Cheap eToii'll'S CoMniandirients CHEAP JOHN'S TEN COMMANDMENTS ! I am Choap John, wl:o\ keeps forth hi tho Franklin Ilotmr., teltintl tho Court llonso. Thai shalt buy at no other plaCe, but nt Cheap .TO Thou shalt not commit tho grelt orrorio go to soma othez pia r to linty. Thou shalt not..go to any other I,lnco to pay Om pricee, for I uni.njamlonn Cheap Sohn, wat,ll:llg lif•m stir Cohrt t tt I show mercy to the poor man in zking hint bargains. Remember I don't sell on a Bab MOM Honor Cheap John, for he is tho I”,nefikutor nf raNed Immard I . I hay° clothing,. I have 800 rot F Mill 1 have hats and Notion, I am the only Cheap John in Carlisle ,selling Illy goods 25 per cent cheaper than nay °the store. FRANKLIN HOUSR, I= (fieltind ('ourt- Irc,use,) CARLISLE, PA., NV S JOIIN'6 61UN Jan I SOLID SILVER and SILVER PLATED WARE Or voty ?tilled - apt ion and 'Mod , addlde for Blidarliitts, Testimonials, and Holiday PresQnts. fit to 'hp regular rot , . Ex tlit9p ituny nylaeoli.ul4 to purchasers. EI).II.IIECIITEL, NO, 7113 Al - 11 22.70 (t 11 , 1 Eland.) AGENTS WANTED. Agentswaut ,l, $751 0 52110 I• •r month. nude and female, do tell thn celebrated and trigiuul Common Some 1 '.,mlli honing Nita. Woe, improved uud perfeelotiopt will hem, toll, stitch, tack, bind, braid, nod embroider in It tunq viiperior manner. Price only $l5. For idudi) mid durability it tmv nn rival. Do not buy, iloin any iril ties telling marbou um],.4 1 name .Ine ozone as ourg, aolovi hatingPeittidNue t.l A gene) aignod liv nv, as they al, nortlile. o, tAro. Inachlues. For clrettlars and terms. apply adliFta 11. CR l ol'l'ollll 41 •droet, rhilnd •n. Boots, Shoes and Trunks STROHM & SPONSLEI, _A - co. ]3, ,50 nib, 'failure,. sdreet, Carlisle Thttet lot for the them here 1...f0re, du how .11101.111 re thvir 11.111:11 large SPRING STYLES OF 13.,4-YT AND 811 ES, Ladies and Aliases, Gents and Boys, Youths and Childs EMIEMIDIIII TRUNKS AND VALISES =I All of „, ail! I, 1,14 •ni email .41 .1.1 gill, ma rue,. or aut.nry 14 trio cHr, A.P Gdoda aro not the I. et. Whon ).,u gd t.. I/u nn ordle:a, and edpuclatly la the matt BOOTS AND SIEOE S go to it titular rut ttlioac Troi 'a you burr ly, Ka Tory w are gotta Judges of loat:ter. this 'lido of tho year many will ho vrlntin:; light hoott; and ehoes.for mummer wear. All honch can Is nocommotlated•nt ADAM DiSEBT'S, • whore pill be found a eapply at the loweet price. toot. and 'hoes made to et der with the Mulch& die Well. piaee of buelnoee No. 34 East Lout Tier street, Carlisle, Pa 41tp70 114 NI) CAPS ,„T G CALL:IO, T. 2;9 81.1[1;tT; CARLISLE, 1= The r. of Carlini°, 1 'Fltu ItiteNt.6losluse rorolvod 1 The latest titylce always ad hand I SILK HATS from Um Lest ALlnufActuros I I I If ASIIIOYADLII HAI'S just out I 11l J. 0. OALL,IO , w,l34en to cull attantlon to hielurgo IZZI ITATE. 4ND-CAPS manufhelorea Hate to order, and' bail the bast orrongothoutc for poiOrlng 1j te e Wpolon Goods anti atertoata,at ulan t riottao Tl. lAlghost CABII l'lrfbES phi for 7 COUNTRY FURS air,GIVE 11111 A CALT,..Va N 0 ,26 lIIAIWSTRI:IIT..' MEE Goods and Caa,pets.--. DOWN - 1 Dow RY GOObS', -AT D. A. SAWYER'S, E' A P 0 .R Arias Lower than ever! UNPRECCDENIED BARGAINS I Constant Additions to our Stock CHEAP DRESS DOORS! At 25 and'O cents, worth 40 to 00 cents. We aro selling Dross iloodg at 50 par rent leas than last month. I=l We are offering nimbi nt realm Viably low WATER PR ;OFS! WATER PROOFS A splewThl ut F 1.0) Sal 15=132 Vohot,. at ,fita, f.-!.00, nod upwaris MEM A splendid line of Lod es' and Chl turn We hnrr nu phi Furs with whirh to bolt cin.lonters Cunir 111.1 U. 211.11111.: Our steel:, frail you will be run vluced time we have the ehrupest Fairs iu the town. I= Corresponding to decline In gold. A heavy unblesched one yard wide. worth 15 rents, for 12j. Callcore, !Anglia:llli, and Tick fogs redo, ad. • A cheap lot of BLANKETS, just in from the mills. • MEV?. AND BOYS' WEAR Over.oatiags awny I'.ol‘ It. Men . t. U1140./111 iS -and up =9 Will suppil.lN4th nos eCiun unit' Iblo for Holltluy Traumata. Coma all, CoriO ull, and ea for - uurrels and Lave your money: @SI BARGAINS IN 1) 000 DB, FROM AUCTION, 0 ei T T. 1; S CHEAP CASH STORE New n • ..nd of the beige:et, ral I and \Violet Ul`o4l{ brought to carbide Ilda salient]. A large asvertment el ies Itre, U ed. In oval y variety. • Cloths,, Casgimeres, Ilttinet., uncorumenly low 13LANE ETS AND FLANNELS, very ch.!, SVATP.R.-PROON CLOTH idall color!, Mosline, Tidings, Gingham, &e.. at the Tory lowest notch. Hosiery, Gloves,- kindershirts, chepper than ovo,y, 'Voile lAnous, Toweling, and Napkins. AllOtinds of Notions, Threads, Yarns, Braids, Shirt Collars, 3e., de , in onitioiar variety • BpeCial bargain. !n 111“, k .11l , av as, (.I . n new make nud apletmlbl quality. Mill IMEI An entire new lot of runs. Great bargains, having no old ones. Parchssera can depend on getting a new and cheap article. Pin-chasers are earnestly requested to call and ex amine my stook of new goods. suit ant isfy thonsahres. NO. 47 WEST MAIN OTREP.T, CARLISLE CHARLES OGILBY EOM DECLItE IN GOLD I CORRESPONDING I.CLINIS IN GOODS! Quite ntv'excitement In thelrry C 11.13 markut, In sery LI - lurked Lleeljne in prices of , DRESS GOODS, Silks, Dolainee, M.riuoee, A Ipacons. ropllue, Sorigk Rel., a • large rarlety, eourprielug •oarly 11.4017 Ll3:eg la ILI. Ilite of goods. If • STAPLE GOODS tiiughtuns, Blanlieto,Cottouutl., Erntie Ly Jeans, CLOTHS a n d CASSI ER ER, LI non mid Cullen Ta' le I/Imp,re, Sifirtilto, Cheek. WHITE GOODS Nainu t ,ek, l'andstirs, Jt‘conele Frcutli Muni Tarlelntat,.Cambric and I>vriss ilagluatt and Its HOSIERY, GLOVES, vat rai ,LiLlioun, too quality, !late anti FANCY GOODS ura gnat many ntyk ,ellll all Ivry cheap Ladies' Undor Clothing, cry Landsonsoly madentt trlmuinil. Also CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Ituggett . , Rug., liinilow Olin.le., Quilts, Count., aid nianygooil. tint mentioned W• claim to haro the largeet and best stock of Dry lloods ht the It tqior the 9tatr, and will a all at ench pricen as will &Hey/di that tins in the plaec tw get Blood Intrfnttr 11m1P30 amaz m Co. Plumbing, Geri rifting, afr•. ~ JAMI CAMPBELL. W. F. tin,Nwoob pLIMIBINO ; ci A_ND STEA4 92 No. 18 North Ilanovor Strcet, CARLIST.P., BT.ILL AT BUSIN1!;SS! • The untiorslvlod aro now fully -prepared to alto.' o tjldintalatocla in all in dltrot,nt I.rancluw. Thug Ise kilep tonalantly no hand and for sofa, a VATEIt (.11.01ETS, BAT!' TUBS iVATEIt CLOSETS, . BATH TUBS, '.WATER CLOSETS, BATH TUBS, WA! 88. CLOSE CS, BAT!' CBS, WASH BASINS, BYBRANTS, Lilt and Force Cisterns, Llft end Fore Cisternsi anti lissp Weil Pumps, Lend, I enta Cot and peep Well Pelops, Load, Terra Colin aud Iron Pipe, Cline ney Tops tool Flues. GAS PIPE AND FIXTURES fllobse; and all , k Inda or Dross Work for steitni water .couatnntly on h•nef, or forninhad to order. Dwellings, Charclies; liactories and other bulidin.ts, In town or country, fitted up'with ovalness npd.• - patch. All work warranted. l'Itn1;n1 for public iatropui;, qo 116po by on lot ottoutlon to buoineoo to tnotlt n continnonco of t. , , oolno. Terra, rorotonublo,'lt rnqulrlng but' ono ti - .0 to flout., your cutitorn. MVO nu wool!. Pou't tho place, Ito 18, North Honour otroot, let tho 1.1,1 - moot of 81110'11 1101.' AlMrilors loft at th residenco of iltbor Stuart. - --- - -••-• • B"o.ll3fPiEfoL on IfENWOoIi at any lime, either day or ,right, will. ba promptly ralanded to. Janice Campbell, AlaaanderlOtow, Pltt Crest, or Wllllgm Ilenwood, South street, above .11nrine .reclal adrantagaa we are proparod. to furnath COPPER WORK Of ALL DERORIPTIONS . , .for 1414 Kousas and other imrpoloo, at' Loae or at a dlntanea. COPPER. PIPE fain lohod to Ardor, olthoy drama,. .1. brazed: 112= 1111 elr4h iutrl Furnishing Goods T HE MI ecidedly, the largest stook pf 1303 for Melee, Youths', and DA' wear, to be nknt the old and popular Flora of In Carllte,i AAC LIVINGSTON, 22 North Tlanover Street, where you can .find the latest production. of Euro p an and American mrtunfacturo. • -"I CLOT II S of eery door dosrilpin a and quality, nfol all the varloas popula: and fahltionablo Hlaaler. , !(.)1, lorgo• dleplu)eil Cassimeies in endless variety, , M ceds, 11= ,ploltlf 1 stork of .I, An clock Ready-made Clothing, of our own manufart ore, equal to garluenle outdo to order. A rplendid lwfrorf went of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goode EEO ME Paull fall to give nu n cull . We are deter alined to sell cheaper that. any house EIME =EOM pliussu BARGAINS) ( Tbo find battle won by CHEAP JOAN In selling• goods et,yrices to suit the people. Buttner and Blitzen vie kommt ee, that Clic nplin ran acil hie Clotlilnzi. Boot. and Flionn, Culla., So., Illty per cent divnieti than nth,r litininn being? Allen er—latteuttsu Ile gooe to Big Eire. in Mill If you o to I ho.ip .1"11, at 1:01nv Wetzel', h. ( . 1111 !CO you FINE CALF' BOOTB, Wbole !,- . 3uit, of Fall Clothiug, _ at $8 00 And :hoe. Ibro.n tho bargnin See - Cheap Jelin, beitig poOr, le the Met& and Jeans, His plat, nf buelnces In axe - bnlldlng ATTACHED TO THE VRANXLINHOUBE hi rear of the Court- louse - 4 nug7o ptAIN FACTS MBE R E A D I N G! A large, wo I ustabll.lsod, and .uucea.ful bumll. with Yn'expuriu.. of usure thou tn•uty-fivo ys suable us to offer luttuesmoult to 01l who •re abo to bccom;purt Itit.ers of CLOT Irq-Nr'S. second to no e310.1:01:1..t iii IL• cuyintry Oti urrneu La are all made of CLv liens malarial:, cat dully helucted ; holloologo uutoutotoil oor Iv nny wo.y ialp,or!'er Is u.ade up At aI I, oil', Iu tb• fewest grail,4 uf ,oud It Is Wrrell en.l,:lsL, l luct swung, list mt • .Iteatly-!ludo Ctthing - , in t•reglLh.ig that lows t mukl nre upel Ln garilluta, Ly 4117 10,0 of g ods i n 11.11.01:Aphlu Out angartment . !. an lilt to nut "'allot] that 41,‘.. onu run t filtt.l at uuca, nithout del.y. Our ink. aro alwaye gmarautood as low, or lorror, tlaao tL lowest rieetrhrre. We bare also n One Iterot luorut o =I lit.h S' Ilrbu rt.adu up to oldur, lu the bust monitor and at prices lunch lowe. than are unusually rhargod for ormento n4l.leici crthr. Samples of goof„ with price lints for all kinds (eraa•ete, forwarded Id wall at an, time whoa re von:led, WI.II I.ntrincl lons fon solfloonourontant, and girEjnoutoi, ell her made to cuchn or ;olentutt (row our Ilu+dy-3tude'. tor)f m •xrded by exprems, guaranteed =I 11011 . 01itlingl....,eriti whoa‘ dolphin, call nud linvi their ponnuro rugleterid on our books helit fur that purpotr: from wltiehoor 1!1!!!E=1!!! 13EYI)I'ETT & CO., TOWER ILALL, 51iS MAR/7a BTREBT, betweim FMJ luld'Fixth Stroots, ME= The Choicest Sarcirang Tobacco T HE BEST , AND CHOICEST .%.1i 0 K G \ A 010'0 -FACTORY $O. -1, MONO 31) • hIST . ILLOT Jr..ty-Sot: that oveij.:packagi you , bilitioara tha • latoriptton. 400ct70.1, =II AND WINTER GOODS, raliuets, Cheviots, 4e Curl otb gs IMES2I IPA AC LIVINGSTON, IFIMMT•FSG•t-G-Cl.. EstfOlished 1847 IS= At $3 $O of the poor man (Bviny. Watured 11E111 1411L1DELPIIIA 1!1=!IMEll ED DWARE, SAFES, tee gAgLISLE 1871 kRDWARE noustn 'LOX. J. P. Patin. D. D. SAXTON . • . lECITE SAXTON 6 ., 00., N 0.16 EAST MAIN StRAIIi.T, Carlisle, 'Pa., MEE B=ll MEN 1 1 ,!.. ~ping; ra!oilwg NT .chniticv Itllllllll, MEE =1 N I I 'l' I C' I NI, Im‘u, B 8 \ 11. Fart ill his Its aulvviat , vl v, ;!t 1.1,111,, . The fit tn n - 111 till! uthittu,,itt.i.ot• a hbort crrdit theqnutval I.• Jollt .1 Iwo h.,. Ill.:, I .10 4i.ndttoled aitopt a ,bren months to r.;.onsildn joirti•v nt 13Effi! all pnrliv 9 creditf is our Lilly will 1m lotvli•red,, milk h Ifni April, au], =I MEI for past pstronagr, and splirltricor MIME I=! We remain revectfully, I=l µjolll by shall re.dve 2. prompt at ltvill be sold at ns low rat. as If delivered MEE MIME I 1 perslln .Jan" .MILI4ER & BOWERS' RI) 11'11 I?L STORE, 2.6 NORTH II; NOVER STRUT, =I , ‘ll7 E respectfully call the:Lao-I -v ti,t, of thp pobtk to our rreently ed STOCK OF lIAItSWAItif nfaltlut; It Iwo Eln o of the lurAcbt In Combool.l,l V:Illoy nod onfod,llls to rnrt of dIAMIIItIiED ANT, I IR, 0 N BUIII)0Y.; 11010 , 1: ( 110 LO, IA A Y RUD.9 ==l ANL, 13 U.11,1)11VG tri A TE BIA L ,Ja dElleP s, Paints C4l/111 .- et Makere, 'Undertaker:, and Cna,d, -.1c(4,1 U.ATERIAL Chaim?, I.ljOrils,""reFEK-IThll-ii, Repairs for 31cCORAII Cr.'S 117.APC!: on Land. IWo aro c , ..lastna!y In receipt at goo Is di, rat fr.} the thoutaaeturel.a - end ale able to tor. nish couniry merchants at Plalinielphla and jitisr York pricer CZ - 000,W delivered to all port • rd thu toot; I of obarre. IATIL('OX & GIBBS' S, E (I Ifl.l Cll.lll . 'F) IV6_llave secured 'the Agency of the Wilcox A: Gilibe Sewing Machine. is little family airangentent no one seams willing to do sritheat alter testing seen one iu opiratinos The II it cox it Gibbs' to a ;single Thread Stpchine ' and claims supetiot Its vet all Double Tltread Slachineis, in the following tiarelcu. hers: It In simpler, acel less liable to get cut cf te• pair; it is'clieaper; It runs with lets 'stoke; It runs vier;e lt funs (eater; It has the brat thole, for pr,- venting the wheel from retuning backward; it re• quires lead mechanical skill to operate it ; it requires late time And instruction to learn to US.. it ; it 15111.1 meet certain and reliable in Its (iterations; 11-i needle Is Straight and less liable to he lirehan than fr cut red one: the needle it secured in its place , by an Ingenloniely patented iTe•lcto which renders it belf-adjusihrg, no that neither &kill nor °aperient, ore required In arranging It; it reeve directly from the spool, thus doing assay with tAo tedious opera• lion of ressvinileng the thread for neljtittviiont is that shuttle: it makes the Wilcox A Gibbs' ' or" twisted loop stitch," a elitch origival kith this machine, and made by nu other; the seam Is more elastic and stronger than the Lark slit eh; the worn Is the nicest trite nail beautefeel; the /103111 in always sell fastened thetc,avoidlng n averailde feed; Its tonedon it mole simple" and morn alt adjusted ; it Is more epeeirli I r changed from 011 C klml 44 work lu another: it el, es bevittifol• embroidery ; It has the hi et hemmer ; it Ines the limit tiller; it has the best I:tiller; II ells, the total bele. l'he 'Wilcox it Glides teat been in this market tarn little mote than eight 'eats, dining which time upwards of sixty thousand have be-n mud. and sold, a munber be filly per cent larger than word sold of any Double ifieread 31achine In t h e SVIIIIO number of its earnest yenta. Such FllCel, Is sufficient go evarrant the sale Wilhite Machine whet over It titan MI agency, withent lb. doubt Ing esidence uf testimonials, of snllieh there are enough to fill up the columns tee the land. These Machines are ou octet Litton at bur store, NO .26 NORTH HANOVER STREEr, CARLISLE, where flay' may be examined, awl they will take greet pleimuro in explaining anytlilug relating to it, &e., 311unt & BOWERS, No. 26 North Hatton, Carlittle, P. 11211 Chithind, Piece ei,rfkodN, - < Vc HEAP CLOTHING CHEAP CLOTHING.! EEO -S_ X_ LLB.. S__ IBM CHEAP _1.0T111:: 0 ston 11 sbuTu iini•TovEn BTREET, fur bargtd?fl. 7 11 ore find a larso neiortmOnt of READY-H4DI/ epoTuuta, and boys' scar, frose the commonest to the Lost, for Mali' grades u ~ 1 of :my own nianufactOvk, .111 Bell at .IT:cos - Co defy competition. I and n large nail good tiettortmeat.of e•bich I bawl on PIECE GOODS, =I Ed= =I ' CORI/9,• • EIATINETX, Lo, • • ill sell by the yard. or cut and make uritO Ito best manual - , and at prices roueTor .eually charged forgtn afente tuadolo der. urge seeorttaoot. of ' ' *II Ich I Ardor, lu than nro Aloto, a 8111ItTS, IJNI J fgtllltTBp DRAWJRS, MEI 1 I • , .; BUCK AND KID aLoyEs, In fact o'ooryttllng • usually kept In a 13entlemon'a Suralturd tltoro. All of which *III. yell :cheaper than tho theopeet. , • .. Remember the place,' No. 11 SORTIE lIANOTBE STREET, bot.ween , lnhoff'd drocory .ana fiteolnu & Pionels,r'n glhooltoro. 1,11107( 1 •Dm .V. N. prutr, ffl EMPIRE 31 UTUAL 1871 ■ • 31PLIED 41111 DIUTUAL NSURA - N - C3 COMPANY, LIFE Fifteen Months of Re existence Las Issued = ORTY-PIMP lIIINDIIIID POLICIHEI I UM L'ltts(f OVER $8,000,000.00 IME in Proiniurni: §:500,000.00, :egret enunnenccuent bliglnern ever dune by tkny company In the world! and tal 1 I. the =ISM. vole-ilia pencil.. era Arise 7 ritely I.luEl (loth puyter•et of liver Ottawa premium. , Or On, d frt t blo I !!!!!!!=!1119 File t 1 pt /PI lit. ILA IneonfWetoloto f•r .1110 ncoulcat2ble alter two annual preluluuni„ AU I. HI ndnuletelyl Wane upon trAvel reed residence !emoted rite required. All rea l no 1 e, "Illation or into" u;t. 00 Luano or Loterrod and no inervose at 11110uol,royononto ou policies. act F.. 11 .y I 111 Vnr•thti of lb* proaduna !called to the or yto trod; if ditairol, unit no Nola required. Dividends on the progrees:to plea, alto also upon Diu guaralloe Interest Ilex. Buoinool of the ounapons contlo,todou the 3l of oat Plan. Polley slutplo and fair In its provisions Incontestability of Policies It la tho r.ori.ono of The ntnpi,o to fulfill all Its contracts, tho cridoure of which is that Its policy has no courenient rbfo6r3 by mraus of which It can mope n jupt dernsud. rruVell fraud on the port of the inured veil always I Ta !ditto a policy. , Alct; Suicide, it . Committed pre clout In the payment of the eecond annual premium; or death catieed by engaging In say epeoially hatardous business within the firnt two yeato. But attar the expiration of two years, the policy will be hold incontte 4 ble for all cams, except fraud. Nmi-Forfeitare of Life Policies No policy of insureneo Trial continuous payments for,llfe will Le forfeited or become void by tie non payment of premitune thereon, until the lull paying powor of the premiltHlS bate teen exbuneted. The lotto:lnge of the pulley Is: i',Tiat if any premium after the filet suutdd pre mium have boon paid, shell not be void on the day when deo, and the 'raid menred Abell, within thirty days theree - fter, glen iodide in writing of ina bility to pay O. came, And of a desire that .aid policy be continued .0 tone under the following eundillans. 'Then an I in each core tide policy ctoull not bo fog nyiteti c hecomo vol.! by !Ito 11,1 payment nettle said proul'lltll due thereon, until alter the lion - urn tin determined Pe tollorrs, 'to reit.TlM net...also of this policy when the pro mlnm becomes due shall he determined by notaavai calculation, and after deducting froni aucb net 7alua IL. Donne upon laid policy ancattre.ed by diralendo, road any Indebtedness to 1.1 l'ompamy, tour-101bn of whet remain. shall_ U. considered h pet - nine," prOmiyint of teirirpoiliry Inuaratice, and Gale polloy eball be Couttrimul'in force daring the tern for whiith it Irbil inenre, according to the ag• of the party at the time of Um !limo( the premium; Px ample of tim Xou-Forfeithl6 Plan of Ape ef parte in:rarer', 3& Ordinary 1441. it'Ss. FIA One annual remittal will continue the pollee In tome 2 Year. and 3 day,. ' 2 Two annual me rainann 14.1 annus the policy In funs 4 yearn and 12days Mute tAaual premiam• will continue for, 6 year. elad 27 cluys. Four uminul pttmiu me will cortinue tbs.puliey lu force 6 years and 46 day, ax utiol si.;) r , ,!!iry fort o 7,001 s anti id Jaye (;.Iton corgi., VI 11111 S:(1114y Sooretar. Lentwel li. IVater:3, Actitur) Th(mltzB K., 11. 1)., Exalr:let Evel:ett Chipp, I.\.gel;eit'S TM; TEsTnao-NY OF Tut; PRESS Phu Ihopire a •ikopUlar by reliable open, on soudd bovinasi ptinuiplv i i, and 13 deatiAnd IA a verr i varty day _to st.ted shoold•r•t) abon7der nit h the oliltivt vonspAtiiiik of i its charnel.] Lc the country. it, Orlieer. and dirsrto]e •' business," and haro orgad . ired with the • of establishing a model lortitutioe T. Indeveiti/- tent, January 20,1170. ' "%All ColllllAlly IX • great XXICI resu It of. able, .eronomleal, end reliable management. The Empire hoe no enporlor la the eoonlry.". Post "The iucconc or !Lc Jimph 1,1.6 Lola unvnrnamtl.' • ^" TI Bulylve wtll ottlact tha Intvrobt of 1110,0 oontensplatlug Lilo I Tratefifnan rind Re flector. - Ilir WATIft u 041.1,a7 ha Compair. ,wo fool Juit prlia ll;u gloat it I. ai:lsloCar."—.Era. n Imeolleut conip.y."—;ion's Hara/Kr: "A yiery 1111000nlful Compultv."7-Cturrein(ionatist 7 . 111 e. Mutual- le wnserpiesett. The inun goorteetel with It are, for three who know them, n 'eullietent recestmegdation of the Compeny."-.177te ME • • u "It fewith peculiar pleasure llairtwii speak of this neweiradidate for public limier. • We know many 'ma:intim the ?residua of the company, We know him to beKrain of •nsrCR of •basketer, of superior !malice. abitily,nuil shame!! aloe; t aueertieful man ts whetrer tuadettakee. The truich is the Com paay;•pt•i) the but lenproyecrientsor the day kilts orpuleation:"—hew Eno/an biturauce Oa . . . GAO. S. EMI( , UMTRELLiO, " IQ*T YON •., • °motorise:la; Perry, gnd ',Ttiniata Coun- OP I?E• WITII B. E7'!,131:f1t,1`,T,. 14ju1i70.17, +3- OW FOCA YORE, LUE RiZABON FUll IT the " Empire." oFFICERS Vic , ? `—Botlon Goods, Carpots,, tee. 1870 LL AND WINTER - - MIMING TO-DAY AT THR CENTRAL Y GOODS STORE. New and desirable iDREBB GOODS. - Groat 1la• gal us from iota AUCTION SALES, ILI N.diw Yo'k and;l'ikibt4phla ASTRACAN CLOAKING CLOTIII CARACOLA CLOAKING CLOTGS, f3NAL °AO! CLOAK Op CLOTHS, EICRA CLOA KINGS 13rnwn, Pm pie and Black YELTETEEN . 4 SMZNY_LS 1 811.,,8_1 lem3 , F1.711,1+! MEM TLe Best stud theapcgt to towu A v.. t httrgain Iu nll kind. of Colored stud White It LA N K ItTSI BLANK STS rhimeis, Ilaninels, Felt shirt., Esubdgood F.hirta:the Intzertt •_curttpa Hl the loaner price. C 1.0 1 7116 21.1 i I/ CASSIMEIIES, 0V IC 1?-0 0A2:I N G S, tbs lurp,t T. In tnn u, nr Uu!ulr 110:4 1,011 E6l' I CS At - eitelitio in privets. Tfi., M1 . ..0g I Woolen 1/outld, lironkfast 2.lm.vris, Chihli m 9 CloakA Hack.. Scar fa, Vas evorythVg the Notion Line. CARVXT . SI CAE Floor Table Oi- Clothe, 1 -);11 , ots, llattings, Rugs, coo. sesorLmont oft'srkey Bugiy Rugs Do not foil to give um a cellos. Wll_ , Q. glee you better Isatgslna th an you -can get-enyerltere ohe, nil kinds of Dry Goode and Carpets., LEIDICH & MILLER O. 2 EAT 1A IN STA CAI:LISLE, PS 17..70 NE \V DRY GOODS STORE PUKE & BURKIIOLDER NuLULL ILANQI'EIt STICE.ET, Bel,no the Carlisle Dspezit Bank, limeju.t t.tu•nud [lulu Not YOll. Awl r i otri coffin E=l Oar gods hat 'tsar euleeted with the „i«>t eat earu polut of beauty RAE' chanpuees el.: nut be ex We lu•ite every one Vs °otos loot Inspect porch:li stock of cootie You will bud stud ,try of %mule the nutrlets aftortl, Dress Goode, Cloths, ensuimores, Shawls, R;ch Groued-Londret, =1 = Bilk Aperiplitma, lirob-ate- France, = _Ati_prra Wolk:, Merinos, and Plaids of erory had anti NO.. -1/111t0 I, 1 Our AIWA, of Fore exoele anylleing to pint of beauty of 4,110, and 21111110 es of qnality,a•d w• Inure marked them down to lower prices than hove ever been ntferea in Carl lets, • . . b patella. this !hook Itom 11. !arm. and Lett nom, In Naw Took. ira him mad. a abatw moloction of OLUT,IIB 'A,IFDOALBINIIItBB, to which vr,a lovlta Iha supeclal attontlon of young tad old. it • have nolooted notni eholc• pattorrot of 'NODDY CA.SISIIIIDMISi • particrlnrlynadaptod to idling moo. We hays ever}' thing Jul • DOSINST 'OS _ ' Prints, Blankets, Tiolcings, - Coverlets, I3nlmorala,, Furniture Chen,lis i tto L4DIIIIS' , AND 4911MT'A•IINDIRWIllt • of all ilnde. A few of tile advantages or Lqlog goods from.ux are, as bay. In entire " NEW ATOM( Op, GOODS TO.SSLEOT rltoll,. 'orloioll hare boon bought for oaoh; and wo will allow ■o ifs to, widersoll u.. . . • , , ' I We extend - 4 cordial intltallon to. all to call and lifle as ba,ro making your purchaaos, am sr° think lti a fta Orly extra tiplucemonts. . , ,:.,.„ -.14/pinotfullyy, • , ',', ~. , ,ppgg h BIIIIUPLPAB, Crooar Ilboj? German Medicines. 1870, L'AND'S E[oo MAN MRDICIN,IIE3I GER till 11(50FLANIITS GERMAN BITTERS, Roo Podophyllin Pill, HOOFLAND'S OREEIC OIL 1100FLAND'S q.6IIIIIAN IIITTE,I2B .4 Balers without Alcohol or spirit, of any kind is different from all others. It is cotaposnA of the pure Juices of vital principle of Root., Herbs, and Barks (or an medicinally termed. extracts.) the worth ier.' or inert port ionev-of-tbe-ingredients—not—bein tined. Therefore, in one bottle of thin Bitters there In contained en much medieinal ,virtue an will he found la several gallons of ordinary IlliZtlalell. The Roots, tic., mod In this Bittern are grown In Ger. tnany, their vital principles extracted in that country by a aLieti title Chemist and forwarded to the manu factory in thin city. where they are compounded, and bottled. Coot:doing no hplriluoun ing,cdieut s, this Bittern is free from the objections urged against all uthern ; no des re fur 6111111111111 h Call be iednced from their use, they cannot took* drunkard., end icannot, under any rircnonntsurei, have noy Lint a anidliiint effect. Flannels Ha ORLAND'S GERITAN TONIC Was coniptantied for t,hono nal inclined to evremo Litter., and is intended for tea-In oases when noma alcoholic at , mulant be required In connection with the Tome praperties of the Bitters Each L..ttle of the 'rune contains one bottle of the Bittels; t'ont- Lined with pure ration Um, Ruin, and Rarer , d In much a manner• that the in trouts bitterness of the Bittern is ouflceins, 1 , /1 ming a prepntailon highly agreeable and plemant to,the palate, and containing the medicinal nlrtnea of the (Jitter.. The Nee of -the Toole In 1 , 1 to per bottle, which many petionn think too high. They must take Into conaideration that the idinwilant twat ie guaranteed to he of lepurs quality. A por set tele could' be furninhed at a OKAPI. Price, bet ip n mat kti.,ter to pay &little more ghodauk Late - a article?? A medicinal preparat lon should entilmo nounn hut the best ingreillentn, en I they who expect to chain a - cheap moot orrtaitily be ' They are the Greatest Known Remedies Liver Complaint, Jaundice, and all downs.. at islng from a Disordered Stomach, i r Impuiity of the Blood. headlha following symptom.: ConetTuAl u Fletulenue, Ihward PoUnto, of Blood loth° lipid, Aridity of the litonhtth. fiuthina, Disgust fur l'ord, Pull nese or Weight in the Stomach Sear'Eructatition, Stuking or Flottvrtng a< the Pig of the Stomach, elrimuling of the fired, hurried Difficult Breathing, Plut tering at the Heart. Clink log or Suflosating Sensations when in A Ling So. turn, Dint nesvisf Vision, Dots or Wells beton. th Dight, PM?, In tho Head, Denci•nry of Derspild I Yelloanentif the Skin and Eves, l'aiu in the PIMA, Bark. Cheat, Limbo, so., Sudden Flushes o Heat, Burning In the Flesh, Constant imigintngs Evil, and GivatDepreastan of Spirits. All these iu dicato Insoste of tho liver yr I.iogserivo Urged font blued meth ;AlplltO 11,01. Thuoco of the Bitters or Tot.ic vri.l it , orLettusts th above i.ytnititia, to disoppotr, and din pationt wti bet . 1 / 1 .1,, 1,1. i I I,lllip. Gr REEK 01 L Lightning Cure far-all Ifinds uf Pain Applied lil.tornally.—lt trill cure all kir& t. 1 t.Paitielll/li iches, such a Rhouluatisrst, Naurulglu Ttaitharrie. Chilblains, Sprains, Bruises. Frost Bites Headaches. Pains In the Back 'laud Loin', Pains ii the Joints or Limbs, Stings 6t Insurts, Ringworm, Taken Inlidnally.—Tt will cure &Wiley C. Inplaiads Backache. nick Headache, Colic, I,utoty,l ) !.r rbuanid H !... e! a 1 ollininin, and 010 Stomach, Vera. and A lor, dS I.le, Aelhma, etd. - PUiSv l'll Yl, L 1 N, Fur e:, and Olt SUBSTITUTE Jfl IC MEM:BUY PILL Notions D; ai; d.nte 2'4 most powerful, yet„ innocent, Vegeta, • ble Cathartieknown. It I. not ueceeury to Ntke a hendful of these Pllle to produce the desired effect; two of them act qinicklf and powerfully, cleansing, the Liver, Stomach, nad Dowels of all Impurities. The principal ingredient le Podophyllin, or the Alcoho in flatract of Man •. drake, ',Wyk Why stony limos more Sury-de•airmaucer, Poworful, Acting, stud Bo:trolling, 1/111i0I than Ike Mandrake itself. Its peculiar adieu Is upon the' Liver, cleaning It apeocillt from all oh etruetione, with all the power of Merenry, Jet fine from the injurfoun reenits al terhed to thu um of that mineral. Fur all dineasce, In which the nee of a cathartic Is Indicated, thole Ppte wilt ggl•r• entire emitter/teflon In ovary mem: lIFEVBIt FAIL In caste of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, 111,111 ex treme Coetiveum, Dr. noonuna4 Merman Bitters or Tonle should be tuned inconnection elfin tie Piths. The tonic effect of the Bitting or Tonle builds up the system. The Bittern or Toale,mritlee tine Blood, etrengthens the nerree,, re: Otte, the Liver, and glee. strengthomergy, anti vigor. Reap your Dowels-active . ..DA the Pills, and tone up tine eystem with. Ritter. or Tonic, sod no dieetme ran retain its hold, or °Teen assail you. ' Thee• medicines are told by all Druggiste end Dealer. in medicines everywhere. . Recollect that it ie • T DR. , C a GE R .R E 'E'D 'I ES, that ere.. nnivereally psed and highly recom mended; and do not allow the Drogglat to Induce, yon to take anything else that he may any , le Juet a P good, because ho Makes a larger profit on it, g bee gesnedlea NOR be eont by Exercise to ivy locality, tVoil applWation tó r the Principal °lnce, at the MEDICINE STORR, Counterpanes, PII I L.A D L l'A CII A 8., M. EVANS, • Formerly 0, SI. JACKSON A-CO. , Yorqullo bY , putzglats, Store: . itooporsi;yout broalOirirotyrm, 'ivory witoro .tbcopgi. out Old United Staters, Oanikaa4Bouth dmorlce, anti, lige7o ly Itooftand's G01'711411 Tonic, —rolt— Dopepsia Yervous Debility Disease I.l' the Kidneis, Eruptions of Me Skin I= I= and 4ches IWUNI.A.NI3'3 .TWO PILLS A DO6E 631 ARCH STIMET, Pro MOE Stove's, Tinware aiza Pun ps GRAND OPENING Or VIZ FALL OAXP:110N REEINEBNITII dt 'RUPP, • VD; 62 AID 64 /4011TII 111.1(01rE,It STMIIIIT3 TIN AND 6IINST•IRON worams, and dealeia in Coent, Parlor, and every laritity of HEATING STOVES Thsanhocribers, having recently erected a.commo (llona Inure room, adjoining their old eland, affording Increased facilities for business, are now prepared to furnhh their patrons and the public generally with every article in their line, en the most accommo dating terms With a large and varied assortrneut, to which additions ore conatently -rondo, they feel confident that in quality and price they are aheadof all competition.. PARLOR STOVES, • COOK BTOV.EfI, •, orricic BTOTEI3. This department of their stock le unezmilled for artietlO design, superior ❑niah, and simplicity of arrangement, among which may Le mentioned ple SUNNY SIDE FIRE PLACE PIT:ATER, ECNNY " 61DIZ pciusLl-OTEN COOY, EARLEY BnaAr, NOBLE COOK, and NOVELTY PARLOR COOK STOVE with n ,rtrioty or other Cook r.tovel well known for their excelleuci. If ITCIteY ItANcUIS or all I,lmlB, lad adf ug (he cd'Onated • NATIONALNO R. BASE BiJRNETts, If you want an Ornamental Stove, If,you want an Ecomomical Stove, . If you wants Powerful Heating Stove, If you want a Perpetual Piro Keeping Stove, all lid nzuniin• our c:,•, k wt n. ,un Will 11 .1 tbo LIMM=i !L!.. Clic and arsy ORIENVIL PARLnit ILLITI r, - I= = 1: LIUUT J3ASE 13L - RN ERS, with A fart. PARLOR OrfICIS 15TuVEL FE = .41.duned, . Toilet Wu re, Cash and Deed 13ox.en Bread, Cake - , - and Sugar Boras, - - 15.1niven and Forks Spoons of all kinds, Ladles, Lanterns, C'eal 13ockets, - Enameled and Plain Hollow . Ware, 'Wrought Iron liana, sbc tee and Tonga, Cord and ricar airVel, Pat Irdna, Erma Katt de, fruit Sara, Lc., Ire., kr., embracing a laage and' tomplato te uitmentto.nhirhnnets the atten•lc• of buyer, St e ere also preparad W laruzu Pampa forTieCernz end Deep Wells; and hrv. for atle th•colobra•pd el;CUtlii/Et WOOD PUMP, warranted irann , n9. ConattutlZ on hand HETI /RICK AND RAP.I.MS,POR Erovas 1100111 , W, 11PotTI:10, IHll JOB WORK at tended to promptly 0.n4 Trti.onabli terms Elr Old :Stoii n - kt; in 0.f:,..7innV0".-- Thankful for the. patronage heretofore b•elovve , nu us Iva are determined, hr ;acretased offortx, tnelot a continuance of it, and reenact fully alk th pull c tl call and examine for themselves. diIIINESItfITLI A RUPP, Nos. CP., and 44, • NORTH II A R VIM STREIT, CAIMICLE, PA I= COMFORTS OF HOME 'rue AMERICAN TIMID rLIS,NIII% I=l O'vr mountain and moor, though we over way tuv Clot hearts tern with fondne.. Lank to that Stove, !Ogre w• .at all last wtat.r. a worming our toe., And road meollry ecstatic, hail. Its old On, rop.e. alov•, Cove, Bone-Burning Stove, • 'Moro'. no !Stove like thee, American Eono. Tut cod to lunar by another, we olnlckly repine, 0, goe hoe the A rnoricaa;,th•t la the shrine, .4 on t %%Lien Iva el gath•roo pisackut and neat. ntl keep way loa n to our N. , .Store, 5100841ne1 - ie. Store, There', no Stnrollk• that, Anse•liatuing Ito-r !lad I St.:•ee placed harms me to lot by my eheica For the a A merloitn Pa.-Tilt - oat" f d rat. loudly- W 1 TOiCO, fuel in It, 'twill I.rtng out the tent And keep you warm end rlcerent d wn to your feet Stitre, kttore, wouttrrtut Si ere, Theree vo eto"l . lke thee, Autericen Stteve. 1 , , .31e itt WM. FITIDLEV'S SToVE SToltli,‘, ON 'EAST L01;1'17E12 STRNST, r...r of 'Chap] 67 A I Io .1! . :11:. xooma Where, you atm glad aU ondloss sadaLy of good au.ll as I'lumace., ) Itanpu, itY;ific; .1' ado r, tt - rid , Piltatinls -Stores, 4ir all .1•a.,15.ti0u lugethc rlfh TIN AND aIIBISLKON ITAItli or all k hole, end Kt All low price.. for Coeli, ita Any other oetabllehntent In town, =9 of all dune nitl, neat:mil and doorAtch fall ftudase loarol • pat cle•ai mg ,laanhera. 13=131 IMIZI=I THE OLD EBTABIASIIRD STQVX AND TiziwKaz BTORN JAMES McGON'IGAL, 88 souTrE 11411011211. (AilJolnlng Birth . A Aon's flrcciTy Bture6 Cd raas T. h, PA Altar an oxporloneo of °ow' thltly year. In the StoYe ansl 'Mama Lugloose, la Catliolo, the under !signed fool■ c•alltlont that Lis rocenunpudatlon of Stays' his emus weight seAth "the eontntualty, lie norr"offors ih• colobrated. EMPIRE QA,$ BUIU which be feel. satisfied la the beet Bete Berner In the market. :It Is h•ndeeme, thieving a cheerful s light armin . ll th• room; there are io clinker. ma . with the worst coal; the heat le reflected to the Mier 'and efrikee the' feet inotead of the face; the gas le intiroly Crihnumed ; all duet iff married off by a back pipe; It hae a militating damper by which root. may be kept thorjoghly eentilatell• and it produfiee as :rept heat from am quanllly of rod as any .More •,111• offered to the public Ile alma Offers the Cozy bight," and the " Bacon Light," both Mee Burgers, highly recommended by all who har• peed them. All theorlisee burners NA Menied for three year., and if they do not work sallifoctorlly may he referee/. Alm 'the following I well known 'OOOK 'STOVE'S:: Nimrod, • Ironsidoo, • avarmor, 4 - ' Diamond' Slate, and others. are air Wirral:add ' ixi s Olba ,returned If u•satlefaotory. 'ltoOU'reltd Gilliam Pave bean put '.up by me lo tliie`Celdingtiley; popularity uniteraal. . Ali thee. Sterile roar lion' lit' tiylatli . 4ll,it,, went refireitrap:san i.beltdan"lo . partlea nr th•O'.• ' •: • r ' •1“ .. ... • 'SHOUTING ta s / 1 .4001,11?Ii3y.: ,, a; 10112 ' , " •• . . . atiomled to in lowu ortountry. ' s d!nie on short notleo. JAIIX4I.3IOIIONIGALI 4! alit/ WARM ODA 2170ct7C , 6111 Dry goods, - Saks, -41:Wins, sec; r, ARRIVAL gii CHOICE DRE 99 GOODS, 111.:1)1:Cl'TON rnicxs. tllkplay lqvw Goads, out taLlo fur tl. 1.1 on llulidxy. GREENFIELD'S of Goode analcul down In pile* ME I Ern pro. Clotho only 66 cants pa' yard @ME Zr Ylidd Irorpo, Jut °period ; tkt 34, 40, St, NI le d 0 t • =GI 0... as. Dalstrat - Tidu - call - 1:6 - 16 -- uN. lip top eallguat at 8 •cd t 0 csu k,t 111 '0 7-,,11. I' j 8 City ®Luken. Bargains Undia ; Drikwars, li.itheand Cataimern,Otaninlita Ticking!, Lilinglqini!, SleetlnQe, •e. kn NS hiln 111 nAI )' Iv 1 c I=3 =I Rd 84.bQ ME] =l= EMEI ab.e.,ieftz Lila it Ellin f..!‘tte - net...raett of Hick 1:194111 au 6nua. •u 7 kl, izd 1.1 MI! OEM I I=l Bing's a d Dua ld • OM. Is Itt •ory law prleld. spottlal laherot• It all It!oda order to relic• s 7 Stock Fropotatory to to fly sit dtor•-Roon. If y,u Trout • oleo! Chrfitoa• Trw•al. yoo4com nt• purchmisly It from I rill good., 1• emovin rout an • aaworry EIS CM orireus, _Pramttzr IR' %our ) g,t)'e ESE II GRocsnuti3 13!=Ell I= 11AAP STORE, E 9 Brat Pumfati.:Otrest. ==EVE!M!IE And n. e Lreet fore, for rumil la 1 Ton ar ount. or th.m, and Nil thorn low. Thar oar nook ort•n, mad t oalveivontly ear mood% eah. elnd •nruthieq Jo• witOk le the Way of O roCelrl CI. .were, \I Wow aud Codarn•re, Glaze-Slat Crockeryware, • brlod Reef, Bologio, Beef, na Crackers dray dsessrlplasia Pi ckle. c,l p,nd Pt nab Oystiors, Zugllo, Plakiss, Locion , and k 6 mod to NOTIONS I Le as eel to aeetle■ the*, cure MI/ we for lot, And parent• if it deal nit ye* tr • rend /uer etildroa, ce they tr dealt-with the rear • car. es if you ever. here peel-self. C uok Stove ALL KIXIDS OF .21' TR Y PRODUCE kca in exchanp for geode, or coal 0. B. B.OFFMA.N'S L , B East Pomfret Rtreet, CARLOTA PS BCE T 11 ti . EIAtiONIIEIZIER r . (~. ' DIIALEIt n 1 ICE ir MIAGROCERIES, T.11.1;,PrIIR11 GPM", lE= ETii rzzi MUSTS #7 off .Y FLOUR, u➢ COUNTRY PPIODUCJI IT' G,ll T ewp s9Lp. • , . rirr AND 23111rINT OTSlrrt ]3O 10111111 f the• and noy goods. lAL NOTICE ES CLARK It BIDDLE • Respectfully Inform their facade the; • 111%; TNN.IIIIIAII .ROSSINS, . • (late of the I ni Of Rattily k C..,) has Oils day uso olated.kinlf with then, ander then _ gi ee leans sf ROL BINS CLARK 't.t ; and.'n'ill bon Au, the . LTOPAND JtivrinatT 1117kI7T1139" - Fk thoi, ofd stand,' 1,124 CII74iTNUT STRAW' - • pg,A.purzine. • They at sow offering, at reduced pers.; a thetas stock of ~ I AVIRRIC i iIf AND SWISS 19. fir UDR, DIA ONDS, JAW-URN, SILTIIRITARII,' • ' TAAL* .CUTLINT,' : • . • SIAII7III. • ANCILISII; FItRICCII-AND LEATHER AND. .FANCY GOODS. 811ap70 . , . • , fare 7 4 1 0 t'VER , DATICIS 0111 MIGdD9, pA4I latent Algal:lnes, iro to. U. lilt CI tegiisli l eVor, ;No. Q6uu IlanorZr slreot.'l Also, n splendid assort ment q(Tottet Eonps, Fancy ToLlet 12E11 &Quip, gell9TAr lauot, la -oi . - spine in DESZEI IDEESI WOO LIS 110014. L. T. 01.11121/111r.D. \ FRUIT GROOVIIIS I TonguW, k3loadtrara, Troodenand Weno:sward okra AND Pair