Stovee, Tinware an ,Pumpf, GRAND OPEING QP THE FALL CAMPAIGN: 'IMINESMITH RUPP, NO. "O 2 AND 64 NORTH lIANOVI.II 6TREET, TIN'AND SIIENT-IRON WORKER„ and dealers in Cook, Parlor, and every variety of HEATING STOVES The subscribers. having recently erected a commo dious atoreroinn, adjoining their old stand, affording increased facilities for businese,"ate noW prepared to furnish their Wrens and the public generally with every article in their line, on the moat accommo dating terms. With a largo and varied assortment, to which additions are constantly made, they feel congdeot that in gisality and price they ore ahead of all - competition. PiTiLOII STOVES, COON STOVES, OFFICE STOVES. This department of their stork fa; unexcelled for artistic disign, superior finish, and simplicity of arrangement, among which may to mentioned the BUNNY BIDE FIRE PLACE 11EATEN, Elllt NY : ME:. WET LE °Vl:lst_ COOS, BARLEY SHEAF, NOBLE COOK, awl NOVELTY PARLOR COOK STOVE, with a variety of other Cook Stoves wall known for their excellence. KITCHEN HANGER, of all ltlnda,lniludlog the 'enlobrated NATIONAL RANGE. BASE BURNERS, If you want an Ornamental Stove, If you want an Economical Stove, - If you want a PoworfuLllcating Stovo, If you want a Perpetual Fire Keeping Stove, call and examine our block, where you oil! find the ORIENTAL HOT DIAST, with rover Able flue and uvdrk ORIENTAL PARLOR lIRATRR, - for two or mote rootow, SPEAWS IVEVOLTIZIG LIGHT, AND MAGIC LIGHT BASE BURNERS, with • largo nesdrtrooo t of PARLOII AND OFFICE STOVES SIIE'ET IRON AND TIN WARP: Plain and Japanned, Including Toilet Ware, Cash and Deed Boxes, Bread, Cake, and, Sugar Boxes, Knives and Forks, Spoons of all kinds, Ladles, Lanterns, Coal Buckets, Eiianieled and Plain flollo;sy Ware, Wrought Iron Pans, Silo . lo . li and Tougg, Coal and Flour eleven, Flat Irons, lilram Kitt( es, Fruit Jeri; ke., ke., &e., embracing a large and complete as sortment to which Wu Invite the attention of buyers We are also prepared to furnish Pumps for Cisterns and Deep Wells, and by for solo the celebrated CUCUMBER WOOD PUMP; warrantod genuine. . ` Constantly on hand FIRE BRICK AND REPAIRS FOR STOVES ROOFING, SPOUTING, AND JOG WORK attended to promptly onil on reasonable terms ilir Old Stove* taken in exchange Thankful for — tho pOronags heretofore bestowed on us •we are detvrminod, by incransoU ofform, to Atrit,a continuums of itond respectfully,ask,tho i,bblie - tolliiilid — eisinkrie for thstasolres. RRINEBMITH & RUPP, Nos. 62 and 04, NORTH ISANOVER BTIMET, CAILLIJA.E v P. lLeep7o THE OLD EBTABLISHED STOVE AND TINWARE STORE JAMES McGONIGAL, NO. 83 SOUTH HANOVER STREET, Lllitir ,1 Sou'n Grcrery acre,) I=l After en experience of over flinty years lu the Stove and Tinware butiness, In Carlisle, the under signed feels confident that Isle recommendation of Sieves hue some weight with the eoruninnit). lie now offers the celebrated EMPIRE GAS BURNER, which he fruit tothdliel In the best Bate Burner In the nterke't. It Is handsome, throwing a cheerful light around the room; there are no clinkers oven with the worst cowl; the heat le reflected to the liner end strikes the feet Instead of the lane ; the gee is entirely rou.nceed.; all duet Is forded off hy a back pipet. It ties a ventilation damper. by which rooms may he kept thoroughly ventlloted; cod it Iva dee , ce at great beet (rein es small t quantity of test as any ./ 01" U 'tfer garerloll to the pllbl C. lie uhie offers the " t'ooy bight," aid tine " lip iie on Light,. loth Bane Burners, highly reemotitettile y all who have need them All these humeri , an jer three yellre, u d If they uo eel mei: sallow:burly zany he tettirtled— Also the ton ins lag o ell k 1.0.11 COON STOVES Nun rod, Irousitleß, Pa rime), Diamond Slate, and others. Time are all worrAnte.l and may be returned If unnatloractary. llundredir nr them hove boon-put- up -by me to thle community, and tholr pimlarlty lo unlverol. All Uwe° Storrs may be seen et my en'abllell• went, and ratronees can he given to 'tartlet. u•itt{ those. SPOUTING AND ROOPINo, u t tendod 'to to town or coon try done on short nutter. J No. Kt South Ilitonvor Nt rout. I=l Cloths Furnish.thy Woods THE BEST, and decidedly the hugest stock or FALL AND WINTER GOODS, 111 Cm lisle, fur ,31wir, Youths', und Rope wtar, to found al the old and poloilinr 0t05... or ISAAC, LIVINGSTON No. 22 North Hanover Strout, whore you eau find the htte , d produo.loas of EUro PPM. uud AMOrii,llllllll.lllfiletUtO. CLOTHS of artry dawrlptlon dud quality, nud lilt 1110 various popular and fa/old/n.0,10 aloof.. OVER-COATINGS The hargodt sveurtumit over dlvplAyed gasiiinerao iu endless variety, Tweeds, t 3 at inats, aheviotg, 'dce A epleu&A stock of Testioge. Au Inoneuno stook Really-made Clothing, of our own insoufacture, equal garinonta outdo to order. A -sploudid asnortinent, of . • 'Cleuttenion!s Furnishing Quo& 121Zin C91:21 Carpetbags, flout full to glvo no a cull -• We aro tiotertolnailto etelrellaaper,tbau 4117.1p:um lu town., • IBA AO LIVINGSTar, Na., 2 2 Noith Ilsuovar Otreot, eta Halo Establislied 1847. ; ltioct79. Dry Opods and; Ca rpets. ? R IN"G , 1 - 871,. • , . • D,: A. SAWYER'S, ! D. A. SAWYER NOW opens a fresh SAWYER D. A. SAWYER' stock, of goods SAWYEE D.°A. SAWYER _ Fultable for SAWYER D. A. SAWYER the season.. • laving • SAWYER D. A. SAWYER Just returned 'froth SAWYER D.A. SAWYER the Eattern mark- SAWYER e _...,, ", D. A. SAWYER eta, we are now SAWYER D. A. SAWYER prepared to SAWYER D. A. SAWYER - offer — SAWYER D. A. SAWYER bargilua nt unbeard of SAWYER . . - - D, A. SAWYER' low prices. A Alolee SAWYER D. A. SAWYER lot of prints, SAWYEIt D..A. SAWYER &gimps SAWYER D. A. SAWYER and dress SAWYER D. A. SAWYER goods. A sups- SAWYER D. A. SAWYER nor brood of SAWYER D. A. SAWYER Illaelt Alpaeens; widelt SAWYER D. A. SAWYER for price, gnallty,Aus SAWYER V.A. SAWYER tro and wear cannot SAWYER D. A SAWYER be ex.elled, SAWYER D..A..SAW YE Ourlouse SAW Y.ER D. A. SAWYER keolng pods SAWYER D. A. SAWYER very km. Cheap SAWYER D. A. SAWYER Table linens and few. .SAWYER D. A. SAWYER' elo Great bargulne SAWYER D. A. SAWYER in Mimefiles SAWYER D. A. SAWYER Quilts. A choice lot SAWYER D. A. SAWYER of Hamburg algt , SAWYER 331,. A. SAWYER lugs very SAWYER D. A. SAWYER low. A superior lot BA WY ER D. A. SAWYER of Laces and, Lace SAWYER D. A. SAWYER CAkirs, RAO- _ SAWYER D. A. SAWYER kerchiefs, be. SAWYER D. A. SAWYER Cheap Linen' SAWYER D. A. SAWYER. Ifundicer SAWYER P. A. SAWYER . eh kik S.+YER D. A. SAWYER L t SA YYER D. A. SAWYER otylesAlinen „ SAWYER D. A. SAWYER collars and SAWYER D. A. SAWYER ~euff4. Cheap SAWYER D. A. SAWYER dory. A splendid SAWYER D. A. SAWYER belection of men's end SAWYER W. A. SAWYER - hope Avian Everyl.ody SAWYER . D. A. SAWYER roll null 'examine for SAWYER D. A..BAWYER younelf, nod BM, SAWYER D. A. SAWYER „money. ' SAWYER 9mh71., BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS, FROM AUCTION, OGILBY'S CIILAP CASH STQItI Non . opening, it second supply of the ehenpast F II and Winter Goode brought t o Carlisle this season. A large assortment of Ludies' et cry Cloths, cassimores, BLANKETS AND FLANNELS, very WATER-PROOF CLOTH in An mho Huelins, Ticl/ loge, dingliams, nt the very illweet notch. Hosiery, Gloves, Undershirts, kt, , ehonpor than ever. Told., Linens, Toweling, nod Napkins. All kinds of Notions, Throade, Tarns, ltnddx, Shirt Collars, Ladies' Balmoral Skirts, So., Lc , in endless variety. Special hargehminßlack Alptions r of a now make., rind splendid qualny. GEM An entire now -lot of Furs. (treat target ns, having no old ones. Purchasers eon depend on getting new and cheap article. Purrhaders are earnestly requested to call and ex• amine my stock of new trdeds, and satisfy themselves. trouble to show roods at the Cheap Cash Store NO. 47 WEST MAIN STREET, CARLISLE CHARLES OGILBY. D ECLINE IN GOLD COIIKESPONDINO DEC! N 6 IN t 11,0118! Quite tos ersiteutent lu I lie Dry Cowls morkel, lu ory worked (reline lo prices of DRESS GOODS, Sllke, Dniniln•F, Me:loons, Minim., and IL largo Isrlety, comprising nanny n ono tlitog to thin lino of good.. STAPLE GOODS Hann,. Ticking, Oiliglou n ng, Ketithcky Jeunu, CLOTIIS'utI CASS IM Eli CS. Limn and Cotton lilapt re, 8:11r1Ingx, Check.. WHITE GOODS Swiss, Jaconeto, Fr ot•h Mnr hos, Tarleit•iis, Cambric sod ZV dlu • HOSIERY, GLOVES, I/I gyiolt ark'Y. !atms, of 11, l• quality, Hata no I Soullowosi, FANCY GOODS' or ;t. grt:nt tow, ntyle , n, d nll rer) Ladies' Under Urfa" ng, wry Latalemmely mmlettml trimmed. Al. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Ruggeto, Rugs, Winde./ Shudeo, Qnutu, d0unt...... pilll4lll, arid nanygoollecuot toeutloned 10r maul 0 mutt. ' Wu claim to huvo thu largest trod D4ft storic of Dry Goode In the toterfur the . toi-, and wills ell ut such juice,' or will uutisfyoll lhat thluis the to got good bargains. 3111100 DENT% .4 CD Elmtaibino..atis Fitting, 0317.11.5• - . Trotn auction, 191,140 sold i tt;,o,3,and c 9 1 1 ,4 Per )roril„,t:o Taft9l.ociin for 9410 r .1.441°1.8. • CLOTHS - Am:li CASSIMERES: Iti tjlis ildpll,4mont,,l am,,propared offet specittl itiducetnenta . (,-,Eiegautqamolc of 4ncl BUIT,TAGS l ituit,;ve,olveci r . . . 1, 011,;:j 4 •1; IT.SyNnitISORD ME at the shortogt PERFECT FIT .GUAR-Al4TEEfi!'"'Fillis.lolVEilY, Would saydo.:4ll:who , want a . bar call tit tbod rtbtr, 1‘1'4;;; 18, `(?irecti,:y opposito,STxtvea *hotd. you will Ilttd okactlsr 7 itdifit i+tutt, and at the-ye:qv , loareit {moos.-" i ".IP h .t! ' • • = I.ondal =I Carpets ! MATT!N I Gp;. hairi:..., .AN~ H AbE S s o DOUBLE WIDTHS. ' , ATIN, OAK and Frysinger & Weiser. at tly reduced price:♦ o} - 0.0 e 1 =SE 21121 LOW 11,00 01; ~L' . i.T.',,,CRENIF(.O,iD, V . % 18' EirittßainiStrbet. ~o , r f ,; ! ,, , i/ • , ! LAN • ' , V .4 i EMI ‘ALAR.I3L - E , 1 •, I NEM MOM