Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 26, 1871, Image 2

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    ''tw kiruatiolT, cfT4nl,;(l:
YOL. 71. NO. 4
WlTrws the last ten days, eight Sena
tors of the United States have been
chOsen by tlO Legislatures of as many
Commonwealths.. Massachusetts • re
elected Hon. Henry Wilson, who has
represented the old Bay Stab? continu
ously since 1865. Maine has ro-elected
Hon. Lot M. Morrill ; New Jersey has.
ehosen•Hon. P. T. Frelinglmysen ; Dela
ware, llmMEli•Saulsbury ; Illinois, Gob.
John A.. Logan ; Missouri, Gen. F. P.
Blair ; Minnesoti, Hon. William Win
dom ; and Michigan, Hon. T. W. Ferry.
Messrs. Wilson, Morrill, and Freling
hoysen have nll had considerable service
in the Senate, and are known to the
-whole country as model statesmen in
every respect. Men of the highest moral
character, ,of commanding abilities, and
thoroughly devoted to the principles of
free government, their coming terms will
witness a conscientious and intelligent
performance of their duties, which "dill
place them still higher in the esteem of
their countrymen. Messrs. Saulsbury
and Blair represent the Democratic party
as it exists in 'Delaware and Missouri.
Saulsbury is famous as being ono of the
three brothers who monopolize the hon
ors and offices of the little State of Dela
ware. its brother; Willard, has been
Senator from that State for the last
twelve years, and has done little else
than disgrace his position during that
time. The three brothers were candi
dates for position :this year, an there
is, doubtless, a sore disappointniciat in
int: minds of two of them. Saulsbury
may make - a good Senator, hut if he does
it will iipt be because of his political
-cipirrionsti—or—trim-velationshi —Fit r iittk- . -
Blair is very well known. He has been
very good soldier, but a very uncertain
sort of a politician. Ile is a Democrat
now, ,and will remain - so until the next
Senatorial election in MiSsonri. What
lie will be then will depend greatly on
Messrs. Logan, - Windom, and Ferry
are new to no as Senators, but they have
made exceedingly good records as mem :
Mils of the lower. Itouse: Logan has
been particularly conspicuous as the Con
gressman-at-large from Illinois since the
war. Ile is a man of_great natural
ability, and force of character, and will,
doubtless, make himself felt in tIM Sen
ate. The Republicans have every reason
to cungrittlibite themselves on theirnewly
ebosen S'enators.
lIE :wetly& balance in the Treasury,
at Washington, ranges about $100,000,-
1100. We confess our inability to colh e
iu.eliend the good that accrues from 'keep
ing.this vast fund as - a reserve: Why is
it done ? Our revenues exceed our ex
penditures, and have done so for years.
We have been, for the last two years,
making large payments on our _National
debt. Why not devote at least three
fourths of this balance to tho'samo pur
pose? We used to imagine that the
- Government would- resume specie pay
ments by some definite act,_ and at a,
given time, and while this appeared to be
the.intention,_ there was a necessity fora,
large surplus. We are'convinced new;
- and have been for some time, that the
plan is to reach specie Vaynients through
a very gradual improvement of our creel=
it and the force of circumstances. While
we don't believe this to be the best plan,
we are quite sure it is what,nine-tenths
of all the people who believe in paying
our debt, at all, are in favor of. If that
be so, then, the Government does
more wisely in heeding the voice of
the people, than by taking the direct cut
to solvency. They are the only ones
...interested in Cho matter, and they
have the right to Their preference.
But to the main question. To use limo
great bulk of the surplus in the Treas
ury in the purchase of bonds, would
vastly iinprove . our credit, diminish our
interest, prevenfr extravagance, and gen
erally accomplish a very desirable thing
for the Government. To the people who
arc now cramped often fey money, for
legitimate business, the" disteibution
would be an immense relief. Put it 'On
tie other' grounds than that of party in
terest, we believe that the administra
tion NV'infid event° a very strong tide of
popularity, by the dislmrsement of
nearly all ik surplas fund,: immediately.
Tut: last- persecution 61: Thaddeus
Stevens,. by the Democracy, is ended.
Since his de. trilthe Democratic liapers
of Lane; er, started the story that lie
died it intensely rich, owning $200,000 of
Pacific Railroad bonds. which they
alleged he had corruptly received from
the company for his sei'viecs, while hi
Congress. This sort of a story went the
rounds of courser and was accepted an
conclusive evidence of the total depravity
of Republican loaders.' Well, last week,
his Executors filed their inventory in the
Lancaster Court,. When it was discovered
that his entiropersimal coital - A:was less than
$40,000, and that it contained no Pacific
bonds whatevci'. What shtiuld be done
with these hypocrites who are•so con
stantly nutking false charges of corruption
against their opponents to cover up their
own thefts t' Buchanan's personal prop,
city was at least a quarter of a million of
dollars,' while Stevens, with live times his
ability,energy, and opportunities for
peculatimi,Alics" worth .less than 4150,000.
Bitterly and justly as It 14 opponents
denounced Bochanan's faithlessness and
imbecility as — a ruldr, we have no re
membrance, that his large fortune •was
ever credited to corruption. "But when
Stevens dies a comparatively titaor man,
every 'arilcan brawler ill the State
demos it a part of his religion, to brand
him a corrupt politician, and a venal
legislator. This silly slander has, how_
over, received its quieti}s now.
Tim contest for the Illinois Senator
ship was carried on upon strict teMper ,
onco pripeiples: The fem._ competitors
for that honor; Logan, Oglesby, Palmer
anti,„Tfoorner,.all &tallied that" no .wine
orliquors-Of any kind should bo drunlc
at their handquartera (luring did cclntos
.This was n Most commendable mein thin,
.and it would be a good thing if it,could
be carried out at .all elections. den.
Logan:lwo• aro somewhat , stirpriSed to
learn isla teetotaler,-which was certainly
not the case - in the early part of his
career as a politician: We hope thO
precedent. may prevail hereafter at•all
elections, as there is great need for a
change in that particular.
TlENnir D: FOSTrelt was ono of
- tho°, liall.bearers of. HMI.. John Covodo.
In life thOsomon had been rivals-eo
vodo'ahvays 'sneeessfuh, Poster e..ner
aliy beaten, and disappointed. . Td the ,
credit of both, it can be 'said that Choir
contosts',nover.modueed that animosity
Mal bitterness toward each othei, whioh,
'co -- Often' exists betweeepublio inert
,vrh os intores to .conflict.
Trin.trouble at West Point, over the
colored cadet still continues, very much
to the 'disgrace of the authorities of that
Institution. ,The cause .of all the dia . -
tinhande is 'Very apparent. Smith is a
negro, and the young gentlemen who are
educated at the Government expense,
see fit to think themselves degraded by
being in the same school with him. This
is a matter of opinion with themselves,
and they can very easily relieve them
selves of any unpleasant associations, by
leaving the school, and seeking some
profession which will -render them safe
from contact with n'egros. If they in
tend, holdover, to make martyrs of them
selves for their country's good, they
should bo forced to do it quietly. The
white cadet, who in any manner What
ever, shapes his conduct with a view to
drive Smith ass'ay' trona West Point,
slMuld be dismissed summarily. There
are thousands. of boys in the country,
who are fully equal in capacity; and
manliness, to any that are now at West
Point, who would give no trouble on this
score. It may as well be understood
that Suiith will not lie dismissed from
the, school on account, of his color, and
if the othei cadets cannot 'find 'in his
conduct enough to secure his dismissal
for other causes, they had better give
the matter up, and treat him as officers
and gentlemen are expected to treat
those With whom` they aro in contact.
If they do not, let them leave.
Missoula has disgraced herself by the
election of Frank P. Blair to the United
States Senate. He is the kind of a loan,.
however, who generally damages him
self and his friends, whenever he is called
on to act in any matter. His name on
the ticket. in ISGS, gave .Grant and Col
fax a larger majority than they would
have had otherwise. llis ' presence in
the Senate will help take Missouri out
of the hands of the Democrats.
TITE Philadelphia Democracy have
chosen delegates to• the next State Con
vention. Among them are William
McMullin, esq., John Ahern, Charles
Dougherty, Roliert Lester . Smith and
John Tobin. These are the most reliable
and consistent Democrats in tlio State,
and are, in addition, gentlemen of fine
abilities and varied accomplishments,
as Senators Petriketi and Findlay are
free to maintain.
missioner of Internal Revenue, recom
mends the repeal of what remains of the
income tax, for the reason that it will
scarcely pay the cost of collecting it.
The recommendation is a good ono, but
Congress will hardly make any revenue
banges during the, present session.
THE estate of Hon. John Covode is
estimated at one and 1 half millions of
dollars. 110 entered active life without
any property, whatever.
llnititisminG e Januriry 24, 1871
The Legislature certainly was not
overworked last,week. The Senate met
ou Mehe,y, and lifter consummating the
outrage n the-Deehe'rt case 'With 'great
promptness, worked leisurely along until
Thursday, when it adjourned over until
to-day. The House had a short session
on Friday, and then folltwed the exam
ple of the Senate. We have had now
three weeks of the Legislature,' and may
sum upits entire labors, as resulting in the
organization, the election of State Treas
urer, and the formation of the standing
committees. Perhaps the Common
wealth may be the gainer by this, inas
much as there can be no harm done,
until some action is had ; but the people
would not readily tolerate the same
leisurely work from any ollieLbranch of
the Government.
It was, doubtless, suoptire'd by the De
mocracy that When they turned the
Dechert contested election case out of
court without cause, that the Republican
majority in the House would follow their
tactics. In this, however, they were
mistaken. Although the House did re
fuse to entertain petitions in which the
formalities of the law had mutt been com
pliyl with, yet in the case of Judge
Lynd, a Republican, elected last year to
the District Court. of Philadelphia, whose
election is contested, the House went
into joint conventiow with the Senate,
and proceeded to draw a committee.
The manner if drawing a winnable is
complicated as much as possible, so as to
preclude any chance of unfairness.
, the joint convention has assem
bled, and is ready to draw, the Clerk of
the House is required to write the itame
of each Senator on separate pieces of pa-
per, as nearly of the same size as possi
ble, and to place them in a box. The,
Clerk of the Senate than shakes them
thorotighly, draws them out, and
puts them, alternately, into three boxes,
A teller from each House having been
named by the respective speakers, the
Clerk of the litmit'e proceeds to draw the
ames, alternately, from the boxes, tint il
welN , e names Ore drawn. each party
has the right to object until there are
but twelve left, of pthich privilege the:ct
usually avail themselVes. When the sen
ate lie is complete, the House comMittee
is drawn nt the same manner, except that
the Clerk of We Senate does the -draw
iltg, and the list allowed is twenty-five,
ace m challenges have not
ht usted al the names' when the list arc
completed, the 'remaining names t - tare
drawn, and handed to the` opposite
speakers, - respectively, who are required
to read them loud to the. convention.
If any mistalt6 or unfairness i$ discov
ered,'a new drawing, tiuder' the same
formalities, is required. When the'llsts
are completed, copies are furnished' to
each of the partieS, who retire to sonic
adjoining rood, and in tIM Intsende of a
clerk ;or member chosen for that Tun.
P . Oso, strike, :alternately, froth the lists,
Until but four Senators and - nine mem
bers remain, who constitute the commit
tee. The decision of the conunittee, - or'
a majdity of final and• conclusive - . -
•The above deScriptien of the drawing
would tend 'to make the bblief HMI a
committee would show thick same relative
political complexion as the. Legislattlytl, ;
"from which it is (yawn: This is not, iu
ovitable, by any moans, as the result of
the last drawing clearly shows. Wh n.
•tho Senate list was completed, Rime
were 'but three'Dethocrats to.nine
'publicans drawn. The striking,. 'or.
tonne, disposed. of all the - ppmooratH,
giving Ole Republicans the whole
that , pert of the Committee, although
the Senate is Democratic. In tho House;
the rebult was also a full Republican
board ;
.consequently •the joint commit:
tee has not a single Obniocrat upon it.
Considerable of a debate 'sprung
On the consideration of the Governor 4 Ei
Message in ti: Moose. The Dotnoorats
wore' vary loud . hi .their eulogy of that
portion or it which releten to the 0100 7
tiona and gonoral ;monody, but when
called Upon to endorse its recommenda
tion of waking the \ State Constitution
conform to the Fifteenth. AmondMont,
and'its advocacy of piotection, they were
very weak in the commendations: Their
ondoiseMent of the message was a most.
transparent', farce,' that didn't even de
'eeivo the loafers in the lobby.
Perhaps the'" sensation" of last week
was the Report of Gen. Thomas L. Kano,
President of the Beard of „ Public
Charities, which that accomplished, but
slightly erratic' gentleman made to the
Legislature without - consulting his
colletigues. Gen. Kane intimates, in
munistakablo torme; that the labors of
the aforesaid Board- ,have been of no
value, and that, it should be' entirely re-.
constructed. From the language of the
report the inference is irresistible that the
other members have not always adopted
General Kn••• theories , .. \ without
question, but i ['they differed' widely,
and insisted on differing. .Although'tho'
others may have been four "of the
stubbornest fellows" the General ever
saw, Ny,e doubt,. very much, it , that
justified his arraigtffnent of associates
before the Legislature, as incompetent
and dilatory. Wo will most likely have,
in due time, the report of the other
members after Which the right, amid wrong
of the matter will more clearly appear.
Until Gino we must conclude that Gen.
Kane's:unexpected State paper was more
characteristic Gin prudent.
Tyron Lewis, the gentleman whom
the Democrats elected from the Repub
lican county of Delaware, has made
very =looked for precedent. A few
days since, he returned. all' the free
passes .he had received from the railroad
companies in the State, as he thought
it improper, in a Legislator, to accept
those courtesies. This was all very com
mendable-i mtheory,--and-may,-perh aps,.-
give the gentleman great popularity in
his . own county, and be of great services
in reforming Legislative morals. We
cline to the belief, however, that this
honesty is entirely too pretentious for
useful purposes. A man may=be a good
Legislator, and accept the courtesies of
railroads, and may be a very bad one,
without accepting them. . ,
FLORIDA is in debt, $1,285,370.
WOLVES aro preying on Illinois flocks.
REAL ESTATE is going down in Paris.
TILE California farmers aro plowing.'s coal supply is exhaUsted.
LAKE ONTARIO l 0 traversed by ice
THE James river and Kanawha eana
are open.
CENTRE c.punty, Pa., is afflicted with
scarlet fever.
ONE puuud Of_watch springs is said to
be worth $4.,000.
IT k stated that there are 220 Israelite
congregations ifl the United States.
ON the Texan frontier snuggling is
carried on openly.
STOVES have been )ntroduced oii
Brooklyn street cars.
Tin: steamer Dacia is still grappling
for the,lginnwall cable.
GREEN BAT, Win., shipped 350,000, 000
shingles last year.
,A PAPER is published in the Cherokee
nation in the native dialect.
ONTARIO legislators are allowed ton
dollai-s a session for stationery.
A /LOME for young women,in Boston is
doing a great amount of good.
THE Mexican authorities are in favor
f annexation to the United States.
THE corn crop for the year was 1,100,-
000,000 bushels. , •
'fur, ice crop is very large through the
North and West.
THE St. Louis and St. Josep ( 1111ail:.
road is bankrupt.
NEW Tonic has shipped $9,727,900 of
arms to France.
visited by heavy 'floods.
Cuiceoo is to have a lire-proof hotel,
costing $1,200,000.
DELAIVA.IGI ()Wes $557,850, a decrease
0cA443,000 in two years. - .
Evrow( week 200 tons or silver ore pas's .
through Salt Lake City.
TII E 'Moine losses of the United Stated
Or 1870 amounted to $19,500,000.
Tiimit is a tel in the
Brooklyn Navy Yard preparing ships for
CuEs . rmi county contains an emery
NEW nun is talking about palace
strea cars.
NtiksT TEx:sEssku is becoming a profit
able hop country.
WiscoNsix maintains:moven hundred
of cheefie factories.
PEORIA, 111., thinks il, has a gold
underlying that city.
'lsms Eric canal will be operated the
coming season as usual.
'KNOXVILLE, Tennessee, is. to have 'a
corn exchange.,
'Plus Lackawanim Coal. Compliny has
49,1'00 tons on hand.
As' Salt Lake city one hundred Metho
dists have a church.
Tun Washington French fair cleared
Tam basilicas at Indianapolia this year
- amounted to VR1,278;035; `•
JERSEY CITY i 3 tole commit...tett by a
bridge with,Clontinunipaw.
MARYLAND and Virginia tyill never
agree on the oyster question. ,
'ol.oun and his warCiors are re
ported tV bo'on tho vorge of starvation.
IT is proposed to ange the , name of
New , York by substituting C for Y.
TILE big tree of California, known as
Elio Sequoia, is on exhibition at
it Cufenoo' Bausage-malcor, with un
usual candor, advoitisos liiswares,"aog
A lIAILTFORD co-oporativo storo has
just doclardd a.quarterlY diVidend of ton
percent. '
Pent Havana segars aro made in
about 11,000 factories in the United
A mon', announcing "The . Vacuum
Coro," hangs from the window' of a
tan islands in Lalco Erlo - aro - now
ritehost with 'teams, tho ice being yory
thick rind pOrfectly safe. . .
Trrusvitmc has a 'whiskey shop to
'eyei'y 80 inhabitants, and protests against
the licensing or any more.
THE town oflinrwieb, on Cape Cod,
mind 4,0 . 84 lim:rolo of 'cranberries last
year, and . fiOdd them f0r,,546,000.
LAND-SLIDES on the QuinCy and
.Carthage road oacasiopally 'botl.ior. the
trains. .
tibrrsmax por out of the population
of Obieagohrkva ip-religious belief, as
. .
cording religious„priper published
there. -
PUNA' 417LVANIA has made no proper
effort to seek her, spierkdfd streams with
NEW YORE ultrafashionables have
talcen ;freak to Saturday night for re-
Ix 130 the United States' had forty
ond miles of railroad. In 1871 there are
30,000 -
Orin two hundred applicatiOns for
clerkships Me made daily at the lutcrior
Department in Washington. .
PRESIDENT :GRANT has ,signed the
comnifssion ut S. C. Bowan as Vice Ad-
.mival of 1..h0 nay%
1;11 engineer, of the
Mitthiga,n Central 0 1, was killed at;
Chicago, on Friday last:
ceived many letters or untoks for; his
efforts to abolish the income taY.
hlntemat county has thee° ngrieultural
societies, :liar a fourth will be otganized
aL Mereer, next month.
'Pus present food-supplying 'region -ot
the Gelman. analog is said to .ho Hungary,
which is paradoxical_
'nth ice in Virginia fhis season is said
to be the
_best and thickest ever gathered
in that State'.
Dunmo the year 1870 three banking
houses in Central City, Colorado,
shipped $11210,025 in gold.
NEW JERSEY has 2880 public school
teachers and 101,681 pupils attending
the public schools.
0. C: VinstitY, auditor of Darko county;.
Ohio, recently shot Edward Ilartling in
IT is rumored that the Pennsylvania
Central has secured a eontrollin. interest
in the. Union Pacific Railroad
EVERY dog in London must hereafter
be licensed before the first of each Jan
uary, or his owner will have to pay $5.
Tun amount appropriated 'for the
support of the army this year is $27,-
500,000 . . Reconstruction is still ex
ALL the railroad companies, except
the and Ohio, legreed,to a re
duction in fares betwe'en New York and
Washington. .
THREE-VOERTIIS of the Enima \ vilver
mines, in Little Cottonwood Canon,
Utah,' hare locei; sold to San Francisco
capitalists for $OOO,OOO in gold.
EXTENSIVE sales of rights to mine iron
ore iii -Bedfgrd county r have lately been
made, at p , yices ranging from $63 to $lOO
per acre.
lOWA. expects to have-three thousand
miles of railroad by the first of February—
enough to extend fifteen times across
the breadth of England.
SAN FRANcrg,co exported last year
$10,709,742 worth of merchandise, and
$32,983,139 in treasure,_ including $l3,-
443.290-sent to N. Y. C r ay by railroad.
POTTER COUNTY has had no licensed
places for the sale of intoxicating liquors
for 1.) neteen years, and, as a consequence,
is a model community of peace and good
THE Wyoming National. Bank, 'of
Wilkesbarre, reported, has just
elected tt la*-diroctor, -sho owning. or
representing a large amount of the stock
of the bank.
Ih reference to 'the orange crop, a
Florida paper says tlfat the damage
clone by the cold weather has not been
sufficient to prevent a full crop next
INDIANA i; emphatically, a railroad
State. Out of ninety-three counties in
the State seventy-one are crossed by one
or more railroads, with stations at the
county seat.
Sour. years ago a pensioner in one of
the Westein'States, iMti patriotic mood,
surrendered his pension, and declared
that he would not tax the government
when he coulk support himself. Last
week he made application for another
THEME ai'T serious fears lest the inter
ruption to the' agricultural interests of
France, should the war continue much
longer, will 'result in a famine,. or in
great snffering next year. All tho--in
dustries of that country have been placed
in a deplorable condition by the war.
C.Anaryt.vr collected statistics show
that in England, clergymen average a
longer life' than any other class of men.
The difference between the ages of 40
and 14 is nearly one per cent in favor of
clergymen, nearly the same between the
ages of 15 and 49, and more than ono
per cent between the ages of GO and 01,
and 65 and 09.
Tire large niajority of the sea island
planters failed to make their expenses
during the year just ended, and the
Charleston News says that the acreage
of sea island lauds that will be regularly
planted this year promises to belbss`than
half that, planted last year, owing to the
great difficulty in obtaining the needful
JuAncz will probably be elected in
BOMTON. has a saloon keeper named
Drum, and they call him the " spirit
sit rring drum."
Ai DEICIY 13matimiNaim, a rospited
murderer,,has asked Governor Hay, of
Ohio, to be hang,ed.
HintiEns the United
States this sumpor. He has not 'been
home for thirty-three years.
EARLY in life Peter Cooper broke
down in three different kinds of business,
and then tried the manufacture of glue.
That stuck.
'A MT. PiXASANT, roWa, scbool
Alice Kauffman, spoiled 2,100 consecutive
words, recently, and got a limo c fliblO for
lith• smartness.
Tni election of General Logan to the,
SOnalb, maims a vacancy in tiro offico of
Congressman at largo frOm Illinois after
the fonall of•Matgli.
TnAni is indiffin•ent as to 'who leaves
the ball'' while ho is sneaking. Like
Tennyson's "Brook"—man may...come
and men may go, but he runs on forever..
Tna Vienna papers have been translat
ing and commenting upowa stVe Ameri
can matter, Tiz : The dispute between
Theodore Tilton and the Rev. Mr.
Fulton. .The ;whole thing amuses them
AN isi9iithusiastic cabinet maker of
Weimar, Germany, hits offered to
send to con& BiSmaroli a'table of good'
Piirman oak wood, , on which toaign the
treaty - of peace with Franco. The
Minister declined this.'offer. -
T. Vuniti,'. one of • .the
pemocratio Congressmen elect in :fir ;
ginia; has published a letter showing
thikt by the adoption of the-third clanso'
Of the first article of their present Stitt°
Constitution-tile Virginians ' made a
formal and ,comPleto surrender of the
doctrine of 8040, Itgwereiguty of petiteS
TramE is a eharactmistic 'story of
General Manton:las "liberality" at
Rouen.- The deneial cent for a barber,
who consequently attended upon him at
the inn. The General next, sent to the
Inn keeper f?r.aNapoleen, and gave-it
Co the barber for his services.
Coursinfou of Brooklyn, has been
arrested for a habit ho had of pounding
his wife over do head with his bolt.
He claims that he can show by a receipt
of the shoemaker, that the boots were
paid for. Then why this persecution?
NAPOL#ON HI, sent a ° Christmas
present of five Quusand francs to the
French 7prisoners at Dresden. It watt
In.-Awned to him by au aimost unanimous
vote of• the prisoners, who refuse to
accept any .presents 'from • the former
THEY have on exhibition in Berlin- "a
stone maiden," said to be a petrified
young lady, who was buried alive by the
Inquisition in Spain many hundred years
ago. This unrivaled fossil can be seen
at the "Red CaMle," hi conjunction
• - acaectimet those - -mysterious
cuts usediiby the Inquisition in
. g . the torture and the rack, which
f ancient date, and officially and
scientifically -authenticated.
His Boston agent says that Koopmans
chap has entirely given up for the
present, the idea of attempting to get
Chinamen or women to come east and
take places in families. They will, not
come except in colonies, as at North
Adams. Many applications have been
made by manufacturers for supplies of
Chinese, but .none have been_willing-to
advance the. $7.000 in .t!old necessary to
bring a Maud..., of Cf.ent
.About Bonze:
Ihom—The price of flour:
CLEAN your pavements of snow
SCARCE—LocaIs and greenbacks.
Tirr:Slioe. Factory, in this Uoroil~
still remains idle:
Low.—Our terms of subscription
only $2.00 per year in adr.nce.
- Is you have lost or found anything
advertise in Tim. HERALD.
IF you wish to make known yourhusi
ness, advertise in THE HERALD.
IT is rumored that an Artillery com
pany is lobe stationed at Carlisle Bar ,
how annoying it is to have the cars
leave the depot before a person is quite
ready to take ),iteigi-_%laeature.
OUR markets afro well attended this
winter. High price's are :realized for
nearly every article offered for sale.
Ransom wishing to "rent stormrooms
or dwelling-houses, would do well. to
consult our advertising columns.
IF you wish to obtain a good local
paper, surpassed by no other county
shoot in this section of 'the State, sub
scribe for TEM HEn4r.D.
'JOHN S. Low° kedps con
stantly on hand splendid New York
State apples, of all the Standard varie
ties. Storeroom in the, Franklin )louse
Row; - Give him-a ' ' -
Tuu. twenty-second of February,
Washington's birthday, comes on
Wednesday this'year, and we have heard
of no preparations being made to
celebrate this once popular day, in any
manner whatever.
A SI:CMS:I—Mc night school under
the control of Messrs. Emhick and
Zeigler. The, school now numllers about
65 regular attendants. The sessions are
about two Mors in length; opening at
half-past G . and' closing at half-past 8,
each evening.
131 - KJ7NEB.—Mr. George Colviii con
tinues to furnish, to his numeroui' ciao
mers, the-very finest salt water oysters
in the Market. "Bossy" Wetzel al
ways buys the best to be hady and
George gives large stews. If you„ want
a good dish, go and see Bossy and George.
IF You wish to obtain a large, hand
some, colored sale bill, give us a call.
Persons obtaining• sale bills Tuts
OFFICE, receive a local notice ttntil the
day of sale, which atone, is worth more
than the price charged for the bills.
Give us a call, and examine speciMens,
before going elsewhere.
IT is the intention the colored peo
ple of this coenntinity to art° the sur
plus) funds, obtained fremiil jubilee,
held in Himont's Nall last week, together
with other money raised by subscription,
to the building of a neat and substan
tial. frame 'fence around' their grave
yard, in the Northern part of the bor
ough. '.This-is amovo in the proper di
rection, is this place of burial has been
neglected for mart) , years, and the man
ner in which it has been allowed to re
main, was a shame to the people insing
it as a place of interment.
dz 42 : _______.4.___.
postmaster, gives notice, that on account
of the great nuisance , of the school - obll
ren crowding to_the postoffice several
times during the day, to Am great in-
Appycnience of the clerks, - and hilliness .
pertaining to the office, it has been
deemed expedient to furnish no more
mail matter to children under 15 yeafs
-of-Tager-afterAgoaday-next, 7 J - inuary, l l3o:-,Awsents a written.
order, or request for any` mail matter it
will be furnished them.
bath morning last, tho Sitnday, School'
connected with the Second Presbyterian
Congregation, of this place, held theii•
anniversary in the Court House. Interest
ing remarks mere mado by tho pastor,
Rev. J. Norcross, Prof.. J. IL &hit:
maker, of Chambersburg, Rev. Reigert,•
of - Mechanicsburg, Rbv. Logan, of this
place, and the. Superintendent of'the
school, Mr. 11. K. Peffor. Tho exercises
wore interspersed with music by the
school. Thopastor also presented Bibles
to ton of the selfidars foi accurately com
mitting tho Shorter Catechism to
memory, •
ltcronr of money collebted :for the
purposd' of ropairing? tho fenco around
the colored graveyard :
Amount of monoy•taken in at
Jubilee, Jnnuaril9,
_Balance in. Treisury,
Collected by Committee
JaCkson Davis, • $2 11
Richard Johnson, jr., • • 524
Charles Baltimore,' 19 04
John NOrris, ' 22 04
Saiimel A. Jordan, ' 20.40,
$76 b 2
Financial coMmiiMo—David Webb,
Samunl'A..loydan; William H. Jennings,
La ci2,14001; and Um
SEE tho lists of Jurors drawn for the
special courts in February, which appear
in andther column:
SALE .13m.s.—Isen3ons in need, of sale
bills, of any sip, from. an 4glith-sheet
to a double-sheet, can be accommodated
by giving us a call. 'We are turning out
handsome sheet sale bills, in two, colors,
the present season, to which - we invite
'inspection. Our prices'are made to suit
the times. Give us a call.
VALSSTINI DAY.—The almanac in—
forms us that valentine day will come on
Tucisdai, the fourteenh 4 Proximo,
ready are. the dainty little love tokens
exposed for sale in the windows of our
drug and periodical stores. Of into
years, however, the practice of sending.
Valentines has been gradually dying out,
-and the day is now honored more- in the
breach than in the actual observance of
-the same.
AN Oyster Supper Ni ill be given at the
residence of Mrs. Fred. Cormitan, on the
evening of Thursday, February fl,
the proceeds Who used for the purpose
or liquidating the debt of the Gorman
Reform Church, of this place. It would
be superfluous to speak inpraise of the
superb manner in which Mrs. Cornman
attends to her guests on occasions of this
kind, as hundreds can testify. By all
means abtend:the supper, - and while do
ing an object of charity minister to your
own physical comfort.
A GOOD IDEA.—Chief Burgess John
S. Low, conceived the idea of making
the. male portion of the "bummers" in
carcerated in Fort Foreman, at least
earn some of their "grub." Accordingly
on Tuesday morning last, 14 of these
noted individuals were furnished with
shovels and brooms, and being placed
um er t e survet lance o the policeovere
directed to clean the pavements around
the four squares. ' In the afternoon they
were then ordered to shovel walks ,
through the old graveyard, and Ashland
Cemetery, and also clean the pavements
surrounding Dickinson College. This is
right, find .we heartily , a rove of the
- CaptiiiiiTiffea. TitIPTEMIreS" would
soon "steer clear" of our county, if con
stant employment were furnished then'.
CARLISLE MActurtE 'Woatt9.—We
would cal] attention to the advertisement
of Messrs. Ga . rdner & Co. which appears
under the head of " New To-Day."
Among the various implements manu
factured at this .establishment, is the
Cumberland Valley Thresher and Sepa
rator,.which the proprietors claim to be
equal, if not superior to any other
machine of this kind now manufactured.
They also build tho Cumberland :Valley
Self-Raking Mower and Reaper, with
desirable changes and improvements.
Also, the Willoughby Patent Gum
Spring Grain Drill, with or withbut
Guano Attachments. They also manu
facture and keep constantly on hand
every implement needed by the farming
community.' Sco advertisement.
'l'n current issue of Lippincott's
Ilagaeine contains a great variety of
articles Upon subjects of an entdrfaining
character. "On the Ice-Belt" is a
graphic description of thii beautiful and
striking phenomena attending the form
ation office along the Shores' of the Groat -
Lakes. " The Marquis" is a quaint and
humorous story that will please by its
novelty. "The
. War Records at the
Patent Office" constitutes a very interest
ing account of the numerous inventions
made in arms and hospital apparatus
during the late civil war in this country.
" Rome on the Twentieth of September"
is a narrative of the scenes which marked
the capture of Rome by the Italian forces,
and is furnished by an actual observer.
Lord Palmerston is the subject of a very
pleasing and instructive sketch front the
pen of Mr.. Robert M. Walsh. In this
article the distinguishing traits of the
mat premier's character are clearly and
forcibly portrayed. " Chess" by a
Tenth-rate Player, will be found agree
able and suggestive. The poetry and
stories of the present number are in
keeping with the usual elevated standard
maintained by Lippincott's Magazine for•
productions of this nature. The
"Monthly Gossip" it unusually interest
ing. Not to speak of other things, we
would mention in terms of eulogy a
brilliant and entertaining sketch yr the
incidents connected with the din
given to Mr. Dickens in Lonilon, for io
his last visit to America, and of tar oc
currences of his cut ward voyage. Lip
pincott's Magazine is certainly gainiinz,
both in the already high tone of its
articles and in the variety of its contents.
The full-page -Mils:cation which ac
companies the story entil led, Tl.e
Marquis" is very beantirol. •
gle number, 35 bouts. - Liberal clubbing
rates. Specimen number,thiled to any
address on receipt of 25 cents. J. B.
Lippincott J.;_. Ce., publisheri, 715 and
717 Market 'street, Philadelphia.
DittssllurtEnusAL.—fhi last Monday
evening, notwithstanding the severe
snow storm, Good Will Hall was crowded
With the honorary Members and friends
of . the Philharmonic •Anoeiation, that
being the evening appointed for the
"Second Dress Rehersal" of the Asso
ciation. . •
. . .
This Association was organized some
three or four months since, 'and now
numbers twenty-threm_activo, and. about
forty honorary members. The list of
Active members contains sonic of the
bes't riausical talent of our town. The
meetings aro held every Monday even
ing, and the Dress Rehe'rsals once a
month. Any person may become an
Honorary member by the , payment of
000 dollar Per annum, 'and this entitles
them to attend all.meetings of the Assp
ciation. Parsons willing to become
members .can apply to sny members of
the Association. Wo mannot criticise
the performance, but merely state that
it was excellent throughout, as might be
expected frOrn the names of those in the
programme which we hereto, annex.
. Programin's:l Full Chorus—My Home
is in the Mountain. 2 Solo and Chorus—
Slimmer Sweetii will come again, Misses
Conlyn and Beetem, Messrs Landis and
Spangler ; 3 Duet—Holy Mother Guide
his Footsteps, Miss Miles and Mrs. Lau.
' dis. , I Solo--The Old' Sexton, Mr. Kel
ler. 5 Solo =and_ Chorn's—Driven from
Home, Misses RheY and,Beetem, Meesrs.
Ogilby and Herman.. 6 Duct—Go 'whore
• the Miits 'are Bleeping, Misses Annie and
Mollie Ogilby. 7 Full Chorus-4Th°
SwisS Girl. 8 Full 'Chorus—Call John.
0 Solo Dreams, Miss Cmilyn. 10
Ohorus—Gaily ' Launch and' Lightly
Row. 11 SolO—A - Hundred. Fatlfoms'
Deep, Mr., -Masonhoimer. 12 ' Duet—
HomeJo from ur Mountains, Misses Con-'
lyn and .15 'OgilbY. i .p solo—Maw tho
Life Ilbat, 14r;•Landis. 14. Full Blionis
-Praise od from ."Fhons. all Blessings
Flow. - . ' . ..
The )0 ano , was ahly presided over • Ds ,
Mii3k..bilia Noble, tho AtigiAtant OrOulpt
of tics AsilOgiittiOrt,. - • - - ' ,
17 67
$4.8 08
DECEASED.-=Nathaniel Eckles, csq.,
a former 'Commissioner of this county,
was buried, on Sabbath last, in the
graveyard attached to the Silver Spring
church. The fundral was said to Imre
been very largely attended. " •
RU.1'9101:3 MEETINGS.—A series of
protracted. meetings arc now in progress
in the First Methodist Episcopal, the
Evangelical and the Bethel churches of
this place. , May success crown these:
meetings. . •
• PROCESSOR S. D. ThLizrArr; or Matti
son College, will deliver the next lecture
of the course, for the benefit of the
Soldiers' Monument Association, on
Tuesday evening, February 7. Tickets,
35 cents ;or 3 tickets - for $1.30. We will
alfnounce the subject of the lecture in
due time.
NOT SOON AOAIN.-1110 thirty-first
day of December, 1870, was the last day
of the week;the last day or the•month,
^ the last day of the year, and the last day
of the'deceinfial. A well-inforMedgentle
man says that this Caine. combination cc
cured in 1710, and will again oce.vvrin•
1010, and also in 1000 • •
Tine days are getting longer. A
marked dillerence in tub length of the
days is very perceptible: The Sun rises
at 7.10'a, m., and sets at 1.10 p. In. So
we go ; . the present Winter has already
run nearly half its course, and we have,
as yet, been subjected to very few of the
rigors and severettes of old JiMk Frost.
QEF FOR Tn.F. EAsT.—Sheriir Porewan
Will leave for Philadelphia, on Monday
morning next, having in charge the
prisoners convicted at the recent term of
• the Quarter Sessions. Three of the in-
Lo tlm - L:cstcrn - i
the other one will -be
placed in the House of-liefnge (hiring his
minority. •
CONFERENCE.—The, next Annual Con
ference of the. -Methodist Episcopal
church, will COIP,CIIO in the First Illetho
-dist-I4iscopal church, of this place, on
Wednesday, the eighth...4llly of March
next. It is expected Um( fully 21) min
isters will be in attendance durbig the
progress of the Conference, in addition
to the large number of strangers that
will be attracted here at: that time.
ANOTHER .Rue - Orr.—On Saturday
evening last, two young horses attached
to a buggy, belonging to Mr. lundy, from
the country, managinl to get away. from
their - driver, 'and. made things fly"'
through some tf the principal streets,
and finally " brought up" against the
griveyard wall at, We foot of Bedford
street. Result—No Benson injured, but
the buggy was considerably scratched.
NT i Novi has been made in s,,inejlilar
tern, to produce an impression that the
clergymen of Carlisle are responsible for
the removal of a portion of the troops
from Carlisle Barracks. It is sufficient,
perhaps, to say that the only action of
these clergymen; -in the- case, - was to re
monstrate against a dress parade of the
troops on the Sabbath, and against spec Ld
efforts to draw a crowd of people 6. at
tend upon .the playing a_ the_ h:wd-of
Music on that day..
Os Monday morning last, a guard Jr
U. S. soldiers brought to the Barracks,
a fellow-soldier from Fort Mel lenry,
hand -cuffed and gagged. The prisoner
was charged with having attempted to
take tie life of an officer, while utatimi 4 ed
at the 'latter post. Ile has been brought
here for trial before the Court martial
at present in session at the Barracks.
The man, we are informed, acted very
badly . during his journey, and aft ; tii• he
had been placed in the Cumberland Val
ley eats. immediately began quarrel
ing wills the men having him in charge,
and di,miting , their authority over him ;
but, of coin se, desperate men Must have
strict I, mcdies applied to bring them
t i n d, subjection.
lII' NA WA V.—On Thursday evening last,
between 7 and 8 o'clock, as Mr. Jacob
Thulium, proprietor of the Ctunberland
and Perry Exchange; in this place, at
tempted 1,, get in his buggy, in front of
Faber's hotel, the pair of spirited hayi;
atta.•hed 1., the vehicle started oil at a
rap id rate, throwing Mr. Thudium again
the wheel, and severely bruising
Ilt) We,: convoyed to his residence, when
14. Harman was called in. It was at
first. I'j:trod that his ribs were broken,
but upon ex:lminationit was ascertained
that such ,was not the caSe. Wevtre
pleased to learn that the injured gentle
man has so relr recovered as to be able to
tend to 'business again. The horses were
arrested in II etc before proceeding
3 great *list .nce, doing little or no dam
age-iv thu buggy. ' •
• - NirritEn SNOY—On Sunday night
last, snow began to fall,' and continued,
without interruption, until a late hour
on Monday night. It was accompanied
with a considerable - align Of wind, Vitus-.
ing the snow ,to drift very imich - iu
sonfti although it did - not im
pede - travel on the Odndierland Valley
Railroad, as all the trains passed througlh
this place on schedule time.. As we
write this article the merry jingle of the
sleigh bells greet our ears, - itroving con
clusively, how very acceptable a huge
bed . Or snow would—be—received-b4-he
younger portion of our community.
,Judging from • the manner iu which the
runners drag over the stones, we are in
clined to the opinion that, the sleighing
is far from being good. Thb "storm
appOars to have been very general all
oven thecountry, and to such extent iu
seine Focalities as to greatly obstruct and
cut off all travel by rail. •
I,IOIOW the court nroceeding;"of the second
NITA . , entire :
11. M. Roller • vs. Joshua V9nlclin- 2 -
No. 239, August tesmt,
Sur. Mesh. Lien. No. 680. By, consent
judgment entered for plaintiff for $403.-
' C. Eberly vs. E. T. Bauck—No. 453,
August tern', plaintiff:
By consent judgment 'entered in favor - of
defendant for $42.51 and costs. .. ,
Coin. of Penn'a. e.v.i.,31. Eli;! ),'ol3`ciyer
vs. Lewis' Tifer. and Jcem IL Gross—
Ito: 114; BMicinber 'term, 1833,-Sum
mons .in debt. on ' reeogniianco. 'By
consent , ftalgment entered for 'plaintiff
for $350:.'
Wm. E.j
Bourk vs. Myers & Son-149.
103, • Nov mber term, 1883-Bummons
in debt-4udgment'confessed:
.T,,.1.P. Binnelierger vs.' .1. W..llesh
'man and J. W., Arbogast—Nor 180;
April' term, 1870—Summons' in-debt—
By consent judgment entered : as , per
sta L tement Med : .. ' •., ." '
. M9Candlisli & Eon vs.'ll. M.-Davidson
and wife—ls To.. 337;.April term, I§7o
Tried. and overdlet in favor of plaintiff
fot $00.134.. • , • •
REAL ESTATE SALE.-011 Saturday last;
Joshua Fagan, sq., sold, a two-story
frame. houee, tho, proporty of Mrs.
Griffith, on Penn street, to the Mistes
Parks, for $525. .
Lio DEL MAGI, wizard and vonteilo
q'uist,'held forth to a vary slim audience
"on Saturday evening last. This was,
undoilbtedly, owing to the cleric of the,.
Weather;. as the night .was "dark and
stormy." A number of gifts were
awarded to individuals present, at the
conclusion of the evening's entertain
ment. Among the articles giveil away,
were $l.OO in greenbacks,' a silver
pitcher, sleeve buttons, lead pencils, &c.
ness, of this place, has purchased the
circulating library, late in the possession
of John 11. Rheem. The gentlemanly
proprictoris making large additions to
his library, weekly. The following ap
pear among the selections for this week
Siamese Court, by an English governess ;'
Joseph and his friend ; tie flrey the Lol
lard, by Ftancis Eastwood ; Half hour
with hest letter writers ; Sunintez in my.
'garden, preface by Henry 'Want Beech
er ; Beatrice Boville. Also, music of all
descriptions. Remember the place, No.
13 West Main street.
Zoe AGAIN.—The ZOO troupe passed
through this place, on their way ,to
Mechanicsburg, to fill a two nights: en
gagement, on Tuesday forenoon.
Him Yates, the'popular Easiness . .. Ma
nager speaks in flattering terms 'of their
late trip up the valley.
Ile also told our deal ~ contidentially)
that he had engaged Rhocm's Hall, for
three nights only, next October, during
tire progress.of the Cumberlaml. County
_fair. Our the' - iire-goin:! citizens
110 doubt, hail this alinouniement o
heiriniticipated return with delight.
.Ws acknowledge the receipt of the
:Yew 'Park Observer Year Book and
Almanac for 1871. This pamphlet is
almost, indispensable to every one into
whose hands iL may ehance to fall. NV bile
it is furnished to the patrons 4 . the ,Yen ,
Fart Observer gratis, on the receipt of
the subscription price of that paper, •it
can Isr obtained, by persons' go desiring,
for the low price of $l.OO. e IL is a Very
rate, as well as instructive and enter
taining- book, containing, as it does, a
large amount of interesting information.
The Fir..L DHeehny of Nt,v \ - o,k, pub.
liz,h,cl iu 1756, is reprinttnl entire in this
w 1,11:. Four yeah; ago .a ropy of f irs
almanae brought $lOO at puldie mud ion.
Ilnanter.g.—C'atelt a young gentleman
and lady, the best wey you can ; let the
gentleman be rectr and the young lady
good looking ; put in a good Iluantity of
wine, and while he is soaking, stick in
a word two now and then about
; this will help to make him boil.
When getting rest;)'.,gill3,_tilke'_hiiu
out into the drawing-room, set • him by
the lady, and soap them both with green
tea ; and then seat them both at the
piano, and blow the flame till the lady
sings ; - NVITCIT yon - hear the gentleman sigh
it is 'time to take thcm off, as they are
warm enough. Put then , bythentteires
in a corner or the i.ovm,up-441-a 4,ofa,
and Otero let- them's - 101par' tngethef-the:
rest of the evening. Itepeat this three
tti four times, taking vale to place them
'side by shut at the dinner table, and they
will he ready for marriage . when you
want them. After marriage, care must
be taken, as they are apt to turn sour.
BEG 1.9 T E . 11 0F ,`-:.l L ES.
Bills Mr the following lniNe bee:
minted at Tuis OFmcc. :
On Ft iday, February 3. by dolin
Linds 3 miles west of Carliidc . , horsel
cow young cattle, &e.
On Thursday, February, 9, by A. G
MeCommon, in Dickinson L wushih, 005
hall' mile north-east or the Stone Tvern
homes, COWS, young cattle, &c.
On Friday February 10, by !noes
Quigley, executor et Jul in L. Waggoner
deceased, on the premise:, on the Wag
gonk I's (lap mad, wile: northwest o
:t lot containing 8 acre!i - and
pet eln.s.
OIL Friday, February 10, by Jacob
Miosse, in Neiv,ston, , Silver Spring
township, horses, cwt's, heifers, hogs,
f,tl wing impleLnents, Ll:c,
Febi miry, 11, by John
L. (*lons, in' L\lidalcsyx.
mile:: east of sheep, shoats,
boo .t.hohl antl Ichen nituro.
t hi Wedne,day, Fcbruatkl: - ., by Joseph_
Kunkle, in Dickinson township, 3 miles
east of the 'Stone '1 51 n, horses,. cows,
young cattle, &e..
Ott Thursday, February 10, by Ilcury
Ihn.l.«mberger, in North Middlet MI town
ship, 3 miles north of Carlisle, hoUes,
COWS, young cattle, &e.
AM Friday, February 17, b'y heri F.
Mocker, in Monroe township, tidies
east of Chureltbiwn, horses, cows, young
cattle, &e.
On Saturday, February 18, 3 con
demned horses will be sold at the Carlisle
Barracks. , •
On Saturday, February 18, by Jesse
O'Hara, in Dickinson township, d miles
west of Carlisle, horses, cows, young 1-
oc, &c. .
- lls Saturday, February IS, W. F. Sad
ler, will sell, at public sale, at the Culla.
Jionso, in this-borough, a' house_ mai bit
of ground siuiatcd on North street, be
tween Bedford and 'East streets,. now in
the occtipancy of Philip Shearer.
On Tuesday, February 21, by Samuel
and Martin Benti., in Westpennsborough
township; horses; coas, cores, yoimg cat
tle, &e. .
' Qn Wednesday, February 22, by Peter
F. Hollinger, in Dickinson township,.
one-half mile - south - of tlie - Stone Tavern,
horses, cows, feting cattle, hogs, sheep,
. .
On . Thursday,..Fcbrusry—'23;.,.l,w-John
Butz, in West Pounsborougli township,
1 Milo north-enst of Plainfield, horses,
cows, young cattle, &c,
ON Tlmrsday, February 23, Chas. 11..
Hepburn, assignee of Michael lliipnioh,
will sell, at ,publio Wale, 'at the :Court
House, in this borough, a largo three
stOry brielc-dwelling hong°, together with
a: faro tan-yard, the darn) property con
taining 100 feet on East street, and 240
feet on Ponifret street. , • •
On Monday, Vebruary 27, by Christian
and Mosos Glatfelter, in Middlesex town
ship, 31 miles east. of CarliSle,. horses,
cows; young cattle, shouts, &c.'
On Tuesday, February 28, by Thomas
Prowl], 4 miles northwest of Carlisle,
horses, cow, young cattle, farming.ini- r
plemonts, &a. • . .
Satirday, Janua'ry 28, by
ClienowAth, No, 801 Vest Pomfret stroot,:,.
Carlisle, household and kitchen furniture ;
On Friday, March 8, by Jesso;pahl,
in Middlesex township, 8} miles east' of
Carlisle, borsch, coins, young cattlek, • . , •
[Writtep exprEsely fur TIM HERNLI2.]
hY 6.'13f SAWBUCE, ESQ. •
Up from a vtonmeh overfed
living aching pnifir Into tity head,
The affrighted nerves wills a 'Madder bore,
Like a fan would thaff . over a tliregling floor,
A terrible ulable, and rumble, and roar,
Telling-a niggle ',lB on oneo More,
And ph' ele-41d0z ,, i1 °ruff eg away
And :•
rcec }till those Lillera of pin
wowed my alimentary lane, •
: tad louder yet to niynelling head rolled
'rho wa• of a stomach uncontrolled,
Croating a sweat Most fearfully cold - • -
An" thbuTLt of 11,0 doctor's eiorbitSnt pay,
pliyule—a ilozon or miles away.
But there is a real flow Roxbury (own,:
A iwirtiotti ilithlwity running down ;
A lid there, t hrough the shish of the gloomy night,
A hired, minus his one peeper's sight,
Was with n sulky light—
if esprit; lug his toaster fee'd, ' •
Ile lugged itivny %vim his utinrs: Speed ;
NI nil 'plashed owl Herr—but his heart was ray
With the daetor ;ea -ix miles away.
eF:vl ',red rrom thn, auoth,,..;l.•mt; the mire,
Tire fie fr mouth of a vendue
air augryl.llll. the fur vender Deter nud faster,
FuJelealing pain the loan of urulca plaster;
h.ea l of foal Pete awl the heart 44 ihe tleutar„
55 era: Ling i/llllgp . ltera!a 1,11)1'1111;th, ',ltalie
utatuit to la, illv re a heavy 6111 fulls;
The mud Na t theditilky a ere to the charger but play
11 MI 110CtOr pelf two lull. away,
alp IC, bidaddng fact, the road
111th a watery ',Aloe, mortar flowed,
And the bulky, with]. foPowed,behiud
Ilmtly; wive n ith a intelTootlowlined
But oil Ptdo. cht , ek full of corn•fed Ire,
Kept on with ldo r nr eye full of fire.
Ilet le! to wiser• h.• draws nitrhor—
.ll the pull gate!s stf piling the indell Iv y
Thu first Vie tl . :',tor tidw tans the. coated tOngno
Ofy • How, then thy weak nerves fechly etrung ;
Nvbat. was il• 11P, who t to In it-thought told bito gni •k
A h hitting 11!1 re I tIP-I,tv,it a ILtls kick,
ThYrs tolls f to Illy Cw•r ,nclt•p terribl c lot
if hut all of toy pait4itiiied in teoltol
For the sioht of the dull compelled it to stop
frond lack of hit itirg , rs the dcrt•ir toss dry
o Intl 11717 umlieg reply:
Thie phv3i,• 7,111. I brought at thro ,
ugh Ihr
nr Ji ll to cure your vain.”
liurr 111, for mat: un I bay!
And v. lino Hod!, dories nro plated in 11:3 U,
Toils through the nod tvlepusts of time,—
Conning eno treat teci,Ft of 'fawn --
It It MUSIC of sweittost
"If uit I sterd,l7.l ',owl paia,
By ,ying r. •loc;in' 01 ft Af , krdorril chu
I!,nt , t. 5 1 .011,171 4r.qt rifyl . ,
TBAYETtrrE JITRORS, fur the Cdurt of
C,,miown Pleas, Special, February 13
1:.',.r. A G , Clerk layll,-1,.
IL,rr. , d
' Ihudr 111..nrne 1.1. Sain I
. 11 tI t cod. •I ...u: Cal Ind..
111.,, L, 11 , 0 t 1 mi. titer I'n.ll%lu
, 1.., n.. 1 .I.dt,- I'd. in, Sout humph it
La l fort Nur( 11 )11‘1.11eton
,•1,. ti,: , ra '11t.., N'.. l'utnut Moldlutlex
1/.11,1, t 1,,,. 1 aLLdur I_l ppo,r {llea
1'.51... P. NI • I.. 1::( 1 Atm,. N.,:111 Mi•
I ~.. :.' D . Ind., ur . Ilutnptlun
lantningur. Id". ' I elm, )I,st Ponnebolu
.Er 1,1. Al, ,n, , lercl nAt Xert ?I
I:71. •1, r, .1,- I. Int.^ el Mud:l:tun-0.1.g ,
I I,llt. i.,1 1 Ilu.t I: td II Al, Intnirslnn,-
I', .I.e -. I. I, I urn,. Sill, I.l.tint;
111,..11,h4. r. Sand r1t.1.11, l'uldtblu
Fon' ott, :,..1, I' 1..1-1. )•111111t
1;1,411111. I II - k Ird, rtlfilSie
, i,lgt , . A .1 , :u1 IT 1 . ; ell'.ielnarl )1,11:111iC,1,1111.;
(1111..i1111/, .10:1 . 1 1;0111. WV' rariiulu
111,01, .1..i1,11 'l' 1i1.1.11,,,..aul 1;arlhilo
,1,..,., n .
N llTri el l'illa
K. , .1 , t,. NVIi r.lll Far ~../ ewtort,, ,
linlia , ,-Abruni Silt. th.r . Nreuslll6.
91 , Corn, It, .1..n...1 lu• :nu; Solt thumptnn
31rtrul, I, nl3 .1 t; Cimoli I, il rl . Carlialo • ,
Ntr.ldul • S .1....... n Put dpur Upper Allen
M.., n, S I•di In, ..- •Sontliampton
Al. 1thu.,... 11, '1'...1., . CriViedu
) 11, 11.• n 1 lidnan 8111pyonv 'g llot
11 , 1111 , .1 h. Curtu. Fal tiler Ll'us t, l'ent,huru
516 , :,•r. - Pr It ' --
Pm - nit, ' ' LV;el . Arell
1. 1. 11111T1 . A.'lltil Al illtilltl 11
'-t t... I,u, tr. l'a, tnt-r tt, nth .Lltddlet• I.
l'arkt.r. Nt ' 1111;ons Fat., r . I.ilr. r Filling
Illr :r,n, .1. nu 1,..11, C.l4!.Yn
hailinp, 110411. A1e,1..k1,1 , alll-10
Itudulph..l..suptt t•htp•tnakor Sr,ll.:il Middltddtl
11....aidu, Ihtvtd. Farad, Sundt I)litlillutun
Stunt t. 11 in I' 1.1 In, Sunlit- Efiddl. tun
:Itni,,r, Irvin.,; k l'inn,,,ir, 12a.t Pennoont..
CA, ul , r I'l ..nk Int.l
11rdiduttnnt thirlitle
I% At.,...rhulp. 11' .1. I'n''
11,1 :diver Sptin,.:
11,.....1u; t• nun. 1 .litutlct. Cranktoril
iI"..A. 1 , 1,,1 , 1 I.nt Iner 51.1,1 IC.,
” . .lit:11 , 1,, Fund, I 1'a11111.1 . • North blithll. In.
Vont, I II ' r m ,„„ ['Nur MINI
THAN - Y.llSi? JII•liOlts for the Court. or
_Peas, Special, February 27
A ni.,,, Os., Si,',,;. r . MIIIIIn
0,100 Ist , Imniel I, tlioror llamptlon
I Iti , t, !Ivory Never Hie
II yvr, .I..ltzt F/11.1 rigr Last I'anuNhot o
It. ilk, V. . / NI, •Itimt Emil liennitho/n Chi...lmo ,illooitmkt, Munro,.
lionv her.) ..lolot S A gout Now, die
l'illitklo, dot oh I',.t :too North lidtilettut
Eliorly, S., otel l'ar noir Ilium/ Isn
1 , 1•11 lull, Ileithort I'vrluvr N , irth litlillv Pm
Punk. Ilmumr in Iltit•hur Ness 1. 11
FILI , •, Jit. trot. 1,•11i,1 1 . /1.4 P 01111.41.1 .,
1 . 0,11 +.lll, dolt,: II Loh. ror Silsvr Sio .1.4
limilitut..l 1: A Fir :nor Stool. Mpll , toil
at. ell Su,. l'. • t omit., P.llllll
I :I„1: I:..ntivm mn Carlivlt.
till, S IL notch,': . C.] Jude
.1 olio, Wi lam Shomnal, r ShipporinLig kor
1) 11.1,, II 1 I Litho cr South 01 old hit. u
Um :1 11g,, S,tittl NV home./ North; LllNltlislott
llottliolt , .I• 1 . I/ 1V •t; ',50i1... Frankton!
Iltotet lor, s s .. II nilsman kihippoonlouri; -
I 1..11m, 1' I. taint, Carllslo
.1... v. Outm Men hunt Nov Coml. , tilur a '
11, , .i', , Ims Id Farm, Soutintizipion .
Ro m .1. 11 n S ra:lner Penn I
1t.. ,, ,1re. l'lttli, Firm,/ Shlppeueliig Twit
I. tm, 31,1 In • Farm., Pilo .:
1,41.• 1., .1”1/11 1 . 3 , 111, Middlosas
Mlinto,Johu - /%1111:. 1 DlCkill.ll
1 , 11;1-r, I' ipt 1,... liellliO,,,:l West PO1)001011
)1, 1' . .• ~ 1V,,, (11.111i0111.,11 West l'unntMotio
NI. i.r, No lel Ithovuoililis Nowlitirti
II orv,.l:stto I Lahti., lienit
NI ,ii orN, .1 N i Lamm; ll'est Penn/SI, t.,
N .:',..• 1. .1.11.11 Farm,, S int Itampton
l'itt.r, II I' Mort hoot Citrlinln
'itittiop 1 11, I. r , I 4 ',l'„ ~ 0 Carllelt.
Ilvsio, A .IIM it I , Arlll, I' • :011t131‘1111.t. , 11
`l, I-.', Wi.. 1'.:1111. I NO, ton
'tl ..,'"All'l'd : , 11 , 1. 3, Carlti.lo
11. I, It .1- 1 t t Dieklimr,
1.11. A Lin 1'.. , :0tt C. : Mulish.
'1 ,N ;or, Philip Par 1 1 1. 1.. . Southampton
NV ,s .outo , .7 of NI. I , ,rtour North Middleton
II .1 1.-N, L.: kistl 1 1 trio cr Lower Allot,
11:, I tvt .:pout, Slav:, a, Slyer Spring
NVillialit, .Nl , l II 11,1 111 Far 11 , 1' I,lllrl/O
LITTLLI,'S LIVE`i(I Aar•,.—Among the
contents of Ligen 'Living •lge for the
weeks ending, respectiMy, January 7,
11, :old 21, are Castle St. Angelo, by 'W.
\V. Story, Blackwood's Magazine; The
Science of Nonsense, .s);cciator; The,
name of Cone°, Fortnightly Review
Browning's Poems, Saint Pazas ; Louis
XIV as a Matchmaker,. Saint Paula;
The Arts of Destruction, Pall Mall Go
ethe; AlllerienTl Literattue, Westminster
Review t Wesley and Arnold on War,
Ham i/ Mogazine Some Recollec
tions of a Header, Cornliia ,lfigdane;
Life of Madam Beauharnais de Mir
mion, Speetator ; From an Eu,glifllmuty
•in Spaim„l2,4l4-,,MalZ—Uttzatc.,••-The New-
Constitution tif. 'Germany, 'Spectator;
the continuation in wedlsly inetalhnunts
of the new attyael,:lon,73eN-Time • and
Harvest, or Duringl73 . , AO - I : entice!llllP i "
translated specially for the pages of this
magazine I . l'olll the Pfatt Ductseli of the
favorite •German author, Fritz Renter;
the conclusion of Earl's Detiel ete:, be
sides shorter' articles and poetry.
Tin Lining 4ge-is also publishing a
"story by George MacDonald, and prom
ises to now subscribers for 1871,. the last
two numbers. of 1870, containing the
beginning of the - story, gratis - A - good
tiny) to subscribe. .
The subseription_priceof • .this_6•l page
weekly magazine is $8 a year, or for $lO
any -ono of the :'American $4 magazine
js dent with The -Living Age for a year
LITT . EILL & 9-AY, - 136'sLon,. Publishers. ,
• -Timmy, Srot,inh-L•On . Saturday last,
Chief Burgess JOhn .S. Low, • received a
telegram from Mognuollsburg, F4lton
county ). stating 'that a horse had been
stolen `l3n the 'previous night. The
following is a.dest,•ifption of 'tho animal
‘‘Sortel horse,: eight years old, .sixteen
hands high, hind feet white, soar in fore ;
head, near eye dim and carrieffip.well."
Twenty-five dollars will ho liaiil - for the
'reeaory_ of the horio. :
Theio.aPpears to be o regularly organ
ized:gang of horse thieves in this section
of the State, as scarcely a web :passes
by that we do not hoar of gm fk.i.sons
horse or berseri' being stolen. , .i6terts
should:at once bo intido to & k: oup • tlio
individuals eugaked in this , . ;steeling
.bUbinesS,'And bring them to justice.