a WILSIIL.IIY.I J. IL WALLACE. j CARDS. W. A. ATWOOD. IWO W. DANCIC. ATWOOD, RAITC,K & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, *Wholesale dealers In all Mode of PICKLED AND BALT VISIT, No, 210 North Wharves, Above Race street, PHILADELPHIA loe7o DENTISTRY 1 DR. J. D. ZINN, Ye. CS East Man street, fati doors bast of GarttnarkrMachina Shop,) Carlisle, Penn'ii, Will pat lo tooth from $lO to 62.0 por set, as Ito WO may requiro. All work Warranted. 10(61070 D V. J S. BENDER, IHAICEOPATEHO PHYSICIAN. OM.* /11 the room formerly occupied by col,,John 165e69 T. BE . LTZHOOVER, F• ATTORNEY AT LAW. Officea la South Hanover street; oppowo &Allem dry goods etore. . lOget;9 ROLL, IcIREPATRICK C WIIITEMAN Wholonale Donlon In MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, N. E. C','Jr. Third and Market street:, Philadelphia Y. P. MOLL, Y. ICIIIIPA.TRICIS, Nan7l C. P. 111711131CJ1, FrUkittiCH & PARKER, ATTORNEY'S AT LAW °dice on Main stroot,in Marion Hall, Carlisle. 105e69 JAMES H. GRAHAM, Jn., ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 14 South Hanover street, 1".C4 CARLISLE, PA. Otßoa ndJohil ng Judge Oruhunis. 2.1m1170 J OHN CORNMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offloo N 0.7, Elam's fof 1, In ',or of tile Court Roo Ithroell JOSEPH RITNER, __ATTOILNIir AT_ LAW ANU SU RV EYOR, kltmltoolosborg, Oflicfc on Unilrood titr.t, In doors rtorth of the Book. Bo lm. promptly attended to. lure G JOSEPH. G. VALE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practices in Cumberland and Dau phi Counties Oalce—Bridgpport, Pe. Post oNce• ud kw—Crimp Cumbennud.asuuty, 12jan7I ly MiVr C. HERMAN, • ATTORNEY AT L: W, Carlisle, ER. No. 9 Rlkaorn's 11011. 10.039 P. H. SHAMBARGER, JUnTICE OF THE PEACE, Plainfield, Westponnaboro • township. All Muthese, ontruated to him will receive prompt uttentlon. 2U6C170 J 11. WILLICLEY. IV. F. SADLEn• WEAKLEY 4 SA.DLER, ATTOIiN EYS -AT LAW. Of!leo, 22 South nurturer !street, 0001 the 001.11, ` 1 11 nose noose. IUsVJ WILLIAM KENNEDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW ORIco io VolUiduor building, Carlbilti.. •" . "ATTORN ET AT LA W. Office In northeast corner of i.et Court House. lOselin. - . WEB. B. HIRONS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Fifth street below Chestnut, Cor. Library, PHYLADELPICI A. P. coyer, Pottsville, Petin'a r 7 P. BOYER, ~ P OTTSVILLE, PA., Mar.ufacturer of T RAIL, from 16 to G 4 pounds per yard MEM Ell= I=l Also MERCHANT EAR IRON, of ull aixee, vou vitantly ou !mud, ut tI tumult ntarkot pr. v. Furnace, Rolling Mill, Colliery Machinery, Boilers, and Steam Pumps, BUILT 2.0 ORDEII. Also, miner and slipper of the solebrated Mt. Holtg Spring Hematite Iron Ore Na7ll3m HOTELS. THE "BENTZ HOUSE," (Formerly Carman house,) Nog. 17 AND 19 EAST MAIN STREET, CARLISLE, PA The undereignod having purohasod and entirely ro-titted, and furnished anow throughout, with fina gless furniture, this woll-known, and old establishod hotel, solicits the custom of the community and traveling publio. Ho le well prepared to furnlidi brat elan accommodations to all who dueiro to mak.; aliotel their ISOME, or pleasant temporary abodo. ' The custom frouLtho surroupdlng country is respect ; idly !solicited. Courteous and attoutiveserrants are engaged at this popular hotel. GEORGE Z BENTZ, Proprietor. N. B. A Bret class livery le connected with the cLotel, under the management of Joeoph L. Sterner Brother. WapOily NATIONAL HOTEL = The undersigned haring 'lotion and eutiTely re 'lifted and furniahed thle hotel, I, prepared In furnish good accommodation, to all who desire to make It their home. A share of the patronage of the our. ,roauding country travelling public solicited Rooms large and eomfortable: Table always eup• mlied with the bast • IC W. WOODS, Proprietor Sma7o TRAVELERS' GUIDE. CUMBERLAND,. VALLEY It. It. CHANGE OF HOURS. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Ou and attar Thursday, November 24,1870, Passouger Trains will run daily, nisfullowa, (Sundays excepted): WESTWARD!__._ ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Harrisburg /1:00 .t. M , Mechanicsburg 8:35, Carlisle 9:11, NeWrille 0:40, Shippeneburg 10:22, Chantboreburg 10:44, 0 resu outle 11:10, arriving at IlagarstOwn 11:45, a. M. MA/L.TRAIN loaves Harrisburg 1:55, Me chanicsburg 2:27, Carlisle 2:58, Newvillo 3:32, Ship pen/burg 4:02, Chambersburg 4:35, Greencastle 5:11, arriving at Hagerstown 5:40, P M. EXPRESS TRAIN loaves Harrisburg .4:30, ra, Mechanicsburg 5:02, Carnes 5:32, NewrilleG:os, Ship penaburg 0:33, arriving at Chamboreburg 7:00, A MIXED TRAIN leaves Chambersburg 7:45, .Graimeastli 9:00, arriving aAllageirstOwn 10:05:4 M. EASTWARD , 'ACCOMMODATION TRAIN loaves Chambsreburg '6:00 a M, Bhlppensburg 5:29, Newvillo 0:00, Carlisle r.0:33, Idechanicaburg 7:02, arriving at Harrisburg MAIL TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 8:30 a k, Green. . mottle 0:00, Chamberaburg 9:40, Shipponsburg 11e22, -!Nrisrville 10:53, Carlisle 11,9, Mechanicsburg 12:05 . arriving at Harrisburg 12:117,1'. a. EXPRESS TRAIN leave. Ilagerstosin 12:00 u, Oveseleastla 12:20i Cbamberoburg 1:05; Shipponsburg 2:37, Newvllle 2:10, C.11810.2:50, Mechanicsburg 3:18, arriving at Harrisburg 3:50,r a. A, MIXED TRAIN leaves Ilsgerstoun 3:20 r se, •areencalllo 4:27, arriving at Chatuborsburg 5:20, r a. Air! Making close conuoctions at Harrisburg with grains to and from Philadelphia, New York, Washing- Ron, Baltimore, Pittsburg, and all point. West.- 0. N. LULL, Supt. Stlperlutendent's Office, Charub'g, Nov. 21, 1870. SOUTH MOUNTAIN IRON CO'S:, RAILROAD CUANGE O nouns.. Office of GeneralBuporintetdent, Carlisle, Pa., Octobor'B, 1870. RUZVAI3 POLIOS4B : Loaeo earlielo (0. V. R. R. Depot) - 0.33 —' 2.00 Junction '0 10 • 8.00 " Mt. holly •7 20 i 8.40 D onter's Run.:.......,.. 'Arrive 4 00 4771 ya sit Plize Grove, ' ' 848 ' • MEV:MINING 1• . . Leayo Plne OrOyo 900 . Ilunter'i !tun ' ' 946 „ ' 440 ' 'Mt:Holly . 10,05 ' 4,46 Arrive at Junction 100 ' . 6.26 gctioq7o . . - . , . . . .. .. . . • • • . . . .._. -- - •-•.--- - ---- • , •• . , , , , . . . .; .._ - . - _..... ~ „ -.--- ; ' • -. . .., . . . : , et ' i -i.......--- . . . 1 • ~, . . • •:-- . . "... ~..... . ...__•_...., .' A :.„:__, , , ..,_ .4 .. ~....„-* 7-,--,-.T.:.•: . - - - Li.:_-'.,.:..1 . ,__:_ . -..,.L.L.,._..: •. ' •-; J - ., •• ' '.,,,,_ __:i - . 7;; ,. -; ;:___ L. : : •'__ _ r - ..; • .. ;. ; • . , ). , ',. ~, : .___' • . T :',.-.. . .. . , . ~,,,...:...:.., ~.„ ..,..c•-.;• '. r,•.-• 1 :- '.. ': ''.' ,•• • ' ~: r ~, '' •. ! : -;.! ~,;.. • ; ' ; ''. . .....' ... . : ; ~, ,----: .y..: --------; :--------; . ------ -; :777 - 7 - 7 .- - - 7,; - • -• •--- - •:;:--;- 7 - , ---.:..-±_-:........,._ 7 ______L. 7 , ''. - , ::% •••: ; -, „;.. ,W 1 . ;_;:_,... . " . , - , , . ' •• ; ,r . 1 ,I - '. • • . :',..,...... . 1 : ', .. '.. . --: ,' - _ .-. ' ..., :,;-., ... '. ~.. - ~.. ..' ,:,,..:. , : . . ~,: .... , - , . „ 0 , . . . . A. 'L.. SPONSLER'S COLUMN. A L. SPONBLER, 133T1M Real .F.afate Agent, Scrivener, Conveyancer, Incur• awe and Claim Agent. Mire Main Street, near Centro Square. ' A Two-Story Brick Dwelling _ Fur 8a - No. 33 South Bedford street, containing two parlors, hall, and kitchen on the first floor, and three cham bers on the ercund story, with p ❑nlaled attic bark and front, stairway balcony to back hnliding, and grape arbor and hydrant in the yard. Apply to A. L. SPONSLER, Beal Estate Agent. MEM TilE subscriber has several other va noble properties for sale in eligible parts of tl town. whirl, will be reasonably dlrposOd of A. L. SPONSLER, 17n0v70 Real Estate Agent. VIRGINIA LANDS ill the Shenan doah Valle}, for sale.—A Lumber of valuable, and highly impre'ved farms In "the, Valley"_ aro of fered for sale. The tracts run front 90 to 350 arm. The laud le of the best quality of limestone, fully equal, If not superior, to the land in Cumberland Valley, and will be dtspoeed A at astonlehingly low figures. Rho extension of the Cumberland Valley Railroad into Virginia, as now surveyedovill run Immediately through the section of country In which these lauds are located, which, when cent pleted, together with the advantage of the Shenan doah river transportation will give them all the ad vantages of Northern and Eastern markets. A splendid opportunity for lucrative investments le here offered. A full end minuto &en - Intim] of tho location and cheractet of tho vUriouu tracts may he had, by up• pl)log to 171111170 JOHN A. SWARTZ• W. W. HERITAGE, ORE BANK FOR BALE.—A rich de posit of the hest quality llertuntle.Ore, yield. ing_oliper centulnpriulug about 16 Acres ? located In Monroe township, about two nilles front Woiks of O.W. &13.17,A111, — ein — Oils — eiltIth — sidellf — th: Yellow Wotan° creek. There is u stream of wuter running, through the truct,sulllclent for washing the Ore, and lurnishlng water-power besides. OEM Persons &silous of viewing the bunk may ra upon Georg° W. Leldleh, at "Leidicb's mill,' fo merly known on Itricker'e mill, in Monroe towniatii Cumberland county, or upon 30Je09 ORE WASHER FOR SALE.—An ex Ilrot Ore Washer, at the Ore Bank of ClooriL W. Leklieli, nearly new. Will be sold vary ply to A. L. :31'0N:if:ELL tljan7o Walker's 7 - i)i - egar Bitters A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERI I , lt. NV A cRI.II roRNI A V I N 1.; U A It B E It IS . Hundreds of Thousands bear Testimony to their Wonderful Curative Effects. WHAT ARE THEY?, They aro noVil vile Canny Drink, outdo of Imo Itum, Whi..ky, Proof Spirits, owl Peluso Liquor doctored, apical. and ElN.euteurd td plem,e'the toot cnlicd TONICS, RESTORERS, in., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but airs a true Medicine, made ruin the Native Roots and Herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stinminnts. They are the Gteat Blood Purifier, and a Life-Giving Pine Iplu, a perfect Renovator cud In vlgorntor of the system. carrying off ellpf Notions matter and resoring the blood in a healthy condi tion. No person can Ink those Bitters according to dlrectilfn and -remain .long..UnnUll,.prOVithll the bones are not destroyed by min ffral poison or other moans, nod the dial organ,. wafdefitieyrnd!! ,:, : point of repair. For lnflionmatory find Chronic Rheumatism and - Gout,Dyspopsin - or- -1-rligestionf-Bllious,fltzmittent, and, Intermittent Fevers, Diseases •of the Blood, live, Kidneys, and Illadd9r, these Bitters h are been most sufes, ssf el. Such Diseases are ca.ed by Vitiated Blood, vlnlet, Jo generally P, educed by Flo mngement of the Digestive Orgaffii. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightnettiofthe Chest, Dizzin.s, Sour Eructations of the Stoinach, End, Insto In aid Mouth, Bilious Attacks, PalpltatiOn orThe Heart, Inflammition of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and n hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of dyspepsia. They invlgornto the Stomach nod stlnfulato the torpid liver find bowels, which render them of ui, equaled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all Im purities, and imparting new life nod vigor to the whole system. Bilious, Remittent, und Intermittent Fever, which are no prevalent in die valleys of our grefit fivers throughout the baited States, especially those of the Missinaipp 1, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumber land, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Pearl, Abe barna, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, Jam., and many others with their vast tributaries, during the Sum mer and Autumn, and remarkably so during 110aBOON of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accom panied by extensive dernngements of tho stonutch and liver, And other: abdominal ,ylseura. - Thole are. always MOTO or less obstructions of the liver, a Weak aeon and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the Lowell, being clogged up n ith vi i.,ted accumulations. In their treatment, a purgative exerting a powerful Influence upon these various organs, In essentially necessary. There is no cathar tic for the purrose cowl to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily !move the dark-o.fl ored viscid matter with which the II in els aro loaded, fit the some time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. The universal popularity of this valuable remedy In regions cub- Joel to mi.nuttic influences, is sufficient 'evldoneu of Its power as a remedy in suiP cases. For Skin Dineen., Eruptions, Tett., Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, PlmplosjPfirdules, Bolls, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Scald Woad, Sore Eyes, Erysipelns, Itch, Scurf's, Discoloredous of the Skin, Humors Mid Diseases of the Skin, of whntever ammo or nature, are literally dug up and curried out of the system In a short time by the use of these Bitters. Ond bottle In such raven will convince 111” 1110,i 11.1,1111i0Uti of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its Impurities bursting through the skin In Pimples, 'Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find itob• structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it Is foul, and your feelings a ill lel you when. Keep the blood pure el the health of die opitern vi 11l 1(4009 11= Fin, Tape, and other IVerins,ilu'rklng In the syn tem of so many tlionsaudsb.are effectually destroyed and removed For full directions, read carefully the circular mound 41.ach bottle, printed la four lan guages—Etiglish, German, Fleitch, and Spanish. J. WALKER, Ptoprletor. R. 11. McDONALD & CO. Druggistsand Gun Agents, Ban Francisco, Cal., and 32 and 34 Counnereg Strout, New York Bold by all Druggists aild'Dealunt. Bdec7O-ly Baltimore Advertisement IMPORTANT" NOTICE- TO CONS 11 31. E ltB OF t 1 001/8. All Retail Orders amounting to s26.Mtvyon.lefir red lu uny port of the country. Free of ExpreBs CY rp.p. 11A3IILTON }IA ST lilt SONS, qf Bltimore, .Ihl., Iu order the butler to moot the wants of 'their Retail Cutitomors 'at a distance, hautestabllshed a SAyPLE'IIUItEiU, coil mill, upon application, promptly tend by mil full Ulm of Samples of the Newest and most Fash ionable Grnts, of French, Engliele,, and Domestic Manufacture, guaranteeing at all times to toll as tone, if not at less priCes, than any house In the country. Shying our goods from the largest .and moot cele brated nianu , net urere In the different parts of Europe and Importing the same by Steamers direct to Balti more, our, stook le at all times promptly,stipplled with the novelties, of ilea London. and Paris markets. As von buy end sell only for cash, and mako no bail debts, we aro able and willing to sell our goods at from ten to fifteen per rent tens, profit them II we gave oredlt. •. • In sending for samples opacity the kind of goods desired.' 11 o keep the beat grades of every close of goods, from tho lowest to the most costly. Orders unaccompanied by the-cash .will be rent 0. 0.0. Prompt/myth& wholesale buyers ore Invited to Inspect the stock In our Jobbing and Package DePartinent. Address HAMILTON- EASTER A SNP, 197, 109, 291, nod 203 West Baltimore Street, 2cpct7tkly • Baltimore, Md. Livery and Sale Stables, .IVEItYkSAt ;; AND, EXCHANGE BTABLII, J. •L. t3TERNER & BROTHER, In roar or Ilict44 'Louie 110R8Rd ANb OARIIAQI