Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 27, 1871, Image 2

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    tarlittle `-o'l add.
TOL. 71. NO. Vi
. •
. The Voluntur in. rebent.articlo com
plains thus of taxation :
--- "We verily believe there it; no other]
people on the fabe 'of the"eartli who'
would quietly submit to be thus robbed.
Tons of thousands of men are almost
starving their families that, they may
be able to meet the demands of the
tax-gatherers. 'Why not then - rep Off
a portion of the taxes;' why not reduce
the tariff? •Grant says no, his cabinet
say no, and a servile and corrept Alienate
say no. Less than three• hundred mil
lions Would. be sufficient to pay - the
current expenses' Of the government,
the interest on the public debt, and fifty
millions a year for the. sinking' fund.
Why not then lift one hundred and
twenty millions of taxes from the shoul
ders of an oppressed people ? states-.
manship Would dietatO this policy, but
unfortunately for our 'people we have
no statesmen in power—we l have ' snobs.
Oh, how this American people are pay
ing the penalty for elevating w man toe
the - Presidency, v% only ideas of
duty are pleasnre for himself and for
tunes for his , hundredsof relatives." ,
• We have no knowledge, of any direct
tax by the general government except op
these items tobacco, whisky, incomes,
national banks, gall and the stamp tax:
• If .there are any persons who are almost
. their families to pay these, we
respectfully suggest, that if they leave
off tobacco and whisky, and use coal oil,
they won't be troubled with the others
greatly. Even the income ,tax, which
should have been repealed 'entirely, has
been so modified as to give a practical
exemption of almost $3,000 a year. It is
very true that the tax-gatherers•visiti in
this locality are very frequent and annoy
' ing,, but this must go to the credit -of
Democratic towrrand-county mismanage
ment, and not to Grant's administration.
The Republican party has, within the
last year, lifted EIGHTS Mir.zroxe of
dollars of taxation from the shoulders of
the people, besides greatly reducing the
tariff, when it was enacted alone for
revenue. It will make much larger
reductions in good time, and as soon as',
can be done consistently with a true
regard for the best interest of the country.
It must ho borne in mind that wo here
an immense debt, the fruit of Demo
cratic treason, which we are carrying at
a high rate of interest. It is necessary
that this be funded at a much lower
rate. It will also be borne in mind, that
we have a - depreciated currency, the
depreciation of which is also a standing
credit to Democratic wickedness.
This must be made Worth its face in
gold. In order to fund the debt at a
lower rate, and make . our currency
worth its race in the market, it is noces.
sail that our credit should be made
bettor. This can only be done by a
prompt and vigorous effort to pay- a
Portion. of the debt. This has -been-
President Grant's policy since - his
auguration. TwO hundred millions have
already been paid, thus saving twelve
millions of ,interest per annum. Our
currency whichtvio years since was worth
but seventy cents on the dollar, is now
worth ninety.. This inures to the sub-,
stantial benefit of every nip in the
nation, except possibly the gold gamblers.
The funding of the debt is going on
steadily, with a certainty that it will be
accomplished within a year. When this
is accomplished, our credit will he so
enhanced, that a dollar greenback .will be
the equivalent of a gold, dollar 'through-.
out the country. Then, we can, with
great propriety, nearly the whelp /
burthen of Federal, taxation from the
people, ,and this .will be done with the,
utmost : cheerfulness. ilopubiicaill pay
too large a portion of the Xatioual taxes ,
to continue, them longer than the good
of the country requires them, but their
leaders are not demagogues enough to
deceive the people to their hurt., Our
party has relieved the nation of treason,
slavery and repudiation, it will in good
time relieve it Of taxation and Democ
racy. Bo patient.
, •
Tins high old Democratic Senatorial
District, of York and Cumberland, has
been broken up by the now apportion
ment bill, and Cumberland and Franklin
Aow makO the district. This will sadly
poil the calculations of some of Our
aspiring Democratic friends, as 'it will
upset, many combinations that have
existed for years, and dot:3 l llinch
(haulage all around. WAhOut pretend
ing to, much prophetic skill, WO will'
venture the:predletizin, that our old
friend, Hon. A. G. Millet:, will Uwe
more trouble in going back to the Senate
for the neXt term, tliai ho expectCd to
have, if the old districelnel'remalued.
As to our party, we can 'only say that
any change that relieves us of the vote of
York county, is a 'vast ittiprovement.
The new District, howsver, is by no
means a desirablo one. With tho 6qrt
of voting whioh was done - In theso two
counties last, year, no Republican need .
fear .that ho will gave Senatorial honors
thrust on him very Suddenly. There is;
however; a chance for ` improvement.
which we hope to make good use of. "If
our frionds;had not behavetLso'foolisbly r .
last wo could have: mirrit'q both
thette counties. IV3r hope .they sea their
folly, and that they will act more like
sane :men' -heieatter. Dien; if
suffrage, is ati had a
. thitig" as they
suppose, it. is 'still' preferabio, to the,
shameful Idishon'esty, ortFitYaganco and
corruption, eieyy Democratic
leader; in thisipart 'of the Statecliaiges
on all the'others. As wo are now freed .
from the baleful shadow of the Denio
erotic 'majm;ity 'of York, lot us niake
determinefl to . regain our hist
grotind, and Make. the new diStriet
Repeblican. .
WE print this' week,, the able and inki)-
nious , report of the Beliater'6l.inneittee:,
appointed; to,. consiilei . 'the : iiiie'st,l'on of
the. paiment qt the lemisiis c enlAained by
the bordei• diuing the wor.'
It Will :be reatt'ivith- iflierest"biell our
most at4,interOSted to
tho passage of 'the 'meaSiiie.: 'pie bill
reported, effeettfally,"gnards the,
rooftWealtli 'against' bean ie ehe;ittid,'4lid'
the 'elatireints 'agetihit any 'extOrtionste'
eliardes'bithOir agents or attorniisiil •
There is evaiy fea'so& tdVelioie the
bill'ienorfial pang.' ThW loading
PUiladglpUia papers, and !inOily "other'
journals 'inildendo ; in tlietit'ate, htri f e,"
. !t;
"th'erii)ippeerit,tq hp ap,intorttiqh,:qu' the
part of- every-one that thn - ,Tacepoiled
'people orvtli , 'boider ecinutiesi , Shall
reeeive`'tliat;; eauaidbiatiou ritt
more; fcnitniatle fellow-eitiensOn,.734li't
theysare:so justly entitled... , .1
'Ttitt . iiemoprits hayeachlevoil,anothei...
magniticont.Nietory. ..By the loist'coimt;l
the majority for,Zoglioh,:in the recent
election, in COMACtieut, is 'juot:dim.
Fiw:the laiitt r ivd years, ho has had.iii4re.
then .a , tlionsand , each time, ,but ,thin ,
deenn't.- - :rnatter, Tho tilrira*s•
pleases the Democratic 'politicians, nd
' Tain closing:hours fOf.the late session
of CongrestVw:ere disOtsl' ed by a peroOil al
altercationi hetween peck, of Kenttleity,
Fftrnsworth;> , of Illimile, add Butler,f of
Massachusetti,': which*miils us ft4ci
bly : of ' Some Of thts"sderies, -- -vildch
occurred in that body, when. the slave,
holders of the South had a rep9esentation
there. It is the duty of ft .- respectable
person, to condemn these exhibitions of
black'iiftYclumi, titi' - the 'saierest terms,
and R publican constituencies especially,
wholeave 2L'' home all "represent4tiveil;.
Who eve a lendenc . to get up such
squab les, Of course, a Kentucky
member would be: nothing,lf 'net abni-:
ye, aod Mr: PaMftworth appears to haVe ,
si• great fondness, for the, name thing.'
,Gen. butler cannot be excitscd,'hoiiiVeri
for,,ariytheng he may `attempt in this'
matter. Re owes it to himself, and to
-the great serviCes lie hag 'xtendered, the
country to keep hfniself:abOVe tholevail i ,
of common blickgdardi. If ' he' does
not, Massachusetts 'Ovum it_ ci herself to
,keep him 4 . 11,r1je.. ' . , '- .
. ,
YORK is alirat-blass Democratic coun
ty. Them the party has Complete sway,
and operates without let or hiuderiince.
As it will be a fair Of what
Democracy; becomes when it has its own
sweet will, we give the programtno.of the
performances of their politicians which
we take' from' the True.Donocrat:
TIME—The debt,' Of the county in'
IMO,' was $120,000, 'and Since then it
his been increased to $328,000.
Be'cond.—,The , entire debt of the
county ie tinkiliMrn.:÷-- It,„ may amount,
and probably clods, tO $500,000.
Third.i--, The taief4 already large, ate
to be doubled for county pnrposes.
Fourth.—York . county officials get
rich on small salaries.
Fifth.—York county •oflieials have
pets that got rich, doing nothing.
Sixth. 7 -They,huild bridges and share
with centraotors.
Seventh. They have road views and
pay democrats heavy stuns for damages,
whore more boarding is charged, to the
pauper, than he would have to pay at a
Ninth.—They clothe voters with over
coats at elections.
Tenth.—They have immense and ex
orbitant coal bills at the jail.
Eleventh.—They pay deadhead wit
ness fees in our Court of Quarter
Twelfth.—They hare notes and bonds
in circulation, issued not for the benefit
of . the county, but for individuals
Thirteenth.—They issue notes and
bonds without knowing the value or
keeping a record of the same.
Fourteenth.—They prefer men to fill
'the offices of the county, who will en
dorse the decisitnis and follow the direc
tions of the ring. Not those - who are
honest and capable.
.. .
Now don't let any Republican who
voted the 'Democratic ticket last Fall,
suppose these York fellows are sinners
beyond other men. There are a good
many counts on this indictment to which
Cumberland county Democracy can
plead guilty. If • anybody doubts,this,
the idvestigation _before the Auditors
last winter, will make it plain. York
county - may
.have a larger Democrctic
majority than Cumberland, but all they
beat our Democracy in corruption,, they
can easily carry.
• JOHN A. ThESTAND, ESQ., of tho Lan
caster Ex . aqziner, . has _been appointed
Naval Officer of Philadelphia, by Presi
dent_ Grant. This is a most excellent
appointment, and is a • deserved recogni
tion of Mr. Hiestaud's•long and faithful
service to
April 25, 1871
At last the dead-lock has boon broken.
'After many anxious weeks of waiting,
and many rumors as to possible results,.
the Conference-Committee Iciported an
apportionment bill on Friday "morning
which passed both. branches at dui same
session, and now only awaits the signa
ture of the Governor to become a law.
It is
,constructed ou the •basis of an
agreement between the parties that the
Republicans should have ono majority
in the Senate and six majority in the
House. Although nob - a fair bill to the
Republicans,. and doing great injustice in
some of.its-details, it is yet a fairer bill
than was supposed the Senate would
agree to, and it is certainly a vast im
provement on the prodigious gerry
mander which that body at ti rst - prod uced
as their schema of apportionment.
Litho Senate there were but five votes
against the bill, Senators Allen,
Billingfelt,: Warfel and White, Republl.
cans, and Findlay,. Democrat. In the
-House there was a considerable Repub
lican, vote cast againat it, the majority
being only t 7: In the Senate there
.taw Do debate in-any form, the previous
question having beed called the Senators
were precluded front talk and-forced • to
put their protest on the journal. In the.
House the same dodge was enacted and'
the members were obliged to record their
votes and swallow ,their displeasure for,
the. moment with whatever grace they
could, On the, motion to postpone the
motion to reconsider the vote, the merits
of the bill cane up and a free fight all
around' was indulged in. Every member
whose district was slighted in any way, or
:Whose own ,personal advancement was
hindred by the . bill, was of course an'
aggrieved party, and was determined
that lJis grievance should be advertised.
The consequence was that, ter .about tut
hour disorder unheard of even in the
Pennsylvania Legislature hold' away.
The speakerinumuered and scolded most
vigorously, but all to ito purpose the,
'ettgr'y geuthfinen were bound tp be heard,
in order or outof order. ,• .. .
The - bulk - of the. dissatisfaction ap
pOared to wine . : frOpi Laricaster,
dolphin, ;Dauphin and Lhnerne. Lao:
easter had _substantial reasona for bad
11,e: the Wow apportionhuint Out of
pile. Senator; and one Representative:
Luzornq complained,- and justly, that
41143. new ' bill offdctually swamped the
Republican strength, Which bat lately
developed in that region, by hitching
,p 9 the 'strong Democratic counties of
Pike and Monroe,. -and 'making it a
u doublo district.' Philadelphia and Dan
-pkin having no grievance • of their_ own.
Look up the cudgel for those who had the
,right to Complain, and' thim a very
./i t rely opposition to.the bill, when brought
out. The protests-and:. ill-humor 'were
and'the Reuse linally,voted
iioetnOne . , :indefinitely/ tbe ,t rnotion :to
re-cOnsiddi'' and thii'nevi tippet-donation!
vras': finished,. greatly to the relief of
u'verybody who bad any interest in Leg-.
islattoM , --„ ' - .
i After the
, app l Ortfenneuf hlt, was die: .
posed, ef,.,;he
reported iu ;Alia Senate: . Fromall;
rdationsvit that - body without.
,y hat Ate ftto
.ia„the , llouse Cannot be, 'predicted, a ' l 7 ,
:though•tho , chitireesuroin itslaver.y . Thin
bill" wiii . doubtlosa cola!)
tip3u'SOMO'Okano dtditri the. Weeic2 and'
if, ft vrill. likely be f'inn ;through ai
rapidly. as it 'was last :session., :The
,atten- ,
tide of the Senate - fa' in' 'earli,day.-, I lio„
time has yet been fixed for adjournixient,:,
and it is - hardly poseiblalliat take
Ohm before the middle of May.
nke6lcct emiiilkttco WsvlitiPwas.W.
ferrad'tlie petitienf..fivOlnuidred
zobsaf Chambersburz'pkiying for Some
legiylitTOP\ to makkcompensatiop tor el
extraordinary '; leSsns "Troparty su
tkldod -by , theni-auring--,the late. ‘17.34. '
make the following report :
Thatthey have considered the subject
-matter-o=th° petition - referred td them,
and generally the question of losses by
our citizens of the southern border dur
ing.the-war,--by. reason of depredations
upon their property by the Confederate
: and Federal,
.f ns orces, and ,particularly by,
raids of the forer, :and will • Pracceeto
statalbeir 'exinctusions• Upon the - several
points invelvedin the,-question of-public
resPonsibility,for- those losses,,:with, .the
.grounds. u . pou r which their p..-nclusions
rest, 'l'lonr - repOrt is, made thinclitantW
`biseaus6"theY . 'tinderataild that' their •it“
.veStightion.was riot-intended to-be con
fined to the.Cliambetsburg losses, alone,
;but to extend,to, all the losses Which, oc
curred upon the border which'hereto
fere hitio been ruhjeeted to examination
under the anti', .ly of the State.
. . „ ,
LIABILITY '01? J 1•11E .- 1.111ITED 'BTATEI.
The first question to be considered is,
whether the United States are liableifor
the hisses Upon. the border, either - by
.reason of a direct-ebnetitutional obliga
tion or by reason of particular facts con
nected with the several invasions of the
State, or by both. ' '
By the fourth section of the fourth
article of the Constitution of the United
.States, it is provided that the United
States shall protect each of the States of
the Union against invasion. This guar
antee is coupled with two' others—the
one for protection of the several- States
against domestic violence upon demand
'Of State authorities, and the other to se
cure to them republican forms of govern-.
ment. Against.:,everf form of external
and internal danger,• accompanied by
violence, this comprehensive' section of
guarantees was intended to protect the
States, and the obligation assumed by
the United States under it hail but one
expressed limitation, which is; that , the
interposition of the Federal Government
against domestic - violence - most - be in
voked-by the Legislature of a State or by
the Executive thereof when the Legisla
ture cannot be convened: 'No ono can
-doubtrupon - rending theso l guarantees of
the Constitution, and duly considering
the general objects for which the Con
stitution was made, as annonnded in its,
preamble, that complete defence to the
States was promised and intended there
by, and that an obligation of self-de
fence,-which in the absence of the con
stitutional compact, would have rested
exclusively upon the several States, was
,thereby charged upon the Feddal Gov
ernment. It is not necessary to insist
that the States respectively parted with
the right of defending themselves against
external danger when imminent, or
against actual invasion, but unquestion
ably the whole duty of defending 'them
was imposed upon the United. States.
Nor can it be doubted Cast . this - align- .
tion and duty of the United States to
protect each State against invasion is not
confined to cases of invasion by a foreign
enemy. The gurantoo is expressed •in
,general language, and is without limita
tion. An invasion of a State from an
other State or association of States is as
muck provided against as an invasion
from abroad. This is the clear conclu
sion to be drawn from the language of
the gurantee, and from consideriflr_the
known reaSons_ viblch dictated its in
sertion in the -Constitution.. Hence
Judge Story; in his work upon the Con
stitution, section 1818, in Speaking of
this.gurantee, declares "that the lati
tude of the expression here used seems
to secure each State not ;only- againgt.
foreign hostility, but against ambitious
or vindictive enterprises - of its- - more
powerrul neighbObt:'
It is beyond dispute that tho United
States (1 4 .1 not keep this guarantee of de
fence u_pon.the several occasions when
Our borderlvae striick by the" binetilY dar;
ing the rocentwar of the rebellion. The
guarantee was not kept and duties under
it performed - by the United States, and
by reason of their default, our citizens
were assailed in Moir peaceful homes and
thPir property appropriated, or wasted
and consumed.. They were completely
innocent of .all' - blame. They had per
iormed all their duties both to the. State
and Federal Governments, by contribu
tion of taxes, by voluntary assessments
upon thenisolves in hid of the common
.hy.the.taising - ..of troops and by
complete obedience to all the laws , of the
land. But their just claim—their abso
lute right to pi otection and 'defence
against external violence—was not main- -
Mined by dither of the governments to
which they owed allegiance.
It is true, as a general principle, , that
"protection againSt invasion is "clue from
every society to UM parts composing it."
(Story on Con., see. 181.9.) This correla
tive of allegiance rests upon ovary State,
and in the absence of compact or treaty
between States is exclusively a State
obligation. But - under our system of
dual government thelesse is widely dif
ferent, cis already shown. Primarily,
this obligation unquestionably rests
upon the United States,
and wasassumed
gy them in the Federal compact for full
and valuable consideration. The con
tribution of State strength to the Union,
and the assumption of numerous and
onerous duties to the Federal Govern-
anent by.the people and government of
each State constitutes the solid. founda
tion upon which this Federal obligation
rests. It follows that .a State may de
mand this prOteetion for Its citizens from
the Federal LiovFestm inde very possible.
ease, anti hence, in no ease can the an
swer be •made by or' . in behalf of that
tibvernment that the State is bound to
defend itself.. •
If then, any duty or obligation rests
upon. a State to proteot its own people
against invasion, it must bo considered
as ono to be discussed only between the
State and its citizens in view of the pe
culiar relations which subsists 'between:
them. The United States cannot assort
any such State obligations 'or duty in tits
face of their own clear guarantee con
tained in the fourth article of the Con
In the default of the' constitutional
protection of the State by the,United.
States against invasion, and of an net
nal defence of the State by herself (In
eouseqnonee of snob- default), can any
one doubt' that the outlay incurred by
the State for defensive purposes would
constitute a just ,demand against the
United States? In such case ought not
the gtiaranare partysto make good the
outlay incurred by reason of its default,
- and when the State. inak6s her deniand
for reimbursement ; would it notbe most
unreasonable and unjust to repudiate or
reject it? But can losissos incurred; by
the ,State or by her citizens in . cense-,
(menu, of a breach of the guarantee, be
put upon a .different fdoting from. the
outlays. incurred by • Alie State •in . self
defence ? In each. vase the default of
the guaranteeing ,party.,and protecting;
party is the cause,and, foundation of the
demand. T9lO cOnimittee, can discover
no Ai m i t ation . ill 1 ' such case upon the re
sponsibility of. the United States, ez.:
copt their inability, tccresPond to. the tie=
inand. It is admitted, that war ravages
may be so eitensivo as to render indent
city to innocent, sufferers .inipOssible.
'fho. burden ' may be. too great to be:
borne, , and, cannot,,• therefore; be . ac.
'copted or assumed. But in Ihe present
ease the plea of bankruptcy 'or inability .
cannot be interposed. , '• . ,
Will to be' observed that the guarantee
in .the ;Constitution is. one im , faver of
the ,several States in their .capacityas'
parties to the compact, and' W'fs, there
fore; to be Maiserted
.by the Stites and
not by individual citizens , in all eases bf
its violation: Donee : it ia,proper, ,anch
becomes rnecessety, in the present in
stanco, ;to, ekamine:tho • relations' and
i itterconria between' the 'State' and ' the ,
:Federal Government. during :the , war;
,and,,the. condubt of eaok4n
_relation to;
~4110 defenevef the State. Did the. State
• ,lierfornri .alrher - dutiee to the Iredeh'il '
,i)oVerrimenti and is' She in'a positiottla'
I.;claint that. the guarantee in: question:
i should have ,been kept? The .answo to,
I: this question isfurnished c .hy the stat-,
, I mos of the'Comm'onweelth, and 1) , . tio
pablie.redords ofthe War. '' ,'. •H ,,, ! ; .'
The State furnished her duealtaro , ,of,
Militia and volunteers under the several:
i cells., ? made i by , the ~Presitlent
,of ; the
' - United' States, and 'she subinittd with=._
Oat 'etlinplaint tOthe vigerou's 'elevation
within her limit:l4er the conseription!aid '
or.„)larolt,:1868, and: its. several.,supple-,
merits., Her due oC tioemFror the 1
piddle 'llerylce_Was fdrelehlid, by het or
ciravVrt from her under United States,
• and Presidential' proclamations
. ,
througiip'rt the war s ; and, in edditioq;
thereteOli several teases of emergemqq-'
shed fnOlislred, - top-the United Stated
her oviusiefensive forte. Aftlie..urgent
demanifef the War. Thipartmentplie alt
:.lowed itir border tOlie uncovered to t,14 , ,
strokco,ef the :enerriy,, when, by a 'more;
46111814blicy, stiCs - temid have seethe.
her own protection at. the peril of the
common interest involved in thb strug
gle.. -
But it is a material m0n5i,114444 iq
passing rips her conduct as,a - meinbor
of the Federal" in a'tinfe of tines , '
anspled'diffieulty and danger, that She
' did net rely-wholly .upon the-ajnited
States; forilum:protectionl from .eztcrpal
dmigek. , i lp, addition to a • prcuppt, : 7.90 7
oils arid coin pieta perilirm aned Of all her
dates'. the' dein in on" eauSe; Tide 'made
•adoqii ito.previgion for. defending.' her-.
Selfen nd would' havelvliolly relieved kilo,
Federal Government from thp perform;
ancesif Praetical 'duties W i lier Wider the '
constitutitinaltuarantge if ihat , Gttverti- - -
iiient had notinterferdd with lierniefen- ,
sive Prrangempids, and taken, from lmr
her defensive force, . •, -
.„ The 'report — then' precCeds - e•%ie - t;v
tlio measures taken by the Stare Ter' the
&Canes ordicr citizens. The - 'Reserve
Corps was. organized 'at a cost, to the.•
State of
.$3,600,000, ; mid transfSiTed 'fo
the Federal' army 'immediately aftei' tbe -
Bull Rini defeatr thereby exposing uur
borders. 'to the enemy. In 1868; the
ealled.outto defend the ex
posed, portions of 'the, State, and the
money advanced, to pis , Ahern: The
Legislature Subseqiielitly - -legallied. 'the
payment, , and.anthorized a lcsnarto zneet
.it. In 1864 six regiments were organized-
for border defence, but were called to
thc Potomac" teltinforce Huntdi after
his defeat; "and : the destruction of
betsburg was the result. '-An eXtraordi
nary session of the Legislature was called
'and $3, - 000,000 more approPriated.foride
fence ; bid the war soon after closed, and
rio part of it was expended;.. and the
monejtaid for the Reserve-' CerpS and:
for the militia in 1813 was repaidto.the.
State by - the, Government. Thim
State, in the opinion of the'cOminittee,
discharged her duty faithfully, but 'her
-borders - were--exposed,:•and -her-citizens
suffered spoliation, because her defensive.
troops were transferred to save tine Union
The repoWthen — reviews the various
acts of Assembly from-1861 to . 1868, in
all eight different. onactnierds providing
for the adjudication of the claims, and
for the pament,l of - a portion of them.
They show that the ultimate payment
of-the clhirris by the General Government
was steadily kept in view by- the State,
and that the state, has redognized* her
duty to procure an adjustment of them
for her citizens.
The report concludes as followli : ; ,
Under the several acts above men
tioned the border' claims "have been ex
amined and ascertained'ader the sanc
tion of Stathauthority, and the evidence
of their amount and character is, upon
file in the office of the Auditor general.
Salmi of thoSe ascertained under the
earlier assessments have beep paid by
the United States, and upon those lo
cated in Chimbersburg half a million of
dollars has been paid out_ of the State
Treasury under the act of fifteenth of
February, 1806. Speaking generally,
the validity and justice of the border
claims haVe been asserted in the strong
est possible manner by the State govern
ment, and the whole scope of State action
concerning them points to their ultimate
- adjustment and payment.
AkousT Or c 141303
The losses which are the subject' of
the present inquiry *ore caused by - suc,
cessivo raids in 1862, 1863, and 1864, by
the advance and operations of Lee's army
in 1863, and by clopredationS ,and ap
propriations of property at- several.times
by Federal troops.,As to the latter it is
to be noted .that te militia, lay whom
sumo Of the dbmages • were occasioned,
were mustereiNnto the United- States
- service - heTore'lludi , ' - advanao - on The'
border, and constituted a part of the
Federal forces. The aggregate amount
of the claims cannot, with the, means of
information at band, be exactly stated.
In the Wheal reports on file in the Auditor
General's office, sonic of the dahlia are
duplicated ; some of those reported upon
under the aot of 1868 being contained in
prior reports. But the sun total of the
claims will not exceed twtmillion eight
hundred-thousand dollarsiand they will
be -subject to such revision as may be li
thought proper in case.of, and whenever
their final payment ctud settlement shall
be provided for. It'bbelleVed that they
are held entirely by the original claim
ants—that they have mot boon assigned
or transferred to otherparties.
The duties which the State owes to her
own citizens in the present case may- be
- made the subject of debate. That she
should take prompt and effectual action
to secure to thorn a-reasonatdeindemnity
for their losses, ought to be admitted by
all ; but the particular line of action to
-be-pursued byber may be open to ques
tion. She has already advanced - or paid
half a million of ollars upon the claims
-under the act o 1866, and has :therefore
a direct peen ia.l3 , interest- to that
amount in ontbreing — them against the
Federal Government. But, beyond this
interest of her own, it is
to be
her duty to provide for or to obtain fur
ther indemnity to her people. She owes
protection to them, and she alone can
claim on-their behalf and on-her own the
guarantees of the Federal Constitution.
It remains to inquire what immediate
or direct relief, if any, eau be furnished
by the , State to her citizen claimants._
She cannot assume the payment, of their
claims and place those claims in thir form
of a public debt to be met by her .hefe.
after, because the Statneonstituticaor
bids•the creation of a debtmf such-mag
ritude. Nor (by. reason of another - ,pro-.
•ision of the, constitution ) can she' Joan
her credit to them in any way whatever.
' Bat she may appropriate money from
het Treasury to pay the elaims,:in.whole
or in part, or may divert any part - of her
revenues, not pledged JO the Sinking
Fund, and apply it to the same object.
Pending'the application to ho made. by
her upon the Federal Government for
indemnity, and before that Application
shall bo complied wtth, she may appro.,
priato money In aid of the 'Claimants or
in . extinguishment of their demands.
The power of the two houSes to do this
is complete, and their exercise of the
power is wholly, within their discretion.
It is a clear power, but mie"to be exer
cised, it exorcised .at all, ~under a full
sense of ruPresentative duty, and in, full
view of- all those- considerations of ex
pediency acid justice which pertain to
the question/ •• '• • •,- •
But either as the representative ofour
.01.411.11er own right as the holder
of: the claims, tlio State' Oovernment
should proroptly, Press upon the Pectoral
.ocovernment the fceognitloti 'and allow
ance of theto claims—as .a• matter of
juiScoto the : -Seatb, and of Federal ob
ligations, under
~conOtitotion. of
the Viiitdd,'States,
A. 11. DILL,: •,
C. R. BucuAtEvv,.
The coiliinittee 'deport a bill 'providing
'for a carded revision of the claims, by.
the' courts to prevent 'all Speculation and,
frinujiand the payment of the interest on
them by, the State. • The Sttate becomes'
the owner'of the olailas,, 'an&
to demand the 'paynient . of , thorn, and
t1ie4500,000, with interest already paid
.Cliambarsburg, aad when the claims are
paid to tho State 046w:until bLroito:b9
Senator -White. does-not entirely atirre,e;
,with the othez four monabers of the oopa,
inittee„, He bolds that the cairns should
ho propMly adjudkattid 'bj the State; as
the bill prevideb, and-that iR equity the
General Government , should pay them ;
that the State shOuld not Interfere In the
matter beyond making , the demand foi
heir citizens.: - •• • •
,• , -
kr. Davin, from tbfroohimiAte&bretiril
.foronco pri tbe appbytionmeht . bill, ,tigtde
f9lloning-roportn: , n - n. n .
• mna AiTonaioiggintimn n
&Ada.' •
Vutil`the neit eepteilnial enumeration
et the taxable inhabitants, - And an appor‘
tionnientm thereon, the 'senate, shall coil ,
get , of , thirty-throe rnember4.and
iippeptilnied as, follows, tn wit,; , ,
-f 7th r Btli‘ And
2. The 9th; I.oth, -1801, 14th,„15tli and
29th wards 1
• /
pa , T oZtli; 8th,11t . 14.12tb,10t14.17th . -
' • d 18th wards . ' , ..0.'.. ........... 1
_ #..:l' O.slOth, 20th, 215t,:22c108d, 24th; .1...
ri > ..... oth, 27th atut2Sth viar4s,..C . .""
4 , .. OfWater,aud Delaware ',"' i 1.
Alcir,itgoOmiy...,.'4,,.i, if ' C. a
• '7. BdOks atdkNorthampton ./ 4 1 1 ,... l'
9.• Lancasterl
10; 'Schuylkill .„ • 1
11. I..(Migh apd.Carbon- ,
. ;q ,A.
12. /Dauptkiilraliti Lobarion j ~',..)....
....,.v.. 1'
18. Luierne, onrooH and Piko "• - 2
IC- Bradford;. Susquehanna; : -Wayne. - •
and Wyoming -' - • 1
15., - ,.Ccilumblai,.„Lysoming,. tdontour
, .. and Sniflyan '1
18: Canieron; "g'ltean, 'potter ' and ,.
' '.
' ''' ' Tiaga •7,: , ,!• • ~../:',li•- a ...i i
I'7: Einyileri_•:,,.Perry, .ITorthumberland ,
1,, ; • and,thuhm , 1
18..glinton,.. 'Cambria, Clearticld 'and
'lig. 'Cumberland and'Prarklin;l ' ' 1
'2o:.,Adams and York 1...'„...,'...; , I.
.21s Bedfordi,,. '. Fulton, . Blair , , and
, ~
C anieee..... " .. . .
'.22:' e S ntre," s JUniata,' ' Mifflin and 1
" ''' 'Huntingdon', ''' ' ' - " 'l.
23. Allegheny . • - ,‘ ' . 8
25.; Indlana and Westmeleland _ 1
20: . Payettnand Greene...:.;..' . 1
20; Beayor,l.ltitler'alid::WasliiiigeOn - ::: l r
2 7 ,,. 01miou;Armstrong,' 'JeffeksOrk:veil.
.- ...' Forest, . ' • ' ~ ' 1
28 1 Lawrenee,l2.le-eer and,Vona.igo ..,.,1
, . .
29. Crawrord 1
80. - Erio rind: Warren - • ' '''' ' ' ' 1
- H•011' . of Iteliivsentatiiiis: - ' -
"(Mtn the next septennial enumeration
•bf the taxables and apportionment
.thereon made by law, the house of rep
resentatives shall consists)! one hundred
members, and be apportioned - as follows :
The city of Philadelphia'hliall be diVided
into eighteen districts, nah l tely•: I
1. 'The ist ward and theist, 2d;;Bd, •
• 4th, sth, 6th; Bth, : 100,• 12th,
I'3th, 15th, 16th and ..17th di
' visions of the 26th ward' ' • 1
2. The 2d •viard and the Ist and 2d
• . • • divisions of the 3d ward—, 1
113. The.4th ward; the 3cl t 4th,
sth, 6th,
7th, 86,..0th and 10th divisions
of the Bd' ward- ' 1.
'4. The 7firvrard and the 7th, Bth, 11th'
and.: 14th divisions of the 26th
ward -
5. The sth'and 6th .wards 1
6. The Bth and 6th wards , except the
Bth .division of the
.oth wail],
7. The 10th ward, Bth division of the
9th ward, and Ist division of the
15th ward, and the let and 2d di
visions of the ward. 1
8. The 2d, fld, Ath, sth, oth, 7th, 9th,
10th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 10th,
17th, 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st
diiisions of the 15th ward I
9. The 13th ward and•the 14th ward,
' ' except: the Ist and 2d divisions. 1
10. The lltli and 12th ,wards..... ......... 1
11'. The 29th Ward, the 28th ward and
the Bth and 13th divisions of the
• 15th ward 1
12. The 10th ward, and the 4th, sth,
9 ;AI and 10th divisions of the
17th ward, and the Ist and
division's of the 20th ward 1
11. The Bd, 4th, sth, oth, 7th, 11th,
- 12th, 'l3th, 14th and 19th di.
. • visions of the 20th ward, and
- the oth, 7th and 9th divisions of
the 17th ward 1
,The 18th ward, the 4tli division of
the 25th" ward, the Ist, 2d and
3d divisions of the 17th ward.... 1
15. The Ist, 2d, 3d, 4th,-
51,11, 6th, 7th, •
--. 9th,"loth - , - ,llth, 12th, 13th, 14th,
15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 22d,
, 211 d, :24th and 25th divisions of
' the 19th ward, and 18th of the
- 20th ward. a 1.
H. -The 22d arid the 21st wards 1
17. The 23 ward, and the Ist, 2d,' 3d,
sth, 6th, 7th and Bth divisions of
the.26tll ward, and the 801,130 th- -
and 21st divisions of the 19th
18. The 24th and 27th' wards 1
Adarns. 1
Franklin - - --1-
Armstrong „ •
Beaver, Butler and Washington
Bedford and Fulton
Blair 1
Bradford and Wyoming 2
Byars - 2
Pdtter and APlCenn 1
Carbon and Ar01441)0 • ...... . . ..., 1
Allegheny, dutside of Pittsburg 5
The Ist; 2d, 11, 4th; sth, 6th, 7th, Bth,
9th. and 14th warclti of the city of
Pittsburg • e 1
The 10th; ,11th, 12th,-13th, 15th, 100,
17th, 18th, 10th, 20th,, 21st, 22d and
23c1 wards Of the city of Pittsburg.— 1
Chester . 2
Centro i : ' 1
- . . ..........
Clarion and Porost
Clinton,Lycoming and Sullivan
Dauphin and Perry,
Delaware '
Elk, Cameron and Jefferson
Juniata and Miffiin
Lawrence .......
Northitinberland and Montour 2
Pike and Wayne 1
Schuylkill - ' 3
Snyder End Union, 1
Susqueliiinna and Wyoming ' • 2
Tioga ' . 1
Ire:amigo . 1
Warred. 2
Westmoreland 3.
Qt done...
The previous question was Chen:called,
and the report of the committee was
adopted by a vote of 21 to 5, Messrs War
fel, Billingfelt; Allen ancl•Findtay voting
Items vlbout
APRIL 27, 1871.
Tui dry weather. stili 'Continues.
Tue. )ilaes are in bloom, the beshee
being covered with fragrant flowers.. ,.
AN Individual living on North, West
str9p.t,.i . s_t:jx.e . qcvney Awq:ta,i/:lomiktnsk,
. • •-
-' and eggs wore .plenty
market this (Iyeduesday) morning.
IQaAV —Travel over the Cumbe.
land Yalloy Read. -
I..towr—The supply .of country : rad- 7 .
ishes,in market.
Bar teidioh
Sawyer's noiv ailiertisements in another
'column; , • .
e riianr are ioetwbea 40. and Li() various
at ; dio ; Tnsrp,3, Asylum at die
. .
.11,Ociors offered. :for
salo..4ll,piarket. IG, causes a . . porsores
mind rOyOrtAnt 5004 . .0f
„ -
CA.141. lizamaa are already . al:.
nounad}i' in a number ofScair friehand<is;
Rather non'. tn'agliatikthaitiestian vve
think: •
Tun attention of - Our:readers is called
to the' tiavoillsei.thonplu eirotlidr Column,
of 'Tar:id - for' the Landless,' and Mimes'
fOrilut *melees: •
: drit t i;siAresPiCinres Btili Stand second
!Lir Mine, and hisidothreif of children are
talon ea quick andai liglt that
they are not to boS enrinuss'et.
DIU beet local and advertising. ,
' ?hie 'Coniiii-=-Trin'''PAntssit
'par:yaar;:':• l iti•
- ":,f
tr.!'ltdri" eta).
88.6, 'and'Otatbr Igehator 31111oF atut
Ttepiosiintsiti“''Leigg 4 Ntlll abceilt 'Our
foy4ublic 'documents received'
dtiring 'the ' t "1 !.
Tub xnembers,ff , the I)ethel ,
ef,thie 14eee,,pf.4, 1)&10 tkleOmesp
her ',..,weeptire4 , 4/ 11111, C4 1 P 1 44 1 1R 3nt I t°
be uee4 dtiplue liattio of
worehip, . , • . _
Tan sanitary condition b of, the inmates
of the Counfy Pooh' House is all. thlit
could be d'eSired,r.,thero heing but fe - W 1
cases of staleness niriorted M this time,:2 -
7. IT. COYI- T -This
pany has 6,005,127;142—'itiVes of *ire ;
62;90q miles et linoV; BineO3he close of
"the` year 1860 - nbaht 10100 near'offlces
have been opened by the company.
TAXES I • TAXEs I I-1 r.' Donor,
of,Pinini towilidt% WasCtAo Airst', man 0 1
'Cumberland dVunt,y, paid his 'taxes
for the Year. 1871. "'Good for Doner.u. See
advortiseynent of County Treasurer in
; , Titill'm you can, see that eVeiithinir
quiet, , beeanse' . "Ghndif . Bohn ` 3s 'away
irdying some rnorcnf those cheap : goods:
TheiefOre, : ' : vrait tor the waged, - 4(I
he book 'with, ii'tirrirrretnendOuii . ' , aeock
of goods. • '
p.,Blivy,in has noW on exhibition,
.one . of the choicest stocks of dri goods'
'ever Offered, in Carlisle, and at the !OW- .
dai"ricei. rit'd''fail to 'give, him.
eall ,as 'be; well paid fer your
trciuhre4 . and Faye}r by so dein;
I PoitpdA - s; turnkey of the
prison, since the advent of
,Sheriff lore
man, at the ." brown jug," .left for. San
Francisco, . California, 'about two weeks
since, and intends to make the Golden future home. ,
Pro Rte.—Tim pic aic season
Scion be here, and already we hear tlio
"YOUnd Nk ' laying their, plans for the
coming sunimer. .''pnr neighbors_ ?',over
the water"--from tarrisburg--we aro in
forined; will pie nig at hunter's Run the
.'present seasom ' ,
Wx are now prepared to execute all
kinds of job work, from the most diminu
tive card to the mammoth poster, either
plain or, dolored, in a superior style, and
at as reasonable figures as any ,
tabiishment in the' Valley Give us a
call and we will guarantee satisfaction.
morning last, while the freight - cars on
the C. V. R. R., were being run across
the river at Bridgeport, two of them
collided, owing to a misplaced switch.
serious damage was sustained, but
travel was more or less impeded until
late in .the evening, when the debris was
cleared away.
AyN.tvEneanit,—Ti3-day (Wednesday)
the lifty-seeond anaiversary of the es
tablishment of the order of Odd Fellows
in the United States, will be observed
with .appropriate ceremonies, • by the
,members of the Order, at West Fairview,
this county. A large inimber of the
brethren from our town will participate
in the demonstration. -
:READER, if you wish to obtain a
choice , segar, or a superior quality of
chewing tobacco,- yom can procure the
aforesaid article at J. P. Neff's No. 23
West Man street. H has also on hand
a largo stock of pa or collars, cu,ff's
necktiei and scarfs. ' -low sots Of thos e
handsome shirt stud! j nd sleeve buttons
still on hand, which he 7 ill sell at low
prices. Give him a call. .
• On Thursday evening of next week,
the ladies"connected with the Catholic
Church of this place, will servo up re
fyealiments, consisting of ice cream and
°ekes, at the residence of Mr. John
Faller, No. 85 North Hanover street.
The public generally are invited. The
proceeds !o beapPlieifte - tte; 'eh Ora:*
splendid large cake will also be'clianced
Tne American Medical Association
will' meet at San Francisco, Cal., on
Tueiday May 2. • Excursion ticket
will- be issued from Harrisburg to Omaha
-and return'ior's4o, and from Omaha to
San Francisco and return. • for , $1•25.
Good for 00 days, and only sold to hold
ors of certificates from the 'Permanent
Secretary, W. IL- Atkinson, M. I)., of
-Philadelphia. All person's desiring cer
tificates must apply to him. ,
A GENERAL order from the War De:
'partment discontinues the Carlisle Bar:
racks, P , :unsylvania, es a sub depot for
the mounted recruiting service. The
permanent party recruiting property and
funds will be transferred to' St. 'Louis
arsenal, Missouri, and turned over to the
superintendent of the cavalry service,
surgeon Wright, and the ordnance ser
vant on duty at the sub depot will
_re :
main rintil furth'er orders, the latter-tak
ing ellarg r i; of the public buildings.
DiNGIVR c11.43:—A nuinber of urchins,
whose ages range from 10 to 14 years,
are in the .habit of playing around, and
jumping on the cars at the Junction,
while the emplees' are engaged iii
shifting cars, and "Making . up" the
afternoon train. This is especially the
case- me Baturday afternoons, when the .
juveniles, are free front school. Boys,
abandpii this liabit, -- or it 'nay eventually
lead to the l&s of limbs, ar s pm-lisps,
A Worci 7 to' 'the wise its-eillicientl:7
BunNEn.—MroJ. L. Wolf,
druggist at .
hand 'severely burned on last Thursday
bveilpxg. Mr. Wolf had placed a bottle
con,tainind alcohol and some other in
gredients on the stove to heat: The
bottle becoming' too hot burst, scatter
ing the' cohtenqi 'Over the stove, which
iminediately igntad.' :Mr. W. rushed to
the rescue, and in attempting to extin
guish_ the flames was badly- burned, 'so,
mush so as to place hint hors du combat ,
with his right, meniberi Wears pleasfid .
to iiteto that the' bend" recovering
EAST:-011: Ittonday panting
Klfe'riff',Pore4an, - accompanied by
suhire Holcomb radii -Henrydreeker,- of
thi c S,plaee, loft fer the Esaterit Peniten-i
tiary,.linvin4 . in charge two prisoners,
convicted • the recent twill of Alm'
Quarter Sessions, viz: 'Joseph
maker, -sentenced "Air • 'llVe years, for
bMilary ; and Peter O'llonlce, a " bum
inr" zentepced to that haltitution for'
three 'yehis,' fOr arson. • A large crowd'
of person's were idegtegitted• on the
"jail cornet" to . witness , :tbeia 'embark
for their future temporary abodes. ).-
.IsTkiw William A. 11=-
00, a:citizen of : this pined), has rocentli
-orirOd what mightte termed " green
grocsiy!' store, in,' ;the, baseMent un
der. Clotting 'ptdre, on the
liorthWeat 'oMtier of.Voutherand North
Hanover streets. Ilia stock comprises
andii-Cured and other hato, dried beef,
bblOgna, ell' kih - di of . .canned "frultS,
fruit in season' as 'it arrives . m the
market', pOtittoes; tobacco 'and Cigars,'
getter with' a', great 'lrtirhitY 'bf other
goddi bo Obtained. in a
green .grpeery:": respectfully
Melts a shard'of liUblie patronage. :",
tinircr.--arive of 'the journeymen
,masons 'employed at work on - the' faun.'
'dation of 'tile,. now Seeond •I'xesbyterinn
church in this'place, quit woric,oripsitnr
day Otining,owing to a , '" diffeforie p Of
opinitie'betWeetr thein 'and their'
ployersi- The "Jours" eay that illt.oo
pox' day is the rruling , price, for stonema
sons in this boroilgh, And it,w#ci at these
ligiges they agreed to go to work. ;
otitlie other hand the' "bosses"'sajtlinit.
162;50 is' thettiling•prien and•asserttbat .
this,is %he pripe paid: by.otbei• emplojerti.
'rims the' matter ,ptands, the , workmen
refniing to go to — vroi•k' at ihe..redueed
prlees,, while 'the'..!9beinies," 'as persist.
ently refill/Eta giVe.the;Pold,wages",dec
manded. ; There Flro,but Arco' 'workmen
.laboring on the foutiatitioA at thoi)riment
limo, •
Tin v E .was moon" bu_tgt
Wed4sclaY, accordiWtO the Alrnan4
'Our weather propinite;say :the present
.meow 4 a cold one, pit lays so far •to
the Ninth. This lAaa' certainly proved
true, at\least, duriWthe past few days.
The reeent-oold'enap ban proved detrti
mental to the growing fruit crop ; but
we trust that it may not prove fatal,.
and that we will be favored with a large
and bounteous supply of every variety of
fruit. ,
- evening, a •Irie'cktio fus.": will , collie off
in the 'Good Will Hall: It is, a novelty
in'eur town, and of course; the. hall will
bo cirowded, , ns the public generally, are
invited: Ice cmurifand other refresh
ments, will be screed -up in - excellent
'Style. The string tia'nd will' enliven'the
. oceaaion with choice mtisio. These .
fusses" are .a.Westerminstitution, and
ate productiVe of Much fun 'and jollity.'
Those-Who desire a pleasant evening, in
kood company, sh6uld attend.
delivered by Rev. J. D. Brown, .pastor
of the First M. E. Church, in Rheem's
Hall; bn Thursday evening last, was re
-piste' with interesting sketches, and an
interesting description of the manners,
customs and modes of worship of "the
Fakirs of India." The Reverend gen
tleman was.grect cd With a very respect
able audience, who listened attentively
to' the , life-like descriptions of these
heathen people, as portrayed by the ora
tor. We aro pleased to be able to-say
that very handsome sum was realized
from' the proceeds of the evening's en
tertainmont, which . is to be devoted to
the furnishing of t1..1,e parstmage.
'Tut Bso Sitow,Don't forget that
the Unapproachable al id Unabridged
Wild Beast Menagerie - and Ornithologi.
cal MuSeum, and Equstrian Aggregation
will exhibit in this place, in Mr. John
son Moore's field, at the upper 'end- of
South street, to-morrow (Thursday)
afternoon and night, under two big tents.
Opening at 1 and o'clock p.. m.; at
which hours the Menagerie levees com
mence. Adam Four Paws 'Menagerie is
the largest collection of living wild ani
mals•in the United States, and in order ,
that the
,entire cOmmanity, may avail
themselves of the opportunity of N 4 iiness
logljt, and also from the fact that ono
tent could not be manufactured of suffi
cient capacity to cOntain and conduct
the several entertainments, two Canvas
Coliseums are used. Remeniber one
price admitS .to both entertainments,
and you can visit either of them without
visiting both. The street parade, said to
be a' gorgeous 'display of beauty and
maguifibence, will be made through the
principal streets about 11 o'clock hi .the
.forenoon. Tickets, 50 -ceido ; children
under 10 years.,of age, 25 cents. •
tery of Carlisle, which met on the
eleventh instant, at New Bloomfield, in
`Pexry county, elected,for Commissioners
to the General Assembly, which meets
in Chicago, on the third Thursday in
May. next, Rev. Messrs. J. Smith Ger
„don,- of,Fanne taburg, :al4 Gem , Noreressi:
of the ,Second church, of Carlisle, and
Elders W. B. Amberson, of Waynes
boio', and
Revivals of conSiderable power, - were re
ported tit Upper Path Valley, at Middle
Spring, and' at Nest Bloomfield. On the
unanimous adoption of a report of the
Committee approving of the records of
the First church, of Carlisle, in which
the Session had resolved that after a
reasonable - tinfe of — forbearance, no per
son engaged in the manufacture ,and
sale of ardent spirits, as a beverage,
shOuld i be tolerated id the' communion of
that church, a discussion on the sane
subject sprung. rip among, the members,
which resitlted in the adoption (svi9l
only thrcU Ur four dissenting voices,) f
the following resolution, viz : •
. ,
Resolved, ” That those persons, who, at
a time like the present, engage in the
manufacture and sale of ardent spirits
as a beverage, are guilty'of anlmmor
ality which Ought not. t 6 be tolerated in
our communion, and which ought to be.
proceeded against, like any kher offence
aga:mt the peace and purity' of the
church." Such actions brings the po
sition of this' Presbytery into harmony
with the decisions of the Assemblies of
1834 anal 1837, and especially with an
elaborate and extended deliverance of
the Assembly of the late .old School
Branch, at Pittisburgh, in 1805, and
which was drawn lip by Dr. D. 'Elliott,
of Allegheny Seminary.
TABLI;AUX.—Owing to _the press of
busineSS laSt week, we Ni'ere unable to do
that' justice to the tableaux of the Sec
ad-Presbyterian church, which they de
serve.. Entertainments of this charse
ter,%gol, up by the young folk, in such a
laudable, cause, deserve mord, than a
passing notiee. Exhibitions of this de
scription are elevating. and.idfining, and
'it speaks well for ,tho taste and moral
tone of Carlisle, that the hall was
crowded with the most respectable por
tion of our citizens on the I'o,day:even
ing of the entertainment.
The first scene, "Which way shall I
send it," represented h bevy of belles
and beaux, engaged in a game of "Pres
byterian Billiards„” the game is exciting
and near its end, one of the ladies by a,
lucky stiroko' has hit an adversary's ball,
and. no* in a' quandary, seeks advice
from -lug captain, 'as to - which way she
shall send it: - - The'dressinvand - all the
aPpointinente were in keeping with the
subjeCts, especially well looked the'
ladies. , .
enry the Eighth, and Ann Boleyn -
Wes a court, "scene, Henry, being struck
by the charms' of the fair Aim seeks her
hand for' the' dance, ' and, she, with
maiden 'Modesty ' avertd lie!: head, and
hesitates before the • kingly. dichry. Car
dinal:Woolsey loolca,on with approving
glance, and .courtiers, and dames smile
knciVringlY. ' dresses • were rich end
spa - riding ivitli . .brilliants; and the geidlej
men' and :ladies' spe oially fitted for their
'several characters: "Tile Artist's Studio",
was received with thunders of applause,,
and . WoWit deserved them: 'The statu
ary was" Perfect,' and' neVer before have
We witnessed such , faithful and correct
posing— It' seemed as inve wore in the
presence of works orthe old Masters_ of
sculpture 'and' painting:"
• "Alm Knox reproving 'Mary; Queen
of Scots," - was: certainly , orthodox
enough for, the blast of !the blue. The,
Queen, shone resplandent,.. : and. her
.tendants, were handsome, 'and richly: a t _
wad'ono of the' Coilit Scene's
'so highly spoken bt " Consulting the
'Oraele."„was a wild, wierd scone,, vividly
calllng, to mind the ancient cuStom.prac
ticed,l4 Oka. Greeks 'end' Romans. It
wan' Well' gotten uni'' and' skewed epic&
.didly..l "John Anderson my Joe John,".
was an old time scone. ; An, anqient. yeor
•man turne.frorn - his bible,' :to be caressed
an comforted bY' his mild, sweet' eein
patient 'who - heitli, his hand end
trustingly in his face. •Wo envied , •Jee
John.; •••1 , .' •
Zeke g$ gerpda,. "Too for ,thif
cars,Tand. "Lanagan'S'.l3all," Worq rich
and' ray,' eblling'foith' louddst applause'
end ,roars• rof,laughterl, ,13pace "forbids;
: our noticing each scene. as it &Servos,
and att WO wish.. Such. oicliibi~lens, will
receive, the hearty encouragemont,Ot all
respectable people, when-got. op With as
much pains as thone.. We believe, the,
.iniblio.could;ireadlly, stand. - a repetition,
foaling confident, that 'Whatevi3r 'Weed"
young nr.ccitiw
plate sueeevir
g.or.` 4ndglit,
blialixnan's,, 21 West lytitin atteet. Btyles
inovi,::NrAriouo bpd ohoi,
1111 Ni families in thi place have been
°Milled to lie re water hauled from the
Letdrt,..owidd tocthe continued spell, of
dry weather. • .
SPLENDID 11ORBE.—Onr farmers would
do well to iiisit - the:stable - of - Jacoly Thu
dine!, in this place, if they 'wish to see
a line animal: Champion; jr., is said by
competent 'judges to be one of the best
blciodod horses in die- country.
about 7, or El. ,weekii until the 'public
school examinations will` be held, Al
'ready aie the young misses and, lads
agitating 'the question; and counting up
the number of weeks that yet elapse un
til this momentous and exciting time,
Be patient, scholars, it will seen roll'
To - trounow..(Thursday) forenoon, the
Mitininoth::—Meringecie and Circus. of
Adam FourPavvii, will Make its trium
phal entry into this borough. To-day
they l exhibit at §hippensburg, so that
they will mine via the Chambersburg
pike. Tho street display in said to be
Perfectly gorgeous. • •
IA ARC; E TROUT ? —The followers of Isaac
Walton will please make a note'of this :
On Tuesday of last week, Charles Givler,
son 'of Thomas plyler, residing near
BOsler's mill, caught a . trout weighing
3} pounds, with rod and line. The fish
was 18 inches,in length and 5 hi breadth.
How's that for a fish 2 The facts can be
proven if necessary. Who can beat it?
Don't all speak at once.
WE would call attention to the adver
tisement of.Thornas A. Harper, 'et' this
place. - Haviegluat returned from the
East with a largo supply of dry goods,
he is able to offer superior induceMents.
Don't forgot the place, oil -. the North
west corner of South Hanover and Pom
fret streets. For further particulars sea
[Comm unleuted.]
I • Mu. EDITOR :—Mr. Miller, the Senator
from this district, introduced in the
State Senate, a bill on the subject of
Intemperance, which has excited some
little comment and opposition, but which
is 'really basedupon the modern idea, on
the subject of yeforming or restraining
habits of Intemperance, as well as what
law-writers term preventive legislation,
remarked upon at-least as far back as
the tine of Blacktone.
The propoSed la 44v recognizes the tem
perance pledge, 'which -has been the
basis of all modern temperance societies,
it also recognizes the idea upon which
inebriate asylums are based, that re.-
straint and imprisonment may be the
only ,salvation, in extreme cases, of the
victim, and. the only protection to his
family and community. This law there:
upon, proposes to allow any one to give
to the eothiMiniffbiS voluntary pledge,
that regarding drunkenness as dangerous
to himself, his family and society, lie
Will, for the good of himself, and them,
and to avoid all' risk of Intempeia'nce,
abstain from intoxicating drinks—this
step is entirely voluntary, and in tem
perance societies, a'-violation of it is
accompanied and punished by expulsion
and disgrace. These restraints have,
however, in many, very many instances
preyed too weak ; this law then recog
aims _pledges -me,fle,to.aAarger.. society, .
to wit : the Commmiwealth, who takes
,the' voluntary pledge and then for the
stipulated time enforces that pledge;
and if necessary, enforces a compulsory
restraint—in short,,as Dr. Rush recom
mended years ago "a sober home."
This restraint is now afforded to those
able to pay the helvy expense of the
different inebriate asylums, institutions
which have done and are doing much
Again, this law would do away with
no small amount of more perjury. It is
known here in the country, that a
practice prevails of indiViduals going
before a magistrate and making a velum.
taryaffidavit to abstain from drinking.
Vie deponent very Often learns that this
is only binding in fore oonnienieal and
too often forgetting this solemn sanction,
to his pledge again takes to drinking.,
and like the man of old, taking the seven
devils unto himself, only„becomes more
and more reckless from such a heinous
violation of his moral sense.
If sobriety, health, happiness, family
comfort and peace, as well as the quiet,-
good order and proper observance of the
laws, are all , promoted by abstaining
froth drink, why should not the law lend
its sanction to a voluntary temperance
pledge, and hold the party to what
might well bo called a security for good
The following eases were disposed of
during the setting of court last week.
Ilheem Vs.'Kennedy, et al.—No. 191,
August Term, 1899, action of debt.
Settled by the/parties, as jury was being
called. Judgment for plaintiff for $379
and cost. Penrose for plaintiff; Mag
laughlin for defendant.
llurshman's Assignees vs. Miller.—
No. 402,.August Term, 1899, Rd Faeiaa
Sur Mechanics' Lien—plaintiff takes a
non suit after hearing evidence. Miller
for plaintiff I - littler for defendant.
Ilurshman's,Asisig,tiees Brenn Ar—
. disposttibn as 14. st
Mateer vs. J.lykas.—No; 10, Novem
ber Term 1869—tTesspass'ir et :Innis.
Settled by the parties. Miller, Shearer
and McCune for plaintiff Penrose fur
defendant. ,„ r
Stone vs..Lambert.—No. 39, Novom
Te 'lBo9—Debt verdict for plain
tiff for $333. Maglaughlin for plaintiff,
Penrose, Todd and Graham, _ for de
fendant: • .
.Stiledele_Ns..Zitzer.—No. 243, 'NOviin. ,
ber Term, - 1839—Plaintiff talces a non
suit. • Maglaughlin for.. plaintiff, Boltz
hoover and Sharpe fdi• defendant.
Sheriff vs. Myers mad Toomey.—No.
251, November Term ,'lBo9—appeal from
judgment of A Delitiff.. Verdict for
plaintifflor i;•`;ls.--Ilend erson-andAlays
foe plaiutirr,_ -Sadler -and- -Todd -for -de
fendant. •. • ;• •
• • Bobb vs. Ifersliman.—No. 01, January.
Term, 1870--Sef. Fa. to revive lien of
judgment. Verdict for •.plaintiff for
$230.00. ;Newsliain cfor plaintiff, Penrose
'for defendant. • .; •
First National Bank of •Carlislo vs. H.
,POhly.-No. 110 Jahnary Teriu, 1870—
debt. Settled by the parties. Maglaugh
lin and Hepburn Jr.
Julia Beeto in va. Henry fetter.—No.
'145, January Term, 1870, debt. Settled
by the parties. Maglaughlin, Hepburn
and Miller.,
Hock 'and Beetem 'vs.' totter.--"sarine
ae abe've—settled. ,
' Corntnan , vs. blyers.,—Appeal, frbm
judgment ofJustieo Slit7ock: Judgment
for plaintiff for MI, Henderson 1i Hays;
and.)yeakley & Sadler. , _
Lynn vs.'ll7; 'Apri I Torin,'
1870. Foreign attachment in assumpsit.
'Verdict for,' plaintiff for $1,800: 'Meg
laughlim Todd and Penrose. • ,
Leonard vs. Cropp.—No. 203, April
Tel 1870, slander. fly counsel judg-
Mont for:platntiff for $2O and cost. Todd
for, plaintiff', Maglanglin and Shearer.
for' defendant. - .
Maglaugidin and Htuneriob vs. Dunbar
Itotli. =No; 241;' April • Terra; 1870.
Ejectirionf; „ Verdict for defendants.
Hepburn for defendants.
' Morris for use vs. Wells.—No. 280,
,April Term, 1870. Debt. ' By, consent
judgment for the defendant's. • Hepburn
'for pleintifi;:Houdersou & Hays for do-,
GlaSs vs, Noble.—LNO 47, August Term,
1870.—Aieumphit; plaintiff takes a non
suit. Todd, Henderson & Hays,
Arnistrong ve. Cminty of Cumberlandt
case upon , premises,_ No. 227, Angus
Terra, ( 1.870., Settled .by, the • parties.
Judgnieht fer 488,50 half casts. ~ P eniose.
fpr N laintiffplywni,naTl for de
Mahon Ts. Boetem's itdministra tori;
No. '825,, Angular , 'Term,.lB7o. Trespass
on.the case, on, premises. 'Verdict , for
the defendants. Miller & Nowshinn for
Henderson & , Hays 'And !Rep.
(inn), Many cases will do taken-up
to tlio Supremo Court, from this county,
in - May next.. •
Tnis locality was Nialted *itha Boyar°
frost on - Sunday night last. Ica of a
dolicate• - thickness :was formed_on . stand
PLANZING_PORN.—The farmers, gen
erally, have been baking advantage of
the pleasant weather, and.a 'great many
of therriliave their corn . plantad. -
Ir iS currently reported on the streets
that artillery companies :are to be sy,-
lioned at the Barracks, instead. of 'Cam
arry,' as heretofore. :We
,do not know
'Where the rumor originated, or whether
it has ,:any foundation whatever, ht it
merely give it - for what it is worth: •
Onr, BARgs.-13usiness is brightening
Op in the ore banks along the line of'the
,BOuth:lifountain, or akleast the Mining
of ore is being pushed forward quite h
lively. All the banks, seven in nninber,
aro at' work at this time,'employing up
wards of 200 men. The " Wynkoop
Bank," the only remaining idle one, re,
sinned operations on Monday last. •
N.Ew PnornrET'on.-- 7 Mr. Jacob Cart,
late the geidleinanly clerk at " Bentz
House," in this place; has purchased
Clio good will and fixtures of the Billiard
Saloon of Emile Bartle,' deceased. Mr.
C. is well-known to our citizens, having
been "brought ups' here, and respect
fully invitee the lovers of this game to
pay, hire' a visit. Be will spare .no
efforts to please all who may favor him
with a call. , The Champion Cue is still
ou exl, bition, and will. be awarded,
according to previobs announcement.
Don't forget the place, East Main street,
opposite the "Bentz House.P
Messrs. Nagle & Smeltz, at the corner-of
Pitt street and Church alley, have a ,
large coach factory. These gentlemen,'
late citizens of - 1 - muenster, Pa., have
already established a large trade in this .
branch of business.
They have a great number of vehicles,
of all the latest styles, on hand, ready for
shipment to St. Louis and other Western
cities. This new work will compare
favorably, in every respect, with any
similar work constructed in our large
The proprietors are both practical
workmen, and have none but experienced
Eastern journeymen in their employ.
Repairing promptly attended to at rea
sonable prices. This 'firm pride them
selves on their painting, and the style in
which the work is finished, being
under the immediate supervision of Mr.
Don F. Smeltz, the juniormomber of the
'firtu. persons' desirous of obtaining
any style of buggy, Carriage or wagon,
would do well to pay them a visit, as
they have reduced their prices to suit
the purses of all. The' factory is on
South Pitt street, h few - doors 'from the
Cumberland Valley Depot.
LAlntcs desiring a beautiful and fash
ionable bet on bonnet, go to Madame
Rote, three doors below, ,Bentz's dry
goods store.
Fon all your millinery" goods, go to
Madame Rote.
- LADIES will dp well by buying their
millinery goods at Madame Rotes
AkWAS/3 go to the Carpet Storo foa
bargains in carpet, oil cloths, wall pa
pers, ifte., they havo a lam and five se
lection of goods in their line, they matte
carpets and wall papers an exclusive
business. Now is the time to buy wall
papers, go and see their eudloss variety •
of patterns. See advertisement.
Tn.r: cheapest bats in town at.Madanao
T/IE cheapest , bonnets at Madame
18 T. 11° WOLF, 18
I desire to inform the
, pi bile, that I
have just opened, and any" ow offering
for sale the best assortm t of notions
and fancy goodsover opened in Car
lisle. My stock is , entirely new. I would
call your attention to the following : A
full line of Ladies', Gent's, and Misses'
kid gloves, Ladies' and Children's cot
ton and woolen hosiery ; Gent's cotton
and lisle thread half hose ; lace, linen
and ,silk handkerchiefs ; lace collars,
liOop skirts, corsets, Swiss and Hamburg
edges, and insertings, zephyrs, German
town yarn, canvas, and worsted patterns'.
A large assortment of plated and jot'
jewelry. Agent for Richardson's cele
brated shoulder seam shirts, on hand,-
Mad made to order. Call and examine.
Go to Madam Rote for your chignons,
switchos, curls, &c. -
COMBINGS made into switches, chig
nons, curls, frizetts, ',to., at Madame
A: large and commodious' three-story
brick house, on the corner of Main and
Bedford streets, now .occupied "by Mrs.
Gordon, has alt the modern improve
ments, with brick stable and. ico house
attached. Inquire of H. E. Shapley,
corner of North and Pitt strdots.
'ALL (If the latest styles 'of millinery
goods" at Madame Rotes. • •
Go to Madamo Rote for your hats and
• Dealer in •
No t 27 North Hanover street, a
Offers the following, goods': 'Wary
ranted pure, unadulterated and full
proof. Always as represented.
Genuine Iniported French Cogan° -
Brandy, old age.
Pure old Ryo Whiskeys by celebrated'
Best quality :Ginger Brandy.,, Pure
old gin. ' Pure old Port Wine.
The very best quality Bherry, Claret,'
New England Rum, &e.
Kimmel. • . P':.,•re white spirits, for drug
and faMily use. - , • . •
Sold At the lowest prices for cash. A
call solicited. .
21aliOrri ,
Wholesrdo aud.Retail Dealer. in TOBACCO,
No. 27 North Lionover street.
; Offers to ' he trade the ,best brands of
a large variety' of Chewing and Smolr-•
ing 1 obaccos, real Michigait, Fine Cut,
in bulk or in tin foil. '
W. E. GarreWs celeli4ied snuff. - Real
genuine Imported Havana Sugars, Yana
Connecticut and Donaostio Sugars. -
A largo asscirtment,Of oyerything'be
longing to the business, and sold 'at as
ldw a price,' as in any Eastern city.
The public is respectively invited to
call and inspect my large
EVert article ,warian tad as - represented.-
21ap706mf •
Pure -. .ancLurk . adulterated :Wilma and.
Liquors, supplied at their residence,. by
sending Order to Store, or l tbrOugh Post
Office. Ever); article warranted as rep
resented or tho,money refunded., ,
• ' , 21apam No. 27. N: garythei street.
tritintlitimlof obal constantly on band.
Alao i .full , assortment of lumber at th,o
lowest_ ilrlooA, tlio yards of
• A. H. 114 in.
. . *