m F an o ' n e. Photo g raph'. Frames go to Chap , TnE ground floor .Gallery has "gone up" to the magnifiCeht room, over Miller Leidioh's and areenflold's stores. Come, see, and be 46ouvinced that the Motto of . Lochman is " Excelsior." On ward, upward, and higher must be the quality of his Photographs, and no de ception shall bo used to got customers, relying „entirely on the, quality , Zof the work. • FRYSINGER & WErsun at• their carpet store have a duo selection of the latest styles and patterns of English Tapestry Arussels in.hoth small and large figures, hich they will sell at city prices. A handsome assortment of .Druggets in all widths, Brussel and ~Velvet tugs in all sizes and patterns. Alargo variety of Oil cloths, Window Shades;Epolting Glasses, Yarns and Picture hmigings, also Carpet lining used for the protection of carpet, every porsoh should have it. Cash. paid for wool. • WANTED A small second-hand sugar mill. Ap ply at Tms OFFICE. • 22502 t WANTEi3.—A good girl to do general housework foi a small family. Good, wages will be given. Enquire at Tuts OFFICE. LINIRBTIRNERS' coal Constantly on hand. AISo a assortment of lumber at the lowest prices, at the yards of A. 11. BLAIR. 25a00. A LARGE addition lately made to the stock of lumber, in the yards of A. 11. BLAIR. JACOB LIVINGSTON, Dealer in FINE WINES AND Liquon4 No. 27 North Hanover street,. Offers, the following goods: War ranted pure, unadulterated and full Pr Vn - ni A ne lw' lin s p a o s rt l e e r e ge " i t l e e l i . Coganc Brandy, old ago. Pura old' Ryo Whiskeys by celebrated 13est quality Ginger Eranily. Pure old gin, Pure old Port wine. The very best quality Sherry, ,Claret,• Now England Rum, Ae. Kimmel. P/Lrawhite spirits, for drug gists and family use. Sold at the lowest prices for cash. A. call solicited. _ ' 21 ap6m JICOB LIVINGSTON, Wholesale-and Retail Dealer in ToaAcco, * SNUFF, CIGARS, RIPES., &C. No. 27 North Hanover street. Offers to the trade the best brands of a large variety of Chewing and Smok ing Tobaccos, real Michigan Fine Cut, iu bulk or in tin foil. - W. E. Garrett's celebrated snufl'. Real genuine Imported Havana Segal's. Yara Connecticut and Domestic S'egars. Alar ' m assortment of everything be longing to the business, and sold at as low a price, as in any Eastern city. The public' is respectively invited to cc.ll and inspect illy 'large assortment. Every article warranted, :Is represented. 21ap706m - - IMPORTANT TO PIIIN'ATE FAMILIES Pure and unadulterated Wines and Liquors, supplied at their iusidende, - by sending order to store, or through Post Office. Every article warranted as rep resented or the money refunded, JACOB LIVINGSTON. 21apCon No. 27 N. Ilimover street. ATTEND to securing your coal for win ter while pricciPare low and quality good gall at the yards of A. U. BLAin FALL AND WINTER GOODS Just, received. and now.opened at J. Wolf's, .9 large assortment of Naions of every description, style and quality,such as breakfast shawls, hoods, zephyrs, Germantown wool, doves, hosiery, un derclothing, and all goods suitable for fall and winter wear. Call and tzamine before making your purchases. Our goods arc all new, and prices low. Don't forget the place, No. 18 North Hanover street. J. 1!. WOLF. CARILIAGES, BL7CallE§. SPRING WAGONS Carlisle, May 3, 1870. A. B.' Sherk has now on hand, and will shako to order, all kinds of Car riages, Buggies,' Spring Wagons, &o. Ile has the best workmen in each branch, and has all kinds of material constantly on hand. Painting and re pairing promptly attended to, sma7otf NOTICE. • Reitder, if you want fresh candy, go to Burk's, 33 West Main street. Lemons at Burk's. Go to Burk's for Raisins and Figs. Go to Burk's for everything in the way of Candies, Nuts, Fruits, &c. 6oda Wafor at Burk's, 35 West Main street. SPECIAL NOTICES M S. S. H. SIEG Teacher rif Toot ,Ihtsic, Operatic orttl lhtWa Shirr, HYII visit CarliFlo, two days emit reek, If a Rutin:loot number of pupils urn uttulue t. Application may to Mad° to Pt ofessur 'them, or to MRS. SIIU, lot Walnut street, Harrisburg. Tinims--S2J fur a to rm oftwunty 15101070 =I That all goods taught of William Blair & Sun may be returned an noon an received, if not satisfactory. We offer a fine variety, of fresh Syrups, at prices that will snit the trade. Also a largo staid: of Lamp Goads—Chimneys and 01.11Wdr0 generally, at greatly 'reduced Juice!, Beat -Coal Oil, Salt, and Fjelt on hand the ti a ra. tVo offer a large and full stock of everythlnA In our line. For prices you will plum) refer to our prlre Ildte that trIII be hutted and untll6l at the that of every mouth, or call rind examlno the stuck. WILLIAM BLAIR k SON,. "South End," Carlisle, Pt.. :.ost ;70 "WIIO WOULD BUFFER?' his now 22 years Fine!, Dr. Tobisn'first intruthwed the Venetian Liniment" in the United States, and never in a single Instance has his medicine failed to do nil, If not more than lo s'itt.l in bin pamphlet. As en external remedy in (Inns of Chronic Itheumn tient, headache, Tgothaelte, Bruises, horns, Cuts, Sores, Swellings, Sprains, Stings of Inrcts, and Pains ItwLitubs, Back, and Client, Its wonderful curative powers an; miraculous. laken . toternnily for the care of Cholera, Colic, Diorrlant, Dysentery, Fick Ifeadneho, and Vomiting, its soothing and ponot rat iag qualities nra folt as soon as taken. 'The oath With which each. bottle is accompanied will show that thorn le nothing injurious hi Ito colepositlon. Thousands of certificates .havo been received-speak ing of the rare virtues of thin valuable articlo. Any, person after having used it once will never be with out it. Every bottle'of the genuine lion the sigma \ ,tuee....of f-1 . I. Tobias" en tho 'outside . wrapper. Sold by tiro rugglste and Storeitoopors throughout the United Stn or. Pries 1,0 coots. Depot, 10 Park • Piano, Now York. • . . .4ang7o-Iy. • • BE IiVISE. Witil.,.*lfiduni will benefit you: bo not alway. trolled by . your incredulity, hundred. havo bought Milo( front Um horror. of Dyspepsia through the Medium of DEMUTH'. ANTI-DIMPEPTIO STOMACH BITTZU and found:it. Why should you elan whorl tide admt r ablo stomachic has cured many frindkir coaes-why do you doubt ishilo other hello.° and are cured? Duly Ole matter is both dangerous and unprofitable.. Your health, Lappin.s and brininess suffer., while constant .negleot In frequently foil. Wed by, salon. and uniain• .trolioblo manila. DESIUTII'B PITTEII9 • tiro squally useful iu tho numerous difficulties attending Jodi. geation ; no BILIOUBSZSA, PONBTIPATIONi#., while 'or PET, and •Anus and other disorders proceeding fromliltaluana,- it in the only reliable preventive and 'remedy known. r . ffloo SD CANCERS, ULCERS .• Profenore 11,1( . 311nm:1,p and . Down, pf the Ainorlcan talvoralty, aro melting WOndoidul curve of Canco Cantos, Tumul t and Ulaciro.: by tholr now diec overy. A potniCus trontmout, rio knife, no plasters, no caneflo burning. Tho most romarlcabio effect of tide front.' mont la, It copertitcs • tbo • chemical °lenient° of can. porous growth!, so pat they elirlyglolle,und dls.fp:;„ ; var, link - will not , ridiirn. All those aglictod call on tha protectors, 111:1011ANAN . 14 DOWN, Unl-. 'malty.; or:addrehn, 11,0. Gl4 Pluoltroot, PhllAda. 1113 At...4ut THE CONSTITUTION OVERTHROWN The Constitution and Stealth may be ruined by a few appliCatione of the leadorsulphur hair dyes now : In the market: "Not p Dye" may be the motto of such nostrums, but'A DIBI maybe the result of using them. But ono Hair Dye has bleu tried and awultted'of all deleterious tendency, ander the in fallible laws of Science. Be ithrnoWE to all, that Cristadoro's Excelsior Hair Dyo has boon analyzed. by tho distingulshed chemist Professor Chilton, and his certificato of its whole 'molten may bo corn at Cristadoro`o, 6 Astorllonno Now York. Crlatadoro's Hair Preservative, as n Dreseing, acts liko 'charm on the liidr after Dyeing. Try it. 4a g7o ly ERRORS OF YOUTH A gentleman who angered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiacretlon, will for tho take of suffering humanity, • road Deo to all who need it, tho receipt for nicking the simple rented:) , by which he was cured.. 801erer8 I:dsbing to profit by the cavern... or's experience can do so by addressing, In 7porfoct confidence, e JOAN B. OGDEN, N 0.42 Codor St. Now York BAq• 7 70 lyr. WIRE RAILING, WIRE GUARDS, for Store Fronts, Asylums, be. iron Bedsteads, Wire Web• bingo for sheep and poultry yards, Brass . and iron wire cloth Sieves, Fenders, Screens for coal, erase sand, be., Heavy Crimped Cloth for spark arresters Landscape Wire for Windows be., Paper Makers Wires, Ornamental Wire Works. Every informs. by adtion pressing the tuanufarturers, M. WALEER & SONS' No 11 North Sixth erect Philadelphia. 24f ob7o-Iy. ' LATEST NEWS. FROM. THE SEAT 0 . 1" WAR. Coyle Brothers Intro just returned f, om the east and Purchased the largest stock of goods that has over been brought to this market. They anticipate a goad business, and have made preparations on a liberal scale. Nothing that tends 'to beauty, taste,. and attractiNimes to a stock Of Notions has been omitted. Merchants arty expect to syc a very superior stock of goods nt our house, and In prices we defy competition with the eastern markets. Our stock consists in part Buck, Sheep, Kid finish, Berlin, and Cloth Gloves, (end Ladies' Kid Gloves,) Uundershirts and Drawors. Merino, and Cotton 11alf Hose, Ladies' Woolen, Merino. and Cotton liege, Misses and Children's Worsted Thew. Alsn'an end less variety of Notions. Paper Bags from 3.4 to 10 pounds. P. S.—Agents for Rano, or 'nick Cloves end Gaunt lets. Please .11 And Inspect our stocks COYLE BROTHERS, avid° "_+Sontl Hanover r treat, Carlisle. - EIAItKETB cAlo,lsLg PRODUCF, MARKET. Corrected Weekly by R. C. Wroodiett rd Carlisle, Thursday Morning, Seplohber 21, 1870. F.I.ItILY FLOUR NFI'ERF/-\-F;FLoive ffMISMIMOINIII I= REI 117/E.l 7'. RIT Coll ' I CIIIT6 OA TS BLACK 0.17 W cLoVERSEED . 7'I,II(,THI'SEED OMER! CARLISLE PROTISIO . N MARKET. Correeed Weekly by William Washmood. (tarhste, Thursday Morning, &lambs,. 29, 1870. BUTTER 525 EGGS LARD TAI.I.OW BEES WA /LI (WA' BA MS do SI 10 ALDERS, do SIDES WHITE BRANS.... PARED PEA CI TES UNPA RED do DRIED A I TLES. RAGS prom the Philadegphitt North American.] PHILADELPHIA 'MARKE.TS. FLOUR, GRAM AND .BEERS. Philadelphia, &pi ember 28, 1870: 8.1711.1 PLO CA • l•••• 76 P. 1.011. 1 FL o UR , ! a _7 00 .1? FE FL 017 . Will a 5.75 1 :18' In CORN 99 0.1 TS 55 CL VE It,SEE 6 75 TIN 0 7711 - 81•,'E 5 60 FL . I • XNEED 2 25 LIVE STOCK MARKETS Philadelphia, Monday, Xpreniberr6, 1 7o The arrirals and sates of" Dorf Cottle were filrge hie week, reaching about 2,440 head. The market foxed dull within the following co ?lye af prices EXTRA FAT CA TTLE, per U FA IR • -I ND 0001) f'.l TTLE, SIMS CO WS and C.I L ES"kge in good ;epos', and 50 hold Chan:led hands n14.1.,10j,..75, SHEEP troy sales of 12,000 head at th. Park drove yard of 545%,. per lb. for pond, and $20.:3 per head for common ; 411010,000 1•eorl at the Avenut: yard at the xanie figure;s. 110 GS leers lower 2.995 hew, elicollso.d hands al }11(612 per hundred Jo' slop, and S12(0 12,511rer hundred for corn Rd ^ MONEY MARKET ---. ctosING rumps OF DEMAYEN & BROTITER 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia Theo o'clock, p. [21., September 27, 1870. U. B. Oc of 'Bl 114 114,/ . 11 • 'll2 ; 1 1 1 1 112 X 113 ••. „ e 111 , 1 /. 111 g 1 115. e 111, 1 4 7 112 4 110% " . '65, yew 110; ' 1 - 9 ' 110 ( 2 1 115,;,i " •"69 1113;1 1111;?,', " s'.i 10-11 i's 100 1064, • 11l 111 1 4' U. S. 30 , Year 6 per ever Cy Cold 1131, 1133.(, Silver 108 111 UlllOll Pacific It it. Ist M. Builds 825 8:41 • Central Piiiille It. I 1 1112 9111 'Union Pitelfie leteil Omit Ilomlo 716 740 We are prepared to furnish Revenue Stamps of all denonlinalloint to our cuatoluelx, nliowl Hg tho lowing disconnt : Olt $ 95 and upwardx 2 to rent. " 100 300 u 4 o Wu fill and forWaid nli orderx upon the day of their rebelpt, Ic MA RRIED FORTNEY—ROUSItIt.—,On the, !Merlin) Inatant, In Meoltenleaborg, by the Mee. John Ault. Mr. Peter A. Fort:ley, to Mitt; Anna M. Rumor, both of York county. DIED INII/VPLEY.-- 1 )n the twelfth day of August, 1070. at Coop below Silver Stir, Montane Territory, of congestion of the brain, Dr. William Wallace Shari. lify, A. A. Surgeon,ll. S. A. Dr. Shapley was burn in Carlisle, Pa ;on the th' ma day of July, Dip, woo °duetted at Dickinson College, studied medicine tit tho Unit ersity of Peninsylviinia, and, tiring almost thu entire war for the preserva tion of the Union, was connected with the Medical Department of the army, d, leg active service In the /vivitol and in the field. At the close of the war he woo nuting limier a c . .nunisoloin no Surgeon of the Pon ty.necond Regiment Indiana Volunteers, nod Ids services twinge° longer required .by into country, ho commenced the practice of medicine in Clear Spring, 3111. Growing tired of tho tt item ofu country prac• lice, lie soon returned to line more congentil labors of the Army Surgeon, and, nt the limo of „his death, was serving with the United Stotts trouts engaged in repreroing Indian hostilities In Siontana Teri: tory. In the depths of the Western wilderneis, thousands of nines from his home - nod funnily, in the fell' vigor of curly manhood, with lifo's "briglitoht pare opening before hiM,M linkage of twontrineven, niter having escaped the dangers of the field, though .„ twice wounded, ho folthenenth,the Laid of disease. While on the march, ninny miles from fort °inlet tle mint, olltingsin Into muddle apparently-In perfect health, he suddenly sickened, and in a few halm, without' a struggle, his 0001 passed to " That 1111d6CDVOITili country from - whose bourn . no traveller returns." 'lle was burled •liy tho: roadside, with military honors, by Ills broiler officers, by whom he wain loved In life and himented in death. His love f.,r and early experience in his prefension Lave prom!se of groat future usefulness and eminence; Ills kind and genie' numarrn outlast:oil him to all i with whom be came n contact, whether no physislan• or uofriend ; Inis cheerful, ramrod, and affeetionnito disposition made him the Idol. otlile family, and their lose no words can describe, nod no length of dam- _ . ' , revile. • . . Of him It can bo trutbfully sold . " Nono know him but to loco him, Norio unmablm but to pruleo." NEW TO-DAY. T°";I:7I3IIOPERTX.'. • AT SICIYATE SALE. The undorol4nold °More tko proireorty in:which ho conduit, on Soutli.thmovoy axon, in thu borough of Canine, at private male, end If not Cold before Wednesday, hlic siwovith day of Novoulter next, the erllllo will be offered /et public Nei, at the Court Douse, at one o'clock p. m. Thu how - memento ore 1.1 largo and, commodloue BRION AND STONE DWELLING pouen, two-atm-1M high, containing eight roomy. Whore lo a good elation in-the ymd, and a won of excellent water within 30 foot Mille property. ': Tho lot in '22OY -380 feet, with a largo etteblolat the lower end cif It, which 1.1111 boon mcontly built. Tho bowie {tae boon to-modelled and pointed throughout within the, led your. The pcoporty . le a -Vary-dienrablo outline Uhl 10611011 011 0110 "of tho Motif prominent anti' heloinem Wrest' In the town. Terms very ariofferate. For, (giber parttoplarti null on or 4dilross W/GLIAISI D. IIIITLER„ 2050p70 Carl lele, Pc pule. NETV .TO-D.A.Y. 1870 NE 1V - 'A ItEIV AL IZEMI FALL AND WINTER GDODS A fell runtOttment of New Goode at prices that defy competition. , atLxc— }_— SILK AND, WOOL POPLINS, French Matinos, Poplin Roubaix, Norwich Poplit -Bich Plaids, ke. A large assortment of WATER-PROOF CLOTHS, i■ all ilia new mixtures. • We are selling tqlptop Water-Proof at $1 00 p yard. Beautiful stook of NEW SHAWLS Just opened wry cheap. E=M lower lit prleett than ovur. FULL ASSORTMENT OF MOURNING 0 00D9. EMI Black Merinos, Empress' Cloth., Belgian Cord, Black Croton. elotnethlng noi and very thmirabled Crape Volt Collars, Cl ovea, Tidbit Etmnla, Crapes, A lull anscirtneent of Funeral Cools always o hand. =2 Having Increased my facilities to tbia branch,.l s aw prepared to g. t up lirlit..clans work at short notice by ii Tailor that., cannot to excelled. Elcwint aFaorttnent of French Cassimeres; Beavers, Suitings, I=l I= to open on the hot day of Octolturott very too prices DOMESTIC O 00 1; Unblvmeheil 31.11ns at 8, 10, and vents Bost ',Appleton, A, Alm;lin, only 15 cents. Pt splendid Muslin, one yard wide only 1.23- cents, Bleached .31uslIns. Very good 310,1 ins, 10 cents. $7 Lo MEI 4.4 " cent, Soup, Wont ‘I nsl In, 18 cents. Fruit oft the Loom, 20 cents. amtou Flannels at 15, 18, and 20 realm Calicoes at 0, 8,10, and 1234 r, cents I,lncl.ey's Flannels, Jean., Sattinets, Wright.. Chocks, Ticking., Ae., all at reduced prices. All the hest makes Debriars. in non style, reduced to 20Verits. A. giant liars:rain In Plain Alpaca, ell color., at 2:: rents per yard. !ti I A full stock of 2 60 losici y, Gloves, AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES I o ould cordially invite all to inspect our ne stock and prices, us I alit determined not to be un dersold, but will offer mine of (hi, beat burgnius in U 8 V GOODS that bo 'fbond In any otor Iblo able of India delphia. L. T. 'GREENFIELD, NO. I lIAST MAIN STREff IZSM , 1@,9 1 /e 7ciBy, TRAV-ELERB LIFE AND ACCI LENT INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford, Conn. Cash Aoiets, sl,6oopod. Urants Life and EMIOWIIIOIIt Policies of all approved forme. Ample security, lose nil.. Also loco rev against Accidents reusing death or total disability. Policies written by the year or month. Iles mid s7ilo per tiny fur Six Year, In benefit, to policy holders. C 00,6 100 ("kiln in six montiiscan XJ , ' V In motif, by a Aire wd nod roliablo now in tt tittro,.tala Intfinetn. Au in vestment of .6.25 will return a Clear profit of SITS. For partleninnt roll on or atltiretet NOlall A MOIL - ICAN rierunE CO, No. 65 Xneson etruet. New York. 2Ltritteitklt WANTED.—Lands in Pennsylvania fore cult mid toed stocks. TOWNSEND DAMS„ 134 Sou.lt '1 Idol !street, Philadelphia, 20801,70,D . ACHANCE SELDOM OFFERED! 0101 lot , rent In 1,0,001 tin, beet-Sliver alines of the day, developing, Sc., near Georgetown, Col. Cali out itify you It il.x notion/ded value as n geed in ext meld and a Flying 000. Best of references given. I wish to sell one-1101 . 0f it ',Ty Arai/ feC cash. Address lily attorneys, TOW3SE • D 111105., 134 South Third larva, Philadelphia. tDeop: Ud t ATEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. .4_ll A now boAt 01 128 pogo. Price 25 cent.. by Mali. NEW YOlqi NEWS CO.; New York. SOFopilb4t 25 A DAY new articles' for A.:wow N n oploo fr. r. 11. B. SIIAW, A frod, Alain°. • 2Unep7o-It 50 CENTS TO $5 PER EVENING, AT HOME! We ore prepared to furnish profitable employment to AL n mid• Women at their homes. Ono person In oodlt locality thronOolit the United :fates, con engage In this im4nens at great wares... We send, free, fu I particulars and a valua ble sample, which will do to commence work nn. A,4 perdue seeing this notice, who wants profitable, permanout work, should seed us their eddre,,,,,'wili t . out delay E. C. I.I.LEN 3: CO., YOnrp7o-At Augthta, Mah SAXON GREEN brightur, will I.ot firdr, r nta Itillnalt) other bee:atom it will paint twit e Ito much surface SOLD DY ALti DEALERS IN PAINTS. J. H. WEEI . C.S CO., MANUFACTURERS, 122 North Fourth street, Philadelphia 2thorp7o.4t HEALTH AND CEEIME CRUSHED COFFEE JAVA QUALITY Prepared from Meru:it s klude (Coffee, the flavors of whlolt mingle Itertnonlously together. Put up le Japan TIE; Cans, Bartels, MI! Berrele, awl hazel. ' •W BtWIT GILLIg * ,t 8110111101, • 233,285 1 1,287 Weehlugton street, New York. 'teop7o-1t ROYAL HAYA.I4A LOTTERY. . Prizes rushed - and information furnished by UitORGE UPJIAM, Provide:no, It; I' 2Nep7o4t AVOID QUACKS.—Nviotim of early hullecretlon, miming TOrTol.ls debility, prema ture decay, Ac., having tried In vain - every ndverilsed remedy, line a simple into,,. of molt cure, which lis will send free to his fellow elifferere. Address J. 11. TUTTLE, 78 Neseau et., New York. I 200rp70.4t lIE COUNTY- AGRICULTURAL NAIR. The Board of Managers heie taken some palest& the preparations for their next fell meeting on the 1 twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth of October; and t& - unake - things - work - arnoothlyrend - relieve - tifa pressure at the ticket ogles on the ground, there will bo tickets tllsposo of at fiagtoted, .1111.1ler. dr Bower% and stores in the town. The tickets cold will lar,tilFnumhered, and single tiekkte all cancelled-when takenAt)the gates. - Family tickets, admitting man and Wife. and all Ilia - children under 16yeant of age, anti for 01.04 Tickeda ndinitting o horse and buggy during „the fair - 1 00 Thant admitting hornet! and carriage during • the: Mr . , .... 3 00 Ticket; nth:sitting a single Loran • 25 Ticket admitting a horno and buggy 2sr Ticket admitting ft illogic parson Yfi Ticket admitting carriage nail , SO All parsons riding. in carrlageo, or on hornobaok,' will Lo eliarged,aingla Wl[lllll4oll. Thoro will 1.10-110 CllRrge made for the entry of any nrticlo for exhibi tion, but such entry can only ''ho muds by. no hold ingu. ticket ufailmiaxien, . ~• ' Tim Committees aro earnestly_ regueited in, Ito , present at ulna o'ofookun Thitraday toorningoni till oniry will he mado aftek , ten o'clock of that day. .Iyordot or tho Yramident. • : ' LEWIS N. LYNE, • Secretory. 2Zier7o4 d ' , QM 1870 F A L:L C A lit-P_A IG N • NOW OPENING} I= DRY GOODS STORE direct from New York nod Philadelphia, a.grea , earloty of Muck mid Fancy Cold Drew., inks Irisb Poplins In nil colors, Clain Plaid UMW and SenrC i tut for Ladles' Circulars and Firitings, Plaid Pup )lerincos, eakhrnertifi, Alpacas, Delaluos,Lc ' - All-Wool Delaines Str IFNI and MO ShoW.s, great ♦nrietp, for Ledire, Mist es, nfol Children. A full line of every gm& si, tl quality of Care—grunt bargallll.-11111Cil nutter the In lees of Inzt reowou. =1 Groat bargains in White Blankets, ' 4 \ Great !Iwo'. In Colo Blankets. Vostings Itronk Gent Eitiwis, now etglt•ud" Sl7lll fit, Ties ritilefy. • • I=l Sheet iors, 111111 Our Mork of Finonolk Vlllll.l. IR , surpotoool for pull ity, quantity, or Nice. Loa uud vol ',into of Oto burg dux. of oleo' sartety amt quality Ett prierd,to -.wilt all ellstimpre,(••r etl f s nod weir I Mi4od trPe. All Oarlit••ills madr nil nt short riotlce. • ~ • NOTION •S! 4 A trri NeS ! lit built t nuiely, ,nr cannot be 10'011 eleeslnn•. t'all and see all the utneltit.s of the mein... We hove foot tilled ottr Onrpot boom with' now nod bonntifni styles of Catpets, Floor Oil Cloths of all widths, Dritggets, Matting+, lingo, .loin, de.. We cannot r be nutleet‘old in Caryl ts,' and Notions, . . . . W. waalti say to oil Pri.ttrts deilring to ptirelstoo Nell floods, to - exttmitte our stork. Iteft.re titakittg purclitises,ths WO hare just totttritell from the Eatttorn Cities with the ARGEST STOCK OF DRI GOODS AND CARPETS, . . si extremely low prices, to Le found nt the county, apd so we are determined to keep pp our reputation, for selling goods very 111611/. bargain/sot The Control for every customer. Call and dru fur )ou/sel,., '0.9 ItAiT 3,1 A: STREET, CAIILISLD, PA 29H1170 REGISTER'S NOTICE Notice Is heieby given to all pormin intormteil. Unit the following 81'0511111n line,' boon filed In !his office by the aceountants thuirein named, fur exa Inatiou slid confirmation, nod 'will be presented to the Orphans' Court of Cuoilii•rland county for eon. (Inflation and allowancif, ort 7'etestla 21, Octolo r 25, A. D. 1570, 1. The account of Helm) 0. Mover, administrator of )Irs. Catharine Chapman, late of Upper A lieu township, deceased. 2. The account of Sauna:el hiller, sr., executor of (J cargo Hoover, Ist,' of Frank ford township throated. B. First 111111 Mild 's .ot of Runes ministrator of Caroline 110 , pbiil , lithe t f Newburg • Lao ugh, deressed. 4. First :n al Ilnal scrum, t of Jarnus IleugiLill , ad ministrator of J. J. Hemphill, Into Newburg borough, deeeetrd. 5. The first nod final aeisiiiiit of "'John A. 'ticker, and Henry Ri:ker, sant nistratois el Irelelloir Ricker. deceased. , 'li.. Account of Join Civil guardian of John C. tteiiehu.rrr, line of Carlisle, deceased. . 7. First nod Post ari (lent of :stab Hoch, and A brabnia Hoch, esecittoi s of John. K. Hoch, de ceased First and final auccount of Jacob Ileniniluger. i•xecifitir of Jatib 0 iiiilowinalier, Into of South rotor township, (ivies ••cl U. 'flit suerount of Jolla T. Green, administrator of iVilliani Gieeti, late of township, di...eased. 10. The auccount of John. K. Longenecker, and executors of Benjamin Longeneeker, Late of {Brat Pennshorough township, deceased. •• 11. First and limn nenount or ,boon -4). Boyer, admitibo r nor of Israel U. Buyer, Irate of Louver Allen tows/dap, devenseibe 12. The secoust of simnel Diller, or.. adminfstrip tor of Jilin Jacob 1111011111111, Into of North township, deceased. • IS. First and final ace dint of Lori Zeigler" .111141- hit rator of George Weary, deepinwil. 14. 111, first 1110 1111:111temmit of C. P. litioulcit, situdoiltrater - with the NI 111 omit xoJ, of limn. Natelier, late of carlisle, deceased. 15. FllO.lllO lilllll iiteinint of S. II Snyder, and Jeronilatt T. Snyder, John ii istratom of John C. Sny der, late of Frani:ford township, 11, 16. First and final neconuL . of Coover, executor of Aolin Coover, lato'nf Neu - 1111e 1,, rough, decoused. 17. First au I . final arciiidit of Ruttier, ail ministratriS' of Joseph hitner late of Ifoutli.slldille: ton toartislifp, Gm:tined. First inid final necoulit of john Bubb, Mlllllllll, trator d h. n. e. t. a. of Chas. IV. Sponster, Isle of Ileclianlesßing Lotollgll, duet:and. JOSEI'II C. NEELY,, 2%11,70, • !Wester. List of unchained loess remaining in tho postoffice at Carlisle, Pa., for the week ending September 28, 1870: LADIES' LIST. A tubley, Al his AI s ggie S Pool, Mrs Ells Fisher, ) Ilea Ad s' Ludy, Miss FennyGroff, % ) Ileaul 11. N•stty I:obinsmo, Mrs Slot tie A Breves, NI his Lisslu • Stroup, Allss Story Al • Jorksun, Mrs Ilsuosh S eithinu, Alias Sallie NI Moore, NI iss A mile E Wet re!, :Miss Mut. °Vara, Filtm H slicer, Miss :11111* Altos • F:NTLENI LAPB LiSr. Ants°, Manuel's Mau, John. ECONOMY Bryant, Dick • Smith, Jock • , . Fricke, Jno 0. :nyder, tolui Orilieth, Franklin M kilteaffer, Moe Win Ilerinanco, limy ' Feliittlln, John ' Ileinnilog-r, Witrron ' hovers, JoDifellal Ilurlir, Thomas "... I.nihh, Ile niy 4' Iteuggy, Tina, . l..lieciner, Soul - Ilarvoy, Cal COI . ililiar, • ,,hunes Hai Color Chorlo 4 • - 4.• Winkel,, Jahali Jones, Soul A ' :Toiler, lielieciot ICenuelly, Soul ll \ Winliall Honey Ring, James IS' ' Willtorn. John ' Keiser, Cleo • Weira, W J iililllgan, WS 2 • • Wesley, John Miller, John IV Wilkins, Anil .1 - Nickerson, Beid F . Wagnor, Ooorgo Neff, John ran IVood, John. . .; Nolo, lure. ' ' " Walli , C N ' : A.- IC. RHEE3I, P. .1,1 SOUTH MOUNTAIN IRON CO'S., Clf A Noir 'II u S Office of General Superintendent; ) Carlisle, Pa., October 3, 1870. • j TRAINS MIN AS -.FOLLOWS . • , Leave Cdtlislo (0. V. It. U. 11en0t).0.33 2.50 . . 1 • Junction. 010 3.00 '. 51t. llully ~. 720 ••• 8.40 Unlace° Ilan " 8 05 Arrive 100 ~_..etrriTilitlllunnrine....-..........".8.1. ' . 1. A.. 2.1. P. .14 Leuie Pine Grove 000, • " Iloutor'a Plc, • 045. .4.10 blt.liolly ' " 10.05 4.45 Arrive et Junci lon 10.40 ' ' 425 ' • • " V.. C. Alt 618: - 20Lep70, , ~,,._ • , 1 • ',.• Goneraf kelp% EXI•;OUTOI;'S NoTIOE , . . Lefton' testamentary on the estate •of Susannah Kammerer, Into of Ifrenlcford township, decenhed, have been granted by the Register of Cumberland county to the subscribers, reOlding in said township, A 11-porem. Indebted to Mid estrite"will - pleeifintinlte payment, end those pavimecinlins to present them, dul7 nuthenticatcd,lo the undeteigned for nettle 'mint., ': . ' I . , . • , WILLIAM 11, DOW, 1 /HANOI& DILLER ' I 225ep7t1.614. . c -. J NEW 7'o-DAY. MEM ONNTIL , AL DRESS u DODS, FtiPoll PrpLlns, nII qll,.rs, linglloh Pall., nll slindes Emprvas Bopp, all colon, SHAWLSh .SILAWL3I FURS: FURS! FURS! ISOOLI N UOODS! Table Unmks, Ticking, ettlicor4 (H11141111m., 1 , 1.1111 . 10 .It FLANNELS! FLANNELS ! CLOTHS A SI) SS! M HILEF, CARPETSI C A R,p E T SI LEIDICII & MILJ.ER u 11 1 the Carpet 11n11 A I D 11ETUIININU =I NEW 2'o-DAY. REAL ESTATE ETU On Thursday, October 20, 1870 , By virtue of tho will of 'Susannah Ketumerer;da , ceased, we will sell at. public, talo, bl Blosorrilla at ton o'clock a. m. on the above day, the following described Real Banta), viz: •THE 110i791d AND LOT OP GROUND ,of said tlecodent. This property Is situated in Bigger vino, Prankford.townshlp, and contains about once fourth of nu acre, with a TWO-STORY _FIUME HOUSE, ln-good ,order - Stable,-and all necessary Outbuildhige.‘ Thor& is is well of Water at the door; and the lot has a variety of choice .Applo and Peach Trees, In good bearing condition, and also several dliferont kinds of Orapes.- Tanau Orlatx.- 1 4100 . t0 he paid when the property isgdricken off. -One-half of the remainder on or'bm fore the first of April, 1811, when the deed and pos._ sexton ore Laren, and the other half in ono year thereafter, 'Mt Interest, to be satisfactorily seem "Also, afire Elmo thou and place, wilt Im sold the personal property of di:maser', consisting of ono Bureau, Bedsteads, Tattier, Chairs,. two Ten-Plato Stoves end Pips; aliat, Carpets, Buds and Bedding, one Clock, ono Side Saddle,. band Braving Machine, and a variety of Household and Kitchen Furniture. Attend:ince will be given on day of sale by WILLIAM It. BLOOM, - FRANCI3 DILLER,' Execut ,rs. 29s p"04.1 DESIRABLE DWELLING, STORE ROO.ll, AND STOCK OF GOODS FOR SALE. The subscriber otter( for sale that valuable pro perty, N 0.78 West Main street, Carlisle, containing 30 FEET FRONT AND 2-10 FEET DEEP to a public alloy, together with his STOCK OF O.OQDS, comprising all articles 111,1101 y in a firet.clas griteery. For tonne 0051 petitel6lrd myth° or the sal scriber on the provisos. 2littep7o Il t LIA3I 9, IVASIIMOOD. THOMAS DEPUY, z 37 South Second street, ttbove Chestnut LADELPHIA.. O • Jerst opened, with a !algw and woll so A. looted stock of Foreign 'and Dothostle Cnrpot- 0 g Jogs, of choice styles and valid.. Alio Oil y Cloths, Mailings, Maggots, Rugs, Mats, dtair Se., all of which ho VO ✓ cheap for cosh. 9.95ep70-3mt luth7l-3th Lackey's Cheap Cash Slave. READ ! READ 1 READ Thu Om, to boy your Dry tloods it ht LAOh Y'S Cheap for Cash Store, NO. 99, NORTH IfANOVER STREET, CAIILISLE, They keep the best lino of Alpacag In the county. at lower figures than NM be purchased outside of New York. Goods of ell kinds constantly on band. Froth goods every day. liati;faettan guaranteed In all goods sold. Full line of celebrated Princess Skirts. Alm) Arno,' bu:t at the (~west prices Cloths, Cassimeres, Battleig, Atit-Tlio boot CORDUROY in town al,nTleirA price Their Notine Lhit le complete— Hosiery, __Tarns of all kinds, Carpet, Chains, aria, every article usually kept in a fhatolaaa Dry (larch :gore. Don't forget at No. 99 North Hanovoistreot, Carlisle. Pa Sou GET 11/OIOAINS 9'eopTo.3in Fall and Winter Fashions GRAND EXPOSITION Ft/It THE FASHIO:\'AHLE WORLD COMPLIMENTS OF 31325. M. A. BINDER, No. 1,101, N. IV. corner Elovrn I 0 and Cliestnu t reels, Phila. POSHOILS far tire Fall aml Winter of 1070, \VWleFalv and Retell, 'which Paris and the first manufactorfes supply, Dresses, Mantles,Cloaks, • and Co tomes for ladies an children. - special department of plain and trimmed patterns, of the latest Parisian and English styles, at $0 per If you want a handsomely-fitting, well mado suit, at short:, notice, go to Mrs. Binder's for tastdful trimmings and daVity stitches. Mourning, Traveling, and Wedding outfits, Walking and Fancy Costumes. • • D 'Tax • wad Cloak ..Yclinmaings, Buttons, Oru a ',tents, comprising the latest. Paris novelties in black and colored Fringes, pimps, Ruches, Loops, Flowers, Gloves,Rridal- Wreaths, Veils, Ribbon, nets shades in Velvet, Satin and Taffeta- Ribbons, Sashes, Neckties. . /1/ii/de up Lace. Goods-0 rand Du cheese Lace far Drees Trimming. Pointe Applique, Valenciennes, Ham burg Edghigs and insertions; Black Gui pure and Thread Laces, new in design and moderate in pr o. • Choice Indian Ornaments Fans,' Birds, Mats, Cushions, Mmt chdirst Cases and Fancy Gqpds, selected by Mrs. Binder, at Niaga s i* Elogant line of Whitby l'et."Goods, in sets,. Breastpins, Earrings: Necklaces and Bracelets. Splendid line of French Jot Goods, Coral and French Gold Sets, Charms, Sleeve Buttons, Chains, &c., which for price or variety in style, can not be surpassed.. . • •Strangers visiting our city-aro respect fully invited to examine. Pinking and Gotiering. Cutting and Fitting. Also, a perfect system of 'Dress Cuttindtaught. Patterns sent by mail or express to all parts of the Union.. MR'S. M. A. 1.111 , 11)EICS, N.ll'. Corn, Eloventh nud Clmtnot 'loop ,Skirt Alfrirufactory fte" /11 AIIOPKINS DOITYARELPHIA. _Le, floor SICIR ,tI#NIII , .ICPOILY, N 0.1,11.5 Chestnut Ftreet, (Girard Row,) .nrinerly(2B Arch M., Philadelphia 11 coMploto assortment of all the now call Shapes of Our Celebrated "Cham pion" Sloop Skirts, in every length and size, together with our own make of "Keystone!! Skirts,' (second ,quality,) and" Tull line's .of good, Eastern made Skirts,lfor, sale, wholesale and retail, at prices just reduced below those - of any fernier season. • Our Champion .Skirts more thaw tiustain, their reputation for superiority over all others, and aro now sold' at such prices as will meet the views of all, and aro 'warranted in every re spect. • Corsets 1 Corsets I I Corsets I I assoltment of,Corsbts contains over 100 kinds - and prices, and includes every desirable kind, such as Thomson's Glove. Fitting, J. Beckel's, R. Werly's ' Madam 'Foy's, and .Mrs. Moody's "Patent :justing-Abdominal-Supportingu-Cor= sets,in all grades,, together with Misses' and Children's, and every grado'cif lland made Corsete, ranging in Prices as fol lows :-46c; 58c, A. 75e, 80e, 83e, 85e, 00e, 04, $l.OO, $l.ll, $1.14, $l.lO, $1.25, &e., up to $7.00. • • Panler Bustles ins 27 stykai from 86, 'cents ,np to $3.25. Ladies' ,linder-Gar , - runts' in all kinds aml prices. Night Dresses from $lOO to $9.50.% 'lnfant's Dresses, long and short, from $2.35 to $l3. Gored Muslin Skirts, .0 Tucks, 15 ets. ; 10 Tucks, 15. Tucks, $132, &o. &e: up to $lO. ' • llooPSkirtS auttCometS rnadote ordei, altered and repainni,, Manufactory and Sales Rootas;.l,lls 6464,nut Philad. ',Call or send for GiroultirS. wm: T, 1301tISINS. •,70.J10 r : • Ho! 'ditiitb CUMBERLAND VALLEY R. R. E' .* l ,O 42,13 . 1" N S.! AT runt° 'ELLE Annual i4lii~itiop : of the Franklin to be held at Chambernhift,isn tho Eth;Gth, and 7th • dare nf . Optntssr, 1870.. Annual Exhibition of, the Co. Agricultural fioelety, to La held at Carlisle, on the' 12th,13th, and 14t11 . ' &viral:Wan-1870. Annual Exhibition of the Washington Co. Agricultural Society, to be held at liagoretown, Md., on Um 18th, 19th • 20tli, and 2 1 et 'days Of October, 1870. Will issue ROUNDVRIP TICKETS for. Regular Trains, during the continuance of each of the above named Exhibitions, which will begood for Return Passage on all trains leaving the points at which amp are severally. hold, until the last tram leaving aziola Point on the days when tine , Exhibitions close, AND POSITIVELY NO LONGER I Rates of fare to Chambersburg and return. Harrisburg $2 25 Nowville r , $ 95 Bridgeport 2 25 Oakville 80 WlllO3lllll ' 2 25 Shlppookburg 50 ShiremanstO,n 2 05 Scotland 35 Mechanicsburg' 185 Marion ' ` 35 Kingston 1 76 Kaufman's.. 40 Mildloses I 00 Greencastle" 50 Cal lislo 1 40 Stato Lino 115, Oood Hops., I 25 Morgantown 90 Gresson'es ' I 25 Hagerstown 100 !Merton. - s 1 25 ' • Au Extra Trakp will len'ro Chembereborg (or Shlp poooburg, on Thursday, October 6, at 3.30 p Rata Of fare to Carliale and return Harrisburg - $ 90 Oakville $ 80, Bridgeport , 00 Shlpponsburg 05 White 11111 • . 90 Scotland 1 25 ShlrerannstoWn 70 Obangicrsburg .1 40 Mechanicsburg CO ItWiwi . 1 70 Kingston • 25 'Kaufman's 1 80 Middlesex - " • 25 Greencastle 1. 00 Good ~,,,,, 25 State Lino 225 Greasonin ~,,,,, ~ 25 liforguntown,....., 230 Alterton • 35 Hogonitown 2 40, MEM An Extra Train will leave Carlisle for Nandsburg and intermediate station(); Thursday and Friday, Octbber 13 and 14, 01 5.25 p. m. Rates of fare to Hagerstown and return. Morontown $ 25 Oreasou'n ' $2 26 State Lino... 35 Oood !tope 2 25 Circencastly 50 Carnal° 2 40 Klmfulaten ° 80 sliddletiox • 200 fulJi • - . . ... Marlon 85 Kingston 2 70 Chumborsburg 1 03 Mochttnlcsburg..... 2 85 Scotland , " 1 35 Shiromanstown .... 305 . 81tippenellurg 1 45 Wl.lto 11111— :..... 3 25 OakVlllo ' 1 80 Brldgopbrt 3 25 Novvillo 1 55 Llarrimburg. 3 25 ~ .... OEM An Vitra Train will lento liagerstown for Cham berthurg, and intermedlate stations, on Wednesday and Thursday, October 10 and 20, at 6.30 p. m. LIVE STOC . IC, AND OMER ARTICLES, intended for O;ihibition, will be carried to Chambersburg, Carlisle, and ringers towp, ,at our Regular Tariff of Rates, and if not sold wilt be returned frail of ohargo, (at the otonOr's" risk,) to tho point from whence they, wore shipped, npori presentation of a receipt for the pay ment of freight to our freight agents at the place where the exhibition is held, Agents haire been appointed to sell tickets at Bridgeport, Shiremanstown, Kingston;-Iliddlesex i -Good-Hope, Graft son's, Alterton, Oakville, Scotland, Marion, Kaufman's, and State Line. • ifar And any person entering the cars without a ticket, will be charged FULL FARE. At White Hill and Morgantown tiokets can be procured- from Conductors of trains, , Snperintenilen Vs Office,l 0. N. LULL, Clumbereburg, Sept. 15, IS7O. I ~SttperltAtondent 224ep70 Tweeds, Flannels, .Cc John 5. Reese tr.; Company PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY Gloves, JOHN S. REESE & CO., 011 Cloths, lc 122 South Delaware ave., Philadelphia, 10 South street, Baltimore. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO =9 =1 Middle and ?anthers States has given muro general siiil uniform than. this glum° Tilt. trade in it Initi ntentllly incresiivil until lho coninuiption noir I lirou4hont tlio entire enuntry far exceeds that of Roy other fertilizer Tbc large capital • la, h tal in Its 1 rodute •on affords the surest go:smote° of its continued ;imp' kne,,. The outupany Int 4 a far greater Interest In the porivanow•y of Is !rude llom oily 1111111 ii, of ret.uleee .on Ituve,`ltence It 6 the higleeet. lu erect tho comp..) , to pot the hart fertilizer lute lour. het, that their .mat )ldrl by the best sviontlit. ability van produce 7111 x guava Is sold 01 retail 11 Iva! AgontB of th• r,ompany thr,l4h 4 n, New .10..0, Dell ware, 1...111 H3lvttititt, and the SotttlittritAtt., mill at Hilt°[exalt, MEM THE G,DEAT ' . WE DDINC; DA It D DEPOT, WEDDING AND VISITING DARDS Paper and Envelopes, a very large aeL INITIALS AND MONOGRAM'S STAMPED IN A Mon4rain engraved to order and stamped in -colors, freo, of charge, to those buying $5.00 Ivortl‘ Pam). and Envelopes. COUNTINU 11011. SH:. CO ' • of ovork description at tho lowest prices. Envelop. prjottat 1.00 p0r.1,000, • Nato Mailings 100 por ream. • Bill Ileintr • , 10,00 Envelopes from $l.OO per 1. 1 ,000 up. Largo lota of nvvlopen,, will be cold, at very lOw price, ; an we manufacture by steam power, we cap compete with the lemma yitinufacturera., • . R. lIOSKINS & CO. • 1 • ' . qttiouers, Engravers,. .13 an too and eevolopo tif.murncteroo.ono Gleam Plynir Prlutarit, ' Ola Arch sir:et, Philudollhl. ' -.' 1-IJuly7o-3tak N OTI C E.' Thkoilleert of the Cumberland County Agrleultli ral bo on ttoi Yatr Grounde,pn Afonday, October 1.0, fur the puVpoile of mating Malin. All iNlablug to enter •olOck Am invited to be prear Out on.that tiny_ IGo.p7Jetd • l'hon.ograplw„, pllONO,Gßapily - • • A swill! class In.lboboginAly 1q forailbg In Call , Fit.; to bd by a coniiikdat luctructeC. RecltatlOne titled a wool:, and of convenient board. , Charges modbrato. ; j , , • ) Bnqulro,t Ilimittr. 'OFFICE.' kgricultural :Society, WAY STATIONS CAPITAL, $1,000,0W 11 EN ERAL All EN Ifi, OFFICE,6 JQIIN S . 10.11,81; & CO (loourl Agutitx for tho Copy ony ,Iffedding Card Delad, ho lategt sortment CT . ,9.10 11{EE OF CIIARGE co .Y( tssEs, COP YI N 1;1 Q,O , PRINTING For EMPIRE MUTUAL ITMXAMPLED ! =II EMPTUE-SIUTUAI LIFE A IN EUA.A.IsiCE,OO74PANY, 01' NEW YORK, In the first-Nifteon Illonthinot its existence has mooed OVER FORTY-FIVP HUNDRED POLICIES! INBURINCI OVER $8,000,000.00 and. taking in Premiums $500,000.00, being LIN largest commenconient business ever clone by any company In the Amid ! I= Ordinary wholo-life polielea ara Ikbnolutely non furfeltablo from payment of Mit animal promium. Special InoAimee non-forfeltnble after two 'finnan payments All policies Incontestable for usual -causes, and absolutely Incontestable after two annual premiums. All restrictions upon travel and residence removed, and no permits required. ., No accumulation of Intimate. on Loam or Deferred Premium, and no increaeo of annual paymonle on any class of matelot]. - Ono-third of the premium loaned to the party in ourod, If desired, and no Note required. . Dichloride on the progreaalve plan, and also upon the guarantee Interedt plan. pi ll , rlnetri of the company conducted on the Mutual Policy simple nod fair i Its provinions Incontestability of Policies It Is.the purpose of The Empire to fulfill all Its j contracts, the evidetico of which In .that its policy has no convenient refuges by means of which it can escapo a Just demand. Prelim) fraud on the part of ' the (marred will always Inva.itiato a policy. Also suicide, if committed . provious to the payment of the second annual premium; or death : x.Bod by engaging In any specially hazardous 'witness within iho *co years. lint after the expiration of two years,. the policy will ho hold Inconteilmble for all causes except fraud. Nola-Forfeiture of Life Policies No policy of Insurstneo with continuous payments for life will be forfeited or• become void by the non : paympint of premiums thereon, until the full paying power of the premium - s have been exhausted. The Inngutigii 4 the policy is; That if any premium after the first annual pre mium than have been paid, shall not bo paid on the day whoa duo, and the said assured shall,.within thirty days thoreaftor, give notice. in Writing of Ina ,hility to iay the same, and of a desire that said policy shot bo,continued In force under : tho.folipiving conditions. Then and„ln such ease this policy shall not he forfeited or Leconte void by the non-payment of thelqiid - promluin due - thereon, Until - after - the expiration of n Period, to ho deter Mined us follows, to wit: The not value of this policy whoa the pro mium becomes duo shall be determined by actuarial calculation, and after leductirig front such net value tho Leans upon sold policy uneauco!ed by dividends, and any indebtedness tail . Company, four—fifths of what remains shall ho oonsidered a net tangle premium of 'temporary inaurOnce, and ibis policy shall ho continned In force during tho terns for which it will Munro, according to the age of - the party nt the time of the lapse of the premium. Example of the Non-Forfeitable Plan of the " Empiro." Age of party insured, 33. Ordinary whole Ono annual prolnium van roplinuo ills policy in fore. 24oars and 3 days. Two annual preminins will continue the pollry in force 4 yuara aud 12 'Vireo animal premium. will continue tbe policy in force 6 years and 27 daya. Your annual prembrms will continue the policy in force lil years and 46 days. Fide annual premiums will continuo ,the policy i (Mee 10 years and 50 days. OFFICERS G. Hilton Scribner, President George W. Smith, Vice Presi dent. Sidney W. Crofut, Secretary Lemuel IL Waters, Actuary Thomas K. Mtircy, M. D., 'Medi cal Examiner. Everett Clapp, Superintendent of Agencies * THE TESTI.MO NY OF THE PRESS Thu Empire lea p.•pulir ISlAlttstion, tonneau I by reliable mon, on mama 1,11411.'101 principle., Mill is destined at a vpry 'early day __to island eland , er:ta alastillltT will, the uldnxt conspanles of Ile clusracter its the country. Ita °likens and direrts.ra " menet Intelnews,". end' lion organized with the view of establialsing a model Insditialon.—.V. I'. Orilgruul. oil, J,uu 20, 1 h7ll. "'Pilo Comp;lly great r. atilt of 'Sill°, “01101111 , 11 i. nut reliable notongoluatt. Entitirolino tot anterior itt 16e comstry,”—Borimi Port. “The nneemi ut thu I 1111111.113” lieoli limit rig...4M —Traveler. "Who Empire .will littrael Ilio Int...xi:hi of iho.e contemplntlo g life Tim..., 0..... 2 1111teh/ilita 11,,,1 Re prior. ' ....1 . _ .. • . " ILavln';'n p sfley In thld Company, .wo NO a Just 'pi Ida In . 111. wont gato.ss is uublov;im,"—Er. .tat "r-Zinies IMMI ", A verq stircvmful Compauv."—lbrigregoli9nalist • • "Thu Smpirx ; ltntn.l is .unoorpsssed. The men Colllllietvil with it nie, for those who know thee, a sualelent recommendation of tho Company "—The. Nglien. • • ' • "It 14 with peculiar pleasure that we speak of (Ids 'sow emadldate for pliblie fivor; We know. many. years since the President of the company. • ,Wo know hiurta - btrainan or energy, o c tame er, o . super or, birslorss aldllty, and above ptl else, a successPul Men la whatever ho undm Mk en. TIM truch In, the COlll. i'"Y, lidOPtVi. 01 heet:lmprovernent4of the day In tri organliation."--Nele &pliant lasurance Ga • • sone.' , ' GEO. El . .' EMAG; 'AGENT ;FOR: Cumberland, Perry, imd-Junllata oFrIcE wrrit, 8., lIEPBURN, Jjr VA1111047 .FEELMbOLD'S T KIbNEYS Tim kiduera are two In nurobor, situated at ❑m umirr part of Ile loin, surrounded by f ttand con' olstlng 'of Shred parle, rfis' Ma Anterior, 1 (4 Tisk. dor, orn the Eiterfor Tlio anterior absorbs. Interior_ conalsta of limier or veins, iyhieb sorve aq ira op9Mt for Ills mine and convoy it to the exterior. The exterier,is n condoc tor ❑ro, terminating in n single tube, see enlimillso • • . .. - . Uiclor.The ureters its's collate tedOlitethe Lle,lll,r. k v The bleddsr Is compose,' of vsrious e-Dirtrillip, or tissues, divl Into part..., sic: the Upper, the Lower. the ?errmw, and the., Tk.o upper cxl els, the I wer retains. litany h re a .lesire to urinatelvith..mt tho ; others of Webs rr thout the nbility to rulatin. lit. frugnently weury iu MEE To cure there niTeolions, We must 'wing into eel lon the nmeeles, 1031.11 nru ungnAoi fu their valinuis inuctions. If they nru org ectuJ, Gru;wl , brniny MIX= The roadur inuot Kick Le Wudun *aro. thug Lowwvor ellght way Le pie attack, It is sure to taloa the Willy health and toontur pogrera, ua our Muth and blood Jana supportail from tlieudsoure. Gorr on ItitEuvaTimv.l'ain oceurrioz Isk the hint le Indicative or the above diteaees. Thoy o..cur I porno'. iliopocod to acid stomach and chalky con cretlo. Tin t7nxvts .— The grAvel eukues !foto negluct or Improper treatment of the kidneys. These organs being weak, the water is not aspelled from tbo blad der, but allowed fn !main; It becomes feverish, and fututs. It is front MIA deposit tlutt the stove IS fOrlllo I, and gravel ensues. --t DitersT Is a collodion of water in sonic parts of tho body, and bears dilrersnt names, accunting to this parts effected, vislion genet ally diffused. sour the body, It Ix enlb4 Amt , arca ; when of (lie abdomen ♦wiles; when of the chest, HydeOhara,. CarArmorr.— ; llelmbold's highly concentrated coin pound Extract Mehl] Is denidt!illy one of the be“ remedies for diseases of the bladder, kidoeys,•grovrl dropsical swellings, rheumatism, and gouty siTec lions Untie; Mix I.:agt Nvo horn arrauged or illfficulty.auil polo An p.alsg water; Scanty S. cretlon, or small and frequent dieeharges of water Strangury, or stopping of Ir,ttor ; Ilerrontorin, nr bloody - u ine; Gout owl nheuimitieut of the k!dners, without any change In quantity, tat inereawl in color, or dark water. It was always highly recom mendei by the to Dr. Physiok", In those affections. Thie medicine Memo. the power tligestion,und -excites tho nbflorbents title healthy- exercicer by which tbo watery or calcareous depwition4, uutpituml ottlargewents, as wall as PUill and i/l11:1111 mitten, tun maimed. !unfit Ib (chest 1.1 men, women and clifldrun. biroethmi for mt. - add dint accompany Ph iladflptila, Pa, Fob. 25.. Ilia 11. T. Üblutbold, Druggisi Dear Sir—l have been a sufferer, for upvnerd of twenty years, with gravel, bladder and kidney affec tions, during which time I have used various medic inal preparations, and been under the treadnent of the most eminent physicians, experiencing but little relief. . Milling seen your proparatiom extensively adver tised, I consulted with my family physician in regard to using your Extract Buchu. I did this because I tool used all kind., of advertised remedies, and had found them two:1111,4s, and some quite injurious; in fact, I despaired of ever getting' well, and determined' to use no remedies hereafter utiles. I knew of tie ingredients. It woo this that prompted me louse yobr remedy. As you adverthed that'it was ctimposed of Intehu, enbebs, and juniper berries, It occurred to me and my physician as an excellent combination, and, with his advice, after an examination of the article, and consulting again with the drOggiet, I concluded to try it. I com menced Its use about eight months ago, at which time I was confined to my room, From the first bottle I was astonished and gratified nt the benefi cial effect, nud after using it three weeks, was 81110 to walk out. I felt marl, like writing yhu a full aratement of my case at that iliac, but thought my Improvement might only be temporary, and there fore concluded to defer and see if it wt old effect a perfect cure, knowing then' it would be of greater value to you. nail more ea ti-factory to me. lona now able to report that a cure is eff. ct ed uner acing the remedy fur tire months. 1' have not used any row fir three otontlet, tied feel as seal in all t reports MR I ever did. Your Buchu being dov.tid of any unpleasant taste and odor, a Mee tonic and invigorator of the option, I do not mean to be without it whenever OCCII.IiOII may require its nee in limb affectiots. = Should u.Y tiOUbt Mr. McColudel.'o slutenunt, hu refer. to the folloll tog getathemth lion. Wu. Iliglor, ex-Govertior, Ponnsylvank lion. Thu. IP - Pldrimee, Philadelphia llon.J.C. Kuita, Judge, PLilndulpLla lion J,5 t .1.1 Welt , Jltilv, Philadelphia Iron. D. IL Podur. ex-thotornor, reints3h4llhl Horn Klliv Leylv, Judgo,lelpllis Hoh. R. C. Orlin., Jutlgn, United Katt./ COIL L. Wo.lrhartl f 3tadign, rhiladelrbia 119 u. W. ATPiirtor, City Solicitor, Pliil4o.2llllllu lifill.,ollll 111KIrr, ox.lioVertior, CalifurnP, lion. H. r Cloneral, lynaltlnpton, D. 6 And fooluioy colour?, If Oleo:l...Nary Sold by 141!gglsto:-antl . Sealers orerywher . O. 11, isio of es - iluterfolts. Ask for lfrlmboltra. Toko un I:rico-41.25 per bottlo, or G bottles fur V. 50 riellvoted to any uddreio. - Dreorlbo ay ttititouts in 10.1 communication° MEM H. T. HEII4BOLD Drug rind Chemical Warehouse, 64 11RQADWAY, N. Y NONE ARE , GENUINE ( UNLESS hp In ist.iq-ungitwod Wraigter, with fac4l,ollo. of, iny Cham Worolootkroomt r, 'good E=! r Mlllvilk/f Vqgptable Hair• Reirewei TTAtvo VLIGET.ABLE 810.11 A N It It M N 1,1. II V I EMI hi the oitlylpexthetml_seel Fe•le et 4', Restores— (Idly prep.re:l MEI eVel : otrOred to tllO ME ItaH: no campulitur l ii!110111. Ii) i 1 114. hlt;iy . rh.ohorhci to its Original owy, r Itl,Avit =I Promot `S. t.: filliiig 11:IL 1% ill, 1.3 /IV .1 nor I:rlli•11'r L . , • 1t..15.:., Iw it. '1,..5r.,3 Girlls th ! phlpt•rt. , .. , 11,,. and is a btrolig tvg lit eta,, gpi 11.1 ~llendid 111.4.4 it ',llk n'new L!.nW 11 ng, 11111(.1t1111 foilirle.4 dllittl.,.•l It is ..1.11n4, itud ;Mar; nit its 1.111 Try one 4, , 1 r t 110 rienlp. It tl. Bottle =II 11111.1,1•1h11 Brlllll 111140 11111 i Thicken AR a if (4 MCI bria nud hint IMIE u, Its t•llis.tit Ltst 81 much tisr ME EIMIS Locks ! fro to 111.1; salty& = Price One Dollar Per Bottle R P. L C C 0., Proprietors LABORATORY, NASHUA, N. II 25.t0g70 ly Dr. Ayer ,e Co's. Aili•crtiscmt'l Ayer's Cathartic Pills For alethe purroaos of n LazatiVU Nleclicino Perhaps no oho medicine is so universally ti nulred by everybody as a cathartic, nor was ever any before NO universally adopted Into neer every country and anions nil classes, as thls mild but purgatiro Pin. The obvious, rnas-at iv, that ,It Is a ruleint, reliable and far suers -effectual reme dy titan any other. Those-who have tried it. know that it cured them, and those who have not blob that it cured their notghburs and friends, and all know that what it does once it does always—that it raver fails through any Malt or neglect of Ito composition. We have thousands open thousands of certillrates rf their remarkable curer of the following•camplarts, but Fools cures are knee a In every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions insll climates; contenting neither calomelor tiny deleterious drug - , they may be taken with tiny by anybody. - Then sugar coating pre emcee them ever-fresh Imdanakes them pleas:net to take, w Lttu being purely vegetable no harm' eau o u r lona their use In any quantity. They operaht by their powerful influence on the In to. nal IFCCIII to purify the blood and stimulant It into healthy nano—l:move the obstroctnais Of re stomach, bowels, liver, and other; oramis the body, restoring their IrreAular actor to health, Anti by-correcting. wi:foyer they er such derangements AS 1,0 1.110 filet , o I,l' disease. . • • Minute directions are 'given in the 0 mpper on the box, for the following complaints, 0 lien .tiana. rats rapidly cul e For Dyspepsia or Indige,tion, Liillens tic Languor and Loss - of Appetite, they should be taken nioder,ate y to stimulate the stoma . Is and restore ita healthy tone and acticn. For Liver Complaini and its various •ympli - ,1,1,, Bilious Headache, Sek Headache, Jaundice or Green Sickness. Bilious Colic and hill.. Feet.,, they should be judiciously taken tiir each to eorreetrthe diseased action, or 'remove the obst,or• tions whiel souse it is For Dysentery oi.Diarrinea, lAtt . ons 3,311,1 3.103.33 generallrrequifed. 1 Ike Rheumatism, Gout, ()revel, Palpitation 01 the heart, l'ainrin the Side, Beek sod Llthje, thaey should be cootinuousfy taken as' required, to change the diseased fiction of As system.. ).Vitie such change those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropsical Steel/lugs they should he taken In liege and frequent doses to palace the effect of a drastic purge. 3.3 Far Suppression a large dose should be tabby, It produces the desired e ffect by sympathy. As a Dinner Pill, take ono or two Fins to 3.3 n mold digestion and relieve the stomach.. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach 'Sit bowels into healthy notion, -restores tho appetite, and Invigorates the system. Hence it is otters advantageous whore no serious dortungtment ex ists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these Pills snakes him feel devide,l,v better, from their cleansing stud renovating effect on the digestive apparatu,• DR. J. C. A rER tt CO. Pre, I ;cm? Cloaists, =1 Piano.., Parlor 0 ry« s, ,t'c Sixty-five First Prize Medals Awardei THE GREAT BAErilloaE r. , tvgo 31ANUF.V'ollY WIT,LIA.II KNA.BE & CO., =I Grand, Square, and Upright, PIANO FORTES, 33ALTIMOI1E, 3113 Thee liodrinnents hose hoen lad -, re the puldio nearly thirty rears, alai spun their exec-dec. , alon. attain. .oninirelnuol per-inniwnre, rvlJch pro nounces then) unequalled. Their, WEL combine.: great pr.lver, sweetuem. and lion , ingin quality, n 4 na great purity of In [treat boo, aa en etttnes3 z Itreuglaaa the culls settle. Their FIZZES is pliant and .I,llc, and entirely free...fill. CotL• ness found in so many Plantui. IS (1 II JI SRI/ I I'' they are unequalled, using 'hone 11111 the -cry be-1 seasoned Insterial, the large repital employ,' In our bu.siness enabling um to keep continually .111.1,1, , stock of Ill 11110.•, hr.. on hand. 4 .11 4 , Y . All oar square PHILOS Irate our Nrss Os endritug Sisilo4nal thelAgr ale Troth , Wu wouhl rail special :Alen.. 10 7 0111' ialo improvements iu arllllll flares Sqllaro Patented Augur. 14, IFrO, winch bring the l'l,l. are irer perfection than I n to yet been at t alma . Every Piano fully acn 'Trotted for 5 gaps tare mult, orrir'g.m••nls for trio Note sale Agotley fur the moss! srloisrited • PARLOR ORGANS AND- MET ODEON:S; which wo ofior , alai Rigid!, at , Loa Factory Pril,f WILLIAM HEADE & CO. JAMES BEL A IC, Wholehalo Depot, 279 281 South oth street, UZI= Double-oven Sunnilside [spEciAi, NoTIC'E.I TliE DOILIII.E.(YVEN E•UNNYSILDE Ikk7ki Is con-frock r,l 011 111111111111011 f111e.1231,1 r. I Lk,. I kr, kkrok, .10 1110 ykkt iliC•okk ,kink •thr foul u•rd In;lu VIII Cool; Sikkk kkk. IVt , tkre lug liiit wit BARLEY COOKINII s'nyy Ii bighly orti , rqui,l 'Ow y..te • 'VIII , . JUNIATA, .. o • Our gruat • Isbli , lsolirng Parb•rii.l.•so i5a,..1..,.11 us. Insi•ruve•l WO 11.'11111rd ibil YI:11 . )% lif•su km.. tls•• most!. or tim Stu,. lil• v d ~.A.,.....ut. Our' ..lobrateil • .. • SUI