MRS., S. H. SIEG, Teacher of ideal ,Vasic, Operatic and Ballad Styles, Will visit Carthde,"two days each work Of a aulTiciont number of pupils are obtained. Application maybe made to professor Rheum, or to 11111 S. 81300, 108 Walnut street, Ilarrieburg. Trams—s2d for a form of twenty leusona. 1.5.1,71) BE WISII4-4. Winn wisdom will benefit you: bo not always eon. trolled" by your incredulity, hundreds have bought relief from the horrors of Dyspepsia through the medium of DEMUrrh ANTI-DYSPEPTIC STOMACH BITTERS and found It. Why should you iniffeten cable stomaclticlmc cured ninny similar cases-Why do you doubt while other hellovfiTiiiil are cured I Delily in this matter is both dangotous and unprofi table. Your health, happiness and business setters, while constant neglect is I erpSently foil wed by serious and uncoil. trollable results; Demrrii's BITTERS 1110 equally gestion ; no BILIOESNE,S, CONSTIPATION, Be., while or Fevre and Acre and Op er disorders PilCceefing from rfsAsuATA, tl Is the only reliable preventive and remedy known. 2450 69 nig - 67k CANCERS, ULCERS Pn•fi 59)18 Buell:man and Loan, of Ilia American Univerdity, are narking %tomb, ful sare9 of Cat I,l'S Tumors, and Ulcers, by tb air now diocovory. A poi vitas trealmant, no knife, no ',bolero, no catudie burning, The moot rontarkable effect r f this treat. 1110 t.t i., II tephitalet the Chen ical el• mento actin nettiol , groo tlt;, so 'lint they slirivol, at, an I tp pear, nut till! not return. All tine.. rifle tell rat call on ill, Nolen-or, ;uthlte.s, No 514 Pip r :11ret, ! hiladt llaug7o I= and lA..dih in.Q I, • Iry it fyy, aN,llentinmii of the Inn] , r hair dies now in the 111,11! tit Not 1 t may the inntin of 'nob hut A IQ in.ty of 0011 g tin in Init ono Ilidr inoin I kid anti ItF,i.fiite I ihihit, thii in. fidutor W.l of So lot r.. lin it hin:wii to all. that I Crkladoro's Excelsior Hair Dye • 7.,1 by .li.••iu, :.t•-1 rlo mist awl 10111''1,1044 . if Willl. fOll Ilt CI A , tor 11.11 v Nr•l, (I.lir I,IIIN lik.• srLnrm "li . . l:.0 Ilitir r Hu i Try it F:ill:ores or .I',a.-1.(1. MIE A gmithuitll/ who tollierrl for yea r+ fr• m NPrviitut Prommture atil all r (touts to with hi . indi,eretioo, u ill for the tot, lit milli ring humanity, FOI d 1,1, to all oho nre I It, tho rrreitit for maiflng., the reinotl3 ‘,111,11 Ito wue curt.d. flerers wi.l , lng to pr..lit t. the mlvo Us- IT ' S 11,ritqa, :An uthlrc.,:ing, iu 1 , -rf.rt 11t1,En.., JOHN IL ()UDEN, 42 Cellar St. Nlyw Vot l. Ere I= DIEM I=l BIM I for rlll , ll and, ry Ilr I r.. 0 in I, loth r v-u!, s•cod, t urk su tro tor Win .o,• A , • he..t, =Mr= noi•to'o 1111 No ii NL.L•, S.NOI MARKETS C A Ri.l6i.E PR 0 D L'c' MARK HT. Corrected ilrakly by R. CT: 117oodicard TLltraday .1101,11.1 w, 1,70 F.1.1111,1' Pl,Orie srEEEFESA' EEPERFINE RYE EI,,,ER WIFITE'll'i/F.7.1 7' 11E1 , 11"//E.1 T.. r 7,1' V 11'/1/T7: OA Ts L r , l*/:USEED . 77.11 ,, 111YNEE11 1'1..1.1-SEEI/ c4.ltl.lsrx ricovisim: MARKET., Cori:ecled Tl ellimn Trashmsod Colo . lt. 7100 - ,P , y 0.06. r 167,1. it / Ell I /I!) /*A 1.1.0 11; A r0.V71.1 .11 C' do SllO I'IMERS 11'111 IE 11.1.1 .vs /11:1 , us 51:11:1, E, MARRIEI) Oil OW 1 , 1,r10l .i1:11,1, ill )I...ll , tli.slotrtr. .I, •ll‘ .hr. Ault 11. 11.411 n i 5-, to 311, , t. 11,111 Elleher, 1,01 Y• r ount 7. .I.leltS Ilt.• t• of the Itrl , k'n inntlt r, .r y Dr.liwar.'r, I 1.1110 both ct/tioly. I , 1:.11I-1):IcCilVALI..-011 lii , . Vntlt in,lant. I y !Ivy.. 11. C. Pnif str H oa r mi Dir,m ifl, 1,.,111 of Mt MEE 11 I\' ETISTII'Ii.-111 11.14 !. ,11111 111111 no, 51.. E II rn..,13, LINE.—Ots tl , iiti iis•t `r In, 6.111 , . is. Aill,SP/11:11• .V..t..1111 nt` '7 sistsitil... t )I.'l .IMON.--114 Di. 1,1,-..11 ()nob., t ..11111v, Da., on SA: ozr.i er .' r. I:1, Jan.. 31. lira lII' —511...1.,1v, ai .. I.s 111 141, I. .l th, in tt t• 11,11 of :..epteiztlwr, lh;lp, I ~ , 1 ~,,,,,,, hit ,.,ht t of J. 1 ,,,, and,atel ,i.. I, , 0...1 .•fil hit,. FL, re ,111,11 , 1 h, ‘..11,1 a r.t. 1Ar.1154. Way., n.ll phtee Ity IPIIII. ppm. h Inih. I MIL ip d 6,11.•u1111 1101, hc•ory 1114.!1` bright I. ,a , j,rl of ❑,i, brit, 1,1:1 Inn.,,ad all 111111111. 11IT.• ~ 111. cling 111111 1 1 1111,/ 111k1111 . 1111 1 1 1,1 11 , 1' 1.11111/ . l' 1111,111n.g, and 4 Ih. , ughtlnl, and hind to h. r .111 z in,. In :411:31:Cli --At 311 114411, :' , 144 on thy fir•t 1:444 t, 314 . ..144114, 1:44.414444.1:. 4 1-1'4411 I."• 11113 I : 4.44m4iy, 44g4441 IlillE.lD —l.l floxlo r 01!pt In, t.. ISr 00011300 01 the. la , rilli $Ol.lOlOlOO. I'raiglo,ol, I,loolly or nth 11,1 , 110301 t 140rn , Ilip. ill the 030ty•11111) yoor 01 tesolU•rioss OF ItEsrEcT.—At a meet of the Unjon Philosophical Society, ‘ld at their hall recently, the following solutions were adopted : TIIII II • 1111f+ la 111.. Union I hih,ophi...Ll llof n rolloge harm. been 1,111- 1,3 OW IPI Di% Pros d 111. Is,till. I 4 tin it I.rother null fell ,, ' , bltnivut, Edm ald •v. ; Iherefore, be it 'her , •by Le r I lust sun m ill tmer hot p mind }he hir and chara. ter, Ow In 3 hug JUlp.bitillti. I lII° kind heart or ram cl•rartml hrotin r,ln Irlana ha.. :damp. 14111114 llae,ur nlt . lll/, 111141 an Ilgrven. • cntapanion, nml 1010 proved hl ionlf energoair workor lelations. nl , l brae my horsy t rihmony to Is,, good non 11 I tlox 1r ;vier, mitn tho fino 1111111(AI qun i. /I 11, 111,./..., d , II us Made 1/11notahn•at ong tranferkf Tlkat wo , xikreas ar itkoat heartfelt ayno Idea 101111 the iikaktly tool relkkille, of oar do ea, It ahrr the k ktkly coos lotion 0 Wl/1110 Illfer, in that I.lw he eAertell, and Ilk- life 0 Well he , Ike ha+ I. ft with 110 moll x aleatory IN will (Hopei doubts 0, to future, sual nkikkh ail 1.M11111.1.1 nn alight all 0 to follk k ot ?COI, list WO We.TlMllif 1111111,1 ha Igo of mnorh •aud tlk II copy of tlkea°ron Ititioux he forwartlokl tlak taakily•of the dfrroe It, sad 11 , 1.11111.5 , bk, ud ill the alai Carli,le pate.. IVXt il, 11.1allltl,''_ 1 1111010, is 11. CONLYN. • NE W ist of unclaimed letters,yerpaining in . postal:lice Carlisle,:, P,a„ for the ek ending October 18, 1870 : • • 1 LA LIST. fold, 31ipiiT.100:0 Lillie, 311, Sul mu, 2 det,, MI.B ,1111111- 1.••{Vii,•1\1111•y, 011110:1 . r, %Ilk , •b.:C;7IL Lief, Ars airy II 2 01111, 31i I:Lzkliet is Lane, 3111 L - , viitrgaret Lehiletn, Mrs Mary I, 31ris !tea, Mrs Elio Owns Pistil , Mrs 31ary her, vilfiv 1. U , Spahr, Alia Hate ill, 3lts 31111 a Stover, Miss 11, looLeit Ii el, Salley • Spahr, dad), inv Annie Sweetly Mina love, Matti Williamson, It W hill 'Mary JAIIU • Willi EWE,. MP niarwnA I, 31154 Ida Wetzel, Mrs Kate 31 2 Illnger, 31` e Eilzvlioth Mrs Mary It ~, 0 ENTI.RMEN'S LISP. -__ _ .. brews, Jacob „• Lein, Small ' riteis, Win II -Line, All ralairger, M, Lally, Homy '' iminnan, Chita • ' , 31111er, - .lbeepli yer, Z 1' . Maybary. Ittirbl el, Jacol,'ll • - • ' Martin, Saul It ler John St ris & Lamb • I nten, Loofa C Ramer, John II , 11, Jae Roberta, C S • ker, Frank ' Stone, haul tsover, Chen . Stewart,' Cline . ement, / S,& It 5 • • , Mantle, Jam., stal, Nlhn • -, Mentzer, J Calvin eon, 11 • . . , Myers, Saul mean li • . Stoner, rbillp don, C ,BLlckhi,Julni Ind, Henry Smllb, Rev Jelin N tr, Adam Wood, ,Chas It dug, Theo T .Wotzet, Andrew e, Wm Warner, Henry. • nor, Jacob Wolf, Amos-- moo, Alfred i Yough, k.)101c thaway,_J'W'Zolgla,, D PP.*, . 1 •11 ' ' ' Zeigler, johnathan PP, Low]. ' 443 . 1 , /I.le 't Parallel , . 4. X, Wippi, 13/31 NEW ".2'O;,.DA Y. DRY GOODS ! . DRY GOODS! HARPER'S SOUTH R&ROTER STREET NEW STOtht OF PALL "GOOD?. I - tako pleasure in offering to my patrons awl the public, a sloek_or- - Complete In every branch, and not xcelled 6t oluall ty, beauty, anti cheepneta. IltaVe non• open. it beantlful.aluel. FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS, comprising 'Black Silks, Ilinek and Colored All-Wool 110 p, Meek and Colored All-Wool POollne, 14 nck and Color. d Wool Delalties, Manic: and Colored Merl. rm., Plaid Poplins. 9..rg01, Voloure, Fine Tllllli. 1101. Iii 141111,, I'lll.o 31011111111. new brand of Wqrp Bleck A VIVA, fur beauty of, color, weight ie‘t um, and price, It takes the lead of any Alimett, i Cho tool tot. 1 , .,1114.141Me. Fhtk ttyles of Stripes and Plaids. I, mg and Slo Thilod Shoo 1,, all of ulolch I filer r v.a.0110 try While uhd guar.inleol =9 cl: • x, Volveleolitt, IVhit, 0111111 11‘,. F,111114/1,-1 , 14t.1i Sro Cirt I= 11 , on-e 'For. iNhing I)ry G.10.1+, '1'..1.1f. Slip' n 15.1 NV Lice li. coil, A I LI.. popollfraa ova: of Dooooitiog, ea ' , rho— t$ tho 100 ss..t. coot anon, 3lvritor sti.,l Dinqwx, for Lnd6•n I;..ys. Km L: lig V .Iw, Zola" rs, Ct•rn,:olto II 11..1, le, 11111 i i{ tlttiorili lmux, unuaLnig E g rail Litres, liturgtn, Lnrie, 1,10, Lill I. re Idr , nn I n gulwrin nui!,l 4 . 1.t1T11:1- AND rg ! ! Par,'! N." that the .prfees will be nv eke re. any m lots, All good, 1..011 al Mu bend of marl,l, curb, a... 1 superior itiduromonts nlll be ~nrred~rl Ilia Cheap Cw.h Store, Cor. Ilauover 'and Ponttitt sts T1105..-A. HARPER, 1111 E BEST, and decidedly the largest stocka IIIMIII!!! I= %%ea, I L. Loral at illot.l.l.lldropular o 1.0 ISAAC LIVINGSTON, =MI EOM N 31. 1 .1, ,11 ..“11 find Illtefit pr. tit,oliot, of Euro pearl Yawl .Initnirun titn4factl.r.. I. 11 'l' II 4 ovdry ripliton and .1.0r(c11.1 till the vai i”vg 1..1.111ar told 7 I= =EI Cassimeres in endless variety, Tweeds, A ;idol I.d pon I; of V riling A(I ( /1(1• .tech It HAD.I.: 1)!.: t I,UTIII.\ti 1(( (I111 1 111((f(11 .•tuitl 1., .gartuistit. itlaVt• A ,i , :rri , ll•l h. , ;I tlllOO "1 =I =I Don't. fall and ak etie /I call.. %Vt. a 11.1114/ •II1i 111,0111' I) 1,1111 ISA At' LI VINII •TO•:. N. 21 N Ith littitttt er firegi, Established 1847 EMI (I , IIEAP COAL! =1 F. 14 1 .11,1 ntitimo.l.• t I= =ME Orders aubjert to any 011111gea ill the at Haw of ah!pment Parma, and Litnebornarv, alon the linty of tilt. lAn4l Valley Meow]. furnlahe4 ce, pan H. gly.h.w rata,. Orderttlh I a Ith di patch of Multi /mil/milPill stroits. jx.V DESIRABLE MANSION Thn lino three ntory hrlnk honno, tho renidennto of Into (1,101 .I nnth n Gibs n, si tnnhnl on YAM Mt In !root , with lorgp 1.0 l of Groom,. Allo et IA Nero', IIo•nII rto ti ro tr. will 13r roll al 1,111,- Ile. tel., OcirJbre 211, =I Ihe honed; has ita to I (root oh ) ktre , t, la three.rtorieh 1.1411, xvith a largo Iwieetory heel: build ing. 'rho.• ore two park., wish figiling Medal a wl le oil dining room, had Nellell.ll le/ ell thit•litel (lour; liamberd II 11111 aerond litior; t .nee rhombi:re on the third Ito r, and M.X 11,11 , 1011 , 11 a' d Oulshed rootre iu 11.1 ntl i• all eigideen ri 111110, 1111. h 0 welltirrdopel, platteled dry, cellar tinder rho wind° lat !ding. hydrant wider In 1:0 kit hen and )1,11, s aid gas in all the prim !pal ro.mie Thu lot on llhirh 11 010111111. 80 Get fro, t, by 2.0 foot deep to a twenty Ibol ul tty. The Lot ae mss the it ley tx 13.1 feet omit, 1.) Inc f 01 deep, kith gals h a I'/UllllO Ili° prole./ ty w in good repair end there le 1111 osier. 'dexir.dda hittuition "In Ito town, either fora dwelling r t udurxx blood. The terms of /tale are, five per rent itt tho thee of Bale. Tho haltinei. of ong•thlid, on delivery I f the 'loot, n d the residue its too equal onnual payttiontli, Ni lilt ill 100001. Ilamudia'o p0.P0.10 , 011 eau Ile gh'mr. .101 IN 11, PAltlUlt, Execnility, 00. PUBLI C BALE. • I= At tho Gorr lloono, tho through or Catllllj, on l'o . hlay, the I we:o ighth of Orthlwri itt, that valuable private residence, ultliateti at the went end bf the borough of l'orliale. near Ltektilnnr 0(11• Ingo, km, nu es the "7tlc4liiitcok Property," new tinned by Henry Snyder. The 'Lot ettitalnittiti feet In front 'bull 131/0 foot In depth—flouting no both Main atti ILtrther atreolo. The impreveinvlliti eonnitit Of au ni,nuANT d ND . O IAIIIIOI3IOUS MANSION, mitinit6l ectetlie.eentre of the ground., fronting on ',lain street, Ilornheil In the best manner, and with convenient 0110101E11,g, She mound, are t9inc• fully limit out, no,il urn well nindded with fruit and ormmomitnit m s, and ehrithbery o WIC C 110 1 ,4,14 kind, SlllO to 1•001111C111, ut 1 t o'clock a in. on said day, when doe will be given and torn mode known be ele t c tin . _ A. L. BPONSMER, lleal Emote Aolet. FURS ! Th. ”,h.erth,r onoomtopx to tho citNeo. or Car tints th nt 'Make, Alter, or Repair, • 11l kinds or varieties of Furs, nuking t/inin 4911010 filo lat.xt and most faslin noble 01)11111 and style. , I 'Call upon lIIIIS. IIALSEIVS. No. Small Hanover Atroet, newly •orroalte Ibn Second Proobyterletychuren, ,130ct70.3t T i -iOR PURE DRUGS, CIIESTICALS, And Patent Medi Inca, Qi to J. 11. Ilitverittickis, No, f. Booth Ilitnoter street. Also, asp letulld assort• moot of Toilet Eitspa, Perftlineylint, and Fitnny Toilet Articles. - J. 11. lIAVEIISTIOIC, No. ii South Ifitnovvr street, Oarliejo, Pa. Mai° , I' LOST • • On the twontyblglth •ot September, on. the Wab not Dottom Road, between Carßale and the Ihirnt Homo, n SINGLE SHEPHERD'S SLAM SHAWL, The Ilador will pima loaTo It at Tot llEmp ervioc, . , IMI ERE= EIZEITIE It? _'__-_Sa~lLtit, r, (9sviols, tc 121E=1/3 MEM 1.)71/ I 3() 4 00,f 4 41 S 1 'a 5 R 0 .i 50 0 00 MEM Nu! 1i a. $1 , 0 t 00 1 1 325 1 50 1, 0 in fit. t eveQ tb usuall) keptn Furniture Store. All' of which Ixl I xII hen, e num the ebeepext Remember lint 'dorm, betwoon Inltoirs arocery noii St'Mull A Sboo Store. MIMI - - ORPHANS' COURT SALE By virtue of co order of -the Orphuns' Collet of Cumbei land county, thu eubccriber will Fell, on the premilleti, 2.t OUe. oilork fit the afternoon of said day the follom Oh vnlont,le rent estate, tlitt , , !Import). 0 the 12210 iVilltant What,ttittrirtilSto)ttlt Ii hid et , n tow.hir nn the York r n I, within three elita-ters ofu ntl/p of II slung Syringe), conftleting of it Sarni of Lline•itient. IruJ, r ontielning o n WO. strde or ooltivation, o. d Luring th,vou reelod lank Barn, W 11,11 ., uhril, I urn Crik ' Pena, Carriage 14)1,0, a up'endi I young hearing circeard, aud oilier Imp . vent. u 4, all g oil order unr 01111- dili'lll. nil moll CEO, 11 1. of tics very I eat forum In Ihs 14,41.11 s nor 1/11111ty • ioolkiioll a.,.! for linty. It has on It II very valuable 'Nil It INK, REWARD A berm, woo etolon out of the field of 8. S. wor, In South Middleton tmvloildp, on the t of the sixth instant: 'the fol , owlog le a dearr!ptlon Of the ent reat ttolen A sorrel, 1111.11 'with flay four white , not, while taco, Ilan a Sc •r on the ...NI& of left front, foot, extending within ono-half inch of loArf oleo, atmiller war 114.11er the right side, which can easily kildetect.9l on rlosa urnudniillon live yeas old lost in log. 'MEN I Y..11V II DOLLARS will he. pull for the recovery tor lit, Itoren.;:or FIFTY DOI, LA its for the ream, y of the horse, end stn eller( the thief. lefil FURS! - NrovoE ig-her 9 by- g iven i - mat tho folz _LI trout occorint+ bay° been filed In the ErntininotKol._o_oleo,..and_ivlll_bc presented_ to tho Co ort of Coninion Pone of Vornberinnd county for sonllrmation on Werino,day, Vovourber 10, 1870. viz; L. Account or John McCurdy, connuittee of It 1' McClure, veg., n lunatic. 2. First and final account off:lobo Ileetum, signes of Jokoillt 0 Ufeen {ruder deed of voluntary assignment for betnflt of creditors. •• • , First and final account of .llanlel Fett.row, no. sfigneie of W. W. Darr under deed of voluntaryaulgn grout for benelltof ortlltorn. W. V. CAVANAUCI OctCufllxlq ll, 1 :011.1. • IFrotlionotury. • NOTIOFO , . . . „,T,he phrtnereldp In the Drug and Book Business, horolofere existing between 111, under „the tumid of Ulaverstlok Brothers, hes this day beenßlasolvod by mutual consent. Prim books of the Into firm are In. the band. of Henderson & Hays, who aro authorized to collect alt' sums duo to, and settle all. accounts against the came. , ' .• . . i• ” . . - JOB. 11, HAVVIVaTIOH. , 'B, A...HAVER/THOM Carlisle, 00t.1,1870, -' . ----- noet7o-4t. NEW TO-DAY. P LAIN FACTS IMIEI it EADING! A largo, well oatnblisli.l, and anccensfal vith no oxvorionre of morn than twenty-flro year., nftbleAls-lo—ofter—lidt - toomonte-to-all-sOlo-tere , abon ~'become plirqllaterit, of G- 1 T, 1 &THING • orml toio renblishment In (ho coin try Our garments all motto of theme Cot materials, carefully olech•d ; 110111111 g 1111.111 Id Or In any votY linperrta nub up ut all, even In the lowest guidon of , look I==ll ra 1y.M.111 ( tt ever, [Ling Ili 11 go, to nk, u , um•riur garment • I. nno , inalled I.y ,tock g I n Ia =l= 11 can In. 11(0,1 n(1111, without deLty. idr p 11,•3 u itlway; goon:oleo.] ns low, or lower Clan tun, lowest I , lNewlicre. We base alsa,ts One its.oriteent of =I 111001,W be made op to order, in t the be t 111.11111.1 and at priced much t, titan aro uataoatliy eloargt.d I= Sampled of goo 1 , , with prl.e 11,1 d fur nli kinds garthouts, forwattl6l by until itt tiny limn when re quested, uitls iuuirue 1 Inns for soffoneasureptent an gurinerilei vithur npulo to ordo pr nelurt ril fr.) OU Ito I dy•llade ; took, for A - 1,11.4 esx, goßrantuod Pt gentle not ',fettling heretran g PI and has° their ininisnre regislon it no our hook.; koilt. for (hot purinor, front ohlrli got I=l 13PNNKTT & TOWER HA I. :116 MARKET sTREET, I= =I I=lll CHEAP CLOTHING ! CHEAP CLOTHING! B. M. SMILEY'S CLI 1i,4 I' CLOTH ISG STolt E NO. 11 sucrn uexovinc STILE:ET, for 1b.t1,,1111.4. v.hert you 1.11: 11.1 /I largo i,orttlent I= for born' Irunr, how Ow iiiii Inniievt g.talvs all of my -own manufacture I m ill I r vex li. der_ 1 . 1.1111101111111. 1 1/1111 . 0111.111111 a 11111:1 1 !1111gutml n.en tt'imitot =I I=l = rlll.ll 1 h 111 x .11 by the yard. dr cat and make np t •rddr, In the L,est manner. RI d at pea...4.1..11 lure hall are noaally I hitiged for garintall. mad • to arda Alen, a large ,alh.rtdaebt al u DERsiniers IM=EI ECM =I No. II sorrii ,11ANOVER [ENE! On T Intraday, November 17, 1870 ONE II ENDRE') IVIIES = 11111 Hum Leen evened nn I %versed to .1110 is tent. Also, on the /411110 day an I ut Ole en:Lo place, lin ill soil TNACT OF XOUNTAIN' LAND, tante.' in thu mon tow,•dldp, h,nuuhd by Imola of enjamln Kaufman. and C. W. and I) V. Al.l, OM. Infog • is 'ACItE9 JiND a ri9coliEs. . svoll rovored thriving oak nod cheetnut nther. Ternin milt, known on the d y °teal°. NY. R LINE; Eloct7o t 3 R:semilur of it illintn tiou'd =I S. N. WOLF, 136A70.21• Mt. Molly Sprint], Cum b, co., Pa, Y OU can obtain Dye 'Stuffs, Perin modes, and Fancy e; stick's. Physicians' Trescript!oni easefully cora• ,oundod it 'all times. , ' J. D. 11107ERSTICK, N 0.5 South Ilanove r street, Curilalo, Po }Soca° . HE undersigned offers for sale .the T houso in which ho new resldea,(No. 01 North Hanover street.). Tho houso has throo rooms and kitchen on flrat floor, font rooms on second. and two on attic. Gas and water In house. Possession given. this Wall, if re tired, thieil(P4t „Live. Stock at rrtvale.Saie HORSES, MULES, AND COWS AT PBIVA•tE eALE _ _Tho Fut/scriber, re,i.ling. DlCkilrou township, _neur_the_,Stoneauverl4_ollers_uLprinalieul 2 Mules, three years old, 1 Stallion, six years old, • dark bay color, aired by Sky lark—a crlobratod ) globs borne; brokria to all kinds of barno.l3 ; and 2'Cows, (springerd ) RUPP.HT, Ooetb-St• Whit) House P. 0., Comb Co , Pn In Election for Bank Directors N OTICE 1111 elerli.ll for Dlrect.ii.l rho Flint •rd . Bank. Pit., will Jai lipid hr hornet,, 611 Abon , loy e1'1,11,11 eluy N•rreolber Jirzl, 11,, holm. 01 !me 111111 trace u r,l ouk Jr C HOFFEIR, Cashier. IMSEI The dnrrrirrrn Bet se COMFORTB OP HOME 15= Wyr 1111111111 . 3111 /1111 i II •••er ni .y Our hearl.+ tu. with Itonll.. th Sto 1,1. sat 'all lint WI• frr, n w.trini.; our I. mid tni.Cry N.:Q:Oi , , Pua • it, 1)111 limo ref Story, bling f Tliprr'x 111/ SII/VII 1 . , Amer vuo NIo Forced to ittoTer ity smother, 17” quickly repine, 0, glen me the. A 1110111,111; I hot in tho Shill 0 ; A Nita IVIIIOII av al gather se plelactlit anti neat, And kelp IMMO. , Collllrollo lo any down to oar f. Storv, Plane, American :govt., Thai ''a nn Storrs like llue , Base Burning SW Ittil I Stoven ',laved before 11.1 , to loot by toy rilolco For the "A to,Caltit Ittive.lbooor" talro 'madly InilE2 For volt I, the fuel in it, 'to, 11, bring out the herd And keep you worm and pleinaut down to your fi Stine, Store, wonderfilf Stove, Ther.'n no Stove like thee, Amerluu Stove For sale t WM. FRIDLEVS STOVE STORE =I In the r -y 11;01,31'4 I urni•lii.• Ito p,” ellll fl/Id uu udlrnx Vll•irir 1)f go auele 413 Pui nace,, Office, Parlor, and 1 Beating Stoves, TIN As;l, HON WAttE of all kiwis, and at as to prievo fI r Cunt], 'la a ny 0111,1antabllellawnt in town. = .11111 1:11,41+ (lone with nealn•pg and demoutelt Call puprli lti,R okewlwre. MEM Joliu, S. il'O're Company one 1.41.7AN0 JOHN S. REESE ar: Cu 122 Sotith Delaware ave., Philadelphia 10 South street, Baltimore. 0LU81.1 , 1 PACIFIC GUANO No 4.rtilizur Introdoeud to tile' carnier4 of t Middle and ,outliert, Status nor gnaw itnil uttifurio x. t iSnlelloll 1111111 this gllll.lllll I= =MEI I= Inn.l.“l' lit 11. liuJntil the unrest t:i its eulll.lllllyd ...Nee voittpally Li. It 1.. groatur ti r porninnoney td Its trod th any nnEnbor conmtniorx nu have; hence I i, th4hl4lient in are =BE of Ow company to itut'lli - ; lortillier lulu :nor ket, that their °tient nice! by the ben 81 . 111111 ilk 31.114 1 . 1111 itroclit Thio Douro in 601.1 at n lull I V I. rut 1.g0t..14 of IL cumpuity thronith tit Sow Jr•raey„'aware., Pawl •RylVaulti, nio.l : 1 les. and old EMS= Leiehey's ( hero) et(sh Sh».e WU)! L , boy yfmr Dry itnnil9 it at L A C ICE Y'S Clieup for Cr'orlt 'Store, NO. 99, NORTH' lIANOVE4i. STREET, kt•op ttr hunt line of /'pp:. In the Zoc•mity. ryt lower 11gure4 than can I o purrlinfa d out.ide of Nov York. 0n0.1.3 of all kind. onn , tantlo on band.. Froklt ;Fonda oorry 13a , ...xfuclIon gnarontrud In nll grand. Hold Full line of rvh I rAtod Priticess‘kirts A'hl, A lite4 . _pard. msko la the :0v,,,e1 CM CaHsiineyeo„ ,¢i7LAlia_beat_COlLDlllt9Y•la town al a lan pricer Thoir Notion Lint in Itornit'lle— llosiory, Yarns of nil kinds, ()suet Chains, , . with ovary orticlo molly kopt In a filat•closo Dry (loads Sidra. ' . . .• . . - Don't forgot of : • , . . No. 90 NOM' Vitnovorstroot, Citrlislo. Po aIrYCITI M•BARGiAI,N.I3 22ef1p704m NEW TO-DAY. I== (broke to NV ork,) = Itaugru, Cook stove. I=l I= =I lIMIEZI JOHN tl It}: CO. Getiut AO•oir for the Copp ti:,y READ 111".11)! 'CA RUST, E, PA Satinets, Tweeds, Flnunels,-d c., OloN. 0,, 011 Cloths, &c. E= .go For; the County CUMBERLAND VALLEY It: R EXCURSIONS! Annual Ex:hibitiOn Of :the Cninberliind Co. Agricultural SoCiety, to be hold et Carlisle, on the 12th, 13th, and 14th • dayif of October, 1870. Annual Exhibition of the Washington Co. Agricultural Society,, to ho held at lingeratosin, 51d., on the 161 ---7-20tb-iand-21st-days-olOctobet,-1670, The Cumberland ,Valley ilroad-Cd, will issue ROUND TRIP TICKETS for Regular Trains, during the continuance of each of the above:named Exhibitions, which will be good for Retuna Passage on alFtrainsleityMg the points at which afiverally they. are miverally l Yeld, mita the last train leavino such point on the days when the Exhibitions close, AND POSITIVELY NO LONGER! kiln of fare,to rarlide and return !forth:Mug s'9o Ookyllle ¢ 80 11rIdgeloot 90 Shlppeosborg P 5 While 11111 90 Scotland 1 25 Sldremonotown 70 Olitimbriollint 1 40 .Mechnoloxburg ' 1.0 Merino 191. Kingston :15 Kaufnum's 1 SO 3161.11 , 40, 25 Greenenst'e 1 90 Good Ilop•• 25 Stale Lion , . • .2 2 Gnomon's 25 111 rgn II 'oWI .. .... 2 • I Altertnn 3.5 Iliquontown 2 in Noon II lo 50 • An Eirtra Train 11111 t I MI /1.1 yr iptermeillato statliii•x, Tin", . 0 October 13 and 14. at 5.25 p. m Rates of fare to .llagerstown and rehtrn Morgantown 4 ,` 25 tiransbn'r Stato Line... 115 00,111 ll' .... Or..enenollo ..... r;0.(I.0 1 J.. Returintiel'r; ;;;;; ;;1.;;11, • cc, ..I; tnl.;,-1;;;;.,• • I 0 If ll t; ; I,n a ; • cal .101 ilsburg ;WA.. 51,1,1111. • It •; Inn IMEE Train e II g• tint.. t• ber.l ,, ri•g, .fat , ,• ,i r, 0,0 yb , October 19 Awl i,u !. LIVE STOCK, AND °TITER 'ARTICLES,. ' in tended for exhibition, will be ca"rri,•,l to Chmnbersburg, Carlisle, and Hagers town, at our Regular Tariff of. Rates, and if not sold will be returned fi 7 ee of charge, (at the owner's risk• ) to the point from whence they were shipped, upon presentation of a receipt for the pay ,ment of freight to our freight agents' at the place where the exhibition is held ER= Agent's Lave Wen appointed to sell tickets at Bridgeport, Shiremanstown, Kingston, Middlesex, Good - 'Hope, Grca son's, Altorton, Oakville, Scotland, Marion, Kaufman's, and State Line. pgr And any person entering the cars Without a ticket, will be charged FULL FARE. • At White Hill and Morgantown tickets can be procured from Conductors of ME! Superintendent's Oflice, 0. N. LVI I. Cluinsbersloir, Sept. If, 17470. Sups, in. erdlent '22.10p70 CITF A DVERTIS EMENTS mRAVELERS LIFE AND ACCI DENT INSURANCE C •MPANY, of Dartford, Conn Cash A. 111.0, S1,511(.,00.) Drool. Lae end Emit - twin/tit Policies of all approved (hems. Ample secnrily t Imo latex. Ais9 home. egalnst Aeoldents causing death or trial disability. Pollelex written by the year or month Ilan paid MO De li Idr Six Yearn in benefits to It , Dry holders, 29.1,70-4 t -- 810000 n in Six 3lontbs eau llt made by a 111111,Vd Mal reliable !lien In a sure, raft' bonito... An In. vestment of, 52.1 will retinal n clear profit 0f'1 , 175. For part killers roll on or add,. the NO!, TII AN I It "MAN PICLURE CO„ No. /ft Nlll,llll ea.,' New York. 29,117.b.1t WANTED.—Lamis in Pennsylvania for cosh m 34 lord stocks TOWNSEND 11E0S., 154 Sou It 114. d, 2UrepTo-11 ACHANCE SELDOM OFFERP,D !- I own lot , rest In ono of Iho host Slivtr Mliot of the Jay developing Ste , near lloorgetowil, Col. Can satisfy you of its oneonbted Tattle at n good rodinent" and a pa)ing one. Mod of refelone, g.ven. 1 ' , WWI to tell one-ISII it vi et/ cheap for cash. A'ide'stoy idioroey. 1,11(05, MEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. :LI A two- Ito k of t!tt Pricu 2. cut.tti tuft. NEW YOlt*K NEWS CO., Nosy lurk .29,.er10- t - Q,411 . A DAY .-40 new articles foe tn. amide , ir.r. li. . 50 profit:Ob tanttloylnent to II n and W. torn r t the'r homer. Ont. tad... In r eli lorai ty thrnitglatat tit, United ~ t ut•e, cot engage In t.IIIA Itn•lnors nt groat waler {{'rrsd Prt fa I p.trtunilitri: all •a vitlnn- We wi irll 1,11 do to comrniano.wr no °V. Any pert,. rer'ng a. tier • ulat want , pr permanent nor:, tlrdiltl taanl r x lhrir a Idtr, uitlr ant tlrloy C A 1.1.14% Ang.t, MEE SA XON GREEN I I fight v 7, wi 11 it.t Lid., nt; PR I him ari rr a will ion!nt twit as 111,11 Sill fd. N 01.1) LL DEALERS, IN PA INTt , J. 11. WEEDS & CO. MAN U FA CT UR ERS, 22 North Fourth street, Philadelphia 205.1,70-;t HEALTH ME ~1 LLIIS CRUSHED COFFEE I= Prepared from dlifervot klo 8 o (Cod. e, the Mt, o of which raloale lom 1110111mody r I'",t op i . Japan Pin Corm Porrols, lI.If d Pox., I= 233, 255 & :37 1S .1011110 mi ntreet, r. liap7O-It R OYAL HAVANA LOTTEHY. I of• moth.. fur 41,1 I. UPHAM, Ploviglent, It Y. - 114 la -I, AVOID QUACKS.—A victim of early Ilwrot Vinlid n,nurtousqrbillt prt, tre (levity. In yoln e‘iity nd vot wmedy, hos 11 non, s of Noir. Iwo ill /Ishii Woo is 111. , •1.1101, Huff. Torn. Aildri—s'.l 11. 711 Nassau xl, S,,lv To. -I Fall ri,u4 Winter Pershlous 1 RAND EXPOSITION .1011 111 FASHIONABLE WORLD COMPLIMENVS OF MIO4. M. A. BINDER,. No. 1,101, N. ti corbel . Eliovrillb aud Chestnu Fashions for MO Fall anti Winter a 187 r, Wholvn.ilo 161111 Iti.tall which Paris and the first manufactories supply. Dresses, Mantles,Cloaks, and Cos tomes for ladies an children. A special department of plain and elegantly trimmed patterns, of the latest 'Parisian and English styles, at $6 per .dozen. If you 'want a handsomely-fltting.,.3vell. made suit, at short notice, go to MM. Binder's for tasteful . trimmings and dainty 'stitches. • Mourning,' Teaveling, and Wedding outfits,. Walk i ng and Palley Costumes. Dress and Cloak .7Mamings, Butian'tt; Ornaments, comprising tho latest Paris novelties in black and colored Fringes, Gintps, Ruches, Loops, Flowers; Gloves, Bridal- WMatlis; 'Veils, RibbonS,.now Velvet, ~ Satin rind Taffeta Ribbons; Sashes, Neckties. „ ' Made up Laca Goods—Grand Dadaism Lace for Dross rrithming. - Pointe 'Applique, Valenciennes, Ham luirg.Edgings and insertions; Mask Gtfl. pure' and Thread Laces, now ill design _andmoderato in price. , Choice Indian Orntimenta, „,, Fans, Birds; Mats, Cushions), Mau- , Choirs, Cases and Fancy Goods, selected by Mrs. Binder, at Niagara. Elegant line of Whitby Jet Goods, in sets, Breastpins',' Earrings, Necklace, and Brabolets. Splendid line of Trench Jot kloods, Coral and French Gold:Sets, Charms, Sleeve Buttons, 'Chains, &o.; which for price or -variety in style, can not be surpassed. Strangers Visiting our city are respect fully invited to examine. Pinking and °offering. ' Cating and Fitting. Also, aperfect system of Drew Cutting taught. 'Patterns sent by mai: or express to all parts Of the Union. ' Mns. M. A.'DINDIOI'B, • • N. W. Comer .Eleventh and Chen tunc Stn., Phil ad'n .•• • - -9- • . v 71 4 , Wait , fog' the ivi mmoth THE LARGEST SNOW ON. 'EARTH: THE 111081 CO 4.41::"TE A' .: l\ 7 l - * 'MO Tr I 2tlS TE Net, ~1~.! ; ; LD_! On IMEondaty, October 17. DILLSBURG-; TUESDAY, OCTOI3ER 18 ' E . COND ANNUAL TOUR,. f. 70 0q , it , of • 1 ; 1, i EVERYTHINR NEW AND BRILLIANT. v*l-'4.(1(1160 \ • ' .-- he ---_ ---- ~... /Wiioll . _•• ._, m ..5' ,. ----- •lll.. „ ° , T , ?;:::l,7.6l!;2T( 9 l•7g",vl,?admr i ,;tiendeoarLl. --,,,-.- - • _ 4 ,,....,„...- raal Den,, Now Harness. Nosy end Govt.* . 'Wardrobe, =-- -- -- Manufactured by John IVannuniker, N 0.816 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. wai 4.7. a 1 . A FULLAND COMPREHENSIVE L i -. A . ,' • _ -- • '... -- Nr AND G T. B E H I, ..... ... ' N t .. ......"' / r ' ,IA WY %01 4.' BEST CIRCUS TROUPE --' /4„,„,„4.47-v,,, , ~ .„, , , z ;, , ,,,, ,. ,, ; : 2A _EVER 12 lelf'o.72E THE PEOPLE?. 10 cit 1 : ' . ' ' 4' I Itg•M r 1 a t a !l rilin o h i ' LIIM ~,r „ ' V . to , i .91 e Z°"i'gical He- F., A,,,, 1 ,,„ , :.,w : ,.,--T , ..._ ' .--- -' ''-t' : '-'- f:. i a n n o ved , n e ,a en or sg w a o r ., ed eo n u t z l , reg ,.. l7 .. b i rirzTl g expense. The ,T, TS TOP AN/MA LS: •• dr r - s N ----- - - ..7: - _ The AFRICAN 1.11,EV11 A N'l".'S•Plim, AFRICAN Zr...- -- - - ---,-,..-i BRAS, Dant and ('alt, WIIITE BACTRIAN c . ,.t?rEL, 1 , ( 4 .__-,-7- - --_-__. ) or Sacred Camel of the ttrlentals: JUN AL IIEINPAL ~ -- ii, ----, ---..-=','- - ."-- - .., TRIER.: II AM Mt /Tll t I RIZZ ItY BEAR, Ittrgest 'es . er ' • . . . --,,,.- _-. , a 1 hared; C/IKPAIIS, or Mating Leopards; AFRI- ' ....,e,t, CAN and ASIATIC 1.1(.55, splendid sperimens of a 11 , ,,,, „pl. both vafietles; 'l'll I'. Tuu II THEN ..captured In Aiwa- - ~,At it i ° :';11 1, : , , ,., :thila.„.. Ind the I /11 . 111,; , .11 .4 th.. Eitel Ish /waited Ille Ens '''' , - .1 1 ' '''.,Vi7d...,.. neror'llivottertts; 3lattst, r NVII ITE GRIZZLY BEAR, " ; 4 1**F•i* • f •t • , an A ladra " 4 7!. r,i ti t , 7),-ha ten/ be Ant I", % - -Nt Arne.. sin! .Nlittie Lionts, Arrlcan and American Pan. ii,i r t "...s.. -....,. . ,_ ...„ ..., i hec•. liraxilitis Jetta-tr.. Palllll.l, African and Asiatic • & '....,,. ''' - f;4, -- - • Le o pards, striped Ilyeti., X:aeoes, (trlxitly, Bloch, ,i , '.3, Brown. and Cionstnot, Bears, Congers, Spotted lip- J.,i1i,,,,, . • 0 eons, Zebus . , Cantels, Perellril.A. Kangaroos, Bisons, ./ 4. 1., , 1 ~,.. ', I/Named:mos. Wolves. Cranes, ( e.trlehes,Lyttix,Sackids, , Ospreys, N.H.'s.. Eagles, Vultures, Worultetti, Foxes. If .. & all kinds or Carnlveraus. Atlantic and Rich Plumed ,a__,.i, I,L __- 5 Foreign “ud lannestie _Birds : and On nnintuinly we/1•- — _ -•- c___,____• • ••--,--• .. ., , , „,_—•± tirlentr,l 11 . .. ,,• 11111,1 ol' Anon, Itll , - 00119, MOnlroys, .and ------= :' --- ) '' other :Hied, A Ishii %Is ' - el, -, _ • . STC-71NT.Zo'n 33.ailtaZIO, 0 -1 6-'3A: WA : TI.. Re•nottuidd 140,1 King, , • . 1 1 - AS jai .., • • -r-v Will Lctel J l HlA l tii_ar.LlAll.9._Tlger_S. and Leopards, at ,t,i -,. .0 ~..,, each Exheett.e. . heal, the roWP.R - 71F — ISCAN --- •t. '•—• .: ff . - ' fur -.1 I, V I •.: 1 . 711 IN, • : • 1: 1 11ItATION. ~.,•!-'" ~ ' • (It,in, , tt.iroals ,II'1..• Ted In Ha; A fternohn, In •the -...-- " ii i ," . 5...7•5-' - -_ ' .....:- . .. , .. : . \ ...Nu,. A ...salve. polite and well , I cs , ...i• i , .... ,- , .,i 1., nt!y In front of the Animal . -ii-,-.,1t.... ._-=--2-- - ' , ' s' o ^ w; • _ . ECONOMY '9;i,; ~~ #t~r,+d n•, i~J',l` 4 ~ ~~~'l; rf r ', y •~~' IY ,~~ ~ }"". .~..~:~= ©o glerr:o' $, ." ~ ' , • M ' ’l‘??:f:fi§3l€§}£t:'éfiii“ -~_~«—:-—m . '(one tick cf lutnnts to - bofh.,Mcinige'rie'nucl Circus), 50 cents enildren untlei7, 10 yours, 1-5 cents • • Don't forget the flay and dnto;'• hut •lIENIEMBERAHAT , THE 'BIG SHOW DOES NOT EXIIPIT, IN CARLISLEk 'UNTIL .• OC'TOI34-1 1 R WILL . ----6 . -A i 'R L Ij'S-,10...-,:-i.. ;V4:41 . f/ .II.V!!!i:.::,.,. '44 VPIAN I O , P s :i . ' . Or THE • . • MV .,. 1,,,, ,,- • 0. 4 . ANIMAL KINCI3O - Fil . ' 4 o 7 ""'' - " ~ ~,,-a7h 1. • -. - 4: :- ' F ' -- . NEW SPECIMENS 11 -7 2:).Z.4:71, C -7 1: C; ILLS AVEI he film:o rt 11,•11 hihl et) .;•z!,, , the :•.4 A ele , ••1 'fah., • ])1 P, D A r.: F. P ;•'! ',V f \', 7 I. I , r ~r,~~~ Mr. I 11 8...0-1 •• SA'i ',, t fl 1;;U.H.1 TI-IF ~/ /, \yam ne.Lr, I 1..) ';'. 11':C BREEZE, RICHARD . 601';, a Nv 'eto.; etc. THE ClR.aiio S•rEEET.PARADE al/I . llli wle , Ito A I'ACrIANT CliAfll3 .!.• 1 'IV Hee Tr,;. •.pr.... !.1.1 . 410 ettol 0010,00 by the -In • E ..phaut, etc. The F.x1. 0 ..11 , 6::• e."?! 111141. ~', i ,3,:0ar.0.0t.:11 Tlr:ee , Centre Pole CAN V.LSS. Wt.! W,lthor, r 0.91 In Wlirm Nl.N.otber, and . Weathers. It J.:J/IPM 11 i yole to both Ce tt C od HX.-1 C HULL'. EXIIMITIQNS• [ UL II.I Day florhoo.ot . ' !I ,8 lluorx open ' 1 In 11!e z. 4n , rnopni and 7ln the Evening. Seats for Evarybody.' ihaTanvasa Brilliantly Illumivatod nt Night. DON'T FORGET THE DAY AND DATE, but 'wait for - THE tARGHT SHOW ON EARTH. ' , * I ' .. ~ A , • 6 , .44" 4 Q' ~ ~,,,,,_„,. , 7- 1.:,:', e , ,:, c. 5 ---- , ,,, , r1: kl -5:..1.- i' SINAS =ME I tt,`,.Lj 11E2 141.0. N p,..4. Y., ; !Pqr if: n ;IPi!INE, At •C• J A i i t - t d eA.l 4l '`` , " lT . R EST, . p.'IN, DZIM 1 J 1 • , ve WES I'.o w S, 17:gplr E. , =;„. • wile' . . 11•1 1 7- HELMBOLD'S KIDNE Y S. Theirdheya ere two 'ln bomber, altneird at the . , . upper part of the thin, thrrounded by Att, and con. Waling of three parte, ale: the I,kplor:or, the foto,. id or, end the Rxterlor The anterior abelria. Interior eouslsts or tissues serve.aa-a-depoalt for and oon*Gy tho ostorfor. The extorlor le • ouneis tor aleo, toiluiciallag iu e elite tubo, aad tatted the Uretor. The uretdre are ted with tho 71k - cr . blilli4 - 6 oorapo tissues, divided. into pert , , vitt the Upper, the Lower, the Narrow', and the Mucous. The hyper expel., the loner reale*. Met hye a dealro to urinate Without the ability; others uria .1• without he ability In retain. ml. frequontly /moan In MEM!! To cur. Elam •tft..t!ou., we must !ring Into Au :lon he nins;•lna, - whhia cry onga.of In their vii fn ethnic If they are I.leir act.; I, , :ra .1 rD. 9. d= T • rsuidur • ma Alau • ma& • uru Mul I uw• t ninj . I .1 n u.k. cure t Rot ttov y !It 4:1 1314 Pid at our Roth u.d 1.1.... vippo .nd 1 •au I.uiu sour wla (I n t it .1,1 l SW.— PO ?, DOC rr.u. I :11 'CIHE a ♦'r gr.vel ..u,uus from noglirct Improper treatment of the kidue)e. Tlpito orgm• Coln weak, th+ water la not oxpollod from tho bled dor, but allowed to remain; It bo'comes revorlub, an nedirromt form.. It in from thin d.poolt that th stone Is forme!, and giavel anises DROTai in • eollection of Water Insome parts of the body, and'bears differcnt name., according to the' pate afieited, rl7: whom generallylilliusod over the body, It I eall.d Ansmr.a ; when a Tho abdomen Aecltet; when of the chest, Ifydrothorax rnunattr.—rlelmbo:irebighly concentrated com pound Extract Duehu is decidedly one of the beat remedies ibr cliseasos . ef the bladder, kidneys: gravel droptical owellingi, rhoumatitta, and gouty ant. Hone tinder this head we hat• arranged Dysurhi, or dkpleulty entrpran In parsing - water; Scanty So cretion, or small and frequeat discharges of water Strongury, or etopplng or valor; Ilartmiluria, or bloody urine • Gout end It:boneuetleto of the k!doeys, witL,•ut any chaugo in qu*utity, tut hicreaso . In .lor, cr dark wirer It was 1,1 waty! hitely recom mantel by the late D. lu these stroctlon, I MI. m•dialno Increatea the pow.. of digestion, and excite. the absorbents - iyito"bealtby nal-ales by which - the watery - or enicareene deposition., nod ell unnatural enlargement., as well an pain and intlam runtion, are reduced, and it le taken by mon, women, nd oblldren. Diraclimas (or me and Mot auompany. Philadelphia, Pa. Bab. 25. 1607 .fl. T. llolmbold. brugght Dear Sir—l have been a sufferer, for upward of twenty years, with plural. bladder end kidney affec tions, during which 111110 i have used VAIIOIIII medic inal properati^ns, and been under the treatment of the most eminent, experiencing but little relief. Having seen your preparations extensively adver tised, I consulted with my family physicisn in regard to using your Extract-dluchu. I did this became I baclused all kinds, of adrestleed remedies. and bad found them worthless, and some quite injurious; In fact, I despalred - oL,ever getting well, and determined to use no remedies hereafter . • un'ess I knew Of the Ingredients. It was this that prompted me Pratte yobr remedy. as you advertised that it was compo.d of burke, cubebe, mad Juniper berries, It recurred I. me and my phytimen BB SO excellent. combination, and, with his advice, after an esaminatbm of the article, and consulting again with the druggist, I concluded to try It. I com• meneml its use about eight months ego, at which time I wan confined to my room. Pram the first, bottle I was astonished and g.atilled at the hence. Mel effect, and after using it three weeks, wai able to walk out. I 'felt much like writing yru a full eratent ens of my mile at that time, but thought my improvetn•ut might only be temporary, and here• f. en concluded to defer and see If it mold effect a per. et cure, knowing thou it would he of great, value to you. nod lucre anti factrey to tee. lute now able to report- that a core AI effected efts. , using the remedy for lino months. I navot nut used any now fur three months, and feel as we Iluale °specie sal over did. " Your Illlchu dev.ild of arty unpleasant tall. and odor, n nice tm,ie and iecigorator of the system, I do not mean to he without It _whenever occasion may-rcqulre i.e use In such atTectiors. M McCORMICIC IEI Stioul.l a r doubt Slr. umiak'. statement, he utv to tt,lt4lollllitg geolloutou Wu). Ifl ler, . floverbor, Panguylrada.Th gi. Time. B. Fluropyr. PLllattulyhb, u. J. C. Kuox, Judge. Pldludelebla. B auk, Judg., Plaladelpfila u. F. a Po. ter erdlereroor, Peuosylvasal, utllaJulphl. .w, C. arlt, Jude., Uutiod ists. Co I. Q. W.' %rot%lirar y J Pldladolybla. W. A, Parlor, Oity Phl!adolvhi. John Bigler, ex.Gieroraor, California K. Douks, ♦uditcr Gloooral, Waahlagt., D. 0 Aud waxy otiv-rs, If noccioss;y. Nola by D. tiggl/ita and ' , win ovorywherol.' are of Ntu . m•rfotts: t.k (or Tak• ed hor. Prloo--11.25 por bottle, or °bottles fur s°.6o Dnllvo;ed too .7 addre4O. Dimarlb ..iiimptortio la all commuul•stlout Ml= H. Tr HHUIBOLD, Drug and Monica, Wprohouso, 1304 BROADWAY. N. Y. NONE ARE -GENUINE UNLESS • a.m.) up In iteal4ugraved •irapper, withturehollu of 'toy OhnoUM Minatozum, and lgoe4 6 4UMON 4 Y I—Original iiiilailiTl2 DI cs,,ing Try mw Thieken r .101 . At .1).1 ...n k 0 lin P. II 11.1 L . & C . 0„ Prid)ii9tors' 26.g704, Dr. Ayer & Cq's. ..thlvertisem,t fOR PUBJFYINO TILE bL00.4), The reputation this excellent medicine enjoy., is derived from its cure., tunny of which are truly marvelous., Inveterate canoe of Scrofulous die. ease, Where the system reamed saturated with o.rruption, have boon purified and cured by it. Scrofulous ,affections and disorders, which were ag gravated by the scrofulous contamination until they were painfully afflicting. Have been 'radically cured In such great numbers In almost ovary set thin of the country, that .the pubic scarcely , need to be Informed of Its virtues or uses. - .. • • . ficrofulous poison is one of the most deitrtittive enemies of our race. Often, thin unmet:Laud unfelt tenant of the organismundermines the constitit •nd Invites the attack et enfeebling or, fetal dieettaue, without exciting n autpicion oi Its pros. once. Again, it_seeme to breed - infection throng/it. out the body, and then, onsompfavorable occasion, rapidly develop into 'one or other of its hideolie tonne, either on'the surface or among the vitals. In the la ter,tuberc lee may be suddenly depOslted In the lungeor heart, or tumors formed in _itte or It ellows Its prosore'e by eruptions on tilo skin or foul Wm/ragout; on some part of tile bay.. Hence, the occasional - use' of a, bottle of this .Sarsayaritli2 is advisable, - ems when no -active symptoms of disease appear. rersons afflicted with the following - complaints genorallY find Immediate relief, and, at. length, cure, by tho use of this - SA ARA PA !ULLA : St. Anthony's .Pire., Rote. or Er, wipelat, :Tater. Set Itheunt, Scald gem; . worm. Sore Ryes, Sore Burr, and other eruptions or visible forum of Scrofulnue LiiBOAR, Also In-the more concealed forum, as Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Heart 17pitepsy, :Veurnlyin,'nail thy ...low, Ulcerous • aguetions hi the intim:Aim and nary°. syatema... , Sy Julia or Venereal and Merett Jul Diecasys are cured by It. though a long time Is roquit eel for stilt cluing these obstinate maladies by any medicine. But long continued use of this on, did. will curoltio , e• complaint. Lcucorrlicea or Whites, Uterine Ulcera tions, and Female Disoasaii, ate commonly wen le. Ileied and ultimately cnrod by its purifying and invigorating effect. Minute Directiorke Minch seen are round in our Almanac,'eupplied gratis. .12/ieumatiam and Gout, when caused by accumulations of extraneous mat ure us the biped, yield quickly,-to ' It, as alio Liver Complaints, Torpidity, Conye_stion, Inflame, lion of the Liver and Jaundice, when - arising, -- as - they Offen do. from 'tho rankling poison in the blood. SARSAPARILLA is a great restorer Co and n Lr7crpo=,Yicrpi7 - troubled with Nanette Apprehemions or Ram or any of the affections symptoniatie of Treaknets, will find Immediate relief and convincing evi dence, of It, restoratlye power upon trial. . ' PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYES & Co., LOWEL, MASS„ Practical and Ana(Aka! Clicmists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS 'EVERYRUIERE ilaintrstick Brothers. Agents lb Carlisle. 24(elan Pianos, Parlor Organs, .Lc Sixty-five First Prizo Medals Awarded WILLIAM KNABE & Ca, PIANO .FORT.E&, These In.trumonts have been before the public for acarly thirty years. and upon their excellence alone attained an impure/armed pre-eminence, which pro nounces them unequalled. Their oinbine4 gro,t power, aurae( no., nut, 'flue singing quality, na well as great partly of I.utooutlon, and iweottiras throughout the_autire'hcale. Their a pliant and elastic, at less fund I• ea many WOIN lt they are unequalled, using none but .the eery toot nom.oned m•terial, the large capital employed In our liminess enabling un to key continually an immense "9 3 ,?f A11.r4 i r :4 a. u:;:e7i. b il n el d have oar New Improved Ovcr•tritnir Seale and the Agrnlie Treble 4Z- We would roll eprelol ptlenilon . io our late In pr..vementn in Grand Pia. on and Square Oraude, retraced Augunt 14, 18(.6, wnich t.riug the Plano neerer perfection than hue yee been attained. Every Piano fully warranted for 5 yeetke WY ba,e made arrongem•nte for •tile Sole Whole ale Ago ey fur the mot ele' mte PARLOR OROXNS AND KEIODEONE, a, offer iltole.talo ati 1 11.etall, at LOtiett Factory Psi V.. 15ii 170 ra DRS. D. PADRIItY' &..1301S' CLEANSINGTBE BLOOD , . ... . . Th o long tmilaToral , , kpnwn pr joareition Of,pre. Li Vahroey k Soo for C'eannihfr.tha , bloti, neatla at tbla day no teeptutnetolition at uur hatalsOtts .virtues` busing il.ll eafablinhed hi the' th. Wanda of eases whirs it Intl% glii , n.rehef in the drost Di.'?trial' Forma of CAronio Desert' 36.8 tiring the last eizty ,yeere.. So Llghiy indeed le It teemed that the 'demand I. constantly increasing, oi Immo, but we are daily receiving applies. o• e fur it 14 . 04 the tow reroute sections of the wintry—'• ortit Ettet,, South, and it est. To meet dentstal i ,tot well as to prevent nor (rpm lug ."!ilaused tipou nor have deterininekto . pat' flit tl..t It may bexltlalb Iv.cry. MINIM 'Olitir I reparati ay. far, li.forlor to the g. nuine„. 11.•nar lo a pot I.IIL by certain 'awl km- hat • rairtaLuo by one for 4,10 own: nod, MO a matter of. nowed the oil Prtpuntloo of D 17,firoGy & Son bo,b, a ante to muff, emu. In reputation ; thureforo to • • im,i•••..t tide mintal. 6, na ‘l , ll 4.4 to moot Iho In• erua•lo‘r Ormond ma..t one& ahoy, we Intro 0 .o• o'n el t sot 11 the on .10100 out bk . will ql q et II c eswil titt e teii nut 11.arlglnnl in pickup Dom tor the lo:noSt or cool, of our . oust, terse other, who tinny, yet pi rf r the tnedi 'rine an II It preporrd. - .Not re. otoino• flin t ; it to cure • f ill uln e• a thu 'toren b dy is heir to, rut as u lam' and f.r thrum" rightedutfroui impure 1404;1 Nllll II sot r or, it 09 no 014111: ,and-will cur: , tho r II wb g 'diereses r ,• Son 011611110111/1 1., Its, N rO.• tips, scold hen(, pimp!. tint, face, tott.Tritioc. • 'dons, old qud IltUbb ru II 1,1,1:i, rhetilomltontrUCticllN, • , dy N r‘p.l N , P. 14: reit rheum, genera, dobrity, to, twirl .1 dittoesm(oW etounich, together, wills di othrr din, rdurn netting 'Nan lini.urr., bit od, wad - dine' (bawd - Ito. &c„ - ehi ., ..'t - Preltarod - by Dr, N. Febrility &' Son. Donneboro: „ ;Alurybind, - . eud , ;Dr.:D. Febrile', 'Keddytiville, Sold, by, all diugginte ear euttreheahl,lgeiterellif:* P None gouging untestrolgned.D..Fithrue".&, Sim,. So d'e,' by, Si. ' liora.•tlturtlit, etirllkle; 'S. SF Dubr. dratted. t , Jriore• As DierD,' , Geou ieroesi Juba 0. &Wok, dttladintiObiPretall.urt." : r . • 00130118,, INFTHITENZA;''`. ME BORE THROAT. cbcns, NutAn.iNa COUGH CROUP. LIVER COMPLAINT, BRONCHITIS, BTIIMA, !MEWING OF TILE LIMOS, mud every oboe Ilan of thdhis at, and Cht.t, aro speedily and perniontnay curoa by the use of WIrTAIV BALSAM ON WILE/ CHERRY.. , , this wall known PrePar•tioß„dOes, not dry up a aou,li mid Tease (Tuscans !? bellied, it. Iq tho Udite wh O h. mods' osedlelbee, ,, but' ;Icakeusrands.rlamutal.lhs- , lunge, and ells). IrrltattniOluis its:cloying the caries of the complaint • '' ' CONSUMPTION OAN 110 ounuty , to Ihls tanbark , s'enedi4 . 4kis f . fe presed by hundred. pC teetimoulule recolvedby the ' proprietors. • • Pr. pared by Beth ."W. Peary A Son, Baton, and fold by Desk csgenerally . , • • . U. T. ligi.linOt.D llcarti.Vegeta4l I&4fr..22enewer HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN ti A t N k,„INT R 'l5 the only itlerieted and eelehtlfl Restores ct.liy prrpgred preparation of ite Gray kind iv!' offora • to tho public, nod EMS line no compolßor In merit. By its to its Ilve Gray thdr-in soOn'reslorrd to Its 'orldnril s youtiatil a for . and Lrll lintiny; 'Which 'ls . eie de veil' niimired Color, by all. berani.a a lingo hair lo thin PromotCs enr, by Iho me of ni. Ite.eir