Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 26, 1871, Image 4
Cheap John's Commandments CHEAP JpHIpS TEN COMMANsEMENTB ! I am Cheap John, who keeps forth In the Franklid House, behind the Court Home. Thou shalt buy at no other places but nt Cheap John's, Thou shalt not commit the great error to go tp some other place to buy. Thou shalt' not go to any other pewe to pay two pokes, for I am a Jealous Cheap doh a, watching you from the Court Homo steeple. I show mercy to the poor man in giving him largatue. Remember I don't sell on a Sab ',nth-day. • Honor Cheap John, for he is the bonofactor of ragged bonlanlty. I have eloth'eg. I have Boots nod num IME I have hats and Notion" I- am the only___Chenp John in Carlisle Nulling thy goods 25 per cent cheaper than soy other store. FRANKLIN TIOUSE; COUTI T !LOUSE A V IgN UI Indiana the Court Hamm) CAII.,LIBT.U, Yoll WILL JOHN'S SIUN City Advertisements SOLID SILVER and _SILVER PLATED WADE Of every description and latest designs, snitabla fur Bridal 'Gifts, Testimonials, and Holiday Presents.. Prices InN'rer than dm regular market rotes Extraordinary inducements to purchasers. OEO.II.IIECIITEL, No, 716 Arch tltrect, 2.20c70 (Old Established stand.) AGENTS WANTED. Agents want— ed, $75 to $2OO per month, male and female, to tell the celebrated and original Common hense Family Sewing Machine, improved and perfected; it will hum, fell, stitch, tuck, bind, braid, and embroider in a most superior manner. Price only $l5. For Sim plicity and durability it bas no rival. Ito not buy rum any portico telling mnchi tact under the same tame mune as ours, unless having it Certificate MI Agency signed by us, as they are worthless cant iron In Inca. For'circulars and torma, apply or addross H. CRAWFORD A CO. 413 Chestnnt street, Philful'a. Boots, Shoes and Trunks STROMII & SPONSLER, NO. 113, South Hanover street, Carlisle Thniatfl4 fur the puttontge extended them here toforo, do now announce theln usual large stock SPRING SVOES OF BOOTS AND SHOES, FOR Ladies and 31ihses, Gouts and Boys, Youths nod Childs, Which are unrivalled fur comfort and beauty. Alec TRUNKS AND,VA.LISES, ►IEN'S AND BOYS' HATS All of which e 111 be !Old at emelt . prollt, Call coo nod all, and get n full o4ulvaleut (or your money 14>p70 CHEAP Goods nro not e....laya,tha beta. Whim you go to boy an artlos,ltt onnoetally le the matter of --' BOOTS AND SHOES go ton dealer on whim words yontttn rely. fir, very row era good Judges of leather. Ulla time of tho year Hutto , will be wanting light booth! and .hopti fur mummer wear. All ouch eau lie Rroommodated ut , _ _ ' .ADAM- DYSERT'S, rltere will be found a supply nt,the lowest prlefon Boole and shoes made to order with the utmost die paten. Plain, of busineen No. 84 East Lottther . street, "Carlisle, Pa ~ 4sp7o • ITATS AND CAl' J . 4 OALLIO, No. '2.1.) 'WENT MAIN STREET -- CARLISL,E, PENNA., ,T)le lIATTNIt of Carlio:r! Tho ITITrEIt of Curlhilo I Tho latest styles just rocolved I Tho latoet•atylee always on hood I I SILK HATS from filo beet .llnbufnoturon I I ,FASEIIONABLI3 - HATS Juet out 1111 J, a, c tilsheito rnll attoutlou to hie Intipl EMS 4:ArD UA•PB lio nututtfactiano Uoto to oripr, and bni the bui,t, ■rrengemohte for Coloring unto, 'Wooion ' Goode and °vireoids, at nbort notice The highoxt DASH PItIOES paid fur COUNTRY FUR-B Jr6 . cilva NO 20 MAIli 6111ERT 1040960 Dry' Goods ay.d. carpets. DOWN I DOWN I DRY GOODS, MEE D. A. SAWYER'S, CHEAP.SIOR, E Prices Lower than ere r! 'UNPRECEDENTED 13A114. IINS I Constant Additions to our Stock CHEAP DRESS 00 3E91 At 95 and ao centx, worth 40 to TO roots. We are selling-Dress Goods at, 50 nee cent lees th en last month. SHAWLS, 'SHAWLS! nre offering Shawls nt rem'arknbly low prima WATER PROOFS! ' WATER PROOFS! A eplendhl pima at, $l.OO per lard I= =I Yell °teens 11 r.O cents, $l.OO, and upwards Mini A opleudld lino of Lodlee' and Childion'a Fora Wo have no old Furs with which to bolt ...tamers Como had examine' our stock, nod you will ho con einem' that we howl the cheopeet Luau in tho town. REDUCTION IN DOMESTIC GOODS, Correspondlug to decline In gold. A henry unbleached Morltn , ono yard wide, worth 16 cents, for 1234 Calicoes, Ginghome, and Tick. Inge reduced. A cheap lot of BLANKETS, Just In from tho MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. 1. OvolAndinne awny down. Molex Undeishirts nod Drnwers, 60 ronte nod op wards. I= WM lee-supplied with novel' ire suitable for Holiday Presents. Como all, Come ull, and moo for yourselves, and Have your money. I= EMI BAR , 9„ApiS BARGAINS.! IN DRY GOODS, FROM AUCTION, 00IL131 - 8 C II E A l' C A S II ST 0 . R E N ' oll up , !duo', n areond supply of the t. heapeat Full and Winter Qom's brought t o Carlisle thin mellow, 'A lnrgo nesortmeut of Ladies' Drams Goods In evory variety. Cloths, • Causimeres, Battinets, u.uipmonly low BLANK ETE AND FLANNELS, very ,Leap. {PATER-vnou'cLorti In all colt,. Munllne, Tick jugs, Gingh:unx, ot the tory lowo't notch. lottery, Glover, Undenlwrte, Se , cheaper than over. To We Linens, Toweling, and Nertine. All kin& of Notion, Thre . ads, Yarns, Braids, Shirt - 0611iire; nidiesrllalinoralrShirte, &c:,•.te , - in•etidlees variety: Special bargain= in Black Alpacas, of a new tLud splendid quality. MEEI7IMMI BEM An entire Dew lot pf Furs. Groat bargains, having no old ones.. Purchasers can depend on settled new and cheap article. Purchneere aro earnestly requested to call and ex amine my 'cluck of new syseda, aid satisfy themselves. No trouble to show goods nt the Cheap Cush Store, O. 47 WEST MAIN STREET, CARLISLE CHARLES OGILBY MEM IiECLINk IN GOLD ! CORRESPONDING DECLINE IN GOODS] Quite an excitement I❑ the Dry floods nntrket, In n very marked decline In prices of DRESS GOODS, Silks, Ifni:duos, lifOrinoes, Alp:teens, lnplitin, Sorg. Reps, and a iitigo variety, eorniorlaing fluidly ovary thing In thla gnu of gouda. STAPLE GOODS FlittinelN, Ticking% 0 Ingliame, lilankote, Cnl Wu clue, Knntu Icy Joann, CLOTHS and CA SSIM ERES, Lilloll rind Colton 'rut 19 I)lo re, Shirting, Chucks. WHITE GOODS Swim, Nniun ek , Clintbrird, Jmeonuts, French Muri Turhdune, Cambric cud :whin Edging. and norting“. HOSIMIY, GLOVES, • Trimmings, lu greet' variety, Itibboaa, of the hest quality, Hate uud Sundowns. - FANCY GOODS of a great :Inlay etyleg, and all very eltoap Ladies' Undar Clothing, very handdomoly ntadeand trimmed, Alan CARPETS,. OIL CLOTHS, Ruggets, Rum Window Slimlos, Quilts, Counter panes, and manygoods not niontlonod for Want of pass. W. olatin to bare the largest and beat,,tdocir of Dry Goods to the Interior the Stato, and will o ell at ouch prtcoo as will eithityall that this 1ath...p1.0 to got good bargain.. 3111111 - 10 ' lIENTZ Q CO. Plumbing, Gas Fitting, (Cc JAMI CAISIPIIIML. V. IiENWOOD. ipT 4 EMBING ;.. a AND - STEAM Al No. 18 North Hanover Street, CAItY:ISTJ, I'liNN'A STILLAT BUSINESS! Tho undersigned R. now folly in °pared to attend to this 'Amine.s in all is different Iranches. They also keen .onstantly on hand and for alto, WATER CLOSETS, . •BATH ÜBS, NY,ATint °Los ETA„. BATHTUBS, WATER. CLOSETS, BATH TUBS, WATER CLOSETS, DATA TUBS, WASH. BASINS, HYDRANTS, Lift and Porno Cisterns, . .. Lift and Yore. Cisterns, and Deep Well Pumps, Load, Terra Cotta and Deep Well Pumps, Lead, Terra Cotta . and Iron Pipe, Chimney Tops and Flues,. GAS PIPE AND FIX:T,URESG and all hinds of Brass Work for Stearn and water constantly AIM hand, or furnis h ed to order, Churches, .I?actorlas and othor bulldlne , In town or country, fitted up with nimbi°. Oust dia. patch. All work warrautpl. Tbenkibi for public . ..patropago, ere hopo by Oriel attention to buelneee to merit a continuance of te• sane; Tempi requiring but one trot .te 'mire yo hr ciuttoint Oleo us noel!. Don't fo:g the piece, No 18, Nortic!llanoidr: etteet, In the moat of dipo'n now building. All. milers loft a! VI rceidon as of either )lours. aillikßULL OR HENWOOD . e,t au] time, eltliei any or olglit, will be proof pry attended to, • Jam. Campbell, Ale:anthem l'lttatr, of or WIII lam IlienwoodiSomli etreot, ob.° Weed. sPeelal aditautope,wo, tire _ prepared to filruleh ' .• • . ' COPI RR WORK Or DERCRIPTKINIif, ' . , (or Still Homey and other purposee,'M, home br nett &Ammo. .• • OOPPER Rib! fdrnlebed to order, eltbar drawn - or brazed. , Madly , . , 110 " r Conapanv. D =L ESS GOODS CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, =I B . P.EC/.11 1, COUNTERS, IMMENSEPUfCIIASE MEM NEW YORK IMPORTERS A Eurge Lino of HANDSOME DRESS GOODS, TREM ENDOUS BARGA INS A FEW QUOTATIONS Striped Mains In Chintz Colors, root 0 Vl,' Onr to import. 1 ,0.• Carte All-Wool French Mtninors, at 67,c =I Ohe Coa Plain !!olltl C;llor Satin Cloth., 32 wide, it! 37 },c. Splendid Quality Homy Sothis, gbe , errs Inn for Suitt, =9 Silk Corded Popline, In inikuil desk 115 c 1:e.1 Quality French Prl (S: ill CilitAZ CLAWS, 37 T Leo taw, of vrry hand owe bolt Ouiah All Wool Ccods, 30 Inchea wlde; for ;inn/ al 75 C,/ts. _Vodouse wAtb.£ anil Jeans, ROMER, COLL A.DAY CO., MISES GlOGis.Jand Furnishing Goads TEE BEST, and decidedly the largest stock. of FALL,AND WINTER GOODS, In Carllale, fur Me Youfhe', 'and to La hound at the old and popular vtoru of ISAAC LIVINGSTOI, No. 22 North Hanover Street, where yon can 11,1110 , Inte4t lo,nluctionti of Euro peon arid Anivrlcan UlalletLllll of every de , trlption and qaallly, mai all ttal varlaua == OVER-COATINGS Tll,lltrgot.t iooortment .or dioplayed Cassizneres in endless variety, I'v, cedt, Cheviots, &c Aar A sph•ndid stock of Tiostings. • An tonnes., stock Ready-outdo Clothing, of our own =norm:lure, equal to garments outdo to ardor: A splendid assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. OEM ME Don't. lull to giro us a call We are &germinal to sell cheaper rims any lions° in town. ISAAC LIVTNOSTON, No . 22 North Hanover Street. Carlisle Established 1847. MEM CITY ADVERTISEMENT AGENTSWANTED —FOR TIIF— "I.I DR A ItY OF . POET ItY AND SoNti from:thti licst _Poets. .El , 4libh, Scotch, Irish, owl American. {Vith an Introductiou by =I The entire work, pogo by pogo, has paned under the educated criticism - nod scholatly eye of this grant poet. _ Tho handsomest anti cheamot book ottant, eon• joining more to give It enduring fame and motto It univcrsolly popular than any took ever published. It hos something in it of the best for every ono—for WO old, the middle-aged, and the young. Excepting the Bible, this will ho the book most-loved and the most frequently referred to In the family. This lea Library In ono book, whose oontonia will never grow. qld or stale. It•it 111 be rend and r. with the greatest pleasuro. Over 800 ',ogee, beau* , fully printed, choicoly illustreted, handeomoly bound. told only by subscription. Toschers,Clor gymon, nctivo Mole and Woinon, con all scow° good pay with light work by inking an agoney for title book: Tonna very liberal.. pond far Circular, &e., le• •, .GEO. MACLEAN, 15dee,70.8m 710 Eineom at., Philadelphia.. The Choicest Smoking Tobacco THE BESL AND CHOICEST • MOIK INO T erß A 0 0 0 , k bkoUruclukulat - •.. • . . ' FACTORY NO. 1, 3D DISTRICT OF MARYLAND. VZ-1900 not miry* prickago , you buy Dkra tha DutOriptbiu. - • • lkoot7o.lj 160 tone Coal.l3nreonliage, taken ont'of Opal mold In Yell trade at $l.O0 4 per ton at yeEds of ___A;,S,,DLA•I7I, =CM OMENS To clan out 41:i.-,Sc- !Ala' ClitatTN,UT PIIII.ADIMPiII A C L 0 T Il S t- at mots, Carp° ban L mbrollas, 1 #ARDIPAEE, SAFES, &c 1871. CARLISLE f (.. 1871. ETARDWARE. ROUSE! llrxnr SkrioN. IJ. P. Ilmuen. D. D. SArrOlf 11. SAXTON oo:, N 0.15 EAST MAIN STREET, Carlisle, Pa., MEE IMPORTED AV II A \!1.1:10... N II Alt DIVA REV and 31.20 .vied 1301.1hig, lJoo.,kecp =EI ' We have this day !WEIL' Imed with tie in bu.i aexe D. B. SAXTON. The fires will tit nonce , an before, IT. Brut / Co. Doliering a ohm t credit is to the mutual betiollt of all parties, wo have, therefor°, concluded to adopt a svodit of three months to responsible parties, at 'Which times our bills will be rendered, via January, April, July and October, whoa settlement will be made. Thankful for past patronage, and solleltlng rt col tltmoure of futozo favors, We remain respectfully, H. sArrox a: co. N. B.—Orders by mail ,hall receivoll prompt at I,tl person sJulal MILLER & BOWERS' HARD W A RE STORE, 26 NORTH II `,NOVEIt STREET, I=l E would respectfully ea Me :iltell- Y Lion of the public. to Our rerently roplonitth• od STOCK OF 11A.IlLIWA I; I: making It non ono r%f tho Intitont In Cunt titirtooll VOloy And , on , i ,, lng In port Of 11.111 ED ANU .It IRO N , 1131:1),,V3 11 , 11ISE I tffi.V., ` , Ol, IN A V Itt,DS, BLACI:SMITIVP, V*AIIOS M MA N LLS' N U CA ttrEN•I hlt B 1.1 IL DING 171.21 TE VAL__ Su (ilk, g: mihts t' ALT e i dil-611.tilt _jai c;.,a~' efk~" AI A T E It [ A =I Re tolrx for 311..001011C1V. REAPER court utitly oo Hind. We nre corstectly lit receipt cr coca. Alt net, frmi tbo man untetu tura and are aide to rur nn.h roun try utorultstan at I•iti!tnlt.ll.ltin and Nu 1 Tic yr:, .r.)-(ItIDS. delivered 6,11 tetrt, of the to't,n fro td . ehnrKe. WILCOX & GIBBS' SEW.I.NG .41. A CR _1 E We have secured the Agency of tho Wilcox Gibbs' Sowing Machine, a little family arrangement no one semms willing to do withrut alter basing coon one In operation. The Wilcox A Gibbs' is a :Anglo Thread Ma-Dina, and claims superiority over all Double Thread 11110iliorm, in the following particu lars; It Is simpler. and less liable to got out cf re pair ;it Is cheaper It rune with lees melee; It runs easier; it_rune footer; it has the bent device for pre venting the wheel from running backward; it re quites leas mechanical skill to operate It ; it requires lets Unto and instruction to learn to use it ; it is the most certain and reliable In lie OpPrat10111; its needle is straight and less liable to be broken than a curved one; the needle is secured in its place by an Ingeniously patented device w bids renders it self-adjusting, so •that neither skill nor experience are required h, arranging it; It news directly from the spool, thus doing sway with the tedious opera. lion of re winding the thread for adjustment is the shuttle: it mattes the Wilcox A. Gibbs', or " twisted loop stitch," n stitch original with this machine, and made by no oilier; the seam is more elastic and stronger than the Lock ctit eh ; the seam is the most even and beautiful; the scant is always self-fastotied thus avoiding a reversible feed ; its tension is more simple and more cony adfusted ; it is more speedily changed from one kind of work to another; it does bountiful embroidery; it has the last hemmer; it line the best filler: it has the best braider; it has the bent belt. the Wilcox A Gibbs has been In the market fur a little Mole [hail eight leaps, during which time upwards of sixty thousand Ilevel been made and sold, a number he fifty per , enkliterger than were sold of any Double Thread`Mac hie in the ammo number of Ito earliest years. Such success IS Sufficient is warrant the sale of this Machine wherever it has an agency, withont tke doubling evidence of testhnonials, of which there are enough to 1111 up the columns In the land. These Machines are on exhi bitionist our store; NO. 20 NORTII HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE whore they may bo exotninok, and they will tab, great pleltouro In - explaining anything relating to It Respectfully, &e., ' MILLER k BOWERS, NO. 26 North linnover streut, 29 .1nu0 0 Carlisle, Pa, Holiday Goods. HOLIDAY 'GOODS, &C; ,—ltof re purchasing/ Fo Iday floods for env:stomp and Now Year, go to 2.11t9. M. A.:.pINDEM, , 2 No. r,toi, N., W. cornor Eloroutb and Claud nu trcote, 1411110 TOYS . . ' - NEW _GOODS English, French, German, undAniericno TOYS, DOLLS, FANO.T GOODS I stip continuo to tell my outlrp stock orofFooth ors, Valirstooos, Floworjr, &c., at .groatly reduced prices, to molt° room for our Toys and holiday Goods. IlaCandTol Enke, WrltWiDooks, Ittati, Tub Stand Pocket Bouks, grelle#llArgains over offered Bnpor selo'ction of Jet, GM, Pearl and Coral Jaw airy. 1:1 °gala Fans, Pearly Ivory, and Gilt Slick. /i.(l Gloves, two buttons, nll tho new abadus. AI o, tho Josopl ICId, tho best $1 010 Te \ Cloaks, Drosses, and Suits; matlo In tit° moat fauhlonablo Trimmed Pepor Patterns. 'PerfectSystom of Drees Cutting taught., . • ItealNalencionnee, Zirdpuro and Thread Lam. tho latest !Lyles Ledlex' Collars . , Cuffs, nod Sleeve,. • , ' Point d'Applique end Ductresso. • Thread Pulls. - French Embroidered . Cashmero Fricke, Ostrich Plume., Tips and Fancy Feather. and Flowers. Novelties in Nock Ties and nosy.. " Ribbon'', Roman Scarfs And Pubes; Dress Ornamental Fringe'', Camps ; kola Pillows, Pin,Cushions. - A. lorgo lot of Woyliod filippbre,at veal low price... MRS. M. A: NO. 1,101, .21 7 :.* Corner Elaintis and - Chestnut itrecth,NlloolPhia• • 22.197010 ITELMBC(LD'S .8.VCH.17. THE KIDHE'4% • The Kidnap are VIM In. number, situated at the tipper part of the lol4,.rairronntlett by fat, 'end r Meting of, three . parti,,sric: the, Anterior, the into- rlor, end tile Exterior, Tho anterior absorbs. Interior consiste of tient. or reirni;vrilleit Serve es a deposit for urine and convey It to the exterior. The exterior Is a connac for ale°, terrniinting tri ri mingle tubC, amid oullod Ureter. The ureteraare connected with the bladder. The bladder is composed of various coverings or tisanes, divided into party, viz: the Upper, the Lower, tbo Verrone, and the Mucous. The upper expels, the lower retains. Many have a desire to usittato without the nbillt; others urinate without the ability to retain. This frequently occurs to MEM! To core Moser offeetlous, we moot bring Into notion tho museloa,'lvltieb are 'engaged lu their various fueittions. If they are neglected, C ravel or Dropsy =I Tho reader meet •Ico be made aware, that however Blight may 'bo tho aWark, It Is sure to !Soot tho bodily health and utontal powers, as our floah and blood nradstlpported frt In these sources GOUT 01 anconmsm oceurriug iu tho Imus Is lildiemtko of the a ore .11Beasr . s. Tay occur lo persons dieposed to. n old stov.b and chnlky ron TIM GRAVEL —The , pm :el °woes from neglect 'or 1-improp`A'-treatment ,f-the-kiqnoye:- -Thove-orgnne being weak, tho wet et' Is not expelled from thublnd der, but allowed to remain; It becomes feverish, and sediment forms. St, la from tbk deposit that the stono is forto.l, u cal gl'art.l enures. =I boll., and Luna ttifTereut notava, according to the parts °Mated, A: thougenerally dinned over the it io cnli 1 Am - oaten ; Itioiti of Alio abdomen Aetilin; when of the ehe.t, Ilydrothor. Coal pound I:lttnet Ituchn i. dooniettly ono of the bout rentedi. for dirdotort; tho bladder, kidney+, gm,' ,I;e11111 . 1tirall, and palty nlTe (loud Coder lids howl no ha,. arm ugod I)Tnut in. ur tiliSCllity RUA N'ater Selllll3 Se- oretion, or mall and _frown:rot diorlarrgeN of 1r Itty, Strungiity, or stopping of isiiinr; Ilermn twig, cr bloody mine (lout and libutimatista k!daeyx rritlicut any Cbango in- gnantity,• but there°. in odor, ur tltrk water. It 'syn.e alwaya ilighly_stcom ...Ivied 11 the Int. Dr. i'llytlek, In the. auction, This modiclue ine_rensva the pow, of digestion, and excites the übsolbentn Into Imlay exerebe by ohiett the teolery or ealcureotte deposithols, and ell ilumgmlitznßi , r7asz:6l;Taz, - T6'.qrwr,ioiniaTame7. WM ==! rind rhililroi. UireActio. fur uae urf,l t I= Ilit ilndnlpLtn, Pa.. 'Feb. 'di, 18h7. If Druggi• Deer Sir—l hate been a sufferer, for upwaf fl twenty years, xi ih gravel, bladder anti hidneY affec tions, doting chlclt time I have used various medic inal if:mend isms; amPhesn under the treatment of the most eminent fili3sielstis, experletteing but little relief. flaying 60.1 your pleparations,extonsivuly adver tised, I stilted with my handy physician in regard to using )our Extract Minton. I did 011E1.MT/time I had used all kinds of advertised remedies. and. had found them worthless, and some quite iojoriosis; in fact, I despaired of ever getting dad determined to uso no remedies hereafter Unless I knew of the ingredients. It was this that prompted me toots. yobr remedy. As you advertised that it 50115 composed of Isupbu, cubebe, and juniper berries, it recurred is me and my physician as an excellent combination, and, with his advice, after an examination of the article, 'and consulting again with the druggist. I concluded to try It. I com menced Its ace abort eight mouths ago, at which time I sells Confined to MY MOM. From the first bottle I was astonished and gratified at the benefi cial effect, and after sting It three weeks, was able to ivalk out. I felt much like writing Yon a full mr.stement of my case at that, time, but thought my. improvement might only be temporary, and there fore concluded to defer and see if it would effect Is perfect cure, knowing then it would he of greater video to you and more satisfactory to mo. I ant now able to repoit that a cure in effected after using tliseremedy for five months. 1 bons not used any now for three months, and feel as Well In all inspects ns I over did. Your Buchu bolas dovishd of any unpleasant taste and odor, n nice tonic and invigorator of the system, Ido not moo° to lotthout it whenever occasions may require los sum do '' M. McCORM/CK Should any thdubt Vr. McOorm olutenultit, refors to the following ieutlmen lion. Wm, ux.Cloyeruor, Pannell nail:, lion. Thou. B. Vlore/lee, Philadelphia 110n.3. C. Knox., Jiltlgo, Plillatlelphi Hon. I:9;rock, Judge; PhNutlelphla lion. D. 0. Porto :, ex.Cloyernor, rermayho.fa tlon. Elllw Levla, Judge, Plkiladelphla Hon. R. C. loy,,Tudvtrit,tltv. toe Cutl , 1 t Itou. Cl. W. Woodward, Jndu, Phllodolphin A. Purtor, City 9ollcitor, lion. John Bigler, oz.e.ovornot, California Hon. R. banks, Anititur Gensral, Wasltiugtou, D.. 0 And many others, If nocosaary Ink a tand L Bold by Droggleto awl DoulorirtWorywhoro, Do waretoroounlorrolta. Aok for nolmbold'r. Talc° to othor. Paco—sl.2s v s er bottlo, or 0 ',ratio's' for $0.50 Del'Tared to any address. Doorlba symptomiln all commtpdcatioWi t Addroas 11. T. lIELMBOLD, Drug and Chemieal 001 lIROADWAY, N. V NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS Bono up In liteol-ougrmati wrapper, with linkludlo of me Momlcal Wprehoneo; and olgnod 2 0ithionly Dry: Goods, Carpets, &c. 1870 FALL A'ND WINTER DRY GOODS STORE. AUCTION SALES, ASTRACAN CLOAKING CLOTGA, SEAL SKIN CLOAKING CLOTHS, A great bargidu in all Mods of Colored mid Mite BLANKETS! I,II,AII'KE'PS! Flannels, Flannels, Flannels, nhlrtn, Embossed uhlots, the largest artodtmea nt the lowest prices. 4 monis AND CABSIMBRES, 0V E R-C 0 A T - 1 iIT (I 8, e hugest nio.rfc In town, far below the pilaus ono rl 11 ti , Nau btyl tl nulE, 11 outht, F ir ie. Child run's Cloals 9neks,Bne.l id, Ties nod everything else is the Notion Line. CARPET:it CARPETS, .floor 7'(-I‘l,lB Druggets, Mattiugs, Rugs, Sc AL tts.,tinteirt off alley Boggy Ittuo o Do not fail to al, u us a call, us we call glee you all better bargain,' titan you can get anywhere clue, in all Maas of-Dry tloods and Carpet:3. FAST MAIN STREET, CARLISLE, PA 1721070 DRY GOODS STORE DUKE BURKHOLDER Below the Carlisle Deposit Bank, Ildvo just, ttornoil flow Row Toil: and Philadelphia with nu out Ira I= Our gouda have been Beirut ud with the gt eat.; rare, and in !tuna. of beauty end cheaptuas cannot be es celled. We invite every ono to come and inspect nor Vill clock agoutis. Yon will dad er. ry viniety imd style or goods the markets afford, in • Drosx Goods, Cloths, Rit•?i = =II I Ottoman Cord:, Ernp,ss Cloths, .Iln•inos, and Plaids of every shade and style. — Clar - Stock - of - Turs -excels-anything- in paint-of beauty of finish, and finenesa of quality, and we hove to down to lower prices than have over been offered in Carlisle: We purchase this Stock from the largest and bout Meese In - Now York. We have made a choke selection of . . . _ CLOTHS AND CASSIMEJtES to which wo,,invlto tho ostutcial uttodtlon of young and old-. We lutre toloctod emu choice ottorno of BOBBY OASSIMBICES, uartlciattrly adopted to young moo. W liayoovory thing In • Muo'ins, rlannehr, =I Balmorals, Furniture choclig, &o LADIEB' AND CIENV3 UNDERWEAR of ell kinds. A tow of the advantagae of haylog goods from us are, we Late an entire rum 'typpic. QV 0000 TO. SELECT AltOlf, •fr which hay° boon ',Ought for cash !• e'lia • no ono to undersoll 11. T. 1113131110.0 , •, We extend 11, cordial Inelitation to all to'oall and sae us borers making your purellasos;ee sro (kink we Can offer extra Inducements. ' - - - .- . , • ItOop 4 Steely, . , r. . • . 009tTO 1870 OPENING TO-DAY I= OENTRAL New and doelraida DRESS GOODS• Groat Bargain. from Into In New York andpliikdelpkin CARACULA CLOAKING CLOTHS EXTRA. 'BEAVER OLOAKINOS Blue, Brown, Pulplo and Black VELVETEENS SHAWLS -1. AWLS I FURS I FURS! FURS! The Best and Cheapest In town 110 , , V'rl('S! LONIESTIC. I At alvellne in prices IMIESI LEIDICEI & MILLER FOItTiI HANOVER STREET, C:11Sk4111101'08, SheNls, ruts, and Notions Rich Cros-de•Loudrnn, Drop-do nice, Sill,• Epinsah 54U1T1-de-All/101WeS, Ma4IMIIIII=3IIEII 131133233 Pripts, Blankets, " Cqvorlots, CountotTani Duap Burauxopan, G . ermatk o ffedicines. H GERMAN 'ME.DICINES, lIOOBLAND'6 GERMAN BITTERS, ITo;liana's Geanan Tonic, HoofTand's Podophyllin Pill, HOOPLAND'S OREEIC OIL. 1100FLAND'S GERMAN Bit Tuns, A Bitters without Alcohol_ of any kind. Is different from all others. It In composed of the pure jnices of vital princlplo of Roots, Mate, and Barks (or as medicinally termed. extracts,) rho worth -Imps oLlrert - p - ortirros — of — the - ingrodients not being '17a7. - efol - Kin ono bottitThrtlilinlittliettliere Is contained as much medicinal virtue an will he found•in several gallium bf ordinary mixtures. TIM R ]loots, be., used It k this Bitters are grown In Ger. malty, their vital principles extracted its that country by a sciontjfic Chemist arid forwarded to tit o nmnu factory in this city, whore they aro compounded and bottled. Containing no spirituous ingredients, this Bitters Is free from -the objections urged against all others; ; tin desire for stimulants can be induced from their rice, they cannot make drunkards, and cannot, under any circumstances, havo any but IL Leneficisl olTect. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN POLIO .Woos rhonpoo oohed fot Ih,we 1 . 14 t 111 , 1iIIVti In eat rooinio bitters, and is inteolooluti foo use in 5.180 N ,1111:11. , 1111, 111.1101 k stomulant is row, iced in connection will the 'Nice nroperhies of the Biltera Each bc 1110 Cr the Tonlo contains one battle of illy Bitters, cont. billed with pure raffia ern . , Huhnh toad flavor. din such a manner that the eationoo lohloornehs of the Balers is OVeIVI,III, rollmop a preparation highly agreeably and holooh•ohnt too the palate, and ton the nootlieloal tint eel' of the Bitters. The peter .f Ills 'funk in dl toU per bottle, solooll mnuy persons think too high. They mud take int., consodet ohm that the stimulant. used is gnat...hotted to Los of qualthy. A poor as tide c•old los furnished at o lo.tper price, but is it hilt holler to pay It little more and hare a gat.' article? A no dicinal Porn:oration shootiol 0. Wain hoono but the beet ingredients, and Ilahy who: aticoot to obtain a cheap Vollop•onol still most c, rtaitoly is cheated. Thu are 'the- Greftte . Bt- Know -Itente4i(w, MEE Liver Coinpldint, Dyspepsia _ll - erco ti a Delray, E!!!M Miscast of thy Kidneys, Eraptiongiof the Skin, and all dl.k• ari,lint: non II DkUlliVrt'd LiA rr Slmnn, • h, r r tho Mond. head the lollowlng 5) uilal•luie: C II tipn i n =I Fußile. of Blood to the hoed Acidity of the Stonier EMS! Ivr Sellout, er Weigl.t in the SI(.111..11, &or li:cwt.:Woo°, Sinking or Fluttering. ot the Pit of the t teenoch, Swinffn.log of the IlurroLl or Difficult Pre:tilling, Flottp ri4g at the Heart, Choi:- iug or Suffocating rendotions when in 11 Ly leg l'or ture, Dine tunnel Vinien, Dots er ‘Vellis hi lure. the Sight. Poll Pain in the Hood, reficionry of Perephi thin, Yerowoeis of the Shin awl liven, Pain in the Side, Bock. Elie.), Noel Sudden Sloshed of Heat, lioroing in the Flehli, Conffant im taininge tf Evil, viol E: eat Dvproieibei of Spirit, All these in. tho Liver or Dlgeelive Orgo iln com bined wall milli], blood. The u,c ul u e Dit trey or Tonic oil 60011 role, tbo to ditappear, and the 'bitten( will become, o .1 ffel I=l o:R F. F, li 0I L, Lightning Cure for all Kinds of Pains and Aches. A ' , plied Extol nrally.—lt will cure all kind! of 1'1111.,a1111 A 1.11., such na Rheumatism, Nettraigis, notharite, Chilblains, Sprains, Bruise. nest Bites, Headaches, Psina in the Back and loin!, Pains in the Joittis ur Limbs, Stings of Insects, Ringworms, ute. Taken Internally.—lt will cure Kidney Complatnto, Bacittches, Hek Headache, Colic, Dysentery, Dial , slam , Cholera Infitntntn, Cholera Morbus, Cramps, tat Pelee in the Stonuteli, Poottl and AVIA, Covits, Culd., Asthma, etc. --_.- .' =I P (-) I) 0 P Y N, OR SUOBTITUTE 'FOR 511iRCURY PILL ', , nvo PILLS A,DOSII q'he moat p..9werfal, yet innocent, Vegeta- Lie Vathartio known. . It In not net revery to take a handful of theec fife to product, the desired offcct ; two of them net quickly and powerfully, clennel og tho I.l'ker, Stomach, and Downie Moll linpuritles. The principal Ingretilimt la Poilophyllin, or tho Alcohodo , Extract of Moo drake, which to by many Ulm, morn Powerful, , Acting, and Searching, than the. Mauctrake_ithelt:_iti_peculiar :action iu upon„the Liver; cleaning It speedily from ell otr• structions, with all the power of Mercury, yet (roe front the injurlooti rexults at (ached to the. use of that pleural. For all diseases, Jo which the se of a cathartic Is Indicated, thew rills will giro cities satisfaction lo every coal, Ml3= In cases of Litter Complaint, Dyspepsia, and ex treme Costivenuso, Dr. no°Rand's German Bitters op Tonic should be used In connection with the Pills. Thu tonic effect of the Ehlers or Tonic builds op the system. • Tim Bittern of Topic porilies the Blood, strengthens the uerv4s, re ;dialog the Liver, loud gives strength, energy, and vigor. Reap your 'Bowels active - with the Piilu, and tone up the system with Bitters or Tonic, and no dikeste can retain Its hold, or even ausall you. These medicines - are sold by all Drugtilsts and Denten in medicines 'everywhere'. Recollect that It Is DR. DOOILAND'S GERMAN - REMEDIES, that aro no nnlverrally mad and highly wont monde(' ; and do not allow ♦ho Druggitt •to italnco you td tetra anything also that ho may eity Is Juk as good, because ha tuaketia larger profit, on It. 'Theca Houndloa vvlll ho sent by Minors to any locality, upon application to tho Principal Ofilco,atlbo GERSIAN'MEDICINE STORI2, Gal ARCH BTIMET, =I cIIAS. M.'• EVANS, Proprietor Formerly 0, Dt..JACLCSIN 4 co. .• Too Remedies nre 'for dale by Dregeste,Floro hoiden!, and Medicine Denim, everywhere. through• out the United Stntoo, ()Minden, South orlea, sod be yralit Indtos. • 8d4c70.17 . Stoies; Tlnwcire and Pqmpg !BAND OP.EXIIM • . • • 08 THE FALL CAMPAIGN RHINESMLTH & RUPP, NO." 02 AND 64 NORTH ICANON - EN STREET, TIN AND SHEET-IRON IVOIIIIERS, and dealers in ---: ' Cook, Parlor, and every variety of HEATING STOVES., The subscribers, having recently erected a commo dious stare room, tidjoining their old Maud, affeiding increased facilities for business, aeo now prepared to tarnish tlielr patrons and. the public generally with ovary article in their line, on the most 'accommo dating terms. With a large and varied assortment, ito which additions are constantly made, they feel cad:ldea that in.quality and price they aro ahead of all competition. PARLOR STOVES, COOK STOVES, This department of their stock is unexcelled for artistic design, superior finish, and simplicity of arrangement, among which may be mentioned the BUNNY , SIDE FIRE PLACE HEATER, SUNNY SIDE DOUBLE-OVEN COON, , BARLEY Nomx,coox, and NOVELTY PARLOR COOK STOVE, with a variety of other Cook etovee,vell known for their excellence. KITCHEN RANGES, or :di Linde, I rid titling the eelebratt'A NATIONAL II NUN BASE BURNERS, If you want an Ornamental Stove, If you want an Economical Stove, ...If you want a Powerful Heating Stove, If you want a Perpetual Piro Keeping Stove, etn iuid examine our idoek, whir. !,on will find the - OE - IP.?i - Tirb -- 11 - t3T - Itf.l - S` With rrver•ibb• floe and °vett • ORLINTA h PARLOR 11EATI.E., = BASE BURNERS, =9 I= BIIE p: T ;1 n N AN I) TI N IV AII 1 ,111.1 In. lunt;ng Toilet IVare, Cash and Deed Boxes, Bread, Cake, and Sugar Bo.xes, Knives and Forks Spoons of all kinds, Ladles, Lanterns, Coal Buckets, tninneled - and Plain flullow Ware, Wroaght Dom Pass, Sh•oo. x and 'Tong., Cord and Floor ,11,118, Flat Irons, lira., lira( es. bruit .Tarr. kr. embracing a largs nod tooupleto troot to obiell tytt,itiviio I la. atteotl.l/ Lop is Wt. 31, 11!"30 I; reill'filirtrrire I'lll •-• Pumps for Cisterns and Deep Wells, Itzol have for Pak the Leiolon:ed CUCUMBER WubliL.l 'Pt 1:v11011:A4 on band F!RI DRIOK AND REDA IRN FOR SIOVRT !"4-I;TIND, AND JOB. WORK art I ended to i”on.ptly told of asonahle Ora' Sl tetkevn. rn r.r.<'7etnigi fill for the tial . ri nag, nil W nre detertuined, Increase I etf-rk. to nit a continuance of it, au.l nt, the pul.lic to call and uxnuilue RIIINESMITH & RUPP, • - • 'Nos. 6r2 and 64, NORTH lIANO VER STREET, CARLISLE, PA ME= =EMI ('(>M FORTS OF HOME = = Our 11101101'dII and moor, thNph « ev,e,niuy rove Our hearts turn with fonhots back to that Stove, Where wu sat all last jointer, a warming our toes, And food niein'ey cestatic, hails Ito old time opus, Stuvu, Stove, hare-Burning Stove, There's no Stove like thee, Anier'eau Stove. Forced to suffer by another, wa quickly repine, o,gh e me the American ; that is the shrine, About which NVO all gather vu pleaavnt and neat, And keep ourselves comfortable way down to our n et Stove, Stovu, Anterlean•Stoviv There's no Sten e like thee, Itave;Mainlng Stove. !lad 1 Stoves placed Itocoro,ne to trot by my choice For the Ameelcan Ettitot.ittriter" I'd calk. loudly my voice, For with the fuel In it, 'twill bring nut the heat And keep you warm and pleasant dawn to your feet Stove, Stove, wonderful Stove, There's no Sievelike thee, American Stove. Fol :ale at WM. FRIDLEY'S STOVE STORE, ON EAST LOS/TITER STREET, in 11w rear of Shapley - .it: Hal Ler Ca Furniture Ruunui Where yell eau fitid an e ndlusa val lily of goods, Bach ay Puinacos, Office, Parlor, and floating Stoves, tugotlier wuh I= of all kind., and at no low priers, for Comb, as any other totablislunout In town. SPOUTLYO, ROOFINV, 0.131119 G of all lands done with neatness find despatch Cull 111111.0 before purehasiug elsewhere. Ouct - O-Oin THE OLD ESTABLISHED STVIE AED TINWARE STORE McGONIG BB_ sOUTII lIANOVEII STREET, (Adjulffing Blair & kt's Grccoiy Store,) After an experience of over thirty years in the Stove and 'Clirwaro burinus.q, In Carlisle, the tnder signed beide confident that Ids recommendation of Stoves hoe come weight with the , commtilly. Ile now Were the celebrated GAS BURNER, which he feels" Rifle God Is Alto beat Bak Berner in the market. It is handsome, throwing a cheerful light around room; thorn aro no cliultera oven with the worst teal; the heat Is reflected to the floor and strikes the foot instead of the face; the gun Is outiroly consumed ;101l duet is carried off , by a back pipe; it hail a ventilating damper by which routes may be kept thoroughly ventilated; anti it produces as great hoot front as small In quantity of,coal as ally iiioVo over offered to the public. lie also offers the " Cozy Light," and the "Beacon Light," both linen Durum's, highly recommended by all. who have Illicit thorn. All these, Base blirperil are insured for three year*, and if 'they do ,bet work satistlictorily may ho returned. Also the folloWing welt known--_----' COOK STOVES Nimrod, Ixonsides, , ' Fainter, - Diamond Slate, and others. Those aro all warranted and may ho roturnod if unstdisfactory. Hundreds of thinn-hare •Won -put up by .ruo 10 this coosminity; and - thoir popularity is unlparesi. All Mono Stores may bb soon at my estabiloh mont, and referouceo cab ho given. to parties using them. . • , srouTiNa AND 1100 PING, „ • • • attended-tie in tOvin'or eountry. ~ • Repairing done on abort not's!: . • Mil meaouraeL, 20M700m e ' 4 NQ I AO 9vnty lla>l vrer al ror t, :,:OFFICE STOVES =I MEE Ranges, Cook Stoves, of all do.ripilona I= CA It LISLE, PA Lines of Travel R EADING RAIL ROAD WINTER. ARRANGEMENT. Monday, .b . l . 9vember 1, 1870, GREAT' TRUNK LINE FROM THE North and North-West fur Philadelphia, - Now York, Reading, PottOille, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shamokin, Lebanon, AlleatoWn, Eantort, 1 Ephrata , dAtlz Lancaster, Co. 'anthill, it., to. Trains bitty° Harrisburg for, Now York,,aa follows At 3:10, 8:10, 10:50 a m; and 2:50 p m,: connecting with elmllar trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at Now York at 10:10 a. in., 3:50 6:50 and 10:00 p ro, respectivoly. Sleeping Cars accom pany tho 3:10 a in train without chaogo. Returning: Leavo Now York at 0:00 a in, 12.00 noon, and 5:00 p m;Philadolphia, at 8:15 a m, and 3:30 p m. Bleeping _Cars aocomp.any the 5:00 p - m, train from Now VOW, without change. ~Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tama -0.1,31 in...alio, Ashland, Shamokin, Allentown and Philadolphia, at 8:10 a m, 2:50 nod 4:05 p m, stop• ping at Lobanon and principal way stations; the 4:05 p m train connectingfor Philadelphia, Pottsville . aud Columbia, only. -For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquouanna Railroad, leer° Harrisburg at 3:40 p m. East Pennsylvania Railtoml trains Leavo Reading for Allentown, Easton, and New York, at 5:00, 10:30 am, 12.45 noon, and 4:45 pm. Returning, leave New York at 0:00 a 05,12:00 noon aud 5:00 p m , and Allan. town at 7:20 a la, 12:25'n00u, 2:56, 4:20 and 8:45 p m. Way Passenger Train leaves Pluladelphia at 7:30 a in, connedting with almllar train on East Pennsyl vania Railroad, roturning from Reading at 0:20 p m, stopping at all slatimm. Leavo Pottevillo at 0:00 a en, and 3:10 p m, Herndon at 10:16 a in, Shrunoldn, at 5:40 and 11:20 am, Ash. land, at 7:05 a m, and 12:50 noon, 3lalmnoy City, at 7:51 am , and 1:35 p m, Tamaqua, at 8:33 a m, and 2:40 p en, for Philadelphia, Now York, Reading, Har risburg. Sc. Leavo Pottsvillo via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, at 8:15 a m, for Harrisburg, and 12:05 noon fur Pino Grovo .d Tremont. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Pottsville at 5:10 a nt, passel; Reading at 7:30 a m, arriving at Philadelphia at 10:20,a m. Returning, leaves Pblia doißltia at 4:15 p at, passing Reading at 7:25 p m, at , living at Pottsville at 0:10 p m. I tPo•tstown Accommodation Train leaves Pottstown at 1:00 ain returning leaves Philadelphia' at 4:00 p m. - • - Columbm Railroad trains leans Reading at 7:20 0 In, amPO.l5 p m , for Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster, Co. lumbia, &c. Perkaomen Railroad trains leave Tarlatan. Jane -0190 at 7:45, 0:05 it m, 3:00 and 5:30 p returning, leave Scinvenksvilla at 7.00, 8:20n m, 12:51/ noon, and 4:30 p m; a unveil ng with similar trains on Reading Railroad. Colobroulalalo Railroad trulna leave Pottstown at 0:10 a tu, and 6,20 p tn, rotornlng, leave Mt. Pleas ant at 7.00 mid 11:n a in., connecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad. ChM er Valley Railroad intl. lean•o Bridgeport at 6:30 a ILL and 2:05 and 5:02 p at ; returning, leave Downingtown at 0:35 a in, 12:45 noon, and 5:15 p m, onnectitprwith - stmilar traimirnn - lteltding - ItallrOad7 — On Sunday, Leave New York at 1100 p m, P5llO - it t 8:00 n In, and 3:15 p in, (tim 8:00 n m, train running only to iteading,) leave tottatille at 8:00 a len,vo lierilitlairg at MO a m, and 3:05 p m; lento Allentonn at 8:45 p m ; lento Rending at 7:15 a In, and p ni, for liarritibtirg at 5:00 a nt, for Now York, and at tkito a in, and 4:25 p In, for adelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Emma, School and Excur sion tickets, to and from all points at minced rates. Baggage ,Lucked IS rough; nun hundred pounds allowed ouch passenger. IL A. NICOLLS, Gen. Supt Reading; Pa., Nov. 21, ISTU. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTER TIME TABLE. Eight-. Trains (DOly) to and from Phila delphia and Pittsburg, and Two ' Trains Daily to and from Erie (Sundays excepted). A Vl'Elt MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, Piotreuger Trains of the Pen to.ylvankt RanroPd rein, any, \IIII depart frelll Ifarristorg and atrive at follows MEM Exprii , s labia IlartiUburg dally eisci pt Mani 1.0 )nt 2 1,0 n I , nod arm ea at t. it at 7 00 a. tn. 5 :I.—Said Line leas 1,1 lintriyburg dnilt (oxidiftt ) at 5 31 n. , and )0 at pti la id 0 50 a . 111 riin inarTi Alt iona daily (.'crept Sunday) at It 00 pnnil nt Ilarrialuirg at 0 p. w. 10 daily at 10 15 p in., and nt It oil Phil/lEloolln lit MiE!IIMEMM (t /m I IN= 1 '.2"--: , 01.1111.1IN EXPI:EiS le.vos II Iturk; dailY at I .4 'l 4 an., and In at 11. st Philatlelphi.4 at 5 45 p to. • IlarrynlAng Arvonttnodation leaven Altoona clall.V (Sunday ex ,, ptetl) at 7 n. .!tlicl arrives at liar ritthilrg I_l2 45 it U. r,",— Irarrisburg . A ra , mnl odatjan leaves bong at 3 50 p. In., and al vi v. n at Philudelphin ut 9 du p m., :,0 ovter Train, via Slouut :10y, lefty. tlm ri.sloittt ibaily (except Sunday) at 7 30 a, m., anti arrirea at West l'Illholt•lphia at 12 20 noon. =I datly (except Stitalay) at 435 p. arriN .14g at Erie at 7 40 a. - - 2f,—E14A14:-MA-1,-meet,- for .1.: el e; lenve.szliurrin, burg tinily nt 2 221 a. m., rhing at Orin at 7 p tn. 12 14—Citic xp Ersss leaven Harrisburg daily at 12 if. m , ltr at .A.Hmma at d 1,0 a. tn., and art Ives at Pittsbure at 10 20 a. 11l 4 :ttl—Plltslturg Evprots Irnv,a Ilarrisbutt. daily (...tsept Suaday) at I :Id a. HI.. arrlvits at Ait t ,,, tm st 3ti a at, ltrtstltfast, ttattl arrives at l'ltttdaurg Lit 1 Lift It. to 2 10—ramtir Express banes Ilartiliburg daily at 2 10 a. m., arrives at Altoona at 0 30 aim., takes breakfast and arrives at Pittsburg at 10 40 n. Fast Line Iran, Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 4 40 p.nt arrivesat Muslim at 8 05 p. m , utktis nulqt, 10,1 art toes at Itittatairg kt 1.20 a.m. Tinio lean, Harrisburg daily (except Sun day) at 1 15 pat , Arrives at Alter. at 7 10 , talsor eat per and Sonora St Pittsburg at 1 00 a Wiry Ita , ringer leaver Harrisburg datili,at 15 a. no, 1011 Ve9 lit MlOOllll at 2 20 p. la l'lttquirg at 10 20 SAMUEL A. BLACK, Supt. 111111110 Div. Penna. It. It. Harrisburg Nov. 24, IS2tt. Groceries, Family Floor, &c. F RESII GROCERIES ! FRESH GROCERIES : I Alllll.Ollll 1., hal at CIIEAP STORE, No. 88 East Pomfret Street Anti tt by aro they alwa3s frt alt? Because we sell a great mount of theta, and sell them low. Mares fors. turn our stock often, and consequently our goods, moat. he fresh. You mill lied everything yoh wi.4l in the way of MEMO 11:1111119 UilltoMaro, and Ce beware Slone and Crockerywaro, Choice Hams ' third Roof, llalupus, Roof, Tongues, 131.4 . 11ittillIlti Cr. 6.✓ r of every dasoription. Pickled, Spiced and Fresh Oysters, Sardines, English Pichler, Lotion Syrups, ,fe', and no end to NOTIONS It is uselesi to mention thorn, come and see for your selves; and parenht if it don't suit you to come, send your children Ito they will be dealt with the eante care LLe if you were hero yourself. ALL KINDS OF UNTI?Y PRODUCE taken In exchange for gout's, or cash GEO. B. TIOFFMAN'S SONS, No. SS East Pomfret Street, 10.. 1 )70 Cenust,E, PA J ' . M. DIA.SONIT.EIIEII, COMM] CHOICE "TAMIL V OROEETtTES; FINE QUALIFY OF Two. PERE SPICES, Queenstoare, Clam , ti e, SloneloaH, Wooden gna IiFST 116AN1.9 OF' F A _di L Y FL 0 UP, SALT AND Ken ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY' PRODUCR BOUGHT • souruwEvr CORNER PITT OD IqIIFEET STREETS . - ,Ilidec69 :Leather aita liVney Goods SPECIAL NOTICE. BIDDL 'E iteepeetfully intortit their Mende ttoit ItOIIIIINS, (Into of tho Mon of Danny k C 0.,) how this 111t1 . 11.50 ; cintoa himself with thorn, under the, Orin name of BOBBINS, CLARK , and will continuo thii WATCII AND .1.1111 7 ELB.1:41USINI: 81 1 . '" at the 'old eland. ' • -112"DDESTIP.IT STD tit:l Tnir,ADEL-runi.• They aro now offering, at reduced Wet?, ohOlco Mock of • AMERICAN AND SWISS IVATCNES, , JEWELRY, , . • STERLING SILVERWARE, „ • TABLE CUTLERY, • 0 ,„ MANTEL CLOCKS, ERENOff AND VIENNA. MITIIER AND FANOY aooDE3. 2e0p70 ,'1 • • . II TY►'ltoiatoare