Q Cheap :trohn'e - Cominandmenie CHEAP ,TOHN'p T CIO 14,A. N D EN T „ I am Cheep John, who keeps forth In the Franklin Flour, tehind the Court Rouse. Thou - shalt buy at nio other places bat at Cbaap Thou shaltiet commit the greet error to go to some ottior place to buy. ' Thou shah not•go to any other place to pay two Prices, for am &Jealous Chap John, watching you from the Court eteopl•. I show mercy to the poor man in giving bim bargain,. Remember 1 don't sell on a Sab- 'ma. day. VII. Honor Choap John, for ho is the benefactor of ragged humanity VIII. I have clothing. I have Boots and Shoe.. • I \ ,*---4.liavis Data and Notions X. I am the only Cheap John-In Carlrele selling my goods 26 per cent cheaper than any other store. lirl FRANKLIN HOUSE, NO„ s COURT HOUSE AVICNUN , -- -, (Behtn - trthet'ci 'Hof li;) CARLISLE, YOU WILL SEE JOIIN•B BION EMI City Advertisements • SOLID SILVER and SILVER PLATED WARE Of every description and latest designs. suitable for Bridal Gifts, Testimonials, and Holiday Presents. Prices lower than the regular market rates. Extraordinary Inducements to purchasers. OZO.II.IIkCIITEL, No, 116 Aroh (Ohl Neat. Hailed ltand.) AbENTS WANTED. Agents want ed, $76 tO $2OO per month, male and female, to sell the c4lebrated and original Common Fenn Family Sewing Machine, Improved and , perfected ; it will hem, fell, stitch, tuck, bind, braid, and embroider tu a most superior manner. Price only $l6. For sim plicity and durability it has no rival. Do not buy ram any partieweelling" machines under the same same same ea our., widen having a Certificate of Agency signed by us, a. they are worthlem cast Iron machines. Fur circulars and term, apply or address • H. CRAWFORD 4 CO. 413 Cheetunt street, Philad•'a. Boots, Shoes and I,7punks STROHM & SPONBLER, No. 18, South Hanover sired, Carlisle TLankful fur lb. pattquve uxtoutlad tLem L Wore, do lien , aunounce their owe] large Omit SPRING STYLES OF BOOTS AND SUOES, FuE Ladies and Idiesea, Gents and Boys, Youths and Childs, ev4ic4 are unrivalled for comfort and beauty. • TRUNKS*9ND VA LisEp DICNII AND DOYS'IIATS ♦ll if will' Le sold .at small :profit. Ca and all, •od grit a full mg ulralaut far your money Idap7o 011EA.P Geode sannort:waysilhe Legt. When you go to an article, and especially In the matter of BOOTS AND SHOES fo o - w t,c a !k e d g o c r a l: l sr ju o , 47 . ll . 7; i w at o b r . , r a . you Can rely, fut very tills time or thu ytur luouy, wig hu wonting 11glil boot. and above fur mummer moor. Alt ough eon be ueoommodated at ADAMDYSER T.' , Where will be rutted u eupply at the lowest prime Boots and @hoes made to order with the titutoot dim petal. _Mee or busluese No. 94 East Loythor strest,"Carlisle, Pa AapTO HATS AND CAPS J. 17.1 CALLIO, No. 2fl WLI? MAIN EITRiNT. CARLISLE, PENNA., The HATTER of Carnal, I The 'LATTER of Carlisle! I , The Wert style. Just received 1 "' The Wend styles always on hand I I MLR MAUI from the boat 31auofaaturos 111 VARUIONAIII.I3 HATS Juat ousll I 1 CA LLIO wI.L es to cAliAtteutfoi; to ' 1.4 s lurgs OEM HATE 4.ND-C-APS lie toatAufa,tur, or4tr, boa' 041:best lurraugament! fur -oelprlni" Ilats, Woo :Goods. sad Ororcoitta, at short notio l'ho , blgliest CANT PRIORS paid slur COUNI.RY FURS Oiroivu qui NO 29 MAIN BTREET. 100 0 2 2,- INEM bry Goods Ong Car Pets: DOWN ! 'DOWN! DRY. GOODS, 't. D. A. SAWYER'S, CHE A, P S 0, R /Prices Lower thailleer ! UNPREORDENTRD BARGAINS! CoUstant Additions to our Sti;ck I CHEAP DEERE GOODEI At 25 and 50 cents, worth 40 to 00 cents. We are selling Dress Goods at 00 per emt lees than last month. We are °Maier Shawls at remarkably low priers WATER PROOFS I W AMR PROOFS I A spleudiel'plero at $l.OO por yard. VELVETEENS I VELVETEENS/ Ye',stems at 50 coots, $l.OO, and upwards. ELM A eplemild line of Ladlet' and Childten'm Furs We have no old Furs with which to bait customers Come and examine in. stock, and you will be con vinced that we have the cheapest Pere in the town. REDUCTION TN DOMESTIC GOODS, .Correspondlng to docile* In gold. , A Leary unbleached Mullin, one yard wide, worth lb rents, for 1234: Calicoes, gingham", and Tlok. Inge reduced. A cheap lot of r . LAN KITS, just in from the mills: _ _ MEN'S AND BOYS'WEAR. • tharcoatings away down. Men'a Underablrts and Drawers, 00 coat. and up wards. OLIN NOTION DNPAIITILENT Will be supplied with norolties suitable tor ifoliday Preimuts. --ConraWT - Comr - 1111; - iml - serIctr - yourialviiii; - iitid Illy. your mousy. QM BARGAINS,! IR DRT GOODS, FROM Al:POTION, 0 CI ILB Y'S 'CHEAP CASH STORE Now opeuiug, o accoud supply of the cheapest Hall laud Winter Ouuas brought to Car Hale tho 11011.{1. ♦ large ouleurttuont of buil.' Drate licods iu every, variety: Cloths, • Cassimeres, BLANKETS AND FLANNELS, ye,' cheap WATER-PROOF CLOT!! la all calor. TicLlnge, Gingham., 10.. at the very /oweet notch. Hosiery, Glos., Uni!athlete, Ac , cheaper then •vor, Tot. nos., Toweling, and NapleSus. All /hide of Notic., Threads, Tarns, Braids, Shire Collars, Lath.' Balms.' Skirt., lte., Co , is endless ♦erlety i n a rg l e . in t l y n . lll!....ck I.!pac9_l, pow MEM An eollre new lest of Fort. Groat lavgaiu, haying o old ones. Purchaeore cal depend 01 getting a • en and cheap article. . - - Puvbasers ar• earnestly requetted to call and ex mine my etock of new. rwds, and utlery thenevelvw. No trouble to .how goods at the Cheap Cash atom, NO. 47 WEST MAIN lITREIP.T, CAI - I.IIBLE CHARLES OGILBY. MEM DECLINE IN GOLD ! COISSESPONDING DECLINS_IN GOODS! Quito an excitement In the Dry Goode market, ti a very marked decliu• In prices of rultaburuzA. 22.70 DRESS GOODS, Bilk., Del•lu.., hlerinosn, ..Ipaccaa, Poplin., Burge. Item and • largo variety, comprising nearly every thing in this Ilue of goods. STAPLE GOODS Flannels. 'Makings. leingleame, Blankets, Cottoned., Kentucky Jam., CLOTIIB, and CASSIURRIE,I4asn and Cotton TaLle Diapers, 13hirtinge, Chock,. WHITE GOODS Nalusaak, Cambrlr., Jammets, Yrenek Mn Tarloamr, Cambric and aalso Idglaga and I• martin.. HOSIERY," GLOVES, za. Trimmings, lu great varisity,ltili•ins, of tits bast quality, Huts •ud Sundormis. FANCY GOODS f u gmit ulaqy style+, and all very ebeep Ladies' Undo• Clothing; ry timad.umely made and trimmed. •Isu CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, nugget., Ruin, Window Shades, Qt;liti, Coautar panes, and manygooda not mentioned Mr want el pan. We Gleba to hare the largest and beet etcoek of Dry Woods k the luterior the !late, !tad will a ell at ouch price. AS will eatleyalltbat this In the plaoe toit mo eterod hargelos. s BENTZ Ca . Plumbing, Gas Fitting, ,ec, JAMES. CAYPIiI LL. W. IP. 118.1 f WOOD. •I,NSIBING, GAS - . AND STEAM - • Al No, 18 North Hanover Eked!, cAnmair.v., -rnxx'• STILL AT BUSINESS! The aulturslgued are nor fully iireparad to atteud to this bailitura in all In dllfarout Lranclass. Ty.) , also keep ...tautly on Niud and fond., WATER CLOSETS, ,21ATII TUBS, WATER CLOSETS, • BATH TUBS, WATER. CLOSETS, BM( TUBE, WATER CLOSETS, BATH TUBS, '-" WASTE BASINS, )71 MR ANTII, - - Lift Sod /arcs Cisterns, Lift and For. Chasms, sad Bop Will Pump., Lead, Terra Cutts sud.Bosp,Wsll Pump., lesdi Tins Colts And Irdri'Pliiii:ChTtimais Taps sad Flues: '.. "1 I. .- GAS PIPE AND FIXTURES . _ .. ._ . • • Globes, and all Mod. of Brass Work for steam and ,water constantly on hand, or furnished ti order. 'Dwollings, Ch*chi% lactOrles and other buntline . In' town or country, dttod up with minims and di— patch. An work wArrntitod. • , Tbunkful thr public patronage, re hops bY itHet 'attention lob:miners to =wits conttnuano• of tb: lame. Tgrnii roasonablo, lt,roonlrluf but. One al to nriero your matron. Alva us seal . Don't forg.t the plans, No 18, North Ilanoyor street, In Ilinbarr : most of Blpin new building. All 'ordorn loft's% tu• roohlouco otolthor Items. . , 0 , C.AMPPEIL 11111 T WOOD at aby time, either, - , day 4 .or. Right, will, he primp, y attended to. • Jantea Catiipbell,'"Altiancler's Mew, Pitt William Leawood, Booth strut, &bin+ West. Itiorlog ..totcl4l ndrnntop• wo tiro - tprtoparod to furnish • • , COPIER WORK OP ALL DISORIITIONII, . for Still Roust' sir! o th er purporra, hoss• or it ► dlrtnueo. I , . COPPER. ,PIPEI furnished to order, iltherdratro or tintretl. , ‘' 2813051 y • WM 8 lIAIVLS I a LIANYLS 1 Mall DEO= BARGAINS Battinots, and Jeans, uuoutoiuouly low lIIMI UM (I.4:merles, Family notir, 4c FRESH. GROCAHHCS I' FRESH GROCERIES Always to Iha tool at th• i CII.EAP STORE . ,':.„ . Ico.. 08 t lAst Pomfret etiee ~ t. . ind why are th, j alwaya Lira& ? BeCailior wa'aell a great amount o thorn, and Yell thorn low. Thoro• fore. turn our,stoik often, and constujuoutly our goods, must be fro th . • f You will find evorythitig you within the way of Grocerleo, • - . Queensware, - Glassware, . • - Willow and , Cedarwaro, Blom, and • Crockaryworai , Choice Hams, Dried Beef, . ' --s , Bologna, -- Boat, Yciagaea, Biscuits and Crackers of every deeoriptlon. Pickled, Spiced and Free, • English Piekles, Lemon Syrups, dc., and no cad to NOTIONS It Is wants to mention them, some end coo fatly° solves; and parent. if It don't suit you to come, solid your - children, ste they • will be dealt with the same - sere as If you worn • here yourself. ALL KINDS OF CO UNTRY PRODUCE taken In exchange fur gupde, or talk GEO. B. HOFFMAN'S BONS, No. 88 East Pomfret Street, moos* • ° VILMA, PA T M. MASONMILIMER, u . DIIILPIR IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, FINE QUALITY OP Mill, PURE SPIOE£I, Queeneidars, Glassware; ' Btonewarf, 1 Wooden nd • WY? DEAND!' Op F.A Y „FLOUR,. I= ALL KINDS OP COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD sountwae? 0011.:11.11 PITT AND PAIHRET ISTRESTS 'educe* Loather and Fancy Goods. SPECIAL NOTICE. CLARK & BIDDLE Lenpeotfully tulurm their bleeds ihitt MR. JDRBMIAII ROD WINS, (tote of the Dna Of Belles & C 0..) hae this day two.; elated himself with them, under the Arm num. 0, ROBBING, CLARK & BIDDLE, attll will continuo th• WATCH AND JEWELRY DUENESS ' nt the old stand, 1.124 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPEIA. ' • ' " -They are Dow ageing, at reduced pr:ccA t a cholo. /duck of •MENIOAN AND SWISS WAICEEI, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, 'STERLING SILVERWARE, TABLE CUTLERY, MANTEL CLOCKS ENGLISH, YRENCE AND VIENNA. LEATHER , AND FANCY GOODS. 213.p70 For Bent. TOR RENT-' The storeroom now °erupted by L. T. Greenfield two dome from Market Square, Hest Main etre& Possession given April 1, 11171, or perhaps 000ner Apply - to ' • • ' • ladee7o4( JACOB ZUG! FOR RENT The storeroom, on West Male street, and no ecuplad by Samuel Cloudy, is for rent from th• Ore Apcil nest. Apply at Tots OirMs. Cloths and 'Furnishing Goods. THE BEST, and decidedly the largest stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, o Carllale, for Moven, Youthe, aid Roy.' an•ar, N b found M lltoold 'and popular .tor. of , ISAAC LIVINGSTON, No. 22 North Hanover Street, w►ere yea van fled tha lateat prodriution. of Ebro =2=l O L Q 1' II 8 ' •vwg, dewrlptfo■ and quality, and all the v.iona popular and fashionable shade.. OVER-COATINGS. - TY• large.t •eieartueut .ver 0l ytykf Cassima•os In endless variety, Tweeds, batinots, Cheriote, &c ♦ splsaill/ .tuck Yf Yeatlopt. An Amen. stock toady-mad. Malang, of our ow■ mainteoturo, equal So garments made to order. • oploodid aisortmost of,_ Gentlemen's Furnishing Qui:ult. =MI 1=1:3 OwpialagN Don't tall to givens& oall We are determined fa sell elaexper time! any Iluties le town. lIUAC LIVING /TON, No. 112 North Ilano”r innwt.A.).,rlLoile. Establialml 1847. r ECEISE CITY ADVERTISEMEN2'. A GENTS T TANtED -FOR 4 hi ''LJBItABY OT POBTItY AND BONO.• Being dicd. Inflection. him tba but Porte. 1141141, Scotch, le., and Asnoricas. • „With Intradnatbon by OULL7II 11/tTANS. The entire work, page by page, has passed under the educated criticises and eehelatly eye of Ws great poet • ' The handsotatel, and chilpill book extant, con tainlng more to alms It ...during fame and make It universally popular than any took VIII' pablfshe.t. It has something la It of the bid for every one—for "the old , the middle-aged, and the young. Adopting the Bible, this will be the book most loved and Ole moot frequently retailed to In the family. • This to a Library In one book, whose fauteuil will grow old' r stale. 411011 be read and rwread with the greatest pleasure. Oyer 800 pages, Leann. fully printed, choicely Illustrated, kassilopely bound. Fold onlyr, by subecriptien. Teaehera,Cbr lumen, active Men and Women, ten all were good ply with light work by, taking an agency for this book. Terms very liberal. • lead for Oireular, tai, le • GEO. HAOLIAN; 16dee70.311 710 Fathom it., Rhpad.lptils. Tice Choicest Smoking Tobacco. DEBT AND OfIQICEBT 4.31.0K1,D . 19 TOBACCO -t. Manufactured at FACTORY NO. 1, 3.Iv4:IIIIITETOT Olt IIABIII,AND • • • .4;i6-114.i, that .144 .paakalt• yeti buy blais . ' lutotip ikon. 907A70.17 *.Eflizir) WARE; SiPES, tec: 1871. CA IILISLE ITARDWARE HOUSE! f H. BAIT'ON ¢ 09.; N 0.16 NAST MAIN ETILISIM, IMPORTED ANY) AMXRT6AN 71A1OUWARE, Building, Ilomakusping, •Farailug and PdecLunics HARDWARE! HARDWARE! HARHWiRE We have this day, sasoclatad with us la burintas D. D. SAXTON. The Ira, will still aautinua, Hbators, 11. Saxttri & Ca. Boßering a short credit to to the mutual benefit of all portiori, we has., therefore, concluded to adopt a audit of three months to rosponsible.partleo, at which thaw, oar bills will be rendered, da i - January, April, July sad October, when oottloment will be made. • " Thankful for pant patronago, and eolleltlug a con thensuee,of future furore, N. D.—Orden by mall ahall twelve as prompt Int ention, and will bs mold at 1 low rates all If delivered a person. • Wain MILLER & BOWERS' Willowtoart HARD W4RE STORE, 26 NORTH HANOVER STREET WE would respootfuhricall tho atten tion of th• public to our reeently replenish. ed STOCK 07 HAM/WARY making it no* one of the largest' In Cutuberlend Valb7 and eoneleting In pall of LIANISIftIiIiD AND 8U1.1.10 IRON BURDOWS HORHUSHOES, hOhWAY RODS BLACK SMITIII3', WAGON MA KEIGI . , COACH MA I( MRS' AND C•RPBNTICS TOOLS, B UILDIIN MATERIAL ASuildlery, Cablu Uudertakers, and Cue di Ilakor MA¶IERIAL, Omln.; Ithovelg, York; I.aka., A.. Repairs in MeCOltitiOK'S Exaria- irstulastiy n k;uad. W. are loonotatttly I "re@alpt of good Er ' s.% from the maoalkotareri atul are Al. to fit alsh HUY try marobants •t Philadelphia aed hl• York prlcoo. 40-60014 dellverod to ell parte of the town fr f 4111.114. WILCOX & GIBBS' SE WING .114 CHINE„ We hare tecnred tlo kgesey of the Wilcox k Gibbe^ Sewing bfachlae, a little family arrangement so one seems willing to do witkeut after having 'sea ens in operation. Tim Wilcox .1k Gibbs' le a adagio Thread Machine, and claims superiority over all Double Tkread Mackinac la the Ibilowlag partieu lare : It 11 simpler, and lOU Ilablo to get out of re pair; it Is eimaper; it runt with is.. Nolte; It rum Mier; it runs faster; It has the beat devils* for pre. muting Ib• wheel from ranting backward; It re quires less meehanical skill le operate it; It requires lets time and inetruction to learn to ase it ; it is the meat tlarial■ and reliable M Its operations; ita ■eedie le straight and lON liable to b• broken than curved •ne; the-424101e Is secured in its plass by n Ina•olonsly patented devil,* which renders It eltadJusting, so that neither -skill nor experience re required in . arranging It; It Will directly from hellipoel, this s doing away with the Indica! opera len of re.winding the thread for adjnettnent in the bottle; it utak. the Wilcox & Gibtte, or " twitted loop otttch," a stitch original with this asichlae. and made by ao other; the seam Is mere idiotic and stronger than the Lock blitth Menem is the most even aid beautiful; the mem always mlf.lbettmed Thee avoiding a re•ecalble f d ; It. melon L more simple and more easily adJus sd ' • It is more speedily °imaged from sae kind of orb to another; It does beeetifil embroidery; i u the best hemmer; It has the beet filler; the beet braider; It bee lb. but belt. The Trifiox it Gibbs hall been In the tark•Yfer • little dids,o than eight years, daring ditch time op•ards of olxty thoutand have !won mad• and sold, • number by tlftyper coat larger than were . mid of any Double Throad idaehlne in the sam• number of Its carlimit loam. loch atoms lo sulleloot to warrant the sale entail Machine wilerover It hao as agesoy, without lb. doubling evidence of tootimonialo, - of which titers are lonongh to 511 op the column. in the land, Those hlashimm are on •xhi billot at our store, NO. 16 NORTIE !UNWIRE. ITIIIINT, CARLISLB, where they may by examined, and they will tab* groat pleuure in explalcting anythivg relating to It, Respoolfully, As., 0 ,0 MILIAN. A. BONITO, 0) No. 20 North ilanoyor .treat, tfljauffil easdiale, Pa. Umbrella., A I Stoves and Tlntva re.. EXCELSIOR • STOVE AND TINWARE EMPORIUM, underalgoe4 would respeatitilly Werra the citizens of Cvtlele ead.elotal ty, that he etlll emlee es the STOVE AND TINWARE DUEIDECI, s L all Ita various brattehet. no, has neeared the Agana/ for the fallowing popular ;doves Parlor and Office °taros, Morning Glory, . , --- - Morning Light; - Parlor Heaters - -Light . Houso, toolbar witk • •orlety of COON Wrol aB . Combination Gins Burner, Eureka, Regulator, • • . Ilpators, Ranged, and Flroboardlittoveg, which he le prepareitto fureleh et the lowed market Mot* Eeptlrla promptly *needed .I*. Itoititig. an 4 Jobbing exeouted Is the moil oath* Ihetort adentwr. ' • ' my,* of ovary deucilptlo'h Oonetantli on .band, or !aide 14 order, at rearoo►ble pricer.. Haring none but: experithirdwaikmen he hoped tit• ohms attantion to bastard, to meow" the public patronage: ' '' ' , •• • •• . Remember '.the plao4ii".''• • • • • • • ~ ,11040 , 1 1 7881 MAIN STEBBT. • ' ' LuIVEL: 44. VDT., 24n0v7017 ECM! carlislo, Pa., D stltrie Its NOTICE We ramaloreepeetrully, H. BAXTON & 00 CARI,ISI.P., PA Pains Oils, Parlor Light., Niagara, - • Biiperlor, Delivered la,' any addraise. Depute from' °Lesiva Ettalliakinti upward of Twontr Yorn. Sold by Dtitgalets orerywhoro. Addreat letters for Inform'• tion,'ln tottildonati to lIPINItYT..upLIIPOI.D, Drug. gist and Chemist., , • ''Only Depots s• If. Drug. and • Chemical liforshoute, No. DOI NninalWity, Now York r to N.T. lINGIIBOLD'O Medical 00p0t,104 Poutb, T3iit4t3tritot; Pilliqpiphis; PC; , • - • BNIPAIN OP 001INTNIIPILTTP, Aak foi T. UNGIIOOLTiII 1 TAXA NO OUINN., • $OJ•7O3y , . • - _ Dr. ilelmbold's Colttmai. ENRY T. HELMBOLD , B H• . O,lfPO UND, :FLUID EXTRACT CATAWB• G B P Component Parts—Fluid Extract Rhu. barb ald..nuit? /Tetrad Clatatoba Grape giliso. For Liver Mimi,taint:, Jaundice, Bil iousAlfections, Sick orNervous Headache, Costiveness, Vic. Purely Vegetable, Con taining no Mercury, Mtimrais or Delete rious Drugs. Theis Pills are the most dolightfully pleasant put , Ream,. suptreediug tutor 011, salts, magnesia, eta. There Is nothing more acceptable to the stomach. They glee tone, and cause ne it ner Daum nor grip ing pains. They are composed of the fine! ingredi ents. After a row days' use of them; uch an invlgo• ration of the entire system takes place as to Appear Miraculous to the weak and enervated, whether arising from imprudence or diseseo. 11. T. lioltabold's Compound Fluid Extract Catawba .Grape Ms are. not sugar-coated, from the fact that sugar.eoated Pills do not dissolve, but pass through the stomach without diesolylns. consequently do not produce the desired effect. TILE CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS, being plemant In taste and odor, do not neemeltatie their being sugar-coated. PRICE FIFTY CLINTS PER BOX. HENRY T. ITEL.WBOLD!.9 lIICIIILY - CONORN.TRATDD COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Will radically exterminate from the eystom Scrofula, Syphilis, Foyer Sores, Ulcers, Sore Eyes, Boro Loy, Bore Mouth, Sore Read s Bronchitis; Skin Diseases, Salt Rheum, Camera, Runnings from the Ear, White Swelling., Tumors', Casement Affections, Nodes, Rickets Glandular Swelling., Night Sweetie, Roth, Totter,Humors of all Kinds, Chronic Rheumatism, Dyepepales, and alidisessies that lass Loon mtablished in the optima- for years, Being prupared expressly for the above Complaints, Its Blood-purifying proprieties are greater than any other Preparation of Sarsaparilla. It give, the Com plexion a clear and healthy color, and restore. tho patloat into a state of health and purity. For purify ing the blood, removing all Chronic Conetitutional themes arising from' an impure state of the blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure of Pains and Swelling of the Bones, Bloom fiesta of the Throat and Loge, Blotches, Pimple. ou the Face, Bryelpelm and all Braley Eruptions of tho Skin, and Banutlfylug the Complexion . . Primo, PI 60 per Bottle,' HENRY V. HELME,OLD'S CONCENTUATIM FLUID EXTRACT 11 UCH U, TUE GREAT DIURETIC, has curod Geary case of Diabets in Which it has boo given, Irritation of the Neck of the Bistdder and Inihmarnation of the Kidoraye, Ulceration of the - liCid nay. and Bladder, Betefitino of Urina.„_Dleoesee of ilia - Ploetrat — eGilind, "gone in the Bladdor, Calcolue, Gravel, Brickdost Deposit. and Mucous or Milky Dischergos, and for Nufeebnd and Delicate Conan tutioue of both Saxe°, Attended- with the following Symptoms Indlepositfon to kr.ortion, Lona of Ptiwer, Loss of Memory, Daculty of Breathing, Weak Nerros, Trembling Ifoeror of Disease, Wakefulneee, Dimocaa of Vinton, Pain in the Bock, Hot Ilona, Floating of the Body ,Dryneue of tho Skin, Eruption on the Faro, Pallid Countenance, Univereal Laesitado of the Mu.- co ler Spam. etc. - treed by wow., from the ogee of dghteo■ I twenty-five, old from thirty-llva to 111 ty•fl re or In tir decline or chimp of III.; after confinement or lobo Dahl.; bod-wetting In children. I IlehubolWO Bitrost - Buoltu Is Diuretic. And Blood Purifying and sures all Blom. arising from Flab its of Dissipation, and Bocosarrand Imprudons. In Life, Impurities of the Blood, ea., Super...ding Copaiba In Affections fur whlsh It to used, and By phli , Inc Aff.tion..---in thews disco... usod In connection with tisimbold's Ross Wash. L .4 . 1) IBS. In roomy Taunt peculiar to Ladled, The Bstraot Barba Is Um Malted by any other Remedy—As lu Chlorosis or tetention, Irregularity, MIMI.. or Suppression of Customary 11111.11“10•11, Ulcerated or Mobil - rue State of the Uterus, Loucorrhom or Whites, Sterility, card for all Complaints inalent to the I. es. Whether arising from Indlecretion or Habits of Die. elpation, It Is prescribed extensively by tho 'most Mmineut Phyeielane and Midwirse for'Eufeobled scud Delicate Coustitutione, of Both Sexes and all Agee (Attonded with any of the abova Diseases or Symp ./ tome). 0 =1 CURES DISUARRI IRIB7NO PROM IMPRODIZ CBS, HABITS OS DISSIPATION. ETC In all their stage., at little expense ' little or no change In diet, no Inconvenience, and no exPeause. It Cause. a frequent Madre, and gives strength to Urinals, thereby removing Oh.tructione, Preventing and Curing Stristuree of the Urethra, Allaying Pains and Tnilamnuttion, so frequent in this class of di.- nev., and expelling all Poison.. Matter. Thousand. who have been the vietitne of Ineonapo- tout persons, and- who have paid heavy feu to be cured in a short tine, hare found they barn been deceived, and that the "Poluln" has, by the use of "powerful asfilogents," boon dried up in the system, to break out in a more aggrainted form, and perhaps sitar Marriage. Uu IBILMDOLD'S IITRAC7 DUCERI for all Affections and Dlssasoe of the „Drinary Organs, whether ex latiag In Male or Female, from whatever cause originating. and no mattor of bow long stein& OND DOLLAR. AND TIM MINTS DOTILII. L HENRY T. HE,LMBGLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH cannot be surnamed is Face Wash, and will be found the oily specific remedy in *my enemies of Cutane ous Affection.. It speedily eradicate. Pimple., Spots, Scorbutic 'Lynam Induration. of the Cutaneous Membrane, etc., dispel. &Millis and Incipient Inflamniation, Hive.; Rash; hfoth..Patches, I/unseal of Scalp or Skin,- Prost Dile., and all purposes for which Salve. or Ointment are used; restores the skin toe state of purity and softness, and insures continuid healthy action to the tburruLef its tessels; . on Whith - dependi tWe agrienhie clearnOsi and cleat- Ity et complexion io much sought and admired. But however tainable as a remody for existing defects of the Orin, 11. T. Lielmbold's Bose Wash ham long 'Waffled Its prlnelple claim to unbounded patronage, by possessing qualities which render It a"Pollet Appendege,of the most fiuptplatlve and Congenial character, eombining In an elegant formula these'• prominent requisites, Safety and BS Lacy—the inva riable aecompanients of it. use—ss a Presereative sod Refresher of the Complexion. It Is au excellent Lotiqn for dietaries-of a Syphilitic Nature, and a. an injection for dls.ases of the Urinary Organs, arising from ,habits of dissipation. used -in connection with the Extracts Buchu, Sarsaparilla, and CatawbaOrape Pills, in such diseases as, recommended, cannot be surpassed. Prise, One Dollar per Bottle. D Pull and explicit dliecilone atoolnyauXing the medlelpie. Eskimo:, of the meet responalble and reliable char., Rota , furnished on application, with hundreds of thousends of liring with m m mm m m and upward of 30,000 untolleited multitude, and recommendatory lettere,. many of which are from Alto highest sources, Inclu ding itolbenePhyalciarie.aorgymenAtateemon,lito, The proprietor has never reiertod to their publics. lon In the new/papers; he does not do We from the set Wet his artiste's rank as Standard Preparation■ &Tubb not need to hi propped up bj ierliticatoe, . lIEItRY T. lIELMBOLDS' GENUINE PREPARATIONS. Dry Cf9ods, Carpets, 4ft. 1870. , - PALL AND WINTER OPYAINO TO-PAY ♦T THE CENTRAL DRY GOO 41 . 4 0:9 1 0 RE. • - • New and desirable DRESS ('ODDS• Groot Bargain. from late AUCTION SALES, Is Now York andiNdladalphla ANTRACAN CLOAKING CLOTHS, CARACULA CLOAKING CLOTHS SBA.L SKIN CLOAKING CLOTHS, EXTRA BEAVER OLOARINGS r Blue, Brown, Pu - Fple end Black" VEINISTE ENS, SHAWLS I • SHAWLS! -FURS 1-FURRI MEM The nut and Cheapast In tows ♦ grist bargain In all kinds of Colored and Wltto BLANERMI BLANKETS! Flannels, .Flannels, lannols, Fait skirts, yoboasod shirts, tba largest assurtmant at tb• lowest price'. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, OVER-UOATINGS, th• largeogt .Ludt Iu luw u. fur I.lam lb. prlcips eui mouth go. .11 DO II UST ICE 3 ! INYM ESTICS! Al deolius pricos. '.w style,. t Wooluu Moods, Hr. Wet Shawls, Children's Cloaks, Ti.i and orerythlhgelee lo the Notion /A.. CAIIPHTB, O•EPETB! Floor Oil-Clotla, Table Druggots, .Mattiugs, Rugs, &c do •wortmuet.offeoc" Bugg" Ilego DO not fall to giro la a oall; 4 iiii WI can giro you battau-barcalna than you ou gat anywhara also all kind. of Dry Goods and Carpals. LEIDICEI 4; MILLER NO. 2 PAAP MAIN STUMM. CARLIBLL, PA I 7 7U NEW DRY GOODS STORE DUKE & BURKEOLPEE, 4 ...- 310.11T1J 11ANOVIE 21 . 11 kin Below the Carlisle Deposit hank, nft•Oi.t. tatarthal tram Now Yuri and Phi4.J.ip with au entire NNW STOOK Of ttOO'Di Our good•havw wltlalL• !crustal. awl to point of bewail and olivaptiosa caouut L. i 4.4114 d. loylto .nary on. to corns loud I topeut our dm 'took '(cools. You will hod •r.ry ourioty and st_ of goods tho market. *Cord, I Dread Goode, Cloths, Cassimeres, , walla lv, BSA 11,14e-Alviet, Rick Orstrdir-Ltysti,s Ordw-Graina. Drib-4)1mo; Char 4., ftaL leriagriinar. Surtd.annatira Nowroes ()loth:, florin :. mi.! PioMs of *owl , shads and olyto. ?Mites I ?URI I 11/IrAili O. stook 'of Yuri .00.11 anything In rdet toady of golidl, and flataao of quality. and wo bars worked them down to lowor price. than have aor been offorod fu Corllold. - Vie purchae• this Stook than the lured end beet Meter In New York. WI kayo wade a *holes zonation of CLOTHS AND,O♦/6ILL S EID, to witiolt ere ineite eel:metal attention otyonng and old. We bass selected some elloine patterns of MOWRY OASSIIVIC.II.II4, particularly adapted to young *ill. Wo bocci ivory tliing In • DOMSTIO Muslin*, Flannels, Prints, ' • Btanketirk Tioklugi,• - Coverlets, 99ut4!111)alleg, Furnitura Chic Balmoral', LADIND' AND SIMI UNDEDWIAIL ef ell Wade. • few et the . advantage. et Doyles. Ones from tie any we have as spike NET ATOOIt 000D11 TO 8111.102 BM; 'whlohlave been bought fair *ash ; and wa wa allow ao en. to undersell ns. , WUeztend'a eordial Initiation fi sit, to sit and us us before making your punkin uwe tklak we sow Ora! Lalll hidllll6lllllll6l. • • 1 , 6 1 1;4111M1r.. • ovivo 0 .0 nu' * svascupipai, liobjland's German Medfelnes. 1879. HOOFLA : ND'S GERMAN 151.1tDIOINES, 1100FLIND13 OE6II DITTILItI3, Hooflanirs Podophyllin HOWLAND'S GREEK OIL lIOORIAND'S RIERMAN BITTERS Ilitters .:Haut Alcohol or Spirit. of any kind. Is different from all others. It le composed of the pnrejulices of vital principle of Boots, Herb; and Berke (or as medicinally termed, extrectsj the worth less or Inert portions of the ingredient' not being used. Therefore, In one bottle of this Bitters there -le-coohdped-as-much-triedleinal-virtne-u-will be found inseveral gallas of - ordinary mixture.. The Hoots, &C., used In this Bitters ars -grown In Cur. many, their vital principles extracted hilhat country by a ealentlfic Chemist and forwarded to Ilia manu factory In this city, where they are .compounded and bottled. Containing no spirituous Ingredients, Ode Bitters [vireo from the objections urged against all others. no desire for stimulants can be Induced from their nee, they cannot make drunkards, and cannot, under any dream:Maulers, have any but a beneficial effect. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC IV. compound...l for those net Inclined to ex [rem) bitten, and Is Intended for nee In cases whoa soma alcoholic stimulant is required In connection with the Tonic properties of the Bitters Bach bottle of the Toole contains one bottle of the Bitter., com bined - with pure Yenta Crum Beth, end flavored In such a manner that the extreme bitterndie of the littler. Is overcome, forming • preparation highly mgremble end pleasant to the palate, and containing the medicinal virtues of the Bitters. The price of the Tonic is $l3O per bottle, which many permits think too high. They must inks into coneideration that tie stimulant used la guaranteed to be of a pure quality. A poor article .sold be furnished - at a a beeper prim, hut -la It not hotter to pay a little more and have a good article? A medicinal preparation elMuld Contain none but the beet ingredients, and they who expect to obtain a cheap compound will mod certainly be cheated. They aro the Greatest Known Remedies Licer Complaint, Jaundia, and all diseases- arising from a. Dieorderad Llrur Stomach, or Impurity of the Illood. head the following symptom.: Cousttpall. Fullness of Blood les the Hod Acidity of 'the Stomach, Diegust for roof, Fullness or Tf eigLt In the Stomach, Scar Erna/atone, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Ftomaoh, Bottoming uf,the lined, flurried or Diffleult Breathing, Fluttering' at tho 'leen, Chok ing or Suffocating Sensations when Ina Lying Pos ture, Dimneee of Vision, Dote or Webs baron, tho Sight, Dull Pain In the Ilead, Deficiency of Po”plro.- lion, Yellowness of the Skin and Eye, Poles in tho Side, Deck. Chest, Limbs, An, Sudden Flush.. of Beet, Bombing In the Flesh, Constant imeglainge of tell, end Great Dsproteisn of Spirits. All the. in dicate Disse.. of the Liner or Digeetive Grow com bined with impure blood. nee m o ro f t. the . t ßitter. o or Tonic will soon enure Oho alone .y disappear,and tire patient mill bacon., w, d and t GREEK OIL, Lightming Curd for all Kinds of Pala/ Applies" Istarnally.—lt will cure all 'duds of Palos and Aches, inch u Rheumatlani, Neuralgia, Toothache, Chilblains, Bernina, Brulms, Vrent Bite., Headaches, Pains he the Rack and Loins, Pains In th• Joints or Limbs, Stingy of liameta, Ringworm., Telma Internally.—lt will cure Kidney Complaints, teckachee, kick Headache, Colic, Dysentery, Dien rteett. Chalen•]ofautum, Cholera Market, Cramp., shad Pales In the Stomach, Mover and Ague, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, •lc. POIIoPHYLLIN, Furs,, and OR 13U1IBTITUTR FOR MERCURY PILL Notions Thoniost powerful, yet innocent, Vegeta ble known. . , It to not,uiceuary to take a handful of these Pills to produce the desired effect; two of them act quickly and powerfully, ,cleanel:te She Liver, Stomach, and Bowels of all Impurities. She principal Ingredient •Is Podophyllln, or the Xzlr nat of Moo' drake, which ls by many elutes more Powerful, Acting, and Searching, Than the Mandrake Itself: Its pseAll.r_ "tian . uport , the Liver, cleat/log it speedily from all ob atractlons, with all the power of MereCri. 7ot fro. front the 40 briooe results attached to the ,11.° of that sulosral. For all diseases, In which the use of a cath.•fti°, l . itsdicalsd, these Pills will glye entire satislisett eA • =I In GM. of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, udHx trem• Costiveness, Dr. lloolland's German Bitters or Tonic should be used in eonnection with the Pills. The tonic effect of the Bitters or Tonle builds np the slalom. The Bitter. or Tonle purifies, the Blood, strengthens the alarms, rernlatea the Liver, -and give. Rtrougth, energy, and vigor. Keep your Bowels active with the Pill., and tone up h s s esnwlth Bitters or Tonic, and no . dleease can retain Its bold, or even Snail you. These medicines are meld, by all Druggists and Dealers In medlcinee everywhere. • Recollect that It Is Elt lit Alt 11,,,E E D t 3 • that Ire no unl ***** Ily need and highly mom mended'; and do not,allow the Druggist to induce you to lake anything One that he may say Is Juit as good, barman he makes largar profit on it. Them Remotion will be sent - by •Expresa to any upori application to the Principal Moe, at dui. OtRMAN • • ,PRILADHLPIIIA • CRAB. M. EVANS; Formerly°. M. Jig , lCSOii it CO Thies liteinedi s ;ttlirllele by Druggists, Store ikeepareouid It lioalere, irrarywhent.thiough. eat 'United Undo, OatWN, liloulti`Atnetion, and *eat indite • • o 1av070.1, • . Hoojiandi'e German Tonic, EZIZEZI Dyspepsia Nano u s Disease of the Kidneys, Eruptions of the Skii~ Flatoleues, lo sra Pll s, Cti=2 M!=! BOOFLAND'S and Aches DR. 1100 FL AN D'd d'rrib PILLS A DOFItt DR. 1100PLANDIS 681 STUMM,' Propridor RE'Al,c).v:L-.! L. T. GREENFIELD. GREAT CLEARING OUT SALE PREPARATORY 'l'o REMOVAL I On the First of March, 18711 We will remove to our beautiful ;NEW !STOREROOM, now being fitted up In the Three-story Brick Building formerly the property of the late Chief dusting Cillnion, directly opposite the Bents Home and Banton'shardware Store. In n order to open with an ENTIRE NEW SPRING STOCK. I have marked down the prices of my entire stock of DRESS GOODS TO COST, AND LESS TITAN COST PRICES UNMISTAKABLY LOWER THAN EVER ! UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS ALL-WOOL PLAID SEDGES, ALL-WOOL PLAIDS, COLORED ALPACAS, ALL-WOOL EMPRESS CLOTHS, FRENCH kiERINOES ALL DRESS GOODS OUR - ENTIRE STOCK OF DELATNEk U R S Will be sold at Cost, and less than Cost, to make room:: All Classes of Woolen Goods will be sold al Greatly Reduced Prices .1 7 BARGAINS IN BLANKETS. Largo olook.of BLANICBTY twig SHAWLS will Le solg lo•r than c,:oot Undersbirts, Drawers 11 Le clused uul kt a great e.-rlfke. I will alt ono. 400. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN DOMESTIC GOODS. • Splendid Calaton Flannels reduced to 12f and 13 touts 4 1 Appleton A Muslin 12} cents. Seniper 'Mem 4-4 Eititilin 7t; cents. • Fruit of the Loom 18 cents. Wamsutta, 20 cents. Lancaster Ginghams 16 cents. Elegant Domestic Ginghams 12f cents. • As It Is impossible to enumerate the great change In prices ou all Our stock, we will any lu a word that this Is au opportunity seldom offered, and those who 1,51.11 thesuselv“ of it will he well paid, by calling at N. 4 kart Main street, Ware making their parrhuhes. Allare cordially Invited to corns and see fur theta relToa. EZED Stoves and Tinn.a2'e COMFORTS OF ROME =3 = o'.r mountain and moor, monh weneer may rove Our hearts turn with fondness back to that Store, Whore we sat all lust winter, u warming our toes, Aml food men Cry °eidetic, hells Its old time repose Stove, Store, Base-Bunting Stove, There's no Stove the thee, American Stove. Yoe ced to suffer by soother, we quickly repine, 0, give me the American; that la the shrine, About which we all gather en planaxut and float, And keep Ourselves comfortable way down to our fret Store, Stove, American Store, Thorn's no Stove Ilk° thoe, Baee•Burulug !novo Hod I Stoves placed before me to toot hy_my choice For the " American qtaVo.llurnor" rain loudly my voice, Yor with the tool In It, 'twill bring out tko hoot And keep you worm nod 'demount down to your feet, Store, Stove, woudorful Stove, There. no Store like thee, American Stove For setle at WM. FRIDLEY'S STOVE STORE, ON NAST LOUTIIER OTRE!T, hu rear of Shapley lialbart'g Fttrulture Room., Whore you ceu Mid so ..Huai variety of gouda, such aa Furnaces, Ranges, Office, Parlor, and Heating Stoves, of all delicriptloue EES=I = of all kluds. ■nd at as low prices, for Cash, as any other establishment In town. SPOUTIWO, R00)1 ,t VO, AND JODBLYO Or all Ida& alone with niittunai am), deapatah Cull amtatio'before purchaaing alaawhars. WILLIAM FRIDLEY Boot7O-Uu THE OLD ESTABLISHED 0. , , sTovE AND' i TINWARE STORE. A- l'ti E-S M .. t3 G'o NIOA Lt. No. 83 SOUTH ITANOVER STREET, (AdjoltiltNg DIKIr 2 Sou's arecory Store,) CAltiaBLE, PA Aft Sr an expertence,of over,thirty Joan Is the store god Tinware busirieen, In Carlisle, the Oudot.- olgoo d conlildidit that his recommendatioil of Moves b..ta come walghtvith - the - community. Ile now offer. t the celebrated EDiPI,BE GAS BIT N.BII, w hi c h h e reels satisfied lithe 10.0 Base Bur:min the market. It Is handsome, throwing a cheerful light around the room; there eri no clinkers coon with the wont co sl the Minix reflected o the floor and strikes the f• wt Intend of the face ; the gam is itetlrely consumed;' all duet le carried off by a back pipe; it has a ventillating damper by which room may be kept thoronehly ventilated; and it produce. ae great beat from as emell a quantity of coal no any •tore ever offend to tlltepublio,; • _ Ile also Ohre the 0 Oozy MOO' and the "Beacon Light," both Base Burners, highly recommended by bll•whe have need them. All three Base burners at e iured for three yearn, sad y .do not Work sa n tisfactorily may bo renni if n:Kt Also the following ) well' nowri . . . . COOK STOVES: .. - . Nimrod, Ironoides_,_ • , - I'mnor, Dlankoncl Slate, . • ,flolotberii. Tlsse lire ail_ vvarrantoil and may be returned ifunsatisfactory. Hundreds of b are beam put •up by. um in this community, arid tlielr oily ' ' ipity.is universal.. • . . UL.tbase. Stoma may be seen 'At my ostabllsh• mast, cud Wiriness oar. .birgivon to patties wigs . , . SPORTING AND ROOFING, • • ottondit to in town or *caul. • • , • . u httni mgionae7.- 2000700 m ' ?o, Noah likkovir Nict•S. Will be offered within the next,Thirty Days that wart:. maiked $1.25 will La sold at 76 achta per yard zunrlett down firm 76 to 60 cont.,. marked dowo frdir 73 to 60 cant. marked down from 80 to 80 and 66 canto marked down from 51.25 to 90 canto. that bare lama call all vosoo,at 50 cents marked d.cra to 3o and 40 cants. marled down to 14 and 18 cnut, Woolen Hoods, ._T-CREENFIP.D, N. 4 East Nfain Street Stoves, Tinware and Pumps _ _ _ GRAND OPENING RHINESMITH & RUPP, NO. 62 AND 64 NORTH 11/NOVEiI BTRE.ET, N AND SIIEUT.IRON WORK DRS Cook., Parlor, and every variety of The subscribern. Laving recently erected a 0011103, 1.1 iota store room, adjoining their old stand, affording .lucreamed facilitlu for bushman, are' now prepared to furnith their patrons and the public generally with very •rtiale In their line, on the most accommo- dating term.. With a large and varied auortment, to which addition. are conetantly made, they feel confident that in quality and price they are ahead of all competition. PARLOR BTOVRB, COOK BTO{T}3, This department, of their !tuck le unexcelled fur ortietic design, sltperlor finial, end simplicity of arrangement, among which may be mentioned the SUNNY SIDE FIRE PLACE HEATER BARLEY SHEAF, NOBLE COOK, aud Cook Stoves, with o variety anther Cook Stores well known for their excellence. of ull Icludd , lucluding the celebritad BABE BURNER, If you want an Ornamental Stove, If you want an Economical Stove, If you want a Powerful Heating Stove, If you want a Perpetual Fire Keeping Stove, call end examine our stock, when you will, find the ORIENTAL ROT BLAST, with revernible fine mud oven ORIENTAL PARLOR lIEATER, SPIC - AIt'SRNVOIiVINU - LIppIT; pAnLon:AND OFAIqIC STOVIIS. BIISET I IkAlt 4_1(13 TIN WA , Plain and Japanned, Including Toilet WAre, Cash and Deed Boxes, Broad, Cake, and Sugar Boxes, . Knives and Forks, Spoons of all kinds; Ladles ' Lantems, Coal Buckets, Enameled and. Plain Hollow Ware, Wrought Iron Pins, nhorcie and Tons, Cool and glow Nieves, Plat Bras' ,Kett'eu, Fruit Jeri, Le. do., Ac.; embracing 01, large • and complete BA sortment.to whick,we invite the attention hi buyer.. We are aldo preVared to furulsh Pumps for Orgtorns and Deep Wells, \ and have for tale the celebrated coeval &R WOOD PUMP, warranted genuine: Constantly on band FIND BRICK AND REi'AIDRI FON STOVNO ROOFING, SPOUTING, AND Jon. WORE atterolont to promptly •nd on roarouablu far Old Stoves taken in ezclia4e Thankful for the patronage berotor.re boAtowed on tie •wa are determined, by locOolited efforta,lo merit a continuance of It, and ,respectfully .git the public to call and examine for themsal roe. REfiNgSMITH & RUPP, • Nos. 02 and 04, , • - •,- .1i02T1,1 UANOyEIt ijirtuns, PA. AOsepTO Sontags, &e., OY TUE FALL CAMPAIGN and dealers in HEATING STOVES orricv. STOVES BUNNY SIDN DOUBLE OVEN COuli NOVELTY PARLOR COOK STOVR KITCHEN RANGE,B, I= I= I= BASE BURNERS, with a large x tts•Ortcoont of MEM