0 1 Cheap, John's Consmand!neate CEUL&P TEN 'QOMMI►•ND-MNNTS 1 I. I am Obeap,, Jail; whe keeps enik - M the Praialln Iloose, tebind ths Goat Muse. 11. Thou ■halt buy at no other places tad at Muir Jobs's. 111. Thou Walt not commit Vie groat *nor to go to some other Otto to buy. V. Thou shalt not go to any other place no pay two prloss, for I am a to: Cheap John, vatohingtion from the art Eloise 'Monk. I show saeroy to the poor man in giving him b►rglul. Remember I don't sell on a Sab bath 4q- Honer ChesAJOhn, for he is the tmliscssr 'frogged binamtly. EIS I have clothing. I have Boots ssa 5t...... CHE I have bats and Notions. tke_ only Choap Jolla in aerials ealling ay goods Yi per' cent cheaper them any otter star. PRiNICLIN HOUSE, i fieliSlT LIPIIBI2 AVRN Uli (Behind the Court Houu,) CAILLISLI6 PA., Tow WILL BET /OWN'S PION I=B Oaths and Furnishing Goods THY, BIST, and decidedly the largest stoak of FALL AND WINTER. GOODS, la emliele, for Ildua's, Youths', and lloya. wear, to'bo hosed at *sold aud popular Imre of ISAAC LIVII3GiiTON A 2 liorth.llaitevor Street, whore you eau j 4 the let at progaahluos of Ur* yeas ant Azoniesa ieuraratotuta. CL'OTHI of smory dowrliAlum •••1 quality, ..d stil thk mei°. pova?,r sad Ittekl•aultle sikollkot. OVER-COA.TINGg TLlllr{n.t 1./weLll.l4{•ver diApin)../ Cansimerns in 011A14001 vailuty Tweeds, ativate, ♦ eplenai4 laud! et ♦usU l■ bouts's* stook liswalrakado Gkithlag, of oar own anaoliotaro, oqul b pionoato mode to order: 'Noah sweatband el aentlentola's Feritisking Gooi =I I=l2l C.an.ttlrav %net &II be Ova of a ' 'We axis 4•Wrialea4 W imHl atteaparlhau nu) , Hewn 14 MVO. NUAC.I.LVINGISTON, NU North Xerrover Street. Corlfola. lotted 1147 I= Nowthorg .Pactfte fl R Canpasty 13.) NEW'7.lld GOLD hOKII Oirtl PROVTA MM. I Malt tNENTI - J 1 Y CaOKl3-i-Co. you BATA /4 , rie A7lll A 0011111216 1721/Mine Illt lengsr NozreAllr.LANß 61A7T 'OLD .8010'18 OP INN .s ifforthern Nap .Raitroal Company Three heads are seamed; *at, by a limb Mortgage ea the.l4.llrered !belt, tletmlUiondeetc, sad all equip. meals went, by • lint Mortgage '•i „lur entlre Laid Ildraitt;telag more titan Treaty Two Theastial ' berm of Iddid ter moll mile rer The bud) are hoe farm Voltatt Plata Tax; 2riselpal sad laterest are payable lie gold—the Prlseipal at oh. end all:day years, and tla Tater pt Illaielbaltrially,, at the rate of loved TnEl* Tonal FAMOUS per 111101111. MO,' are issued Ie denominations it $lOO, $OOO, UMW, 11/6.01110 and $1.0,000. • the Tristram ander the Mortgage are Matra. " Cents Philatelphls. aad J. Edkar_ptrahm . • Prealdeat - of Moats Central it &Urea Cealittellt - - .• 'Themberthara Taolle 7.90 kande +Mit all this. before - mititrllj, 46' r•otrivahle or Tut Psa Clear 211111111/11 Orr 1,10). In °mamas° Per. the Catapsay . • • , • lin& at Mel, !street murk pria. „, litaddlilea M that iiktrolate eaftrtY;olleee Endo • yield an lihreselarpnr, Ira. believe, MAN Ray other voirtbl. •Ptir•••• g United Biala .. Nitre re; by vathei al Mai • l•te Northern Pea, •• ' "Sao 1••••• )Jamie Mama me.Mr4dead et 1. ,Jute a pallinly reliable latratineet. 101ff . WO ,0111 T TOIRM —Pear seared back it Neater ' Pill bapplyktlir• Dead+ •la say desired, soieuat; aad *tsar treedtd dearesslastleu. Pavony "“--- • vbildsm lo iisobslllSylperks or ether hen& ter thee.; at" der II with any • eardlgoule, who will elbow the • bllttet lisnatt irk Mr net. RANIPTAISLI lINITA{IIO3, , Thera Rehm irchtealltlea tomato ram Planks. may Had mesey, or ether bead., dlrettly to ae by .Mpreal, sad we will mad bask Northern keillte Benda at ear - awn sick, and .trithent wet to - the layeeter. gather laterseallen.pamptileth, leapt,itto, aall en or adlr,m the iidereigned, er any, Or the Pan). ur &labors employed On all Okla Lam. , •,• *foe hy Wm. Palnior a Co., lankare, Philadelr pitt, ap his fur Baden Perea; and Car:lele Derail - • k • Parikatre' lank, and Etat NationalLcinh, j 01.71 bra • "Dlv - Goods - and Carpecs. S PRING, 1871 D A. SAW D. A4A,NyiIU; , 44' 1 !, ?ekvilrivi D. A. SAWYER Mock of goods , SAWYiLE. D. A. SAWYER ettlMble for - SAWYER D. A. SAWYER tho emeon. Ilatlakt SAWYER D. A. SAWYER Jae rotorooll from SAWYER D. A. SAWYER the Eastern murk- SAWYER D. A. SAWYER eta, we aro noir :BASTVIut D. A. SAWYER '— proparoete . SAWYER D. A. SAWYER • offer SAWYER -D. A. SAWYER bargilus et onboard of • SAWYER IA.A. SAWYER low price.. A choice SAWYER A. SAWYER lot of prin SAWYER D. A. flAiViEll . gingham SAWYER D. A. 81191">!R and drat% SAWYER D.A. BAWYntt goods. A nape. SAWYER D. A. 11AWYEIR Igor brand of MAWTHIt D. A. SAWYER Dlaelt Alpaccas, wbich k .,l3A.WYßlt D. • . 15A1171111. for price, quality; lea• BAWYIIII. D. A. BAIVYJiIt tro mud wear csnocii SAWYBIt D. A. SAWYRit D. A. HAWY2M D. A. SAWYDR lmplng goods BAWYBR D. A. SAWYDR eery low. Cheap . SAWYER D. A. SAltiLlt Table linens and tow- NAVY= D. A. SAWYER plc Great bargains SAWYER D. A. SAWYER in Ma/wilier SAWYER D. A. SAWYER Quilts. A choice 1 t SAWYER D. A. SAWYER of Hamburg edg- SAWYER D. A. SAWYER Ingo very SAWYSD. 11. A. SAWYER low. A ;superior lot SA WYER D. A. SAWYER of Laces and Lace SAWYER D. A. SAWYER, Collard, Rand- SAWYER D. A. SAWYER herald**, ke. sewrEn D. A. SAWYER Cheap Linen SAWYER D. A. SAWYER . ' Gandker-' ' SAWYER D. A.SAWYER ; SAWYER D: A. SAWYER . Latest ' SAWYER D. A. SAWYER style* lines SAWYER D. A. SAWYER bonen and SAWYER. D. A. SAWYER ruffs. Cheap IIe• • SAWYER D. A. SAWYER.. story, A Splendid SAWYER. D. A. SAWYER ecleetion of men's and SAWYER D. /I. SAWYER boy.' vicar; Bvseybody SAWYER D. A. BAWYBIt. mil and examine Err SAWYER D.'A. SAWYER. yonnelf, and are . SAWYER D. A. SAWYER money. SAWYER SmllTl • BARGAINS! - BARGAINS I IN DRY GOODS, FIIORI OGILB1"S CHEAP CASE STORE Nov evealair, a erceud eurply of the ultunptett Nell Rad Winter (loud. brostrkt t • Carlisle Ole .0.0 • A large niaantestuet of Ladle.' Drtmem ttemle le ext., y variety. ClOtittlt CAtssitHeres, BLANKETS' AND FLANNELS, very cliap wells-TE.OOi CLIMI allmlors Gingham, de. at the Tory lowest notch. Holler). Gloves, Undo,Mktg, d 9, elimiper than over. Table lA•ens, Toweling, and Napkins. All kinds efallotisns, Threads, Tarns, Braids, Shirt .Collars„Leallas' Balmoral skirts dm de l• endless Prpeelarbargalns In look Alpacas, of a new make, and splendid quality. FtMS! - FURS! VERA! Au eutir• now let of Fara. Brant Lerigua, hael•g no old anus. Parahaaara oar beyond on gettlez • new and °hasp artlela. Purahasora are earnutly requested ta van and ax auittie lay stpok of now r aois, Rad satisfy thatatelv.a. 1 , I• trouble to show anode at tho Mean Cash Sten e xe. 47 WENT MAIN lITItEILT, CARLIBLE 132183 DECLINE! IN GOLD! COILIII9PONDIN4 Ni.:41.1N11 IN ISOODB! Dr Quin, us exolteuront Is Ilan y donde •eryniurked decline in prinue ef DRESS GOODS, Sllke, )elaiaiw, Nerlaeee, Alrucoun, PopHI., Sorigm, Mad a largo ♦arloty,- rumprluiag nearly every thing la thh Hsu of geed. STAPLE GOODS Ylassels, Tnta Olaghanne,lllaminta.,o•itunad.., Keata.ky Jean., CLOTHS and OAII9II'I BItHIVEJnen sad Co:tam 'Fa •le Marv., Sinrti ma*, etnn,na. WHITE GOODS Swim, :Wm sk, emibrlus, Jmesets, !Ismsli Cursbris u.d r Klw Mg xkn and Is sie4-11,igo ITOSIERY,. GLOVES, Trltatuing , t, Ist gro.tt ittritoy. 1.161,,t4, bottl titutlity, alb owl tinutitlittti. FANCY G(X)DS of . oreal umuy .tylo , II IA .11 'tory cheap Ladies' Under Clothing, very kmalsomely mndenmd trimmed. Abe Okeviptis, CARPETS, OIL CLOTFIS, Nisd•w Shade., Qsllt•, Coantor• 'ask, esl tos•ygood• sot tsou•eod Mr WIAM! u/ • W. olds ►nee tka burial and blot •took of Dry Dilods hi Ilk ',lariat. the Stat.', and will . all at tae► price• so wit saidaltrall that ttd• la the plat. to Rat prod bar{plt•. Plumbing, Gas Pitting, tee. DEMEME JAIIE9 CAMPBELL. W. V. lIENITOOD pLumBING I, - i T4i,p n AND- STEAJA At 16 Netra llitimar Strad, BTTLL AT 13USINRS81 The oullarelpiell are row folly p °pared to altootl to tM. beelawo to all I . * dlllkroat locattelto, ale* keep •newotiy en hand avid • WATRIt CLODNYA, II DM 11111,1 k WATER OLDS AD!, BATE( TUBS, • WA ME CLOSETS, B YIII. TO WATER CIA ;SETS DATA TIPS, , WASH DAMNS, HYDRANTS, LIR aNd Tertm Clutvras, ' '- Lld awl Dorset CAatOrsv, wed D•.p Wall Pantile, Lapel, , erra G.Pa aid Deep Well Pump., Lead, Terra Cotta and Tram Plpo. Molar, Topa asA rim., p4s,pipz,Aprp ,FIXTURES (Hide), and all kinds of Broos'Werk for 'tease and water oonstantly" on head, or foraleitsd to on' •r. wollimis, Churches, Vseterles sad other buildle,.• town or country, fitted up with neatness and die. .pateh... ALL work.worrantod.,._ Thankild thr,publio patrol:mm.lra hop' by•tt altoutlei tobusinei• to tuorlt a continuous of th. ooze. 'l'.rals reasonablo, It moth's' bat oft tr al to ...sato yang meeting. 111,0 n• seal: Don't fo a • tbo plai. ! ft • it, North Hanover street, to bh. of tDpo'• now building, All ,ord•to 101 l n , th ,reoldene •d either cumpilicy, oi, 8, ta•attY Aloy he prompt y •etteade ta• '•reatt;o„Ceratettell: , Aletarkilor's Pitt etr , et,34' Nltttetn popmrNel,Bouthjitidet, Abby, %Teat. • ileyliet" !mortal ;drantegett, Ira ,are prepared to , COPPER, WORM ' op: ALL DELICBIPTI4NO, ,;• nooses and okhor perposes, at bona or at a. .00Pplatt PUT. forieleled to oreior, fltbordraWo or brazed. ' . • 13AW SR bo excialiml MEM Our hon.. Sattinote, and Jeans, ne.unotpuly low CH alt LEA 01; ILBI 'qrsitn k Ce cAluAsim. NMI e st I Grpcerlpf, F:a?ntly Flour, tee FRESH tiROOkRIB6 is. 7' • 1;Y FRESELGRoqgaigal! Always tole bAd at tba CBEAP STORE, . No., 88 Bad P.omfrilt Stree. . . . . And why are Jliey.nlways fresh / Because wo sell a groat amount of them, and sell them low. There. dere. turn our stock of ea, and comequentlY out , goads must bafroeh. You will dud everything you wish to the way of Groceries, . . • Queeneware, . • • , • Olemware, Willow and , Codarwero„, Stone and . Crockeryware, - .Chnico Came, Dried Beef, , . Bologna; . . Bear; Biscuits and Craeksrs of every description. Plokled, Spiced end' - Fresh 0,1 00.11. Sardines, - English ' , mktg.,: Lama Byrum As., and no end to NOTIONS. It is useless to mention thorn, *moo and eso forsook', solves; an 4 wants If It don't 'tuft you to tame, send year children, as the,y will be dealt with the same we no If you •sro here yourself. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE takon:la exclatigo for goods, Sr •nd. GEO. B. HOFFMAN'S BONS, •4 No.. 88 Meet Potpfket Street, lOgep7o 4 . 0.5411 i. PA J'T M. MA.BpNHEIMER, • DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, FINE QUALITY OF TEAL PURE SPICIES,„, Queer,4tware, Glassware, Stoneware, Weeden nd ,„ 171liottneare wad !quoins rg , F A IL Y FLOUR, SALT AND FIBN ALL Krates or COUNTRY PRODUOIC BOUGHT AND BOLD seimawsvir eauxm PITT AND P.)DIVRET STREAMS 10thretti . Stoves and Tinware NEAP STOVE AND TINWARE ESTABLISHMENT! The partn•rehly. heretofore •xleting bra.. Walker h Mandy la•vlng been dleero.ved by melee consent. I hereby anemone. tett. eltleeneefenrliel and sorrenertlegron•try, Ant hers eprenoe a tnx 3101'11 ADD TINITAItII MTORR. lo the 'Arco Creme ballJing, ee the *loser of If eel Ilighlrod - Weetletrootai formerly -oecopted-by - Coreo- Iltie & Bosh !laving o ln•ge sad oomplete stook of Btoveoriod Tinware o hoed seleeted with tho greatest oere, ex prsely for th is market, my eastoziere ere amnia. teed reittletii.tion, both oc ragorile qmlity end price, f3II . IiKTMON - A74D TIN WARN congas fly en band and windy •p to order. My atock - nf 'tinware embraceei ever)tblap nnn ally kept In n Rrat>alnre tin fertablistiment. ficafing and /panting pronptly attended te. STOY ES I STOVIIS I I STOT RS I ! I MIR mew prepared to exhibit to the Winter Trade ailargeLand well-ifesorted Mott of the bent petterne Of Steen: the itenriyiirthe following ',rated etrovea. I ern prepared to turnieh them to por• ties no drierirldg: Morning Glory, Light House, Ban-Ton, Rosebud, Beaoop Light, Egg, BTOVES Hie ...lewd... of Orek MN" , v atil•r•K•u•a IF • I.tl. l•g: Superior, Noble Cook,. Exeeklior, Niagara Quaker City, and Coral. Stote Repairs Cenliantly em Hanel uirrint am PATENT STEAM PIPE fur beetles aulllo, tooterlre, &a., .ad prepared te fur •Lsh and pia. Int ein 4 pealllea at ehert settee. Having an •xperlea. of Yr y•ara 1. tido haalueu. -I would roaprelnlly a shore of th , publle patronage, frallag oesteeal that I will give ladle- Caution. Idoeffilv A. Wrd)DS 'l'oVit ANT) 'IV Ar. r. N 4 1 ) 0 11 I 1 7 M The u■aerda■•'g wenin radite-tally °lnmate IA Ow lele and vicinity, that be elall euiricei e■ the ABU TIANYAItE fIUPI3IS'B, In ull Ile 'erten , hrsaoh.n. flu has secu:vel lbe Agency Per the INglevolnz cepoluroAeses: Parlor and Office Fterce, Morning Glory, Morning, Light, Parlor Heater, Parlor,Ligitt, to ether with • vilely of COOK STOW ISIS Combination dam Burner, Hui eka, _ . Ngulutor, Niagara, Heaters, Ranges, and Fireboard Stores, wkloh bolo Prepared to fitrilott at tine lowest ulorkk trees. Stove tic, tiring promptly attlinded b. floating, Pponthag, and Jobbing caocnted In the m.nt, mum• factory manor, • TIIV WA'RE , . .. • ' , . . i • . Of every Ae oriptlen trteattUttly ea htell,`,ede tll _ . craw, et rectum able piens. - Mottles nous but experienced werktuita coploitsi, ke hope* by A Cost . &Mention to buster.. to secure ' tbi pubile petroesti.' •'i ' ' ' ' Neutemiter the platy; i,. . , , NO. 18 WPM MAIN STAMM ISAMIRIL x. aLAUDT E=Bll2ll lIIATS AND CAP& U T a OALLIO, • No. 29, W/IOT MAIN 5 • CARLISLE, PENNA., The Sinn of Carlielol " Tho II AT rE It of Corps". I I _The. latostAty looiTit,P-1 0 64• 1 14 h The Meet etyleielwiiye on h.idl 1 lioth the best 3atiutbetu'rel9.l 7 AMON/MLR HATE Juot out I I I J. G. OALLIO w lobos to toll olloatiott to bit largo OM II A 7 'cr A ks 'to r maaahetan■ Nate to order, and bulb. best orrongoroontC.fkr oolorlog Gots, Woolen Goods, ' g od 0 voreOldt At AhPrt,notle!. t. . The lahat oAtill . Xl4olUl Pidd for .C 1 QUNTRY , I',U R 8.41 NO sit, MAIN 1014030 .11Aliti0 4 4 : 1ZE,'SAPES," ifIL ER i& 334,373F,1 l .' i . HARD WARE f 26 NORTE RANOV:EiI: giqtEi it, WE would respectfully:will the atteu- Wm or tbe public to our reeently replenish. od STOOK OF 11.11tDW Ult • making It cos pipi of the,laraort Cur:lberia:4 traolly eosralating In part of HAIN Kalil; ASP fraLtdfir T.uguu4 0 MT' !I LI it 1,43:e N 110 ft BE NIIOIiN, \OhIN AY ILuD9, uLAI. lc wort IN% AOON 11 A ERRS% 00ACII MA .t N RPIINTER,TOOLB, 1 I,DINO MATERIAL ,Si illery, Cabinet Makors t Wndmtakera, and Cow& Makers MATERIAL, Phovels, Yorks, Itakee, 40, Solaro Ibr IicCORMIOWES 'MAYER, csuddintly bend{ We are constantly to receipt of goods Crest from tb. manufacture,* and are aide top,. pleb country morel:tante at Philadelphia and Neve York ➢Aces VI-GOODS de/leered to eh parts at the town free of chirp. WILCOX & GIBI3W SE WING 311 CHIN E, We haye.nrecerell the Already •rtlire Wil..r. A Sewing Machine, a little ihmily arrangement to erne seems willing to do withe eat after having won One in eperstiou. The Wilcox A Gibbs' be a tingle Thread Meet:leo, cod elelma superiority over all Double Thread Maelilnee, la the a:Dewing Traction lent : It is simpler, and In. liable le get era of rir pair; It is cheaper; It ries with leen itehe; It rows mrlyr; It roes Meter; it leas the beat device for pm:- sealing the wheel from reining backward; It re. quiree-ten moehattloal 'kill he operate It; It reyinirea lees time and Instructien to learn to malt ; It to th• meet rterieln sad reliable in ite operations; ib :needle is straight and lees liable to be broken than a marred ono; the bredle I. severed In It. pinee by so leeenionaly : patented device which readers it .If-of/jolting, to that neither chill nor experiena are required la arranging It; It sewn directly from the creel, the. tieing ewer with tkp tedien. opera. nen of re.wislleg the thread adjustment la tb. shuttle; It makes the Wileni & Gibbs', or ^ twitted lode stlteh,": : a elite). original with Chic maehine, end made by no ether; the team In more elastic and stronger than the Look btlioh; the Deana lithe most even and hmutlfell.; the smut is self-hurtened thus avoiding a reversible feed.; lie toeelon Is more idmple add mere ea. ily adjusted; it hi mere speedily ehangett-Ram:-ante kind of vrehlt to another; it dery he.,nrifel embroidery; it hes the Met hemmer; it ha. th•beet filler.: it hes the bent braider; it hat the beat belt. The Wilcox & Gibbs boa been to the market for a little' more than eight )care, daring which time up :nerd. of +duty thousand have . hey. made and eold, a nember by fiftyper cent larger than wain sold:army perubie Throne Machine in the some number of its earliest yen's. Bach enerym is auffielent to warrant the pole of this Machine wherever It has an agency, gibbon; the donbl log evidence of testimentaley.af which there ere enough to All up the 'alumna In the4and. Thee Machine. are en rah!. hiltanalauratore,,,, NO. 20 NORTH IiANOT RR STREET, CARLISLE, where they may be examined, •a 0 they will take gust pleasoreln.expletning at.tytbiag,r,elaVq tolt, X espicTilbry, & BOWERS, No. 20 North Sialsovor street, Carlisle, Pa. 4 7).157 Pacific Guano company PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY CAPITAL, $10900,000. JOHN S. REESE & Co., Office, And Parlor GENERAL AGENTS, 122 south Delaware krenue, SOLUBLE PACIFIC •T Reduced"ricer. N. Part!liner Istredneed to the farmers of the Mid dl. and Southern State: has Area mere ge•stal cod uniform datiefeetion then thl. The trade I■ It h.o steadily Isereessil, tint4l the eeoeotopth■ now threnghout the eatfre penalty far exemide that .f any other thrtilleor. The large eapital Weal yea in Its freaselieu 'Wards Mu sorbet goarantoo tells oon.inned ..xuslieness Tb. tootpaay.has • far waste Interact In the Derma atm. of It. trade, theta 'any flatter at oeaeeiere -ate have; hence It h. the highest Interest of the sompley he put their hest ibrtiteore is the Market, that their meal Ihcllltibe, sided by the beet selentlfie ability, °as prodore. This gnaw* le sold at retail by heal agents of the marshy throughout Now Jersey, Delaware, Penn nylveulti and the Beetberg.Statee, 61114 at whe'esale by • JOHN b. REEI3I3 Sr CO., 'Liberal Discount. te Dealers .1. D. REIOADA.Agents, GARLIBLE, PINIS'A Smiklnv.4l,raltm Boots, Shoes and Trunks. Light House, STROHM & EIPONE3LER, No. IE, MatitA Niemeyer irtivet, Oartide. - Thankful fee aka pakits4ta a:a■ae,l them pr. Our*. de woo , Yul•UTr\ Muir niveil biro Murk !SPRING BTYIAB OT !word AND, sii!ar,s, Superior, LadWiraid which arti usrisalled for ininalbry Al. TRUNKS AND "VitLISES,. Haft's AND , OTS' RATS. erSl Da veld , at amap ,profit.' GP ono and 01, aad got • Difl , 4s4•llvslont Soryour gamey. EMSI CHEAP elolpie aro net aleveysthe licit. Wheat you yro to bay all allele. Pad meelelly to the matter pt 6 , 0 TB-AND Ilt,:xlp:dit-aariall.4l7ltirttre6;ll?°,"" ft.1,1":7 this tints qt tho yros.many wilt' be' WA ' ti.g light boon; and atm , ' I,r 1.113f111 . 01. wear. All slob can' noiontmodatad at ~„ ADAN who., wig be Roved a obpply a t tYe lowest rl e 111 Boots nod 'hoot Made to order' will the atmoot dlo witch. Pim et basin 1 1 404 Mae Leather steed, Carlisle, Pa. QOLII).'I3IX,VICA' 1 $ .l Of every , ieeerlpticn ou24.ls.tat. dahlia. wettable Orr I :l3Aidal (I,lftsi TOstimonials, Boliday EMI Pridoo Wrenk. thati ib ritotar market rotes. tFootiflotop , todualtoluts to putebuirs. . , T • '• ciso.u.storilni,lo,llll Arch attooti ratz.4.76alnua, ' • 240076, .T Plgistal)llshed Itati4.) 1141 cATtLigLN' PA" P(11111. , , , ro COME I= 131=11 CI U. A, N Geserea •goat. Sr the o.mtruity blieses, Gents pad r.tSoya Tenths and Child-N atey Aittickidehfefit Iletn!hold'a CoMinh , : HENRY T. HELi&BOLD'A' .0 9:kr o•O.10) D I(TiACTIiA " TAWBA. 0-1? A P ..P I,L L s Component Parts-- , Fluid Extract Rhu barb and Fluid .fttract Catawba • For Liver Complaints, 'lC:Undies!, Ml ious .AfectiOns, Sick or Neraoui Macraeie, CostiienOis, ?co: Purely Vogita4lo, Con taining no .Iforottry, ...Minerals 'or Delete ilotcs Drugs. , • N These Pill. are the mod delightfully pleoeent pier gotive, superseding castor oil, salt., Magne site, eto. There le nothing more acceptable - to the stomach. - They give tone, and cause no Boer Nausea nor grip- Ing,pains. TheY are composed of thejleerst inured:- 4as. After a Sew dare' moo of them, snob ea Indgo rotaan of the entire system takes place as to appoar _ntiwt , valoue to the 'weak and .entervatod, - whothor arising Irons Imprudence or disosse. - 11.2;11elinbold's Compound Fluid lasiraot Caumba Grape Yale aro not sugar-coated, from the fact that sugaroonted Pills do not dimly*, but pass through the lawn's& .without disnolving. orneequently do sot prod two the dooired effect.. Till CATAWBA OPAPH PILLS, being plo-cent in taste! and odor, do not noeceoltato their bein eugar-costog. PRICY, PIFTY CENTS FEB BOX. HENRY T. lIELMBOLD'S lIIOULY CONOENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Will radically extersoleate from the system Berethie, Syphilis, lever Sores, Ulcer., Bore Eyes, Sore Legs, Sere Month„ lore Road, Dresehltie, Skid Dieesuma; Salt Dhows, CensersEmsologs from Ik. bar, Whit? Swellings, Timor; 'Cancerous •ffsetioss, Nodes; Dirket., Olandelor Swellin'gr, - .1 4 1 telt Sweats, Dash - , •Tetter, - Iltimerd of - all - litedeFOhroale-Ithenmatimar Dympe pale, aid all diseases that have keen established to the system for years. Being prepared expressly far the above Comp%lets, Its Blood-Purifying propriellee are gr than any ether Prevention, of german/11ln. It gives the Com plexion a clear acid haidthy eolor, and redone the f:gtl,7`. Into 'Agr:Ttr&r,°,l:llreinfial dietteses stleing from an impure stale of the blood, and the only reliable and effeetual known remedy far the Imre of Patna and dwelling of the Bona., III• 0111- fleas of the Throat and 4oge, Illotehea, Pimplee it the Ince, Bryoupelea earl ell Braley Brnytione of the Skis, and Beautifying thi Complexion. P.lert, $1 se per Battle. , . lIIX.RT T. HELMBOLD'S, CONCIINTE ATM, FLUID EXTRA CT B UGH U, THE GREAT DIURETIC, ham •nred every tam of !Mahe* la whiok 11 kas been - alio - eV - Irritation of tliiThink the "Bladder and - Inflammation of tha-Kidneys, Uleeration of tho Rid nay, and Bladder, Atit••tlion of V 01.., Dlo•aeoe of the Prostrate gland, Stone In the Bladder, Unmet, Plriekdant Deposit, and Memo= or Milky Dischargee, and for Enfold/led and Ditliedte Consti tutions of both Osseo, •tiended with the renewing Symptrsee - Indirpooltior to 'exertion, bow of Powo r, Loos of Merriam Difllenit7 of Itienthing,llf,Ak R, Teembling ilerrer of Diocese. Waltefrilnoe•, Dlrrinom of Vision, Pain in the Deck, Rot Hands, Flushing of the Dody,Dryneos of the Skin, Bropilon •rt the lace, Pallid Countenance, listisersal Lasaitede of the Moo miler System, eta. Wed by nerve'', treat the ages et eighteen to twenty-Pee, and from thirty-deo to fifty-nye er la the - decline et-change et-111e;-after onetlnenteat - or Pow- TIM". ; I,4.lVtittil4l In,elllldres. lietntWoTel' Zntroot ftwoh• fo Dl•rotio atoll Blood Purlfylng, and curia nli Dimwit.. RI Wog from 114- Ito of Dl•r lprtlop.r•ad ER 011111-• nod looprud•nole fi Life, Impurities of the 1%10°4, " ete., iisporsedlng Copoilna In AffortiOas for %Molt It to osod,rml Affoollooh.—ln thno stoo.•eo mod in connection with lielmitoldhrltooo Wo•L. L API 1r A In many 'peculiar to Lail., The Ll:tract Raabe le Unequalled by Raynemtudy—A• in Crtimmoe •r Retention. Irregilarity, Palmetto... or flnppretielo• of C•atontery Breceintloem. Illeerat.d or Stnte-.f the Uterus, Leu• rrhota ur Itea, btortlity. end for ell Complaint* Isufdent to Ito et. It hedger ramie* fr. m letalecr lien •r lien. ci stpution, It is fituervbed .xtusety sly by tiao Mull( E11111.13t Physiciaste and 311detivew for Itufeebled an/ Delicate (Xmetilulions. of Both Sexen and ell Ages (.I.ltende*l with n•y •f the above Direasp.ct or Symp. telapq. M. T. MlL.loroldrA 11XtRaer CU Ak1.116 IMOJSC:1:106.U1/10; uI DIPSIPATION, MC • la all their steam,' et little expos., little lir e• •shang• a diet, end e• expoosire. I[I9IIII.NA freque•t dmire, end give. th to Urinate, th e re b y TOTIOVIS( Obatreet .w stresg Pr•vow lug aid Coring Strictures at the Urethra, Adaying Polo. sag Intiwiemation; Wil..friaga••t la title else. Or CS. meas. and expelling ell ,Pokoneas %letter. Thousands oho Itiv• hi. • the vledime •( Ineompe. tent perewee,. ea& who hay paid heavy tn. to be eared- • alert time, - heve retie& they have bee. gooe.ved, and that the "Pe s no" km, by the nee it pewerial mitsiwgiente," been dried ep la the eyetem, to break eat ii a mere aggravated fires and primps after Mervieve. Uee nil 1111OLIYe 13XTRA.C1 . BUCUU for all Alfelitleee end Diseases of th• Urinary Organs, whether existing la Male or Pamela, from whatever ch im e originating. and an matter of he long stood. ritica ONIII DOLLAR AND. FIPTY (JUNTO TO norrcii. HENRY• T. lIELMBOLD'III IMPROVXD ROBE WASH Gannet lie sirmumed as Pam; Trask, aid will be Ossnot the slyly 'pectic remedy Is story spiel.. of Catena nes Affeations. It speedily aradlontele Pimples, *pots,. Scorbutle TO.y•ess, ladoralleas of Ms Cutaneous hienibrene, stn., dispels Itednen sad loolpient leflammatian. Ilives, !tame, ?doth • ?atelier', *llama of Scalp - or Shin, Frost Dime, sad all perpecas fer -whialt-Salves-or_Oialme•Lerc_mied ; rester.' the skin to a state of parity sad miftsices, aid laser. siontinned healthy cities to the Onus of its yomels, en *high depends thoarreeehle clearness sad 'OVA. tty of complexion se mesh sought sad admired. Dot however valuable as a remedy for existing defeats of the skin. T. illeimbeld's Item ITeuth bas long mmtaleed Ite principle elnim to IR abounded patreartge, by rearming ceallties wh i ch reader it a Toilet Appendage of the nest f aperlativo aid Coogan's' thornier, Rmnildning la an elegant ferreinie those prominent requisites, Safety aid EMeem—the Inva riable eceompanieeta at its nse—i. a Fripervetlve and Refresher of the Compleglea.. It lean excellent Lotion for diseases of • Syphilitie Nature, and no a• Injection for diseases of the Urinary Orgies, arising from Malts of dissipation. used in connection with the Extracts Duch., Sarneparilia, and Catawba Crape Fills, in quell diseases no recommended, cannot be enrpoaea& Frloo, One Driller per Bottle. D lull mid explicit directiaus accompanying alio madicieris. Er!dense .7 the meet resposeible sad reliable cher. sotsb garnished 'ea applisailon, with hundreds of thousands of livieg Witnesses, and upward ef,39,000 unsolicited eel tillcatos And iesommendatory loiters, many of which ieseftdm the highest sources, lulu. ding slinkiest Physicians, Clergymen, Statesmen, etc. The proprietor has Lever resorted to their publics. ton In the norrepapors I he does not Ad this from the' act that hie articles rank as Standard preparations, and do net need to be propped up by certificates. HENRY T. HEIZIBOLDS' GENUINE PREPARA.TIONS. Delivered, te. say . tnlEress. Secure Eon' °bums' - • • • Establlshwil opyintd of Twenty Emirs. Bold by Druggist. everywhere. Address letters fur Informs. candd on wi tat:luting T. nnialllOLD. Drug glst sne ctiergit: • • • ••- • Only DePote t If. T. musinows. Drug end' Etteltilcal,Wafehente, No. Cifil Ihisilway • Eaw,Tock 4 , to a.7,aiLlsimiiirkii,46disil •Dipot, 104 smith Tenth Street, Phllidelphla, . • . BEWA.RE 01/ . 06 tirrniunnTs, Ask fOt L EIENET 7. •UNLIABOLVO I TAKE NO OTEEtti , • adjeVilly ' • Dril,42sods, Carpets, tee. Icis,rpe:tip.gts 1871 And all other klnde.of HOUSE FURNISIIMG GOODS Just rocetTlug at the GT~.iTTR..s~L DRY GOODS STORE AL FULL Line of ALL GRADES of CARPETS, Lowell three ply florin's, best lu tho market, to sow alergnet etylos. Lowell li`xtro-Burportrio enrpets. English Tapestry Brussels, in beautiful ['› otyles„,All wool tyro ply Carpals, , From - 65 eente-to-- 4,1,00 per yari Stair Carpott la all vidtha neer Oil Clotho In all wiittlis. Window Shades In ■aw colors and Inatome Pablo Linens and Damasks in great Va riety, and to na♦ styli.. (Irani bargain.. iu borderwl Towels, litiootlngo, Pillow — mfw sil.ll.,Tleking.,blein kern, (.lovurletio. Qnlita, n J nvorything elite in the, Rousefinnishing . Line Ladies' Dress Goods, Salt al•lo ft.r th• prtv;orut Arkwfix EMEM:i ES= la great variety, welling et the lowest pattellvle tale. Special announcement to all DO tiOT a e.t . a, ua'm'i, 6111" prov to you, that ytat *as Savo th-atty by itityltig ytatt Dry Hcoia nnil Carpota nt t!le Central Dry 'GOoda Store- IMMII Jr, MILLER MEM NEW DRY GOODS STORE & ItITRICHOLDIA: S Ull'l'll AL(A1111'KIl B'l'ltkN.T. Below the Carlisle Dipu•il BanA Sere Jux u• ited 1.1...1.•1. la IW • N E V .t ,01r g.ode Itoei bee* /selected 0I th tla•• eAleni cure. eue• I. p.net bouut4 etud t•ltaktpuove l,out bo r. cella/ We Welt. every ouo uuttae ikridlttepeut out eta 1.., .took •T geodeYoe will lied• • err rut lety d 01) ;••• of go•dm the market., affunt, to Dress Goods, Cloths, Cassimeres, Rif!, ILA-de...sb:it = PrOltHil-,14 . 41. 1 4t, Ol ' tolll4ll allA RAP MI Oaks Marines. am! Plaid, cvery sluutt and,fya. Pone VUIIB 1 11111.8! envetelek of Yaw extddrAtaythlug — la — rint - of Lonely of ankh, and fleecier!. of; ty,ll.lltl ha,. marked them dosra to le vrer dros then hare over been offoree It Carlisle. We pirehane thin 'Stork from the largest and best Honer It Now York. We hart med. a that. selection of 11.0R118 ATc.IIOCAI3BISIEILEB to vlatch we itlvite the especial attention of young and old. {Se have selected sonic sholce patterns of NOBLIT particularly adapted to young 11.11113. WO halm am.). thine In Muslhia, Flannels, Prints, 13almorals, Furnituro Chocks, LADIES . AND MIN Tl. uuDniifsen. of dl kfudi . 'lbw Of Om' itlfootagoo -of , boylog Foottp from no,are, ifo two lofitlro, r. , , NEW OTOOK , OP GOODS TO ISOLEOT which brie been bought for HO; 11;0 we will allow boon. to utigorooll w. , - " ' • • . . we oxtand'a 'cordial' larttatlon t o all to call and agouti Dolor' =Wag your jambes's, am wo tblak wo. 'q ill Wier illtlik Inducements. '', ' 4 ~ ,, , i i •, ~ i ~ R•aptothiltr, "IlocITO Hoofland' 5 . :fisrmseen , . Medicines. HOOPLAND'S (I,E RM : A N BI :: ~ D 1,,a I N ;E:B, Hooflauci'm Podophyllin Pm, 1100F1AND'8 GERBIAN BITTERS A Biticrs without Alcohol un Spirile of any kind, Irdifferent from all othere: It la composed of the pure juices of vital prinelple of Boots, Herbs, and Berke (or as medicinally termed. extracts,) the worth loos er Inert portions of the ingrediento nut 'being used. Therefore, to one bottle of yhis Bitters them le - contained - ae mach-medielnal—virtne as.wilLbe found In several gallons of ordinary mixture.. The Boots, Pc., used In this Bitters are grown in tier. many, their vital principles extracted In that country bye mlentific Chemist and forwarded to the manu factory in this city, when they are compounded and bottled. Containing no spirituoue. Ingredients, this Bitters is fret. fro& the objections urged against all others..; no desire for stimulants can be Induced from their nee, they cannot make drnakarde, end cannot, under any circumstanees, have any bnt a beneficial street. 1 / I •6listeile C,!ttomudon; &O. Shawls, Furs, and Notions Rid? Croude-I.ndres, Drap-cli-nict, Si& 4;nylines, airo-ds-A rtrauurex DO3IIisTIO. ~ Blankets, Ticking., Coverlota, Countorpanoi DU Pi % Iltlitt(UOLDEtt HOOSLAID'S OEBRAN BITTERS, • - Hoofiand's German Tonle 1100FLAND'S GREEK OIL HOOFLANJYB GERMAN TONIC Wee compouodod for thin. ha !helloed to a:trims Titters, /mtile intendod Mr am In casts whim some alcoholic stimulant I. required in oonnection. with the Ton'e properties of the Bitters Each bottle of the Toole contain, one bottlo of the bitters, com bined with pore titian erne. boa, end gnvor•d In such • manner that the extreme bitter : rims of the Bitters hi overcome, forming n preparation' highly egrorebb• end pleasant to the palate, and containing the medicinal virtece of the Bitters. The price of the Tenic Is $1 64 p•r bottle, which many persona think too high. '('hey most take into consideration that the stithelant used Is gnarantreit he be •f a pore nithly. A poor erticle multi be furnished et a lasepeepriao, but is It not better to pay a little more and have w good article I A m•dleloel preparation should eontem none bat the bett Ingredient., end they who •spoct to obtain • cheap componnd will most rteinly b• cheated. They aro the Greatest Known Remedies lIIMin Nicer Conplaint, Dyspepsia Nervous Debility, fait Ad t.e, Disedee of the Kidneys, .Eruptions!fri_the_Skiii, and all disease@ arisiug from s Disordered Liver Stomach. rr Impurity of the Blood. hoed the following n)mptoma Cuu i I pa. Fla to leue toward Puce, !Mew .f Blood to the Mae, Acidity of the Stomach. Dlsgu•l for Yet•l, Fullueoi or W•IgIA la th.gtousaelt, S. Erusstat ussa, Singing or Fluttering at the Islt of ilso toinaolL e• [ginning of the !loud, flurrl.4 or IsMauls iir.istelslng, Sion.ring ut the Vivan t Chok ing or gulforntlng Obllllolollll when In • Ly log Isop• tune, Islinness• of Tine a, Dote ,r R.L. L,fors the eight; Dull Pain In thiOlenst datielssn.y ol Dm, Tel triruss.6 of ila• Skin and giro, Pula I • ths• Side, D. rs• ilhusL•Llrrita an.. Fadden Flui.. of Hest. 140 I ISO Fleah, Count...lt Imaginings. of ICt 11, no• t 0 rest D pre of a of All thane la dle to I hoe • isf slap I fief of Dips le• Orlin, com bined n 1111 1111p11 I' WOO!. /iv lOW Or ‘illl Bute. or Tonle art d t . “llrt . tilC 111 1) t/i;o11111 2 , 1 to th•allisear, and t lose patient oils 11(4' Jllll - 1. .1/111.1 I u I Filly. 1100F1.•S DS GRkEK Oil Idylaaing Cure ,for all Kinds of Pains and Adios. - AipHod ➢ueraallJ.—u will car. all ki -do of .14 euhw, naell US Alionalariena, ionLito . i., • Y•Ibl .11,ralan, Brill., 1,0. t Ilium, 11o:tam:Low ?Moil la W o e Dart and Lolns, Pnind lu 1110 .olala or iillo6 of luiteata, lia{wortue, et . Take Internally —lt smll rum. Kidney C.suplal ate, Huck lies iambs, Calle, Dysentery, Dior. rhos. Cholera Infuntous, .CLul-ra Hurbue Cramps, nud l'alus lu the Stomach, Meyer and Ague. Cauglia, Cult's, Asthma, etc • - Ult. IIOOFIAND'S PODUPHYLLIN, OR SUBSTIVITi: Fall lIERCU.CY PILL. TWO PILLS A DOSS. The most powerful, vat Vegeta bid Catharlio known. It Is not nacenary to take a handfed of thewo Pills to produce the desired effect; two of them act quickly and powerfully, cleansing tho Liver, Stomach, and Bowels of all Impurltlon. The principal Inaredlunt le Pedophllln,' or the, Airolledc Extract of Man drake, wh y irl. hag mauy morn . . Powerful, Acting, and Searching, . than the Mandrake It. t. Ite peaullar action la upon the Liver, cleaning it opeedllt from all ob. atruatlone, with all the power of MurcUry, yet free front tbe injurious molts attached in the use of that mineral. For all diseame,,lu which the nee of a cathartla I. indleated, thee. Fills will give entire eatisfeetlon in every *awe. TIIII2,NISVER YA II Ia cane, of Liver Complaint, Dyepapsia, nett ex treme Bestiveneos, Dr. lloollend's Borman Milton or Tonic shonld be ■ra n t in cenuection with the Pllin. The tonic olfoct of the bitten or Tonic betide up the system. 'The Bitters or Toelo perittea the Blood; etmegthane the perms, retaliates the Liver, and gives etriength, energy, and vigor. ' Keep your Bewail *Mies with the Pills, nod tette up the system with Bitters orTonic, and no diem. mn retain its held, or cyanamid' you. Them medicine' are mold by all Drugglets and Dmitri in medicine. everywhere. Rooneat Met It I. LIOOFLAVP'S REMZDIEB; that aro so anirerfally used end highly ..recom mended ; and do not allow the Druggist to Induce you to take anything *he that ho may ea y lapel aa Remedies beconee he makee a larger prod too a Thee. Remedies will be neat by Exprera any locality, upon application to the Principal Office, at the WiRDIAN DIEDICINp SiORH .681 en= STREET, .P 11„1 LADE 1,,P,H A OHA 14 bi. 'kV B• Formarly,O:M. :JACKSON -. .1; CO ,;• . ; Those 11„Iniodles arnlti ; r Bale bi DntQ4ts, Store.; kosiers;and blodlel6 Dealing; mrywhire throxgh• old gib Volle4 fltatot, Bistp l isoirles,llla bt Wilat la. , . 54,0704, 187L.:' -icAlßTAMicag,' 1871. SPOILIN ti 01)6E40 0 FRYSINGER & WEISER'S CARPET 1101ISE, O. 23 - E. Alain St., Carpets ! The largest assortment of CARPETS in this valley comprising English Tapestry, Brussels, Three Ply. Extra Superfine, Superfine, Ingrains, Two Plys, Plain and Twilled, ' Venitians, . Rag, Hall and Stair ;:i;o:ii.'Nl - ‘7%N 01L GLOTTIS, In a 1 widths and all styles ; choice marble patterns for halls, &c Clo C:0 7EK..riTQ' MATS AND Carpet Ocit t 'ap 6M, 41 ‘, %. .1 I N),J , - fOl c.) * -9 . a Which we are selling lower than can be bought, elsewhere! `-rt; 4 • .7. ''••• 1111•!. • : low I;-• = 4 7:j4 t•- •, ' l f • • %, • r We have received a large and well-selected stuck of Wail Papers, which we offer at the lowest rates. TINTS, D ' • Co- naval II Gig *5 c,(ILI) N . , , Wall Papers of every style, price and qualitY, designs tor - Parlors, Chambers, Halls, Offices, Borders, Mouldings, dc. &c. We are selling all-our goods at city prices, and are prepareeto offer inducements to all Who call. Cash Paid for WOOL ! ihnh. 11-3 m REMOVED! I= : 7 ." - T 0 ,'!',. E. R - 0 ON! 14'i % '•e-,l oo re, below the old room. • 1 will continue to offer• bargains in all kinds Of goods. SPRING • sTacic Beautiful Japanese Poplins. White Piques. • Nansook Muslins. New Delaines,, India TwillEL Domestic Groods, Splendid Canton Flannels reduced to 121 runt 15 cents. " Appleton" Muslin, 12i cents. • Fruit of Loom, 18 cents. Wittust‘tn., 90 cents. Lancaster Ginghams at 16 cents. . - . Elegant'Domestic Ginghams at 12j oeuti. Tickings, all widths, reduced in pribe. • Now stock of Cotton Pauta Stuff, just re. ceived, very cheap. Now stock-of-__..-------- - TABLE, LIN ENS,NAPKINS' Flannels, Shadings, Pillow Dinslins, at priceti. that dofy competition. A special : . bargain in 6 . . • - lESICIBIEMEM - 110 t me- mm, •mm from.auOt!Lon, will bo sold at. 10i and 15 cents por yard, to mako room for other -- .. .. goods. CIoOTHS AND CASSIMERES. , In this department , lam prepared to offer special inducements. Elegant stock of NEW CASSIMERES and BIJITINGS just receWed. . , S'WTS lIIRICISHED TQ''.OIIOER. at the shortest , notleo, •A, PEttFEC't Proprietor I would airy to all who want a bargain to call at tho New Itoony o. , directly opposite &aloes Hardware Stoiv, whom 'you will And exactly;,*Yat r:T . want, and at iho very loyrest prier. =EWA Mahn OLD STAND. SAWYER'S Carpets! ! IN ENDLESS VARIETIES. AND , SAT Frysinger& Weiser. C " Has removed to his Beautiful New .N'o. 18 East ~fain Street, (~) N E W Just Received Swisses. at greatly reduced paces L.- T. - CREENFIgLD, • I , OP, ~g,A~S~6Elsi_. MATTINGS, Chains OAK and MARBLE MIN 'ITO. la Efiet'llilinitiit.teot