For Bale—Valuable Beal Est ate VALUABLE REAL ESTATE By virtue of a deed 'of ans'gnitient fa u n Zug to me, in trust for his et editors, I will' i.xfulso to public salo on the premises, In South Jllddlrton township, Cumberland county, On Thursday, September 15, 1870, at It o'clock a in , • that valuable plantation, I.llnatial on It, C,rlisli and Hanover Turnpike, fl vi. ni it. a south of Carlisle containing 156 ACRES AND 151 PERCHES of firat 7 rato land, nit•of which to cleared and and good fento. Thole aro TWO DWELLING HOUSES, and two barns on the firm; ono of the barns Is an overshot brick born, and the other an ovorghot barn of stone foundation and frame above. *There are two Orchards, now In full bearing, and c ra ft In attundanco. 31ountain Creek, a largo and never falling stream of water, passes through title farm, affording ono of the boat water-powers in the Slate, having a fall of nineteen feet -and throe inches on this land, and a most excellent site fora furnace, forge, rolling mill, or any other works requiringtn largo water-power. Thb South Mountain,ltallroad having a connection with 016 Cumberland Valley Railroad at Carlisle, plutsee wit Inn one-fourth oft milo of the farm. It Is believed that Iron ore, of the best quality,' abounds In the land, sod may Ito ob tained by exporionced minors ; for much Ilan bron obtained for many years from the adjoining tract. It In the pnrposo of .the uotigoeu to have attlivittion of the land made so an to enablo blest to separate the entire water power, and sell It by and the residue of the land as IL thrum, or no LILO orals of about tit) anal u 6 acres, Its may suit parrhatters, n 1 , 101 or haft of which tr ill he exhibited at Il e • time 01 n de. Ile o ill also sell at the ratm time and pinta. 11 BUILDING LOTS, id 10 by 180 feet, nix of Wide], LIM 1/0 . / 1111141Iell ell the turnpike and line ens the erect:, n plot of which will eke be exhibited at the tit. of :tale a.. 0 far..., I 0 point of qounly or hind, thoroil yea ,nperior to it In the Coto heflniiil Valley, :toil tie n oater•power It is mriy iuperigir for oomo . Theturtug purpose. For uuy infornintion regttrili ug the property appii, Simon a ny Imo made to Judge Catnap. - The title to the land is perfect, audit wl I be suit upon the following terms: 'roil per rept of the pop chase money to be paid, or secured to be Paid, oti thv day of Bale; the residue of one-half ou the first of April, 1871, when the fired will be mode; end the bal. once in two equal annual payments; a Jill interest, be secured by bonds and twirl gage on the property void, .11011Nr. MUNRO, Assignee of sdnund Zag. Ili ug7o is VALUABLE COAL AND.II.JIIIBEI. V 'YARD AND 'TOWN RESIDENCES AT PUBLIC SALE, Thuraday, September 15, 1870 The subgerilier will sell oil rho prom l rI, borough of Carlislo, Ihn follow log Rust Estate : No. t. A Lot or Ground, 'coated on ItioA Mu niroot, 21 fort front nod 20! foot in depth, n.MT Seen, having (boron]. erected a two and a-half-story ... BRICK HOUSE, '2l feet front and 5d fret in depth, with Kitchen, Stooko lianas, Wood Iloilo., 111111 nlI 11 rtiry out-buildings. Thero is also it hydrant door, wide whirr and gwi all through iho h which 11411nialted in modern style. Vim, Is it never fldllog well of oirollt•lil,ira the door. No. 2. * A Lot or around, adjoining No. I on ho Wolf, tontaining n n o m t aoY and n half ntory lIIIICIC HOUSE, 2:1 foot In front h• "2 fee u del] h 1,3 v ing— cnnanemeren•Trnmrs ET am Goa t trough llm 110114 V, and all al improvemonts, with all Ilel'ilibary out hulldw• 110 lal, Thottpare lira 111F1111:1111 . 0 I'•Lrir, ran Ike almve 1411111111gA, rclifrL aro paid nl. in fill. mid trmi•iferni.le. N., a. Nino Gromell, ntljnining N.. _inn =n==!l LUMBER'ANI) COAL YARD, rent fining large Anil ratinintolinta. rand .10..tta tl I Lit e,,111 anal hay scales or Illy Iluut .0 CAA. 1.31 , 111 . 01114 and. convenient :Oiling. ronneeling .it the our trio It of the Cumberland von Tito - ill aatitl. 'Ohio Ix ono of tho moot desirable Cool tt al 1.01111 Void. In Carlini°, 1001 niters rare Indite in, 0,1.111 0.0 dithiriotr. to 0141141110 the lontinere The tolllllta 'loailinitra 8110 1+,4 in front, 1111 , 1• le.:. on Main or Itot rood street, 200 feet deep, 110. or loss, ferin Main fronting no .10.0. 01 :11Z-111 lenullt, Mort , or Tess, In the rear 1.0111 ,l'aaitta ott tett ton pa int on 'Main or Itailro.ol str, et Property will be sold togittlitr yr inapt,. afa.. In pliteltaatera l'imiession of die ltuttile rat it Ittl ortl,intl one dwelling 11111(011 will Ito pi 0011 lite 111 01 November, If tlettlrell. Snie to ettllllllolll, lit itlitt o, locl 1,. 111 TOO. t—TOTI per etant 011 be pm - chore- nhattey ear that !Mk/WO 1111 the first of A pill, 1.71. .101 IN 11. CI /01 Aetaignito of S. M. Itatet Sr.t allg7U-Is VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE, The subscribor, wishing to relinquish Canting, otters at privato solo • TWO VALUABLE LINIESTONE PARNIS,- situated in !Douro° township, between the York rood and the road icitithig_lffiloilingsiprings,a_shorl. hiffriiFlAtu iirclilown, and miles from Dolling SPri A l l g ; contains about 75 ACRES, more or lets, of eicollent Limestone land, in a high state of cultivation. Tho Improvements are aio od two-. story Farm flour, with Wash Douse and other out buildings. Alti, am excellent new - Tourist house, and a largo Dank Barn, with ww,out sheds,'corn cribs and other:necessary outbuildin.s. This has two kplenrlid spiings of running water from which °Very Sold might easily he sup plied. Th.e springs feed too splendid trout ponds Thom Is also a good Orchard of Choi. Fruit; such as gpplesiPears, Peaches, Cherries, &c. No. 2 coutainkabout 7TACRES of ox collect Limestone land, Iu first rate older. Tho improvements are a double two-ttory Weather : boarded House, with Kitchen, Doke House, . A' Frame Barn, recoutly repairell, with Wilgon Shed, tern Oats, and other out-buildings altar•hod. An excellent Apple Orchard, with a large 1011111tity of Cherries and,other.Cholee fruits, ate around • buildinga A ggitiff,Woll of s titer and a largo chi at the house. If deslrablo a Tract of Woodland for each 'Cam ,offered. Persons wishing to view these properties can do by callitig on the sutscriber residing on the rs leading from Churchtown to Itoilidg Springs, ala one mile east bf the latter 1 , 111C1 . , or upon Billion Lutz, tiring cross by 2June7o VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SAL I pat, nl private ralo the Muse and Lot where I now reside, situated about Intlto mile from the Court Howse, In ,Carlible, And less' than Jive mlnutel, walk . . from the South Nlelinialn station on the-Comb, loud Volley Railroad. The Lot is lamoded on t mirth by the York r. nit, on the oast and south James 'IV. Bosley, and otrthe west by Ashland Co etery. Tlao lint,. Inn largo I'll'o,3l'ollX DOUBLE MOCK IIUILDIVI with Dirk Building, nod col:alai. 10 rooms, with ni on Wile Kitehoo , Oven, Cotern, never failing well water, arid other convehiencen. There ii 111,0 It fun Stable for two horses. nod two cows, wi iii Can Ing room 8,, ,kr. Thu lot COntllintl a bunt 2;6 ACRES highly cultivated, ,Fitt, as 111 , 1111.1.1111, of 1 , ,n 'I roes, each tat IttiVett, peat:heti, pears, pluu.s, lee Se , Cn host.•,. Isabella. 111 Id Concord "gripe rintst, good bearing rood lion, tutd a rich productive gdrden. line sad Water are laid pa-t the pts'iperty, mai the rust! is lighted at:night with gal 'thin MI et &Hirable place for apmal e resi n dece, alibiing all 1110 AlOtillp• lof lam s and cannily. r, If not mold at private tale I w viler the property ut public male ' • On - Sulurday, Octobee 8, 1870, eel ten o'clock a. In., at the Court 111 , 11111, In Carlisle • For tem., and finals, haul apply onkel personally or by I. tlrr to Isep7o-1.0 e tH Itltbl 1 WECKLEIt. A.. VALUABLE SLATE VA16.1 Al'ti PRIVATE 8.114: The'unaerallesul tenth al private sale, that valua lie Tract of Slate Lamb situated I north of Carnal°, on the right cite of the rieni deadline to Carlisle e. ulphur Strlineet, Cumberland Coulay, von.. tuiumg _ _ 16 A C.R ES, = The trieq. Is divided Into Two seetities, stel gill I .111 teparitte lir In one body es may suit the Ise chaser. The Improvements opt the 311115 lon Tint =I MEE with F•runu hitter Ilontu, Ingot ri.llll/ hunt IVattun Sued, two tit tor IVelln of•lluu N,tiler, awl n swung nititlit relutril. tint last! he in t high [lt Ae of coltitation, tit .tt 14.4 (I.IICI Tte miinnor IX let: /Of oir1 , 11• filet F.trin,-yx ittnls nlnng tho Sulphur Sitting I Mud, 1.11 1011, It I briOti• • N . KW TWO-: . 31 . 01t1' mnrlC lIM.SE v;atl, F 1 MOP StMM.,' Ilauxr , donu•lu•d t It 11:11111110111 k•ramu Hal n; alto' a* (trop 'it Fl.ll IN or all 1. la , : I, •huudw co. tt, , II of goal ualer mat ntblot tlm do t. • 'l'ul nll vrtroy lu ault l'omoug w nLlug In viow Ito prop, ly n 111 1,111 of the uudori.lt4l.4, ruvtJl uguu 111$11110 t Ili: .1.0.,r1111,1 111 . 011 .1. 11. 81001 t, /11.41111111 . 1. 14011, of 11011/10, No. 4, C.. 1 .11.1111 11101g70111.1. PETEIt Bruck. ALUABLE REAL ESTATE' AT PUBLIC. .4 .% I. 1• iu‘ soK:aber oat, .no . On Tuesday, S'eptembei• 27, 1870, Trwt of Lou,! !dill:Ilea 111 Silver Sp, lown,hiv one-lburtli of it 11111 e cart p, /VOA itropike brolleg Iron mhrr•hnrg 3 ACRES, more or leen, the 111,111110.1ng of all eXt,IIOLIt in lit y. Verily Ihnestnno nod flans; liAltig morel' vlud cikt e l- Vatlon, rotivnillontly laid ut Orkin, a lane ronninti tin °ugh the tract . niaking 11 enureulnid and onmy of mons. Thu 111111theeple 11 are ai ' • TWO•STORY VIIAAIII DIVBW;INO, ' four room nu the Brat their, and five eOOll,ll 011 the NUMMI Boor Wiodi MUM', 8111 the MOWN Bank "Barn, IWitiont Shod, Ilog Pen, &C. Al.lO. it grad Orchard I fOh lice Fruit. Alan, a well of good water at. the door . Alma, at:Warn at the bonne, and one ut thin ham. Moo, a TWO-STORY LINO on the promises mind for,u Tonna Hence. Salo is Collllllelleo at one o'clock , en Add day,. when attendance will he given and known by • JOHN 1111.1831:01A.N. P parson wlahltil- to- view-the proinlBos' Luforu thu day of, will 12.111 on tho anlateriber, who will at nil llntes take plowmen to 11110 W tile propel ty, • .* ALUA.BLE 'ITtACT OP CiIOIOI . Mita:l3l'oNß LAND AT PUBLIC. SALE. • I will 101 l At oirtl46 promisoh, ' Ola 7'huracreky. Octane!! 6, 1870, t ono o'clock P.m., the fsllowing'describod Tract of teal Heals; altuated partly In North Middleton antl .artly In fdlddloatnr,tovettaltlpa, ettintferiand county; o the Harrisburg Turnpliwuchnut two nines east of art Isle, and lying with Ito ithithern boundary on he Lotort Ppring, containing . . 84 ACRES AND 07 PERCHES. • here ii/ q flue spring of water. on this bid', and It good fstkce; and tin land In u high etalo of 'Urallon. ' • • . • Persons wishing to purclouoi riiu exaullno . tho land t any Who boforo tho day of solo by callifik upon 110 subscriber. Terme mado know.u.on day of nal° by llaug7G-te" . JACOB RUTZ, Sn Bouicps' FePtillgier, I, A r w ll . l ß , E R C VI:l e ll o TI: 1 1 p Z E L I FOR ALL CROPS. 'undo ?rum Super Phosphate : of Limo, Ammo ..,nta, and Potash. _ , Warranted free front adulteration, a equaltu quality to any sold during. the last four years. Tlda manure contdns all the elements of plant food inn Soluble form. Also, food forgiving lasting fug tillty to the Au undeniable fact Exprilence In the use of -Bower's Complete Ma ultra" by the best (armors of Pennsylvania, Now Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and the Caton Staten running through a purled of four yearn' trial, has resulted In proving It to bn, Tile BEST FERTIL IZER OFFERED FOR SALE. DENBY BOWED, Mantlfaelarlng Chemist. Gray'. Furry Road, Philadelphia DIXON, SIIARPLESS St CO, 411 South Delaware IIVOTIUD, WILLIAM DEVSOLD, 105 South street, Baltimore, Awl fur sale by all loading &atm lOutar7o.6m To the Yonng Men MANHOOD: 110 W LOST, 110 W Itb:STOILED Just published, a new edition of Dr.i.Cuiverivoll's Celebrated E!say On [ito radical cure (without meth 'ciao) of Sporniatorrhora, or Seniinul Weakness, Inv volontnry Seminal Loosen, Impotency, Mental and Physical Ineapaelty, Impediments to Marriage, etc.; also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, indored.hy Selt.lndulgence or Sexual Extravagance. Wig Price, in a sealed envelope, =1 The celebrated "author, in Miss lido - arable essay clearly ilcinonstrstes from a thirty yearn: successful practice, that the alarming cousegaences of sullsiblise nay ladiellily cured, without the dencerous use of internal medicine. to. the application of the knife_; pointing out n 100(111 of cure at 000010011110. certain and ofroctual, by 10..14 of tvidch 01,011 , sidferer, no matter what It n coodUlon nifty be; nifty cure himself cheaply, pi re , sly, and radically. narThiiilectnie nhpuld be in the hands of every youth end tree' man in the land. Sent nutler seal, inn plain envelope, to au) , address, vostpai I on urndpr t f el.e routs, Or two post stamps, Al li, Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage Outdo," payee 25 cents Addreis the publkifera, • • .1. C, K I.INE k CO:, N Yolk, .t Oitleu 11 ,x, 4,586 '.lline7o ( ity Advertisements. Q. MOUNT PLEASANT INSTITUTE cin,scc for hop, A nrlternt, Mast, tablishod I II C. Nosh, A. 31., Principal. ..lactl7o,lt FEMAL E COLLEGE, Bordentown, N. a. Board and Tuition ..?108 por Imo. Po Catalogue,. 0r...1011N 11. BHA It MAY, A Prholiod. loopTO 41 • PRICE REDUCED. • TI E'IIEST 1S THE COUNTRY. NEW YORK OBSE'RVER PS PRIt ANNUM. Ono Month Pree on Trial SIDNEY E. MORSE, & CO., 1 1 -0-fi A GENTS WANTF,D FOR ' P L PE ANP IH)vEr, I' II .\c E ol' 1. ON 011 N I, F , IV 0..1. lilt wail. Ole :•:l Liman J0111.11:11Irt A IleantillilOctinvii. i11..tra10.41. Contain, and trod i 'lat. Inept iooeretil and Setiaationv of. tiir ;rrrat v; high and Inv frion the flue In linelvio Otani Palace Inn Ih Fenrirt NVoolli, of - Pimlico: from Pia l'agabanil 11 Ponvely Itol,l , Inn 0.101000.1 in New gale: - The nin.t la.:allay and tinlaabla lent InThiar krt. :111i -001; In. vivo, ‘ent free. /oldie+ BELE NII 4 111,11 , 8, Karl ford, Nun. MEI MISSOURTt.eaNTY BONDS We offer rel. the fellewing IL t o!, choice 'rifles: . • 'County. '1'11... Interest. .l 'rete. CatB . 'lO Veal', 10 per et., 90 & Inert 11onry, 10 '. 10. " 00 " Johnson, 10 " 10 .' 90 " Solt r, 10 " , 10 .• 05 . •. Plcssant nml School Dist. ;. Cass Co. 11 L Ile__'_ Crilln LL LL3 \ faro. Vernon h no, 10 " • 0 " Gold, 721-11 " 110 " li '. Cy,, ttll Sopotrato pottopitleir for rotelt ttounty, containing MI financial statomont tool full information, hunt ou application. Information elorrrfully and promptly 111 nfxlird hy letter or wire. Itonolgolollverrd - rrer on inn orottl3' rsitrttse route. Any Wools sold by IS rift compons 111101 , 10 at kohl IN mintitlot of Now York •ity, to dl Ito root Meted nod remit trtl for, fr,•e tot all •largos. A adorns il fl 3 q to SAM'I. A. O AA' LORD CO., I Sto , k And Bond Broken', St. Lind., Mu fiEnLTH CRUSUED COFFEE 1= =i PI opareil I. kinds o tlis flavors f which mhigl• hurnOutionidy together. Put up lu =I (II LLIES k BROTLIER, 333,235.4 331 %V hinglon stiert, Now York „1704 t SA.XON OTIEEN s laigh tor, will nut fndu, nexts lots than an) othor, nuse It nill paint. twit.. 1111101 flUrfarti. SOLD IIY ALL DEALER , IN PAINTS.. r. H. W 1 r.Ks co.) MANUFACTURERS, '2, North Fourth street, Philadelphia ise l ati-ii • N E w srApErt A Moult or 12.1 clowl,) printed pogo , , lately biased, cont.tina a blot of the lowd A nivilcan Advertising Mechutuu, viola; the odium' circulations, And full partieuints von .ho leading Daily and Weekly Po Meal and Family Newspapers, together with ail those having large circulations, public hod le the ill terod of Religion, Agriculture, Litarattoo, An. , etc. Every advertlaer, and iwery person who OM Erin platen heconling suds, will b ui lt Ode honk of gout value. 51ai1vd for to ally address on ree.aint of fifteen rents. OEO P. ROWELL t CO, Publifinna, No. 40. Park Row, Nun York 'hr Ih Irl m F •t Pa 1 Looerr, In its hsn.• n:!'oy 29 s •;111. , lino of U. I'. 'towel/ n co., %Illicit MM=EIM hitt; ...I. and 1.44 . :, Ity.thang the Pu lled SE:ll..s, and a van ../111.111ria'y 1 . 111,1111111101111 It In 1110 111 elitlon Of OH.. lti utlvvrt L,n tholr bud- Inoltd xrluu Ullrul yll nytiluntatiemlly In Mucha Stay: 111111 It. xu n. .11 . 1:11 I 111 . 5..55 11111..11111 til i,uhl li:ily (Or Um le,xl timmlituro or MI.0,1"." • ID/SYCIIOIIIANCY, FASCINATION, Potool Cloarntoog 400 polgt-o1; Thlto '4.14 lid most lons fool InolrucLot IC to 000. o bb, no. rook]. 1.. fo dimly o Ohio. Hex, to 'Loy noiinul, at. Mosnooroon Spirau Jinn., and hoot ['olio of nth, aurinuv o stiolotiontibb, .it ran 100 olitaiool by fend ing nololoo,o, 1011 It oil o 111., poootooo, to T. tt . 11VANS it CO., No 41 . tio.ll:l,,lsth St, 1 Norio—lt ' A V6 - 11:1 QUACKS".--N victim of early 1,,,0.rt,•1"ii vonttlnic 1,1111 Jr L, o tAw ritay, , I :tying Iru nln vain every noliorlitootl rooottly, Aim+. non; If ..trxitro uli eu lot will tittnefrett to Iti- tallow :oat morn. Addromi 1(1 711 nt, Nt.w Yo, 1.. NEW 3IEI)IOAL P,AMPIILET. st•ud yttit2.l, 1110 .ots•oull Del/1111v, 113 E 413111111 rut,. • P.lett •25 eut,ta. Aolthu - it - SEUItt.. 'VARY, Itlnneato I.l' Anatomy, 0,8 In•tiatlway, New Ytoi k. 1867. • 81'11.11 , 70. • I; A R II A INR "NOW OPIININO IN DOMES'T'IC" GOODS, • DRESS OE6DS, CASSMESES, •SANNETS, JEANS WHITE,GOODS, DRESS. TRINIMINOS. ' ZYPIIIIRS, - ' " RIBBONS, RING'S^NEW STORE, We. , 66 WEST MAW EITRYIET. Oppox noxi to ilot it Offices Oarlisle GARDEN SEEDS, , ArIiE I II , IIISTICIt 111t9T111 RS, 1. .110. 10 Old I North tout Booth ItTauovor struts,. oAnr.torm, • Pel- 1 In 701 Y 11=1 In 91, xi Flat. 82. A, Int' t !1: F :. MEM ECONOMI =MEE ADVERTISING MM=l= NInallno; Witoutiugx, 'NW., LI Terwoln, Napkinx, ttultlN SUMMEIL PANTS STUFFb' ovary lipienwlitliallty I• groat vorlely, and volllnz al very low prlcen / 1.014, Oc.lnlercro, dc, do irgreitt vuriety, and shwa nulllug at thy :owe:. MEE .1.11 widths of Strived Carpet. far Imlle aui ❑rnrtlful pati , ,erto And atylua , ot:Cromlay's Boatlth 'Apeetr7 Brueeolo Onunte.. Ifumo•nndo Pug Car lolattloge of all or Milos, lot ;hits aed Cltotilted NOTIONI3, d 0 Fancy chi:Cited 2intfitug. Supor fittollty Coca: Mat: it gent stock In tho valley N 0.2 NAST MAIN BIitEET, ommisi4; 19maq70 • • D 1 I qoops,. eVe.: • SPECL rr:uLs., ' ,II')U . OT . IO. 'IN PRICES ICATItAORMANT --G-REENFIELD'S t NO. 4 EAST MAIN SUM \.____ BRAND DISPLAY Of all the Lateel NovoMee tie DREIiS GOODS Illegant ascortui,ht of , BLACK BILKS at 0 uatly Reduced Jpipaitosu Philip had Strip.l Silks, Japsiikes Figured 1.01,11 AN lE3=l I= A srluutlll athiortiAinit ui I mr 14 lug Pupil otttn, Tory 0111.11 p, I= 2000 yardg tip top atlico at 10 ooiato, All tbo Lea. thitkev of print.nt 1 . 456 0.04 reatiwa pri.ed Best 44 apylutou, amain 1 'ant Wide ut 8.4t0r or Mum 44 at 14 canto =EI A Ali . td . lonehod 'l ' 4lo 6111,Ioachila DUO •nrd wide, nt- 'j,;;.cejr.H, itorko of COTTONAIME. =3:l I= I= Awl all at grually raducad pylvehi A (Loa Moak at 123,', coot,. BLACK ALPACAS A SPECIAL BARGAIN lu inw .t..., WO ilvfy vompuLtiun for nulg •lulle. F 4, 1. biwuty In I. Asa uland. they attio•t hi alp/14,d b) any la l't w 25, ft 00 =ICI CLOTHS AND CAIOIVEILES Just oliothed for 11 . 1b1 AND Bon!, vtry.Ctieup =I GQODS, MIIIIREI= -E1,11.71,0,—N-nirtsuok -31m017.13 Beautiful mum 'fifty for cent lew-ei: 011 , 1,11 to year' • Vrlcea MEM ()LOVES, NOTIOIS,-Seo., The ottontioo of boytve to thu 111.111 stook arnostly volioltod. 1 vvlfl'offor ,bona ado Bargains hat cannot La found la largo 11011NOP, that urn over ockod ultb old goo& bought at war prlcos L. T. GIiEIINFIBLD al= SUMMER OPENING ULM CENTRAL DRY GOODS STQRR, f oiory varlelj, orory etylq, taiduroty dwerfpll. I= ENED S 1I INS, I= I= liblok Growl,Mutt, two yard. wide 3luhulr Pop ♦lpuccw, Daulnua, licutch Wag mm, Luw no, Frvuok Porcu Chlutzh., all at gr.!. bargain. frii dOODS for thasoea, of orory waggly, style, nod quality rvoillen, fur (I.e.+, ul 2i, 311, 25, 40, aud 50 COLIN MEE A I.lllitiful. umurtak.t of Lra 311. ea, and Chlldron'm YAILASOLEI and,BUN U,IIIIRIOLLAS. SLIAWLBI SUAWLAI of oil the ■ow otylog for tho mum" Lac]; POIXTSI A selunilld sasortmont at low prla. a. = oiling ut greatly relliteail CI.OIIIS AND OAEISIMHIiIIIi, NOTIONS! NOTIONS! OAIL 1 1 T 81. OA It PH TBl .oat quitllty Lowell threo.ply sirs upper txe•ply carpets, to q groat ' itirloty of band.oluo put 7 Ot ion lleantlfulLpatteros of Importod eurpetd, ruupiug t price, !rout AO could to $1 par yard. We dory competition iu ell kiwis of goods we poll Ploano call and make your ooloollouv from Ow LEIDICH. & MILLER 'Mid of th 6 Corpot arxr ADV,EIP'PEME-Ar2iis .ESPABLIBIIED 1891.. ; TIIIGHEST PREMIUM SILVER A •MBDAL, awarded - ovir all \ coMplitltlon, at Illichnnlce Exhibition Boston, October 109. TIIE DRIQINAL AND .AUNDINII WROUGHT' IRON, AIR TIGHT, GAS-CONSTIMING Ii 1 ATE $• , wtai patented Duct Screen, first e Bar lleitta,;Wreugle t Iron Radiator, and A utomat lc Regulator, k r burning trtliracite or Isituinluorx Coat or Wood. 10 Biz°a for brickwork, and 2 ni2llB Portable. llanufactur,d only by J. REYNOLDS--&, £I,ON, N. W. cor. 18th 4• Filbort Street.", Thew. treater,. lire made ter h -avy wrorglttlroo, well riveted to, ether, and are warranted ha bo Ago lately inn, and Ilart Tlgh , . They are the only lleators that are managed without any ampere, and In which ell klnth, of fool can h. hnrnol wlthoat tygration, • Cooking Ranges, for /1111d111, Reairinr/111111, 111111 lunild. MITI Mat Top Heating Range, Fire Place Reefers, Low Down Grates, Slate Mantels, Registers, 'Ventilators ` - PimpMphe QidoSYull courlption, wart free; to Oxy with 000. 23J0n070.1y Boots, Shoes 'and 'Franks STROHIyI SPONSLER, No. 13, South llienoter street, Carlisle Tlotukful for tho potroniga Extondod tbook toforo, do MOW 411116 - U;;;Ii lLolr ,i6cktilarge stook MIRO STYLES OF nooTB .ANI) 8110F4 FOR Ladies and MiSSCH, ME= •hich_ure , turlsullatLfur_enadurLand-hcatity—Alu!.,l TR , LINKS AND VALISES, = WaN'S Ain) HATS All zr - ; - , % mai) prplii. nd all, ILIA got a null equivalent' l'oeyetir nionoy BIM CHEAP Muth. nrn not alwitys On.. %%leon you go to boy uo artJelo, fool otiostbilly In 111.. mattor of 1300T8 ANT) SHOES. go to It denier on upor.o win yo• cuu rely, for vrry low urn good judger. of lonator. AT • etth limn of tho year )uauy will ire wonting 1)gli boots and shoes for summer wear. All such ran LI accommodated at ADAM DYSERI 6 B, - where yvlll bbloand a supidjai the tort like Root., and altoos rondo to ardor with the utalbut dl Tatcll7 PrifeironiiDiritr.4ig — No. 34 ,East 'Louther street,:Carlisle, Pa 148p70 * Auctiolicelos Notice q UCTION 1 A Mr. F. A. HARRIS, formarly an auctinnver of ill city of Ilarrisburg, has beau licensed a United Stales Anctiourer, in and for Cumberland county, and would take this method of informing Ms friends that lie to prepared to Cry Sates upon the.most Reasonable Terms. In grout. turlot IRtring had considerable experience ns no Aim tionoer, hp all himself capon giving °Miro antis faction to all pullet; who may engage liim. Rumen] her, my terms will ho pnple ns low as possible. All orders left at tha }ran Clio Boone, or at the Register's Office, will be promptly a/tooded to ; or address Reo p7O-1m PURE LIQUORS, WINES &c 1870 I EW LIQUOR RI'ORII JOHN HANNON, N. E. Cor. Hanover and Pomfret tltroote ( A few door. Routh of Route. stro.) Pure Rye {fluky, BouPeouunou Pura Holland Gin. °lngot Drawly, Port Wiuu, Blurry Wino, Jamaica. Rum. Puipborry Syrup. Cl.mmpagno. MISIILER' BITTERS ;..INIIOYF'S and GLANS'S . BITTERS. Weddlog l Card Depot, THE GREAT WEDDING CARD DEPOT, WEDDING AND VISITING CARDS Paper and Envqopes, a very large as aortment. %IN IVA LB AND lIONOUNAItfI STAMPED Pi COLORS FRE* OF CHARGE A Monogram- engraved''fo order and stamped in eolois, free of Marge, to those latying $5.00 worth Paper and Envelopes. COUNWM, 11011P11 EITA'fIONEILY, COPYING BOOKS, LOO ' 1,000 ' PRINTINfi pf every descriptiop.atjho lowest prices Nordlopes printod . $ 1 00 por 1,000. Noto Headings , , 1 00 por mat 11111 Heads ' 10 00 " Env°lopos from $l.OO por 1,000 up. Large lots of envelopes will . he sold st vory low kprices ; as we manufsclure by steam power, nu can ompute with Ihulargest manufacture.. R. HOSKINS tt CO., • . Stationers, Engravers, Blank ,Book and &n•clopo Maaufacturorn, and Stoma Power Prlutorm, • ..` OM Arch tttr" et Phil d I 1 I.littly7o-3111" ..,r 0 p Ilduertiscozentrr. Slimeler and Wilson anti Elliptic • LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES The Bost,. Simplest and Cheapest, machinetiare adtipted to dO '• all kin& of family mewing, working, equally wq I upon Silk Idneu aud, Cotton goods , with silk, Cottou'And Linos threada;maklng A,beoutlful And !mama, etiteh Alike on both Alden of the aktiela sowed, All machines Fold are warranted. • - • Coll And examine at Rail Itokd Tolegraph• Cer)lale, Pa. - %May 24,18074 f. Baltinlore Advertisement MBI • AND WINTER IMPORTATION. 1170. • ' Eibbone; Millinery,' and Straw' Goods. ARMSTRONG, OATOR & ImportOro awl Jobbore of Bonnet, Trlnun tut and Velvet Ribbons, Bounot Silks; Satins and Volvalo, Blonds, Midis, Crapes, Runner, Stowers, Peathero, Ornatnento, Stan/ Connote and Ladles' Late, trimmed and untrlmrnad, Shakor Hoods, dm . . ' 237 and 239 Baltimore Street, DALTIMOIts, MD.,•, • offer the largest stock' to . ho found In tlits . countiy and nnetpalled In Auden, variety, and cheapness, comprising the latest .Vorlolan novelties. Onion solloltod, and 'prompt:attention ' ' .244'1%70,1ms sELF-I . l,,puievy9 ' PHILADELPHIA, PA genfs and Boys, Youths and Childs, NE F. A. HARRIS, Carlisle . , Pa =I eQPTINO /P:i IiSSES et WING MACIIINES I= GROOM:UM C4NDI; dc. F RESH °GROCERIES 1 FRESH GROCERIES .Always'!o bo boil t 4 ', : • • .. ''.d.:11.1'.A:V.*:;.4 T:0 R E - ,192 0 ; 88 "ftABT, ..1,'041111T 'Errlitlgt And . . , .... w hy are theylways Creels?. Boonton) we 'ell a groat amount of them, and sell thrust low. There. fpro, turn our Block often, and tanmequontly our Goode must be fresh. , . J Yon trill Ind you wish In the way of 0.12b0ER1E9,, • ' - • ' GDEBNBWaRE,'f. GLASSWARE, • • WILLOW and' • • ,• CEDAR WARE, STONE and CROCRERY ' WARS, , _Cpoico Llama Tongues, • Moults an Crackers of ovary lissoriptiOn. - • Pickled, Spiced nod • • , Fresh Oysters • • and no end SardEliTTots,e4mbor'nicstcyln3.o. Nv7'loNS`, It In ileacne to men taxi them, come and 800 for your solves; and parents lilt don't suit you to coma, eon d your children, no they will ho dealt with the some • taro re If you were hers yourself. I=l COU - N R 17- taken In exeltnnge foy goods, or cash CIEO. B. HOFFMAN'S EONS No. SS Vl' PO 111 , 1(ET BT.ItEET 10.oi 70 NOTICE.-111wIng trtneferred my entire Interest 11 , the grocery business to my Sons, those Indebted t ware requested to settle with them, during my ab seine in Europe G.E(111. HOFFMAN, T .244soiconatErt, J DonlPr In CHOICE FAMILY GROCEMES FINE t QUALITY OP TEAS, PURE SPICES QUE ISHLWA It n 1 - =1 =1 FAMILY FLOUR =I AIA, KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCH BOUGHT AND BOLD PITT AND P.MPRET STRIOSTS MEE IILEDICAL DRS. IY: PAIIIPTEY Lt SONS' ceLubralell pruparation CLEANSING THE BLOOD Th. lung anti favorably known proparation - of 1) D. FaDrawA Dop_los_ eleilloDuL *0.1,100,111NA n thls dayo roconnomintlon ut our hands, Ito virtu baying boon Juotuldlohed by thu thousands of en where It bus Om role lu the Most Di f ficult Forms of CAronie Diaeasas during the loot sixty years. So highly heleed la I esteeined, that the demand is constantly increasing, net only at lime, lint no are daily receiving npptien Lions for it from the most remote sections of the emintry—North. Feist, South,' and West. To meet this denitmil, as well as to prevent the public from being inuaismi,igien, we hero determined to put Ode PREPARATLON in such a form that it may be within reach of ovary body everywhore. • , Other preparations, far Inferior to the genuine having been put out by certain parties, have been mlotakon by mune for our own, nod as a matter on eOlllllO the old Preparation of D. Fahrney ,t Son lion been nettle to suffer home In reputation; therefore t. prepinf thls mistake, as well it, to moot the In creasing domand mentioned above, we have eon. chided to send the medicine nut In LIQUID NORM Wo wlllAjto at the same time put out the origins' In packagglorm for the benefit of Pomo of unsold custothers and others w homey yet prefer the mathh dno as that prepared. Not rerommen ding it to turn all diseases tho human body is heir to, but non fam fly medicine, and Fir all diseases originating from hupgru Glued and ditiorderk liver, It has no equal; and will Guru tho following : Scrofula, mg... Pull discuses, erysipelas, boils, sore eyes, scald head, pimples ou the fest., totter affec tions, old and sttibbtirn ulc,ors, riteutnatle affect:him, dyspepsia, costiveness. sick headache, Jauh'di,oo, salt rkumat, general mercurial dimities, foul stomach, together with all other' disorders arising front impitro blood, and disordered liver, Ac„ !tr., Sreparsti Ate. D. nitres,' At Son, Boonsboro . , daPylaud, anti Pr. p, Fahrney, Neetlysville, Md. Gold by all druggists end merchants genernlly. jYono geuttilto Unless signed p..pidirney k Son. Sold by W. F. hers, 41nm:1.4, Carlisle; S. druggist. Nowsliie ; James A. Clank, boos CFnail Reads; John C. Attlek, druggist, Shlppensburs. Slmhtlin DA HAVEN ,V BROTBER. =I 5 - 20 , s AND 1131.'5, BOUGHT, SOLD AND IiNCHANOND MOST LIBERAL TERM 6. GOLD Bought and Sold ot Starkot odes. I= PACUIC RAILROAD BONDS pou g ht aul Sold took bought ii sold on liTinlsslnii nlif,' C IC4 0 0, DANVILLE AND YINCENNER Fier MORTGAGII 4 P. C. GOLD BONDS For Sale at 00 and accrued interest Accounts recsl;od; aud' Intorset allowed On dully balancca. .Nubjeet to.phockat DE HAVEN BROTIMIt, No. 40 South Third greet, •• PHILADELPHIA nsoYOly =ll Leather alai Fancy Geode SPECIAL NOTICE. CLA.Itk BIDDLF., - ik oepe!ftilly-11trtit their (donde that ➢[lt. yza144.11 1.1013111N5,. into of the tl•gyof Valley de, Co.;) has this day ma. 'toted hinuair with thorn, uodor i4lll name of ROBBINS, OL &BR BIDDLD, - and will continuo the WATCH AND JEWELRY BUSINESS J , it, the 914 'stand,' ,„ • 1 , , 1,124 CHESTNUT, STREET, • i'DILADELPD/A. • •• • .. ThOg are UM Onbrj4,:at reduced pricer?, it choice stock of • " 'AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, , • STERLING SILVERWARE, " • .r . TADLE CUTLERY,. ' • • MANTEL CLOCKS, ENGLISH, PREN`OI2 AND VIENNA. LENTIL:SW AND 'FANCY (mots. 28a1)70 • • DRY GOODS AND. CARPETS NEW ,000D8 3, Orr osz , kEazAziztut itousil Ma Juat returned from tho city with an entire nem stock of Dtioallhat, Balogioa, Boot, all of ehloh Rill bo sold on short profits, having boon purchased for cash. We Imre everything kept in 411 FIRST CLASS DRY COODS STORE {Po lineo the nilvinutag,o of . 14. resident buyer in th city, *ll6lslo to watch the un;rkoto, Rod. fora la PR 0 ITU -2 us with bargains n't all times Wo wiaL ovorybody to call and ozamlno,our stook bpfora Ii rplinsing ohiowlioito, au yoll will be collyiupo that pro hero 011ILIOLK P. THE CHEAP STORE, mut ••ou can nave mougyinjuaylugfrata na 1 oop7t) DRY GOODS! DRY GOODS AT:rItACTIV‘E /CPI:C[4LT' 118, POPUT.4II PRY GOODS STORE Porslisted doting'. the poorest d•presulon le tilt, ntrltot, and to Ito sold ut son enpeudlepty low prices. I= comprising ell the ni reifies 111,(Ite 14.11.0 MOURNING tic SRCOND MOVIINING GOODS IIbACK Sr LH 'lll. llun.ulM, Y LACK AI. V A CCA (ipopNity 'lllllOB Iq great •srltlly end Most ntylea, French Wuline, liiehop and Victoria Ltorne, 110SIERT and GLOVES in great +malty. guipure T,riceit—loest nheariost ;took In 431,12 Reid Valenciennes, Thread Lace', linniburg gmbrolderles and Wee Collars. == Pillow Coa Li 1501311, Whit. Ifullu d fn. Blinds, Doyllo Ton ,le NOSY CASSIMSEES OD MEN'S WLtR, newest styles, less than regular rates. SPECIAL NOTICE! LLAMA LACB POINTS THOS. A. HAHHHIt i 16june70 Cor. Hanover and PomfFpt ete CHEAP DRY GOODS 1 sp4 4notlier Kitchictiqn in prices Large Lots of Goods from Austfon Borg OGILBVS =9 DRESS GOODS Cloths, aial Cotton Shiite for 3lou and lioyie Wear, at lon Woo. I.)i4Lp pop!. nl fiwtoq : . . SPECIAL BARGAINS In Black ,Silks, White Piques, Fanoy Bilks, Hoop Skirts, and many kinds of other goods. - - Endlens variety of Fancy Boods---nll ebony. Never boat I Beyer missed n onto of Black Alpnems r Poplin., nod noother reduction In them. Con be compared with nay in tho comity for prim. or jiaco'rPi!lo/ ever Ileerlielto. AJI 2.3juLe7o , ~,.,' \ , DECLINE IN OLD ! OORUFSPONDINO DECLINE IN GOODS! . ati exeltooloqj in Q Pry go uda marlat, hl A very marked doollno 111 p fcao 4t , ' Bilks, DoWass, Eferinoes, Alpacens, Popllm Borges Item and a large variety, conpriaing nearly every thing, I u this lino of goods IMMI , - Flpoupa, yipkipse. °(ngham, Blanirete.Co4onadas, Itenfuelcy,jeenne, CLOT/P3l4ol4°olBeEit)MjliAV end Cotton Tnble Dinpere, Nem .. . Swise, NaWeek, Callahan; .JaConets, French /tun Jjne, - Tarlotone; Cambria and _Eyries - Engine and In sorting's. ' . . gosigny,,,GLovus, Trlatinlogn, la groat earioly, gibbous, of the beet Quality, MU; audgungloynor. ' at a groat many otylar, and all tory choap. .v, Ladies' Under olothing, very lande . strioly mr4a and trloOned. Also CARPETS, OIL (MOTES, ItUggoto,ltuge, WindOW • Blidoio, (loins, Counter ponoo, 9.12 d manyvoly not, mootloxted for wont of Wo olatm to hay° the largoot nod' tiot• Oka of Dry Goode In the lotorior._A.ho State ; and Will sell atlanch plena WI will eat lilyall tinat Wm la the place to gat good bargains.. • • • •• • 141140. DRIITZ a V. NEW GOODS! A. AVY.EII, IRYINE'N CORNER MVALL AND WINTHR DRY GOODS, EIENEEEM lIARPEIt'S DI3ESS GOODS, ➢LAGL SATIN TAMISPS In oAta. gi nllty.• W 1.117'11 0 0 0118 I= I= larletoss, &e., &et lesortings, LINEN GOODS, hillou mi.w 4.1.1 D. 114. Llaux! nuodugd, nkblo Lluonn and Napkin. Xpronde, tea., he Opening of LLAMA LACE BOORS, BEDOUIN MANTLES, SHETLAND SHAWLS Day YOU NINA' NNW = Cassimereq, Linens, LARO fST AWIRTMERT BlitzOconto, Summer ShawlN, C. OGILBY'S, dT WEST MAIN STNNET. ;DRESS qOODS, STAPLE GOI)DS. WHITE QOODS eQODB HARDWARE, SAFES, tec.!- M ILLER & 130WER6' HARDWARE SORE, 26 NORTH HANOVER STREET, OAluaaLn, PA. WE would respectfully call the atten tion of the public to, our recently replenish• ad STOCK OF HARDWARE making it now one of the largest In Cumberland ;Valley and conelating in part of HAMMERED AND ROLLED IRON DURDON'S RORER MORS, NORWAY RODS BELACHESMITOEN, WAGON MAKERS',CQAOII MA RIM' AND CARPENTER-TOOLS, BUILDING IkIATERIA,L Saddle,y, Paint 4, Cablout Makm., lltulartakers, and poach Makor MATE RIAL thAins, Fhorolo, Forks, Bak., ho Ropatra fur MoCOR.3IIOK'B REAPER canstantli, on.bood. We ore—constantly to receipt of good Clod (roan tbo numufactontte and are ablu to lb 11 lab country merchants at /111100101 a amj Ne York prieos. farGOODS delivered to xll_pert• of the loom I' of charge. GIBBS' S .F; WIN G At A Cli .1 AV .1% We have encored the ggenev or the NVlltrix CIA.' Yowler Machine, •• little funnily arrange. navel no one seen. , willing to do without alter boring, felon one In operation. Thu Wilcox & Gibbs' in a Single Thread Mechine and elaims superiority over all Double Thread Machines in the following particulars. It le simpler and less liable to get eat of repair. It is cheaper P. rune with lues•nelee. It roan easier. It mane faster It ben the beet device far preventing the wheel from running backward. It requires less median'. MI still to operate it. Itqoiroi less_ time and Instruction to learn to use it. it in the most _certain and reliable in its operations. Its needle Tx straight and less liable to be !mottos than a cut red one The needle in oreliteil In Ito place by an ingeninuely patented device which render, It self adjusting en that neither chill nor experience are required in arranging It. It Inca directly from the spool than doing - away with thu tedious operation of rewinding the thread for adjustment I. the ehuttle. It makes the Wilcox & Gibbs' of "twisted loop stitch," a stitch original with this machine onkmade by no other, the seam Is more elastic_ and stronger than thu Leek Web. The . oli•iairile - the meet even and beautiful, the Main le always self tautened thee avoiding a reversible feed. Its ten• sloe is more simple and more easily adjuated, it is more speedily daanged from ono kind of work to another, It done evautiful embroidery , it has the beet hemmer, it has the host filler, it hos_the_hest. '. - braider.', It Tikei air Felt LW,' Tkie Wilcox & aihbs hae been in the market for a little more eight years, during which time upwards, of Sixty thousand have been made and Hold, a number bY fifty per cent !Heger than were sold of any Double Thread Ma chine in the come number of its earliest yeare• such cocoons insufficient to warrant thdlnale of this Machine wherever It hae an Agency without the doubling evidence of testimonials, of which there are enough to fill up-the column, In-the land. Them- Machines are on exhibition at our store, No. 28, North Hanover street, Carlisle, where they may be examined. and they will take great pitmen. In ex plaining anything relating to It. Respectfully de., MILLER & DOWltitB, • 2itienty No. 28, North Hanover fit., Carlisle. Pa. ."00) HARDWARE EXILY SAXTO,pI. H. SAXTON .k .CO No. IS, BAST MAIN STREET, Donlora in Itardwarp, Ikon, CF}t}ory~ So Carlisle, MI., •rol y an:lonia.° to the poblie, that thoy Intend ling eTtn - ything le their 4 lino, eilker whol.cle all, at prices mpell lower than can be bought th of plillodelphla Our slock.k:ousisin In pal of DUILDIXO I..ITER4L OF 41. L DF.4OItIIVFIONO PllllltS, 01la, Pyttk, Vertilahr4, Cowont, Plactrr, Sand, Powder, - Safety toed 11:o a full and well soleetud an torment of , I low, Eurko, Itakve, Spades, Crow Sledges, Picks, uo,n,l,ivs' and Pocket Cntlery =I P A 11 31 B It LIA, 1 . 1045,1un, pAgn, Rupee, no(' my Pla rot ors of oil ~ tivderipl lone OUXS, PISTOLS, POWUCIi, 81101,, CAPS nod saf t fp!!gl9ou Rt iqql!lt!g. T 133111041 for pttst tt!Tott, s f tet litltilon to busloaes we love to reoeive n contiounilon of the =M! ALL PERSONS knowing thomsolves indebted to Hoary Saxton, aro roquestad to +rink° Imthsdinto cottloment, and thou boning slam to„prosent thorn for cattalo,. as I wish to dm up toy books to January 1, lan HUI; SAXTOX. ' • • 1142'S 44TD pips. C4.LLIO, EA • NO, 29 WEBT - MAIN CARLIBI,P, vp4N4,, TLo lIATTER of CerAslel I=l The lntcat atylus Just iorelred I Tho Intoit otyleo salwayo , pit hand 11 BILK lIATEI from the beat NhuMfacturce a l f I ponFoNAELN ir4Ts . just outllll OALLfQ wiebrl to . (g!oitortpoit to Ms lor; MIMI HATS 4.Y.P P4P47: Ito meTufaetures lists to order, and has MG has arrongoinente for coloring Gatti; Wool°. Good. nd Overcoats, at short notico T 4• histioat ()Apr. PRFOEp pasd for 00 1 , TNVPV Ppri.4? cays .nix A ptr.L.-64 NO 20 MATN•I3TItUDP. lOupC9 FR"Et ARRIVAL .0/. all the .lroto S i p,rielp . Styles of , ' #1,41173 . 4ND 04PB. The Subscriber has not cloned, at Ne, 15 North Hanover R., a fPW dililfeNprt °fate Carlisle Deposit , Dank, one of the largest an iipek siosk pf HATS OAFS ever offered Oarliele. Hats, Chunitnerei of all styles 'Pod pualltlei„ Stiff Dams different colors, Ands rl does Piido of Soft ttateinow mad e.Th Dunitareysood old isblened brash, kept constantly on hand And made to order. all warranted t0nt , ...) satisfkatip,n A full asbortmeet of STRAW HATS, Man's an d . ehildren's I have also added to my stskk,Nothins of differont lands, oonebettng of Ladles and Cent ' s,Stocking.' preckffles,renclis,Oloves, Thread,Seer In g Bilks, Su penders,llsabrellas, Ae., • Prime Begets and Tobacco,' always on hand. • • ~, , GiTOMO CAI and 011101110 dna, as I fool 4 ,6. tilentot plemOgo 1608140 eavinAign money., • , • JOHN A. , A,NLLER, Ant • • aimm„ I Re. 16 Nottb Uonover tit. , pußx.rsama ci.RAND OPENING OF SPRING N.„A AND MINI= GOODS I FOD. I 4):I:,.TOUT/I, AND 40Y6' WEAR; at 4 . ta and will,kpowa atom ISAAC LIVINGSTON NO. 22 NOATII lIANOV.IIN. 11111.11 - NT, Now °toning the latest novelties In large varieties of the best makes known to tho tmde. filno ktenfilt i . tittlett, Bagllsh, and Domeatto OLOTII, SATINSTB, TWEEDS, COTTONADES, made uPta a superior style, or sold by the yard, a the lowast prim. If meld by the 3 ard, no,abarg. for cutting. A .plondld lino of GENTLE3fIIN'S PURNISIIIN6 GOODS TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPETBAGS, UMBRELLAS, BUTTONS, DINDINeS, A general lot of 'Pallor's Goods WIZ {The beet style Clothing to town I } Tho best made Clothing In town I The beet assortment In town I bur'atock of rlooo (boil; for Customer Trade, Eupetlot to nurto town The lowest price. to {awn tbr the came quality of gootle. Call la. No trouble to .how our aaeortrueut. No. 22 North llanotor street, Carli smeo-ly Carriage Budding and Livery CARRIAGE BUILDING IN ALL ITS .BRAIfEA AND RBPAIRMO =l=l • • CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES, `CARRIAGES, I , CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES,., - CARRIAGES , cARRIAGEs, .i. CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES, OkItItIAO,REI,CARRIAGES, liunGißs, BUGGIES, BUGGIES BUGGIES, BUGGIES, BUGGIES BuOGIRS, BUGGIES, , BUGGIES, BUGGIES, BUGGIES, BUGGIES, BUGGIES, BUGGIES, BUGGIES, BUGGIES,' , BUOltit 8, BUGGIES, BUGGIES, BUGGIES, • JIMMIES, SPRING WAGONS,SPRING WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS, ' ---- SPRING - W - AGoNST -- SPRING - w - AGoNs ----- SPRING WASON.S, SPRING lUGONII, SPRING WAGONS,. SPRING WAGONS, SPICING WAGONS? SPRING WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS, A Izay_ . n_on_tm_nd,.Pr.nlede.l4,y_opl4r. CAR thiliiis.l FUR GOOD HOMES &wild-hand Wagons, of all ki.ds,taket Iv A. SENSEAIAN 1870 Still at work, end inritoe all hie old auetomere end , the pyblle In generel, to glee him a call. KiP Remember the old establiated aloft, on PITT STREET, north of the Railroad Depot, CARLISLE, Pa. "0. 13=E! A FIRST CLASS LIVERY I connection with th•aboro eplabilithmont 12ma7Own LIFER', SALE, AND ifC Na STABLE. J. L. STERNER Sc BROTHER, In rear of Dante House. HORSES AND CARRIAGES TO HIER trf REASOYI➢L9 yzatuP, ezp, x 7 augureal Nome P4mq 49 FP vr-FR A I PIPP FR}! FPNI4I4If Ire- N. D. Stnble room fur + , 511 bond •f hotoop op koop 1710b70 CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. pFEIIt & CO PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 10 WORTH , IV ATBIL BTRIiIIT PIIILADELPIIIAy PA Nolleit conelgnmonte of all klude of Produce. Aloe, Butter, Eggs, Poultry, &c. , Philadelphia lyerences.—N. C. blueslowene.g, iryllopt pf ojcp t Royalty, p4j a. Itiudo.*Alleu C Ilford,; ktedeTa.' /1.47 Nedin gg D J —please send for Weekly riles Current free of ehargo.• • ' Itroar7o6m $lO,OOO GUAIIANTEB , DUCH TA AL Excels all other LEAD! Yirst. For It. Unrivaled Whitener. Second. Fur ite Uutqueled Durability, Tp i l l : for Its tlrprisol CoTorO e g rop t ly Esom!!!!Yli Aiif-IT costs less to paint with Beek Load. than 'any other White Lena Oxtant. The same , weliklit covers more surface, to more durable, 'and makes whiter work. "•' "• DOCK LEAD is the cheemait and test. ' 310,000 GUARAATEBI HUCK ZINO Excel; all ether ZINC& Ylrat: For Ita Unequaled InmblUty Pewit& Yor Its Unrivaled 711141:tem ° Third. For ps Utueirpaf . feed ' Co7.rlug Properly RustlT, An its amt. 111,onorly, Wh tkinZtra"Alld'P" iNd f'"t grF4IP ..„., , . nujx LEAD AND BFOF .;ND ; TRY #,; i ik t p.BE CONYRKORD flathlrEpyon Cluarantp.o!l by fho blanullatorera B uaJ gorT,4 (414 p'sq, q i rreparod expresell firr ealuting caimans, Outbid!'lingo of every diserlatlen, Smote, de. Thirty-lire different Colors, Durable, Cheap, Uniform, andlleautiful Shades. Sample cards seat by mall, Afdesired. , DeMere' Ordota will be proniptly executed by 'the Inekrinftcturere. • • TAPNPTTI"IPIEWPs 9. , Po:?: x. w..04,.111Rif ANPlSAfp[feripycp son BALE WIIOLESALi'ANA RETAIL BY 'HENRY . SAXTON . 4% QC>, Donlore In Hardware, Paints,Woo4 0411118LN. 'l% 2Coadoly Carlisle, CA89111E111913, VESTINGII =1 IdAIIBIIILLIIS, Largo 'moiety of BUCKLES. &J., ISAAC LIVINGSTON Establlelied 1847 I= I wilt ex amogc. 111:00Ima, oft BYItISO WialONll ...hang° for. work = MEM CHEAP COAL! • . . Jorberry 7 , ', • FOP. '4 60 . 6 75 Llncolu net Ash ' Lykere Valley. , ' 460 6y5 jaiti mgr a coa :t„., ??1;lt:.•:11,• 476 680 ''"'"' •, • , .... .. .. 17'11•:• 5 6 5 . . . . .. ' Coal dellverod to all parte of gip town at Abe ahoy° • . prlcoe.. Orders euldeot to any changes lu thu Maript at limo of shipment. • Farman) and' Llmbhumare along the Mya a the Cumberland :Vino. IMllroad, tusalidtod.. at 1111rree• 'PondinglY loir take, •. • . . , . Ordoro Ailed latti cieliateh; .' , L . . ookl., Ofeco—connT of &Nu and - Pittstro n ete.nopiN • • ' OtATO '4-- , STOVER AND-- TIN WeiR.V. ECONOMISTS! Your atttnitloU is called to the fact that at RHINESMITH & RUPP'S Mon:ye' can see th. Iced display or seeds 0111 kap( in any similar establifilinanit ts the salinity, non skiing In pert of flan following STOYES AND RlZA.Valiii BIDVEB AND HEATERS, Warranted to give general orattelhetion : , BUNNY SLIM FIRE PLACE REAM, ORIENTAL PARLOR HEATER, ORIENTAL PARLOR STOVE, LIVELY TIMES ItADIATINQ BASE EMSEIEt JUNIATA PARLOR LIEAPAR, PARLOR MGM DAM! KUMAR Which for IMAUTY, ECONOMY cannot be eirp.sed. COOK STOVZII, BARLB7 SIIEAP NOBLE. COOS, VOTELTY PAELOPC COOS, and NATIONAL XANOE, =I HAIM ROAST, AND EDIT Better, wit% law feel, tlia'n auy other etevca 1.11 CM Attontlion celled is ow 11.11VOLIINO LIGHT lIASII itLANHI, HISTOLVING LIGHT HAIG! BIIIINARZ Haring acquired n reptitAtioc l lib end edie4niftt I= 15TOVZS, We are tleeurmlned to keepthe mini Is elm Nears feeling e , tinnilent that we eau eel! yu good artielee iLi.,_ mice lower than othere moll had har• •lea oh hand, and for rule • lima •u,url MIMI EEO= fooviiun MILLS XNUJeti AND YORKS CM= Ind all aorta of HOLLOW WARE, Or Good material dud shoxi. We have, avill keep wartaatly *a haaad, a `very largo =I EZErti amity k•pt Is i Arat-oLams --TIN AND -BEIHST-11t0IT wAßigrotaii, ROOWINI BPOTJTIIif and JOBDINS , DOllO on abort nodes, and at taaigiable tow. liege ut g.ud worksofit rind good Bnaterts4 pa *REC._ RIIINESIIITH Oe RUPP, Noe.' 62, 64, 68, NORTH HANOVER STREW, CARLISLE, NA. MIS CITY ADVEBTISEME.N TS. PIIII,ADILPIIIA PLASTER' WORKS, OOATB fillaarr WHARF CALCINED AND LAND PLA,I#IIR figicTi?!#o !141:Tft DONE DFIRT, TDYII♦ ALB 4, ke., &e. NY inquiry will riuuetTo irnm to andwor.' .flithifiatfi:ql In rioe arvil galalhl od t.9d. OlpreiP 4 o'9l-P00144P OVITP !lAI?ILTS. 24fibT1117 SOLID INNER and -- SILVER PLATED WARE Of ovary dee oription and latest &Wpm; unable Sr Bridal Gifts, Testimovdals, and Holiday Presents. Pelee, 10, than the regular reue, rated. Intraon.llnery Inducemente to purehreers. I 0110.11.14011211 L, NO, 711 Anil olroo4 rnILAIeLpRiA. Mode (Old Bs tabllehod Ntand.) AGENTS WANTED. Agentawant. ed; $7B to $2OO par month, male anA female, to sell tho celobmted and original Common Sense Family Bowing Machine, improved Rad perfected; it will hem, fell,'eflteh, tuck, bind braid, and ombretder Ina moat kuperlor manner. Price only SIA. Per elm .pllcity and durability it has no dial. .D r o not buy a4l . :irit"zoillilturisaiylr,vlcorge.°4'l4 Abbey Mailed ly its, as they are`worthlceof.tstat.: Owl maehinee. Ifor *Oculars and term, apply or addreea , M. CIAITFORD A CO. 413 Chestnut ytreetahiladea. J. IC. - CeddieeWs Advertisement COLD MEDAL {WATCHES, 4 - 1 E. C.A1DW.E1.4 4 .3, CO 4 131 ..1 , 002 cpzirrltur STREW'', PIIILADBLZIIU. !taypd c uzit reobiyoq ScecypTr anotloir lagsP!!!!. MP!Va. wppJJ G'lll,lfllAo.l',T 194 . rnfp : ElirelLillYVlTATilts4;etuirifeatlfoliPsVardtexbglilltQgginan. Quality, , Stjle, and Aoouraoy, having the moot convenient arrangement for Wind- Int and Setting, And furnished at a ver,y moderate cost. 'Also, our fall lino of ' tiliNg 4, lTqPIT , 4P 4q!4iP441 ix 1 3 Pf!14 WATOUBS,' Reliable Time-torpors, in - every variety of finish and price, direct from tho Manufacturers, :with [low est and heel style. of p 9 ia phalr!o ? ebals ? Feye ? ! to. ? dip t TIMERS rep .7:14 Fyn?, • EOM COAL 41m. 60 OZSTS IUDVQTION, ' on curront market rntao. and DIIRABILIiry Qdtelicovd4 QM COAL PIULIILI4IIIB Phi delphis =I