Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 26, 1871, Image 3
61 FIRE COMPANY mcnoN.—'ikt regular meeting of the. Cumberland Fire Conipany, of this borough, hold on Satsrday .ovoning last, an election for officers, to serve for the ensuing , 112 tr was held, attended with the following resin• President—Peter Spahr; Secretary, E. D. Quigley ; Treasurer, G. A. Dill man ; First Director—Joseph Freeland ; Second Director—John Cramer, jr; Third Diredtor—John Gilmore ; Fourth Director—Fredh. Hays ; Fifth Director —W. A. ; EngineerT-Al. Gard ner ; First Assistant—Wm. Thrush ; Second Assistant—J. B. Delmff ; Third Assistant—M. C. Boyle ; First Fireman —C. P.: ; Second Fireman—Jesse Hays ; Third FiremAn—Alex., Carbaugh ; Fourth Fireman—Jas. Snyder. The President then mad?: the following appointments, viz: Trustees—A. Dchuff, A. J. Welsh and Theo. Irvine. Plagsmen—William Cii'ove and John Bailey Pipesmen—John Gepiwt, Sr., William Speck, John Arney and John Gallaway. ,Tanitor—Solomon Stoufer, esti. 1=1:11:12 MANI' suffer rather than take nause oty medicines. All who suffer from coughs, colds, irritation of the bronchial tubes or tendency to consumption, will find in Dr. Tristar's Balsam of Wild Cherry a remedy as agreeable to the palate as effectual in removing disease. The Balsam is a t pleasant remedy ; it is a safe remedy ; it is a powerful remedy ; it is a speedy remedy ; it is a remedy that cures. ,DON'T READ Tins thout malting up your mind to come and rco-tha—at.sortincut of notions and fancy goals - for - sale - by - J. H. -- Wolf, - No. 1S North Hanover street. his stock consists of a full line of trimmings, laces, zephyrs, worsted patterns, &c. Also, a tine assortment of ladies' and gents' furnishing goods, and id fact, everything embracedj in the notion line, from a itredlo to a counterpane., TTENTION ! AvrENTIoN.! 1101;$ EK Eli PERS. I). A. Sawyer has ;just returned with a large lot of new goods. A choice, l o t of merrimac calicoes. A fre;,li lot of muslins, consisting of sheeting,.killow case and sheeting muslins. All person., starting housekeeping, will find our as sortioent such as tichifigs, table linens, cotton diaper, window, shades, ti c.. all of whieh will he sold cheaper than the tlteapest. We will sell what furs we have oil hand at cost, rather than early them over, 'also dress goods at cost. D. A. SAwyErt Elllt ERS 7 Coal cunstautly till Alpo a full assortment of lumber at the lowest prices, at the yards of , A. 11. 13 hAin. • 1)n. \Y. I). HALT, DHSS. RY L. lIALT °Mee and residence :17 Small I lanover, Carlisle„ pri, I,atc;. • Consultation free. Drss. Ilall makes the treatment of female di,c;e:e, a speciality. 1.11e70(lal LO necurnin your coal foi . Will ler while prices are low and quality good Call at the yards of ,„ A.: -. T.ARGE addition lately made to the at o 4: of lumber, in the yards,uf A. fr. Ilt Atn. J Act/13 LIVI:NGSTON, Dealer in FINE WINES AND I,1141:011f4, 16'3. 27 North Hanover street . Offers the following good; : War ranted pure, unadulterated and full proof. Always as represented. Genuine Imported French 4'ogano Brandy, old age. Pure old Ilyc Whiskeys by etlebrated hest quality Ginger/Brandy. Pine old gin.. Pura old Pint wine. The very. best quality Sherry, Claret, New England Burn, Ac. Kimmol., Pyre whitospi nits. fur drug gists and family use. Sold at the lowest prices f cash. A call solicited. 2jap6m JAcon lA.v GsToN, Wholesale and Retail Deale . r in T01:.1( SNUFF, Cl GA 4Si' PIPES, &C. No. 27 North Honorer :greet (Myers to the trade the best brands er a large variety of Chewing alid Smok ing Tobaccos, real Michigan Fine Cut, in bulk or in tin foil. W. E. Garrett's celebrated snuff. Heal ( /( gcnninc Importedllavanit Scors. Yalu Connecticut and Domestic Segars. A large assortment of everything be longing to the business, and sold at as low a price; as iy any Eastern city. The public is respectively invited to call and inspect lily large assortment. Every article warehnted as represented. 21api06m , ::IMPORTANT TO -PILIVAn VANUIJES `Pare and unadulterated Arines and 'l,iquors, supplied at thoir residence, by sending order to store, or through 'Post, Office. Dtery 'article warranted es rep resontetl or the money refunded.. JACOB LIViNGSTON -21apOin No. 27 N. Hanover-street PECIAL _Norm ES BL wit 34 w Indian will LOllefil you: to not :i.wopi by y nor incredulity,. bundled., have ~,oght noilof'l'row lino horrorn of llyslApnin tin ;;;;;;I: the ttsdinin of I);:muni'il ANTI•DYSPEPTI(ISTo,II(3IIIITTEIIs ond Inuni it. Why should yon null . , ;Olen this 1 . 1 blo :dont:tell Iv line et:n;(1 ninny sindlAr ruses-Why do yon donbt whilo °flow bellove and aro cut wli I:6lny Inn this nutter Ix Loth dttopuous undtinirufit:;ll„, Your boat tit, lan:piness and business sulG rn, n9die i•orltunt ,ix;);;lpct it flognolitly rail. wed by se•ritqls and t.neon troll:0;10 plaultn. DEMVTII'S 1/ITTEIIS mro equntly tumful In thi; munerong difilen4les attending Indi gontion; its BILIOUBNEES, CONSTIPATION, 00.', n tub OT Vt.v.eit and Anus and' other disorders I,l,ceedlng (1 . 0111 7111ASIIATA, if In the only lolinblo preventive and remedy known, 21v 09 ) . :'S.4.IT, SPEEDY, /iND SUM. Dr. 3lorria' Syrup or Ter, Cherry, oo l tlnar bpund, IH nw.nrifueturod by An ontintly urn 1111,,0r, AMlcontaine tlr. beet known 'remedies for Colintii, Sold., Soro 'l'brost, and all 1.014. Comp!altar.. Pleneant to the Inge, but powerful In It,, pelf.. Sand for a circular oonbining Ilßt of • nrtirlot nand, and titer manner of proporlnv; t limn. to J. it.. . Bunton, ra. thunral Agents: ' John F. Ilonry, 8 Co'h'gn Plano. N. Y. John son. Holloway Z . . C4nnten,l3o2 Arch st. , Fhila Sold In Clarllnle by ~Corninan k WoAllifilgtop„ . , W. F. Horn, Vrank, and J. It. Ilnrorstlct. WILLIAM BLAIR & SON, .. Aro now °faring a full 'dock of goods, Whnlocala and Itotall,'riVinices that correspond. With 11.0 prom t condition of filo ninrlinte. ColfoCe, Splces, and ninny othor goods down In lido°. Please, givo us n rail. ELAM lc .SON, • "South End," Ctirlielo, Pa. MIMI Wlitg RAILING, WIRII Q DARDS, fur More Fronts, Asylums, Ac. Iron Bodsteads„Wlro Web. bliigs for shoop aud.pcnidtry yards, Brace nod iron wire cloth Eilevos,llendors, &mins for coal, ores sand, Ac. , Hoary Crimped Cloth. for spark arrestors LendecapaWire for Windows Ao., Paper- hiakero WirosrOrnamentaL Wire Works.' iftyary infOrma by tuition pressing the manufacWroro,laWALlSE't A SONB' No, 11 North illath atrootr ' • • . . . , • NEW TO-DAY .. - . __ .- , - MERCHANTS WILL NOTICE' '-- • MARRIED. . -- -- • ' , th,.t as the war to about wittdlng up, sro dosfre to - OItIST-31cRET11.-On the first Instant, by the. ITARRISBURG, - CARLISLE, AND ; ' it 1-40,1 it#q o Tv .. A_ IL.i - I. , rinse out our stock of WoolemOoodo, such as Shirts', Be',. J. Hunter, Mr(Franele Grist, to Mine Nary E. • 011AISIBERSBURG .. TURNPIKE ROAD CO. • . 1, Loth of Carnal°. • • 1 and Dresvm, !Adios' and Gent's Woolen nod Merino tina/3-°/‘', . Exhilriof to lk-sr.r_colved, repairs, and expenseB on ' i 1 • ~ ‘• , Ruch „., Gover, Sheep . .. 0 c Gloves and Gauntlet., La- . liTN(t-IVITARFE.-On the fourth instant, by the tholftwrisbrrg, Carlisle, nod Chembersharg Turn- ' • ' . • ' surto Mr. Swum/ E. King, to MD. Laura Wharf°, all pill Road Company, fron\January 1, to ,December . dies' Woolen and Merino Hose, dent's Woolen and) 0 .- .. • ' . ~ ' - • t t.,artlsto. . ) ' e - , 31, 1870, inclusive, ad folloWs, to wit : , , - \ ' ' . • Merl. 11.01 , 1105 e, Woolen Scarfs, Knit Jackets, and . L.„.,.. SADLER-STERRETT„-On Thursday, nineteenth . . Dll. tp ll'Loion G - dode generally at or boloWcosl. Merchant. natant, at the residence of the bride's father,tWrot • - t • I ■ will do well by calling to sloe us,laffor. purchasing Ifigh, street, by Rev, George Norcross , -Wilbur ,y, To amount of tolls roteived at gate, - 84,000 41 To balance nt asttlement fur 18001paid,into dOit t liill • El , •_..t Sadler, coo , 011111,111183 &Wile, daughter of Rev. Dir'Sid elsewhere. . . Court tit January, 1870 580 00 ' 'r I - . • . . . - Sterrett, of Carlisle, Fa. ,roe I i COYLE BROTHERS, mac - .......-....-..........................-...... m..,......... ...I ' .. , •, t 4;590 37 Stlian7l '2.4 South Hensver anent, earlkle. NE W TO-DAY . ' . . GREAT CLEARING Olfl SALE PREPARATORY TO REMOVAL I ' Cr.. .._,.. . .t WE Bonn:lutes hear persona, glen:log cimtitho ilUi GARDNER & CO. By balance of 186:1, pal to creditors, per , . ~• ' 1, , • act of Assembly or 18.3,':9, and '30....$ 680 90 . ' - good look of certain men, Who, they say, seem to _ie o ' " Cook paid for repair. on road for 1870- 1,832 18 • , - • , -,___— , • have everything, their own way;:inel why cannot we• "Onto keeper.' salaries 1,185 60 „ get Bocce of the gone favorablo ',restos. We would CARLISLE 3fAcilliv7,; Tv 0 RA-R: •, Managers' pay 075 00 . . - . ' " Treasurer's salary e 100 00 - ' ,• • , Just tube remark, that. what they call good luckis, " Sticratary's molars ' 25 °° ' simply being ttlfentivo and agivetlec to their Ctn. - . '.lncidental expenses ' .- 02 '25 - ' Om the ' Tirst of, 1871! remora. Wo notice n great desire, on tha part or • - ' , " Stationery, pilotage, ,ta u 10 00 ! . , . • ' . . those who' iv toll to unrchino good and cheaD.Dry ' NC W MACIIINE,S F.011.1!.71.n $O7O 00 - • . We will remove to ow beautiful NEW STOREROOM, novi being fitted up In too Threo-story Brick Goods, to drop into hie new en re of DUNE & " Ily baletwe pelt' into Crurt to be applied under the art of A-notably afot•o••ttiO 41 0 39 de Building, fonr's the property of the tato 'Chia Justice Olbson, directly opposite the Bouts Homo and BURKHOLDER, and they consider it no trouble to. Sex t on ' s Hardware Store. In order to u pon with art show their goods, and poi., t out the great bargains; - . I , , , _ ' -- • • I . Heaping SC:C(1111u ' Threshing ! - " sl.noo 87 ---. they are able to give., on acount of ther entire stock n • , . , • , , . being 11.• W and frerh. All n lolling to rxamino their , • t • [COPY.] ~„,.k will I ,a..„0,3 w..iromed. C..rne, evely one Certified et( oath to the Judge , . of the Court, of - " and see 10, yoni,clvets. fluta-70 TUE OUMBERLAND VALLEY COI/Mil/II Pleats or ounboo•,,,d county, the Moth day • • • . , • - .- ' -- -- ------ of January, A D. 1t,71. mtnoßs OF YOUTII. TIIRES 11E11 .A ND SEPARATOR ! FA 31 DEL .11 . . •N I.:YIN, '1 hove marked titan the mires tansy entire stock of DREIS UOODS TO COST, AND LESS THAN COST. Treasurer. . A gent', nein whn Buffet-eel for years fr o m Nervous • . ____ f.pu,,, p„,„ .„,„ 1,,,,,,, ;th i „ 11 the etreete , Ire offer this saw Thresher amt Separator,(C.,it°• _ . 1 Co • Patentl to th• fanners of Cumberland on I ' MAKE NO'T'lCE.—That the Court of • PIZ,ICES UN NHS TAJC ABLY L 0 W E It" TT-lAN EVE It ! your I,th , ;•• .: -re•tett. oill for the tn, Of suflering adjoining c. - utles, as fatty equal, If not superior', t. JL Common Picas of Ct,erland county have himatnit,,, Lllll.ll. , te all ale' need it, the r....eipt any ;amid n• now "nu td.tured. It lea+ the groat npl,o,,icd To'dd., lA , Ong( -firarrlay of Morrh nrsq, . , at rho Coen t Ilona, In gh • boremeh of Owlish!. at • f o r r oa t,D, r the ~inipl.• t (-lardy 1,.• will, hb e was "dy"" 10 2 0 " 1. b",'"3 Id"". and simple In c° "" r "" b " . 10 o'clock tt. In lor Itear:ng and' determining the - It Is a ~ s cured. Sullerers oishing to unfit by the give-rib, l`lllllll3 ot the re,peetivo creations agalnst . the coco• LTNPRECEDENTED BAII6IAINS or„ aqui - Wing sat, do so by ahngaiitc, iv perfect 'N.F,El"ItAplt t T ti n E 3 11 E 11, !' , " I V , ; +:/ , -7;:::: , ,, ; , !- , ,, , I t t o c . , : ~,c,,1L,,,,f.,,,i17..?103,a.d..f.r the ionlideace, .ItHIN it. OGDEN, toy of Apl 11,102.1, • . . • N., 4.1. Cedar 0t2i.4-Ny 1"0: 1,. - aunt' the aunnlement tlte.t-ef t. At the aloresaid than . • 7 - " May 7.70-14 ."" " and place, the preferred, (if arty,) and nil other - ' - credit°. are requested to In, their respeoLivo Will be offered within the not', Thirty Days. , D It. SCIMNCIi ' 011 it FEeTSEP,O It A T 0 It A N 1..! r LE. 'N E It' CI: dill, I:111y .01111ileAttli and presented, cud also , to furnish entle-nce at On. same time, whether any ALL-wool, PLAID SERGES, .„ . , • claims haves been assigned, or era still held by the Advises Consumptives to g.o to Florida to !wing it the fernier will be sure of making the original owners ; 11.IId also proof to establish the con- , Oita were marked $1.25 will bo sold at 75 cents' per yard. mod be no ably can out et Ins crop, because It , side, of tht.h. chitin+, ohethor for WOrlo 11.11. in Winter. *oriole, Ay ALL-WOOL PLAIDS, 1110 inn lot' Me last t hit 10 -live ygo •. ducat el my AV .4 9 'l' 11 0 N 0 ii 4t .4 IN, ' -26jan71.3t •• BY TILE. COURT. , marked dolt uft um7ii to 60'contd. I 011010 rinse nail 1,11 , arse.,, to the stn.lo e i lune di, -- - - • - ' - I. Pfl.l 11111.1 C4,0,111110i0, I 1001 lIIIIL I understand fully 1,,,, ~.„,.„ „ I 0,„; ~, ~., ih r ,,,,e, 0. 0 nun io, n , ~,,d ri,2VR.LISL E LA:S r i) ASSOCIATION. COLORED ALPACAS, . CI. i ti T er :r y 'r,,l l :,t,'T g ,,!t t !,.' d l ;,% l ', 9 ' ' , 4 ,: ' ] ; l .L ili' * "::, ' ,, r ,...r. ' ' .0......."" ' "1 Y ' l. 'IUr from ni. .''''..• " 14 `l._/ 'the nlllllllll 1110..t111g of this a...elation will be I.llll.rkad 'down front 7.7, to 50 coots. .1,e,... The ti and innondiet sten i. lot Ihe A " '""y ""Al' l "3 . ".""", .nod "I" d" i''' ""' l .‘ lard at the Council Plum. 1, in the Conn llotne, in thoroughl. - I',:l= wo tine i f i.,, ~t ,1, 0 .atne the tint SAtordity of j"ehruary, it being the Roma, . patient te avido m o a t rohl. sty;l mho Le t tf. al I time thil'ohettncstunt, hine in the !motet. The of that month. at 7 older. p. tn. A full attentlinco ALL-WOOL EMPItESS rroLoTus, . • • .. ~,„.,, 'h.,ontinont fOr title pnrnmo. in "cater. - lof the members i s tarinstly I n d: . . „ 'mat lied down from SO to 50 and 5, - , cent.. la Florida, 0, re dm n In the State, "here the t. m. 11 0 II 8 'l'. . P 0 W 11 II , , 'C2l'. HD NIRIOI.I, - pot.itulc ill regular, tend net mil Ject to such aria- . lions as in !ledge Northet n latitude, I'.l,teste is rf ' 20,1no71•21 , A'''''" t " r Y• FIIENCII I,IERINOES., r twint I can recommt•nd. A gent' hotel is kept nine width this furnish to tun the CutnEtadeno %%ilk's ."-------- - --". - ' ' " :I'''' - . `umrited duon nom $.1.26 to BU cont.. by retention. I,st teloce• 1 FIIIV stiveral per,ons Thresher is also no , and entire') rlirror•nt in eau- l'oreig/t, A(1 rcr 1 ise)ll pftts. --' v iv, - there a hove lung. had lee I, loollv di ca=.o. lon oho, statetion 1,00, 'OM:, we Ica,. heretofore built, seem uml, r the lonlin; ittritte, Iv , f Ica. doe:, • .114-1 ~q ins 11111C11 grednr ;towel and .peed with lighter . ALL DRESS_ GOODS . . 9 , ; ....a.r...t,r , , ..00_0_etting,u_LL_ • ~, that tour koract...cutO's tel be, reouired, 0 0, 4 - 11 _,, T Elz smoNT.H. that It nva lam soli all summit at 51, t aint. marked down to 35 PO-U . , C, Ntnti.t. . 000 .by, dali.Joliv,iBr.ll,". rbrA , e_Lrf t_,..51,.r_1_e a ' There many other 11111ebbr.e o renniro six and eight A A. , I r ._ point 0, ha it I o ruld prefer to Palatka, as the ten, looses. - n• rdtuif. 14 more ,`,ll, JIII,I 111,111! .II nut bracing. 'file Cumberland Valley 'Fluent, and Cleaner. wan evil 3l,lTOEfille :10,1 I - ti!•s•rori= I - .NO' 1141 P 01 tliWe. -- I tried - en - the grounds of the Cumhorlend-Contity-Ag- • , do - Ull.l „ti •I- a to, filed loofa-env, to 1.• 7 0,o0.11.-. If r-O. shwa' Semetv at the Fate Of IS7O, a largo cruo 0 1' ~ . • ,i= tog to ii• .In to !hoe or "lake. and it sem. alsiget cd forms!, being urcsont to m Innen Ps operation. im .- 0pe.,111 t tate r 1,1 111, r 'l".,e Wl4, in I hook The It .al was completely surcessrul, and the machine l'i• 'CIN 110)111 TALK AND - 411".1:1CA I. COMMON ' . nogt.t ht. 11,1,1' /111,1 ]'"lonic Von, 11,10 Itl 1110,4 lam pi dyed its ability to thresh, clean, and svparsto ---..- - -es -- yr' - - 7 - - 12 - 'l. C-'1 . thot i= ~0 ,1 ,1.0, o= n I.:I , on. n,. no, ,I.ii,.- :ono in the most until:factory num,. All who 'I 111,`, MI 1 o h, ,, 1,1. le 111,.... ,fht 0 Ls ot•rol'0• in,. a .,. wit no sit' tin like' exigent,/ their op; viral in the In oe-1,. and Iltell lII,' 1,1, 111112, 1,411. 17,11 - 11110 A torn.. I hu - Conttnittee OH .kg, !cultural - Jackson, We, hue,,:,,, I:1,111 COVY, 1111.1 many Implement. aloe one the tea, hi, e a rpm.' nette• ntl • r pint, In 0 drioln put. of Ponds, cot I- .-.4f. it m theln rel y i, etrongly rentontmentling 11. 'I he r. 1,1,11 ,, i• : , 00111,01.+10 P. in., r 71 0 r.,,,,,... I umberliod V.elov Thresher and Separ dal base s • r I :„i ro n .....41.- tlen p II , 1•1.1, nl.l 1 . , -, I a1.14.1.1,:k1, 1.,^11 I. oilll7 'llll,l hy Co'. Wr lion, 'cr Oen !arson. obi inure dein „Ida titer i= a 'et, eng tempos- 40 1,.., In-a, twar Carl ,10, In 111,-,1n0,; and , Iva, ing "A '• A 1 It„ ' 7 '' ' ' '"•-•" ''' • 11. l ole te :14.'11 o let se viol, 50 nifty ,I, =.0i.r1,-1 0: ii, r, 0,1 u ,,,. ` mincer 1., .i.ll 11..,.. • 1.1,-. If 1., u . ~, ”; •.•I. H. I'e ll at he 111:0,,I ~, 10 1118 I, nun.: t, a r.terni,cr, i, t,rtain 1., ,1,. , ,II ,' l y ' l ' , t• f• re n, ~, 111, o .... g , In t :tern oh, 07•=1, further rut folio. - Psrilechtrs ~. 1..11 .1„, n tato Ihe -I et.- out et th •If .I. It ,t i t 0 I' I•t he wertio. e t ualtties Cl 111:e. tvw tttarhir” , are ~.nt a 4rd-re:err g. .1 ch-gn.file, ot :do, st , nn' 'then: go 14 .r..vifill y 1..terr..1 ta. Cot Ilert•rs t „n o , o r I i„. ; ~.,r,r,..., ll,l - ~,,,,I, a ,111. u . 0, me el 11, 111,1 t,i,lviy known la, nor sf ft C[lllllool 11,.., 11110,0 tl'Atlli I , l':1 .1 f I I 1.1 1., . • I'. ft • . i ~ I- 1,0,1 r"u"le' - --. 1 ,,1 a . ~,s . 1,, .1 nn , e I i „o, I= . a e tip- ~ . , 'i h . Cannot-I,IM V• 11, y•lirP n ill alTrill - , sit s ,,, t , ,:,,,,.. o'l, - on, ~, .• 2,- - ; , ~,, , . ...• I and .ttler ml„s lly built, . I the 1,-et 0,1:00 ial, 1, ,ilii,J,J Hot i• ..,I. I ) ~ .1,, al-.l - ••,li.Jlv ftatao.l ill 4., ely pa. -t. nl,d pl. 0 titin,; aha 41. I 4 I Ite• II 0 ea, • t.11.11. I, o r . ...- 1 till ....tan. plta. nal ar pent nto o "1100 cl In whole, curb in Nea tal . io• t',.l 11,1 .•:14... or 1 I'l AO. 'O'er, ct in b rYtutder. s , '''' , nr , thm , l b' Igon A g'e o eve vo . F. o 1... I • ••• •'. e: rutin. .1 ~ tt ~.. :,•4, ~ 1,101.11, ~ r tl,i , Inft.•hitt ,is that 0 4'llll ill • readlly age fis.• h 1,7 11-0 , -04,- I ." .. 0.. I. 1 1 1 :i -• , 1,1.17,141 At 101,1 go el sk 414 wnaen- I truhle. 11.11 s, „lel 1.. n_o „.0 1...1.L. , li In 1,,,..1t1 to ta1..11, 1 . 1,1,1,11 0 ,111 , ~.,,,.• ll 1,11, ,11,1 ‘l.i.• lllah • 1 Pill=:• an.l ,I{ li, If 11 , ' , W.. f•i,d.ill.: f -1 l.' I” il , 11i . , i., Il ils ~ y it.,,, S. 1. rot:- M.0,,1.4 Pdf., t. I iI, k . • ." 1, 11,10 111,1 1..: mode - I:]-.',. habit:, 111111 /11, t Wllllll'l Ik I:01, ad,, . It t= a r.. I , 0 !Id oh, .1 log dirt ?Lain . er 1 . 1 ti rento .1„. , •I , • a-writ:en, •g, .•5 10 0,-.. of no. cattle z a ;go tit, ti • ~t` I l 1111,. I iti Nt ~ 1. , . 0 1,, I, ole• thi , d, :0 leo a et Ire purl .9,,te On of th - 0-1 li• I led .. a , r. 11, Ili ,. M.,1,1t0 51,,1, ,I il. ~. , I 1., 0 eil ..I Log 0. site !VI er .1i) I!,•..1,1, Is 4.-: i :1,, • there 'iN it I a •.• t 1., • , 1a 1..,:, . f :i:.. 0ta,•41 re a..lll••geoe, ,•• . o. te , 1 cd ) _1..11111 I.i 11.- g,114 I ,-: .1.. n.. n... 1, • • •.1 ,e, tlo 3 .., ~1..1,1., I I I s 1,1 11.,-) le ;LI IL 1.111. , • 11. ola -I, Otos an• 4.1. till Itill,1•11•,11,,h i. 1.1,', 1, .11 , ,A...q. 111 i, aI , tlll.. TIII. Pl 3 0, Nil, I ~0 1.. 11. ::otl 1101. • •1, 1.,3. 1!,e• :011101.15:on (.1- all. 111 , , no I aneflie r .till, until the lung , trc . .11...4 .-I I.f ~..1. I ,II ' ;... 1., rut, ily .14 ,tal • r ~ o.: . ;1,1,_ -.112 role. 1o•1 el on ight', 1... to :.• 1., a •• 411 41 0 1 , 1 I.' , 1',,1 • , • FMlrr ,110110:1: !.,,,,, ^4I Tonle. net Sobern-19, Mundt 0 i l',1••. and pa• to II ii 11, I g coma,- d 0:, .•• pa, 1 I irla*: 1,, ..: ill, 1.,-, 11, . I .11.1 111 .-o-I-,.;'•.J . ,- ' ,amt. II ,itli th. ir :woo.. i 110 A, th a., OW the, ar,. 11 •11 In ~i 1 I I ti 4 1•1 . t.,i •• ,11:i toy .10. c 1...:, Ca„ 1401 .1.. the a• d• tim' I. 1..j,,,,i. ri, ~,,,+.4,,.A,,i. t0.a... um_,.... the coat,.. The physi i id' wh.. -.l, e rr , ....IL'," It .11:..: I i21,1 - 4,,,,1... .1011 I en ...1,, ~ n,, ;...0., I t . ‘. trl. or lld • rt• 1.1..1i 1. , 1 , Martin, Harry 1 • It , 111,1 , 'll'lll, tat,tartl ant a t tilt 11, itti ttltal tt,t•• in want , •1••••• i. r . r. r 3lattiltta, it. net,'ltttt t%ltttl t• tn., It• tit, tttnata It tr..t Op gt••• I If; ; , I ti..•• 11 t tt wttt.l ttie,tt tt :t-titatt Itt gr.,: y, I hart. h. ot kli• t. NI ill, a 1,1 t II i•• 4 :lilt gran ti th i at I tttlt tJln r III4 , 1' , • 411, At halt lallta, thy Ittatitt, flat tang-. Itt Oat tattia,ll Itttettt , tt. 1,.• tattttpta t , tt I.ltatttv al .1,1 tta tat tt rt. Itta,2tat pra,ataltt :tail nattov. awl the it.ltleat iatt:t w,ll. 1114 aca 1 , 14 Ittl,ingt NOM' art• atarty conttumittivrt. who Itavit not Ili , . rut tat- ttt rrt. tt , Fl r .Itt Th 10 tat net Ittt,to tor ,tat Cttrt.tialt. titer° A. 11. BLAIIt .0.3 11 , 1, , (.1.1)11i. .14 11, Vet, .tay in nn.n r, hrl Mo. itiii,n mi.. i cIIII',I, nl.l‘ ken:. dm: p.m!. 11/'.l l / 1 II Ili , rE1,111.1.,.. 1.. •In II a rilit-nt or tin•lmrnits of ll.lrt , nrn nil:king up atpln n• much gts ‘,.11 . lit altl.y ci.tula , lnn..: nil. I urcol 11;011,111.k by Ilti , /"...n.l Ca, '1,111:1 C.,ll`.lllllrthlll innotllt y oiliir it if It is t.iken tit ..i.d ilid r. kind id to-di:neat in tinriditd. :di 1,1 otl dtat Scl t ll.'s , I Opl.. . )111111, and '.'ivow.did }dot. yid) indny f whit to lie hot .11•44 1,0 tudinitition. Ito 1.1111 . 1. you v,II, you hill iod :din td PTA .4110 1 ,,, J1" OtOillollpii,` 1%1/0 11, :I Or, Old tin of death ny thvir ha fir to. the I'lll. n ,d. t ry body 1...e1• a puppl) ot thorn on liand. l'hey at.l tat Illy lh r lint., than ptlontel, and leave /1..111.1 of its hut t tol t la Idrid. they at v ext el lent in ad tat.p.s 3 purgative nt or quit t•I If yon Lave itartat.on t• tt oily of font t and 111411 loot eosi., n th . r.r of thin N1E1.1.401,4 n ill t tire II .n.ii tiilitiAA •to hinithit 1,, Lilo a do,t. t.l .'.1111.11.146.4• 1111 , 1 Ilo.y .11 t.. 111.11: yt tt iv,ti If )• , 11 .:11.1..1., ti.. Ilt.. t of tt. Ittottro of si c , i tt,e ti in ll nit. t.ihn ntin ih • 11.1iiii1 :if or d 1..1) onto r night, A T son thtit liitri,n,l pal oatt.rint.lana. pi nt... pt • t N,111.0111 1111. 1-1.•il lk 1.1 11,111 010 +l. S , 11% In tnatinni t hint; find Tt I tin,i It.trntloot tto ) , •II good 1.111.1: 11,4 re altandoncid I.rolotnitlital dirltt. to llobton ttiol Nom. fool„ tintionti no . Nlt. la N :In et, Ittlanladvhat. r ory Satut day. flout 9a. na to 1.. tn. Th. ,t.n In' 10,11 a Coon tl4ll "X. 11111111111411 h I''x4;NVlll ttr.t. 910. putt-t. do. laid ) , tiro 1,11.1 t olohtion of ii,.' v, and pat t i idlta inn a•Illy 11.1.1 n o hp• h. r orp voratt or ioit lint •i'.0.,•i'.0.,it dl-tint'-tint' tly awl. ltdpittl t Ilt'v • OtAlini of wt' inn+, i 1 lots onto, Iy it king hit..., zit .1, C..111111g 1.. will say Hit .11,1 per,ons Inke no. zn, :trl I tie -len. e into; Itt.tlt ..PI •1111., 3, they :Aro n I 14. 1110 11.1, 311' M tillilvg • tn - a nlthtetplet, 33tilt tut the 1111.0 ily or gloat, .1 - of l• D.1,i,tl tuli,. Full ri..otis 11:1 a •..rait pl I Try •.. oxcit lfint ans . l/111. C 111 II I' NTH ....lit c..11-111' mg me, at,l 1,111 I I dit ~11 .11 t.g;;i,l. .1. II SCIIENCIC- M. IL 1011.7' , 1 , 1 N.. 15 str,et. Pli11:0101,1tIn (A7tI.IBIJE P1t0111;l:li C. , )•rei((l_ freckly by R. C. 11 7 b..)(brand. 1 nl o . 1 , 71. /LIM. r 17.1 , rie ~ r 11:1;1*!..\ 4 r. ATIV:Hri.VE R ['LOUP WIIII 11'111:.1 II ED iritr.t T... IT C O .1' ' .71'11I71; ~ /1/..ti 'A" 0.1 / S (14 )11..PS1:1.1) , TIMoTIII - SITIJ. 'L „I .s E 1.7.1 CAIMISIE 31 Altlirr• Coreected irechlv by 'Win. b'on Curliar, January IST!. ITER LA RD TA Lf.oll' RE E511..1 T - • -11A1,71.\ II JD: do MIDI - LI/ERR do RIDES "n-m.TE II EA NS RED ,PEA ID lEN l'A RED do DRIED A RITES— ,, RAGS , [From 11 j'hilatlelphirt .North American.) PITTLADELPHJA MARKETS. FLOUR, (MAIN ANp BENDS. . 'Phitudelpfiki, ,Tatit/ try , '2l, 1 1, 71.. E X .1 . 11 A FA MIL Y PLO 1: R i•C• Z•l E X TRA FLORA! 1 • 5 5 . RYE FLO UR • IV/r/•.'47' CORN .. OA IN VE11. , 121;11 TIMOTILYSEE „. LIVE sTocic MAAR/LT& i. PhiladeVoid: Monday, Januar!, 23, 1571. The butilld, (remade,' at the d(0 - dri4 drat.° yard, am quite !Natal, OlVilla .10 the 811,11li 40,•D1, and what fat 1. np rs ial!in au apimiranc,,purtbased o n ly osupply host pre3slng wants, . 26jau71-Otn .• The arril , als salts of Clatts were larg this week, reaching about 1,91;0 haul.' The markt , dosed dna within thelidtowing ron.7, of Prim EXTRA . 111.7: CATTLF;, per lb '868;4c. FAIR G 09 ,0 .C. 4217,1: 6103714 COMMON' ,4006 CO LVES wrrc,ftrovr, and 160<chetq Chapped hands at .i'6o6 - 06.. . RJlb'fi!' were ell4lter ; sales ‘ ef 11,0;,0 head at the .711rle drove_ y'arA raiDGe s peW 1 7 .,..f0n. gond, and 2,000 head at the A venue'yard at the enntejtguree. Itogi were opiiet but :firm, anc prices' aduancea B'tjany 4,3 . 00 bead at . 0.00(1 , 16,per 100 roldajiaef, MARKETS '1:11: I MV.I.I:I,ANII VA1.1.1.Y T'A 'A. 1.1 ItAtiINC7 '%l 0 W R A N I.: Al' 3Ve lilt eliid hulk' tlii, new ch 111.11'i p till I , Tema 13 - rrtgithio di , tentie and OI i•litto :La built ,trot ne.tscio. 1011 Kiln II t.,10. pl, fel id:, will, 0 . g to I bowie-made ion- whet', .1 liit ill all recited, le there brounlil ruin, a dicta:xi, will level tb eltice prove 0,11..11 .1 got end reluilire 11:11,3:,, A'l we ail, inn i• • it 4. T7.e 1171?-,;;;Aby IVe 11 I. 1: Hill, niil L . I? aiol , 11.,‘ elm i tlght I L., • trs: 114 the lemur: I.:el' 1... 1 , I. I. :, . iwprove I plan thiiguiik 161,6.: for N 1 I . 1111 V Lntlern irvirro” titvnlg. er.1..0 rile 11111..,i.ii1, tlia ~.1•1, • 1, 1,11 I.rl 1 . ...! I'll! 1:lp tl • ,•.tit.try I=l = huth oar ..s•tt antlL Llta• ni‘ , l filon other "tat , übelul t 1 fill. 1 a ,1,1. \V lon tt Rake., ttl fm•l” ol ,••Itore imy Pur,rs, l'vru ,•r hroo k I,tls, nuol .1111... 1 , 17•5, Cill.l , rl , (11 II 1.11t•llets, Cutt,r, N:111-, awl nun hp ..;ly. nul HON AV'OBK ttr t Velptit,tt Wound:) , nntl Mttetli too tottl lii =1 or i rir II 1 h auto 1 full 0,, 1= al. use trt Is ott.ll.lit tr. t. to till 1111 t r, promptly. ut tln I. we.: Flit e. l'arnt.t.t. Imildwrr anti timmufattt qter. ttrtt Int ited tit :zit tt tall Awl e .e out t.t. ilitttt for I unt,ii,y oilt r.“..1 work. I=l MEM List of unclaimed letters rentainim; in tho poiThillice at Carlisle,, Pa.,,for the WEEK ENDI T NO JANUARY 2.1, I`7l : = 11 , .rdlo•r, A' nn I, .•.,• Iroi,ll r, A , 113 , r',ltiningliazu. Sit- JAn, I yong, Mr lan Sl~.v K Morton, 1,1,11, ‘l.4Ty Mei, Kor$11:, Mp. Jlllll MIA J,:hu )Iro It. lamon. Mr: NV tirlran, Shrirer. Mk, Sue j ,II“srar:1, Stsuard, r.ttly 111.n.ur. 311.1E9en li EIS 'l' I.l' 1/ , , Alliato, 4 111 D., id I\ looney, .Invol. r, gen 'l' Nicht.). , Utnrl N Andy Job t. ren,•i. ii F.ll :n Carl, 11 C ral, Stu, t MEE MOE Etlit , Ottes , Mood, ,lulu II lteueett. II rt) 8 !telling .Ittito I; umbel!, I eott.ed -.• jleingle Jolla Moore, %Vet lttloAtls, WI/1 U. 0111.11.11, /.. Brltuelteinn, Pett I tili, , il/0.1 . , At!, 811eIrt e, John_ flood; ear . •I It - Mtratlto..lno It • Iferett,,,'"hu tineet;,'ltolte Iletl,te. Alote,o F.,ltteett. It, II tt Hot.% or. Ploltit St trltle, John Hollte.11). Chari JOrdoll, Dett•l Sower .1.11•1 • . !Lode..! II Smith, Oletttl• to, Dv, 1S St et vger. Lowe! hertz, .1 hit tteith, Lot I Katofttem, .It roe, `lode, 1t,.. 'Unit, Clatetlon Tlitteletv, Philip Letvot. Ire. Wen,er s .l Lynes, It, I llivlllevir. .I'to tt • I.tolgeoltel, Itt II it lively, John 8 . ... lllOluttre , r; t• n \Vert, .14toolt 1 tors, Pi A Wert, D 'l' I' Intl.. Ant, I' I Viten a, SSt li Meet‘er. I' , r ‘ rt r, Dar id I , Mt., N II Young, Samuel Miti.eit, It•otett tl I Von, Jaunt hut.,, . ?oar, tt, .I..ltet e 7,iineterin to, i Ito • . A. N. RIIEEM, P.M.. pof Poor House Vi ions lor 1871. To Ilor lbothoraltle .Ite , t 1 th: rf rum, = WM the appoints:l Vl,ltors of Iho fool iioll,o fur r nnld renportfull3 on, thu fallanlng, . unr opor I : IVi: havo t Isited the inslltilllon, and f: and Its In mate+ well eared for—there: I:rlni no van, foLeonl plafut Ly ally. • Tltelr 1;1 . .101 ho :tood,ijnd the it:tstillanco regular The rooms trill, fur: Wino, urn 11, ° ,thont ra goal condition as enukl hu expoetod. -- ho new HrrpHnl or Aoytnw rippentr .1 1 11 - : pleb , in 101 to 110111111.110 ' wolf IlittlptOd to tie eoldrot rotiventence, ,or those of our fellow:0010 ore so msforturate as to be .I:welled to become Its buntdeg. • The oiler lorn,—c-atbrame. yardi Rllll Porroun9lnge are lu n gestrral griCi! can In routlntion, ontarti , ffieprot ILo Poor lions°, vitlr all Ito al itrtenant:oN, vrenlltrL6lo - thobe having It In charge. . . . 11. 9 RITTER, W. It. LINE, 20jan 1.1 COUWP TEOCLAMA:TION" Notice la hereby given to all perniny inter e.becl, that an Adjourtaql Court of Comilion no 111 be held at Carbide, in and 'Mr Cumberland eount•,O» the fourth llonday in Pelintorg, 1671./(tint twowttb; a"vrotli,)tn.cnntinua oun'wonk, for Ma brial of ennsub pending and nioletermined inaald,eourt': By r rderuf the Court. J. K. I'OItEMAN, Elleriff . tjtio COURT PROULAINIVI"ION. ' ' —"- Nollea Jx I.:Telly given to ull poraona..lnton Mod, that all AdJ...lord Court of CotuntoirPleue hold at. Car (ale, In and for Culnlaarland county ~011 the second Monday i 5 Ftfbruary, , l67l, thirteeritha to continito ono wool:, for Lite trial at catutei pondlng and undetorroltivd In Fuld court. thy order of Cm Court. J. I. FORLIBLA:11, . Sheriff. 2 Jam 1 §ALEI'OP GOVERNMENT TiORSES. Rill be 'sold et Public Auction, at Carlisle ar . rachs, 011 ,caturday, February 18, 1871, three (3) home, condemned no unlit for cavalry sorties. Terms cob In Government Funds. 'JOHN W. 0111010ESINO, . 213jen71-4' t. , First Mani:Sixth Car. A. A.:Q. N. VOR: RENT rho ttororoom N 0.5, and Threa6lol7 Itos s ldenCo N0,.0 Etat Motputroot, Apply to , JOHN 20Jatt71 . .3t' Northcutt coroar PON° Stiouro, 0111 . pe, AIX HOME TALK A . .11.3:1CAL CWIMON MEE have no, ntl.t new,. 11,1..1 11lorlt b.tly • Ali sell It. 'll l ,ury Ludy ttllt, II (rum $5OO mout ,11114; 1.1, w...1.,:u1 1,...,1, 21 pl,.;e11.11.•.111.1.1,.. , tiro “pl lic dial ,vanl - u,...11 Hut Apvill•• 'hen 1,11,. 1111 1121.1•1111 l. Ito 11/o its I v ta.-t 11.1111 1.. 110 .111 v V.. 11 , 111:11, ;1%1111 , , 111:1.I. O , FFIN, 132 •ann stu. Vt 11 I= NTEI ), A Gl.; .c TS lt F. A 'l' ) It 'l' l; E An I I.• tM. , r : liok h., rut Ti I ~ t ir nu11.131.1t, or .r-i. jr - I'ior:r-1r illu•rotted and I...null:till v bound. 11:J1:16-I Ilil.j:lv,,ifijlrp - 11 r... root itolror,llly 5511 git 11111 t 13 11,11, ran tirtion, ulitt•nti , • /0, 111•11 , 1%)p11111. , 111 .• Poor Ito Irith letooo. :woo oloo:atirg for polotkr tun t umn II•.. ..tolool.-1 1.h.C......1.11).:t ar. log rm.. 111 .1 . 1:11 to 4 , 2 , o t mouth, In riot, of Juir.l S.llB Ad n La:oh :trot rr. 111,-1/ :i.lly. S n.! 1 , , (Jr. 1.1 ~.n tr • trrur:. 'CLP: lN,l`; S t 19j11,71 (li It S A LAM E:-; PA,111) AGENTS! IV. ly It I il, .I -.Amy' tooW' gr.... 1 et. .......ty IV 11, :I 01 ti.. , /,13111.••11'..11. in VI I y a• not, 5. 11. , ..11I;t • Intl. a Iv !limo! 11,1, odt, 111:N111:10s Pit EN CO.. 11.k.71 \lay For fe,77 I V. A! *41(;:\ cri• Olt T triwlay, KVuary 2:1, 1,71 AViII94:J sold . Psi] lk total-111s t,, in V.I. 011 thrill nll Illat %rico 1.. r. I.otr r ort I..rt sl.t In; , 111 II"' 11 . • (I • - T .1 N - \r.l , _„/ ift .y.m,V.t1,.1 1 he 1.) ,, t f.. 1 011 P I:1 1114. =II 1j, , i1113g It- Al., 11 1t1.1.:,Fc.1:1 - 1111 Ili n ithn 11...• yr.ri, and tactic ccc cc,. 'I lie h , 1. pc cp. its cc, lc; .t. c..f. niill 111 1.. t colt et streccf I! 18. 11. iim.iturtN. EJI MEIII 0 , itruANs' couicr SALE Friday, February 111, Is7l, rot\lll,. PM. 8 g.I Cat 1-1.1 11.. .1. htt I I ' Thu I. ..6.111, ACRES AN!) Pf.,"2, PERCHES; ilh one a.Ol nln I Ftory viftlious,, A.' AP i• p e. 73 I fine lila and if I,,ti • 1.1,4 fp] .1 MA•;,,t Golden. It 14 a %.`l' . l 110,1ra tti, Si.!o• e,r 111111,1, ;it 11' n i , u.u,, ins !1. , • II: dr I, by P ES W !X', tt . u.ti.;l :11, , .11 I. IVaggt,t ,•r, tl. Legal Notices ADMINISTRATOR'S :NOTICE Lot, o t tot , . ..1 Ilart I.', of 11.. 1. , / h Neo la.l. do ceo.e.l, I.l\ I. 11 it , ,totl I.y the Re, i•ter Coml.,- hind 11,1110 L . to the nod. ,igurd te,1.1111,; 1:11.1 1.eoloh. All p•r•oto, Ipte•l to the soi•I \ lll iI.IIV I. .1,111. /11111 tho, jog clam,. to 1 , 1 - emeol Llt .01ot/11,111,1, loaf.. rot., lhot I,lllent,nl nsrru lOU G, Ail nil ni,tratt.r. 11113111 ASSIGN LL's Notl. u is hor t f bhrn, that of tho I orough of l'ai has lug !natio nu assigument of 1114 eAato lanotitot oredltorii, all ittilvlrtn I to Ulu to, not Mod to 0131110 I;:tytto•nt, and th.oo Mtn to prese•itt tliant fm . i•LIIIIIII m 'AIM, ( AS. 11. 1:1 1 Ill'IlN, 1.1111J71 ;-;riciet y Llection. C 1...311;1".:1,11,AN I) COUNTY ACltli'l , L'O':;.ll. FOCI ETV mi I ho Coo 1 Ih/o•o. iii , • , /h ;',;/ F;,1,1/9.,.J,;1,N71 •,I, Tuoda y, 15 id 10 , L., I Mnvitt2ul:J th, I', bit 3.1 r. 'nu. pull till Ir opvn ft n until 12 0'c1..4.1, All utonilocr, 1,11 WIIII "MI afdi g ,111 lift' 111,, !WI •. :111. LEW Hemtary IBM= lien A% Rupp's i\'rrr'4reric•.a _ . I; 1113 F MANI) NURSERIES. A nod fine ~o,•k~of all liinds .INI) 01:N %MENTAL GUAM VINES 511.11.1. HARM' AND (IllaN/:01/,1 FLOW:EIt.S ABU L',o ru NT: l' I, A STS, nt,ll n V 11,11.111 vallety of evor3•llting in the nuo•nery 11,0. All e orraltetl Uue to online. rre.Nud r.trofull v ntlende•l 10,11111 i 1 , 111.1.01) In earry , ltuy ' 110 ..” , ^• • I: , rry 1••• , ••ii i•• .1:11 lho I.ur,ery, or tend fur Chile Prien LW. S -110.71-3ut Sid reinanst.rom, Unnil.4,llllll 1(. Err Relit. • • F OR RENT. I • . . The storyrom 110 W 0 t 'lOOll lip 1... T. Ilroonfrohl, two duo. from 3larket fqoare, East slaln street. PORACSSIIIO On, -- April 1, 1871, 'Sr perluirn sooner. Apply to ,_p- ll'elee7o-tr ,',,IAt - 1011 7.1R1.- FOR RE ;NT Th. stores 00111, 011 NI ell Maio Atr,t, AnJ nary occopi . tl by Samool Clot for root font IloS FINE of Atoll oeo t. Apply of 1 . 1114 °Friel% Reduction in Z'2•icc of Coal I ° l i ( i ) o f l t o l l ° l.l l l, 1 11 3 ; ' C I' [II I ; CAR 7')Al), at a nalaalla a fin tho 8111111• prlat•110, nt al hers who wholosalo, via . 1. Nevi \4o re.weigh tho Never 16 ro.nme69l the real - 3. Conmimeo+ who lima porch.° , lore- gin an livero from 000 to 800 mnindi to ,velp,lll, In n car enetalning 1- to .13,5•10ne. N 001.70 A. If AU AIR • ••••••••••!,-. fr...., • •,•••a•vemr.•••• .r.• - •••ta••••••:••• Auctioneer-17 Fri. • .A: _.. . • . .. 131.,TIONEERING !. • - .. . . • . Auctlfinoollug in nll Ito branch. rillonded to by'. tho untlerslgnoll, realdln4 , In ..Monroe townal,lp, ono onto weal of (Imre/a°, in, and four to -cad of Carnal°, , . . JOS, DARR,' bittn7l Allon 0:, cp.nbothmd..ottuty, Pu7•c tVc. ViNV.4 OR PURE DRUGS CHEMICALS, niul l'atent: 3101,,1nv3, go ;04. 11,-ITuveretick, ..11 South Haw", fitrut. r'Also, It op loplhhurrt• In'ent orrullut Soup+, Prrtunnrieu, and Inuey 'Toilet AO(oleo, . _, • . J. B. O miy,mwroit N , . : . o. 5 Soulh Ilnuovtr mit, Carl tale, Pa. 1000170 - OtirCENTIRE - STO - CK - OF - DEITSIIN ES- U IR Si- Will tie sold :a Cmit, and less thail Cost, 'to make room 411 tilaeces •of Woolen Goode ?rill be .901 d at Ureatly Reduced Prices MD A NM • .., • MO IIII• 0!1!1=1E=1 I'iider Lir( I )1%/11( I'S, tml at a gr.t ettAl.llr.t. 1 s,lll Moo o(frr nowt. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN DOMESTIC GOODS; Splendid Canton Flannels reduced to 1.91 and 13 cents 1-1 Appleton A Muslin 12} cents. &leper lticml-I,3luslin 10 cents. Fruit of the Loom 18 cents. Wamsutta, 20 cents. Lancaster Gingdiams 10 cents. Elegant pomestie'Giughtuns 121 cents. A, it I, itni 0r,11.1e to nitumerate ILr gu a r rltrlgtt . lityrlt nu all or k, we evil) ea.) in wnt..l that iutit utritj.irittnin Who Intrivte itittr,7i3ri: Lill 114 iit N... I I wit 3lnlli twin; e uudciia tL, it purelmni. ALI ate r..rdinll7 itiN tied, to aouour and tote for tinno elven =SI List of Public Sales L IST • , 0 - 1 , SALES to be called by N MOi'ICE, A LW I . loNiat• 9. A MOM 0. McCown? n, dhik inson. Joseph Kunkle, Dickix'son. 111. Henry Ilitekenlierger, North Middle tadi 22. Peter Hollinger, Diekitnou. 23 'David Lefaver, Diekinsen Henry l'enu. 25 Jonien (ireep,Onkville. 'S.auel Ilprpor, 27. Peter Calvert. Dickinson. h. 1. William Railing, Middlesex. 2 William II Ststirts. Dunn. 8. David 'lnside, Dickinson. 4. Sainticl Nell, North Middleton S. Thomas Sterrett, Dickinson. O. ,John Looknrd, Dickinson. 10. Itoquho Strigort, North 111 iddlntun 11. i. it Clam Sr - heel], North Didi 14. Jacob \Yonderly, Dickinson. 15. George Runkle, 311tilosex. 17. Wlillitrn 7411gler, Dickinson. 21. Philip Baiter, North 3liddinion 27. Abner Miller, Middles... . 30. .itilin Lockart!, Dickinson. C.:ll * d few more days open. LIST OF SALES to bo called by C031901)01111 PORTER, AUCTIONEER Fel.l a try 3—Joliu P. Lind:l°y, iVtat. l'em.hor 17—WIlliam Alter, 111—.Sleafl d 3lartlo Boltz, " ".111—.1.1111 21—J. A. Grea,oo, " ii.oehendalrer, " - " 21,1-1 , . Leer, 51. " 7—John Ithoney. Frankf —Jeremiah 1 I—Joho Priininui a, " PIME=MMIM T E. CALDWELL & CO., Y. . lIMEIBEEE 911/CII_E6TN UT STREET, I'IfILA DELP lIIA, iiSIVIllg Lo 1., il/1 1044.1 their I, A TIiU Nl' A It I.: I) It T )1 \ T t all ttito tal att,ittlittt to,tock SEINItiIt I'I.ATBD 0001 , 8; • .mipllhing, I I I , lnt, 1V art.,. of high grade+, a Int./.1. of TA 111.1 , , WAR k:S, Plated on 15 , 7ti1e Metal, qunlll).nu I loitered at o•uendluglr priuoi: A lull 110001 '1'00N9, 4 DEE r LADLES, .CJ klO =I exprondly nm lu fur Mole retail a Ilea, and furpishod in binglu dozens or lu complold nett, mit up In wood and, NVotoot Coto a. All good♦ sold on iln.ll. tlW3l . l.e,itli,lll atlinllnrd In pl.:ln Ilpirt;s 1,. pad, Artlulo. likJitn7 I-1), Sherk's,A'a rPhrge faelopy CA.B.LISLE • CA R4IAGE FACTORY ` , (2. UNFIL HOUTIT AND Pth CARLISLE, •PA A-. R, 9 11 1 R 15, elan 110, , on It. •11,0 no Aloymn. , Sl,lllllllH,lp the latost atyles; MAO, CA ItlITACII;T. 1,1 Mlli., SPRING WAGONS on Lnnd, or ma . do to order on elinrt not t va I have nrocured Ulu soreices of n lirst.class wright, nti.littvu honglit the host whool stock in the mutat, BO thnt..l fool. confident of giving entire soitufgiltion, C I silo have oil • • • liAttliANT'n :PATENTrcriiiNCS. Tho ihni flans., :nrouutl th,rlifits %vitriol moo duraiblo thou any ... uth'ar: . • R-EPA.IPINO ANP PAINTINO atttfnclea to promptly, nod on re4;nnablo term, • • A largo lot of BP.CONp-HANP WORK on ]mmlu, nil Gip mile; choolte o ,19,1an71-9m =II Wu(llan floods, Sontags, &e•.y GREENFIELD, Stores and Tinware EXCELSIOR STOVE AND TINWARE EMI'O R I U M c wok:reigned would realm (fully inform the citiacini,ur Cot dale and vicinity, that ho a till carries thu I= la all iln varlout 11r:inches. lie hao termed the Agency for the colloning popular Morel,: Parlor and Offle'e stoves, Morning Glory, ,Morning Light, Parlor heater, Parlor Light, tn.;cOler wllb n volety of COOK STOVES Combination (Ins Burlier, Eureka, . Regulator, Niagara, !eaters,. Ittinges, and Flreboard Stoves, ellleb lie In t;rupttriol to Neut.', at the !tweet market Stott° HetetWag prompllrattoutled to. it r ot.llng. 'pouting. am! .101,1,1ng °mantled ill 111. moat sato,. Itelory. 111111/11a. EIIIZIM , CeVbry do.ralptlon cutoilontly on bond. or 44.1110 Io o der, ut ronettottble prices. Ito, log none-hut evil It molt employed, 10 hotwa by a clone ittlentiou to- busho de to aeon. i.e put Ile patronage.. -''' Itotnentlter tin ple. v, `j'.,- NO. 33 WEST 31 UN Fria:l,T I= y - N EWISTOArE.AND _TINWARE:. .- . ESTAWLISIIMEN'I'! The ,rartnirship liereinfolo existing imtwoon Walker einudy having been thkso.voil by mutual consent. I hereby announce to the citizens of Earlible nail mnrroutitling vountry, that'l hay, J "NEW NrOVE , AND TINWARE STORE, In the large fmme building, en tin, cow,. of wu,,t High Anil Wrot Strootx, formerly °et:uphill by Corm,. Having w ht•to - shd Hrtiok of Shoire's and Tinware on lewd selected with the greatest care, ex• t ry for th tnarkot , toy rumtomora aro gum!, toed ssitisind ion, both as rogards quality and prise. SIIEETIRON AND TIN WARD, cutoThtutly nit band and made up to ()Mei. My stock of 'tinware anthraces everything Inanity kept In a first Clam, tin establishment. Booflng and Frottlng prcmptly attended to. • "S rOVES STOVES! I STOVES ! ! I ant now prepared to exhibit to the Winter Trade a large and well-assorted Muck of the best patterns of Stoves. Having the a g ency of the 1'01161 , 1ln ; role- Imam' stores, I nun prepared to turnlsitAllete to par.' ties so desiri Morning Glory, Light house, -- Bon-Ton, ' ' - Rosebud, .‘" . • Beacon Light, • • Egg,• l ' • °Moo, and - ' • Parlor '• STOVES 111H.Eoloction . of Cook Stovo tobral.os the follo‘i Suporinr,. - Noble Cook, TacOolaior;' Niagara, Qnakoi• City, and Coral. , Siovoilepaira:Complandly of ffana. limytipilts 9 r et . " , • 9-TEA•111• PIPE, for heating nillip; Melodic, ko., ond prop.lrtul to fur nigh unit ploco th nm In pock lon at khort notico, • Having an exporlonco of 22 yearn In thin buolneco, I would roopaotfully solicit p show of the public patronago,loollng coufldout that I will givo oath, faction, •cp thlocTOIY A; WOODS WALKED THE EMI'IRE M rITUAZ TINEXAMPLED 1 TIRE EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE INFAIRAIsibE__CCOVANY, Lt tLe Brit Fifteen laontiiii of its oxlatenco Loo laeticit OVER FORTY-FM, HUNDRED POLICINS I !MI:MUM o - vrt• 48;000,000,00 and taking in Preminms $500,000.00, boing the largest commencement buelnece ever done by any cchnvany le the world I Ordhurry puliclee uruiabsulettely .pun larfolttible from pay Isolt of tint atinual ffiniaramiu nun-furfultablu after two mmnuul pivyretalto All pcillelss inoontestable far usual saunas, and absolutely Ineonlestablo alter tsvo annual prerultuns. All'reatrlctiona upon travel ned rodlloucuramovod, and rib innTaita roquirgd. NO accumulation of intarogt ou Loaun or Deform," Pruniume, and no incroaco of annual loymonb ou any alum of pullclow. One-third of the premium loaned to the party M owed, if doulrod, and nu Note roquirmi. Dividends on tho progreafve Nun, and also upon tits guarantee intorest plan. Businaps of the. soutpikny vniductud on the Mutual Plan. v Pidiey simple and Into I Ito provisiut.s. Incontestability of Policies It is the purpoeo of Tho Empire to fulfill all Its ccutracts, thu °Thiene* of NiiilCh lc that Its policy has no convonleut rufogos by meant; of which. It can escape a Juet dunuud. Proven fraud ou the part of nired 7 witl,always_luva.idata_a._polley— . Also nuts Wert (-eon) ed-p rat sous to. the-payri tof the socond annual premium; or death ca!ied by engaging In any Spec:lolly hazardous buoinose within the tarsi two yoaro. But aftor the expiration of two years - , the policy will ho held incontestable for all onuses °Leila fraud. • Non-Forfeiture Lift: Policies. Nu policy or homlanee with ..abloom lisytnents for Ilfe ho forfeited or horouls ruid by the non payinuot of rt cudume thereon, utill the roll poping power of the preotleinls hove Loop .oirhswited. The • lungusgo of the pOlicy "Ant if any premium after the tlrut anneal pre mium shall have been, paid, shall not be paid On the day when due, and One said assurifd shall, within thirty dap, thereafter, givo notice in writingof Ina bility to pay the same, and of a deals) that Bahl policy shall be continued In force under the following conditions. Then and In ouch case this policy shall not be forfeited or become void by the non-payment d the said premium duo thereon, until after the eniiiiution of a period, to he determined as rolle - es, to wit:. The net value of this policy when the pre miner becomes due shall be determined by actuarial ealculatlon, and after deducting from such net value the Loans upon said policy nncanceleil by dividends; and any indebtedness to tl Company, four-nnha of what remains shall be coneidered n uet single premium of temporary ineuranco, and this. policy shall be continued in force daring the term fur which it will Limes, aceording to tine age of the party of the time of the lapse of the premintn. Example of the Non-Forfeitable Plan of Ay! qf parly infarct!, &1 Ordinary whole (if. policy. One annual premium- will ;onllnuu thu. polivy In force 1! )naie nod 3 days Twiiiwtornlninii will viontitine the policy In hnre , l y•orii and 12 ilnyn. yil r r o f;.;:f o lz 3 t:V ri forailne ,y _s;: : i . l . l cvt ii,4 . !t, _llti 1.114 kffi 4 Four annual prenihima will continuo Ilia policy In force 8 yearn and 46 ddya. II 'Stlect G. Hilton Scribner, President George W. Smith, Vico Presi ME Sidney W. Crofut, Secretary Lemuel 11. Waters, Actuary MI Thomas K. Marcy, M. D., Medi- cid EXillillllol Everett Clapp, Sul erintel aloft of • Aget cies. Light Elonso, THE TESTIMONY OF THE. PRESS Supoi ior, The I...pnlar institution, umna2oll by relluble man, i.e 11011111 i baklavas prinelplux, and he destined at a vary early day to stand shoulder to st sonlder with the oldest rum palliON nr its charactat In the country. Its officers and direct, rn " menu business," and have organized with the view of establishing a model instittition.—N. Jaittrirry 20, 1870. Comp my I. o groat nue:use; rtoult of ,o,;notolool. 004 timongomoot. Tho hkuplroto 1110 country:`--Boyfott rest. The lilll . l:t . SS 01 tha Ell!pilU loot Loon tinsurviteewl.: = '• The Panriru will nttrnot thu Into:runt of t!luxo amteniplatiog 1,110 and Re. )(meter. !• H II .Ilsy In thlr Oiinunius. wo fool n Just plan in Igo rust 111104.1. ii It I. oublvs:sq."— Erni ...4u lit shxopluy "—Zion's Mraid. "A very Purce”llll compat.y.' "lied flaplra!Wail Tkenuni ootametea nlth It ail, for, 0100 who know thoin,n outhelor.t teecestmeetlittlon of the Company "—The Nolien. "It to with pecallor pleasure that ivo opoak of.thls now candidate for pnbilo favor. We know, many yutiro otnoo the PreuMont of-the company.. We know . him to bon man or ettorgy, of eh...miter, of auporlor business ability, and above all oleo, a'aueorsaful man' In whatoyen ha andel tattoo. Tho trnch le, the, Comm pony has adopted tho boot iroproromonto of the day In Ito oranalzation."—Yew Knolatul /nsuronea Go. riNe. GRO. S. 'EMIG, dnanborlntyii Parry, and. Juniata down- OFFICE VITIT;S.:'.IIP3tURN, 14ja1y70•ly OF ICRIY YORK, REASOV fOlt the " Empire." OFFIC2ns '— CL nyrr pa l i mug i i rt. AONT,iOII OCTY ADVERWSEATNTS. SCHOOL rOR BOYS. Emma Teaching. .O.IIMIIOII Sense Management. Yonkers Military Institute. • • BENJ. MASON, Box 209, Yonke aN. Y. TUSCARORA AOADEICY. " The second Segilou of the Thirty-flAh schoul yeas will begin January 0. Thom dulling boarding, fur nished room,"Nraelting„ tuition inn Bret-clam Board ing School for n term of nearly aix.'monthe, $l2O, Picas° mond for a circular to Academia, Ph. AGENTS (—Every Book Agent and all who sea this, write ma and he wise. Ad. dress F. S. FULLElt rb rubllcher, Spriugaol J, More. 4,1—1 t will pay - A SUPERB SUBSCRIPTION BOOK CLI3A T 2 , 11 ANt D P :4 0 I A complete manual of travel, yot as !alert:l4lllg us novel. Fresh, Full, •ud NO COSIPETITION I 20 Magnificentl:ull-P4go Engravings ! 2U3 Olher jib, ,alifms, Of exceedingly Interesting and ended ninny of thorn humorous, All citieli of the Island, the baths and NV lite lin I place., Lull fightti, cock fights, and carnival In Havana. Culture •and Manufacture of Sugar, and Tobacco ~, Fact and Fun ! Statistic and Adventure Liberal Torato to Livo Agouti! ILA ItTIO,RD PUBI,IBIIISIi COMPANY •Ilnrtlord, Coon. HRISTIAN STANDARD opposes C Sects, and advocates Primitive Christianity. Best and cheapest Family WeAly; 8 pages; 48 columns. Edited by Elders Isms Errott and J. 5. Lamar. Only ,52 a year I Specimens tree. It. W. CARROLL do CO., Pubs., Cincinnati, Ohio. NICK'S FLORAL GUIDE •1+01t:'11371 Tho first edition of .ono.Llsindrod - and Fifty Thou sand Copied of Vick's Illustrated Cataloguu of Seeds . n d Floral Guldo,ls published and ready to send out —lOO I ;.wges, nud an Engraving of almost every d e m,.,,bi c ,_powernoi.LAngo.tithis lt Is elevintl • printed ou dna tinted paper, Illustrated with Three 11,,odrod Lino and TWO RIAU ti fil CO LORE 1.) " Tho most booop foil nod the mint Itmttu •tiso Flora Golds published. A OEUNIAN ELITIoN 1.111A114100, In all otln.r respects aholl r to the Eug• Hunt hoe to all tny roetomere 01'1870, uk nit Idly an possible, without applltulion. Seat wall - alorie who older them fur 'J'on Coutg, which Is nut half the I'ool Atidreaa • MEE D ON'T WASTE TIME AND LABOR by using up MI old Axo. Sond $1 LO to LIP PINCOTT AT BAKEWELL, Pittsburgh, In., nod t Loy will send a tlp-top Axe, Expressage para. If a day loot lu grinding will thus be saved. • •182 f 1570 ÜBE the " Vegetable Pulmonary 13a1- elm " The old standard ronnaly fur (longlsa. Colds, Consumption, •• :Nothing laat,.". CUTIAiIt 111105. & CO, Boston. . • A STIIMA—KID DEWS PASTILLES. A sure relief for Astbrun.. Price 40 route, bJ STOWELL S CO., Cbarlcetow Mass. UPHAM'S Depilatory Powder. Som..; supertloo. hnir In live in font., wohno t la) my to the Rhin. Sept by rola for f1:26. UPHAM'S ASTUMA CI :1111 rnlleves moat •Ldont i.roxysnls In 0e minutes, mind ollects a speody our Pica .F 2 by ninij. The Japanese Mit Stain colors the 4:l3lmkers and 'hair a beautiful blm k or blown. It eon slats of ooly one preparation. 71 rents by well. Addroas B. C. UPIIANI, vu. 72l Jayne alma, Ph Iledolphla ,Pa Circulars sent Ire+. Poly by all_Drugglal, „ ,„ Q _ . . ET 5 persOns to successfully canvass erme,l , •ms we offer. and raretvo a s'2s {Volthatn Wntelt fat }ousel 1. A ddrevi People', 11',/dy, Day ton, Ohio. A WEEK.. SALARY. vLlt..l Young men wanted as local and travelling salesman_ Atlilrrea (attic Minim) It. 11. WALKER, 34 Park Ron', N. Y. $3O ealaryltor week, andexpensea,;,;id Agent. to soli our now and useful dlscurorles ttl.treao SWEET & CO., Manillall, Mich. AGENTS ! READ THIS 1 Wo trill pay Agents a rainy of 3:0 par week and oipensos, or allow a I argo cortunivelon, to salt our new and wonderful In•entione. Address 31. Wall- NEB, & CO, ?gambol], 311c6. S3O 'I„D,II,LI' A. .'' sure. LATT',.% CO., MAGIC EGGS.—Big thing. Send for Cirriliar to A. THOMAS, 320 Washington st., Brooklyn, N. Y. ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Prizes and Inforinntion filmisliod by tiEOROF, Urll 61, Providonco, R. 1. IV , ELY MEDICAL PAMPHLET. _ll Seminal, Phralcal, and Nervous nobility, Its enacts and curo. Prlce 25 colas. Adams SEWIE YAkY, Museum of Anatomy ; 418 Broadwky, New York. A OA.RD A Clergyman, while residing In tenth A murk, us °slash/nary, discovered a safe and simple remedy fur the cure of Nervous Woaknees, Early Decay. Dl— canes .of the Urinary and Sealing Organs, and the whole train of dlnOrders brought on by bn.ful and vii loos habits Groat numbers havo been cured by thif noble remedy. Prompted by ad. Oro to benallt the afflicted and unfortunate. I will crud the recipe fur :weparing and using this medicine. In a. ended unr..lope, to any on' who sonde it, free .f charge. Addeo,. JOSEI'LI T. (NM AN,N ation D. Bible ❑mwe, New York City. 24n0v70-lt MITE MOST DESIRABLE FARM IN 1 WESTERN MARYLAND FOR SALE. • . , Situated in Frederick county, on the Baltimore and Ohio It. It., sixty-0..1es west of Baltimore; co tel. 200 acres land: improved by twodwellings, one brick, with hill and eight rooms, and tine cellar (the grounds are beautified with choice trees, shrubbery. Are., .), the other a Itentlsome trim. ,cottage, sh unted In the orchard, ountaining forty (Mrux of choice apples and pears, and enclosed by an Oartge orange hedge. The barn and tabor nut buildings arc ample and in grbel repair. Land ie of the bast quality of limestone N .tieing good, with running water In ovary field. Lime-kli. and inexhaustible qumrrb a of the purest stone, do , La. The fa . rra:is offered "ll tire, or Will be divided lit suit pm chasers. En, till description, price, terms. &e., address or apply lA. DELA.I3IIMUTT, Trustee, Burk eystssirn, 3145 For Sale op Beat BUILDING_ JOTS = The subs riber will sell nt private sule TWO 111:ILDINCI LOTS, nllnntod on COve Latin, 15 (Pet front—on I 200 feel In depth. Thuy n.I Ibo et,ld logethor or oelwntoll . evil pnrchn. en.y For Information roll on .1011 S t. 11110TH 111111171-It. }DOUSE FOR , SALE NO. ;16 111:6 T LPUTp ni4 NTS I; .t 1!A-VP.ItSTICli, MEM F6RS A 1., E OR RENT.— Am ' out lot rontaloluglix acres of land, situated In tilt) borough or eitrlin!o, , and . ndJelnlng tLe South Moun tain lt.jt. Tho lorotinn inn good ont•ll,r it lumber and VVILI yard, it being only about nix rqunres hon, (1,0 Court 110110. tel ~ 0 or 'acl,Pan U. PLANK No. 78 'orth IlanO - Te s- r Areaa..llBlo, Pa. BJeTI I rn FOE SALE A In go quantity of STONE, nollttblo for building purl; oudOlulo•burollr pu pos. n. Eoquiro of MKS. B. I), PolrB, Harrisburg Turnpike, hintr Not tit Mmes.!. litrobt Natal , . .1 4 10 It SALE OR RENT.,-. -Two limo kilo. with an exconont quarry of lion:Mono near tho ktlna, sittlatod w tho hor.ugh of Corneae. p os „.1611 given Inunedi ttoly. Cal nn or inhlreso 11. PLANK; 1 , 0. 78 North Mw ovor otrtat • Cornell), ' bJa7llnt • FOR SALE Vireo now Two-Story Promo' Dwelling Murree, eittletod on ERA Lowther ntrout,' Carrlnto, In beet repute Terme moderate. Ponceslnn on'tlni tint of April next. For purticulont moll ou • JNO. CORNMAN, Attorney-st.LeW, Ilbtrem'e Ea= Xiellitenza,:.Soiv Throat, cCe COUGHS, INFLUENZA, . , t. 0014 THROAT ' • CUPS, IVIIOOPINH . COUIIII, :CROUP, LIVER COMPLAINT, BRONCHITIS,- ASTHMA, JAMMING OF THE LUNGE • ..1 ' • aiat '. a i ,; ' ,, d :p T :e r trll; tr a7l I d ! ° p l o t i o ni f Et Wu rr cared tln l7lll 1 ~L ief,f BALSAM DP WILD'Clin fly. This well known preparstlon dues not dry up s. cough and leavolhe cause behind, as is the ease with moat madleines, but it loosens and eleatuies the lungs, and allays karst:Om thus removing the Callon Of the , . . CONSUMPTION CAN NM CUD. . by a Mutely resort to , thin standard re(nerdy, ea U fa proved by huniltedit ot . , testimonlala roc Iced by tho ptoprletots. , . • Prepared by Seth )V. Vowle S Son, Buil." and. sold. by Dealer. generally. , • .• Hall's Vegetable Hair Benetvei HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN li. A. f Restores Gray DIM to ite Original Color, Promoter, Growth and is a Splelieljd Dressing Try (ma Bottle ,Thicicen up the Eff El Locks ! N Id by ill Price Ono Doi%Wei Bottle R. P. II ALL & C 0., PropriefOrs = 2Guneo ly Dr. - Ayer & Co's. - Advertise2u't, Ayer's Cathartic Pills Verbil lire purfesmi of a basalts, Slonlictra. %atm an mei medicine to so universally ro everybody euthartio. ware/at/illy adopted nen 000 hi. vrry -o all I.loocs. ay this wild 1,1/i -.0 . The obi bum reamer le. ghat Car more effectual raffle o have Wed It, knot, have nal know As o rod all -o—that any hire s cotintry and onto. efficient purgative I, it lad more tellable an. dy hem any other. Those W.. that It cured them, and those wh. that It cored their neighbors and iris.. know that what It does once It does alwa, it never falls through any Mutt or neglect se composition. We have thousands upon thousando of cerlitictstes of their remarkable cures of the following camplaints, but such cons sea knovin in every neighborhood, And we need not publish them. Adaptod to all ages -and conditions- In all climates; containing neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they may be taken with misty by anybody. Theii sugar _coating preserves theta over fresh And makes them pleasant to take, wit Ito being purel noegetable no harm eau arise flout their use iny quantity. They operate by their prayerful influence en the In tetnal viscera to purity the blood and stimulate It Into healthy action—ternave the obstruction. of tie stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their Irregular 'action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derangements as aro the first origin of JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y Minute directions aro given in the %rapper on the bon, for the following colonial ante, which theca - rata rapidly -c ore : Fur Dyspepsia or indigestion, Listlevenoss, Languor -and Loss of Appetite,"they should be.. taken moderato y to stimulate the stocnaeh and restore its 111,,Ithy tone and artier. For Liver Complaint and its various symptoms, _ Dilluos liendacbe, SICIC headache, Jaundice or Green Sickness. Bilious Colic nod oillous Favors, , they should Le judleiouely taken for ench ease, to cot root thu diseased action, or remove the olo,true• thins art. leh 'cense it For Dysentery hr Diarrhoea, but only mild M.A.., If ge nrnin y req!.aro, Tor o- Clout, Grovel, Palpitation ot the !least, Pant In the Side Dock and Loins, limy should be roe tin uouNly taken ' as requlrod. to change the diseased Actiou of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings they should - be - tokan - troinrga - and frequent - dosas'tdv-priallimi` - - the effect of a drastic purge. For Suppression a krg; doso should bo taken: it produces_the desired tract by sympathy. An a Dinner Pill, take .one or two Pills to pro mote digestion and relloto the stomach. ccasional-doss-stimulatrortho_stoumetrand bowels Into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence It is often advantageous where uo serious derangement ex ists. One who feels tolerably well, often fade that a dose of these /Via makes him feel dechleuly better, from their cleansing and renovating, effect on the digestive apparatus. DR. .1. a AMR di CO., Practice/ chemist, =I DE HAT' EIV tc ts.rlo TILER. WE OFFER FOR SALE, AT PAR, THE NEW MASONIC' TEMPLE LOAN, 1111 AILING 7 3.10 INTrItIiST Redeuntablu attur fire t 5) and withla twuuty-otto (21) EMI Interest payable March and,September Thu Bonds am and will In iviaiud in I!=! IS E II A V E N & 13 It 0T II E NO. 40 S. yuIRD otl PNILADHLPIIIA Stuck. bought and ,old on aomaihadon. Gold and Ouventinvntabfilght nud gild Aucutiola reculved ttrol Int-west olloteodoottiteet to Ellett Itraftd 2dero ly William Bratly's Ad t H OLIDAY GOODS! IL B It A D 1102 MARKET :STREET, untrusiwit(t, - 'llea Joe! returned from Noir stock of holiday hoods over bra, to tide city consisting in part of - HOLIDAY AND BRIDAL SILVER, of nitwit design and finial), from the cvlebtatml :Manufacturing Company. :BEAUTIFUL PLATED WAVE, Ten Seth, Col Tee urn Cako and Fruit Blvd:eta, Cristo., Pickle nod Crlery - Stanild, - Soup Tureens, St:11111Y, • et., ,one, TablO ClittOr) , 6f elog.trit th.,dglt and floieh; ham tho celebrated manufactory of Harrison Bros. a !lbw eon, Shotlhdd, with pearl; Ivory and plated hawlei. UM FANCY GOODS DBPABTItIIiNT EntbrAres• the- following nrColes ; Ladres . Magma Ilundkatchlef Cites and Glove_Hamm combined—a beautiful article, !Collet Sets. 'riting D.eVo, Jewel Stands, Odor Caves, {York Boxes, Card Itacelrora, Fans of and Sandal Wood, Leather, Silk, Satin etc., etc., 'boozes, Statue tia, Centre . Plovi;a, Vane., etc., etc Musical Boxes, tdayln# fruit 2to 10 Mrs, and with Bolt and Mandoln at ta.dlntoot: F. ,and s, in Oilt,..llrenae ted Marble Canes; Cuckoo Clockg, Cigar Stands, Cigar, Coins; 'I °Lace° 11..xo• (Silver and Plated), Parlor Therounnet ,, ra, Prowl, M. , ney Purses and Poekot Book. and a groat vatlet of or et., thing in my line. Call and rxrunlns the grand aloortment. EMI To the Young Men, • VrANI1001) : - ,t 110 W MOST, 110 W RrSTOIII2ID • Just published: A new. edition of Dr. Culeame Colobrated Boiny on , the radical cure (wl:h••ut afod• bane) of Sportnatoirhom or &indult! Vratikurse; In t voluntary Seminal i. 111.1.4. illIpt10110y; Whin' And PlusICC Incapaolty,lmpodtmouts en Mortingo etc ; .also, Consumption, Epilepsy, And_ Fite, Indurod by BOliqiunllgenCo Soxunt Dxtravngolice, Prico, in a scaled envelope, • ONLY BIX CNNTS, Thu colobrnied author, in tit!a tulutirriblo many clearly demonstrates front it thirty yeand anocessful practico;that tho alarming conoaquoucos of aoltabtato may hot adically curd, withotit tho daugorotia Mot Of internal medic n, tha andidatlon of tho knife ; painting out a triode of corn ,it ouco ample, coated!) and effoctnni,'.by 'itininn of which ovary ouffofer, no . wan ttor,what iio cowl ition'tnay ha, may cora 1;1,1152 1 f abt'aPl.Y. itutalY, and radically. • • A®-Thin lector° kliould ha iu hands o f ovary , youth anti ovary mon In the land. . • hider , Swat. mier Baal, in a plaiti envelope. to any address, postpaid on recoipt of alt route, or two post stamp., 24150, Dr. Culvorwoll's "?ifarrlago Guide," Niro '.15 cents, Address tiro publisldua, • • • CHAS. J. O. KLINK t CO., • 127Alowery, Now York, l'osf °Oleo Box '4 fitid. : 4 1 up6io • • • R lt E N. EWER Te the uuly perfected uhd eeletAld caliy Prepred prEpuratfbn of RA Mtn] 'over olforod to tho public, o oil has 110 competitor In merit. Ity its urn Gray Holt IS - efinfyogtorktrtti Ita nrlclonl yollthful 4, uutl brit 111;ticy, which IS /0 much by . nq. Porsu, e‘, hose halt' Id ty, or falling oot 0111 by the uAN, ut I=l I i!lIZIIIEIZIEMB th 4. 1.11 r glt. , ri 111 It. loc:tell st:KI Ilk. 111111 . Krll,l Isl.•k 111= 11,:f gk I=l It Is cooling, and allays all Itching ==l nut rttulo the rUn as do dy.4, bot nuikur tho eculp wLlto and oleau As u ttressin.: it,.l, Sli.o boat and 111041. economical p r °pun tion In the wnrjd nu Itv uffectu last 8J .2puclila,rigy. Send Ihr our Trunitte on the hair free to all, by mull Detwgigs and ; Dation in 14illvio, WILLIAM BMA 11% 809 Murkei ntreet, llntrioburg, 1.1