Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 21, 1870, Image 3

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    CA,1Nci . 0,17...77.1,41W, tll '412,1,t30n of.
earitpimi' Sat' Patties', aid. dif
manner of excursibrufte:the46W 4 lnicl
mountains. It is a grateful changeY : Oven
to us living, in oUr o peautiful :valloy, to
romp and frolic • under the shadow of
"spreading trees, :and to , :dohitnge the
bustle and noise of town for the quiet
and silbace . . of the country. /led yet,'
with all the. many and superior .advan
tages wo of Carlisle possess in the way
of, available ground and fability 'or - 0-
, preach, we 'heor.of few or no such 'Par
-He's.' In fact, if our memory servos us
aright, one pionie is the sum total Ibr
this season. Carlisle has boon callodthe
"Coma town'? of Pennsylvania ; the
beauty and refinement of its' ladies, and
the intelligence , and 601.!4lill0.8 of its
gentlemen meriting the name ; and the
time is not long gone by. ' The young
men now, seem to , be demoralized, or
else. afflicted with depraved, taste, for
they act on all occasions as if the com
pany of themselves was preferable to all
other. For shame ! when wb are blessed
with so many pretty and intere4ing
ladies. You had far bettor spend the
money on your lady friends than go
carousing with seine companions, amid
breaking every commandment in .the
&cologne. The company; and intimate°
of ladies is refining and elevating, and
the man who is insensible to them is
Only last week an exeutsimr:of the
most delightful character came off in our
neighboring town of Chambersburg, and
which will long he a green spot in the
memory of all who were of, the party.,
The party—an equal number of ladies
and 'gentlemen—about twenty in all, took
possession of a large unoccupied house,
six miles from town, called Fonthill.
The house was large and airy, situate in
a grove of full-grown forest tree; on an
elevation, at the •foot of which was
spring or clear, cold water. About half
a mile distant ran the crook, convenient
for fishing and bathing. An ample lawn
spread out on all sides, giving little evi
dence of cultivation, and in many places'
the undergrowth formed thickets—con
venientfor "spoory" people. A fiddler
was in attendance, and a large linear
peted room, set aside fOr .dancing, was
seldom free from trippers of the light
The young ladies played Bridget with
a poor grace, and burnt hands and-liced
lingers testilled to a wl[wardiress pm re
sult pf iabfperitame. It Nyas a party
)vhere Op - niece conventionalities of
society were discarded, and each one
shone in his true light. Eating, drink
-ling, dancing, card-playing, flirting, sing
ing, driving, and walking served to make
the hours scent as minutes, and the day
as hours. All the pleasures of a water-
ing place were present, without any of
nistrttints anti rormalities, and the
ladies founfi time for more thatf sleeping,
eating ? and dressing ; while the gentle
-men found better use for their time than
employing it in drinking tenai carousing.
It:Was a, sensible, honest, delightful ex
cursion, and will long-live in the memory
of all who participated in its pleasures.
Now, Carlisle gentlemen, here is some
thing for you to emulate. If you cannot
II() better Than this. you must stand back,
IleYeil's ?WIN' Olitiel!! e n , ifi c "!"Sl ic §
-- 7 aufi nicer ones, as much money and
time-to sprox as - the ChamherShurgers ;
and all that is 'wanting is the spirit.
4 pop)e dlnct:s,"—By teferenee to
941. qew ads. It will he shat} that f f po t .ci'•
Thayer's 1 w flirßus le bided . fqr this
Oacp on Wednesday, 4ugnst, 3. '}ho
portnr has a world-wide reputaMon, as
being "the emperor of shownlen," and
the proprietor of " the best show on
earth." He refers, with especial pride
to the grand array of distinguished
equestrian and gymnastic celebrities.
wiri,Rry nFp - new i and present an
Pl e gl 4 f!PPR a rTIPPI b° IIg 21P4trllqeq ou
pite . ninst The Costumes
are entirely new, and consist of the most
extensive 'collection of I. go4;'eots' parri
phernalia ever embeclieq in the °atilt of
yhy trilycling, Circus. Artists of recog
-14 :}Vilify, ;H:° 910 4 1'0 in every tle7
piirtlnpnt pr thp LT , Qcr'pos :
celebrated New Torlc Curpet
Band accompanies this show, and lyill
fliscoorse the latest popular airs of the
day, both hi the prude, and at each per
The prooesslon will take place en the
day of exhibition at ten a. in., and will
be preceded by the beautiful band cha
riot. Admission 50 cents. Children un
der 10 years of ago 25 cents. See ad
Pie NWS.—The season for picnicin ,
is now in full blast. Picnics are the ordel
of the day, and, "everybody as is any
body," excepting the poor printers, can
have the privil'ege, and the moans r,t. on.
Joying themselves.
Wia l sttliiNihty, the Sabbath School
attached to the Methodist Episcopal
Church, First Charge,' H. C. Pardo°,
pastor, held a picnic at Hunter's Run.
I:;etwedirthrce lihd four hundred persons
participated: They loft town about eight
o'clock in the morning, and returned be
eween 'ae'ven and eight o'clock di the
lrk!11 1 01)..
delighted With the day's recreation and
The Sabbath School attached to
the Evangelical- Association,,, of this
borough, are' making prepay lons for
holding* a picnic at Hunter's Run, on
Thursday next, July 28.
The First Presbyterian Sablmtli Sebool
are making arrangements to held a pie
nic ' . at the above-nanied -fitvorite resort,
on or about August 4.
VPo heaC - it rumored about towiirthat
committees from the American Mechanics
of Harrisburg, and the Zouayes bf the
same city, have visited Hunter's 'Bum
within the past few days, with a view of
making arrangements for the bolding of
picnics sometime during the''''coming
;tosmj DAttli is spllipg as good lheel' ate
can he had in.the market, at consider a :.
requetion price. • Ho; is enabloilto
this fon/ thp fact that ho sells entirely
for cash; a n a po n i q uo R ti.y
•froni bitAppstopaeria. pis Ota/148 at the
soptheitet * Pernpr of the market house,
No: go, pi Llm a • '
Aprylnica*iltx. , • .
GET Oliaprnan's Picture's, the Inrst, is
ehvayie the olicappst, . •
A Dienutsuttso eppettl causets the
friends of the sufferer almost as..much
pain as thefsufferor himself, and4aald
reoeikre itemediate
tar'i Balsam or. .Cherry speedily
cures coughs,':' colds, influenza, sore
throat, &e. .It r ; always Folieve . con
sumption,' and in many well, attested'
'caties it has effected a porkeV.oure,
• • • • : P9lt
The dip hmiso No. 105 West'
Louth(); street,. .I,Poaseasioug4rou. imme
diately. ilditel.Dit,r. 11(., Tonroso r
• Grk Cilaprapn'a,Photopaivat:urcs.. ,
~. •
- J. H. Wolf,'h'as the largest and Choap
est Stock of Notions, and Fancy Goods,
in.Carlisle; which he offers at exceedingly
low prices, either •at Wholesale or Re
tail.... Don't,. forget - the: Place, No. 18
North Hanover street, Sipo's Now,Build-
in a new invention, that will pay well.
Capital small. For further information
apply at Tnrs'Ozimen. 14.ju1y70-3t*
you can buy Candies, Nuts, Fruits, &c.,
cheaper than anywhere else in, town.
eandy,'at 'Wholesale, 18 cents per lb.
" Retail, - 20 cents and
upwards. A No. 1 Cream work, CO eta.
I keep no second quality of Cream
work. I Lave a first-class workman to
.manufacture, and can give a better se
lection than can be found in the town.
A large lot of Fire Works cheap.
Soda Writer 1 Soda Water I Don't
forgot the place—No. 35 West Main
street, next door to Piper's Book store.
Carlisle; May 8, 1870.
, A. B. Shenk has now on' hand, anc
will make to order, all kinds of Car
riages, Buggies, Spring Wagons, &c.
He has the best workmen in each
branch, and has all kinds of material
constantly" on hand. Painting and re
pairing promptly attended to.
Steam pump. The pump can be dis
connected from the engine, and engine
used foi• driving any kind of machinery,
gas and water pipe, steam fittings, &I),
M'Lanahan, Stone & Isett . , Hollidays
burg, Pa. 17febOm
WLanaban; Stone & Isott, Hollidays
burg, Pennsylvania, manufacture station
ary engines, boilers, direct acting
blowing engines. Player, Thanes and
other hot blast. Brass and iron east.
ings from one lb. to 20,000 lbs. - , and all
kinds of machinery.
20,000 pounds of shoulder and side
meat 'wafted in exchange for pure
Liquors, and the best brands of chewing
and smoking tobacco, by
21ap3m No. 27 North Hanover street.
For direct acting steam pumps,
for mines, &c., that 'will pump
from 12 gallons to 3,500 pet minute. Go
to 11PLanahait, Stone lt Isett, Hollidays
burg, Pa.
Licaler• in
Nu. 27 North Ilitnorer street
Offers the following goods : War
ranted pure, unadulterated and full
proof. Always as represented.
Genuine Imported French Coganc
Brandy, old age.
Pure old• Rye Whiskeys by celebrated
Best quality Ginger Brandy. Pure
old gin. Pmo old port wino.
Tho ve f y best miality Slicay, Claret,
New Eligland Ruh, &o.
Kimmel. Pare white spirits. for drug_
gists and family use.
Sold at the lowest prices for cash. A
call solicited.
2 I apOin
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in,OIIACCO,
Ng, i Zrora 11(19 i gt;6y .strt;as,
0 - 1 1 4 s to t,luariide — the bast brands of
a large vaidety , of Chewing ittid Smolt:
log Tobaccos,—real—Minhigan —Pine Cut;
in bulk or in tin foil.
W. E,Garrett's celebratehnuit. Real
genuine imported Havana Surs. Yara
Connecticut and Hothestic Sears.
A large assortnient' of everything - he
longing to the hilsiness, arid -Sold
Ipy a Ripe, lig 4±;a4eo
is respebtively invited to
call and inspect my largii assortment.
Every article warranted as represented.
'TO rnivxtv: rANnr,rEs. -
Pure and unadulterated Wines and
Liquors, supplied at their residence, by
sending order to store, or through Post
Office. Every article 'warranted as 'ep
er the rOnnded..
ACQH mrpsToN.
:liap(inc No.' 27 N. Hanover street:
.0•V•1 , 1:AF'N1•:. , •: , , awl • A'1%,11111
tintelvilll.ll Ntiu. by J. INlty,s, ai
in 14i renil 4 l,/,,q,i 0 ,
year.,4•prrilicr, (Iyrn3.•ll) or 1.k.N . ,dr0, 11011ant1.) Nu
xUk Arrt, : , trt•••1, It Trnilmoul4l, ,•;1.)1.0
at hi , ..111., 'rue inetllcal tticulty nal 11_011..1 to git•
voirip y Llo•tr p3tiout •, Ilt,lo, 1)1
pratnle... A.1111,1W eye , lo••or pal:: Ni
,1),Irg• ~xt,1111,•/)
(Mu]) G 7 1y
Sore and thy Throat cured by half n l'lngt,
n.rually in Iwo or three hour,.
hr,Oreen, No air: Broadway, Nen York. infortna
un Le Hold Oil Monday, doer 21, 1862, two Pluton,
in a prong .0111It11 .IM:ring Prry aro erel3 from Iron:
logo On Thooday sire rolled to get two more for ir
!Hoard, nall then ntatsd }I,W the Oro .he had truer .
elrlord Ball relieved low Immediately'
ofterrpoiting them on, Wool I •od lar ‘ . j,l Cor rin3L
II mart orj,t+l..Airir hoin iri trOIL liadi rind
liciwk`h Purruu. Pla.terg ha. h o ot, f o und xpucillr
I r 1111.1th.11.11 ul ilto Wri,as. • 3,10,14,70.1. n.
AIIIN V. 101 mire awl
10 ea.!. of Chronic 1110.01000100, I I viol.
0010.,eriiiitinitiliti, Cllllll/, CIIIX, 1i111.1., 011ie, Cllllllll,
3,i0111J111•11 ( IV
IJ Oil 10.0' igillhlltiolo' !it'd
p pm elh 0110
iu(11111 lrg.yplrnd is tit 111011 Ow 011111
.100cii l.i tin )1 , 1011000 iii . N 111001 Y
I,ltblcilt iIIO4, II) thll 11111i.l+. HUM!' pax
dot iiitiliKlo.llr.
1 11014 1001,
Th. Cnitotlt..tlen and Huttlth may ha ruined , ht'
t 1111.1111 a- at: ttstt lead tty t.tdpltur halrflyes liar•
In the 11111004 " Nut a Dye" tatty ho the ninth; of
tuck out Dann, hut A DIE ay It, the ritholt - of
ttalng . tte Dint one hair Ore him twen tmLd and
acquitted of all delete, lons tendency, under the h
here of Solent:, Ile It kuun•u to all, that
Qi'isttlllorotd Excelsior hair Dyo
Ims b..ton by thu dlotiuguH6rd c)lo . tlot,
Prof . ..or Chilton; on 614' ouptiticivo.of Its whole+
80111111 W. Hilly 111
_.Oll nt Criiitildol . o . 4, 11 , tE'or'
liouov, Now Ytok.
Crixla Ire Hair Prexurvative, its a Pre. 'Dula
clutrut o . to tlxoltlr after Dyeltlg. Try 11,
Winut wisdom will benefit you: to net 10 ‘\)
trolled by y9Ur tncredulity. Ituudradd finve,a.ughe
rollef flow lltp horrors of I):.yfTepxitt the
medium of Dan tire's 40
andlound It. Why should you starer alien thin mii .
ruble stomachic lute Mutat many similar cases-wiry do
-you doubt While oilier believe and aro curod ? Delay In
tide natitCrlfibullt dmigerounandmiprelltdble. Your
bappineem and badinues Hullers, wad lo cunetnut .
neglect he freqiiently roll wed by aerial:a ntiduncon ,
trollablo reealta, DEMUTH'S lirrrxite are equally
neutul ,
titelmineroux difficiiltjtat', attending . Ind'.
gentian; nx BILI O OBNiSiI;tOMLITIPATION, &e., WllllO or
/MO AGUE alld 40 t 11 91V 1 / 1 00 . 0111. j)TOCOC1111/01
From MIASMATA, It is tlid'oillit.roliable Beare Lire and
Comedy knoWn. r tiro 70
Coylo Brothers bay.] Just reeolvod a very largo;
Mtnek or goods, such no Mallory, Sldvt,p:orits, Pula,
ponders Linen , Cotton and Cambric; liandkareldord,
NBlte Tttmtningr, Tloa dot Bowtof Ma latest styels
raper Collars and Cuffs ituAreat yarloty, Paper and
Buselopes, Velvet, Ribbon, Coat, Vest, //nue and
Buttons. Three .and . Cord :Spout Cotton
bowing Sao, Blatt Rale and "Linos, Tollot4bayi
POtibmqy r tkrige, 01 1 ,qo:plitc*,,E46:i;ouBb, Tow,
Aldoa dad oa opdlese variety of Notions, 'goaelnlly.:'
Alt tho ' nboie to bo bad at Coyle'Brothors;
Having latoly maned to the lotto etoro'rema in
thi;,poly Clood.Ylll Apse .floooo, Ws halm. Inerelunid
,out ntoek Wpm - thin ovoY,'And pin 401t 7C
at 'tog
• aigir : ,24.13outhibuovor strootiCarlialc.;
It is new 22 years since Dr. Tobias first introdudad
the ' , Venation Liniment" I o the United States, and
never in a single instance has his modicloolailedto
do all, if not mere thanLa , atated In his pa . mohloi
As a l p external remedy in cases oebirrontalthirrinth•
firm, Headache, Toothache; Bruises, Burns, - Cuts,
Sores, Swellings, Sprains, Stings of Insects and Pains
in Limbs, Back and Chest, its wonderful curative
powers are miraculous. Taken-infernally for Use
'mmo l' l Cholera, belle,SDieirlicta, , fiysiitery, Sick
Wed ache aneVcanltlng, its soothing and penetrat
ing qualities are felt as soonlas taken'. l The oath with
which each bottle le accompanied will Aro" that
Ahern is nothing Eloriouti I n
, its ,composltidn'.
Tlithoratidi of'ce'rlificates haVo beSn rireSived SPint
ing of the rare virtues of this valuable article. Any
person after having Weil E once wilt never be with.
out It. Every heals Of the geriatric has the siguature
S. I: Tobias" On the Outside wrapper„ Sold by .
tho Druggists and Storekeepers throughout the
United States. Price 50 cents. Depot, 10 Park Place,
New York.
gentle:ll944lo suffered fofr years IhnLlSivints
Debility, Prenisture Decay, and all the effects of
youthful indlseratinn,• will for the Falco of suffering
humanity, Feud free to all I.ole need it, the receipt
Orr making the simple remedy by which Ito wue
c ured. " Sufferers wh.blng to pinflt'hy the advertis
er's - uxnerloniui 2 ran do so - by'addrelning, In porfdet
confidence, JOAN D. OGDEN.
No. as Cedar St. New Yak.
Muy 7.7043 r.
Win. Blair & Eon, offer n large Mortment th
hest Yruit Jere at prices lhat defy cimpelifion. Also
prince Sha I, Mackerel, Dry Salt Potomac Ilea•
- ring, Salt, Suiten-, Spans, Coffees, Wares, Coal-011,
and everything rice in our line, ihat storekeepers
may want, in qintatilies and at prices thlii will lint
fall to plcastit Please give no n On.
WILLIAM 1.14.411 l t C SON,
O roves and querileivare 31erchunts,
" South End," Curlisle. Pa
- TJnly7u.
ProntF, Agylotos, Ste. Iron IloilPto4dx, Wire Wob-
Gloga !Or vhoop nod poultry yards, Krilem and T r ou
, y i n , oath Siovou, Pandora, Scroons for mil, arum
sand, Ace., Slowly Eplulped oho for quirk arrestors
Landvrtipo Win, tor Wlndowx de., japer alnker.
Wirer, ornamental Win) Worko, -14 vory lotortop.
tlooLy addrowslan; itio nianuf44 turor., NI. WALKER
'k SONS' No 11 North Sixth , ' stroot
Corrected Weekly by B. C. Woodward
eARLIbLE,IIIII,4I.ty slimnlng, 111, 1870.
F. 1.1111, Y FL 0 17.. - id 2:.
S l'l' Flf FINK h . lA' PLO 11l 4 NI
IrMTE 117/E.l7' 1 211
BE/ , 117/E.I 7' 1 25
If ll
. 1.1:
co RN
f /.. I T V ., 48
c.f. 017...78 NED ' '''''
. . 'll ou
1 . /.1/4 Ttf+WKED , ' 3 20
Pr I POTO - - 1 SO
Corrected Weekly by William Washmood.
',... CATILISLY, Thursday U u roing, July 21, 1870.
At If 'ITER I 2U
L.I Rf) ' 17
TA LFO ll' up
llif:J.:811'.1 1": Li
/LIMN /LA It, 10
do •VD , 17.. D Kies 15
117//TE /JEANS 2 .10
. .
PA RED PE ! ( 'IIES" 20
U.VP,I/1 h7./1 ' ' In 10
I)Eit'Ll .1 PREPS '405•
t?..1 r Y
krlnaL tla Philadelphia Nnetlt .1 vier . frti;
. . .
. .
lialadelphia, July 20. 1870
R.1711 . ..1 PL 0 V R RI 21)
F.I .1111, 7" FL 0 ull
1,1 - 11• FLOUR •- • ' Q
117/EA T
R TT.. 1 OT
00IL.V ' ' I 12
0.17'S 64
CLOVER:4.T7! . 8 UU
77.1/02111 - SEE9 , u Pit
The arrieadt and rnir.e o, lter . f (Wile men hie,.
tbi., mob. rebelling Omni 21:JU
range ey
AI - T/7.1 PA 7' 0,V17'7•E, lb 91,,, 91,4 %
1.1117 .1 I) 0 11 C.ITTLF. 7 14:p. h 34 N
('t) lI'S and I. I'ES arr selling at ..inOlann. and
SI'.I2INGEII.4 or!. $4OOl 51.1 ; rrecipslso hrad.
SII F.El' an.r. firm: soh, of 9,1.100 head at (h. Nrrk
dr , a, yard at 50.6 c per lb. for good, awl $20 . 0
per h'ead for common awl 1,000 lowa the nio.
yard at 50'1 p. lb.
11005 four demand; 2,L4.5 he , ./ eil fl II L P 'I
hands al 11(a. p, hundred t xlor. 0110 M. ".fil
13 p. r hundred' for corn
A s fONEi 11;ARKET.
11,0 SING Pltl - t - T.071 , Rh:FIAT - EN & 111t0T11E1t.
40 ,Vo uth Titird Street, Philadelphia.
Thr,,,•a...i. p. In., July 12, 1870.
.1.. S U'll or 'HI 112% it •
• .li•,,
110 11u1,4
.., - t• 'l.ll ,• • ' 'llll 11.;
110 1104
' ' 'lO9 109 1 4
'pi • 109 N iittin
10914' 11/u1
•,'.,. 10.40's 111774 1071, 4
V. $. au your 0 10.1•uonrey ii 11431,
11.”. C. 11.1,. lilt. NE,I,, '
i. 11l
Wild 113:74 11110
1,1 v.' . 111714 . ,' 1(19
Union Vuolli: 11. It 1.1 71. Bowls 011 8l,:,
Cluirral 1 1 .u•Iliu It. It 4 100 910
Uulou Vueill.• Lord (Inuit BOIlliA 78.1 795
IVt• are In•eitared to foothill Revenant Stamp+ or all
denotnlttatuno to our eastoutont. stilt; wing the fol.
Ina Inn dkrottut
and iiitwsrd+rel . UM.
PH) ••
304 '• • "
We till and forward all order. 'upon its,, tutu of
heir receipt.
• Collin.. on (loveruntrat and Itallroad
I loads dot , Judy first, taken canto to
((ITU —On (Ito font tottial t no t t t u t (
Ity Ow Re v (I. It% It(u . tr, 31r. F, yoll rx
llttrrltiltur t , In 311 it nun u Sulllll, of (too In n•
FOULKE—SAM AD—To l'utiltatc on the ttittet venni
.1111/ t, et the residence of A. K. Illoteet, uvq . be Ron.
Flo C Itevet , tt. Storatott A. Foil lot o•ai., or Alatea
lue,ltorit, and Annie It. Smoot, of Carhale
F.1.1,1,1^,1t.1n this bortnigh, on th.. Oa, tl . l 4 iltil
ntnnt. iifitir n brief Illnette, Mary E Fallttr, and
yuart, b months and '22 olnye
Ittit t 'utinit i Ent tootllt t , it•Ottq,
J t sl Attit'd 5;01 itAtatilt tttni it
41rIn TO-D4l',
REGIFITIaIi' NCTlClj,—•Nottoe
uir.•u to WI ptosuns Intorottod, thus
ttio.folluwlng nooottntit loivo loom lilyd In 'll6 too,
by the nreountontit tlu•rn a tionnol. •ur 4,11 11111.11[101J
and uuullnu•t lon, ❑ot wpl by pronent,il to the
Orphans' t'ourtut•(:nmh Inlet county tOr t• ntflruiu
Hon 1111,1 n'lutgmci•, 011 T411 , 111y, A ogol' 0 a
J. Final itecoatit of eilllll , N 110/01, WI trillnit
Adult 3111'or: • .
2. Actholot of _Santo I Itodelottigh, guardian o
, 11.1. w. P. S udrrn, oil clll4l of D.olll 'motors.
:1 Act:mita of lininnel 110,41,111101, Rlll.lllllll o i
14M1,1 5011111 . 1',. 111111131 . child Pi 1),:11 501111../8. he
mooed. .
4. Account ul Samuel ito.lio.nogh, vounlion of
Fuphht 411 , 1 4 .ml ors, liii f vbi'llruit of Ihledd
t of !Nat? ododolitntior nf
John Foust, lan, of Yiout .inptun too 11.111 p, deceased.
0... First and foal account ofJoho
Oiler, ududols
trotor with lino u4ll sonoxed of Chris' ion Pallor. Into
of 3111t1111 township. glocroxed."
7. Find and firmd ikccoutd of Jacob Rhoads, od.
inioleitrator of filarrlot Silos, lopeased.
8 Acrouni'l I eolooonn JloWrr, mlmloiot rntor d.
b. u. o. tS. of John...MC.IIOU, IMO of . Unp - 4r AllOll
townshit, deci need
9. Ancoinit of Mottle 1 tog. SlOUllel Long, Joe, b
Long, and ,00nrail Long, tolin nlrtrators of Nonni, I
Long, Into if Peon ' '
10. Ac&attif of AVIIIIHni Kell, adialuirtrator of
- J1)1.1(11311 Hall, ito of North 311,9 clop, to r rahlo,
dPcrOOPd'.; -
11.• AccnUllt 9f WthilillitinitkOrt 10 0011,9 of juhu
Y. taunt,, hiloor child of Join, A. Louth, ileceaxed.
12. Account of Chrirtlan N. IteYh , goorAbin of
„Mu:) , Zook, ono alio children of 'David Zook, luu
of Upli6r A Von towiimillp, dimeasod
,_ EL 'Acanot of Abraham Liouberton, guardian of
Ilenwouil, minor child of Ann 0.
ilenwood, an mottled by Kohut 0. Lumberton,nilisdn..'
lotrator of sald,Ahrahluit nonbert nt, now di teamed.
'l4 Account of John IV. Houton, adiuluirtrator of
Mho, Sidney IVAluston: Into of Pentiltownahipole•
• „ 16. Account' of John : Wilfaitton. executor of tAto
font will and to.tant.ut of Jolni Huston, late of Penn
,toWnshlp, decennial. • - ,
Id. Account of Joho'S:lllonnio, , execOtor of Ham-,
eel Kenyon, into of Diebluson township', deceased..
17.. Account of C. P. Storer, trustee under the'
will of Rev. Johnlf, Van Ifoff. -,• • •
it. Fick and final account of (burgs Delboon,
adinialstrator offlobart 'rollick, tutu of the borough
V. 111. 'cl.tblubri'wg.docengetl.
t Of Mrs. Jane 141:111UK °Ann and Baro
net Diller,Odmicilatrators of William SmithlacKee;
flanrlide of West Ponnaboro' township, dccoased.
20. First and final account - 'of Benjamin lalooly
and Juan, Mealy, oxocutora of 'ffacidiNleely,•loto of
bionrooloWnehip deceased.' e
91: Id/Mond final account of David Noiewangar,
admlnletrator of Elizabeth Nehuraeger, late of Ere.
olusnlesburg, dOcoaled.'"'
22. Account of David Ifollinger, guardian of Lucy.
Locale and Martin, 13hielor.• '. • • ' • "
. 'First and final adzonntAbf 0. Dowmail,
minbstmtor efIL Q. Itnpp,' in1o• of Me o lunairelnurg,: .
• 24. Account of •Elanlel Blyerd, oxecupir•of `Afro.
OfLVfesit 1 7 unnaborot trialdriidb=,
Ittaatin ot,Tabola.fartvi guardian of kraticts'
IfErf TO 4 DAV. . i
and John Cron, Intlsor, oltiMrsts ,orpmlit of
.28. First and, final account of Joseph Leak, ad;
kalitletrator of George Troutodui, tato of Mechanist.
burg, deceased.
27. First and final account , of David •19horry,
admlnLitrator.of Jacob Creamer, ISM of Npyrbnrg
borough, doceasod.
28, Account of Samuel Martsler and David Zork,
administrators of Jacob 8. Zork; deceased.
" 29. Account of James A.. Dunbar find Agnes
Dunbar,Minditislrators of John Dunbar, late of West
Por:mhos°. township, deceased, as settled by the said
Agnes W. Dunbar;,admlnistratrix. ,
30. Account of Thomas 0.1couller; adudnistrator
of Margarut Sharp;' lath of Winston township,, da
31. Account of LA. It. Lcolcuy. °sq., administrator
of Jdlln Logan, deceased.
32; -:Socond,and final account of BottlamimSoltr,
administrator ofJ..i. llowera,, late , of Ilowvillc, do.
caused. -
• 33. AccOunt of J .cob Mumma, Mutrillint of Jere
miah fit. Sensoman and John A. &mouton, minor
suns or Joromlab Sensemen, deceased.,
34: Tho 111th and final account of Thomas Chain
bent, administrator do bards non with the will tin.
oozed of the Hon. Thomas Duncan,' deceased. • ,
35. Account of John Hoover and Andrew Ken
nedy, executors under a non cupative will of John
Hoover, sr., late of Frankforil townAlp,ilecermed.
30,- Account of Jane Allen, adminlstratrlx of
James W. Allen, lots of Nowton township, docimsed.
37. First and final account of S. P.aorgas, admin
istrator of Mrs. Anna Forry, Who of' Mechanicsburg
borough, &awed. '
38. First and final account of Rebecca Johnston,
administratrix of William Johnston, deceased.
39, First and final account of Georg° Hauck, ad
minlftlator of X Cook, late of Mechanicsburg, do
40.. Account of Thom, -Greasou and fiamuel
()nation, trouteeo under the will of :Nowt ()moon,
docoaeod, of William Greason.
. . .
41. Account of Thane (iro.on mid Sum uol
Gresumn, trunteos unclor do will of Jameu (lrensou,
of William Oreauon.
_ - -
42. Account of Hoary Fu<ton, ezeouttkr. Eliza
beth Warner, Into of Carlisle, decease {t
: Pinot account of Ilona.' Nagina, executor of
Hoary &malt 2, Into of ChArlf•hi, deeenood.
44: First and pal oceonut of 'David S. Ker, ea
admitilstriittia of Alio deceased guardian Nathan C.
{Yawl?, Into gitardiaa of R. O'llrlun Wood; minor
child oT N. .1. It'. Woods, demised.
' 45 First and final account of David B, Ker. na
allinini,trator of Nathan 0 Woodooloceased, into
itaitiltlian - of Jennie A. Wood a minor child of 4.
N. Wood;,d.
46. First nod final ore not of Doyld B, Ker. us
administrator, of Nathan C Woody, dooeosed, Into
genrdlen of Chort of is N. wu..d., ww.; thud of N. .1 4
It. Woods, deeeogsd.
47. fleet RIO non' neeilok; of DOyid S. Ice.;, oAt
intolateolor Of Nutt,. C. %%roc*, foto gwyedlAn.of
.Tio.nes Sl. IVonds, o n,xlepe e4.11d of N. J. unmacy
Woods, ,leretwp
4ti Flpt icud float acrd Sc of David 0, KM 0 0
AdiniOlstrOtee of liathon t; Woods, dee.ensed, lato
gintrd(oo of doped:lon %, 0(414, dereaeed, %alum.
o,lllld N. 1. Rummy Woo4+, domut.e4.
411• cip‘i POetiol veonot of damn. Cooeor,
Ailiilinktuttor of tho (ANN or Vary 000wr, 1,10 or
yirr Allen township, ,tree sod,•
41J111)70 at
7711.771111:17' SHOW ,il;' T 111: 5E.11,'0.1
J.l N. .1 ND EI? SO .Ir. fe.
J-1N L. T1L17712'.
The most lorilllaot orgatdrAt Ly
Zi) - • OM. 0 - .1).“ prinvipalx, rack one
vyrfuro4e4. N01t.13 velehrlty rondur *Qr. auporli;rity
J.IN L 711.1 PEE,
4V.V. ia•vitt;
Tho 1.1..”19 Eligliol 1111,111. vile_hri,tod uu hemi.
Oa hest In ill IIr•t ,eu, ) ,, in
Tli , . ronowlled Colon. Vorolint •nd AnnPrican .4•
tor, his ltr t 9101.11r111.!n IOWII
THE 14.1111:4S.
. 1 , 3 A1 , ,Ve V.A.1414 -
40 ,Jy Principal, fr to Ilic Mena Napoleon
Poris--iler lilvt /10/0i ,, 11 . -411 A 1111.1 lett.
The ninni avrotniklinhp.l A iner Ivan horse lif
the UV, 1110 celebruttql nn the billl4 , ineet Indy lit
the profei , sh u. t
grvitt &polartun Ev. ni.. Artist. mot \ .i t !.tk
11141 or, nn,l who, Utit
srigriol to protittes st mutt k 6 ‘lkit., witl,l
for tho f.ur. l of iks,c9l), ml6llO lit ol
triLLLI .V.I
Tip burr Lurk ...oxtrfoky
J 4, 11- V 1 1 -11 ./ 1 1•;;
or ppl.ray. ilw 01 \Ot t i le I . oeNtl klin I. r Coir or .
ni., iotito la tail 59 . 114, .qlevic.a. ./km A(l.leiivitu
.o°lll 1% , ikto Ii QitiN9optly twvt.ftveil In vvi•ry vity
ilk V.d\..A.
1 1 I'. ,x i'lo4‘• NI;
Th.. 1'++1+•1;111 hair ;Kase r'tler, Ow host Ong
;flouter 111 tho rrof; tell;;;;.
I 1 or; LE .1 NO • 8 E.l V .1 Xi) ill le El:
l'yor w ite.
rlew to every y bkini
lot lu Ali/011'11 Thvir romuivnt
'l'lll. mud lam°. Acrobal and Chump L....,111.1.
JLISTEIt JO , //,V.1 , T fi y . iy r;,,
Tile I•oy Al tiV.,O, 4,‘140.4.itiE 1111 1 1111111 11 111 1 117 , 111 111 .
I 1..1 teu I.* l'I)R Ps 0 „IVA' lEs
11111111/I . OIIS ICI mention, will insist in thli 81. par
'rho olooniilini C 1.% Amour a nd thii liounlor of
lorkl' Porilist:Niro:Lit Calculation, will douumytrntu
JIM nhiluy .t each prrfuuuuucr.'
ivrn 711,
11.. irk .1% ..1 ) t toitO,A;ell .1,1111,:x 111/
Or. 01 , rr 'At vii t o t t, t ; oxlitbit Owls *Otto'
COlq +.siemi . .w.hil. is , roVo
4'.1v11.".U.V.1.11. , . .. , 0110t At
Car Weilliosany August O.
Meoltaniosburg, Thursday Aug. •1
Die even nl ikpo nud meet, Wel. el:, P. )1
Children underlo years
- . -
Lisle of unclaimed 'littera remaining in
the postofliee at Carlisle, Pa., fdr the
week ending July 20, 1870 :' _
Lk; r,
• .
1 . 1 'I Aring, Mr. Ellaalietli 1 -
111. slug, M I,IIA y 'Myooa, MIN. Marla
1 1:9111. Auuiu Loots, NI b. Mary ,
Cohoh. 3114. Linde I , llollllv, NI. •
Coover, Mrs Jacob C, e, uJur, bilxn Clir.llllll,
Flak. NI. Catlmrlia d
You k; Jolla Mi. Mama,
'4/Irlor, Elizabeth Sbet,vr, I%llm Smalt
‘11:1,1 PI ono, 311. Nlaitio
lloillntowortb,3lrs 3laryllls' Mau., 311 as Abaft.
Mower. 31rx Ellaua - - N ell, Mrs Margaret F
Johnlion 311.kMary
• OENTI.I•I3IHS!S 1.18 P., •
.. ... . ._ _
Anthony, Wing - . it - 1. wio, Ink
Hawn, Jokon, ~,I ging, Joeksoo I)
_;Corninitn, Wander - 31 iiiicli, - J P •
C.llllllllll, Ephrhint ' 31y.irri, qichitel
Oleiiiiiiii ' 11. l ' '3:oltrldo, John W
Dowolt, Minion ;I- Ni,llor,Dovid
Herr, Jiro A . . Sparta, WA '
Olinei, Oliver - 8 nth, Bill to.)er
011broilli Jos i ."....y. W
Oros; 0 - , 8 lit, Edwin
Olibrelth, John • .:
' . - 8 i or. Pater
(illbrultli, 3latliew gierry, Duo ' Or John
Hoover, nini 31 'rockily, Jos-ph
Kourionn, Boo) . li iiiiiiir 1 'David
,eyter, Joseph '' '' • '. '
4. K. 11.1-lEEM,
~........,_____________ ........_,_ __.. 7 ...... 7
Notice Is heroby Itlv'ot; that tho : (0110'1.111g tru.t
account. hay., boon 111 ed to my office for exantlna-
V an n , a nlVll be promentod to the court 01. Conunnu,
o •C imberland county for conflrtnallue, on.
tie twenty• ourth day of Auguot, 1870, to wit :
1. Tho u ceutit 'of' John o.l.Boktou, ali•lituee for
'bruoilt of or dltorpotfullioo.llt !into.. i . • .
;2. Then count of JolniAo.obs, tuolgnee for &n
-eat of credit rs,,of Adam' B..noontan.
'3. The ac ouut .of JUstudt hitner.ollll I W. l[lo .lfr'
roan, andgrui a for bon'eflt of creation, of . 4'.4. Kerr.
, 4 " Tho nccount of Andrew 1111nghler, neultruce Mr.
'llineflt or'creqljurs, bf . .loliii IV.Tornerr • - .
W. V. onvirauali;
21july70.ilt, •
G A RDEN Bira?!L
lip, 19 and bFprtLAnd.6outL.ponpvon attoote,
; ' • , VAlttisix,
'144093 , • • .•
Tha second antmal Car op Mooting for the Carnal°
District ISlothOlet Epley opal Church,. will bo' bold at
ou the Ilncy,,ol the Cumberland Talley San B on d,
CONIIIIOOSink Wedneinlay, Aligust 8, and
, - closing-Friday, 4ugust 12, 1870.
'The cumborland Vnllay Rnlt toad Company will
during the continuance of the meeting. - which dpi
be goad for return passago on all trellis leaving lied
Barn until last train of Saturday. Anguat 13, and
positivity ncilonger.,
Ppm H Vro
Harrisburg 61 65 m Nowvll)' e $: .
Bridgeport 165 " 61 &,pnusleg 55
White MIL 105 ', * Scotland 70
•" fildrotnanst'n 145 5 , Chamborob'g 80
Btoclianlcab`g 125 o mgrton 110
Klngstog, 1 70 " Harawan'a 1 20,
Bliddlos46o - iOO 0 Hreimesstle - 135
• " out*, ' oil ." Stato Lino 1 o',
i"?..&,d H o , 701 0 51orgnotown 1. 10
° °reason 70 0 Hagerstown 180
° Al Carton ~', 70. - ,
tho contlinumoo of tho extup Meeting Ex
tra Trftluu wlll ho run as follows: '
Ott Friday, Wednesday, and Thursday,
August 5, 10, and 11,
Lone Clutmb'rg 5.45 p
" 0:40 " Arrivt.)l.l Barn 0.35 p
L T .° ,4 ‘. , 1 ‘ . 1 :.1jj,, 7,:tj p gk "'
A „ivo Redliaro 8.35 p
Leave Red Barn Md. vm ArrlVe Carlisle 735 pm
• ° • 0 . 9.00 " Cliamb . g. 9.45
OU Saturday, and Tuesday, the sixth
and ninth days of August.
cumteg 5 .4 5 . P Uh
. S l ,4 l 3Not!'s 6.20 ° Arrive Red Barn 0.3.1 p m
leave tem '
" 811 IPP 0 11):7. 8 . 0 " Arrive Red Barn 7.45 pm
Leaio 1104) Barn for Harriebary; and, intermediate
' Mations at 9.00 p m
Leave Roil Darn for Clitunbeniburg and Intermediate
hitulloris at • 30 p m
On Saturday, and Tuesday, the sixth and
ninth days of August,
Reg Ig to r
Leave Glumb'g 715 a is
Shirreteg 7.45 " Arrivo Rea HOtOt 8.05-a to
Leave Nuwvil le 8.85 irta Arthe Xeolllaru 5.55 nro
Agents larva
.1405 ePpoiltled to sell tickets at
Bridgeport, Shirottutuatelatt, Kturaton, Good Hope,
Hriomook, htekt9M, Seotloutl, Marion, State Li oe.
uu,,y permut entering the MIN without a ticket
si} l Lo ehoogod lull fore.
At White 11111. Mitidieeex, Kaulitnnit'o, nod Mor
gautown tlekete 01111 be procured from Conductors of
Ton ins.
Situerintendent'il Offi Sulterlutelkce t 0. N. LULL,
Lotlit.rantrg, ,101 y 18,1870. f
For .sale—Valuable heal Estate
The patbscritter, wathing to tv.PAt i otah taming,
Went at private stile
Propri to
TWO VA c..1,101,V, EgToNE ltlIS,
situitted township, between the York
1..,„,.•da4.,i1 tile C 4311 lending to Bolling :trines, 11141011
41.1;41 iota elnleClittlNCll, and 13,:'; toile, front Boiling
No. 1 contains about 75 ACRES, more
or lets, of elcullint Limestone land, Inn high state
of cultivation. The improvements ore n g , nd two
story Farm liouse, with Wash Home and other out.
buildings, _ MHO. at excellent DOW Tenant
Wild n lot go Bank Bern. with wtt;on simile, corn
'cribs, and other necessary outbulltilivs.
This fare, late two splendid springs of ouuutug
water trout, valet; every hold coolly bb mute
Wind. These , Brings feed kwg. stWeedid trout ponds
There Is also_a good Orolksrd of Choice Fruit, kale no
Apples, PearA, VoiteAte.t, Cherries, Br.
NO, 2 covitains about-RD-ACRES of ox
y-41vue1.141w.ton. laud, Xe first rate order. The
ilaproventents are a double two.ttory Weather.
boarded House, with Kitclien. ]lake House, he A
intone Boni, recently repaired, with Wagon Shed,
Corn Cribs, find other out-buildings attached.
Au excellent Applo Orchard, with a large onantier
of Cherries clad other choice fruits, are around the
Well of water and it lilrge enter,
at the house.
V Intur
If desirable a 'Cruet of Wooillsud for each plnee'
wishing to view these propetjtle..; I)14, do id,
by calling oh ' ihd subsetpun ioSIP,In)( oo the road
Ipedifie Crow Churc)Ann, tch ilukliwg Springs, about
Coni tulle 941; °Stip Tatter pletew, or upon Wylinn.
JO; ( “ 4.6 ./ 4, N0
oe7U JOHN LlPrz.
AT 1.1111 , 14,8 A
Situated on the south side of the YolbA•
creek, In Penn township, about one and ono-berth
mile• south east of Centreville, containing
112 Acres, and 70 Perches,
20 mires covered with large Pint), Whitt) and hAticlt,
Oak limber. •The improvemeino un) ty
TIVI}STOIIr I . IAVIC‘,I WYl,l4.lf i
Wit.4ll Bohn, and 4sh,mhmo N .l t,ch . . ell,, • 41,44,!arg0
11 hgon hed (4111,,
1 1 1 , , t yht). ifthi lorthtliu lionso attotelon) too
Or.w. App Orcrhlm, 111_ ;9_0,1 bmt:ll9; ordo; . , to•
char attic pine pours, Accrks, mot gc4.,s.
Also never ' wry' of at, tie 4i,pc, Alma,
D , (o. 1 Anthl . 'aa.
Ilue load Is lohah nut,: or vattlxAtoi k hhder
good febi.h, thh lihhfo oqo K goho onto,
Th , e haeln kqe hO.g
1,1 , 111/.. ,c(.l ‘NU I / 4 1,1,..
Ahlst 4 mt rylLi r op tho 4hoyo trhht of hth,l,
‘' , I O V,VI VI . h 144 ``lea ri t e fiquA r-ht In ein by
ivg hpho tho subyhvihey 1..0;11,11(w
11inaX74,4,1.1 J, C. t.ooVtat.
V 111 1 .4 1 .0 SALE OF A VALUABLE
Will 1.0 gold nt puhlie m!o, an tho premise,, on
Thursday, July .71., 1870,
gll that vainable tan yard anal elegant private raol
donee, oltuntoal On Kay! Pon. fret Went, between
the Letort Spring and, Soot Street, In iloa.loarough of
L', belonging to Michael
' Plan tun yard 10, hovoilal-all "milinirhion, the beat in
err Hole aaa tho vicinity.
Swale...don or th• tun yard "willle given
alllately after min :.of the reolalenre on April I. 1871,
or atoonor If ail...trod by the purelattor.
, of NC,. will he 1. ode know.. on day . of halo,
o...private] Y fill app . iration to
Tint Aaritalltnnil Sotlttly of enu.b,rl.lo anus
ho:d tholy lbavest Home on theirsrourniv, t
Saturday, the thirteenth of August,
•onunencin; at 10 o'vlonlc, in. in. All hrtnots, r
hope, will Ito yr...tent. lly °War of the Socipty
Wedding Card Depot,
Ny. 1).1A i)EP(IT,
klten‘ noyeliktti
Paper and Envelopes, at very 'large as
- 50 Cents
COLORS FREE.OI ., elfAlt(11
- 2.1 "
A Monogram' engr«vicl to fi'!;(4'.. (40
stamped tin oolong, j:1:114:oy ce6a4o, to tiloso
buying p,(10 toril4 rtzpor and Envalopeo.
P I' I I.lsT 0,T3 0 0 K.
hoo ,
Loco ' ' 2 to,
of every tleseriptlou at the lowest prices
Envy.loiiim prllitotl $ 1 00 pir 1,000..?;
' Note Ilmullngx 1 00,pur ream.
11111 Iloadi 10 00
Envolopex.froml.l")o per 1,00. p lip. .
Largo into of envelopes will be .sou) at very low
Twines ; us we 1111111 u reit:tun, by steam power. we can
compete with thn largest wanufacturere.
• _
Stationers, Eagravors; Blank
. Pca* and
Euvylopu Manufacttirom,'lnul Steam l'owpr
013, Plain&1011. , '•
, ' , ; . •
P. M
•• -
. .
- utul. °veld , offectlou tietho 'PhiraeLithge
aro Apoddlly cold pormanottly cured 14 the WO Or
WISTAR's BALBABE ormat(cuznity
TLIe woll known, preparation .doca. not 'dry up it;
trough and loavo tho cameo behlrid; 'as le the cam with
most medicine', but it loosens .ntul cloormos tho
; lunge, and allays Irritatlohi thus rometlng tko,cance
of the_ complaint . , ; •
OONSUAIPTIOIi4/4 . tj,,Aokt EU
',hia timely - resort 'tii•it;fir 'etalluarp,Tollledy, en In
proved byAupdrode yr: tesAlwonbils. received by tho
Atutittalmil.. • ; 1. • ; ;
PliTarolf ec* vont
undeeld by.deaterigotomlly. ; • „ „ ;
414.5 ., 4'eht , 440 We
soi tment
1312P/R - E aT UTUAE..
tho that, Fifteen Montlnt of Ito ex istotote Lax loso,
ISORTIaNO OVER $8,000,060.00
and taking in Prand'unis $500,000.00,
being the largest commonceincnt buslnm ever dom
by any company In the world I
Ordinary whole-life polielee are almohstely non
forieltnble from payment of lirst annual premium.
Special Insurance non-forfeitable after two 4tnnua
All politics lacontestable for usual oilmen, my
absolutely IneoutestalAu after two amnia] rrOlllllll.llll
All m011(110104 upoulrovel and reoldiolvo reu,,o
tuul uo permits required.
No accumulation of Inturert un LOIIIIN or Dufurrro
l'remimum, :mil no Merman, of annual payments u
any dims of jaoliclus.
Ono-third of Iho premium loaned to thu party In
ourod, deo)red, and no Noto„requlrod.
Dhrldruds on the progreemive plan, and also nimt
tho gnarantue interest plan.
BuAloohi of tho company conducted on the Motto.
policy simple.nnd fair in ilx prov Wont.
Incontestability of Policies
It Is the purpose of 'll.O Empire to fulfill all Ito
contracts, the evidence of which io thin( Ito polley
tints no . eouvenlent refuges by means of which It can
escape a just demand. Proven fraud Oil the part of
tins insured will always invalidate a policy. Also
suicide, if committed pre vlous to the Payment of the
second annual premium; or death caused by engaging
In any specially hazardous business Within tins first
Iwo years. Hot alter the sop 'ration of two year, , ,
the policy will he held incontestable for all cam.,
except fraud.
Niin-Poffeituro of Life Pollees
No policy of in:qua:lca with continuous payments
or life will be forfeited or become void by the non
:aye:lent of - premitinix thereon, until tho full paying
rower of the Pr 0111111144 hi.Vvu been exhannted. The
angunge of the qgkiky : ,
That If any pretninnn lifter the first annual pre.
have linen pall, shrill nut Le paid on the
day whoa due, and the mid amitred shjtll , within
thirty Jaya tboroafter, glvo notice in writing or ina
bility to ray the Rollie, unit of o desire that cold
poi lel shall ho continued In farce under Ili_ following
conditions. -Then and in such cane thin phl!cy shall
not be thrfrited or become void by the non-payinebt
of the eaid premium due thereon, until atter the
expiration of a period, to be determined its fOIiOWP,
to eft: The net value of title policy when the pre
[MIMI bOCUIIIes into shall be determined by , actuarial
calculation, and after deducting front such not value
the I,olllli 111101, said policy nucancel cd by dividendr,
and any indobletinens to the Compatiy,,four-tifths of
what remains shall be considered a net single
premium of temporary hisuranee, and this policy
Shall be continued in force during the term for which
it will intlllre, according to the age of-the party at
the time of the lapse of the premien,
Example of the Non,-Vozfei i tablo rism of
the `.` INkvixe."
ige irlwamt, 0 , 11011. hfr poi! ry.
On% 1 4 1 r ouiluill- will culatipun Ono policy In
furcou,2 yaiSts null :1 days.
Two, annual premiums will continuo the pulley an
force 4 years and 12 olays.
T 11.0111141110 prerniuina—will-eaptlimellte poll. y - tn
force 0 years and 27 days.
Four ILIIIIIIilt• premfuuta will olitillilt• thy puliyy Ot
form 8 yotru and 40 day u.
Five annual premiumn will continue the policy
lu yearn and 511 dnys.
G.' Hilton Scribner, President
George W. Smith, Vice Presi
Sidney w. crornt, SeQ.r9tary
emtM II Waters, Actuary
ionths K. Mutey, Al. I)., Modi;
cal Examiner.
Eyctytt, ni)ll( . 3riiitetillent ol
TI I 41/141 V 1 , 04 V 1 4'IltUtiUll. 111.11111 1.1 by
ruliablr 1111.11 Vol ."
Ikt a ye ry ottrit tittY to nittll "It.'"/
alattlitlsl. with (Int altlust campanili, Its cis it actsr
In tlts sountry. Its onlet•ro and direst I, /11,111
itilibliio.ll," 1 lid Ituva orgatilvell with the vitav of
establishing ot encalt.l Institution hideprilet
rut. January . 20, 1670.
" Thin Citn.ottly In n pent mut , ; II e r , •ult or
nit o, I.ltitoutletit toil rt•linble ottnintgiquent Tittl
Empire low no nniterltil In the rittliitiw."._-/f.',,W4•
lttst. _
Ihe mia 11.1 S 11. 4. 1,1111411 . 1118•01
• •
."I'he EtoOro %%All I1111'nr•1 the Itt, of Iho
•otitoloplailtg Idly Ilmure• os,''— Machina to ren . ll It!
11 it vIN a II ,livy lu this Company, vu h•cru Jun
or idp lu ii great sura to,
0.01. ut conwitity."—Zimeg iferd/d.
" A very xilecearrul Coiiipiriv,”,(l,ilfreeirWit;otoilht
"Th./ Empire 31WITal' a tinetwpantwti, tiwu
coniweled wit', it mat Cur ilwao %Om Icsiow Oat», a
gullicleut I the Cnmpnuy "—flip
"It In Ivltli pecullnr jeljiteura 'that wo npunk of this
new.csudidate fur public, favor, We knew wildly_
Years since the President of tile company. We ktiew -
bins to be s wan or energy, of character, of superior
business ability, and above,all else, a Beeman' mon
In wilataree loi.undei takes. The truck in, the Cows
lipny hos adoptul the heat kiiprovoinouts of the ,day
In its erhatketioll."—lVeze• England .Itintralire ga
AGENT i'oll,
• ,
,_(:lgmb"orlandi Perry, tirul Juniata Conn-
• t'lntervrloodndustry, tact, libandlty, tho boot
tolont, Lava for over twenty yearn boon freely used
and as a result It Ix now, pri,endnontly, tho largest,
Last, and cheapest Altustrated Rural, Literary, and
Family Weekly in tiflrworld. 'Tens of. thousands of
wtde.nwnko people all over the continent take nod
admire the tUral, for its sunorlor. , U l ditty t
Illustrations, style, he.
T,te Press and Peoile praise it !
For axample, an exchange says " Tito Ibenlis
the most elegantly 'printed, ably edited, widely cit ,
ciliated, and heartily welcomed paper, as ,a whole,
Which now finds ita way among the peoplit.'t
*Ur Vol. XXII bogies July 2. Try It I On y $1.60
per volume otln numbers, or I par year. Letts to
clubs. Sebald'', now i Address
• 1). I). T, MOORE,
91, rack Row, New York.
7july7o 4t
Will pay for the
from now to January 1, 1871. One Dollar Wlll pny
for the Bonll•Weehly do. dn. .511 mute it month pals
fur the Dolly Fon.. Addrien
7.1n1y711-It 1411,11mher, New York.
for the
Price $5. 4 15'107/nIOA to - do work Nun! to the lwx
Indoblou in me. County Rights tbrsale. Send MI
sample mkt:Wile.
ti ly7o I t
PATENTS.—lnventors who wish• to
tsss out Letters,Patent ore advised to counsel
with Munn ..4; Co., editors of the Scientific American,
who have proseCuted claims before the Pitted! Office
for over twenty years. Their "Allierleall anti Euro
pean Patent Agency 'ln the wort. extensive In (ho
world.. Charges less than any other Rtliable agency.
A pamphlet containini Tall instrUctions to inven
tors is sent gratis. MUNN .t. CO ,
71u1y70.4t 37 Park Row, New York.
• .
A Rook of MI clie,ely printed peg., lately Issued,
contains a fist of the bent AIIIIIHNIII Advertising
Mediums, giving the names, circulations, and full
partietilars connerving the lending Daily and Weekly
Political and 'Faintly Newspapers, together with ell
those having large eiri ulations, published in the In
terest of Religion, AtirleulturorlAterature, Ac., ,iiii..
Every advertiser, and every person who contempletes
ber:0111h1V, suelt, will find this book or great value.
Mailed ri.,o to any address on receipt of fifteen cents.,
Pnidielens, No. 40 Park Row,
Now York
The I'lltshurg(Pa.).l,,nder'
It. Rowell . Co., which its lam e it May 20,
1871,, says: "The firm of O. whichissues this Interesting end valuable ooh - , Is the
Largest and best sAdverUsing Agency in the United
States, end we can cheerfully recommend it to th c
attention of those who desire to advert 100 their !lim
iness scient 'fleetly and systematletlly In such o may :
that Is, so to secure the largest eminent nil wild idly
for the least expenditnre of mifiley."
8 %WS! AXI4! 1, SAWS! ! !
Sat. Of all duNcliptitlS. - Axes, Belting, mid Mill
Furnishings. Circular Saws Ai lib Solid Ts h i or
withPutout.a.itritithis Points, siiiivritir I, in
serted lontirs7tos.
Ara' . SP 1, Price Libt nud Circultam. '4ll
WELCH A: aittrviTus,
Ih, too, or Dulroit, Mieb,
lUSTER'S . 1 1 Ittent conveetible
Hoe, Park, Rake; and Spade.
irourl4lloll.lWelemenlN for the prier of one,
Shite llights 6,11 e.
Tjuly 7u II
‘.l AL ESME N wanted in a paying busi
isJ nee, 5. k ESN EDI', 41:1 elle/dont ktreet,
N_J Posithely onred by a new method without
knife, or einntio. esti or; Pr. lessors,
University, 514 l'ibb Pt , Pa.
7julyin _
itTr up hope thin the inx,,tm prildiel. of adminfs
Wring poiTinionT et itruatint In es of indigestion,
bilimu ase
diess, constipation, and female debility, is
almost out of date. When the Tirnle.Catliartle pro
dueed by Nature herself In tho ntotit ',Mutable Sani
tary Spring in the world ix re-prodneed by Telef.°,
In the form of
?'arv•ant'n Seltzer Aperient,
It is Indeed 1111112,11111111, madness to rack, relax
Irritate the discard or enfeebled system with dra.
inn - enliven. This refroshieg and dollen,. moot.
pert of n remedy preptired the creative hand
the Omnipotent Physician Illinself, Is everywli
impetseding the 111111.10. 1.111 sickening inpom
heretofore toed an laxatives.
Sold by all Dritggi-le. 7jul via-)t
agebto wonteJ in every city, too n 111111 village tor the
largest and most successful DOLIPA It 110U81: in the
creintry—only one endomed by the boding vipers
and reprove Villeponies of the linked Stater. Our
goods give univened Fothinctiou. our tirtuilUOUl to
agents cannot be ezeolled, and o our chocks Ale tiro.
Having two itivoui,lloston roil Chicago—oar toelli•
ties ore tinequolor, and our busikess extveds 111
11111011111 all other I.llllelgllll. 1•4 1441 trade combined.
Ard 'Send fur Civ....viont and 14110 Clot, to 8 e. A CO. 1311 V t . t k r o
138 AA,: at tea, Ch lingo.
OM ANC Y, or Soul Charming.
vol utlerlui book:. it show.. Imo: either s e z
can iloehooe 'any one they alai,. In (.111
posse. this power.) It teaches Imo to get rich.
Alehteey, Soreerit, Inennts not s. Demonology,
Magic, 3h-indolent, Spltittotilsol Niorriage
111111 II 1.11011,11111 Wlllllllll, 1174 tied for . 25 cent, Ad.
dress 'l'. WILLIAM .1 1 0., Publibilets, S 11th :3eveztill
street, Philadelphia, lb,. ju 1)7,1-4,
rstosys plow Melt. thee. 111 Wl'
110 A 111) A SSW I 1'1 • I11 a,
l'u. Tint) . DP.
I NOINI/11.1 Dehillty. It
vf,R . 44 cµr.. k Snuff
Mi1..1.101 4.f A tom), 61S ma.l w ,
N , 04,
L). A ye). )( . 1 Co's. Artveilismi't.
For dim tine:.: I the t and lung, midi
couglig. l% !moping 11101111 1/ 41, 1011/1
111111 rowouliption,
l'ntlalety nower twilit h 1 thl. whole lilnt , ry I 111
lethe, lots nnythill: 11010 SO 11 idol,' and s., deeply th
confident, of tll4lokii.4, lit ft....vette!" remedy to
Itlinonnry - cotnylnfoh. Throngh II /0100 4, l . ten 0
3 . 001,;11101 0111011 g 11001 t. I.l' the ot 111.-14 It 1,
high, tool It Itfli." in Mel, ostlnf,,{
has ft 1 . 0111. 1101 t 1 1 0 , /1 It , tf clottnetot
find w.r to coo the varicif,oile.fd,lo. 01 111.• mugs
and thrust, 11.1' Iµ , 4"n. n , lntopro
tot•thelig till t them IN tile ittltitted to in iltior f lot
of tl•scffsa, yufloz rill "1;e , It is at the 1111111
'lop thy untsCelleettott rout tly - lle" can hi. giv. rt
coif>tite id ion, fill tho 111111, 1 . 011/. olTeetif nil
Vro thvotkl. Awl hl 1.f.. s °vision .1001111
'_...mtlfleff Mtn l l,l Imlll, 11. shotild kept h.
111111 ct's
otyllChlify, 1111 1 lothiod fils lit u ,01/1,1 0
till 04 xnl , Jrel ro culJn 111111 u udm, oil 0101114 he pro
vide" with Ilan apthlot • It. them.
Althinigh softly I I toN i• 11,11110 1 I thrill,-
ri ill gr. lit •re ties 111 0 c oho
it Pitted Aett.ed, have loco 0•111111t•te!) . 1 . 111 . 1' , 111111
0111 foal. of r 14010,/ to L. valitit by the liberty
Plotord . comfit" It y its Inn it t•y of er 1.0
illnordors 01'0" , 1.111100 14141 nr.t, t hot Ili , 11.1,01
lit Moto )(old' 1.1 It IVi cu hot WWI 1./1•V
could 1 . 01011 t befit, Itellol . 010 1;11011. pr, Vur.l they
sob . ..dile /111 t 116111/10,11',
111111 P.° Ito lll lA' 41 1.4 /100111 to lion
from It.
A thin i iv and olon vi I/01 y core ,
• . '
ourvtl—by tokin, tit
(limuy_Pevtoritl lu small hull froiluent doh.),
do goorrally Itv virtues 1:1111Wil thitt_Zyy lined
nuf Iltlh lilt th rerlilleotTA of I hi.. 111 hero, or du mor
than ovvoro qualitiod tie
udotaloril. •
For FUVer Ili,ll Ague, 1111Or1111110111. Firer, Chill Fever
Remittent Fever, Dlllllll , .t cur, 'Perirdical ur
11111111111 Fe, l.r, &e, 011-1 luda••d 111 - tin n . IIOCIIIIIIII
soul rho, Inu front malarloos, u 111,11, 01 , -1111.111411u
poisons, •
Asint mute applies, It teas-Cure, and do , _it'd
' liil Contalitlag twit her Ars••l Iv quinine, Bismuth,
%lab, or any other unneral ur
Whatever, It In tiowho Wines any patient. he
number and iinp metre of its,rores in the ague ills
trish„, nil,litta•.,llyßecount, and we believe
without 0 pnr.,ll In the lthtery of Aguo l Inedichtit,
Oiir pride I 1 grad lied by the iteltnow,etignients w•u
Of ,11,0 radical euros oIL (dell 111 01 stluato
000(0, 111111 who, outlier ruined' a had wholly failed,
•Unael how ell persons, either re.,itlent In, • or ten•
elliug through miasmatic luralitien, will ha protected
hy-inith g 1115 a Ult It dolly
Tor - Liner Complaints, arising from bn•phllty of
tie Liver It 1111111 excellent' remedy, x iniitluthig the
Liver into healthy activity.
• For lillltoua bleurders and Liver Coniplainta, It in
_an excellent remedy, producing/natty truly renuirka
lily cures, whore other medicines .haul failed. • •
Prepared by'lllt, J. C• Avow & - Co.rPractical and
Atixlvtical Chemists, Lowell,, 310144., and. roll all
rciund the world,
S'cho.ol T x f in ' 487,9.
SOII.OOL TAX FOR 1870. . •
Tho School Diructoni of tho bcfrougli• or cdruo,
havo fosuotl their duplicate for collection of the
Pdhool TIM of the present y00r.1870.
Notice to thoroforo given to the taxablecitinous of
Bald school distriol; 11n4 X II I Bawd Treasurer Treasurer will
attend at the Cbunty Court llause, (Counnitplelnee
ofilca,) on ` • • •
.21atradaY and Friday, Aityuatli and 1a;
next, between thin demi of nino mid Axe o'clock of
&0 ,11, 01 1 T the IltuTteni recalvlng'snid taxes,
up to ail d dates the Treasurer 'will receive the•
tames atlas ernes', Ng, it, e Marion-Nall" building,
West Main etrS,Ol.:•-• • - .• • • I".
0o 411 - taxon `Oil . Ol• - ..beford the, abdve datee a:
deduction of FIVE VER 012,111 'will bo triode.
- I , .13.1 W. b 11.117,
10ftine700t • • - Troasuror.•
North Fifth str, „ •t,
;11 A N
The Kidneys fire two in numb 4, iiinotiitt nt tlie.
upper part of the loin, eairoutaled by fat, and oou
nistlng of throe parte, Anterior, ilku Into
!tor, and din Extindar
Thu anterior aborts. Interior einuilete of tiewiles
101,V Pan a - deporlit for the urine and
convey It to the exterior. Th'e exterior is a ean'due
tor allo„torininoting Inn Ida& tube, and cal:edrto
Ureter. Thu ureterm era canna, led with: the bladder
The Idnilder is composed of various em4riniza nr
tittnuos, divided iglu part•, viz: the Upper, the
Lower, the Nnryouß, and the Malcom. The upper
xpplx, the I WIT ratnlne. Ninny h ren denier In
ninato without thlt ; others tultutte without
he ability to trtuDi. This freeinently occurs In
To cure ❑liver n 11,11 1 .010, WO 1111W11 bring Int° 1101 illll4
ho 111114e11, , , whirl, are engaged in their earl,
unctions. Tf thy) , tire trirreectod, Oral Or Oro
Thu rrgJor .ort itko to made it,vbre !hal lum
light fluty be the tat irk, IL ix our,' to atioet t
Rainy health and mental powers, MY oar Ilenli a
'loud ni.o supported from then, sour,es
GouT on ItoEumwrio3l.—Paitt occurrint in till' tot
Indicative of the above disease,. They occur
erAolla illrpoArd to ;Lehi Itolunt.ll null chalky et
THE (littl..—The gravel etgogel from 31Pglect
Improper treatment of the kidneyx. Theta , orpt
Leith; weak, the water ix out n 11,1.11,41 from thu Lila
der, but allowed to remain; It beeouu reverlob, a
sediment (erten. It is from Mk depe,lt tbaCt‘
ono Is (emu I, and gya‘vl clout,
DROPSY to it collection Of %voter In solar patient
ay, anti bears tlltlbrtitt names, steeortllng to tl
purls niTeeted, viz: when gtnotally dlltuned ever 11
body, it is ealltil ; %VIII, or the nbilite.
ANcitvs; whirr of the eheA, 113,1rothornz
CrutTNIENT.-11ohnhold's highly concentrated col
unil Extract Bitehu it decidedly one of 14e lii
mudiem for 4Wennes or the 1 , 111116 T, kidneyx, j;r:Lvi.
01.loo) and gouty airo.
ue Uullor this Lind ri lioyohrrungoll Dy;uri
dilllrulty an d pain In paFslng water; Sennty 8.
lion, or small and froonent dltteltorgea of water
Strungory, or stopping ot llorruntorlo, o.
mody mine; flout and hboutolitism of the Milneys
host any dump+ in quantity, increase In
. •
orib w
irk water. It ail alwnyx highly rerun
'tided Iq• the Into Dr. Physick, ill Ibex° affection,
iq lIlPli I !Ivrea:4,llw trowrrof digestion, and
hos Ilw nip:tort...nix Into healthy exert:lbn ,by
kit tllo.watery of enkareotts dept , ll.fong, anti
mitinttintl eillargpownts, ac wen nq'Tntin
nbilbm, nre . reduced • 11111 i It ktalcoAi Ly men, W 0.1110,1
and children. DirectiolNlOT lid.. and diet accompany
Ph ih,delphin, N., Feb. 2:1, 18h7
11. T. llelpll.lll, Tiniggiqt
Dear Sir—l have been a sufferer; for upward of
twenty years, with gravel, bladder and kidney affec
tions, during whielty.ime I have used various medic-
inal proparatians, and been under the troatthoat of
the moat eminent physicians, experiencing but little
Hallos seen your preparations extensively adver
tised, I consulted with my family physician in
regard to using your Extract nacho.
I did thlu because I had used all khndo of advertised
remedies, and had found them worthless, and Foam
quite injurious; in fact, I despaired of ever getting
well, fuel determined to use no remedies hereatter
unless I knew of the ingredients. It was this that
prompted mu to me ynbr remedy. An you advertised
that it was ,01111. Fell of liuchu, colfebs, and juniper
berries, it occurred to me and my physician as an
excellent combinationotiol, with his advice, after an
oxauxination of the article, and consulting again
with the druggist, I concluded to try it. I cont
inence.] its use about eight months ego, at which
time I wits confined to my room. From this, first
bottle I wasvistonislimi and gratified at the benefi
cial effect, and afier using It threw tveeys, was able
to walk out. I telt much Übe writing you a full
srstimtent of toy cllBO at that time, but thought any
improvement might roily la temporary, and there
fene concluded to defer 111111 Mee if in wbuld effect a
perfect care, hooiving then It would be of greater
value to you. and more ea tbfactory to one.
.A ant now abbo to report that it care is effreted nfrrr
Ming the malady fur five uwalths.
1 have nut used any now for three inolitle., hind
real IN we'l usiviels . l.l3l ever did.
Your devald of any unpleasant Not..
null odor. it nive tonic mid invigorator of the syntiqn,
I din nut 15until 01. , he without it whenever occasion
may veouhvil eneli affections.
11101/1.1 11.11
MI, 11.•crnua, Pnovh,yßaat
Clor..ltvi., i'mtvlpl!in
S. II zick, 311'.11; , I lalado'l,lll/i
los. 11. I: Rear,•rm•r, NAttosyhtmln
I.: I.
UfsHLI mi.-Con?
nn li. W. 11'...1w0r.1, Judge,
on, W. A. Porter, City Gall titer;
on. John Blgh:r, O. iloVentor, Callforn.a
on. E, r Ilruerul, WuWm. 11. n, C
otht is, If uvressary
Sol Ly Dpiggintx and penleni- eveiTwltero: Da
roof cootorfoltA. Aqk for lloitnl4l'd. Tolco no
her: Prlco—sl.2s per Gi itlo, - or obpittex fir $0.50
Dollvered to Mry nd tr ir. AexcrlLu symptcnum In nll
Drug, and Warehouse,
G9l 9ROADIYA . Y, N. Y
done 41n:niee ' l•en - graveil . wrApporf
or oiy CliOmical.Warnti'ouhot nod !limed
',T : •;
, . . , - • • ~ ~ .. ,
„ , • -,. !! ..''' .1101,1) Ai!,7l) WAIIICTARCi . Al!„.' ':—..-
. la Vlil R S Tit It 1311 0 T illl.lta.
• T4O. 6' South Hanover tit NO, ~,,,.., A l
, i .... c j ... • ''. . 1481a011 _ . , .: .
The With School yen'. will begin Sc
We flak the ottentlort of purente '
consideration of the emits of Hite Teethe'',
lst, 1 octrioa„—llealatful, attractive and hi
way frivorable for physical do
2.1; No ThuriATioNn.-r-Romoved froth the Sit
~ and loollng Owes lurid.
nfirtomfilinto4 fi
file fir study.
.011, LONG ENT 111 LIMIIED.-11. 1111/3 been In RIM
•oFernllon thirty-font
' and ban hind ntudnntn
nonrly evenS ,- . Statn.
MOR.AL iNFLVENeF.A.—Tho Precepts of the
COLA kTE9,-;-Termx, e. 20 0 00
ISQ — Sond fort Circular. Application nLnr
11. 'D. STONE, A. M., 1 6 , ..
. . J. J. PATTERSON, A. 31., f ' ''
Repealing an Ordinance in regard
Cattle, ' Hogs, Sheep, and Goats r
ning at large in the borough of Carli
Ile it enaeleil by the Town Council of the bor.
of Carlisle, and It Is hereby enuetod by the 10111 u
of the 11111110: th , ' otdinnn•u p.Fl'll titr if
ility 01,3111 y, A. it. IMI7O, prohiL111111: 010 rnnuin
large of ()title. Hogs, lsheep, and Goats within
limits of the borough, be and the stun° is beret/
RnucleJ 1111” [lll Ordinance thlx 1100 day of 1
A.1).1870 111
bIiORGE E. 81111:A . FFER,
Plesident Of C ooun
Atte/V-11. MCCARTNEv,
Soo rotary of Corporation.
olio. Burg"
Boots, Shoes and Trunks
No. 13, South llanover street, G'arlis,
Thankful for thO patronap extended them ho,
form, do uow announrci their timil largo xfor
Ladies and
are nurivailt‘d fim coutiort arid beauty. A
All of which uur be sold at saa :profit. Call t
and all, and get n full equlrldrnt for
,intar money
1 np7o
Goode are not alnilym thu best. When yon go to bu
un article, and especially in the matter of
go - to n denier on whO ' s6 wofini . 3 . oll din rely, for TO ,
it, line good judges oNenther.
this time of tho year many will be wanting lig
hoots and shoes fur vanilla, wear. All.eneh can
aevemmodated at •
where will bo foam! a supply at the lowest Lt t rlt: i ti
'Boots and shoot; mitre' to ardor with the ante
patch. Place of business •
No. 34East Louthcr stred,:CarliBle, Po
14up7 0
Sollalt conalgnmonts of all lcMa of Prodoco. Ala
Itu tier, EggxpPonitry, dal., &c ,
Philadelphia Refereners.—N. C. 3tn nulmmh, ear
President of the Union Banking Company, Nall,
Molars. Allen & Clifford,; and 10.ra. henry Sloan
& Sop.
N.B.—Please nund for WePkly Prico en rron t fr r
f elturgo.
A NY inquiry will receive immediate
loam,. Satisfaction in tole. Mid matarial
torrtrotl, nod trltlpmenta promptly noon,
I 71-ly
RUCK 41A1) Ex — e3lu an nth, LEAD!
Mret. Far•llx Uprivopd Vi,tthn•e
Second. Forilm Um,rionled
Third. Fur Its UomurFm•ed Curutlti g Properly,
for Ilx ErilLooly.-6:4A
X.,- J'l . coxis lex , t , 1.1,113 t I, ilb Mick I vn ~ thalt
nuy tttlier IVltlfti.l.elttl ex 111 ilt. 1.1, 0.... W 6 lg ht
I.l.vvrx mom mirtitt,, In mut, tilltIlit:11 And 1111110,
whiter vmrk. ~
—. 111:Cli i
1.1 Al) in th‘cht.lll,t.or mid
. .
, • ,
MA lor Its U 1.11 1 11141 Diiral,lll6'
F,14-11firivided N lilh4lefiv
Thipt. F.?1'114 UM111 . 11:0.011 I ON, rhig l'coperly
I.llgly, for Itn tire , nt ECM
I " ^P.I: tile cheapest, lifind•on,en. and
171.11111 i - ill
• •
kiatistartloil .by ti
, • . •
Prepared expreiy.lur
oiery driihrlptiud; PoniNIA,
koJ Tlslrty•lTyo dlfloreut lorft, I.lllqtblit, Clump,
UnlfOrM,aml Beautiful Btuttlo.
(Larip,iteutjty.Biall, If demlreil. •
PoilbinetUrderti promptly etertitell
FRENCH, .rimlrmlD's
.13t1 - IE.IY SAXTON-Ss co,,
{lku:e~V lip lfiihdwxre, I'nlntN, Oild, lllnnd,'kc.;
An 02 . Wlnance.
Gents and Boys,
Youths and ChM
&5.., S4O
CAIi~.7BI.E PA. , I,