S. H. WOLF, 18 O. 18, NORTH if,AIiOVER STREET. I desire :to inform the; Alio, that I have just opened, and am now offering for sale -the best assortment of notions. and fanci . goods ever opened in Car lisle. My stock is entirely new. J would call your'attention to the following : A EM full line of Ladies', Genes, and Ms:9es' . kid .gloves, Ladies' and Childron's cot - ton and woolen hosiery ; Gent's cotton and lisle thread half hose ; lace, linen and silk handkerchiefs ; lace collars, hoop skirts, corsets, Swiss and Hamburg edges, and bleedings, zephyrs, German town yarn, canvas, and,worsted patterns. A largo assortment of plated and jet jewelry. Agent for itiehardson's cele brated shoulder Seam shirts, on hand, and made to order. Call and examine- FOR RENT House No. 6, in Shaploy's Row, North street, is for rent, from the first of April next. Inquire .of Rufus E. Shapley, corner of North and Pitt streets, or of William Small, at tho. Shoe Factory. 9mh7l4t FOR SALEOR RENT A large and commodidus three-story br . iell house, on the corner of ➢fain and Bedford streets, now occupied by Mrs. Gordon, has all the modern improve ments, with bei ck. stable and ice house attached. Inquire of R. E. Shapley, corner of North and Pitt streets. Ar.so, a two and a half-story brick house, on North Pitt street, is for rent, from the first of April next. Inquire of R. E. Shapley. ALSO, a two-story fiae belles, situ ated on West Lordlier - street, is for Tent from the same date. Inquire of R. E. -ShapleY, - corns{•• of North and l'itt streets. TIIEY STAND ALONE.—First, in the first rank of wholesome veget.:lL A re storatives, stands Hoofhinds Ger,,ur ii Bitters, and German Tonic. If any dyspeptic, or bilious sufferer, has ever found these great medicines fail hint at his utmost need, let him stand forth and declare it. With the Bitters no spirituous oxhilarant is incorporated. In the Tonic, the stimulant pritMipal is Old and Mellow Santa Cruz Rum. If there is fejirilo excitement, use the former, where there is a lack of vitality, the latter. Sold by all Druggists. THE use of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Ilair Renewer brings new hair upon bald heads, if the hair follicles are not wholly destroyed. Try it. "'CD R. TRIES ALL THINGS," and has proved that Dr. Wislar's Balsam of Cherry is the remedy pai.: l .xeeur,ee f u r the cure of coughs, colds, croup, whoop ing•cough, brouchitis,mstlrma r ,plithysic,_ sore throat, and influenza. It cures coughs and colds instanter! It soothes the irritated parts; it heals the ani mation ; and even consumption itself yields to its magic influence. ATTEND to securing your coal R - n. Win ter while prices are row and quality good ('all at the yards or - fdanin7;additliTil . lately — Made' to the stuck of lumber, in the yards of A. 11. 111. Am. im: w. - v: nits: Ditss. MAnv L. t; 'UQiee and residence South:Hanover tre ot, ,Ca.rlislo, Pa. Rooms strictly pri vate. Consultation' free. Drss. hall makes the treatment of female diseases a specialty. Itle7oom JACOB LIVINGSTON, Dealer in VINIE: WINES AND LlQUOitel, No. 27 North Hitnover street Oilers the follbwing goods : War ranted pure, unadulterated and full proof. Always as represented. Genuine Imported French t'oganc Brandy, old. age. • Pure old Rye S'hiskeys by celebrated distillers. Bost quality ,Git ger Brandy. Pure old gin. Pure old Port vine. •. • The very best quality Sherry, Claret, New England Rum, Sc. Kimmel. Ps.re white spirits. for drug gists and family use. Sold at the lowest pricCs fur cash. A —pall solicited. • 21ap6m. JACOB LIVINGSTON, Wliolpsale and Retail Dealer in TO 11 C «), SNUFF, CIGARS,- PIPES, &C. No. 97 North Hanover street Offers to the trade the best brands of a large variety of Chewing and Smok ing Tobaccos, real Mteiigan Fine Cut, in bulk or in tin foil. W. E. Garrett's celebrated slinff. Beal genuine' Imported Havana Begars. - Yara Connecticut and Domestic Segars. A largo assortment of everything be- Wiging to the business, and soldwat as low a price, as in any Eastern city. The public is respectively invited to call and inspect my largo assortment. Every article warranted as represented. ap7OCIm IMPORTANT TO , PRIVATE FAIIILIER.• Pure and unadulterated Wines and Liquors, supplied at their residence, by sending order to 'store, or through Post Office. Every article warranted as rep resented or the money refunded. IMiOB LIVINGSTON. 21ap6na NO. 27 N. Hanover street. LIMEI3I.IIiNERS' coal constitntlysin hand. Also a full ashortment of lumber at the lowest prices, at the yards of . A. 11. 25a.u70,' SPECIAL NOTICES TWENTY-FIVE "DOLLARS Offered - . A chance to make money. . \Via. Blair aSou glen $2O 00 to nay ono aht will prove that a I;4mi:explosion or any other 'noel dent has happened (rum a legitimate use el cool 01 bought from them. .Wainvlto the public to put the coal oil ee nail ti all the testa Intel down In the two articles that gal, aPPettrettiu the. thiltl.lnLE Jlrnxtn , riOtt. !Idle thi 4ticienlifio .41tnere'ren. Matzo rendthoseartlcleo carefully, then try llu eiperhut:ule. We sell the best oil only. • • Wit. DGAIib & SON • South' End; Carlisle Pa • EMB We sometimes hear persona „spooking about the good luck of certain mon, who,; they say, seem to have ovary thing their *Wu way, nail why rennet we got ammo of the same favorablo brepeee. Wo would just hero remark, that, what they call good lack is simply .beintg attentive and agreeable to their tits ' tomorsy - Wo notico a great desire, on the part of those' who wish to purchaeo good and cheap Dry Goode, to drop Into, the new atom of DUKE & DUUKROLDER, and they considor it no trouble to show their goods, aud'polut out the great bargaine they pro able to give, on aecountof theft entire stock being new nod fresh. All wishing to examine their stock will bo heartily welcomed. Conic, byery and see for yourselves. anov7o. • MERCHANTS WILL NOTICE that tottlao war Is about 'Winding up, we &Gra to don out our stock of Woolen Goode, such aelttr, ' and Drawore, Ladles' and,Gont's Woolen and Merino ( d i :Z . 4O B I? nand', Duck Gloves lires and o Gout's W o olen oust Merino,llalt now, Minton Bouts, Knit Jarkete; and Woolen Goods generally at or below coot: lambent wlll de well .by to-eee ueliefore purobeeliti abiewberei 10101 COYLE BROTHERS, 24 'South Roomer groat; Carnal° . . .'I3E WISE. ' WRIER Wisdom will beitefit you: bonot, uiwnyd vu. trolled by your incredulity, hundreds hays- etdight relief Erom the- horrors of fryspepsia through the Medium of DEISUTIVS.AIITI.DISPEPTIC STOMACI . I BITTERs and found it. Why should you euffey when this adult , :able etomachle has cured loony similar cases—why do you do 4 nbt whllepther believe untrue cured Delay in this Matter is both dangerous and unprofitable. Your heal lb, happinos s e and busluess suffers, while constant neglect le frequently foil• wed by. serious end 1.510011 trollable result.. DVAILITIVII BITTERS ore equally usefiff Itt the numerous difficulties al(ending iudi gestion; as BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, SO., while or FFito. and Aura and other disorders proceeding from Mt•suaTt, it is the only l ellable pre, idttive and remedy known. Tire 69 __ , . C . S• SAFE, SPERM'. AND stiRE." Dr. Mr.rrialsyrup of Tar, Will Cherry, and Hoar bound, is manufactured by an entirely new proces • and contains tho brat known' monodies for Cough: Colds, Spro Throat, and all Lung Complaint: Pleasant to tho Mato, but pow erlul in Ito nctior Pond fir a circular coot doing list of articles user and the .stiller of pre). ing thorn. to .DR. J. ft. MORRI.9. Esston, Pa. Gonercrl Arr• ratan Job n F lleorve 8 Co•lrge Plareo. N. V. Jo:arson, 11.1lowny S CoNv a den, 602 Arch +L., l'ldln Sold lo Corllnle by • Curr Mall N. F. Hurt:, 'l'. N. Frank anal A. 11 Ila 2131:t071.f1ur REfIA !LINO. tt IRE. GUARDS, for Store hpotg, All.OllOll, dte. hon . Iledoteads, Wire Web Wogs fur sboep_and_poottry yqrols, Braga nod, Iron wire Moth Heves. V,•nders, Screens for 'on!, 011`F 11311 d, k,-., Hoary Cr! mond (Ruth for nark nrreerets Landsvap,, Wire fur 1111 . .100s de., Paper \I There tt broo, Ornamental Wire Won , . Evory lo forma- Eloo by ad Iretslog the loan II fa furors, NI. 15'.1 LIS ER SONS' No 11 North ;Lib to not PhiladulpEla .510E7 Ily A gentleman Who suffered for yearli from Nervous Debility, Premature Urea y, and /all the effects of Youthful fudiseretlum nlil for the coke of Buffet-lug hoteanlty, nend tree to all wine /iced It. the receipt fitr Milking the gimp's remedy by irblell he woe cured. 13110orern wishing to profit 1,,/,y the ado. Ile erla 11X111.1 . 1.11CV .11 do m by addrenaleg, lo perfeet coulldeuee, JOHN It. WIDEN, MEM ildvises Consumptives to go to Florida INN Ing fur the hart thirty-11 yisms deviled my echoic/ time and altatitinii to 11,i lair and consumption, I feed that I understand folly the court, that might to tie pc/ rot, d to scat ifioi tolerably bail miaow iliarsi•ed lungsto !malt hy aiiiimi .iinisirtant.,atop pedant to avoid tiling and the be.t of ail places Ln this ,i/nlitient for this pus poi; in a inter, tvell dos", in the State, n here the teni• er.itore iv regular. nett n•.l sot jut re sin It seri, lons es in mere North., ii latittitles 1' is Oi 11 t Call 1 . 1.1 . 01/1011 - 11,1. .t hot, lis kept. it, re y I.sst ',lnter 1 vttsv set er.il per-ntis heie tette, long+ bed tut . l . II badly tlitettsetl. lent Mit, titter thie heslins Inane'', el the chninte and my .111Villt`', neer vetting well. Otte nille• thither thin t• osoll ,vIC,II 11., 1111 1.1..1, It. PAO Li Ow tem peratitiv inure .111,1 the ;111 1.1., in 11114 F 1 1 ,0 1 . 1 ,11.• on. 4,04,1 there. I 1.1...1 Ilk It I. lu l u, ll rY • 1,14P1 , 1111 , 1111111"• I to .• 1.1 111 , , The. 1,111, N ill I 1"1/.11l cl“i14111.1 lit 1 , 111 ~lilt 14 ' :I , it It a Ilt 10,0 n 1111. tl.ej ihn 11111 , 1 OW 1.14. 1•111 Ft 11411 M.11 ,- I . l , lief , lu , al i..tl. pa), ol lit 1. , 11111 , 14 , ..1 t...i.11111.11% 1., Ili int r 51 pulit.tll- 1.-.% cold 11,. 1 u wlll.re II4•1•• 1111v.,,.1 It N , 1 ,. 0 ..1L 611 I.l , trw rur,o, r. 0.11 1 ,0,11 It. •It i 1. Thf mt , l, u.. 1•, g•• well a", 11 itti, • lir -1.11.../t.l .4111 , • r..tt, It v.II• lug 1.., .1 ,/.1.-,.1)1111 . ,r aim Iter 111 e. I 1%111 ' , nett, rulion'e tr,mlll , . wltt,ft 1..1 . 4 It ..1,7.1 . - 11,11 . ..t1 ../uttlat L. t 1 1 . 1 ,111 1 1,, •..1 . 0. 1 Otlgll, hut I. 1 111,...1 . 1 , 11 . .1 . 11111,,... itt.,,,- 1,0t1 . 111e1 . 11 1,1111 1 . 11111.•.1 1 . 1 1 u../r11.111,111,1. F• 0, fine•.a .1 111101 /0 1.1/ 1. 1 in Nee k, llr i 11, r. eml-11,i1,11.MMA N/1//1/. %Op:, te. 1.•:11 . 1 . 11 1 / 1 //1 111 .111 :01'1- Age 111.1 11111111" 11 11110. A Ira. extm.e.Ler, emloratit, ev.ry I.lmre r,l I,mg du. ..L.., 1,, emi.1.1.-.1 the ei ru.t. luny. mid hen n,y nitli , n In it gat 4I L 014.1. A' ,, •i.,. may I,ll:”Nret rtmmtil Pailm.mo.• rot, :•'...lovred futile muDal 111 r. antl ~et M. , .1 I.t. tml .•.I I. lu Fl.. 11.1; 111.e.iv ever 3 I . El) 11,1 fig honcli'a Mandrake-Pint., lot the haat Iv 111010 11/,1 , , I. prodnve I.ll.oLts.ltolata Limn Inca e hot thern httitAldip. Il 11 , n I tata1.1.•11...1 1..4. 11.31 otitis n 1.1 i a rar,l di. ot tl3. bonito., o lart n.. the., er hand in N..,3 otne•third, ..tCl', Wl', die of (1. , . lrtti Ile dt5r...... 1.. the St..t., it le veil h.lll 111.1 , :11.• 111.11 V 'limo:m.le that., 151, I sn I I rti, Nroll ti ,to•alai the 11n le gas .1 to l.lllee 11. , ... thoy lie .earlt , f bole! lo,lt_ !Lit 111.3 are. 1:.."1'1...y lod they t 0.... It 1 Wlll , ll they are cr. de. hit . 1 1% oIeV It 11 ' n " a " t17‘r --' (147 , klinett et11...)...11.1 tope vele. Its g 1.. n lime...are ON.. ll , ' e 0 ven ,41111, NI, /1111 2.1 Ili lo Polean ie of.: ',hen. is • S. ra To: tool Sehen. ItlJteltake I'M, tool ;.;• to- F lota ni Ia I rot •.I the. pet tn Ida] //r'all e I att. 1/It/1101q1ily llrcill,tilltrd Wllll Ir brtion. I Itnelv 01..1 he. e the) nat ti ti 11/ ,111 , :t P 1 .11.11.. tt I h dirt, Ilona titer t , 111 do tine 11 1111 that In d. hin n n hll.l,eJ, tiatate the tent Th. 1410 ne .1..11 a I I r cold, night-,‘ oat., 111,01 th/o1 at1V1 , 1.4 the Iv to v. atk or tido ..at ty. ry day. NI 11l he ll,t. too .1 Iti. It,a.lX I efote long. Ittly. plan 1,110 lit V ate Themaeat. 1111.11, 111 /1 ,. /.Y.1. :1111 F 11/1 111/ JO dire. lit 111111/11, A. 11. 131. mi s, here of 1110 '3l:. dr.t. e I .1 e•p.ary. My o j 1. 1 .1 tip e tufo• to the :gum, h gi.t. up 11 g..od 11, p.Ulte. II Iv ut,i . 43e gu..d u begin., 11l grow 1111,1y1 I burn hupry rrr 100 h. II i• hll rt.l oh I. r grail. ti 01111101 1 11111 . 1 1101 r 11...1.1 1,3 1111 11.111 a ,1 hulk t 1 , 1:141,‘ 4 . huuling of 110 I.g s. .11.11 ho Luugh/11 , 11 1 1111 t 1 , 1 , 1111:C11111i 1 1 . 1.11,111 y 1111 .11..1 11 11110 V. 111111 p 1,11. 11.11 111 •y 111,1 11 11 01. id,. uthing Now lb nt 1. mar y cotpo /mpti, (0 ho (1:!111•toti Illy. moan. to go hOllll otuotipp :tiny be In there uo (p 1 for atioh? C.rttlittly there I, 10101,“ to ouch in 1001 to.ol hon inlot. to stay in aoa , to room dui lug (he ith a •ea.pooo lure of ntoott 000111ty dl,roon, glom] I ha kopt. tognlarl, at dint p int. by 1111,141 1 f n thertuoinotro Lot ouch a patoolt talce log exoreit.c nithlu tic of [be 10,111 by wall,iug up awl dosvu no mud! Il• 119 fllourth n- It portult, In on], In hiop up it honitb) 11roultol011 of the blood. I have cured 1101103/Am than 1911010,11110 1110 011 0 1 • 0011/. 0111.111.11311 11 /11 relyurn! n• nby r oar If it in tai.vo lin...unit Ilia pr. po, 111110 1/: 111 1 19111,019 I. 1/110-11011, 'lke nt 11 Is uttai-pultd ten rot,' ki 'hat Schenck t. l'ultuouin . 4 ) rup, Y'an <1 0 Poi Tonic halo totted 101 V 11111113 o 0i000..1 he 10,111.11.. 01100 1 burotnp• co. (10 a )101 1 )1111 OIL you nl,l be ultnont certain to find ...no inoryon.tiloptili, St !111 its. 11111 0,4 1 1100 11,1,1 11111 11•0 3111, of (tenth by that,. ~o. do tar nl. tho Nlalidralc.. I 111 xl.ll root, a 4..100 o: 11111111 011 11.1111/. 111031- art 011 tho 1.,..r b. tier dosti • and horre id hurrul oft. ate. I.YIIIIIII. /111111.1. 11111 y 111 e rood lent 11i1/1,1 %Oa re 4 100g,ti... nod dna is and )..0 ha yr p.. 11. 1 .-1. 11 tile 111,13 116. , 1111 /1.. Mllllllrll/Cllll m 0 you ar. sold. rt to •I 11.....1ach.., take. a at tll4 tool they wtl I ion... in 111 111 . 1/ 1111111, ir )1111 Wl,ll/11 1, 1 / 1 1.1111 /IV 1111l11•1. of /1 0111111411 „1 11.11111. Or the to.. re tollolgonea It, fruit, ink.. role of the 11andral., I.r, on Iligltt. or 11 er) other night, and on may 111,1 11111111111111.1 1,111.11 W. 111.1 11111/1,91.1. 1/1.1.1 1.1411. 4.! plume, ovarloo., or rot II 101. 111111 1110 of living Imola I; ty hem. The w.l I 1.r.•1 11.44 h.. I IN, in .1 dojo t:'li 11A .111,1 11111 k d eroru.Try then, fury e .1 /111111111,1 They, au only. I La•aliont1.101.11 prole..ioottl sled . Ito 11. 81,, sp.] u 1 - ,lll‘ lutt t. , ,n111.1111 t.. lily Nt. Id \ 11,1.1, I ery Irimi O it, p. in. Th. Sl' ah 6 ov i nl, II nll.l'. 1,11 1,31/lin/01..111 wnL tllO htqllr, inet , :r will 11111' 1,. hi' RPM] tl. clart•A the'oo4l , l • ctritlt4toil of lit' Jim s, ntwl Litt, id. t•IIII r h'itry %%h. It I tlo y li.tir 110 i. Out 1 demi', it dl tit t ly that I. value nodiviro.t; drpt.tol • vittlitdy upt , ll stotit hying !Ado, bi/ /IA I . llLldlud..ll. I Al 111 thilt 011 /I per,o. la]. illy imlicilll, 1111 i iO/11,1 II e into u healthy col.tlitlun y, twp se, II 9 •11 lihldu v. Ike rnl.l; yol,ll‘. ,vir It I nngi can boar! elningi• 4,1111/R l /11M, II 111 1110 ludlil it. of greater or le , . 1110 In °beta:a I tubvs. . . Full JlrerLo. $ In n0....111 any Joy riuelicims, o 1.1 Wit and el 1.411 thus uy ono ti without consul lug nu. slid um t lion 4 frOili It oy,dititiglst. .1, II SeIIE‘CIC 31, D.. 10116vl'ociu l'l,lladviphia MARRIED. :._ml lb t Aetity t.rrL 11!I by Ulm Itvy. I. K. :3 crt3i Car roll , 11,4 y 11. 1:09pg,,,f - durvunburg, P. ref cunolf. t 11.-0 t ihn ftv.ttly by I. :3 A Hod .titt, 1 00 • N Atchloy ~r llttutlwrlantl to lio. .1110.1 11. lattids Imittr,ll, of l'ot ry 0000 ty. . .„ . Clitml..elliburit, on tho eightuoutb ultimo,. 61 toy Ilroveh, NviC,' 01 tint M. ill ogg, ngot tabula 62 year,: `4.1. 11141 . 1:11-00 the Inenl'egi nithoo, lo ronlh 311.1• dlotun town4lllp, John noyor, olea GSI y,ors 1111,14 Sherle! Cirrillltue Irrtetory 'CARLISLI; 0 Alt R T A. 9 E TY 0 Inr CWINLIt SOUTh AND PITT STREET,', A. B. 5.11.• E K hits now on h:t..(l unu ducal Isi tits litlokl styles; also, CARRIAGES on hued, or math, to ordur m. 4111414 nulled: I have proeurod the morvltint of n firat.ehtiorWituel 'Wright, nod have bought Mr bust 'wheal et nek In the market, to that I loot totaktleat of olving entire iwinfaction, I nbo Lure oninind SARYANT'S PATENT WiiRELE! The Iron flange around the hub make; 11th wheel more durable than any other.. . REPAIATNO AND PAINTING attondod to promptly, nna onnineormble terrn; A large loFot ElltectifttlfAND IVOBH on bantlo, 'awl 'for Anbi away. • -/upilt;m•- • • I= ME MiII2MCBMM SCIIENCg. in Winter MEE CARLISLE, PA lEEE sriuNo WAtIONS, NEW 1 846 ! wrroLEsAtr,II:RETAIL: - 1871 . ! -s- - 2 - CARLISLE' HARDWARE HOUSE ! 'HENRY SAXTON. J. P. BIXI.EIt I D. B. SAXT ' UII H. - SAXTON 6. cm 0 NN hkifll,C. I.,th.k ,A,CiVklillll,Rl )kka loz)ix.c.AA:khlum.cyaOA t . 41)1 .u;111;14),V,:), \1(1;111 -, 1)).0 \15„.0.0,k ko 0 9 3 5h.(.1 , c f i 0,(I)lf1A 1.(.1,(\ C 2 '5 11,C.10,5, ,C - . AAA/JAI 1111( 0 ) OSA C.L.CM,C 11) - )0,11't U.= 0 Olt :1111 'lt ,6111 \ OA (VC - ) • Cllll •AVk (2, \ ?.) 1,0 R) IVo secure" Jobbers' rates," there',/,' oftejing ate lal Inducements. We would 'fifth°. Ilte n[11.1030;1 o lie publr Is our i 1111111.1.0 clock or Building,„.ilarclwar e, Itons. null. 20 tons -IVotlitA 111 t Bock {BLit • • Lead., I . OiUtS, Frl.lllh 111) . 11 Aloe! iestu %maim villfi l;rn. Ilan•r•rrl nII, v kr111611 , ,, , Coto.nt. inr NI ;re •te , c. Farming Hardware, \NI) AGRICULTURAL Ilnplenients I, I rg.P th, • . e. Igc4, Irr rl n l'rom gii g 1 , “ i;I licri..•. 4%trill I ri Itgg, Loath, Irr Icing, Gum ill, wking, ('ut Nati I lit Pg..tt., and 'l',3 11..r1g,, )1.1 , 111g,, Viol, gut Cuiti,nt COACHMAK ERS' 00 0 Thz, A ,!oe. .111 i Triuttning. BLACK SMITI IS' GOODS, 111.1,1vri • n lit.tn.. N. 014. Rod:. fol Id! in...11,1,1,- ,a 1 Etigl,ll anti A In, . ."11.1.Liwy ittld ou I HOUSE .I.TRNISIIING HARDWARE, Cellm stmt.. 101,1.er Ilan 11,1 [de tilt et 1'1t.t...1 h aL 11114 5p.P.111.1, l'ltttytt. r 1%11,1, Bll,l l lair 11...1 . irt gery I Plain an 1 . .. r 1 , 11111 11..111, 1 . H.. 1111 /1 1 .11 Han' I • 11 ortenler'in I'ltle Pocket l'ullety ;tr' I I S. tr.....r 1tn , 10..14 11,1( ag• 1. I'm. int; [tug 1 iv, .I.lt ....Ong l'ltnp.trutl I 111.1r1.1,4 1111teltine.t. ' , Int, thing 11:trl.1.• and bluty Mint Ins. SQI.• agent" S It• ttgentv ler tltt. • meter, cllgtltt tt ton - n `hall minute. Salt , agent: Ad- t jtr..lll , l. , ifYtti lino& delivered Ire, i eat. t.o.tttpt • VIII guttrattlot. me:chap, ity freiglit,yo t net T1..1.11,101 tor and soticilt,t Your kind -gal, tts - thttirttr- - • 11`tt - I Pfirralt H. SAXTON' &'C.O., Nu. IL 1;,1,2 IN II it ELT, Carlisle, l'a., Ellll LI I' II I N pxcwic GUANO . COMPANY .D A. SAWYER'S ! APITAL, $1,000,000. 4.,., , \,.1:1(. , ,,. 4.1.1, 11 111,1/1 , . A. SAWA' ICU -JOHN S. REESE & Co., A SiWVAllrtterk gmpl, ,At I). A. A-IWYER E.v 'THAL A GEXY'S 0.i.: , : 11% .11nblu fur tbu ne:Non.D,A AA if =II I) 1 E. , A\V Y Elir.l.ll.rom the NN Ir l ttD. A. S.IW 11.1 t D. A. :-A«) I 1:11.11.4 ts, citiv ri.,w D. A lAW V I:II . 1 South Dela \\Are: Aventi( 11 A SAW I . l:l 7i Al . wilt 4 d; .41 AV - o hake rt , vivr•it a large and well-,-;ulpeted stock- of Wall Papers, lllVllklililii;lllll74l.lratinitkil • ' , . , l':ti,ors p ,•1•‘. price tool quality, desigiw for l'arlors, l'l,Aut'uors, Pwrilitrs, Nfonlclings,*:o. sciling all our wood , -at city prices, and arc luteliared to lien it,(luceinialis to all who all. Cash Paid for WOOL ! !Jul '7l-3rn NE IV I'o- D A i I; E A('l I IC CITE= =ZEE lour, S. CO., Liberal Diheotott to I)ealers.; 1 J. i s , .1). RHOADS, Ageit!. , , S. CA Oilkh7linit 1714:71 ;ill =MEE I.3II.()THON(Y.I'AItY'S' NOTICE.-No- I -a- Il'ls be 5 . ..1/); ,•,Issu •I; it Ili.. I;;;ItII: u , nu, :1 , 0111,11e1 Mud Iu It u Protlionotitry'd u. and dill I.- pv.unt.sul ;4; II.; I'uuti 111 COMM°. Plea.. of etiunty ;,Jl . e etifiritepleit, se Are pey :ey, Aped 1 . 1. ':*7 I, e • , Tlll. 111,1 .11/ ' filllll 111 . 1, 1111 11t N1..11 t.'llael.y, 11.1,0, ..I .1,4..q.11 A:. 1 . 2111,1 . T1,01....1.1.1, 1 „r .11/(In : : 0111111/111, 11.1 11Ve Of Jain, 'lll,,mitß. neormitt .of A. 11,31.., vetott..4l rat 1• r thu and Carlld'ou road 1 'II"' ,4. 'ftvi Y.* '4 wr'al.tl .1 lin ANIP7w , .. 5. The on.tnibl Inn. 3 annonLl of 10..8. Inn..lt, a..- . 1'.1'.%1" , % NA I / 1 111,. 1 0.1.714 P • ' Prot , not..r . r _ • i i • • . 0it,,,, 4.v. V. JI. P. (..0.. nu,T.l ' P •Intell 0, IS7I. ~j rlAi: F:: No'i'icE.— Ti:at at a meeting I .---- or tln. Hoard of Inrr-t ~ c ‘ll' till) I mob...land • .. l'a ley \l o. UM Pron...llonW 114.11 isy of 1'...1411., .P..., hel I to. (Ito twenty-third .... ..ii Poltroon y.. 1 li., , (nil, the 0.11.,w1ng pr.yevilioug u!n•niknel, Nlo : lint: 1 MliereaS tint little.llll, , or it it rumpony, ..........i.n......1 'I by I. [I o. 1: by .01.1.,'0xe....4 tin i ecull dm or t111../11. to a c..lini.l...raltto not mil. l'lnx..foin, On tnotont leenotinnl. Thit 111'1;4; lutA.. v,Nvy an Imr per rout on.p:l p •elliilllll uia.e 11,11111'41112 . 10 vIIIIIMIII ;slllllll :Oleo no l'au lit-1 clay or .h.um.y agira • al' tn.' A TT,T : 'P ti It EI:N, 'la Mt. N )TICE.-L—The "Cumberland Clornity keneue sool, , ty will n o m •ai Spa 11,1 umullug in.• Ito Aibltratiaa Ia •111 • Coat t •311 Mar •10 - ‘ ,Nlatt•lt, I at II a'••••• I. 1,1•;l1.1 4 r LyNu. aialal2t. • Cm-umber Wood 'Pumps. 11111HHW. WEREitohl in the yo:ir 1870, 8;841 or Biatctiley's ° 'CI U 0 UMB EIF TILVDE ; 1 , -WO 0 D PURI. P S, • , 3leuxurlug 21:1,500 tent in Inngth, or eufM6 . OR 1114 aggregat. fur A Well Over Foicty Miles Deep, „ . nplo In cmatructlon—no - ay in operation—diving no Wit° to, the IVat4 . —DurAble—ltollablo and Cheap. Memo Pumps orti their own latt"recoinrnonlletlon. Woe sale by :Mature 41164 want and Agricultural Ituplontunte, Plurnbura,' Pump Atakora, Ao., through nut fib country. Circulars, ao., furnlehod opdie up- Tlicatlon by inall.or utikorwbo. • Single Punips fortraraed,ro portion lu towns tr)suro I hove no agPnla upon receipt of the riguJar retail price. ;in , buylnz boaart , ful that your Pump heard my trade mark no above, us I guaranteo another. • CIIA.S. G. BLIICITLEY. ” OPvieli AND Wideiralool,. 024'4111:1 , 1126811.13ERT , STREET, rIULADA LPHIA ,81,1t06'ae 2,?; Maih Sta g OLD STAND. IN iz..Nl.)l,k'SS 'ATAIZIITIES wl,jcii \ye luwust rateB (101 - ,1), ; 1 'l' I \ s, Frysinger 8 4 Weiser. =I N(1, Coiwntl A giont4,it.rlll., Carpets ! ! K aitd MARBLE 1871. Carpeting%. .1871 I=l 1101 - SE PURNISIIItiG 0001)S .1 nut receiving ttl :1111