Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 01, 1870, Image 2
ono %Matti. ,o ht . • VOL. 70. NO. 34: .... OT-Trt COUNTY" McCANDLISII, Arrwriltr. Shrrig—JOUN FISHBURN; Otrlialu anummionrr—BENJAM/N ERR, Nem Cambritand Jury Cbmmissioner—GEO. CLEVER, Southampton. Director qf the Poor-4 DR.:131 1172'MM Miclalcxes Auditor—JAMES D. REA, ll'estfienngboro'. f.broner—JRFFERSONIVORTIIINOTON, thrliee MEETING . OF .Tt - t, REPUBLICAN STANDING COMMITTEE. A meopne or tluiStrinainge doninii - will 1)(3 lid& int Rhee T' s, Hall, Carlisle,, on Saturday;, Sefiecinber 16, 1.870, o'clock a. ,m..... A full aiterlanee,ie reqUeeted, asbnsi nese of importanefi will be transacted. J'' M. WA.I,LACE, . • .. Chairman. , THE HERALD FOR THE CAMPAIGN WU' propose to furnish THE HERALD during tho present campaign, at the lo* rate of Tarim cents, or for the remain der of the year-4870-at FIFTY cents. We do this in order that our friends may hnve the adVantnge of, a live campaign paper, at a very low price.. THE HEn ♦LD will contain full information con cerning the political affairs throughout the ,State, and will, for that alone, be worth more than the subscription price. All the pending political issues will be discussed, and tio effort spared to make it valuable as a. arty algal]. , The pres ent campaign`will be interesting and im portant, and the general circulation of a well-conducted and Vigordus campaign paper will•do much to givueuccess to our party in this- .county. We ask our friends to aid us in circulating Tnr, Hen- ALD, confidently believing that they will thus greatly ebotribute to the election of our ticket. Voluntier takes us to task for saying that there was not a man of the Democratic county tieket that Would not, secure colored votes in any way possible, if that — Were necessary to his • success. Of-001 ' .11 , 1313411(111346-noway-Or—prOVITIg_or_ disproving - the intention of any party with reference to any future action ex cept by Awaiting. the result. It may be that in this we were mistaken, but we beg tcoremind our neighbors that the Democrats of this county are not by any 'means imbued with suck ideas of pro- priety as are set forth in their columns on-this siibjeCt or any other, duccessj § what their politicians propose,to achieve. They are - after office, and they will have it fairly if they can—unfairly if they must. Of this _peculiarity of their co , laborers our neighbors have had demon strations that wore by no moans pleasant. If the Politicians of the Democracy in this county, in their race for nomination -and election, had no greater sins than inconsistency to.atooe for, they are more - fortunate than we have heretofore slip posed, or than the Volunteer has pre viously_charged— It-wouldbe very-mean,- very inconsistent, and very contemptible for a Democratic politician to ask a col ored man to vote for him, or to secure his election or nomination by their j'his is doubtless true. But it is.very considerably worse, meaner, and more despicable in every sense to secure a nomination or election by bribery, coloni zation, frauduleffilieting or counting, or any of the kindred artifices with which theeivorkiiig politicians of the party have - . been familiar ever since we remember them. FOR enterprise commend us to the politicians of the Democratic party. When votes are needed .they can-'get them. Other parties may be able to Make converts : from the opposite party, and thus increase their strength. But the Democracy scorn such common place achievements. _They can get votes where there are ,no voters. All that is necessary is to get all election board devoted to the interests of their party, and the thing is accomplished. The number required' for success in any given election is pro duced to order without regards to means, consequences or appearances. The present 'census ip revealing some of their rnest brilliant achievements in this line. In the city. of Now York, the tenth • election district of-the sixth ward is found to contain just 870 inhabi tants, which are made up of all classe's, men, women and children, native .born, and foreigner, naturalized and unn atura!-- ized. Now the vote cast-by this district, in Iday last was just 934, or sixty-four. more votes than- there were people of. all kinds and conditions living there. To show who set up this pretty little job it is only necessary to say that 884 of these votes Were given to Democratic candi dates and .:70 to Republican candidates. This is perhaps the best cheating that the Democracy have been known to en gage in lately, but then they bad a very large majority to make up; and when groat results are required we must not too closctk scrutinize the means used to secure them. 0* Thursday last the conferees of the counties composing this Congressional' District niet at'Bridge port, for the -pur pose 'of closing up tl,latc,metnitrahlo struggle for the Democratic noMination for-Congress. After it . had been ascer tained - that -- Haldeman's Men - Were movable, the Cumitcrland cOnforces . withdrew, and declared •they would not sujamit, to the notion of the conference: Tho conferees from Yorkand,Perry then proceeded to declare Mr.' Haldeman the nominee of the:party, and passed some' resolutionit ludat.ory of his •action as. .Congressman. At this- writing wo have not seen' the Volt/Wee?, and do nothnoW What eenraoitll : talcit;- hut we- • eouctiitle: that'it ninst ,support , action of the conferees add dentine: to - recognien'hfr. , Haldeman as tho nonti This:Will give riso . to a r livelY fain*, .figliC,among Our , frierhi, AV - t may continuo, . indetluit doeme we were, midaken intlie in formation 'we 'received ,. . diet $BOO ilea; been by nur POunty CoinielesioneAi ; to a:geritionian„ who failed :to get :tile. contriteeto'bulid a , wooden.bridge, eailei theta Watinene to build. 'lt, hi now r sl,/.00. was burled for this matter,.., cam we never c get• correetinforniation about tbe doings at tiklieadquarters? But then r e pay the Ooiniiiissitsicrs 4n ayerage of ahout $OO, per yepi:for their services,,aud else could it‘hey. earn it if they tilting ' work so hard . , to keep . . everything that Om tax-payers ouglit,te. know? We do hippo : now , thnt these follOW3 . who, vulgti the tseeretsof tho maohide keep kill ;' if,' they' d0...n0t 'oiir County , fithent'lliOnld • only 4tire - .i.q:*w, : how tLis little item was coverednp•in the actiount7 come UndBr . the' head •Of . 'Cotttingencies;' repairs; tufenqationtl, Or how worked. in ? • Eggl TIM - Democratic papers throughout the State have made the proclamation of Gov. Gearic relatiVe to th - olaccireemout of tikeiFiftep4 Amendmept,r.the sionnif a rel4iff all the penal abus6:' heaped upon ) Itim during theCcampaigtV TheY.:,are everything that daanaths-froni the Cffiiapiagistratei•and it couldn't be expected that a Oedema: tion concerning negro suffrage would be. pleasing tp , them. There must, however, be considerable allowance made for their illhumor, The Pevernor has doneinany, things which have provoked therh greatly. • *lieu jn Nan Has, he could not bp Osedaa t "The pliant tool of the borderruftlausi ! the command of the DeMocratle cumin l istration :When':the rebellion-began,lidentered'ilie Sprvice.Of ithe 'government;`,and fought bravely to , the end of the war. - Since its close : he )has twice defeated'tlie Democratic party .in the . tate, ,inspiteef thetlid of Andrew,. Johnson's administration, Asa .Packer'w money, and Mr. , Wellace's coffee-stained naturalikaticiff Papers: Last winter he again gave them cause for. grief when-he vetoed the big.railroad swindle, that was intended , to place many Millions of dol lars, belonging to the. State; in the hands of.Pemocratic politicians, to be disbursed as best suited - the interests of the party: It isn't wonderful that_ they should net have any great mhxdration for the Gov ernor, although it is somewhat strange that / they shcaild so long adhere to their stereotyped for of abitse. ' WHAT has become of the beniocratic war cries of ;ten years ago? Is slal,rery still a diviue institution ? Does the Con stitution as it was, or as the Democracy would make it, carry slavery into the Territories of the Union? Should capi tal own its labor? Is it right and proper that abolitionists should be exterminated at any risk, or by any means? Is it con stitutional for a nation to fight for its awn.preservation?. can the South ever be compiered ? Should not our wayward sisters depart in peace? Ought wonot-to have these issue's discussed before the people by our . Democratic journals and Orators? Why of course not, those aro dead issues say one friends: Well than hat,lincomcs of the p..rty that — risku, its 'political life on them? If it is not dead it ought to be. TIP: Democracy of Delaware are get ting in shape for the coming election by nominating a Dr. Ponder for Governor. This gentleman is a brother-hi-law of the prevent Governor, and of WillardSauls bury, the United States Senator from that State. IV seems that. this Saulsbury party has, complete ownership of the whole State of Delaware. Senator Sauls bury hailbeen a standing disgraAto the Senate for many years, and We think it is about time for the interest of the State that the , whole family word baiihMed , frbm polities, and We hope our ,Republi- . . can friendir will make use of their ad -vantages to - obtain so desirable a result.- FRO:4 every county in the *ate come praises of Governor Geary's veto of the Omnibus Railroad Bill last winter, and assurances that the . Republican party highly approve his action'in the matter•. It looks now as if the Railroad jobberS would have less material frona.Which to get voted in the coming session than they had in the last._ --Trm census 4-14360-showetl—;ilat7bm7l tween three and foui millions of human' beings wove hold in. bondage in the United States. In the census of 1870 the word slave will have no place. The title to men henceforth is vested in them selves. For this great step forward in true progress, the Republican party can claim the sole credit. A VOTE for the Democratic party is an, endorsement of all the pernicious doc trines that haye been hold by it, and sanctions all the evil it has brought upon the country. Let no man who over pretended to be a . RepUldican attach himself to a party so laden- with crimes, • and destitute of honor as the Democra... WE call attention to the proclamation of Governor Geary, relative to the on forcement.of the Fifteenth Amendment which we publish to-day. Itmontains important information for the guidance of the assessors and election officers, and which they are bound to take notice of and obey. Tat last reason given why colored men shouldn't' vote, is, that while men throw the British tea into Boston harbor, at the cotnmenceinent of the revolution. This. is Conclusive, certainly, although the dis covery is too late for any practical good. Tim Secretary of the Treasury. pro poses to purchase seven ndilions of Goy. moment bilnds during • the month of September. Thus the reduction of the National debt still goes on. 110 N. WASIIINOTON TOWNSEND has been re-nominated for. CongtOss,in the Chester and Delaware .District. Alow. C. \Y. Gthvir.AN has been re nOtninated- for CongreSs, by the pepubli cans of the Twentieth District, .. P. GRA . Y MEEK, editor of the Bate ladle Watchman, has been nominated by the Democrats of Centre county, the Assembly. EX,-GOVlp.liCat. Packer• is said. to lying in a very precarious con ttition of ill health, at his.residence- in Williamsport. JOHN 0. .11a1,t,, eq., :of Elk county, Las Weil re-nominated fiat . :AkiiAirbly in the Cleatflekl to-election_lii _a_ Oregono . concincion. „„: • Hon. 0. :DxonEY.ban been re-norm-' liked tier Conoemi, by We Ifuptibliann of Lanenster eciunty. AteOrs.:Wpity, whit non, IloiuiiobJ , ninlrElndle have be,* npuni •tated for Assembljr. l . ; of stultiqehaiiinr &may, nt tlelulatoCotinti,penveSini. ,Instructed for. W. J.l,Jeseup for emigres' 'and nominated'E. B. 'BoardAli:niid' ‘tioitOrildwelifor , •TIOI4, JUIAN: .I.lproilmi, of 4 Obio,- biu,! re-uominated by 'tlio 'of ',his diktriet for' Congress. 1 10 is ono of ,the ablest '#iee the lilt.. .1 . thgra for.thejifirwieder °this life. ; -.7. Tun the „ 4 .gteveo son ;bP?'hll9gointiteil:by , the Vepublienns of the Second Ohio District. 114 mejOrlty 'ago' -Jeer lioiii the . berpi I of, tboillattiOagi 'Pairlot . Doniooratto candidata flir 'Op'picressiu'the X\ O,f sylvo4t, the johil 00ana, Las'. 'been . 1- ,ntaninatad 'JOY as alota, and tlio cOltniat:*in PP; a fipirite4 POLITICAL ' _Ex-Gov. Brovan hrui announced that he . has given up politic,s. If Gov. Big er has beelfSin - liblitic44vitliiiiithellast ten yearsklest'O:itionyn penne.thiania h?ve beett , ,uthlippfnl ignOrece,lof the Tngßepulilicani'lf Mercer county have re:notoinated Hom-E:A-.., , Wheeler for the , legislature, without . oppositien, his coubfe during the last session being so acceP- table • to. his constituents that . no one cared to enter the lists agcninst WM. Convention- of • the - Vermont •Disitilet on Monday at the Hon:;Wiho),lngtiiri'Sniitli: of ;St. , Albans, was .nomi nat l eS by' neelannt-' ;tion, for ,V,..Mil , ress: The' majority in the district is nearly:7,ooo.••. JoNks, , mipo'nSed 'terei;lre sent. the:: Conety, • ; Dein ()Macy in, Congress, has for. sometime living lin . DelOware, • -n something itnin The' 'oOrnethiiig MOSt ,desired' 'is the election to,the I..Tnited,.,State's,Sqn`: Lr.wrs CAni!ntr.T.; a renegade ..talladiglituri used ,to,defeat„for ,Cougress, is HOW .the Dem- Ocratic nemince, in the Third Congress:- jonal District in OhiO. - ".lf lie couldn't beat. Vallstligham, _pars ago, he Woni' stand much chance with Oen. Beltenek Tunleadieg Times,says, Hon. Jelin. .has been unanimously: ngreed upon as—the Republicaff.,catidi date for the =Lebanon and Schuylkill . of ;totialutp, will 'be the Deniocratic candidate. The, district is close—bit the proslie'ctS favor Mr. Killingeios election.' THE Legislature of Michigan, to be chosen in November, will elect a United States Senator to Sneceed HOD - J, -31, Howard, and the nominations for :that Legislature are Hoplircing • made. • The prominent and known candidates for the H. S. Senate are Hon.- J. M! Howard; Hon, AUstin I3lail, Ilon. 'TM:Milts W. Ferry, Hon. William A. Howard. Holum GitEELEY publishes a card in the Tribune in which he says that : While ho is ready to do .his-duty-by his party, and will take any. place oil the ticket that-rriv-be-given-hithy-lie , -believes-theie are live Or - tab - thousand Republicans who -against him for Gover nor, and that he would prefei the nomi nation of Roberts or WOodford. TnELycoming county Democratic Con vention, which met at Williamsport, on last Tuesday, nominated John B. - Beck as their choice for Senator to represent the Distria, r Lyconilog, for Assembly. The .Senato rial District comprises the counties of Lycorning, Union and 'Snyder,,:entitled to one Senator, and the same. counties. constitute the Representative Digtrict, entitled to three Members. Congressional conferees were app Muted without in- structions.- The removal and reform Convention _of Cambria county; held at _Cresson, on Saturday.last, nominated a full ticket, with the .exception of .sheriff. H. -D. Woodruff, of the Johnstown Detnocrat, was nominated for the legislature. George Wit-ltd - rs for contrithisioner; Hiram Friti for poor house director; Wm. Flattery for coroner; James Cooper for jury com missioner and 'Henry Walters for audi tor. As no nomination was made for sheriff it is reasonable' to _prestune that the removal party has accepted as its can.z didate 3lr:B9nilter, the -regular demo :cram • Tim Chicago Republican says:, "The Democracy of the Fourth District of Wisconsin have ' re-nominated Hon. A. Eldridge for Congress. The selec tion indicates a•lack of material in the Distrih, or a lack of enterprise on the part or other candidates. Mr. Eldridge ha's already served four terms, and the Only speech he has made having any point is in these words. ' Mr. Speaker, I object.' This speech haibeen .repeated so often that the reporfors take, it for granted, and insert it as a kind Of break line; in the speeches otother members, whether Eldridge is, present or not. The Congressional Globe bristles with it." PROOLANATION. WHEREAS, The Fifteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States is he follows : "BrecTion 1. The riglitof citizens of the United States to vote shall not be de nied or abridged by the United States, or, by any State, on account of, race, color, -orpreviouti condition of servitude. "SEc. 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appro.: priete legislatiouP ..... ,v „. . - AND WHEREAS, The Congress of the United Statqs, on the thirty-first day of 'March, 1870, passed an sot, entitled "As, Act to'enforee the right of citizens of the United States to vote •in tho several States `3f* 'this Union, and for other pur poses," the first and second sections ,of which are as follows : 1 , "SECTION 1. Be-it enacted by the Sen ate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in sembled, ,That all citizens of the United States, who are, 431: shall be otherwise qualified by law to voto at any election . by the people, in any , State, Territory, district, county, city, parish, township, school district; municipality or other ter ritorial, sub-division; shalt be- entitled. and al'owed to, vote at all such elections, , without distinction of race, color, or pro,- vious condition of, servitude ;.any Con stitution, law, custom, usage, or regula- Ilan of, any State or Territory, or by, Or under its authority, to the contrary not- Withstonding.' , ' '• ; • "SECTIONS, And belt fartherenactedi That if, by or undorthe authority of the Constitution or, laws of any State, or the laws of any Torritory,qinyact is or,sliall bo required to no.. done , as a, prereqUisito or qualification for, voting, and by 'suck Constitution, or: law, persons or officers aro or shall be charged with the perform , ance of..didies. in furnishing to citizens an importunity to, perform such , prole -quisite, or to beceine qualified to vote, shall be, tho duty of every such person and-officer ,to give to all citizens of the United States, tho same and'egnal,:op, nortunity7o perflon - !such - prorequisito, - and to be,conie distinctimi, of race, color, orprovionseen.:, ditiall'ef servitildel and if. any such per son or offieor shalrrofuso or -knowingly omit tei.give-fulleffoct to. this section, shall, for every such ; offenceaorfeiCand pay to film of „fire., hundred dollars to :I.l,l6porpoiraggrioyed , tboreby;' i ttrbry'reo mimed - by an,,gotion on.the cake, with toll costs MO Snell inllerennee for counsel fees as the court, shall ; doom ,just, and .shalf,tilso, 'for SIMUMrODOO,,ihe! doomed g uilty, of., a inisdetimanor, and :phalli? cin convietionAliersof,,,,ho Cued - not lots than. live hundred ',dollars,' or , be, imprisoned -nut lose, A ban, one tmonth and :not more. "than ono, par, ,pr i lroth, at the discretion.' of tlicrcourt:? ) ', -,• • ~ , . ," ANDIVn r ijar;ls,kiri • declared by the' seeend section . the XI ; articlo .of the tionstllUtiOlia a rpited,States o .that ",hisT Constitution, and the:laws of the. .UnitaStates ,widoli shall made iii ionsuance, Aber:6oi' • the supremo la , of, tho ;*!, *, anytbiok . in. l'ha ( 1 0 8 0 1 410,,I.V.;/MD.roif •Tip State to--the, notieitnekintitng r ,, • (4.o?, , WnliumitS,,Tho Legislature ofthisi ,Cominpriwordth,- on, 4.4 ;141xth day , of. :A., , ,14;,1 an.act; entitled; 1 ! Alto ad}ati , rug 'plec O oTp3 iq t,l4o.Powoonwealth, the tenth} slotloo.o,f:;.lllNolkprOvides followp : = . . ,"131ccripNt10.. , ',ATI* *o; much (Koury 'oot ApsOoll4, - piii; MOOD that , Ortly !white, , frePOaeny),Mtitled. :to vote,, or:bp reifigterkkap,roo ,to isite.cit : Rßy,genSia Or Spacial election; i?Zthis Compiwealth, be and the same °Tana will be two sessions of the poli likihereby r riled ; 'and that hereafter Ho schools bereafter. commencing to-day. ,a 1) freemen , ,., distinction of,eolor,- 9t4x7 Alan be ended and registered iatcord om 2 un 'afternoon, :ii,lg•to-the—pr,Viii3ions of the firstriaiation .ofg the set approved seventeenth` Afiril • ' F. 7, • Ag 62, entitled,l , An Act further, supple- 11.ovJ t IsTo Intel to the #ct relating torthe elect 198.1; 0 1 li, from lrra 'o ..tbis Commonwealth,' and when oth „etwlse qualified , nrider existing HaVis - he - ” 840aulma,-"L a1).3494994._4f entitled to vote at all general and ape- the third,,,fl,ssFOQho Volunteerbuilding. cial elections in this Commonwealth.." - - - Thistfra very desirable change. AND WITEREA'3, my. constitutional and ellicial4tity yo `ttaico;aaro thptt too laws be illithfullyoxiStad-r antbitiluts: ,corne,to,nmkrieledge „Oat etindry4s._ sessorii registers of ioteis: hire re, fused r ancl are refusing to assesemul reg lbter'ffiVerilPeolered eitiketla ot,latv; ,ful ivise onalitled as NOW ConSideratidire.e. ihe premises, the county coininissienetkor said dourityar&lierellir . !recta() toitiserhet-theiiiiVeral''aheedsdrii and .:regiSte'rs of voters therein) to'Obby and MuiforM to , LIM require nerits'of said 'constitutional ainendineht ;tail laivs ; And ;the' , Sheriffef that! cetintris-lierebrah tlibrized "awl reMiireilt to pnbliAli in 'his election preclamation for the next cnstf iligeleetionS,llie'hereiii recited coniifitu tlonai'aimnidirient; 'act of ~ CongresS, 'and act of the'Legislatute, to 'the end that the same may, be known, executed and obeyed, by all " , assessors,' YegiSteis of voters, election officers and ethers ; htid that therights and privileges guaranteed tluitehy may be :secured to •ftfl ,the Citi zens or . this Commonwealtif'entitled to the same. • Givqn ender my Tianii 7 aiiil the .great Seal of th6 , Btate, at Hailiabpat the day and yeartirst written. Jo.nN, W. Gt:Any.. .14 . :ITR6PEAN. WAR: , Ditailecl'Reportof German' Operations: HOp? the .ereneh'Position' on,qie' Moselle wai'llirneclqO.??lfilele,'Rifee'ess of Van, . . `Moltkes'Stratday. - Tho follbning is 4 raume of the ino T gress Of the German 4tms sine° the com mencement of the. inv4ion giatice . . . After the cheek endountered by, the Freilell vanguard near Saarbru'ck, on, August 9, followed bi.the ,rout of Mae-. Mahon,' the French main body - reared to the line of, the Moselle:, The fortress of Thionville . and.,Metz—defouses of the first order and swell supplied—and 'the entrenched camps which were coristr4 ted, gaVe great strength do their now Position. Direct attack would have been difficult. Therefore the • German armies passed to the.soutli. of,. Metz, to ward the Moselle, to cross it above the city and discover the enemy's move 1-tuentsuch great-masses--of--troops,- covering Ovid° region, reqUired spedial precautions. The first army was to flank the enemy's lino of march, Rd Was directed to take a new position near the River Med, In the meantime, the first and second armies approached each other, a passing overthe /Moselle. The palm division on the 9th took part in-a light in which the French Were repulsed, and' pursued until they reacheil•the pro tection of the guns of Metz. This coill bat resulted greatly to the advantage o the. Prussians ' as it retarded the French retreat, and the .advantage was, easily folloWed ,up,. Two roads. cOnnect, Metz with Verdun; and..Verdun With Paris. The 'Second arinkreTraiiiing from the passage 'Of the Moselle, and Paris being thus threatened, the Frenchwere obliged to withdraw from the- right bank of the Moselle before Metz, not being strong enodgh to stop tho Prussian movements.. The advance of the first. army, observing tiMmovement of--the Frond', attacked on August 14 the French rear, throwing it upon the:Mein' body, which was corn -1 palled to send back Several divisions to support the rear. There was a brief delay before the aS to make sure that the enemy' had' stopped his retreat on the northern route. The combat which en sued was long and terrible. 'On the-left," the Guards and Saxon troops fought at St. Marie, St. Privet and. - „Doncourt. • Meanwhile , the other wing was engaged •net ~,, the 'La Cuisso wood and: V. errierVille, al far' as the north:side of the northern road froM Metz ,to Verdun. :to - WithjanA-Ninth-Corpaparticipated in the action at GravekAte, and the con test spread from Vanx to, the Moselle, where a brigade' of the Third and Tenth, with artillery were engaged with the en tire French army, 341ae4nhon's Corps and Failly's Division exdifpted. After sundown the Prussians took the heights of Gravolotte by storm, flinging back the. French along their entire line to the shelter of -31ett----- Items ilbortt Home • TI!UR.SDAY ',IIORNISC,-SEPTE.IIRER 1,11.70 THE leaves: are falling. fast. 'THE number of cases ofrsickness 'from the fever' and ague is increasing. INDULGED in by our young ladies— llorsehaelc riding. ' TrinFa.rmer's and nroVer's hotel, on South Ifnover street is about changing proprietors: SEVERAL communications and other in teresting matter have been unavoidably crowded out. WE notico that a great many'students have returned. The boarding houses are filling up rapidly. , • were visited, with a heavy storm of wind and rain, accompanied by thun der and lightning. on Monday last. Tnn Buckwheat is now in hloSsom, and looks ,very promising for n bountiful crop.' Or l'erry county. friMuh.i so . inform us. , „ . Tut; corn extractor and the medicine.:' inan,iveroih town the'otlior 'day. From the number of individuals 'patronizing them, we think business was very fiat.' SrcnuilAs prevails to do alarming ex tent in ,different sections or the county ar t iging . frniu chronic 'diarrhea. and dys entery: • CARLISLE DIVISION SONS OF 17thWER ANCE will resume its regular meetitigi .On : hiphday :oyeedug, *cptetilbeT ,5, at 7/ o'clock, in. the, lodge room over• Rheem's Tun'irillatie of Oakville/on tho Intent', the.c. V. E. 11., ,: s visited 1.7 a IiOaNY hailstorm on Monday evening, lumps of hail, the size of a hickory nut s Tell 'du= :ring the rtivaleneo of the - . . . . M& n of our Citizona nnitn asserting that Ttn.trzciay . , • oc week was, tho hottetti.,thwitilis; Sunarner., The `thermometer "staiiqing at 'ninety-two In the silage, at Rik,, o'clocic iti tlio evening: Tilt:members of ,t4e ,ilni2n Fire Oem: pany exemised their. eteamor : at the LOII- 1 then street bridge on Satiii'ilay , Thh 'ln'oved ''srith3faetoi. to' ihe company ?41 . NIMIN(1)* DISTIIRIIANOB.7—ffhIII3Igd4 monde, colored,Livaa iilg i4q:ilititlllllll4 the J,ane'vvai3,committeil;to,i)rition , by Squiro :,.:• ; may;" ' Aithemxrr .ICuthi. a fdrinor citizen , plqno, was very,epr,9ly brutio4•o4; • l'iird4y . )witpo t ' attpiiipf ipg to, jurnpon Pie ~,C tuoborkind,-,ilnlloy, train na it was leaving tii&iiippbt 'iti ' • '• I WEDbINCI Gokt dt tlr conctuoion or .tlio mOrniuporviooii. , tia Bone .patiidio! . Cntyolto Cliunplii , on, abl?ath Roy. j • :vg,tiat AlWi ll : 4 *!f° l 4i/Pf... o lo , !ilbaribkg: , 'thiAte4, In holy bondo..or . matrintouy;; 'Goorio and. , Mary Ann.. Murray. bot 4 ',`The' 0 4 ,44 w 1l P 11 49 alu4encevattra.qell thither toiltuosotko!narriago oorgranny. 7xsiTo4 , ::lave/te - ard nothing regzirdink 'the . intended ilk What is the Jnatter 2, Has the, proposed visit flzilexi bet, or' do they - still 'intend tifo etinii3 2 , ' • • 11 " Er.; At Siv,3rEir . has ,Mkt .ieturned.witlr now: stock !ofr Fall and'AVinter Dij• Goods. We athise all iririVant of Dry 'Goods to gii?o him a call, as ho is gain ing quite a reputation of selling goods :cheap, . - " , • „ , • Fame the:Olympia 'Daily ?Tribune of 'the eleventh of 'August,; Nye notice the names of Asq,, and lady Of our town among-the list of arrivals at that place frOm Portland via the steamer • IN DAnrcNEss—The citizens of Harris burg. .The gas company having shut off the supply. We . extend the hand of sympathy, our citizens having been sub jected tb .the same idEonvenienee last sprink. : ' • Mr: Yard-of ono °four prominent citi zens was entered a few nights since, and pair of ehickens and ...some potatoes stolen therefrom: Oar-citizens should be on the lookout for. here persons, and be prepared to give them a cool reception. PROGItAIrifE of the U. S. Bair:mks Bated, for Sunday evening, September 4, 870 : I—Echo Quickstep. 2—Finale from Lucrczia Borgia. 3—Railroad Galop. 4—Polka Mazurka. - SALE or Bolins.—Robert McCartney, auctioneer, sold at public auction, - at the . . Court 'House, on Saturday morning last, thveethoilsancl-dollare-bi-bonds-of-the-; Cumberland' Valley Mutual Protection Company. They were purchased by Mr. Robert Given, at $20.50 per $lOO.. BUSH MEETIICG.-A meeting of this kind, will be held in Miller's woods, on the road leading from Sterrett's GaV'to Harrisburg; sherd two miles north of Now Kingsfon; - commencing on the eighth instant. It is held under the aus pices of the denomination known as the Adventists. ===l CAMP MEETING.-A. carp • meeting commences at Sadler's woods, in Hunt ingtOn township, Adams county, on they road leading from this place'to New Ox ford. Persons attending can obtain boarding and lodging, and horse feed on the pound, at moderato figures, from Abraham Meals • HAVE You YOUR LIVE INSURED?-If not, George Emig, esq., is prepared to. insure all persons so desiring, iu the Empire Mntual Life Insurance Company of New York. During the first fifteen months of its existence, this .company's issued 4,500, policies, insuring over 000,000. We would advise all persons contemplating life insurance to call on Mr. E. at his office on East Main street. Bum= n 4 laciirrnina.-During the prevalence of- the, storm on Monday evening last; the - bank barn of Mr. John Nickey, in Frankford township, was struck by lightning,, and burned to the ground.. The loss was 'considerable. The fire was plainly visible front town, so Much so that the alarm was given, and the" masheens" were out ready for action. ICI livaloton,q t —Rev. J. S. Foulk, of Bal timore, the newly elected pastor of the German - Reformed 'congregation of this place, will preach his-introductory ser mon on Sunday morning next, at eleven o'clock. The installment.of this clergy ; man will take place on'ilie evening of the ninth instant.. Several ministers from a distance will be present on the occasion. LEFT rpn 0)0k111"-Ou Monday morn ing last, . Chickering left for Omaha, with 85 recruits for tho Second U. S. Cavalry stationed at that place They got on board the train at the June lion depot, tho Barracks Band cheering the " recrootsr with the soul-stirring mu sic of the !',Girl I left behind ino." We observed many of the' fair ;sex on hand, bidding•..the "bold .sojer boys" a long farewell. : • = , IIUNAWAY.—L4st evening; a horse at tached to a - buggy in vrldcli ' was' seated. 11lr. A. B. Ewfiig 'and little daughter run Oft; when in the • neighborhood of Louther aud Hanover streets. Air. E. was thrown out of the . Machine, sus taining several very severe, bruises. A 'soldier rushed out • and checked the frightened animal, being . considerably injured in so doing. ,The littlo girl 'es caped Unhurt:: ' Incus. 7 -On Friday lagt a fire broke out in a" building on Locust The ilamig, wore tlnickiy extinguished with out, any loss being sustained. TOE' • alarm' of tire “la'st'evening was occasioned liii4'buimind of ionic, coin bustiblo materials in 'Mill. Noble's yard on North, Hanover street: The flrenion worp:promptly-onlaud; and "_oagei.i.ror the,lfray." . , , • ON Friday evening after the Curnher. land, Fire Cornpauy'left their house, la.: dies living in thO adjoining building'dip, _covered a 'very bright light, and on tering the engine'rooni' a -bunch of rags wits' diatoly extinguished; Cara should •lni' 'taken,. altout the; engine' rontna there is so mach combustible matter. ing round loose. ' „ Tug ilrit on Friday evening 'last was occasioned by the: burning of a blind in the window of one 'OOHS rooms in the anston„ sus ' PO lOas - • as.:„thO4 macs, wore speedily eir Tho' fife department' To: siterido it"-pniiptlfte . the ;Wore o,ut;lll'ilarge: action. services,illowevore Wain not called. intorcquisitidn,' ME rEATIIEItEL=TIIOIIO ; Of,olll* eil(Fens linvin foi,dlieid to - Olean; edit Laud ')reei!idlyn'httti , pcleil to by 1.11... 8 ta}d r , ,of, the, idrit Peale; aCII vBtalil. Melly perecn3e,have already atlailed,theni• eelve,Ei ihe'ekkcrtuility aftertied!of her, lug tio4 tad, to their entlip , :netiaraetioni, inodus operandi can be witnessed at their 44aeo9f,bitelnesei trgr: . 111 8 ; 1 ,1, To: , bd.:Zest .rolr!frot 1 4reeti eard r 'efOrtid . O t ** ,4 re,ttte;, , titit 0'11 1 4,0 ; Of. , OIOROO/Og foetlierpr, • ' Misiwcw.—We were in , enwr' in our last issue, in slating that the South Miitatain was 'Onlite. We hive since th4t the smoky atmosphere was he4ntioned .- -iy ilia!: in theArus,earora Mountains, ifbet;'veeit twentf-five. and thittj mileaAiStanifrom tkin4thtee‘ • LOOK OUT FOR PETTY Daniel Kauffman, residing. at Boiling Springs, had his spring house robbed `o'n§ night . list*eh, of. **lnk of butter and-a -conaidernble — quantity of "{mesh meat:' No,'bliio to the thinie'n has yet: been diseoyeyed: keep .your ,outhouses undei 'and key,` as the .ecitititry is infested .With this chi 4of persons: ' =I VISIT- the schools, and encour age teachers 'arid Pupils. Our schools are among the very•best in the State, and our, citizens' should, at least, pay them aq,occasional . visit. Wo have 'heard the remark made frequently, that the school-rooms are seldom visited except by the school director§. Pay the& a visit,' and you will never have odasion to regret I. PErisowar..--Rev..Jacoh Fry, .of Read ing, for many years pastor of the Eng lish Lutheran congregation of this place, paid our town. a - brief visit the present week. Mr. A. MauTiN,. Assistant Superinten dent of the Western House of Refuge. at Allegheny, dropped in to see us Tester day morning. Ho is looking well; and is much pleased with his preSent 'deuce. Al was formerly devil of•the Volunteer office. AII,I22STED FOR STEALING CLOTILES.--7 On Friday morning last, officer Sanno ar rested Elizabeth' Chestnut, a young girl about sixteen years of age, ona charge of baying approp,t J,..t0 'her own use certain articles of female apparel. The charges were preferred against her by Dirs.' Neff, residing on Liberty alloy, in the rear of Gardner d Co's. Madhine works. A hearing was had before Squire Smith, when ;the was committed , to jail for trial, -nearly all the stolen property , having been recovered. SERIOUS ACCIDENT.—On Monday last, Mr. — Hemp; - residingthree -- milos uUltllof - 1 New, Kingston, had his leg horribly lacerated and torn from the ankle to the knee,' by being caught in the wheels of a horse-power, while he was driving the horses. He wits conveyed to his residence in an insensible condition, and surgical aid summoned, when amputation of the lower part of the thigh was suceesifully performed'by Drs.. Crairi and Whistler. Ewing well advanced in years, the recovery of the injured man is very doubtful. WE have before us ono of Lloyd's Topographical and Railway Maps of the seat of war in Europe. It is pronounced one of the most accurate yet produced. These maps were photographed from the Govern_ment survey of each country, sev eralyeare ago. Theyare issued in sections, sike 30x40 inches, colored. Price fifty cents 4 copy, free by mail. We are also in receipt of one of Lloyd's new maps of the United States, Canadas and New Brunswick. The publisher offers a copy gratis to any -person finding an error in the latter map. Agents wanted. DSTAILED.—John Roney, engineer of the Accommodation train' eastward on the Cuinberland Valley Railroad, has been detailed to take charge of the en .girtpactw ppedonthc . Aouth Mouritain road. Mr. Roney is a. safe and reliable engineer, and will give satisfacbion wherever he may bo employed; LurE CAMERON takes charge of the engine lately run by John ;Roney. This is Mr. C's. first attempt at running the "ingine," and so far he has met with success. SEVERE !teemENT.—Jonathan Pritcli ard, a young man in the employ of Peter Spalir met with an accident bn Saturday last under the following circumstances : He had taken a wagon load of brick to Davldyiller's living in the country, and was returning with a load of wood, and while descending the ridge the mule team became unmanageable, and started off at a rapid rate, throwing tbe young man under the saddlO mule. lie received a severe kick in the breast, and sustained other injuries in his limbs. Mr. Miller -conveyed him to tom, when Dr. Dale was summoned, and his wounds-properly dressed, so that lie is now getting along as well as can be expected.. I=l ErEVERNLY INJURfil).—Frauk Faber, a lad of about fourteen years of ago, son Of Lewis Faber, proprietor of the Cu mberland Valley hotel ; met with a painful accident on Monday evening last.. It appears that in 'company, with several other boys, he was practicing gymnas tics down at 416 Railroad bridge, attempt ing to jump the width of three railroad, ties, and while so engagedhe fell between two of th'e cross-pieces, striking the ground, bruising his head very severely, and stistaining other injuries. Re was conveyed home, when medical aid was called in. We are informed that the hoys congregate on the bridge nightly, and - engage in the ahove-rlarued sport. Make warning . Lois frOm this sad casualty; CHEAP COAL.—The citizens of Carlisle can congratulate themselves , that they buy their coal at a lower. figure than 'other towns not mob remote" from the mines than this. We have compared the price of coal at other place's with the ,price here, and find no wizard' is coal cheaper.than in Carlisle, considering the post of transportation. , In our 'neighbor log town of York, LykOns7ValleY lump ceal, is $7.00, and Chesnut $6.20, 1 while I I here the lump, is $6.00, ; and Chesnut $.76; a very, material' difference., INF.:, :sees vilirz;need any quinutity of Coal for -nso-durizig-the-coming-wibtor,-would-do 7 'well 'to, lays. in a supplyiat the preterit time,.as • when veld. : weather sets-in it willbe sure to.riseln, price. r • • r Penr,to—.We eall . tlto ttentlon . Of our readers to the following sales of real estate end Personal property :. W. D. , lEtporuddi• will sell, on' ThtiradaYl tlpidember 8, at hielate residenceoftWost Lonther street, valuable 'household awl lateben Ilwniture. Perions in' want of 'bargains slidulti attend tbis sale. 1 i 094frO.Y..Gaielder will , Mal at private tido ' valuable real estate situated. abolit tiff t i 'jibe 'finin the.:Court House, ad. , joining .4sldand, coal t , i)ry ,The lgt(4oA tthns nbont'twg and k half notes, linting' tlieieen ereoted , a two-stf.4 double*briek ,building, with. convoniea " ocitlii4lll4o.. if Irtr.spld- tit,'ilitia Isle, 11:1011:. 1r `okOial at aubli'a at& at the Colirt.gottio; ' l 4it'. PattFilaY, 9901)Af' gi at. ,fen , 0791001 - s'• Tito °xi:pants' Of 4tienb Hart/nun will LIIa atiotilierTri4eli ofi ITetiliesdiiii Bei: mbar St,' 9n. the P l 7oll63,,tW9valhabla . tis`, 'of alati , land and. lva tiaotti ,of inaoatitain land, altuatfid lallottlrldiddlq . ;', 4at and' Middlelam fe l . 3 loFtcl IStely. . , . NfrAl3 kallpT ? On. Friday evening libout ten o'olo9k a light was seen in the , 'room used bi:tlio Junior Amerlimn chanies, on Wig third floor oVltheen4, Hall.. The 'di:killers - fheld their regulai weekly ?neeilng on this evening, opsinfr its sessionneabout 9.15, whenoholightfr Worn . n4inguished and the roomdooked up in the usual 'manner. The question naturally arises, whence this light, as no person had any lawful right to be in that room,_after it_ kad _been_ closed by the. Juniors.. The light,,wen ; visible for ; at least fifteen minutes, when it very sud denly disappeared: • , Search was insti tuted,. but without success, and.the un usual light is still' iirainiecl hinkVtiteiyl Deliver us from' gliosts; . atut such like I===l COLTON'S EUROPEAN . WAS. Mn , ) ism eiridentlY thd most relialda One publided. It is on ti sheet 19 by 82inch:ea, the upper' portion - showmg, on a scale of. twenty miles to an inch, the Prenchand Gorman Frontiers. This scale is sufficiently large` to show all the Fortified Cities and other principal Points of interest, and the Vil, lagos and Streams that :will necessarily be mentioned in the war news. On the 'same sheet there is a . Map of Centraland South Western Europe, showing all of Prussia,. France,-Spain, and Italy. It is handsomely colored, and illuminated with the Flags Of the Combatants, etc. "For sale at all Book Stores and-News Offices, or sent by mail for Fifty Cents by the publishers, G. W. & C. B. Colton & Co., Now York. _ A SEItIoUB AccIDENT—A an Fulls a Dietanee of Twenty Feet.—OaThursd* afternoon last, a carpenter namecl_Bal lard Dixon, colored, while Shingling the roof of Dirs. Fisher's house On North street, fell and' seriously in jured himself. Ho was ascending the ladder at the time, and had reached the top round, a distance of about. twenty feet, when he was seized with a sudden lightness in his head, and fell backwards to the ground: . He was taken up in a sensible condition, when medical aid was immediately summoned, and. Drs. Corn man and Zitzer soon made their...wear andaseertained that his spine was injured, producing paralysis of the entire oweportion-of-the,body. The-inju man was then conveyed to his residence in Chapel Alley, and is now doing as -well 'caii be expected.. RESIMIED.—This morning the old Col lege bell, which has been silent for several weeks past, rung out its pleasant notes of- warning to• 'Faculty and Studenti. - Dickinson College enters upon the present fall term under the most promising pros .ects, having at least fifty new stu dents, and, an able corps of Professors. Below we append the members of the present Faculty': Rev. 11. Dashiell,' President and Professor of Moral Philosophy. S. D. Hillman, A. M., Professor of Mathemaiics. J. R. Stayman, A. M., Professor of English Literature and Philosophy. IL M. Harman, D., D., Professor of Greek andnatin. Wm.. Triekett, A. 8., Professor of Modern Languages. C. F. Dimes, Ph. D., Professor of Chemistry and .Physical Science.. S. L. Bowman, A. M., Professor of flebrOw and Biblical .Literature. •NEW BAND STRUCTURE.—Wm. jr. Bladenheiser, post carpenter and de server at Carlisle Barracks, under . orders front gmerarßlrslre, comm l andant of, the post, has completed the hand Stand, of which we made notice a few weeks since. The total height of the stand is 25 feet. and 6 inches, the height of columns 14 feet and 6 inches. A handsomely turned railing intersects each column. The structure is octagonal in form, with a Pagoda roof having been substantially tinned by Messrs Walker & Claudy of Our borough. The flooring is of yellow pine, radiating from the centre. )Fine music stands and seats aro furnished the members ofthe hand. Professor Con terno, the leader of the band, i„9 fur -fished with a raised, octagotial platform; his stand for music representing a hand some fountain. - The eves of the roof, tire ornamented by an open 'worked cur tain, and vines are planted at the foot of each column. The outside of the base is decorated by rare exotics) The build ing proSents if handsome appearance, seeming stilb further to 'ornament the beautiful parade grtmnds, and calls forth load terms of praise by all who have seen it s ince completed. CUMIIERIAND COUNTY AGRICULTURAT, SOCIETY. -,- To therarmeis, Mechanic? and Artisans of Cumberland and Adjoining counties.-11 is now within six weeks of the time appointed for the annual fall Meeting of our Societj, when you aro all invited to make an exhibition of your skill in mechanics, productions of agri culture, artistic skill iu the embellish ment of household comforts, and enter •liriso in Mercantile pursuits. Hero we expect tvilfbo gathered together every thing that is beautiful, useful, or other.' wise remarkable. And here; too, will be exhihited how much we have improved in our stock of horses, hothed cattle _auil Bogs. And above all, and superior to all, we will' meet ourselves, to discuSs and Pass judgment Upon the doings of Po past year ; to enquire what progress we have made in our onward march iii the improvements of Our farms, our baths, our linnse'd, and especially our, own use 'of them. The friends of Agriculture,' .mechanics and the arts, !aro all cordially invited, young and old, and let them come in a spirit of determination to aid in.all its purposes, and make it a joyous occa sion to open the safoty-valve of life, an let off; for a while, the dull monotony of a farmer's home WArre, Preajdout ---ten-or-TuAlme.;—Upon--the-termi untioriwof the American. - Mechanics' :Parade, at Boiling Springs; On thelwen tint!). instant, Boiling Springs Council :were presented, .by p., Biaglaugblin, el3q.,'With'the Chatter granted recentlY by the Court. At a subsequent meeting of tbls Council the foll Owing resolutions ,tore adopt t ell: • WIIEREAN Boiling Springs Council, No. - 132, was the recipient of their Char. ter ' granted by the Court, and presented. byßrother C. E. 11,1 ;- • 1. I AND WII'ERE./..14 We deeply appreciate CM interest 'manifested by the ladies ; therefore, he it , Reistesd, That We tender our sincere and heartfelt thanks to Brother C. E. Meg lalighlin for his address for the different Councils, and especially for his address to the ladies; hopingtherinay torni ratio lidions and stand by us. -Resolved ? That :VG tender, out: thanks ittrthei Fritriklintorni , Mid t ands for the irnusio furnished on the ..00,61011. • , Resolved, That we- tender our thanks the diirerent Councils and visiting ' t + Resorrof I, . Oat we tender our thanks b thd oltitbAS bflid by.thensilingkibtitiefOr the Ahtere manifest 44 ! • 1 st • , ',. - . Solla‘rg: Fitieus, ' 1 •',' ; i ; ~;.-1 .0. ,...1. MlTax,tors so. F . KALTMAN ' ' . conamittto. ~ IZE27IIM • SOLDIE MOI TWIENT.—AOIIO , IO/4 meat,—.Th officOes of the Soldiers'' Morn umout: - Association, acknoWledgo, with many. thanks ;the receipt of 150.03 from the,'4 Social Picui“ssocia fion, surplus 'pa hand after ~defraying the expenses - of ,their picnic at Sporting t3reen do the eighteenth instant ' , and duly - paid' by - Mr.,'Honwood. This "generous contribution is warmly appreciated by the Monument Association as springing from a truly patriotic feeling, and show ing that amid the gaieties and festivities of-life - the memory of tho heroic dead is still sacredly cherished. .. Although our appeal to the ,public 'some weeks since., has been liberally re sponded to by a , number of our citizens, in making new and duplicating former 'subscriptions, our' treasury is still con :siderably short of theamount necessary to complete the Monument, Tho die ,docks and shaft are now nearly corn ideted and , ready - to set, but it 'will re quire at least $BOO more than has yet been subscribed to fully complete it and its surroundings. 'We urgently appeal to those who have not yet contributed to 'come promptly forward and do So. An enterprise so commendable should allowed to languish: Contributions thank -rally received by the treasurer, A. L. Sponsler, esq.; at his office, No. 8 West Main street, Carlisle. These contribu tions will be duly acknowledged in the transactions of the AssOciation, to be iniblished after the completion of the Monument. MEETING OF TILE :STANDING - COMMIT- - TEE.—There was a very full attendance at the meeting of the Republican Stand ing Committee, held in Rheem's Hall on Saturday. The Committee organized temporarily, by appointing Mr. •J. C. Sample ,President, and Messrs Ritner Mullin Secretaries. After calling the roll of members, the Committee organized perinadently, by electing the following officers John„, M. Wallace, Carlisle,', Chairman.; Will M. Ogilby, Secretary, and I. D. Palmer, Mechanics burg, Treasurer. The members of the Standing Com mittee were rlitected'to pay particular attention to the registration of voters. The following additional delegates were appointed to attend the "Minority Con vention," to be held in Reading,-on Au gust 31;1870. Jacob Bomberger, J. A. SwartZ, 'Cr. - 11. Mullin. Mrs Swartz of: fered the following which was adopted : __Resolve% That_theStepublican-Stand--- ing tornmittee of Cumberland county, hereby expresses its preference for Rev: Wm. 13. Haber, of Mechanicsburg, as our Candidate for Congresa in this Dis trict. On motion the Executive Committee was authorized to have circulars printed for distribution to members, - informing them of the proceedings of this'mecting. - Adjourned to meet in Rheem's Hall on Saturday, September 10, at 11 a. rn., when every member of the Committee is instructed to be present. ATTENTION ! FRONT FACE. !—There is a movement on foot at the present trine, among some of our active young mOn to organize a military -company in our borough. The subject is now being thoroughly agitated, and is discussed nightly on the corners and streets. We most heartily approve of the movement, and hope it may succeed, and finally terminate- in the organi"zing of a-first- Glass military . company. Any -Informa -1 tion desired can be cheerfully - obtained from Jacob L. Moloy, in the employ of Wm., Blair Son. -Be has a list of the . names of twenty-six persons who have signified their . intention of joining. think this is doing very well, as scarcely a week has elapsed since the idea was .11-lonld.rfot,cf;.4is4 that boasted in bygdno days of two mili tary organizations, have, at least ono military company at the present. We should not - allow our sister towns to sur pass us in this respect, for we have the material in our midst for a number ono company. All young men favorable to the cause, whether they served in the late rebellion or not; are cordially invite'. to hand in their names'at once. As soon as thirty-five names are ob tained a meeting will be called for the purpose of effecting an ,4irganization, electing officers, &c. Whether it will be a Zouave or rifle company will be fully determined-in the future. "Rally round the flag boys," and la old Carlislo retrieve her former honor of having one good military organization, at least. . ST JOHN'S SCHOOL FOR Bove.—This school will commence its exercises on next Monday morning, September 5, at ten o'clock, in the excellent room of the fourth story of A. W. Bentz's building, in South Hanover street, under the man againent of J. Everist Cathell, formerly known a 81 ,:" The Boy Orator of the Po tomat." • ' 'lt has long been a project in the minds of some of our citizens, to establish a first-class school for yoti. i itg,men and boys in the borough, and when at the close of the last session of Dickinson College, it was announced that the Preparatory De 'partment of that institution was to be abandoned, More strenuous. efforts were put, forth to establish a school which should servo" as preparatory to the college, arid at the Same thim'addlo the, first-class advantages of education,. for hich Car-. , lisle is already celebrated. hout ; this time, Mr. Cathell, in the course of his journcyings through the State in the_ interests of the Temperance work, visi ted Carlisle, and was invited to take the charge of such a school. This ,was con sented-to, and as before , stated next Monday, Mr. Cathell will be in his place at the /schoolroom, to.onter upon the duties of St: John's school. And now, after so much has been ditee, shall the . 6'040.1-1m supported? This, of .course, Must rest' With the parents and guardians of our children. Certainly this can be An excellent opportunity is offered xis, and, if we do not . US it well, •and heartily support the :'school,- the ro .sponsibility_Lmust_resto_with u.a . nd_itot, with the prinCipah or those 'whei haVe invited hiy labors among us. A teacher it; procured who has excellent qualitica don's together with a largc, itinerionee. in the World, and an excellent school room: Lot himita ye a largo school. ' ~__.~_ GRAND TOURNAMRiiT,BY.TUE uor.,- ,dnnp PormAutm=-17d9Praeidaiim 3•c.-On 'Tlinisdni • last, OM Oumherland.Guards, of this place, held Aran(' tournament . and ., harinaM . , in . Lindsey a Gigve,. 0n',! ..1 !9 Omit distance west of town. Vor soma wcieks 'Oast lixtmisfve dons .quietly under way for this iwordful , ay., The weather,' which, gaily; in the morning had I been very Chraateni.% troy- elFarod, oft; aml ~ imattl. t o‘, 6 ,ldovelyilii:yWare`MivM. The ',accommodation' train, :,oasV,, .at . 4.83, 'brought ,9rcono4tlti'b3nd,' acid qovort4 delegations from . tho'neigkbor- WtiAme.- „::: At Mao .o'clock a.. rm ! . . street„' Pitt 0 6 14'0 1 . WhOW We parade was tiXfOrta,hocaille.thii adono'l ~ f,:l 4 l lo l l ,aPd 9f9ttgliaeaW:l,4f,Or a c°, ll-. .. si - dembloAinio . having deadvonsiimmtin Offilioning of tho different delegation's; tile' procession :moved Off in the following order•: „I Chief Marshal, William Asking: Assistant Marshal, Charles W. Conn. - Five Mounted Knights of Honor. Greencastle Brass Band. Delegations from . Greencastle, berslyarg, Shipperulhurg, New vine, Mechanicsburg and ,Harrisburg.. Martial Musics Cumbeilimd Guardi, apiain A. Jordan, thirty—mon , fully armed and equipped. They reached the grove about twelve o'clock m., where dinner having boon` prepared, was partake:ri of by the major; ity of the mirsons partioinating. About the middle of the afternoon,3he racing for thechampionship commenced. This Sport consisted, :in this ease, of four contestants - entering the field on horse•' back, to ride a distance of one hurdred - . yards, holding a spear in the right hand, and aiming it at the centre of the ring, the successful person taking it off in triumph. The victor was obliged to un fasten the ring twice out of three times. 'The following knights entered for the contest : Benjamin Moore, Knight of the Flying Artillery ; Richard Strange, knight of Winchester; John Meelane, Knight of the Flying Star, and Meredith. Lincoln, Knight of the Valley. • The Jiiiight of the Flying Artillery proved himself the victor on this occa sion, being the only ono that carried the ring off twice. Each of the other Knights removed it but once. The procession returned to town be tween six and seven o'clock in the even after marching through some of the principal streets, was dismissed on North street. At eight o'clock 'they re-assembled in Rheem's Hall, to crown the Queen of Honor, and conclude the festivities of the. day, an admission 4'n cf ton cents I.!e. ing required. About nine o'clock the crowning of the'Queen and the Maids of Honor was performed in the presence of a largo number of sPcctators. Miss Dollio Turner, the Queen of Honor, - was crowned byTeniamiiiMiiiiin Miss Nancy Taylor, Virst Maid of Honor, hy-Richard_Strange+Miss-Jennie-Fishekr— Second Maid of Honor, by sohnMeClaye, and Miss Sarah Goodwin, ThireMaid by Meredith Lincoln. A large and beautiful flag was then presented to the egmberland Guards, by , the•colored ladies of Carlisle. Mr. John Brock delive'ring a short addfoits appro priate to the occasion. The festival was the next thing in Ord= on the prO'gtapame, which was brought: to a close at twelve o'clock. The Ihuir was then taken pos session of by the dancists, and the light fantastic was tripped until a very early hour. The' festivities of the day passed off pleasantly, no disturbance of any kind transpiring to mar the enyojmni4 of those participating. And in the man ner above described, the third annual tournament of the borough passiiti now be numbered al ME I=l BOLD OUTRAGE ATTEMPTED IN DAT! LlGllT—.Aggfavating Circu m stances.—A' fiend, in the shape of a human Willi, answering to the name of Mike McCarty, aged abbut thirty-five years, and a resi dent of this town, was :mated on Sat urday morning last, at the instance of Mr: Isaac Brenneman, of Middlesex town-, ship, on a charge of an attempt to cow- - mit rape. From the description of the in a very short time be succeeded in ar resting McCarty and took him before Squire Shryock, when he was committed to jail until afternoon, when the parties interested would appear. Accordingly at two o'clock the prisoner was taken to the Squire's office where Mary Ann Alt house, a girl between thirteen and four teen years of ago, appeared again him., She identified him as the man that at tempted the outrage upon her person; and he was also recognized by Mr. Brenne man, as having been seen in conversation with her a short time previous From what we can ascertain, we learn that he was returning from Harrisburg in a spring wagon, and overtook the girl and her brother, in the vicinity of the 'Trindle Spring, on their way home from aMr. Fleming's. McCarty stopped her and engaged in conversation with her, tolling her ho knew where he could ob tain a good place for her in town, as a servant, at $1.50 per Week: He then invited them to a seat in the vehicle, and took them home. She packed some clothes in a trafeling bag,' and in eorn-- pany with McCarty started for Carlisle. Upon approaching Hamilton's grove, about 1} miles from town, he told her ho would drive into the woods •to Feat: his horse. They then alighted, whole he attempted to commit the revolting out rage, but in this he was 'foiled,•by the loud screams of the little girl, who strug gled with the monster, and dually SRC,- cceded in making her escape. Ho then came to town, and was 'arrested on the following morning, in the manner above detailed. • After- hearing. all the circumictances connectecliWith the case, Squire Slirytick committed him to jail until the Novem ber term of the Quartelsssions, Mde fault of $l,OOO ball. 011 or Elainm do serves great . eredlt for . t \el eueoessful manner in which 'he aoComplishetttlo arrest of the accused. =EMI • MApI , TI FICENT ..1311VrifilAY P,ENIONISTRA TION--Sple:adid Pyrotechnic Display.— Mr. JamoS W. Boslcr, a citizen of this place, residing in, the suburbs:of tho borough, ghvp a grand birthday partY, ' PYrotechnie display, &0., in honor of his little sou Charlio's,fifth birthday. Tho largo and capacious grounds which sur round, his residence, T. wore lighted up by numberless gas jots, sur mpuptod'vrith globes. The enterprising firm of Campbell"& Menwood 'pad. boon engaged tho 'entity) 'day in laying pipe, placing - Mioharrfers; - globitsr&c7 - Ifr poSition, and they deserve great praise for the, skillful 'manner in which they succeeded in the undertaking,• over six hundred feet or gas pipo , 'being ;used. j The gFOprods wore tluonged during the ontiro evening,. hundre of our citizens availing themselves of dit Pip opportunity afforded of witnessing tfici grand spec tacle.' The • whole 'yard' ` ivas a blaze of light,. boingalmost as bright as day.' About 0 o'clock tho largo brick man sion of Mr. Boller, wasybrilliantlY 'Mit; minated from the•ground-110dr to the Observatory, NiSible for , miles around. Shortly after - this there was a grand dis: play, of firow'orks,'. ,Yvhich;A: for ' cane and brilliancy, totally eelipsed any : pyrotechnic display over before witiiossod in this plebe. • About elevoti , o'olook.tho (bete loading • to the largo ,dining-rocint waro .thrOyil open, and the 'guests, invited to naitaisa‘.' of the repast' prepared for the 000ssiod.!, Then" wore two tables--oho for tholittlo folks, playmates, and Mends ,of., Pharlos, and, the; ,titbit ;for: ,tho 'adult persons. FloiVors,w,ore strewn,in,abnii.;! danco through the dieing ball, omitting tho most.-fragrant and , 46llelduslothirsl;* The floral display', had' boompieparod bit Mr: Lute A. 'Llub'*ho .'exhibited usual good taste and; akill.; • I The entertainment 'was - oloao at a'lato hour, One atid•allegroUng that it was. one , of' the moat: 0.10140v/is affairs over given,, or• attempted la the history' of our boroughi of our n IEII3