BM J. M. WEAIILRY. J. M. 'WALLACE. J CARDS. ADDISON HUTTON, ARCIITECT, - 533 - irainttt Street, Philadelphia, Pa. PLANS, DESIGNS, PERSPKCTIVE VIEWS. . SPECIFICATIONS, AND WORKING DRAWINGS, For Cottages, Farm Rouses, Villas, Court flounce, Valli, Churches, School Routes. FRENCH ROOFS. :HJao7Oly R. A. ATWOOD. ISAAC It. RANCS. A TWOOD RANCID & CO., COIIIIISSION 3IERCII.NTS, • Wltotesnie dealers In all kindsof PICKLED AND SALT FISH, No. 210 North Wharves, Able Race xtreet, PHILADELPHIA loci° DENTISTRY ! DR. J. D. 7.INN, No. OS, East Main —screed, (a Pert doors east of Gardnor's Machine Fliot.,) Carlisle, Penn' 3, Will put in teeth from :10 to 020 per set. as the 0000 may require. All wort trarraut“l. 10feb70 DR. J BRNDER, I❑IO3PEOPATIIIC" 111 VSICIAN. Office be the t oom formerly °crawled by Col. John Loo. 1°3019 E. E. BELTEHOOVER, . ATTORN RN AT Utlico in South honorer street, oppqnx.i zseutz i , o x , goods shorn. O: P. ROLL. RODERT D. WORK. A. •L. ITIMENIAN. JORAT A. SWARTZ. W. R. HERITAGE. IJOLL WHITEMAN & IVIIOLEALE DELLgRS IN . MANUFAC7URED.TOBACCO , N. E. Coo. Third and Market streets, ldec69ly .PHILADELPHIA. 0. P. 111.1M111C11. GYM. B. r IJUMRICH PARKER, 11 ATTORNEYS AT LAIN . Office on Main et reef, In Marion halt, Carlisle. 10,11:1 JAMES H. GRAHAM, Jll., ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 14 South Hanover street, CARLISLE, PA., Office ticljoluirgJudgc• ralun'e. 211111170 j'OIIN CORNIIAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 'Wico N 0.7, Riweni's 111111, li. P, a, of l lie Court Fron,l, IMEI JOSEPH RITI , TER, an., ATTORNJIY AT LAW AN It SURV IWOR, Zlechanirribu th r Pa. Wilco on It:61101.P street, two lours north tho Bank. Busintars proutptly attends.] to. C. HERMAN, ATTOILN EY AT'LAW, Carlisly, Nu.ll.ltiteem'u hall.ll/sag p IT. SILUIBARGER, ..a... & JUSTICE OF TILE PEACE, _ Plainfield, Westpennaboro to, mhip. Cumberland Calmly, Pfinn'a, • ---Aii-imak,vaa r marnAult In 11:lm will reeeiro : prompt, vAtmaluu. =r,---,,,...20firt70-- NVE A_KLEY :c SADLER, ArroluivAs AT LAW. i3lllco, 22 South 11anto,4 . street, twit the Coal Will hose Hume. . lime 62 WILLIAM KENNEDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. .)111co in Volunteer building, Corholo. 10349 J. SHEARER, V V • ATT6II.NET AT LAW. • 011 lee In northeast corner of the Court II u,'. 10,0 TES. B. IIIRONS, T_. A TTORN EY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Fifth street below CbCSLDUL, Cor. Library, PrIrLADELPITIA. J. E. Gyaldwell's Advertisement tiOLD MEDAL. WATCHES T E. C'ALDAVELL & CO e./ . JEWELERS, 902 CITF.STNUT STREE'r, PIIII,ADET.PIITA, 111" ii just received I.) SteaLeer wn lher baga c opply i.I the celebrated COPENHA4 ;EN WATCHES, S': Loy Ldly manufactured for their mains by Ekonr'an Thew Irat.-bes'nie dixtingulshod as excelling In Quality, Style, and Accuracy, haviior the must cmrvun toot arrangrimout for WI at Ito: toot Hettang, at a very moat" it cot. Mau, our full Ilue of GENEVA. ENOLI: 4 11, AND AMERICAN FINE GOLD WAT.CIIES • envy virlety of fink). mid price, direct (ruin the Motilifttvturera, with now eat mid beat. styles! of tt Gold Chains, Seals, Keys •, e. Alto, TIMERS FOR THE TURF. 'S'Qsi'Oly • HOTELS T ,HE "BENTZ lIOBSE " • (Formerly Gorman Holise,4 Nos. 17 AND 19 EAST RAIN STREET, CARLISLE, PA. The undersigned having purclinved and entirely re-fitted, and furnished anew throughout, with first.' ,lass furniture, this well-known, and old establiblted hotel, solicits tits cusbsm of the community and traveling public. Ito Is Well prepared to furnish tirst close accommodations to all who desire to makti a hotel their HOME, or plsavant demporary abode. The custom front the surrounding country la respect fully solicited. Courteous Mod utt cativo servants are engaged et this popular lidtol. GEORGE 7.. BEN'f7., Proprietor. N. B. A first class livery Is connected with the hotel, tinder the managethent of Josspli L. Sterner & ',tether. 30ap691y . ATIONAL ROTEL. cA,RLIBLE PA The undersigned having taken and entirely r‘,.. fitted anti furnished this hotel, is prepared to furnish ;nod accommodations to all who desire to • snake It :leis . house. A share of the patronage 61 the sur rounding country travelling public solicited. - n u omslarge and •ontfurtablo. Table always sup plied with the'but. . • N. W. R'OOD9,• &maid ' Proprietor. FURNITURE, 11,t1.111VITUI;E B. SWING, 111 NET I.IAKItIt AND'UNDEItTAIMR, Weft Main Street, (SITE LEE'S WAREHOUSE, R. Nest rurnltufa awardad at all County Ira lIIIWO 1857. 'af all varlatles and styles of Foroign and -----nuraokura,fromitlio (Inert-romewood and 'tho lowoat priced utopia al,tl pine. • • 4 NEER, DINEVC ROOM, KITCHEN di.:l*l) • °MCI: T U",B E artiste used Mime and hotel et approliod and fashionable design ding also Cottage Furniture In ud Camp' Chaim, Mairosem, Cllt • eti • given an penal to funerals; 1 country attended to promptly, lid to the seTiclion of 11•611 Pu A. B. B. . 7 ‘ . • VIALTON lot Tankers, . . ITT 13T, rnmentLrnin. at la ono of the oldoat in Pidindol ag oxporloodo and superior facilities Li to iambi). good Work nt roasogoblo . aractura fine Alrottore, and' oleo tnoilitim rnituro of ouporior qrml a tt. !arm; irtook - ramie on " ao l ado orilor Anntore, Doek Work, ome rn o , urnlto re- firr Bimini, Offices and stores 'MOO to Order.' ' ' ' "Jot. WtragOth T C , • 11 . .:e11144, 11E1 I.EGAI;NOTICES. NOTICE., • . All persons knowing themselves Indebted to the estate of E. Shower, deceased, must make payment La fore the first day of ,thunary, 1870, otherwise the accounts will be left In the proper bandit for collec tion. , M ,' RS. JANE SHOWER, Q. INHOFE, - 1 8dec704,1 Administrators. - ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, ME= Letters or administ ration on the estate of Samuel Spangler, tato of South Al iddleton township, deceased, barn been isase.l by the Register of Cumberland county to the etilu.eriber, risiding in staid township. All persons indebted,to said estate will please make psyment;and thaw having claims to present them, Moly authenth mud, to the undersigned for settle- TAent. J. D. SHEAFFER, Sdec7o.6t Administrator. PRO.O L A MA T I 01 , T.—Whereas the lion, James 11. Graham, President Judge of the several Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of Citniberland, Perry, and Joni:tin, and Justice of the several Courts of Oyer and Terminer•and General Jill Delivery in said counties, and the lion. Thomas P. Blair, and the Mat. Hugh Stuart, Judges of the Courts of Oyer awl Terminer and Ornend Jail Deliv ery for tine trial of all capital and other offenders, In the said county al Cumberland,'hy their precept tome threctell, dated.l4t it of November, 1870, have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery to lte holden at Carli9le, on tho 17th of Jannary, 1871, being the second -Monday, at 10 o'clock in the forenkone Notice is hereby given lo the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Cont.tables of the sold county of CIIIII berIIII.II, that they are by the Said precepts 'Coln mamlrdlo be then anti there in their proper persons, with their roils, records, and inquisitions, examlut, lions. and all other remembrances, to do those things which to thelr.offices.appertalit. to be done, and all those that are \mond try moguls:titres to priittecitte against line prison., that sue or, then shall he inn the Jail - rrf - stdd - rotmtyTart-to - ltviltere-torot , scute-thrtm On shall he just. .7. lit FOREiIAIC, Sheriff's Ofllea, Carlisle, 1 the 6, 1676. J EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the /estate of ?dialling Kamera, late of Crankford township, deceased, hare been issued be the Register of Cumberland county to the undersigned residing in said township. All persons indebted to the raid estate will make im mediate payment. and those !lasing claims to presant them, duly authenticated, to the subscriber for net Cement. J. N. RA MARA, R AMARA, 2.1110%70-oar .Execti tors EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. SEM letters testamentary on the estate of Alexander Logan, late of West MMnaltorough township dereagod, haring been granted to the undersigned, all pemons nidebtui to sold estate aro notified to make im hi payment, attil I to pre, la thotn, duly authentiCated, to WILLIAM A. A S IAN, 21nto70.Gt Eserta,. . LINT IST It A.'l OR' S Letters of Athol nlAtrution OD the r.late of \Vilna° (I.lVaibillood, into (Jf the home gin of Carhilltr, de ceased, have been issued by the Register of Cllllllber land county to the undersigned residing . In Fuld borough. All persons indented to the sold estate will make Immediate payment, nod tlio.oe hst ing dohns to present ; them, duly untheuticaled, do the bubserlher, for settlerneut. . A WA 911310 2.111,A70.6t MEI EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. „ Letters testamentary 011 . the 6SI ate of J,,, , r,1, )1,4. Alger, late of Penn towilship, da,,eamal, 111, t• horn ialli - d 111)71.1rritOMIStrtOU114. V to the hndersigned residing in said township., All perglcirg - - the — aahl - estrite - trllt — irdiltclifiliilliini. - payment; and these haring elan. to present them, drily mithentihated, to the subscriber for settlement. - - JOHN MELLINGER, -, Executor. . NOTICE. Notico is hereby gis en, that appliention made to the nest Legit.larvae, fur the ineozporation ora Bank or - anti Discount, to Ile located in Carlisle Cllllllll`l . l.\llll county, Pa • to he railed the " Farmer.' Bank," 'with n-capitol of Fifty Th•neand Dollars, or Rh the pritilega. , ar incr.:4l; to One Hun dred Thounna 11011111 . S. 28Junenhata - - • . TEATS Aly - .1) CAPS •••.G -CALLIO, • . IrrST UN CARLISLE, PENNA., The lIAIVEIt of Carlisle! The lIATPEII or CarliAle I The loleot styles jolt received! Thu latest styles always on hand! I SILK HATS-ft : m.l ' l the boot 3ltomfictures 1 FA3TIIONABLI: lIATS just out!! I J. G. CALLIG wtvbex la rail attention to blo largo MIS HAT4' AND CAPS e manu:actnns Halt, to order, and has thu be“ rangernontg for coloring lintp, Woolon Bond!, nd Overcoats, nt abort 'notice The highest CASII PAICES puhl for COUNTRY FURS $4`01%, MAI A C ALL. -co. NO 29 MAIN STREET. 10.109 Baltimore Advertisement IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CONSUMERS OF DRS 000 DE All Retail Orders Imo - muting cr •cd to any pat of the country. Free of E.ipress Charges. 1.1 A 51 I 1, T 0 N 1: etc 1- 90N 5 , nf To uithr the better to moot the 6'autp44.l . their 1101011 Caltataorx at a drat:taco, have estabh,liel a '' Eff=l and rill, upon application', promptly 8( 11ti by mail full lines of Samples of the Nen est and most Fash ionable Goods, of French, English, and Domestic nuFln Motu re, guar. tee' ng at all flutes to cell tie low, if ,lot ra less prices, th. n nuy house to de country. our goods f m the largest mid most cele brated ntatin'itetnrer the difietent parts of Ennui°, and importing the aurae by Steamers direct to Dahl noire, our stock Is at all times promptly supplied with the novelties of Ole London and Paris markets. As we tiny nod Sollautly for milt, and ittal'i!c no bad debts, wo are abln.,,and willing to sell our goals at front ten to lifteen 'pen cent tens profit than If we gays credit. In sending for samples specify the Lind of .Foods desired. We keep the beat grades of every class of. goods, from tiro lowest to the stout costly. ' .o.ders unaccompanied by the cash will lib Font O. 0. D. •ProMptlin.ying wholesale buyers are Invited to homed the stock In .r Jobbing and Package Department. Address HAMILTON EASTER 'SONS. 197, 19h, - 201, and 203 West Baltimore Street, 20.110-ly .Baltimore, Md. To the Young Dieiti • MANIIOO.D now LOST, I!OIV.,itt!STORED. Just 'published, a new edition of IDE. Culvorwoll's •Celebrated lbstry on the radical cure (without med. 'duo) of Spormatorrlirea, or Seminal Mutineer, In voluntary &mina! Losses, Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapanlty, Imprdimonts to 3farrlago, etc.; also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by Self-Indulgence or /Immo! Extravagance. Price, in a sealed envelope, . ONLY SI.V.TENTS: Tho celebrated author, In tills athrilrahlo essay clearly demonstratos from a thirty years , successful practice, that the alarming consequences of solf-abuso may bu r adlcally cured,' without the dangerous uso of 'Monist .medicine cr lie application of the knife ; pointing out a mode of at once Minot°, certain -and-effect u al r ly_preanti_ofwlitchr_eYery_sulTorer,.Tl: ma ttor what hie condition may be, may cure iihnself 'cheaply, privately, and radically. .ryirThis lecture should be in the hands of ovary youth and every man in the laud. , San( under seal, In a plaill'oll,loiollo, to''anyaddross, postpaid on receipt of sixri•ents, or two post stamp', Also, Dr. Colverwell's "Marriggo Guide," intro it cents. Address the CHAS. J. C. KLINE A CO., 127, Unwary, Now York, Post Nice Box, 4,556. 2june7o Carpetifigs and oil cloths. THOMAS. DEPUY;. . 0 07 South Se con d otreet, above Cliestaut, H PIIILADELPITIA. . M Das last opened, with to largo and well au laded stock ofloo, Forcign and Domestic Carpet- o Inge Clogs, g ß a t it „ngoFd gnntities. Alen, Cif y o t to Dods, ac., to., nil of widen ho g will Ben re ' ry r, to ehonp for c0a1,.. P,13,- , -1. STEWART DEPUY, is lot at 26 Soul' Second stroot; but, with Thou. Depar. .PUre Drugs; Chemicals, &c. Fpx - PURE DRUMS;' 011DMICALS, and Patent Illedl:Inos, t 5 sol', Havorstlok's No. G Soutlyllassovsr stroot. AIAo, ausilondldospott mtmt of .Collot Em; NrfOnserles and ' , quay Tulip Articleo. „ • . • --• .." •Thmos , Rr Stiodh, CITY ADVERTIS'EIifENTS. $lO,OOO GUARANTEE BUCK TEAp Excels all other LEAD! Por ita Unriva Second. Fur Ha Unequaled Durability Third. For Ile Unetrrpassell Covering Prep,ly "443 - Lt utly, ftr 4.4 Ecohomy.-Tat SIZ . .IT cons lons to paint milli Buck Lead, than day other Whit° Load extant. Trio adule melglit covers moro mrfave, 15 yore durable, and multen whiter oocrk. BUCK LEAD Is tba Lheapesf and Lest =I G LICIT zINC Exec's all other ZINCF. Fra.llB Linrattraled Dnnd Freon& For tn Unrivaled Whit moss Third. For its Unsurpassed Covering Prep lv Lastly, fur ita Or-at Economy, being tho chimpest, bandtainc:k and mo.t. daraLlo While Paint in the wo, Id. BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC; TRY IT AND in) CONVINCED Satisfaction 0 uarai. tetd by the Man lifoctorerei , be WE vdted BVIIK,COTTAGE COLOR,g, l'rei,:kl,loxpte,sly fur raititing Cottaffes, Outbuildinga of every (Jos. - Option, Fimef", &o. Thirty-livo different Colors, Duralne, Uniform, and licauliful :Made r o. Sample cards sort by Mall, r desired. Dealers' Orlota will be prompf ly exectitod by the manufacturers. & CO., N. W. COIL TESTA AND SIXIIKET STREETS =I =MNIMMMZII BY TIENBY SA T 0 N (.0., 11,..t . ur5.1n 11:1111w:ire, l'airtlx, CARLISLE, PA _lj n-011 =I PREMIUM SILVER MEDAL, I,l,lrlied over till- eompetilion, nt Exhibition, Boston, o,Aolier, Ell= =I WROUGHT IRON, AIR TIGHT, GAS-CONSITMiNG 'LP] ATL R•, , i Lb patented Duet Hcrean,Crate Bar Rehtti,ll"rmigla Iron Radiator, and Automatic ltegutntor, kr burning Anthracite or Ilitinottioug Coal or NVood. 10 sixes for brillovOrt, and 2 dzits•Pot table. II uii(aet tin d oily by T. REYNOL S & SON, e - or. 1 a .s:FiiherCS/rects, I'M I,SDELP II lA, PA There heaters aro made or heavy wrought iron, well riveted together, mut arewarranted to be oboe- Mel,. 'Gat net Dart _light. They aro the only Heaters that are Managed without any ilaniperd, nd in whirl, alt Mad, of fuel ran he barnel tt itbout Cooking Ranges, for llolcla, Itt,tam :tots, rul F ITITI Flat Top Heating Range, Fire Place Heaters, Loiv Down prates, Slate Mantels, Registers, Ventilators Ntinphleth gtving full,:es:l,iptrm, sent free, to any " Sixty-five First Prize Medals Awarded TUE GREAT BALTIMORE PIANO MANUFACTORY WILLIAM KNABE & CO., :%loonfartorers of Grand, Square, and Upright PIAN9 FORTES, BALTIMORE, 1113 910..1 III:4111111(119 base peen boron, hir thirty yearn, and upon their A 14.131, nttained cl/1 to it purehersed pre.oni)i, pro nouners utioluidled. Their WEE combines great power, sweetnept, and, fine i.inging quality, as we❑ as great purity of Intonation, unit a weetnes4 throughout the entire reale. Their rizzia Is pliant and Haat ic, and entirely Lee Gorr Ike still% mins found in HO many Nam,. 11 . 0Jz FNd S // I 1' they are unequalled, using none mint the eery best seasoned materiel, the largo capital employed linear beeline. enabling as to keep continually an immense stock of lumber, Air., on hand. 4ir All our Pianos hare unr New Imprint col Orerstrung Settle and the Agrelle Treble. ire Wo would call Special attention to our lido improvements in Grand Pianos and Square Grande, Patented A naiad 11, lOcitlkiwhich bring the Piano nearer perfection than lunifset Lama attained. Every Piano:l'o . ly I,varranted for 15 yeasts. We bane made arrangements for the Sole,Whoh Agency for the moot nelebratot I PARLOVORGANS AND MELODEONS, which we offer Wholi.nio..vid of Low est Factory Pi Ives. W 11.1.101 tiNAtik A. CO. JAMES 11111.6A1i, Wholesale Depot, . _ _ 279frf;,i2S1 South Gth street, lisep7O-Cin Philadelphia I=l PLASTER WORIi.S, COATES STREET wmCnr CALCINED 'AND LAND PLASTER /LT 11 , 1 Z G BONE DUST, T F.11.11.A AL BAS &a., &c. A NY inquiry will receive immediate AL — A. answer. Satisfaction in price and material assured, and shipments promptly made. . 24[670-1, Jolyt Parqra—Fancp Fups LADIES' FANCY FURS 1 JOHN•FAREIRA, 718 ARCH STRNET, • Iltlttle of Block; between Eleventh and Eighth titruete,wouth 410, PIILLADEL:PIIIA, Imponor, Manntartnier, and 'Malay lit all Milan and quality of . FANCY FURL Ibr Ladies' mid Children's Wear Ifaving enlarged, reunedeletl, and - improved lay old nod favorably known Fur Emporium, and having Imported a very large nod splendid assortment of all filo different lands of tura, from Drat hands In Europe, Bare 11M11 them made by the most skillful workmen,' I would respectfully inflie toy friends of Comberiand and adjacent counties, to call and examine my very largo and beautiful assortinent 'of Fancy Attire, for Ladles and Children. I oaf deter-, mined to sell at as low prices all any other respect. hie 'Homo in this city; All Nora warranted, Ito misroprosentattoits to effect rules.' - . . JOHN EARDIEA. ' ' 718 ArcltUrceLll'hilatielpilia. 2000170.3 m. „. •,• SPONSLER'S COLUMN. A . L. SPONSLER, Real Estate Agent, Scrivener, Convoancer, Insur ance and Clain! Agent. Oilier Main Street, vein Centre Square. HOT -EL 011 T-AVERN-ST-AND-- ' FOR SALE ElllllllOll 0111110 Fotallemt corner or It - mover nod South streets, la the boroughs of Carlisle, known as This tot contains 60 feet in front and 210 feet in depth. The improvements aro a Two Story FRAME HOTEL BUILDING, AND DWELLING attached, fronting on llnnover street, a large Thick ildtel Stable, and Shed attached, Weighing Scales, Cow Stable, Hog Pens, anti othar convenient omb building,. Gas in the hotel, and hydrant In the yard, and suable liken be; and an excellent scull of water nt the door. This property is In good ',der, the Interior having he'en recept.l3- papered and painted, la an excellent borinesA stand, and has a gond rim of Curlorn For terms, le., engnire 0 MEM A Two-Story Brick Dwelling For Solo No. 39 SA oath Bedford Omit, coatain hist two pat lore, hall, and kitchen on the fl. et floor, and three Own hers on the second story, 'o lit a fifibilaid attic tick and front, stairway balcony to hack building. aril grape arbor and liydntat to the yitif d. Apply to EIMEI TMITE subscriber has several other val _A_ liable propertew for "wio in eligible parts of the town, which will ibly clii•iiesell of A. L. FPONClifilt, = dealt Valley for vale.—A number of valuable; and highly improved farina in the aro of fered for sale. The trails, ton from 00 to :ltd/ at nee The land it of the beet pi Ally of limestone, folly equal, if net miperior, to the land in I timberland Valley, and will be dispoool of at astonishingly low figurt, The extension of the Cumberland Valley Railroad into Virginia, as now surveyed, w ill run immediately thrungh the to, Con ot conntre; In which these lands are l o cated, whlcb, when cone pleied, together with tho advantage of the Slu•nnn doalt river transportation e ill give them all tho ad vantages of Northern nod Lantern markets. A splendid opporito.ity fur lucrative lilt estmmits Is here offered. . . A foil and tainulo description of the location and character cif the actil may be had, by op. plying to 17m1t7 1 •• ORE BANK FOll SALE.—A rich de posit' of the heel quality Hermetic Ore, yield iiig :10 per rent, 001,11.1isil. 10.0 18 Acres, located ittAlenotd. t0wn4.111p,..4 bout - Amu. 11.1111-1.1.r.21!U1f...irk W4+ of C. W. k 11. Y. Ali', en title iri — e Yellow Bret rhea creek. - There 1 , a et e fllr water uiing dlrow,ll 1111. thuds ;tide is rd ls, gthe ore, mei thrnhdaing ider-iss4. r I e+ille , Pl`,l/116 deeded, or oiowoo: the bald, may 11111 111011 W. Leith. h, ' - inefly knnt,n so. Mel, 7111 dire town, hip cuttilierlalif I I,linty. 01 ulon. „ RE )VASIIER SALE.—An O rok,,c Ore WaNlivr, at thr Oro 'hulk ol W. hrith. 111 . ht• ottld vlttiy Al.- ply to, A. 1.. Pl'O\F. tijtm:o TRd VJ!;LER S' G VIDE MOUNTAIN IRON CO'S., RAILROAD. I I A Office of General Sitpdrintendent, ). Carlisle, Pa., October 3, 1370. ... I.,,To'NrliAle (C. V. It. 11. Depot) 0.31 2.4,0 " Jiturtl,,ll. 11 40 3.00 " Mt. litliy 720 3.40 " 11011frr'e Itun S 0:, .Irrltl, 10U AErist. at 11tia Urnra - , i4i,--- -- -- .. . - Lea, Pine (:rove... Ran n llolly Arline F. C. AILMS, lUette,lllSupl. CILLNB lEIMAND VALLEY R. It CJIANOti 0r.1101J.119. - IMM WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On manner Tlow-day, 'November mod, IFi u , T.usaul;nr Trains will run dully , os to] lows, (Snildsys excepted): ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves llarrixborg B:0 .A. 51 ech [lad eslm rg £1;35, CArllsle 9;11, Nevr,ol,. 9:40, Sill ppenslong 10:22, Clllllllbernburg 10:13,1,11:.:0- g.umth: 11:111, arriving at Ilagt.rAtown 11-15, A Oh MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg, r: nt , ellifiiirsburg 2.27, Carlisle ihfig, rills a 32 Ship penstourg 4.02 , Chambersborg 4:35, Oreetwasties:ll, arri•ing at Hagerstown 5:40, p u. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Itnnislmrg 1.20. Ptl Aleclinniesburg 5:02, Carlisle 5:32, Ness ville6:o3, Ship penslitirg 0:::::, arriving nt thanthersburg 7:00, e 0. A 31 IN ED TRAIN leaves Chitnibersbnrg 7:45, A 0 Orteo.otstle 0.00, arriving nt Hagerstown 10.00, A 31. ACCO3IMODATION TRAIN 'citrus Cliantbs,burg 53,0 A M , Shilifiensburg 5 YO, Sayville G:00, Carlisle 0:33, Mechanicsburg an lying at Harrisburg EOM MAIL TRAIN I raVOS grt stown 0:30 A M, 0 rCell eflAtle 9:00, Chanilieribarg 9:10, Shiniensharg Nowt:1110 10:53, Carlisle 11:.9, Mechanicsburg 12:05 arriving at Harrisburg 12:37,1'. M. EXPRESS TRAIN lien vs Ilagerattiv, 12:00 0, Greencastle 12:28, Chamber slang 1:05, Shipperebn rg 1:37, Newville 2:10, Carlisle 2:50, Mechanicsburg 3:10, arriving at Ilaribiliarg :1:50, r u. A MIXED TRAIN learns Hagerstown 3:20 rat, Greencastle 4:27, arriving at Chainbershurg ti. 47d- Making class' conlieVl ions at Ilan in burg Leith trains to and !rote Philadelphia. New Yorli i Washing. bin, Baltimore, Viltsburg, and all point. IVest. 0. N. LULL, Supt. Superi al endeal':l Office, Clialab'g. Nov. 21, 1830. City Aduci:lisements.. SOLID SILVER and SILVER PLAThD WART Of even dos, t iplion nial latest deigns, suitable for Bridal Gifts, Testimonials, and -Holiday Presents. . PI h.. lAtor than theJvcolar market Ills Eilmordinary itsducumultl to purchloar6. CIEO.II.BECIITEI, No, 716 Arch street, 224.100 (Old Stand.), AGENTS WANTED. Agentswant ell, 575 to 5 . 200 per month, limbo and fomala, ill sell the (.01.1,111te1l HMI 0)1 Igo tial COIIIIIIOII hetooi Family Seining Monition, Improved 611 a. perfected; It AN In 11011, fell, stitch, lock, him!, braid,lll,l embroider In n movt soperior manner. Trice only.Sls. For ;sim plicity and durability it Imo no rival. 1m not boy illllll any partie, f.t.:Ffing ninehines nailer the name eame name no ours, lde:, n Corillicate of Agency I.i med by IN. us they tiro worthleot root Iron to:whim-I._ For simobtra on:Flerina,opply Si!' oildre,. li. CRA VFOIID & 4171Stlitestioct slaver, Philad,a. Carriage 13aildina and Lilccu, T IVERY, SALE, ANT) EXCHA.NOIT ETAItI,I:. J. L, BTF,RNER S 13i-10TUE% I= ON REASoNALLE TL O MS, AND AT SHORTEST NOTICO =! 4*r.N. IL Sintop room for 50 Iktdi :of Ito] VPII ko!I, ' • 17ieb70 (JLOCkS WATC IEA, AND JEWELRY SMITH HARRIS, l'lrkttlelpldn EA CTICAL - 1V ,A CIFAIAK ono door'welt. of the lb'ou(rer Prinl lug C,111,0, {Vonld respectfully ',lion, his old filen& MI tl Ilio pnblie In gouoral, ihat , he haticonimenced tho In the above named buttd.tlx, ,vW6ro Ito to prepared" to do any' kind of work in tho lino ot eloykr.,* NVatchov, Jewelry, ..te. Having had over twenty yearfe experience hi the landiares, I fool confident can give entire tiatimfactlen to all who !Inner 2110 With their work. • ! • , Focht] attention paid to tho repithlug of llno Watches. All work warranted. lingrytrluit dune at short notice. iiaovii) . ' NV, D.. A. NAPOLI:, : Recluctidat i,& Price of Coal. 'DEDUCTION in mice of Coal by. Car Leul.—The enbserll,Cr will MI Ca hl, II V VIII CAN LCAD, nt p rodaulicel ea the name principle of othurg who wholpealo, ylg • - • 1. Never to ru-weigh the cod. ! 2. Never 4)Tc-screen the coal. "!. O. Consumers Ivho thus purolmso • loss 'on an mango; from GOO to 800 pounds lu wet ht In " onC contiOnfug 4 444!;:', town g 200ct70 CARLISLE, •PENN'A, "1111 URSDAY, DECE4I3ER 22,.'1570. =I A. L SPONELER, It Pal Pstat.• Ag.•ut A. L. prosaism_ _ 1:0,1 11,1 ate hgeo. = A. flea! EstAto Ant C : a ll•io ' A. I. SPONSI.II , t. 'teal Agrot,CarliLdr, TRAINS RUN AS FOLLOWS itETI7I - ;;IN6 WESTWARD ! EASTWARD ! IMIIM=B= - Watches and Jewelry ALl,s' .:111,a1.4E . No. S Inholy's mA4cKia SQUARIVCAIMISLI; PA Watch and Jewelry Business, A, 11, nmit - Walker's Vinegar• Biter"s.' A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY. HE WALKER'S CALID'ORNTA V LN - EG AR B T, T g Hundreds of Thousands - bear Testimony to their Wonderful Curatiyo Effects. WIIAT•ARE They are not a vile Fancylolf, made of poor Rim, Whisky, Proof Spirits, met Refuse Liquors, doctored, PpiC.l, and sweeten ...I to pleave the taste, called TONICS, I= ' RESTORERS, &e., that lead tht. tippler on to drunitentMas and ruin, but nre a true :Rondos, unta Mint tho Roots and Ilerba at California, frec.from 101 l Alcohol's. Stimulant. Titej aro tho Groat Blood Purifier, and a Lifo-tilring'Ptinctplc, a perfect Renovator and In vigorat?r of the hystum, carrying 'off all pcisonotta matter and restoring tho blood to a healthy condi tion. No' person can talc- these Bitters according to dirceth n and remain lcug unwell, provided the are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and tile stint orgali.Wlinteq.teyond the paint of repair. - _ _ . For Inflammatory and Chronic itheuinalisto nud Gout, Dyspepsia Or ludigestiod, Dllions, Iteinit taut, and Intermittent Pivots, I)li:env:R of the flood, Liver, Kidneys, and Iliadder, tlaise Jilltera have Lee. moat sncerssiiiii. Such Dianses ars canacd by Vitiated,lll6cd, which . La generallV 7 iii - olliiceil by -vingement-ofillie-Tilka.ative-Orgiwn Dy . spepnin or 1101g6,tion, Headache, knin In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, had taste In the Mouth, 'Bilious Attacks, Palpitallmt of the (kart, Innen:pi:nation of the Lungs, Pain In the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred ether !morn] symptoms, ate the offsprings of D:,,pepsia. They Invigorate the Stomach eaa stimulate the torpid liver Ruff bowels, which se i llor Ilion of tin. eutmlol efficacy choosing the blood of ell Im pnritie., and imparting new life sail vigor to tho bolo system. Bit lone, Remit lent, aid lutermittrut Fever, Ivhioh ore on prevalont In the valleys of our great 11(tr:, throughout the Milted Stales, osperiallythose of th, Illino 'felluesaer, Cualfier land, Arkang.ig, Itod, Colorado, Croons, Narl, Ala Duna, Savannah, Roam/Le, Jame., and man:: tribut flier and Am INm, 0.1 rented:ol4y xe daring seasons of nOllBlOll beat and Myllelo, ore Dtvartality neconi rani.] by ea [Nisi ve of the stomach :lad Hier, afel other alshonized rheern. 'Mete are lila ay moon. Cr lees ehe t r notion; cline Dour, a weak tie, and Irrilable state of the stomach, and great tarp, of 1,1,0 besets, being clogged up with id:fated event. alations. In their treatment, a purgatho exerting a le Werfill 111111arpeo upon these rattails al gaits, lie,oeidielly There 1B 110 Cathar tic for Ilse pru l ose mond to Dr. J,Watker's Vinegar Bitters, ex ilies wilt speedily non eve the dark-eat oral 'matter elth wlllch are loaded, at the soma time stimulating the xneratlena of the - liver, and generally rvetidlng the healthy filnetlons of the dizestiv organs. Thu universal popularity of this ralnahle comedy' in reglons.hilli- Joettodelentruatie - influencas, ix auhleient (lidera - T - 1)f 17:71iTiireititrt 1!===l1E! For . Sklu Disertsos, Erupt lung, Tiler, Salt Rheum, Moir-hos, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, PriPa,Cerbunclua, Ilkpg-Worms, Seabl Head, Sore Fyus , prplp a h rep Intl, &Infs. lEtarolorations of tine Skin, Humors ma Diseases or the Skin, of whatever mums or nature, are literally dug rip mut rarritil outrnf the system in a short I,lls by the use-of these Ill4rrys. Eno bottle ltrnueb rases cvili convince the_ moir:Linenanissus of thelr curative • Clenuso tho Vltinted Blood whotiver you find Its itopuritlon horgtlng through tho . nkfn In Pimples, Eruptione,nr Soros ; elenone It whim-you find it oh etrllo led and Rluggish to the veins ;:cleanse It when it Is four. out your feelings will tot you when. the 14(1;1 imre nod the health of lila ttyotofit will • Tspe, and other IVcrin • Sys tem of zo many tbon iamb, me sliectii.ilijrrosti•iiy,ed and removed. For full directions, ro id carofu ' lli tho circular around each bottle, printed in Jour lite. images—Englleb, Gortuan, Fierreb, and Spanish. J. 1VAL141411., Proprietor. It. IT. McDONALD kCO Inliggists and Gen. Agaatb, San francisro, and 32 and 34 C'ornineren Street, Nov YiJk Sold by all Druggists op,' It. 701 y Dry Goods, Hoop Shirts, ‘tic HEAD! RE I.D Tho pl.tru to buy your Dry Good+ k at L A C II E Y 'S Cheap for.CaBh. Store, NO. 99, NORTH STItEET CA It 41F1.1:, PA They keep the hest Ili/11. of Alpo,. in the enmity, nt lmver. figures than van it. I:nod/am:a outsale of Near York. lloollA of all 'Amain eanstantly un hand. Fresh goods nun inn. Fallsfaellen anal aitt eed lu all n0...1s sold. I'oll Ilint of culula,t,d Princess Skids A . la , .%111 , lidt.t. 11,1;0 al the 1,J,, ,t:in Cloths, C'assimeres, '';11 Inett,, 'l'n cods, l'l!•r\' town al a lr•.x Irr lr•r Tll,lrNiolon LI-t I Ifur:icrY r Yarns of Carpet, Chains, Oil Cloths, Lf:e with evilly llti ii munily lo liiht•class Dry Altiodn Situ. • • Puirl•fniget. Northllanover arect,_Caflislc. Pa UrYOl7 GET DAR-GAINS 22 r pt 0.8111 Simms' White Pulmo.niaßaisam SORE THROAT, LTC No medioino or treatment oan exaeltlto lanverftil curative rower of It 5I S' • \V lIITE PULMONIC BALSAM It cures with n riplillty utourplitlltol by it'ity utlii i• rourvdy otritrell f, Throat anti hung tlltttatios. •It Is npJi. thnti,g-tm and biliiiirdds In I'landrlitkia„.l3altituoiti, and other AIM -04,101711111Mns through tit the country. Mr. Potioltigton %%Mulli:ten, I.lllll. , ld,Wriintl that there I. Ind (witha few clei.ptioin) it family In that city who will he wlthont,ir Jr v0r,11.1,q0 procure it. hitch lo populariti, wherovcr— It fit.known—null tutu ii"liiliiiilty ?rant the toot lluntituttivcrxnlly 011105 ul ahn ,11,40 It. 'llioro in no case of Coughs, Colds, Throat, Asthma, Ilronclilibs Crony, Blood-Spilt Al, llortidencini, and tven onary Cone inapti‘t, whore tho system Is not hlokem down With 0194 o r Oho Moon.), or pretonded nit:inane; 'or inoxpPrlenceil ' nlh9ce, that this 10'1 lint curoif oitrontli: inntt, according to directions. Wo guernnteo it nil' wo ritprecont it. ho ha, nod Invite n trial front the olllletod overiwboro. rth , e, ho cools. moil um end Si fur urge thou bo• tics. Preparod only by J. 11. 81,MAIS, M. D., PRACTICAL:ORGANIC CIIEMIST, No. 767 Market street, WILMINCITQN, DEL Philadelphia depot, ! Tolleson,. Holloway & Cowden, 002 . Arch Street. ;. Baltimore depot, S. S.'llenee, 109 Mani- . more Street, r rot Hilo by 111tolicItis Dettloro gobovally. Hioliarly • • KATIE LEE AND' WILLIE GRAY : Two brown heads with Oaths . curls, • Red lips shutting overpeara, Bar° fegt while, and wot with dew, Two epee black, and two °pa blue, LittiTboy and girl were they, Itotlo Leo . and -dray. They w . ere'slandlng where a brook, ' Bending like a shepherd's crook - , Elanhed Its silver and thick ranks Of drooping willows fringed Its blinks— " -1101 f 1n thought and half in play, ICalle Lee awl Willie Grey. She Intl Loekn like eherrier r,,tl; lie Was teller, 1;10•1 fl head. She, with arinit like ivreatht 01' nionv Swung a basket to and fro, As they loitered half Sa Katie Leo amt! Wlllia Oray. "Pretty . Katie," ill's said,. And-there come a dosh of red lhrough the brownness of his ..heck "Boys are strong and girl. are wiak, .And I'll carry, so I will, Katie's bashot up the 1(n lli 1111hWell It NI id, n laugh , " You shall curry oulylalf,” • Anil said, tursiag buck her earls, Boys ale wok as well as girls." Bo . you think that Katld guessed llnlf the tVlsdom she expressed'[ Men are only Wye grow n tall: hearts 100 t change much after all And when long years from that de; Itatierlee-and.Wlllll, Gray • • - Slahnl n.aiu beside the brcok Mendloglikealeo.l'Trima,h Is it strange that 11 said, While again a !lash of red Crowned the brownotss of his 0..1 " 1 am utr ng and you are wtak 1.1 Cc i, but a slippery et. p, lion; with slindowA cold and drop Will you 411,11110, liatio door?, Walk liwildoion without ) I carry, if I nil, All your burden up the pill?: And Rbe ans,,r,l with-u laugh '• No ; bat you nyty earry,halt: Close beyitle thu Bending 11lo• a Fls,ilhel to Wtrltlng Its env.. 11111111', Into stall tart; at the sandx, .7.,,lii9Jultacot tagt3lllPltto -41 tlyz. - .7' _ lives all'? Gray. 111 tho porch ,he sitg, and, I askr•t to /mil fro, Vagly from dip one That. ehu se nu• in y agono ; This is long, and deep, and a And Into rankers at Ito nide• AROUND'THE HEARTH. Whateter l oar earthly lot, - Whei,Yer we may roam,- , • Still to our hearts the brightest la 111111,1 the hearth at holilOL Tho Lorne where ore reeelre our birth, The hearth by wLtch are sat, _No uthor_ung on all the earth • Will e‘yr be like that. When winter, coming in Its arnlh, Pilecthigh Lim trifling snow, Silo einitored round the cheerful hem tit 11 - 0 welched the fitelight Nor brighter teemed the ruddy flames Tlnuttlid our hearts. the while A loving mother breathed our tuoneA, ith_tu eatupproving-entife. Who. wvariod a Ulf our urger rlm 'l'h rough many a tangled lath, I low sweet the deer Itemlstonted pl.t talk 5. And our toil and We frel 0111SPIVOS Our thoughts fore'vi, cluble, the And thers alone Ilnd•rest. Itrinbt,isioniim °Stile t est °bor., Sweet &alter from the Home hallowed by a tardloiria locq Hearth by that love made warm ; - Though wildly roared the ',torn) A 1 itioait What reckiid we of tha cold? 11 ;dare for any fear or doubt:: Within the loving foid I Ai,tl when seine lit th , trouble Nvelgikt.,l 14,..n the rhibhsh heart, Till frcui our brimming eyes It haile The gushing tear drops .tart, How quick, heifer° the gettlal gliist, R 1 AT) ! Wo felt each sorrow crave, And back the crystal currrnt flan TO litgins heat ls icw Pea,. A nkbrighter with the paeqing yon, Soonx ebildhootrx xwebi And oven swtnder xtlll arwear4 Indi well-rem entlaa e d JO'. A nound the eina.rfol hearth :kt - he lAhore we in C.ildheed tat, t!ursjiot AsSher•', o 1,11311 =1 THE CATTLE OF TEXAS TIIE cA.TTLE-RIVE OP NORM AMERICA Dr..Latham contributes to the Omaha Herald, of the twentieth of October, a very interesting article mh cattle raising in Texas, from which AvYmake extracts as follows • Texas is truly the cattle-hive of North America. • While NeW York, with Ler 4,6 . 00,000 inhabitants and her settlements two and a half centuries old, has 748,000 oxen and stock cattle ; while Pennsylva nia, with more than 3,000,000 people, has 721,000 cattle ; while Ohio, with 3,000,000 people, has 740,000 cattle ; while Illinois, with 2,800,000 people, has 807,000 cattle ; and while lowa, with 1,200;000 people, has 980,000 cattle, Texas, not forty years of age; and with her 500,000 people„ had 2,000,000 bead of Oxen and other cattle, exclusive of cows, in 1807, as shown by the returns of the County Assessors. • In 1870, allowing for the difference between the actual , nembOr of cattle owned'alcd the number returned for taxation, there must be hilly 3,000,000 head of beeves and stock cattle. This is exclusive of cows, which, at- the same time, are re r ported at At 15,000 head. In 1872 they must number 800,000, leaking a grand total of 3,800,000 head of cattle in Texris. One-fourth of these are beeves, one-fourth are cows, and the othmtwo-foOrtlut •are yearlings !Ind. two year - oldn'. There would, therefore, be 950,000 beelms, 050,- 000 colds, and 1,000,000 young cattle; There are annually raised and branded 730,000 calves. These' cattle are raised on the great plaids of Texas, which con tain 152,090,000 acres. - • Flannels, &C Clio% eq, =SI In the vast regions watered by the Rio Grande, Nue*, Gandaloupe, San - An ; tonio,---Colorado&Leoni--Ihnees,—Trintyi ,Sabit and 'lted ilk(lrS, these millions of cattle graze upon almosttropicaltrowths of vegetation/They are owned . j)y the: ram:llo=n, who own from 1,000 to 75,- 000 head each, I will describe , one. or two .of these great ranchos, which will represent to your readers the largo ranches of this cattle hive : On the Santa Catrutos river is the rancho of Col. Richard King, known as thO "Santa Catrutos Rancho." This .rancho consists of nineteen, Spanish . triggcns of land,- or 81,132. iicres, It is watered plentifully. by the Santa Cairn- Os river and its tributarie's. - -On this ranche.are the immense number of 65,- 000 cattle, 10,000 Marks, 7 ; ooo;slidep .and 8,000 goats. :Ono thousand saddle-horses and pop Mexicans . are - Constantly em ployed in• herding, gathering and' dilving this stock. • 1, • Col, King brands annually .1.2,00 calves; and Bolls 10,000 'beef cattle ,yeaitr, and lAyefo t4o proceeds ilf stocic cal tte, thereby adding to his vast herds, in addition to their natural inCrease. O'Conner's"ranche 20 miles below Goliad, oh the San Antonio river, is another princely estate. le had 40:000 cattle in 1802, brandedll;772 calves,'and Was 'sell- . ing from ,$75,000 to $BO,OOO worth of beef cattle annually. -The foundations for this wealth were laid in 1852, When he commenced grazing' with 1,30 q cattle. The Robideaux ranehe, on the_ Gulf, be tween the mouth of the Rio'Grande and the Neuces, owned by :Nfr. Kennedy, contains 1.112,010 acres. It is a fertile peninsila jutting out into the Gulf, and is fenced on three sides by the waters of the Gulf. The other side is fenced by 30 miles of plank fence. Every three mile% of this fence - has a little rancho for-Mexi can herders. In this inclosure are 30, , 000 beef cattle alone, besides the other stock. These three arc types of thconen in the older cattle-growing region ircar the Gulf. The fiontier -counties are. all rich in stock. Jack Young, Throgmorton, Ste vens, Callahan, Coleman, Brown, Tor rent, Elrath, Comanche, l'olopinto, llitt and Johnson, are all great stock counties. These counties comprise the country dfained by Bid tlionsands - Of mains - that" Nu eceS, -- thurda=. loupe, San Antonio, Colorado, Leon, Bra— zos, Trinity, Sabine and Red rivers, and is one of the best watered regions in America. The blun and table lands bordering and between these streams are covered with "bunch," " bunk)," and "Mesquit" grasses. The cattle princes of these - counties are John Ilittson, who has :10,t.00 cattle ; Win. Batson ; who has 8,000 ; G. W. Slaughter, 00,000 head ; J. C. Lynch, 8,000 head ; Geo. Beavers, 0,000; Charles Rivers, 10,000 ; James Brown, 15,u00; C. J.” Johnson, 8,000 ; S. E. Jackson, 4,000 ; Rob. Sloan, 12,000; (half Durham stock) ; Anderson Bros., 0,000 ; Coggins & Parks, 20,000 ; Sant'l Vaughn, 0,000 ; Martin Childers, 10,000 ; Cunningham, 8,000 ; Mauskaw, B,w'; Lacy & Coleman, 12,000 ; John Chis holm, 30,000. John llittson . 's rancho is iqyald Pinto 'County, on the Brazos River, where he has 50,000 cattle ;lie has 300 saddle-horses and 50 herders. Ile'drives about 10,000 head of cattle north annually. _Eigbleen years ago he was working from / daylight till dark in Rhea County, Tennessee, timber section, felling trees, cutting, rol ling and-burning logs, and clearing the_ land to raise a little corn and wheat.- 1 rom - experience-itt-t.ho-forosts-af-Temies. seehe knew that it would take the three score and ten yeap of a natural life to clear away the trees and weal: out the stumps, and, not fancying the down of hard labor for life, he sold his land, .and, with 60 Tern cows and nine brood mares, turned his face toward the setting sun and the grass regions of the Brazos. Less than a score of years have passed, and he has :10,000 head of cattle and as,, many acres of land. Ilittson is about .10• years old, six feet in height, and broad shouldeted ; has an honest, sunburnt face, with a square, firm set tinder-jaw, which, as I looked at it, I thought was shut a little firmer, giving him a more deter mined look than it would otherwise, but for-a dozen or two encounters with the fierce and insatiable Comanches, who knew Hittson and his old long muzzle loading rifle well, and- -now know him with his Winchester. I have often wondered what they thought when they pounced on him with his new Winchester, and received ten shots in a minute in stead of one in five minutes. They must have thought the old rifle bewitched. AL any rate, they will give him a wide berth, unless ,they can creep upon him as the hunter does upon the buffalo bull he does not dare to face. Mr. llittson is establish ing a yanehe on the South Platte, near old Fort Morgan, for use as his general Northern headquarters. lie will winter 5,000 cattle there thissear, and bring 10,- 000 head therefor sale next season. John Chisholm, -on the Conelfo River, is another of the cattle raisers mid drivers of Northwestern Texas, who carries on• the business on a princely scale, and whose experience - 1s much like that of Hittson. Of the thousands of owners of the 0,800,000 head of cattle in Texas, net 100 commenced with large means. They have built themselves up from small be ginnings, like llittson, and Chisholm. The surplus stock is disposed of by packing, by shipping by steamer to the Gulf State by driving due north to Abi lene, Kansat, and Schuyler, Neb., 'and by the northwestern . route to the Pecos river, where the droves divide, some going to Arizona and California by the Southern route ; the greater number, how ever, keeping a Northern pours° Lip the Pecos river tothe Arkansas river, cross-. ing at and above Dent's old fort; and thence along. the. eastern base of the mountains, through Colorado and across the Black Gills, to -the Union Pacific Railroad, and on to the great valleys and markets of Wyoming, Utah, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, and the" Pacific States. -The beeves -are- , -soleeted-out-before _the herd} leave the Black Hills west. If fat, they are at once shipped for Chicago and New York ; if thin, they are left in the valleys of Colorado, Wyoming, and Ne braska, to fatten. The amount of money handled by bankers along the base of the Aenntains fro o ni Cheyenrie to Trinidad is enormous. I have no data from'whieh to calculate the amount, 'hut it cannot be less than , 51,250,000. Every settler who comes into'any of these tnoundins terri tories, every Mine that is opened, every India!i who goeson to 1y5(36 . ( 10., - and is. fed, every soldier who is brought MO the --country,— e- -lulditionaLdematuL for stock cattle and beef. As astound.; ing ns Diego lignres may„seent, this sup ply has not been nearly adequate to meet the demand.- „GLit 'in-eparatiOns are making. in Not thwestcrn Texaf; to gather together heeds . which in numbers have not been heard of before. - ff/WEEMI ' Abilene has been the great market this year. At that place the receipts of . cat-. tic have-reached the enornions figures of 200,000 head. The shipments for the month of 13epteniber amounted to 60;000 head, Or . 3,33 g carloads, or 111 car loads. per day, for thegreat corn-fields of lowa, 3lissOuri and Illinois., It is anticipated that the shipniefits ,will reach ,78,000 . in October. _ This groat n oattlo trade at Abi -lane, midair has assumed such gigantic proportions, waSinitiated -in 1807, and has therefore counted only four seasons: In 1807, 78,000 head of stock was re ; in 1808, 12;000 ; in 1.868, 180,- 000 , 1 in 1870, 200,000.. In 1869, embank' alonb. in Kansas City handled, itn,noo,oop of cattle money, The cattle driven and sold lord' are from the eastern part of the State, from the Grande to the Red Divers. .At SchnylOr, this year, which was an ex: periMent only, 27,000 cattle were sold. Taw First National Bank of.Omalia han dled $300,000 in consequence of this cat tle busidess. I am informed by these who knOw, that 40,000 more cattle could have been, sold, if they had been at Seliuy ler. Next year it is hoped the supply will reach .100,000, al the demand fur Nebraska, lowa, Southwestern Minnesota and Dalian, will 01.116111 y cc qui ro Hurt number. Packing is one of the great means of disposing of the cattle or Texas. mien & Poole, of Galveston, ai e, packing im mense numbers of cattle at Galveston, Indianola, and at Shreveport 'arid other places. lam informed that they own more cattle than any oth't!r•Airm hr the State. This salted beeitilits tifarket - fil our great eastern cities, witlr our navy and Merchant marine, and in every beef.' buying market in Europe. Refrigerat7w cars looked forward anxiously to, to take the place of live shipments as ell9P .er, healthier, and with no loss by long travel without food. If slid' shipments ilrove - sivecessfui everrm ft rkeFo:i - stof the lllissonii river Im - d — wust — crf — the -- , . Nevadas will receive beef Prim Texas. (TEL ON IIORB EBA C A APPALLTNO SE , 2I:EL TO A cirEATIN(i kME =EMI A letter from Lowell, Nan as, of the twelfth ultimo, says I)r.. V. C. Law rence, of Vacuna, Colorado, recently of Philadelphia, has just arrived here and funishes me the following details of one of those bloody tragedies enacted no where else than on the borders : On Tuesday (election dayl Joe and. Charley Bigger (brotherv,). (tin; Norton and Tom Jackson, who had been driving a herd of cane into Missouri, pasted tlireng,h here on their return home, in Northern Texas. The men were all young, well .mounted and armed, and each possessed of considerable money, the proceeds of thc , sale of their cattle. They stopped some two hours in this place. and I had a long talk with them, On Wednes day afternoon they camped on. the banks of a small\ stream in the Indian Territory, about forty miles from here, and after staking-out their horses, while cooking _their supper ; -sat (WWII to a ,game - of curtis; They had hardly commenced their:game wheaDre_stes Watrous (known as cock- eyed IVat.) Theodore Allison and Di& Bradford, noted NM Orleans gamblers rode into the —camp.. Those gamblers were on a professional tour from li'brt Scott, and were hound fur Buxton Springs and Kansas City. The new comers _wean. welcomed and invited to camp with the herders, which' invitation was queikly accepted. The sun being-some two hours high, it was suggested that there 'was , plenty of time to have a sociable gams or two of Poker before supper, and ;accordingly' N'Vatrous, Bradford, Joe Bigger and Jack son talk a hand. At ITirst Bigger and Jackson won, but luck soon turned, and Watrous and Bradford were in a'lair way of cleaning out the others, when Bigger detected. Watrous cheating. A lbw at once ensued ; blows were interchanged, and weapons drawn by both parties, when it was proposed in order to secure fair play, that Bigger and Watrous should tight it out on horseback, their weapons being bowie knives. This Was at once agreed to, and the men prepared for• the bloody fray. They were divested of their coats and shirts,• and air knives were bound to their right hands. They were then placed sixty yards apart, with orders to ride at each other with full speed, pass ing on the left side. Both weresplendid horsemen. Bigger was mounted on a clean-limbed, fiery. pony, a little over fourteen hands high, while Watrous rode a large " watch•eyed" vicious roan. At the word "go'' the combatants spurred toward each other like the wind, but passed without s intlicting any injury. A second and third joust was run, when Watrous' horse received a slight cut on the thank. On the fouith round, Bigg,dr, as he passed Watrens, threw himself on the off-side of his pony, so as to expose no portion of his person, and drove his knife deep into the neck of his adver hary's steed. Watrous, divining the ment•er, wheeled as ~the blow was struck, and attempted to hamstring Rig ger's pony, Tut succeeded only in - inflict - - Mg, a.sevefe wound. This style of light tog was then abandoned, and both men and horses appeared to become infuriated, at the sight of blood. As they neared each other the fifth time, Bigger mO2) dimly struck . Masons with his left fist in the face, at the same moment cutting a fearful gash in his thigh ; lint, before he could got away, Watrons succeeded in driving his knife into Bigger's shoulder. The combatants and horses wete'becom- Mg, weak from loss of blood, wlicii Wat roue determined, if possible, to end the .combat_Ly_ritling-down-his t allversery r , which he thought the superior weight of his hoise would enable hint to do. Ac cordingly, on the sixth round, he made directly upoMßigger's pony, and Bigger; in attempting to avoid the eollisidn, was severely cut in the 11.1111 and face. The pony, however; was game, antb.altliongli ; very lame, seized t h e roan by the cheek, lacerating it in a fearful manner. AL the seventh encounter, the horses cause togefirel with a fearful shock, the pony being thrown,- falling upon his rider, but both Muficcliately reg,ained themselves. Wifirous'' horse was fast =bleeding to 'Aleatit-fropy-tho=stilb=in-the. neck, Watrous himself conk) scarce keep his seat from the wound in 'the thigh. Bigger succeeded in'again sticking Wet 'rOWNII the thigh, anti was struck in ro tM.ll'ln the side. Several blown were interchanged and - evaded, or fell only upon the horses. ' , . • g lit had now lasted more than, half an hour, when Lawrence rode up in time to witness the final round. As they caMetogother, Watrous endeavored to rise in his stirrups;and_to throw him self upon Bigger, but neither liorso_could shunt the encounter, and both fell. Big ger was streaming' with gore from the 'euts'in;the Thee, back and arms, but wan, able to extricate himself, anerushed upon Watrous; who could not rise on account of the wounds in his thigh. • Big.; 'ger threw himself tipen 'Vatrous with the fury of p fiend; :and aimeSt irk a me.: Mont his knife had reached' tho' Unfertu- Mato gambler's heart, and Bredfordi'seo-: Eng the (Woof kis friend,. ralsed his 'pistol, fTvntas: $2.00 in year. CC Anvmccr 151.50 ft not paht within the year ' 0 fired - And . Bigger fell dead -- aefeAs the corpso of Wations A .f . fight at once ensued, Chancy Bigger,'ttrton, and Jackson firing upon BradfOrd and Allison. Bradford was killed in the melee, and Charley Bigger and Jackson severely. wounded. The wounded were. taken to a- cabin about half a mile from the battle-field, and 'their wounds dressed by Dr. Lawrence, Who pronounces4hem in a fair way of recoVery. • .• Lux cle 1" /X NB lir YORK. COSTLY 1101 — tilt AN p A New York correspondent of the priugfield i ,M asS. ) Reyshlierut writes: I vas talking with a man the other day, 'mm whom I le#ned sonic facts illus- . satire of the vast' inerease.or luxurious 'antes hi this city of late yearii. .I.le is a clermau decorative artist, and .devotes ihnself exclusively tomaking , designs for lie most exPoTive kinds of furnittfre. 'tune idea of hit; scale of prices, and the iind of work he does, may be formed Finn the. following figures : A carved . wooden pedestal for a piece of sculphire, cost :00t) ;an upright piano, carved in • Las relief, - $1,400 ; •:i • sidebo 11; $2;000 - • renelf --- MlstelulTslT - 900 - ; - mu an oa c etagere, elaborately orn• nested, 14,000. Not many persons cf. n afford to furnish their houses in this style, but there are cone who do so; and s their number is . lady increasing. One of the largest upholstery lirms in his city, keep a ricgular stock on hand or he value of $1,000,000; find arc doing a hriving business: Gonpil and the other ticturc dealers say that the most expen -dye paintings sell quite as readily as the heaper kinds, and there aro hundreds of flyers to whom $l,OOO or $2,000 is a mere agatelle to lay out in this way. In rui ns parts of the city stores have been stablished exclusively for 'the sale of rticics of virtue, those usuless and costly (nick-knacks which can harpy be dig,ni led with the name of objects of art : melt as carvings, mosaics, ormolu clocks,- • lressing cases, Sze. The patrons of these establishments gre not the parvenues of the war, who n;ole money by sh o ddy contracts or gold speculations, but-they are, to a large ex cut, persons of taste and cultivation, vho make, their purchases discriminat ugly, and do not spend Money lavishly erely for the sake - of doing - so. All. hese facts are indicative of- the growth f luxury in New' York, which is more 7171 -- fidife - GeWn - fing lik - e - the - grcat-Freuelt netropOlis. L annex a list of private louses which were begun to be built last _ - ear; to show the style in which our wealthy citizens live. The figures give only.Alte. cost of the dwelling„-Without..- and or furniture. Nost of them are •• • t v t• • ' Peter Lorillard, $140,000 ; 11. Haight, $1.30,000 ; Augustus F. Smith, $55,000 ;. J. F. Sturgis, $40,000 ; D. W. James, $BO,OOO ; J. W. Nash, $50,000 ; Jacob 'Weeks,.s7s;ooo'; Theodore 'Simp son, $50,000; Charles O'Conor, $70,000 ; Tames Brown, $70,000 ; John Bixby, $70,- 000 ; Terance Farley, 'sso,ooo ; Charles B. Butler, 3;02,000 ; John Walsh, $70,000. With one or two exceptions, thepare uil built - by their' owners, and others being on speculation. The total cost foots up $1,180,000, or au average of $70,000 apiece, which speaks very well for: the prosperity of their possessors. MAItItYING Youtco.---1 few days since a well dressed and handsome' youth, of sonic eighteen years of age, appeared be fore one of our city magistrates and asked if he could engage his services to 'perform a'nffiatital ceremony. The reply was in the affirmative, and the young man left, but shortly afterward returned accompanied-by a sombre-looking female, middle-410'd and dressed in black. "Is this lady yqm• mother he magistrate, "oh, no, sir; this is ow lady I desire to marry r• replied the youth, as the lady drew rtsidr her veil, disclosing a counte nance wriuklbd and sere, but on which, for a moment, , gleamed a soli of icy • smile.'• "Indeed "Oh, yes, sir," "13fit, arc you of age dia " n 1:1 „ ot yet ; but titi&Jittl.V , lily guar- "Aral she gives her " yes, sir." • The' magistrate was hi a quandary. Ile didn't .Im9w exactly what to do. Ire hated to slecillee the youth and .join the bright-faced May Italie ghlonly, , iey De cember. ."-Isn't this rather a strange "union?" he asked. "IVot at all," replied the expectant bride. I have a large ainkinut a prop erty eh I &sly° to lea-A: this young Mail. As I have relatives n • 1Lo might dis pute the will were I to give it to him as a legaCy I prefer to marry; him." "And yon are content to marry this woman for her ?" asked the.,jus- " Well, T i ghould n't marry her for any-, thing else !" frankly replfed the boy lover. " She ain't pretty." . ••' And wiNlout more ado_ the ceremony • ivas conOuded.—N.' 0 PAinne. WityriNO vs..J'iUNTIX ( I.=TIIe editor of the Moberly J1onilnl• has no patience . with written notices of public: sales,-and gives the folkining speeimon, copied from the original, then on the editor's table. It, is a beauty : There will - lie a public Sale on March' '2Uth,.47t) at the residenCe of• the sub. seriberdry --in Lower Topiernion ne.Z 7 ruillport aL une o'clock in the forenoon except the weht.her hr to bad that the people cantt, ethrie then it, Shall be the next. &e we are bound fot the weet. • Alt r CT 9 1 set of harness 3 donk forks a grass sizes 89 yards of carpet 1 . prowrow corner .covert• 1 task 1 set of chnirs -Benches I'woed ,stove .2 beds With' Bed-, ding drum 2. •iistlos -'hood .clock tablea2 chest I sink 1 big looking glass 1 :melting stove 1 AVo oil. chest 1 While coubble:Buckets and tha Bigst deg in the State. , And a, good. many , ol.h9r IttLieles . yit . „ that hi too milt to moitsion„ ' tornis shall be made Ictlo‘6l by the day of Salpof , . . 1870. o - :DyniNG von Lolip---Cbloring • ymir mpustnello 1n ple a se yom: swevtliettvt, . GI