D. W. ' Bmintropp . West . Main street,•.ia selling candies 'to .the. trade at 18 cents per lb. • drocers 'and ,others keeping'candy should give him a call. Dou't•forget the place, next door to Piper's Book Store. =EMI ..IYore'r fniget : that if you. NOMA I,o'pui . , chase • fiat, lark° . and fresh, You can obtain thorn from .Capt. John S. Lowy in the Franklin:J . lomi° flow. SIo, re ceivena :friish: . oory Tuescitts ,and Friday. Make a.:noto of this. • 11====1 J. p. NEVP's on East Main street, is the place .to obtaiii;all -the latest t .styles of neoicties, paper collars, cuffs, and fit as low prices as any other establishment in' town. He also keeps, constantly on hand, the very chOicest brands of chewing and smoking tobacco. Go and see him. =MEM [ANNOUNCEMENTS. ] HALL'S yegetable , SicilianHair i Re newer cleanses the' head from dandruff. Give it a trial. • Go to Madame Rote fi)i• switches, FRYSINGER & WEISER, Carpet House, No. 23 East Main street, have received a large Increase to their already new stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, &c., they are .prepared to acc r outmodate every body with any „ thing/in their line, at city prices. A largo assortment of wall papers, com prising all varieties aiitl all kinds of pat terns. Call at the Carpet Store for cheap goods. EXTRA fine switches from Paris, ;it Madame Rotes, South Hanover street. GOOD NEWS l The undersigned begs lye to inform hie ma' ny friends and customers,, that he has received the followindNiew books : Cruel as the Grave ; Empty hearty two volumes; Decent Mau ; lleavEnward Led ; M. & N. ; also a very fine lot of the. latest sheet ~ t nusi, all kinds of musical instruments flu !land, all the Philadelphia 'and New York daily and weekly papers, and all periodicals. (live me a call.' A' NEWLIN •11AIIKNESS CcmptlNGs • made id) switches, chig nons, owls, &v., at 'Madame Smith I Itomver street, Lel.w Dem z's CUM 18 ;T. ;II WOLF, NO. 18,•NOR.TH HANOVER STREET. I desire to inform the public, that I 'have just opened, and ant now offering for sale the belt assortment of notions and fancy gdods ever opened in Car- My stock is entirely here. . I would call yOur attention to the following A full line of Ladies', Gent's, and .111iSses' kid gloves, Ladies' and Children's cot ton and woolen hosiery ; Gent's cotton and lisle thread hall hose ; lace, linen alid silk- handkel'ehieN ; lace collars, lump skirts, corsets, Swiss and Hamburg edges, and insertings; zephyrs, German town yarn, canvas, and worsted patterns. A- largo- assortment-of _plated_ and jet jewelry. Agent for Richardson's cele2 orated shotilder seam shirts, or hand, and . made to order. Call and examine. ifid.6iinfo'riii has removed to South Ifanover street, Where will be found a large assortment of chignons, curls, frizettes and aline lot ofsillc and the latest style of flax switches of a superior quality. FOR BA.LE OR RENT A. large and counhodions three-story brick house, on the corner of Main and Bedford streets, now occupied by Mrs. Gordon, has all the modern improve ments, with brick stable and Me house. attached. Inquire of R. E. Shapley, corner of North and Pitt streets. REMOVAL! REMOVAL ! Madame Rote has removed to South Hanover. street, below Bentz's store, where will be found a large assortment of chignons of the latest styles from Paris. ATTEND to securing your coal tol'w in ter while prices are low and quality good. Call at the yards of . A LAROE addition lately made to the Mock of lumber, in the. -yards of A. 11. lirAnt. DIL. \V. D. HALL Dues. 141.Anv L. 1 I ALI, Office and residence 27 South Ilanover street, Carlisle, Pa. Rooms strictly pri - rate. Collettnation free. Drss. IJull makes the .treatment of fenialic diseases a specialty: 1(1070001 'JACOB LIVING'STON, Dealer in FINE WINES AND EIQUOII.S, No. 27 North Hanover street Offers the following goods : War ranted pure, unadulterated and 'full 14r00f.. Always as represented. Genuine Imported French Coganc Brandy, old age. Pure old Rye Whiskeys by celebrated distillers. Best quality Ginger Brandy. Pure old gin. Puro old Port wine. The very best . quality Sherry, Claret, New England Rum, dm. Kimmel. .Pl . .lrewhite spirits, for drug_ gists and family use. Sold at . the lowest prices -for cash. A coil 21apam JACOB LIVINOSTON, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in TOBACCO, 3NUIF, CIOAIO3, PIPES, No. 27 North Hanover' sheet Offers. to the trade the best brands of a large variety iof Cheiving and Smok ing Tobaccos, real Michigan Fine Cut, In bulk or in tin foil. W. E. Garrett'scejebrated Snuff. Real. .genuine Imported Havana Sugars. Yam Connecticut and Domestic Sugars. - • A-large'assortment of everything be; longing to the business, and sold. at. as. low a-prico,•as in any Eastern city. • • . The public is respectively' invited to -call and inspect' my large assortment. Every article warranted as represented. 21,zp700m 1. IMPORTANT— TO PRIVATE P,RIVATE VAMILI4Ei. ;Pure "and :unadulterated Wines' and Liquors, supplied at their residence, by sending order to store, or through Post Oftlee. Emory article lyarranted,as.rep, resented or the money refunded. . : JACOB LIVINGSTON._ „ 21ap6in No. 27 N. Hanoyer street. LiTitiMuminns' coal constantly on hand, Also a full assortment of lumber at the lowest prices, at the yards of, r, . A. 11. Blain. 25au70. SPECIAL NOTICES FISH. CHEAPER AND„ BETTER I 'Na °Mir vary Iluo, FAi f DIAOIOIILik wholontlo and retail, OEPER CENT album Clan bat year. :WAY liintla In their eoaoon.„ , WILLI/at BLAIii k SON, laotith End, Cp.Halo, ra 0471 DR. SCHENCK Advisos•consninlptives to go' to Florida in Winter.. as loving fur the last thlrty-tlve years devoted my whole thee "and attention- tp the study of lung dis easesund consitinptioni I fool that Imillersland foll y .the course that" ought to bo .pursittil 'to riatorea tolerably bail case of diseased lungs to healthy POllllll - - The first nod most important stop Is for the patient .to ovoid, tatting. cold, and the boil of all places on thlsicontinent for this iniriosti In Whiter, le Flurldp,Well down In the State, :whore Oat tom. peraturo to regular, and riot stilloct to such vatia tMns as In more Northern latitudes. , .Palatka Is a point I can recommend. A good hotel (slept there by Pottirrman. Last wjntor I saw Severe) persons ,therp'whose lungs - had boeu,tindly diseased, but who,- under the.healluglullueeCe4if :the. climate and my' medicines, Wore getting well. ',a' .; -• .t. • • One hundred miles nuttier ilowm the river is a point which I would prefer to 'Palatka, as the tem. peraturo Is more oven and the air dry and 'bracing.' and Enterprise are located them. I should glee a decided prefurohco to 3lellonvllla. It Is t wo.tulles iron, river or • hike ' rind It seems altodat intpopiit.iu to take e , lit there The tables In Florida might be better arid patient a l'ottiplain tit times, but that Is a good sign, as it Intik/it , se return of appe tite, and when Oasis the ea, they generally inertatue in note, and then tho lungs toilet heal. Jacksonville, Hibernia,la Coro, and many o Oita. places in various parts of Florida, eon be rarely recommended to consumptit es In x iutree Ay relpiOrlf;_ for saying an aro flint patients are lees liable to take cold there Ilion where_there Ise - has e, en teutperio tore, and it. is not neemoady to say that where it con tempt' to nets., exposes biluself to frequent colds he Is certain to die elluilly.. Therefore IayIIE/ViCO le, go well titwu Into the etato out of tha'renell of prevail ing em Cu aids and fogs. Jacksonville, or almost, any o th e r /if flue h.,. n.uued, will benefit themet Luse tittolde I with a fOrplil liver, a di , 01.- deroil stomach, J v 1111 1 41,1 Loucls, sore throat or cough, but f m those tilt me lungs aro diseased a more suotherepulut 10 Ilitflle.t,t S /O1:0/11111e110t1l.. ______ For 1111ern yearn prior to 1-ca, I was professionally iii`Seis Yolk, lioaton, Baltlumitt, and Philidelphia et ery week, 'whore I Ally and e‘auttned on an aver. age ilve hundred patients m week. A practice,eu est elicits, ruthrnetnq every p otiblo phase of lung Intense, has enabled nut to understand elm disease, fully, Foul Irmo my, eitutlon In regard to tatting' eold. A nelson may to Ito as t fit/ant I t leo of "Botionek's , 8/ . 1 . 111/, S vil I Olife and Mandrake l'ills," and . 11.1 II lit• t. 0 ., not ay. 1.1 taking Cold. In Florida. nearly es. ryliedy is using; Scheme's 51,andralte Pills,' for the.ellunita Is mute nicety to ',retitle° hi I ams habits then Moire northern !mit tides. w dt It la a all established Pet that natives of Flori rithelty die ,o 1 ronsunifition, the,' of the southern port. On the Ott or hand, 11, New England, tinethird, at bast, of the popilliition divot thls Nadi- Me &maw'. Ist Ilse Middle States it does net prevail so largely, still th re urn umily thonsidele ol o e.mo/ there. Wit t n tit •t per. _ef life won't,' lie saved' if minsthiptit es were as ily Marine te yard to taking fresh cold 'im• they tiro about wallet term., amok pox, tte. tint (hey lire not. They take it hot they i multi I ittis celt, ulna they are credo s ham enough to butt, wear off In a few'tlaya 'fluty tie no Mt tutuut h. it, Mid Itemise it Intl the loundatlial for another tad another still, until the nA's nee diseaied beyond till hope for eine. )1y alt I. e to pc .o wive...longs are oliotted even slightly if, to limy iv it lit. rl, oi ttellettek's Pule Dale Nlandraho Pills; and go to plod'a reeomme• .1 these port hallo'. itirtii• Ines beean .• thoroughly arqu'aliited tt ltl, tht it at time . knew tint m here .11o.) ofe um el in •11 vold MI.Ot Milli lily olii,e• l MOM ill do the not], that is mgniruh 'Otis ~ , ,a ouplialletl, nil ore will do the, ii• t. The lib I.,it who I.leserltes cold, cough, or night-sotoffs, and It . . iId,MPOR 1110 /Ili/ it,/ to 011 , 1: ry till he Rllll.fe lilt, o n roe] /o oil Id, II turfs bolo, Mk. Itly•filnii it to giti toy iltive inetli ions, itt Mooord once m 1113 the pi foto,' dire, lion., exc. 1.1 Iv /Mini saws, O hero “ beer lio• of the :Iltivdr.,l , 'VIII. Ix net essary. alp otJect is IGO,. tend to the Muslin II -- to got op a good appetite. It la always a kuoil •Igll alien a patine!. begins to grow hungry. I !MVO 110r1“1 of such.: Wiili is Tellith arid tlio grab. lb aline nr that relish conies good blond, and testis It noir° tltsh. a Inch Is closely rolloived hr n healing nt (Ito lung-. stub — Oro rough bosons and abates, tits d traping and. ilstioses night •Ik I,llX' 10 longer pi toilette itinl 11111,1 111 , Nubia geti FellFellll%. Ikk ,l iag ldtd 1.. New tint, tie natl.., con...Tit,— mho hat it not 111.• 10,111, g 0 ill 11, , 1111,1i011 1 11/1V be stiked. 111 , 1 T ho hope tor meth t I ertainly there in. AO.O to 1111111 in. and ever has linen. to stay in ao.lnn 10,11 1111111,g thl• inter,. a Isis a !sequin. titre to :attnl t.ovelst degrees. which should be Itopt rage!+l ly at (hat p .int, by sat one of n tbermomoter Let such a patient lake his etcorclso Whitt!, the limits of the tt hr :tilting tip anti dna" as touch as Isis •Isto•gth persoit. on!, It , oti tip aln Why enuolation os the 1.1 .el. I have sired thetn.ands by 1111, s3sisso, and ear st. non, Coto.usuptlaii I. it ILN Or s oils, 111,11 ht• 11 It is In SPII In lilo, /11P11115. ‘l , l 1,111-1 01 111,1.1,111 1 , 01,1041. 'I I e tins sto.th, 11:011 pan ti on 1•11.014 .1011 ,111.1“ r >lan s .:Ike Pills, allti •Srawortil Tonic lurcA tuned 1 cs y ninny .1 what seemed to Ito hopeless tissos of t dont:union. On Wln., )011 sell), y5lll ill 1111111n1 ,1111111 I • lillllSolliol.o./reolo.lllol,llle I, h. I,l,lll4•Srin•tl 11..51 she ja,r. dO.llll by =9 Lolly' edlonld k..ep o. t1.1•In On hand. '11...y art on 11.. livt,l , -(t., thAn t and 1.,,0 not., of 11. 10nr1,111 idle., 1,111101. 11,1,101 they at e Mesalent in 1111 Ilt,, ,11,. n pal ii. t 1 ii e 111.-111 , 1111` i 9 re ,ioined 11 .iou have pat hil.,en too loon!) of &nit all 1111.1r/wit 1811,1, a dote of flu, 51 , 01E1ml:es ii iil (het yr. If you are soluct Ito titk headache, la.ll 0 1 21 Ilont of Ilia Mandrakes awl linty will relieve you in tw laatro. If you would 1.1,1011,1.110 effect of a chaugt, of Watt;r7l.l 111.12 ten her Indulgence in fruit, tulle out of the klanilthswittvery Might.-ur—eveey,atlder night and you may thenerh ink a utor .111,1 eat watermelons. Ipear., avih s. plutni., peaches, or earn. u I thing tho sa-I, 11 bedar, 1111 h• sit It by 1111.111. They 0,11 prate, t 111010 1,110 lire in 11.111 p b 111:1111 , 11N 0,1011,1 chilli Mill 'Piers. Try them. limy ale 31001ot:11y liarnil,, They can do you good ohly. —l-haredittutloned niwprotiatelotigt - visitr. to - Itoettai and Neu York, tag contuina to .44.1. Inoti , lllh at my °Owe, No 15 N. vi X'l'll r treet, I hiladelph:a., every rgt lll, l s Yi Iron , 11 a. to to :l 1.. 111. •TIII rit` II ho win}, a 1101 , .11:,11 i,U11111.01011 111(11 111,- 1,,, 'runlet, wall de charged file doll. Is. 'I he Rest Itannater derlaren the exact cotalitiori Of ih,- lun,, am] potion to can 1 eadlly haira whet h 0 they are tuwahle or nut. pm I dwure it di.lthe tly understood that the value of my nualwlntai dlrpetult entirely upon tilt it ladng taken strictly are°, otng to (111, •edi..... . . ... , . In cowelusitah I will say that wnen persone tnl my medicines and their syttenni ato btotight into lavaltik condition therol.y . „they are. not to liahle take k6h.l, yeEno one with diseased lung+ n hear suilden change 01 titmovitilro ,i(liout the ca lialnl of greater or le. Irrthatitos of the bionridol bobs, Full directions in llCColllpillty my mcdieitto s, a expl reit and Cleat that no C nue them Wit hohat consulting rue, and wu he !sought from oily druggist. Cl. Jr.. 10nOolidem Nio ITT T.. Sixth sieve t. Ititilrodeliolola. Wu; is wixdunt 1,111 benefit you: troll,' by your inetodullty, hundreds iIIIVO relief from the horrors of Dyspepsia through the medium of DEsferies A Nriar,SPLPTILI STIPSSACII 1{171F,118 nuJ found It. Why should you suffer when this admi rable stomachic lin, cured many similar cases-e'lly do you doubt while other holieve and ore cored ? Delay in thine niter is bulb thing, sue and utiptolitabl,. Your health, happiness and business suffers, while For.stant neglect is f, oquently foll toed by 'serious sod taicon !reliable reunite. , broom's ItirrETUl a equally useful In the 11111111iiitilcii idle.. Ilion atbsdeng gention to 13.11.1i1l•NNE•ii,.6),r11`1TiiiS. Sr, SOW° in FLVCII arid liter oil other disos de•rx Ir re,ling \.• H. 331.. V 1t from MlA•st • tho our:, oak, ill romelly kii.m • S. =1 Dr. Menial Syrup of Tar, IVild 'Cherry, idol lloa [vapid, la ninnufitodur.iii by to entirely niov,proce H• and Collin'. the 1,4•4 L It BOWE, I emodif , , for Coldii, S. re Tleoat. Couiplolut. Plezzim tit to dlie taate, but powerful in it, natio: &• , i I'd iri 01,l eolit filing list of :it tale: oar, dud Ilia f them. to .kg,nts: ,lobo V .llenry, 8 C o IrgeVlnco. N. Y. (I way .4 Cowdon, 02 Arch „L,.1%,1 Vold In Carllple by Cori 111611 A Wu.stblngtou W. F. Horn, T. N. FrAnk, and ,I. 11 llnroraltk. 211jou'll•I'e WIRE It.l I LINO. lltE UCAItLN, ;het Fronts, Aryl mom, ler. Iron bedsteads, Wlre Web bingo for sheep and poultry yOrdii,llross and Ica *lvo cloth Fenders, Ecreette for cool, toes rood. Pc., Heavy Crimped Cloth for spirit nrrrrlels liondveope Wire or IVlntlowit Arc., Paper Molter, %tiros, Ornamental Wit 0 Wot kr. Every infornot tlon by addreaxinu the man ufm t timers WALE Ell & PONS' No 11 North Ilk th etre:k 1 : 1111edelpli la nuthil ly A gentleman who Buffered for years tom Non 0 to. Debility; Premature Decoy, and all the effects o y outhful indlxcreliuu, will for the sake of sufferin humanity, cowl (roe to all who rood It, the Peeelp for mahing the 9111,1140 remedy by wide], he wa. ed, Sullerdrn w siring to profit by the adorn tis er's experience eon do no by addroodng, In pellet .rop_ll.l”.nm ' , No. td Ceder itt. New York," airy 740-Iy. CARI,IBLE PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected Weekly by R. C.. 'Woodward • ll'iellfesitoy, April 5, 1871. • . "RA .1I 11. Y AO UR ' u PERFT.v.E ILE owe ' SUPER IIVE R moult lI'IIITE'EAT ELI) 117/E.l R YE • 11.71 TE ' OATS ' BLACK O.ITE ELO VERB PER,- - • t . „ TI MOT II TARED • ..I.IWEED , CAIti4SLE PROVISION MARKET: . Corrected Weekly by TM. Blair 6. Son. fitr, 111,1msdilli, April 0, 1871. .*--$r 1 25 :2 .. • ntryNt ' leaus D !LE E.‘i ll' ,t X.." . , .... II AED RA MS do 811OULDERS do sfh A's 3171171: BEA .A'S PA RED PEA curs.:. 11.1 V PARED DrtrED PPE l'S E .1f S. LIVL RTOCIC AtARILET'S .340r!(1ay,• Aprsf 3, Ib7l The arrivals and sales of Beef daft, lucre hque Ibis week,.,reaching about AAP3:I Wend: Theenarkel -closed Ault *thin the following range of yrkes e • ,EXTRA FAT CATTLE, per 1b.,...... , FAIR AND GOOD CATTLE 7 @ 8 3 , 4 COMMON • • nen . 1, COWS; and CA L YEN were firmer, and 200 . head, changed hand, tit 5.10670. --SHEEPlucre firmer; sale, of 6,090/latt al the Park d rove g ur d ,et TyAlso.per.lb.,fqr . good, and -4WD, head at.lhe Avenue yard at the same figures. f Rho lucre-lower anti piece declineq, Nutef . 0,000 head at slo.9otali,4operloli,ponn'tle nat. . • ' • BE WISI Eat .I.U.anuci•. =I MARKETS $9 00 60 '4 60 1 40 1 25 11 t f:U 170 MEIN I 00 20 10 0,, 1.3 [Froult.ll6 FARadelihß••.rarWitimilca . PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. • - • FLOUR, GRAIN•ANT/2 - IT.RDS.- . Agri! 4, 1671. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR ' A 7 25 EXTRA FLOUR 6 25 ierE FLOUR 5 75 WHEAT • 1 60 REF:I 05 CORN .. " ' • ' ' 771 OATS 66 CL 0 VER SEED - 7 60 ,THIO 71 I YSEED ' 0 00 FLAXSEED 2 00• MARRIED.- lIINES.--,IIACICETT.—At the residence of th brido'a pariintson the thirtieth ultimo, by the nee C. P. wie g , 3fr:.Tehn Hines, of .lonee county, lowa to 3f isu Jane Elizabeth - Hackett, of this place, NE IV TO-DA Y. READP , IG RAIL ROAD I= Mohday, April 3, 1871 (11113 AT TRUNK LINE FIIOII TILE Nor . th nod North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Iterating, Pkt DnVipe, Tama -0 nu, A rib land, __Fharookin,_ behnoon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Lids, Lancaster, Co- Imitbla, Er., Er. , Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as follows : At 010 and 8:10, a or, not. 2:50.0 on, connecting with slinilar trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, nod lard sing at New York at 10:10 a. m, 3:30 Rind 10:00 p nn,'renprr'hrly. SlVeping Can arenas parip- the 3:10 a m train w 'thou( change. Returning: bravo New York at 0:00 a nr, 12.05 =noon, root 8:00 p or Fhiladolphin, nt 7:90 -- 8 30 SI lir. alid 3:70 p or. Sleeping Cars act:mop:soy the 5:00 p nt train from New York, without chinge. Leave Llarridrurg for Reading. Putt, ille, Tlllllll - SI Inerniville, Avlrland, 81mmokin, Allentown and Philadelphia, at 8:10 a or, 2:00 and 4:08 p on, Wap ping at Lebanon and in - Weill snap et:Wolfs • the 4:115 pin train connecting-for Philadelphia, Ps il isvillo and Columbia, only. For Poltsnille, Schuylkill Ilaren and Auburn era Schuylkill and Snsolueonona leave Ilarrisborg at p m. East Penosylvania Railroad tr.nirn leano Reading for Allentowo, Endlon, and New Yu, k, at 3:00, 10:30 in, and 4:05 p Itrnturnin2, - Rave New Turk at 0:01: n lit,12:00 noun and 5:00p in, a d town at 7:20 a or, 12:213 noon, 2:58, 4:20 and 8:45 p om Way Parr-Togs r Train leaves Philadelphia at. 7:30 a In, courier:Hog with similar train on East Penosyl-, • ania rotor ning front Iteading at 0:20 pin :tpping at :LI station, Leave l'ottheille at 9:00 it in, and 2 p tiLlterittl at tt 10:00 n in, Stumm% in, at 0,10 and 11:10 tt in, Ash , . I ind, at 7:05 a In, and 12'13 noon, Nialyinoy City, at 7:51 a in, and 1 211 p in, Tamaqua, at 8:35 a In, dad 2:,0 p nl, ler l'lnladelphin, New 'andk, Reading, rishurg, Leave Pottsville rid Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, at 8:15 a In, 1", Ilurribloirkt, and 12:05 noon rot. Pine (trove and Tretnynt., Reading Accommodation Train leliv,s Pottsville al 3:10 n ua, pnnsoe Reading at 7:30 a to, arriving at -I'liihnialolla-fit 11,20 a tu. Ruturning, leaves Phila delphia at (:13 p ni, pawing lt - eadpig at 7:55 pat,or' tiring at Pothivllle at 7 1 :10 p Po !stolen A, coininotlatlon Train hales Pottstown . . t 6.30 it m ; re•urnwg ht 4:30 111. ColUllii3O P0i11 . 0,01 trap' Lau. livudL,g lkt 7:24 tx 11:1.1 p nt, for 1:p!onto, Litz, loa.rtk -tor, Co. luotbia, I'. rhooPen It , ilro.pl train. le ,ve l'orkimpen Junc ll..n al 7:15. 9:o:Jnu, :5:04/ andll./ lo in . ; n.torning, o at 6:1 , . n:10 rt u. 10:till no. 11, 1.111 4,30 p In, 1111,(Ing with siodlor it in t Co!eh - 10,4;4/0e Railroad trains Imo.. Pollaton n nl 9:10 a tit, 1,15 al 6,-15 p In, returning, le,n e 511. P. 1 .1.- 11111 lit 7.1-W11111111.1.5 a tn. and :fun p m entineetinir with pin/liar bail,, On Reading Itailroail.l i'llei.ter alloy Railroad , 1.‘111.4 nt 8:0 , n 111, il,ll 2.05 and 5:32. p ;reln,uing, lease thiw nine: on it at 0,10 a 12,15 MIMI, 111111 :t.15 p rouneetiog similar halt . .., Iteitiling Railroad. 011 amnia Le,nu 140 AV York at 5.00 p ni, Philn dulpl,ln,ntN.oo a in, and 11:15 p tn, cll.. 8:00 a in,. train alining only to IL-oiling.) learn rottusille at 5:00 a ; learn flat rishurg ut 3:10 n ut, and 2:UU p ni; lease Anent°, tt_at 5:45 p lea,: Rending ut 7:18 ni, laid 10:05 p in, hir Ilarriabitrg ut 5.00 u 111, fur New York, 11.111/ 0:40 a in, null 4;15 p 111, fol 11115 adelphis. Counitlitatiun, 5111eago, Season, 13ehoul null Est or sion liskets, to nod froni all points at relitred rates. Baggage checktal thtungli ; one hundred pounds allowed latch paiisen,;el. ' J E. WOOTTEN Asst Supt nod Eng Mar J. April List of unclaimed letters remaining in postollice at Carlisle, Pa., for the WEEK ENDING APRIL 5, 1871.: DI ES' LIST Arnold Enmu A l ' Ott tlophid 31111,T .11aI) Moolot Li Noilor Alicu C uroc or F.lirithetli imoLs Sadie Ntonei ]f u4liie Sower, Soo Fn holy .llottie Fop!, SI arial. C Wittlrk LooI•14, Wire, Cathurloo W. r t Mary k Wood, M Hut Ito I t.• nuw,,, Map. , i 0 clay r=MII , oler Atwit molin ckson 1tt..)..• trier ,:trtal SEEM i , nigh .Moen• . GENTLEMEN'S I.ISP. Burtliqt llmrs Krouse RI Ilrooki C R 2 Slalom Julio ' Berger 11 rorge Sloop William COrlost , RoliFrt • ' '- ' 4 ---- 31 orroi- Clmall Dotlorer A I Stiller Minium Dornks 111•org•• .MoMarlios Cyrus Ewing Alex .1 'ltagedon JIMIVE M Homing C K Shrttffer John D Fleming John ti rprogus 1;11nrles R Fortoey II oly Sloorsr Philip /prier Danis' Su, lie Win Il 11o1lootro1411, Kl.l .1 . . E. D. RHEEM, Postmistress NOTICE is hereby given that the Co-pm tnership heretofore ridding bettreon N. 11. Moore : o ut 11 1111 am Moore, trading oo Si. B. Aluore is Oil: day dlasolved by mutual run- Bent. All persons haring claim agalnat the Into firm, and thorn indebrPil thereto, %ill present them N. 11. Mooro, A11,,,J1931)4112fingP,.f0r Be dement, thin Bjaty cl N. 11. 3ICOItE 11110, MEE ADIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE . Lettere of adtainharntion OR the °attar, of John Diller, er., deeett , ed, Into of Weetponnsbarough township, have been•leanutl by the Regietor of Cum ber end vitality to the sults( ribet, residing in .said towohltip. All person l e indebbed to Pahl estate will Ideate make paytnalit, acid those having olefins to present thou, ditty :Itrtheilliclttd, to the undersigned for Bath meat. SAMUEL DILLER, 6:110716P, Adminixt,rator. Ili THE MATTER OF THE Estate _A_ tor Dan Moroy, deCe.lSed . . , . N.a to iv heipLy gl,ll, that (ht. 1111•1•6Igned Ao rippoinl..l by lb. Orphans' Cuorl of Cumber burl inituty, to in:Aril...l and dlibtlbuto the 1500 . 0 , tits hawk of P. G. ittlinlebdrator of sold 'es• lat.., a ill wet all porroile Intmaotad lo thit said Co. at Li, 0111...., la borcuith of Co rlixle, n Fri day, May :t, 1071, at ono o'. lurk I. ta. C, E. MAM.AUOIII.IN, Anditor. A DII.NISTNATOR'S NOTI CE. ..cx lietirrx /..lialidstralita. ou OW lawito of itmlopli I hint hni t, Into of South :Middleton township, deceased, Imre beau lowed by the Itegimter of Cum berland enmity to the auberriber rabbling In the `,orongb of Carlisle.. All , 'tendons indebted to said to Mill pied.e make immedtatu payment, and ,a basing claims will pe , eut them, properly um itleatad for i+ettletnent, to A LFILF:I) till IN EllA Adininixttator. C ,7111t T.fiartners, Look - to Tour Interest ! _l_ ma Blooded Luiedt.tea,lllre horde that t. ok the lii et . r l. ourlant at the enro..eland tpunty fair lust 1.11. ntrual this erkeon at .1 C fteeeher'n, three unto; Nor th.n net tel on the Wattg Cap Hotta. DAVID L Ov.iter and Kevi MEM Dr. A tiers' Medicines A y k :ics 11 k I It \ Vllllllt NAIR VIGOR HAIR PIUOII. 11.-11 II VIGOR FUr rthtOring Gt . /1y Hair to in...naturl Vitality and Al dressing which 1, at since Agreeable, healthy, and etrectnal for preserving the hair Foiled or gray hair is :um -re stored to its original color with tie gloss and freshness of youth. ' thin In uirk thick oned, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by it, use. _Nothing_...eun__ restore the bid r w her, the follicles are destroyed„or the abut& atrophied and decayed. But such as re main can bc saved for tmefulness. by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it chain and vigorous.' Its occasional 'Amu will „provat.the hair from turning -.gray or elf, and consequently' prevent baldness. . Free froin those &Merlons substances a hilt make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the the Vigor can only benefit but 'not horn) . it If wanted merely for a 11 A llt I/ It I.: ti S' I .V.CI, nothing else 'can he found so desirablo - Contakrong neither, oil or 4.1 w, it does no soil whito cam livid , and yet Nets long' ',ln the hair,,glving it a rich glossy lustre and anna grptefttl perf , utne. Prepared by,Dr.j. -0. Ayer, & Co.; Tononc.it - Atro ANA'LrEICAL CH ICIWIS1:!., ' LOWELL, MASS 'PRIOI: 0100.. . • IIAVEROTIOE. I's.• 101'43170-1y . , FOR RENr—iThiS schoolrooms now noritpled by Mary Int.litute, (npieropol,) on tlio second ilodr bf Marion' lInII blinding, from the lind of July next, ohm the LoLbto rem on him third floor, an occupied by Pt, John's Lodgo df kforionp, from Mot of April next 2fu7l CO3IF9RTABLE Dwelling-House for _ SALK—The undersigned.siTenirit_lßlLVATß SOLI?: his two•story Brick Dwelling House, situnted 'on South West otrtet, N0;.86. It hes .boos ,recently re-filted ond hoproved, tho walls papered, - gas end water Introduced, and the girden well stocked with gropes sod fruit Deux. Bosons desiring to buy orp . requested to colt and 'exoutine. 'Teams llamas easy. to purchasers, and Immediate possession Oven Jr de sired: 111. P. DAIiDNI.II. • 23141171 t C • . . tOR BILE:-13e4mirti . lots situided.bo ..." — tivtitLatort Spring an4Ditrxle,qw,Lapp.;l3pitn 'Llo for building lots, or for truckgazioning . ,; beltlg best qunlity of ground for this purpoba. ' Appl9lo CLUB. 11, 11101WRN, 80m1171lf ltdrottgle- Statement:. to, A .NNUAL FINANCIAL BTAT.E -.4-31... tenth4 . 4l c o borougheelOarßele, for. Ihe Begat year 0(1114.. h2j .018 .7051;;Wi. OGILBY, This firer. . • . • RECEIPTS. , To amount °Oland; per last statement..., $l,OOl 30 Received flatland Water dividend 1,124 00 do do' do Int. on bond - 67 00 do A. J. Walsh, collector 1809 In full. 841 DO do Interest on Mrs. Thorn legacy.... 68'33 'do Margaret Miller cost of pavement. 00.00 . do Joshua Fega9, coltegtor 1870 - 6,321 03 do Reid of — Market Rouse ' ' • 1,552' 84 do - Wm. Gregg, Clerk of Markets.... 228 98 do Exhibition licenses 92 00 • . . • $9,870 91 DISBURSEMENTS AND 111X1'11:1111TURES. Outstanding Orders of previous years. Cush paid John. Boyer, street commltairde, . er, 1860 $276 86 Gas and IYater .Cutintan• „gee... 254 05 11,1 Mackey, Slate Tax 787 d" - ' ' ' ', i ~.;. '..,' 10700 S. Swartz, poi ieeta.i' 105 71 ' •Wm. Cr case, do 05 71 . J. Carl, do 30 00 John 3reen, do 25 71 . P. Mo iyor, high e eedoble 75 71 11. Saxton, glass, powder, &e 85 70 A. 11. Blair, lamina. for bridtp,7B ,42 U. Taylor, janitor . ' .! 15. 00 A. Beeteat & Co., isobar and coal • 29 30 C-Lindemoiel, t•epairing -tool, - - , 21- 65 - Itheem d: Dunbar, printing 21 50 Bretton .1 Kennedy, do • 21,001 .los. C. Thompson, coats Mart ay suit . ' 21 25. B. McCartney, sr.. selling stalls - 10 00' Canip•rell & Ilenwood. plumbing 8 .70 Samuel Common, curator 6 25 C. Wooer and C. Cornman, election i.x. 1.115. 4.l..ll—Zeigler,.stoue. Rhin ennith k Rupp, stow. t •.4 • H. IV°II, handles for .tth.le PRESENT YEAR. Cash 'mid borough coupons interest u 0 judgment 92 284 10 Elias Donnelly and hands, we, kon streets 1,610 77 J tines McCarter, work.' on North street.. 202 60 A. L. Sponster, got nod nude— 949 03 J.O. Humor, high con6tattle 61)0 00 J. Brown, pellet•man 330 00 (I P. Myers, policeman 360 00 J. Wurolf em and S. Styit, policeman (special) Wm. Gregg, .leek of market R. 31.Cdrtney, jr„ secretary Jos W. Ogil by, Treasurer George Taylo r vjeultur L. Ileckendo , curator Campbell k Hemmed, plumbing and gas fitting F. Gardner, tamp pests, Ac S. 41 . Early, refunded borough taxes Jos. Geiser, Weak & \Wince, pi luting Brat ton & Kennedy, do • W. Kennedy and It. Black, expenses to Ilarrlslturg C. A. Cowman, clerk of .1., Aid - Union Fire C•dnpany, on appropriation.. Geed Will Couipithy uli epp oproktion.... Empire George Lludeineed, repairing ... Usury Welt, do do A. Beet., & CO.. lumber and coal Wm. Gregg and et &c.;,furditi k et . Shrefer A fi Bleu, wore !beater A Brother, Work and stone r Sp:Or ntld 01/I.'B, ttro.k, stone 3:11//1.14 S . wigesl told (hers, stout. .I,lln Jnn,ia n d toners, ~ W ers bunch street .I.mol. salyAer,/, Smith .1 r00t... 11. e ein nml iegulAtors II It. Comte] ins, seals for murk nt It 31el tirtney, ai , m•lling 81.1114 Janie.: Armstrong, inviittrin,i duplicate., ./. hn 1103er, hauling S. Wetrelerorsing A. S. Lino, lamp at market .1 .oh Ithe011), riertion Weal Ward F. Cornlatlll, e , rellon East Iran!, Gouvtivr anti Nlcearter, Lilly Vtlitg 14. Bixler. custs I). Stalin, quail!) lug ogler, A. O'Donel,t epalring pump, T. Conlyn, minding °look - H' Kennedy. attorney Noe 3. Fagan, painting at toarltt-t It. Met ar.ney, pa piny, ink; At. Joy. Thoottoota.-costt. an Lane emit. Halance In hand+ of rre mtrpr forialle gess and water lotto._ n5,00:1 00 lossr•Utigh proper 10e55.... 28,403 0.. Wardell judgment noo bU Outesousling orders. 2,514 10 Doo Deposit Bank too, redeemed A SS ETS. 1.104 sl,:t•es Carl is's gas and at, .1" 'rah par voltno t,.R,1‘0 uu Le'ury of 51(,. Thorn 1,000 00 Due tht St. asNessnients 350 00 Borough (111 UII‘OIIOCLCIi, 10:o. 1,055 04 Den 110 90 `SO wort Bolguirot 30 00 Cat-It I o hands of Treasugur, (gas 311.1 orator comport v, due 1411 count(d nc eitsrt - t2.50 07 Excess of 10th:W.1u.... , $27,070 08 BOLOUCII LONDED DEBT FALLS DUE AS FOLIAOI 8 Jnn I 4 11,75 do let 1877 - -do -- -11Y-15:11 do let-1870 do 181 - 1850. BOUNTY ST A TENLANT. DR. ; To amount on lothdr, former Met. t.e.nent Itt•ce•lved of S. W. Early, col leo. tor 1:39 Recoil-ell of A. J. IVt.lelt, oil" tor. 1869 Here'rod of J. Ynoo, rollerior, Itt;o CR. By bounty I. uuticipated... f 1,4181 17 do do and Jut dos_ 2,575 dd do do coop HA radeonool.. 747 00 do Stamps for bounty pur pos.s 1 84 By Tru.s.ror'n conauismiou . $0.192 50 ' By bal.. Jll bands uf nrer BOUNTY BONDS FALL DUE January led 1872 do Isl 1873 do let 1874. do• lot 1875 = Ilufan, 10 10,41 a of Treanurvr $1,710 D 3 Ouleluuding 1.1 01 11170 1,109 10 11.1,1510 4 Exreee of !nttily In.: ehttltiet., ter...t3n tA/ e. the Au 'note of the heroegli o 1 Cat lietti — do ettt tify that tie have ezuu, iced the tort goin.r h r ough nod b unty uccounte of Joe. W. I gillty, bor ough Treasurer, and find a !alumni due said beettegh at 412.'4 AU, and Rho a bale, re due the Inanity er eteant co! g. 71U 0.1.• unr halide this le rely - halt day of Match, A. 1.1.. 11171 IMMO Applicalas for License. NOTlCE.—Notice ie 'hereby given Eliza the folio. Ing tooted perooloi have filed opplicAti it lot hotel, 111(11 i rest otratit nod retailers' lieenses,.under the sey.erol Acts of Assembly r, luting ilieteto In the t illeit 'of the Cl•ra of the Court of gunner Sex.ions of Cuinbe land c• ii..ty, trhklt mold app'itnti• , nx aIII be Ir, tented to tall Coto 1, et the tenth day of spell. 1m71 : Ca lisle, Kist Ito J. do ' N. W. Woods, Geo Z Butts, Wm. N tinker, (Ivo. AVetrol, .1, volt 'rhodium. it. L. Burklittller John Hall, .... Ihtx id Ain't.", bielthison towns') ip. , Eli Uvorge. Ens penovholo' do Joroll kwrits,r, do • ~ iL It ci. wider, do do Jim. May, do , du .1.1111 11. Ulentinv, du 110 George K. hue), I Ittutpthot do Julio G. 'leek. Lo trer Allen do A. L. Minh, Monroe do J. T. Shoddy, ..MI ollevex do John Thompsott, NI, challis bury. North Ward U. 1,. Spdus ei, do du {Volta di Melted, do do :I, W. Iteldig, do S nth IX ard, J..C.ileveller, North Middleton township, Chris 'llettnitherg• r, ' Nen 10.10 bow ugit Jos. A. Wt 1111 1 / 1 11 . 11, 00 Melllollo is: 11eCli cry. kit 0 ton township . J. It. Worley, . Nun. Cmulter and, W. C Sharp, Is owl our. C. Idellingto, Next ton _Wm. Clark, Suuthautp on ' Ili, It Z Mager, Sou It 3liddle ton Geo tiller, 00 John U:SheslL r, do Henry A it WI, ' do Ellen littpley, do - ~. Wen. A. Moffitt, do do John C. Reeser, S I. cr. 8, ring do (leo Duey, do ' du S It. Groove, do do J. W. Leitlig,' • ' do • "t• 1111 Jamas Colby, . Shtppr odturg . 1 0111,1111 - JOllll Wyloolllll, sr, du Intitlxl Mara'), do - Deter Cocklltt, Cp, c r Allen township. Joshua Culp, do do J.,ettb Masotti!. W•ntitetinsLorough . do .4i w, Fair, . • ,du :, , do Elio. It. Eyster, ' l'utiti .. do Samoa: Thiughtunit, Soutlinlitplon do ItEBFAIIIIANTS, Fruhoick Balmer, , ( 'fe 114 e, John Brown, 0 • . • do It. übon Mb Ight, do ao Samuel Brown, no do TiIOIIIIMLIMIXI*, . do Iva. Wont. - . John Foliar, .. , .. do do Jacob Letdlch, ' B.lver Staling • tow n+blp. George Murphy, Newv.lle borough, D. 0. Durnbattgli. Mechoulcaburg. Win, It. Braver, • hhlpponaborg. -- "• '' ,' , BETM lAMB. - Jacob Elvlegatoo, Carlisle. Dec. W. Stoner, '•do - John Faller, ... do John Hannan, do .Ineob A. Graham ' online . bur,.ugh. Henry Hurd]. .9111pootishurs ' borough. All Booms moot bo lifted wlthla fifteen days after granted by the Court, i r they will ba forroltod. OEO. C. SHEAFF.EIt 1614714 • ~ , , ' • Clot It 9( Court. • For SOL, or Bold' HOUSE FOR SALE DEM NO. 35 AVBEIT LOU,TIIEB. ST.RE:N' J. B. HASERBTION, EEO OIL' ; 6AL • • • A ,io , go qualit4.of 4:111E, soft/tile' fOr O4rh, wed moo.lAval4Pu poorer Brifo of . 11it'rri:bOrg Itioarlolisti.ovipCrWoLt. FOR RENT. . . . . -- iiii;..teirii4kra — iiiniri r aerobic - IA by L. T. art;potioto, two dome ° Itoo; illarket Bquare, Haat Main street. Possossio p n o 'Allen April 1,. 1871, or •porliaps soonor. .15d Ati ' • - '.. • . , _ eef ly t 047 -- 6 00 :1.00 2 50 1 25 SIM 2 70 18 00 000 00 100 00 175 OU 40 00 12 60 172 00 123 13 87 93 12 135 70 71 50 6 00 4 50 175 00 10u 00 50 00 40 65 10 85 03 77 1G 00 uo ni 89 01 7 Al 1., $8,524 15 IN DELITEDN F:SS MIMI $57,596 I= 25,800 00 700 Oo 13,400, 00 12,000 00 3,4(0 0,, ,• ERIME BED Ell2l REIM 1 lIMUM --- $2,200 CO 3,000 00 3,000 00 2,003 00 = MEM M. W. HACKMAN, W.O WOODS, JOHN FALLER, I% est Will do towddi p. fox neddp do - --A.-2 ~1,411) vrilt-nttrxet—tbe •Int,ritt .. I, t 6 mPlating LI:, luotint Cv.".-114/Ihoion iota! Re fle.tor. . • • =ME "Th..lro Nlulu tl Is u4a!triauived. The tam COD.. onled rill! It M.), fur thyau who knot,' 1114. tn, a aufThilo ti:Veqtinuinifl4ll ear the Company "—The It iifiuu. . . '"lt Is With' pectillaVillyaii ors' thatyci speak of this flow ceindlchi''i. for 'pubile 'favor. tyro know many years alms t u trisidoduttlia company: Waikato,' hlmto be O wader enorgY, of character, ofaupqrlor huainetia''biii`y, nod Chor, all also, a auracsaful man lu whitioier ho imam takes. Tho troth . tho Canc. pany hha adopted the heat Iniptdroments of the, day In Ihrorianization."-Yetu Fngtand hattrance Ga ,•• , • • Cuinberliciid, Perry,. 41:1d,,11nia4 Cowl- JACOB ZUG THE .44C4PZE7: 4 g'4" OA L., UNE M±tatPLED TILE EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFEINEWRANCE - OOMPANY; OP .14E17 YORK, , . I oltio llrrid Fifteen Montioi of Iti existence Lae Issued oysn, FORTY,II.VY -RuNDEStaij,op-oas IN6VR4NO OVER $8,000,000.00 and taking in Prenliuni a 000,000.00; being the largeet cothmencement buelnelie ever done by any company in the world I ' THE REASON FOR IT Ordinary wbole-llto pollelee aro absolutely lion forfoltable from payment of first annual premium. • Special Insurance non-forfeitable after two annum payruonta . All polftles-ineontoetable-for—wmal-eaures,--and absolutely Incontestable after two annual premium-a:- All restrictions upon travel and residence removed and no permits required. No accumulatton of intereaton Lana or Deferred Proodume, and no lnereaaa of annual paymerita on any claim or-policies, One-third of the emulate loaned to the party In• cured, If desired, and no Note required. Dividende on the progreeelve plan, pun itiso upon the guarantee Interest plan. • Dwane", of the company conduoteilon the Motu Plan. PcHey simple and fear an Its provlelUne. InCoi:destability of Policies.. at IS the pirnom of Tim Empire .0 . 1111011 - all its contract., the evidence of which is that its policy has no convenient refuges by Mean. of which It can escape Riad demand. Proven fraud no the patio( the insured will always invalidate a policy. Also suicide, if committedprovious to the payment of the second annual premium; or death caused by.euguitlu; In any specially hazardous Modules within tho first two years. But - after the expiration of two years, the policy will be lapl Incontestable for all causes except fraud. ' Non-Forfeiture of Life Policies Nu policy of 61 . 1,111“11. with LuDitlllloll4 1117111 tutu fur life will be forfeifed or become vtild by the non payment of tieuilinns thereon, unlit the full paying power of the premiums have boon exhausted. Tho lanuotme of the policy Is: That If any premium after the fly bt 'mama! pro- Inium fibrin taco been told, 0101 nut he paid on the day'when tine; and the sold nomred shall , within thiriN days thereafter, giro notice in Writing of ina bility to Pay the alone, and cf a desire that said policy shall be continued in force under the follow- lig conditions. Then, aril. In each case thin policy •ball,uot be forfrtted of Imsume void by tho non. laymen! of the intidpromlurddite thereon, lint II after he expiration of n period, to be deiermined no fol owe, to nit not value of this milky when the iremlom becomes due, shall be determined by eau- Hal calculation, and after deducting from such not value the loads upon raid policy uncurmelod . by divi dends, and any Indebted.. to the company, four fifths of what rental. shall be considered u net sin gle prowl of temporary lneurnnoo , aml this policy shall be confirmed In force during thc:terrn Mr which IL will insure, according to the ago of the party at the time of the lapse of the premium. Example of the Non-Forfeitable Plan of the "Empire." Age of part) Initured, 35. Ordi Lary ,vilolu 11fe policy One unnual premium will continue thu In torus 2 years and 3 days. Two annual .prenatne will con'inue the policy In -foree4-yeara anti 12-days. • Three uniilltf 'nen - an - MB will ediftlnneThe policy in force 6 years end 27 dap. ur no nual premluind will continuo Ow policy in nun., 8 yea. and 44 day.. u' ~~ • 1I In =9 oFFICERS:,7, G. Hilton Scribner, Ptesident. George W. Sniith, Vice Presi- MO Sidney W. Crofut, Secreta Lemuel IL Waters, Actuary Thomas K. Marcy, NI. 1)., Med cal Examine' Everett Clapp, Superintendent `Agenetee. • THE TESTIMONY. OF THE PRESS 'll . fe l a pro 'a a popular lu,tivaloa, 11/11.1M, e I by reliable men, on' sound buslnetts principle., and is dtottned at a very early day to hotted! shoal or t alioulder with the oldest - eunipattlos • I Id ehararter la the wqtatry. Its••ollIcers and direct ri " 111.110 louvine,a,“ and have orgaultool with ILO view ,of eatablhilling u no del. Initlint;ou —X Y. Inflrpeml. oth Jallimry 20.-157, C0.011.0.1t IN a gre.t success; t e r en It u able, unonowlegl, relt,ble usabugenvout 'Ph Empire bag 110 e. purlu, 1,1 tbu entiutty."—Botto /bit: "The t!ticabss to tun ! pip' 11.1.!i wind Traveler. Traveler. Ilavla; a p. 14 lu t4l. Cumpa!iv, wp Irel u Just rldtr ju th;• g, oat snot. cited! lit compiiii) "--Zion's herald. "A very Altree...fill Comp. GEO. S. EMIGie,-, AOI3INT FOR tioo. 1 c OPPIORIVITH S. HEPBURN, Jit I.4july7o•ly Travet. SOUTH MOUNTAIN' 'z' ~ ~,. ~ • CHANGE OF HOURS._ Office . of General Superintendent, Carlisle, Pa.,' October 8, 4870. TRAthe ' Leave Oatliold (0. , V. 11.11.; Liopot)" 0.3.9 2.60 " Junction " 640 3.00 " L-11olly • '. ,--...7.20 3.40 kluntor'a Run • 805 Artlvo 400 Arrive at Pine Grope 845 ' Leckie Pine aroyo ''• • tr. " Hunter'. Hun Mt. Holly Arrive et Junction lE= NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY DIRECT ROUTE - NORTH AND SOUTH. On and after January_ 2, lB7l. will run its 'follows : ExpresE—Luaves Harrisburg •1.25 a in ; arrives at Sunbury 4.60 a La WlLisuisport 6.56 a in; Elmira 11.35 a m; Canaudaigna 3.10 p in; Rochester 4.45 p in; Buffalo 0.00 p m ; Niagara Falls 9 55 p m. Accommodation—Loaves Harrisburg B.OJ is : :Mitres st_Bunbitrylo:so.a.tr, - llail--Leares - Ilarrisburgl:ss pm; arrives at Sun bury 430 p m; ‘Villiamsport 6.25 p m ; Elmira 10.50 p ra; Buffalo 6.25 a m, Niagara Falls 10.00 n m. Past Line—Leaves Harrisburg 435 p ; arrives at Banbury 0.45 p m; Williamsport 8.10 p m. E.:prom—Lear. Harrisburg L 3.5 a tit; arrirua at York 6.45 a in; 'llaltlinoro :LIU a ni; Wits4lngion ]A6 pm. 6 liecommotlstion—Leas Harrisburg 800 a ; arrivea at York 9.3 U a m; Baltimore 12.30 p In; Washington 348 p m. Express—Leaves Harrisburg 11 35 a m; 0, rives at York 12.40 p tn; Baltimore 3.0.5 pm; Wasblogton 5.05 p m. Mall—Lavres Harrisburg 1.25 p ; arrives at York 2.55 p m; Baltimore 0.15 p m; Washington 1000 Pm. Accommodation—Loaves !Merl-burg 5.25 p ; 'arrivoi at Yark 7.10 p.m. Express , -Leavre /hirrisburg 10.45 ; arrivi.s at York 1140 p Onllimoro 2.3) a m; Washington 5.60 a nt. ALFRED It. FISKE, • General Superintendent, Harrisburg. EU. S. YOUNG, General fassenger Agent, lialtlinore. 10f,,713in CUSIBERLAND VILLEY ,• -,---- 011.A.NGE - ' WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after Thursday, November 24, 1870, Passenger Trains will run daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted): WESTWARD! ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 11:00 A. a., Mechanicsburg 8:35, Carlisle 0:11, Newlin° 9:40, Eibipponsburg 10,22. Chnnibersburg 10:44. Green. ensile 11:10, arriving at Hagerstown 11:45, MAIL TRAIN leaves Ilarrisbi.r2 1:55. r , e .ellanicsburg 2:27. Carlisle 2:58, N..wville 3.32, Ship. ponsburg 4:02, chambersborg 4:55, Greencastle 5:11, arriving at Hagerstown 5:40, r st. EXPRESS TRAIN . leaves Harrisburg 4:30 P Mechanicsburg 5:02, Carlisle 6:32, Now villefl:os, Ship ponsburg 0:33, arriving at Chain horsburg 7:00, r a. A MIXED TRAIN leaves Chambersburg 7:46, A Orsoncastle 0:00, arriving at Hagerstown 10:05, a u. EASTWARD! • 'ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Cluinibrrshurg 8,00 A br, Shippensburg 5:20, Newville 0:00, Carlisle 0:33, Mechanicsburg 7:02. arriving at Harrisburg. 7:30,,, r. MAILITRAIN leaves Hageratown 8:20 A Al, Green. ensile 0:00, Chambersburg U:4O, Shippensburg 10:22, Nowsllle 10:63, Carlisle 11:2 . 0, Mechanicsburg 12:05 arriving at Harrisburg 12:37,1'. a.' EXPRESS : TRAIN loaves Hagerstown 12:00 m, Cireenertatis 12:28, Chambersburg 1:05, Shipponoburg 1:37, Novvville 2:10, Carlisle 2:50, Mechanicsburg 3:18, arriving at Harrisburg 3:50, r u. A MIXED TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 3:10 r xt, qrsoncautle 4:27, arriving at Chambersburg 2:20, P Id. Atir- Making eloso connections at Itayrisburg with trains to and from Philadelphia, Now York, Washing ton, Baltimore, Pittsburg, and all points West 0. N. LULL. Supt. Superintendent's Office, Chamb'g, Nov. 11, 1870 pENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTER TIME TABLE. Eight Trains (Daily) to and from Phila delphia and Pittsburg, and Two Trains Daily,to and from Erio (Sundays oxeepted). - AFTER MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, MO, Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad euinrany will depart from Harrisburg and arrive at_Phlladelpbra and Pittsburg as rollowtr: .1118.1lWARD 2 61)—P6lladelphia Express leay.n Harrisburg daily (except Monday)at 2 60 a. tn., and arrives at Went Philudalpbla at 7 00 n. r r e r v ir r, l , s=a , i r l i cti ; tai l )! phla m U 50 a. In. Mail 'retail leaves Altoona daily (except Sunday) at 300 p. and orrivn at Harrisburg at UUO p. In. 'lO ds—Cincinnati Expross leaver Harrisburg dt,Py at 10 45 p. m., act arrives at Wert Philadelphia at 3 10 a. 5. 11 35—Parifie Express leaves liareinlittric daily (c teoptlontluy) at 11 35 n m., and arrives at Went Philadelphia at a 25 p. m. 1 20—SOUTHERN EXPRESS leaves 11nrrlsburg daily at 1 20p. m., nod art Ives at Westyltiladulphin at 5 45 p. m. Harrisburg Acedunnotlatiou leaves Altoona dolly (Sunday excepted) at 7 25 a. ni...„.anti arrives at Har risburg at 12 45 p. m. S 55—Harrisburg Acermmodati,n iCATOS Harris burg at 3 55p. m., and arriv a at Plil'atiolpbin at 0 40 p m. 7 30—Lancaster Train, via Mount Joy, leaves 111trrinburg daily (except :tintlay) at 7 30 a. ut., sod arrives at Wetit Philadelphia at 12 20 noon. WESTWARD. 4 75—Erie Fait Linn west, fur Erie, Irnies liar eLnrg daily (exrupt Sunday) nt 4 35 p. w , Arriving Eric, ut 7 40 a. nt 2 25—E111E MAIL wog, for Erie, leaves Ilarrls• burg daily at 2 25 a, m. , arriving at Eris at 7 40 p m. 12 15—Cinciunati Express leaves Harrisburg daily at 12 15 a. ' arrives at Altoona at 450 in., and arrives at Pittsbura at 9 30 a. m. 4 30—Pittsburg Express leaves Ilarrlnimrg daily (except Sunday) at 4 30 a. m., arrives at Altoona at 9 30 a. m , taken brealand, and arrives at Pittsburg at 306 p. tn. , , , 10-I'aelfie Express loaves Harripburg daily st 2 10 a. m., arrives at Altoona at 0 30 a. m , takes breakfast Rad arrives at Pittsburg at 10 40 a. Fast Line leaves Harrisburg daily (exe, it in. ) at 4, 45 p. m., arrives at Altoona at 0 05 p e , takes supper and arrives at Pittsburg at 1 20 a. to. Hail Trainleaves Harrisburg daily' (except Sun day) at 1 10 p rn., arrives at Altoona at 7 15 p. takes 011 f per and Arrives utPittsburg at 1 00 n in. Way Paluenger. Train leaves Harrisburg daily at 815 a. m.,•irriVes Alfamia aV2 20 p. w., and nt Pitt burg at 10 20 p. m. SAMUEL A. BLACK, Supt. Mlcid lo Div. Penna. It. It Harrisburg Nur. 24, 1870. ' SU)ves awl Tinware THE .OLD ESTABLISHED S'OVR AND T 1 WARE STORE JAMES McGONIGAL, O. 83 SOUTH HANOVER BTREE'P, (Ailjo tang Binh I; hutlu ail cuo-Sto,,) Alta nil otperienco of over Oh ty yours in UM Stt.yy bu I. 1.41+1, In Curilsle, the under eigned feels confident thist,lais recommendation of Stov,.. lots tmatiwoight•with Ihu community. Ile now oilers the Ce 11.111104,11. EMPIRE GAS BURNER, wLich let teens ,t,tistto I l• th hes 11.e r lturner In the market It 114 t mutton., ()woo Ng a eh, erful 11011. Mllllllll tLn riall1; OM. 010 WI dila:era 001'11 With :ha 100,1 coal; the heat IN r , 11,1,0 to the floor and lank. the et Instead of Iltu ; Hot gat Is ; all dust let carried oar by n back Ono t It Ina 113111; Or by which rootits may tut kept It or ughiy VOlllitaird; and it pr, duces .grytti heat Winn esstonli 0 •_jllljlll Ity_ colt anAt;iy, It 00 eette - offertei the pith] C. lie a l so offers tie " 1 oey Light," nod the "li, ' aeon Light," I oth Mose limners, highly recommend,' IT all who have lined them All these Iltote burners MO fictur.d . for three years, a.ll If they do nut work satisfitetor.ly nosy Ito toturned. Also the k own ' r 6.06.'11 ST 0 V . E S Nitnlotl Trougides. and oilier. Tl.ents urn an wurranted and may ho returned If Ilurittliifactory. IfundreduAT them harp been put' up by we 10 thin uounnuulty, and their populnrit, in I.llllVllrral. . . . All the. 8 0n,,. may In aeon at thy on4thlinh• mutt, mat reformicaa can In given to -parties n.lng them. BPOUTINII AND ROOKINO, tlOll4Oll to In town or counir Hop.,lring done on ehorrnot or. Noct7ooul A CHANCE, Cll A 311'i 0 N C The perrop, rooldont of Ca who maitre the groutost n miter of pulttei lu ulna& tun, betwoon nquunii fourth July, ot my 1111ilurd kinlonu, bo ipreliontwl ,with ,nnantleorno Champion, pue.„. pin Coo Is now on -oililbltion ut ruy,llllllord ,Entr,,Maln et Inot. • " '• 'E BOWIE: 80mh7ltf F OR TIM storeroom, on' West Ilialtr atieot, and' nom occupied by baninol'Olnudy, is'for rant froin the, first of,Apoli next.. Apply ist 3,11111 OFVIOg, . • , NTOU Stuffsi'Poitu tharlea, ancl•Fallay• Artielea, at J: Mayer. atlek'c' Phynlelana. Treecrlptloner carefully cow. pounded at all' lima. ' • 7, IL. lIAVESSTIOIC, N 0.5 South Hanover streUt, Caritas Po ittoOtIO• • • , • • NP • =I =II BAIL.II,OAD ITETURNINO - .4.45 ....:19.40 • 5..23 F. C. ARMS; OEM =! SOUTHWARD CARLISLE, lA. Farmer,. Diamond Slato, JAMES bleliONitlAL, 80 South natiover plreot: Billiards CITY' ADVEIITTSEMEN2S. WALTHAM VATCHES. . extenstim ueo of these 'catkins (or the lest M, . , , oen Imre -.by railway conductor., engineers and exprosamen, the most ['acting of .vvatch-wearera, has thorougly denionstrated the iirength, steadiness,' durability and accuracy of the Waltham-Watch. To satiefi that Class In .all these rsapects; Is to, de 'nide the question os to the teal value of theca tints keepers. . ?lore that) 500,000 of — the'so'watches aro `not speaking for therashlresln the pockets Of the peopl —a proof n guaraiiteo - of - their. .suPerlority all others. . The superior organization mid great cstoat of tli Company's Worlo et Waltham, enables them it produce watchea nt nprice which renders- competi tins futile, and those hay any other watch merely pay from 25- to 50. per cent tivire for their NrittcLem than hi neemnry. ' These tlinelneces cornl hoe every hni,r„venient that a' long experience has proved of real practical use. Having had the refusal of nearly every Inven tion In watch-oinking originating in this country or In Europe, only those were finally adopted which severe testing by the must skillful artisans In our works, MO 011 ha part or the puldiefden, onstrated to he essentifil to menet nod enduring time-keeping. Among tin, many ImpromononM S monl , l p:n lit Tho invention and INC of a iiiintre•plulon of peen : liar conetruction, to provout damago to the train hr TheThrealoge of main-springi, la - original with the American Watch Company, whO, having had the re Marti if all other coptrlyancoe, adopted Fog g's pat ent pinion on being lid, heat nod fan Ilardoned and Wort red hair.springsoinw tinker sally admitted by Watch Makers to be tl, b. a .r, are used In all grades %Vali ham Watches. All Walthiiin Watcher, Imre duet proof emu!, le,. tooting the movement from tited, 114111 leseentng the neccesity of the freqUent cleaning iNeres.mry iu other watcher,. Oar new patent stem.witaler;td" Feyless watch is 'already a decided success, and a great Improvement o any atom-winding watch fit tho Afiterican mar. het, and by far the cheapest watch of its quality now offered to the public. To, those, living in portions of - the United States where Watchniakers do not abound, watches with the'above mentioned improvements which tend to insure accuracy, cleanliness, mu ability and convenience ' must prove invaluable. Tho trademarks of the various stylos made by the Company are as follows: • AmeticanlVatch Co.. Waltham Mass. American Watch Co., Waltlatin Mass. A IllerieMl Watch Co., Crescent street, W..1[111111, Mass. Appleton, Truer & , IVlSlthatn, Amerlrsn 1111i111 :AlllllllB strait, Waltham, K'nitl ll'ateltlVnlthnn• I'. P. Bartlett. Wu!Limn, Mann. - Win. Ellory, [lllllll, N111,:l., home %Vote], Co., Houton %poi, Exainine the r ' pelling or tiogo Till hul'.•rr I ilyinz A? y rnr.uli 01 i t. ter. 111111.0un n tun t.tot G•i. For two., by 11 . 11- SO I%m lun tnl ed by ho Company. An i 1110 , 1.1 ed bbiltd) 'i Il b.11,N.0 , in;;, lug mt. It tb•eful I birood widoli •I, ero tp MI% Nddrpny 011 Appllento Itl.ll aein•ral Ag , •uts lur dtnrrirn wily, Yew 161, h7/4t TAR. S. S. FITCH'S Family Physician UO pages;_ sent by mall Tree. Toadies how I core all threesns of the person; skin, hair, ,7e. complexion: Wrlto - to 714 Broallway, Now Pork. D UFE'S COLLEGE! The olden anal beet conducted Merkantil,. rolleg lo the country. For eirculern, write to DUFF & FON'S,l'lttnborgh, Ik Ilarpel'fi' };nitkn ut Dorn Pookkeeldng. 400 pp. The most compreltentive work publiedtod. Con t MDR Satlonal Think, Railroad Rikokkeol ing, BLOOMINGTON GLL.S NUTISERY Nineteenth Year. COO Acre, 13 Greenhouses. Largest. A xlortniet.t—all size!. Best Stork! 1.•,w prices! Would you know {What, Who°, How to Plant! Fruit, Shade, Evergreen TIN., Root Orafts, Seedlings, Osage Plants, Apple Seed, Early Rose Potatoes. Shrubs, Rosen, Greenhouse sod 'Harden Plants, Cc., he. Sower and Vegetable Seeds! Flo-e..t, Best locatiou—Sortd and Send 10 recta for New - Illustiated, O iierlptlvo Cataloopk-90 pages. rend stau.p, each, for Cabal goes of Sepdx, With plain directions-01 pages; Iteddiog 11114 i Gar den Plants-32 pages, and 11 hoi.,111.11: Price 1,1X,-8.1 .pages. F. K. IVENIN, Bloininkton, 110 n la. ' REEDS ! SEEDS ! arki,rflarieners wantrarg roof fOliiiPl, - F, , ,14, t.hototl buy of the growers. We grow thu Baum varieties of Beet, Cabb ugh, Cairo!, Sugar Corn, Kale Lotto. e, Stolun, Onion, Paronlp, lthdimh, Spinach _Sjontelk,:Tut 10: VI hti.rigeo List to a!lir fr,;e. IVAD - E'k. AIIM STRONG, See64l,a, IC!, 51 ark et street, Philattel phis, AGREAT OFFER.—Horace Waters, 481 Broadway, N. Y., will dispose of Otto ❑en Bred Melodeons, and Organs of s'x Bret-class makers, Including Waterre, at extremely low prices, for cash; during this mouth, or will tithetaken part cash and balmier. In monthly or quarterly i nitalluients. Q 5 TO $lO PER DAY.-3len, Women, c4Jßoys and Girls who engage in our new business make Irian sfr to $lO per dny in their own localities. Pull particulars and instructions taint freediy Those In need of perm/m.Oll, profitable wor , should addretant one. 1.11 , 101t011 STINSON & CO, Pon land, Maine. F "' s7 PER LINE, we will insert ndrorlleement ONE MONTE, hundred nod Fifty live Pennsylvania Newspaiiers, Including eleven dailies. We refer, to the publishes of this pripar,-to whoa; ur responsibillty Is well known. - - List sent freo. Address GEO. P. ROWELL k CO., Advertising Agents, N.. 4Q & 42 Pork Rye, New York. EMPLOYMENT POR ALL ph: ;AL lilt WEEK, 4N b EXP 7 NSES hell 4.11 r 1100 T 111/1i di I uvei.l,.m. At 1,111•141, • ft. SiV EET et Co, ‘Niurphal I, ISSC. !KU USE the "Vegetable Pulmuuaryßal xxw?' The old Fitnodurd remedy Cur'Comrlsi, Colds, Cobstin.ptloll/. •• Ntdidmr Letter. •• cum, tt BROS. k CO., Sturm,. To THE WORKING - CLASS.—We aro now iitoportol to huulxh all clashes with rot). rtant employ unlit nt home. the whole of the lime or fur the sp,4ro moments 111 enure new, light, and profitable P. rsons ither x ndly earn front (afe, to per evening end it pry) oftlonal .um by devoting their w lode lime I. the busk* s, Boys d girls earn neerly as Inneb a , nn•u. That nilllllll 8 MIN Wake nifty tend, doh eddretr, nod test tlie 1 wine's, nott,e :he unparakeled offer: TO 5.111 ns are hot well Nun a 111 ran d $1 In pity fur the treelik of al Fuli• partieulers, a vibe le tarufrK whirls will do to eondhenee w.rk on, and a copy of The I'mple's Le , Compittiwg—,loe 0 . 111 lorg4 sl he,l family ow p .por. all Fulnt flub by mull: Itesll.-r, If you moot Tornio bone, profit: 040 %oil: a J C. ALLEN & A uov., t WIII§KIiRS, HAIR or Moustitche. V. arm rrtl to p.m, on umn. or .1011111 ovr 17. In tm ellt,ollo days or inoneg Wooded. A,ltlre. E. 11. COLVIN. Ilatll-)'r Station, Id. PSYCLIOMAACY.—Any lady orhgen tl;lnnn 1 . 1111 1111Ik • mouth, secure tlit-ir owls Itupphos• toil lo to, entlohrtt, by °Molt log PSYCI 101BANCY, F SC N 1.,N, ttow,. C11:1101 ING. 4011 pig., ell,t 11. hn. itOtruct . ous twit, 0110 IT 0, it in,. II wain Is a urn, how to Mont. la-, Itervie Tr nth. BIM., Mediums, Divlun lens • , itlitituallsni, Alt:Benny, s phy °mom au d Br.tutt., Brighton Young'n, Ittirout, (Bade to Matrittge, Sr., all c ittalutt.H.Bl this II ok: Lou, , Otto bold; hrs.o I.y 14101 , lb 1•101 11 fI.2S, 1101por rat To $l. Noliet; poreoll Wlllll to net Ito ..gtott tt will receive a 6.ni to ropy tto :ociitk fret . 00 On cripital d,. dumb 0.1,1 goitool onlioluy• 11.41:1111on't1sond for But hook, ruck sing 10 routs Fur postage, toT. T. IV, EVANS A CO., 41 ;owl. hat strout;-rtilltulnlphlt, AvOIDQUACKS.—A victim 'of early indlirrrtl n, reusing 'norvinui pretun• taro dredy,,t , Lnr hid tried in veil, ovary hilVortked remedy J ill, n elinplo mien, of iedf Cert. whi. h liu will mend fro to hie thin,. .1. TUTTLE, 7S biro. t, Now York 16fe714t taIIEAT Medical Book and French NLA F , Serts tar tuttletr mud gents., tent (rector 2 btamo. Ilr•. Ittinattitrte 6 Cu, CfnettinntlOblo. J. E. calduiell ce jeiveters. :I'Q.A.LInELL S CO., ~ .1 E 1 x L t;, 902 CLIEBTNUT STI{Er,T, Having largdy Increased thjl. =9 dill n~n•t•iitl alt.entltilt to Ittrit otock SI LI??,lt I . I4ATE I) (;(,)666., comprothig, benl,llB thoir untoll Hue if Flui; of high grallep, a illoAcomplute utotortulelit of TAIILE_WAREB, PlgteVo - iift:thier?'-alfetal, abrid tixi,9l;4l Inifly P low pride. A full lino or 'WED ProoNst 04103 EMI TABLu,'.cui , Lnkr, - exiworely'un; to fortholi,rotlllea;and furnadiod In oluglo'dbronii or In complottraotr, pnt - up In Ittoo. wood and Walnut Costa, - , - All goods eold'on their own merits at fixed print, attached In plain dguras to cdch Metal-Iy'' • • • _ - HERIFF'S' SALES, —By virtue of sundry write of Venditioni' Ex vends • anil Fid .Thcias framed out of the Court of Common Pim of Cutaboriand county, and to mo directed, I will ex pose to publics sale, at the.' Cella Mouse, In the bor ough of. Catheter on . :Priday, Mg- seventh day :Al April, A:11; UHL et ,, adlt Oclock.a._m.,,the. folk! lug described real estate ' to - wlt A lot of ground nitunted In South Middleton town- 1 chip, Cumberland county, Pa, bounded on' the east" by ChrtrloaShearer and William B. Mullin, esq., on the - nortliand west by a private lane, on the south by Mat-titer Moore, containlng.l acre, more or less, hay-, inglhoreon. erected a one and . nhalf 'dory weather: boarded ilogito,__Stable aud-other-'-nut.buildings.- 'Seized and, taken In execution nv the property at William Windemakir. Alen, a lot of ground nituated jn thh boa ono, or Me. , , chaulethorg, Cumberland lotanty, in., bounded on the east by Market etreet ; on toe alma. by Kellar. street, eh the west by On alley, and on the south by, - Myers, con' ainlll2 35 feet in front 'ltllll - 170 feet In depth. more Or 1,.% II." leg thereon erected a two-story Brick Dwelling House, twustory Prattle Shell and other oubbuildlngit. Salted mat talcut in execution as the properly of G. L. Dulan y. Ab', a lot of ground militated In the beeough' ofAr rhnnlcsburg,-Cnmbcrland county, Va., boundel , the 1,1111 by Millirktret. On the east by Alexthtler Hoover, ontho arith)y in alloy, Mel tin the Went by Andrew Kreltzer,e tanning feet to front and 155 feet in depth, nem° tr In e s, having ther.on creme] a three-story Brielt Home, FrameStablo, &c. :Saxe and taken In exemal )0 as the property_ of '.l . - Stansbury. -- AlBo, the midi, Hod len-rest in a I t of ground situated in thd borough of Crrlit,b, Curit,e' land' eauntY, Pa 9ianid.l oit-tbe south by an alley, on the east by St. J. McPherson, unripe nerti, by 3liirga. rot Edwin da, and on the went toy Stony Johnson, containing LO fe tin fr. of by 120 foot in depth, more or loss, having thereon erected 2 one and adorlf•dory Loif.end_Pinktmed DwoLling-Uousus,_and_rdber- 4 ut-- suildlnge. Seized and taken in ex oentlott - as the property of Wu,, J. Cameron. - . . Also, n lot of ground situated In the borough of Carlisle, Cumbsrland county, Pa., boundr4eo the north by John II l.reduricks, on the oast bytti hi t on tho by-Elimbeth Moore, and on the st by North Hanover atreet,•eontaltang 29 fort in front by 240 feet In depth, tumor loss, havlnk - thereonereeir d a two-story Brick Dwelling aid Frame Illacbine Shop. Soloed ornd tram in erre talon as (het roperty of Trerss B. Morrison. . . Aloe, a lot of Ripon I situate. In the borough fit New Cuothoriond, Cumberlendlintlity, Pll i bounded l/ or. the north by nn alley, on 'ire east by an alley, on the south by Bridges stree t nod on the west by Willi ll.,Drayer, vontainhig - 10 fret in front b,) 150 feet In depth, more or Inse. h leg thereon erected a two-story Frame Dwelling Bonie, Frame-Stable and other out-buildingn. - All., diet of ground mitusted in the borough of New Cumlierliind, Cumberland noun ty, l's., on Market street, Trmniled on the milli be Market street, on the rout by Henry Musser, .op the south by Iltorry Redman, anti on thy west by an alley, containing 22 feet in front by 150 feet In depth, more or less, having thereon erected a threenitory Brick Dwelling House nod other out-building,. Faso] and taken Ijt execution no, property of Samuel W. Shopp. . Alen, I. lot of grccJJddud situated In the botnotgli of Carlisle, Curieberland county, Pa., situated on Beim 11 street, hounded Oil the neat by_D.rblrklin,..on_the_ math ITT3liii. Welsh, on the north by Maria Strlug fellow, nail on the ea r l by:l3edforil atreet,. °tannin rig 16 feet iu lion( by 100 feet in depth, more or less, having thereat] II reed a ono and aihrtlf story Prairie Dwelling 11..nse wolli kitehen. 0' heed nod [lkon in exenntioa as the property of tiltilittl i t )'CCU, Nil, er. 'Also, a lot or g mind 'ritual .1 in th • la.: °ugh of Cali to Comb. riamti c i ttllllll. Pa., il: mote oo Chaidd , alley, r minded on too north r y l'lrtpol alky'or th e ', t at t.) I, •1 Sit i n et..E.,w. and nn ill , 11 , 11, il . \ 11/01, yi. • WI orin•r prope rho or the .er , .1,, , . mil o ta i . : 0 , It m,1,-rm y , ittl i t ttf Witt tic t• titti 1 Ciillill 111. g 3 1 17 . 01 ill I • 11l itt I lilt iv., to li c it i t i. tt c m- lons be, mg, li tip- e , mt I I e . ii a mot- a II a h.. 11-.. mt, Flamm. 11 ,, u5-.S, .1 a n d take,. ill 1. ).1,111i./.1 .MI ili• property or itoi res t ‘icCni.P., , 41... Al 182 Brom • Men• 1.10( ni eiound haunted in the has nosh 0. Cordele, thuntorhind r , nil United 410 Cluipol Alley, en tie. totiiilly 1410 r property 0111 eilefenriatit, on the teeth by Luther llyers and other property of the 'defendant, nod on the cent by other pr , Inert)' the defendant, containing 30 feet in front by 120 feet le depth, more or Lv having thereon erected In LllO and athalf.story Frame Dwelling House. Btixul and taken in execution att the propeity et ItGliort hey, or. And all to be told he ,I, K. 11,1111131 AN. her 011 lee, Car I March 13, 18Z1. - - - Conditions —On all nal., or ;An or "ler, $5O Will Le required to he paid when the propel, Ii nil kloqt alr: out! $25 on all salt, under faoo. Stova, Tin ll'arC and Pumps G RAND OPENING RIIINEBIIITII & RUPP, NO. (32 AND 64 NORTH HANOVER STREET, TIN .4N I) SKEET IRON WORK ER Cook, Parlor, oad every variety of jIEATING STOVES lire eubecrllers. having recently erected n•cominu dluus More room, adjoining their old stand, affording hue( p age zuvE r iqopex,44 0 fuinith their ieirrilna alai the public - generally with every m lirlo in their line, on the moat accomnio. flitting Noma - With a large and veried I.,oltulent, which additions are - colistantlj made, they reel confident that in qualify and price they are nin•al of all competition. PARLOR STOVES, - COOK STOVES, This depsatinunt of their stock is, unexcelled for itrileitic design, superior finish, soil simplicity of arrangement, among Y., high may le menthoted tlw SUNNY SIDE FIDE PLACE HEATED US NV SIDE DOC lILE ON EN CO M BAB LEY SH EA 1 , , NOBLE COOK. I.lli vith n lariety "t ether 0,4; Stl,Cel Men known f.,r - of all I:indx,i nrl uding the eelebra d BASE BURNERS,' If you want an Ornamental Stove, If you want an Economical Stove, If you want a Powerful Heating Stove, If you want a Perpetual Fire Keeping Stove, call nod exiiinliit 011 r who, yiji, mill Hod line RIENTAL HOT BLAST, 1,1111 ri.verFible ti ar..l "Iv ORIENTAL 1 . .11:Loy lIEATEit, =9 BASE BURNERS, I'AIIIAIIt A II OFFICL $:Ol'l.S --Aho- SDEET'IItO'N AND TIN WAI:1 Plu Li nwl .10,trinr . 11, Inclut Toilet Witte, Cash aalleed Boxes, Bread, Cake, aod Sugar Boxes, _ Spoons of all kinds, " Ladles, Lanterns, Coal-Buckets, • Enameled and Plain Hollow Wave, Wrought Lou Pin s, tt o off Tong., Cool nog Floor rievee Fof hot lhos4 Kull es, ehilt. Joni, to. , 0111brile og, n largo awl row olete nortmeot to el left tee Ins its list Retro I is ut Loy r, We nee kot pi, pored 1J funs nh Pumps fur Cisterns nurl Deep Wells, nul hal e for POO the ei.h.lirWel CIALTALREit MOOD tli • , Ay liralott,l F.e.11,9• 111111 FIII.EI , ItICK AND SOIL rruyES , 11001 , 11MITEIN(1, ANI4IIIIVORIC- Upwind to prot.j, ly and on renttonallo terinel Ur Old, Stores taken tit exchange . , . Thankful for tho putwnago . herol,uf to be. furred on on 'Wu lotttettilltu i , hp lherottou I oth.rts, to ntr:t it contlunauce of it,,,nd WI , Ito 1.. cull and to antlitu for thettotti vox. .6 RUPP,- ' Nos. 02 and 04,,. NORTH lIANOVER STREET • • cAnmsll, Price List'oY retittif • yolllq T l LIST' PUIIN,IIItHED P.A. A 3 C Y .I'o .7'.11 Y. ifo Ito - co On hand filo !argon and Log aeloction of Fancy.l'oultry lobe found In tho country. 11'n will cull eggs of thu following brued3 this cannot: Dark. Brahma, from It. ll'. 11410, Strain, Ireland, Eggs per doze n Si: OJ Light Brigium cbcha, weighing 12th, , • at tratinrity 1 00 3 00 liondrirt., Wout.tir4 White Paced, Black Spankit, Haus • . from on imported cock Silvered Spangled litonburge ~ White Leghorn& 'Yellow Legged , ' (Roden Pheasant, Silver Pheasant, Mack it ' eti 2 14..0 0 ()(° D I • fled Games, White anti Bieck Bat -___. thr tome Imported White lateenParis• 1 00 Idtteleer Drasililan Duck" .... . ‘,..' ..: .... 2 20 noun Duck • rt 40 . Bronze Turkey ' 's'oo The photo named varieties contact of imported, .promium, nod carefully ticketed fewisafter using the utmost. rare 'mu keeping the breed. 'separate the year through, wi, feel confident of giving our patrour ,perfect saticiaction, those interested itiPallay•Poul try, aro respectfully Melted to call and'coe forrltenr%. soI L.IDLEN, k . Egge.,cfirolUlly lnekod•nod delliered ..exp,res For further yertirulanq and all 0nt0..., , • Addrom 1/, 111.1(A1tN8,' , r • S. 11A1Clilt, Box 23, Dleehotkirshurg,-Pe: , • • t). • Allen, Pr 13., " 2 afu7l3ut = 1111= and dealers i❑ •: NUVE)TV l'Alt Loll COOK STOVE, = NATIONAL laNtlp AND M.lli ll' 1.1. d Knives and Pork Yetiptable Hair Renezve; *ALL% VEGETABLE SICILIAN H A PR AVE N E E tt Restores Is the ooly allp prep , red din paratiou of II Gray kind ~..,,.-, . : a r.ir: . :..1. .t 011,,: .. j ,,,,,..1.'i 1 c: II zy: !lair Anw 6o , ennsiuntl:.ietly'lndy...: It) it.. t••• (iray 1 . 1 r.lnr. d It! It, MEM ,rl. I y ont 14 fill elm ft;st 67i1 Original ll.Joey, , oliielt • 14 ,lo Jil orb JOltoire.Jl ISSE by JCL I'er. , l, , ,lulit ' ose hair f. thiti PrOMWS, .r 1.4,1 mr I:l,f , iVer,- ,110, od II• tonic it Cfrort tit tig propel tine thu Itn!r. glitoos and 6 a I e nti , l Iler 111:h gio, thlch ud atroug rgain . Li elFeit of Bald Splendid now it Mt: 11 11.0 ypoWth ' milesq the foll:eleA are -detttoye,ll. Try one It to entaing, .nlltt3u nu Itching nod irrt'athatot the evalp. It do“ Bottle not elain tho el in es do tip e, but de& Thicken As 11 Aressir g It iet the Lee.ynrl nice t ecolioln irnl preparsdlen In tlie world IMIE ay it, kilt c•s last x. • muck I.•nger. ME 1;113 Locks! 111111111EMI ,qldl by 1 , 11 thlwgilis mot Maltz.; in ifelleine Price One Dollar Per Bottle R : P . 11. ALL & C 0., Proprietors LA I:ORATORY, NASHUA, N. II 3A. 11417,EARSTICI.AgPli!, CART.IST,F, 'PA 2' t1i670 ly 'Carlisle Machine Wewks nAIIDNEIt ,kr.ro 071 It I,ISLE CI.I E 012 S 111=1111 Itettpi ng t:;eetling ! Threshing! THE_CUMBERLAND VALLEY THRESHER AND SEPARATOR We offer this new Thresher and Eepanator. (Cash, k Co's Patent,) to the farmers of Cumberlend and adjoining counties; es fully equal, If not superior, to tiny machine now manufactured. It Inc the great edvantage of being plain and simple in conetruetleil. It tea 111= ERFEt E I' A BATOR AND rf. EANER In wing it the'farmer will I,e sure of 111Shitr. the 111. SC he 1 1 0.411.11ye110 nut of hie (Top. because It =1 bid .1V4.9 all (lint gore through the nmolilneottel repaiLt•en entirely the chaff from the straw. It 1. an easy running ntachine,_ttnt gill do DR not iltnrothrhly. Tnis we itatarantee. It it at the loam. time the obeapett maohine in the market. 11011 - 51.:1. - 6 IriflC, 6.:. ohich o furnish to run t 1 Chtuberlaml viaiey Th reshor is also new and entirely tlifferentin eon. taroetion from what we hare heretofore built, Fein, tna mmeh greater lower _apsed wlthlighter_ _ 'Tee r- foity horsaiirtly 15.4MMUIrel, -- whero tunny other mad:hints require nix end eltrbt hors,. The Cumberland Valley,ThreHlier and Cleaner we, tried on t he grounds of tiro Cumberland County Ag ricultural Society at the Fair of 1870, a largo crowd of farmers being present to valetas its operation. The trail was completely successful, and-the machine proved its ability to, thresh, clean, and separate grain in the most satisfactory manner. All who witnessed the trial expressed their approval in tho warmest terms. The Committee on Agricultural Implements also gave the machine a special notice In their report, strongly recommending it., The Cumberland Valley Thresher and Separator ha's chic been recently used by Col. Wiliam M. Henderson, at his farm near Citable, in threshing mid cleaning a largo crop. So fully Is lifhatisfled of its great mer its that ho allows us to melds name as - a reference. Farmers who wish (Miller and fuller particulars ee to the Working qualities of this new machine are therefore respectful. y referred to Col. Henderson, one of the most widely known farmers of Combat= laud county. Thu Cuniberland Valley Thresher will always he well and enbatantially built, of tho beat material, solidly framed In every part, and presenting a hand- FlllllO Colonial appearance. Price of machine, with 10 Inch cylinder, without wagon. • A great advantage of this machine is that It .can be readily repaired at any good shop without trouble. TIIL G UMBERLAND VALLEY PATENT SELF EIZEM MOWER AND REAPER will also build this new machine, with changes and Improvements, fully remedying the defects and salt points of tilCle built lost .119011. Our aim in to supply farmers with a good home-made machine, which, if not superior In all respects to Ow, brought from a dktance, will nevertheless prove in all essen tial a good nail reliable harvester. All we tpdi for it is a fair trial. The ll'illovglebij Patent G SPRING GRAIN DRILL Wwbuild this well known Grairi Drill now, with or without gonna Attachment, and the thoeele in ttraight or zigzag rime, Just an the farmer prefers. We row have, also, a vow and improved plan at allaciting the gum tubes; for whirl, wo hive old/lined Letters Mama, which, with other improvementa, makes the Willoughby the mold complete and v., feet In ill manufactured lu the Always on hand a full lino of 1 G R It AL r.irrt Eli I: A' r.f both of unr own manufact ore and Irmo miter estato 11•11monts, kto hiding emy mottilermcinne no d by the . fernt•m. Wu mar enuntorato Ilayejtakee, old fashioned '1 hrtaltio h and ller•e tamers, Sheller•, of h Welt we have three kinds, and (he Mlle• ellt roomon (Own Sheller's, Fodder Cotters, floor Mills, and other !lel ivies ton nuttier°ua to sto oily. (tram, taken fir till kinthr of • , • 1-11 q N CY It Ii • n nuri.xt v r milvo Footolry and Machine Shops, amt for II U I I.UI N AI A T n A' t of every ilonorlptlon In ~ ur Thor Anil Fa,- PACiUIy A full Vtorlt of tie E S. EA SON 11 1 1: h It, almtys' Pit:ll.l4lg, Le to II I id] m•th to promptly. at the lowt4...priLed. builder, awl name faet ure re are 11111161 to giro 114 it Call Auld tel. 011erndittieS Tor turning out good work. . •.• F. (IA ItyNElt & co "tij Ltrl t William Brady's Ad,, CiO:ODS! irzL ~t4.x..zu4 393''M Ait 14:1 , iITR NW: liAltiiismilto," l Ilex Just returned from New York with flw lortrort stork of llolit4 Nootlx ever Frought to thin city rotriett.ing in part ui , % t o , . 110LIDAY. AND BRIDAL SILVER, ~ i egnnot do tni t iu tool ukin, fronn line (holm an Monifocuntios Comptily: BEAITTIFUL, PLATED WARE, T:n Sets, trlll, Cake mid Fruit Baskeks Catqats, Picklv and 'Criery $1411 , i11, •••• Soup_ Tuettel;it t tylne St.;ll;ltt, - etr. ote. 'fable Cutlery of elegtht . 1,04101 owl II tch , l o u t the celebrated manulaottry or Ilttrotott Jiro" how son, Slutlllo4, wltlt lentil Vqr.y!llltt plated Ittt.rles. OUR FANCY GOODS riEVAIA'NIFI'N'II , ihnlte ens the following on Voles; laillo.,"•Elegaut .llundk.rclilut .C 4804 Mitt Wove Douro 1 . nilonro-11 tleoll lint toile e, Toilet N. IVritit4( D d,. l J un•l • Stands . blur CI11“, Luxe., nrd • uceivnrt F. 90( ct and &mini' .11 , 044 I.catlier,Eilk, B , lln etc., etc., L cl.tes, SIAM, itd, Conti e, In ete., olical• .11 oleo, 0/ . 1)114,0r m.L to 110 airs, said nitlt Dalt and .Mando Imoltit lintut;t: - Clucks, In. (hit, 144115 a maid lisi.cal.l3tnkoo • ' Clurlt •, eig.tr Stuuld,. Cigar, Caeca, lolintutkil arc t (Sliver mid ed), Parlor therummet re. , Ften,li '- Mutiny Purees ;inn l Pocket Books and u giont vaticte of ever) In my line.,. Cali and examlim itiru grand sissortinunt. .‘. , , - - • AVILLIA.iI. 111t.thY, ri 3)2 311k,ut gt trout, Hai EEO Emp . loyment . , ll.s . hiPr,OYM'ENT, nlmg4r,, Youn g _. Meu Clulstiiu_ Assippia9M,- Qice:l23,Suallo. Beiwoollobest'i)ut and Walnnt; • . , . „. . • • • ir,tCht NI:11 tiAllre•labor'or 'nuy , kifid, WO , 'toot toll us Juq, the help ',Yonll•Ard. The srskes; 3o brill "poi. brst r 'aw.l cl4hpent yrny to react 'jour ,pleco; ofialf for front .Vlsilidotpldn, you r calcines, lindiOrd foris ' N'o Sr id do our bi4d t i rerro :you and glo yOu all thu Illrornitdioilre.thn i i : 1011 , T; t' ; 'she, pertion WI , • Fowl, 'id to . ash'st 'the :vordby' nr , visio ri!orgesro •• ' '' , Sup'Llortdbyturnt'llureou; . • • , • ' i^ /23 South ' Seventh sure[, Phird: 3010671 ff . - ina /_;iCi 1. 'L,'G:I 11=CE