4. M. WEAK TAW. T : dL WALLACE. I CA RDS. ADDISON BUTTON, Al CIIIT'ECT; 682 Walnut Wee!, Philadelphia, Pa. . • PLANS, DESIGNS, PERSPECTIVE VIEWS. SPEOIFICATIONS, AND WORKING DRAWINGS For Cottages, Farm Houses, Villas, Court Houses, —lllalls - ,--hureiresilluhool-Itonsesr—FlVENClU , ltOOkra.- ' 27Jar,701y W. A. ATWOOD. IpAAO W. RANOK. ATWOOD, RANCID & 00., COMMISSION MERCHANTS Wholoaale dialora In all kinds or PICKLED AND SALT FISH No. 210 North Wharves, Above Race Wort, PHILADELPHIA. 100,0 COMBINATION. Wo' I N 0 N HAYEIM77OK BROTHERS, No. & / ROllll,lOOl No. 10 Nortli/Innove; strouto MEE DENTISTRY ! DR J. B. ZINN, No. 68 Beist .1114 , 1 p. street, fuw doors east of Onnther's Machine Shop,) Carlisle, Ponn'a, Will put In teeth from $lO to , 620 per dot, an the 00e nllly require. Alf work trerrented. 10feb70 DR. GEORGE SEARIGIIT, DENTIST, • , From the Baltimorn Collego of Deutul Surgery. 01Bro at the residence or hi, mother, Molt lA:pother atreot, throe door, bolow Bedford. Itleo6S) - D R. JB. BENDER, ' HOMUIOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. 011 Ire in the room formerly oreoplml by Col. John L.. 10.130 DR. EDWARD SCHILLING, Yorincrly of Dickinson townahip, unen nn nanistant of lii - ZiTzinT - herv — ton - ro — fo — inform — thet - citizemr - rh Carl klu and vicinity, that Lo hag pormanuntly ho. ennui in nubs pinco. OFFICE IZO, 20 EAST POMFRET STREET I= L SHRYOCK, JUSTICE OF THE ['HAM. 01110., No: E. BELTZITOOVER, _ • ATTORNEY AT LAW. 01lice in Sotoll Iliottwor otro.L I,ppovite 11(.111.ils dry good,' eons. ,1u0,69 MI MIEN JOSEPH WALTON A CO., Cabinet-Makers, NO. 413 WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. 'Our estAbliell moot Is ono of the eldest in Philadel phia,*and from long experience and superior facilities we lire prepared to furnish good work at reasonable pricer.. mannfactare fine furniture, and also medium pricod furniture of superior quality. A large stock of fru - WWI - a always on Wand. (loodri - made to order Countere, Desk Work, and Office Furniture for 'Janke, Offices and stores outdo to ordbr. doe. WALTON. .1. W:LIPPINCOTT. Jos. 1,..5c01T• 10181,70-ly GARDEN SEEDS, AT HAVERSTICK BROTHERS, ..Iga. 10 awl ti_North anti South Ilanovor stroota, CAI2LISLE, PA. Llni 7015 DOM', D. WORK. 0. L. 1111111,11LN HOLL WI-UTEMAN & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, N. E. Cor. Third and Market strcots, ldecnly HAVERSTICK BROTHERS,. DRUGS, BERFUMEKY, FANCY GOODS, AND PATENT 311:DICINE3 Nu. 5 South Hanover Street OEM I= =2I=CMCI H & A I , ' I. 4 6 EIC I Ni, AT LAW, °Mee on )lain otreot, In Marion Hall, Carlisle. lOwello HAVERSTICK BROTHERS, DRUGS, BOOKS, AND VARIETY STORE = 14n1701y JAMES 11. GRAHAM, Jn., ATTORNEY AT LAW, No 14 South Hanover street, CARLISLE, PA. 011lcn tyljoining Judgo Ortkliank'n 2.b0h70 JOHN CORNMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Miro In bothling attached to tho Franklin ponito tho Court lAolvio. • ..1.• 103069 JOSEPH RITNER, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SURVEYOR, Mechanienburg„ Pa. Otltcu on Railroad idreet, two doom north of theitank. - Business promptly attended to. e j R. MILLER,. ATTORNEY AT LAW. (Miro, No. 18 . Small Ilituovor Fitiout, nrpoille Coy Wet lOoro. Mon C. MERMAN, IUL • ATTORNEV AT LAW, Carlislo, Pa. No. 0 Itheonix Itch NATIONAL ITOTEL. CARLISLE I'% , '.rho undersigned having tnkon and entirely ro fitted and_furnishod this hotel, in prepared to furnish good accommodations to all who desire to - mak° It their home. A Nkomo of tho patronage of tho sur rounding country travellins public solicited Rooms largo col coMfortable. Table ehlays sup plied with Um heel, IiMM P. SIIA.3II3ARGEI3, • Rh-110E OF TILE PEACE, .' Plainfield, Westponnalloro' townYlliP• Cumberland County, Penten, All business, entrusted to Itim will receive prompt tontion. 2Dout7U ECM SHIRK & COMMIRSION MERCHANTS ;, And wholes:do dealers in Country Protlfico. Con signinontu respectfully solicited, Dust ruference • No.-1635!DTarlcot street 10070 SPANGLER WILSON, . CARPENTERS AND STAIR BUILDERS, Cloroor North nod Pitt Ntrootn, BMW TAT4TPIIES; 1V ~V • - CLOCKS, -1' ' AND Jll WE LIM cHARLEt3 M. ROGERS, -70. G 6, South Ifamover St.; Carlisle, Pa., Hoops constantly on band a full assortmont of WATC11118; ' jßwiluty, PEG/ACLU; &a., nt tbo lowest cash prices. --Particular attention - paid to Mu) repairing of Watches, Cloak!! and Jewelry. I 7 U. 9REI T f,lllBlo..coneantly on bend. ) Gincgifi J. M. WIIAELEY. .WEA,KLEY' SADLER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. . Oboe, 22 South /fauovor atroot uoxt thu Good Will Mood Hume. • • 1. .• ).OooOD AXTILLIAM ICKNITEDY, v v _ ATTORNEY AT VAIY„ , Orden in Yoluntepr building, Culla°. ' vv .3. BELVARER, ATTORNEY AT , LAW: • , • 0111 co northout corner of the Court lido 10.000 WEB. B. 1111101iti, • ArToniuir ANi.qiimszr,on. AT LAW, . Wow, Chostiitit, • • , . . . , . . . . . ~ . . r . . . . . . . • • • • . . . ' . .., , . . • , : , . . . . . . . . . . . . • ' ' • . • . ... • , • .. . C .. - . . _ r • • - . . ' 1 :-., .. , .; • h .. . . ~. • , _. . .. . ARLISL .. ~ ~ . . •. ..•. ~.; .. ... .. _. .....,,. . __,...,.. , 1 ~ . . IP ~-• . . CARLISLE MACIIIIiE WORKS I - P. aA RD N - B -P 6. - O a. CU3IIIERLAND VALLEY REAPER ANp.IIIOIV-ER ly r are now building, and will Whig out for the I I harvest of 1170, the New Patent Cumberland Volley I Combined REAPER AND MOWER„" with SELF built in the best glyle, nod warranted to work satis factorily. The stout of n home made Reaper has long been felt, and vra expect ,to be able to offer to the farmers of Comberlana and adjoining counties a machine which shall be a complete and perfect bar reefer, ennui to the land brought from a distance Farmers are requested to mill and examine It. P We aro building, thin eennen, only a limited num bor of Ilay Rakes. Thu Novelty ban the Self Acting arrangement, or can be worked by hand,:on the old principle. It will be malo nt the beet materials, IS handnotne style, and watr..nted gtev.stlnfaction. Soot fn your - ordoni party. " - - r TIME GUM 43PRING BRAIN DRILL Wu continuo building tho original Willoughby Patent Gum Spring Grain Drill, so well known, and popular among farmers, No good farmer can afford to do without the Willoughby, fbr it largely in creases, odd improves his' crops, and soon pays for itself. Wo nialto it 1111 a Grain and Unite Seeder alone, or with Patent Guano Attachment for sowing phosphates or guano. Wo also build the Willoughby with tho shovels iu straight rank or 7ig zag, as farmerS may prefor4 We urn manufaeturing a variety of agricultural Implements, such as horse pew Ors and threshers, cider mills, Star corn BllOne,ra, linen sizes, Cannon corn shellersAlureka fodder cutter, and keep always on hand the 'l , ratlonal Fodder Cutter: three sizes, with rations other harming implements. We also mak o Femmes patent Tire bender, and Porter's ',Went 'Cuero, which every blacksmith should have. Also caseirou corn crusher,, wash kettles, four sizes, cel lar grates, five different patterns, plow eitbpngs and ether castings kept ulna), on Inind. The CARLISLE COWL STOVE, our own casting, ono of thu boot and chiiiirobt aloveo in the mark it. STEAM ENGINE AND MILLWORK. As heretofore, We give partien`ar ottent'on to building ST Ii AM ENGINES, and furnishing rIIA PI IND, GEARING, PULLIES, 'Led every part of the machinery connected with Paper mills, Flooring Saw mulls, Tanntdiec, pettetns for o team engines urn ftortr two up to tweotyfivo horse seer, c onbintng eliffpflettrUl construrtion with nfr modern hit provenututd, and fitrnished at ascnnuno dufinp priers {Pa also build portable engines o to (whew loot, r for run printing in.. .meta, die We have an ex tour!. variety of otter. for mill work, to %Illicit Inc are constantly making additions, and con till contracts for engi et and nulls at short notlde.. ram - Twc mtaliohitly vogiu4, /lOW .1 hrupl for Halo ISM Attached to our establishment Is an Extensive PLAN.NIi :Mild, and SASII and 130011. VACTORY, with all the machinery for muoufarturing door and window frames, sail, blotters and blinds, brackets, mouldings, cornice, and portico drapery, stair rail and balusters, flooring, aiding and every other article in the linu of battling materials, from the lOyeat price to Unit clone quality. llpildorn and contritclors Illly rrly on all orders, [ragout - small, being promptly filled. An ea tenth° supply or N.llOllOll pine, Walnut and oak lumber kept constantly IW oar lumber yard randy for use. Small sizes of lath and low priced doors tier ays on hand, and other articles made to order . All orders — or inquiries hp tnnil, or otherwise, if connection with arty branch of our !warless will b prentptly attended to 14A1,70 Planibing,_ l Gas Pitting, 4:c .TAMES CAMPBELL. " W. F. 11E1;11'00D. PLI.3II3ING ; , I MS N O AND STEAM Al No. 18 North Hanover Street, STILL AT BUSINESS The undor,lgned are now fully prepnrad to attend to this busineto in all Ls difforont branches. They also keeprLonstantly on hand and for sale, rIIIVADELIMIA = WATER CLOS ma's, ' BATH TUBS, WATER CLOSETS, BATH TUBS, IVAIER CLOSETS, BATH TUBS, WASH BASINS, HYDRANTS, V Lift and Force Cbderna, Lift and Force 'Cistern., t. and Deep Well Pump, Lead, Terra Cut to and Deep Well Pumps, Lead, Terra Cotta and Ina, Pipo, Chimney Tops and Fines.. GAS PIPE AV FIXTURES Olobea, and all kinds of linwa Work for steam and water .conetantly on hand, or furnished to order. Dwelfings, Churches, Factories and other buildinga, in town or country, fitted up with neatness and dis patch. All work warranted. Thankful for public patronage, we hope by strict attention to business M merit a couthiumee of the samo. Terms reasonable, It requiring but one trial to secure your custom. Give us u call. Don't forgst the Mare, No 18, North Hanover street, In the baso. moot of Sipo's now building. All orders loft at the resilience of either Mersre. () a CAMPBELL an lIENWOOD at any time, either day or night, nil! Mt promptly attended to. Jaime Campbell, Alexander'. Row, PM tarok, or NTllliam 11.1(0011, Puuth street, !Moro Went. Having apeetal advantages wo" are preparod. to furnish - COPPER WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, for Still Romeu and other purpO,,s, at Lobo or at a Wall.. IMIM COPPER PIPE forniskod to order, ulthur drown or [wooed. Steam Dyeing Establishment. EMI PENNSYLVANIA STD AM DYEING AND CLEANEiIND ESTABLISHMENT oviucE 410 MARKET ST., HARRISBURG, PA. Great Reduction in Pricr. N.•W. WOuD3, Proprietor. Hawing greatly reduced the prices on ail kinds of work: at our istatilishment, wo Call offer gmater In+ ducernents to parties having work to do in our lino than any other et.tablisinneut Li Poinsylvanin. We aro now prepared for ` - Fall and Winter f)yeing, In all colors and on all fabrics, viz. Dress (loads of all Ladles', Gent's nod Chlldron's Oarments, denoted •nnd dyed In the best; manner, andnrar• r:mto•1 to glee salisflietion. Crape fillawls doomed, bleached, and 'dyed In boautlfol colors. •• • CI entlerneu's Garments' oleanbod and Beourod, and niado to look equal to now. PIIILADELPITIA gnu - minx, FA All worlc done ,tt tide entabllnhotent warranted to OK perfect calletactlon. All we ankle to giro us a In All work kont to us on thu lita of thox.klvlll be ready by Elaturd.sy: 4111,00-3 11 FURNI.'i ÜBE: FURNITURE . A ri B. EWING, • • CA111:111 IiIAILER AND TINDKITT/IK.Bli, bleat Main Street, OPPOSITE LEE'S WAREHOUSE, Premium for. Boat Furniture awarded at j ail County . False since MN. • ' Furniture of all varieties and styles of Fordo end 'Domestic manufacture, from the Ilziost. rosewood and mahogany to tholoweat . .prieed maple nod PARLOR, , . , W. P. SADLER 105069 . Embracing every article wiod by lionsaand,liotol, Revere of tho most approved and faeldonable design and finish: „ Including..also Clattogo Paroituro in netts; Reception and Camp - Chairs, filatroasos,llllt Frames, Pictures, ito, do. Particular attentiod givon 11.11 , 1151il trrittrieraler ordure from tostitand country attondod to promptly, ' andloa moderato terms. , .. ... . . . . .itec*WilacsiiON paid , ( 0 lkado(ton, of Wait Pa. . • ' A. . - 2/watb Isq 11. 11 . - . ..,.. , . . ... MACHINE WORKS. =I = =EI F. GARDNER & CO CARLISLE, PENN'A MM=I MI JAS. A.MONTOOMMIY & CO. CHAMITER: . - DININOI2OO.II, KITCHEN ~INH OFFICE PtIRIVIT UR E. LEGAL NO riczq. C L A MATlON,—Whereatho Hon. James 11. Graham, President Judge of the several Courts of Common Pleas of the counties pf Cumberland, Perry, and Juniata, and Justice of the several Courts of, Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery in said counties, and the lion. Thomas P, Dinh', and the Hon. Ilugh Stuart, Judges of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliv ery for the trial of all amnia and other offenders, in tine said county of Cumberland, by their precept tome logaiM7lo4St4lTarwanul- Delivery to too inolden at Carlisle, on the 14th of November, 1870, being the second Monday, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon. Notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables of the said conqty of Cum berhual, that they are by the said precepts con, mandiiirto be then and there In their proper persons, with their rolls, records, and inquisitions, examina. thins, and all other ,remembninces; to do 11.000 things which to Meir °MO, appertain to be done, nod all those that are bound by recognininces to pro.iccute against the prisoners that are or then Rh sn be In the orsold county, ore to ho there to prosecute them as shall he just. JOSEPH C. THOMPSON, 4.!. 5t , Sheriff's 0111eo, Carlisle, 1 Sheriff. f Sept 15, MO. Aupprows NOTIQE In the matter of the account of Joseph Ritner, esq.,and Levi Kauffman, as signees of-T. J.:Kcrr. Tho Auditor appointed by,thit Court of Common Piece of Cumberland county, to Ilistribinte the 'bal ance In the hands of Joseph 'littler, esq., and Levi Kauffman, assignees of T.. 1. Kerr, to and among his creditma,tvill meet all parties in interest at his office, In the borough of Carlisle, On 10.11orsday, fth day of October oral, at 10 o'clock a. m., atwhich time they aro notified-to attend and present claims. JOHN COItNMAN, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. • 15 ep7o.3t In the matter of the account of John Jacobs, assignee of Adam Senseman. In the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland County. The tualerokned Auditor appolaleil by Court lo report clh-tribution of tho balance In tho halal, of .I.lha .Incobr, midi : woof Adam Benvornnn, will meet the parties Interested, for tho Tarp..., of his appoipt nt his oilier., No. 31 Soullr , lllnorer street, in Car Ponloylvnnin, on Tuesday, October lA, FIN, Al,I o'clock a as F. E. BELT7.II 'OVER, bt A UDITOR'S' NOTICE. - In the matter 01 the estate of Mary T - Convey, deceased. The Auditor' app•sinted by the Orphans' Cont! I Cumberland county, to tsars nn thatth , +rac patios to tl account of Jacob t oat, er, adininistrittor of mtial al ceased, and to motto distribution of the talon, i lair hands, to and 111110113 130 r fail tileet at • pal ties intended, at his office, in Carlisle on Frielte! Itriffiterlo nth day if Ckle , bre, I bat, at ten ai dock . rit at %Odell lino- they are notch, a. to „netts :an rentpr their elaline. • cro. s. 1711 ' 1 ssatpllblit • A DMINISTIIATOR'S NOTICE. . Letten , of Administration on the estata, of fir Rebecca Itoseerman, late of the borough of Carlisl deceased, have been limited lay the Register of Coo letrland county to the mibeeriber, risdding in tail -borough. All persons' indebted to the et late 3 r3llll3Siell to wake itnittetliato paymetit, and Dm: baying claims to present than, duly anther, for bettlentent. LEMUEL Tont), 1:7.1,70 at Adininistratt.t. NOTICE, Notice is hereby given, that tipplisation will It made to the next Legislature, for the Incorporatio of u Dank-of Deno-alt. stud Disrolllll, to be located t eifEljetle.tetiitiberlarid county Pll ti, be Called lb " Fanners' flank, ' Mill, n capital i:f Rift) Th•usan Dollars, with the prit Pt-ye of in, reaslng to One lint Bred Thousand Dollars. 21iJune70.6m ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Aaministretion on the retain of Jolt Early, late of the leirough of Carlisle, decease. having been granted to the undersigned, all perion Indebted toe said estate are notified to make in. mediate paymiiiit, and those Lavin: claims againa it to prostnt them, duly authenticated, to isIMON W. EARLY, - Administrator, or to Ids Attorney, C. P. HU%IIICII, 26 West Malt street, Carlisle. leep7o-60 SimMs' IYhite Pllllllo7tie Beitsam 00IJOHB, BORE THROAT, ETC No medicine or treatment, eau eNcel the powerful curative power of DR. $I 31 31 S• WHITE PULMONIC BALSAM It cur. with II rapidity unequalled by any other remedy offered for Throat and Lung ijiN.So+. It recommended by over 2 000 pees" n. in Wilmington. and hundreds in Philadelphia, Baltimore, and/mien' cities and communities through•mt the epuntry. Mr. Pennington, of Vi ilmingten, Illinois. writer that there Is not (witliM few exceptions) a family in that city who will be without it if posstble to procure it Such in Be popularity %n:reser it Is known—and this popularity arises from the Irct that it universal]) cures ail who use it. There is narase of Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Asthma, Brom:M.ls, Croup, Blood-Spitting, Hoarseness, mid r ven Pain:unary Consumption, where the system is not broken do,. with the warr of the disease, or pretended tnedicire. or inexpsrienced advice, that tub not cure if cayefully used. according to directions. We sumrantee it ail w e represent it to lie, and invite a trial from the afflicted eyerywhere. Price, SO Omits mod.= AV, and $I for large :ire led t'es Pr. pared only icy J. 11. SIMMS, M. D., PRACTICAL ORGANIC CHEMIST, No. 707 Market street, I=l Philadelphia depot, Johnson, Holloway & Cowden, 002 .rch Street. • Baltimore depot, S. S. Hance, 108 Haiti more Street. For SIN by Medicine Den4•le ` gold rally 800p70 by cheap JOll9l,'S AdVeriiSC»iellt. PRUSSIA All A I N,S Flt A VSJi Tlio first listtio sou by CHEAP JOHN lii selling goods at prices, to suit.tlio ME Dunner and Blitzen lois konant es, that Cheap John can sail his Crothing.liduts and : 4 1mA,', hate, Shirts, Collars, dx.,lllty per cent cheaper than boy other human ',dug? Antiwor—ilecnusn Ito goi4,ter Big Fires In 1'1111.: If you collie to Comp John, at tiosay Wetzero, ho con Bull pm] FINE CALF BOOTS, =Si A. Wholo Suit of 1 14 ;i1 : 61 . Ottling, ' And Fhoes thrown In thin bargain, Bee Cheap John, being poor, is the friend • - of the poor Ips pines of buslnte!l le In th. building J ATTACUBDS) THE .FRANKLIN #9481 (Busily IVetzonfj 'ln rear of tho CoUrt House. ' MIE State Agricultural "Spcictu:' PENNSYLVANIA STATE AORT CULTURAL SOCIETY:--The exhibition ottbis Soddy for 1870 will be lipid at Ecranten, on Tuesday, September 27, Iredursday, Seldenther, 28, Thursday, September, 29, Friday, September 20. Tbo "preemie are opecieue, the .buildings and accenunedatlona amploowil 1110 prenif u,lll 11k liberal. There is no eliarge ror entries except Herein entered Per !Teed. Entry Dodo open Tilektdy," Septenz bee 0. For cata logue or iutbrunitleb address at &w anton, J '• • OHN 0. MORttIB, Proeldent. P. SEgza,, Roe. Secretary. ELDIUDOV BICCOMEir, Cor. Secretary. 089140-it • . CARLISLE, PENN A, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1570.' TRAVELERS' GUIDE. -- - - tiMBERLAND VALLEY It CIIANW OF HOURS. SUMMER ARRANdEMENT. On and after Thursday, Jima 10, 1870, rassengur rniill4 win run dully, as follown,(Suudays krepted): WEST WA It D ! ACCOM3IODATION TRAIN leaves Harriaborg 8:00 A. Methaniesbarg 8:35, Carlislelr: ll t Newrillu Shippensburg 10:20, Chataberskurg 10:14, Green" castle 11:10, arriving at Hagerstown 11:40, A. at. 114 AIL TRAIN leaves Ilarrisbarg 1:30, r. et, Me chasiiesburg 2:00, Carlisle 2:411, Newell's 3:15, Ship fiellSilllrg 3.45. Claainheniburg, 4:50, °recur:4,4ls 4.511 t arriving abilagqrslown 0:25, e at. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisbarg 4:15. r M, Mechanicsburg 4:47, Carlisle 5:17, Newell's 5:50, Ship pensharg 0117, arriving at (hambersburg 6:45, r a. V" MIXED TRAIN mares Charabersburg 8:00, A 11 Greencastle 0:15, arriving at Hagerstown 10.00, A m EASTIVXRD ! ACC'H 3IMODATION TRAP• leaves Clinialivraburg 5:00 A 10, Sliiiiiiiinsburg Newrillr H a rm. 6:33, Mechanicsburg 7:02. arrii ing at Harrisburg A M. MAIL TRAIN Lav'ss lingo slOwn 0:00 A M, Orsero castle k:35 , Cliarubsrsburg 0:10, Shlppensharg 0:40, Newvillo Carliilo 10:50, hlrchanicsburg 11:24 arriving at Harrisburg 11:55 t EXPRESS TRAIN leaves. Hagerstown I2:00 at, Gael:castle 12:24, Chrturlauaborg 1:05, 8 hippeoslarg Newvillo 2:10, Carlisle 2:50, 51eshanicsburg 3:10, arriving nt Harrisburg 3:50, p 31 • A MIXED TRAIN leaves Hagar:gown 3:55 pa, Oreencantle 1:12, arriving at Charnbrurburg 5:55, p a. XtZ -- - Making c iooo connections at Hart isbarg with trains to anti from Philadelphia, Now York, Washing. ton, Baltimore, Pittsburg, anti all points West O. N. LULL. Supt. Saperint Oilier, Chan:l4'g. April 30, 1870 pENNSY LVANIA RAILROAD SUMMER . TIME TABLE. Eight Trains (Daily) to and from Phila. • delphia and Pittsburg, and Two Trains Daily to and from Brio (Sundays oxreptcd). - AF TER SUNDAY„ JUNE 11,70, r.,,,ourr Tmin, :,r u:: , Railroad rola. any will .R 1..,. t frnbl Ilarrishorg and array° tit Prdladrlploa Pnishorg Its fon,AVIi 10-I'hiladelphia 1;x19.44, 14.0,1 /1,11 4,199 g daily (1,410..)19444141,)) at 2 10 a. sit , tutulinirk us at %Vnt 11919414.1141.9 at :10 a. 91. 5 29--FIA 1.i144. 14. a• 4.4 1194 41,1444 g (44m9 91 )14945Q )01 5 2 a. w , an 41 ar Irrq t t Wr..t . 1•1,14,, 4 1 4 .1. ptila a' 9 35 5. tn. 3ittti ',i t , wa t t ..., Alt .t.o.t . .t l ly (oxrept : 1 11tlay) at :1 015 to. at.. tool all iVeS tit 11M - 1 1.0101. g .1 0 lb p.. 11. 1045._ OM tr.ltal. Expo isltorg tlai'y at 10 15 p. to., tl Ht. a; \ett 1 1 11iltololpItio at 3 10 a. 11, h Expro., iolittr4 daily at S It an I arrive. at vot at 12 20 le. t:. u. 45—Elt1Ii i 1 .0 1 .1. II trrisliarg daily (11, via 61.1Mi.1.) t at 12. 13 p. tn.. mid art iv, at at p In. "' Ilarrt , harg Aioaotstatmlatiort leoves Alttoota doily (Sundae em , tett.dt 710 a. nt , And arrives at liar. rt:Marg atl2 10 p. tli. 35I—Harrisburg, antn. I lint It..tvoi , II orris burg at 3 55p. In., on.l are i. o at 111 aile.tplita at St 10 p m. S 0 —l,loa:der Train, vi t Noma .1..., Ilaf Iv (osropt :0014) - 01 7 oa u nn., and arrivvs at II e.. 1. 1•1111:01011.1/ia n t II 55 a, tn. 4 15-4"rie Fal4 I.itir neat, b 4 F'rn•, ',lves Ifar urg daily (ext.ort 4 4 at 0442 It I 1 p. m , m'r" nt Erie nt 7 25 a. In 2 , —EIZIE MAIL ‘, t• 1, 5a - Erie, leaves Ilartis long dully al 3 _on in., I.rri, lac nt Erin at 7 40p 12 15—Cincinnati Esprees Ira). Ilarlinbarg dail ( 1,1, 1. 1 Sand iy) at 12 15 n. m ~ktrixt, ILI A lataa 4 50 a and atrirtt at Pitt-burn at 111 OU a. in. 2 40—Pillolairg Etprors I.Ares Ilai riot inn; daily (vveript Si:ilay) at 11 30 a. 111:. ttrri v.a at Altoiina at 900 a. ni takes breakfaid, and arrive, at rittaburg at 2 40 p. m. 4 10—Pacific I.:Kplinrl 1001, Harrisburg daily at 2 02 a it.. arrive: at Alts..n.t at b 01 it. m , takes arril es. at Pittsliiirs. at 10 20 a loot Liu, leaves Ilona:davmp, dolly (except . ni. at 4 10 p. m , arrivex at Altoona at S 12 p. At , Inked supporsind arrives at Pitt/dim.); at 12 12 a w. flail Train 11,01erl )lorileburg dolly (except Sol, day) at I 00 I.ary,i) c 9. At rlAtiiiina at 11 30 p. t a ke, supper and 'arives etritt.r.arg al II 00 p in. IVriy PaLieen2er leale; 11.0 visialrg dad) (ex rept Allind.ry) at 7 13 a. in., rrin, at Ali, ism at 2 . 20 p. iind :LI Pitt. hone at. 10 20 1..111. 8A 5111E1. A. 111 1 01 i, Supt.3lul,l le Di.. Paella. 11. 11. ' Harrisburg April 30.1870. p EADING RAIL, ;WAR tit • • I=IM Monday, September .1, 1870 IIEAI'TnuNK LINI Fl Oil THE rs%rth and North-{tent fer l'hil/elelikhia, New York, It e mling, tisvllle, l'auin tnn, Anhlawl, Allent•,uo, Reqien. F:rilenta I.:kovat.r, Co. lumbia, Trains Pave IfarYkatrit, fin Now York, 011 : At fd:'A. 8:10, P:5O 0 to, and proma...dog with similar troths en Pennsylrania Railroad, and arriviug at New York. at 12:10 noon, 3:50 and 11;0011 m, rrupec.iyely. :droving Cars accompany the 5:35 a m trains sithout onangn. Itotorningi Leave New Yr, k at 0:00 a in, 12.00 noon, and 5:10, "in, Philadelphia, at b:l5 a and 1530 p m. Sletplng Cars lie simpany the 5:00 pto train front New York, WIIIIOIII ChM go. Leallo Ilairisburg for Ilea Itog. Pottsville, Tan, Minersville, A4dand, bliainokin, Allentown and l'hilatlciptint, at SAO, In, 2: n 11011 1:11) p r op piii4 tat nod principil may Motions; the ru train connectluktfurlolplifit, t' lt•ville 111/d Colorhia, only. ,For Poll/trifle, S, Intylhtll iluctot awl Auburn ri t Schuylkill and It ilroall, leave narri.liiirg Ili 3.lpp ni. Iltiontylvaitht Rai114.4 trains leave Heading forilllentown, Easton, and N. to York, nt 7r23, 111.4:71 a tn, and -1;15 p on. !Morning, leave New York at :Olt n 111, 1:01) 110011 Itlld p in, it II Allealown nt 420 a to, 12.25116011, ti: . 2llit•rl p Way l'aii , onger 'l•raln , le:ire+ l'hilatli2lpitla nL 7:30 ta, connecting o ith similar train on East Pounsyl auto Railroad, ramping Irvin Reading at p topping at ail btatinne. Leave rot torah, at 5:10 and iltho a in, and 2:50 p it,t 10:00 it th, 'Shama in. at 5:10 and 11:05 a in Ashland, at 7:0.5 a 0 , and 12:3“ noon, Malthney C l '.lo ll 7:51 a to, and 1.07 p pO, Tatnaquarat 8:33 i 1 ni, and 2:20 p in, for .Pldhalelpliia and New Pork. Leave P. ttsville ria Seln,rlklll told Smiudiainini Railroad, at 8:15 a in, for Hai rielthrg, and 12:05 noon for Pine Grove and Tremont. 13=ECtIMI=11 :111 a ta, passes 11..atling at 7:30 sit oil, arriving at al - IC:20 a to. Returning, leaved cily:l at t:I3 p uu, passing 8:00 put,nr. I' ng at Pottsville at 0:10 ,' • Po•tslown A.ctinunoilation T"rn leaves t Gr2s a m : t. en . ti!lig leas t I:00 .m. Columbia liallre.ol trains Ira, Reatliog at 7:20 n v stud U:l5 p a, re, liiltratit. Lit x, Larra.ter, MM= tl,tl at -7:10, 0:05 a In, 3:00 and 0:I p lvtarni g. leave Schwegilan l'e at 0 :la, 5:10 a al, I 'mon, and 4:40 11 DI, e I/11, eti'ng - with aid liar train,. on lie•t u llug Railroad. —COMOWo l, 4ll . A . J4alltilloLOaket.ltavo llotiltown ul 000 it nt, and 0,4 1 p nil, returning, 14,0 e 711. 14.ena ant tut 7.00 and 11:05 ut to., e., nn e.ing oilli nhallar Im on Reielit, !Nitro ,tl. 4 Chester .Valley " ltailroiol •r Ins leave Bridgeport, at 0:30a ni,aud 2.05. and 5;02 p •ni ; roturaing, Irate btarnitigiown at 6451 a In, 12:15 noon,' and 3:15 p m connecting with similar toil a on It. udiug und. On ennd,u ye,: Leave New York at 5.00 p m,'Phila delphia, at 71aNlit mond Z 515 p )11, (the 0:0011. m, train running only to Iteadatg ). lenity t utthvllle at 0:1,0 a In; leave Ilardsliing nt 5..14 a tn. lull 4:10. p in; leave Allenloott at 7.25 it vn, and 0:45 p ;, leave It, ailing at 7:15 a at, and 10:05 p a, for llarrl4lnirg at 7:43 a tit, for Now Turk 4:43i»n, hit Allow. too n, nod at 0:10 a to, and 4:25 pun. tar Philadelphia. Colitinittalitaw.Oilange, Staacm, Sehool and EN cur sioll tickets. to and front all points at reduced rates Baggage checked through; 0110 111111111,1 11111111d/1 iillowtal earl, pit4sewlet. (I. A. NICOLLS, Gen Reading, Pa., sop. 5,18711. tiutuol Life lII.9I(PfOLCC AGENTS WANTED! IN CARLINI. I=l , Principal Citle and Toirns . . .• OF PENNSYLVANIA, at $2, 50 by, 01:311 fIIERICAN at $8 00 MUTUAL:LIFE. INSURANCE C 0.,. or ri;1iad..11.1,10.. • Liberal inducements offered Vooehers slicuhLuccomon) npitlicatiou for sztruty Call or nthlreiii • • __• EIII 'W. \Y. kreiddant, 432 IVilinat street, Philadelphia E. 'alma, HOTEL. THE "BENTZ 110 USE ". ,(Formerly Confuten 110u8e,) rms. 17 AND 10 EAST MAIN sTitvxm, CARLISLE, PA, The undersigued having purchased and entirely re-fitted, and furnished anew throUghout, with first. clues furniture, this well-known, ,end old oatablished hotel, toilette the custom of the community unit traveling publio. Ito Is 1,61 V prepared to furnish Mid aura accommodations to all who:di:dire to make a hotel their 11051.130 r plehrant temporary abode. The emitem from,tito surrounding enuntty In retpoot fully solicited. Courteous nod attentive arty/luta are 'engaged at this popular hotel. . . . pliolta - E lIENTZ, Proprietor. • *- N:11. A Drat clean livery is *motet:tea with the lintel, under the management of Joseph 10, Sterner & ' : • 1.1q1'14 - A I I= E XECUTORS' SALE ON RE ',L. AS I'ATE The laud is in it good stslo of folllealon, vv 1111 (WO line orclotrib, and its 1...tri0, I- Eat Oslo and °Owl' markets renders If II desir.o.li. In oimrlr. The 14 0 .1 .1 IN Loin made outler o.dar of the Orphans' C,oin kof Combos land enmity. 'Prisms or Stil.—Ontoritirth of Ilia Omaha,. mousy to he poll no the cofirmation of the sale; lite balance of onc•18111 oil lire first if April, 1871, when lord will be loads { .sod porsetudini ghat.. mrl 1111. 1 , 11111110, 011 1110 1 . 11.11. 1/ILV of Apr il. dACOR IiAN'ID C. RICIIIVINE, ICRAEL 181.10048 , Executors or rlittoh daed. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE • . AT PRIVATE SALE. Thu sub rrillor will gel at ;Jriviktu snit. a Tract ut Lituriittu u 'And, 0:11, 'toil ill SliverSpriug low mlup, Cmalwrlaud luau: y, ou thu road leading (own Non, Kitlgutoth to 1.-clutniel.burz, wry lol!o I r m tlw rail• I,lllli, until tLr, r 111110 S 1.11 l of tle.lowile,borg, rnro tainting Two or I Itrou ncrrs in gittal ThnLrr. Tine Ittial n itt 11111.,totteott•tler good cult ly.ttiott Will I ittittt•ll, mid ltas.ltetttt recent y limed, • Tile linitrovellttlitti Cllll.lilit of ,a t. 0•TOIll' WEAT.111:11.110 , t 1:IttEI) 'IOUS I,', AVaall Moire Smoke llouse, Wood ued a good Bank Barn, With WhgonSlieil and Corn Crib at Inch, d, flog Pen, and other twee-Nary outfuflllhrgx, oil lu good repair, a gun) y, ung Orchard of eflon:a Fruit, Connixtlug of apples, perches, pears,' and it. apea nl different variellex, borer falling wo , I dr water near Iho tinnier and a good richer" a the door. Schools and chin - elms conventin. - Any peown wishing to view the prenilhr.s will call on the toilmeriber, Who will at all times tfic pleasure In $lllOlll Off the propeity 1,01170-31 n, VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR BALI That largOund entnmoduina MUCH . . DWIII.MN(I, with More Boom, Hirt/ a, tbm, Its now occupied by Walker it Cloudy, on ilia south bidoi, of WinA street, Carlielo ' a lbw Joon' west of thOlinblioSuunre. Tho main building Ia Ito cu slur'. high In front, 30 feet wide, nod 30 foot. In dopth. Tim bock buildhill Is two atories high, 20 feet wide, and fifi foot deep, with n number of co oNteptent oiltbullilluge for Want, Muse, /to. A hector lo Oroeted in front cellar, with reglators, calculated to yarn' 0 goad put of the building ; as Om bnthiitg apporatuo, together with Alan and Water FlNturea through the house. A good Cistern and Hydrant It, tho yard. The lot le . 2.10 riot loop, and on tho foot thereof Is . • 0 largo two etudes nigh, 38 foot, fronting an Church alloy, end 8t feet drop, accuPliel an a Timm. Shop, &.e. The property la non of tho most desirable In the bon:nil:li, antl - the - owlielf - NE - J. D. Gorges, baring removed, tls therefore offered at mivate Pitio ' For Info, mutton apply to 226000 at ()nil tho following described Tract of itual Estate. eltuatral partly In North Middleton and partly In Middlesex townships, 'Cionberhuid county, on the blarristiurg Turnpike, about twn wines oast of Carl:do; and lying with its southern-boundary on the Lotort pprlgg, containing.' ! 84 ACRE 5 'ND 'B7 VEROUES. There is it Boa spring- of water on this tract, 0111 it is under good fence, nail 00 - 11114 in u high siite of onitivation, • ! " . l'orsona orPthhig to porch , ooo :an MU/11110 tie laid at any thno befura thu day 'of solo 14 onillng . hpoo tho oubsorther.: , . • • • • ~ • , Tonna onado knowri on day of ado by: - - . : ....11aug7Orts* /ACOD, 1iC1T4,134.L. ... . • For Sale-LKalaa6 . le Real Estate. XTALUABLE REAL ESTATE V AT PRIVATE SALE. Tho subscriber, wishing to relinquish forming offOrsut private sale TWO VALUABLE LIMESTONE BARNS,. situated in Monroo township, betweon the York rsotd ami tiro road lending to Bulling Springs, a short 61110 from ChoreMorro, and 1l4" miles from Bolling Springs, . . N. 1 contains about 7.5 ACRES; more or-leassrotootelleurLimostono•hndruitfrillgiiliiiiU of cultivation. Tim improvemruts are a good two story Ewan [louse, litith Mash Mouse nod other out buildings. Also, no excellent now Tenant lloamo,' nod at largo Bank Burn, with wagon allude, corn cribs, and other necessary outtauliallaws. .. . . This farm - Inns tWo splendid eminga of running Nviati . r from which every field Insight cosily ho sup, 1111051. These springg rued too splendid trout ponds Thy me is also a geed orchard of Chola° Frujl, such nn Apples, Pears, Peaches, Cherries, SC. _ - • - - ' No. 2 contains about 70 ACRES of cx cTeleut Limeidone land, ln Snit rate ardor. The provenionts aro a double .two-etory 'Weather boarded Ilopso, with Kitchen, Balm Homo, An. A Frame Barn, recently repaired, with .Wagon Shed, Corn ()dim, nal a ther ont.huildinge attached. An excellent Apple Orchard, with a large quantity Of Cherrien and.other nrounAtho bolldbure. A good Well of-water - and a large chtern at the house. ^.lrdeslrable n Tina of Woodland for ouch pinto is offbrod. Persons . wieldng t, glow these properties an do Co by calling on the s Weeribcr ro,iding on tho road leading front Church own to Bolling Springs, abotit ouo tulle east of the littler pingo, or upon Willlnat IL Late, living eloso by. ginno7t/ VALUABLE REAL ESTATE • FOR SALE. I offer nt privatrisale the Hotleo and Lot where I now reside, situated about Wilma ndle front tho Court House, in Caribis, and less than five !nitrates walk from the South Nfountain station on the Cumber 'laud Valley Railroad. The Lot la bounded on the north by the York !Tad, on the 'net and south by Jetties W. Bre.er, and et%the 10081 by Ashland emery. The house is a largo " TWO-STORY DOUBLE BRICK BUILDING, lth Bark Building, and contains 10 room, with an - enbldo Raritan, Oven, Cistern!, never failing teoti o f water, and other conveniences. There is afro a flan Stahl.. fur two borseri, and two COWA, th Carriage room Thu lot contains about 2% ACRES ilghly v111111:11(11, a Ith an abutidaneo of j••ruit Trees, °eh an app'es,'peaches. pears, plun.s, , C.l. ne ba. Isabella. and Canrad grapo vines, lb good cond lion, and a rich production Ins and Water are laid pa , t Ihe properly, and Ilia -- •rhis Is It mind intro Llr plow [l,, a private root• onibining • ill the Advantages of town and nom try. If mit 611111 at I,rn iue .:ac I will offer the propyrty public sale On Saturday, Octobsaid Jededialt. , eooly t "I always thought I tthould like to take a sail on the river,.but I never thought I would have - t chance—l'll gn with you. ,, Annie cast a terrible. glance ;st lier mother, who responded witltene of nth e, helpless despair, while Cousin' letlediall, unmindful of the effect his kindoffer had produced, ran out of tlio room to "slick isp his hair," before showing himself before company. " What shall we (10?" queried. 11G - 8. Warrington helplessly. "Let bins go, I suppose,'?. replied her daughter; laughing ; "I suppose there is no help'for ithe - won't - take - a - hint." "And there is Sylvester Trout, ho will he . with you," said Mrs. Warrington, despairingly, ,"and he is so aristocratic in his ideas. You 'know he cut the Meltons,' when he discovered that they Ilea a second cousin a tailor, What will he say?" " I don't care' what - he says," said Annie, turning her head. "Heis a con ceited monkey—and now I will take Cousin J - sdediab, if it's only to spits him r' - What Mrs. Warrington was about to say, Annie never know, for gt that instant a stentorian voice at the fpot of the stab's shouted : . . " fsay, Cousin Annie, hurry up and come down !-- Hero's all the folks down here setting on thorns waiting for you. They're afraid the river will ruu dry if we don't get there soon !" . " tude,„.go,.._for_lifeavon's --sake-1 1 ' - Murmured Mrs. Warrington, plaintively ; "or that monster will bring the house down on our heads I" ._ . I& response to this pathetic aPpeitT,: Annie Mirried down stairs to her impa tient guests. -40'.' ' To record the sayings and doings of Cousin Jedediah, on the way to the banks of the Schuylkill, would 1111 a volume. TM inquired of Mr. Sylvester Trent, blandly, "mhether ho was any relation to Jake Trent who got six months for stealing a garden rake from Squire Jinks," adding "that he thought he saw a faMily resemblance." Mr. Trent indignantly kept silent, and looked out of the carriage. window, muttering under his breath something about boors and ruffians. Then he showed a desire to know the why and wherefOre of-everything, ques tioning everybody indiscriminately ; and iter i in short, behaved 'just like Person will do, to whom ev rything is now and strange, and w has not tact enough to conceal their ignorance. . And then when they were on the river in this boat, he nearly Maddened Mr. Sylvester Trent by asking so many quos- • tions trying, itseemed, to learn the art - of sailMg that vessel in one lessen. At last, having exhausted every topic of conversation, .Tedediali became-silent from sheer wpariuess, and leaning back ho contemplated with dcritical, though (di - serving eye, the beautiful scenery on the banks of the Schuylkill. "Islet bad," he said approvingly, "es pecially when it's in the middle of the city.'' And then he looked around to see if any ono agreed or disagreed with him. Mr. Trent was occupied in man aging the boat, and the fonrjadies.were chatting together ; so his remark brought forth no reply. Jedcdiah, shading his face with his qpnical hat, was fast gliding into the laud of dreams, when ho was rudely awrened by the boat giving a lurch, am nearly precipitating him into the riveri , aud at the same time, ho heard a piercing ia`ream. Grasping the side of the boat to steady himself, ho looked, up and saw Miss Annie Warrington and one of her lady friends struggling in the water. "Help! Murder!" cried Mr. Trout, vociferously. Hold your tongue, you fool I" cried ,Tedediab, savagely, "and don't run the darned boat on top of them l" To take off his ]tat and coat, and kick off his boots, was the work of a moment with Cousin Jedediah, and the next in stant he was in the river, had Annie by the arm, and then babk into the boat before she rightly' understood where she was. Miss Florence Mountjoy, the other fair bather, had the good fortune to have on crinoline that would have supported' a seventy-four, and Jeddilioli merely had to tow her to the boat and lift hell• in but as she wits under the firm impression that she was rapidly sinking, of course she immediately fainted. On cooling to slio . hugged Jedediah, and blessed him, and called him her "deliverer," to that gentleman's great confusion, for he sat looking rather foolish, 'rubbing his nose with the brim of his bat, and answered not a -word. Annio merelY,presbetl his hand gratefull, Ji was sat isfied. ITy immodim hero hi the eyes of the quo , and praises were showered on (to . Mr. Trent's' great indignation) to that extent that ho became quite miserable, and wondered internally whether such a commonplace thing (for iCwas merely a delightful bath to him) was so rare that they should Make such a fuss about it. • "But how did you come to tunible h 6 asked, to stop their tongues. Then it came out that Me. SylveSter Trent had Won derelict in his duty, and not keeping his eye of the boat, bad al lowed it to swerve in its course, - thus'pre• smiting tho side of -the Lo the wind, causing the best tOlureli suddenly, and . tho two unfortunates, being seated on the boat could not recover their balance in time,.'und thus the eatastrophe. '• Consul Jededirdi took a sudden rise in the' ektiination of Mrs:. Warrington thatevening, _when. sho .heard. about ids__ "gallant conduct," as her daughter termed it; and sho insisted on his stay., , ing a couple of. weeks, at the very least. This he would'nt listen to, giving as an excuse that itrwas "haying time, and dad wanted all the hands he could get ;" but he-promised he would return In the Winter. • . And ho did—and being introduced into society, ho soon ceased tote mon, trio in his manner, for Jedediab Was gothic to learn. 'Ho also •diScardeil'itis outlandish' Otyl6 of_dress, to Mrs War-' rington's great Teller; and 'Llireept for a little plain speaking at tinned, he would .;• hardly ;have been ILttowle - ns the same , poison by his Most intimate friends. 'And of Coarse 'married Annie? Of course he did I• • • Mr: :SylveSter • Trent' was. quittli gusted 'at, her lack of, taste, but. she says ' that Sedediah worth i Maker'S dozen of snob "'Spoons" 'as he, and.l think so too' I • Don't-you - • f TERMS A➢PA\( 1 $2.05 a year.