Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 27, 1870, Image 3

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    you can save money by going to L. T.
Greenfield's for Dress Goods, Shawls or
Puts. Ho is selling beautiful sets Furs
at very low
_aides take our advice and
eßamine bis l eck before you purchase.
PLENTY.—Traniping "Rail." printers.
No less than six of these gentlemen have
visited our town during the last 48 hours
in search of employment, but with Out
success. They report business; . dull at
the different towns and cities which they
have visited. But this state of affairs
will not last long: In the course of a
few months the Legislatures of the differ :
eat States Will be in session, and Congress
will also assemble in INra . sh in,gton, and
thus give employment to hundreds of our
typographical friends throughout the
NEW, GOODS.—We call attention to
the advertisement of i 1&. Charles Ogilby ,
in this week's issue. It will be seen he
has laid in alea:ge supply of fall and winter
goods, and is determined to sell them at
low prices. Call and price them before
purchaAing elsewhere.
- - -
B - 0 OK 027 CY E,.5.
DICKENS is having an Immense sale.
It has Imes published but two Months,
and the publishers announce the tenth
edition. It is only sold by subscription,
and a CalliVaSSOr is wanted in every town
ship, and we would advise iLll se:uch
of work and money to send for a can
vasser's outfit, (costing $l,) and com
mence at once canvassing their vicinity
thoroughly for subscribers for Mack
enzie's Life of Charles Dickens, price
only $2 a copy, it being the cheapest and
Lest selling subscription book ever pub
lished. Emphiymept given to all who
will apply. Large commissions aro paid,
and steady and profitable wofk can be
secured in any locality. With this point,
kir work, territory may be canvassed a
third or fourth time with as good suceess
as at first, it being racy, chatty, yet re
liable, "written by his life-long friend,
who is universally acknowledged to be
peculiarly qualitted ton the task, he hav
ing been engaged Mr several years past,
in collecting material toe this interest-
ing work. Address T. 13. Peterson
Brothers. Philadelphia Ca., wh; will
send a Photograph of Charles Diehens
to ewy canvasser.
NoTicE.—" Crumbs Swept Up - is the
snggestive soil somewhat peculiar title
ol'a very interesting and readable book,
written by the Hey. 'l'. De \Vitt Tal
mage, or isi•ooklyn, New York, and pub
lished by Evaiel,. Stoddart & Co., 740
Sansom street, Philadelphia. The au
thor is well known by the 'public gener
ally as a popular lecturer ;old preacher.
Being a man of the titnes, his sympa
thies are altogether with the present,
and his views herein expressed show the
fearless dist egard of all old convention
alisms, and hearty appreciation of the
advance of the age. in illustration of
this, he is now engaged, with all his
heart, in the "P'rec Ch ,, reh
having so labored as to secure the co
operation ofomough pecuniary and NVOrk
' ing - assit - ance - teTcar - a - frre - trthrrnart ,
capable or seating over three thousand
people; andllik, accomplished inside of
two years, with a congregation of less,
111:1IT mu: hundred, in an old church,
in the immediate neighborhood of the
great Benry Ward Beecher. Tlw arti
cles treated - in "Crumbs," are
-thins of the many and various sayings of
the present day, With pleasing sketches,
all showing their applicatioillo a moral.
They are written in a spicy and vig
orous vein, humorous and Tathetic.
Ills articles written on his -late trip
to Europe are also included:" We
recommend for it a perusal by every
one, and we predict for the book a very
large sale. It is printed on tintedpaper,
elegantly bound in morocco cloth, and is
illustrated in a manner :it once pleasing
aril suggestive, by an eminent artist.
The price, $2.09, is within the reach of
all, the publishers' desire being evidently
to slake It at once popular and cheap.
As it is published by subscription, it will
not he found :it the book stores, but will
be mailed to any address, freeof postage,
on receipt of the price by the publishers,
by whom reliable canvassers, male or
female, are wanted to aid in its sale.
Ws advise any- of our readers, wanting_
employment, to apply fur the agency.
Cro are in receipt. of
the 7,s;oventber number of" Gemd
This is a - valuable monthly periodical,
devoted to the interests of physical' and
mental culture. Terms :—Monthly,
cents ; Yearly, :', 4 2 ; three copies one year
$.l. All orders should he addressed to
Alexander :Moore, Publisher, 11 Brotn
field street, Boston, Massachtt,etts.
LITTELL's LINA NG AnE, ()I' which more
than une h hllred ruts alp have been is
'sued, has received the commendation vf
;Judge Story; Chancellor Kent, President
Adams ; historians Sparks, Prescott,
Bancroft and Ticknor ; 11ev. 1 ferny Ward
Beecher, and many others ; and it, ad
mittedly, "continues to staid at the
head of its class." It is issued livery
ibitturday, giving 02 numbers, alkti_inore
than 3,000 double-column octavo pages
of 'reading matter: Terms :—Eight dol
lars a year, free of postage.
LI PPINCOTT . H . MAGAZI E. - . 1 . Oe
tuber number of Lids interesting periodi
cal has been placed upon our table. This
Magazine, sow in its sixth volume, has
already secured for itself the highest
literary reputation, and since its com
mencement has steadily increased in
public favor. Molly of ate ablest •of
American writers can be found in as
long list, of . contributors. Terms :
Yearly, $4 ; single-nlibthers, 3 cents :
specimen number mailed, postage paid,
to any address, on receipt of 25 cents.
Address, J. B. Lippencott & ('o, pub
lishers, 71.) and 717, Market, street,
bey of this Illustrated Magazii - has
reached us. Putnam's diagazine and
Hours at Home were merged into the
above-nmed monthly on the completion
of their last-volumes. . The DICI:0_ men,
tint of the'imouneement that it is con
ducted by Dr. O. Holland (Timothy
Titcoml) is sufficient to insure a large
circulation. His books are found in every
-country and clinic, -and bis friends are
with tliktkieks. The new magazine con
tains alliclesqtands4mely and profusely
illustrapd, and, : to this end, the services
of the best writeis.and artists procurable,
ark being engaged. —The subscription
Brice of the magazine will be $3.00 per
year; single numbers 30, cents. Cativaii-
SON. are wantedAborougliont the entire
country, to
,whold'specimen pages will be
furnished and good wages paid; Address
Bi:4/i/ter's. Monthly, 331 t.eitd wai'New
York, (third door.) . •
4 . luirlitticumer. , l,
"A \YONDER of medical science," may
well bo applied to Dr. WifitaT's . Balsam
of Mild Oltem. It is nearly half a con
triry: since this remarkable remedy was
introduced to the public, and yet tho
immediate and enviable reputationithich
it gains by its wonderful cures of coughs,
colds; whooping cough, sore throat, in;
lluenza, consumption, and all bronchial
complaints, is to this day fully sustained.;
HaV . iconstautly , on band, at their Caf
pet a largo arni.completO variety
of all hinds of Carp4a. 'Bag Carpets—.
all wool stripe and pail:wool stripe. We
manufacture these carpets ourselves, and
pay especial * attention to cutting rags,
and the quality of Wain used. A large
and select assortment of Oil Cloths; in
all widths.• Blinds In every style: Call
and see for yourself. Cash paid for
A Bakery in Harrisburg,7 au oppor,:
tunity for safe investment seldom offered.
Reasons for Selling mado perfectly satis
factory. lfor particulars address—Lock
Box Ili, Harrigbag Postoffico:,,
• • • k "
roan good ,boys.. 'wanted, at No 82
lituipyor Btxcot, culinlo Pa.
• -
We venture fo say this•teXpression, so
commonly used, has never been more
appropriately applied'. than in reference
to the stock of Van and Winter Goods,
whiclrMrs. A. H. Matter, the well-known
fashionable milliner' bf Mechanicsburg,, ,
has laid in to supply her numerous cus
tomers this season. She has spared no
pains in selecting the splendid assort
ment, Which she offers to hei patrons,
and in extent and quality, it is unsur
passed by any-outside of the large cities.
In bonnets, she has all the latest and
most handsome patterns, with no less
than twenty-five diferent styles of hats,
in velvet, plush and satin. I.ler stock
1 ,1
alsbm e traces a great variety of French
flowers nd feathers, sash ribbons, fancy
neck iaibbons, , ruipore laces, crapes and
mourning veils, zephyrs, Germantown
wools stamped paper ' patterns for
worst4f,werk, crochet needles, stamped
'mishits,' for embroidering and braiding ;
slippers• and ottomans embroidered on
canvass, with a large collection of chig
nons end' mohair switches. She has'
also the sole agency for Butterick's New
York patterns, the o n ly perfect fitting
patterns made, of all kinds and sizes,
for ladies and children, all of which she
will sell in the most reasonnble rates.
2 To e 7 02t*
Tar. large aiul beautiful collection of
'photographs, exhibited by C. L. Loch
man, at the county fair, elicited the ad
miration of every visitor. Mr. Lochman
excels n in all styles of work, his portraits
- are unsurpassed, and art cannot hope to
improve on his views. llis gallery has
been removed -front 21 \Vest Main -street,
to the southeast corner of Market squarb;
over Miller ‘C: Greenlield's
Non'rn HANovicn street the last week
presented a lively and. cheerful appear
ance. Seeing an unusually ilargelrowd
below the bank, we started for the pur
pose of procuring a local item, and when
we arrived, we found them all going into
Duke A Burkholder's - New- Dry Goods
Store. dlidgtng from the packages tied
up, and in the hands of the lutes, they
must have acconumslated a great many
with cheap goods. They are alive to Die
iatercsts and wants of all. Money can
be _saved by put chasing beep thcm,.as_
their,goods are all new, and one sees no
old styles, or.high prices. Give them a
call, ;itu . l see the great bargains.
Focit'o, , ,,o(l boys Iv:nth:a at No.
South 1 tttio . % el. Street, Carlisle, l'a.
I lio,'T rail to call and soc Ogilby's New
Stock or Fall and Winter Good , , : 1; he is
noted fur selling Goods cheap.
For g,n,(l boys 'wanted at N. :12
Snnth Hanover Street - , Carlisle, Pa.
A. S. Koons, of Newton township, three
fOurths'a a tulle:north of Newville, will
sell at his residence, 'On Saturday,
vember s,ai one o'clock p. in., lij hives
of bees. All selected stock.,_/ .
Fol.]; good boys I.anted at No. 22
South Illnover'Str6et, Carlisle Pa. ,
THE hest ready made Clothing,'
The best Cloths and Cassimeres,
The best snits-made to order,
All at'the lowest prices; at
J. W. SMILEY'S, No. North Ilano
ove.• stre'et,
The best Hoots and Shoes,
The best ]Mats , Gloves, - and Notions,
The 6est. Furnishing Goods in general at.
J. W. SMILEY'S, No. hi North Hano
ver street, Carlisle.
Id m 1 7 .nr nN i Rs . coal constantly on hand.
Also a full a:4;ortnient of - lumber at the
lowest,prices, at the yards of
A. 11. 431,Ain.
A LAitint addition lately made to the
stock of Ittinber, in the yards of
A. 11. BLAIN..
Dcalcv i❑
FINE \VINES .'NI) 1,1q1*(),
27 Xortli Hanorer reet
Offers the following goods : War
ranted pure, uwidulterated and full
proof. Always as represented.
Lienuine Imported French (oganc
Brandy, old ag6. r,
Pure old Eye Whiskeys by celebrated
Best quality Binger Brandy.. Pure
old gin. Pure old Port wine,
The very best quality Sherry, Claret,
New England Rum, &c.
Kimmel. Pure white spirits for drug
gist:: and family use.
Sold at the lowest prices for cash. A
call solicited.
- .1-1.0013 LIVINGST( )N,
W II( plo,ale and Itetail Dealer in •FOBACC,I,
No. 27 :.\ll.llt Ifthii , rer street.
Offers to the trade-the best brands of
a laige'variety of Chewing and Smok
ing'Tobaccos, real Michigan Fine Out,
in bulk or in tin foil.
W. E. Garrett s celebrated snuff. Beal
genuine Imported Havana Segars. Vera
Con inct tent and Domestic Segais.
A large assortment 'of everything be
longing to the business, and sold at as
low a price, as in any Eastern city.
The public is respectively invited to
call and inspect my large assortment.
Every article warra'nUtitis represented.
21 a IC, 00in
ntruirr A NT
Pure and unadultemted Wines and
Liquor: : :, supplied at their residence, by
sending order to store, or Through Post
Office, Every article warranted as rep
resented or the money refunded.
. 21aprim No. 27 N. Hanover street.
OPLNED at Ogilby's this week, h full
line of Drok.SGOinl; of every - style and
quality. Shawls, Fancy good'}, Cloths
and Cassimeres, all at the lowest Cash
Prices. Give him a etal.
A T,TE ND. to seeming your coal for win
ter while prices are low and quality good.
Call at the yards of •
A. II: 13,m>:
Just received and now opened at J. IL -
Wolf's, a large assortment of Notions of
every description, style and quality, such
as breakfast shawls, hoods, zephyrs,
Oe•nnuitOwn wool, gloves; hosiery, un
derclothing, and all goods, suitable for
fall and winter iyear. Call and'examine
before making your -purchases. Our
goOds are all pod•, and prices low. Don't
forget the place, No. 18 North liauove•
street. ' J. 11. WOLF:
Carlisle, 11Tay 8, 1870..
A.... 8. Shark has now on hand, and
will "make . - to order, all kinds of Car
riages, Buggies, Spring Wagons, &c.
He has
„the best W . p.rkmen in each
braubh, has all kinds - of
constantly on hand: 'Painting and re-
Pairing promptly attended to.
tima7otfL.. . .
,IPT •ICE•• ••
Reader, you' Wattli yrpsli'candy,,tgoi
to Burk's, 35 West Main street...
Lemons at Burk's. • • •
'Go to Burk's for Raisins and, Figs. •
Go to Burl's for everything in the way
of Candies, NutaVirruits,,4M.
,Soda Water at, liktrlcjii, Yrtstliaipi'
MRS. , F 3. U. SIEG,' , •
1' rat 4 1 All
IV 01 vim It tpodays onol‘ work Jf n,blactint
numbei• of popllP nrp obtolord.• Appllentlon
tondo to Ptofonsor • Rlinem, Pr to 111118. e t rici, 10 . 8 .
Walnut atropt,.llnrrlpborg, •. ~•
Toroon-820 for P.tormpf to
•• '
Poe will hereafter v7iiliangorgoods for
Batter, Eggs, Lard, kneolir and Thiel Veldts, with
- their retail customers, and will give the Lent peters
for them that the naffhet Will afford. POlf!0118
want of ry Produce please give as no call.
200c170 . "South End," Carlisle, Pa.
.13E. WISi,
lYnn,n wisdom will'he ' nellt you: to not aficuys con
trolled by your incredulity, hundreds have nought
relief from the horrors of .I)yspepsla through the
and found It. Why should you suffer when this ittlfol
cable stsnrischle has cured many similar coxes-Why do
you doubt while other believe nod ore cured t Delay In
th is matter is both dangerous and unprofitable. Your
health, happiness and business suffers, while constant.
uoglcct is equently foil. wed by serions Old uncoil.
troflnbie resat IS. DE3II 7 TII'S 'SITTERS ore equally
useful in Ore ronnerous diniettities attending In di
gestion ; nS littiouvrccs, CoNsrie,rroN, Idle or
FEVER flint AMIE and ,ot It or disorders i.rreCeding
&on, MIASMATA, It It the only reliable preventive. and ,
remetVk known. 2.-lsot9
What a nukanca to be 'hawking, obit Gut, and
blowing your noso, In .y nothing of Pie 1111 tined
throat, auollon i•yon, clogged•up air pas,agesj.ringing
in !he cars, dull headache, loss of small, 11:11I a gen
orally disagree/Ode, uullappy helm.; thin, ghoul—
the result of c.itarrh. If anuctod In mils On.ionor.
hasten to !uncoil. lir. J. Briggs' A llovatiti•r,
clin . dpvst, uniultont, MORI 1.1. ,tot and cel taco retuady
Sold by Druggigs. _
Life has lenimatins, aormoa, and trials, and
the greatest of all, although not clangorous, yet it
will he readily admitted that Corns, llnnif an, In
growing Nails, and other ailments of the feet are
source of grdat annoyance. In vain you -suture, rut
end dig at them, al every change in the atmosphere,
they still send their piercing ihrte forth like Ilnolies,
of bghtlting iu sharp, piercing, and unrelenting pair.
They tornmnt a person 14, 11 grvaterd gore than, other
affliction. Dr. J. Brlggo, the well known chiroph.
lint, has produced a safe and tellable renr.dy rallad
A Ilerafitor and Cored% o. It is sold by S. A. Ilaver
stick, and Cornmint A iVorthirmton..
lint give It up and say they cannot be
u.tal Try .11r1m..' Pilo Remedy. It will surely
nud •
peedily culoyou..
1)11..1, It II luuc & co., IN. e.a 11.'1, .lero.y.
2Onel7thl y
Ilrotlotrn have last return,' floor. the cult
and itarclatnt4l the largest stud; e f fo t .ti. tilt hna
ever laten htro'light to thin market. Ti
a, gu_ Ln,iaoar, nlina liaVn nn,Jr pneintrntinr,
liberal ...Ile. Nothing (11.0 total- It; latallty.
and altraell‘t•hen Itt a Merl: of Nathan han 1 Ito.)
olgit!utl :Nfelt•ltalitsttalay exiteet to srte a verysnigtr:ol%
alai I; gootlstat linnto, In In def•
rttatialiant with then trarl.els. thir
• tnn.i•l. 11, Itattli, Flu ep,
ehttli lam! I ill intts.t l'utalolslthts
tut' Dearer. ttelutt, Yet ino, null Col tua 11.01
fot.e, Ia ll'urine. Ilttsk
:ttal IVttrsltttl tan util
I'. %.--Apt. tat. :tut Iltmtnl.l. /ill 1 Gatti,
It I , tt:. 1 itititt , t tan' t.itt.
col l l.lI 111toT/11.11, 1 ,
211 1 ..1;111 Ilttzttott
,I0111.:Ii1;1•:PF;It4 lI.L ME1.1111:1
That nll IV ilham Maio \ , PII m.v
r•;111114 . 41 att 1 ecisiVed, if tint PI
..11•r it fin , . vitri•ly , k 1 FyrtipS,
the tt, h• Also it la go ttock of Lal
(to 41,,,Chitunept ao.l lii ot.)vale gottcr.tlly, at
11,4 l'.ll nil. Solt, nlol ri,ll
~‘ fi•r
lila', 1% di 1., th.•
%.ry r.. 11111 ..r .1111 mid t•I..1111110 1110
\ BLAIR & SON ;,
$4.111 Et,.1." Cavils], I'4.
art' 111111d1114 .rowl,•i6tl rII of ('nun• • I
T 11111..,, anti by Ilid, now .11,eeerv. .A
pnilll ?? treolelent. Im knife, ler plaster , . Illr ea..tqillle
burnlng. The Illrecuilhat it elf , t_ of till? leeel•
I 11.1: tli . 3 4111 . 1,1. and di,
nut mill nil r, tnni. All those
1,1•t'll.lN 1N A
A gentlt 111.111 who suarvrol for yours froth) Nervous
ft [dully, I'IOMA tore Deea), and all the effects of
)outltlu . fudheroti. ,„di for the /II be of sufferlug
I,llo:anity, send flue to all o It, lived it. the receipt
for malting the simple lolled) . Idyll he tt
e. 1 4 .11. Futlerert , AN iShi 11g, tO profit the oho 1ie 1,1 , ,i1 7 11e0 t•111 - (11 , o, I.y toldreedopt, in perfet t
.101 IN li. (I( )EN.
N Ceti., St N m Vod
'11'1111•11:.111.1\(1, Wlllll (11...k111.15., r , r acne
Front'', AsylontF, An. It 141 W Ire
Lino Inn ~11t•ep all,11,1:11try yal 1,, Bra , . aII 'i I ITV
.try Inrool Cloth for 1.1.11
frinclo:2lpe Woo tor 1 Vitolows I . 3prr I.oon.
L\yiros. Or %%The \V.olo, I.'lLry iuloi In:,
adtlon 1-F•ool . ..: Ihp man ufa turerr, \I. \VA 1.1i1,11.
SONS' No II Noah So Op r tprt. 1'111111de:1 Ilia
11 E
Corrected Weekly by I. C. Woodward
VA ;111.1
• le 1,11
~1- 1 .1.1 e \'l:' I . le 4 . .11
1 . 1 . . V
, 1;1- 1 ,..
/ I
1 1 1 1 1 I'/
11111 I
la..ll'N .
7'1.1107 II Yo , KEI ,
iv l
COrreeted eckly by Win.. 111,4 r t y 5,,,,
1:1 - 111:11
Li le 1 ,
d o
11 . 111 TE
[Prom (he ilettlr ph let .Nrwth .1 me .01e.]
.41-.1 it K jr,
ilO.OlO I', 00 /0d 00' 2n. 140
K.l - %'l' .1 PLI I'll.
6.1.1171. 1.7.0
11 I'll PLO Iv; ....
le YE
( . 01' V.
0.1 TS
CI. ol' I:17 S Ell 0 ,
1907mielpWa„1/rwthly, r :2.1, 1,70
The ere eitliVr,rl sill , sSy Ihs (WU(' wet.. hor . qe
this .Ter k, eolehihil :1,1100 th ad. The me el.('
ese I
. I:em . tee jid 10it.4 . 1,6 , . Ilfp 110.1
EXPILI R, per lb
'1"..11( _V (P) 0// : „C.1 TT,E ..... ~)•
(0 ourtt CAL t7i.c , , rye
160 heat/ chrtngrit hfaitio dt,i1.100r..70.
. ~
SIIEEI' wen' firm; sqlr; s df 'III,OHI lir ml at I/o Ili,*
drove yord4et 56i - ,53, prr lb.
.App. from/, „„,, s 2q - 19
per lieted r (i),. ( . W11111'111; (Mr/ 4, , 00 he idol the .1 woo. ,
. .
ptril Id Ilw :. (title jigtr,l4. .
Wire (ICiii'l . !trd do awl, 41
ha ( It rei• h e I fi' lir( $117,i ,
1:!,110 pct. 7, it telrwl for 07,orix f, ft,
MOTEY ML fl KlE'l'
. 40 South, Third; Strect,, Pltilaflaphth.
Threo tiehick, p. tn., October 9,i, 1870.
U. S. Wii of 'SI " 111 11.1!
, t.. , 11291 113'
~ ' t ''ll.l ' ' ''' ; , •• III , : Illn
•• ~ 'Ol . 111 ( 3 . T 119 .
'o,nu,,v 11011 11(e4
NO7 - ' 110,N 1110 A
o, " 'll4 ' '—' ' 1.10”?, 110 ,, , ,
10C•fi'' 100 , ,,, 7 '
ta 1 , ,,, 10-40's , 1 „ . .1.1 ~ M, ''' 111 , '4
U. S. LIU Year tl por coni, , , , cy, .... ~. .. 1 ... •
~,. ,
(hold 11..,ti 183
Hrer• ~ 1014 • ,111 -
Union Pim:Moll. •
11.. IHt :11.:11i)!!!!4 . :; , .. •..
~ .4:, r : l i , '
, 1 4 F: 1 1 4 5 1
Centtol l'of ilio IL R. ~..
Union Pacific - Land Orant Bond,. ..... 716 . 710
this Jietiptigh; on 'the fourteen th
inxtunt, Mrs. Feral], Plornoit,itiguil doott 50 years.
WOODS tniin\ Ink, i the twentieth
hitent - ,lillia .1., youngest daughter of N. W. and C.
A. ll:otitis, - in the tooth year of • •• '•_.
,ri A tear within n father's eye,
A neuters Hobblgiklogia;
Call only, tell In ngouy, •
71mv:Ln lit Is lo plat.
Adital fiwout tromitry of:ottrAtT ?
A fond and lout fnrowolll'
r iny oidolt 000lto reulino,nbon
9000 nuno rarowoll,
NETP Z 1~-DAY. ;
, Letters.. lostamontatty. on the Obtato of Sarah
'Pierson, tato of tho borougat of Carlisle. deceased,
hero been issued by tho Register of Cumberland
county to the subscriber, residing in said boroligh.
All persons indebted to said estate {VIII please make
payment, and tholes haring claims to present than,
dtdy tudhonticated, to „the undersigned for settle
ment. • ' .. , Jltl'Sll IS. lIUIIPIIt,
'aoct7o Gt. • Itteentor.
-On Tuesday, November 22; 1870.
Ax Asqgruniof Thothas Lee; jr., and henry L'te, I
will sell on the premiers, a
situated elf the Walnut Bottom read, in Dickinson
township, Cmeheristal toasty, Pentia, about three
miles west at Carts . .., emit:doing, abaut
s I A C It ES,
all well fenn,[l. rlh utt 25 neves of Which is h at - 111111
thriving Cal: thther, rind Mob:donee Is li•ghly culti
vated and foci& Milestone
The hurroVenienta are IL
• Two-Story Log Dwelling house, •
with a cap Mid a-half story kitellen, a one and. a. 1 1 ,1 1.
['tory Tenant Ihnse, a large St ur Bank Barn, with
large Chilton attached. Corn Cribs, Hog Pet., he., hr.
Thane is all alitinda nee ol Fruit on the faro, anka
Pond or IVater that has never hero dry • r regairial
cleaning but once. Near the bon,. Is a well of
never-falling meter, the right to use which will ho
sohl with lite tarn.
T 1 is It n very Alealtalole' properly, Rail hill he cinli
all together 01 in paycels, ins may .1$ el suit par
At the .11113 thee and place 1 will Hell n 'Srat of
Aloutitnin lewd, in Dlekieson towntniip. tuljoitiltitt
bindleufditlin Solos, the South Mountnin Iron Om
lnty infraj - iitte fetter, nod other., ennfaining Omni
;of vidliable ut. Piot, And Oak
Salo too onnueneo at ten lerlook In foronoon of
- mild day, when aft...lN - ore will toofter,tim
inelli; known by
Iti 3ollN S. MIiNRO,
A reignoe of 'Plionins I:or, Jr., nth? of Holley Lee.
List of unclaimed letters remaining iii
the postoffice at. I.:arilsic, Pa., for the
WEEK ENDING Orl'OlIER 20, 1870 :
liritniv )1, Nato IS Nll.lii.rzer, Mrs Sallie Ii
Ilaxel, Ali. Leak R A1p..., Alin.. Allen
1:1•10, Ali. ilelln Alm idly. All. Alory t
' , milk, Alri Alorgarot . - IllyorA. Mho Ellie
j•lnining, Ali. I. lin, C l iii It., Ali. klallin A'. •
'Fleming, -M I. Laura V illinieli, Alnrial.
Fii.iit. Alin.: .liqinio Speer, Mri Al•iry A
1..., Ali. AliWy .1 Stuart, Ring Annie X
I lyiilil. Alks Alnry 11ontlerly, Nll.B liyillit '2.1
iiiiiii n, Ali. Sallie Zingler. Alin Philip ._
Imiln ii.k. 51. Lin,in' Zwiller, Al. 'lark. a
1.111.., slri Freilerieli
_ _ _ . , iitiNTl,N)mN.s 1. - vr._. _
Alltin, 11 .
119911.111. IV WOl9, -
liar 11l a, Lru 11. Pm 1.1301. D. 111.1
Iturg,•t, .1,..1.11 hll-I.ll‘h IVlth
it I, IV to llor.rge
& H.,. 114er 11.199, 1. 1 ..:991•1
1)111‘91 , ...11. Theo 1111911.11, T
Clain, him.. I II . 7
(*.lnman, .141.91.
1`1,11 . 1., A 11 ~, r , ” . .1•19.9919.1
11.111.9 • Ancln 1 , 19, ry. 1.1111
thl, 111.111. it t'rint;lin I•
iillllr r, II A9ll I. 111 t
U 1 mr, II I'
11.119.111.,r. .1.1..1.
11„119_.119.,,1, It 1.11 ,919. 1 / 8 11.1
11.1,911, .1,, ~.1111, 1,
1199:1r.1, P. 19,1.1 •41e. , tug,
11.111, (1.1,9 1 - • 1111,1., 11111
11,..,11, ft.' A. 1111...11. .lAIIII S
71.9.111. .h.lktt 11 N •
Itilo, 11,.1.1
It 994 . , 11 I, ••,,, .1111111
Lin . 1 Alit . , .1 , 111,1 F. -
ill, n,111“ L
A. 1;1111.:1 , ;1, l'.)1.
orl• o It n it , I , 7 0
i• „. tit, • ILI.) 1•1..1..: i• ii up 6.r 11. ,Vlll,
'O4 •,, Ik. t i.
P , ix-Cord in all Nithiligrs,
C. It- II A I: A M A.(' II I N
27,•17 t
, F..)on week cm be made by Cabi., , ing p r
•I'llli II HIORY 01 I'llo 1:1.1.1:1;LIC
l'oo-idol'r.l from it hof.i nl. I It, s
ridololidly .111.41,1,4 and lito4y
bound. I,Owin: I)4..omit:to lOl for to,no,
IV. C. I'AL3II4II, Jo , l'oblo4Ler.
:17,470-11 14 Hour., N. Y.
-1. If EN r I NSU RANCE C. !IR PAN of ii. 1111.11,
Cl,llll. Cn..11 A•rffis, $1,61111.000. 141.11, and
Is tnfaa Poltro, of fill apinovvil 4lornls. Ayuplo
nocurtty, 1111% roles. Also insfures against ACCICIVIIN
canning &fah or total flisibility. Polif•iffx writlifn
by 110 f yetalftor month. 11.. x paid z , 7t10 p1.,1 ay for
Six Years in If offolifs to if ,liff,y !Lobito',
irmim g A K ti.ulturnl 31enthly lie 12111t1.1i
cohialithig 21 titutrle pages; “1111111.1144 11
.tr 111 reuglt reli.,,le
tll i 11,1,1,1 „link ittal
.1 , •0111,1 It t. 1.1 geld heel, up el tdigithtl MUM,.
111.11 dO,l 11.41 iwk Hard. (Irani hie, leg the
Dotty, t.t, 1111,1, li.geltdilti, nod
1;1 healing, and tiling Alllllllll, It N
nary Depart .11011 t, ke. Price .:•a per annual, In
pittance. Sithip'e reptrr rapplied 011
Liberal ternts Agents and thlit,ssett, %edit Ale,.
I. 11,, Furnirhed cat Ikppli•ati,m lit l'AFri'llA 31tAtt
Edited. anal Proprhiter, la North 'l'llirteehth
alt CPI, I'llthelelphid. 27t.t170-41.
1'1PL1 . 4 , 1 11,11 ft'olfee,
of Is lair 11 no 11 ;41 rmotli .m•ly 11,.•r Pat op
Ilmrols, II II It.trred., n. d
•• 235 & .2:17 %Vttsitt..,4l, , tt stirs!, Nt-,1
270, 170•11.
, nAND Nen Lessons.
SOI/li 1110 eLuulß rar s',! eireutor. Ad•
tn.,. PROP. WLAY 1:1 , Pa I: Ron. N. Y . 27at.179 Il
r i t)rPT,()Ylll - EN'l' I3usiness for all.
/11111 Int Chi Ne, Apart., vent
- ' Son I 81.1tInp I l'A ; S CAR
27011,70 .It
--•- -
V 1 ,111114 /111.1111310,1k11 , olinli;10. 1
(111th .111111/). 11. 11. %1 ALI, NI
II Palk How, N. I'. 270,170,11.'
•1.•11,1 It 41 i ulnrim lini Itirnl...llml by
Wl,llOlll U1'11.131, Provl4l:llti.v, IL. 1. GOAL
A Nun. rei let 'I. i'L4 4 , 1-I•onte, by
lon rlefilown, Masq.,
2", l-0.4
615. Ilrort•11 n, N F. .171•et70-11:
B)' ~,,jups g ivlol color of
oyoN and hair, you will rveoiru, Ly rutur,u MIL lot
eorloot pletdro your futorothumintoLl With, with
0151150 1111111hito of mar fags. Ad-trot, if. FOX, P. 0
Drawer No. 1), Fu tonvillo N Y . ..:7pc:7o 4q.,
vAilisiouts, nu' s 'l' ACII E, olt
• Hal Itwarrnltto , l to 4. - tow on mAin
21 thlys, tuubi.yroittnaell. .ISinit , ll . ;tolor: 60 , 0111 H.
Addles; 1: 11. 1101.11:!:, 11:1‘91'8. Stntion, 11,111'
A VOID QUA ('KS. 7 -4 vit U i QC pdrly
neinteleg ilerVreerdetlility,
nerinelte•ey,le., Veit) eViTy ikeyyrtireql
iemiledy, lien it Hlllll4O Heel N of, sOf cyro, qlle•11
will el:11111in . ° 10_111446115W A . Firimki .1.
TUTI'LIi, 711 Ni 14.11 Yu.k. 270e1 N)-4t
• _S..W2L,
1?1M14.10 SALE I , l * ' 11. •
~ ,1
,VA , U
On, l'aosclay, Novenilicr r 1870,
8111111.71 MI Bret, ellex
creek, In Vonalo‘vii4lilli, About' on;Panal uu -f.urth
toilet tionllmamt otf !lid lino of
the Mil Anon . being hutor, en..fitinlng
112 Acres' and -7-0 Perches,
216. NA cover.,4 with (hog Eno; {Witted nil , (linni
Timber. 111, I top rOVesll9 ate cup tt • ,
• TIVQ 7 S:r9Ity, Bleep HOUt ' •
Wash lions° tunlilnio, , rt i li;l:clian, a gout! large
Ilarn, (41' 14,ylo), a largo ago. • 811. Wand.erl bry,
wAlt.1101; TM, Carrlago H our all two
choice - AVOW
.Urobartia, he guatl j ,crtlldl(•btdut•, tot
F oulpc v
'AIAn a in" dl f lint!lwatir,fkt (led dont.' A Ithi
No.l garden
kTim irtml trio wirtztr - rt :wat - etttlVallpc)(lfiliir
' lollop, lowa tinilntio•J4onienta .J6'415 , 0;611 dor.
Tho locatlon.l.o desiighlc mm bbing flour is church,
roil achoA lbrise.
4.15.7 o Tonout, Ilquou on tho obovp Frtiut ot
I .flit)d to cunind deo lit ton u. to wlion,torms
}yin no mode Itnatxo by.
200470.1 in
Isotli-O Is hoiol,y'gliNol Unit' tolAult,I1O'n(11,11061"ii;
Itarlor of Incorporolion , fOlioi
antlLoon Mom:lnticok, Of 'it, irour.epKng", I , "
Iron tondo to eito Coupe.l,fionliktp,n.l'llllll of Cum-.
tlorland county, nod' Mit the mama xlll. ts grontog,
by:11411 Cook On the StyflliPrOlittrtg'iV.:N.roistier,,A.:,
p, 1870, unloon ohJoi;llonA noulolliotdto.'
i. V0r1.70.6k At tompy for Aridßini II
111114RG AiNS
Now ,npening . , a second supply 4 the cheapest Fall
and Winter anode brought to Carlisle tbms reason.
A largo assortment of Ladies' fuss (Jowls in teeny
earls ty.
KLAN K E'l A NI) FLA NNELS, very cheap,
Mosliiis, TG Flints, Hingham% dr,. ni the veer log,•st
notch. Hosiery, Gloves, Untlerdiiris, ,te elginper
than ever. Table - Linens, Toweling; itini.lYopkios,
All kinds of Not iOll4, Thronils, Yarns, Braids, Shirt
Hollios, Winos' Ilnhuornl skirto, ito., ,lo emlleoa
Special lineman , : in Itlnci Alaminis, of ii new wake
and nplcndul quality
An entire pew lot of For+. Groot hargaloo.lo t ejog
no . olll tows. Pill 011110.1, 01A1 depend 110 gelllnA .
olovolal cheap eel i , 4e.
Posallasers Aro earnestly lciplc. , fell to 4tll awl eN
alums lily ,torlf or mall w ). 110.11
No lroublo to Allow coeds al the Cheap Sill
N. B, Moore,
Tho• expt.rot topithlit.
(1, N,,terobie 11, 187 n,
Nlt.. 11. 1:y Spring. (sollorinfol C6llntv, , Po.
'I boss loth sio all tilualed MT 0110 Of till. poiul.if al
1100, in the til ingr or Mt Il.lir pring,
Four of thew leol in ont, ond NIS 411
et in fr. nt, nil being ISt) f ,t• in depth, I nosing
lock to so
Ite, lot, aro all v.wy ilvii•oble for lotilding pur
tww./., iota on I pp.lllllity is flow reseotwl I , tlt.
ti's to lII.t/lill NVilli Ir 11111 . , agAln lw 1.11,1,41.
Ili, tranott Its'lrttal gill tloolttlists row along.
Ibis prop. tar, whialt w 111 at early ruhxurr Iln V/1/111•
. Sale to continent sat otto 0 . 1 I t.l; it. II t a
day, wilt, tot 111 , A% 11l hi. , 1011,, 0 by
Or OM .11.11 wiilonny cl.r tor AI iris
out tlit, Amite [or 1)r. Hamilton's New Tiro
io•nt Hen'tti AO'" MltlrrOi
:;U-It P.O. New Yo k
JtJPA._./ 'l't, 1)(,11 ,ruing 1,, nk ever ptililktied
Agollid who piall con . 11 , 'W Wl.l.ii,
l!',, MI , . owl .Ibearitt S.
haw, no 1 . 01111/11;ti011: Thi re never was a book Intl,
11-11..1 like it. Aoy hedy can se I It. livotyloaly
u t tiits it. .11any ilcrlds are. 110/W 111$1kill;01,111 i , hllll
to 4 7 lititt per month this wonderful hook. 24
pagc llearriptire liitrular lent twat n application.
u ant glad Ital. A gontx lON% can fnlly np•
tweet:ll: 111..11..10s or thy V. and [ha liWt I hit it
inset• a iiiiivr•al 1,41/1. Agl.lli4 Wilo desii a to du
good nn ii• 11 on nmke money. addreaa
mondry toms iit V1,"10t... .1;spootl$ mol L eteri
kfielISI,O111•11 0111 01 1111.• Comt of CllllllllO9 Pleas of
Cumberland ceinity, and to itti. dir t aii i id, 1 ,10
lt,. to public sale, at the C ul 11011,, in 1.1111
uuuh of (•,,,jki, on FrAig, the 'le 1,1111 hi (,1
Nrov, mb , r, IS7O. at eleven i 'dock Td. nt„ tit
deFerltaal real tedate, to
Al-u thateertain lot of ground, aituate ill the
liortinill of Carilale, Cumberland comity, Pe..,1...ine1tl
is the \\Put i.e Joo,llll Hobo r, on the moth 11y th
sheet, ott 1110 rout by ‘Villiam and mu t i n
,„th by an alloy, containing 18 feet in f rent idol
1111 teed In depth, more or le.e, Laving tin rron,
vrt•cled it tww.atory ltrick llonve, Brick
Mich Ihdhling, al ,l other outbullillintat 81-Ized and
tuhun 1t exceuttull us _lila prop. rty. -notion .a.
eg,leo. a tat of grotind, situate In Scintii
township Cumberland ewutte, Pa, bouncbel on the
41%1 by baring Sheaffer and 11'Illiato 11. Mullin, cal.,
thu north and west by a private lane, and on the
tallith by Nlattliew 31to re, rontalidu; one acre, mete
or less, list lug thereon erected a Vacat! ii-ball .Ivry
Nleatit rlietuAtal Ilona and other d
in,. Seised and litliim.lrreserit'lon as Ike property
c f %Virideinither
oll,th aoto fain lot of groom!. nitualo In the 1 I 1-
tmeh Slappro,bor.r. etimbt Iland county, Ikt ,
Isettoltal oil the north by en alley, on It 4. ••.1 by
00 the tooth l'y King ttreet, and on the a e
by .11ehiltald 31rEllialm'n heir, rontalkltm teen
tort In Iron( tot Icing utter), eNtentlittg heel, a , lar
as t h e Ittrltlita; tot the toljoinfog lot on the at , st, aril
11,111 111,, t, /be ea 1.1 alloy, lots fog a a Melt of
thirty-tau feet Mot inchou, 111010 or Jew, haring
thole nrectial a INnigrory Brit lc ltpollIt;
and other outbuilding, Seir.mtantl ck/•••11-
1.1011. the properly nit .fames isire.
A'so. a I t hilt remain tote gni. :, 10•111.1 %Wrath
/Ida/art/led 110/1110g 11011 So, rolill • 1. •‘• al•out Igg . 111.).
foot in ft tett, and about siStri n fee 11 dpi 1,
on a 1111 111 grogild 111 Nt )tin 11111tiloton township,
(10,1111,4.nd county . , Pa., hounded Oa the moll/ by
the pull it read hauling from Long's (lap rood to
11'negoot r'y flap road. and On the oust, went, end
tooth by I tel formerly 1 Wonerng to Henry Ili elwn-
Itertrer. ith-the ground roe, rod by mid Imildlitne,
old rn 1111101 0111, grams! lidja•go4
Ilitroto end Ittlottgiog to the said Palle ton Jthotm
It , toa3 he to rwsary for the ootlinarylll3ll usefol
tempos , tit sold larldintr. Sei z ed la'•••11 in ..No
coll/.11 . the luoja•rly or Pear, to Atlant; ott nor,
or In puled on not awl tow t rector.
Alto, all final r-rtain two—tor 3 Freinu
twent3-lwo foot !Ivo Pathos in front, and 11 , X1/.01111•1•
(bro,. Mohr, deep, bleated en a lot rr 'vert of lamp,
nil uatoth in the borough of Itlerhanitaburtr. Comber
laud ettlint V, 1///11101011 1/11 11111 1/01111 by 101 of
.Iglin S Hilicr, 011 the w, st Ity the Shepherd-hot 11
n.. 01,0000/ smith by lot of
the east by an alley, owl the erounrl, govsrs 1 1.3.
uhf Lcildiug, 111111 so 100 , 11 WWI . grottlial hunt,
diet. le ttabwont there! t and holoogin; to Ih , . ssitt
none IVlteltlngton and (Norge r illfils. as Mar It.
hom nserr I r ti n e ottlitotty and utotol putt non of
said building Solmal awl taken In ftsocullott lime
I , ral•rly r; .
%V.llllla and /../rgo' Mattis,
°Arum's:lm lepliteJ 0,•10./S 0 , ./1 C outrun gs s
rY/a/. II lot of gloom! titittlo In the le, °ugh of.
NOS Ville, Cultihrilal Ibroonly, l'a., I 011011eil 01l lino
1.01111 I.) -- .1 •11•./a 1 l IFS
S 11111 It,' .14.1111 i . 1,/g•grgner:l4llli f.n Illy nI rsl I.) oLlit•l•
igoi,rly of Ilt•fond etottalititig seventy feet int
Mont, nud tote hosolred sad latent. Cmt lu depth,
imam or less, harlot; thermal tweeted 11 tatentotY
IViatitt ri oartltsl Ilse lin; !louse, Coot rr rdeop and
/1111 r uothorldittv.
.I'no. a Int ul tpoutol, situate In the I.n' tmit o .
Nenll le, Ctiolltorlatol Intonly,!Ptt , kat halal eon the
wett Itt Ilettrgt. all Ilin small by 'l'. tt
,y 1: Kinney, on the oast, 13' Elmer, tool MI the
north' `by John 31elho mond atol llonstr.
ettotoloito.r'sbnorrannotrorlesti • - - -
g!vtil!yl, t.10111 , ,+ in Itic bcfrough oil
:\o‘vs. 110 Cotliburi,ol c. uitty,'l ii, I,
•(19' mnifle uy (It.or, 11. r
t LF of Lcr , prig. nt Ilolen ,•
II 11 011 thri 1.1 . 1)1 by Int. Liglint . up cccd, cut,Likllll.4:
11.1). or kill!. .1. ,11.oito In lbw bor ugh of .
New, i Condwrl to I coo by, Ib, ihooeliel o
by I.ther .
_prop, ty oeboolabr lb
by It colt, or, the 1.3141 and Tii Ilto
Imp qv by .law N\'atzgo,or. tentaloleg t low,-foortl,
of io nt . 10:11.10 or lommele
en in the prd i rly if rat
.bLY EPII C, TII )11. SON,
Sill•I 111.
Cololili i. --On all I.iilrh 01 :1 , 30 Or over, ililili will
Ile r. oitii:oi to to p Oil tilled tile lietipMS 1, aii.jki.'n
on ; .0,1..i.L . , (Jr al; sale+ under ii7ilal.
iilierllPA Clllor, Carlisle, 1
' .
out. 18, 1870. ~
.Proposa is foe Fr( ~ 4 1t Beef.
y„ I rlla
1/1 . 01111 nI, WI ' I
1. recolved !MN !Mire
01011 111 o'cloul: n, m, 00 lii, 100, .Voreori6ri• 21,1170,
for 1111 . 01e1111,2"Ihnl:0101100 . 01," 011:0111s10 11.serark. , ,
gooil •
' " f , ' 'I: B S Cl' 13 BEI? , . ' .
for Aix (6) month; from and , iiftisir D'etittiliiir,l,lgOi ,
wr t nil. Iv. tith , lll,l tho Coltonliiitary kern:J . 4l_or j j)11.,,
it`.Btiiiici, U. S. Arms . limy direct. . '• - • • • '
Itrop.otil{ roniltr,l'u iii ittihillimlo. mid • !idolised
"I'copoitals for 1 , 4..pqt • Itrof,',.;..w!i'it r
, 1 . 111t4 !I ,VIPI4IU MO I
tiiiii,i of, twit retiiiiintliie - iiiireiiiiiii whii oil' shin i In,
total suit betiriour'Voilliwthiblo for tlip foil hint pi r.
iovinaticii urn., 6.11t111et.. ...''..o. 1 :' . .1 , . -;....,ii,
. - ....
I P..solis 'lvhu Li 1 oryy.)qp,pl. , ..s .. l. , lnklv . vdoot !lii•
opoiking , I 4 !!9
'lll,lloloo irjeet. tvoy 'tcll l Wad'd•hicli thoy Inas
co,,xidor um eaBhilab Cr, 'l'ul 1113 lit.illl . I 111111:1.t
'' 3 ADDL . .
O' 611;:r 9u 1 18711.b4 •
° , ocl ° 7ls .l!:,
0 37Anutli Secoml sli•ott, abovo 011ostnitt,-11!;-V
Et. C)
.41 MS PIA. Vll(.lldiii - IVitii nit& Well 'BA t'
I , o l oteg stook of Fort4tl and Dome,. le lisrpot- 0
.4 hods, A o Stu., nII of wit ieli ho will sell very M
, t) cheap for 0 • • '
STEWART PEPIN, iapl. nt.Gl Sou Pt
/3kleowl sttbutp.bnt, with Thog:lnpity." '
YUnopiO•;mk 1'1n11171.3m _
. .
• . .'•",
• .•
WO nvo to" (
sighnt thr Also il•
mks of our
Announce. , Ortlere foittllled by otstennsee,„husl by
iogullsr. lloalorg In .o.trllehli and other .eltless„ot the
Ma r sAgt 0.1)„‘IM1011;11IINeEWINS..
NEIV •,;,, A
I ti
Sht ti net ~
and deans,
olloolltinoilly low,
M it.
4112 I 3: vino, 9lr il, N'eAv I'oo,
kM9vA.lgkil q7l,?'?M'W
()Lainhang Blair kSou's (1. 7 ::4 : cery Ftorpo
After nil experience of over tide ty yofl.lll int
Stove and Tinware lasiness, In Carlisle, the and
law,' feels confident that his rectninnendstion
Stoves has FOlllO WOll4lll. with. 1110 1.1001111111,11 y.
I`now offers the coli.tinttrtl'
which he feeler snlisfled in ill. limit Buse Burner In
theonnrket. It le Immisume, thruvring tt cheerful
light ground the room ; there are na clinkers evmi
with the ss'orst coal; the heal Is reflected to the liner
mot strikes the feet Instead of the loco ; the gam ix
entirely einem:wed ; all dont is carried oil hen back
plow; It ban n veniiintina damper try which
may be kept thoroughly veutlinted; HMI it pre duet.",
11. great loot from on amen e 1111111/LitY of COll Ili drib
li . toVe ever tittered to the pultim:
lie also offers the " 1 005 Light," and the " 11; :men
Light," I olio Bose itornurn, hrghly reCtalitnelaled
all who linVp toed them. All these B 11
(lase burners 10
insured three ,yenrs, SIM if they •do null Work
sallsnwtorlly ;tiny fin rethrned. Alsn tiiu fd 100 lug
ell kown
Nintind,. , - - • .
• " ; ' ' , i Titinier, l ' ' ' ' i
Diamond Slate
andt , then, These urn all wail...fled and may 1,
returned if unsatisfactory. llalltlreds of thorn tmv.
beau pot lip by rue in this community, utoi the;
Ix maven:al.
All them• Shwa may 11, N 1.1.11 ml toy eslal.lis
nient, hind Tall•rolet, , ,,lisi 1)e grqn to i!.11 , 14 11.11
Ili h .- 1111 ' 1.1i 1.0 in 011%1111r voun I ry.
ltop.Oring no shop
.IA lllttl ?I i'IIOWnJAI.,
2th.d70.C00 No. h 3 8.31 th It 811,51
Ha m Won Easter ,f;
TO CONS 1.: NI F. Tt. SOP D It p 1/ 0 0 D S
II Retail Ordi•rn 111111111 W Ing toidO owl lot er
I E ill any plot 01 Iln• country.
Free Express Charges.
In on!, the belt, to upset the , ‘lant , , of their birth
Cu, lone, of IL II stiture, have estahlkheti a
S A P L 6 If b ll P Al .
owl I. lipt, roompt/y N, nil by "to
fil:1 lin 111 gambles of the Ntoccet ow! wont Ecti It cif French, Engl 01, 11111! ntAllent
Infonuhuouce. ;:unrantee tig at all dunes to sell en tot
If not al PI, priers, Mon soy house in the country.
our good,. (rot tlm lorgost tool roost i tt
bra tiol loolorm.tolo•00 in Ihr parts of Horop
uul liMmblitm hi.r 000,0 by Strome. direct. to Bolt
more, nor 011011 14 at all brae promptly oupplio
with (Ito n.lvottli.+ . or lilt and Purim markol.
As we Ituy h/1.1 .11 null Ihr sio.ll ,10.1 nuke
debts, wel,htre shin and willing In sell inn- gond. :It
front .1011 to fifteen per cult 'vhg 1111fil 011111 if we
In sending for simples spee'fy the hind of genii
tre , ired. 'We keep ths lisst grades of every rhwx of
n'oodt, Jinni ilio invert to the most costly. '
by the 0/1811 Will 11.11...0 I'.
It. u> it g wholesals 1111,yel, are lut ite 1
ri insperrit s - rtrtell - 1 n - nur -- 4 - 01113107 - and
‘3III.ToN I:.ISTER 0 SUN , ..
_ 1117,1911, 2vl, .1011 203 IVe-t 03111000, Stlset,
The Choicest Sinokihg Tobacco
Sri. Ili it , V , 13 . [lll,l.agi• 3.,” w:t
1.11).1r.+ IL
Ic,tipt tun.
It 1-i x. 13
Reduction its Price of Coal
Lie 1.1 y
I.tovtilii 16.11 A,II
l't al..
to n]l ptri,4,f 10%11 at OW nil.,
Ilil ktti v S‘t tout,,
1.3 Itru'r
t ft, ittly
!title ld Ot•pittent
Hamm n awl 1,1111e1.13rtir.r... 1,1,11 111.•
Cl/1011,1111111 rill /1 . 3 . 1, LAIIIIOI,I ;11
11110 , 111 Wyl . 111,
01 tiVIS 111 ll` l llldi 11,0111
11k )1U IF; %INS
I Itke—vorllPl . it Hod Pltt+ti eetg.
REI)ucTI O price in rice of C'oal by (ac
1, ad —The ettt.s xs 111 „•11 CIP.II.III*
I,(n 1114,11111011. II 1 1 1.• 1,3111..
olivr. who m1,014,,a1b. V 7.
1. N,vvr 1111.,11. 0/ I/11 10.11.
'2. Nt,..1 . 1r , 1/li . iOlll
C 111 1 1.111111.1, IVII./ (1111 1 . 1111111111 , 1 1 111..• 1011 111
n1011:110 111 1 , 1/11 I.olllllk ill 111•11,111. 111
C 011111111114 110 .1! 1,1
on SALE)
)50 Inn 4 lakvit out 1114113 i `4IIII
full trado, ni ~q., K ) iwr ion 11 pad:: f
Gemtlenien's Furnishing Stort•
1R) 1 1:i1; I • 1
B . S 11 I L 1" S
1;:k I!•ulaU sw...StE
W. 11 11.\ NOVEIt STREET,
for I...v.this, ‘‘1..1,.•30u Ilnol
1.1 n , • .. .
It RA 111•MAPE
ni,.l 1, 3 ,9 wrar, fro. 1110 COIIIIIIOIILS
groat., up to tin;
71 :
all of dall own 7nanufaetstre.
fl I.•i•ri ;1( )'.)•'
IWilleil I Will Fen Itt VI . CCM 10 ill ry rOIIIIIOII . OII. I
1111 V, 011 1 and II I argi. myl Komi titN .rlntont or
. 'l,l'l
110 0 DS, •
Inotykt will .on by to yard, or tlit n,pt malcy,ap
th belitmeimver. n i d at prlcos m w h to
Clan are nasally tistrged for gat...atm mail.- Is aril.,
A las, a largo atuitattnol.t !if
) 4'l it l I>.'l
4 unm.n4urrre,
4/1111 , 1111
a. I ,90 r I
'. 14 :P, 1 19'f ;PIP". 1YM1. 1. .5. , k . ,e- -
1 ,
!' „i l: 7l t t „e iTilit " . g Al ‘ l ' lT‘ !" Zli l l ' :l l l!!-I't ; 4 1 ( I{ ' lV i t ' lTl , Ti l : e ' Y
lulu Ote cheap. of - -
/t rf . ! ' l l l " i tl ,T P 1 V.1 , 11 W. 1 ' ' , ..'l li. ,i 1 .(,)'
NO. 11 BOLIN! 11ANOV1111 ST11111: ,
l • — • - ii itoilll rt..
th t , w , a, s i t l e i r ll o linfPli Grocery 'amt Sto.t. , lii ‘ k , ,Sbuiptio.. a
001110-1 . 111 1 'l' 11 : ' . 1 . 1 11, qii.1:33111411'.
It F
A 1) I N ( ) !
A large. well slicersnfill bus'nets,
2"C I,OTIIINQ if.,11
100 . 1/ , Lbi rlyrll.l4 iu t uul,p Ou
garments Mlll' itll in.nie of 111 11,1 mat Halo,
+lll.lll/, 111111 i 1,1, in th,l oni grmle, or
11 ix a wii l ll 111110jig1st MI
'Holt ly-14kolt• t'!othitt,, ii vver) ll o g 11111 go, I
Ail. lor 1.11% Attll
Our o•soriturot Iv so Intgo :mil v,ll irot That
1.11111: ii(tt'd nl ~ 1 11. 1 ., %di 1,111.
ivo alwa)4 guormttri•fl na lno;or 100 pi' than ❑t
4,3- (I U ODS IN TII I) I. 1 I.: C ,-1t..11
and ntt rivon nurti 11/1“, than art. watt:artily
FM gnrinenlx (0 1.1'11,:r
Rno ploy of ~,,,,1,, ill, prig o 16.1 g for nll kind,:
artaffalx, foraatilfal Ify until at filly lima alien ri
inunrm•timiy Nr
garn.vnts, to bt•lucti.4l from our
tr•rily-SI. 1r• ~lr~r'k, fr,r~ni•lerl lr l r'.lr~r•++, ~ii:ri niil ~•i•r
Plimw• and re,lllightl!gre.catk %vitt, ,isitir g
[l,ll mitt i bovii their minkilutrl regislerril (if
that porpt,e,
enti I. • t0d.,...,1 nly flaunt lit.
1:0WElt lIALL, :118 mAIii:ET sutEra,
___IL,I I~~\:!:.I^„,~~~.y ii F`ioL m"I °i~il, iii , ~ __._
The American Base Burner:
ti 50.,/ Ilunte'
:Hoontetin nod moor, though we ever may [Woo,
Oar !warts taro a ith fondness batik to that Sento
Where we hat all htht winter, a warming 11111 . 101 , ,
And fond tatiliCry ecstatic, hulls its old time repo•
- Stove. Stove. Batii:llartllng Stove,
There's no Stove like ihsP, A 1111.1-',llll
Forced to 41117,113 of:other, oe quickly repino,
0, Bite too thy American; that i< the oh, in.•,
About which wo all gather eu pleanant and neat,
And hoop oursolves comfortable Nk n t., ”itt . feet
Stove, Stove, A met lean Stove,
Therlds no Stove like 010,11am-11in sing Slot o
I Stnies ti,t by my ilinicv
Anwrienn I'll rabii• loudly
For vc 111 in 11, Wing gut lb, brut
Awl keep yon warn, mid pliliwnt don a to fliert.i
Stun, Store, awtderfnl Ste,6,
\ et. / ,f,
i I I , flu nit un•
4 1 . 0 f 7 . '
4'o 150
' 0 00
y,To 1,111 li i.d all , ` 11 , 11." , • %az loiy ofwo.olq,
:14 •
athl !teat in. , tit ovvs
.1.. •,,,
htt..l-. 4.1 11- prit r.rt
11,r eetubli,lizw•lil iu inn,
100 ,, AV , ;.
•• he:, •
Lrleh'ey's f Cagh
'l'll4. L.l poll. l/t
( 'ash Store,
NO. C/9, NOUTO II V:s()l'Ell-1,Tikv.rr,
l'hay •up tlta host 1.1 , /, In tlia
nt. tna nom-. than 1.11 11 .• 1/.11.•11:1.1111 11t. ' NOW 1%/1.11. 0 ad... nli Lind-, , II ninth . • n
FrPxh vary day. 5at,1,1,1•1 lah 101111 I it,
111 1;110110 OPE ••' • • •
Null •
.11ria al` relohrated •
Alba Aiiiv bOSt malca at tl r Ine ell prle'b
'rF s ,
I•'lguncls, S.
commitov 11, town 414 , 1,,,! . . !
'l'ltelr Sn 1011
Yarns or all
tupot C;hams, i i Oil Cloths, .Cc
wltlLevony nrIle10 1 11.411111i3) 1,0 Inn 111,4,111E0i p l y
liuotix Bluru.l
No. 99 North Ilanover street, Carlisle. Pa.
I C5rY YOU E (I AIN 8. .
i:4: . f 6:.;
!?4floiaoram ...!; 1: .• •.•
rit.?.T.Ar - 4(!,(1 , 4fre4lcAor.lepfc.ti;eg.
7, - Ipil J. yusits l ., „. .
~ pupfa„i
,ti rtlizeii`e of Car,-
nod vicinity, that elm is prep:trot to
, 41. •
411 }clock or N111.101...4' or I , u l rv, ti oI ijig. thoniup. Into
)he Intent nod most flo.1.1•nnblO•eillope nod slyly.,
Call xip,on Alltg, 11. L. ILA L111,111.T , .
ci.'4lBolllll linnovor ,ntret4 nearly oppodtr 'the
6000nt14, , rhYliSerrluti • ,
nee of more 1111111 twiToty-111P yourn,
r Indocomeot• to nll who Ott.. about
fiIiNNET &
It Ing(,,
lil, kl) '
Princess Skirts
S tin tH,
' Gril% e.,,
Tite Fl loot, arli two In iiloilww, eltoatod at Ito
ypptrpart or ow ioio, rurronutlJ,'lry• fit. nml OIL
:sling of three plain, viz i Hot A nli.e.or. .111,.
iiur, and the Ixterior
The. ant iris rim. 1111• I jot CO 11.1,1 i rtlll,
W 111•11 MTV.. It &plat for I fir trine al,l
convey it to the exterior The exterior is a e mdue,
tor also, terminaliog in inn sing,lo Into, and cured Ilse
Ureter. twat.,n ore eon.. led stint th,•"ldmld,l
The bl.tild c is nru pu.cii f curious c..vvriw,,, Or
livid 1 Into, law( , vie, the Upper, th
1,1,w0r, the 'Nllll,llle. The uppi r
OW I ‘‘.r. retiiiiis %limy L vi• it t
nrin:Vo ,vjthut t ohility; "t 1.0,“ w liwut
' PO rll ee .111 et 1,-. n ,. 11111,1 lAsitg it“., ,1,1
1111. 11111 11w, %1111 , t11 flee',., tt
fu, 11.).. Ile) . (110 11.1.0.vti , ), I ea. Dr.'
The reader x usl nlso i e niasl,ll. Coat lopk)
nliglil b Ibo 107 at. k, It Ix uuro lrnlluct 1111,
IPolily iii.:11111 Rlur m,ll ,Lllll
him.] 111 . '. 1 411IIIli 11 lot Irolll the.. molly
q..1700t0:11 . 1 . 0 . 1.111.. T ra'1l ...1 . 1111A• ill li;e
In LILO 010A0 dlheasvh. .11.01 v 0 cur 10
11(1,,1011q 111 4 5k1.1./ tt. .:9anm. • li 311.1 rli.l . k 5..4.11
--Tii.•g NV/ C 11.11,1 iJr
11111° , 11, Irottn!ent or the dad rr
being weak, I II a water .petit,' ft ma .tha hlad
selliorml i.. (Ilk .1.1.4'0 dud 11.
g10m,:,4 forme I, umd gravi,) ro.ut.
.I)nnr., , e i, n join of nater ion min Nat of 110
lolly, rin.l Nur,: oir,..nt. 11:11I11,, 1 e to Elle
bOdy, it iy rnll 11 .it::t•:t:r:i; 11i :ilain:::•It
; ,114.11 the clivs:. arc t . 11orax.
111,1111 . 5 T. —11011111...•41'h 1;,Itly lrrlol ow I
1 . 1.1111.11 k, ta• 01iRend, , ,J111,1.1,141.1t.r, 1,141..y5,
St. •1, , 1.;PPg w 1!..o : 11,111..•itr i.t
01. I . . l !..sviutz - -. , : , 10
i• I 'lll.l 1..4 /
1.1. 11.11 . k Ti I) •
111.-nth..l hy W. I.Lh. C~~•.anv.ti,u
111CdiVitieills Va., 1110 pi, I Or 11.1
:Cell In'v 11,11013 . Axvit•Ao.
which tho 1111tery or calcareous doposition.,niol 01l
muuftu•.il 41)Ilirg;1114,[ilm,-itg
Inv{ e and it is takvn LL 111.,
ililt...n. Dirori:ollt. for IP, Hod
Ph s1:1.1 - 4 - • . i . i . ' , 11itt, I,
U. T. Lk bubvt,t,
Dear Sir—l hate liern a tailltiver, lar ut.,11.1 cif
Slimly years, a It gravel, bladder mid kidney Idle,
iOllO, Miring whirl! (into I have ut•eil VIIHOLIS
nit! pieparatimis, dad berg nntliir the treatment
Le IllosL clalmint plgtici dm, I,perleiti lug Lit little
HariUg soon your pi eparalions
thou], exioniltcd with my Iwuily phymit ion in
logar•Ho Injug your Extract Burin,
remedied. and hail lomat theta worthletvt, and tolon
eittjte it-limit... in tact. I i iluair. I of ever getting
it It, anti delertalnetl to nil no reineditts lateen!far
U11 . 41...1 I Itlll.V Of tint It watt the. that
prompted nteliitote sal r retuttly.'Antfo.keltt, 11,
that it Met ...111110,11 111 1.011111, 4'111.01, un i t Jutui
beetle , . it t. 1.4.1111.1.1 t. nlll usual my 1.11,41.1:111
elh tit cutaltinal atal, m Ith. nth hat, nncr on
oxatEktnntion of the arlittie, and consulting Itgain
ii ith the druggist, I rourlailea to try it - . I polo
111Plleed tin line about eight tottuthv aga, ni ttllll.ll
1.111111 v ittlined hi Tay room. It'rent Oat first
I tittle I tens astothshed anti gtatitied at the hen eth
ttlfed, and after toting it three seeekt..,
In ualk tint. I fell stolt-li Itltv x riling ruin a hill
t.taliattent of lay ease at that time, tint Ihnngl t lay
halo titentent alight tatty he tetaptatir,i, attil 'hi re-
I. ft, et...haler Iti der, 1111.1 11 is tettalil ittleitt In
path r., rare, limit lag .then it v 1.13 Itt• ttl great, t
,ttlit to innrm.] mutt, :4 ty to 1115.
I rftatv aide is , 1..11,1,11131 it este s II
nit lug the Isaiah!) tor five Month,
,IthaVe hat uveil any rititt f.a Ihre. utn tell Alt 1
11,1144 nu' I Ina 1 11.1•11..11It..4.41 true tilt.
Your Ilut thin 1..• II !dor uid nl at y 111.1
1111.10.1..., It I. 11..1e 1..11 ill cf the sittittta.
I Jo not menu to he NlllllOlll 101 , 11 j1.1,L12,1,..j. 11
arty m. 11.11.1. 1 It lint. ill
!er, Ir. tho tw.ft ;
Wu, o< Pel,ll-) 11
1011, Thos. B. Mort Ih J :ud.dphm
10;1..1.0. 1c rime,,
1011 .1. S. it
1..t0. U. It. tor, t ion, I..•tipsyls Is
1'1,111,014.1i 1,1
!on. (1. NVinui.m.,9..l,
W: I..rtei.,TiliFolleit;ri.,
Julio 111g/vl',.
A .. ,1 uoilty_ , / how, if
Sold IT.Driiggieith. and Ihmlerki. eV Pr), 11,0. 'ill
Alwr, yt•r I into, , n• 6 bottleH for .60
lellVered In noy ,1411 , 6.. .16,6•61,0 Hyl4loms
._. •
.? , ! 1 . 1 1•!?±*”
11. 'l\ 11EL,1111,30,1?17,,'
, Dug
r,fli BROADWAY, N. Y.' . •
du4:oli'Llgittl Wardlicno, itqa
0. , T.11E11111Q1 1 D. 1
11Julieu I y
HA 1,115 At\
167.4 ,`ITOTL IA X-
II \ I
R ti
Ilislot( , ,
t rdTcrt..l t.. Ow pull!
Lox un vlikpoti , ritt In, it. I
to its a
I4li ).1t I by II.:
PI ()Inlays
l‘ I xlv,‘ ’x- n-hiun .I ‘ mu
(it th
and 1, 1
iv•tir , 11
Spit it lid
n, ti% , .II :1! .1 11,,i
e l
13 OM
'1.4 1 11 11i ;
1113( Iseit
4Y, iL is IL I,,il.alvi
eimr.k li.•n i
I In I, '
aim T),;11:Lt.
H. I'. TI
T. L k C ;. ).,
T. , V:S, NA i 1.1
//tl/ .1 S.
1),. AUP) . A(l4,oriiseipi
A)t , r7s' Cathartic Pills-,
purr er,n
pe..1,1e. oho noalbane ••w 1,01)
quisial by everybody . a harlic, nv nor Ira. 1 , 1
any below so unay.oi,ally adoplanl into we in on
,11 n try and :111101, nII this .Jl4 , h
purgAlve Ail oluloos norm k. II
it inn
. nioro rollable and far inore clrectual roil
dy than any olio,. l'lno IT Wlll/ barn LE lad
that it cured l , n in, at d Iliar 1111 , 11 ere 111
111:0,1! oured their nelghbor, 011,1 blonde, :11111
know that snot iL tons ow o It Lbws always—Lb
It never fails through :uly Welt or neglect, of
nunpoeltlon. har,• thnu,ntis npon Ihoti,nl
of cortilleattx . ..! I their rantarknhle , juror I I
lolluningnunpiniuLa, but, such urob nro kiln%
in et cry neiglily•rh,.l, autt, 11,,n put/1i
thOtn. Adapt.] to air ache and t olvillbuoi in
ellutne; containing noitlnrr ea biluel or n
delolorinun drug, they .11111) hr tabon with sale
by anybody. '1'1”:1/ sugar /aolting per warns tht
von,' ttenh makes. thoht pledtut to Inho, ,
being nuruly Yount:lMo too II ton eau :trine fit,
!hitt 1100 in any quantity.
Tboy opera, by theft. 1 , 01,1,1111 inttuen7n en
ibtannell Vt,iner.ra tn'porlly tto Awl onnuta'
it into It.lthy gucti• ta—trunnvn tbe obstructio
of LI e stomach, Lunt:lb, lire r, oust nth, °lndus
the, bad), ro , toribg thclr it regular .11 .11
health, oil by room o
ecting, Lil.orOnvr
ouch d , rau.Punotit , as ar , dae 111-A '4'lolo
s 1 . .4., :Ohl
r hut.t alol II
11,11ous 11..1.1.1,1,, .1 tan.l
trm,(,ll , ..,.! I
tllr 011•111.1 i4' j dr•i.,e•ly t i ..?.
motley•. tho r" /I{llVll tl,O 0t. , ,t/ .
Lions iil~lrlt 1,11 m: it
For Ir) katster,y rbott, I ut mart mild_ dose
I cam ra,l'y r
r G oat, I. p 1..,1
-tiro ni.k.. !tack atal Loins.. tit
tidd.l ha IMr tlnuonkly taj;on,.'alt ragolrad,
clip the dbe.istal action rd [lot
SII,II change_ tilos complal nls dicappaar.
l'o Prol , y ana l ltrnptical 01,
be taken in Lilco and fro Loma dole to p..d.
I ha atfaat of a drastic' purge.. ,
For SllpPl.l.,hiftll a lar,r.. 111,4 , 01 . .11.1 h.,t
It pradoeekllar desired a tract by sympathy.
As n U, liner Pill, take rum or two rata p
mole di.ractloa And SVIi PSI. OW ,tlllllAell.
An re, esional Buse stimulate. the stein tell al
11,11°1, lilt. henlthy reqnres the 3ipeti
lnd kneigonite , the st ent.' - lltnre it I ,
elvAnnteenne „hero it. ,eliene derang•nn lit
tits. One' .feel. nell,,,niten in a , e ot Oen., JAIL .i hint
Is-tter, their „t.l 11,0 l t ihisq .11,
0111111' di:..-tine .
1 , 11. .1. .111:11 I 11 , 011
area Winter Fashions
I , 01 TILE I . \ 1116: I
fw• ?/ 1•7111 117,;:7,•,
which 1 3 ;tris mid the first filfilltiractori
I)resses, Cheeks, ;mil ('.,
tunics fur Lutips
special detpartmellt (.1 . plain ni
elegantlyd rinnned yl . the late.
l' and Englt , lt
It and a liand,pmely-fill
made ,nit, short in , tir(),*go. lu ;qv
Binder's rnr ast thinning, at
dainty st it clw., Ifnm.ning, Trnvcdin,
and Wedding Valk in: , aful
Dre“ ,00,1
comprising the la T'aris novelties
black col &d Fringes, Ginn]
iz tic h e s, Longs , Flovrs, Gloves, Mid.
Wreaths, VI:lb, 1 ti 111,011 : ,, 111.'W shades
Velvet, .k.iat in and 'ra Ilset a llibboi
SaNlies, Neekt
.II.'I p Ester. —.(;r,ta Ihlclecs
Lao' far DrnSN Trim g.
Pointe Applique, Valenciennes,.
I leAlg,ings%lll(l insertions, Illnelc Gil
puro -niul Thread ..I.ateds,-. new in ilesig
uml niotleratc , in price:"
Vits,let; Imdia,a 001;11114'11,1S
Fans, 'llirds, hats, Cushions, Mot
choirs, Cases anti Fancy Goods, %deck ,
by Mrs. Binder, at Niagara.
Elegant line of \Vhitby Jet (foods, i
sots, Breastpins ' Earrings,' Necklac
and Bracelets. Splendid line of Frenc
Jet Goods, Coma and French Gold Set:
Charms, Sleeve Buttons, Chains, ..17c
which for price or Variety in style, cal
not lie surpas-eil.
Strangets Visiting our.eily are
filly-invited-to examine. ,
.Pinking and tha,,,in g , . Cutting an
Fitting. Also, a perfect system of Dre.
Cutting taught:. Patterns sent by non
oc express to all puts of the Union.
m. A. lIINAir.;
N. iv-. Com r lii -vent.", nit Ch. , . thitt NAM'
Joh ie Et 1 l'Pi
L A runs!
rO N • I,‘
i.- .~¢l~n i r,:acr, ,
111.1 , 11 , . Ow WOl,l 4il
/11/1.11,10 0111'1 . .111 , / I' ;II 11111 illll :I
1,1/$111i) . or
11". 7.1 nil II; or.
„„L„ .i t (•,1 aro?
1.11111,1 , 1 , 1'0s ,i0;ly ',jilt,' potholi; mill
1,1,1 ted ti 1 ,pinpl tt .o.4llltmont ul,ll
the II I 11'v...0 1:::111.i 1.1 Ynrn, Iran 11,1 It •iltlh.
E urupr, 'mitt 111,1.'11.1 th,:ti u 1 !de op 0•11111,
i‘Dll.ll, I. U 4.11 1 ,1 M1111.1' , 111 ly inv,lo
a oil
owl exultline iny vu..' In rgv awl ho Olt i rid tt,,Dr..111,
or Fallvy ' , urn I.:lll,:ity)tihildrill.' I Ilia 1y4.1
min. di in .11 111 11.1 lnvv pr io11•;.1
blo In' 1.1.111 city. ?It. 190 tad(`,
rub rept . 0 . , /ritut -,• . 1 ,
LOoc(10 Stu,
. I
SOIL 11 TIIROAT. ()1,1 F. -.101 COltil I
t ROUP•lttt'llt ‘I INT, IlltoNcil tt,
•ASTOIA,III,EIMINt: I 11 11 I,l:Nps, •
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