,I I , . STBRIFP F OREMAN, withfour citizens, having in charge tho prisoners convicted iirthe January Quarter Sessions, left on the oarly train, on 'Monday morning, last, for tho City of Brotherly Love. A NEW PAAII.—Wo aro in 'receipt of the Daily, published at York, Pa., by Rabor & Smith. The Daily, •is a neat little 24 column sheet, nicely printed,. ' and contains a great variety of useful reading: matter. We wonder, if Car lisle will over boast of a daily paper"?' • Doubtful things are very uncertain seine times. EIMI=III TRE subject of the following memoilai, Judge McCalion, of Leavenworth City, :Kansas, but formerly a citizen of Canons burg, Washington county, Pa:, is well known to many of our citizens. The appended °memorial is taken from the Leavenworth Weekly Times : " IN MEMORTAIL—It is with the pro foundest grief, grief that will be' shared by a sorrow-stricken oity, that we ah nouneo the sudden death of Judge . MeCalion, at his residence on the Es planade, last night at half-past seven. The heavy burden of public responsibility the deceased gentleman has recently been compelled to boar, told too soriouslupon his finely wrought nerVons system,' and eventuated in a prostration that suddenly passed into death. The Judge had been unwell for several dayti, but no serious. results was feared nntilll yesterday even ing.' Early iu the afternoon of that day we saw mini, and found him, thongh wearing a weary look, able to- holdl clear and intelligent conversation with us. Little did we think that in-4t-few short hours we should behold him clothtd with the awful solemnity of death. Tile City of Leavenworth' will mourn in him her truest lover and stoutest friend. He has 'been honorably associa ted with .ev€ry page Of her history in.tho past decade, and falls at last with the armor on he wore in her service. Loyal in life and soul, learned, kindly, and well-beloved.because of all the qualities that are gathered up in the title of a Christian gentleman, James McCalion will lie sorrowed for in our City and State as scarcely a man in their roll call of honor has been sorrowed for before.' -- ECM I= GREY hair may be made to take on its youthful color and beauty, by the use of Vegetable Sicilian Hair . Renewer, the beet preparation for the hair known to the science of medicine and chemi4.ry, CLOSING 01"1 Winter_ goods at a great saeriliiT at i)gilby's cheap cash store. • All in want of bargains will do well to call soon as we are determined to sell ' manly goods without regard to cost. • A larg,e lot of prints, mastitis, tick ings and ginghams Just received 'and selling at the reduced prices.. Cuss. 011umv, Nu. •17 West rain street. TuNIESI:pNE. WARICING , ;.--Two-thirds — ofthempithiths - we - read are threi :of - t io young and middle-aged. Why is this' - IL' ifrbecause the present-syStem-of -prae lice tends to shorten life, by depressing • • .the vital powers. Away with violent purgation - I - -- AW - tIY With AWay with poisonous alkaloids, that sap the springs of life ! l foolland's German Bitters, charged with strength-sustain ing, purifying, regulating ♦ego ta e ex tracts, and llootland's _German Tonic, combining with thest3 a genial stimulant, are the true and sovereign specifics for all complaints of the stomach, the liver, 'and the nervous system. Graves would be fewer and health more general, if they were in universal., use. Principal Depot OM Arch street, Philadelphia, l'a. Bold by druggists throughout the coun try. POVERTY is Bad, but the worst kind of poverty is poverty of the blood ; this makus a man "poor iildeed,'• for it takes away his strength, courage and energy ; but enrich the blood with its vital ele ment, Iron, by taking the Peruvian Syrup to prates* of iron,) and lon will feel rich and "as good as ;140104." Try it. CHAPMAN'S fino COIAIIIIII6 to attract attention. Thereittl unriv. :tiled in thts section. Paris has fallen, and the German sol diers can obtain photographs to send home ; and strangers visiting Carlisle. ran do so by calling at Chapman's. Dn. IV. I). HALT Duss. 111 Any L. 11A Li, Office and residence 37 South lianover street, Carlisle, Pa. Rooms strictly pri vate. Consultation free. Ores. Hall makes the treatment of - female diseases a speCiality. I(ip7oon Arritign to securing your coal for win for while prices aro low and finality good Callas, the yards of • A LARGE addiOon lately made L u the :dock of luebor, in the yards of A. 11. u., JACOB LIVINGSTON, , Dealer in , NINE WINKS AND LIQUORS, No. 2 e 7 North Ilitnovor stdet, Offers the following • goods : War ranted pure, unadulterated and full proof. Alwaye as represented. Genuine Imported French Cogna4-1 Brandy, old age. Pure old Rye Whislceys by celebrated BesP.AOlity Clingor tlrontly. Pure . old gin. Pure old l'ort. wino., Tho very best quality Sherry, Ciara, New England Rum., &e. • Piro white spirits, fur ding \ gists and family use. • - Ssild-at the lowest prices for call solicited. 21.apilm JAVDO/3 LIVINGSTON, • W11°106:110 and 'Retail Dealer in ToitAcco, BNUIP, ppaAits, rrnr•.n, &o. No. 27 North Iliedover street Offers to ,tho trade the beet brands of a largi3'wariety of Chewing and Smok ing Tobaccos, real Michigan rhia Cut , in bulk or in tiff foil. W. E. Garrotl'scolobratod sniffy. 'Heal genuine Impoited Havana Segar. Tara Connecticut and Domestic Sogars. , . A largc assortment of everything be longing to the business, and sokl at us low a price, as iu any Eastern city. • The public is, respectively invited to Call and inspect my- large assortment,' Every article warranted as reprefiented. 21ap706m - IMPORTANT APO IMITATE FA QLIEH Pure and .unadulterated Winos and Liquors, supplied at their residence,• by sending order to'stpro, or through Post Office. Every article warranted .as rep resented or the money refunded. IACOB LIVINGSTON. 21apOin, . No. 27. Zr, Hanover •street. • • without making up , your mind to conic, and- see the assortment of notions mid fancy goods for sale by J., IL Wolf, 18 North Hanover street. His stobk, consists of a full line of trimmings, laces, zephyrs, worsted patterns, &c. Also, a fine assortment of ladies' and gents' ftirnisbing goods, and in fact, everything embraced; in the notion line, from a needle to a counterpane. , LIMEBTJRNERS 7 coal constantly on haMl.. Also a full assortniMit of lumber at the lowest prices, at The yards of A. 11. 137,Aia. 2tian79. SPECIAL NOTICES. %Vides wi, i uni will Mandl( you 10 not t, ways dun.. 11 . 011,0 by your incrodlility,hundreds linen .sought relief from limo horrors of Dyspepsia through the medium of DESIPTII . B ANTI-DYSPEPTIC STO)1.4C11111TTrillfl and,cound it. Why should you suitor when this mind- . ruble minimum IC bits cured many sliallsr cases—why do you iloillit her beliecr and al seined ? Ili, mnitur In disugm bus and dupitifiLLl.s. Your liesit h. hap, stiff, while co, rtont Ilequeolls 101 l wed by serious and micon 1113, ICH Bin,ns m u est sally us I in limo uuloel in, difficulties att , iidihy 11).11 gi.:t 1.11 it• lIIIIteI NU111:4, J'r I , lNrzt nuil , lI L r (11..f.r.1r, pr rontling Ir,,r 511.1,111 i.. 11 010 vr oil,. and I=ll So k -- H; it 1.t..• nrt. \t 'i'u. Witd and [lna; lip und, i+ul n n !Ow l ur. ii by All entir , i va wl,r,.erk+ "1.1 ositaitts the I.ost kn€,wn risssat, for ths.,lts Sn. Th.ost, iud (111 11.0 X Collllollilll, to It,' tints, hut it..werlut is its nen.. Sena for n 6:1,111 'I, tat Atiing liiT of stt,clt.: used. and thin mvue, r , r jtrote tril, thou. to 1. t• Bel .1g4.111.44: .1..1in 114.114 • .. Pl.:. 4., N. Y. 41..!1n5..n.11.1144,14n Sold 14. Corr Inn. 4 A Wl.llltiughot, W. F. 114 - 41 . 14, ". N. 1 . 4444411:, a1..1 WILLIAM BLAI & SON, A YUIkW off, in g -, fella el: of gq,10,1T11.1...a1e nut] nt rt . : P tat con..,pol', I with 111, or thp m,..els moor other 1„•••••1.•1•• pt 1,. Plea.+r liar nun coil S•/S, .• 11i - rn , t; I LI. III!' 1:.l11.1NLI. glhi (n:AnDs, 11 i n . 1\ ,Ll,l 1;,:t, Ind !1 , , iltt Skyve, S , rneti% eniLl, sAtt.l, Ar,. 11..:‘,, Crimpe.lCl.lJ ft, ,L-trk :11,1 , 11.14 NI Ire 1,31„,ter, 0r,.. Ent.l:l.l Wire IC Evory 111.1`911a• 3olt lon ILL or , rx, VV„.ll.li I SON,' NL, II :It •tret•t 1 . 11,13,1ei; 1,, L.' BEM 11EItC11.1.NT:-; NuTICF, .• I p ;I p.l I ;milli ..• v, Lm 1V , .11:11 1111 d tit :! . rs \V!.. !•!I atttl :%1Q111 . ! u.l: Ilt!sc, W. !del: !!!,t; .Ia itud \s , lon (1!!$!la get!!!!!“Ily !!!! ‘t \ dm !I t: . .! p11,1::te!iog OEM N% r..mueiirm , hear :th , ont tiro gout] In, Is 61 ~e 1 ta , n they 111 Vt. evelyt hitig 11.1•ir . ,tay. ankl thy wo Ju-t tint ‘,l/.11 I kik II tome.. We 1.2... t o the aat tor I hos,. w h . rr 1.,11 to 1,511 , 10..... heal, Dry. Good`, to p 1.. the 1.1,1 nt 10 of I: 111 III(Ilrll,lll.lt, ~l the it 0.. 11..0h1.t tu hhow theh good,, pJi..t. .,at the '41.21.1 loti%;alos MIIMMIMMI Itoing N% Mid All ‘‘imb!”...; to 1,allii111: 1,11111,3_11 , -11,L.111-; vo 4.11 CET= 13= Advises Comotiitptives to go to Florida 11.111,14 her the II St 111 . .11y-five pea, ilevcited wii..'e 111.41 lg. ,111/ . 1.1 Illlir dl 11111 1111.11/1111ion. r 1,1 lhat 1 milli rel i ttel lilll 111.•• corn, iliat...tl;lll I , cr Pec..ii• .1 Ittel tanti , of ; . It+tritt+ittl hytentel The Ilnl rut 'nest iFFtparhinl eititip lei th pmnett to Inuit! lat,inaantl the heti ef al plata , e!i I 1111 1 11111 1111 111 litti tin+ pariettie uhllee 1+ Flerioliti,nen Olen 11 in Ilse e tit,mite the 11 . 111 117 . 1 . 11 111r 1 ri allll. 11 /1 Al/10,1 to. tut 0.11 la II 11 1 1 lu more Nut there lilt 11 1i le+ l'.ll.tt 11 is , letiet I"tempi/11. A get tl heti lit 1, , pt t ,t Ity lie'm rec 14 , 1 n inter I Itrynt i c tliPm 33 hese Initus toll 3 til ni t ., ot nlet ti he Ireali, ti Infleteie le. t eti net., 10 ett+ov, et 11 /be Inn tlrtal milt, let II tree ti 1 1 ,01 is er 1..1111 n hteli I 11. 11111 prvli r Pahl!. It , the teul per time eta,l II ,1 111111 lite tor thy awl lire in k Nlellehs ille :Hid 1. 1 11 1 1 . 11.3 lee ittl there. 1 tilllteltl . 1 11. 1 1 lilt 11, \ I 1•111/1/ 11 I.:. I ih 11,1 mll , l irl l l,l 111'.•1 1/1 . . 111161.. 01111 it seems all/mit ittlietititPle tit 1011, e Id there The la , It iFt I Itaitla Ihlglit Le bell.+ r mid par...tit+ tittel plain at lint'', but ilt it, aaa 11 tilpti. 11l It Mill. tit, a return tit app... the. end n hi 11 this Is the t•a. , they iiirtietiall3 intintate in 11.+11 and Ihen the lungs mast hod. Ja.d,=ontille, Iliiternia, Cr..tn tbce, :ttel mans ntlter place+ in 0,11 itne, parts eint Ito later , ti teettimeteltel 1 . 111/f1”1111:11 in nit ter. 31i 1 . 1 . 1111/ 1 1 1111 h. 13 11114 VI 11 1 . 0 1 1111 1 patients are le, liable tonal cola there tlotrt vh, err 111. le a Ite. e 111 !elope., t tire, awl it is wit to, y ,il3 it ion xll to IN csrhilli to l'hertiforit nIS ailvii oie, tint well I lla lilt° Ilia of f eioit s‘iuds ille, or alit , st ntly other tho I alhlitill I iti‘e ti ,ti. e,l, till lietiollt WIIO t.111.111.11I•.1 oitL a till . rid lit 1.1 . , It dl.cl\tt , EL W . , Trensl.Bnr iii Tilt; (OUftT Fop licit( =I '''..,lt'.k:-J4 - 6.V'Ai.i',. - I.:, . T.GiItL'ENFIELD. GREAT CLEARING OUT SALE PREPARATORY TO REMOVAL ! On the _First of March, 1871 Wo will roomy° to our heautithr NItW STOREBOO,It, now being titled up in the Threeeetory Brick Building, formerly thu nroperty of the late Chief JuKtice olbeon, directly oppoulto the Bents House end Faxten'e Hardware Store. In order to opon with an ENTIRE NEW SP.F \ i" - UNC STOCK. 1111e0 marked down the prices of my entire stock of.DRESS (MOODS TO COST. AND LESS THAN COST PRICES UNMISTAKABLY LOWIR TITAN . EVER ! UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS ALL-WOOL PLAID SERGES, ALL-WOOL PLAIDS, COLORED ALPACAS, ALL-WOOL EMPRESS °LOTUS, FRENCH N[ERI NOES, ALL DRESS GOODS OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF DELAINES Fl IT R S Will be sold at Cost, and less than Cost, to make room Ali Classes of Woololl Goode ao sold al Greatly -Reduced Prices I ••• A =ID A ..., A .A. Largo btu& of BLANKETS itsil 8l A: . will he bold cool Undershirts, Drawers, rill be do, ed out at El great ea . crifl; . .a. INV II) also ollvr 801110' SPECIAL BARGAINS IN DOMESTIC GOODS, . _ „..______________ Splendid Canton - Flannels reduced to 12i and 15 coots. 4-4 Appleton A Muslin 12i cents. Scraper Idem 4-4 Muslin 18 cents. Fruit of the Loom 18 cords: ' ' Wamsutta s ; 20 cents.- - Lancaster Gingham 10 cents. ~_Elegant_Tharic-Gingluns-12:1 cents.. ___ ,---' AS It le inmosollile is enumerate the great change lu prloos on all our stook, we will esi hi o .w rd that Wilt an avportuuit)' seldom offered, and times, who avail themsolviui of it will be well paid, by culling ut No. 4 beet Maio iitroct, before making their purchases. All arc oordJully Incited to come and coo for thataselres. NEM • • • List of Public • ales. • IST OF SALES to bo ealled by N. L •Il NIOORIS, AUCITONEEII. Feb'''. 9. Amos G. McCommon, Dlcklusou. 15 Joseph 16. Henry llnekenborger, North Middleton 22. Peter Ilullinger, Dickinson. ' 23 David - Li-fever, Dieklusen ' 21• Henry Keller, Penn. 26 Jain. Green, Oakville. 27. Peter Calvert, Dickloran . 28. Samuel limper, Penn. Mareh. I. William' Rolling, 3lidillower 2. William 11. Se arts, Penn 3. David Reside, Dickinson. 4: Samuel Neff, North BliddMoo Thomas Sterrett, Dickinson. 9, Jtihn Lockard, Dickinson. 10. Esquire Strigert, North Mk].linton 11. MiliJarn Stitzell, North Middleton. 14. .I,,,schb Wonderly, Dickinson. - 1.5.. - I.leorge Kunkle, Middlesex. 17. William Zeigler, Dickinson. '4l. Philip Baker, North Middleton. Abnrr Miller, MlMllama, John LocknrJ, Dickinson. RP A few more days open. ,12janii. L IST OF' SALES to bo_called by' COMMODORE PORTER, AUCTIONEER Vein thry 14—W. A. 1 intl.'', Wait Nitwit...or, 17-19111InnvAlter, 2l—Sam'l de Marlin BPIItE.. , 2—Durid Stony., Westpeunnl.rongli 23--John Rutz, • "` 21—J. A. Grenmon, 25—David liorhonOnifer, ' 28—F D Derr, M.kh I. I—Parker Tregn,lVentperinal.nnuplo 3—Adam Fink t•lndor, 7—John Itlioney, Frank( 1 I—Jerendult Uhler, Dluklil I4—Johu Wert, Prankrord. J. Caldwell ,V Jewelers J CALDWELL & CO., • a It 1 , ; R 002 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADIELPISIA lurg,Dy inervameil brlr LAT Kll W A 'lt K U E Alt 'l' NL N , uttehtllni to Moil stuck of SlT , Ygit PLATAzD Id. 11.41' 11.111 1111. 14 Foal \Vol. of. high pod., ono, t cconplelN wooirtlutost of - TABLE WARE-, Plated on White Metal, rxlinble In quality. /tn.! ollan• ta excundlugly-low, peki—aTilll7or. PLATED SPOONS, tunas, 4 EINE TAIII,I,:,CUTLERY, expressly 'nolo for (holt futon-solos, and furnished 'lli singlu dotelieUr hiclunpluto eicts, put will Hutto. v4od and Walnut Cos's. All goods sold on their own.units at tly„Sri i f•es, attnehodjn pl kin,llAntos to teach si {Ms. A., B. ..herle's carriage Factory. CARLISLE p4Rui,NoElv4 g3ORY, itNi A smut{ ~11), PATT STIIEfiTP, cmtmsi,n, PA 1 , , A. B. SIIERK Ilia now on ho do)nnt k 4 11.1i1,1111.14 4 , In the Into ptylee; oleo, •' • ' • '•- • ' • ' 9. DVO O I II 4, SPRING-MA(101S, cm , liatid; or nuolo to ordor on otturt notice, ° I linvo procuiodtho 'ordeal of a final-Oluss-Ililwel , ; srght, ntlnva bought bolte wlol 4{otk 4 *llea m ? rcat.oti,t i hl,olnieer ; 4llii.:, o i:rto,io 1 Ow Itglve ‘1114114 ;. .... , .: .. ~ ~ ', ; " ~,,, , '-.,-"..• "t" .. MA ItVANT`'B.4IA rENT Willlt4LS. WM Iron flange around the hub mute, thta'Nytivul 'pg.? allrable thou imy othor. IDEDAilli\Na AND pnINTI.Nci . ultimata, to inaptly, Rua ea touomatble tonne. - A largo let of MINIONDAIAND IVOUN.o4 ' homje t to, r9r,AlO eltoo. .. ltqatinsin - Will be offered Within The riazt Thirty Day s. that warp inal:kud $145 will be At Id al . 76 buns . or 3." marked due a hum 76 to 50 coats uomliad dor, u from 73 to 30 coots tuarkud clown from 80 to 50 and 55 Cult, worked du‘, xi flow $1.20 to DO route. r tilt hay.) been sol.luil 3eujj.4_sli_cstialultur_kod_duluLto Wi,xudAU_con, marked 1.1.,w0 to lb 1114118 cants Woolen Hoods, .L.cl T.TCREENFIELO, No. .l last Alain Street Stoves and Tinware NEW STOVE AND TINWARE ESTABLISHMENT! The pnrttuirehip herutollit e existing between Walker & Cloudy having been ilikeeived by mutual consent, I hereby announce Milan citizens of Carlisle and surrounding country, them I htiv opened a ls Elf S ErR iII TI WKg in Ula 'argil frame building, on 51,siti4rner of Wind 111gb and IVest Stroete, formerly occupied by Conte- Hue & Bosh Having a larip and complete stock of Stoves and Tinware on hand, selected with the groutost care, ex pressly fur th is market, soy customers are otran loud satisfaction, butivas rogards quality and pride. - SIIEUTIRON - AND TIN WARR, 4 constantly on hand and made up to order. if stock of 't itoraro embraces everything untinily kep In a II ret•Olans tin establishment. Hoofing and Spouting !manta ly attended to. STOVES I STOVES! ! STOVES! !! lam uoli prepared to exhibit tb tho Whiter Trod a largo and well asdorted stork of tho best pAtters of Stoves. flaring the worry of the followlnz eels bratod atoees. tam prepared li, tort - dab Moo, to p ar tines° dottirldgt Morning Glory, - Light Mime, I3on-Ton, Rosebud, • Beacon Light, Egg, Office, and • Parlor B`l'oV ES .1o:11,111°f Cook St.,. eollorAt thr follow rng e nY . Superior, Noble Cook, E.velsior, • Niagara Quaker City, and Coral. Stove Repairs oiinalantly 'land. ant neat for a " • P 'V. ENT sTtA AI PIPE, fur heating Factories, &c., and prep, red to fur Welt and plaao tit tun In poation at shurrnottro, Having an txperienoe of 22 yaws In this boalrituat, I would re"..iitoeifully aollelt a tenant of the puldir patronage, feeling ran(lduht that I will giro Ball' P. tion. ,V4PI O /.7 ' • •A. VrpODo WALITER. For Sale—ValitaLln Real Estatt A SSIGNEE'S SALE 'ON VALU.AIII,II HEAL ESN %TB On Thursday,•Februars! 23, 1871.. Will ha anl,l at tot, 11,, .'oh, at tbu Court Humor, 111.CarlIalo, Pit. on tit& above monad - tlay, AL 10 "o'clock a m , aTthat volunblo real rotate, altiuttail col Ponifrat oteeet, liat,entu "Val rottiliof Curl'al•, mutilating of a larg I MZIZEI ha good °Hot, doeldodly the Wet teo•yard and the boat alto ter oleo iq tho'st.ighborhoo I. Mao T.WO STONE TENANT 1101//11tS, $4,111114 It Also, a lar,i THREE•STORY BRICE DWELLING HOUSE, . with a floe yore, and out li ,uses. The whole property containing 180 foot i n Haft , street, and 240 fret on Pomfret street. I,API . .1, at. CIIAB. 11. HEPBURN, atlguen l4tinll7l OR?•MANS' COURT BALD• fly o. der of the Orphans' Conti, I will 1.11 on • Friday, Abrudry 10, 1871,. • oil the proolleen, on Waggoner's Oop rood, 1V callus northwest of Carbide, tho late residence of. John L. Waggoner, deceased, Tho,lot eontains 8 ACRES AND 120 PERCHES, with one and; a half story 1101130, stable, outholetes, .tc. AC. Thero le p'enty of Ond fruit on thodduce, and It has boon flood for a Id krkot Gordon. It la n eery desirablo home: solo to common. , at 10 o'clock a. ca., when terms w 111 bo made knowit by PERMS Sr. QUIOLE4., katal kreoitt rof John L. Waggoner, &c.d., Report of P or House Visitors. Tipp EPQIIT of `Poor 11011§Q yiAltore 1ur • 1871. • ' 'lb: the of the CLlut ql WO, l h o nmislutrel Visitor* of llio Poor flown for 1870, would recpartfully ollur the foll Owing, to out rapport ; • We Imo *Wird Um Institution,quid• found Ito IR' mate* wall cared for—there bring no elms inn gdul ',Nita by nnY it Their form th PA end (ha Mara' *lra regular. 'X la remind. brain, kind Into, 'do.; nboninag goo pa udillno na Ito nxixoctoa. The now Hospital op Atiplura &pinnies. to no rota. plate In all lea dopnriumuto, rind well adapted to Mc in/Wort, eddreoniqnro, do , Maio or our tullonic who are so unfortimalo' au to boihrortled to hooooialk, Inmate,. , , The (Alum buthlinfre, 1414014 bok.o. ,( i t tbp A i o if • zra. and aurroundirigli Al In a pepernr goSel,non.' piton,... we iionsidor lb* management un it d'onr House; Whitt all Ile inknirtonanear, ernditutdo to limo having Iht rliargo, I= NM on tagB, &c 13 intrim, 11. • Visitors ME EMPIRE TINEXAISIPLED . I ' TILE EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY; OF . In the firmt. Fifteen Months of Its elitence b Issued °VIAL YOIITY•FIVF 11UNDRED POLICIES I maunnia ovER $8,00:1,000.00 and taking in Prominins $500,000.00, suing the largest egotaniebcoment Wilo•an rot dub. by any vompany In Use world OM= Ordinary n Itolu•life pollens uru absolotuly ua fortoltublu from tat) nut • f tint unman' preatilllll. Bperlul hiwratice uuu-lorful:jtdu art., , wu annAstl payment. 411 pollelee inrouteslo , lo fir ■euul eauer+, and utholotoly Incoulrettal le [MCC All restrictions upon li &ul usid residentrr i ettinred and no permits required. No accumulation of iittermr. on Loans or Listerru Yrstniums, and no increase of L. 1.1,1 i lu. nioutti u my dais of policies. Ono-third or the proudurn buned to the purl! eured, If deldrud, and no Note required. Dividend.; on the progreqeve'plau. and alwo upo Mae guarantee lueereat plan. Itualuee. of tho soulyouy couducted Ott t!. tint u pone) ,i n pia and fair In R. pro, ittioaa Incon :testabiliLy of Policies It Is the, 'f Tiro Empire to fulfill all it purpose r. or which it that Its pone eunteacta, the o•irlusree *sy means of which It ea. hum nu coureulent refuges fraud ou the port tr escape a just dortiond. Proven thu haul - eat Will always insalldn outside, If •ommitted pro stuns to lb, """ut of th second annual premium; or death cam dbyengrtellts , re tiro tire In any 'modally herardous business with. two yeare. But after the ortriVatiou uf tt. rw year the trolley Will be held IncOntestuble for all """' uxeept fraud. Ton-Forfeiture of Life Pulicice No policy of intotimeo with continuous iii)ineni 4 r life will he forfeited or become vool by the payruont of premium, thereon, until the lull paying pow of thu hovo hueu vxlintistetl. 'Cho luntruntio of the intik) . in: Thatif nay premium after the runt antittal pr mitnn shall havn boon paid, shall not be paid on the day whoa due, and the said awinred shall, withid thirty days thereaftor, give notice in writing ofius bility' to pay the same, and of a Intro that said policy shall be contlnuod tu forco under the following inlltionn. Thou nod in ouch cwa this pol'” sl;+ not be forfeited or become void by the xon-payrtie et the mid premium duo thereon, until after ti expiration of a period, to be determined as follow twit: The net veltorat title policy when the pr mium becomes due shall Le determined by actuari *nictitation, and afteedodueting from such not rata tho Locos upon said policy nticaneeled by diridsnd. and any indebtednes. to if Company, font-Aline what remain. Alan he considered a ant single premium of temporary, font:trance, and this polity shall he continued In forte during the term fur _which It will Insure, according to- tilt age of the 'Pat ty at the time df the lapse of the pre:llion, Example of the Non-Forfeitable Plan of - the " Empire." Aye of party insured, 3.1 Ordinary whole life line mutual premium witl euutinue the po!tey force 2 yeete nod 3 duye. NV 111 , olrlll2Jo the pul:cy it bete 4 y.nts end 12 daye. Throe intiunl . promlunle tkiu pulky.in furl.° Irferire !Oka terdojo. Your annual premiums will enutuuu• the policy It fore° 8 yearn and 46 days Five annual primilimis will etnalnue the pulley i toren 10 yenun and 58 days OFFICERS Hilton Scrihnoe, l'resitlent George 'W. B:Lail, Vice Presi- den S:lltßly W. Croftit, Secretary LeHILR) 11. IVitter?3, Actuary `l'linnins K. Alnr(.y, I)., 1\1(..11i cid Exaiiiinet Everett Clapp, Superintetilleiii Agencies. : THE THSTINONY OF THE PRINS. Tho 1)11.p.re.5t a p.•puler trona o I hy rollabla atun, on 80111111 1111%1111'NR110iI1110, 111111 ro lintinuol at a To rj emir day ro .tan t ohoul or I oltonidor , 11th lhu aldect romp..lngo" •.f its oh-rat tor lu tint country,. Its olltoors and dirort rs moan buckaroo," .•nd hare org . aniarot with the clod of datattllabtng a modal .laotitntlon —.V 11 Independ foal. January '20,1670. "•1111 Contp.tity Is n'Rr.•nt stte,tts; t t• tAltsustilsttl, Anti roll bit Ittssagentetit Thu Hutplre has tau euitottio iu 1111. "The ourevea o• too Voii.vo boon II i,urpot-ed rn/I'Virr. ."fho Vutplro will attract the lat,est of thu a tioatentplating Lift Inmra• Cr."— Watchman and Ate. .fitotar... Iluxing u y Mey lu ILIn Cuulpoily. we just r!iio iu (h. g,..,tt lame:. It id aohhalug...—Es.. 4. Au oxcell , ut .utrutt7.".-1-,Z(9.4:sihr,;(a, " A 'WY .li , Pao v."— flawrvatiopialial. "The Empire hlutnil IsAncurpabeed. ?rho men connected with . for' Ware ertarknoir i suMelint rocenenieedetion::of the Coiupenl "—The Ncitien. ' , lt te wltlCl , Onnikir plunnure 1.1. t we speak of Ms no elnetlitinte for pul,ln fool r. We knew many yeernniollo tho president of the imnparty, Wu know .him-to ben man of energy,ofretnirneter, of superior trubinesnabllllyi and above ilreleo, anuentinfnl moo In wiuttayer be intact... Tito tract larthe Coln peq bas adopted the hoot Improvements of the thy ki Do oryminttlen."—Xint .ITvtatttnif atisnrawe en. safe, 94 r •AGOIRT, FOR Ctsinbeirlmla i Perry, and Juniata Cowl, OFFICE Willi El 14J%1y70 7 1y CITY .irDiVERTISEMENTS. SCIJOOL FOR BOYS Earned Teaching. o.,,minou Sense Management, ,Yonkeis' Militttrylnstitute. vq.i. MASON, Yonke,O, N. Y. TUSCARORA, ACADEMY The second Suisio's of the Thirty-tif h echnul 3 ens Will begin January 9. ThOse desiring hoarding, fin - niche,' rooin; AY ashin, tuition in a Board ing School for a term of netriv eiz tuottti.x, $125, Piensti send for a circular to Acatioir a, ' A GENTS !—Every Book Agent and 13 All vho ea tblei rite ma mid dn.. F. S. k Sl.l'll,l:fly' IrMte,.K. 4.1 — 1 t will 'my A sri•aicii uuaarrno, I,OON CUBA" I= A 1....m11.1,..1e 1k111T14.111. ii 1311.1, 1111,1. F .11 611.1 NO CO)4PETITIONL-- 20 Magnificent Full-Page Eng] al ings iid ' , rxtueolingl, ter-t1.114: 31111 11,1 ' 1 :,,'r. malty or the ”tt. AI to "tit t Ist •.. .• the 1 ..h n,1, the 1.: , i w t its , h•JllS4hk. cock /I ill II Sio I t• • I I. 111,11111. Cut,nr. .41141111•••ili.• u, 1..,,,. • :,,g: , r • ant Fact and Fun ! Statistic and Advini.ine II AI: TFORD I'U 11-1.1 SII \ 1 CUMPANY ' Ilnrtftwl, CHRISTIAN STANDARD OppOSCS Sects, ned bt drocnter, Prouldru Christianity. limit and rlieyipett Family if M ly; N page.; ds columns. Edited by Ehlers Issas. Erre It and J. S. Laumr• Only S ! ). a year! Specimens from S. W. CARROM. CO , Pub,. Cinch. mnli, Ohio. VICh'S F I. 0 V.A. 1, Ul.' 1 1 \; I The nest tel Lion 1.1 One llet,lreed and Petty I hoo fund Copier.; of Viele's Illustrated Catalogue eet uveele, Xllll Floral G nide, Is publkhed anti r. nay to:send out e---1011 pages, and use Ileigiaveng l I alneefeet eve-ry - tleglrglittr - Fringe7r - litiTl - VeWee • e. If e,.aelt y printed nu gnu tintoel pelt er, 1 , 111•11/1Ltql \VIII/ ee 1 brut. Iletrelreel Fine Wood fleigratvins, and Tut, Iketlutieul LO LORE 1) LATB nw•t I ti and 111. 111.. t lit tic. (hide plibli,ll,l. • t.• th.• ”h. •( f t, 1/1,.• t, Y 1 1• Icr LI :-„,li.t• U. Wu tor 'll., • 1'4,14. i,•I, le ittf,firsit .1 ES \WK. 2.2.1),70-4t t Ittbe, .13 0 C*. "I' WASTE TIME AND LAB by uein gnl. an old Ate. Send it r,O t. I YINCOTT k lIAli %Wl' Lb, I'itlalto,ll, , t Neill sem) a 111-top Are, liopresaagt• paid. day Itea in grinding will billet be sax , I. - - - 1826 1 ... 1 h:11 • TTSE the "Vegetable Puller - m:11711a t - _,./ :. " 'rho i , : d hi...lard rpowdy fi t Cough Colds, e u .untption. •' NoJlLing 1 , ti..1." el fl.l. mws. , CO., It stmt ASTIMIA-HIDDER'S PASTI LI, ES. A ~ ure ' , lief fur Asthma. Price 4ir rotor, by STOWELL & CO., Chariest own, Ma... • 17 -PLIAM'S Depilatory Powder. supritlonus. hair In Sra ad. I with a l l 1aja1 3,.. t0 the skin. 5. ht by hi lilii .18'1'1131A LiC reli rev mid—ri , dent plre . t3sm+ is live n.i;aa - idleets a speedy eme 1 . 1. e ;2 mail. The japaile,ge„, Hair ;gain colors tht mhiskere and hair a leLoatitutiAaal,...,_, lo own. it - r - argreTaiiiTane pre; oration cents by mail addreol S. C. ' , PHA I. NO. 721 Jayne Street. ,Po Uirk ul.ll, Sold by all th - Ineglet. GKT,n fi , person sff to tan nit ser, „suieeessioro.etve,lly:,el,viniviass Watch for t r nit Addle. P O 2150 ton Ohio. VrE.E.K SATAItY. 1 - ming nien wultgolio local null nt, sule.9ulPn. Athlruss (a stamp, It. 11. WA LK FI 34 Palk Itugs„ N. V. . _ .VMPLOYMENT FOH ALL. ,11.14 S3J salary per week, nod expenses, Fuel Age to sell our new and useful discoveries Add es' SWEET L Ca , Marshall, Vick: AGENTS ! READ THIS Wo will pay Agent., a •alnty Lf m per nerk and expense. or allow a I urge ronnnia.ion, to 0011 our new and wonderfnl Inorallonr. Addrear 31. Wkrl- NER k CO , 1!andl:01, Minh. $3O A. DAY, sure. LArl'A_&47( Pittsburgh, MAGIC EGGS.—Big thing. Send fo (Jr...l:v to %. TlloNlls, 320 ”ii+l,itl4l.,ll st. ItruolOyu, V. ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Prizes cashed nod Information furniChed (.I.EOIIOE UPHAM, Provldeure, It. 1 NEW MEDICAL PAMPHLET. nod NR.(4011.4 Dolidily, it cit,eetn nod mire Price 25 cents. AtWrens 81Aloki PALLY, Museum of-Anatomy, 145 lireado.ty, No York. A OAPL) A Clergyman. all& tot,i.llll,t "'malt 1 nlorioa u. ntiatdonary, discovered tt Fah, nod stad.. re tt o.d r w the our, of Norvotos Wealttiost, Early Itee oy. 11l - lows of thu UriuttrY titunitutl Organn, and the It la train of .li.ortlort. brought au hr baneful and rivitots Lublin lire.tt 1111110'018 Ita.e bet, eur...l by 'lhl.l ;wide ronvoly. Prompted by ud• slaw to hellefit the initiated and aural tunale I sill tend the lwn.° for propurtug am! to..ing 110 total' , ,to, It a seal, d tosTolope, to any ttie Wile nerd,, d. froo of charge. Adds-,, JOSEPIII T I `;‘l.lN, S ttl .11 1 , , Itiblo Ih use, New Y..rk City. :Iloos7o-11 rrll I , ', MOST I)ESIRAI3LE PAlnt IN _A, IVESTERN SI It 11.1; \I) FOlt S I.E. Situnlad in Frrdrrirl: f.attitty, on Ilia Ilal uln, and old., It. It.. •ixt . Wl , t or llallinun ..on .21a, acre. baud; tinyraied 1.3 .att. ‘,llll hi/ Anti glut roan.., and th„ • unda sltt A,.). the uthor a 1.11.1•4llilv I, .1/In Cut na , ad In flea .chard, tin Forty n of /lion V 1111 . 311:8 an./ peons, a lid • 1,4 taunt by an Os.,ge 11141,0. '11.• torn' and other ont..a,ldfa Aa a r in., Iv aatLin . gn. 4:;y3 011 ,,, h11"174 of the Tiineaf r one goad, alit, ro 'ming unto. 111 aver) field. Idula.k.dni null innlimustillle quart s x it ilia potent a•• n... Aa . r a , ay, a n,q.,l„. r.., or aril I.A.iivhlea 1.. +ail pa. claL..au S. Fon 1..11 dravriplion, prior, terni,.. l / 4 ”., adrross or apply r .1 M l',"'rrkt•or•e, llorkeyslown, NIII. 21Inletd1/.lln Poi. Sul. or 1ir.1.1 BUILDING LOTS * AT PR1V.4,11.; subs ml,er w,ll boll at prirale wto TWO III:ILI/1NQ 1.0T5,, hillatea On Corn I..tasclli tra - k •float auk 2 , Js fret It depth, ,Thay al Ito .al I loge / h•.r. sakoralt ti null puralia..ta , . kr 1,1 a ea'v For inf.. ma Hon nil oa. 001 IN HOUSE FOCI .SALE U. .1.1 1% 1:S1 4 4 0 I' 'l' /I 'l' Ettsricti, MEM= ipoß SALE OR RENT.—An out, IoL couiliiiilug mix . acres of land, situated in the borough of Cnrii.nl and udjuining the 1 4 .. if h Litton taln It. It ' The lorittleu id A gOltd uuu Orr a 1,,,,,taar and coal and, It being only abillit MX I goitres front the Court riouse. 01'1 rn ur nddrexe . l'i ANJC, No. 78 °rill 1188or;t it revt, CnrllBlB, is Nen 111 • • • FOR SALE A In- g” quantity 01 STUNG, nu lablo for building, curb, null nolo burning pu.pus c. li.),1111ro of 31t,S! E. n. Port's, 'll . Arrinbutg Tula pike, bar North Ilanorr ntrept. Natal 'oil SALE OR RENT.—Two limo 1 4 in.. with an txcell..nt qaatry 'Of Ihnottona urur tho kiln , /At untod in the bor. tight t,r it om ,et lon girou halamji ,Iviy. CII I oil no address li PLANK, it. 78 Not th ' a uvta- air. at Carlisle, PL. ME Fon SALE. Tilt , IIeNT Two-Ski y Frani° 1 1 w1111,111 . ' 11011e1P14, oittinlonl on Ent Lonliner knout, 01011110. Inn hest ropair Tonne umilvralo. Possekslort given olt.tha fuel of April stist. Fur particulars tall um .INO. COIINMAN, Atturnopat Law, Ithartn'a !IaII. , EOM Agricultnrat Society Election CUMBERLAND COUNTY A ORWIILTUJIA SOO P.TY An Ovation a 111 be hell at_ the 'ollllt !TOMO, in crs .7',(rsi Iltr-streth tlity of; Febrtuiry. 1 871, at 10 o'clock a. m for the el.olcu of l're..l.lont rin.l Throo blaq. , ,teres of- tho Scciety, 101 tiw onstllNg The roll VIII ho opou .from . 10.Valock n tn. until 12 o'clock. All aletubors rd' the So clory wio have lurid ono dollar daring the yrar, end , life moodier's. are 1101 to - rr4o, MEI .Land Association enusLE- LAND . ASS9CIATION. 74.._;./ • Tho annual inceting,of tills ambulation will be told at the Council 0111111161.11., to .the 0111 rt lloume, on dhe first Seturflay of Fcbruary, it' being:the fourth 'of that month, at 7 o'clock F:111. A full llttegilenon of, the members it carnally rettitiateil. • • ' - C. I% 11U31111011, Secretary, h ~ ~ .i MEIMEIE Box 201, F= mbrro t. Live t.get:l A 01:101A% I.:1,111,ON LIMO ,t: Secretory. Pegetabie Hair - Renewer. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN It RENEWER -1 H k I le the otly purr:ctl Restores call) pro,nil pr ,4(.71 IBM kind evtr ..lren 1.t0,1 Ellffil = =EI I= Uriginnl ( tt'l I, Plolillat , fg , • uti pti. I .•• tl. . •+I ! (.14,l Ili ! al d I , .1 MEM Splendid U t,,,, =IN I IMES 11110!=11 !Waif, ‘1 i1;11: iti•• .11,11 n dre•••• g It it , lbe begt 0114/ l•I05t rid, 1, II et. 11,11”. p riti• tt I t i the %toe I'd KIM u. its :mit t, Mr. 3.11 I 111,1 z, IBM Irre ig mull Locks ! = Priee (Me D.,11.ar l'er Bottle., H. I'. A L i. & 0., Proprietors ~,,. Dr.. A yer & Co's. 4dverlisenet, A Y - Elt'S ('ILE'RRY L'ECI OltA T..- For 01 thn thr,,a( ;‘, vooglks. LO lionping I . ollgh. m.I - 1 nt.,l on,uuption .Pr .1 , e , 0y nor, lo fore Ili. 0111110 10+1 nl' fooel o 04.11 1111113 1..1. tlin olot. oee, fp• PO I elit.nnt it, I.TH . P114 ., 1 11 t - oars, anti alltt ,r T - 11 , ” - I It 0 11.1, 10.0 tool lts,y logio, lo ilo edr •11 1 10•1 . it 01 11 1 WT, o.werio 1•11.11. I 11101..gr1. a rvliktale !fru- /1.14 le t 7,, tU;• het . and p ot, t t•ure the la,. 111111 ha, e lilllol.oll ler tor. aga Ire t them. While adatilt , rl to no.. of thvea•e, and to young children, it hi at ilia fault lime the most ellet•t nal remedy that ,can be given lot in, lostit colvottrption, and the dangerous uir,...ti4 II of the throat and lung., As it provinion udder ul lit k, of neap, It tituuld Ire kept on hand in et er3 family, and indeed r§ — Gll at•tv .- times sultject to colds and eoliths, all sleu t h) he pre. iiill.ll With flue antidote for them. Although set tled.coysrmiert, is thini.thl iticura ble. A ill great number of ONE, a here I dlreurie ssrutes4 settled, 'MVO enntpletely rare J, and the patient restorel to Irealth hy the Cherry' Itlelotal. co completely is its , ma.tsry over the disorders of 11. !ditto,. and 'throat, that thePuo , ;l obstoatte 4,1 flout, held to it N% loot tiothitt nl.O could reach olefin, under the Ch • et hit opal thc, Atil•sitle mud disappear. Singers awl 1'1.0.111 find groat pc"te •-• from It.' Astltuey iq ni,, a) s relit stet o:leu 10/oily 1.111.-t) Ly It. Brune hjtiS is tit-m.1,11y cured .1.. y taklte; the -- Qherry re, tertill in FIII3IIIIIILI frequent th , ser. Sot generally ore its virtues knoun that 0 e fired, nut publieh the certificates of them !ten, to do mot., than its , otrd the pull t• that it, 1111.0.1 hill /i.e. till,: A Y ER' ; - ;•GUE (' L: foi Fever and Agoo, init Iva Fevoi. FL. or _lt tiatiitent_ llovao r .pdr rn i v II li Foyer. Sr 11111 /1/.1. • , l a Ow Atte, i lone it Iti oh 1111,111 , 111 11/A11 . 11,1, 11.1101, 1.1 1111 11i 11/.. As 11 . 1 ha . tne 11 Cur... n,.,! d.. r nit t. Nainiug 11,11,1 lrllllllll, 111,11,011 Zino. o f any 11,111 ta 010 ral ur .1.- what., or, it non i injures alio p, 11,. nu. , ilior and rtattou id 1111 our, s in the .1,,1t0 tind,, are literilly tioyoidt act-idiot. atol I . hot o ll'atineVll a, pandit' ift_the Li.ta.ry-..P. Ague-or:niacin,- • tnir pride is liy the:aid:now t. rot vivo of the railleal our,v offeCtoil in of linsto arer, and whelp otittir renie4lcs had soholly talle.l. lima; oil per... no, Sillier reiddi-id 111, 1.1: 11 . 111- 1111. OClll,gl/110110111111141111111e /1/1 , 11111....11111 be Not , of, cl by taping fhe All CE trUlt fl daily. For Liter Complaint., arlritgr from t- Wily the ',her it is an excolloptt • Liver into hostility activity. Fur Ihl6uny I)h:orders and Liver Complaint-, it is - an excellent rowdy, producing urine !tatty remarka ble corer, where other 111 , 11,11111 g I/111 failed. Prepared In Lls. J. C. AYER ,t Co„ Arne final and Ansit tit al elterniats, ~,PI oil maid the world. PRICE $ . 1.00 PER BOTTEL 31.111701 y DE lIAI' EIV is.ilol'.llEl2. WE OFFER FOR SALE, AT PAR, NEW MAHO:NI( TRAIPL It,' LOA N 11EARINII 7 210 INTI.:REST SI nO/ti tc :slid i til •41 , teresc payable March and September nr,/ It I,i Anti ail I, nrund In a Ids I•: II A I; IZ OTI I E NO. 40 S. Taint) STREET, l'1111..11,1.1".1.111.4 to kg looght nod ..1.1 cointoi..on. Grid /and Go,ernmenis lu , ught :int! gold. Accounts Intureil till; ,' we.l: subject 14. Sigla Drahs CM Willia»i Brady's TT OT, IDAY DO(JrIS! WILLIAM BRAD.k, ME= MEMO MEI Iles Just returned from Now Yorlrwlth the larsvir .took of Holiday (Mode oyer brought to thie city eonehdlug to part of - HOLIDAY AND BRIDAL SILVER, of elegant dealgo and finish, from the celohreto Gorham 31enufLtrinring ampany. • BEAUTIFUL PLATED IVARE, • Ten Sets, I_ Coffee Urn Cake and }•t nil Basket% • Coders, Pickle dud Celery :Stands. Foul, l'ureene, Wino • Stni.do, etc•., at•. Table eIIOCIT ofelegAnt deelgo and iron. Elio rebuilt let tnnnuf.ten ry of liarribon ltroa. t flow tam, Sheffield, with pent I, Ivory on t plaluil landing. lilt 1.1001.8 1/111'.1 I,TM ENT E1.11..e.d, the loth : vying ni 0.1.; ladles" AlegnnC 11:m1;i, rile, Case- and Glove Hoses e Lena IS i °Hie le, T.dlet Sete. Writing Ito