EMPIRE .111ITUAL ITNEXAIIPLED ! THE EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE c;OMPANY, ay NEW TORE, In iho first Fifteen Mouths of its exietenee hot leiiiVed OVER FORTY-FIVF HUNDRED romcip rxsunma OVER $8,000,000.00 and taking in Propitnns $500,000.00, boing the largest commencement bmelneus ever. done by any company In the wank' I THE REASON FOR IT Ordinary nhoTe-life pond. are nbaolutely uon forfeitable from peyment of first nuoual premium. Special insurance non-fortltablo after . lwirannual payments. All policies incontestable fur usual causes, hod Absolutely Incontestable alter tweet:tuna! premiums. All mktg.:Monti upon travel and reuideure removed and no penults required. No necumnlation of intiirost opt Loans or Deforro.l P1'0116111111,, alld uo Int:realm of annual I.) moues on soy olnng of ponolea. Ona-thlral of the premium loured to the party fai sued, If &Biro& and no Naar Div(donde on the progregslYo plmi, null ilea ninat Inn gtutr.tutee Interest plAn. Ilusinose of 1110 company rood octed on the Me( old Platt. Polioy oimplu and fidr in iiii.providinnii Incon'tcstadilify of Policies . It is the purpose .of Thu Empire to fulfill all its ccattracts, flee evidence of shell is that Its policy line no convenient refuges by means of which it can escape a Just demand. Proven fraud ,ou the tuft of the insured will always inyaadate n policy. 'Also suicide, if committed previous to the payment of the second annual premium; or death caused by engaging In any specially hazardous business within the first two :years. lint after the exp (ration of two years, the policy will Ire hold Incontestable for all causes exceptirand. ' Non-Forfeiture of Life Policies No policy of illgUrftnea yrith continuous Payments for life will ho forfeited or heroine void by the non- Yment. Of preminipithereen,until the foil paying poNir of the premiums hive been exhouste4. The language of the pulley is " That if any premium after the fret annual pre mium shall have been paid, shall not be paid on the day.whon due, and the sold assured shall, within thirty daYs thereafter, give collie. In welting of-Ina bility to pay the main, mad of A drain that said policy shall be Colltinnett in force under the following conditions: Then and in such cam,' this policy 1111111 not be forfeited or become void by tho non-jutyinot of the raid premium doe Thereon, until ait•r the expiration of a period, to bo determined as follows, to wit: The net value of this poll-v whoa the pro becbmos doe shall be detcrudned by actuarial callinlation, unit after deducting fl'oni such net value the Lonna upon said.polley unmmeeled he dis Mend+, and Ally intloblettne.+a to ti Company, for-fifths or what remains than Im roaeidered a not single pmmlntn of temporary hintlran,, and thiq - policy /Mall be cont Intim! In force during the term for which It "111 insure, aeourtting - to the age' of the put ly ut the time of Ole lapey of the premium. Example of the Non-Forfeitable Plan of the "Empire:" I t i 'ii' (y irisitrs 7 /, 35. On(burry 1 1,1,4, IV. , pod One - annual - premium - 'win continue the utter "in force tt. years and 3 days. , Two annual pramltiins will outi ,mw tLr polir•y in toren i yearn and 12 dap+. annual.pramiTlias will coati:l4o tho lonia U.yunro and 27 days. ' . Four annual .113minins will rontinr,the-paliey force 8 years and 40 day., • Five lingual prirniunni will v.:alone the polity• I fOree . 19_1 envy ;lull 3r day, - ete., ,•tc el OFFICERS G.llilton.Si•riltner, l'resiclent Oeorge W. Smith, Vice Tres Sidney 11'. (;rortil, Seerotar) Lerunel If. NVaters:Aetutiry, 'l'llolllas . 11. Marcy, AI, ,t)., Moll cal Examine! Ernrett Clnpr, Ag‘ THE TESTIMONY OF' Till: PRESS The lbettjre Is a p Toler twill id ion, Inunkm.l by reliable men, no sound husk.nx principles, and le 11.,lIned at a very early day to .laud 11110111,10 r to shoulder WUII the object companies of Ito character In' the country: ,Its opoore and direct.tra mean touchier.," cud hove organized with the view of eetablishing a model instatitlon.- , N. Inilepend rsv. Jane/try 20,1870. • .Tlll4 Conk'. toy in gren(3111,1..; thr rrsoll. of " 1, 4 ert , t l outlosi, lullrollablo ustungeoluht. Empirs ban nu superior in the 001111 iry. " 41.1. The setteNol the nue! e lii Lauri iil'eAlejA.l4,l.' 11E=1 °TLo DAyiro Ivill ullrm t ILu inttroxt of lb ~n cmdrugduling Ilfu '•llavlrigu p'olley In tick ,Colonpanv. wo,fuel a Jorol pilole In II;u go eat Rlllte. tOI it Er,t. "An Ifertuil "A vol snrerssful n/lllPallr."—rbuyrrualionalist „ • "Thu ilapire Mutual ti ansurpanded. The men connected Kith It an o, for blase with 'know, tbept, in lutliclout reeommoittlat 1011—af, "It to with peculiar oasuro that wo speak•of thbi now camilduto • for ,publle • favor. Wo know 112,4,4iY yours; ulnae the Proubbaut of the tompany t We IWw 311 m to be a moil of enorgy, of ebaraoter, or. siTorkir. Liielnens ability, and above' all aloe, a . mucersaftil men In whatever be undotteles. • The trueh to, lho Corn. pally Lax adopted the beat Improvements of the day lu he orpankation."—;Weid Lapland Insuranc4 Ga ulle. , • ' • _QUO.' A. ENtIG, AMBVIT, FOR ditaborlatul, Perry, 'and Junitaa Coun- OPPICI 'WITH S. IIiPBITEIT, NEMO 15ry Goods, Musiing, (De. N EW . KR 11 , 1. VA L IZEZI 110 ICE DRESS GI.OOOOI REDUCTION IN PRICES Greater Inducements than ever ! Elegant dlspniy of N o w dimdv , flllithbid for tha Holidays, at .T. OREEN E D ' ;-; All kind- of Dr, lig (lootls niarked 110Wil 'Beautiful Empress Cloths only 05 cents per ford New lot 41'111111 .iergos, ,105 t opened, of :15, 40, tO, acil 75 coax. V CIS ET BENS Alfa CHEAP.. Bargains in Black Alpacas. De'sines rednea,l to 15 and 20 rent+. Tip top Callers at 0 awl 10 roots. Best Canton Flannels nt lox• prices. STTICIAT, BARU:1.111S In White and Gray Blankets. Bargains in Under shirts and Drawers, Chatty and Canalmeres, Cassinets, Fiannala, Tirkings, neatings, t. =I rtt privv+ that dory clupt.titlon Fll /1 Sk.ll A 1 . 11111111.11 . :1 Flll,l 111111 Salle ¢6,0) Alat.hn Sal. 4, S.Atg only 00 B;1...1 Sqiiit rt•l S. ll+ i'.1.00 A gmlti.,llll.-n1 ~ f Mink. SAM.. on band, ~ .13. 1.111.311. Bargains in I=l i„kCE Fs, LI NIN SJiTT,_ MEM MEE ll= It• and !Muhl, Slia,4l, at libw pH, y. I hill olfsr sprrial Indoseniont4 to all kindo goods, In °HI r to rtoluse to) stork firsituratoty t • renter log to toy tour Store.ltootto Ir you Avant t good tool useful Christmas Prom nl, you r;111 rat • mnuoy I v'puretooling It from =I US= I Plumbing, Gas Eittiag,,tPc. JAMES CAMPBELL. IS'. F. BENWOOD 'pLumm - No, GAS AND STEAM 11 FITTINo. 19 North Ilithovor Street, A! Vo. 4. • CARLISLE, PRNN'A STILL AT BUSINESS! Tho ontlotnignoi nro now folly pi reared to attend to t lily buslouto in nll i•s 11111urunt hrstochou. They also krup Loottuntly on hand and for WAT kit CLOSETS, ° RAVI ICUS IV ATEA CLOSETS, VATIC TUBS, WATER CLOSETS, 115111 TUBS, WA IER CLOSE PS, BATH' 'LULLS, NASA BASINS, HYDRA NTS, I.lft And Toren Cisterns, f Litt n e t Pores Cisterns, end Deep Well Pumps, Lend, orra MUA And Deep Well Pumps. Lead, Terre Cella tied Iron Pipe. Munn Tops Ana Flees. GAS PIPE AND FIXTURES, Okla., anti all Linda 44 . Brass k .teem and water conntantly on II:1111i, or farnikited to under. Dwellings, Churches, Factories and other builditio, In town or country, fitted op with n nit 11034 and Ills pntelt. All work warrahlial. Thankful for public putronago, e hope Iry strict attention to business-to merit a continagneolof the sante. Terlos rsaloPablo, It requiring but on, trial to secure yollr elleltolll. Giro ne n call. Don't forget the !dace, No 18, North Hanover street, In the 1..0- mo:A of Slpu's now building. All orders left nt the reolotenco of either Mantra. 0 adjIPBELL on HENWOOD 8 at any lim elthor ut• right trill bo toptly tatutolud to. JAM. .Altexanclitell How, atruet, ur 11 , 111m:it IlrotrUutl,Sotitil stodut, ahoy° Having special LdrAntagel wo are prepared to furnab • COPPER WORK •OF ALL DESCRIPTiON.,,, Zro Still llowicaand other porpos.r, at home or at disume, COPPER PIPE forohLod to order, either drairn or biazo.i. 21nogly Boots, - Shoes - truil — rprirtiew S'PROILII 6:, SPONSLER, "No. South Hanoper slice?, Carlisle Etokfol fur tho patron .g,l extviilloa them Ikero tofuro, ilo now unnonneu !hair usual large /dock pRTNO STYLES OV HOOTS AND SHOES, Pon ieri and hlisws, Gents and Boys, Youtlis and Chi ins wlilela ail. unrivalled for roaort and Lrnuty. Ald TRUNKS AND VIILI~EH, MEN'S-AND BOYS' HAI'S All Of 1,111011 will lo told at vomit :profit. CaU-unn and all, awl get a lull equivalent far--your money. 14ap70 CIIIIIP Qoade me not uloqtye the beet. When you go to Loy un ottle'o, and oxpeelally tho mutter of . . BOOTS AND, II 0 E go to a dealer on NVIIOBO words yrii;con ruly,, fOr very low orb vil) udg.•o of leather. this time or tho year tunny wilt ha U111111'11; 1..0, boots and shorn for,aummor woar. All oneh'ean accodunollated nt • ADA,II DYSERTU3, whnio wlll ho found a Supply at tho lowest ',Ave Boole and shoos made to order filth tho utmost e Ills patch. .1„Inco °timelines No:84 East -Lostelter.alreel; Carlisle; Pa. A*7o , Dry - Goods, Carpels, 1.870. ' . lB7O FALL AND WINTER P ENT xa .AT CENTRAL DR Y GOODS STORE. Ci= DRGSS GOODS. Gloat Bargains from late AUCTION SALES, In Now Ykkh and Philadelphia AI Tlt k CAN CLOAKINIi CI.O 1 11 CAIIACULA CLOAICING CLOT[III, SEAL SKIN CLOAKINU CLOTHS Errit.i ❑EAVEII CLOAKING'S, Blue, Brown, Purple and Blurb VELVETEENS, SHAWLS I BRAWLS INl==a The Boit and Cheapest fa town A great bargain In all kinds nlo,l°llll and 111.1 BLANK ETBI D•LANKETS! i'llunels, Flannels, Felt shirts, Enthused shlrtg, the largest usem . lineu at the lowent prices. - CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, 0 E .1?-C OA TIN (I S, I Ito lerg s oxVblot.lr In town, for lo,low 1110 pririr. Muni ii 11. pc) %; UST ICS! Ddm Esn S! At a devil. in priciet_ Nkm 4lyle, of 'Woolen Hoods, Troulifinit Chihli en's Cloakite.. iticlsti, Sl,llll, not and pray thing ciao in tho Notion Line. c A It I' E,Tsl cARPETEI Floor Oil-Clotho, Table 011-Cloos, Druggcts, Mattings, Rugs, An talent or fancy , 11114;,.y ItogN Du 3wt full to give us a call, toou can giro you ul •Der bargains than you can.gat anynheru clan, I I Mudd of Ur, lioode and Carreto. & MILLER Is:a 2 EAST MAIN STIIIM,T,.CARLISLE, PA. 17.70 NEW DRY GOODS STORE DUNE & BURKHOLDER, =I IJtlozn Me ('a,'l isle aPe jll5l. 10.ttrned nom N. 1%•ok and PL11.1..10U Rh an Woo Nm'r swouu or nouns Our gce‘l3 Lu vo Levu eeleeted with the greuteht cure 11l ill hint It loortuly end cheep.. cluttot be or .110114 We invite every ono to come and inspect Lein:holes took or gouda YOll will find evety variety nod stylo f goods the tuurkets afford, lo 1 - )ress Cloods, (Toth~, c:llfiSi mereB, Shawls, Furs, Ind = = = Aflk Epinglinet, Offi= Ottoman Climb, Empress Cloths, Merinos. and nj crrry shade gtzill yir. I , lltS I FURS! FURS( Otir smock of Furs extols anything hednt of beauty of finish,, and fineness of quality, on wo' hats marked - him - down - to - lower - prices int& lotyo - svet boon olTet;e4 lu Carlisle. pnroluoto this Stock from the largest nod boa house to Now York. M's hero made a choice selection of 6,LOTIIS AND DASSIMERES', to which Wo 'lova° the expeclot ottoutinir of yonn4 and old. Iyo have tieletletlootno eluilco pat tenni of -OASSINEKEB, portictilorly adopted lo youint mon. 'W have ovary thing In. =II Mtnlins, ilannols, Prints, 131anketv s":-. • Tiokings, Cbrorlete, Countoipanes, Balmordls, . Furniture Chocks,' '&•O LADIES' AND GENT'S IJEDERWEAIe Of all kinds. A tow or tlao - odrantagoe or•buying goods from di aro, wo.llare an entire NEW STOCK OW 000DS TOBELECT Plt M, which hare beam bought for craft; and wo will allow ,uo ono to undersoll us. We' extend a cordial invitation to all le call and see us Wore making your purchases, as we think we mu offer mitre Inducemenle, • • Itespeetildly, . • DURL'k BURKHOLDER 8(.070 JOHN S. BEEZEWS OOLUM:N. PIANOS, PIANOS, ME T, 0„1) E 0 S , ,N4ELODEONS, MELODEONS, MELO 1) E 0 S , • ORGANS, ORGANS, ORGANS, ORGAN-S. • lie .11013.111 m buying openid M USIO at No. 11, West Mein Street, CARLISLE, PA., would cull the attention of the public 10 blt liag assortut;int of Flannels MUSICAL INSTRUMENyS,- among 1111i011 trill hu, fututtl at lot of OIiGANS, ORGANS MELODEONS, MELOI)EONS, NEW, AND ELEGANT PIAIIOB, I= of Phllodolphia. A Ihnittol, olinawr of. llsotgo uow nut. will too furlniT, mud the rut will [mallow ud lo part payment ,pr the Immo to cast of parchaoo. This arrung.meur will mylce lb. purchase easy, by giving 'lnns fur pn7m•nt, and will allow opportunity of Waling Ulu In.trumuut Locum plarclausleig. Also good Notions COND lIAND PIANOS fur 1.110 or rent, at terms to suit the times Dt ap clt.ni I, Call and uvuuleo them whether yuu wish to/out or buy. .f.de-A rule-Aires, SILVER'PONU U ED ORGANS, MEL ODEON'S ruw-th,world rerww uotimun Who tory o! •E,-P 11111 & Sou, (fomorly Curliatrt & Nuedhuut). Tito cheapest and best In the wet lit, and ell warranted and icept In order by tnyoolf for fho years. Aloe VIOLINS, GUITARS, , ~IiPh7LItEUSIC - A - N - D - li IJS I C -- i3 0 0 KS;- sTnizras OF ALL 413 d everything appertaining to the music linelheee. Old Planes, ltalodeone; and Organs taken In part :pay for now ones REPAIRIN - G All lands of Inalrumenti repaired and tunod Call and •zamiuo my. stook and I am sore I can plume JOHN H. RHEEM Do n't forgot th. plaoo, NO, 11, WEST MAIN STREET, (opposi!.e lif:arion Kalb) OARIABLIp,IPA: PIANOS, PIANOS, ORGANS, ORGANS, ORGANS, ORGANS, MJS'LODEONA, gELLODEON, , ,r, 7 MELOD.E ON V ACCORDEONS, F LUTI S, FIFES, &c Stove?, TimUttre and Pumps. GRAND OPENING OP TUE FILL OAISIPAION & RUPP, -NO. 62 AND 64 'NORTH HANOVER STREET, ,PIN AND SIIRET4IIONNORICEI S, and dealers in Gook, Parlor, and every variety of lIEXTING STOVES The subscribers, having recently oracted a commo. dim store room, adjoining their old stand, affording increased-facilities for business, nre now prep rod to furnish 'their patrons and tho public generally"wlth' ovary article in their lino, on the most accommo dating Mims. With a largo and varied assortment, to which additions are constantly mado; they fool confident that in quality and prico they are ahead of all competition. PARLOR STOVES, GOOK STOVES, AOFFICE STOVES Thle department of their stock le unexcelled for artietie design, .koporior finish, and simplicity of arrangement, among which may be mentioned the BUNNY BIM FIRE 14,ACE HEATER, BUNNY DOUBLDOVEN COOK, 'BARLF.Y SHEAF, NOELE COOK, and NOVELTY PARLOR COOK STOVE with a variety of other Cook atone xoll known for their etrellence. I= of all lambi, Including ilia calt•bratiAl NATIONAL ItANOR. BASE BURNERS,' If you want an Ornamental Stove, • If you want an Economical Stove, If you want a Powerful Heating Stove, If you want a °Perpetual Fire Keeping Stove, ' call and exam!no our stock, where you will find the ORIENTAL IIOT TILAST, with revertiilitti nue and oven ORIENTAL PARLOR lIEATER,i for two or 0101 e room., SPEAR'S REIRAVINE LIGHT; =I BASE BURNERS, with a largo assortmont of PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES MEE SHEET IRON AND TIN WARE PIRIII and JlipllllllNl, Including Toilet Ware, Cash and Deed Boxes, Bread, Cake, and Sugar Boxes, Knives and Forks, Spoons of all kinds, ' Ladles, Lanterns, Coal Buckets, Enameled and Plain Hollow Ware, Wrought Iron Pans, Shovo's and Twigs, Coal and Flour ttlevas, Flat Irons, Brass Katt'es, Fruit Jars, &r., &c., &e., embracing a forgo and complete as sortment to which wo Oylte tbo at tentlon,of buyers. Wo are alto prepared to furnish Pumps for Cisterns and Deep Wells, and pave for sole the colebroted DUCUMIIDR. WOOD PUMP, warranted gonutne. Constantly on hanr FIRE - BRTCK A - MTREPAIRS TOE STOVES ROOFING, SPOUTING, JIND'JOB WO, atteudell to promptly and on reasonable terms CLE" 012 Slovesiaken in exchange Thankful for the patronage heretofore bestow.) ow 115 we aro determined, by incrtased vffot tr, to merit a continuance of It, nod- respiwtfully .1: the public to call and examine fur thennielvee. RIHNESMITH & RUPP, ._Nos. 62 and 64, - , NORTH HANOVER STRET, CARLISLE, PA COMFORTS OF HOME. Irmop7o TILE AMERICAN BASE BURNER Air—" flume, Sweet flume." O'er mountain and moor, though we ever tinny rove Our hearts turn with fondness back to that Store, Whore too eat all lust winter, a warming our toes, And fond menfry ecstatic, hails Its old time repose. Stove, Stove, Besc-horning Stove, There's no Stove like thee, Amerh:an Strive. Forced Forced to sutler by another, we quickly repine, 0, give me tho, A merican ; that is the shrine, About which wo all gather so pleasant and neat, And keep ourselves comfortablo way down to our rot Sto , lo, Store, American Stove, There's no Stove like thee, Base-Burning Stun° Had I Stove. placed before me to test by toy choice For the " ' American Iteme-Ilurner" I'd raise loudly toy TOICO, For with the fuel in lytwill bring out the font Anti keep you warms mul.plonsent down to your trot Store, Ztove, Troiderful Stone, 'There's no Store like thee, A tneelenn Store. Fur sale at WM. FRIDLEY'S STOVE STORE, ON EAST LOUTITER ,STHEET, a the rear orithaploy lialberrm Vurniture.lto.a., Whern you coo find uu endlois ♦utlrty of goods, such ns Furnaces, Ranges, ()Rice, Parlor, and Ileating kovos, of ti I I dowrlptiono, together .4'lol SIIEETIRON WARE, of all kinds. and at as low prlcen. fur Cash, as any other t•slnbllahment In town. _ SPOUTING, ROOFING, AND JOBBING or all kir.ihi Bono with nentnosu and dotputelt Cali and ova before purchAnhig oisewhero. WILLIAM VItIDLE;Y IMSEXIM THE OLD ESTABLISHED STOVE AND TINWARE STORE JAMES McGONIGAL, 'B3 Bourn lIKNOVER (Adjoining Blair & Son's (Irmo , dor4 CABLISLI?, PA After an experience of over thirty jean In the Stove and Tinware Witness, In Carlisle, the ainder slignod feels. denfldont that his renownendattou of Stoves has some weight 'with the community, Ile now offers the celebrated , EMPIRE GAB which he feels satisfied Is ,4he beet Base Brand. In the market. It is handsonte, throwing a cheerful llght,around the room; there are no clinkers oven with the worst coal; tho heat le reflected to the floor and strikes the feet Ineferid of lhd faCe . ,•* the - gni is entirely consumed ; all . dust le carried off by a back pipe;' it has a ventilating damper by svlllob rooms may be kept thoroughly ventilated; and It producea Rs great heat front as mall a quantity of coal as any Cove ever offered to the public. , Ile also offers the ' 5 Bony Light," and the "Beacon Light," both Base Burners, highly recommended by all who hate used thorn. All those Ballo burners aro Insured for. throe years, and If %boy do not 'work satisfactorily, may be returned. Also the following Roll knowso COOK SMOVES' Ninupd, Ironaitles, Farmer,. Diamond Slate, and others. Three aro ail warranted and may bo returned ittinsatisfactory. Hundreds of thorn lose been put • up by me In this community, anti their popularity Is universal. , All thee° Stores may Ito soon • at my oelablialt. .moot, and references can ho givon to parties nein thom._ - SPOUTING AM/ ROOFING, attended to In town or country. • • , 'Rewiring done 011 abort notice., 'JAB I / 1 413 2 . oo ' CitgArti • WI qp gontli gonoyer Itioot Groceries, Family Flow•, tcc FRESII GROCERIES! AlWay9 Hi Lo Hatt at tlio UREA P S,TV RE, No. 88 East. Pomfret Street - And why are they always fresh I Because We sell, a great amount of thorn, and sell them low. There fore, turn our stock often, unit consequently our goods. must he fresh..: flud everything ynu wish do tho way or .. Orocerieo, •, ' Quern(aware, , Glaosware, '-• ' °- Willow and Cedarwaro, Steno ond Crockeryware, . . Choice Union, - Dried Boef, : Bologna; r' Beef, Biscuits and Crackers or every description. Pickled, Spiced and ' Fresh Oysters, . Sardines, English Pickles, Lemon Syrups, &c., and no end to It ix useless to mention them, come and see for your selves; nod parmits If it don't suit you to come, scud your children, as they will be dealt with tho sonic Core ns if you were here yourself. CO UNTIIY PI?01)U CP; taken in exalkange for goculv, or carli GEO.• B. HOFFMAN'S BONS, No. 83 East Pomfret Street, IOnepTIJ. CARLISLE, PA J 1 - H MASONEIMER, . CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, FINE QUALITY OF TEAS, PURE SPICES, Queensware, Glassware, - - Stoneware,- • • Wooden and WiNoma re, nOOl BRANDS Or FA ~11 I L 1' FL 0 LI .1? , SALT AND FISII. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE . BOUGHT AND SOLD. NOUritalt,trCOßNt.rt PITT AND 1 . ./31FRET STREETS. .le/feeoo • Se h )1 et eke ).* s Pianos. SCHOM AC & CO'S P I A NOS. • Great Sale of first-class Rosewood Pianos at Prices below the Actual Cost to Manufacture. Having determined to offer our extensive stock - of stuaalor and highlydlnished ItOsewood Pianos at prices below the actual cost to olotutfaetore, wo will soil, during the month of perelnber, at the follow ing great reductions, In order to choir out our large stock by the end of tho yenr. No. 1-7 oetsve, front round corners, corvell,legs,_ 5500 fui 8350. No. 2-7 octavo, four room] rortiere, carved legs, $550 fur sloo._._ . .No.ll--.7 octave, front round corner., serpeotino N0..4—.7 octave, foot' round corners, scritelAine case, $5OO for 2.125. No. 5-7, oetave, flan- round corner., nraildiug ease, SILO forS47s. - No. 6-7 h A ,betab e, , four round mom ere, Moulatlm case, $l5ll for $ - 500. No. 7-7 , 4 octave, 'lttlitare Cutud, rich'}' ca'rved ease, $BOO fur $1,50, No. 1-7 octave Upright or Cabinet Piano, SOO for $lOO. No, 2-7 clove Upright or Cal Ink l'iano, $7OO for -No. 3-7 , l, , cetavo Upright or Cabinet PiatM,; , 4oll f&. $5OO. 1-7!; °clove Seta bG rand Motto, $llOO for $OOO. No. 2- 7 14 octavo Throe-quarter limn] Mann, $lOOO for $7llll. No. :1-7!f octavo Full Concert larand Piano, SI, for $OOO. The repo lotion of these first-class Instroitienta makes It onnetessary f. r Its to say a word in limit. favor. They are onivernall 3 . acknowledged to be superior Co any Instrument mode. Those whiting to purchase, or ]wiring to make C 11 1 .11,011. Presents, will find that our hpecial and o.stritordinary reduction of prices r ill enable thou to obtalit A FIRST-CLASS INSTRUMENT at a price Peen less than a socond.rats, or inferior ono would otherwise cost then. Those wanting bargannt should, not fan to call at our {SARI:ROOMS:NO. 1101 CHESTNUT STREET, and examine our largo , ttovli, where fir trill Le ronflihr conrinred of the olptoholly rf 010113 Poutos, and the s.O rlticu ot 1111101 we. oro offering then,. SCHOMACK ER & CO.. N. 11.L-Sulo agents Le the col:lf:Med ' 11C ILDILTT 0 11 (1 A N . 4 - d- Oa ttb , gurg, Irlth deeerlptlon of st 3 ka no ,1 vhedules of prlrre, m be luul by apvl) leg et cur war erten., ur u 111 Le sobt by nmil. 11002) Shirt Illatoittacti»:;.l 11 r";,II6PKINS' PHILADF,I,PIII . 1 Ilo.ll' SKIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 1,11.1 Chestinit, Street, IZA) 1.1,i• o, el y1;2:4 .erch St., Phdordetphi, A complete assortment of all the new Fall Shapes of Oar Celebrated "Cham pion" Hoop Skirl% in every length and sire, together with one own make of "Key tone" Skirts, (second quality,) and full lines of good Eastern made Skirts, for sale, wholesale and retail, at prices just reduced below those of any former season. Our Champion Skirts more than sustain their reputation for superiority over all others, and are now sold at such prices as willineet the views of all, and are warranted in every re spect. Corsets ! Corsets I I Corsets I!! Our assortment of Corsets contains over 100 kinds and prices, and includes every desirable kind, such as Tholnson's Glove Fitting, J. Becket's, B. Werly's, Madam Foy's . , and Mrs. Tgoody's "Patent Self- Adjusting Abdominal Supporting" sets in all grades, together with Misses' and Children's, and every grade of Hand made- Corsets, ranging in prices as fol lows :---45e, Bc, 000,- 75c, 80c, 83c, 85'o, 90e, 94e, $l.OO, $1.11,41.14, $1.19, $1,20, &c., up to $7.00. Panier Bustles in' 27 styles, from 85 cents up to $3.25.' Ladies' Under-Gar ments in all kinds .and prices. ' Night Drosses from $l.OO to $9.50. Infant's Dresses, long' and short , , from _52.35 to Tucks, 75 cts. ; 10 'Tucks, 91e. ; 15 Tucks, '51.82, &c. &e. up to $lO. Hoop Skirts and Corsets Made to order, altered and repaired, at Manufactory and Sales Rooms, 1,115 Chestnut st., Philad. Call or send for Circulars. . WM, T. 110PkINS. ' 22sept0.81n • Cook Stoves, Leather and fancy Goods. SPECIAL NOTICE. CLARK & BI'DDLE Iterrpretfolly Inthrin their Mende thrtt • • 4111,. JEREMIAH, AMIN% (loto of the item of Batley 44 C 0.,) hoe this duy onto riato'd blineelf with-thernOindur tho firm hated of ROBBINS, CLARK & BIDDLE, and will continuo the WATCH AND/JEWELRY BUSINESS at the old Mond,: 1',124 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA.' TAey r are now offering, at reduced prices, a choice cI AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, DIA lICNDS, JEWELRY, • STEELING SILVERWARE, " TABLE CUTLERY," MANTEL CLOCKS, . ENOLISII , FRENCH AND ;VIENNA. LEATHEIt AND .FANCY GOOD& 28440 For BWe- 7 - Valuable Real Estate-. A VALUABLE RESIDENCE • AT %PRIVATE BALE Tha undorsigned,U , lll Noll at prlrato Halo that tot. liable reahlonco, eltuatcd at Mount Itock.,Cuntbor land chnnty. . • Tho Improeamontu cotielit of a , • ' • TSVO:STOEY MUCH HOUSE • , • having two rooms and a kltulten on tho drat door, and throa rooms on tho uecond floor. Aluq, Stable, Corrlago Holm, Hog Poll, and Corn Crlb, together. with all other necoaeary outbulldlugo. • A. lot con- . talnipg chola° fruit attached. Any peteon wishing- to view' s tho property can ra) .0, by railing on Levi Trogo, residing near the acme. roc terms and ftlithOr iniarmation apply to : aouri mew. FRESH GROCERIES 1I WM Tt IlLurs, NOTIONS ALL KINDS OF DIEIMEIMI Dry doods and Carpcts. DOWN DOWN! o_o 1).5., -AT D..A. SA)VYER'S, CUEXP STORE .____",''Prices Lower . tha • UNPRECEDENTED BARU AINS I Constant Additions to our Stock 1 CHEAP DRESS 000DSI At 25 and 30 ednts, worth 40 to 00 rents. . Wo are selling Dress floods nt 50 per cent lon than last month. SHAWLS! SHAWLS I We are offering Shawls at remarlabli low priers WATER PROOFS! WATER PROOFS! A spibudid pion of 8400 per yard VELVETEENS VELVETEENS VOITCICOLIS at 50 rentv, $l.OO, suit upwards EMU A splendid line of Ladies' and Children's Furs We hare no old Furs with which to bait customers. Conte and examine our stork, and you will be con rimed that we have the cheapest litre in the town. ,/CTION IN DO3Ii:STIC GOOD Currear,ondlng to decline in gold. A heavy unbleached Muslin, one yard witlis, worth 15 rents, for 1234 Calicoes, Ginglions, 111111 Ticl. inks reduced. A cheap lot of DLAANKETS, Junt 1p from tho mliln, MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. 0 .-. lsc . .tatinga an as down. Mon Undo"!this and Drawi,s, GO . rents and 1;p -wards. o'B. NOI.ION DEPAWI'MENT . W1111;040 ;plied with nuvellios anitable for 111dida Praaunte ; CI lomu all, Come all, and foe for your),elver, and sore your money, IBM BARGAINS! IN PRY GOODA, FROM ArCTION, 0 G T T, I 3 Y '-S CHEAP CASH STIR Now opening. a secondecond slimily of tin. che ., alieFt Fill and %%Maid tiTiods bdonald I a liarindo ilini Monson. .A large agsintliwni cd Liniirs' Dri. , ,i iloodq in es ory varlidy. CiOtilS, - a C'assi e'res, `kattinek, olivont.;nly kw, BLANKETS AND FLANNELS, very elwap STATER-PROOF CLOTS all colurm lttlisllns, Tick lugs, Wit ghat., nt the vety lowest Glovea, Untiervitlrts,• ke , eintapet' than ever. Table Linens Toweling, anti Nenlii)es htFHmTn iMlTTlotadsi lams, praida, Shirt Collars; Ladies' littlntorel Slsirtsk de, in tnlir,d variety. Spe4::tal loargning k 1,1,11,.. of a Ile, 11/fl . , „ MEI MEE An entire now lot of Furs. Great bargains, hating no old ones. Purchasers San depend on gettinz, It new and cheap article. Purchattors aro earnestly requested to call and ex amine; my stork of new gootht, and satisfy thentselves. No trouble to show coeds at the Cheap Cash Stone, No. 47 WEST MAIN STREET, CARLISLI 1.. CHARLES 001.13 l D Ry Goobs! I)RY (-40(.ms: lEEE II A It l' E IL ' S , South llanov,er Street NEW STOCK OF FALL CVJODS iaho pleasore trifering My - rltrOng :1111i 0/ Ili , •!iitli Dry:.(loodN, in ev..ry and Tl ,, t ,01.k1 cheapn,.. 1 o• Imsv "poll rt he e itte.k Fashionable. I)ress Comls, 'dark billts. Murk hod colored 1 , 1 , ' k alLit colored all moul lioplItu:, Hark 11,11 a I Lllol'l.ll M 001 dolitilles Wel: and colored mot - int/es, 1.101 1 porlfus, net got, voloure, tint , inutlnc bom b ..c.oes, pure molmirs, nurse brood of double warp alpoes, for Icrauly of color, tt eight of texture, tad to lee, it takee tlie lead of arty allow t=io Ilse otarkeL. 311.1 V lel . lll, nn 1.141t14. L 0, ,,; noa spinru 'l'lllbost Shaat Is, all 1.1 Milt)! 0.11110:11 010111.. Blanket , ,, '10;IN :11.1 a t:ly. 11.111:01. Flammif In.eNery variety. • Ladies' Cloodng.t—lllark Ileavere,"*Ve'erteenx, Whit Cortiurey,ppora flannels; Plaids, for Circular,. Water-Proof IVater-Proof ! llouac Fort11•11Ing1/0-0...1s Table UI umin , Napkins IVlllto Cowin. - Ail Um popular brands of Donwhiles, at pt.:. 8 to moot the: lowest 411 Merino V,Nt,i, Shirts, ami Uuut cro, for I adios, mboos, mon, and Boy. Knitting yin•ns, .801 y. Germantown wool, rer elan wool, tao balminal sin rs, linnilmig edgings null Inanrtiugr., thro3ll-4urrs, G Wpm o leers, linen nail taco collars, kid glovi.Omnilkorehlet's, toll, hal. moral, and linop tilarts, coraots, aid a general variety of notions. Claim and Cassimeres. EMS FZEI - No hezllancy io saying tl nl the prices will bons low no any In town. _All_goods_bouglit at-110_1403d of _ll,o ..marliot,.for enHli, and onporior induconwnla will 1,0 offered at the Cheap Cash Storo. r • Corner panover and Pomfret Streets, I= 130ct70 . DECLINE IN GOLD I CORRESPONDING DECLINE IN GOODS! Quito an excitement, In the Dry Goode market, In ft very marked decline In prices of DRESS GOODS, Silks, Dolathes, hforinoeiVAlpaccas, Poplins, Surges, Steps, and a largo variety,. .comprising nearly,nvoyp thing In this lino of goods. • STAPLE- GOODS:, 4' • — Fiannala, Tiakinga,Ginghnin, Illirnlcata,CoTionad es, KonturkyJnanl, CLOTHS, and CASSIMERES, Litton and Calton 'Pablo plaperv, Checks. . IVIIITE GOODS SWIOI, Nnlneoolc, Cambria!, Jaconets,, French 3ltm lino, Tndrione, Cambric and Edgings and In stalugs. HOSIERY, GLOVES, • Trimmings, In great' variety, Ribbons; or the il6t quality, Huts and litinduivnin • FANCY GOODS 'an great many a tyloo, and all very cheap Ladies' Under Clothing, very handeolimJy motloaud trlmmod. Aldo CARPETS, 011 4 CLOTITS • • • • Ruggeta, Rugs, Window Shon'ein, Wile, Counter= panen, and manygoods not montloned• for want of • Wo claim( to bavo tho knout and best stock of Dry Goode In tho Intglor the Stato, and will a oil at ouch piths tie Will MO/51'440i that this le tho piney to getgood pargaens, . 4 j" Quatro) _HARDWARE, SAFES, yep. 1870 HENRY S/ITON. .3: P. latimmir 11. SAXTOItr& • N 0.15 EAST MAIN STIIEET, - Carlisle, Pa., lIIPORTED AND AIIERICA.N ILARDWARE Dulhul g, Itonsekeepiug; Farming , 31eclianis lIARDWARIfI • lIARDITIEI IiAIiDIVARE 11 ! l'altits, Oi Cedarwaro, Gum and Leather Bolting, , Rape, , • Farm and School Nouse rot, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, GUNS, PISTOLS AND AMMUNITION! Fl a Table and Packet Cutlery, Silver Plated Irate Cog Wheets,llale drChampion Meat Cutters, &niter, Butcher Knives, Mani Corn EMI SLEIGH RUNNERS, Sleigh BELLS 11•'O Ir S' 1? n z A N K E cfr., Our FALL and WINTER STOCK mu Jura been unpaAcd, and the of our ENTIRE STOCK been reduced in EVERY DEPARTMENT, and will positivel y supply nor goods at LOWER PRICES Than c,.an elsewhere be purchased. We buy exclullvely of Hie Lest manufacturers, in larg buy, fur CASH, and obtain special rates. H. SAXTON f CO. L PERSONS knowing tm hesnlves .SL-1_ T., indebted to Henry Saxton prior to Itl please mate settlement b.. Are Mr Ho., of fhr yo,, after,mitich time they will he placed in Olt,. haridz 'for collection. HEIM MIT,T,ER & .BOWERs I= HARD IV A RE ,S TO 1?_161 - BARGAINS ! 26 NORTH HANOVER STREET, WE would respectfully call the atten tion of the public to our 'recently iPplenish oil STOCK OF HARDWARE making It none one of the largest to Cumberland Valley 11,114 i 0 , 1,4,411 M In part r f HAMMERED AND ItoI.I.ED SUI:I4 , N•S ; , 1101:, , , ?,17 , :11 . AY RoD:+ 111.A.MC I NT AtloN K MA LV S . AND (A lIPENTEft TOILS 13 1; 11,1)1 .7117=E IA L and Jean,: bu~irllrr:% r MEMO A.TE R I A lllnc, ihovolo,.,l4wka, '-.-sites, Gc OM IlepnirN I r \ r l, CidlM IC C'S R 1 4 l'Elt 1:011%1 Int ly .0 \Ye . 11 re conmtn,ll in n.eript Pot grois dilr.q. tr.. the uianuroetm rre Mid ore 1. 1 .1 e to fu nish woolly 113,01:mt. :At I a nit N.. folk p.rt I the ("nut f. 4 vharve. • WILCOX GIBBS' S.E WIIV G 171 A CI 1 .11; E, Iv. , hale secured the Agency of the 'Wilton (tilde' Setting Machine, A little faintly arrangetnent no one seems milling to do with, at after having seen title in operation. The It ilcox A Gibbs' Is a tingle Thread Machin,. ' tool el:lints stipetiority over till Double 'fbren.l .Ibn:blues, in the following part., tars ; It Is simpler. and Iles 11111,20 to get ant of re pair; It is cheaper; it runs with lees ; It runs easier It runs faster; It has this best-device for pre „venting the wheel from orubning backward; it re unirel less mechanical shill to a pl. i at e ;it requ i res 1/I . 4nsoand instruction ICOlO.ll'll to INC it ; it is the tst certain and relialdo in itsperatiens• Its needle is attalght 111111 Ives UAW Itrolze tt time n nrved Vise '1,1,110 is aTcutid in its place by an i • anion-1 yttente I , i-v• • w Molt renders it selta , ljusting, to that neither skill nor experience ale required In arranging it ; It asses directly front the spool, thus doing sway with tedious opera lion of re m holotio Olio thread f, r noljtittmerd In the shuttle 1 It Teske, the Wilcox A Gibbs', or isted loop stitch,” a stitch Si itileal with thle notching, and made by lot whet ; theneam is more elastic and stronger than the la, It• oil; the is the most vl'l.llllllll bettlltittll; the seam in always dot's avoiding arsversible feed ; Its lellsloll is more ~ 11111111 t moreea• ily toklustsd it is more speedily cloinged from nine kiwi of cork lo another; it does bestittfat I Inbroidery it 11. the le st ;it has tile best filler: it tie the !wet braider; it hes the hest hell. 'flue {Pitons A 0 1 1,1 , 3 has been in the market for a little alone thsn eight tears, during which time upwards of sixty thousand lilt, been made and sold, a number by filly our cent larger them worn sold ninny Double Thread Ischine In the settle number of its earliest years. Such MIMI.. Is sunielent to warrant the saleof this Machine wherever it hits tut agonev, without the 110111,1 lug evidenewef testithonials, of which there are enough to fill up the columns in the lucid. Thera Machines are on exhi bition at our store, • NO. lie, NORTH JVNOVEIt i% here they may be examined, and t/ioy will tok great pleasnro in 1. xplahlitig nnything relating to It EMI Cloth i »g, Piece .Goods,, fir. CHEAPCLOTHISra! f rars I B. S It I L E 1 ''S - Gil gAP-CLOTIIINU-STORE, NO. 11 SOUTH ITANOYER STREET, for Imrgainr. wlocre you %oil: foil a largo :Igiorluieu of " . , HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, for met 1,03.3 wear, from !Lo sommottes gradel up to nu) Lost, • • all of my own manufacture, VlllOl I alit 2.11 at prlces to defy competition. I have on hand. large 21141g00d uslortment of PIECE GOOD:3, c_roilq CA SSINIERE3, which I will,aoll by tho yard, or cut and mak° up to order, In the best manner, and at prices much lower than ore usually charged for garments lamb to order. Alto, a large easertmer t t of F 3 11111 Ta, UNDEfISnIRTS, DUCIIcANT);thD CILth'ES, • in fact everything ununity knpt ' ln n gentleman'. Furnituro Store. All of trilicll I it ill neji cheaper thou tho eboopett. • Itemember the place, NO. II 9OIJT I NANOVER between TallOfriii Orocory . 1111k1 Otrohili& ,boo Store. /OOCt7O - Pra D, At. g)JaLEY. BENTZ & CO: CARLISLE 1870 I=Erl Nalla, Cement, Horse Shoes, 013 F., Shellers, Clothes. Wringeo, LanternP, C.ul Buckets! I= IMEMII I±, ON iBM PID 311[J.tal C BOW ERS, No. 20 North Hanover Wed, Carlisle, CHEAP CLOTHING 11•11131 MEI coups, .9ATINETS, DIIAITt.RS, HATS, Irn k. U~~~~R}i ~~T~~Qi El Cloths dna Furnishing Goo( THE BEST, and dedidedly the largest stock° R4LI 6 AND WINTER oporis In Carlisle; for Men's, Youths', and Boyn' wear, found at Ow old and popular store of, ISAAC LIVINGSTON, No. 22 North Hanover Street, niter° yon con find the latest productions of • perm - Mid American manufacture. CLOTH'S br every description and quality, and all the as popular and fakdlionable uharles. OVER-COATINGS The largest nreoriment cent displayed Cassimeres in endless variety, Tweeds, satinets, A eplcmlld et,i; of Vrtt iitgo An 11111110.0 stock Ready-mndo Clothing, of our manufacture, equal to garments made to order splendid ae,..ortotent Of Gentlemen's FunkishinglGoods OEM DIM Cali (bag EMI •11?n't fail to give a tall n\lewn. are tlaterminkal to 001 rhenta, than any It to ISAAC UV INGSTON, No. North llnnovor.Street, Corny Established 1847 MEI pRuSSIA AOA INST FRAN The first tot Wu won by C II E AJP J 0 'II N In selling goods at prices to snit people Dun/J.9r andßlitzen tcie kontmt Cheat, Jahn ran sell Lly el , f1111:g, Boots and FL flats, lniirt, Cu:Jar, Le., fifty percent cheaper t any utlisr human being? A 119 TN, —l:.vau.., hn r„/"..s In Big Fires In P , 1,11.1:m. • If p.tt crquell. Cl ip J,llll, n 1 }!gory cult 1,11 you FINE CALF EOM'S, A Whole Suit of Fall Clothing, A na Elio,' 011 . 0%11 in tha lairgllll3 See Cheap Jelin, being poor, is the fri of the poor man. k . ; 11.-).llil.ling ATTACITED"TO THE rIe.4NKr:IN HOL'81: (Cua.y Wutzerd,) In rear Of the Court House MIEII ALAI. PACTS 1113E1 E A 1.) I N • G ! A :n g.., w.••I iurefirt . r.ftil bilx:n experience of more than tweniplive ye ml•la .ITerlueualeatt 10 1111 who ale al 1.4....ne pun 11..0.rs of ci c L O T II I N G to no ...stablibluntnt In the comity I= Itut..l; nothing nitnuitilti iu totx wn'y lu;por tt—ol, up at all, - ay.•u fu Ille lowest gradoo of go, rt a wt.!' eqtalt:lsLaJtlct among Hthters, that iy-Mnde Coining, in evo.) thing iltat gooi 3u4ejor garment. Itinommulled by any Rh a. In ()Ir ci-sm - tment Is so that oy eau In• rued ut, wive, Is Ihunt doluy. Our poi alua3s guaranteed 'a r 's low, or lower, thou t •c,t e 154,1101, We has a also a fine assort men t trie•GOODS TN TUE PIECE, lilt o 111 Lo made op to o:thir, In the best mann nt Frievalandt liner than are unnsnally thing for g3huents in:l4l.t to crilur. Sample.; of goo 10 wl . Ol Price • for all Lina forwattivd by malt at nay limo when 2=10E11!11111E! gartnante, eltbor made to orarr or scloctud from o dy-Made Stock, forwarded by express, guaranty =I Ptreom not mitt ingt,trure. eon when visiting 1111 phia, call and 'have their measure registered 'bookm kept for that purpose, from nhich meats ran 6 milt:rad at any ratan; time BENNErr & CO., TOWER MALL ? MS MARKET BTREET, Milt - gray hetireen Fifth and fqxth Stnotp, Doerr...mit 27,w Clioicest Smoking rely,' THE AND-CIIOICES'T: BM . 0 NG! TL - 0 B A Is tuAtrufactul'adat' FACTORY NO ,31) DIBTIIIC OF MABYL See thit ovaiy pliclZagi? I:9u buy_boare • ' logerfvtlotir 20g0t70.1y 2 Cheviots, MEM EU at $8 11•1