Stoves, Tinware and Purnpl GRAND OPENING 07 SIB TALL CAMPAIGN kturadmint RUA', NO. 02 A$D , 647onan savoy= oppn* TIN AND 'IDIEDZIIION WORKBIIf, and denim! in Cook, Parlor, and every van's* of HBATIN9 STOVBf3_ The mtheeribers, laving reemtly greeted a comma /lima eters room, adjoining their el/ stand,-alferding Increased flatilities fur tossinese, - an now prepared to fantail flab patrons and the public generally with every article la their' dies, on the most t.::jeceoneo. dating terms, With a 'large and Tended assortment, to-sitheit addltione are constantly made, they fee t k that in Tatty and prim they are aheadof all eompetition. PAULLOIV • 5T0 3 72111, • COOS STOPfiej ODBICB STOVICB. This department of tLSIr stook ir-tinexeelled for . .krtastle Mbsiga, superior ltsfah, and eimplisits of arrangement, among which may be mentioned the NINNY ma 111tH MICR lISATEIR, DblaiLZOVlttC 0008;--- SARUM 8111141, NODLII COOK, sod ifOYBLTI:PARLOR COOK 13707,11; with n varloty or other Cook Stoves wall known for Itaatr ozoollooos. KITOIIIIN RANGES, of all kladi t tooluding the oolobratod NATIONAL ItANGA BARB BURNERS, If you want an Ornamental Stove, If you. Want an Roonomibal Stove, , If you want a Powerful Heating Stove, If you want a 'Perpetual Piro ,Keeping Stove, - wall and exatztlete our stoat, whirait:iv will find the ORIENTAL HOT ➢CANT, with reversible flee and oven 01111111TIL PARLOR RI/ATIR, for two or mina roocui, BPILAIVII REVOLTING LI9IIT, AND NAOTO LIMIT BASE BURNERS, with a lur asarriment of mum AND 0171011 f1T0111&- I=l IS•IET IRON AND PIN WARD Plabla ►ad Japs.ned, had wimp Toikt Ware, Cash and Doed Bozos, Bread, Cake, and sugar Boxet, YnlMI and forks, Spoons of all kinds, Ladles, Lantems, Coal Bnekots, Zamaled and Plain Hollow Ware, Prrastat Iran Pavia, nova's aad l'eagi, Coal Asa llaar Slave*, Plat Ire., Pram latt , os, hull Jars, to., Pa., IL, alabrasplag a largo and asosplsas at abrssaat to vblak-W. Isvlta Ott attaaldaa of buyara. 'Tatra als• propara4 los foralah Pumps for Oleteyns zuad Doop Wells, ui ler• br tale be eelarrelirl CUCUMAIR RGOD warreeter bm.irc bitaelaatltea TIED DUCE AND DISDAINS DON STOYESI X1)0111 111 G, IMODTINCI, AND JOD WORK dtended to - procapliy ud •e we.oee►la forum or Old Sims ilak‘n in ma/lanai Tkanktisitsr lee patrologe beretehre bestowed on we we are determined. by Issereaseeefforts, to It, - and tat walks to oesll mad erawasse ler giolll.l4l:Ted. ZHINEBMITH Z 6 RUPP, Nos. 6$ and 64, Noissu mAxoYmm. STABS% cAnimn, TA, CM -Dry Goods a::d Notions Fiosh Arri'rallt 1871, 1871 SPITING *ND SXJMMER GOODS :. • AT OGlLBY'ScurliAr O,4ISIISTOIi'M 9 I am vole epealegr a large etook or the beadsum tat, awl ehaapeat Dry Gooda.l2 Camberlaud eoutaty roR THE LADIES! All the newel styles Dram Goods, Lima, Cap. mud Blumrls, Calle Ana --Co!lists,_Whits Swims, Jes,, at very low) i 0 4.0. Thashaaped ad but Black Alpeobas 1. town. Blaaglisd and Uubloashed Muslims, of all makes and prima, from d canto to 20'. = Aaotbar lett of thane beautiful sod shook Nam., woks, at 2; fiats Gingham' from 6 coots told • Robb. Moans, Colored and Whits Towels, and Napkins Is grant varlalw. Cloths and Ciussimores, ♦ ice '.'d will 4...11 at greatly reduced 'Hem Yentuaky Jun,. horn 10 ant to 23. dottonads„Linao Drillings, Manias, Bond Stripa for imo and boys wsar, ail kinds at low pricta, blatlons.—Ws ars s.lllfig all tluds of ,Nutions astonishingly low prlcas. atnekla:s, Mores, Sus nend•rs. Thrrads, Braids, kn . , Tc!mining.; In °olio. saris* Peraaols'ana Sea r Umbrellas, A new and complete essertmeet. I s heso sow •• hand ea siorent and /sheep assort ment ortioods, to tritlels t seed all the attention of all 'serums wishing to parchsno. al I sill eat ha undersold by any house la. Carlisle. Ittmellect the pica., 41 West Niels street, nearly oppreite the rail road depot. No tsoable to slow geode, Ladiss'''Misses' and Children's BOOTS AND SHOES, I lear• Just raielead glad *paged • fill amortrauld •f all Lao styfila Lad'Wawa la lases' Boole and allatoia. Wall rata, cad al l•w prima. Call sad we Slm. CLUILINI 01111LBY MAIO., April 111. itn 2%01 - ao-ods CLQTriniGIC/R . l4O'A.Np BO 13 The is,i•rglgaall we*/ •nerefiCalW eall O. 1601..1. of ids sasiont•s ..d th. isserally . ~' • 10 .1. d. . ' , qi tis, : Oassimeres, VP3TINGS., ii,,•olalll'.4ll•Ptqd tor Spyingy'jindeiimer, - Wear AU She Isieet stjls. M bu bit .10 stirs; aim( ready =I yo;a:mmidci.4.ii,ilo., All poirlblo *folio 'wnt I. plosAo you aud-glvoion si4loyei o+9: et.d MR. 'JOIIN MASS, 1111 u~n `? tufiluu4lvffons ' J,~Bmidwb~ ; ilea :To tlt I bare tho pleaaargrar saeotrartn to you aorr, , A POlvet:trit • eto,tyletm euirtrineat of, •(.TOntlerneres Furnishing Gooas A 49Vallioi, Carpet Dipu , Sakieltoli:Tronia, .. • . ' 12," Give us „,,, Ya!mi v ,,i(eqs•V4lly, mko myitip!riott, "`jlp„ 27l Noitl~ llraorer ' ptro~l, Qr , rlLi~: tstekbliishod . 1847 1.9c4{701 Pr?! ard potnest!o „oG, „ . odit„ ,ED.IYQUARTARS:IVR , t r i ~„ ~ ''. 4.. i, DRY GOODS • • Just opened an entire new •nnd desirable dock of prolog and mummer d,r f oodm s for bedlam and /anti.- men'i Wear, consfetlor Of • .. • • • Japenoso Poplins, Silk and Wool Sorgoo, Bhophorda Plaid Wool Borges,. Granite ,Ltistreq,', Malaugs, “Piquo Welting, Nainsooks, Viotbria Lawns, Swiss and Mull Muslin➢ and 41 kinds of White goods used. CA.192111141.1i2, CLOVIS and TESTINGIS fbr mining sults. All the uoeeltles or SHAWLS I SHAWLS Rolla,' •ud•Olora. Ilouse Hurulahlug aoodi such of Tickidge, Shootings, Pillow Casings. Blankets, bfarsoilles Quilts mac: fur Ifus:• keeping purpouod Domostics tnlargo quantities. ,DOlll4 , Tldl DOJIMSTICS!I IDOMESTICV V. are oflor grant lodea•eala, a marketa aro lower'theu they barebsan for la yalits, and as oar dock Is ontirolt sew and frail, bought for 'lie cash, we fool oafs In premising too pro oureuelomercgroat bargoinciand all now good.. Wo Invite.ll klidly; to cell - and 'osamtner oar Stook berme purchasing aid doable for thenselvoe.— Thankful for the liberal patronage ill she pd... prorates to be ►lire to the (ult./sir of our floods la the future, by .kaopiog mak goode, ea will render satisfaction to all. All who wish to .are monoy are invited to ell upon us and find k source of prollt, by dealing with tee. • DIDEERic:HOLDER, 100111.ov. Street, • Below Coxlials Deppatlistkk. 8011.1h71 DECLINE IN GOLD 1 DIICLINE IN GOODS! Quito an •xoltomout I,the Dry floods market, Ix very marked doollmo pd.:4 of , DRESS GOODS, Silks, De'duds, Meiinoss, Slow.. Poplins, Bravo Hope, soda largo Tariety, comprising nosrly••ory thing Is this lino of goods. STAPLE GOODS Thanel., licking.. Gingham., Blanket.,Cottonado., Kentucky Jean., CM,ITII2 and bingo and Colton S&Lla Maw., Shirting., Checks. 1 WHITE GOODS Swims, Nsluxoek ,., . Cambrlea, Jaconeta, Yreueh Mu, line, Tarlatans, Cambria and Swims &diglna and In Berlina. HOSIERY, , GLOVES, , Trlintulnke, IN gr..l varloiy, tdpbot., of the tsol q•alltr, List• an Sundown.. • NANCY GOODS at alpaca many ityle , very cheap Ladies' Under Milting, 'try. I•audaomely made and trimmed. Also ` CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Angst., lam Windt,. Shades, QuilW, COUbler pavii, and Dmaygoods Dot' 11111311110110 d for Mr•Libt it. Oahu I. bass ths laspett and b. , .took ar Dry goods la the taterlor the Iltats, and will s ell at sash pricer at Till salisliall that this Is lb. pleas int rat pad bargains. ahalif• Plumb-bag. Gas Fitting, &c. SAIIEW.CAIIPBELL. W. P. =WOO% LT.ThipING, GAS AND 9T.EAI4 P . FITTIII43. At N.. 18' North 114novor Woe, f*ELI2 . II.PL rurnee. STILL •AT BVBINIIBSt rho ipedoredeeptod rrd now'fully fi•eporod to rltund to 1110 lisoln•• to all Ito &thwart tram:ha. 1' 410 keep •••••••11, ••liat4l and kw I.le, • w,cruit, CLOOI.fI Tlr WIMP, 4.1 , 111. Cir )111fri, BATH' TUBS. RIYIIR CLAIMS, KAi 31 C11.1111111.' ,ukrlr R •All AMENS, M:at 4 NTS. ift avid Force°lawn. LIR' mad ,roroo CIIIIO4IIII. sad D.ep RelL►gmps, LesCrown' evt•el wed Deep Roll Pump., Lead, Terra Ca' Loy f k.a Trois Pipe, Clthosey Tope and Plies. • IGA'S PIPIt AND FIXTURES Globas;•ad all of Dram Work, far 'atom* sad wit., rooontaally a■ kind, or fnrnlrbod Oa ordtii. DnaMors, Oblast u, iso;orloa and olhort koiWing la lows or oonulry.. , Sitall np wllla asainoss and alt. ♦R work I .Tbanitfal lb.. public patrons pyorti hope, by titbit oltattioa to bruin.o 10. uteri{ . continuant., of .rr - Unirtio: • Tam. reinionablei, It rentilring but. ono brut Ito mire -your onetom.., G Iv* it. a 0011. .Don't to q;+ Jim p picot, Po • 13, North Ilianorer atroot, la Pao taut. moat of Sipe. new buildi•g. An .orttor• loft a. I*. rabies, otv.of aittlfr . ::,--:-'—----^., —....,...:. 0( O,,IMPBELL on 'HENITOpi), 6::::p:-_--bo---(----------c---.)::-.. 'alltebtfeel , "Jaatea 'Campbell, Alaxanddes Plti oared, ea William Ilea woot,Suutb• ;.abere Karim, yoropitd , adroit/4os we itro • 00P1•111, .11'01tH 011 ALL. 1.11111011IPTIONI..: - .Ihr 311111,4t0100s and oilier parpor liorti or rya, oornlin PIPE turtilebod to order, • or "boa ff rneol • ." s•-• s e , ~ GrO i cri;•is, l i ' dniiii.Mo`ur, . rnillt3H.pßocEmus,t '- ' "." 1.11, ; C A „ • ',‘, I '4o, 1i0. , 88 Bid Pomfret ,Biroot. =I ' And why are thoy.alwayt frdsh I •Beeauss •wo solL a great amount of thaw, and sell them s low.l.oTherw, fore. turd oar-Srpck t.TOc:in!eqT'l4)7 eqr go must bo fridh. You will god orerything 3e6i, wishli•ttio Warof Grocoriri,, • tilueensweio r ..• , •• Glassware • , Willow and _ Crockery*areV " -" Choice llama, Drlotbref, "llnlUgda, ' ' ' Doer, 1.. , . ngure; • /Biscuits sod Crsokers, eseFy description. Pleklod, • . ...• • , • , Bpicelsnd Fresh u• .. ors, • BardiSee, • • BoglieloPickles, ....• Lesion Syrups, be.; and no end to • NOTIONS.. It is usolose to trioirtion thorn, corns and 100 for'your .mulres;_and pkronte.if •it don't suit_ you .to 'comb, solid your children, so Obey wW bo &Olt with-the memo • , oat* am if you were , -•,, • -here yourool4 ~,• _ . KI.NDS OF COUNTRY .7.1,?01)U.C.E1 teksor,ln oxchango for goods, or Sash GEO. B.HOFFMANB:BOXS, No: 88 East Pbmfret:Streoi, 10mop70. CIALICJA PA JM. 31ASONHEIMER, DRALEti • CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, T.'„' YIN'S QUALITY OP TEAL mut srlcEs, Queensware, Glassware, Stoneware, DISIT 101U1 5 OF FAXILY FLOUR, ALL MINDS OR oouNtny inomou BOUGHT AND BOLD seuiuwinv Dolma PITT AND P )MPTIIIT STILPIATII ledoolD Stoves and Tintvare NEW STOVE AND TINWARE ESTABLISHMBNTI The partnership leerotefole existing het nee Walker k Clandy hiving been dioenTad by mutes cement, I hereby announce to thu epicene of Carnet and sartonnOing country, that I have °none t a and all goods RIM ROVE AID TINNIAIckifORII, la t►. large frame bullAtag, ea the (Amor of Weld High and W..( Streets, formerly eeosyl.4by C.r.e• 'laving a la , ge end complete stook of Stove. and Tlawers o• hood. eelooted with the grated one. et primly for th le market, my suntomers areguaran• toed astlalleetok, both ae mania quality sad pries. ItEtTIItON AND TINTS/MD, eenstantiy on hand and made up to order. My stock Inwaro ethbracos oiorythleg usually kept Ina flrst.plase tin - establishment. toodug and t.peutlng promptly attended le.. STOVE'S! STOTABI I ISTOVIISI 11 , lam ohm Prepared to exhibit to the Winter Trade a large and well-snorted stock of the best patterns he'agency of_thofoilotelitgnele: hinted Ito - eon:I ant - prop - Arad to lurnish - blest to par= ties so deelrldg: Morning Glory, Light House, Bon-Ton, Rosebud, • Beacon Light, • Egg, Office, and Parlor S T.O V E S. Ills soleetion of Cook Storrs th• follow Superior, Noblo Cook, Excelsior, Niagar* Quaker City, and Coral; Stove Repairs Constantly on Hand. I auk nent. Ibr • PAT/ANT for beating mills, malaria., Ao., sod prepared to for. nigh and place them In petition at abort notice. Miring an experience of'22 yore in thlabuolnere, I would reopeethtlly solielt a share of the public patronage; fouling conflalent that I toll give satin. (action. IdecTOly ' • A. WCODB WAtßltfr. EircELsioß STOVE AND TINWARE KMPORT UM The. untloroigeod , ' w.. 131 'strut the ellilsone t ,tr hole autt r dally, thst ho atlll earrles on the Ir;NIL AND 'VI> WATCH DU:I`•B S, Is all Its veriou. hr•ucher. He Ilea gnu ad tit Agetley Our the fellowlog elate., Parlor and Ornco Etovaa, Morning-Gloqr, Morning Light, DIIIITZ k CO. toguthkr vjth s variety of COOK 'STOVES Combination (fax Burnor, Buroka, - ISupedor,. Heaters, Itatigel4 . and Firob . oar4 wlllett , to Isii•u'piored •t Ibelowtot matkot• , SW. Itelistrlog to. ''lttktlng.. /Voiding, und''.l,obp mg exocnled •In Mil 4,1••••••. llltator.j••inas , . , et every JO•Giptt:u eMinfrully ea hand. or Made, to order, at reesotable noue but expetleerad workmeh employed, he hopes by - a More Attention le bualseee to meture the .pulde patronage, , , • Remember the plate, • •• NO: IS WEST MAIN STREET. • ' '• ' 8/11111i1`.E1 CLAMMY 24.er011y . HATS:AND OA •B. CIALLI x0..a0 Wme mAlig anon?, A it I, TS I: L i ', N }TA:, The.HATT.ER of Cakistel , • • .' I • ' hie llATffltof Carlisle I The latest stiles Just yecelved I Th. !shit styles always ei banal .• I3ILIt LIATS form the beat Manufactures I I I NAIIIIONAIII . JI HATS icuit out 11.1. Jot CIALLIO wlphee tw edt stleatio. to yslfrei EMI L..the anufwetur. s Hat! o er, an • • rai a as .rtsingementi lig oo , :sod Ovoreo!kis,,, The highest 0113L1 , T, ~„ „fir Inv! FILE A'IPALL.IN 4 - • NO - 20 MAIN OTRNET. • '_""f r eepoci • Wooden nd Tritkuneare =I Parlor Ileatar, Parlor Light, Light 'Mao Rogilia . tor, • Niagarrt, TIN WA AN, =EI ~,,J, kleettry 04. lActi( I !) , i 11110LIM , 7 . ALIC4ND 191TOSI! ! .1871. c , 410t)1 . VAIttIISLE , ; 11:11;;.;;1":.11 1144{DWARE HOUSE: 'g:'—: ft 4 2 .X . '4* . 0 If tr . %LC , 0 •...: • 1 ' ..••iiu ..n..... “TE__L,,, , ,, it e yr ~... , , :.i , ',.•,,, ,ci if . ,!....i • , 11J - 1.,,,,f 1 . 0 :tf.,,. , i. • ~ , I , i,...,..,.,, iI. 144 l'V ' 1_1‘1.1:...4 vt AAALC ; r1,1?,A, i, , AM11.. , ' : i - ' ' k •RI IR '' ftlXl . • '-ozle ,, Al k ' ,t,„,,,,,,:...,!, ,Ol&c,' , ,Unli'c',o,k,' . ,i . i: ~.:•.I k AA,- . .5.1 , ,:tyk. • , .A - 11.1A:1 O, ~• t ay 7... PA KlSrkk ' - itA VWS. lkk /mem Sxallo 6Xl' ' (mit' hAmt v 2 a o , e, ' Q tSk A tt lukAl 9.,5 , •,` yultb, ki,elaitmkoz Am.warm AAArI ' 4) Ix mno,bk halAa . maum,,tm- 05„ekighl, Am mbk •A . VoCkaltbk ;6..A We secure "Jobbers' roles," (hereby offering e-e.. indueemedis. - We wboYd'ibilte tbo'ottontion of he public touur immense stock of ,_Building[.Hardware, 1,000 keijs 20 tonis,ilSetherill, R Buck Loads, colors, French and American window gloss and mirror plates. flaxseed oil. vornieheo, &0., &c., Cement, Calcine Has tar o Pairs Band, de,. do. Farming Hardware, AND AGRICULTURAL Implomcnts Hamer, Chains. Shovels, Torii., Rakes, Scythes, Siteiges, Drills, Crow Late Dligirrt Irons, Du• pont'. Witted Bleating Powder, Rope, Fsrm Bells. Grain Yap, Leather Bolling, Gum Melling, Mee and Peeking, 11 Crmel Ctit anti Circular Platform, Counter and Tea Stales, Boring Machines, Plows and Plow Castings, Cultivators, dc. QCACffII4..E Era' G ODDS, Jain', Spokes, Clubs, Folio.. and Trinupingn. BLACKSMITHS' GODDS, Iran and Steel, Burden'. nom aid Stn'e Shees,' Nall., Rade, &e. Ilardware Toole, (dr all mech.- lent branches from heel flngliels and ' kreedeau makes, nonstastly on baud and vra, ranted. HOUSE' FURTITSIIING HARTIVARE, Cad...rare Pearl, Ivory not Rubber Handled-Table Cutlery, Cutlery, Silver Plated Pork. and Spoons, Curtaln Cornierll, Bands, Stair lied., Clothe. Wringer. S.d Irons, Plaln and Porcelain Boller., Solid Iron Pane, Patent lee Cr.ain Freezer., de., Av.' Wocitenhnlm t Rodger.' Fine Pocket! Cutlery and Bellmore. Wire; Mren and Plower-:Basket., Pine Bled Cages, Fluting Machine., Curling Iron., Lo." Fnrekn Slating for coaling illackboardi: . Pronetred Marne.. Oil and Wanking. Special •arrangetnente for furnlehing Marble Tiling and-Slate Mantlee. Sole agent. Plank'e Plow.. Sole agents for {he Patent Post Hole tugger, dlkglng et post halo In one. hall minute. Sole agent. for Palmar'a Patent Ad. Juttlble Iron Pinnee. Goods delivered free, wal with great prompinerw Will guarantee good. to merchants,. low . . city prices, saving freights in nioetwwees. , a g T e I rn nl More, rul ' ; ' ' ' i r., i7e d in l a ° l l ll Fr , i re i .s n p g ell o tUl yk111"."- H. SAXTON & CO., No.IF. BART MAIN NTILETIT, Cat CM Pacific Guano GOin.iany PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY • CAPITAL,,,SI,OO,OOO. JOHN S. REESE & Co., GENERAL AfiEiVTS,, IMEEM 122 Sopth polawnro Avontl4, I=l SOLUBLE PACIFIt' UUA,NO, 1 Reduced. Prices. No fertilizer Introduced to tho farmers of the Mid• dlu and Southern Stat. has glrun more gonoinl and uniform nallefaction than Ole guano. The tredo In it ita steadily incroeted, until the oensumptien now throughout the entire country far exceeds that of any °the , fertiliser. The large capital involvoi In its product:ltn aff.irde the soeOet guaranioe to it. con , lnned Nzeollo.° The company hog a for Arrester Intereet ,In the ,pernta nd ate of it. trade, than any niunice of eoueemers can hay.; heneo it le• tho highest Internetof the compvny to put the'r beet rtrtl Um, In Om Market, that thalr nsuallocllltles, 'aided by tho beat eclentlflo ability, can produce. This gultha le told at retail by heal agent. of the soma.) throughoht New Jersey, Dolawere, eon eyleanks ttud the Southern and at nlicOusnlo by-- JOHN S. REESE & CO., ' bologna digoillo for tho Liberal Discount to. Dealers. • ~T, RITO.ADS, onnusni., vainv,t, , • , l Onikll3niJklauTl3m Boots, Shoed ititd - 4fritti: at. QTRWpf & SPOINSLEp, No. 18, South Nanoror.sirect, Carlisle Ti,,yqcru fa' jbfi, pp.upifc!J tbppl torora, do utmv anr,d'oaro tholr u.ual largo ntoch • :1:4.. ) SPRING STYLES OP' II GTO 'A \ D BIIONS, Pal ',911 •1/ V.,' '1 I 3iissos o Gunts alici.lsoyav Youtho and whlcY ure rurlvrlle•l.fur.cowfurl Vitt Lenuty ; Alio T•RU-NR9•h~ND V•d~LI6-~6, 116111 ♦ND DoYS' HATS. All of which ouu . il . l;prollt. Cull olLio awl nutt got a full.malvalunt rtorjoyn mouay lIMM (71 . HEAP 1; • Goods are liot always the boat. Who'll you go to buy an orllolo, and especially In the matter of D: 8 II 0,1 1 .18 go to a dcalOrlottorkamilior34 . you,iatt illy, for 'tory fair aro good Judges of loather.. • "I i;.. • r:l4ai •••'l . ; b f 'this year' glanjo dill. bri wanting bootianttshbes fnesnintneS wear) •All •auois eon.. la seteengniodatod at •'; ;• ' • • • • • • :At( i4,.E,LIt Wlfara dill he round' stangplj• th• lowest' prided ElootAang'shoei ardor• with the 'utmost al. pktehl Of ialifhiet 4 .• •, : • 4 l• 1 , , 2 t r d;:, 3 : 4 ;: 8 '4, 1 r ;4Eolo: l ,iir: ,qa7.11,7511i. •~+.,,~Ct ty,.ddverdtaeaaan't. SQX.4I:'',',WIY,4D' And ' • rse , ,„ ' „ ItliAt'biD Ot erorir sulattile Bridtd , Gifts, ,, Tostimordrdtp, and..llolddiy„ I , • ' Prlolasluivor'thin the'tikuistr troarlFet nisei% 3/1!r,9r.4/,‘!P•Mil!;.6!t9..Purallaista••• at O,II.DEORTEAI 40.116 /sob eiraet, ~$1 I I A 1 , Olkiletabliabod iltrald.) aitootO Din .. .afeintborcka O.4Zu ' jap, JEFEL*l;i9,Lir.t3„., i .ar A P Ti s.. ,Votnponent Exeraci bit% and Fluid Extract Clataiaahieli • 1 .71r Liver aomplainie, jaundice,. iouskfcctions, Sick or Nervous .Mcadache,. ':ClOtiveniss, Ptirely; - }l 7 egelable, (lon- - 4009 27;6 - Mercury, Minerals or Delete rioub Prugs. ME • r r Vart . • • ,Tkear Tills are the most delightfully ploaeant put , native, ettpormoding samtur,oll, salts, magnesia, etc. Thbro is nothing 'lntro acceptable to the stomach. tpne,, mat canto neltoer names nor _gct, leg paint: They are composed of ihoylnsat Angel cats. A tier a',l,:er days , Mio( tHotol such an Invigo ration Of tho .suilro system takes place as to•stppeitr mt aTulous to the weak anti enervated, whother arising tromimprudonce or dhnotio.:ll. T..llelmboid Coutp.,Ond Yluid .11x,ract Catawba - Grape Nils-are hot sugut.couted, 'from the tack :that.-sugarnoatsd, Tills •do,not diesolye,.but pees through tho stomach . ;without Illasoltlne. can aequently do not produso the ,leeired onset/ CATAWBA GRANS ram, being plo-aant In taste, and odor, Ad not noecasitato . .thrlr being sugar-koated. PIFTX OENTIT PER 110 X. ~ ~ I „... HENRY T. ITELMBOLD'S • HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT ,BAREUPARILLA Will radlcelly eiterminato from the system Scrof u la, Scpbilis, Foyer Sores, Ulcers, Sere Eyes, Sore Logs, , 8,0 :AMA/I t Sure Head, Bronchitis, Skin Meows, Salt Bhutto:l, Carfcers, Runnings frdm the Bar, White Swellings, Turp, s, Cancerous ' Affections , Nodes Itickote,ll6llondulut Swellings,.Night Sweats, Rash: Totter, Humors or all Kinds Chronic; ithsurtietiam, Dyepopsin, end ail diseases that here Venn established iR tho system for peers. Being prepared expressly for the aboe•Complalnts, its itlood.Purifying proprietie, nro greater than any other Preparation of Sarsaparilla. It give. the Com n clear and healthy color, and restore. the 11011001 into a state of health and purity. Roe purify ing !lifeblood, remortng all Chronic Constitutional disnltere arising from nil i,uporit elate of the blood, nod thu only reliable and effectual known remedy for the outs of Pains and Snelling of tho Bones, Iliceral Curls of the Throat and I.egs,.lllotrhes, Pimples op tile Face Bryn pules and all Seeley ItrupHuits of the Skin, an d ii mttlfilug thf Couplet ion. bfll .If.ENRY 7'. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED /7'7 U/1) AXTI?..ICT B UCHU, THE GREAT DIURETIC, hot •ured every case r f Dishes in which it has been given, Thitotion of the Neet of tho Bladder and Inflammattun of the Kidneys, Biter:Won of the Kid neys and Bladder, Retention of Drina, Diseosee of - the Prostrate Oland, Stone intim Bladder, Calculna, Ural al, WM:dust Deposit, and 2.lncous or Milky Discharges, and for Enfeebled and Delicato Constl- Di(lon, of both Bette, _Attended with the fob boning Symptoms : Indisposition to Exert), n, Loss of Power, Loss of MemoryjnlTlcully ufßresthing.We4 N erves , Trembling Iro:ror of Disenso. Weak:nines Dimnone of Vision, 141 n in the Bonk; Hut Moils, Flushing of the Body ,Drytwes of the Shin, Eruption on the Face, tuuktsuuttco, Uturersai Lassitude of the Slue- mbar System, etc. Used by porton, from the ayes of eights. t twenty-llva, oudirom;blrty•llso to tllty•flse or In th -dveline.,nr.ellanyttt.of.ll.lo;_ottuy_coydlnsmebt _or_labu pales; bed,settle4i iblldron, Iluimbold's "fix irnet tinoltu It Dinrotin and blood Purifying, and cres all Dimness§ ei ising from I.lnl, its of Ditolpation, and itzoosets end luiprud ly‘ Life, Itdpurilies of tho Illrod. — tite - Supertadinn Copnibkin Atfurtiors foS Ithielt It inutod,•od Affetlions—ln this° Alte.itas ytn.l In sba•sotion trlth Bute 'Walsh. ETLQ33 In ninny affectione peculiar to Leditio, The 111.tareet (huhu Is Unequalled by any other Fitneiry—le I. Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, pdnlulnm or Suppressicila of Cuetornary Ilrecuatlou• Ulterated or Schtri us State of tho Uterus, touourrluta or Sterility, and fur all Complaint. Incident to ISo no.. %Mahar arleing from Indiscretion or Halals of Di' elpation, It is preseribed extensively the reo.t Eminent Bity.lciane and lilidwiros for Enfeebled and Delicate Co“titutloni, of Both Bevis and all Ages (Attend.' with any of the nboi• Miens.. or gymp tome): IL 7 HELmvoLitq B.rrlt.lor 11UCIIU CURES DI,SEASIiS '.IIIIINCI ER.031 11PRUDE.1,1 CHB, 111.131T5 01 DIESIPATICN, ETC, In ell their singes, at little •xpenee, tittle or no change in diet, no incon•oniante, And ad expo re. It moms frequelit desire, and gives strength su to Urinate, thereby removing Obetructioi P.r•venting and Cur'lng Su Mores of the Urethra, Allaying fain.' and Inflammation. e t frequent In this elan edit. Onset. and expelling all Poltonone %titter, 'thousands who have b•da the slain. of Incompe tent perm..., cad who have paid heavy the tio b. cured in a snot . time, have lout d they have bee. does:veil, and . that the "Pidsat" line, by the sun of "powerful esti [a gents," been dried up in the system, to break out l• ',more eggravetei form, and perhaps after Mnrrlrive. Use tilli.slllohVß lIKTIIACT itir all I AlTeetlons and nilollllo3 or thu Urine , " 0fg414 1 whether existing In Male or Female, from whatever Calico originating. and CO /natter of bow long stand.o Dm Phil% ONE DOLLAR AND 'wry CENTS . F.o, it EN Tor s IMPROVED 1 101 . 3 g W,48.1-1 'cannot bo surpassed as Paco Wash, and will ho iinnd ,tito ocly sprelilo remedy it, oraiy aped. of Ctitann• -out Affections. It speedily •rodientee,Pimplee, *pets, ,trot built B pleas Thant/alone' of the Culasecus .Mombranu. eta,,. .dlep•le Redness artt t tipient littiou,litstion Mien, Boob, Muth, Patches, Dryiesi of Scalp pp Bids, Prost Ditsi,.and all purposes for which Mires or Ointment, are need; restores tim akin • le ~date of, purity and aortnaa.; and Insure. conticued,hralthy actjon to the Memo of Iln•enselr, on width depend; tho,awreuablo elearnsiti end rivao ity •toomplechn so much sonata ,apd admiral. But haererrr calitsblo as a moody for existing Wont. of the chip, 11. T. llolnlhold's Bore Wash bac long ISI1111101101:11te priuripli, claim to nnhontided pstronago, l by. possessing Ittrelitton 'ol'o, render It a 'Pellet Appendage,of the moat fopeilatiro and Congunisl Irbgrapl,'r, combining in, an, elegant lormula 1b... prominent. regnisitra, Sandy, and Ellicacy+-th,o,lava ' riabin accompenlento tif its usu—se a ,Pro.erretive 'And Refresher of the Complexion. ,It Is roe oxcellerit Lotion for Illeosmes or a Bypilll dig Nature, and at pi injection for distortee nftho from, MO its or dlealpition. pod #n commotion with tho Entracte llochn, &re/Tullio, out) CetaertmOrripe In mall ilinuoCn. secozninonaN&cannot-J!I aurpureed. D Full and oxpllalt • dieultlog necouipanylug. ttup rnidlefrus. " •• ' rairinnaltdo and actor furalehstl. on applisation, with hundrod'a of thousetida'hfllrio i itnbnnr, and upward cirio,oct , many of-which are ?prim elm Itifthect !sources, facia, ding etilnent'Pliyisielinc;ol'crfly Men, atatokmon; ate. proPMetorhas becor':nitoirtisil I to thdk ', pablu e. ion in the newspapers; ha dinia , ,not tinahia,frauS 'the act 'thitlila aiticiee ritilk• ail Standard Pieparatious, and not no'od'eo h p f o l ipad up tty , 'ser , tid p atat • , t • HENRY T. :11ELMBOEDEO•GPastOiNE .IPREPARA.4IIOI3I3. bellvered ',to, any, 'eddrees.o, Secure from,. ,obaerre getnbllelled ullWiti 'Of! ' Uy 1141:galller orerprbere. /Ogress lettere ior Inform*. tren, to 1I M 7t.411tY.H 1161111,',44 , glut mad Olterelet. ••• Only Depots.:, IG T.'..I.I.6GAIDOVD'O' Drug 'dud Chemical Waiehoues, h 10,601 Drawback,. 'ltaly Tort r to. IL T..I.IItLMDOLD'iI Davi t gUuth Tenth pirpil, ' , IIEITARPI OP OQUNTIEIPII7,I, Ai fos l ,lllBbad untainolqii T.Ku 0T11141.. ,aojovoly , . 1 / 1; 1 7,KVY 4 EXAMPLED 1: ; 4 . 1 :I/ TIIII 3111IPI)111 runt ; LIEGE INSURANCE COMPANY, .?.k% u th.l nut. rita ovm vow_r):l' 41y_tclytip40, kt).l4' i*strienra OTISR 4,8,000,000.00 acid' taking - in' Proiniumi -$500,000.00 1 , belqi tho halm! commoncomont - buolnoso over:lon° . by uny componj In the world I SIID '1 , 1:4 IT Ordinary 'Lois-lifo policies are absolutely non Ihrieltablo from payinent of Orel annual premium. Special Insurance nee-forfeltable after two annual payment., -All policies lecoutes4l,l9 mstpnl. mons, end amisstlstai sitar two ims• Pal premiums. ' All restrlotlone open travel and realdenee roakoiod, and ike perntlta required. , , ' tNo ncentrmintlon of int...a on Loans or Defbrrod Ttemiums, and no thereinto ofAntenal payments on any class of policies:,. t „ . Orin-third of tho premintn lottnod to the perty in. eared, If desired, and nu Noto requirod. • . . Dividends on tho progresnlve plan, and Moo upon tho guarantee Internet plan. Boehm. of the company condn•tod on tho Mutual plan. Polley 311;ople nod fair In Its previsions Incontestability. of Policies p In the jtrrpose of igollimpire .to fulflll4ll Its contraets, the• evidence of which li. that its policy has no convenient refuges by moans of which it min limp° a Just demand. Proven fiend on the part of ths inaurod will alslayil Pr.!: Write, a 1?Iley. Also suicide, If cor'n ' eni tied procioni to the the second annual premium; or death ceased by engaging in any specially hanardoua businons within the first two years. But after the aspiration of two years, 'the policy will be held incontestable for all nausea, except fraud. Non-Forfeiture of Life .Policies No policy of insuranee with .311th:town payments for lifs will bo forfeited or heeome void by the non payment of ptemiums thereon, etall the foil paying power of the premiums hat, %eon exhausted. The language of the policy Is That If any premium after the Drat atonal pre. minor shall have boon pail, shall not be paid on the tray Cohen doe, and the snit a.sured shall, within lit:rty dais thereaft.r, glop notice in wrll ag o f lea- Witty to pay; the tame, ao'd of a desire that sold shell he coetiiued in foroo ander the follow' log conditions. Then, tad la enetteate this polls, shall not be forfeited sr boeonte roil by the nen. peiment of the said premlem doe thereon, net II after the expiration of a period, to ho determined as fel lows, to wit: The net •slat of this policy when tho promloin beromee due, shall be determined by estu arial