib, J T Lowls, ...Stoves Epesicor, Produce II Snyder, TB llwon, 'Unroll 2; Bro., S Wagner, Manning 4; lire., . ' SILVER SPIIIN4. ' Dry Goo*. - --? JIV LoDlle. ~ 13 10 W S Burkholder, 14 7 A S LougOort, • I " ' , ~ ' In lo .1 A Ilongy, 13 10 II Myers, . 14 7 Califeaionery.'' J £1 L E Glover, J Loidig„ Avila Ce. .7 B 7<ittlg, t:t •; ') 13 /( „): UPPER ALLEN.r 1 CitAt,l "11.i14: moNao.ur ..1.);•2) booda. J Plitiik, 11 15 - !' J,•T If Korthon, ~,,, • \ ,', •• 14 Aiv ; Druga. D i'Dtvliiney,' ' ' -- ' ' - • ":' • • ' 14• I• 4 1 ' 1 I Feed. I InAp.the, , S P/Auk, , 14 7 " '..f '' "' • ' DICKINSON. ' Dry G9ods. : , ~ . 1 S Wolf, - ' " 'l ' •C '7'; . D illyero, 14 7 Dolteror & Soo, '-' ,': i !''. 12 12 50 DYE Goods.: Erneotle Co., • Clovor IL Co., " • . ,Coojto •- :I' • ' _ Dry broods. . I 11 T I .i • 13 1 . 0 13 10 14 7 P .1' A M Webbert & Co., ,T Hutton, •'' J Gardner, Me'Callinter, Herman & Bro., 12 12 20 GivieHea." :" I.‘ J Koenuy, J Green, Confectionary. 14 Drttga, la 1..1' S Cloppor, J L Wulf; ofniit'k ithudniAl, r /. 9.!uov. 441 7.- • 14 7 - llmta fr 'Caps. T I'4 I Prothice.7 • : ~ •( (1 1' t. t 1 14 7 '. • D K IDiyott. t l l3lAiiirer, Ornigho,rid & Bro, B 0 'OQOIII9MIOI, RENN.4IIO2tO!. n• • Dry Goods. • 80 '41;f 1 Aiq'',x9 1. 14 ; t `) it ti_i :1 I Orr Goods.„ , Clever 4 Ernst, 10 10 ' DlElCrbrl. r:. I'111 , ;14,d 13 Clover, • 14 ' 7 Clever. : 14 r k , 1 7 . • 008, .. j Oil Mull, l4 7 13h4410014, I . , ',14;.1 , Dealevs: ' . , . BilliardB. E. DuLme,2 Tablsg, 'J. llippplea, 1:1711':". • Edeina iroqBe., J AtAy,_ E.J Itriump; 0 rater, . Notide is lumeby given to all portent named in above list, that bf tm -Act of , Assembly, approved April 11th 1802, County 'Treasurers are required to bring salt, and collect all lim:lees remaining unpaid, on or before the first day of July next; and by: other Aria of. Assembly, venders at' vinous, eldrituoue, malt or brewed liquor. aro also liable to Indictment: to the Court of Quarter Sessions, Those interested aro therefore requested to lift their llamas without delay, and taco the roots, Are. ME [Xi • • •' - . • • ,GEC. W.ETZEL, , , Trensuior of.Curnborlon'd county. 4m71.3t - MEI CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. 14 7 14 7 14 7 lIIGHEST PREMIUM SILVER MEDAL, awarded over ell competition, at Mechanics ) Exhibition; Boston, October, 1869. • 11 16 11 15 ainm THE OILIGINAD AND GENUINE 11 16 - 12 - 12 50 10 20 12 12 60 WROUGHT IRON, AIR TIGHT, GAS-CONSUMING ORATE 1t. , , . , of IVitititiOnfidDiit - SOrtion,dratolla . ritesti,Wronglit Iron. tmlintor, and Automatic:Re g ulator:, for burnin g Ant recite of Bituminous Coal or Wood. ' I BIZoo for brickwork, tool 2 sin es Tortalel ; ; ,L 6 Manuf a ctured only by., . , i ~ 1 ii , .. , . ',,T. 'IIE It NO_ DS. &. g 0 N,.: • .. =I jV . ,q,P-1.3f1i:,,5.-- Sh•act4, IPIIILADELPIIIA, PA These 'haters aro made of heavy wrought iron] well 'riveted. together, and are warranted to ho abso lutely Gas, and, Duet Tight. They ,arin.tho only Heaters that are 'managed fuel any dampers, and In .whlch all kinds of fuel can be burned 'Without alteration. 13 10 _ -18-1 U Cooking Ranges, • for Ifotol4, Restaurants, and Famine. IM2rl IBM Flat Top Heating Range, • • Fire Place Heaters, Low Down Grates, Slate Mantels, Registers, Ventilators 14 7 ld 7 1d 7 14 7 s . 14 7 Pamphlets giving MI description, seat erne, W an address. 23j inie7o.l y =I SPECIAL NOTICE. CLARK & BIDDLE Respeotfiilly lutortn , theii , frhulds that AIR...11;14151 r 1A11 • (toto of the 11-in of Bailey & Co,) hoe this dop mu, clatod'himself with them, culder. tho Ittm naux. u 14 7 14 7 14 7 ROBBIRS, CLARK & BIDDLE, WAIINI AND JEWELNY DUNIN ENS Enii 1,124. CHESTNUT STREET ' TITILADELPTIIA. They are now otrerl4, nt reduced ior:cef, le awn:. stock of. , BM AMERICAN AND mss WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, STERLING SILVERWARE, TABLE CUTLERY, MANTEL CLOCKS EU= 13 10 14 7- J 1 15 ,'ENGLISH, FRENCH AND SIENNA. LEA.TITER AND FANCY GOODS 28ap70 . 14 7 9 45 11 15 14 7 THE BEST AND CHOICEST SMOKING TOBAC 12 12 '0 12 12 20 OE 14 7 14 7 13 10 14 7 I,D DISTRICT OF NIA-RYLAND- 13 10 13 10 .@T Bee that °very packno •yon buy bears th Icn,orlytlon, I 4 7 14 7 ^ooct7o.ly TO THE WORKINO CLASS.—MaIe Olt IBMALIL We tire now preparedto for etch all "Clams With Constant employment at home, rho whole or part of, the time, Ilmilnes3 new, etc avertable andropy prollt able. Periuns of either sex easily earn froof=4:ll to PA per ovetting,xlini a much larger amount by dovoting their whole time to the Boys and girls earn nearly ow much no men or.. women. Any on. sending for our foil fn. structionn ha certain to make nuthey fast. That you may teat the tattiness, wgeu ill sand free by !nail, our FULL' INSTRISGT lONS 110 W TO COMIM alto a valuable sample package of goods. Thence al ready started are malting $OO per ,weal;, four or live liners a hay, NO CAPITAL NEEDED to start bust um. It is adapted ear till [Wed it lea, Yt yon want pOrlllanCilt anpioymrn t and large rotor., solid wont, address to M. YOUNG & CO., 00 Fulton street, Now York, 2m871:16 UM UM] 14 7 14 7 14 b ]4 7 14 7 14 7 . 1 7 14 ' 7 14 7 J. E. Caldwell & Co., Jezve?ers w ALTILUI WA.TCHES 14 7 , 14 7 J. E. CALDWELL & CO., ME I 10 . ..0 10 20 13 10 10 20 0 25 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA Are now prep:trod to fill orb., ror the dEisitiisTE ' WALTHAM WATCHES, tinder their own guarantee, in e: (her i 4 7' 14 14 7 18 -Karat Gold or Coin ''SiAin'e' Cases, .(No oilier gilrtlitics:sold by us.) These Walelnnt Krsntly exral In line tinislo, Itrlnty ntYle, t and neettrato tlnte.keeplng )Ve partUular attention to thn low price at 0 hick a really good watch may now Int Moll • ; ' 1 ;1! h r, l l Please sonA to us fey a Price List 1 ,'1 j %•, Nrocro,rccattopi tvona rue p0011t,4. Condo vent C. 0. 1). to any neilroot., ' FIXED' neenthitt to the absent buyer ovay anlvantago nosomed L A Y a tosesent .t ti o I • Jas. E: Calatveil (0., 10.1nn71-ly 701 , Sale Or" Bent.. BIM , ORTAB:l4'Div,olll7(ig-flooso for Vv BALL.—rho *miler:4oll)&4l'6ra at PRIVATE SALE Ws two-story,llrlok DwoDlyg, flow°, eltineted 'on ;South \Yost grout. No. SO. , ' It•lmea beim tecedtly , re-jilted And Improved, tho wolle immured, tog I , vattr littrodttood, tend gmdt•h'ivell• Mod:AO with gropes flied fruit trees. Po,sona deldrittglo buy aro: • requentml to call ,tewl °memento., Tottputi 111 MAO easy' , to iturclisecrt4 situ Idonedlitte'po.ti , stdon'ttiVote If de sired. IL F. GARDNER. 231111)711f . - -; ,t• la 10 1s 7 56.,7 I ME PO, „ W- scboofrogi4B tipsy occupied by Mary Inkilieripal,) on the Wood • tlriorof...Morlon Hall. building, from l , no Ilrat of July next, al. tho Lo,r . lue room on Ulu third. bYl&t. JOhli'ff Map • Num., from brut or April oast. :grab ' ; ; '.; • .; J. W. L i lY. 1 1 7 ' 7 FQR (,1.!.! • j .:: 1. Tho etoidrooin, on West. Main ilrent, toil now occupied by Finiuuni Cloudy, hufor ro from the brat, of Alprll next. ! Appin nt , Tuni iltrtcx. I =EI H . OUSD FPWBALE., ,a 4 9,, a , Q.11,T II J, B. lIA.VERSTICI{. MED FOR .„: Jag:: quantity of STONE, aultable for lbul4ling., curb, aid llPPPTurpfuypporuirK Twfuluo of MSS D. POTTS, Ilurrleburg Turupitc,spcur,rfunkl.fu,iffUpr utrea. ftlitu7l • ' 4 7 ' 1 I • 1J 10 „ . . BALE. , --13ovoral lots situtttottle. tirecil , Lotort timing find Gnrillori-fotho: bio for building lots,. id , lon tttackutirdonlng ; being host quality of ground for this timiiso, Apply tq SOrtaint 4 ) I 3 4i . ..VMPN,, , f • rrei , tortii• T rinidad at Qii TikvEitsTlCX,r 0.1 6 ' 11111U ' 11 . 110T . 0r iit . reoC , /300170 ' 81'67061'8 9 25 9 25, ESTABLIBLIED 1861 T - sxmnitiduLATnvo: and will continua tho at the old eland I= FACTORY N0..1, JEWELERS, '•Viteg'of Travel.! kOpTH.,3IOUNTAIN :RAILROAD. O II A NOR 11 0 U 11 8. ;___Offica of Goueral Superiniqmlent,A__ PA.,'Odtober 3, 1870. TRAITS RIJN is'FOLLovol I'. M. Loire Carlltile (0..y..8., li.; Depot) 6.33 0 , • 2.50 • ." • •Juuction '-i- 640 • 3.00 .It. 11011 y..... 7.30 '3.40 Hunter's Ilun 9 05 'Arrive 4 00 Arrive atTino ((rove ' 817 ' _RETUIZNING A.. If. Lea.v 4 o Pine Grove ' 900 lluntor'n Ron - , 9154.i0 1,11.11011 y '10.05 `!'4.-15 Arrivo ht"Jithelion. .10.405.25 ;F: C. AII3IS, 205e70 - '' - Ni RTIIERN CENTRA•L RA IL WA Y DIRECT ROUT]: NORTH AND SOUTH. On and 'after Januar), 2, 1871. Trains will run as follows..; =I Express—Leaves Harrisburg 2.10 a w ; arris us at ary-4.50 a_nst.;_ll'll2inumpuri 6.55_ a nr,...11111:11111 11.35.3 mlXooo.ndnigtia 5.10 p Iteuilester 4,45 p m; Innifslo 9.00 p ; F;iagarn Falls a 63 p Ancommonlation—Lesvcs liarrisfnirg 8.03 a m arrives at Sunbury 10 50 a m. • Mail—Leaves llarrisburg 1.35 p r un ; arrives no. Sun. bury 4 30 p nOnniVilliannsport 6.25 p m : 10.39 p m; IlWalo 6.25 in In, NingannilltlMll).oo a nu. Fast Line—Leaves 11arrnsbung 155 p run all - Ives al Sunbury 6.15 p In; 11 . ilii31161port, 8.10 p w. 4.1117.1j1,\YA1t11. Expres:—Leads Hams! ON' 521 a DO,a1111.,; , Yank 14 1 x;, n m,; .Balt.Op.oTe U. 1.5 a In; W , 1., 1.00 p m. A ceoiarnoll it ion—LoaA Ira rt - i-itat I - 4 F a 12: arrives at York O.W a 111 Italtin,ro 1.t.40 Wat.hinglon :140 11 111. Express—Leares 1145 I I.4otri t_ t4, - 11111 7,1 a at; •a rht, at riTtle,42Ao - 41 ; 11011010ra 41. in; NV, Tirttgtaa 5,05 is ra. Man—Leave , : llarrial,a4ll.2s p m: orriv ,, v at 2.55 p Baltimore fi 151: in; ow Do I0 : 4;0 pun Accommodati.or—Lea vas Bar, I .lior r : 5.15 1, r; arrrilo, at York 7.10 p Exprosv—llvf,v,:a lln, rlsbara. - 1 OAS ri to; arriv, v at 1150-p Ii Baltinic , re 2.1.) a ; 5.70 a nl. Al FREP R. General Supeanttntlent, 11:nribl.utg. . S. nt. Y I-Ru JI:Nt;, GunPrat rw Agerenger enner., MEM CU M BEILL AN D VALLEY • 11. it —„C4ANOTI OF cocas. . 'WINTER AIM ANG WMATT. On anti any! . Tint rotlay, Novelnber2l, 1,70, r trill run tiailY, as lotion c,tSuanlay s I,t W1 0 ,3TWAI11)! . AGGO3IMODATION. TRAIN leaner Ila]risloarg S'rtYtT - A . nt , -- AnCeittinicabortr Cai • llsie9rl I, Non t it 10 9,l6";:ihnlnensl,nri.: 10:22, Ch.anl,orelinvglt.a I, l t. cast le 11:10, antis ing 11 /1,,t oN, II 11.V', MAI It Tit AIN loaves Trataj,,lno:4 e. ellanicqlpurrt 2::nt, Non, Inc tt r2;:vinp nonslttirg 1.112, Chamber:onm, ntatatle :011, arri vita., at Ilaaervtown . EXIGIIit'S Tit.% IN leas-, Itarrivl.nrg -m n,, Ml.l . ll3llli,blirg [r:0?....Car1i , 11.:/:.i, NOW Ship. 101.1,11rg 0: arrlvntrakt t ham , erslnnit 7a 4 0, r vt. A .1 . 1 XED Tlt.l IN 11.36 , Clattnher.la re; 7:1:t. s n Greencastle 1 1 .10, art in;; at Harrel stnn n Iv: EASTWA LI 1) : • , A('('())11 . 01).11'111N 5;00 7 1 191.9.917.191,:, :01!9, N.• 771111.. 0. 9., C 1.1.-1.• 11,0 h-hog 7:01, all oivg at 11:1111 10101 7:30, 111 A 11, TRAIN 1..979 7r.11,.1.9- 1..11,. 9 99, '19011199.1.9)17 ' , .1 11 2 17,1 11' 117 -7% 1i 11 , . 11/.:01, ( 1 :91i71.• 11: 9, artiving 11.911..199.g.1:11:7.11. 1.1.X1 1 111.15,1 1111A114 leavus 111..1.- 1 .97,7 12. 1 / 4 , 7 V. lirreallo 12:20. (211.1911 , 1.1.19. , 1 9 uva 2, N.9v,110 2.10. Cat 1171..1.1- 1 .1. 91..11219. all mug nl 11,11,1.91..: IA 311X1:1) l'lLk IN m. 27,:1rr1N 11.11zi-1110 91111 trai.:97491 , , 11.111.1. N. 1 / 4 , 1. , 11., 11,1,04. 1911, Llaltlnt I 1 1 111-199 4.110 , 1 all - \ Vo,t. 1. S. 1.1'f.1.... , art. C 113,1; g , Nov 2.1. I‘7o. Price . List of Fa)ir•J Polltry PRICE LIST OF PrIZI: lOZEEO FA VCI POULT J hero on hen.) the largest and toed selection of Palley 15.010 y tl'e ly hell tha fon ~,,,, Ur, ed. lntrl: Brahma nomlt. W. Loy Is, Ego, per 11. , /..C. ' Light 1l1 1 ,111111 a 1 . 1/ utigl.ing I,en , _ a( malulity I 0. Il'ottnarett Whito..Fitssll Illnck bier tee, Ilene ~ from (111 Julia-fled coil' 1 00 Silvered ; Spangled Flantlon 2 00 Whitt) Legliorns, Sallee Legged 100 Golden Photteant, hiker rh,.,ant, Illa h lied Ltd flames, NI Lao and Iliad: Ilan tan, 1 «t Luportell While 001nea Fotels. I oft fdneft or Dr:v.2llnm Ito, 2 50, ltoun fleet . 2 50 Itrong6 Turkey 5 (10 TIN 010,0 11111101 N01 . 1..(10 , 1 , 0-1-1 01 ital.. 111t1 11, 1 111111111, 0011 014'01111j octet ted tom leaftcr uei.2 he tarnuat care In keeping the 1 , rae.1.: the year through, we feel cotitident al citing uur patrons perfect aattstantlon, thaeu Intereetj.l in Saucy , -Pout. icy. era reepactfull3 .1,1.3 I cull and for theta. xelrex 'Egg; caroffilly racked and delivered by txpre.cs. For norther partirulara and all order Add rove , IL 31. If A ItNS, S. 13AliLIt, - Ban 23, 31e0Itanicsburg, Allen, P. 0., Pd.' • Dr. Aders' Medicines AY ER'S CHERRY PECTORA L.— For 3„.1 , toughs. etzpa. Whooping 'ugh, anti oolonnliplinii. l'ealtaltly ate., Itofett , in the At hole hlttlory ef sited itane, tatt3 titint tt. , n tttt •In M , , tyt the ronfitleat it ot titanktatl, let exeulleat trate iy It t ittlittetattry etattplaiat, 111,11141 i a I tat:el •tairt., anti ttlattaw tate.t oftile :totes -I int, II 11, Itiezher null ItltAlter ill their tttlat...i tea, at+ IL my berratte better It 110,1. Ito itailorm .Ith:troller and pro ., r hI cure ti , .. of . tholtiturs. 11k,a1.113,.. MAIL 114 a /net or ag lin t them. ipp ." nl de., and to nun II P• at. I lie ,dne, thne e.o.e ne , t en, et Inv n ,t iipdpprit thP if tile th roll .1114 a ICI 1-t •nddan of rump, IL idoul.l li t dept. an hand in overy fangly, and indeed a• all are -oak , - thin, 610. on ,II 1.1 to void. and c.de, ; Vro pled 111111 thik antol"te !or tliens. Although-.•t , 11.3 tov it 111,1,1 t iii ma do, ntill grvat 1f h.-Iu II seemed hot o beta , 0!1 I , I, ;ow tho potion re.torol to Lealtli hy the Cherry Ith•tcoal. ~..Inp:otcly in Its illaqtry di.,rdo, of thy jmti , s :11:1, 10l 'I 1,1 8?. that , 1 obstinate ol thuuL )1,1,1 I 0 i 1,1111(1,211 h 111.1 n, lindu, !Ito Cliknry t-4,1 ntll”.idt• o. , rtigott, nod l'uLlic grrat pr.t• from it. .v•thku:, oy it. lir....bilk g the 'h err) etet eeueeellgate tnee`i let 1.011 . 1..11 ilk.. e 11111111 I at. a•.kre !111 3111 111 i? 11.11111116• A: Al - I , ,R'S AGUE C'Clt, q, Eor l'esr and A goo lot, to . ithot chill r - 1101 nit tont rovorTlVNLoh utio, or 11,110.4 Fever. Sir., and indeed is I the AiTectinis4 1111 . 11,111 . , 1141111 I.ll:liaritql.,, 1111,-11, 01' 1 , 111,3tiC 1444 h • • nainn n - pplitul; It tlooi here, nut of 4 ..not OM COW/lifting' 11,1 i Zinc, or any ounor.il nr„io•isonoul Fuli4tuneo wilittovol-, • 11 in 110 WI, "." inttnnor and Inurrtunro 01 IP+ cur, In the 11g11.! \Jill : oll4'Le yiniil"pctickuu t, and ' trithout a parull ri in the 104tory or .I,g•u , no4fo'ine. 1.611110.1.0.14 gratilird by tlso. lielt.nowo•.ll.:,,oon ,m 0 reeolVo 'the radiUal euro4' mr,2,oa 01 stinato a , OB, and what l• other rvto,lits had ‘4 holly tatted 1. .titlitdainukt.t.i t her res i 400: . lo .' ening throug s h tohonoutie Invalltleu. trill 110 pli.h•clol by bluing the AG h 1.14111.: yw !Ayer c0,,,rha,,t,,, c,rkiug nom Lypi.li,ty of I,ftlw Inn kwlllent remedy, '2, irdwilanix th; Liver into beßlthy Fur Wow Complaild., it in On excellent ronway,lll,P.illt•ii , n,nyti illy I.m-tart:a -entvo, whero iltlirh 4uodioioel h o ,r Prepay...l liy Dtt.,l. C. AV).B. rrartiVai (111 d All aytjeAf 41,11thilfi, Maqi,„ and luowl Nvw hi' • . • - PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE: Livers/ and Sale Stably's. "SALT:; AND EXCIIA*4E ,p'.2EILNER BROTEET?, V,ltr of Ilcuta Homo , Ipw,sp'A4I . I);CA.IIILIWCJES'eIQ lutci ON jtCA6ONAIII.Ii !1C.11748, AND AT 81,01111.4 T ' CAItItTACES FOP, • P,'NEItALS .0-N. B. Stable room for 60 11001 of hot..te I 1 i . . lytis Wet y ...for, Ice _lc"' ICE, ICE. ' . . • l'C'yeu .wantiNrhat it, pure • mid N •-r, - I t,rmm o° n 1 ,',,.....„ „ Jil ii Follow mior BEV , . ~! 0 But: send to ma in a Tit ' • 10 Zsl For I hap the cold Epring Water ...• ... 4 . '.: PertronWerth ho Kul - 4;110 with' ICE ilnilng tkoi day nf XYLOK. , EITBES' Etoro un Pomfret Smut. , ~.. ' ,;90apillf. All $ ,.. ; • ~DANID 'It1 1 10.11;.:S.'i ' " " • " ''' l' . - . ' ;Projltisals for.-13cef...' '' OiTtcE A. C, R., CARI.TRLt Ll. - 7 April Tfi l 1871, f . QEALED proposals in duplieitc, will ot thin olllcrotntil 10 o',10,1; May furikiting,tho . frosh, rti rod thd • Deithrtthe'llt, 11. 13. A.; at this stiction, during nix mouths, countionving .1111 1 0 I,' IF7I. Infornottiph nv to conditions, iltutlity of licef r 99,1 w !,I.4lkincd-1 . 1.• ITO icnt ion to 7 lE., u:t.713111 U. 8.Unv.911, A. C. E. = AMMTS gonei.al ' agvni wanted . 10,nollMt, Inslit:Met-II for a forPt rletraivalitanco Company, , ef 101111001110 a.. 1 7 1, 1aira . I 1 [[[lS OFF 101%.• • 411141/111 Pegetable Hair Renewer JJALL'S VEGET:4IiLE SICILIAN R RE.tTE T 1 ; 1 " 11l It Rostores la tbd only 1 - ,erfecte4l - and BCinntifl etqly prepared preparation of Its LIM kil.ti-crer-Crerctl to thelotl,ll.7, nod BEI 110 co;npetitol in norit. Byes to its 118 e limy Hair is snow roatorail to its orlginql ymlllifill color and Mil Original litthey, which id eu mach admired Color, by all. Pyrions Nl , hove hair is thin Promotes or falling out- ,rill y I,y , tho use of our Honorer, soon 800 ito good ef- fects, as, by Us tonic and stimulat G Eon th ! ing pi . opurties tll9 hair glands will and is Lm inc.ilefrairire hair grow thick autintroug,vgain. Imesses of_Bald Siilenaid nevi it svill.:cl;pat...-nc.;a4.4trovlb Dtp,sing. linlebs lln• f,Alich, nre: dtstroppl Try one It is coolin g , and Minya all (tolling and irritation of the train. It doe Bot tic I= 111.11 , I the .calp white itha eleah hicLeu It is the best anti must econamicitlircimratitn in the wol Id ME -as Its-structo loot so touololooger IMEI Treati,e on the liter Locks fr'pe to an, IT tnnil ' , 1711R11. Den!juists end D,arcrs in Medicine Price One Dollar Per BOttle P . IT ALL C 0., Proprietors I,ABOR.}TOItY, NASIICA, N. 11 S. A. lIAVERSTIVIC, Agent, C.tru4sLE, PA. • '. ly Carlisle Machine Works EGAIIDNER C CO (' .1 I: L .1 (' 11'01? N . l-.11" MACII , INES FOR I ! ! tm1:1:10...6D V A UAW ; 1 1 . 11REI IER .AND SEPARATOR ! W... ff., Ihiv n.rw 'Thrr..ll. r and c, parntor, 113.1'1.trin..,. nt 011111,41mi1l ut..l tj :is 1.11. y ...Lt.!, if n..t 411fy•rin$, to .nts. hino nos, Isnsiosfaeturo.l. It haq th.t Knout hoiyg Filoplu in onsitruotinss. V 1; I' TI A I`lir TII II };c 1I I: I ME r "r I: I' Alt.t T 0 AN C I.I A if it ilio (Armor "ill i,tiri• t..•.;t10 I , • ,Aly "11,10 I=l •sves th:Ct Fn.: thr.szgh the ile.hiho,:ttl •••-tur.i•t• • isitit , ly th , front the straw. It is au easy ruuttina machltte, told will II.) its tvotk th Till: h , ttlisttriteu. It i+ at thiicitlO tins le I ilt . :111I 11111 , ize tpo. markut. The ILO it s E-i• 0 W E it, M 1111 h td inu the Climberleinti Talley 1.11 TIPW :11111 euttn l el 1111Threllt in roue •trio ;1 , 01u . q ., 11:11 . •• 110,1“folu I,llllt, recur it ind nitw grimier goner andd with lighter , th.it four hori.i, Only Will he reptirea, where many other umehtn, it require 4i.x add eight rll,llli Cleaner nt. :dit on the iif the Cuthlairland County Ag rirolini ni liorirtr at th.i Fair of IS7U, a large crowd fartneti in ing present to it ibis, its up. -ratios. The tr.:divas eoutpletely successful, nod the machine I .1 its ability tO thresh, cleats. anal separate giant in the most salter:odor). .1- manner. All tvLs ‘`,V-UCscod the trial elm cse e I their approval its the wattne-t Is ruts. The Committee on Agricultural Iniplements also gave the machine n special notice in Alien. report, strongly recommending it. Thu emir. eland Valley Thresher and Separator has also rria-nllY used I.y COL Witliam M. Henderson, at his farm near Carlisle, In threshing and eleatil»g a largo crop. So fully Is Ito Entisfiecl or it, gre a t mer its that ho allows Its to line hit pane as a reference.' Partners whn wish farther and fuller partleularS as In the working qualities of this new lIIIIChirIO tiro then-fan respectfitb y referred to Col. I/endorser!, ono of the most widely known fitriners of Cumber land county. The Coniberland Valley Thresher will always be tVi•li Anti substantially built, of tho best !material, 4nlblly framed In every part, and presenting, n hand -91,110 external appearance. !Theo of machine, with Unl. eylhelet, ;tee, willow wagon. A great a , hantag, of I hiS ta..1111 . 1~ ho that it can be reathly repa,r. ii, ~t any g..tel elny without tenable. =1 MEM - .NFOIVE'R AND READER ill,/ 'mild IFis new niticillue, with chaugen tnd!mprm fully riijneil3ilig tieb dulerta and pant. of thcnu built List brason. Our aini is tut. supply farmer; with a I...Uuril niirehinr, o - not ,up, ilir iu all re,pects le those brought ft,,,, a , !i.taTivo. m ill m•v, thylesA prove in all ti agowl Ith.l n•hitle bni rosier, All WO zul, it lair ti rill. The, 11711ouglibil patent GI \I SPRINGGRAINDRILL Wu build this well known Grain Drill now, u ith vu ithout (limo. A truelonent, and the thovels aight.ir ob. just. its the farmer prefers. We mew has, °, o f new nod Milo-lived plan of attaching the you taboo, for which we have obtained Lettere Patent, with other improV(IIII.CS, mak, tho roost remplete and per fect Drill matioraetured in the conotry. AIIIItys n❑ hand a fall linr o I: L 7'U I: A L 1 .11 PL L' .1! .V 7'S hoth . nf n nr n manufacture and front ostalt 11.Itmont-. itt,littfinfr eVvly 1.1111 :hat hlnt.,necd~vl Ii the Iltrtunr. tVelnarruntnrrato nay-Hal:as, old. fa.hianed'll, ee -irnod llorso Pothers, Cure Shollors, of t‘llich wo havo throe kinds, 11111 i Eve thtlo,olll. l'aptlon Coon Shollen, nolo!, • Cintore, Cider and other artiolt, too nufutrotr4 to tqleelfy. ftraom taken for all lauds of IRON WORK In our uxtenNive p niodry ;aid NlechiltoShopv, and fur I: I I> INI; MA -T E It I A L 8 of evory dowrIpliol! i . i our Door and Sara Toolory A full utouk of IN' 1: T.- !, I: A S 0 N 11 1. U nicaq•n art. 1610, enabling tin to Oil all orders promptly; lit. tau lowest prices, Partners, builders, anti atatotateturet, :Oa hot lied to givt. us It sill tool sett our facilities tor turning out gots(' work . . _ P. II ARDNEIt & CO. ..2.tijatalsan. Tri Brady's Adv MENU G-0 O-D- WILL IA M BR4D Y, 102. MARKET STREET, ItAnnlsnuna, has just—returnati_froin Nowarorkwitit_tho large'at stock of Holiday Cooils over Ironlit to this city conaist lug in part of HOLIDAY AND BRIDAL SILVER, ,f elegant. design• and Rah li, frinn ti) celebtatAat Karliam 3lsitufactitring Company. BEAUTIFUL PL:A .7'ED Trn sk.l4, coriee Urns Cake and Pettit lkokoki, Castrtr, Picklu mei Celery Stand!. =l22l== =ll=2l 'Palle Cutlery of elegant lerign nut llobib, iron] flu ' tet r,tcd initituf.o . , , tory of litirrirOn Brut.. Ilow oda, with pearl, Ivory m u d iflatetl.liiitidlea. OUlt FANCY GOODS Enthreces the Miamia n .. articles; Ladles' Elegant Thad(:, rchiof CaSeri antl.Olovu Boxes combined—a beaus hut article, Toilet Sets, Writing, beaks, Jewel Stands, Odor CkINC% Work Boxes, Card Itbeeivern, Funs of Violet and Sandal Wood, Leather, Silk, Satin etr.,.ele., Ittonaus, Statuells, Canto Nem, Poses, ett.., c. Musical Boxes, playing. from 2to 10 airs; and AVII.II Ben 0.11 , 1Ma111101111 11(110111101a. , 142.111,11, Clerks, In Gilt, BrAnzo and Marble Cares; Cuckoo Clocks, Cigar Stands, Cigar, Cases, Tobacco Boxes (Silver awl Plated), Parlor Thermometers, French Mtmey Purses and Pocket Beata and a great variety of everything In my line. Call 111111 eXIIIIIIIIO tho grand ass.urtment. WILLIAM BRADY, ,962 Market stroot, Ilarrisburg,,rn ME Z. I'. B.oiler; Pottsville, Pemea P. BOYER,I4• . POTTSVILLE, PA., .21raAdtfactlireP. of • T RAIL, fiorn'l6 to 64 pounds" per yard Al) shoe ,11QOK SPLICE PLATES, AND ,CIIAIRS , Aht 311:11CTIANT ttAlt IRON,. of all nix.), con otantly ou halal, at tho 'omit atioket Klee. Furnace, .t • Rolling Mill, _ • 'Colliery Machinery, • . Boilers,. and Steam i'limpS„ r. T 'To °Sons— . Also, taint, nod Elllppor of the oelebraie,l 'Hematite .rrttn, ore. hpale,„
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers