Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 20, 1871, Image 1
Ii II =I =I J, )11.11VICAILLIT. I J. 31. ,IYAILACE, C.A RDS A. ATWOAD. illAACA:it.ll7lcl. ATWCID, RANCID C0., C0., . • 21168810 N MERCHANTS, Whotonnhidonlors In all kinds' of_ PICKLED AND SALT .PIEIL No. 210 Nciith Wharves, Abom Race ntrent, PHILADELPHIA. COYLE BROTHERS. • - 10070 .tictrlONS, WHOL ZS A II • AT CITY PRICES. Constantly on hand, !malt no mspeliders, — sect. Iles TAO - bows,: akin fronts, cambrio and linen hendkerehisfe, linen and paper collars, and cuffs, trimmings, braids, spool cotton, walleta , combs, itationary, wrapping paper and paper begs, drugs, soap. end perfumery, akoe black end store polish. indigo, cigars. de., de. COTLII BROTIITIRS, No: 24 South Hanover Woe . ; Carl Isle, Pa. BOmb7ltf • - - DENTISTRY I DR. J. D. ZIDX, Having recently reposed to :Ye, 'Ol North iraniteer street, ( In the house lately Occupied by Dr. Dale, . Osrlinlo, Pam:Oa, , wet r t,t In teeth from $lO to t2O per sot, KA lb WIMP may require. 411 work warranted. 104110 ' DR. J B. BENDER, 11011CSOPAT1IIC OMeo to the room formerly dcaoplad by Col. John Lee. 10.030 E. BELTZHOOVER, • F• ATTOftlf BY AT LA-If. !Mee In !loath Ihnovac.streat, opposlto Bent e* dry FINAL sCnre. - 10..70 From, ICIIMPATHICII. II 11-111TIMAI, W/holesal• Dealers 1■ MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, Cbr. Third arid _Markel areete, Philadelphia. 11, T. NOLL, CAI PATIIOZ. I=ID 41. P. lIIIMMICII. W. P. PARKER HIMIRICR PARKER, ATTORNIYS AT Llll, NE. ea Maln.tro•t,ie Marlou Ilan, Carnee. 10..70 F4.111:.9A. 114.31 GR, JR., tJ ATIORNOTAT L• W. WO. 14 South 114noTor street, CARLIILfI, PA. 0111 cs adjolalsg Jridga Graham's 24mhT J OHN CORNMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. *flee Nn. T, Rhona's MIL to rur of the Cerurt [lon lOwO eJ A.TTORNNY AT LAW AND SUR•RTOR, Ilaorliaoleaburg. Pa. .ofilee on Railroad Weal, tap Clore north of the Dank. Baena. proieptlyAttonded to. JOSEPH G. V.A.tE, LTTON,MBY-AT-LA 11. Practices in Cumberland and Dauphin Counties Oftts•-13rIdgoptrt, Pa. Post oflot ed trass--latip it.ll,Consbtrlssa trusty, P. 12jsta1 ly e. - 11Efik.A.N; - • -01 • ATTORNIT AT LAW &rile% P. N.. 9 Aheam's PLP •H. •• SHA.MBARGER, . JUbTIC.II Or TII2I POACH, Plainfield, Westpen•sboro . township. Cumberland County, Nan* -All-Imsistees,-entrneted-to.hlm-wlll-rseeiva-,prompL attention. 2064t7e 1 M. WHIAIL37.. IY. 7. OADLBIL 'VVEAKLEY d s SADLER, ATTORMIYB AT LAW. Mee. 213outk ilasoyer latest, :text the aged Will 1... Roue*. 10.09 WILLIAM KENNEDY, ATTORMIY AT LAW.. •mw is Tolunte.r huilding , Clulbile. 10,011 W J. 6HEA.REII, .ITTORNEIY AT LAW. • Its• fit northeast corner of the Coart Mum Invade EB. B. HIRONB, T irbutlinr 17fD COUNIIILOZ AT LAW, Fifth street below Chestnut, Car. Library, TRILADDLPDIA. HOTELS CENTRA.L HOTEL, Noe. 621 and'623 Areh Street, PIIILADELPIIIA. Terme, $2 50 per day, or rooms with. out board, $1 per day. J. 11. DB ATiN, Propriktor.' 5C0n.17117 NATIONAL'HOTEL =I Ths undersigned having tan. and entirely re• lilted Arid firolsbeil this hotel. Is prepared to famish rued accommodations to all who decre to make It their home. ♦ shell, of the patronage of the ear sounding country travelling public solleltsd. Looms large an/ souefortalele. Table always sop piled,witk Ike but. LEM ST. CLOUD 110 TIM, ASCII /TIM% /BOVA PIATIINTIT, PHILADELPHIA_ Ntalrely now. • ith ample capacity fir 260 get ' s, Terms, per day. The it. Cloud Is newly , an el. gently lorolohed throughout, and Is *pen for the looptioa if guests, by the oudersigned, who hare so sorcesstally conducted, for the pest ten years, the Wolf•kaewn Granata n House, at Crosson springs. ' G. IT. MULLIN A BRO., Prop'rs. Unchillya . . T" "RENTZ TIOUBB,". (Formerly Gorman 11°14860 N.M. AND 19 AT MAIN lIITIURT, `", CARLISLE, PA the •adorelpaed havlns purchued and entirely melted, and hornished anew thronshont, with trot elm retailer*, tine well•knOwn, and old established hotel, selloite this custom of the oommonity and Inerello4s labile. It. Is well prep•red to for•lsh fret aseommodatione to all wile desire to make a Mabel their ROBB, or pleasent temporary abode, The onstom from the surroondiag oonatry Is respects) tally solicited. Cowie.a and attentive ..... nte are enaged at Übe populir hotel GEORGE it BENTE, Proprietor. A. 15. A tint elms 'leery is connected with this tit•loindirrAlir ralusigment.othyopit.Linvaft.4. Brother.' SOoptlitly Cucumber Wood Pampa. WERE sold in the year 1870, 8,841' of BlatchlOy's • • tro UMILIER • TRADE 0' MARK. WOOD PUMPS, Measuring all,ooo feet to length, Cr nuillcient In Ike aggregate (or A Well Over Forty Miles beep. Pimple In oenstractlon—Easyln operation-.4lslng as taste to the Water—Dareble—flelleble and Cheap. Thee. Pump* ere their own best recenissendetion. ' Per eel. by Dealers la Hardware nod Agricultural Implement., Plumber., Pump Maker*, le., through• out the country. Circulars, to., furnished upoo gip; pileatien by mall or otherwise. :Single Pump. forwarded to parties to town* where I hive ao'agerits upon receipt of the molar retell Oleo. Iri buying, be care,' that year Pump bear. say trgai bark as above, an I guarantee no other. MIAS. G. BLATUULEY, ' °MOB AND. wAttitrioott, • 024. and "Irdh7lora . • . . Cheap Honies for ..vertibadti. LANDS FOR THE LANDLESS I ''" HOMES FOR' THE HOMELESS 1 ONLY. $1.25 . Per .:Acre FOR, ACTUA: ,SETTLERS, ' Tolio tho • Caro of the -re'iv'en.wotth, • • - • • I. ' .; ' " T'Wret/o;arta: , • ••diaveaton R. R. Li n ; and XANBAS :CITY p,]* limit the pelobrood Osage Ceatitiy, .` 'org 0000 - Row ori4l4lli, • . • . . • . . • , _ . • , ..- „ . . . . -... • -- - . - - _.._ . .. , . .. . • r-.-• I • .. , . • 4 ' .., . . . . , ' .',',",-; ' :',... •.! ',' ..','... ',,.. A.' „ -..Y....,:.,.,.:. ~.,.; . i .. ... .. ~• .. .. •• : .. ..•.....• ... , •I. !,„..,„..:,... ..,.... , l e . ......• , ..,._ . i ditaiINISTRATOIII3 NOTIC E', Lettors of athatidistiation . on the estate 'of Joi:LI/111er, sr., deceased, late of Westpennsborough township, has° boon issued by the Register of Om• bar , and county to the subscriber, residing is 'Sid township. Ali persons indobted,to said estattorill please maks paymont, sod thoio' hating 'claims to' preient4hem, duly aut hap t le at sd, to the undersigned for settlement, 'MMDRL DILT3IIII, Admielsttator. EMEME 60p7180 3'?" ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. - rl' Lettere of administration on the estate of Joseph Shinehart, late of South Middleton township, deceased, have been fecund by the Itegieter ef CMS barlaud county to the enbecrlber residing in the borough of Carlfele. All pereene Indebted to said estate will pleave make immediate payment, and those having claims will present there, properly au. thentfeated for settlement, tir7 Oftp7lrt ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration haring been taken out by the undersigned, of the personal property of William Schein, deemed, late of the borough of Car lisle, I reour•t _all those Indebted to_ the _same to come and settle Immediately, and those having de mends against him U baud In their bills for settle• moot. ' ADAM 1103/I , IIA, N. a3mh7llt. ADMINISTRATORS' ' NOTICE. Letters of adroluistratidn on the estate of A. K. Itheent, deemed, late of the borough of Carlisle, 'have , been homed by the Iteglater of Cumberland coudty, to the aubseribere residing in said borough. All persons indebted to sold estate will please make payment. and those hasing,claims to present them, duly authenticated, to the undersigned, for settle= ELLEN D. RUE= • Administratrix. If F. SADLER, Idenh7l6t Administrates. ADMINISTRATOR'S' NOTICE.- Letter/I of administration on thn estate of idra—Willmlittina_Leo,.dereavedJete oUL.borough_ of Carliale. haire boon lamed by the Tie,aster of Cum berland county, to the subscrioer, residing In said borough. All person. indebted to raid estate will make payment, and titian baring claims to present them, duly authentlraied, to the undersigned, far .ottlement. •. lflmh7lbt ASSIGNEE'S NOTlCE.—Notice is b•roby given that John Weber, se., and .111e titer, hie wife, of Lower Allen township, having ex ecuted a deed of assignment to the undersigned, re siding In Hampden townablp, for the benefit of cred itor.. All per,ons having etches against $.lll estate will present them, properly authenticated, tor pay ment, and those indebted will make payment, wah out delay, to ' SAMUEL EllititLY, • lamh7lfit designee. JONA A. ■eatTS. W. W TN THE MATTER OF THE Estate of Daniel McCoy, deceased. Notice Is hereby giren, that the undersigned Au ditor, appointed by tie Orphan.' Court of. Cumber land county, to marshal and dietrlbut• the asmt. in the hand. of P. O: McCoy, admieletrator of said ••• tate, will m - eet all .peraois Interested in tt sold no. tato, at his ofTlea, in the bonnet of Carlisle, on Fri day, May 8,1871, at one o'eloek p. m. C, D. M AOLAUMILIN, t.p7l4t Auditor. NOTICE is hereby giTen that the Co.partnarehip heretofore ,eaieting between B: Haute anatffillilam Modis; trading PI N. B. Moor/. A Itro., is this day diteolved by tetanal con sent. All person. hoeing claim. against the late firm, and du.e indebted thereto, will present them le N. IL Moore, ML Holly Spring., for sill tlemeat, within slaty deys. N. B. 110011.81 II BRO. 811,712 r• ll= NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. The Triiitifee el Curobarland• isounty,Pa., will attend for tho purpozo of receiving State, County avid Militia Texas for 1871, as required by net of A.. eombly, at the following times and plaort, yin: Hopewell and Newburg, at Sharp'. hotel, May and P. Mifflin, at Mull'. store, May 10, and at Shei'mages etere,glay 11. Fralikford, et Illoserville, May 12 ant 18. —Southampton, at Boughmaols hotel, May 18 end LE= Penn, at Bystar's hotel, May 17 and 16. Dickinson, at Martz's hotel, May 1D end 211: Midd at Middlesex eahoul home, May 22 and North Middleton, at Baoeher's hotel, May 24 and 24. - South Middleton: at Supley'. hotel, May 2. ; at Filler's hotel, May N. Snat loinaahorough, at Wilder'■ hotel, May 3E; at Olaltple's h,tal, May 30 lialnpdoo, at Ovorga K. Dua,'. 11041, May El and Silver Spring, at George Duey's hotel. Jane 8; at Grove's hUtol,June 3. Lower AllSt/fat Irvine'. hotel, June 5; at Ilesk's hotel, Joan 0. Upper Allen, at Culp'. hotel, June 7 and 5. Monroe, at Ilursh'e b,tol, Juoe 9 and 10. Shippensburg lidrough and township, at Melful• ty's hotel, June 12 and 11. Newton, at Mcßride 1 lif.Cleary'. hotel, Jane 14; at 3lollinger'e June 19. N•w•Ille, ►t Iluneeberger'a 1 otel, Julia 16 ■ud n West P•eneborough, at Cbiea•ll'e hot•!, June 16; Xtfuo-20., Meehaniceburg, nt Le!dig'. hotel, Trace 21 arid 21 New Cumberland at 11°1 . 1'4 hotel. Juno 23 and *A Carlisle, at Treasurer'. Odle°, Junel 26 and 21. On ail County Taxes paig• bufore-fAupuet abetment a 5 per .set will be allosied, and o• all tare. unpaid on Auguet 1, 5 per rienS will be added. The Treasurer will re.ive tuxes at his Moe, until the drat day of Peptember nost,-al which tin. dupll - of all unpaid tsxes will b. Issued to the con stable. of tbe rempeetire boroughs and township. for *collection. 'Aldo, at the urns time and plan.., merchant. and dealer. can obtain Mercantile Licenses of County Treasurer.' =EI A. B. Shoric's Carrlaga Factory CARLISLE CARRIAGE FACTORY 00ICNDIt SOUTII ♦ND PITT Mini, A. .B. S II Lr R K N. n. WOODS, Pk.Bpriotdr. Has now en loud •n• do•en *LBWHS, In life latest styles; also, CARRIA01111„ head, sr tads to order oa short notice. hay• procured th• ettrylcu of • flrst•elase Wlttettl rlght, and hare bought the beet wheel etoek la tk. arkst, so that I feel eoutldeut of giving •rttlr• I alma have en !Land 1 SARVANTII PATILT 19111511L0 The Iron flan . * amend th• hub make. thle wheel 'more durable than any other. ♦I(D PAINTING attended to promptly, and on matonablit tern. A large lot of ICCOND•Q&WD 14011 o■ imago, and for tali eleaP• To the Young Men Alf EIOOD 11017 LOST, EON itnennio. Jett published, a new edition of Dr. (We're*li's Celebrated Essay en the radieel eura . (witkost mod loins) el lipermatorrhota, •r Seminal ?falai...el, la voluntary Seminal Lorsse, Impoteney, Mental and Physical Incapacity. Impedimenteis Marring., etc; - alsoc.C.Oimumptioe—, Epliepsy, - anfe - Pity, - induited b ) • Melf.lndulgerie or Sexual Extravagance. Cr Price, 1 a sealed envelope, ONI, SIX CENTS. The ceiebreted nthor, la this admirable semi clearly deinonstr es from a thirty years' meemeal praotice, that th Mourning cones,; of felt-abest may be mdloolly mired, without the dangerous use et internal mellielne or the application of the knife ; ',elating out a mode •f sure at *lee ample, metal& and effectual, by mans of 'which every ruffemr, ne matter whet h.s condition may be, May mire himself *limply, p, ivamly, and radically. AMPThis, lecture should be to thel.hends of every youth and every man to the land. Sent undue seal, in a plain envelope, in any eddrese, postpaid on receipt of six rente or two pest stamps, Also, Dr. Culverwell'a "Marriage Guide," prim n cents., Address the publishers, - CHAS. J. C. KLINE d CO., ' 127 bowery, New York, Post Offlas Box, 4,5110. Siena* . Milliner!, and Straw Gooda O,PRING AND BUMMER IMPORTA TION. 137 1 . • • R I 33' 13'0 K . S iIItLINEBY ANI) . !STRAW qoaDs. .Armstrong, Cator & Co. Imporiere and • Jobbors of. Bonnet, Trimming end_ Velvet Ribbons, Donned Silks, Satins amt-lielvels, Blonde, Nothr, Crapes, Ruches, 7lowern, ?talkies Ornsmonts, . , ,Ptraw 13onnota and Ladies, llate r , • Trinimod and Untrimmed, Shaker Roods, 137 and 130 DALTI3IOIIII BTAR.IdT, Oiler the largest iiteckfto he fond in this Countri, and Unequalled la choico, vari e ty and chsapness t • comprising tholateit 'European novoltlei. Orden solicited, end prompt attontioa gloom • 7.lrnh7l3ms „ A CaiNCE, • ' lE' A M P X ,0 U X Thi porpo,n, rsoldsfit of Carllils, who miikts • the number of polith mu a single ins, botwess now In , / 'foar{h July, at my All third Mayon, will As rusnispid will a luindsomo Cluitoplod rho Cs* fa, sioW out .sxlillAtlon al my 11111fard•AISIoog MlisS Main strimii • .. • /s w a m •,. M. , VOM . ,Allt EMI LEGAL NOT,thks, ALPATID Taint " Administrator J. M. ITEARLET, Adruislstrator. GIG. WETZEL; Cumb County CARLISLE, PA lIUGQ 111, arum IrmioN it LtiMarcie ME . (Yer Ike Mums Itinius4.: , , • Tllll CHARGE OF THE.: BOA 1 1 ... - • Weary, the moon, in her , brirned.cor gilding • ~,,, Itas passed to the meet shores of reposing; After roll the clouds o'er the brow . of the heaven,' And darken the face of the daughter' of Atlas. Darkly rharlotod, loftily riding, Drawn by tor owl. and babe, sweeps throtrill the heavens Thwdarkly-relied Night Goddess, hurriedly toillag, Cloud on cloud rolling, forming dark sehelons, 'To shut out the starlight and stay day's advasslng, Coaling her thick shadows Into the valleys, And binding the hill-lops with fetters or darkness. Ddt nohelesmly Bienlb• gates if thO Moining, And high o'er the Add otthe .badowr, the Armament purpling dad hinnorning to hail thebrightdenn lug. Gol lon stars woo* luto winkings of olive', Cloudloto aro satlering their robloge of purple! 81111, clerkly brooding, stands Night on the moan tido, And massing her, desk urisles dug la the Intllsys, walllng the day.ehargo In ellenes and sullenness But leo the high battlements erimenlng is heaven nigh •u tho firmament, spread e'er the Orient, The annbenme ore building their many-hued tartrate And throwing out 'flatfoot and radinpt redone, Guarding the pane to the realism of the Gold en. Up from the gates of the violet erenned merning Springs the bright army, gre•mnllod,rnnmbarlere, Spanning the aty, they Iva driving their-long lane paints Toward the sablo-halmol enemy, Darkness Now they are tolling and planting lhdr pallaadea Pointed with flamingo tllppod to tit' sun, Piling the cloud. into gold border.d parapats, Bastion., and tower., and fire-crowned battlements Trooping in fire, the flashing battalion! Deploying and rallying, guard all their line; While with the light of gold and of route, Si lues through the her their alitterlpg armor. Long le the Waggle, but Night, elan' ietreati ■g, Leavea the broad bottle-front crialeened with slrogg ling; And the pale, watching More t.e front the battle 11061:119, ♦s the swift. attabeams, Mill forward, ruohJubilaub Through the entbra.ures and over the parapets, Onward they mph towjrd the line of the zenith, - Then their bright libels they throw toward the hit! tope, And sweep ham the ♦alleys the gloom of the shadows The band. o f °lion are 10l e ed, and the Pleinds ' Melt from the ety a. anew melte on the ocean. And the beaming. of morning build up the gran emetics And pillere of trineeph, where enters the rey-King, In the era •f bin glory on bright wheels of fire. THE MOABITE STONE. Our readers must have mot with 'so many notices of the Moabite Stone, that we should have thought it necessary to preface the present article with -an ap ology, were it not that Dr. Ginsburg has very recently written a work on it, which is more complete than anything we have previously seen, and equals in interest anything, perhaps, that we have ever read. Its principal contents aro a fee simile of the original inscription, with an - English - translation.; the history - of -ttio discovery of the stone ; the restoration and' resent condition of the text; the relation of the inscription to tho. Biblical narrative ; its historical, theological, and . linguistical bearings ; the literature of the atone ; a commentary. on the text ; the various translations which have been given by different scholars; and a vo cabulary. The present paper is mainly based on: Dr. Ginsburg's work, and aims at giving a popular account of the celebrated stone, with its teachings and suggestions. In the summer of 1808, the Roy. F. Klein undertook a journey from 'Es-Salt to Korak, over a country which has been very little visited by Europeans during the present century. On August 19 he reached Diban—about thirteen miles east of the Dead Sea, and forty-two miles south-east-ward from Jerusalem— where he was informed that, scarcely ten minutes' distance from his tent, there was a large black stone of basalt. It proved forty-one. inches high, twenty-one in width and in thickness, rounded to nearly a semicircle both at top and • bot tom ; and it contained an inscription of thirty-four lines, running acrosgs , it, at about an inch and a quarter apart. Though he did übt understand the im port or importance of the inscription, Mr. Klein felt it to be desirable that the -stone should be gestured for some Euro pean museum ; and Dr. Petermann, of Berlin, to whom he described it, endeav ored to get possession of it fok his govern ment. ' . Thd Moabite., Who up to this time had regarded it as a charm merely, hay ing learned that a Frank=n■ they call every European—was desirous of ob taining it, determined, like good men of bueincss, to have more than'ohe bidder, in order 111 get a higher price ; and a few weeke after Mr. Klein's visit, a man from Kerak earncto Captain Warren, the agent of the 'Palestine Exploration Society, at Jerusalem, to inform him of the 'existence of the stone. Captain Warren, however, knowing that the Prussian Consul had moved in the mst ter, did not' feel 'himself at liberty to interfere. . , \ • In the spring_of ispo, Dr, Barclay, an. Englishman, informedCaptain_Warron; - and M. Clerinont-Ciannean, of the Frond' Consulate at Jerusalem, that tho'Prus.- sians' had done but little toward secur ing the relic ; and surprised them by stating.that no "squeeze," or copy of the inscription, had been taken. Though the Englishman felt that it 'mattered , little vrhother the • stone got' to 11°01'. London, or Paris, they called on Mr. Klein to ascertain what progress had really boon made-in the matter. „ • M. Ganneau, however, employed - 1 Several ageuts'to °Utah' squeezes, , " and mutually offered £375 for the atone itself.' The Governor of Nablus,' hearing' there was a atone at Man for which a Large sum of money had bson'offered, endeav °rid to obtain the prise for himself the Moabifes, sooner' than give 'it up, put R fire under it, and •then • cold water •on it, so that the stone broke: The bits they .distributed among the different families, to place in the granaries, : where , they were to aot as blessings on ,the. corn. and in November, 4.860„ Captain War -ren, whilst, on his journey„from-LObanon to Jerusalem, was met by a person not only told film of the fate of the stone, but gave him °woof the pieces, :Nenriy: two-thirds of the rolip are now the possession of M.. Granneau and the Palos- tine lExploration • pooty—typ 4 ; fonpgr havingtiventy fragments, and the, lattor eighteen ? . ' • . ,;-: Taking each line to aYoritio theontire insoriplion. Mpit, have (kin sistid, of 800 words in& afiont 1,100 lettern.',. Ono of 31: A3l,anpr44'irfritianlOs 1 • p,ontainjA leitern, 'pother ll* "Aka TI-lURSDAY; APRIL 20, 1871. MAO the remaining seventeen contain 7 ; whilst the ,ei &elan , small, *Valenti ikthe;.possossieii: o£' the, :Ptilestinq . ploration Soolety contain 60 letters ; mak ing a total of 669 letters out of the 1;100. As.already stated, M. Ganneau sent qualified persons to take a "squeeze" whilst his nogotiatiens for the stone it self were pending, and before it WAN broken. UnfortMip,tely, hOwever, the Arabs, who se hied not / to hale been able to determine 'their exact, partner ishiP in.the relic, fought over it whilst the imprission, was being taken—so that it ivas'innierfdetly'doifeladd Saved with difficulty; for, having been taken off . yr st wet, it got torn and crumbled_ in drying,, and Ultimately 'reached 'Gatineau in seven pieces. It is obvious that the _text at present' in the hands of scholars necessarily con tain lacuna), ltlis believed, con sist of about thirty ; five\itntire_ words, fifteen half-words, and eighteen letters. They occur not only at the end, but in the middle of all the lines =Copt six,- which aro perfect. The inscription ilea been translated into German, French, and English, by Several eminent Orientalists, some of whOm have venttirod to fill a few of the lacuna). The following is Dr. Ginsburg's translation_:_______ 1. I Mosha am son •of Clonnosligad King of Moab, tk10,,, 2. Debonite. My father reigned over Moab thirty years, nrici I reigned 8. ,after my father. 'And I erected this Stone to Chemoshut K4bora [a . Stone 4. OaJlvation, for.he saved me from all doimbiler„n and let me nee my desire upon all my enemies. 8. and Om [ri], king pf:tentel, :nyho op. pressed Moab' many daYs, for Chemosh was angry with his C. [la]nd. His son succeeded him, and ill:, also said, I will oppress Moab. In my - days-he said, [Let us go] 7. and I will no my desire on him and his house, and Israel said, I shall destroy it for ever. Now Ornri took the land 8. bluish& and occupied it he and his son and his son and his- son's] son, forty years. And Chemosh [bad mercy] 9. on it in my days ; and I Stilt Baal Meon,. and made therein the - ditch and- I [built] 10. Kirjathaiin, For the mon' of Gad swelled in the land [Ataro] th from of old, and K[ing of I]srael fortified 11. A [t]arotli, and I assaulted the wall and captured it, and killed all the war- riors of- 12. the wall, for the arell-pleasing of Chemoali. and -Moab;. and -I removed from it all the 'moil, and [or • 13. fersd] it before Chemosh in Kirjath ; and I placed therein the men of .Siren and the me[n of Zeroth] 14. bhaoher. And Chemosh said to me, I:l6take Neb . ° agiiiiiSe TAtuf 15. went in the night and fought against it from the Creak of dawn till noon, and I took G. it, rind slew in all seven - thousand [men, but I did not kill the women I 7. and maidens,] for [l] devoted [them] o Aslitar-Chernosh ; and I took from it 8. "the vesisels of Jehovah and east hcm. dorn before Chomosh. And the King of Israel fortifrled] 19...Tahaz, end occupied it, whon ho made war against me ; and Chemical' drove him out before [mo and] 0. I took from Minib two hundred men, all chiefs, and fought against Jahaz, and took it, 21. in addition to Dillon. /1 built Karelia, the wall of the forest, and the wall 22. of the city, and I built the gates thereof, and I built the towers thereof, /MEI 211. built , the palace, and I made the prisons for the mon of with [in the] 24. wall: And there was no cistern within the wall in Karcha, and I said to all tho people. Make for yourselves 25. every man a cistern in his house. And I dug the ditch for Karam with the [chosen] men of 26. [florae'. I built A.roor, and I made the road across tho Anion, 27. I built Beth-Bamotb, for it •vas de stroyed ; I built Bec6r, for it was cu[t down] 28. by the fifty m[en] Dibon, for ail Dibon was now loyal ; and I aaT[ed] 20. [from my enemies] Bikran, which added to my land, • and I bui[lt 80. Beth-Gamul], and Beth.Diblathaim, 'and Both-Baal-Moon, and I placed there the Mo[abiteeJ 31. [to talcs poaseanion of] the land And Horonaim dwelt therein 82. And Chemosh said to me. Go down, make war against Floronaitn, and ta[-Ice 83. Chaniosh in my days 34. year and I It is Obvious that the monument records three great ciente in the reign of Mesita, the King .of Mbab ; his ware with. Omri; King-of Israel, and his successors ; his public works,, and h'is wars • against the Hownaim,.: or the Edomltes; -' Ours intorest, -- of eotirsoleed: - tres,in the first ; and, in order to a Moir understanding of the relations of Mdab to Israel, we turn now to the Biblical narrative. The Moabitos, as our readers are aware, .were the descendants of Moab, the son of Lot, grandnephew of 'Abraham, and - Seem' cousin oflaCob, the father of the'lireelitee,(Gin. xix., 87, andxl., 27). Ilefore l the Israelites went up out of Egypt, 'the IdOabites had settled •in the lend' east of -the Dead El - ea and the:' 'Jordan, as far:north its thelliver Jabbok, whoneOthey had driven but the people known-to thorn as the Emimer (Dent. it.; 11). In tUrn, they were dislodged by the Anibritex,, from the country lying between jabbok, on the north, and , .the Myer Amon on the south, after Which the latter was their'northern boundary ..(Num 11{-26 ;'Judges xi.,18). The portion of the country immediately north of the.Arnen; and adjacent to the Salt'or Dead Bon, continued tcibe knovrn'an the Plains' of 'gel*: iti tedron'of its former possessare (bout. xxx - Pr., ;IsUul .JoShua,_ xill,'B2). 'z: ;• , T . ) Though' the Israelites,' when conquer ing their liiOmised Land, •10 Obedience divine iiOininatnl; lefe,the'Moabitos in 'undisturbedi)obeissiOn of the Conan-. Wei' than tiold '(Dou't. ; 'Judges, 'o'4B ;' °broil.; 10) Tialak,: the Iting Of Moab, fearing n . litistile attempt, aftoi Amoribni bad bOon Conquered, hiked, Belahtn . , to ,curse. the Israelites but lie could dull uttoi - prophOein Uleset inks on them (Nunt:iitiL;•ixiti., xicii;)• • Olt the division of the rinintsediand, I , ; • . the district east of the Jordan, between , 'the:. Jahbok' 'and f the Arnon-t-which, as ,144 been stated, the Amo' rites - had pre- M . (Maly W rested frona the Moabiteswas signed:to Reuben and Gad the 'for or. taking the southern , and the latter t o northern portion (Num. =it., 133438 ; oshua, xiii., 19-28). The Arno% there fore, separated the lands of Reuben and Moab- The following are enumerated among the cities , of ,the two trans or. anic tribes of ' L' ---- iii - ne : Aroor, Ataroth, Baal-Meou, Both-Baal-Meo'n, Dibon, Eloaloh, Heshbon, Jairaz, jazer, kirja-thaim, Me - dittii -- , "Nebo, - Bihrnah; and Zareth-slialiar. . - • , , Early in . the period ofethe Judges, tgloii, the Ring of Noah, aided by ,the Ammonites and Amalekitee, conquered the_lsraelites,_who_served_hisn eighteen years, and `rare, ultimately,, freed ,by Eliud, the Benjarnite (Judges, iii.:, 12- 30). The Book of Ruth, shOws a'period of friendliness between the two people, in which Elhnelech, of the tribe of Ju- dab, went with hie fluidly to sojourn in Moab,' during a famine in Israel; and thereby led to Ruth, the Moabitess, becoming an ancestress of Ddrid. , Saul, the first King of 'lsrael, fought Against all his .enemies, on every side,' including Moab—who, indeed, heath; the Mt. 'Duringßaults reign, Darid, whilst dwelling with his malcontents in the tare of Adullam, -took his parents tO Moak, and placed them M ir -fir the .pro tection or its King ; and they dwelt with m all the while David was in the hold (I,Bam. xxii., 3,4). Upwards of twenty gears afterwards, David—but why is not statedmadewar on the Moibites, put two-thirds of thorn to death; 'whilst the rest becanio his servants, and brought gifts (2 Sam., 2, and 1 Chron., xviii, 2). Among the "many strange women" that King Solomon loved, there were women of the illoabites k 1 Kings, xi., 1),; and such was their influence as to induco him to build a high place for Chemosh, the abomination of broab, in the hill that was before Jerusalem (lb., 33, and 2 Kings, -can, 13): About 030 B. C., Omri was made King of Israel by the soldiery. In 919 B. C., ho wae•suocecded by his son Ahab, who died in 896 B. C., .when his son Aliaziab ascended the throne, to be succeeded by his brother Johoram, or Torara, the next year. On 'the death of Ahab, about a century after that of David, Mosha, the King of Moab, rebelled against the King of Israel, to whom he had to render an hundred thousand lambs and an hundred t tousand rams, with the wool'. That Jebel= thought Moab a -val uable tributary and a powerful enemy may be inferred from the fasts that-he resolvea,,on its resubjugation ; and, hav ing numbered all his people, deemed-it prudent to secure the aid of Jehoshaphitti - King . of Indali; land - of the King of Edom ; and also that, instead of taking a direct route, the allies reached the enemy by fetching a compass of 'Seven days' journey through the Wilderness of .Edom. The allied armies, successful at first, did their .utmost to, destroy the country through which tliey advanced, and at length shut 'up the Modbitesin the' city of Kir- haraseth. Mesha, having, with seven hundred men who drew swords, made an unsuccessful attempt to break his way through, took his eldest sou, that should have reigned in hin stead, and Offered him for a burnt offering upon the wall. And there was groat indignation against Israel ; and they departed from him, and returned to their:own land (2 Kings, iii.), During- the reigp of Jehoshaphat— but whether before or after the war ust mentioned appears to be open to ques tion—the Moabites, Ammonites, and Edomites invaded Judah ; but quarrel ing amongst themselves, left to the Jaws the easy task of stripping their dead bodies of an abundance of riches and precious jewels (2 Chron., ix.) In the reign of Jehoash, or Joni& (839-823 B. C.), bands of the Moabites invaded. the land of Israel. Isaiah, whose prophetical, career is supposed to have extended fron:76o to 713, B. C., and - therefore from 136 to ydars after Mesha's rebellion, devotes his fifteenth and sixteenth chapters to the Burden of Moab, in which he fore tells great affliction which were to befall the land ; and Mentions . the following as liloabitieh cities—which, as we have seen, are in Deuteronomy and Joshua spoken of es belonging to Reuben and Gad ; Dibon, Elcaleb, lleshbon, Jahar, Modeba, Nebo, and Sibmah. On comparing, the foregoing sketch' with tho narrative of the Stone, there can he no doubt that the Omri of ono is the Omri of 'the other. Israel had not two Kings of that name. Moreover, the two narratives concur. in placing a Moabitish rebellion against Israel in the times of the Omri dynasty. hence there can be no:difliculty in fixing the date of the Stone: The• inscription states that the subjugation of Meal), lasted forty ypers,_and_b_egan_and—ondcd.inlleshals days. As it is improbable that. Ilia rp,jgn exceeded this period by many, yeagir; the monument cannot be more moderln than 880 B. O.; and is, therefore, the .most ancient speoimen of alphabetical writing yet diScovered. • It has not been unnaturally concluded from Ain; Biblical•-account—or, rather, the Biblical silence—that Moab remained in subjection to Israel from the time of David to that of Johorain. TheMoalle Stone, however, shows that it was• r - subjugated by Omri ; consequently, it lied attained its • freedom prior to ',the eommencemont .• of his reign—possibly during that of Solomon, and through tho inilueueo of hie Mdabitish wives—or, perhaps, - On - the - divlsibn of the Jewish •liingdom in tlie time of Rehobo`am. , • To account - for the fact that the allies departed • from' Mesbn, and returned to their ..own land; nOtwitldanding all their previous suecesies against him; it, has usually been supposid that they were infltieneed by pity fOr, and not the• anger of, the - Idonhites ;; which, 'to fiat - the - lenet; vas s ot'tlte brdinary . eourie, the Israelites 'whoa' ;engaged' in ;war. Titu'e x Idsepinti, when apeaking of 'the offering up;of ' the Piil2oo of Moab on the Wall 'of Rir 7 baraseth, says,•:"Wlicn, when the Rings saw, they conMeiserated the dlitress that'wsis the occasion of it'; and' were 'BO :affected in the way' of Initnanity'rind pity, thatthey raised the, siege, and every ono returned tolds own house," (Antic': Ix., ;e. The MAIO atone' giros another, and far spore pirehablet , rersititt of the affair, T 46 Prinoa Pent Ilhiolt it Wan intende4l.oi record Was, the defeat,of the allies;an'd d i eliTerance of Moab from an oppression must be ;leen toha.Te been severe, When it fie remembeired that the entire territeay paying the annual tribute of an i hundred thousand tarnta,and an hurt- cared thousand rams, with the wool, is estimated as not so large as the County of Huntingdon, the aria of which is 290,- 865, statute acres.' This Torsion, more; °Ter, harmonizes well with the power of Moab—which, we have seen, was recog nized by King 'citlsrael. Such, also, was theilpower.of Mesita, eta to - enable hini - not - nierely to thretT'off the lamellae& yoke, but to take posses sion of a considerable portion of territory beyond the Amon ; for we learn,' from the inscription, that he built (or rebuilt) soveral_teorth _lrnonia_towns—seich_as. 'Artier, Baal-Meonj , Beth-Baal-Meow, Beth-Bamoth, Beth-Diblithaim, - Bezor, Karelia, and Kirjri-thaim, captured, Ataroth, Dibon, Jahaz, and Nebo, for tilled some of then i- and placed a Moab itish population in Nona; added Bikran to his land, and made a road across the Arnon. Respecting these conquests, the Bible is illont--jest as Realm says noth ing respecting the Success of the allies at the beginning of the-war or , of thestraits to which they reduced him in Kir-hard- Beth ;_thus showing history always been written in pretty much the, same way; - , . "The difference between-the two narratives," says Dr. Ginsburg, "ire such as might be expected in two records of the same 'events from two hostile parties, and are far less striking-than . the conflicting descriptions given by the English and French of the battle of Waterloo; by the English, French and Russians of the capture of Sebastopol ; by the Prussians and Austrians of the , battle of Sadovit.; or by the French and Germans of the bettle'of Woerth." But the actual-nwittiVe is silent on these conquests, as we have seen, fully recognie fact that at least some of the towns mentioned in the inscription, as well as several: other Reubenito and fladite' towns, wore, in his day, in the possession .of Moab.. Whether they had so remained from the time of 'liesha, we have no means -of determining at-present.- Dr. Ginsburg infors—twin the state ment in the inscription, "I took from it (Nebo) the vessels of Jehovah, and cast them down before Chemosh"—that the vessels used in the service of Jelmfah Were actually - Used in that of thenioah ; and that, therefore, the special part of -the ritual for which theT were designed was the religion both of the Hebrews and of the Moabites. Though the fact may be as Ito supposes, we think his inference somewhat foreed. The trophies of war sometimes Ming . in Christian chuictics; can scarcely be said to be used. In phristian worship. • . Among the Jews, the pronunciation of the name Jehovah was, as we are told by Biblical students, only allowed in the priestly benediction, and that . - any layman who pronounced it forfeited his life in this world and in the next. That this reverene:iitor theiacred natriiedates very far back is evident from the fact that it is never employed in' the 'Septua gint (298 B. C.), the Apocrypha, or the New Testament. According to tradition, the pious horror of pronouncing it obtained in the time of Moses ; but the occurrence of the name on the Moabite Stone shows that if was so far used by the lamented in the time of !Scalia that ie took it as the characteristic name of lie Jewish Natimial Deity With very few exceptions, ancient writings have no division of words ; and it has been maintained, from analogy, that the books of the Old Testament fol lowed-the general rule. In the, Moabite inscription, however, - the most ancient specimen of alphabetical writing known, and whose I language - approxiM &thrills the Hebrew far more closely than does even the Phoenician, the words are divided by points, and the text into verses by verti cal strokes. Hence, if.' analogy is to guide us, it must be concluded that the Hebrews resemble their relatives in, this particular. It may be added, that this is in harinony with the Synagogue Scrolls. Ia the forms of the different parts of speech, the Moabite Stone resembles the Hebrew much. more closely than the Phmnioian does ; and in their syntax the first two are identical, but differ materi ally.rrem the e - Thwhole vocabu lary.of the Stone'exists in the Hebrew Scripteres. Horodotus states that the Phconicime who came with . Cadmui introduced let ters into Greece, but eaye nothing about their number. Pliny declares that the Cadmean alphabet consists •of ' sixteen letters ; that Palamscles, at the time' of the Trojan war, added , four' more ; and that Simbnides, the li-rio'finet, add Op like number ; but that, inccordink to ristotle, -there were originally:eighteen_ letters. Hence, some have concluded• that the original Semitic alphabet tained only sixteen letters: Now, Op Moabite Stone, haVing an age of, abotit 000 B. O.'—and the alphabet employed it, its inscription ic undbubtedly older atilt —contains twenty-two letters, of which five are actually among the se-called post- Cadmeau characters. The, ancient Semitic' alphabet, therefore, Contained twenty-two lettere," which wore •,411 'to gether adopted by the Greeks: • As there are many points in Old Testa= ment . history . on' which . further InfOr= mation is devoutly to)Mvrilid, we eitnl. not conclude this brietpaporviAllimi 0 ! 1 ; pressing the not unreasonable hope that other I,toablto stones may, yet be dis covered; and :shall be' 'delighted ;to find among them ono stating;why,Daild made War on •the people' who,: a jinv years'before, and at'hie ropiest . ; Afforded those dearest to himc - a,slielterao 'tontine it was needed.--Onee a Week. ':."' .' 1Y LADY' .vralking4lili her tuaband at luquitad of 4Jrii thiAllipiron6a between 9.xportatiofli'.4l.tyansportatiOn: " Why s icy •dear;??•bO-ripllodi; jou vitro ''On- board .Yonda. - vinigel;;loavfng England, you yirould bo' osiporind, 'rind I aliouldbo , 1 l,„ 'A xonnorrirrt, , *bilo 'perusing 21, n4l. tor in; Genooia; ttiriiing to hie motho ,ip, 'quired if the; imoplo I,,n' t4oee , day"; i n eAI to do sumo on thie grpond, 'lt was le. corored that ho had boom roadlut tits: innsengo : '" And tlne' moor of men mul9,-; plied' on the face of the oar ,'," ' i' -TIM LITTLE GRAVE. • ,Tin only a little grove, . ,theyluild, Only 'just a child that'll'ileint" • ; -" ' And en theY edit:lowly tiirned 'away . .' rem the mound the epado hod made that dot ' Ahl they did not know sow deep a shadei That little gravo in oar home had made. know the coffin was narrow Ind.amall r , l, pna yard would have mart NI for an ample pall ; ; One man In Ida arm could hare tattoo away The rcaewood and its freight of cloy; But I know th,lt darling hopes wore lald Iteneatll that little corlltilld. i . know that a Mother stood alit day ' 'With folded arms by that form of cloy; _; I know that burning tears ,wore bht ; "'booth ,tho, drooping lash and aching lid " And I know ber . lip, and chock and brow, Wes, almost as her baby's now. ' knowaomn thinge war° bill away, tho crimnoa hock and wrAppingx gay The little mixt 'and halt worn Amt. The cap with its plumes end table!, blue, • And the empty crib with its corer Aimed, Az white as the taco of the painless dead. 'Tin a little grave; but have care 1 Tor world wide Lopes aroburiell thorn; yo, perhaps, In c outing soars, *'. May see, like her, tliniugh bliudleg Mars, ItOw much Of 'light, bori'niuch of Joy, Is burled with so only 1.07, MAXIr HOMIf BY FLORBNCIR BAY "0, ma'am I won't you come round to our house quick?" said a dirty-face child - about - ten - years - old. -, Hrefinsad - Was frowsy, looking as if it had not seen a domb-forweeks ; and her soiled-clothes were tattered-and-unsightly. !‘ What's the matter?" I. asked. • "The baby's got a fit, and Mother Bays please won't -you come round. She 4on't know what to do." I knew the child and her mother. They fired in a court not far off. So I drew bu a shawl and hood, and ran around to tee; what could be done for a sick baby. The poor little thing lay in its frightened mother's arms. struggling with'spasms. "0, ma'am 1" cried the woman, "he'll die I he'll die !" "Of eourso ho will," said I, a little inapatiene,' "if you :sit there doing nothing." "But 0, ma'am ! what can I do?" oho asked helplessly. ." Why, get him into a warm bath as ilnickly as possible," said I. " Every woman who has a baby ought to IMow enough to - dothrit: Hart, you any hot water ?" "0, dear! Do. The fire's all gone but," she answered, beginning to wring her hands in the way peculiar to Nom• people when any sudden trouble comae upon them. I.went hastily-.into a neighbor's, and found a kettle of water on the fire.. It was given cheerfully, and the neighbor went back with me, and a'Seisted to get the poorbaby into_ a hot bath, which soon relaxed and soothed its convulsed Such a room its that in whioh,l found this woman and her - children I the latter three in number. Dirt and disorder everywhere. The supper table was in the middle of the floor, filled with un washed dishes, and what remained of the evening meal. The floor was partly covered by a filthy rag carpet, witlkrents here and'ithere, and ragged fringes 'at the' unbounded end.. A. woman'■ soiled dress hung over one of the chairs, the sleeves resting on the floor. A dish-cloth a pair of dirty colored baby's socks, a comfortable for the neck that looked as if it had been dragged in the gutter ; two old•hats ancca hood ornamented the wall on one side, while strewn on the floorapd on the shelves wore a motley collection of the most incongruous and unsightly things. A more disordered, filthy' and 'unsightly room for a human habitation can hardly be imagined. " Where is your husband ?" I asked, after the baby's spasms wore over. " Ho never stays in O' nights," ehe an swered, in a whimpering tono end an in_ jurod ►oioe. ".Where does he go ?" I AsV o d . " To the tavern," she said, with a pulse of anger in her voice. ,"Where he finds things clean, orderly and comfortable," I replied, glancing around 'um room, and then looking steadily at the woman. " I'm not Much surprised ; indeed, I would be more sur prised to hear that he spent his evenings in a place like this." "It's good enough for his wife and children," she said rather spitefully, "and it ought to bo good enough lhr him. Why don't he save his money and get us a better horns?" , "Rather poor endouragement," I an swered, again glancing around the room. The, :womau's eyes rolloned mine, and, beginning to comprehend my. Incesing, she reddened and seemed disconcerted. ".NOt much Chance, with a sick baby and all the work to do, to keep 'things right." She spokei in a half apologetic, half injured tone of voice. There:a no 'canna° for dirt and die• Order; 4ra. Reap," 'said I. • "If you gave only ten minute' a day. to putting things right, right, thlike'd ba some hope of your hus band's staying away' from taverns avid bad company. Aa it is,' •thera is nono iihatoyor. No man could spend his eionings in a hole like•this." , . , • .„My disgust was Strong, and, Y was, in no mood to conceal. it, being out of all patience -,, liith' the woman, who was strong and' lii,arty. I had treo4, her lins bai4 rather liked 'ilia looks, and. was satisfied that, his wife was . more.tlihn half to blame for his visits to thotaiern: •' • neap took the sick baby, now Bleeping, softly, and laid it on .a bed in the 'next roam; Then she went .bustling abont'in'a'lialtangry way, first 'pushing back tho.supper-table, and carrying the dishes off into a little outor kitchen ; then clearing ftlio'hliairs and wall - rrom garments and odds and ends of unsightly things, putting the •seant' furniture. and other articles, on the floor and, shelves, into some:kind oforder. much. bettor,';'. IMO I apprOv awl. .in aigentler ,tpite,„ "ma it' 11440 gost you ten !minote - o i i ,!iroik. A good hali. hour to-morrow _ in.:truing, with elbow',grease and soap, and watei - , - Whuld make sacll,R change in this and` that one would hardly know aud' What is trAore , and better ! put heart into yOur thip'be; if 6oiyilahig Irak uj(~do tidy rind cdriifo,rible, ,Iceep him iTrale from tie tavern t&trioirort even ing" '' • 7140 wa%4, a now Prulf4tt! Yohlre right, nim,creA t : "rojoli." dot's . soold i ti "Omit!; lEEE MEI things" badly, and swears awfully mini tifee.77.partic4larly when he takes, a g ssor the ' But I've -So' little heart,: f . 3"lf a ;wife don't do.hiir best- to make h nio pleasant, Mrs, Reap," Isaid,fisho met expect her•husbaiid , to :stay 'ih it , _• , 1 any ;longer than. he Can help. She I 'should remembet that them are saloons at almost every corner rind every block, nicely fitted up, cool and , inviting, *hero ho can go and find the Comfort she has frilled to provide for him at home, and 'whore ho.meehrtemptation in its most - alluring - &lie.: It's, my opinion -that one-half of the married mon who spend, their leveninks in drinklug-houses, would never have fallen'into the habit of going there if their homes had been made all inviting as was in the poWer of- their wives." "Maybe you're. right, ma'am,". Mrs. Reap answered, ,almost humbly, and witli noir-Conviction in her' tones; "I never thought 'of it: before. ' Dick used to Stay ht home" alirajo; When we were flrit 'married, and,tbings'abOut ualoblreci noir, and nice ; and', now T think of it, lie first begawtogO out of evoniugs after 'Katy' was b,orn,. and I began to lot tiiings drag and get out :sorts.' ' Bine° then, we kind . of 'run doivri all theWhile,l and ho 'spoutmore. and more_ of his time and Wages at the drinking-lioness, until' 'l' got so out 'of heart' that I.:didn't care liow we'lived.. pleate - dod, try— and do:better ftoit this night." " that, . Mrs.. Reap; , aiid' otillY good can conic of it," I i•Oplied.. " - YOUr husband,lias not gone 'far astray, thope. Booing a ch'inge for the better at home, he may take heart again." On the next evening I :Went round, under pretence of - asking about the sick baby, but really see if - Mrs. Reap had made an effort to carry out her goOd reso lution. The. door was opened an swer to my knock,. by Mr. ReeP +himself. I scarcely knew the room I 6niorad its the ono visited on the' night before. It had been thoroughly cleaned—oven tlie' rag-carpet had been taken up and beaten, and the frayed ends trimmed and bound. All rubbish and unsightly things had boon removed, and, to my suprise, noticed a half muslin curtain, clean and: white, stretched - across the window. The - sapper-table had been cleared off, and on it there stood a nice -glass lamp, beside which lay a newspaper which Mr. Reap had been reading_ when I knocked. "How is the little one to-night ?" asked. Mrs. Reap Wes :sitting , with her baby on her lap, dieSsed in a clean though faded - calico wrapper, With her hair smoothly brushed. I would hardly have known her for the repulsive-look ing woman Lived visited on the evening before. "Better ma'am," she answered. 41n deed, he's effort as well as ever. My hus band; ma'am"—introducing Mr. "{t,eap, who bowed with an ease of manner that marked him as once . possessing a native refinement. "You are quite comfortable here," I said, glancing about the room with a pleasing air feat was not countorf•At. "Yes, it is cosy and comfOrtaaefor poor man," Reap answered, with genu ine satisfaction in his voice. I threw a look a hi■ wife, who re turned it with one of pleasing intel- ligenco "Will it last ?" That was my con corned question on going home. "It shall last I" was my emphatic answer, help from me will do anything." And•so I made it a duty to drop in. upon Mrs. Reap (Ivory day or so. I soon saw that she needed just this. The fact that my oyes were upon her gave the outside pressure that kopt her to her good resolution whoa her tired limbs failed, or her weary mind drooped for lack of energy. Habit is always hard to overcome ; 'and her long neglected habits had made tho new, orderly life in which she was then making the effort to live seem very wearisome at times. But I kept to my work, and with the happi est results. • It is not much over a year now, and Ris"ap and his wife aro living in . a snug little cottage just out of the city, with evrcything neat and wholesome around them. Their children go cleanly dressed to Sehool, and the . : husband and father finds home so pleasant that 114 has turned Mn back entirely on the saloons. Thu DEATH or HON. J. M. HOWARD.— .A. despatch from • Detroit says : Sonator Jacob 11,: Howard died of apo-, plexy-at f-o'clOcirxt-this morning: , Idr. Howard was stricken down on 'FridaY . aftereobn, the seventh instant, at his residence, on the corner . of Larned and 'Hastings street, in this city.' He viaslit, the time engaged at work in the grounds attached to his,house. He bad been aiming some workingmen in cutting 'down quite a large tree which stood near his liouse, aud_almostrupon_the_line tween his lot and the one adjoining. It , was necessary to make the tree fall in a certain direction, so that it might not fall upon his neighbor's house or Ida own. For this purpose a long rope lied been attached near the top or theltree, and when the tree had been nearly. chopped off at its base, Mr. Howard and the workmen were tugging -at the rope , to make the tree fall as they, deal d.' Mr. Howard said : "Now'then, a lohg and. a strong • pull, .and a pull altd gather," and was exerting' his physical' strength to the 'utmost, when. he Ives seen to •be falling,itt an unconscidus state. Proper. medical :aid wee IT inougd, when the physicians. expres ed> the Opinion that the violent exertion; of tagging. at the rope .bad burst is,blood , vessel. in. the - brain, whieh had ipper: l 47 duced 'an apoplePtio attack.: During the, afternoon Mr. Horvaid .partielly,recov ered :corisciousnessi when il.was discpv °red that his right side was Paralyscd. Ho . conld not move hie. right, leg or his right , army and the o vatient linge'red in that . tiondition - for sem° , hoursointil 14 - 11W :change ,- ensued .and lm,expired• The etitidoilE death' of • the 4-t3euitto:r is Much regretted :hrall O rsses of-the et+. Im u nity. . ~1 u" 'A ritoradable," who , folt , li Mile, rheuL iristio,'.lsr• dowiv:on .a lounge.! nut' re-' quested his friend )W., to r o b bb n y,ftor• the morinUent tittreiletYlei W., getli beet nit to the rohest. , !Allow, boll° it 'sahndii,'" laid '•K., , whb •vas , lopking, jou: I °'ThnVs nothing,".itt.ldAr.;•,ii wet ' till Ilipt . to Lie heads, head ... .. . ~... ~ „ , L , • .. - MEI ~'~: :~ I •-,. ITEM!: OA* n yeAr,,m AD,TAttql $2.60 it Dot poll within the pear , Coat nnor. op Tins, : 0/M:D ; 1 4 1111Ipp ppits,yrine, ,brand ieS, , SO ice,. 4ncy irti : :, I furniture jewelry, elfel4,liitch , Oi,", per, perfumery arid fancikeede ken- 44 , —; • - Italy exports corn, 011,.11,,,irip05,..4- filees, dya stilifS,'•drUkf,. , fine - 44416,' ', onfis, .paintings, - ,enkravinks,' . ineinita' nd salt. P,russia,exports linens, woo Tens ,, zinc, I.4cles_qiron, copper and iniSS; indigO ld -ax; hams, musical "hisirdinants,lobac-: o,Nrine . and porcelain. Cierrnany experts rsq,''yvdoleti r gipiiii, '' iiinitsoo4o - ,7cor Oicihiir, hen, 14dr: in .flax,_ hemp,' wino, wax - talfoir 'and., attle. , ' . „ enstrix eip'fr,ts Mine'rei / ls; raw ~vll isnufatnred gIaSS, .4a4, ' n, nutoll, - a.tical instruMents. , • '1""' EnglAnd 'cipoFfs cotton, wool, r glaii , hardware,eartll4riw'al'e,' 'cutlery, ii...'(ii,',::' s eel, metallic wares , salt; ; c,05.1, `wetFlici.. , ' , tn, silks and linens. , ~. ,,111, . , Russip,' exports ,tallow, fiiix, il:e4l.)i i; fichtr t -iron,,`c?pper . linsepd, I . ,rfl;,liicipu i, ' l 4aT , :ducki , ec) F t l a g 9 1 1) ; 1 11°1' c I YP?. I ,I4;cII . ,Ash ',and tar. . . „ , , , T , . , •; , , . • i : Spt9n ; xp , prts ,7,vini?, l:pand,,Y,ell,..t.e'sX: tired dried trults, gltielc'slive'r„;'snlPtitfr,. ,. corn:,, 3,1,11 :r" , 4 ; 3°1- i .( 7a °3, ,:' 4111 5 i 2 ti ld r172? 1 ".,. , 1. oTr China 9a4aa,r,t4a grep wprks, c iTour 7R,ro, ]lcquerd wain 4110- • • nlorot , 1, 'I ilindostan • o.leporps dosatineal, indigo, I;ar.s4parffi - a; vajl4l, jalap,lnatic, caw oi)(1, „., dr . l4is .., . . Brazil exports coffee, indigo, sll;:u, rice, hides, cliiet lueats, tallow, gold, diamonds , and ,`other precious ' stone V i ' gums, maliogaUy and 1 . 1141& West Indies Oiport suVai," inolassed, 'rum, tobacco, cigatz, 4O woods,, cortOe, pimento, fie'sh fruit' aiic~ wax, singer and 6tli,;. l ;apices. Switzerland export/cattle, per, . dried. traits; Boon, silks, frete r lace r ; jewelry,, paper and guripoli,' East India exports cloves, riutmegk mace, pepper, rice, indigo, goici camphor, benzine, sulpluir,.iyori, rat : taus, sandal-wood, zinc United States, exports princ;ipalliag 7 ricultural produce, cotton,-tobacco,' flour, provisions of all kinds; lurribr, ,turpentine and wearing appS.rel. HOLD FAIT Hatow.—A party of Irish men,bnce upon a time, contracted to clear a very deep well. Having tone of • the usual conveniences employed (of such purposes, they wore at a loss to get ono of the party on a little ledge near tho bottom to assist irkthe process of getting out _water,, mud, etc. __At. last, _ Phelan, a herculean fellowl proposed a plan which free considered just the thing. It - was this : Jimmy was to clasp his big fists atounTthe windlass, then an other of the party was to clamber down and hold on by his lege, and so on until the last man should be able to leap'upon the ledge. -Being slightly concerned with liquor, the party prepared for the deieent(Witil out stopping to conteinpla.te the Maul ties iarolved in the adventure. With bared breast and sleeves tucked up, big Jimmy seized the , round portidu of the windlass directly over the *Aland swung himself over. Another of the party crept down Jimmy's body and. grasped him by the boots. After several more bad followed suit, end theAureari chain began to stretch far into the well,' Jimmy bscame,alive to one great cult) , ; the windlass did not afford him a good hold in the first' place, , and. the weight was getting intolerable. .t At last humaa, sinew could stand it no longer, and Jimmy hailed the lower link in the chain with : "Bo jabot", Pat, hold fast below 'till I aPhit on me hans," • suiting the action to the words, he re leased his hold, when of course, the whole, party were precipitated - to the bottom of the well. As luck' would have it, there was more mud than water where , the llibornians' lit, • 'and they .wisely sidered themselves particularly,fortunate in escaping without actual lostpof, either. life or limb. A Fnw I.lmre.-Bonie gentle Uinta ..1)n manners are given by an exeharide, from which we select a few • Don't be disturbed ityou find the best meats in a railroad crir'taken: "As no one kndw - Yon were' coining; or course they did not'reseiverone, Wiien is crowded/ don't 1111 sent with your bundles. „True politeness is not amiss even amidst the, coati/doll and bustle Of a - public conveyance. -• If an open window. proves unoomfor. table. to another, you will.plosq , it.;; Whispering in church: is sides. showing disrespect :to thei,sPsner, -exeremelv—annoying,_tuAltose..Vm. wish to hear. Coughing ,sllold,i,,be avoided as muolt as ,posslble. pleeping, with its frequent accompaniment, snor ing, had better be .done talon" Violent perfumes, especially those con taining rimsk, aro 'offensive to many peo ple, and to ■emo positively. distreSsing.._ Don't scent yourself when- going any .drovided ahsetnhly. Beadier says; " theio in ne smell so universally pleasing' as, no smell." ~~~ N i7__ 7.'.Lal,q. avoßtllaVirici4rniF woman coming .up the stiAo l :',Flll4 a physician to a friend,; ~ "she Always loplss ,so cross at pie that, I do, to :pea 1.q3r." there any reason for it, ,doctor 27 - ‘ 4 Yes, , ,;l:agendcal )I,ter, husband, ,once )rhon he .WasAow, Tr4th i'131 , 0r ! ". ; see, ,It *wpm) of ; your 4d .'cases ; you.,lost •., ",Qu .1110 :contrary I saved:lda; and, that,,is,•,rhat she, has neter forgi'vAn me for—slp.,wouldhavo made . push A; maglloqq4,,wldo7, , and she ,knows,it.'!. I HE Am Lynn,..blass.,..all.comparisons are based upon shoe leather. . A cobbler, Lavin" apPlfed torridnaissicinitoran or. thobok •ninirchi at 'that plane,' 'Oct (Via. over l!laya one deacon to -another. "Nell'deaeon; Bob , Gr=----Trants, to join ota" 'mooting:" ' '" Yes ;, you .cnow anithingi Against him V. "Noll no. But before' "oil lake withal YvotO on him ''d'jffist like , toleholf you! a job"of cob. bling'he did for.ine that's ; , ; toortv oplendid-ht4e tvligat llolkla =II =1 ~~iti i MI