[CONTI - 161'ED FROM rittST PAGE.] . . mous business, his apparent love of' show, and the necessity of mingling freely With all classes of ,nion to advance his, buSiness interests, is yet a very domestic man in his habits and feelings. Fortu nate in his family relations, having a wife of whom he is justly proud, and throe fine boys,. it is not strange that lie is accustomed to speak of them with fondness, or to labor assiduously for their interests. To show that our estimate of the Napoleonic druggist is shared by others of his acquaintance, We quote the follow ing running commentary of the Brooklyn Eagle, upon Holmbold,. Bonner and Fisk: " To have plenty of money, and to speed it freely and publicly, is a sure way to get that badge of the social distinctness of the period which consists in becoming topics of interest for the elegant and super-refined. To Fisk this sort of thing. is its own reward, lot he apparently loves notoriety for its own sake, and is willing _to_pay_profusely-for-it,---But — Holmbold is a shrewder operator. Like Bonner, he combines busineSs advantages with personal conspicuousness ; and when the fast teams of either of these two men are examined or viewed with adthiration by a gaping crowd, the fame of thelorses is reflected upon the wares of the owner, and grist is brought to the drug mill on Annstreet. Holmbold and Bonner aro herein ever so much wiser thah the. rail: road kings or the political chieftains. Whon'mon talk of the gorgeousness of Tweed's stables, they make awkward comments on the_ 'ways of Now York county politics • when they behold Fisk's equipages, or ' Vanderbilt's teams they say nasty things about Wall street etock operations ; but when Helmbold 'and Bonner drive by, the comments help the, drugs and the newspaper into promi. nonce, which involves profit to the mil lionaire men of legitimate business, —Daily Saraiagian.' HOTEL WAITERS AT - B.etRATOGA A correspondent of the Detroit Tribune, writing from Saratoga, describes the cooperative system which he asserts pre vails among the hotel waiters at that famous watering-plate : "There is less red, tape at a Saratoga hotel than at any otherhostelry inAmer ica. But there aro more negro waiters: You will have no trouble with anybody, if you make it right with the blacks. This year they have it all their own way, and have reduced their 'system to the most- Affect working order. It is the old and time-honored system'Of gratui ties, but it is put upon a new and singu larly exact basis of cooperation. There_ — innffiliiitialln charged at all the first -class hotels, say five dollars. a (lay for bbard, but this is a more bagatelle ; the real expense is the gratuities. Fill one of these hotels as full as you can get it with guests, and then there will stiff be three negropervants to every one of them. Every waiter expects to make enough in the three months' Saratoga campaign to keep him all the rest of the year in afflu ence, and ho generally manages it. He • extorts. money from his victims at the rate of twenty-five cents _an hour.- - It is a worse tyranny than the trades' unions. The hydra cannot be reached—you are completely at his mercy.. His funda meßtal theory is that the average Amer ican would rather be swindled out of his .eye teeth than be thought poor or parsi monious. It is in the dining-rooms that he has the Anierican completely at.his disadvantage. Fail to give him fifty cents at your first meal, and when you come again your chair is turned over, and he waves you on with a lordly gesture. , That gesture is contemptuous and telegraphic. So far as you are con cerned it means : . You can't come to this table, old boy; the - seats are So far as'the other negroes are concerned,,, it means : , 'Look out for that fellow, he doesn't pay.' fhey will then guard their tables from you scrup ulously until you got to the bottom of the room, to a place reserved for delin quents and. celebrated -for the corrugated character of its steaks ancl_the billiard ball consistency of its biscuit. The only Way to escape from this purgatory is to„ kneel at once to the first-visaitor,=ysillsart:, - firid;WOWAinedge your error and pay him a dollar. This done, the fact will be telegraphed to every black in the room, and you will be allowed to endure. I found nothing new in this but .the 1 admirable system of it, which is another evidence of the inflyence of trade. co- operation. "Last seasons. shrewd New York fel low conceived the idea of paying these fellows off in'their own coin, and came proyided with a supply of counterfeit Amapa. His liberality liked to have killed him the first day, for lie overrated himself, and could not move a foot with out having a'relay of negroes on to him with broom-brushes. On the third clay matters.changed. His chair was turned over,-his bed was hard, his boots were spoiled, his coat got a secret mark fr some nigger's broom - brush; lie wa a doomed man; he saw that lie was the jeet of sneers and jibes, and all the ack arts of the tribe. Finally, in desw ir he went down to the lodinQspring with . e suicidal intent of drinking him self int idiocy, when two dark fellows in white aprons pointed him out to a con stable. 'Hat's him, sal, !' and lie was arrested for uttering counterfeit money. He is a terrible example of trying to re sist this invincible battalion of dark rascals." Too Mum ..BUSINESS.--nere is many a man and many a woman who is break-- ing God's laws in nature, end breaking them in society, and breaking them in social relations, by an unwitting ex haustion through'excessive activity. As long as people say "I cannot help it," they will not help it, I have expostu lated with men on the subject of such an excessive addiction to worldly toil, and they said to' me, "My affairs are pecu liar, and they aro in just such a state' now that it is impossible for anybody else to take charge of them. I must carry them through." But within a week they are taken down with bilious fever, and could not get off their' bed. And yet, their affairs went right along just the same as - though they had been able to attend 4Athem. I have never seen a man whoffe affairs could not got along when he *as sick and could not get off his ,bed: The affairs of such a man may limp, they mityereep, but they will' get along. There is one thing that you may be sure of—that you will got through life, and that your affairs will get along in ono way' or 'another ; and half the time it is conceit, as much as it is conscience, that Makes- a man say, "Dmust keep my hands on the rein, or things will go so that I shall defraud mid injure those who are connected with Inc on every ' Retrench. 'Draw in. Be less, and do less. Do better, and .be better for doing better. There is many a man who does not suspect it, but when he says, "I do. not speak in' meetings; I have had no great experience ; I. do not wish you to call upon me to pray, - ;, I have no gifts in prayer," it is as if I were to take a sponge full of water and dripping, and squeeze it till there was not a single drop of water in it, and thenask the sponge, "How do you feel ? and it should say, 40 Dry - and arid. There is no moisture in me." . No, it is squeezed out: Derr • are inen wholake their hearts, that are just as full of fool ing as anybody else's; 'and squeeze them HES dry that there Is 'not a drop loft. Business has got itnll. And they come to meetings, and say, nave no expoilence to give. There is nothing in nno. Why 'should there be? If you have 'used it all up for this world, of course you have ' none for the world to come.—Plymouth' Pulpit. GEEBE aro good livers-aboxit ono alter to a goose is enough. But , I don't think if I had a farm of 1711 akors, awl paid for, that I would sell it for-what it was worth, just because it didn't, have but ono gooso'on it. 'Goose stay well, some of our biographers say sixty years, and grow tough to. the last, • They aro good eating, but-not good r.liawing • tho'reason ov this remains a ;profound secret to this day. • , . '. • -When the fomalo goose is "at work hatching, she is a hard bird to plow ; she riles clear up from the licittom - ininit, an& will fight a yolco• ov oxen if thoy show her the least bit oir sasa. .Tho goose aro oxcelkint for .foatheit, net only to , feather then own' nest, but other people's. But they aro more surest about Ono tins; they can , haul' ono leg 'Cip into their body, and stand on • tether awl tlay,'anttnot touch anything with thoir hands.'—Josh , , Y Ct ‘() DS," SPECIE PIIICEp REDUCTION IN ''PRICES -EXTRAORDINARY; GR,EENFIELID'S.i NO. d BAST 1141 N STNENT, GRAND DISPLAY Of all the Latest Novelties to DRESS GOODS Elegant aarortment or BLACK BILKS °ally Reduced prices Japanese Plain and Btripea BtlNn , Japineae Figured Polattm, I=l COhORED SILKS, A epluudhl oftoorimuot of Now Sprhig Poplins bt suite, Very Cheap Best DoWoes roducA to 20 and 22 coots 2090 yards tip top Calico al 10 orate All tbe bee: makce of printset 12!4 cetals. Ultightun. at reduood tit loos, Baal 4 i•upplutuu, A cuusllu 1 pull widu at 12; Serar or . Liam 'l4 at 18 canto; Womsotto st 22 coots A Job 10t of Blencliod nntl Ur!bleacheil mo . nrd wide, nt 12 3,f, neule :tad. of COTTONADES ECNFORD DENIMS MCKORY STRIPES, _ LINEN PANTS STUFF And all n t greatly red veal prices A ( eikeel. at 123,', 00.1tk, BLACK ALPACAS A SPECIAL BARGAIN 31, the nbovuoyp liou for wri,,,rl.t lilnlr.• nod ohatin III• Itil,llll b orittCmnmi I.) Pri , en 25, 4 , 1, 't,tl, 101, f 4 =9 = 'iitnt: opened for SI EN AND DOYki, e. ry 02t.ap ==3 WHITE GOODS, LIII.IH, Cambrics, Nniunook 3111111 iteantinil 19,ines fifty in, cent :WV.' ll,nrrtnrt YoW" r+, 111Z11 C. 1,0 V k!!, NOTIOSE, la great variant. -- rho rirtolikak' of boy. rr to lla7abo a at 00k. earnestly olltatoll. ' 1 will utter lama fide ilargal that raaatt he fouhd irr bugs honour, thot aro uT etnekell with nlai gain's bought a! war We.. L. T. GREENFISLD I= 1870 SUMMER OPENING SEEM NTR A 1. 11 I? Y 0 0 I) S . S'l 0a E, °revery variety, rvory vlylo - mdl 000 y do cilia! oof =I 11111 OEM 11,1 /I ACJIt EitV A N A 1:1:i ki VERA° ES Illuck Greuntlineu, tsv.)ur(l4whip Mohaire, Alpace., D. 11411.41, Scut 4:llig hu.s Luu us, Fro.11:14 Purculuu, Ch d•„&c ull ut nut Dnrgalus. IV LIITI; 0001.18 fur .Irowa, of wary varluty, v ylo, 410 quAllty ['Bellies for tlruotc,', :111, JO, and 50 rual9 111=111 A Leoutiral tworloonit of Do NlioOti, out) • Chlldtau's PARIEOLU mid SUN UNillltliLLAii SIIAWLSI 411 A Nl' =I I= A rid n.ll.l..rtmi.lit of ttoWlorlo 11;u if ICOoIIO • Pia% nl g...ory rmigrotl qiiie.ooP, i 110141119, • hti• t logo, `.aj . .41 ir, XI rnot 81-71 AMIL l'A stu FP o iorer• ~t„anmupudtty 0101119 'AND 01:18. lIRHO, • grll.l n 7, at ,•ry. t .!nt , illl , Tl'd, V eirlign, Li ; \'.OTIONJI' NOTIONS( it n•nt viti. Arty. tnd , ICntye so:llts,t ut th MEI CIiPET 81 t; A It I' liT P 1 Itust quality throe-ply Carpets, , ixtrA sayer t•u-ply alphas. - • • ' la a Brent variety or hataliaann patturna Bountiful poltvrni 'of Itnpottod 'curpote, rflourG, o prIMSI from GO orate to $1 'Cur yard. Alt ~,Ittllt.of 2311rIved Oarpolid for Ilit pottollfol oottorns ond styles of Croreoy'olln Tnpeorl l!ratroli , 110111111,711!11110 flat Our .t.. An; !Inge or Iti .111tel'and tlteeked ynney ch. eked Nietltlnt; Boyer qualltyCocon Mai Wed.CY comPolit)i;n kinds t,,f goods wo,tap PINISO cull 1111,1 nllll4O 'your aulOollone frond Ito nrgeel stuck In tt;u tullo LEIDICiI & MILLER. or the Clarlo4 troll, - N0.2 RAW 5.1A141 STILS ET, CIARLIOLR,NA 10uoty70 'Ns • jOIIYH t .I, ZIM .COL,IIAft, PPPPPPPPPPP PAPP PPP' PAPP PAPP , PAPP PPPP • PPPPPPET PPPPP PPPPP PPPPPPPETP minimum' mum mu:. mum mum - ' ' • 11111111 AAA AAAA.. AAAAA AAAAAA.' AAA AAA .. AAAAA.AAA AAA AAA" , . AAA AAA AAAAA.AA. NNNNNN - NNNNNNN NNN N NNN NNN N NNN NNN N NNN NNN N NNN _ NNN N NNN NNN N NNN NNNNNWN NNNNNN 00000000000 000 000 000 000 000 'OOO 000 000 000 000 000 000 00000000000 TICKINOB, MOM SSSSSSSSSSS SSBSSSSSSSSSSSS BSSSBEiS SSSS SSSSSSEi sss SSSSSS SS sBSSSSS SS 'BBSSSS SBS SBSBSSS MSS SBSSSSS BBSSSSSSSSSSSBB BBSSSRBSSSS L• en I, having °poi, d n jaja 13!:'0111i, t N.' Il i Muin Streut, t, • _&LtL laLJç: 1A wiitttil call tip:A(ol4lmi or tho public to his largo =ll MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, -ornms , rwirrclrviim , v - miraaTur 1870 ORGANS, oRGAN)3 ME LOAEONR, MELODIA'OX;;, ITELODEONB, NIIW AND ELEGANT NANOS, El= Philadelphia.. A IltratudLer theme uo will 1.0 for ItENW, and oho red N‘iii 1101111 ml od „ 0,1 imy...t_er'''.l“l mole C hi tier of yestAlioni. Ale ihrutig-mieut will nuke, the rairchnee way, by tlvlng tho for 1,1) mpg, and will allow 01,pol-11101'y trcN•tl tlw histrutmatt 'Altura purcUnning. Algo g ood • X IiCOND HAND PIANOS ..al. 1,1 . ;out, et Unite to cult the Itu ,t Call end uniuliep thaw wheiltur you whit to run r WI) BILVERTONGUEDOLtOANB MBLODILQNS Ine the ‘iorld rooonnod tunill;factory of It. Nocil‘ am & Yno, (formerly Carhart & NteAliam). i;lieni,pat'aud best In the woo lA, mid all w.atrapie:(l.linil brpt luordor by ;oya.lf for fire years. A Ino MEE GUITARS. I, i . AOOOILDEONS, MEI acc. iSFE Murata AXD XITSW BOORS, _STRIIVOS OF SiLL EINDO, Vnil oreirythlag appertaining to the music bi;einerri, Old Plano" lielooorrne and 'Organ" takon In part Ay for now 01103. F, II A I 11, I N G.. All klub of Ina timentis , opedrod Antrim:tad.' • • . CuII , Sn,tl sSeptlSs thy , stock and I ant aura I can JOHN H. tbr et et tLA shwa, , , • .; 0,44,NV/I.lBl' 14 - IN STREET, (opposite Marion Ha 11,,) , EN CARLISL PA. • 000 000 ORGANS OR( ANS, ORGA,.NS, ORGANS, irRLODEONS; ODBO.NS A Monogram engraved to order and stamped in colors,. free. of charge, to those buying o.9o 4 toorth Paper and Envelopes:, COUNTING IL,UBIt STA'XIONNItY, and of every description a the lowest prices Largo lute of envolopre will ho BOW At eery low „prlcon ; ao.we manufecturo by stoma powor, wo can compote with the largest antuutbeturere. • "• -10f3 'NB So CO., Stationers; ' Migra orti, — Bankl3crolCittia Envaloiko 31anufacturore, and Blaism Palter Priatore, •'. And Arch ' strcat.,,Vidaolpbla. . . 14Jnly70-3in • , FLUTES; BEWINEi MACHINES •• Tho 'Best, Simplest and Cheapest:. • rllll maellinee arc adapted to do all kinds of family sawing, winking *pally we l upon 8111I'Llnais and Cotton goodersrltli Bilk, Cotton and I,lqou threads, making a beautiful and ported stitch alike on both aides of the article 'All inathlusa sold Sr.' warranted. Call and vamitie at Rail Road Telegraph 021sO, Carlido pa. Nay 2 ; 188741. QODA WATER;' . , , COLD ANIVDPAIiI.CLING:AT iIAYE R§T.IO,IK Bllp PI:111Ra I= CITY' D T/W4MPAT#•• i 851 . •,- 1111iFIGREST PREMIUM SILVER alliDaT.,:ekevaralva over 'all' aelkoitition, at dleetanic"! Ethibi!lon, Dorton, October, " ." TliFu fIELY.REGOLATINO WROUGHT IRON, AIR FIG T, GAS-Coss mu bra: E ATE F- . . .. , .. , withPaPnted Duet SC...n/ord° Dar Drib+, Wrought Iron itaellator, noel A 11tOtuat le Regulator, t• r burning. ,Antleraclte or unman one Cool or Wood. 101 alarm for brick work, and I sixes Portable.' Milo Wart. el on'y by J.REYNOLDS . t% SO.NI N. Ir. cor.. - 13th S. Filbert Bireata, PIIII.ADV,LPIIIA, PA These 11 , 40.4 m ire tondo, of h any wrought Iron, well riveted to, ether, ear are "fermented to be abso lutely, fine a n d ihtn. Tigh• • They nro the only li‘atare- that are raenaeed without any dampore, 'and In which all k'nils of feel eau Whore° I ri9l4oat alteration, • Cooking llantr,es, . for Hotel!, Rostautsutp, and Yam ME Flat Top Heating Range, Fire Place Heaters, •• Low Down Grates, Slate Mantels, Registers, Ventilators Pun phlute wring full deaalption, xent tree, to . Ply skddrens. 23Juu07047 Boots, Shoes anti Trunks. STROHM & SPONSLER, No. 13, South Hanover street, Carlisle Thaokthl for the pattonegu extended them here ofora, do now 1111301.1110 i their %wall large stock SPRING STYLES OF noon AND SHOES, FOR Ladies and "Aliases, Gents and Boys, Youths and Childs, thich_nre-unrlvallai-fur-c.nufortatt4-boanty—Also r TRUNKS AND VALISES, )INN' . 3 AND R .1":4' HATS All of w),lch ,vlll be 8.1(1 "ht cnu II profit: col' one Jnod all, and get it fu' I equi‘aleut fur your money OE CHEAP Good.. are not alymyx the b. tit. l.en you g 4 to buy an artier, and expo. Tally In the matter of „DOOTS AND 8110 ES go to a dealer on whose war 'S you eau rely, for very few ore good Judges of leather. AT , thin - 411a of tha gear many will be •emutlng light boots and ohm% for Hummer year. All each run ho acrommodated at ADAM DYSERT'S , —seleru_sdlllo.-frddl. 1, w e e, -wee,- Boot, and allow! mode to mdor x itti the xeloold dls putch. Pluto of business Na. 34 'East Loather street,:parlisie, Pa 14,,p70 Moravian Seminary, LIMAN-BAIL _lop u4ll t!o z 7v AwA t Vanzittri7,slEt or nr Want whom you whhio , _edurete, to Fend "for the Intent eirehliii.`,ll- 0 I tuden Tinll . llloiitvirtn tiorninory fur young Witco. Noose address I=l Plitt LIU; toucnotor county, Po ISalig7o.st DRUGS. AT No 5 Sooth, and No. 10 North Ilonov,,r ltrest6 HJIVERSTICK BROTHERS, CARLISLE, PENN'A lEEE PURE LIQUORS, WINES if7c N EW LIQUOR STOWE JOHN HANNON, N. E. Cor. Hanover and Pomfret streets (A few dom aout of Bouti'.otoro.) Pura Rye 'Whisky, Boot Common Whhiky, 'Pare Noland Ringer Brandy, Pert Wine, • Sherry Wino, , Jamaica hum, Ihniphurry Syrup., • Champagne. uirrmits: INIIOFF'S and G 18007 n BITTERS, Weddipg COW Depot. THE GREAT WEDDING CARD DEPOT, ME= WEDDING AND VISITING CARDS Pape• and Envelopes, a very , large as- sortment INITIALS AND 3IONOGRAIIII §TAIIIRD ix COLORS F11.13F1 OF CIIAROE.. COPYING 1 , ,k t3SSitS, COPYING BOOKS, GOO 1,000 " Biala P.ll I Ncr Envelopeo prinlod ' ',i"....$ 100 per 1,000. •Note Bonding. 1 00 por ream ••1101 Head+ - - 10 00 ,! •• • I 'Envelopos froth $l.OO pOr 1,000 up. Home Aciver4isementB Wheeler and Wilson . and Elliptic LOOK STITCH SEWING MACHINES JOHN OADIPI9ILL ' No: b greet .A:VERSTICICIBSQTAtiIki,' . .PRt! . 94, /100 , CEI, AiD.YARIJITY,EITORE; 'tlo.lo Nutt,' limmver street 14 07017 ' • GitOFERIES, CANDVe 4c• FRESH GROOERIES 1 FRESH. GROCERIES , AlwAys b he had it the ~,0 EA. P S T,to tt NO. torindST POWNITJSTRENT And wit:) , are they always hash I Because we 'ell 'a great amount of them, and sell thent.low. Thera. 9mi - tura - our etoek often. and Consequently our goods moot be freeb.— • Yon will Sad everything yo I • GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, • GLASSWARE, . WILLOW and CEDAR WARE, STONE and CROCEERY • .•' • • Choice Hams, Dried Bear; -- lalogiva; Beer, Tongues, ' Biscuits and Crackers of every description. Pickled. Apicati rind Fresh Oyatare - - Berrlirier, • English Pickier!, Lemon Syrups, kc., mull no end to . . Nv IO It le niches to meotloa them, nome and IMO fbryoist , solves; and parents If it.don't suit yon to come, send your children, no they will be dealt with tho same core re If you Wero • here yourself. ALL SINN OP COUNTRY PRODUCE taken In exchange for goada, or 04911 GEO. B. HOFFMAN'S SONS NO. 88 EAST POMFRET BTUEET, lOmep7o. Norms.—lieving trensferred my k nth.. interest In the grocery buelneee to my Bens, those Indebted to mo are requested to settle with them, during my ab- Bence In linrooe 0.120. ri. I.IOIIIIIIAN, M lIABONIELEIISIER 51 !haler In CHOICE VAMILY GI36CERIEB, FINE QUALITY OF TEAS, PURII FPICEB QUERNaVVARE, ---- aL-ASSWAItE,- = WOODEN, AND FAMILY FLOUR El= ALL-INDS OP COUNTRY PRODUC3I BOUGHT, AND SOLD SOUTIIIVEhT cowxaa PITT AND P)311:11ET STltlar = MEDICAL DNS:.II. FAIIRNEY SONS' cokbrutell proorntion fur CEDA...NSING THE BLOOD ThejloeuTlitiowdar ktum, prepAtatioupf Dm. D. Fahrney & Bon for cieunoing the blood, noode et this day no recommendation at our hendo, Ito virtues Haring been, established by the eh/Amends of soars where it has, given relief In the Ifost,Dijlettit Forms of Ohronie Diseases during the last sixty years. So highly Indeed la II ...teemed, that the demand Is constantly increasing, not only at home; but the are daily receiving applica tions for It from the most remote soc.tions of the country—North. East ; Bonth , and Vest. fro meet thiddeniasti, as well as to prevent he public frets being imposed upon. we have determined to put this PREPARATION In much a &rut that it may La within reach of •very body everywhere. Other preparations. far inferior to the puttine baring been put out by certain parties. bar.-bee mistaken by some for our own. and as a matter o comae the old Preparation of D. Yahrnoy d‘ bon ha. been made to aufffr some in reputation; theretora t. prevent tide Mistakr, as wall as to meet the in rroa•tu¢ demand meot:oned above, we harm ma. chided t.• sated the muJicine out lu LIQUID •fO.RM it e will el,o at the tame thee pat oti tLe •rlginal paokapt form for the beuefit of POMO of oar lad matumore and other,. who may yet poet, the toed'. tine its"fil et prepared. Not re:outruendlng it to cure all disenalt the human body la heir to tut aa a fam lIY medicine, nail t.r diseases originating from impure blood and ti:sor.Dred liver, it lute no cleat; nod wilt cur,l4 he i..ll•Aving diseases Scrofula, cutaneous dfveases, erysipelas, toile, sere eyes, scald heal, [Maples on the fare, letter in, 'lions, old and stubburn tCcera, rheumatic affections, dyspopala, costiveness, sick headache Jaundice, tait'rhoorn, general debliity, mercurial diseases, foul stotnach, together with all other diserderf arising from Impure' bit od, and disordered liver, lc„ prepared by Dec. D. Fahrney lc Son, Doonsbero', Maryland, and Dr. P. Plahrtley, Keedysvllle, Md. Sold by all druggists and merchants generally. Non& genuine unless signed D. Faltrney.b Son.So4l by W. P. Hum drurglnt, Carlisle; S. S Irtb.r, druggist. Newvllle; Janie. A Clark, Lees Cross It ads: J.din C. Atthik, dregglat Bhlppenal erg. almhato DL. HA VEN & BROT lER. 5-20'8 an 1881. a . DOMMIT,.EOLD AND EXOIIINOED MOST LIBERAL TERMS GOLD, Donght and Bold at Market ratan. COUPONS .CASIIRD PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS llouglat gni Bold locks bought am] mold oa Oommtgalop only. CHICAGO, DANVILLE AND VINDENNEB FIRST MODTGAG/17 P. 0. GOLD lONDB For Sale at 00 and accrued interest ACcounia ro;nfivoti, and interact allowed on dal &donna., Subject to cback at night. DE RAVEN & BROTHER; No. 40' Bottth Third street, PHILAPELPHIA. 27J1n701p Leathei• and Pane* ,61"" SPECIAL NOTIOE. . . • CLARK 411/DI)LE • ,• ateiniectfully Inform their Mends that. nonioNq, not. or thelirticof Bailey k tbli elated himself with them, under the firm netnaf .. ROBBING, CLARK A BILIDLE,' and wilt eentharth!,, WATCUAND.3IOWEIZY ' at the ow eland, ' r— • 1,124 ODZSTNIJT STREET, „.rxriuDEVETtLi• 'Riley are now offering, at redrieed prices, a choice stock of AMERICAN AND IifITIES.WARDII.I3O,, DIAMONDS, Javrelme; - , ”: : ' ,• • OTERDING SILVDRIYABD,' MANTHetIi.OORO, -ENGLIBII, !RENON 'AND VIBNNA.. • ' LEATHER .AND FANCY GOODS. 28.01) ,Ditr. GOODS AND CABPSTS. Cal"P D RY GOODS, .At tbo a.a 'tato of D. A. 'B WYZ It, D:A.,BAWYER, , MINNA'S MlMllit - ISLYINJOI COANBIir, Banoting la lett In the way of =I Sranadtmes, UOlllO.lllO, Daragai, OaNoon, 154, I, it, 123 i. 0.4 ti 10. 104 Woghaw; 123 U , li, 17 TY&low, 14, 114 24, 20 Cheapest Pasta attar • In tie town. Cheapest Cloths and Cassisterea. In the town. Cheapest hosiery In the town. Clenaptst Glens and litandkereklefir In the town. Cheapest Notions Grail kinds In the town. Chospeat Detainee • - ^ In the town. Cheapest Poplins la the tows. Cheapen Alpacas, black and colored, _ e In the town. - Cie:attest Mask said Limey Bilks in Itt. town. Cheapest Japanese -- - • "IMP '''' - 10 Ma town. - -- - Cheafanit Iligre Goods, -ji —— b. e town. Cheapest Piques, figured and striped, \la the town. Cheapeet blariellise 'in the town. Cheapest Percales . In the town. Cheapest Chintzes, gyred wad etriped, la the town. Cheapest .13mbrolderbin la the taws. Cheapest Collars and Cntb la•.the town. • Cheapest Table Mien In the town. Cheapest Vapkins, ke , &a, - kth*, town. cuxuw, Pa kaplendid arliole of Pique at 25 matte. All other goods le proportion. Come. and exataine for your telsca. No tnable to show goods. Onr motto la 'lanail profits and quick Taos goods ham bean purchased for cash at present gold prices, and I can cell yon new good.' 26 per oent leas than they will abaci* you for old goods at other .tore.. D. A. 01.11117111/. 2IuTO. DRY GOODS I DRY GOODS I •TTA•UTIVII BPSCIA'LTIEB, POPULAR Dmi . .gpobs STORE Purohtmed during the greati4 d•praeton ln,the market, and to no sold,,at corterrpondlogly.low Oise. DRESS GOODS, I= eoloprielog Wale ta.velties of the .01145. ILODICNINO & SECOND MOM/DINO GOODY E=3 Plum noname, BLACK A LPA CC AB (Bp.tiAlty). WHITE• - O00.1)8 Pious Iu iteriuty awl Wont .tylus. Mina Itholb* Birbop and Victoria Lawpia. 'IO9IERY and OLOTES Ila great varolly OolikureLuses--brat nod ol.sopost stook In t+nu, Mal Valeaclennes, 'inroad Loots, Inserting., Hamburg grubroldurfea and Lau Collura. I:INEN"aO"0D"3;' LiPvlll for aut.., Plllokr Ca.. Unclip, White Holland Por 21111.1., Wylie Towel nue" CABSIBINUBS ADD ANN'S WA* mwest i,lll than regular rates. SPECIAL NOTICE! I= LILA I/ A LiCE 8001(v, BEDOUIN B•:sITLBs, BILETDAND TllO6. A. HARPER, 16june ; 70 Coe; Hanover and Pondrot site CHEAT DRY GOODS! Still Another Reduction in Prices 1 Large L;ts of Goods from AttatiOli Ntory , 0 0 I 11, B Y: 8 Largo orooflutouto of DIIBBS GOODS =I Cloths, 11 Cotton Stuffs fur Mau 11114 liNyV Yfaor, at 1.4 Q. • 01111 oust at factory. aPECIAL BARGAINS In UNAike,, While Piques, Panay Bilks, Hoop }Mirth, andluesty Made of other goo ds. kindles' variety of Vane, Geode—ail eldtap. Never tweet I Never tamed a Baia of black A.lparesa ar Popliaa,•and BM another reduation I. theni, Can be uotnpared with any in the oottutypepriciar LARGtAiIT AS¢OILTMHXT Lnce Points, Bilk Coats, vur i■ Owlish.. AU itt 23June79 DECLINE IN GOLD CORRESPONDING! DECLINE IN.GOODE I Quit. an excitement In the DO dogde market, la a very market deallue la prim of • , Bilks, belMals, Mosinee*, Alpaccas. Poplins, Parses, Bops, sad a large variety, comprising nearly every tlaing In tys lino drignoas • • • STAPLE GOODS. Inman.la; Tlakingr v e I n atuni, Blinkata,Oottogatlia, Kentucky Jamie, OLOTIIII, and 04 8 8 1 / l aßms, Linea and Cotten Tapia Dlapen, adrtinga, WHITE GOODS „ , Sadao, Nalnsook, Cambria, :anaemia Wei& Mai- Hu, Tarlatan'', Calabria and thrill,” Edgings and In- HOSIERY, GLOVES, Tr/ninthler in great rar l e l y,albhone, oC t the bad 115,16 sat Staelowns. FADDY GOODS of ■ groat mail* ►tyfo►, tart' !bogy • • Ladies' trinder GlatAitO,' ' t ry Lsiaoraely Itiad9 and trlmmall Mao CARPETS, OIL OLOTHB, udggatgotort, Window Shoats", gollto, 4kontink yaner,,and many g oods pot .toortionot fortirsot of space: ' We olilm t 6 hers tko Dalai and boot stook of , Dry Goo Jn,tbe !rase() r the Iltatik,antt nil. stforuch primp at *HI motto 6%11 thAt tblo to the plotto to got kooll bargains, 8030110. ' UAW= A 00.. OEISAP MN! Atoops, At tie new Mori Of Lao* PoinW, Sumner Shoals, Left Curtakts, Paraaols, Baol, /lc Piques, llarsoillos, LOOK AT TIM PRICES aARPER'S BLACK SA111; TAXI/316, to .tm MEE CuwLr!w~ M:[I!=!1!!!! Lltrea Duolvo •uS Di Linea Shootlugs T441. - 7iustia. uu4 NRPlclus. Wlaltv Byrelas, ke., Le. Opeuing .f Ij4 I=l Quisiinoreg, BM/ and Slimmest Shawls, C. OGILB7'I3, 4 .-) 171111.9T MAIN STRIIIaT xe, 3/ IILI 11 . & BOWERS' HARDWARE 870R.E, S 6 NORTH HANOVER STR]ET, CARLISLE, PA WE would respectfully cell the atten tion of this public to our recently replenish. MI SPOOR OP HARDWARE making it now one of the largest In Cumberland Valley and eonsistirg in part of HAMMERED AND ROLLED IRON I, , DURDON4I UOROR RUM, NORWAY RODS BLACEBMITMEP, wAao)/ MAKERBcCOAOII MA ARAB' AND CAAPENTED TOOLS, BUILDING MATERIAL baddiery, Paints, Cabinet Ilalwrx, l!itilertalmrs, and Coacb ?Asko, MATERIAL ehalno, Chovels, Forks, Rake., be Daplra for . MeCORIIIOIX'S REA PHA ueristaotly oo bond. We are ootoillently lo receipt of good direct front the manufacturer. and are able to fur. fur. plab equotry marchauts at Phllatlelphis'avd.Nor York plan .IIH7OODB dellvoiell to all parts of the town of ,barge. MIN Wa t COX GIBBS' SE //1 1 G ~ WAC:BuiVE We hareem:tared tbe Agency of the Wili.ox A sewing Machine, a little Emily arrange. meal no one stereo willing to do without after -having seen one In operation. 'I us Wilcox t Whin,' Is a Finale Thread Machine and claims seperiority near ail Double Thread Machines In the Y Mowing partieulare. - 1 t le •Impler and leo liable to get •at et ropidr. It 14 cheaper It runs with lese nuts.. It rove easier. It rano- fester It bas the beet deolcu fia preventing the wheel. from run eing'bitelferard. It reqnlree lens nieoliani on: will le operate it. It remits., lets time and imitructlou to learn to, axe It. 'lt is the most certain and hatable 'lta operations Ito noodle is ntralsbt nod tree liable to be broken than a volved one The needle is .neared hi its place by en Ingeniously patented device ethigh renders It cult adjusting - gm that neither elan nor esp,letwo are required in Arranging It. it Fee. directly rum the spool than doing away with the tedium, operation of 'rewinding the thread for adjustment In the i.hiattle. It maker the Wilcox a (Abbe of 'twisted loop 'WOO a .11613 original with thin tuschine and made ty no 'After, the memo - Is mom elastic and stronger than the Lock Stich The the row: even and beautiful, the neaut always self. buttoned thus avoiding a eversible feed. Ito ten. else is mere simple and more enelly kW- ted. It is mere eptedily eletnod from out kind of woof 't o ant.ther,. it dose oreetflul embroidery, lt,hae.the Cli boa Alter, It limn the best brahr.r, It bag the bent belt. The Winne & bilhbs has Mem In the market for a little more eight yearn, during which tit.. Upwards of sixty "timunana have been mode and w.ld, a utimbec by Afty per cant terser than were Sold of any Double Thrred chi./ In the e me number of Its earliest years .nth truce", brentllchint to warrant the sale of this ilectilo• wherever it halt au agency. without the doubling nit seen of tee, !monists, ofwitleh . thereartr •neugh to Bit op the columns In lit. laud. These Machines crown exhibition atone store, No. 20, North Mimeo, street, Carlisle, where they may be oxitiolned. and they will take great pleasure itf ex. , plaining anything reimina to it. keelnetfuliy he., MILLER & DOWERP, • No. aM. North Hanover ft., Utian.9 1870 11 A R D. W A It 1; I= IL SAXTON & co:; c,,.13, LA iT STREIT, Denlens in Hardware, Iron, Cutlory, kte Ca lisle, Pa., lett . ••l•utiumg., to t)• ptlf , io lit•t they ittteed ke 1114 et vrything 111 their Ilue, °law ot price,. much luww th.n coo both,nght thl. . At of Philath, {MA On). At4irk govvintx A Tx.rt RUILDING 'ATKRIAL or ALL 6adnICTIO)4 n Paints, thor•la • Hues, I•ntty, 1-rice, Varni.hen, 4.kot, Coma - fit Ppadva, " Crew A•re, Band. Blehee,, Puwdor, Pieta, r Ilafoty fee. Al .1a full and wall gel. ted as .4.,rinntat of Id. LA'ul••• Tuulm, '1141.1u atud CiaOur: I= h,M U ULLS, Flo. Y, Ilauftej t Clads a, (Irian buo. Itopm, Ptall)°4 and 11.4 M. rat oiv a en lona GOAii, NATOLI'S, POWDER, 8110 T, CAPS, and ammunition of oil kind.. .Tbachlful for plat tamorr, by strict aiteutlou to builaga4 we hE;pu to tauulvw a coutinuation of the = ALL PERSONS knowing themselves ied.utod to lloury Saxton are requo.tud to make Irotoudlato aottlomout, and Iltogo having alainno to prtoont them G.r ecttlenta, so I wilh to clue up my WO, to January 1, Ma 1111 , 111 SAXTON.. natal!. 11422. AND CAPS. t f Q CI,A,.LLIO, No. 2A. WEST MAIN SLIMES. cIARLISL.E, PENNI.; Too lI4TTIIR of CnrUtar I =I 1 . 110 latest litylospet riecreell I - ' , Tho West, headl I SILK 1144'4 tram the boat Manufactures I I I PLIIIIONABLJI HATS Juni out • J. (L.ClALLl(Lxlshpelet call.tittentign.J3L.lllo je go_ CMS HATS 4-.ND'.trAPS. ISa tuaeufeetures Bata to order, lied hem th• beet arrangements for coloring Rat., Woolon Gloody ind Ovorepati, at theit notice Th. 1411,Sest OABII PIIXOES paid for COUNTRY FURS laratya lux'i aext:..llll N 0,20 i%AIN lOsotaill F RBB/1 .A.ERIVAI4 Of all iha ,New Spring Siileoof. • SATE • AND CAPS: The Subsoriber hen just • opened, it ria. Pi North Ilenover Sty R few doors North Of the Carl lele Deposit Dank, one of thp largest and beet stook, of RATS OAPS aver offered is L „, • Silk Hats, Oanainceres of all staler anduaslities, toe Arline different colors, and livery description of Soft flats now made:The Dabbad and old feehloned brush, kept constently on handed/ mule. to Order. all warranted to give esthete:time. A fall assortment or STRAW ItATM, aterea boy's and ehildren's tang. r 2 hers al/padded tow shickliothins of different kinds, obsoleting or Ladles and 'Gent's litoskings Neek.Thuhrencils,Oloves,ThreadAlewlng Silks, Sus. gander', Umbrella, da, Prim Selierd end I rebeceo, atereYs on hand.. • Weenie •WI and examine ray kook, se I feel eon. Adentofpleasing,beeldeeurine;smOney. IC MR . . • JOhN A. , Ant ~ dlm . . lite. lb North snorer ßt. . • .E . uzwiszaNaSioßE. GRAND . OPENING OF SPRING AND BIS/StEnert 000D8 I ' ' FOB 'DIEN, YOUTII,: AND BOYS' WEAR, at the old and well knot;n store'of ISAAC! LIVINGBTON, NO. 22 NORTH lIANOVER STIINEri, Now opening the latest novelties In largo varieties of the beet mace known to the trade. Floe 'Prima, Saxon, Eogaeli, nod Domeetia Cl.Olll, CA „511115.1t118, SATINErS, TWEEDS, LINEN, COTTONADEB, MARSEILLES, AC, mad° upin a superior style, or sold by the yard, at thll lowest prices. If sold by the yard, no charge for clotting. • ♦ splendid Hen of GENTLEMSN'S FIIRNISIIING GOODS TIWN RS, VALISES; CA RPRTBAUS, UMBRELLAS, IGITTOND, BINDINGS A. general lot of Tailor's Goods ( Tho beet etylo Clothhin. lu town I I }The beet mode Clotlll 4 lu town Thu bort anortineot h i t tc.wn um {our stock of Piece Gouda A. Cuetorter Trade, t3nporlor to any In town I e•-• { The lowest price. in town Pm the struo quality of good.. Cail i°. trouble tomboy, our'nesortment. ]tA.AC LIV.11:10STON, Nu. 22 Nt•rth Irsiufver itrifet, Carlble 6m470-1y Carriage Buthlisig and Livery P.RIAGE BUILDING IN ALL CA. ITS BRANCHES, AND REPAIRING AND - IT )4 AB I, 14-4, =Zia CARRIAGES, CARRI AGM CARRIAGES, . CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES, .. CA MIX Ili Re, CARR' A C ES, CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES, • CARRIAGRS,CARRIAO ES, 'BUGGIES, BUGGIES, ' BUUGIIIS 11U0(114 S, BUGGIES, II LRAM ES BUGGIES, BUGGIES,.. BIJOGIEs BUGGIES, .. BUGGIE 4 , ' BUGGIES, BUGGIEs, BUGGIES, BUGGIES, BUGGIF 8, . BUGG i} 8, BUGGIE , , BUGGIES. BUGGIK 4 , BUGGIES, SPRING WAGONS,SPItING WAGON 4, - SPRING WAGONS: SERINO WAGIGNS, SPRING WAGONS. SPRING WAGONS, SOLING WAGONS, SPRING.WAG.INS, SPRING WAGONS, SPRING wAGoss, SPRING WACICINe, SPRING WAGONS, SPRING WAGGN, , , • S RING WAGONS, Alwnye on baud, i r made to utder cumuohjs, DCc6l!s, Or. Fun GOOD HORSES 5.,,...1-band Wagons, of all klude, tukuu lu A. SENSE3IAN Eii! RIII ot k. and Itotltea oil hill 1.11 cuatumers, toot the pubho in it-noral, to Ole blot a ...all. tQ . .Recto.intoor the old enroll dled tire , oo PITT STItHET, north of the VIII/COlOl Deelt;"-CARtrall, I= 4 FIRST CLASS LIVER] Its hoiiiihtsciiit with thu above