Ell EMI ME =I 1-, J. M.' WEAK iFEY. J. IL WALLAC.N. CA EDS I. A. ATWOOD.. ' MAO iT. - DANOD: A TW OOD,' RANCI *it' CO:, co'lntipp;or Wholoartio.&aiois Id all kliide of ' • ' - • , PICKLED AND £311,T ,H 1911; No. 210 North,Wliarves, :,! tb67o Atorollpeedtlitiial>kL"' COYLE BROTHEESi . • • v'.,9 t frlro*L - !LE ' ' Constailq on haVuf:gl;ll' no , „ hosiery, eases, suspenders, nook ties and bow', shirt fronts, son\brio and linen imndkerehiefit linen and paper Collara,,,end -cuffs, trimmings, braille, spool Sutton, wal late,romba,_titat 'query, , wrapping piper Alla patior .. bilgs,/druge olertpe and' perfthnery, shoe idaeit 'and, stove pc,llBll, Indigo, &e. T • OILE isnorriants, No. 2.1.80uth ijanoymr Street, Oari Isle,'Pa. 30mhiltf rbEXT,ISTRX ! , , • ' • " n: znix, Having- reemitly removed to. • " No. 01 North Hahovir street, (In the house lately', ocetiMed by, Dr. Rale - - • • ' ••thuirsie;.PdfilA'n, • Will Put tp tooth' from $10; to '4o pmeet,me tho rave MV,roquiro. All work warranted. • ' ioriaru , . • Ofllce In tho room. tyrrnerly occupied : by Pol.. John Mo. I f ; ',• ' . E. 'EEt i i`ZITOOVER;• L 'LAW. I • • 0111.:u in &nilh Jinpover . str•ot, oppueito Bends dry storb. 10.70 11°1! o , 1? 11 1C PAIR. ICI{ g 1v.111431:AN, =I I!IIICUPA.CTURED TOBACCO, N. B. ar. Third_and difarke4 ttrgts, Philadelphia. U.r.IIOLL e. SSC= 6.12.71 C. P. lIIIMMCI.{. • WM. n. PAIIJCEI• I T UMUCH-&-PA - Ma:l3, ATTORN EYS AT LAW, = JAMES H. GRAIIASI, tJ ATTORNEY AT LAW,, No. 14 South Hanover streot, CARLISLE, PA, Men adjoildng Judgo (Iraltunde IMIM OfiN CORNMAN, tJ ATTORNEY AT I, AYV. Office No. 7, RhounCti Ball, to rrur of the_ Court Ilouso Uvo69 . , JOSEPH itITNEI3,..nt., ATTODNEV 'AT LAW AND SURVEYOR, Eoohaniesburg, .l'iL : Moo on Ititiltond ,trout, tw (loon+ north of the Bank. , .11tutincospiomptly.sittendott to: TT : eI 7 Ic.NE AL2 I? - T - ANV Practised in Cumberland: and Dauphin .Countjed.; . ..„. • 01pco—lithlgepprt, Pa. Post.ofitco pilit.B l ,—Cfaup Il i Ctinbortarvi c.apty, Po. 12Jazi71 ly • • .11E1131.4N, '. • ATlOtiN BY AT LAW Curllsku, Pd.. No-D ICllocm's p - '-'• THE PEACE, • Plaluruqtpenuaboro` to.t.hip; Peun'tv, , .All,l.o49lupsft, 44,11 rusted to rpoefro prowl, fatotaloti. 2410ct70 f.W,EAILLEY ,WEVAIC,LEY SADLER, billcoV South I t ilL.l l' ,.?r i o t r Ni . '' t. l r . o 9 utlo i xq " t. ‘ .;;o' Wimi Will !luau q.gluxe. • • .10detiti NXTIL LIAM KEN Ni 3 DY, A... 1702 sNV A 7: /ASV " Cuelpac.,p, AT - 74 - 11tA.11ER, y• A'17010.4 EY bniCo Iq Ilorthenat cutout tlfu QQlhl Iltvno. 101069 VT'S B. lIIRONS, ~i ATT . QI3NEV AND O.INSIII.Oit AT LAVy, " r' tiVdl l'i'e,a, tPOW Chesbiut, , c,h.. Library, , . ~ ~' riltiLkDitxmk. I , .. ' ' 11 . 9 TEEs CENTRAL HOTEL, 1),T05. , ,G51. - aip/ 623 4)..471 Street, 1...1 E• •,1',1141411 , VT 1 1 1 , , , 1 11 1 4.• . ' TVo.73)ss:itr .11)1W cluiys or rooms with pup ;)p,a1. 1 4,,... } per J. B. J. 94 Prolifiultor. N44rik 30101711y ' 49T E/ 1 , PALI Who liaitereiviet( ilia:clog tit k on' ti}t,rlaud fat nis;kol t y i i.'ptqiitrett to furnieb tlntl'atantannittiJltiotti to alV , who — tlea re to make it their, itooto.' ..kkiliorp of, t.ho kattroettgo of tau our. imitating country Ir t venni.; • pubite soffctittir, krouukx ittrg,l7l\buf:uonittlutobto. Tattle alTinyet‘s!iii. N 0 74 r D• , •Mp.• : : •.", • "T ARCH sp.tuspT, : • PHILADELPHIA I. • p Ehtirulyhb wAliti hhli,lo tnp-teiti ,*5" - b gnester. pe i ,powon d 04 4 10 . 111 tr.bo:lltaNTErigiod,; who lanvu eq 1 1 L4t131, -' ll . BPl ' n r 2fit -h,? '.." (1" C)ticl';°P,'llr,l , „I (Farmtrri,y. Clormint.,:llozsei;) . 1 ~, I. 1ttq1., ,, a7. AlD,l9.otlitiST '24l.krtii'Bl4ltinET, " ' l 's' ' CARLIBL't,' P. 21. ' ' ' ',.,d. ''liths4iildißi'iil'j.d . ' htaing'ibluirchlutlia"ald iiotii:ltt.i, ni-Ilttisl,[arql 7urolali,9o - ttoo* kriTtitustgoit,mitil,Orgl clastattrilltitro. tltto w oll•knov o,itllti , old oxtobllsliocl 'ti'Btrilgolloleii,thorostoni &gill° cdhliotollty — an d trotollisg,ofittltc. , 110 ,Ikrlsqt,proinkred, t 9 Yoroltitt flrat climos , ab'eototiolttilbOo to all tvho'lldgfro 11l mOko is Itutelt t tllrifttniEl ot , Prnivill' toPPOV! *6l . o k d j: ;In lien, ITr.r4. 0 4:4•, , ,Itt i ouvizwtt& l, ' ,, k , ' I s tr , tr ,, , 0 ,,,,a, thlslorplarAntol.. 1_• ~, ~ „ , i a Bortoz 7,- illCNTt,: , Ptol4fletor.'' °I I ii..)3,t i Itlrot;clo:oefil6Tlry to"dopoott4tl:sllth.,ttto lirl, unitor tlioynana;eolotttoflosoiitt 1,. Btor . ot It -mioßirt ~,, for !p.: r.' ,' :. ' 11'17/ 'f!l :If ~:,:,:~,~iialchuabt ~~iYooll:~lgao~i~~'.• , •,~-~ ,ATO , old, in tlic in ) nr 4 7 % hley's a. • MARK; _ . OiItvo,PTYMT Modliurlng 213,460f00t in lengtho,i angionafil t hb aggregate for '.A:Vt3II. Over Forty Miles Deep. - S 1i11111(a'in cuifirtrrißtioft-'-, Duly, in. operritlork— Otring lib 'teat° . tO tile 'it, Ned Cheap. l These PIIMP3 Aro thelr_plyn.,hast recommendation. - Vor solo by Dealers In Hardt:taro and Agricultural Implernonto, PI umbero:l Putia Alnkora, ho., through out tho country. circulars, ho., furdlohed upon ap plioation by:nsis , otsorwles:, j j I t l i tg/V .' ilE7Zit r u " Ari d : 4.tol l vat°t;.6°,! v ingiaa, tili c ho„da t oiIIrLI.S.F ghi!,lll./12/1101:4!Fiir, htaalqi..; r1.11! . i ! orszp.El luvAltltito at; ' Lif41111 1 APPAAIIIIIILP J M 1 1• 111 % . 1710.1 •• • Che.ap Domes for • Everybpog,4,,, LANDS FOIL . 7:11. LA 1131889' 116311ZTcn5'n ! iciAtiby liratsfrpexili hun , ak° 4 t" ° C ara P f 1319 1 , Gnr jap,vllWOrt ll 2i , ni d0 . , 41 VLawrenco "I! Oti'l l i efit°ll 4. r a; et)l4 'A4o'llo6o;ceariFY , 'ffi 140u4iii!iatigi-fit)caYomstia 4 RAl l. : l 4:1171116.ir . ~, ..., ".. ... •'' ' i ' lf *'t:l:' ''''''' -.. r'. ' ' '':;.' 't.. '''''- '7'...';'' -I.. .." l:l ' ''''' ' ' ''' ': r '''''' .lt.-[l.-tT '''' .l :fd It ' ' ; ': — l ' 7l - i '..';',. , ,` , .:6..`t. \-.1')5..):. ti t...,,-, ~ . "., . ic.,'..': ,_ ~ '''''''' r '' ''.;-', ' ''.- I- ' ,1 : • ;:.': 1 - .'. *.,,;, i\ll. c . 't' . ..`,',':.;., ', .: . f , :;: .:. .--; •.,: v.:, , ,, ~' -,„. .'.,.. ~, .I . : .. .. t . , . : ... ~.„:,,..:,.,....... , .. •.. : ~. ~.,....„.,.,,..,,:,.,..,,.,... ~,,.......,,, . :•:,„ . ..,:. „.„,,f, •.„„,.,„ „,,.,„•„,...,,,...•„•.,,,., .•:„...,„.,..,,, ~,.,..„.,.„.. ...„_„,.,,.,......::„.,...,:,,.,....p„,, ~ ..„ ~,,:: ~,•!..,. ~,,,., r.,,...„,,„,„.....,....,„ :: ,,),._ . ....,„,. ~..(, ~. ...,.., ~, , r ; :„,::::, • .L....;, :, , ,. ....._..." ", ' ,.., :.....n . i i. , ' . . L ' ;1.,. ,.. ~ .. -.'• . ''", I, , ~,, 1 . , - ,i, . 'T,FI - ", • ..,': :'.. .: . :''' ‘' T -'--. — r 7 ' ':' ' ;-•••'-- 7 .:I. - .• '• '2. , • ;:7: . . . . , . . ~ . ,-, 'ii , ,,,..., c': •.1,-,'! .- - ..1 , A 1.:)• r ' • ' ''. ' '' '' "..-'' —'' ' ' .''....' t -,.. ' . '''' '': ' . •, . .:,:', ',, .I . ' . , ..: ..1 : ~,, . ' ' . ' -••. ' . . r , . • • ‘ i'l : - .: 1 . . . -.. ~ . _. / . A ! ' '. • " ~ •,! re ) , MEMO MIMI '.! -,:• NO2TOES.: .",;., gricrgtE's icon' ttiot flehiy Biiiiboltzet, or plkurchtowe,. Clumlierland,,county, hrys .oggentild. debil'Of . ps4ma to, to the to, eiglicti. for the bene fit oC creill tore.. All persons haring °Mime, against' said, Wale_ will present hem, properly, nuthezill• for'poYtnutir nod' tboso Indebted ivi intik° payment, nithoirt delay, to 11ENRY SAI's.'TON," 'liagWl9o'l4. IC= ' ilm.Vot Co y " rt r iff t'otooaon;Plge: frir Coo My land., Andi a{illiPtPd tho. j - PRurt AO! hYI tilt; aufti4t, and in 4 o'd • tri Elution of filo oceount . ol Uohn igp CU 'Or ;IMP ea 110(11111g 3‘ 111 nin6t Vitn i rTg i ): l !ZtigeTiV f of t liglVlY,TV'tg Oiloclt; o k .qt [llls No. 2a.mll.llapovor dtioof earUsle Po • t- JAMESIILOR4IIA6I,jr.;,.; • ' Amlltpt. • CM 7.I7XEQUTORS'I. NOTIO.• •-•• DAters ,•tebtainentery on the canto of ,llngdalenn.Leh. man, deceased, 'late Lf Dieklnkon township, 11110' heen.grlinted f.ngls(cr, of Chinjierlnnd county; to tho.u.nd,r,igned exceutois ref.idlog in cold town. ship; " , ill ;poreons4ndoloted to sidd estatd Will , make'. Linmecliate payment, ntld .p'hurlng elnlxesjo,pre sont'lliein; tit hen tlen'ted; fin settledient r to' AD %At. 011..31AN ItUDOLPII }USTI ifuntv, MEE MIXECUTOR'S NOTICE. —.Letters _LA tostamentnryon the e4tntre,of Godfrey flookler, 10 te'd Carlisle, derenAed,• liare , boed trAntod‘bY the Itaitleter pi - Cumi:lol6d ,ottilt,y, to thil .14 11 thigligt , 44 execuplx. ioeldlug 10 e hl bordugh, Ail perEMlO)l, la, dobted to Enid °Mite ivitt choke 'lratneillittd*ymetlt.; mat theme baring elnlum to prepent illern,-properly i_td(hentletited; for gettleirient " • ' " " " MEM NTOTlCUl—Tlip,firm.Of Erb a, Qs);,! ../N having beendlloeolved by. the diOtt It of Bold, min - I'lH+. ontldhtranderolgorallniiii;t; bouglll dui nib' into-6st of told d.c rn xell, no full os that of W. Jeory, , the booltte,di of the firm will Ito tettied, 'rill diAto . IMIS2I I§4,TOTICE • is hereby giVou atilt; ilia . re , pattnersbni heretiituiu exiqting between N. IL bloom, mitt •0111110 n Metre, trading or N. 11. Moore k Ibe., is tile tidy disibilveil by mutual eon sent. Ali persone having elidnis ngainet the Into firm, end three Ind...libel thereni„ 0111 present Went to N. 11. Moetii, 31t. I fully .S.pringt, for no tlinuent, (rtiltib nixty 1103 x. • , MIN A. SWART. R. W MEM To t IffAN:110 110 W LOST,,,IIOW ITSTOHEO. just pabli4brd, a now edition of IS. Calm well . . Colour,,Lent an. tho radlcitl , cure (without med. trine) of Spe,nottairloca. or rrmoral 0 oalrd , re, ln rolanttry Sanintal Lots.. Impotancy, :Mown; and PliyaicaLlocapinoty, Inipedintonts to I . ttrrjage, etc.; altar Colunnaprlon, Eplieyrsy, and FlO, induced by Sol f:ltultogr . ace or Sexual lixtravaganco. Or,' Price, in a scaled envelope, The celebrated author, In title admirable essay clearly dominate:deo from a tiiii•ty yearn' mmeessful prac lice, that ho alarming commattencos of net f-abuse may be I adically curt .1, a ithout the Mumm)ue nee of Internal medicine rr the 11) plicallon of the linife ; painpuhu itll; out - a mode of cure at once atm phi. curtain and effectual, by metne of which every sufferer, no 01111 tor whatfli 8 mind Itlon May be, may cure hlricself cheaply, p, itaboly, and radii:airy: • , lectidn shotild be in tho hands every youth {and every man in the Mod. ' gent undOr real, in d_plida enk.eliipe, Co any rUblrqii, j,ostpaillort receipt of Hit main, or two post !Annalis t Also, t alverwell's "Marriage Outdo," price 25 Conte. Midst.ea the publishers, lOsoo9 J. C. lii I.IE 4: CO., r 27 vowery, 1 , .."6‘: Vol k 'To sl'OtTlee'lloSc 4636 f.inxi97o ° .IrOgnifry and Sfra7= • .PRING AND S,UIICIF 4 II: D,IPORTA noN. '1A71.• • ~ RIBBONS,.. AtrarivEiß Y AND STRAW 00'00s. Armstrong, Cator & Co. import— and 3. bbers of Bono. t, Trlturning nod rotrot. nintour ' Boomer 8;1/%4, r , '“Otto nod tretro , o; Blonds, Croprm, nucher, filtrWc . rrt, i'vatliero Ortntrarnto, • Straw Bonnets and Ladies' Hats, Tr . :e/ova ...Oft Cobh /11.. f Shot.. Ihrodn, e., Erna . .2.30 ILL LT,l:llOltC,.Tr4l.l:l4'. 3 Offer tlw lorgoot t torn to lid fontuttn thin Country, tout atnequitThtl' In c6uiaa rurirty owl chonpness, rumpriniun• Ow Intrrt.liurOPW4 •• Ordetu tulritu'O, and pionipt utiouilou given. 23tolia . r 1; . •I•, 10; 70 w. i. sApLE.rt. I= ME Z'UTC.VT7'If~iL,"`~(MC .N T URE . . A B. EWIN9, , C?.IIITNET - MA - KEIttIY . D - UNDRItTA - li - E - 117 --- IVeSt Main Street, OPPOSITE LEE'S WAREHOUSE, Premium for Bost Furniture nwarda at, ail Codrity I , airs sin. Furniture of all srietJeO . and tty toy of Pm clgn and Domestic manufacture, from the limet rosewood and mahogany to the lowest primal mph, and plus: PA RIO ' ' , core Allen, D4O\7IVG ROOM; KIT(411)07 U.R .1 1 7 - T Embracing every oriole of by Howie and notol ~.pi iti of the nto..t el pro4l and f 0411°10.V doqign Inelthsitig ithp; C , ttpgq Yurhitnro In t. 4 ; It Q geg r tion ;mei Camp ,Olntirs, Nlutrt.mten, Gilt Particular" latinathn . given • tut 111F11.11 to fn nerds; lore from town and, country attetultl to promptly, ht on tito,lerttku ' 'eit,ty'q./.ajhugion yiliel to the Selection of Watirtt. '2lmarchlB6l N. IV: VOOTiS, Propiotor.. jig '4e.c FRESH. GROCERIES; I. ; FilEsn • °Rout Tins ! ! Alwaye to be had ut .G.ltA' 4.4 ) , s `,l' • innl2,l r, j,•,,„, li pP?P -1 , fr 9P;.§P r 9 9 ,11. .wkly nro'lltei vrap frenh i Mamma vre gWat , ntnonut of , tlioth, uti , Tinire. tory.. turn our knopy, °fly. ? .Ir l lovmplvi9tlY our g?.?ii4 tnthit 1,6 froxL. ' Y 9 .1; %Till 1414 ortlyclating.you , r l vltitutho Isar Gyocerm, 't1Woolii141 : O: 1/I,ulowdroliri —l.,' , , and , i.'•'" • Cedar,W)eo,' • ;... 3 ' ol + o .!14 1.) I•t • Crockorywiie, lugna,' • "''' BlO4ulloaniFerackers of•fery closerliJtlol, I , r•r! iho u x an d r i .1114111 N lheklaeiL l' cuitl r no alai le , ctu , T RI 0 N " 8 : . •,•.- 1, itu'd Font Cui4l',Ul• ,11,o!yep; ,Itrl , par,ontu it dop't,o,ult.yott Oomo, baud ybu'r- ihildrob; o. they ' , 1-yryllrho Eloaltooithi *h.) solue;. • • • onro ae if you wog" , horo yoursolf: I ' ' I ICQ. U I VgA ir. 2 3 opucz, '1 'l,, 1J1)• takon:lßoxchang9 fur goods, or cash. GEO.. B. lIOFBMAN' S.. SONS; .visTe,l 88 East Pomfret Street, 10eop70* - CAIILIOLZ. Pa . . • . . 1,11:'B 4 ON11 : 41111113, Q1:408,:i72 .1 . 3 aLt • „.„, 41 Ai '1 1.1 , 11.11A1ki,„1,,' LW -111. ,Pdr:l jolt / ' ':VP '9t161 0 1 1( 1 . 1 ' 1 ) - .I 1 „ • I/ ,1 I , .":, ' 1 . !nrsT.:MeAtrtiii.;" • 4 ,1 ' • .01 • F :rit I • ;I.l ltl ..:‹ .11 /1 , 1 8:0.U.0111T,.*13.PJ,13,(Y.T1b1e-, 001quiviiitooitiOii1 4 .1.1i ANY OhilatET 13'REET9.1 1.4100010.: . , , ,• mnu.nALEN - A. GoliKun, , „ - Executrix JO! 1: B. $T1311,51 IN, ,1 31ountv eO., N, 7tIQOIIE &,1,1110 ONLY SIX CENTS UM MEE .4 L. SPONSLE:W . S.COL MEM L. ,5P9157§.T4ET,i,..... Haai .Estato A4Cnt, Elnrivonoi, Convo y nocor, nnco and Claim Agont.,leo blidn Street ,near Cantro;Squaro. •• ' • • , ' ..• •!. ; • r,IESIRA.)3LE ,PROPERTY AT FRI 117 °ismer dOilrous of ro rooting lres't;olTorerta"privato Bala a', . "." • LOT ' MOUND,' •' stjontetl on llndford alraatctn Um borough of Car ila)o , K conlalnlng 45 ffet , front by, 1.00 foot, In and jinillLereon oreotod n ' 'TTY:O I STORY FRANS' lOUSE' •'' , . . with brick bask' building, Waal bailee; twith el‘tailt tberein,)tanolteThopeu; bake oxen; and all nocesi?rm, okbblltilligs. The property trOntleg on BedrOxit street 14.48, trot . front lay.*l Ant ree..p., building fronting.oni,ocust alley, 14 21 foot in front.' Thu riiropeity in 'ni•itily. new, bon tniinV stoedrdatri, now occupied n n agrocery'atere. Is lazoodplocliti?g, n'nll ncibilf-ntli Fittutted . fot n buelhen. stand: 'Pet /Ono ; wishing to view lila prdpirly7cas do lib; by' log on thn owner, residing. on' the promises. For. Letitia and RI rther'partlenlatA enqiiire of • ; • ~lBlnb7l -1 •; L.,SPONSLIIR, Real take Agent:. A dl'.., For Brick ,pwelling * For s . „ . No. 3S South Bedford Etrr e t , containing two pailorF, liall, and kittten on tho flrat •Iloor, and thrne chant , bora on tho arcond atom actlt a Mlle - W . attic back and'froilt, ntaira . ity balcony to back Minding, rind . grapomrbor a nd hydrant in :the yard: .1 .: ' ; . • • 17n0770 . , rTME.stibsdribey sC,ieral: other vale ottble properties for,KVeliKibie porta of Oto lth reo v dirprhed of' , .1 •,.1./. sroAsLER,.i, 17,n0v70 ATJ.RGINIA LANDS in the Shenan .-v -6..1‘ Valley fors '4A—A and Itlghky Improved, (antis In:lthe, Volley" ore of fard'tot. talk' Tlid roti fla+ falq& btO'nerk. The,l.ind,,is of the best qua,ll,tppf egnal, If not snootier, to the lapel In ("timberland Volley, tindNill he disposed of at na itottiAlllngly low figure. '1 he en iO.lOll of the'eutntrriand Valley, Railroad Into 'Virginia, 05 1100 . nerveyyti, twill run htnnediately through the Fe thin of country. In which those lands ain located, which, A, il.ll cora. plated; together uI th the advantage Of the Shenan doah river,trapsp station vvlll give them ail the ad vantAges if Noelhorn end &Stern trlttr'kets." A splendid opportunity for lutratlio inveptinents Is litre offered. A foll'oldd minute - description of thO location and character. of the Vaqolls innate may he had, by am plying to- • A. h. SPONS LEE; '' 17m1170 • , Real Estate Agent, Nitliq,! 'Walker's reinegar..PilferS'. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCQVERY •LR. Vl,Wilill.9 CALIFORNIA . V, I N .A R. BITTERS. Himilruds of Thousands Uoai• Testimony to their Wonderful Curative Effeots. I=ll Thep are not a tile Toady Prink, made of pod Rom, Whl,ky,Oof Sptrit'a, and 'Petiole Liquors doCtdred, spiced, and sweetened to qdeaeo the taato, called, • o ni TONICS, 1 : • • A. Pl' EIIZERS, • • : • •I ILIE9TO1t111113; sie., ilea lead the -tithilar. on to drunkori rgess.akal ruin, bate aro a trtioNedielne;,gnado frow the Nati!, Rootannd Herbs of gallforrda, free fr?rn . all Alcoholic Sfiningenie'. They nro 'Great Mood Ptirlffer, and a Life-Giving Principle, a perfect Renovator and Ini vigrCrator of the system. carrying oft all fici , sonoui tratt!! . and tatorlng . 9llll3lcod joa:hoalthy coitdl; tion. — No pornou earitii.k . e thane llit t orsaccording fa direetkn and retnaii long unwell, provided: the bone. are raft destroyed 'by milliml'phisbn or (ither 121101110; And the vital nrgatin wanted beyond the point of repair. . • . For Inflitnimatory.and Chronic Riteunnktinnt end Clout, Dyt.pepsla or l'initgestiott,flew; ilemittepi, nod InterMittent bi`aseff of Vic Blood, Meer, Ridniys , and. Bladder, thmo Bittern have beph ; most noecrenritt.. Such .pinenece. ore noosed by yitimed lttooe , .o blob itt generally produced by do -1 no ti angen of the INgenti‘u Orson.. Dverepeki or' Inflfi,,tion, rrettilnelsn, P.ln In'th• ettlyoltlervr,ltlouglie. Tigntrommof 'Sour Eructation. of tbo Stou/eh, Brl.,taltO Its tho Month, Bilious Attacliii.,P4lpitatlort of theOicart, lonnonunition of tho Lungs, Pekin in the region oc the X' tau 03 , A; i n k tid dr9d ettter-i-paintbl' n'inintoltin t ' aro the Lit, ph ;•• • They pisigurnto the ptOmplk and stimulete n the torpid lit or and boweln, whieb, tender thun of.un egnuded etrica6 • elenniing the ' blood of nit Sale Vorittin,•kii - tnifatling' - vigor to • ti whnio eystem: . . Ril loin, Remittent, lord Intermittent Foyer, wilsielt 'are So, prevalent In the valleys of our great rivers t.l.liintgliont the United Stated, especially those of the 'renriessee,CumbOr laml, Arkansas, lied; Colorado, Brazos, Pearl, Aim llnme, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and man others with their vast tributaries, during the Sum mer and Auttium, and retnierkably tin during ksmons of untisnal-heat And &polio: are invariably venom. PanictiNy, kxLen Rit e derangements, of 'the stern:mit and liver, nod other obtiotehml viscera, Theta urn always nines or less obstructions of the liver, a weak ness and Irritable-state nf the to Inn tit, end. great torpor of the bowels, being clogged up with vPinted accuinolutions. Jo their trealmont, a purgative exerting a powerful influence _upon thrpa vorions orgiorS, is essentially nercssarY. 'zio cathar tic Ali tlcelnirrOVo equal to Dr.'.l!Waiker's Vinegar Bitters, us they will speedily__ retneVe dark-col orcil viacki !nattily with - which the ;/3,twelp, are loaded, nt the .1110 titan 11l 111111 . 11101!q , 1110 aocretions (rule liver, and' generally reitoring did benitli'y (outdone. Q r the '•digestive organs. The unly . ersal popularßy of this, valuable remedy In melons sub. jostio misentatic,intlueuces, Is sufficient evidence .° its power us a rentedy,ln such cases, , • r .. .. . For Skin D15C415., Eriiptione ,Tet ter, Solt Rheum, blotches, Ap'dt'sa, rinlito ',l.'ijetilies, 11,ills;aierhujolell, lting•Woilus, Wahl 'lt id, 'SorP tt.ee.i:' Ttiyalflth;le; IVIA; toarfei Diticblorq. tons of thil Shf,i, Iluntork+litill Pl!aeiLla..of the 5ta14.,.0f -what over ,flap”), t or, Pm tjru,: ore litmilly'ilog up and ararrledout of the e_lyttem in n short timely the tip of these Ritter.,. 04 lieftlu In 'Milt (laeli ',lilt! rankine a e the niost it reditiOfis of klielr,curative iffect . :a ~i.' ,!, .1, .1. 3 .; a a , f 1 , 11. J.Cleango the • Vitiated , [llloti Avh'ehlatiyon.itnal lie luvutiklea . lurniplue Ahrough Jtioililtin.in MI:11110n Erupttenfk r 9r 4 . ores :cptutp ik when you Apyi it,?!.l eirlief6A'Anil'sluggish in the Y 1,111 1 . 3 .; cleanse It-when it 14 s t6,lf, iMII 1•664 redi64 Y.iil'io`i yell si'lte:lllC44;: 019 bluattaputoi add idle ilia/lull , a otitlltta sydietin ;all' follow. ; ill; a.' .Ipa to car nil'.!.' ...• ;.. ~' t ' kin, Tau, and other i p,ocula r prl;l3; , .,lp. tiy,ge ; ke'ai;eleil;iinritiy I liduenntia; nil, offeetUalli. 1eatr03.:144 Alia 'relnoi-dal. -'lhtrlttll aihetfoiii,io , ..l!i..,i'ettill'i l tnb circular around rack bottid,wprintetiolit.laurtind• guagesugliab, pet.marli, Fjonfp , ,, Apa 4933111 h- r , .I'::WALititt, 'l.;riipria tor. ,4:iI.,SICIDON 'Atli .CCO . ' .sti.uatieks add iiii.;. Ago'ritil3. l .rOsi'Hit;iiCisCci'dai.V' ' . ... odd Ott and 341Cokiktnere'o Street;aNter aleork.'' , a if '.-J ,i in fa gold ta:k`il“Prl l 66 l lt..fukCPekgen!..‘..l ,ll.t. = Baltimore ful.Ovelrtiseinelit: ' • „ • dll , 3 l o'irE it g 6`4 1 lt t 4 ;111Retall Srdsrs• aniountritutt?Ap Incl ; 9v.or,dnlAw, etAd bunter Purt.•of fhb couritry. ' 'r . - ~;i; 1 u .3.11;)‘,, rr •• • iroa of .fiapi tearper l . . ••) :,• • • , r' ir T;Yl t 93i. d! •,11;.•Witi Iti,ortior,ttpt,kp,t,tept.p put tft 1.10 runt:nor, tkerlr Rgtall Cuatonturs r u t llt i t s l i elTicakavi e i Wkst , 7l , /a .,..i.,,, , ,?, end upon applleallop„,prumpflit #r.nr4,141/4/ foil Hues of Samples of ttierNduetir ahtl Imptblo Goods, of French, rongl i t i li„ mut „Domestic 'NtlitatiftlUriere, nuntit tri sett as 'ion . , irnot apjffp,p,ricrit, thspi,ly koluiostitilk country.; Buy lug nor goods from Piet _largest mid most cola; tikattotl marrulltiturlarsdn'tll64lloreiitrptif t ptlfblitu And lippostlpg ttutruorky Skeatnerti dlfool pulp. piths; Init. Brock ht , ull 't lAMB' pronip kly 81401,11 e tfU ' in. ll'gt s 4 on7 a l : 4l fronton to liftrory ler ermal, j !l,aa Rrulll,lon . rall')'p Wlt.o erklle:"'• ' • •• ' • - ,I,lli nmuttnit• fqr:runrupll , o speMfy Sortekl dealrod.; 1\ o keep t4o best grsdos of ovary chase of qpioduplinni tJeo kritlost'ro'llua Intult)diattll 0;4 ,111 kiNYNl n sirt e -r4 l l4 4 tl b L t ignMitlttitr b o 3 :lMA _lfo 4, lLttgn (s ., :3p d i r at $49, onAt Mabldnel. And s,Moickasb •sAs ' ; , 11 , AmILISOP k w[t v.ifcraqii4 9 - 119 'f'" , `Yi. 133 .' ) Y r i st I'lltiVre6V,The I t 04r/zee kiwai 4intE )oitt' gigthswi -6il t i[if f , QTIIO . 6iatILVEIIMP.LttI a 7 1-i•,‘t, () .11101 , 1-t Ig• ',l I 1.4,* 'I:11.1 Ifft. /mt. , oxenod; rllh,a, I,argg Poniestio Cerpoi llArttouflibauttruo.B6:luke;JNa, at!eoiVil fwg , 4 0 1911 . 51.34q .70), I,i;t1:11)! 7 IN, S, I 4 4fIISTRWAATJ, Ale q4lll gttOoki tu. , Wit n ,KI T' a MP U F 29AUPI"nli,linbaAg14,1; iui?it outga • - :;:, ".CARLISLE, PENN'A THURSDAY, NAY 18' 1871 - • ..rfother, COtlaclabi i.omptiny. SPRING OPENING ! Mil :1,8 71 . 1; . =II =ES HOMER, UOLLAJJAY .1410 and:l4l4 •Clie s etnit 6 'Street , PHILADELPHIA: J . • ; • ;e; 4eopectfully,juvite . the polio to an Inop90001.1.0: CHOICE STOCK Or KIHIOPEAN NOVELTIES, =I Of their own o, lection for !Ito ~~„ ~ Present -Ser.lson. - `', repl:ce.jindain at:11.641: 10.§' f1r04.61/IW.4SSED tountrx, either forjte. greatsiarlety or desire bAllty of toxtures sioeiat 6ihlb In To;Flties, tv,o ‘,091d utteuthr . ll t. ; SILK PEP Ali 2'II:ENT, • If!eh is rApfeto with tat the now4t similes of th neon, not bofiro oxhibi,o nod a rnry full Hilo o !qlntne,etylcs BILKS FORSISITA •t, very muAcntq]'cicvp:. In B Qll SIL KS .i tho LOX quti moatepericourtd xnaliNtof LTC/MI o iii:e l l.4l; !ilia prick troth ' $1.50 . per ,t 9 41'10.00 per: yavd. ' 9 , u4 lotirottid tuttnhtto neymiutatiee with the best Trep'flilaciures enablte n 640 oirenttnusiml itdraningei to purch.eKl nritss . Gocips' •ntPgRTMRNT, ulllkated Terlcty Igo ur ni .0CjIll2:1 111 cut ~,. zi rrolcia • Grenadines, room . areges',. or . Scitiare 'Nfesb,' do:' ow article. .All theio 4itiocid tar Lifer nt thcriow:- possiblo prices .JV:e_urgra 11 to_czatniike_our 57,0 ck , and judgc for' 171;,Inselreti. , . 200713m/a3m The Weeqy Sun MEW CIIAILLEa 4 . DANA, Editor THE DOLLAR 'WEE/a Y SUN. A NEwsrArEic,or TILE!.:II,I:9,kiN:I` TIMES. • INTENDED YOE PEOPLE NOW ON 1: ARM Including Fanners, ideal, miss, 'Merchants, Irofes. atonal Mon, Workers, Thinkers, and all • °maker of honest folks, and thu marry, balls, and daughtors • of all such. • ' ONE pOI,LAR A YEAR I ONE lIIINDItED COPIES iolt $5O, Orle. then Ono Cen't,it Copy. Let ;berg be n $5O • Club at ecru tot 01lieu., . BEAU-WEEKLY :US, $2 A YKAA, of tlio same size and general character at Tllll ~ WEEKLY, hut with a greatur variety of miscellano ous reading, and furnishing tile news to' soh- scribers with gmater . frrshnrH4, because it comes twice a week instead of onim only. , ' " THE DAILY SUE id A "YEAIt. f A• Pree..19V.1 1 Y7 . A040 1 4 ,-- Aavispopir: , -0. 11 : 4111, largest circulation in thu Pree, 4. 1 41.mieN , and ftatrlms in I Alt the newa _from etieryi.' where.eats a copyi by ` mall,,cout, k , rtiontli;ot 113 a yetne. "i,. "tv - gs,T,9 „CLUBS, !; 111111)01.4.A1t WiERl4' FUN. • " Flrt pfrplef,..LUO.l%";l'''''irjSo.o.lll:dotli..ell)l,llLl.tlt f . 13. 4 Tart coplef,'orleoleA: eitipotoroirljr ntgressul fetid' fin' extra 'l . treuty costes, gee: Jeer; repatattly out reis L ed (and au extra copy triple getter up of el uto,) :!1;' - , '. 1 % . •. DOY.LARK Fiftycqpies,pe,yeur„to °on ndttrora 0)0 ,tho ffe r tai - o lbfeohly oho year to gattior up of club.) to.. ~..fir t o.'lllll - 11i-ViltEE DOLLARS! rifty ego yearoeleteately addressed, (and the :'.'liettol.Wellily'efici year too getter up of fluter • ; OnellmndreN , 141ret.'1,130 h VABP feAoue pearl. the getter tut of ott(10 , • o , NIFTY DOLLAttS. ettPlee; 'Jae; Year, eitertaitely tahlreised (pool the p,ltty Tffolet your tq getter up of. rlq),.). 'f3OX'flo' p 01.14119. SUN., Pon goprei,";.no ' 1. 4A1 ) 1 copy 1! , . gator hqPf ciunI)1•10i tot u ' SI?.ND Y 013.11. In Post °Moo orders, ollezlO,, or trailst on New Pock; wlttirtiter,conventoht. - -lhicot;tltOn redliiei tint lot r; 'lO gliipiNtiaei Nei! YOik Ott " cTeiv - Li; AND - . 9M :4RI iwihr .11 J ief ('1 T'l'' C.: lit. 14: 'li '1.57011::$1 umi't tS,III •sciftiirt' ''9•;•„mti , No. 3 lialiofi's Building t ' 1 ) 11 -,WitLIOZII.VitAIIittiCART#BEI;;' 4, Ai,` ,IO77 Lr ,111QH: if 111"11 wiltd.o.l..pql,sumr,i.kr9t6. bit( dltUfriondoind the public in gencool, thet ILO hokeentin,enail. Ali . et WAtob, aild.•lpffelry 1 .. • , !“ 1 / 1 , ,: ;1s1;! r .; i t ' o 4 ‘tl i ntg ° Ull2 C lf i e l' :6 l l l ;l l l ? ell 7l :: ! g: 'l lit i . ll.lo3 b r es, trovly. years' experience in the, balmy', I (eel confident ean*lvo-attire sotierattibnao till mil& lleriferetriteltli j~p at fI r ie DM .3frelltli&l l A l AAffvranioll , i ,m;upsi7l .2 %7=isl?Nistllik.iiywavatAl?fr . Ayab - B - id' . .r . s . sro . iv: : •., ~. If you 'cohnot'62i'tha ocean •• • ;;;'''' '.Snit among thestiltiost:itert, 1 •„ [ •-• ,Stocking on the highest bilious, , .; .. Laughing at tho storms you mast; - Youfchn 'sisndamtitig tho 'sa Hors, . .; AricLorod yat ; 7ltllln,tho bay, '',,,,, 1 ' j inn can'to'6llp bilml to holly theta, i I ,?!"i" 'Ad l'hlt3i taiinbit thatr boat fitray.k '' i Yf yonitrototi wardi tojoio- tojo4rnely two inounfaln stoop and tilili;1• you can °hind ultliln the vullej; Whll r ialiiiiiifiliittitiego i ':7 1 ; ! Yott can:chant in happy nioaeure, :, • ; =I : Ad, they slowly page-Along • Tho4lllthoy inpy, forgot tho Elnge , Tho'y forgot tlib .low haie norgold'and oilier . Ever ready to command;, -p, Tf you cannot toward the needy " Itt.ltch an ever open -hand, , • ,roii can foisit the afiliCted, • I •' O'er the erring yen enn , ' You can be a traelleniPlo 1 'en, Bitting at .tbe , Savior'si fell • , Ilk • you cannot in the harvest " • ; Garner up tho richest shear," 1""' : Nany a grain both ripe and golcio . Will the careless reapers 'pave •, ,• ',ad and glen among the lniirs;) . rowtng ranic.agnlnatthe,wal . orit finny tie Una the i : Tildes Oho heaviest wheat of Ott •'' 'fit konnnot in the conflict ' , Piero yourself a soldier trite If, where fire and artibkeaio °Pieta; ' 7 ' There's" no work , for sou to dr ; When the, battle-fiold•ia shoat,, You can to with carol - W.11.00, - • :....- You con boar away the wonydil, • YOn can C.oe'r up the &ad.', lin not,,then, stand, Idly ivaltir4, - -Per some greater worli to di - Fortune in a lazy godde s s— ' 'Oho will neVer corao'to you, tie and tl5ll - in;nly ' ' not fear to "alour drire; , ' If.you want El field of Inber„ ' You can find it anywhere, ' !it': •THE ENGLIB.II..L.A.HGOIGE. .Sally•Saltfr, she was a y,on teacher lho taught, 'And I,n.e friend, , Charley Church, was,arpregeher. ho praught; , Although' hla enroniea.calieti him a acneclier who arratiglit. Ilia heart when ho law her, krpt'fink loaf and sunk, And hie eye, meeting- hers, kept mint ingnuti trunk ; While flio, in turn, fell to thinking and thank. Ito hastened to woo 110 r, rind sweetly Lo vetoed, For his lord grow until a toonotalu, , it greseti, And what ho was longing to do then ha daed. • In newel hn wooled to apeaki and ho epote, To seek with his lips what his. heart bug bad eol:e; So he Inlmaged to let ihe'Vro th leak, and it lake. jic asked hor to.rtdo to fluchurch, and they rode; They act sweetly did glide, that they boll cold they ~ Attl ilt.is , ittroio to eho' idado 16 'Lc tfud;arid ~;;lode. , . Thriallornamml; he Ott, tat cis drive, tod tlwy 6ove; Aml nn syun na ihoy, iv 0110;0 ..r.r,l vg, they' arrlve , For whatuver ho couldn't contriro„eh& cplactovp The kiss be was dying to steel, then Lo.atole; At tho Gat where. h 4 wanted Ito inset theta ho kiwis; • And le sofa, I foel Lahr than orcr..L Iola:: A DAY , ‘ 4N.I) NIGHT MOU.N,T VER.,iY o'l4 One day last Spring 'freceived Trom the leg,ent Of the Ladies' 'Asseciatlen who now have-charge of Mount Vernon, a cordial itiVitatlori to. - vistt the 'Place lit which, as the wife of ono of the few 'liv, representatives of the Washington T might alnico to 'lava an 111Mo/A lioac.litarx aac.cot, ,„._ L.,; l \ l :tPi Pi?ltfu) 9b gtQuiitpo steamer *,ll ;re . aOa ti -the wharf ; rit:4 . nooFbLi' 'where a ourriag was„ in waitingrAq‘icon ;vo,rne to the bonypt „Fpllowing lug road up the. hill, under the . oytuurph- . : ing branches of fina,old trees, I soon ireaebedOtlie rnKin iontrantd, , r-where found N'atliarf,' Servant df the '"WailiiTig,totrfamily,-n-finc-looltiifi-mid dla-aged man, well dressed, and with striking courteay of inanndr; whd'itett; as' majpr-donio 'to visitors, -reatiir to 'hand me from the carriage; mid talo: °barge of my satchel. On entering I recoiVed , a cordial welcome from my friends, and ;fott sonictliing like Rob Roy.7lion'hi , ex flO "14y foot is on my native' hei4li, 'and' my Mune blfobregor.," The house is,largo :and imposing,; ou the river:ll.6a a Inntied, extends its full length, the tall white . columns reaching to * ,the rpof r .adding. very remelt to its coMmauding, . appearance. centre PUrtiftn , ofltbe mansion was, built by the original, owner, Lawrence'. Wasliinton; au, Alder half-brother of the Goner al t 'married a daughter •of• the Hon:: Wfiliatn Fairfax, a relative ofliorduFairfail,orint gbntleman of consideration ; at ono • time. president of his majesty's countiil in the colonies. • Lawrence , died , at the . ageksifthirty-folir, bequonthin . g thebstnte ko.his,ortly child; a daughter ;; cunt fivtlie, , !tying of her - death without - lteirei I t1:11 his: favorite hretherAteorgei into Whose 4108-1 session ,by,tas!child's; early,domise, Alm! property_: ,ermici •It was ! , galled: Mount Vernon - from the British, adinticif bf that name, with-whom Lawrence had I sailca.on;thebxpoditiOn,agaiustir•Cartlya gona,,and;tb whom hn Was!•intlebtfed:for niters ltindnesd., aft a lotteb to Ills father,: i Cutain.,—Augustjnel, ,, Watillingtium lEredpOclrsburgt Jainaica,:liait ;inn ; ho says( • 61401,,avpid,saying , much our,Cartlia- pun._ pxpodition, ...the suttes's Aff which, do wdl goon have in print. 'strayed, in short, ()let forts, six men-of tvar; 9S dallbonS ; ' and' some therelllitit 7 , shipS;et6. •'t have Temalifed oil lada..ril, Admiral 'Vernon'a Ship; 'ever Since vastly to my sathif;Mtien.," • ' 'Pa i 9 ) 7 )441 : 11,ii of I;;ltyrancejn pet . p9'4'foli tidn4 slisiN;tl3' dressed in the Un('orM, red coat ii l nd bldg, vest, d'is'plaY'in"g ° a Peit'iOn'Ot the ru, ed labove ; a black chapeau tinder his arm, ernaniented',With bdw and -hutten .omits ;.rflniLoyalaface:is uhandsbnie,. l and I has in it the obividroliti ;10dlor.of. nu old/I tinto.Cfpra 10/ •VRlSllCblllpillXiQtrlial dark; I 't9iial =marked' lidaelc eyebrows archiligd6Ver darl6eyes, , : (broad, high forehead: aquiline need,. 'firth) chin, and) pleasant imenth-“-yery;rdarlt 'hair arranged in a qyeqo behind, lineibth ou either side of thetTface, 11 ) 1 formal 61191 r o4ei tlititittCl3.*: kidtriatice tiiiiiieft` tr6tiritVdiqoAt. n•w '0 l 'gio . • j gi . ".'"'"' h Wi" ~„ 1 3 :1 , 1 )9 9 •A9 IO; iRi ' apartinyat, over, looks ilatver'„ io O "og o 19 . Nirf rooms are comfortably some ofilto feiniture b'etlig quaint olff-fashitmed[ relids intsitltitialrto tholttssotilation liptliffer‘dur 1 13 TV tweettlhaAvlnciowi3 (tattoo 'frank,. ono huraired 'Arid': fifty; r tki Wart ,Itenssblat34 . 4,ikiii,late'•glasirha4ltig. Wad nth 4 kmasalitedlly iomi). ; &eittulltittUtil fa c tm•or f j, ' 4-oi)i,ltyl,Woll/011,01 • .on ; the. walls hung, pictures of .Goperai Tashington : andhis wife, also a peetiliar: profile eugnwing.of him very singularin its style, • and, unlike any other I , have seen. The.; boat having left with , the !daily visitors,' we'Proccerled without in terruptien• upon. our inspection of .the apse,!Tvhich has ,been recently repaired, repainted; and generally refitted, , under the supervision: of General Illichlor,..Copi tnissioner.ofr.Puhlie,Buildings,- and- -his. .agent, • Mr.. L...T, •F i ollensbee.. About. ,a, 'yearlago, the ladies kif.tho Agsociation.fie, 'cured, through the energetic'. efforts of, 'the regent, after much.exor•tion And. do;.: !lay,. an! appropriation from ..Clongrese: of, seven thousanaslollaes, foe &imago and "loi.s;susiaineflby, tho stopping of their boat dming,the - war,. this being almost the. only, ,ayailable source: of ,rovenue to • . The house had fallen sadly into decay, and needed immediate X''epairs to:preserve it, ;as did also the • out-bnildings. ' .This. money was placed at.,tho disposal of. General Michler, and Mr. Follensbee was 'appointed:to supervise:the..work, which has been- weltdone, • ...Externally, the . mansion has been painted)aud Sanded:in its original style, ' mdta,tionOT: stone: Within, s.oncie the, rooms-have r been .repalierod. in, old-- style patterns,- others ralpainted,, and the walls'colored ; many ttontilbutkins in-ma terial 'having greatly -aided the work.. PaSs'ing iliom the, sitting-room 'acress a wide passage or hall extending through; the house, we entered a small room, called the ire : st.parlor, with sonic pictures upon the walls, and over the 01-faNhiofiedeor4 nisi fireplace, the Washington coat-of.- 1 arms carved and filling a framed panel.' ithoVe it,there was a dim Old painting of atiaSml scene, covered ,with glass to pro- . tact it iron - the:Mg chipped off, and car ried away as a part has been already, by , those insatiable vandals, relic-hunters. From the west parlor we entered the ban.° quet-hall, the handsomest room on the first ilooi', ; used by. Washington on state 'occasions, as'a reception or dining-room, anti in which his body was laid in, state after his death. The arched ceiling or 'this beautiful room is elegantly orna mented in stucco with graceful garlands, the de'sign including many detices em: blernatid of agricultural pursuits, The 'fluor is covered with a very handsome oil cloth minufactured iu Now. York, -and ,centributeoy. a gentleman of that city„, ,7 ; any relics are collected in this •rpotn,. '9 l 4:filg.t;ipn? , i?..pprOlier of autique chairs lPre y sented by different parties,, all having some historic association ; one being an .original that ,canatt over in ; the ,ltfayflow ,or ; al . so a , harpsichord, presented by, Was,hin, , glon ,c.F... Iqs , ,Wif.e's grAncl-dimgl4 , ter, .tleanorCustis. The white roarble Mantle; e4fluMiielY9TNeti lin Italyt , was.. presented to, W,Ashingtoir hy a.genaetnan of Philadelphia (I think Air., Janice Vaughan): A blaelc,marble mantel, un derstood to have. aepompanied tliis, was given by Gendeal' Alraiiliiii g ton to his brothel) Colonel Safenel Washington, 'of , 1 ..1%7.."1..":0,,..11:."fttb.,...NLM111::51: , `At14:' 'reside there. Iv - . pnestiod b.. IxtEttthei Otte ? C imirlior i , vvberoionier reliOs aril to'tio seen ; horsteis for pistols, and 'irillitairattdop.: trOmetito steed dining the'Re'volutiOtfi Al 'so, in a case with glass iloorii,' a ''siiit of elothOs: Tluireda a snuff-ediored Coat of antique style, 'llreOthos to 'match, 'a' Aortic - oat of lrancisornit material in bright colors, , and a pai'r of low silk stockings, darned - aiiii--6rtftill3r—markod in blaCk. letters, 0; W. 2, 07. ' This stilt was re,s-, Cued from obscurity , and presented to tile Lactidiai 'AsktiOlatibit by William. D.' 3l'c-, Gregor, of Iltidson'eity; 'To this case: is Also to be seem a most invaluable. add 1;1- terestiiiil relic; i lock' Of Wasliiii,gtoti's liair; wily, mingled' witli brown, ' flue:, 'soil, and silky as a child's. ".'PNVO stairways, (Me at eithei• Mid of thO'lMOYe;_icintrnititic;ittY'"Wiilil'iic tipper floor. Over a door in thollia'lf ; Intags' a Mobil: Oage,i o'fifirliiini' , : a ''Pond6r6l,4,"'ci, ii:hitaj.L.6aiiii-H;etilibS.,'tltst iin'c6ni&e)l"cd 'the dreaded door of the iiistile. ,f i ats' li'ey'V,is'i r cift . !lSf L'afitYettc . to WashM i g-, ton: .A: taVdsbniii"WiliOii .ca.iiet; pre-. rented by a friend of pig AsoCiatiMlicOv prs' Hi& iimfn 141.1iikliSK ' ltalf ' , , - 11;y - nil, on tliti'ililidinff-Yilitdo;' e,tii(fil 'ail ' '!6kt: clock On tie stair," ono of thO..O'i:tittely;''digl , ,f , fled . ; 'Ciiiiitir'Si. n ik institatlV.4" iii• tits: olden tini'd,itS'ill'al ornaitienidd tVil.,tyt:ho inoeM!s' race,lts wide-olAie.4e's'jeering °tit with ai1 1 611.1SII'lbolt;V if 'yt 'COitlil tell the lirv tll. Sngi)resenf'dt d- iheletiii p'ast - : Prom tli6,'Veg l eYs'l'd)iiiat : titiOnt through ft kliO . fe ,i'"A‘sSit t g,ii t :itt:d . 'e of Ot' it 'ld 1:g4,. ha it cl- SO'ittii';'oont' itiltliii's,iiiiii:CitaOt tliciimiti3;'' correspondit4 s With'th(iiiA'n'q' et till at ilib. noAlt i .'ciiii:' '.'llig -- l'ittift;"#"iis ''BllCe. tileOd ad a;lll.4:44,'illieit;illi t ti" its a, l f,iiiiing, , ~h o - T ) t.• , ft, ./., i itti. , i. ..,1,;,.• , ..1' OM . inSeapa ments r wero afICIILIOpS Illa'ClC li.V i de'ubial'Was'fiingtiii tolliOtil'ig-, irilir bit, ' ,,t.' 41iciik . 'iii'f.' (1 - b0i..,v ,. gr0 le iitaVtei..' ea'S'is'ofi r l%'aliiiiiiii: , ii'liViliq: btte. A handsome maliblo bust of Uic; "61 . iie r t,"'aA i ll'e j klyAS dftOti ciilfe t d;'lntAbebo, 'pladdli'in liie l ,' baiit'in i ce-liilt i iiSi Ifi?s,: i `V. l PlitOwOrtli '.tv'e; tlio ;, , toe-iebni 'typiii' ;Georlyia. It s a fine woililif' till' Midi` flbs'Orvek' '6spibiat r iiibitifi , ii i . : '/ti.sCanig, ~q i nnirow kl'aitvAlci riViiiiVo i nd di'tiVO'hian:: , I , , -ft,:l ill. lip , : .ii '..J . 1 . ...:V.) ~,A, , Pon, wo nrbt ci tei a onamuct • 9vei , tin? , library, in ,which; , Washingtort died affyr fOlii'tiaSPS, illness.' Ori ViNyai - hutg k % 'i•il.iiia. , eopi . ' iii' v pie; '4»ityriei . tii . ,i,,,ette, cOnfai'niii'g an'licconiit'of'iiis'iliiiitii:. ' ' 'the' ~ , I: Rll,l quaint, sty , lo and.plain finisp. of tobyrooin, ;Ittliji.''itit latp 'Old flstind.blifWels, conr, iiiist etrdii' i glPiiritli , oil i r,Voildam`,i'dintal:of lolll'iri:.' . Atiofd, - thi's'i l iMin is 'lr 'siir'ialt :Vt.;:, ' ,tic chamber to 14iTgli",10V 'I, lifiliii;,R: i.6t1.611-htgr,.. l i.:ll r th, - ;619 , , ,A..,iv,cqintA ' I ,c,llo . f iatut,itge ,wect. itillrii,N, d r .,c,,v,f 11bbiP-wilniiiiissgai iiral i g,"R 114ii?r "i 4 I 4 i:latilll4l4 rioy . .4;;_q;l i eliamliewlesiOtticrtle iNtio l, te 1 1 ,g p ib ninfl',Y , li V'Y.lins,lligi):toing iiineliefl , p , 'its' A.1,68i,t,', ."e. 9 i6v,".icta;ntsfuo, ii. 9,,,,. 6 - I,wievtfai,',ti , Ly,:f6,3tiviT6'ir,t,utAhil • i'6.‘,l, , . . • . 1 ..,„ .. I, Nlt,lll ~ I,V/ii dog been ogeupll lir . t iop7illvis, 5 . 41 .1. , 1_, , is , :riitP(ii i hitiiiiit,' ,o'rilli.m,' Iniq iimii ., d,kri, l adiPY ce'fitibd"`iiiiii"tiiii'll's fe'tl;',.if.lirOtidu., .. twElondiiiitt.'46lk.".it'''Ari t'lt ll: .114 2 ' Istod, of IstbAilokiti'ey'i r iiblil4 JVlA•Pakibio ) , litiWisig I ilitAirig"ltoi+MuibtiftrY' i i[lt l F o Et.' ilo6.l4tii:f iitilittikbii, Wini a Atliiidrititt ( ril iafAttirdd4roinnh l e ftifiNisli. 3 W(CaliltiOoti l i tfbb, , titilatiivigiiltiP #thitil4o 4101 i it,' f bi• Tir:' , il3viidrkitisi.:attliiiiiic::",ll : 1 ' . , l/ , , ,lint i Tim. bartiontiiii4 f&sfitita'bjrlSTi. l DitiV al; cloilio,lblabk walairkbureau ~. by , 111 r. Allen, botitofl;Netvg,iirt(eyl while, aribr ,kbelr.rnaugot 'was- 'III:fill°, fait , length ,en.) grkving , o,f lialityette, - ,pi : Osonted , dir3Listi Dothrcipridc) New , :ltof ky i, TilbStigi. fib; tittic,Vlsynt ttiplinl athtiiiWay..secientltkinbm'e Jitritote4t wif aticelnitittothtiolAnratorp; 'crowning the iocif,lniiiVltibla!krOtit!ltiion Alio lovely landscape inits'graceful swoop Of fields, foiest', hill, : dale, and river. On the north and east the magnificent Potomac spread its broad expanse of, bright- waters, sunny . sails, Ulu) great white-winged birds, floating on its sur face ; while. beyond the river the dietaut Shores of Maryland are dimly, discerner], • and to ,the.s,onth and west a dark line of . . forest girdles . the horizon., ,„ pp vi tin) ; house, soon afterward,, and desconiling,,the ',slope, of , the hill by a gmy,elled walk, we papsel,,,tho old yault which trio i;ymaiys. ,were .removed 9$9lP. A i n•efeePP4 . of, APro, 1831, unclor, the snporyision ,Tphu .4„,and George le. J; Washington.:- It is left tit its original state,and protected. by ,a substantial ; paling., Ina, few moments more fonullourselyes,staii4iug ',before the un pret,ending tomb ; of. the first President. It-is a ,simple structuro of red brick, witli,gratecl iron doors, bearing, .above. .them this brief inscription : • Tll; . .(:&rorndP and' , alloVe- the' - sacred'` spot; cedars and.otliei- , evergreen treiis droop their gracetul branches in perpetual roydronee )' , Through tho door's can be :seen thb ;icki.rbity 'Sat 4 ciiithagus in which •regt , his •renihis; and lieu ancithe{, ,containin . g , thdse , Of his wife. Both were decorated - with-wreaths of flowers:._ In front end at the sides of the tomb are- fourThiontimentSto different:mem : bem of the fainilxl—Olie handsome - shaft in memory of Alto Washington. ' - Palling the winding, romantic path still farther Abwiihill, we Caine to the Spring House,' and enjoyed a draught of thO pure, 'cdol water; then tested a mo 'insist on the gnarled roots of an old tree, 'under the, spreading branches of a meg- . 'nilleent oak. The groiind was covered WiSh' ferns, 'water-cresses, and green mosses, rind dotted with clumps of spring ,beanties and forget-me-nots and other ,Ilowers. Going back to the house, we went around by the out-buildings and well, with its "old oaken bucket;' thence into a -broad carriage driye, extending ob either side of a smooth, sloping lawn, cut in the shape of a heraldic shield, with groups of floe old trees scattered-around, and extending toward the'gate, with the porter's:lodge visible in the distance. .' On one. side of- this lawn :is a large Yagetableorrdeni ob . Ote,:lither• a flower garden, both ornamented. With quaint OldilioMiTageS,jitere, is a , nlindsome 'green.' house, with hot• houses, where Tare varieties of grapes are raised under glass. Colleetion'brplants and flow nisy And and' 'yaried; gr. Craig, the isunerintsuaing.gardnuer; Is gedial, into), ligentSnotcliman, most eciurteously did the hominsof. this departMent, present ing us with an osgnisite bouquet. Willi- • dering out from the garden toward the gate, your steps are bewildered in a labyrinth of skilfully arranged, winding . . ,•,. iaie.bearitiful 'April (15. y -was drawing• doss; n misty LOTttji4g : ;;lf=7;l7l=vgloiTi over/ We 6celio': • -A ; tittle !spying''f4ird -poured' a' o ' btl'of"thelddiott'stitie`s:::oo :thesoft' ;the branclics Rm./lead .st,m, rithl;o43_ if With the rattle Of angels' whim, 'ready to bear to lteaitiqgatkbat §ot)g , Ster's .. the sbadoWs deepened, the, weird .charm of moonlight shed its glamour ,around; there was a sip - it - even iu the-sileneyLsoinething-to lie felt, bill boyead the . po:er 'of lan gnage - to describe. B,o,elbsed the ilay.at ,Mount Vernon. , ; The early .fiourd.of , nightwore spent in social cotiverse,'reviewitig, •scefics and incidents ,of, the Past, pr' discussing the ftiture, especielly.the poSsiblo execution of a cherished design of the LadieS' tociiation iu 'endeavoring to collect Mil restore to the home of Washington - all: that .can Uoobtained, associated withildniself or the house where they once belthiged and 'should most appru priatelybs piaccd. The . 'reg . ctik.,,Aiis 'Crintikitgbain, who bits made great ,persoual,sacrifices in de votion to.l , this'eause,''. flided in her etTeitts , iC.,e-regs;iit in each' State, iadi4s'it;'epretienting 136ftio of the distinguished,;famllies of the country, both.' in. .talent, position, name, and blood. bliss Cittmiugh tih 1 resides' at,' • hrottnt,Vernou t .givitig lier personal at teutiou tq, ; tliq,.bllsipess of the. Associa-, tieu,--aidodiky-the'. sccretaryi,tanil .super,t ;rising the" kestoratiOn of the house and grtmuds . to their Orkginaf good Order .antl' is,dono.as a, labor loys,as she.has positively refused to re. beivei•ank:roninnoratiOn fot her services: : 'ten' ;and '"chii;en . P. in. I 're, 4:4;:;:il4 . l.l;afiriitte„•rOom , being signecl to me,---the Ufirst I occupant -since' it wntr refitted ''ead , :furnished'. 'Seated ; pally gpri4g,niglit, renderedsoinforti.ble,, watching ~grouped :figures t'groW.,'!glow, • itnd cite/6111d this coals, While iligpictill;(3. seeniß'o ionic dcM•n aniarVitd oyes, a;5, Mit recognized dangliter . pf the,' dtouia I felt "that ltonsdsl Wlia'l l 4,;"i i n ri, have" lived' and" died M. 0 ., Moved liy animjiulsn ptiwerfolyot irresistible; S 'arose, passed from the room; into tlici• *tile p'Assado; 'Oa enterdtl apaiiin i entS ' A. spectral light frinn .tbo,igindows 6ottre,ely -,softened the '.l3loent !no Bound ;broke the lirociding'. siletice;Mit .an kiecagicin..at,ipalc nderfoot, °R ,lir.Reft}P s r it. a Oshi lig §tartlFa a At - strange • eolloing •'sounds.. Ithat roVertio'tated- • .(IOOp istlJped i '' 6 t toioe l 11,1}E/Ipngt‘o4 i witlk 2 tnllsierithie.•influenebs;nfaseinating , !even in the vague terror ortlitili''n'titte-' dined 4ouree. see"Feil to feel, thong TOOtlibt in Ic6 i iiii,Lin 01 4 ii'44l:l l l4Aiii`;' - '1 414'A/a i" . 4,1 6- ioetliailiiik t , l AffleCOlii(l)¢il' vait;" 'it Clord' stilton Nei." jilif6lo l 41L'Its • att11 . 413 h4(reb9s.Alua; ovbit , icy ittl " f elitt i I tkl intrith ' edk r thills be itlidroltlenuuU;orliorktkir, tidtil long i fga .;•1 ,( I hal; ,t; • . my knincrs eye Isati/. a vlsion,apnin- pilate Jto thaftpla co, g nibon. Ibpautatpli tEinbu , ,ihrotidod ,NV inter land , littutigeir earl, sued': of , DA'uoltibUr; 41001 A alto I;urnud on rho- lamp, on th i tahlo ; and there stood the loving watt_lsers around a bed whereon day thdform WashingtOn.., Dr. ,Crailr, ! ,tho frithwl and. physician, with head. bowrcd on his hands in grief, stood beside him ; Major boar held pressed to Iris bosom the hand of the : dying , hero; and; at the -.fo9t - oftlio bed . sat , the dcvoted 'wife, in deep yetsilent sorrow.. Christo- Thep, timold,__attacited_scryantrgazed-at kind master tearfully;,, lovingly,; tvLilo Other serv.apts,, With awe-stricken faces, :were, grouped:- near , the door. !The silenee:iu broken by, half-whispered Words : am: just .going : , paxe; deceiAly, buried, paid.donot. lot . my body ; be put, into the:vault ; in:leeti,then.,three, days,. after I am. dead." :The, •, eyes, , klreaciy : glazing, in death, look , steadily at the friend who holds his hand, and again there comes a.questiete "Do iMdei:sMil me?" A. vlele9 clwkqcl; with emotion ‘vhispqp i those last brief words, so full sigpifi b:meo, are spoken :•":4:is well." Ile is contfitt,,. ? lap° CCI , -„ and there Comes a great 7,ealm. .The flea front time to etepity, Aud he Nshose name in life filled the ". climax rre."'St ry "-An death had but yasSocl "front•glery to,glory." In a Ilion - Lein thelight faded, and again .I was, enyeloped and a great black shadow fell like a pall over, the scene. The ViBl6ll paaSed; the pi/mites- magoria vanished, and left_ me standing in an empty, desolate room, the windowS. ' looking at me no; Wide open, dew inking eyes, reading. the secrets of souls. The dory moonlight made darkness visible, as I glided silently back to my chamber. ,, When thought is awake, sleep clues, not conic et v our bidding ; and I lay tin' sonic time dreamily Watching `.tshadows, frc/m the fitful firelight dance upon the Wall," wondering if the spirits of the Revolutionary heroes who had slept there so many long years ago were keep ing vigil in the ropm.• At last I slum-, • bored, but wakened with a start to a strange consciousness of a presence near me. The fire had died out, and nothing was visible in the eerie gloom ; and yet something seemeq, to haver in the air above me, and thou- there was a gentle pressure on my brew and eyes, which. seemed a benediction, and finder this influence I fell asleep.. The morning, Suniihine streaming. in through the Windows roused me, and the spell had passed. I Was &don walk ing up 'and down- on the old piazza, Whose talk' white pillars gleamed in the morning light, While dew sparkled on the sloping hillside, and the river's glit- ; toning exptinse .stretehed:kway.as far 1 . /Sr the eye Could reach, while a passing Stea.mboat- was breaking the tvanced silence with the ' tolling of its bell in. honor of the glorious dead. Might had.passed ; morning had come ; but it was impossible to decide whether in-the glambur of moonlight,/ er the . Sparkle of , Spring sunshine, Mount Von.. '2IIIE MISER'S RE Q "ITEST. ' e llq.:_lioor.ltabd of, Phi Ado's old- Is;atch was ,pointing to y did 'fign'ili]biOit fhb 'snit . 'l'ed curtail* rain and darkness of the :10411 night, and the fire 'saapped,and. cracked behind the red hof,.lJara of the little grate, in a most cosy and eolpfott, able sort cif_ way, casting a rosy shineinto iii.O_thoughtfill_b_rown eyes that were tracing castles and coronets in the brightly burning coals. • For Philip Acre was, for once, indulg ing himself in the dangerous fascination of a day-dream. • " If I were only rich.!' ho pondered tb himgelf. "Ali, if. Then good bye to all these musty okl law books; good ,b'ye to mended Hoots,, c f nq turnod coats, and all the ; ways and -moans that turn man's life, into " wretched . bondage. Wouldn't I revel in new books, and delicious pili4tiugs, and highstepping horses t I lmy,,a set,ofi jewels for - J;(llo3.—mM pale, pearls, ~ or sickly emeralds, but dMmonde, to blaze like Units of lire upon her royal throat Vunldu,'t ; ,l~wl at, ;!honsonso I'in talk n though ho cried, suddenly, ,to diusrlf. "Philip Acre hold . your tongue. suppose you wore a fellow of inorq,ense. , Here.. you are, neither rich poi- distinguished, .but a simple law sturlent,i .is as .far - aboyo:your - mo9=6truelz - aspirations as tim,queen of, Night her,selt I She loves me, though—slip'Will, WAlit—and the timo . may one day cmi . ! e.:;,lf Wyllis weNo „pot, so, •clistrtmtfril. of a fellow I nowe,ypr,,X,must, learn -to :prove.-,myself woythy pgoo, swoc hese' ,prize that ever ---T-llnllo,l,porne iu them, wlioevec yod 4 43 .1!! • lt , ivas. only the serving-maid‘ of the lodging-lthusey•earryitig u'letter , in t2tp cornorof her aproM 'between her finger find thumb. • ' " Pleese, :sir, the iiostman hasjutt left ." Alt , right, ilCat3 l ..• Now, thoM",4ho. khled,.,astho 'door closed behind rlatYiel pal)stantiai• back, ~‘ lees see what my 'uni ktiowit correSpoeclone has' to say. '. hlaok soul, hh?. , 'Not any ri.dttL tionsi Lb lose,' 1 ani net alarmed at the p . rokiiostio.'"! :‘ • lla broke the awl , glanced.tleis- M.ely oventhe shte.t . ) 'business like ,dorn ratfideatimi,eontafeekt. within, with it face varihd from inoriklltlees Nnliiiso to' geld! • .; ..0.! &miming?" 116 i 5.131311.16 hls 6.ce;: 'a t ria e'lf; I 'lie' if tt(liihd'i. l 6' r d4pMio isUgdsiti 'Of RA I ' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i vkiulq '6yo r .3licrtillioit;,' Whom out bf the river half dead betweekceaini; - _ and fright, .would die and loavo mo all his ffitfaCYV'AV'llt, ll l. l lfilicit; tlic slthdoty j ot' lcitil" 6 1 " Itio; 'do 'l' tadOof bdd'frCitit;" ;',7spion taq)6 an actual fact? liiaCitands'sovat eyed, akar 4tullgiddy with the tlloaght' lbiretY , far off . star of 'his atiorittlon. erotYltb Lo rliro'eght tibttrlct flint' last , by; fife , ittatieetrgold , 4111 '(hoed' years ,of :patiOtt.ltraitirig it 4 orote be' britigeiThrtVer, 11.iY Ilie;etrange , folil , ontiselP ft , lietpeit 4 lit)) ( might alaiin.Editli now. • • 1, I 1: C t{ t. l )- 'I '2l'i' 11 2 ,C 4 at t li . r . . t 08 13 1 i y \ T . . IN ADVANCE. 11141u.the year. •Ilow full Of . 'heart- , Surishinevere• the weeks that flitted oventlie head oftho"ac cepted hover—Brightened 'by Edith's smile-Lip:lde betantiful by , thir soft radi-, ante-of Edith's =love: 'Thin.° was Only one alloying ini-- perceptible touch of -4.lisifrustiiand -sus-: Pieion with which stem old; Dr.' Wyllia regarded his'fatitra Ah I ho -feared-to trnstLtar°nly=cliilil`tosliii'keep: ;trig of any man who had not been proved in the fiery furrerce of trial: ----- - It wits prOcieely a weelChefOre.the day ;appointed ilinthe wedding, aud ligl}tsyve lie d ,byfol odes f ground, g I itspi, wOrit ust liglited draW-i lug , room; whore ; EqitlA „'sat- amongi her ; White roses , and heliotrope, working..a -bit of eainbrie upliug,,.4lld .singing , to 'herself. , She;,-wes .a„elender; beautiful girl,-with violet eywla blue veined fore- lwad, rand glolisy;ahundatit outdi.of that Palo gold that old paiotora low to .por:., EM "I wonder oflllo,tinier,Pinceis So very. cESIXEUVYKRIqP.',!arIiii* take me there, when wo.relprn from oer wedding, tour, atruky,_;_ he ,f,aye,,it. ie tho, 'sweetest piece 'a, poe fancy can, dovh3e, with,.,fohptains,,!and..nhrehheries,. and deheious• copses. ;Oh, shall, aPS, be happy there I" . ; 811e.started•up, 1 with a lalgitt, sudden Lliish ;.for even, while the ;wcrtlit were trembling on her Elm; Philip Acre (tale° into the room, his handsome face .look , ' ing , a little troubled, yet cheerful withal. ; Irs. Wyllis, with an arch nod 'at her niece, disappeared into. the perfumud 'perspective of the conservatory,. lousing. the lovers to themselves, "Ton are:look ing grave, Phil ip, " said Edith, as he 'bent ,over and . kilsi•d her cheek. "And I am feeliug so, , darling. I aye a very unpleasant disclosure to mako o-uight—our marriage must he ixist pon'ed indefinitely.'' "Philip, for what reason?" To enable me, by deligent labor at my profession, to 'real ize sullicient means to support you, dearest, in a manner satisfactory to your fatlisi•'s expectatiqus and my wishes." 'But, Philip, I thought ‘.‘- You thought me the heir of Thomas yoktimer'S - Wealtli ? Solwus, Eilith, - a few hours sitiee,but I hare relinquished all claims td it now; W)Teit I accepted thelreprost I was millet the impression that Ma living heii''exiaed. I lepi•iicd'to day that a (11E4314 cousin (a winnan) is althorigh r illy lawyer tolls me, in ignorance of her relationship to OteoUrse, rsii,ilrtvaiauft4q; property to her immediately." But, Philip, the will iris mado it le gally yours. , - "Legally, it hits ; but, could reconcile it to my ideas,qf truth mullion or to avail myselt.of.old illontiinor's tan ciful.freak, at this woman's expense? might take the hoarded; wealth, but I 41 ,1 4.4iflYff,Terrclur2mIcoerin6^denA suffer a single stabl on-my honor its Qluistiange#ltlengp Feu ,hame,doue,,right, , ,Philip,. said Edith, With opaaling eyes. "We will wait, and hope, on, ono another more dearly than over. But who is she? What is her name?" . "gliat's justwhat I did ' nt stop to in. , quire. I tvill write again to Any lawyer. to ask these questions, and to,diredt that -aTdeed-of-conveyance bo instantly—mode— out ; and then, darling—" His lips quivered 'a moment, yet ho manfully completed the sentence, "Then . I will begin the battle of.life over again." And Edith's loving eyes told him what she thought of ,his noble sself-abnegation —a sweet testimonial: "Tom," said Di. Wyllis, polishing eye glasses magisteriallyi with - a silk etimson pocket hafdkerciiief, " I ditha't suppose the young fellow , hact.so tench Stamina about hiin-a—very..honorable thing to do. Edith, 'I have never felt epetly sure about. Phil: Acre's being worthy of you before—,---k -" Papa l'' i 'rßut my , mind is, made. tip moir. When is he coining again " This evening,"l filtered Edith I the violet eyes softly drooping: "Tell him, Edith, That lie may ha* you next Wednesday, just the same as ever 1 4nd..as ,for, i,he law practising, why theru's tOna enough for that, after war(l, Chili], , clun'S ~ strangle mo w ith your 4isses—nicpcp, ?out„for,P,h4,l , llp looked., Alughter, 'with eyes strangely,diml, TOO, and, not found ,wanting l ho rM l t.tgrecl,'Ai§ti , l9ttilY.• . .. • MR The perfume. of the :orange blosionnv , had away„aud !tile glimmer of The pearls and satin werodndden in rely . caSkatO and:travelitiglrtinks, and Mr. and Mrs:" Acre,' old itti&riedpeople (if fall a mouth's duration, were driven , along a -nountiy read, in Alio amber of a. glorious Juno sunset. , , , • , " 'Whieli 'Way, is' Toni gape" said Philip,' leaning from' the windeer,' as ' the earriageturned out of the main read: ' JhLtold , him , tho' dirooliOn to, take,?, sahlEdith, With bright, isnawklltig , cycS. ; • " Let Mc liriA7o oivp w;i7y, The once. WO'lll'O'gbiiig to otir home' ' " • '."l/i.r0:w0 , 71, Said Phil.,•with a contioal grimace. It is, to botore a cottage. , I stippose . .?;',' • • • "'Wait until you' See, Sale.grS, A:ere, ' iiierslll)7 her ' ft* ' iose dof mouth ; awl Philip Waited ' ,"Where ar.0.903?.!".1nt asked, when .' the, carria,ge..c.lrow, up, in, fily4t, Of it'stid.clY hillyltlu nortiCe, which, seetneil not 'td ''! sutulyl•tlibS 'must [be MOrtimer Pladdri ' . ”-FdlOnidn't..he.surprised cfnerging frolnpo way. Walk in, boy,; comp ' Wolq . bow do y'ou 1 ke"yoile Wow !rabid:'"' , I•.‘ Oury.ti6w . i'epeatial' I'l,lalo mot undctsband you, sir." ; , 'Ylr)ly,„Linpuo,your 'is the aelo Orvivlug relative of Thomas :Melt faet,' !until this morning! Her thalier Wits old' MO itintfrrit con sin • ara somdabsurdi rit• t'11, 1 .4',549 1 A4Ct1,i1.k40,4 1, • 0 911 4 t 194 gr:)4llff cetinjo . petwolpi. 119 t l,w4) ; by,anolies or the ; ph if L o waio the fabti itdotig!l - btit ° thlie opportunity4.to dee !what hied. of .sluff you wore made now „as tit r e, de,cd ' ef•cilyeyanee ' , de . ti : ppose fentlitw 7 . yer''necildte . "ttionlfle .Tho:liciPeng won't , obitrrel y0u,..P11 lbs.,•,heuncl."! •1 , r • ••; • ': •• • " r• • Philip' Agre's,,qlw9 then. ~gl'Ow't ale frith tarollg tqadel(diiioiloll; . !as' he' loblcell at' fatfeWife;' standing' Whew the sutiset.turnect hoe !bright hair, to• coils. of iihipiug:god,.;ipa, of • [Vroviclence ,struigliteu'ea' oiut s the '; r; Oilt )0f clalienag had cotria 11g1ttJ t Iffil EIE , (I II EIDE ME =I
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