WE would call attention to the able opinion of 'Judge Graham; Piesident Judge of this district, delivered sometime since in the case of Mary F. Leako, ex relations, vs. Gonoral George 11. Blake, on a writ of hams corpus for the body of Joseph M. Loako, her son. 4 • PnoonewEE of the U. S. Barracks Band, for Sunday ..evening, • August 28, 1870 : . I—Prophet earch. 2—Concert Overture: 3—Now Orleans Waltz. SEVERAL of old' citizens have been suffering with tho'fover and ague during the past few weeks.. Persons should be careful about their garments these cool mornings and evenings, so that they may keep free from contracting the " alter" and " shakes." PEACTIES.—We noticed some very nice Peaches for sato in market yesterday morning, by our enterprising friend Jack Bikes. Jack rather monopolizes the peach 8414 in our fown markets, and always has the finest and most luscious to he found. BOLD ROBBERY.—Yosterday morning about two o'clock, Mr. Daniel Gutshall while on his way to market was attacked and robbed by two men. TA transac tion occuved :Mont. two miles cast of Car lisle, in the vicinity of the school house on the York road. The villaiias emerged from the woods, fi oi zed Mr. D. and pull ing him out of the wagon demanded his "money or his life." They succeeded in obtaining ten dollars, being all the money ho had in his possession. We would warn our country folks attending market to be..on their guard, hnd come prepared to give these fellows kwarm re ception. Suspicion points very strongly to two young men of this place, Tut?, following Real Estate is offer'-d at public side : The heirs of Jacob Bast, deceased, will expose to public-sale, on the prom ises, on Wednesday, September 128, in Silver Spring township, thi de Valuable tracts of laud, two of which are of an ex cellent quality of limestone, and in high state of cultivation. The third tract is situated in Rye township, Perry county, being a body of valuable mountain land. Charles 11. Mullin, attorney in fact.for Mary Alexander, will offer'for sale on the premises, at Mount Holly Springs, on Saturday, September 17, a valuable house and lot of ground, late the property of Wm. Alexander, deOased. TILE assignees of M. 11. Zeigler will sell at pilblic sale his valuable slate laud farm, satiated in Middlesex ton on 'l'lursduy, September 22. v., ' Anu....0.0.um. A LARGE addition lately. made to the stock of lumber, n the yards of A. H. BLAIR. LOCIDLAN einploys the beet artists in the city to print his larger,.pictin•es in oil, indict ink or crayon. SCUIEDAM AHO`mATIC SCHNAPPS. This medical beverage is manufactured by the proprietor at Schiedam, dloPand, expressly for Medical use, and is not only warranted free from all deleterions-com .. Pounds, but of the. best quality, and•is the only alcoholic beverage that has the endorsentent of themedical faculty. -ut...u.p.M.quitztand-piut_hottlos. For sale by all dfnggists and grocers. AII'END to secui•Lig your coal for win tor while prices - are low and quality good Call at the yardi of GOOD food and plenty of it, produces the same effect upon .a person who has been starved, that the Ecinvian Syrup, and Iron Tonic, does upon the Weak and Debilitated it makes thorn stiong and vigorous, changing weakness and so Ter ing into strength and health. DANDRUNI , mu be effectually eradi cated from the 0 alp by a few applica tions of nail's Vegetable Sicilian Rah. Renewer. LISIEBURNERS' coal Constantly on hand. Also a full assortment of lumber at, the lowest prices, at the yards of A. 11. BLAIR. 25au70. PnOTOGnmqpi, literally light pictures ; Heleographs, sun pictures; Oetinog-ra sun ray pictures; are (Efferent names for photographs, as the generally accep ted term. Ferrotype, a picture on an lion plate ; Melainotype, wpicture on a black plate : ambrotype, an indestructible picture; aro all pictures made alike. Formerly the ambrotype was sealed with balsam of fir between glass plates:. •‘• Opaltypos, porcelain pictures, Photo miniatures L., are pictures made on a porcelain plate, and aro different names for the same thing. Every style, size apd chgractor pf pic tures that aro made anywhere hi large cities, aro, made by C. L. •Lochman in his gall*, over Miller, & Leidich's and Greenfleld's stores. He has removed from NefFs building, No. 21 West Main street, to this place, Wham with better rght and greater facilities, much better work can be mado. His work, recom mends itself. Fon SALE.—Tho furniture and three year. lease of the "General Wayne" hdtel, situated on the corner of Baltimore and Mica streets, Baltimore, Md. Price —Four Thousand Dollars. 11aug70 C. P. STUALT. Notion.—A' , me:ding of the stockhold ors of tho Miramar Iron and Railroad Company, for the purposo of increasing the capital stock of said company, will be held "at Newyill6, Pa.,' on Faclay, August 20, 1870, at 'ten o'clock in the forenoon. DElti AND, "' llaug7o-3 Secrets:Ty ' A FIRLT-OLMS Bell for sale, weighing 373 pounds, with wheel and othor moos 'nary fisin,gs for ringing. Will be sold cheap. Apply to ^ Wit. BLAIR, Carlislo, Pw Steam pulap. The pump can ,bo dis 'connected from the engine, and 'engine used for dfiving any kind or machinery. gas and Iv.,ter pipe, Steam fittings, , &'C. ArLfinahan, Stone Isett, Ilollidays burg, Pa. -• Ilfelb6m CARRIAGES, Budairs, SPRING WAGONS • • CarlthleMay 8, VW. A. 'B. Sherk has`iMw • on ',hand, and will 'make to' ordOi,l.all kinds of Carr . lines; Buggies,. BpnngiWagOns, &o. ' lie has the , host workmen% in each branch, and has''•all kinds of material constantly on hand. Painting. and re pairing promptly attended to. . . sma7otf . NOTICE Reader, if you Want froth candy, go to Burk's, 85 . viest'Main. street. Lemons at Burk's. Go to Burk's fOr Raisins and Figs. Go to Burk's for overt :ling in tho way of Candies, Nuts,Fruits, &c. gods; Water, at 13urk's 85 West Main street. SAVE YOUR MONEY J."IJ. Wolf, has the largest and Cheap= est Carlisle,. of Notions, and Fancy Goods, in Carlisle, which ho offers at exceedingly low prices, either at Wholesale or &- tail: forgot the place, NO: 18 North lauovorl qttvot, Sipo's Now , , • 20,000 pounds of shoulder and side meat wanted in exchange for pure Liquors,,.and the best brands of chewing and smoking tdbacco, by JACOB LrVINOSTON, 21ap3m No. 27 North Hanover street. For direct acting steam pumps, for mines, &c., that pill pump from 12 gallons to 8,500 per minute. Go to W.Lanahan, Stone Isott, Hollidays barg, Pa. - JACOB liIVINGSTON, Dealer in PINE WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 27 North Hanover street, Offers the following goods : War, ranted pure, unadulterated and full proof. Always as ropresen;ed. Genuine Imported French Cogan° Brandy, old ago. Pure old Rye WRlslceiS by celebrated Best quality Ginger Brandy. Pure old gill. Puro old Port wine. Tho very best quality Sherry, Claret, New Englaud Rum, &e. Kimmel. 'P.:lre-white spirits, for drug gists and family uso. Sold at the lowest prices for cash. A call solicited. 21 ap6m Wholesale and Retail Dealer in TOBACCO SNUFF, CIGARS, PIPES, &C. No. 27 North Hanover street. Offers to the trade the best brands of a large variety of Chewing and Smok ing Tobaccos, real lific:,igan Fine Cut, in bulk or in tin foil. , W. E. Garrott's celebrated seuff. Real genuine Imported Havana Segars. Yara Conn-elcut and Domestic Segars. A large-assortment of everything be longing to the business, and sold at as low a price, as in aby Eastern city. • The public is respectively invited to call and inspect my large assortment. Every art'cle warranted as represented. 21 a p7oom Pure and unadulterated Wines and Liquors,q supplied at their residence, by sending order to store, or through Post Office. Every article warranted, as rep resented or the money refunded. JACOB ,LIVIIrGS7 ON. 21ap3m No. 27N. Hanoi , st cot. ➢l'Lanahan, Stone & ISeft, Hollidays burg,. Pennsylyania, manufacture station ary ~engines, boilers, direct acting blowing engines. 'Player, Thomas and other hot blast.: Brass and iron 'cast ings from one lb. to 20,000 lbs., and all kinds of machinery. SPECIAL NOTICES. "WDO WOULD SUFFER?" It Is vow 22 'es since Dr.Tublas first Int - rutinced to " Venetian I: nimen ' iu thu Usltell States, nod never in a single. nista:ice haahle us. lic:lta filth d to do all, it, no. none than 18 8 111.011 1 1 / hit planpluet. As an extern rem- tly in c of Chronic Rheum°, Ile Macho, Toothache, Brulites, Duns, Cuts, So. or, Sweil.ngs, Sp rains, Stings of Insects, road Pains t Lai' Back, and Chest, 1 s wonderful curative poweto nrc nillaculoos. Takes Internally for the cure of Cholera, s, Dystoite-y, Sick Ilvadnelie, awl Vomiting, its soothing and penetmt lug qualities are felt its sOOO taken. The oath to iyilich etch bottle is neconipeeled will sho that there is nothing injurious '1 its cOrePositlon. Thousands of certificates have been received speak ing of the rureisirtues of this valuable at dole. Any pertou ;titer Imr ir;g used It once trill irever be with out It. Every botiic of the genuine has the signa ture of • "S. I. Tahoe'i cn ehe outiide wrapper. Sold by the Drtigi,ists and hiluelioepets throughout Lb° Unired States. Price Sit cents. Depot, 10 Park Place, Turk. TI!`: CONSTITUTION OVERTII ItOWN ! 'l.le Cros lutioil and limili may be minim' by A few kiplicat ono of LIM lead or sulphar hair il.. es now ill Ule /131V4ICL. " Net a Dye" zany be the motto of moll at .rums, but A DIE may be the result of usi o; them. Dot one Hair Dye ham been tried and 110 dried of al: deleterious tendeney L tinder the in- I fallible inws of &9uuce• De It known io all, that Ciiistadoro's Excelsior Hair Dye but been anuiy7A d, by the ilis - iirq.uishef chemist Proft,,ne Cktizon, and 14 ccrti.lcate of its echoic Bumunr's Utdy he Bern at dAstadoiti'li; . 6 Astor (louse New York. A. 11. BLAIR Crisrulho'd Iluir Prlinervittivr, esn Dm - axing, ac no tic 11 ,- 12 lon tue lIoL u ter Dyeing. Try it. 4.4,70 1 TO STOREKEEPERS GENERALLY. We would he pleased to tiudl regulatly our monthly wholesale' price Ust to any slot ekeolier who dues nut re. jive them, and who dna). give us his address. The e hst3 will give Mt Wboluale Pt ices of roo t of the goods we offer. We cmi rotund peldish theta at the fi. et of every a .oth.• We invite a comparilon of t1ip...A.3 with City gout .11bas for good goode. , : . Tao locret of nooses • Nee in buying 01mill—buying often—keeping good goods—keeping op variety, and cc rying less stork. Try It. 1au,70 {Vann wisdom will benefit you: be not at h on. trolled by your incredulity. hundreds have nought relief front the horrors of Dyspepsia through the medium of Dmterll'lS Anrt•Drarcrrte STOMACH Darren and found it. should you suffer when tide admi rabic. stomachic has cured many sitnilar ClOi.-why do you doubt while otherholieve and are cued i Delay in this matter It blab dangerous and enroll table. Your health; Impphm•'e and business suffers, while constant rieglity,t in fiequently hall wed by serious and unroll • results. DEMUSII'S, BliiEltfl are equally trs•fill in. the numerous dtffiqulties offending Jodi. gcstion; ua Iltuoussr=s, COS.TrIhTION, &C., while or gEVER 110 Anus .d other disorders proceeding front Mines ova, it is the only rollablspreventive and remedy known. 240870 TUMORS, CANCERS, ULCERS Piofessorh Buchanan loan, of iho Amorier.n University, t - e making w or•ol enrol of Cancers, amore, and Ulcers, by heir new discovery. A ealtden treatment, no knife, no planters, nu caustic burning. The most remarkable effect -of thin troirt meet It, it sephnttei the chetnie..l elemen.s of can cerous grow,ha, no that they shrive', die, end disc pear, an 1 will not return. All lion afflicted ran rail on the Prof a ors, BUCHANAN k DOWN, Del ver ily ; or whirr; I, No, 51; Nue sireut, Plillads. WHOLESALE 'ONLY Coyle Brothers have Just resolved. n very large , clock of goodl, melt as Iles; ery,,Shirt Fronts, &no Fenders, Vandkerehlefs, White Trimmings, Ties not! Bow. of the latent styels Paper Culla. end Cuffs In great variety, Paper and Envelopes, Velvet, Ribbon, Coat, Vent, Drens and Pearl Mullein; Three nut SIN.Vord Spool Cotton. Sewing Sllkn, VIA Brooks and Linen, Toilet Suave Perfumery, Drugs, Shoe Black, Stove Polish, Indigo Blue, and an endless variety of Not tom), generally. AU the elmvo to ho hod et Coyle Brother. Having lately removed 'to the Jorge store room ;II the now Geed limo' Howe. we hove Increased cur stoop larger then over, mid will tt gold nrieel CO : ILE afinh 24 Boutlinanever oireet, A gentleman who suffered foriTCors from Nor'vouo Promsturo Docay, add all Oat olfee.11" of. youthm. Indiscretion, will for the rake of sulfuring humanity, scud froo to all who nood It. the recap. fur' making the simply romody by 'which, ho was cured. Sullurora wishing to prat by the odvertlt or'n osperloneo tan do so by addressing. In imrfoet' confldonco, JOHN 11. OGDEN.. No. Cedar St. Now York. May 7.70 r IVIBE HAILING, N IRE (MOMS, for Moro Fronts, Asylums, tec. Iron . liodateadx, Wire Web• binge for sheep and poultry yardi; Brass and Iron wire cloth Sieves, Formers, Screens for coal, arose savd. &n., fleavy Criminal Cloth for epolk arresters Landscape Wire for Window. &c., ra'por Maker , ' Ornamental Wire Works. Every informs• by notion lunging the thermic. Purees, BLWALEEIP & SONS' Noll North Sixth street-Philadelphia. • CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected Weekly by B. C. Woodward TFm•stlny .elorma 21, 1870. FAMILY FLOUR' $6 76 S'UFFO?FWE FLOUR 5 t) OUPEEFINE RYE FLOUR 4 60 NEW WHEAT 1 al OLD WHRAT 1 36 RYE VORA' 042 W ULOVEILYEED . TIMOTILIWRED, PLA4WEED, 'OMILISLIC PROVISION MARKET. Corrected 'Weekly by William Wqahniood.' 'Carl4le,.27zuraday M0rning,41104.2.5..1870.' BUTTER,' $ 25 • EGGS 20 LARD' TALLOW BEESIVAA' BACON HANS d r , SHOULDERS.... do ,SIDES - ' WHITE DEANS PARED"PEACIIES -- 'UNPARED do DRIED APPLES. DAPS JACOB LIVINOSTON, IMPORTANT TO PRIVATE FAMILIES AOLLIAM BLAIR & SON, " &ull End," CnrPelt., Pa BE 'WISE, ERRORS OF' Y H. MARKETS =)=l 85 Now 4111; Ohl 47 ...... 00 4 , 0 1 80 Ni !ll~I:2] Prom the Philadelphia North Atnerfilp7l.] PHILAfiELPHIA MARKETS. FLOUR S GRAIN AND SEEDS. Philacletphia, Augusio24,4B7o: ,u• • $0 50 7 25 0 00 1 45 EXTRA FLOUR. FAMILY FLOUR RYE FLOUR .... WHEAT RYE' ' CORN. • OATS . CLOVERSEED TIMOTIMEED - FLAXSEED iii!iii LIVE STOCK MARKETS Philadelphia, Monday, -August 22, 1870. The arrirais and sales of Beef Cattle were large this week, reaching about 2,000 head. The 'lnarke closed dull luilhen the follntuing range of prices EXTRA FAT CATTLE per lb 0 @ FAIR AND GOOD CATT,DE CYR,B COMMON GOG COD'S and C'ALYES are ceiling at soo@Bs, and SPRINGERS at 840@50 ; 'receilde. 150 . . . - SHEEP mere firm; sates of 10,030 Jicad at,the 11 . 1'rk drove yard at 4X,C3c per lb.fyr good. and $1 60@ 3 26 per head for common; and 3,1500 head tit' tite...A waifs yard at thc sanirliyures. - • lt;•;:?- , HOGS mere very ; 1.883 heed ' eheintleU' hands at $12(613 per hundred for slop, and sl3,ooer 13,60 per landred for corn fed. - MONEY MARKET CLOSING PRICES OF DRILAVEN & BROTRER 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia Three o'clock, pti m.,•August 21, 1870. Ml= OEM '67 'CB 4'o, 10-40's U. S. 30 Year 6 per cbutCy Duo Comp. Lit. Note Gold Silvor Union Pacific R. R. lit M. Bonds Central Pacific R. - I.lfilon'Pacific Land Grant Bonds Wu aro prepared to .furnish Revenue Stamps of all denominations to our Oust Oman, allowing-Alm fol• lowing diaconal.: -0 On $ 25 and ujaards " " " 300 ' " " , We fill and forward all order..ppon We day of their receipt. Coupons un Government and Pacific Railroad Bond/ due July first, takon name as 0010. MARRIED BRICREft—C ROSS —On the eirteenth Instant, at 11,0 rr Adeline of the bride, by the Rev. J. It Groff, Mr. John Bricker, and Stint Sar.th M. Groan, both of Sliver Spring, ton•nship. DIED. Dickinson townehip,_ on, Friday last, Jane Ann Coyle, daughter of Adam M., and Carol' no Leip, ri,r,ed2 yr..rr, 4 months, avid 3 days. BRIOIITBILLtgyn this borough. on Saturday afternoon Last; 11 ' ry. infant BM of Henry and Oaths. rine Brightbill, aged 8 ntonthe arid 4 0. yr. EARLY.—Suddenly in this borough,. on Sanirday afternoon la .t, Mr. John Early, aged 38 years rind 7 10011:lig. N TV TO-DAY. PUBLIC SALE 'OW - Saturday, September 17, 1870. The nubt.ellber xiil vo'l on the preatittes, at one, ,o'clock p. ru. of saitl (Iny, in the village of 'Mt. Holly Bpi loge, the fullowtqg tlenribeti 11013SE'ASD LDT containing 18! feet front, on the Carlini° and Hanover Turnpike, a nd IS9, feet deep to an a ley, having eieetedpereon a • TWO-STORY FRAIdE AND PLASTERED DWELLING HOUSE, Frame Store llonoe, Tailor Shop, Frame Stable Smke,llouse, and other buildings, late the resident of. William .Alemuder, deceased. There are on th lot ntarge number or Cho:te Fruit Teems, Shrubbery Sc. The protier4 loguseeptilde of being dMdc d into two lots, and will be offered us a 'whole or In (rails to art purchaser,. Tenms,Ten acr cent 'on the day of sale; the ha ace of one-fialf on, the limn of Aprll, 1871; wile ossessiOn vsill ho gig en and deed delivered, and tit 0111111 king one-half In two equal annual naymeal: •ith Interest from the first of Auril, 1871, to be s oed byJudgmeut bonds . , . l'itAitY ALEXANDER, - By 011ARLES 11 . . ,31cLQN, At.orury.in.fact. L. 11. MOoa; Auctioneer. . 25aug704 SLATE LAND FARM AT PUBLIC SALE Thursday, September 22, 1870. WIII be sold at public solo, on ,the premises. that lUabte Sloe° land Farm, sßtrated In Middlesex town. slip, Cumberland county, on the banks of Iho Cono dogulnet crook, about one and a-half miles south of Sterrett's Gap, and ono-10 nille from thdroad lead ing c.om Middlesex to Sterns:Co Dap, conta"ning 193 ACRES AND 143 PERCIIES,- strict 1i1e.19111 . 0, bounded by lands of Jesse Zeigler Abram J. Zeigler, Jacob Zeigler, John Vi'llron, and the Coriodogninet creek. The luiproreruent consist of A TWO STORY LOG 110 USE, (Weatherbourded.) a large Frame Dan , with Wagon Shed and Corn Cribs attached, Hog Sty, and other outbuildings. There Is_ a never failing tpring of waier at the house, and a good well at the barn, The land is in a high state of cultivation, having beau recently 'limed, and under good fence. Eighteen Acres of Timber, ,Land on the promisee. Rearing sealer In nearly all the fields. FINE YOUNG ORCHARD, of different klndaof f olt hi good bearing condition. There is sufficient limestone on the farm for all pure no es. Tito farm on convenient to mills, 'Churches, school houses, and blacksmith shop. Sale to COMIIIII3O. at 1 o'clock p. m , on said day,. when attenernce will be Liven and tams made known by J. K. BEIDLER, LEVI ZEIGLER, As,igneda of N. 11. Zeigler. N. 11—Any person desiring to view the property ill call on Jacob Mich, re.;ding on the premiscx. inaug7U VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. The hubscribers will sell at Pub Salo, On Wednesday, September 28, 1870, tio following described Real Estate, into the prober: ty of Jacob Kant, deceased: No 1, a Valuable Farm situated in Silver Spring township, Cumberland county, thrue miles west of Mechatilichburg, and seven milen east of Carlisle, con taining 104 acres. and 80 perches, wore or less, of limestunoland, under a high state of cultivation, the Whole having been thoroughly limed, and being un der good fence. The improvumenta are a large and commodious farm house, a comfortable tenant Immo, takart4o, b ss, and a ign o ,Laf o . n e e :td r ,. v a o s u rr t i b aa i LT . ! all in goo, repair. There Is n welt of water near the door, with a cistern at tho barn, and one at each house; aim, a . GOOD APPLE ORCIIARD on the premixes, with many other choice fruit trees. and an abund ance of grope vines, Ito. Schools and churches are convenient. No. 2 Is altuated about one-bait mile west Of No. 1. It contains tun acres and secant eh lierclies of land, having erected thereon a good dwelling h use, bank. barn and blacksmith allots, with- the otheenecomary improvements. There is a good well of water, also, a cistern tom the'door. There is a lino orchard of boot ng trees on the promises. 'lois In a desirable. blacksmith eland, having been occupied an each for ninny years. No. 3. The undivided alio( eleven air mountain land, situated In Rye township, Perry county, o. e halt mile north of Myers' Gap.' '"Tlio - property mullet auelrby caia - a . uu &mlct S. Kest. residing. No. I. Salo to take glaze on the first described property, beginning at tell o'clock a. m., at which time and attendance will be given, and terms main mu by SAMUEL J. EAST, D. E. KAsT, ° . for the heirs. HALL'S BEM VEGETABLE SICILIAN TI AI It E N . El* E • ; Is the it:0;V:: iti6 nd eelontIll: ',llli4airstl 14i ration of its ,„ibuc, tool hrs -no coilpoilloiltn merit. fly Its use G ray Heir is soon restored to Its liestol;cs.,. Ciray 33E orlblonl youth of color cud 101 l Original Haney, '‘vltloll 's so touch admired Color, by r I. 'Porr.ons , whorrd hair id thin Promotes or' lug out by thu use of our llonowor, AOOll coo . Its good of-, fectu, au, by .Its tociq . untl etimulat Growth I fag prop6rtja,s tbo Ilearsgliiiide will and is a be incited! thu hair gqiw thick aid utroutt Splendid nose It ',Olt - crests a new growth Dressing. uidys ..the ,follicles. ore destroyed. It is ecodldg, , Sod allays all Itoblog midArrilatiou 6i the ecoly. It does Try ono Bottle not sato tho akin no do dyye, but .mahso the ecolp Aqua,lTcoehtg.it le tho 11oat and,ntost ?conoroictitpropiption In too world, Thicken up the es its °Mots moat DD much loagOr. EMEI Boodlfor our Troatiro on thobotr; 'roc- to all, by mill Looks 1 -Sold by all Druggists and Dealer: In Mediocre, Pico Ono Dollar Por P ..".}1 AL' L & C Proprlotoro LA:NOI1ATO1(Y,,x401111,1, N. LI 2Gault.ly NETV.TO-DALE, JAMES CAMPBELL. PLUMBING, GAB AND STEAM FITTING. At . No. 18 North Nationer Skeet, - - --1 2 !,... 230 ceimmn,.. rszni'e STILL AT BUSINESS! The undersigned aro now telly prepared to attend to this busine • In nil 1.0 different branches. They also keep Lens'e tly on nand and for sale, WATER CLOSETS, BATH TUBS WATER CLOSETS, DATA TUBS,. WATER CLOSETS, BATH TUBS, WATER CLOSETS, BATH TUBS, WASIT . BASINS, HYDRANTS, and FO.TO Cinema, Lift and Yore° Cieterne, and beop Wall Pam" Load, 'Terra Cotta inal,Doop Wall Plano, Load, Terra Cotta - z• and lop Pipo, Chimney Tope and Fines. GAS, - PIPE, AND FIXTLTREi3 Globes, and all ktztdslf Braes Work for otram and water constantly .on.hand, or furnished to order. Dwellings, Churches. 'Factr,les and othe , bulldingt, In t,own or country, fitted ap with Iv tact, and dis patch. All work wartimted. 112f4 _ll ...11T; 111 110 1 1, ...nos 114 109% ~111 , 112 ,Thaul4..ll for public patconag6, we hope by strict attoutiou.to bunionsf to merit a continuance of the Bann, Terms reasonable, it requiiing but one trial to secure yeur contour, Diva us a call. Don't forget the p'nce. No it, North Hanover street, In the brse _mort_of Sipe's new building._ All-orders left at the retildence of either Messrs. ..110X 1164 ..111 113 ..820 830 ~875 888 .:740 770 ;0000c 8 CAMPBELL cm HEY WOOD at any time, either dor or night, viii bo promptly attended to. James * Campbell, Alexander's Itow, Pitt stroet, or WlPlam Ibniviood,South street, !Moro West.l 52.5Augly 2 per cont .3 " ' 4 ce 11 List of ,unclaimed letters remaining in the postoffice at Carlisle, Pa.; for the week ending 23, 1870 : Letters, remaining- in the postolft ce more than one - week are advertised. Such letters can only bo obtaipd by ex amining the printed s advertisdd list, and calling for thorn as advertised letters. Letters are not advertised until they have remained in the office oneweek: To obtain any of- these letters, the applicant must call for "advertised let ters," giving the date of the list. If nbt called for within one month, they Will be sent . to „the Dead -Letter Office. • LADIES' LIST.- - Barkley, Miss Josephine Monutz, Miss ...limey Dougherty, Mire Übe 2 Roberts, Miss Lie Daugherty, Mks Kato Sp n, Mad Mary A Fleming, Mies Annio It Thomas. Calolino ()nisi., Miss Emma . Toreli, Mist Anus Larder. Mrs Jane . Wilson, Miss Helen)/ rdecornig, Miss Mary =ll Ildl,litr, Peter McCoakoy, 3111 u Drown, Dr..l M. • • Miller, P G Gilbreath, John M ller, Joe .., Ilaverstick, Martin M Nehler, Jacob Jack, Jattio3 M 1 lthoadu, Jaeol, Leid'g Adam M ltueßell, G 11 1 o non, A . hied .1; Co II 31 - • - A. 4,c. TZHEEM, P. M PERFECT FERTILIER FOR: ALL CROPS. B OWER'S COMPLETE made from Sailor Phosphate of Lime. Ammo nia, and Potash. Warranted free from Miuiteration, and equal in quality to any sold during the last fohr_years.. This manure contains all the elements of plant food no SOluble form,_ Also, food for giving lusting fertility to the roil. Au nude• fable fact. ' Exp.rienco In the nen Of Bower's Complete Ma nure. by the Lest farmer. of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Dolawaro, Idaryland, - and - tho Cotton State. runningthrough a period of four yearn' trial, Las, resulted in proving it to he THE-BEST. FERTIL IZER OFFERED FOR SALE. HENRY. BOWER, dlanufacturiug'CLemlet. Gray's-Ferry Road, Philadelphia. • DIXON, SIIARPLESS Si CO., 10 South Delaware ai , enue,Philadelphla. WILLIAM REYNOLDn, 105 South Street, Baltimore, And for sale by all leading thulere. 10mar70..6in • MANHOOD : • HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culvorwell's Celebr.A.d E>say on the radical cure (without med. !duo) of Spermatorrbrea, or SOIIIIIIOI Wookutour,ln.. voluntary Sowinal.Losses, Ituplitoney, Mental and Physical incapacity, linpodinionts to Marriage, ate.; also, 1 Consuniption, Epilepsy, and Fite, Induced by Self-Indulgence or Sexual Extravagatteu. Or Price, in a sealed envelope, ONLY SIX CENTS. The celebrated author, In this admirable e-say clearly demonstrates from a thirty yeani' emcees: ul pmetlce, that the alarming consequence. of self.abuse may be tadlcally cured, without the dangerous use of !eternal , medicine or the al.plication of the knife ; painting out a mode of -core at sacs ennui°, carte), and effectual, by mr. ns of which every suffer matter what h condition may be, may cure I tinsel( cheaply, privately, and radically. 4nir This lecture should to In the illtllllB of every youth-nod every wan In the land. Sent nndur eoal, ins plain envelope, to any address, postpaid on receipt of six rents, or two pout stamps,. Also, Dr. Colvorwell's "Marriage Guido," price 25 cunt& Address the publibliers, , • CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery, New Yolk, Post °Mee B Jr, 4,100. • 2.june7o FALL _a: t AND WINTER IMPORTATION. 1870. Ribbons., Millinery, and Strait, Goyda ARMSTRONG, GATOR & Co , Importers and Jobbers of Bonnet, Trimming and VeVet Itibbons, Bonnet Sliks,Betins and Velvets, Blonds, Notte,leropes, Boohoo.. Flowdrii; Feathers, Ornamen:s, Straw Bonnets and Ladies' i Ohm.' and anti Dinned, Shaker Hoods, Ac. 237 and 239 Baltimore Street, ' DALTIIMICE MD., trot. the largest !dock to ho found In th'• country and unequalled In choice, variety, and cheap/met, ornprl.lng tho latest P Till . llllnovel.lay. Ottlers solicited, and prompt ut;entlon given. 25attn70-3m* pßoi , osALs Wo, tho undersigued Buildiug Pounnittou of the &mond -Presbyteriall Church' and Chapel, in too borough of Curtisle,lPa.,- nil :Testy° , proposals .for putting up and, fluirhinepaid buildingd, up to tho THIRD DAY OF BEFTEMBEIL Full drawings and apocillcati:ms eau ho eoen at the Oleo of John T. Green, No. 18 South Ha. 0 1 / 1 .1 . fared. Coutreotou to give acclivity for fultllluient or contract. Thu Com. intro rexerve the right to accept or reject-bide. G. D. CRAIGHEAD, ' J. T. GREFN, It. GIVEN. - A. DOSLER, A. IL BLAIR, Committer. MEM Foi• Sale—Valuablk Real Estat EXECUTORS' ALE OF ItE.iL ESFATE Tbo undersigned, exs ntors or the estate of- Jacob lfunSolumn; late of I Middleton township, CUM borl.vid cow'palifd; will expose to public halo, on the _ to.ruship, On S‘anrday, 040bert 'lBTh ' - • atlo o'clock In the forenoon of said day, that valua ble Tract of Land, bolonging to the estate of arid deems- d, situated on a poetic road leading from Carnal° to Petersburg, about 13,,Intilos south of O:11 , lisle, containing 109 AURES 'AN 1103 PERCII2B, :good thurom °ruled a '1311:niE,1108.11 AM) BANK 7.IAItN TheJand Is fa a good state oleultivation, with two flue orchards, and its acorn. se to Carlisle and other marl/Ca-renders it:a desirable progeny. The' eale iq being made under an cadet• or the Orphans' Court 'of Cumberland county. Tel3ID or Dsts..—Onolourth of the purcbaro money to be p: Id on the. coutirination of the sale;Abe balance or oneehult on the trot of Aprll, 1071, when Arad . will be made end Tossesslon give% audit° . rem 'odor on Ida first day of April. 1812. • 3ACOII MUSSELIVIAN, DAVID 0. RICIIIVINE, • • icatAgL CLEM , • 18aug704s* Executors a Jacob Mussoleran, deed. . . PUBLIC SAL] x , • . e . - - OrVALUAULt REAL ESTATE. Cis ..S'Ourttay, Sepier!sbr . 24, ,1070 The undersignad will, offer al puhltti enle, on the above tiny, on the premises, In 'WdrtTeunaborough •towuebip, Cumberland county, the farm on which he now resides, near Palinstewn, containing • las ACRES, • • mere or lc e, of the b.st,quallty of Limestone Land. Thls farm Is about one and a-balf mliev south of the Cumberland Valley kiallroadi three mile , fug' , Now yllle, and Rout ons•fourth of a mile f nut the turn.' pike leadinetherit Carlisle to. Bhipponsburg. It is well improvedomid is one of the brat stock and grain farms In the valley.. There aro about 20 ACRES OF TIMILEH. LAND • ', . . on the farm, colored with Oak, Hickory, and Locust Timber of the bait quality, .is a - widow', dower of about $2,00 that will remain fa the Tam, and thehillince bf.the. payinontwill be wade POO. Bah t,O aommonco at two o'cicibk p, tn. of said day. when .attendatfee will be glvon and tonne made known, by • , 10aug70.0t • JAMBS H. kfoOU4I,017011:I. . For Sale --Valuable•Rfal Estate pUIItIC SALE OF-REAL ESTATE. On no/chil4 &Pea!! 20, 1610. Maim sold on the jimmies, in lliddlasex.town. ship, Cumberland county, adjoining khe Carlyle Springs, south Ode : No. I.—Containing 100 ACRES, intro or lea., of Slate and, Gravel Land. The improvements aro a TWO-STORY w. r. itnNwOoD LOG AND WPATUFEBOARDED 1 10178 E, containing awn rooms, klichou, Smoke House, a never fulling Well, of water at' the door, a running .stream of water near the house, a large barn, wagon shod, corn cribs, grain honeo, bay house, applo, peach, and cherry trees; about 17 acres of Woodland. No.2.—Contidning 75 ACRES, Mora orloae,adJoln log No.l. This property has no buildings, and con• tame about 10 acres of Woodland. No. 3.—Conk.ns 10 ACRES, more or leas, about 23,4 acres of Woodland, adjoining No. 2, all In a high state of cultic - WOE, and under good (once, containing over 803 prom& of post Andrei!. A public road runs along the entire farm on the north side. • There la a good market at the Carlisle Springs, church, sebbolf house, and store, all within 630 yaids of No. 1 ,provoments. , No. 4.—A Tract of Woodland, corlleintws • 20 ACRES 46 PERCIIES - v•- • in Corrol township, Perry County, Within two miles • of Slerrett's Gap,: This lot is well covered with young. olieslialt,.rook oak, and other •tlmber ; pub lic romiwithin boll a mile of said land ~and a good wagon i wa road to the laud. A good and ndeiputable -titlo will ho given for said lauds. ` Any person I:Jelling to view :yid land caa do so by manias on Mr. A. Diller, livingeon sold farni, or at No. 72 North Hanover street, Orrilale. ••• • Salo to coinmeoce at oni7C'elock on mid day, when terms of solo will bo made known by 18 aitg7o•;t DAVID CORNMAN. ORPHA NS' COURT SALE. 11 On Thursday, ,q,ifember 9, 1870 By an order of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, the subscriber will sell at public rale, on the premises, the following described Tract of Gravel Land, situated in Silver Spring township, bounded by laude of Robert Beau, William II orsianan, Joseph altuser, and the Conodoguinet, creek, ben, 131 ACRES,. more or le-e, having thereon erected a TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING MUSE, and largo Rink Barn, and Miter necessary builditigs. Also a nact Of Mountain Land, well covered with Chestnut Timber, situated in Rye township, Perry county, bounded by lands of Iladdernuat's heirs, Sol omon Gorgav, and Adam Thomas, containing .18 ACRES, s mrasure. This woodland is within four miles of the farm. ' VALUABLE COAL AND LUMBER YARD AND TOWN RESIDENCES 'AT PUBLIC •BALE; On Thursday, - ,September 15, 'lB7O. The subscriber will cell on Abe premises, In the borough of Carlisle, Pa., the following very desirable 'Real Estate: No. I. A Lot of around, located on West Main street, 21 feet front and 201-fret-harlepth, mote or less, having thereon orcetgd a twoand'a-hr 'story BRICK HOUSE, • 21 feet front 'and 54 feet inr depth, with Frame Kitchen', Smoke House, Wood H ' ouse and nil nonex eery out-buildings. There in Itlnollhydrant at the door, with water and gas ail through the house, which Is finished in modern style. Thera is a never fell og well . of excellent water at the door. - No. 2.. 'A Lot of Ground, adjoining No. 1 on the st, cont:Xining a now two and a half story 11P.ICK MOUSE, 23 feet in :.or: by 72 feet In depth, hav:ng water. and aim throngh the house, arid all modem improvements, with oil necessary outbuildings on the lot. Thorn aro Fire Insunuree Policies orrboZli the above buildings, which on, paid up In 'ail, and transfer able: No. 3. Nino Lots of Ground, attiolelng No. 2on the Wot, being &first-class LUMBER -AND COAL YARD, containing Verge and commodiouracoal-sbeds, - a largo coarand bay scales of the Root d Case Went, omen, and •Convonteot siding, connecting with tics main t ark of the Cumberioral Valley Railroad. This la hue of the most do drable Coal and Lumber -Yardain-Carlisle r and , offersvare inducerneotato - an3- one dehiring to °lame in - the business. The whole lot contains 300 feet in iron:, more or less, oh Maid or Railroad *street, 200 feet deep, more or less. om ham fronting on College street, and 305 In length, more or less, trithe re - It from - College street to a point on Main or Railroad street. Property will bo sold together or separate; to silt .purchasers. Possession of the Lumber and Cord rood and one dwelling bowie 50111 be Oven the liest rf November if dr •Ired. ' Sale to UnlntllollCo at one o'clock p. m. Tense:—Ten per cont o 'the purchase money each; the balance of the flmt of Awl!, 1671: JOHN B. COOT ER, Assignee of S. 31. Hoover. _ EAL ESTATE est d miler or- , . "nden I.lornVidU 'Seminary R T V ALUABLE AT PRIVATE SALE. - 's Three fifths or the oho*s properties will-be Bola 'under the above 'stated order, and the °Mei two. firths as attorncpirefact for the other two heirs. ' Solo to commence at two o'clock p. m.,. on old .day.whenlerms will ho made known. He also offers at Private Wes' • L:, nnicx noust, - and Lot of Ground, in the borough of Carlisle, sit uated on the northeast corner of Iledfo..l street and Mulberry alloy, containing forty feet bent, and 011113 humb ed and twenty feet deep. The ter ms will be made liberal. N. ARMSTRONG, 18aug70-:n Guardian and Attorney-In-fact. - VALUABLE PROPERTY V AT PRIVATE' SALE. • Situated on the south aide of the Yellow Breeches creek, to l'enn township, about ono and one-fourth tulles smith east of Centreville, containing 112 Acres, and 70 perches, 20 acres covored s ioh largo Pine, White and Black Oak Timber. - Tho improVements are a TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE,. a Wash noose and Summit' Kitchen, a good largo Barn, (old atyle), a large Wagon Shed and Cribs, with nog Pen and Carriage House attached, two choice Apple Orchards, in good bearing order, to-- ~getter with' pctales, pears, cherries, ,ond grapes. Also to truer faging,well of water•at the door. Also No. I garden. The-land Is in a high state Of cultivation, under 1 good fence, an d - theimprovements - ereirrgood - Driler:' The locaron iqa desirable one being near a church, and schoolhouee. - • Also a Tenant Ilonso on the above tenet of land. Persons wishing to view tile farm can do so by ealliog upon the subscriber residing on the pretaites. 13 tuly7o.2m , J. C. COOVER. Moravian Seminary. , LINDEN HALL You w l ..o wolf if you lIILVO n Daughter, Eater 'r Wn d whom you wl4. to odujete to held lb; the for youfig Indlex. Pimso addre REV. EUGENE A Fat Principal, I.Btiffeosi county, Pn CITY .ADVE.RTISEMENTA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE FOR young ladles, Poughk.mpale, N. Y.—Establish, d In 18.1.9. Excellent opportuMtleh tor a complete English education. Auclestand Modern Languages, Art, Music. Eloctatlpu, and Nyman . .ics tho•oughly taught Also 'Vassar College Preparatory School. ' Special course of study :urnished.by President Say mood. Scholastic Year begins September 12, 11 70. For Catalogfte address the Principals, OF:O. W. COOIC., A. td.,.and MARX B. JOHNSON. daug7o4t TEUBENVILLE • (0:)" FEMALE.* S, omidary.—DelightfullY situated on the banks of the Ohio. With over forty years' experience this wall-known school offers. untummt , olvantagortor a thorough education both in the'solid and Ornamental branches. The col is only- about $6 a week.. A deduction of one.fourth for the daugh ters of mink tors. The next school year (of 40 weeks) begins Septemb, 7;1870. lead for Cateloguo lo Rev. CHAS. C. BEATTY, D.D., LL.D., Supt., or Roy. A. AL REID, HIGHTSTOWN CLASSICAL IN e.ltuto fur young Men atuflloys Sen.l for circulars to 'llev. J. 11. AI VcANDER, IIIII;gtown, N. J. L.ug71.1.4t EMALE COLLEGE, 'Bordentown, F .N. J. Board and Tuition $203 per year.. For Catalogue° address Rev. .11:111N U. BRAKELEY. A. M., P.locipal. 40 4 g7C 4t PENNSYLVANIA''PEMALE ,lege. The Twentie:h Annual Session will open September 0, 1870. Superior tulventagOs at moderato charges. For catalogue address .1. P. SUSSMAN, Colleger.110; Mout. county, Pa. 41..100 !t INVENTORS, ADDRESS EDSON, Boa., Patent itgonte.ls9 Moth street, Waehing too,D. C., for advleo,:tetros, and reforoores. 421400.4 i APPLE PARING, CORING, AND Slicing Muchine.—Takes Emir terns of the ci rut; to er.ch applS Bold "la "stArgs. Will Lo sent On receipt of El 60. Mitres. I).WIITITE.SIOItIi, Worcester, Muss." 400g70 SAXON GREEN Is brighter, %, at not rile, cost. ices 16nu Ull her ,It Ni puha twit. tie surlier. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS IN PAINTS J: 11. WEEKS ds CO. 2dANUNACTUREg: 122 Noith Fourth street, Pliiiaiiolol la 4 aug7o.lt NEWSPAPER A Souk of 425 closely printed page?, lately Issued, contains a list of tho be American Advertising - Mediums, - giving - tho — immes; -- cirenint.ons, nod :all particulars con (truing .Ito le ding Daily and Weekly Poi Weal and Family Nowspapurs, together.. with all . thoso having largo eir,itiations, put:C.llQ In tho In terest of Religion. Akriculturo, Literatuto, .to., de. Every advertiser, and ovary person who contemplates becoming such, will, find this, book of great Vain+. Melted fret, to any address on rucei pl. at IL. en - runts. OEO, P. DOWEL!, 1, CO., • • • Publlsite,s, No. 40 Fork Row, Now York The I. , :tts6Mrg(l'a.) Loader in henna 1.1 . Nay 29, ISM says: Thu fi rm of Itpsvell a Co., whirl. issues MIX intensting and .rgaluable..book, In tau large . .t and best Advertising ‘ 'Agency In the Vol ad Ststes, and we ran chootfully recominend it to the ratan:lon of those who tiostre to advertise thole bus- Irma scientifically and bythomatically to such a way: that Is. no to smut, the largest aroontit'of pub] IcltY for the least expenditure of moluty." 4nug70..1t IDATENTS.—Invegtoi take out Letters Patent. nt With Morin & edlto,s of t h e who have prosecuted claims bet for over twenty years. Their American, nod Euro pean Patent Agency is thik moot extopolve In the tvoi Id.. Charges lead then any other reliable agency. A pamphlet containliii inetruetlons to inven tors iseont grid , MUNN...4 CO, 4aug7o.4t 37 Park Raw, Now Yolk. S ALESMEN wanted in a paying Lust- nese. 8. lIENNBDY, 41 Chestnut street, Phil adelphia.. W4IGII All who suffer from Indlgottloo, tailor% dlsowleiq, not VOllB affections, conallpalloo or undue nit:l4l%Mn of t ha bowels, aro Invited Id conehlor thoso factaolz: t the curative operation of Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer ilperieni, In all such ca.*, provan by overwhelmiug toe. many ; thee propound medical prattltloners endorse It; that Analytical Chemists pronoun.* It Identical with the water of the groat Gerund Sp° ; that it purlfles and ro:Alatem the systemic. 'without weakop• log It; that It la delightfully refreshing, and Wet °very olomont it contalos la oPhor corrective, a11...0-ily°, ily°, or lOvleurating Weigh them. words. Sold by all Druggists itatt67o t WHISKERS AND MUSTACHES forcod on a moolh face (wltbout Injury) In SI: Mobs, by "PRENOIEONOUSST " Mallon for 60 cants Throe packages for, V. Prof MILLSII, Adair% Slam 'MEW MIMIOAL;PAMPHLET. Bemloal, Physical, . and • Noryous Its ends and cure. Pigco 21 Muds. Addreps 511010' TAILY, Museum, M. Anatomy, GIB Broadway, New. York; .4aug-4I Garrison 44vertisement. FOR , BALE 160 loads . 11orsoBdiinura.. Edo - A . 6lre ,of Goriosni 8011&Y• sit rho Garrison.. ' 1141100.3E' , . ADVERTISING • 105 ACRES, ' of which 25_no_lluiber— Too trool. f..ehrlded iu..o two (10d101111 -aid Willie 'sold eporito or in ono - or may salettio per chaser. Tho imp:ovemoo:l on tho 31alt 'on Trod. artra TWO-83011X FRAUB 110 USE, with Frame Bummer 'louse, large F lune Baia, WegowSned, two never felling Wolin of excellent water, and a young apple orchard., The hood is in a high tliAtO Or cul,;vation, and tinder goad Idito.t Tho smaller tract. ad fettling the Ithuniell recut, ex., tends along the 8 'von- Spring road, on which erected e NNW .TWO•SIVORY BRICK with Fiat= Summer House, 'detached; a laindsonio Frame llama; chol-o o.ap ; Fronts or nil litude In abundance. well tag d water awl a cistern no* the door.' Tertuv'elti,ii to dolt pitrolmee, Po Nona w,althlg to 'View the nroporly 0 1, the underelp.med, re WI og oo the last t Oct or on J. 0. &Look, Inatmance Agent, at the Pritokllo Homo, No. ' 0 Male, Po. lltiug7o 00. -VALUABLE REAL : : t T ip t i l i ; l r ie Lx , Tlyo subtly:o,g w2I offer at pub "o sup • On • Tith mbaday, Septeer. 27, 1870, iTract or Land, altuated 11 Silvor Springiownahni, 'ono fourth of a nano onfit of Now Knighton, On, MO turnpike loading Ilarritibu'rg to Olianiberuby,g, coat , r'og • • • 85 ACRES," morn or IB a, tbo land befog of an eicollent divan. y, partly limestone nod Onto; tieing under od culti vation, conveniently laid out In pig fluids, a lan running through tho tract =kink it convettloot at ,k easy of occurs. The Imp °remote aro a l TWO-STORY. FRAME DiVELLINO, four rooms on the first floor, and' five rooms on the so, nod floor; - Wash llonso, Smoke Rouse, Bank Barn, Wagon Shod, llog • Pan, Ao, .Also, it goad Orchard of Choice Fruit. Iso,-a well Of good water et the Coot, Also, a cis'orn at tho hones, and ono et the barn. *Also, a TWO•STORY SMARM IMRE, LINO en the proud, uoo4 for a Tenant Rouse, Sale 10 COMllleliCo AL one o'clock , on Bald day, when attendanceVilf ht,:von nod,. °runt made known by JOON AIUBS,ELMAN. - P. El.—,Any parson wishing to view thepremises before the day of halo will 'roll on the subscriber, Who will et all limes lays pleasure to allow the property. IlaugMlso J, THESE WORDS 'VALUABLE. TRACT OE . CHOICE V uht.Esumn-LAND , . On Thursday, October, 0, 1870, .• of one'o'clock follotting described Tract of Itual Estate, situated portly In North Middleton partly In illiddiesox townships; Cumberland county on the Ila-rbiburg Turnpike, about two mike east of Carlisle, and lying With its .so.uthern botindary on the Lotort hpring r eetitaining 84 ACRES AND 07 Ph1101:143.. Thorn is a ilnei spring of iveter on this trot, and It Is under good funca, and the laud in, high ststo of Cultivation. - • . c , . • .; - • • domino the !Pewits winking to puroliase n the land.' it any time before tho ;day, of t snip; by calling upon the subrierlber. Terme made known on day of sale by ' •11aug11t•te" JACOB RUTZ, OB..: • • -For dale- 7 ,Valresible Real Esfate. VALUABLE ItEAL ESVOIE FOR'BALE •- By virtue a •doed of apslgnment from Samuel 'Zug to me, In Mast 'tor Ide creditors, I wlll expos° to public , ea the ,Premleos, fit South Illhhpeton township', Cumberland County, •On Thursdity, 'September 15,. 1870j at a. m, That valtmblo plantation, situated on tho Carlisle and Hanover Turnpike, five mitre south of Carlisle, containing / • 456 ACRES AND 1 . 51' PERCHES of tfret-rate land, all of which Is cleared rind under, good fen:a. Thbro are. ; TWCP:DIVEVLINO•ITOTISEB; • and two bailie 'on the Ihriit; one of the 'lmes le an overobot brick barn; and the other an ,ovandibt barn of stone foundatidn and.framo above. Mantua two Orchards, now to full bearing, and fruit and graven In abundance.' Mountain Creek, a large and never falling stream of water, posses through tide fat m, affording ono of the best water-powers in the State, baling a fall of nineteen feat and limo Inches on this land, and a moat, excellent site for a !ornate, .forge, rolling mill, or any other works requiring a large water-power. Tho South Mountain Railroad having a connection with the Cumberland Valley Railroad at Carlisle, pumas within ono.fourth of a ru'le of the farm. It le believed - that Iron ore, of tint best quality, abounde In the land, end nlay,ba ob tained by experienced-minors ; for much lies been obtained for many yenta from. the adjoining tract. it le the porpooo of the assignee toquOm division of UM land made so no to enable httn , to separate the entire water. power, and sell 'lt. by !Moil, and the residua of, the lend-as 'a farm, or es two forma of about 80 and 55 acres, as may suit purclumars, a plot or :Iran of which will be exhibited at the time of sale. • lie will alert sell at the same"time and place • 11 BUILDING LOTS, of 40 by 180 foot, six of which will ba situated on the tostipika and therm the creek, a plot of which will also be exhibited at the time of sale. As a farm, In point' of quality of lend, tha:e le none rnperlor to It In the Cumberland ValloY; and no a watar.power It is vary superior for any manu facturing purpose.' For any information. r•garding the property application may too made to Judge Watts, C. The title to tho land is perfect, and ft wt I be sold upon the following terms: Ten per cent of the pur chase money to be paid, or secured to he paid , on the day of sale; the reeldub of elle-half on the first of April, 1871, whoa the deed will be made; and the bal ance fa two equal annual payments, with interest, to to secured by bondsand mortgage on the property sold. JOll7B S. MUNRO, 11aug70-ts . Assignee of Samuel Zug. 4nuj'it :s The subscribe r ; fah ing to relinquish farming - , offers at p ivato sale , TWO VALUABLE LIMESTONE FARMS, situated in Monroe township, between the York road and the road leading to Boiling Springs, a short mile from Churchtown, nod t miles from Bolling Springs., _ No. Springs._ 75 ACRES, more or less, of excellent Limestone land, in a high state of cultira;ion. The ImProvenients are a geed two story Farm House, with Wash Mouse and other out buildings.- Alert,-an excellent now Tenant Horse, and a "lii go Bank' Barn, with wagon sheds, corn crilecand other:necessary outbuildino. • Tide farm has two . idendid springs of running water .:on which every -Raid might • easily be sup plied. Thee springs feed two splendid trout ponds These is also a good Orchard of Choke Fruit, ouch as Apples, PCIII7I, Penches,Eherries; de. No. 2 containg-about 70,ACRES of ex cellent Limestone land, In first „rate enter. The - improvements are a double two-story Weathe, boarded House, with 'Kitchen, Bake Beaus, A, A Frame Barn, recently.repaired, .with Wagon Shed, Corn Cribs, and other out-buildings attached. An exceflent Apple Orchard, whit d large quantity of Cherries rind other choice fruits, are around the buildings. A good Well of water and a largo cistern at the house. , If desirable it Tract of Woodland for each place is offered. Persona wishing to view these properties eau do no by calling on the stitecfpler residing on the road leading from Chureittown do Uoiling Sprlnp, about ono Mlle east of the latter place, or upon NV Illiam It, Lute, Its leg Ouse by. 2jutte7o PUBLIC SALE OF&EAL ESTATE The c,-ecuturs of Haacklab liuteiv Sleccaned, will sell at public male, on the premises, 3 •North ton township , Combo land county, On Thureday, Septeniber 8,4870, at 11 o'clock a. net ii1118:0.13 Pa= Of Ow deep. sod, eiluated about Una west of C Pole, on th e Connotlooenes ck, contaloing about 180' ACRES',, of good Crook arid Sln.o Llnd, with rod Improve. moots, consisting of a FRAME - DWELLING uousg, - and Yramo Date, With an apple orchard and p eh orchard, and a gro .t variety of young fruit trees, and Wash House, and itricr,falling water, This.farni is slinattd upon the Conutryogninet creek, over Which, on the farm rern , la an i„b idgo built by the county. They will sell at .ho rne thee and place, a Tract of State Land, adjoining the above, conta'ning about 1 0 0 AC.RES,'-• • liming a BMA LL DWELLING 110U - SE and; Barn thereon erected. Thiv latter tract may be divided and sold rep—rah:lY to. pill. perehatiero.' A plot or din., of the whole will 'be exhibited _on 11,5 day of .sole,' There will be about Thir,y Acrov 0: Wood Land al,achrd to the Manske] Fan,,, 'and about four Acted to the la.,er, Thu terms will be nude known nu the ‘ day tif sale YoTEfL JOSEPH L. NOTI3II, 4au 70-3 A VALUABLE SLATE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE . 1 Tno undernignoll on x a .prorstio sato, that volua 1,10 Tract or BlaLe Lind. cltuated 1;.6 zull - no An( 0. 8010, on the right olio of tho load .le,illintt Id Cinliblu enlrliur Sur'ogx, Ortzboriond county, con-,tj using , I .. _ . PETER STOW,: AT PUBLIC SALE, I wilt 8611 at public Bala, an Pio went Nos, THE EMPIRE At TTNEXAMPT4II3,I; - LIFE INSITRANCE CO3iPAI:NYI In the first FlflebnTtlig at Its exlstonro Ilan Is OVER FORTY-FIST: 111*DRED POLICIRS INSURING OThli $8,000,000.00 and taking in Preininme $500,000.00 holing the !argent rommoneetnent burhivre ever thin by any company in the world I Ordinary whole-life policies nra absolutely non forfeitable from payment of first anneal prenclum. Special insuraure non-forfeitable after Iwo Ronne payments All policies Jueoutestable for usual CallBCB, and absolutely incontestable after two annual premiums. MI restrictions upen.travel and residence removed and no permits mluired. No accumulation or interact on Loans or Deferred Premiums, and no increase of annual rapneuts on any class of policies. Ono-third of the premium loaned to the party In sured, if desired, and no Note required. Dlvldende err the progressive plan, and also upon the guararitee Interest plan. Ituelnet6 of the comrney_condueted on the Mu Neu. ' Policy simple and liar in,its prOvisloos Incontestability of Policies It Is the purpose of Tho Empho to fulfill all its contracts, the evidence of which Is that its - polfry has no convenient refuges by means of which It can escape a Just demand. Proven fraud on the part of the insured will always invalidate a policy. Also j,‘,,,qa., If committed pro 'lons to the payment of the second annual irendurn; or death canned by engaging In any specially hazardous I...miness within the first two years. nut atter the exp 'ration or two years, the policy-will bo held Incontestable for all causes except' fmud. . Non-Forfeiture of LifO Policies No policy of insurance with continuous payments for life will be forfeited or become void by the non , P - ayment'of premiums thereon, until the full paying power of the premiums limo been exhausted. The language of the policy le: " That if any premium after the first anneal pre mien' shall have been paid, shall not ho paid on the day when duo, and the said arsured shall, within thirty - daytilliereafter, give notice in writing of ina bility to pay the same, and of a desire that raid policy shall be continued in force under the following conditions" Thee and In such mu this policy shall r — Mt - TiFfiTriat - e - dorbiTe - iiino void by the non-payment of the Sind premiuM• duo. (beret:6,-6M- after tho expirntien of a perlod,_ to be determined In wit: The not value of this policy when the pre mines becomes duo shall' determined by actuarial calculation, and after deducting from such net ening the Loans upon said policy uneantel ed by dividends, and any indebtedness to the Company, four-fifths of schitt. remains 0141%, considered a net single , premium of temporary insurance, and this pone? shall be continued In force during the term for which I.t wilt incise, according to the.,ige of the party nt the time of the lapse of the premi u m. Example of the Non-Forfeitable Plan of Ige of party insurfd. 35.. ordinary whole life policy 0 SIC annual premium wllltlnne the policy In force 2 years and a days: - Two annual prendunto will continue the pont" :time 4 years and 12 days. Three annual premiums wilt continue the pulley •tP force 0 yeere and 27 dap:. tour annual premiums 'will continuo the-pnlivy force 8 years and 46 days. e. Five annual premiums will continue the policy force 10 - years and 60 days. OFFICERS G. Hijton Scribugr, President George W. Smith, Vice Presi dent. EOM= Sidney )f'ut, Secretary Lemuel 11. Waters, Actuary Thomas K. Marcy, M. D., Medi cal Exaiiitner. Everett Clapp, Superintendent o Agencies. • THE TESTIMONY OF THE PRESS MEE Thu Empire bin impular hoditution, nianaged by reliable Men, on sound buniness principles, and is dietined, at a very early day..to stand shoulder to tvith the oldest companies of its character in the country. Ito officer., and ifirectors " Wan bustnee4, 6 and have' organ , zell the view of .establishing a model 1.•/udepeuti ent..Januar,y.211, 1670, " This Comp:Ty - 1a a grout 1:1111.4.1.; the reeelt o able, teonomicel; awl reliable eeinegement. The kniplee litei an euie.rier in tilo Colllktry..—lid3o/1 Post. • "The sareemof Iht, I mpire Lae munriiussod —Pravekr. - “Tlio Empire will utiract the ink:root of. (limo coutoinvlaitit.g liouwatt.er.”— Inttetthoui n od Ito lifCl4`44( Itioi!ng a pulley, In tLI. Company, No fuel aiast: . prldo in die gt eat !Mixt. It is nelkievlng."—Kra, An 'oxe,ell.-:ilt "A very en'eceesfill o;nipenv."—fblagrroatiOnalirr -"The Mopla Mutual Is unsurpassed. Tho men connethai with it are, fur 'thoso who know them, a ouillelOnt . recommendatiOn of the Company."—The Noflna. • It in with Pocuilar ploaoure that Ivo opoak of thin' now candidate for TIMM,. favor. Wo know many yoars Waco the Freeidont of tUb company. Wo know him to bo amau of energy, of character, of superior businem ability, and iii;ovo all dee, a ouccosoful man lu whatovor ho undettakce. The .truch la, tho Com pany has adopted dm beat itdprovamonts of the day In its orgailloation."—Neto Eugtand Insurance Ca sette. GEO. S. EMIG, AGENT von' . I Cinnborland, Perry, and Jaidata Coun- OFFICE 'WITIt'S.: ITEPBURII,,JR... r arkluly7o-.ly 1 : Ea ME TIIE NPIRE, MUTUAL OF NEW . YORK, ~.:~~x THE REASON FOR IT. the " Empire." !—Z4on's Herald BUCHU. THE KIDNEYS.. ' .!•. The liblneyn aro two In number, situated at the upper part of the tole, surrounded by fat, end eon slating of three parts, viz: tho Anterior, the Tote Her, and the Exterior • Theafiteritir absorbs. 'lnferior consists of tbamos urveine, which nerve as a deposit fur theurine and convey It to the exterior. The exterior le a comic for also, torminating IA a Biagio tut., anti called tho Ureter. The eretere ere conneeted 'rho plodder in romposod of varlour coverings or timer, 'divided intn part , , viz: the UiyeF, the Lower, tho Nervomi, and ihe Mocoos. The uiper tho i. war rotnitt. Many IC:xtmrt desirdto urinate without the ability; other. urinate rilhoUb tho ability to letaiti. This frequently occuro in IMMIE To cltro then° nffectlons, we loud bring Into action tlio inneelee, ldcL Eire engaged In their various fuuctions. If thexpromejr:octed, Grovel or Droj ny ME= The reader tenet :lad Le made :mare, that howero alight may be the ttt..ark, It Id Hare to alroct the loally health and menid powers., no our nosh and tlood nro supported from thememoureen GOUT OR nIIEUIIATIHM.—PoIo occurring In the lulu e indicative of the oho," amuses. They ore. I a persons disposed to 'acid stomach and Chalky eon MEM Tna GRAVEL—Thetravdl °omen from neglect o mnroner treatment of the kOlope. Them organs teing weak, tho-water Is notexpalled from the Mod der, but allowed to remain; It, become feveriab, and • °dimwit !urine. It le from this ilria.xit that the atone Jr formol, and gravel amines. 11110PLIY in n collection of wider In MMIC pnrtn of tlm body, nod bears ditforrni Ttniro, according to the parts affoited, viz: whon generally diffused over tho body, it It called Anwarea ; when of the abdomen, Mcßee; when of the chest, Ilydrotharax raze TIMII.-11eltubold .5 highly concentrated coin - mind Extract Burial is derldtally one of the best remedies for diseases of the bhuld,;r, kidneys, gravel dropsical I welli op; -rhea m lionand —gonty-affe ions Under thin head ive have arranged Dyani la r difficulty nod pain In panning. water; Fran ty crotion, or moll and frequent dixellargoo of water Strangury, or stopping of water; Ilormoturla, or bloody wine Gout and Rbeinnallem of the 10.dneye, about. any change In quantity, but Increase In dor, or dark water. It wax always litbhly mem •uded by (he Into Di. Plryekk, to ttme'uffectionF This medicine increases the power of digestion, and excittis the absorbents lute healthy oxerclre by 'deli the watery or calcareous depositions, and ell unnatural enlargements; as well as pain and Inflam al . O reduced. awl It 1 . 6 taken by into , women, Directions no air nod diet accompany Ph Ilado Pa., Feb. 25, 180 U. T. Lichubold, Druggist Dear 01r—I base been a sufferer, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladder nod kidney affec tions, during which time I•have used various medic tool and been under the treatment of • tito most eminent physicirus, experiencing but little eel lot. Haviog seen your preparations extenelvely adver tised, I consulted with my family physician in regard to using your Extract Duchu. I did 'this because I bud used nil kinds of advertised remedies, and bud found them worthless, and some quite injurious; in fact, I despaired of ever getting well, and determined to tree no remedies hereaster unless I knew of the ingredients. It was this that prompted mo louse yohr remedy. As you advertised that It wan composed of bonito, cubed's, and juniper berries, It occurred to -mo and my physician us an excellent combination, and, with bin advice, after an examination of the article, and consulting again with the drJggist, I concluded to try it. I com menced Its use about. eight months ago, at which timb I was confined to my room. Front the . first bottle I was astonished and gratified at the Irene& dal effect; and oder luting It three weeks,' w:e able to walk out. I felt much like writing yeti a full sratement of my case at that time, but thought my : Improvement might only be temporary, and there fore concluded , o defer and see if it would effel . .t . it per:ect cure, :.nowing then it would bo of grestFr value .o you. pod more satisfactory to too. Into now nolo to repot. that p cure liefTected after using tiro amody for Live Month.. Ibsen riot used any now for three months, and feel us wort n ail respects no I over did. Your 'Moho being derdid of any unpleasant taste and odo . , a nice `mac and invigorator of the system, I do nut mean to be without It whenever occasion miry require Its IMO In such affections. - M McCORMICK E211M11:1!IfEl2M=!1!!!!1!1!11 1 .11IIT/1111!I refers to Ow 11/1101, lug geut.lemen u. Wm : Bigkr, ox Governor, Pennsylvania on. Tine. 11. Florunce, 11311advipliin Knot, Judge, Philadelphia, J. S. II nt.k, I.lillettlo!phitt D. 11., Portor, okArovernor, Peun4ylvittila Ellis LevlB, Judgo; I.llllsulelplais It. C. Grier, Judo, Cult, o . 7.tatos Cou U. W. WoodwarJ, Judgo, Nina&lpbla IV: A. Portor t eity Pollvitor, Philsdolphla .n. John IlightF, az:Um:ono - a, California n. h. Itenkil, Auditor general, Wmillington, D. C Aniintinrinlitra, If tiecemiry -, Sold by DraggiBtd nal! Daitlera ovetprhore, re of counterfoil& Auk for llohnbehra. Toko nu tor. Prleo-4145 por'bottlo,or 6 ho;tlo Air $6.50. Delivered to any address. Deseribu ayinptonts lo all ammuttletitlone ElErI23 H. 'T. HELMBOLH, DT ug and, Cloempal IVarehouse r C ,1104 . 1010ADWAY, x. Y Norln AltE GENUINE •UNLESS dune up in eluol-ongravod 'tcrupp4r, 7 vilth laewlmllo of my Chemical Warebduse, pad ‘Eigi.d kuzioLD.. Mil 6qiune7o ly Pablie Sales Of . Real 'Estate PUBLIC - SALE VP VA V ABLE , REAL ESTATE., , On Mhz' y, - gepteiiite; 23, 1870 I will sell, on 'the llfrinalon Farm, by 'virtue of the will ol'llerlum in Oleler; Sr„ deceased, the following described BeaUß•date, No.l.—The Mlhelon Rm, situated' on Iko rend loading from Carlisle to Liaburn, In' Mound town ship, Cumberland county, Pa., about milt.; out 'froze ChurchloWn, - :cintt four miles southwesl .rum lifechanlcaburg, adjoining lands of Abu', Hutzler, Philip 7.elgier; Parld hhopp, and John Strock's holy., pontallong stout • 8G 'ACRES,, of rich II mouto° land, nil cloarod, and under thory ough cultivation. The iraprovontontJ are , . - TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, nook Building, a largo Bank. Born, iiragore" . " -- Shed, and 'other ontbuildlaga. Two lingo Cleterni, one. at , the home, and one at, the tarn. A well 6 ' nover.failing water near -the holm; a bun, largo Orchn‘al, Ac., de. Title ' and mad de 'IMMO farm, and well worthy the attant,tott , of buycra. • ' • No. 2.—A Trnetlor Woodland, In Franklin ttiwn. Air, York county!, Pa., adJnining knell, of C. W. Aid, Nan/ol IYoirs hoih, Dor lr'ain Uhler, nod Mims, . nthining ..ut 23 ApREB, ME= No. 8.-Alract of Woodland In Monaghan town hip,"York county, I , n , atiJoinlng lantli, of Famuel Brougher, John Bucher, and °the., containing about 2 ACRES, of very fine Oak Timtor, This Tract lute a fine spring of Canning water on it. Salo to commence at one o'clock p. uk., when at tendanco will be glren and terms made known by BENJAMIN OIVLER, Jo.c Executor of Benjamin (Oyler, er. , dec'd. 18 ug7o-ta WILL BE SOLD AT PRIVATE Sulu, titre° valonblo Town Lots, 111.11 to lior• oogh of Cm itslo No.l.—On .College- street and iVairOrkeo road, containing about • 5 ACRES. No. 2.—AMoloing No. 1 and Waugonor'F. coo , In at ant ACRES. No 3.—Ailioining No. 2 void Waggon/4'N road containing about 7 ACRES Pot terms apply ' • JOSEPH. W. I'ATTON IRauell 3 Boots, Shoes and Minks STROHM t SPONSLER, No. 13, , South . ila7loVel. street, Carlisle Thankful for the polronsgo extruded them, hero toforo, do now announce their nnutl largo cinch SPRING STYLES. OF DOOTS AND • SHOES, FOB Ladies and 31iRses, Gents and Boys, Youths and Childs, witch are oprivallod for entolort and be.tx. Alno, TRUN,KS VALISES, I= All of whiel. will bd Hold at a mall •profit. Coll ono and all, and get a full equivalnutlor your money 14t1p70 IVEDICA IRON *IN THE BLOOD ! NATURE'S, OWN VITALIZER. THE PERUVIAN -SYRUP, AN IRON TONIC WITHOUT ALCOHOL, &aim'lutes with the blood as easily as the simplest food, alt nixing and ltivigorating the whole system. It stimulates without reaction, builds up the broken doWn-, cures Dyspepels, Debility, Liaet Com plaint, Female Weaknesses,Dropsy, Humors, &e., and expels disease from the system, by increasing Nature's own vitalizing element—lßON. . . Pamphletu free. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 30 Deg etreet, New York. Sold by dinglstx generAlly 17m470eowly Di., Auer & Co's. Advertisem't Ayer's Cathartic Pills. For all the purposes of a Laxative Medicine Perhaps no one li:wahine is so universally re quired by everybody as a cathartic, nor was ever any before so universally adopted Into use In every country and among ail classes, as this mild but etlic:ent purgative rat. The obvious reason Is, that 'it Is a more reliable and for mord effectual reme dy than any other. Thoso who have tried it, know that It cured them, and those who have not know that is cured their neighbors and Wends, not, all know that what it does once it does always—that it never falls through any fault or neglect of its composition. We have thousands upon thousands of cot Mimics ell - their remarkable cures of the following camplaluts, but 'such cures are known In °ltaly neighborhood, and we need not pubilah them. Adapted to all ages and condition)) in all climates; containing neither calomel or any deleterious di az; they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar. coating pre‘erves,them ever :bosh and makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable no harm can arise f,om their use in any nun dity. They operate by their powerful influence on the is tmnal viscera to poi ify the blood and stimulate It lair; healthy ;tea, n—remove the obstructions of the shamed), bowels, liver, and ether °read of the body. restating their irregular action to health, anu by consoling; wherever they °Mot. such drrangetuents a's are the llret ori,,in of disease. Minute directions are given in the wrapper on the hos, for the following complaints, which these Pats rapidly cure For Dyspoprfo or Indigestion. Lintlessoors, Languor andi Lot of Apoutite, they should be taken moderato to stimulate the stomach and re%tore Its healthy tole and adieu. For Liver Complaint and Its various rytnotoros, Bilious Headache, Sick tharlache, Jamul!. oral Greco Sickness. lii.loue Colic and bilious Fevers, they should be Judie , ously taken for ouch came, to coirrct ,the diseased action, or remove the obstruc tions which cause It For Dysentery or Diiiirbcem, but one mild, dose la geuecally required. For Itheesnatisio. limit. Grovel, Palpitation of the lira , I, Pain fu the Side Sack and Loins, they sliould ho coulluvouily taken, us niqulred, to change the diseased action of the systicin. With such Oiling°, those complaint. disappear.— Fel Dropsy nod Dropsical SiveWogs they should be inks,, in large nud, frequent doses to produce the effect of a draa.ic purge. For Suppression n large dose should betoken, s s It nioduces the dished a Met by sympathy. AN ft Dinner 1 11, take one or two Pills to pro mow ulAestion and roll eve the stomach. Au ocesslounl dose stliouletes tho stomach 111111 bowels Into healthy aotlort, restores the appetite, and Invigorates the syetsoo. noun, It Is ottuu adTantagetuis where no serious denttmemput ex ists. Oue who feels tolerably molt, cam' Owls that a Into of thee° Pills makeo him fool dapiclusly better, frotortholir eleanslog and i &abstain Urea' on the Olio/Also- appsratu,,— 'DR, ✓. C. .1 TER Lt (YO., Pr. Chemists. ENWMMi?2=I J. E. Caldwell's Advert Iseatent. OOLD 'MEDAL WATCHE T E. CA;LDW ELL & co J . jEWIMP,Itt-1, 00 6 r 1 I'HILADELI:IIIA, Jinni PM; ITC(.;VeII by Steamer another I t•tto siripply 4,ft?10 cukbiatt.il COPENP kaklti ISATC/IgS • inautifiteturoa for thrlr n O. by Ekok •Ine 'flit .0 watol,,, ...101013,111,11U1i elrel/ing fit /1 ' St;lo, and 'AcettritO, hi w uk th o moat convirtont n . rangontont foe \s'l log and Sitting, nod ferninheti nt -n very mo‘loutto' et. t. AI•10, on • full lino of ONNEWA, ' )SNOLT.BII, AND AMDDIOAN FINF4 QOLD , IVATOTIES riollablo Tim . -Iceepora, In overt' variety of finish and pAnooliroct from the Mtkonfactorere, Nrith nem'. ofit Wet boa dyke of •,- • ' , • Gold Chains, Seals, Keyo* &e:, • ,te Also, TLVERS,IPOR THE TURF.. ' 9. Win; 01y dot Elcalpit for Dire tors.. El! e‘ , Nutlet! le hereby given tbntnitolpetloil will bd bold otl .41/Isubly, .September s,lB7o,lbotween the boury,r I{ ton .01., sod deur pon4 et 'hoot:neon/010 Conhe y, 111"Ourlieto. for • tho purposo . 'elre. log Th 11.14,11 Directors of the Otheborlntol {'alloy Tltt 00l "Prdll , e; tiou,Cipapany of Cueoberlaud ceouly; to servo roe tho lly ol,Wr of tlloDderk ' , • JOIIN Seerotery. AUG'S. 'AT . • ' ' 11qug707P', NO t 1 . 4 Sopth; an. 4 ifAV . EITSTICK - IMOTHEIie, CIABLIM, PJNN'A. 14 '4401 y M ' '