ll'il'l Oarliott , , `*Al'illtil. VOL. O. NO. .0 THAT VICTORY .The Democratic journals think, they. have reason to rejoice. , They gain five Congressmen in Pennsylvania, and two in 'lndiana. On the popular . vote in In diana • they have a majority. In Penn sylvania there being no State officers; the majority must be determined from the Congressional vote. - - Any' fair count -of this vote slows n preponderance of Republican votes of from five to seven thousand. In low , a we have the whole delegation with a tremendous majority. In Nebraska our triumph is decisive. In Ohio we have a majority -double that given our State officeis fim several years, and our Congressional majority is not reduced. Now what. have our friends of the other side gained I"i'lley control no State Government. They have no ma jority on popular vote, except in Indiana. Their gain in Congress is immaterial ffir party purposes, as from the results it is clear that we will have a large major ity in the Lower House. Seven States have voted, on which they hoped for such results (IS would place a majority of them under their control, and they find their opponents With working majorities in all of them,- on State officers, Con-, gressmen and Legislatures, except the Legislature of Indiana. Ho r w Many such victories as those will place the Democracy in power? Three . of the States that have voted lire always necessary for a. Democratic victory. No matter what the vote is elsewhere, Penn sylvania, Ohio and Indiana, must always be carried by the Democracy, before they can hope to elect a President or control n Congress. They know n u ll appreciate the truth of this, and always diredt their Worts accordingly. 'When they succeed they are jubilant; if they fail they con cede that their chance for a National success is gone Then by all the calculations of politi •cians heretofore made, the result °film late elections ensures a Republican tri umph in the campaign of 1872. It makes .certain the control of the next Congress, and ensures beyond all peradventure the complete carrying out of the policy of the present administration. If the De mocracy consider this victory fur them sclvets-as-wrrendrirhuno.nt of ,their-princi ples, they tmust attach a meaning to words when used in political ;drafty, greatly diftbrent from that which attaches to them on all other matters. Their leaders should, however, understand .by this tittle that the people can no more be deceived by their false claims of thanXtheir false meteesions to paldrotism ttnd statesmanship. THE POPULAR VOTE It suits the leaders of. the .Democracy amazingly well to falsify the recoed, in order to make out a victory for them selves on the popular vote.. Tltey were defealed in Pennsylvania at the late clue,. twit, in s . pite of the apathy, fends, and dissatisfactionin the ranks of the Repub lican party, and they know it. But it is necessary to make capital for the neat struggle that they should assume that they were victorious. • In order to shoW how dalibsrately, they misstate the facts concerning the popular vote,,we give the following' table of the votes cast for Congress at the recent election : 11,7.5 1 415 10,114 111 , 51, 9,771 15:1 11.321 11,11' 11,101 11,4111 111971 12,019 1.',100 0,231 5,1115 . 10,111 9.722 ' 7,411 • 11,3211 10,07 10100.1010 i, 0,2191 1 1 2,310 ' 351 13,19 12.059 11,117 10,9.i11 • 13 597 11,111 10,410 13.011, 1'2,1:11 11,0 10 321 19,3:15 11 17 1 I'l.ll 5 13,055 12,451 13 :177 11,110 11.0 , 9 12399 ~11 1 00. 11,230 0 010 I :371 11 0111 HMI 11,005 11,213 Ith '• 1.11 Ynh ' MENEM Those marked are Tod eyud,rot Ti Re publicans in Districts %viler,: no Demo cratic nomination was made. This is the slate mi which the Democ racy claim to have carried Pennsylvania, on the iipialar vote. Just let us analyze it. It gives them as Democratic, all the votes cast for Independent Republican candidates in the Second, Fourth and Ninth Districts, and.throws out of count, all the . votes cast for liidependent Re publican candidates, hi the Eleventh :Lod Twenty-Het:mid Districts. They all know this is onfair, and purposely con ceal the truth about it. Creeley always claimed to be a Republican, and has since the election announced his adhe sion to the party imthe strongest terms. Thomas received a large number. of Re publican votes, and Witmer, ill the Lan caster District did not pretend to any -Democracy whatever. To counCall these votes Democratic is ti &surd. Take the vote on any office, where the "party' nominations were distinctly -marked, instead of the vote for ;.7ress,- and see what, homnues of their . majoriiY. The votes as above counted, without the Second District, amount. to 2-53,7.12, Republican, and2:1(1,.. 12G, Democratic. Take hs a measure of party strength in LllO spcond District, the vote on Receiver of Taxes„ and sub- MiLuteit-for thati , of the Congressmen, - mid you haVe this result: It 111111 no 40'1741 1.21/ PIM 'Po this Mar :Ti - e added the votes cast fur the Independent Re cans in the Eleventh and Twenty-second Districts, which gives the Veitc 7 as lid -lAws :_ poblium Kitt him Brea• liepalllican vote Democratic rota 'toothHeats majority On p puler vot(! This gives the Democracy the benefit of at least 2,512 . 0: votes in the Lancaster diarict, which should be placed at the .other side of the • column, and also - the whole of the Vote for Gen. Thomas iii the -Fourth. 'lf tiles() •wore distributed according to the politics, of . the porsonK , • by Whom they wore cast, there is an ac tual majority for the Republicans, en the popular vote, of at least 10,900. - May they win such victories annually forever, Tin 'South -Carolina election has re sulted in a Republican Victory. ~ Cover-.• nor Scott and the entire Republican ticket have been elected. The votes have notheen,officially announced, and therefore we ,cannot give the details of: gm , vote. It 'appears .that our Demo eratic friends., there voted for' several colored candidates. This was doubtless :merely through courtesy, and of course not to commit that groat party to-the terrible doctrine of negro equality. SENATOR MORTON, of Indiana,' has duel inial the m issionjo England tendered him by President Grant. This is in - conserinence - of -the-result -of-the-election in his StatOwhich would give the Demo.: cl•ats the choice of his successor. Sena'. for Merton's, services to the country in the Senate have been valuable; and we rejoice that he has determined to reinain. • " THE Radical ptirty has run its course, and it may now be considered dead.".--- Iroltt nicer. . We have heard this at le4st once a year since 1850, and-if - it - weren't for the respectabilitypf our neighbors, we would be compelled to say that they don't be lieve a word of, it. The prophecy 10 failed too often to deceive- even those who tkltey it. 't'ttr•. numerous friehds of Senator• Cam eron will be glad to learn that the report that he was stricken with paralysis last week was entirely unfounded. The yet coin Senator is, and has been in his usual giiiml^hratt It, and is vigorous enough to indicate many more years of political and business activity. Senator Cameron is not a young man by any means, but in energy and vigor few men of any age (spd him. TnE 1 - 0/itnteer-of last-week is amused that we claimed a victory in our first issue after the election. We are grati fied that we accidentally contributed to our neighbors' enjoyment. They have not been jolly for sonic time-at political events, and we hardly belieVb the results of the-election could contribute much to their good humor. If our cannon cut and big letters have made them laugh, we are sure we are rejoiced at the effect produced.. We will inform our friends that we have heard the news. We know we have a majority on the .popular vote in this State. We know ,that we have a ma jority of the Congt4ssmen elect, and tha7t we have both branches of the :Legislature. We know, too, we have doubled °Ur majority of last year in Ohio, that we have the same number of C,94ressmen in that State that we had at the last CongresSional election. W *. e have lost Indiana by a small. nmjority on the popu lar vote, and the Legislature. We have carried lowa and Nebraska by as largo majorities as ars safe for any party to have anywhere. We regret the defeat nf-our p.o tyrin - tivellistrints;mow - repriy= smiled by Republicans in Congress, in this State, and that Mr. Schenck is beaten by a beggarly majority, by a renegade Whig and Know Nothing iu Ohio, but, these are the misfortunes of war. It, would be a tame battle, indeed, from ANlicts the victors emerged without loss of any kind. We arc_satistled with. the re§ult entirely, and if the Witnicer is also satisfied, we are glad to know it. We believe the Defnocratic party always figfitiifor gains instead of victories, and perhaps th,nLuMy_aecount for the satis faction expressed by its leaders. HERE AND THERE —Tali Massachusetts Republicans are re-nominating nearly all their present Congressmen. Messrs. Butler, Banks, Dawes and Oakes Ames have been re : nominated during the last week, and the delegation will remain substantially un changed. The old "Bay State knows the importance of sending its best men to Congress, and keeping them. there.. —Tim shock of au earthquake was felt on last, Thursday, at quite a number of places almost simultaneously, extending from Quebec to Detroit. Hartford, Al bany, Cooperstown, Ithaca, Scranton, Titusville, and Cincinnati, all report a shaking sensation experitMccd on that day. 7 —Tut:Tammany ILill politicians of New Ye i rk city, have made their nominations for'Congress. They are Morgan Jones, W. It. Roberts, S. S. Cox, Smith Ely, James Brooks and - Fernando Wood. These gentlemen will represent the De mocracy of - New ;."critic city, to the entire satisfaction of both parties. ---DickfNsoN CormtmE at this place, was founded in 1783. Its Alumni num bers 1,058 ; it has eight professors and lOR studmits, in, the present college year.' Its productive endowment fund is $175,000, the value of its real eState $OO,OOO, 0041 its lihra u •ies.coulain 21,503 volumes. —Tar: estate of the late Hon. John Cl. Kimlig, of Harrisburg, is reported at $lOO,OOO. By his will, $90,000 are given to his brother and sisters; $lO,OOO to tier poor of Harrisburg ; $l,OOO to the Houle for the Friendless, and $l,OOO to the Orphans' Ihane at Womelsdorf. The remainder of his estate is divided between his widow and two children. -THE products of the tnanufacturing industries of 'Cincinnati, the past year, are said to lutes aggregated $119,149,- 038, an increase or $72,145,027 in . ,,ten years, and making the city the third in rank in manufacturing, importance in the country.' The inamlfacturing.entab liskimints ottlideiti , iiumber3,ooo, which give emphiyment to 59,354 workmen. -'lirE Presbyterian Synod, composed dthe-Proshyteries-of-Carlisle, hunting. don, Northumberland and Wellsboro', held a meeting at Harrisburg' last week. There was ,a very full attendance of clergymen and oldera . , - and the proceed ings were of an interesting character. —fran.o , is arc showing some appreci ation of the benefits of citizenship.. At Minneapolis, lately, 'fifty-four Indians of the Winnebago tribe, made applicant to the• District tribe naturalized, Fifty-one of them having- cornplied with the re quirements.of the law, were promptly made citizens. This will be a now cle ment in politics, Pe Hi int iii,l-1 S,:(1) MEM JusTIM Own , : is reported still in poor health. ,He has been during the slim Tier at the residence of his Bon in -law, Senator Spiaguc, uudor prdical treatment,,but: is fOrbidden by his phyai clans te,resatne 'his seat. in Court for some nionths, rLately Wei° is a rumor that he will resign and go to EnrOpo: s 0,991 .. 23,1 ENO MEI 6,5&5 l'ilorinens 7 have recently net with legal trouble, on account of their peculiar institution. Ono of then' who is an alien, applied the , other day to be naturalized. He was questioned as to the number ,if his wives, and elated that ha. had but rine noW, hilt props sed to have in ore 'as seen as he iMuld make it eonve- Mina. 'Tile judge refused . ' ie him on the grounds-of liis'retnial to obey We associated ;apes correspondent, ,at palthnore,„gave the emintry,a Pro found sensation, by anniling that Senator Cameron had a paralytic stroke on. Friday., ytlturdO,y erkoi - Pies papers •I.uouglit,a contradiction of this ) , .and.the gratifying news that the Sena tor was in his usual . heitith,, Thisscriea tioa business , may him). good thing ,for. neWs:papers," hut it is hardly. necessary to make the health or life of public man the subject ' --74Ecuacticsenna ; was •enlivened during the past week, by the presence of ,6:largii number oOninikters, wlo,rwere, attending 4116 inctipg 4 '•To SOod of ELo Germahl..Reeoi i med _Churcli: 4 :' The 4, meeting is old to-Aave been ono* un usual inter?* Menirri.kl46, who 4iirned some notoriety by shooting Ricriardson, was lately picked up by the New York police, in a most pitiable condition. His face was I'o4 cuts and bruises, and his clothing torn arat!blood , stained: - • Hirt appearance fully proved him i misera ble and - besotted - wretch. - —BbsToN has had a sensation recently, by the diScdvery of some large smug gling operations effected at that port. Some custom house ()Moors and some respectable merchants are implicated in the affair.' The amount stolen from the revenue is abou a quarter of a million.= —THE recent census ndicates-a-great increase in the population and wealth of Pennsylvania, during the last ten years. The absolute increase of numbers is said to be greater than any other State in the Union. It is estimated that wo will gain live representatives in the next Con gressional apportionment. —MLLE. CHRISTINE NILSSON, the latest 'musical sensation, is evidently making her marlc financially, as well as nmai cally. She has given five concerts at the Academy of Music, in Philadelphia, at which the receipts wpm ap follows : t 5 i•dnoxdnr, October 12 $5,487 50 Friday, October 14 .. Saturday, O.•tobor 15 Thursday, Octohor GI Sattudey, October 22 Totar U 1442.1.50 Wo presume the fair "Oigisf," was satisfied-with her success. PliAncisco has had an immense fire lately. An entire ,block, comprising three large manufacturing establish ments, and nine other buildings wan de-. stroyed. The loss destroys $400,000, worth of property, and 300 persons are thrown ont of employment. - I GR,NERAL SCHENCK writes to a friend, that he does notinteml to 'contest the election of Mr. Campbell, his competitor. Mr."Schenck announced his purpose to retire from politics sometime since, and only allowed himself to be nominated at the urgent request of his friends. The DeMocracy will be saved any trouble predicting the unfairness of radical com mittees, in this case at least. PITROPE. PROSPECTS OF' PEACE. London, Monday, Oct. 24;1870 There are rinnontlicre that conditions of peace have been arranged, between Marshal Bazaitui and King Willi in, by which it is stipulated . ; th . !t. the Empress Eugenie, who has given her consent, shall go to Versailles and sign a treaty, tee the representative of the only Govern ment recognized by Prussia. The Timee of this morning says : " Bazainc, when ()tiering _to surrender, demanded 'for himself.a. position which would probably have enabled Win to take a prominent part _ in the restoration of order in France after the conclusion of peace." • Gen. Boyer, en leaving Versailles, went to imzemburg to get Baimbeau, who had previously been to St. Peters burg, to go as an envoy to Napoleon at Wilhelmshohe." It is intimated that Russia, not join ing England, Austria, and Italy in the effort to bring about peace, is acting in dependently, but energetically, in the same direction. M. linimbeau, who saved the Czar's life when an attempt, was made to assassinate him by Bee°. zowski in Paris, on the sixth of June, 1807, has just gone from Wilhelmshohe to St. Petersburg on a secret niiSSlon from the EmperopNapoleon.. It is said that he I.ol.sis of peace likely to be accepted by the Prussian Govern ment is the renunciation of territorial spoliation from li i r•ance on receiving Lux emburg, and that safe conduct has been asked for M. TLie•s to enter Paris, in . order to obtain the aegnieScence of the Govern went. The opimione of Florence, referring to the proposed aimistice, says the French will doubtless agree, as a pre- liminary to peace, to dismantle the fort resses of titrasbourg and Mete, and to pay an indemnity of .2.86,000,00.0, but Prussia insisted on the cession of Alsace and Lorpaine. FRENCH. VI ENV3 OF THE EN OLIEUI INTEn vEsTioN. Tours, Monday, Ode. 24, 1870 Fears are entertained here concerning the sudden decision of England to me ndiate between Franco and Prussia. Some poisons imagine that it is a plot to aid in the rr-onthranoment of the Bonapartists ; others seem to acquire confidence in the eagerness of Great Britain to tang about a peace. It has been generally - considered that England Is willing to work Inure for the interests of Prussia than those of France, and_ the significance of her move ment is apparent, now that the difficul ties in- taking Paris have been demon strated. England is also aware Unit the large French armies just organized are quite prepared to act on the' offensive ; that the bad season is at hand', and the dillieulty_of obtaining food' for the Ger mans rapidly iniircasing in cons'equenco, and that Gen. Troche is preparing a se ries of formidable sorties. People in official circles here dwell on the cireumstanee that the present move' of-England folio ws'closcly upontile' eiteit-' far in Vvhichllistnarck affects such corn lest the Parisians • may stiffer tlid horrors of famine ; and they declare that France 'must act with courage andlietent tnination now ; she must accept ni; hmnili flung condition. The journalS.- and people ewho take notice of , this phase of , alfairs,. accord England no credit for hoe, tticdy notion, It is asSured hero that,the , Paris Gov. ernment will not cede an inch of territory,. Per pay a franc of indemnity, , 'and it is• feared that the struggle. )vill,,liaye to,go on to the bitter end, • Miless the conditions preserib'ed by Printala - alit ,very modeittto. "The Yo'irnal Lc Ih.y.ncrifs _says the: armistice has not yet been : concluded, hope is entertained of peace. All...aim, surprised at the attitude Of itltigland l in this no attention to, 'the' solicitations or Jules l'avretir the, arguments of Jli. thiorty;she sitddmilY (hies much more than 1,411.8 asked of Mlieti the' inithttive . and. proposes:o4:4y .t tittspe iis Or arm th'e, election, of , a Titnitititt i i'eti( Apseinltiy,,,Nyhtch Oay natcO, peace. acting,. does Paiglan4 listen to general , interests ? , to . considorapßns of ; policy and humanity? i7,, , vhol?as' i lial all her sympathy alp tR ; the Preseni,t ( itite, ;Sally, persons,, adds the Joirinf 4, puilinp belief 'ty agli9 Englit* qapinoh r is now., ac4ng . „l3) , , rho advice of Pryspia, tvhd, , stopped nit Ply, mado, 4ipwn to .pgl4.l* thno line come. or ad4On-qn lior part, , • i • r • La .ergiAce (newspaper) 'says •tnglancl. was not holibitoctagain by,rrance, yjitorio . - 7 rtgrloation slßiat first refused. ~,Franeo dads not ask fhthati armistice, and has not : au horized En'iland to ask for one. ;,Since th:-failure - 0) M. Favre, Frante as ; Ofiriglit onlyi , Aft organizing for defeod. lkhatever nuMe she may haVe; Dpg10(1 frutst see t114!.; , #e are determined, She tnikt-notice - ihe'mustering of our bliTcles Mobiles, and "the spirit of Paris, - - Lyons, and other large cities. As England now proposes , an armistice, it roust pe,lpetgisp she, understaiall that' P . rOpo4als "Nidil ',h) made , witich , we -may-aecept,------ The Steele more violently reftises to ad- i t Blink •rif cludi kelieves that she is acting lolely.for Prus;.: sia, who at, last, finds out that she hag undertaken anlmprissibletask. England is advised to tell Prussia to makri • the most reasonable denuuals, else war to extremilies will be the only result. -- The Gazette de France speaks to the same effect,lnd.the Union has no con fidence in the preserit move orEngland. It is rdported here to-clay, iii explana tion of the visit of Gen. Boyer to the King of Prussia, that offers of Peace 1, ere made to Marshal. Bazaine, and he was iu ited to send an envoy to Versailles. Fome appreheifsion is expressed by portions connected with the Government here that Paris will refuse any peace the terms of which do not provide for the withdrawal of all the Prussians from France. AOllOl4 01 7 PMI'S St. Petersburg, Monday, Oot. ' 0 ) .4, 1870 Herr Wercter, attache of the Prussian LegislatioM lids left for •yerSailleb with letters from the Czar the King of 6 626 50 I' 0 . 6,068.00 .. •1818. i 0 Prussia ==! Berlin, Monday, Oct. 24, 1870. Baron Von Froisen, Minister of the Federal Council, and, Saxon Minister of Finance, has been summoned to Ver sailles. LATEST MILITARY MOVEMENTS Tours, Monday, Oct. 24, 1870 • ' A dispatch from Roden yesterday has the following At Ivory, in the Depart ment of lure, the entire population, men and women, have risen - against the Prussians. A desparate struggle had occurred there with heavy losses on Coil sides. The Prussians are concentrating at Gisors. The following news is made public by the Ministry : The Prussians, 'While preparing to besiege La-Ferte niircAlibillTgifdilffifirMireitMlEliViiqs behind all their materials and quantities,. of.stores. They went toward Laon. It is said that a messenger .arrived iirthe German camp, and the inrelligaiEfflie. brought caused the sudden departure. It is also reported that the Prussians suffered a defeat with heavy loss at a point in the. neighborhood 'of LaXerto liaint-Aubin, and the troops intending siege there were hastily withdinwn to reinforce their beFtteti•iirmy.. • • -- • PQ- TIUA =I The following is a list of the members of Congress elected on Tuesday last. In our own State the Democrats gain Sir( members and, lose two—the delegation, therefore, stands 13 'Republicans to 11 Deinocrats : I=l I—S.l twirl J. r,e15,11551. 2—J. V. l'reele3, •irl. elorlex O'Neill. 1yt•5.5, re elected. 4-11I11itun re elected. (5-15. I'. Hamner, Ice .1. IL Reading. O—E. Aare. ,Ire John I), Mile,. 7—W Tgwneetol, re elected. X—J. Lawrence I:ete, reelected. 0-0 1,5(.1 Dirkey. ralected 10—J. NV vice 11. L. Cake. ll—Jghto If Nilo Ins.e ran 12- 0 1, D. Shgenetko r. 5e Si 11 . ..1,, 12—Ulyeenx Icur, re-e ie lesled I I—.d, II Packer, ro :alerted. 155—j- 11. P. Jl , po ov, . 1 0/1111 .01 11. 17—f .11. r, vIo e 11..1 'Murrell. • 18-1 . .therteggit lice W. 11. drss xl r..ne. lU-11 W. ficoreld. e-rdell•sl. 25 —I S. (mu,/ Griffith, rice I' IV. ti I 110 I/ 21—+11. 11 l'a.tor, eke John 1'gv5•5155. 22—.1:11155, S. Nog. ey, re 5.1..1551. 22.—N. /..1 un I 55. slot li. li. Phelps. 21—I-ll' Met 'tc//g/5,/, ice .I 11. I—IA Porry, Vire Pd., W. Si nub,. 2—Joh E. SIC 1,11,..11, re... 1. et... 1. __}!.loos p „ram/Jon . siio Itoberl C Stheack E' s prol, sire Win. L.orrenco. h— ( . 111141r /. /AIM it'll ll .lho .11,4 ii—John A Smith. r...t1e0 of. 7—Sainuel :he r, vhr J111110..1 %Viso. no. B—John Ilroily. no oloOled. 4—".'l. aloe F. oho., vie,. em/ F. Mr!. in.', II ck, loolect.d Il—Join. 'l' IV lloon, re.elochal. Perdarl Ilt rt T:111111,, rr-olr. lid. la—Grargo .11,fput, 14 Mil rot., elher o a. Eli. kin. IL M0,.. 0 , IC- John A. 11.oginon.i.roh. Jaeol. A. Ambler. re-01ve,...1 norlectol. A. Garfield, roelechal I— 11"•11(4, rol A. 1:11.11t0, re olertea 2-- .Itichot./ r . 3 1/7//itott S. 11..10;1.111, re-rivet 11. . 1-- ./..11,1 M. %%1I hl.ll, lire Geolge - .1 lot Colon,. ro• elected, 6—Daniel Vorloo•es, rk• 114,1011. • • 7—f.11,1111 w. 1). 11... coo Golllove S. °rill.' ti—Jantett F l'ytter, re-elected. shatthti, re elt rt 11. lot—Wi Hato rilloons, 11—.1015, l'ack3rd, rootlectetl. W :11t•Crrary, I t!—A It ett'ltto ice tVilllattt . • U. P Uthol 1 1.'111,J 1 it, W. Fin) Ili 3-11 • . DO) . 111/lli, nine 111111x11111. Alice. Cl. \V. I. It 411rI11;21.. .",—,Flar.k IP. Pillow:1,-4AI CI, .1. EM===a2ME sirdIRA9I,A .10111, Tnlfe re.elect d. Ddnlndrats in ilatic." * . I lionocratic gain. BM TU , E f3TATE I.I,I,4IBLATIIEN) The folliiwing in a corrected list of the nembetis'of -the-next-Lediiihitativ 1 W. IV.. I, R., li E•111111tigfelt, R 2 A W 11eapy, , .1 11 Warfel., it ,9 It A 'lSlatele, U Ili A CI MI/ler, II 4 iGeorgo Contill, II 10 0 M Dthiran; D 5 J Brooke, It • ' 2 , 1 111rani Ikon_ S.Britux, It • 21..11, II Potilitn,i, 0 li .10,140 W Dr Crawford, 0 , 7114 • 22 Mier.' 8 J Denny Ikyte,D 29 Win A .Witlinca, • U Win M liandad, I) 2.1 A A A . uriiiag, D lii' A 0 UmaULend, D 21 T 1 1 ,1111,1 llovard, It II P.KOott rltont, It (1' II Atnlel4 , oll,,lt 12 lain! 0 Turner, D 26 J S'ltutan, It 13 All „27 ;haulm ,K , a.r. 'lt • • 14'A II 0111, 2 4 llarrlmori ADen, R 10 olt Ilitokiilowi D •-- 26 011 - DolulnetOr It L., Mutount, It • ' "11'9118E 42/ , O.IIPItISSENTAUVEB:. , • • • Centre„ '1 8 Pl'hourneti, It ' 0'5101;4, - D , 2 (leo' W .51cOntrall.D •Iliittinhia Una Moll(ottri"' ErounolJosophe, D. • Tlloni.te Chalfant,' -," • 5 1. '11117h:i'T) 1 1: ) 41 ( :;'It t 41 C j.t1;, 1 1) 1. fi .1•8•110)•••01,•D • ' ' Dauphin: '7 Itabert.,7 - elliamn, It .A 0 8m1114.0 ,• :'• W L rauro... 1 , It r John 1p P•tniopq, R • , • 9•l7notge A Quigley, D Delaware, , 10 J Ii Itoylirn, It T3n• - •n Lelrtn, II 11.8uo11111I1ger,11 „ • • Erie. 12 John Liunpit, It , • (Dingo W, Starr, It .12" Aolui,Dittabell, • I' N, Diller, It 14 John Clonailt d•i " 11tUdte."' , • 15 Maw • !V •I 1 Faint tarty; 11) • 10,1911hit_F Sin It h. ~.3 quell Pej•ry.,•.; . 17 Joe A.,CenDan- 4 1. • r 11011110 , ItL Jauten 111111eri ' ' thhitgb W D • • •, dame, • , 3 Greene. . • Late Ilereter, I) 1l A IleCinntel, W , , Allegheny. . Huntingtlan, I) N hlte; It '• . ' •' • , '"Juniata. ' • John It • ' 1I•Inry J McAleer; Henry,. Warner, It A 110115131 Ruhror..D John'.ltorai, It .tatiturat giul 111:eimare -51 B•lllitughreye, • It ••• • " ' " Mint. J.... Tailor, IL • ~ IC.Bleitn, 1) • ' • A rontlfunly. Thinnau MuMullun, R , Deurge 8 Putney, I) . A II Fulton, II Drarqr,und Wushingtop.. Luncaster, , r T It ' ' ' 11edly 51' Eiqg W•A 'slfikey,'lt ' ' ' Oeortrull'ltlthen, W o,Blturluck, 11 , ~ . John E Wlloy , It , Stertford,'Puttott, vitt , A o , ltelinvhl, It 40;nereet. „ .• Lebanon. (V II &Inner: It • ' • , 1 : - ;p Jonathlin Zerho, It 81' Wlehort, Lehigh. • Berks. Adair Wooloret, D John A Coorral;•" • II N Potter, D A 'A' Kogor, ,4.! .1, latrerne. Bchwnrig, ' 'Cleorge Corny, It Blair., , „.. W 11 11 5101014 Denjamili. 819 11.6not.1)••• • - A:II , MM put Sallivano .• {:corn Union, and 'Jninen,ll 'Webli, , Snyder., . Patloylltielt, It , " • SitinifolWo3un,'D • Bncks. ' Jolla Ciitlomingn, D' Bninnel Darralt, D - Scott Cllngnn, D 8 0 Purcell, ' tMontgomery. • , Butler, Latureitee,tina 'J4O Ilarrey,•D . • ' M erger. , - • Oliver D ' Alex I' Moore, It' ^ ",i Northampton; Onnitiel A Vioriti 01010101PolloRu, To the staid and contented Pennsylva nia farmer, whose wants seldom ever draw him outside the enclosures of his well-fenced and fertile acres, who could, not even dream of Kansas, but as the hunting grounds-of the savagq Indian, and the home of the roaming buffalo, the statements which follow - nmy seem `somewhat incredible, when he realizes this only - W . 6 miles north of the line of the \ lndian Ter ritory, that li:xvitgo ground, the mention of which in our school-boy days awak 'WM otifiir-lir -rows, tomahawks and'bleeding scalps. Ill= =MT In Labette county we found tho !most flattering evidences of uninterrupted prosperity. Boasting of two towns in cokporated ttS Cities of the 'third class, and a settler upon every available guar ter section of land, we were convinced that hero was progress.. In Oswego the old log hotel had given way to alarge and commodious building, substantial homes had taken the place of temporary struc tures, and in, fact the entire. town' had assumed a now dress. A now enterprise was being developed, the IfOssouri, lian sas and Texas Railroad. was traversing the valley of the far. famed Neosho river, at the rate of Trims three to four miles per day. About the first day of June the engine neared QsWefiof and four (lays later the same engino—stood within the boundarios of " the Cherokee Nation. - Thus, lifWe the two rival railri3Fulf.lWolfefi the boundary at a distance of, only-20 miles apart. The Missouri, Kagsfis and Texas Railroad having speured. the light, of way, will push forward through Ufa Nation, and on to the Gidf Miffed. Traveling west and southwest, i;iewing: tho lofty mounds, and beautiful' aid fer tile valleys, surveying the - rich and hib ductive country-of the Neosho, and Ver-. digris, we' are . .satiffified to call Southern Kansas ‘f the Eldorado. of the •Wast.''..: MED IBIZEM In Allis new county , ; of I. o abette, the United Btett% census report shows a popu lation of ten thousand, and :the increase is I%yencl`' any 'eltlettlation: This' donee of ..progress speaks 'powerfully of its advantages an4Eosources, °and it seems unnecessary, Minterge :ttpintllds topio in tlmpresonc'e'Of such convincing proofs ; we. have ..a-super-abundanee. of coal, limestone r'r . 4cli 'sliiliciont quan tities for all ,purposes,land soil fertilo as the best in your own.favored Cumber land 'valley, and all this purchased from Government at the low price .of $1.23 per Not wishing to wpary, by the leygthiif -my letter mid here, and Beaune.my subject in 111 Y, next. A.' few'dayii "since, I was any to welcome to Oswegp,i, ink, Old, collegb:,irce4d, and our follow ' townsulatii,p4.4r,,g. „ Carlisle boys meet !So. far . font 'home,. well, probably 'ea A t rienhe . marimagine how wo.tallc and 'act. Truly Yours,' THEitE is in tho employ of the Penn sylvania liailroad Company, near James town, iiight watehnian muined ,, Samuel. NYho hasliOld' the' PgsitiOn 101 7 consecutive'years.,:ln' this:tiine , baS walked, 08;884milos,ror the - distance4Of two and, a half timbs around- the eartlir and yot has not boon five from hOnio, A E Wheeler, R David Engleman, D ()purge W Fleegir, It , Northumberland. thmbria. It Montgomery, W.ll Rose, I) y • . ro and Whylle ritmeron, CI tot tind David A Wells, - .11 McKean. 11 l'otterAlal ot,p (I Neves, D ' 4 0'4 John 01.4 11 . 110/1071d It ,Strang,lt ''• y..41t Leonard. D , Schnylki//.;., 1 kChester. Tames Ellis ' '1) LAVI Pr , l , 4qr, It : 4 III - yin Steel, D - Francia AfelCeoli,Ll Samuel Itiloapea,Lt Sasquebanna and II yma Clarion and Jefferson. Edmund D E D Ileard.lee, It Crawford, Jln es Caldwell, It J II Orav, It . Vrnango dad. 11 iu•ren D DIST D. J P • SC/ay/AC .10/:;•alir? C 5( 0 0 0 . need. . York. Liinuel..llnsa, D „.., Fr, oh ,j 'Magee, D 10 - 40 02 llatutwrats.... I opuhlkan STATES _NET TO UOLD. ELECTIONS The folloWing is a list Of the States which are yet to hold elections for mem bers of Congress this . •yeir,, together with the date ,on «•Lich the elections occur ; Novonbc , r November 7 First Monday fu rr ytiall I :Z u o v v C e l r December 21 2-3 Novembe 8 • November 8 November 8 ...... November No . vembkr 8 November 8 November 8 Alttbitln A rkiv... layearo Florida Hoorah Illiuols Kansas Kentucky (madman Maryland Massachusette.. Michigan aonri Nevada.... New Hampshire New .lerimy Rhode Island... South Carolina, Tennessee Virginia West Virginia.. isconsin Nqvirmber 8 „Fecond Tooldny In March • • • • November 8 November 8. Noviln ber 8 October 19 November 8 November 8 Octob4 27 November 8 OUR OIVN CORRESPONDENI'. OSWEGO, KANSAS, October 20, 1870 DEAR DERMA) :—Several Months since I sent you a short letter, at the close of wliich I Promised to write "More in de tail." A residenbe in Oswego, since the first day of May last,. has given me am ple opportunity of traversing the coun try within a - citenit of about forty miles, and I now feel partially prepared to com ment upon SOUTHERN KANSAS, its ADVANTAGES AND BE= During the summer of 18f8, when it was our pleasure to first travel to the border of - Southern - Knnsasimnst - cast - an anxious eywatlir oil into the Cherokee Nation, it was a matter of considerable 'speculation to us as to the number of years it would - require to develop this o - gettle up altit, , • rolling, beautiful and productive prairies, and - traverse them with railroads. To - cast - anclmr - hete - at' - that ann. Tsbe 'Med like riveting: to a' spot where all the happy influences of civi li;zation and pro gression could not : he'felt in This seemed to be the • place where a •Daniel Boone spirit 'could rest in a state of quiescence for long years to come —but how sudden the change ? The wonderful growth of Southern Kansas had been continually sounding upon our ears, until the first of December• 1809, when r{•evngain vqntured southward, and met With the most convincing proofs of Western enterprise. The Missouri River, Fort Scott and Gulf Railroad conveyed us within four miles of the city of Fort Scott, which was fast assuming a inetz ropolitan air. Ten four•-horse coaches, known as " Double Deckers" carried 115 passengers from the end of the track. Accommodations could not be had, and courtesy to strangers was unknown. your humble servant secured it ; private room, in which there were 24 bunks built from floor to culling, and all °mu-. pied with quiet sleepers, doubtless dreaming of this New Eldorado of the "Southward" was the watch word. We were convinced that the progress of Southern Kansas was a fixed fact. Upon our return to Kansas, early in the spring of 1870, the Missouri River and Fort Scott Railroad conveyed us to the Southern border of the State, 75 miles of road having been constructed during the winter months.' r : t t 0 .T.! B. ZlEcnarixt.r TIIAN.7.6g ? ITTRYG DAY. .1111, 1e PitBifiont of (he United Staten A'tROCLAitATION behoOves a people sensi ble cif:their delfentiOnc'e on tho'Almighty, publicly and O'cilleCtiVely, to 40ciiii*recigo theirrgiatituilii for ills favdri and -Mer cies, and humbly beseech for their con= Unnumo ; WIIEISEAS, The people of the United \t tates 01164. the year now'abOut to end, mini ipedial cause to ' be thankful for "general' prosperity; abundant harVests; exemption, from . pestilence, ,foreigp war tiud - civil itrif6. ' ' Now, therefore, be, it known, that . 1,. Ulysses*S. Grant, President of the United States, concurring in any similar recom mendation from Chief Magistrates of States, do hereby recommend to all citi zens to meet in their respective places of Worship on Thursday, the 24th day of November next, there to give thanks for the bounty of God during.ithe year about to close, and to supplicate for its contin uance hereafter. ' Iu witness whereof, I have hereunto set iny hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this 21st day of October, in the year bf our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy, and of the Independence of the United Statcis the ninety-fifth. G=ll By the President llAmiuroN Pim, Secretary of State THE REMOVAL OF Mn. to the letter from Washington to the Boston Traveler, written by one who evidently has had access to all the official informa tion on the subject, gives the following reasons for the Prosid9nt's action, in the removal of Mr. Motley : 1. That when the President came into office he sought to conciliate the good wilt and support of Mr. Sumner. It at the request of the latter, solely, that Mr. Motley was:appointed minister. 2. That after Mr.. Motley's appoint ment ho submitted a long paper contain ing his views on the "Alabama" contro versy, which Mr. Fish read and returned, with the remark that the President had Other views which ha desired Mr. Motley to catty out, and which Mr. Fish com municated to Mr. Motley. 3. That on his arrival in London, Mr.. Motley wholly disregarded his instruc tions, and carried Out his own private views. 4. That Mr. Motley was immediately coin:lll'M for this act of insubordination and discatirtesy, and directed to repre sent the 'government, and not his own private notions. __...-s—That,_confidiug Sumner's disposition to support his administration, the President consulted with him as to the San Domingo treaty, and that, dur ing an interview on this subject, Mr. vote in faTVOV - bf that treaty. G. That when Mr. Sumner violently op posed the treaty the President considered himself absolved from any obligations to Mr. Sumner or to Mr. Motley, who Wag — apf fOi Med voltti lseffonal -- fltvoi• to Me. Sumner. 7. That Mr. Motley ref Used to atipoint, as a favor to the President, a son of Sec retary Fish as Assistant, Secretary of Le gation at London, although said to be in • • iy of the — post - dun . 8. That Mr. Motley meddled imEarglisli politics, and "so conducted himself as' to excite much feeling on the part of lead iiig GENTRAL APATHY was the hero of the late election in this State. We have shown how over thirty thousand Phila delphia voters stayed away from the polls Thrdughout the interior of the State the proportion seems to have boon as great. We have taken at random the vote of 1808'in seven of the interior counties and compared it with.their official vote this year. The total in 1898 Was 9,1,879 ; in 1870 it is only '77,019—a falling off Of 17,860, or nearly nineteen per cent. Next to Philadelphia, the strong lie- . publican county of Lancaster shows thus far the heaviest, falling oil'. Ilere arc the votes of the two parties for the President in 1868 and Congressman in 1870 : r • p1 1 .11 all I , u Oh II 11/L Nearly thirty per cent of the voters of Lancaster county stayed at home from the elect ion, and six-sevenths of these were Reppldicans. There • (tan 'be no doubt. that the losses of tho Republicans in Congress and the Legislature we•eowing to the smallndss of the votes polled in the several districts.—Balletin. STVTE NEWS t.ADEI.PIIYA has 43.6 'Realised t railway cars, which pay into the ei treasury $2.1,000 per annum. Tm•: Pennsylvania railroad eompa erecting it number anew and handsome depots along their line. • THE first copper cent in this country was made in the Philadelphia mint in 1793, the first silver dollar in 1;03, and the•first gold eagle in 1795. MIL- THOMAS T. Nunn's, of Cumber land township, Adams county, this sea son raised 40 bushels of yams and-:sweet potatoes from one-eighth of an acre of ground, malting 3,20 bushels to the acre. )the State Legislature next winter there will be mut Republican and seven Democratic , Senators, and thirty-four Republican luid twenty-four • Demecratic Representatives that were not :there last session. May the change be of service is hoyublic prayer. , 'FIFE Trustees of Franklin College, 'Ohio, have conferred the degree of D. D., on Rev. E. 11. Nevin, pastor-of St;-Paul's Reformed Chure,h; Lancaster. Dr. Nev in was Neal Agra of the College for fivsi years. A. number 'of distinguished per- Hens were students with him while con-, 'meted ' with the . institution. Among them were Hon. Sohn -A. Bingham and Hon.. .Joseph Fowler, 'U. Senator from' Tennes-see. PERSONAL ' ALEXANDER TEI'ITENS iS reporter 'N%err feeble. J,Err. DAVIS arrlqd at, New York, a few days ago,. from ,flerope. Es, le Pi, is to sport the winter in 'Washington, to leant seine thing 'of life at the capital. ‘' of cs..-11.tayor Cahoon, fur forgery,;began at Richmond, Vm, , yeston. day. Cahoon is in jail, ball being refused. tiVA IV. ConconAN:, a Washington banker, narowly escaped *loath at Staun ton, Va., i last week, by trying to jump on 'wear while in , motion. ' RoM BoNnEun has arrived in London, and• is Coming to America to .visit our WostorMprairios and study the wild buf. falo 011(180 the other wild,animalg of the prdiri4s, in their natural haunts. A. tonnoil journal' aYs , the , :American general ,Burnside -has gone into Paris !from Versailles, to have , interviows. with Aft:!'.Wiislibinne,,thei t 4iVerkati Minister, in ul M. Jules , • Pnanasson beguir 'tO teach the first Class of Chimiso in Amerind, ht „ Pot; lowed. withi .instruotionrln , Japanese,. liiOttentot find other barbarle!tongnes. , Mn.' J. IC.."Ftemm, Who recently .re-,! iturued.tog,an,lrranOiseo Orem lOiver ifOruM, say's that the gold mines. of: San :Rafael Valley. are verrrich, and that;: to liletertainhnowlege, one of thi3'PrOi3rlii tors had boon .in ..tho .habit...of . pounding out from ono to thrdo pothuls oftho pre !cious me tal daily. . ~. • !ruin, e * Lrniiiiie tnictir ,PaoitlQ :Ent!road for Septeilibor ; 'wpm $728,524, (soiron " handroil and 'twontyroight thousand flvri , Inuadrod and twOpty-livB (1911111 A and oight qutt3.)' • • NEWS LTEMS. • Tim Swedish emigration to Maine , continues. ATLANTA lISS " anti-boardiiig-honsei . _ association." IT is said the Texas cotton Drop lISH been overrated. TIM: scared aro still running away from Galveston yellow fever. THE French are trying to make a. hot winter for the Prussians. NEW 'Mutt. 'again complain's of the sidewalk merchants - as nuisances. ' A LITTLE boy was recently sent by express frettr nostoh to Pittsburg: lIOLLY SPRINOS, Miss., has two jug factories and one tempefance society. • TUE population of Albany; N. "V., is 69, 452. SCARLET FEVEtt-is still raging in Centro county. • GAMING, a great gun renown, is from Indiana. THE Prussian loan IS to be let alone in England. A BOSTON man is trying to make a flying machine. 'un Parisian balloonists are inflated with their success. Str. - yEtt LAKE, in this State, is to ho stocked with bass fish. WILD 'TURKEYS in the Mississippi have the chicken cblenti. A wnra,read Indian has been ordained SS, minister at Qiiebec. • CINCINNATI . is becorfiing a manufac; • Wring city ; bf great importance. U. S. GRANT KANSAS has 1,500 piiles of railroad completed and is 'Making more. Jtitsy.y CITY firemen Steal 'chickens and cook them in the enginethouseg. , Nr.w Yon': German brewery are about forming a " Vat-Men's Association'' • ViNELAND s manufadthung shoes largely. TRENTON has 22;917 population by the census. MOSQUITOES hold on remarkably lonL, and well. SYRACUSEANS are having a second eroi of grapes. MINNESOTA_ jurors maim verdicts a fifty cents a day. Tim old " IVlonroe'' spring at Saratoga in to be re-opened. VINELAND has a shawl factory, em ploying fifteen persons. . Texas reports the discovery of riel gold and silver mines. I.II3.XLANI) 'and Virginia are quarrel ing over oyster' privileges. JAPAN grows imitative. It has issue( a neutrality proclamation. GftEAT fires are raging in California near Vallejo, Napa and Calistoga. mere goat, which proinises to thrive. BosTos, with a spirit of rivalry, is iin porting yellow fever from the \Vest In dies. arylawl, - Tater -- tiarilky 20, yo l may catch partridges in traps—i yoi can. FRExen Window glass is advancing with other. importations from that country. Tni order of Sons of Malta is again flourishing in the eastern part of the State. . SIXTY-ONE out of every hundred it Mississippi, it is .estimated,clin neithe read nor write. , A PARTY of rommitable Chicago ladies have formed a society for rc-claimingdis sipated young men. A New style of footlights, burning downward, has lately been introduced into the London theatres. 13v the census returns the total popu lation of the State of Nevada will prove to be not more than 33,000. RACING on the Mississippi is again the chief 'Western sepsation, and explosions with fatal results are once more itt order 0zt.12: hundred Chinese are to be added to the population of the city of Oswego in the Spring, to be employed as wharf laborers, A WORKMAN in a Cincinnati rolling mill struck a bombshell with a sledge hammer. The shell went oil and so (lid the worhman. =I 11.;12 s .14 t - 0 I,lu, IMl=lff2ll Till: citizens of Bath, llle. still retain the eld custom et' having, die city hulls rung at tainrise and sunset, regardless of the clock. _ is a Moravian church at Centre ville, Lancaster county, Wthielt was ItuiL in the year 117:6. It is still in an excel lent state of preservation. 'foie cheapest thing to ride is ^,t 1101,p33 , it eats no mats; it demands no' groom -irkweaks ❑o traces ; it requires no Gibe Pow, Ci•ii ?Os ,qer,vd (0. A DVIAMSING ACENCIES.—One of the most reliable establishments ~of this character, that of John Ifooper Co , of New York, wliose n a me has long been the synonym° fur integrity and financial responsibility, has just been. merged with the younger but not less favOrably known lionseof G. P. Howell Co„ The success of the last named firm has been something unparfdelled the history of the business. • We lately heard of an anecdote re lated of a traveling representative :of a well-known patent medicine firm who was endeavoring to efmtract with the publishers vf a leading Western paper. "1 km impressed," said ho yOur establishment ; it reminds me of - that Of - P, Rowell-&-flo- ; of-Nent-Yorkovith only this distinction, you ask a great deal of money for a little advertising, and they give a great deal of advertising for a little money." This is the impression that may oh. Min and not without juaice, for although Messrs._ Rowell & Co,: have never claimed to be able to insert advertisthnents„-N newspapers ae lower prices than publishers would accept from equally• responsible adVertisers who furnish a similiar amount of ,patronage, yet in this last .clause lies much of their success. For some years they have been the larg est customers of most of the newspapers published in the United. States;„ • Their Atheiican Newspaper Directory, which is conceded by all persons compe tent to pass judgment i xipon such a work: to'bo the 'most complete volume of its' character ever issued in this qany other equiltry; may be found '•on tlmsholves of 'ne r vy prominent advertise•. Tho firm has for some years 4i3n con ceded to be the leading establishment of its klad:ip America. And the, jbSorp. of J dpoper, S Qp.,;eao oC,tbo few others which could with justice be called their rivals, places them in a position 'fitr iu advance of all competityrs. . • Miele than 'five thousand Anierican' Periodicals are received , regularly, and kopton.filMA their:offices' which aro catod in tho Now York , I' Nos-40and 41 Park Row,. and we . are Worth ed:that their 'cOtps.,of assistants coinhined 'prbe , of any four similar establishments now in oxisiouco - Our: patrons- can -always bo - sure of •fin4ing,a-1)1O of 'oni papors open tolholr frog inspection at; the office of Messrs. Rowom i te co:, .whorio'vor they happen to he in lierviCorlc , and want to foul tlio gowti from 14*.—.E.rclta7v,. • '' IBM Prins .1667i.t Rollie r FALSE - . A. 7, All3E:Thiiii was - alarm of:fire - on Thuigday eyOrdug Iletweem 7 and 8: &deck. The„ firemen ;were out in full'fo ree ready forUbtion. AT the condi:Mid on Tuesdity, on mo tion of IV. F. Sadler, esq., 31; W. Mc- Alarney, esti.' of Harrishint, 'was ad mitted to practice law in the- several courts of this county. TOE work of excavation onthe site of the new chnrch, proposed to be erected by the Second Presbyterian Congregation of this borough, is being. rapidly pushed forward-by-Mr. John Boyer, the con tractor. lie intends having his part - of the labor finished during the course of the next month. CORRECTIOIsI.—In our report of the elec.. ; Lion of borough officers, held on the 4 cley: enth instant, which appeared in our is sue.of week before last, wo"were iuorror regarding the majority of ono official. Our report of the West Ward' officers read, constable—E. Line, 353, D. Oiler, 217; it should read D. Oiler 353, and E. Line 217,31 r. Oiler being the newly elected constable:- PURCHASE OF A FARM FOR CAMP MEETING PIIRPOSES.—We learn from the Shippcnsburg News that the Carlisle Dis trict M. E. Camp Meeting Association has purchased Miy,Brown'ti entire farm at Red Barn Station, 9rrthe Cumberland Valley Railroad, for chin') meeting pur poses. This tiapt..of land is in close proximity witlithe g,ronlid on which the meetings have been heretofore held, and this secures for all time-the most suitable place for meetings of this kind in the Carlisle district. BEM t4TERED LETTERS.—The POSLM:IS ter General has issued an order requir ing the name and address of the sender of a registeeed letter or package to be af fixed to the same, and in case of non-de delivery, the registered letter or package will be returned direct%) the office from which it is sent for delivery to the sender, without, as now, being returned through the Dead Letter Office. In case the sender of a letter or package thus re rood' cannot be found, it will' then go to the Dead Letter Office, awl he rated as other ;nail matter. RW.AIt Y. —Mechanicsburg watt vis ited with a gang of house thieves on Sun day night last. Front the inforthation obtained we learn that their operat ions were very extensive, being confined chielly to the 'evidences of ministers and prominent citizens of the town. No le's:: than 18 overcoats, a large Yjnantity of clothing, together with about $.lOO worth of silverware were successfully carried on'. These burglars apparently travel in gangs, as it is but a few week, since 1 -the-city of -Altoona- was • visited-by—per , sons engaged in the saute nefarious his- CHAScPIoN,IIIP.—The night velocipede school : opened on Saturday evening last. .by Professors Whiner and Thompson, of this place, has proved a :,uccess. It, is the intention of the young gentlemen to award a Ivey watch, valued at V 2.5, to the fastest rideti, oil Saturday-evening next. This prizens open to all the world .and the rest of mankind. Tickets of admis sion, to all parts of the hall, only ten cents ; tickets for the contest, fifty cents. The race will certainly 'come off, on this occasion. The distance rim will be de cided upon in the evening in question. Persons fond of this sort of amusement, who are desirous of enjoying a hearty la.ugh, should pay the. velocipede school a visit on Saturday evening• Doors open, at early candle light. YOUNG lIi•:S'S CH ASSOCIA TION.—The Third AI1!)11.0 Convealion of the Young 3fen's Christian Associations of the state, of Pennsylvania, will con vene at Scranton, Luzerne inlet y, on TueLday, November 8, 11170, closing its session on Thursday ei ening: Delegateii are expected from all the Associations in the State, among whom will be many of our moat prominent ministers :Old earnest, Christian workers. A most cor dial invitation is extended to ministers and Christian laymen in town and coun try districts where' there are no Associa tions, to conic to the Convention. A most hearty C'l u •istian 'welcome is assured to all who come, and arrangements; will be made for their entertainment, as well as for reduced fair on railroads, - All ‘rho design attending, are refine:Act:l In address Thoma% K. Cree ; ChalrMan State Executive Committee, Pittsburg, that they may mail t hcm,,olves pl . these pri% NTe MoNI•A s . --- A very re spectable gentleman of our borough, received, during the past week, a letter from a party in New York \city, inviting him to enter into the money market-- that is, to engage in the circulation of grre,y-money. From the letter in !pies, Lion, we learn that his terms arc very l'eas s enable, viz : "The, price of a $5OO package is $lOO ; of a $l,OOO package $200." lint order to give his correti, pondent a fair, show on the start, he will not reciaire more than one-I•onrth of the money down cash. That is, if you wish $l,OOO package you will haVa to pay but $5O ; or if you desire a $5OO package, you will- pay only $25. Some mouths, since we noticed this same dodge or swindle, d•ltich was at that time attempted, and as it is now being revived we have. seen fit to bring it to, the notice of our patrons, thinking, that by so doing, we may save the unwitry andALtsuspecting,, , from becoming 0 . 4 .v , Tlrlatior4s signed by Francis 11. Ilan. dall, I.l,ll4ofon'street; oV`eiv York, - Slump) UE 'S'roemm. , —Certalli. of the young, gentlemen attending Dickinson College, have formed the practice, within the past few week, of creating of false alarm of fire, in order to deceive our the department, and get them on •the streets with their . ' apparatus. Last Thins day evening they raised. the alifrin of 'llirfc" and, of course, our noble, firemen, over ready to—respond, were out in sttong force, but they were disappolnt,ed. Again on Tuesday fright last,'between 11' and 12 o'clOck, when ail peaceable and order-loving citizens are supposed to he within doors, these young-gen tl omen, saw 'to'attemPt to ronsoMur eitizqns frOM 'their slumbers, by that drelided cry ,of • "fire,''ilrel" - Not being contented with raising the 'alarm, they proceeded to the residencesmf some of. our citizens, and thitniped'and7hammored pu thnir doofs, uo doubt fearing • ihap, , Oo more alarm would net bo'kitiffiaionl: Phis thitid• , stejvci.l'4t all hazards. It will: be . onrtied'oit to 'sleh mi extent, 116 t" if the really i;o in llaT n esi out ' ; &ene)), from ..thisitroatment,; would be rathbr slow to respond: • ; ; •, 'l"n conclusion' wo Avokihr gay, that %VW ale in poesegeion.of the names of eceiie of the' individnals'ego 'engaged, imd )ibilld Ilautioilth r o'ni thqt if they do not ..'"" WO WM ' bo eoninelle . it to pu1,41411-1015,:f Nownrnrut Counm. , --Ale t Court of Oyer and•Terminer and general jail de livery will be held at Car Hide; commenc ing Monday, November 14. • Two colored females had quite a lively little "All," on Tuesday afternoon in the vicinity of THE JIEFALD OFFICE. We did not learn what was "the bone yf contention,'! but the fight was very evenly contested. MONDA •evening next, will be Hallow Eve. We would caution our readers to be on their gbard against the tricks and practices usually indulged in by mischie vous boys and others, on the return of these pecaptup. REV] A.L.—On Monday evening last,,A revival began in the Bethel Church, Rev. J. Hunter, pastor, Mourners are already seeking their soul's salvation, and the prospects are'good for a largo and interesting meeting at the present time. CHESTNUTS have made their appear ance in our markets. They command only twenty-lye and thirty cents • per quart. Our coon try friends inform us that the eroP is a very light one. This, no doubt, is the cause of the high price denianded. ORPHANS' Cocn•r.—This Court con vened on Tuesday of the present week. .PresidentJage•James 11. Graham, and Associate Judges Stuart and tair wore in attendance. Owing to the nature of the business transacted, but few persons, attend these Churls. Douche: TitAcx.—Wre are informed that the Cumberland "alley Railroad be tween Mechanicsburg and Bridgeport, has been graded, preparatory to laying another track. The-rumor is also afloat, that the Company intend double-track ing the entire length of the road neat year. WITHIN Hie past :few weeks we have noticed several carts, with horses attach ed to them, passing through our borough. .011 last Friday no less than nine of these eehi , W, finder charge of a single driver, passed through this place, no doubt en ton/' for some new railroad. On Sunday last four more of the two-wheeled car riages moved through our streets. THE sky presented a grand and mil,. Hine appearance on lloinlay evening last.- Deep crimson streaks of light Hashed at intervals, across the heavens, from east t o west• •Tlip sight was viewed by many of 1)111 eitiiann, and various laananlS were olTcrcd in explanafion of the uare specta cle presented. The only one which seemed to gain any credence, was, that it - Wan a-sign of-war , ('ouni MARTIAL. —A General Com t -Martial isitppoioteri - tcrinctit at CaTlisle - Barrack,, to-morrow Friday) at 1I o'clock a. tn., or as soon lbw:after as prlictiraliki, for the trial of such persons as inay Le.bruaghthcfureit, by authority from headquarters. The following named officers have been ,detailed for the Court : Captain George It. Rodney, Fourth U. S. Artil 'cry ; Firm Lieutenant W. J. Cain, fluid t - . S. Cavalry ; I•'ir:st. Lieutenant It. P. Strong, Fourth U. S. Artillery ; First Lieutenant E. C. Gaskill, U. S. A., Unattached - ; Second Lieutenant,... Madden, U. S. A., Unattached ; Second Lieutenant F. V. Green, Feint]] V. S. Artillery ; Second Lieutenant W. B. Quinati, Fourth F. S. Artillery ; First T.iputenant John W.' Roder, Fourth U. S. AvUllory, is appointed Judge Advo cate. • A eel Es.—Capt ;du 'John C. Lew, hlio tt 111-kll,lwn and populai• huckster, has broken out, in a new place. He has leased inle or the rooms in the Franklin House row, whore ho will he pleased to meet all leis old friends aud customers, and as many new ones as shall favor him wit call. . lie has ,itait 4 retitrued from New York State with 1,000 barrels of the finest ap: pies we have bail the pleasure of seeing for a long time. Among his stock may be found the.. following choice varieties, viz : Seek no Furthers, Spitzenbergs, Twenty Ounce Pipius, New York Green ings, 13aldwins, GillOovvers and Spies. To give some idea of the business he is doing in the apple trade, we will merely mention the fact that he disposed of ever 10,1 barrels on Tuesday morning. lie also keeps Sweet Potatoes, Fish, and Oysters, constantly on hand, which he:will dispose of at prices to suit tho times. Clive him a call. POLICE XENVS.—ollicer Sane° arreste d John Holis, a well-known "Lumley," on Tuesday last, while in a beastly state of intoxication. At the time of the ar rest, he had taken possession of the - Episcopal square, and was using iiery demonstrative and indecorous„ language. The service's of " Wash," the obliging porter of the "Bentz House,'' were called into requisition to assist in con veying Mi. Hobbs to Fort Thompson. Ile was ''sent up" for five days. Tins same clay the same 011ice6rvested Ida 11111 and the Misses Fisher fur con duct unbecoming young. ladies. They were placed in 'durance vile until the succeeding . day, when the diflicultiils were amicably adjusted, by the aforesaid ladies paying Ebonies inflicted. 'nth same officer arrested a German vagrant on Friday evening last, on the corner of Hanover and Imuther streets, for jostling two little girlS off the side walk, and behaving improperly. Con fined in Fort Thompson. als the same evening Htlicer Sanno ar rested a "bold Milligan" for_ assault and biittery On his "better half. l " He was • also ethurnitted to jail. • •,/ o.NE.day last week Chief Burgess LOW. anil °Meer . Salm° arrested nine bum .mers, iu the vicinity of Blair's lumber yard, for drunkenness and disorderly They wepa confined in jail for various terms, -ranging to thirty days. 01:011.GE lICC colorCll, was arrested 'on Saturday evening last, by thcr same officer, for striking. his Wife with•ana3e. Squire Holcomb committed him to jail. The little "onpleasantness" Lis been adjusted,, andqicorge is once again at liberty. • • OVVICEII, lltimun made a.!‘ large haul" of bummers on. Tnekatty aftepagm. Tho iudivitivals arrested, comprised an entire household, father, mother and four children. They had .temporarily taken their "stand" . .in tho Market House. But these proceedings boingi contrary to the rule Saud. regidatien a our liiirough iaws, a rest within the walls of the brown _steno mansion, . on Main stroot, was deeinod Accordingly' the familiwero loaded, luto"Oaptain ivagol,,audittriuinphautly ;borne to Fat Thompson, whore ..they remained until f0114511;ZtilOrIllug. • •