Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 21, 1870, Image 1

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J.- M. ‘wmmmv.
e -
532 Walnut Street, Philadelpliia, Pd.
For' Cottape, Farm Houses, Villas, Court limos,
Churchoe, School limisea. FRENCH ,ROOFS.
Wholesale dealers In nll Undo of
4 4
No. 210 North Wharves,
Above Knee street,
No, 6 South, and No. 10 North Hanover krertr.
No. 68 Ent Hain street,
(a tow doors east of Ouidoer's Necbl no Shop,)
Carlisle, Penn'a,—
win p.c. In tmtlt from $ll.l to 490 per .e0t,.05
MHO may mina.o. All work warrante4. •
From tho Balthuoro CoHem, of Dental Surgery. Offlee ,
at the rexideneo of hi, mother, Emit ',wither . otreet,
three dodrA below Bedford. Ithelip
D R., I. Y, R7Di
Ms located In Carlisle. Oilier neat deer to
Paul's Evangelical Church, West Lent her htree
Patients from ti distance ple,e call in the forenoon
DR. JS. 331 DER,
OMCO in dm room formorly ,mmt . Mod by Cot. JoiOt
Leo. 101oLM
Porno,ly of Dickinson township, ionic on ossi4on
f Dr, Zitzor, begs leave to inform tint citizens
Carlisle wad vicinity, tint I.c hlw perinannittly I
noted in this Witco.
QM co, No, 3 Irlriou'ellow
Winn in :104 , A xtreet, opyonto EWA'. drY
flooill gar,
G. IV. P. D. R., • • -
Lato Dernotmtrator of Opertktiyo lAtptio.yy or the -Bal
timore CoHewn of Detital Sttrgexy. 0444 e at Ws red
den., opyo.tita Mariou Hall, We4t :itAx,et.,
Vale, PA.
IT. E.,-Cnr. Third and Iklarko.t atxue,ts.,
idec6o y
!Alice on Main eLinet,in Manion ma, cnd oseo
HATERTMIC .131t0T1;1EgS,
Dittius, yr:Avow:l;y, yArtcy GOODS,
&ND PATIAT cmcivg
No. 5 ;South iia»ovor Shoot.
14 1 7111 y
• _c _
coruer of Quarry, Philadelphia.
An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver end
Plated Ware Constantly on hand. •
//GP-Repairing of Watchos awl •Jowelry promptly
attended to.
17Sopt 66 ly
No. 14 South Hanover street,
Nice adjoining Judge Craluien
J - 01IN CORN - MAN, '
Office itt bnilding attached to the Franklin Hotel, up.
potato tho Court 14111 b.. 10061
Meclirtrtle4burg, Pu. 0111rtu 011 italll . olltl .tr.,t, too
&writ north of tho Batik.
Btortnerts promptly attoodirtl to.
, .
OLTIno, N. 18 South Ifunovor 010001, opilooile Coyh , o•
atOro. 10.41,GU
Ca`rltAlk, Pit. Nu. 9 Itltetna'n
pp q. q 9
sii44l34R, -
I L,. •.• ; • 411h4P3P , j
L 1019J.hilg
! „.o:olpor,jaml County, ron,u , o,
All lililnw3A, entrutite4,fplm will Viweiro prmplrt
nttAntlu, , „
V SHIRK t 2,.. BRO,
i • •
And wholvdnin denlera hn Country Produce, Con
signniontx reapvtlutly Noncited. Must rerun:net. given
NO: 1.635 Itlarlcot, t3troot, :
- -\ ~ . ; • '.1,, , :••,s.. ,
it -# 4 -- . , • '' , —7 ,-- i-,--. - , t71
••§LPANGLE • - As' WI.L'SON,
~I, \ oNliPgiVous abtetrmx - munnytt.Y , .
:- ~ 91 ' Cursor North nail tilt ixtrorhits• 't , 'S
80039 • .''' ' ..', -'' -"" ciottasLA I'A
6.1 t YOUNG ii;EN.AND ioyB.
SurobitionlYho nOiiu'otoil by
i?tir,O;3l(iStoi rott, 1,111.01i0n on, ; ; ; ; ;
Rnsljah'invi".ataiPiioq •
Kr Young Contionion on tho Sod Monday ofSelo
. tall s o i r oß ool, • liontet; •goiroyer otred
Tb' nouruo of atudY Will bo 40+4;7;01u propnro
young 111011 for rollego..-"Addrous
J. tymitiar onvIELL,
Box 201, I'.o.
30Jtmr70 Om
oritants M. ROGETIS,
LEL South JlanoaorBt., Corlislo,.
Beeps cot - Manny on hand a toll assorhoont of
AireVEcijEfh . " -
• hocKe,.
panuAty, - •
at tho lowest cash prices. partpulatattentjan paid
to tho matting - of Watches; Cloaks and Jcardlry.
N. Illueld'oorisSutly• on hail
Of4o, 09uth llanovpr otOotoTxt •the
ktqaci Ilona!), , , , 019
_ _ _
mm • ,
1 4 1 A I LT4 E1:4Y i
Lt If
fn Nei 'pip* Y,
"VV J. 13IltA.Ert; -
v• " • 421 . 0 NEY AT LAW. -
°Om Ip wirthonat coilior,OrtlfirpOutt - Ilonno. 'lOOOO9
,LOU AT LA,M r io,
, t t7,'PONNF X A . P.9 913/ ? 1 , ,W I
Fifth. street b O?w.
F*4,00411014 •
t • • 1, •
. ,
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, . ! • . .1 - ~ , .
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cumBEgNAGT,:t3rVnatilJEY 4 : It,
On and after 'Munn lay, Juno 10, 1870, Passenger
Tzulnaudll run daily, as follows, (Sundaye excepted):
- 8:00 A. al , Meelmniebburg 8:35, Carlisle 9:11, Newville
9:47, Shippenslairg 10:20, Chambersburglo:44, Crean ,
castle 11:16, arriving at Hagerstown 11:46, A. S. I
SIAH. TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 1:38, P. at , Me
chanicsburg 2:09. Carlisle 2:40, Nnwvillo 3:15, Ship.;
pensburg 3:45, Chamborsbarg 9:20, Greeneruitle 4:60,
arriving at Hagerstown 5:20, r M.
EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 4:11. 'l , 111,
Meelianieskurg 4:47, Carlisle 5:17, New - villa 5:60, Ship
pemiburg 0:17, arriving at Chanibersburg 0:45, r 5.
A MIXED TRAIN leaves Clitnaburifburg 8:011, A U
Greencastle 9:15, arriving at Hagerstown 10:00, A Or.
ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Cluiniberallarg
0:00 A as, S
. hipponsburg 5:20, Newvilla C:00, Owlish)
0:33, Mechanicsburg 7:02. arriving at Harrisburg
7:30, A as.
MAIL TRAIN leaves Hagatatown 8:00 A ar, Preen.
malt, 8:20, Chaniborsburg 0:10, Shippensburg 9:40,
Newvillo 10.14, Cal HMO 10;00, 51ecintitienbing 11124
arriving at Harrisburg 11:05, A. X.
EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 12:00 M,
Oreencastre 12:28, Mon., sburg 1:05, Shipponalmrg
- 1:37, Newry,.lle 2:10, Carlisle 2:60, Mechanicsburg 3:18,
arriving at Harrisburg 3:60,P at..
A MIXED TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 3:06 P
Greencastle, 4:12, arriving at Chumbersburg 6:05, P
,65y - Making close connections at Harrisburg with
Mind to and from Philadelphia, New York, Washing.
tan, Baltimore, Pittsburg, and all points West.
0. N. - LULL Su d..
Superintendent's OiNee, Chamb . g. AprihdO, 1870
it A - J-J - R O-A D
Office of Oeneivi h'operindeltflent
Carlisle, PC11!1'11; duly V., 859,
Clirll,4l+ (C. V. It. R. Dcpnt,)
• Junction,
" Mt. Holly
Arnhe at lhnr Oro% r•
Lento ihrt, Ilvovon • •
Ituutor's kto
" Mt. II 011 y,....
Arrive at .Ituivtioti,.
temilwatilv. with fast p. m.. (.I.IIIA- front
Baltimore and liarrikblirg.
. ,
.Connecting with murning,traion from I'llll.lo
phin and Baltimore, and afternoon troths I mom lin anti Ilarrishorg
aalotfinle to he routinized to in, front tin ,
Pic-nic arm:at/JP Unntes's hull, jLr t•lxcarsion
tips of ton or mare,
IConilecting With morkt . lok.;(l.%l traf us to l'hilodol
1111 a. 111‘lt toxin , Rud
Frain jil. Mil) to Pine Grove and rrtuurn
1-imnter'n Ruin
From -Corlinlo to ill t. Molly and return...
Mtn tele); Run
• pine,Gruye.
pENNSYVVAN:IA gegittoep.
Eidlit Trains (Daily) ,to and from Phila
delphiw awl piitslwrg, awl Two,
Trains .I?aily tp awl front. Erie
(Swidays ,exnopteri).
1 , E. ist S 1). , JUIsT E 12,
1870, Pi k seenger of OW l'..llllPyl 014010
Ilullnmd con . , ; toy will 4144,4 rt frow Iptrrintiv g ynd
arm' nt I'hiltuluA)l6 ayta PiOslo,yr k L4p3 fyllovv:
10-11illndelpliin Egprtm In4r. a U.' 0 ' 140 14
daily (ricept lb ('y) a 2 19 a. 0,, and niTirea at
Irrot Thijtddelphia at d 30 a. to.
6 20—,katt I.Jim loaves Ilarrlaburg daily (rain!
Nonday) at 0 2) 4.14., 41p4 apiros at Weal rbiiadr ,
Wu at 0 )0 u.
Nail) min leases Altoolm. daily (szmupt Unaday)
ut 3 00 p: tu., and arrisus at Harrisburg at ti Ll 1. in.
10 40—Clueilitiatl llspruss 'loaves Harriiiim, m ; t ry
at 10 15 p. arrileS at West P 14111,10111111 ilt
1 10 a. 0
itd—Paid9c Express leaves Han isburr daily
at 8 as a at., 1114 orricca of %h at Illiflod”Ipl.f. of
12 20 p. a,
12 42-141111: I:X[4100g loueuu 111rinsibarg daily
(norept .ttnilay) at 12 45 1, tn., and 4001000 at West
lthiladulpida at 5 41440 0 ,
liarristinrg Aceelnuludntinn luil.VeS Altoona daft
(Sunday nXimpled) at 7 In n. 111., and arrivin, at Har
risburg utt2 40 P.
3 55--Harriiniarg Annammodall m 1.10110 Harris
burg at 3 bap. arrly u at Pb , adulphia nl
9 4U p at.
7 0 , —Lanrastor Train, via Mount Joy, laacutt
Ilarrkburg dally (axcupt :unday) at 7 Ott it. 111., and
arrivra at bloat Pli it:00101in at 11 55 a. in.
4 16—Kriv Fart Lim• we3t,•for Fine, lenveH
nmrrg daily (excopt tinn,lay) at 4 05 p. in., arriving
3 20— ERIE MAUL west, for Erie, leaves Harris.
burg daily at 8 20 u. m., arriving at Erie at 7 40 p
12 16—Cincinnati Itspread leaves liarri.ibur; dairy
(tscopt Sunday) xOlB If, a. m at qoo Da at
4.60 a to.,:iiitb arrlvna at Pittstntint .111 lIV t. ui
2 4P-,Pittallurs E2Presp.ivavea Irarridisorg ajnlly
(ascapt Amlay) at 3 IV a. If., arrivw nt Altoona at
0 00 a. m, takes brealtfast, and arrives at Pittsburg
at 2 40 p.
4 10—Pacitic Express leave Harrisburg daily at
02 a in.. arrives at Altoona at II 07 a. la , takes
reakfast unit arrives at Pittsburg at PI 20 a. a.
I'ast.l,lllo leaves liarrlsburg daily (except eo lalmy )
tt 4 111 p.m., (Lair. al Altoona lit 8 , 1. p. hl 1111,011
upper 111111 arrives at Pittaburg at 12 12 a Hi.
Mail Train leaves Harrisburg_~ d ally (except Sun
day) at 1 00 p zu., a rrives at Artoon. at
takes supper sad arm. tt atPittsburgo 1t 611 p m.
Way Paese . ugor Trials leaves Harrisburg (r.v•
rept Monday) at 7 45 a. In., art!vet ,t /i6001 4 .L
. ga awl at, rill4liptg 4tlQ :10 p,
' ; l'tk 3 sl- 11 :1 1( 1 - 4 0 1 1 . 1
• riiipt. tile. (oillia.t. 11.
Harrisburg April 40,1000,
I,)A Dl.l)iG*R.i L RUM). .
It 1). awes.
Mslpilt A RRA NO EnNT
Nanday, Nay it :1870,
111114, , affililNif 'LINE 1.11051 'l'llll North mai
North-Wont for I'lAlndrl thin, Now, York, dlmuling, '
P.dtsville, Tamaqua, ashlaml, Flamm hrhalion,
Allentown, ,Easton, Ephrata., Litla, Liinmodor, Co•
1 itinbia, Ae., 4c.
Trains leavo Ilorrlsbnlrg for,Now York, no follows
At taA, 0:10, 11:25 a in, and 2:50 p 111, 00131101 hug
With 14111 ant.' trains on Ponnsylyaiila . Aallroati„..aa
arri, lag at, Now York' at, 12:10. noon, 001 oUrl
Qua accompsay
lila 5;02 and 11 , 4 1 1;11 Ip Ir;sloo.x itiam t ;.
awl, falai p ': 8 : 16 ; aa. +O
1:50 p Steeplint Apra itecoadainy the 11:00 a is,
had 6;00 p tn,trains Crain New' York, without 000 Ergo,
I,e'avo HarriAlairg for flooding. Puttarille, Tama
qua, Ailtiorayllie, Croy°,
Allciitowit and Philadelphia, sit 8:10a 1:11,,2:20' and
4:10 it to, s; oppind at Lobanou and princip .1 way
shdionx; 4:10 or toils connecting fur Philadul•
Oda; Pottayilit, ;nal Cohan bill, dilly;' For I'ottav ille
O&VP/111 1 41 .11avanand:Aulawn, Ott Schuylkill and
slitim fainnill.111;a111, ;ewe; flarriahnrg 8;41; pull
"East ttalne!laa'Yo
for Allontothi, Eastiiii ; and New' 1 Oil:, at'7:23,12;;1ii
m.1:27 arid 4:15 p ltet tirn hay° NOW York
at 11;00 ma, 12;00 noon gild 5:00 p ;A , Allenfowil
at 7520 'a FO, 1:1:25 noon, 4;20 mud 0:45 p 01.
11ay Passenger Train liayea Philadelphia tit 71411
a in, commling wit/1'1147111u 100111 on East PennaYl-'
Yanlaltallrollii, rotor sling Cans Bonding at 0:115 11:m,
stopping at all stations.
Lawn) Polls/1110 at kW isio 0:00 a in, and 2:00 p 111,
Herndon, at 0010 in. at - 6110 mid 10140 II
in, Ashland, at 7105 11 111, and 12:110 'uooll,;111slianor
City, at 7:51 a ni, and 101... p: as, Tamaqua, at 1 8:03 a,
to, and 7:201; m, for Phlladolphla and Now York.
1,5000 Pottaylllo - 051 Schuylkill- and Susquehanna
;Railroad, at 8:1p n lit, (or litirrisburg;and 12:05 noun
for Pluo Groin and Tremont.
. .
.. •
Reading A Cnt)1111110(11111011 Train leavnirotinvilis at
5:40 a on passes Reading at. 7:20 a in, Arriving at
Piallialciplain at 10;20 a an. Iletawning, leaves
dolhip 4 6116 p wa,-pastips 'lonians at ti:00,9 - 19,
18Y lg Puttarlllll at Di4 o ll la,:
Smash:lva Aroma Odat/0/1 '4EO ; 11 anavna rattshawa
at ,0:29 t rolurninsintiros lillihadoilltdd at 40 10 .
p m.
Eklund:llf Raill'ond trains' iteta.6 !loading 4'7:28 a
tha.und 0;10,1a na, fur hahearter, Cot
Perklomon Railroad train° Mayo Porklomoti Tuau•
tiess at 9:00 a an, 3:00 and 6510 p ;;;; retrraing, Nano
Schwenk:will° at 0:05 at in, 12:44 noon; 'and 4:15 p
connectiug with similar trains on Reading Railroad.
Coiebtookdale Railroad trains learn Pottstown at
9:40 n an, and 0,20 p ra, rotundas, intros Mt: Clutts
ant at 7.00 and 11:26 n mt, connecting. with slmllnr
trains on Reading Railroad. - t ' • • • •".
I.• Mater Nialloy Railroad trains loavo Bridgeprorl at
8010,a Shand 2:04 and .604 lat rotaralug, lama
• Rawningra at fr,29 k'in,•l2:4o.noon, p na(
FRrarlittli Ivltlrallpiturlral94 cm Read nip lin iroad.
p q 89n aiye ttiewYg Toric,al 6:0 it in, Vidirti
1111 1 111 1 14. ( 141/ 1 a lila 3:16.p .133, Ie . 8:011,1 an,.t rain.
;ROMS 0013 , liciadins.) logy° So taiylilo at 8:0U a
in; lawn Ilarrisburg at 6:05 sm, sad 4:10 m;
Nava Allentown at 749 a 111; and 8140 It at i 10111/0 •
Beading, 00.7116 a m,and-10:06 m; far larrlsbarg
at 7.48-k to, for Now York, at 4:46.r m, for ;Allan
town, and at 0:40 a na, and 4:24p na,
Commutation, Milosgo, Season; 0019:161 and Enna , :
Won tickets, to and from all points at roduaod rates.'
a gags chockod 'Omagh • rau:Sitnnaro oun
g • ;. d '' P • " f
was oc t passenger.; ,• • • ••,• • ,•t (
El, Ja.. u .NlCtilaialaS, aot3up l C:•."
i m
dny yna. • •
}pinto •
_ .
900 o.lof 0.00
0.!5 5.00 4.33
10.03 Vl' eiY
LOU Jx-O- Zrd
1.2 • 5.50 4.'15
1.00 5.00
F r 4W/IS,
Aoeriq St9l.,
114.4 . \N ,!.ItP
A. Z. SrOYSLOE'S ce:mumN.
Real Ectato Agont, ',Ramer, Conveyancer, Inane:
onto and, Claim Agent. Office Main Street, near
Centro Square.
VIRGINIA LANDS in the Shenan
doah Valley for sale.—A number of valuable,
and highly improved forme in "the Valley" are of
fered for sale: The tracts run from 00 to 880 acres.
The land is of the best quality of limestone, fully
equal; if not suporior,lo - the land in - Cumberland
Valley, and disposed df at astonishingly low
ligurbs. • The extension of the Cumberland._ Valley
Nallroadlnte Virginia, as new surveyed, wilt' run,
-Immediately through the section of country in
Which these' lands are located, which ' when com
pleted, together with the advantage of the Shona.
dosh river transportation will give them all the ad
vantages of Northern and Eastern markets. A
splendid opportunity for lucrative investments is
here offered.
fell and minute doscrintion of the location and
'Clufracter of the varirs tracts may be lead, icy ap
plying to A. L. SPONSLIIR,
Nadal) • Bent Rstate Agent, Carlisle.
posit of. the best quality Iformatic (Ire, yield
ing 60 per rent, comprising about 18 Acres, located
in Monroe township, oboist two miles from Oa Iwo
Works of C. W. et D. V, Aid, on the liontlpside of the
Yellow Breeches creek, There Is n stream of water
r tinning through the tract, sufficient for washing the
ore, and furnishing water-power begides.
Rersons desirous of slowing the bank may call
upon George W. Leidieb, at " Leidicle for
merly known on Bricker's mill. in Monroe township,
Curnbetland county, or upon
Real Estate Agent, Carlisle
eelfrot Oro iVlother, at the Oro Bank of Guorg.
N. L°i'lkho neer4 PP)v, Will be sold very low. Al.
ply to' 4. L. pI'ONSLKIL
FOR RENT.—The brick residence •of
James Dente, situated on South Hanover
street, nearly opposite Early's total, will he lensed
for ono year from first of April next.
Also, a commodious two story bricit residence, on
East streot, botween 31Mo and Loather streets; and
lot of ground on tho omit side of tho Lotort Sprite,
liolongitig' to the - heirs of - Joseph- Shromoleseased,
will be Mao leased for ono year from the first of
April next.
The ,uheeeiber offerer et private vale, that we
homy it
nod Dwtilliug bons°,
situated on North liove
street, two doors north of dm Carlini° Deposit Ito I
1100 . to 11, o.lllallty of It. 1 ?_0 1 .11.
property is 44-feet front. on Ifonover ntenel
228 trot lu depth, to a, 12-foot alley. Tito, fiord home- contains the largest, hest
and omit convenient Store Room in Carlisle, While
the let: Atoll fs con:l:dud on all hand, to Lo mos
eenttal. owl prominent,
The dwelling house in !urge and imonnodions, an
la WWI
,R.oteil to therines of n first elms privat
liourillow 'Soon°, "red n 1 which is Hi, plain!
oviile'fit, alike t,) auth viXitOIS Iron
There is alto on the foot .1 tilt. ha. n ...UV
weathor-bontded h use,, which ren•e, readily, ul , *ltl
per 11111111111.
Thix prop,ty is 011'01,1 nt a low price, awl ta
quito easy terms. , Apply to
Pmtato Atfent
AT miTv :A-L1
Situate on Ninth ritt' trout, In the Unrungh u.
Carlisle, No. 79. Tto lot contains about 'l2 feet to
front I.l'llo .feet in depth to nn alley. Ti.
provements am a commodious • _
contnlnlng.two roidna,. hall 1114.1dteliou on the that
floor, and throe coinfortnblo cliambia, on fhoentanol
!lid an Ntilinlshed attic. Then, ire quit..
variety df.fin't IrtV, s thil• h t gaol ~t-dor,
dor, con vonlent oni•lni.ldlopi,lina a tine eh:fern:4N
hydr.iiit hi the void. • The proparty io in good con
ditlon, and will bu nion
ten.. -Envoi,'
Heal Elitat., Agent
F. GARp NEI? 6. CO
eppilqi.L.,u )41 . .1,1.4 .4 .. D 310W Elt
We nr” ono LnlldloG. ull.l Will Ming ont for the
hat vest of 1870. the Nem: Potent Con'therliMilValltiy
Combined AND 11101,11 , 3 t, with SELF
RAKE, and all othei into improvements. It will Le
built in the brat st,ylo, and earigni e d to woe ,
ftctorlly. The Irani ofa Lltju 1111Wil• Reaper has long
beep fot, 3101 WO OkiltWit to Ile 01.11, tq iilfer to the
farmers of tioljoinlng Colllllll, n
miteliltie which 1.11011 Lau complete nod portent bur-
extor, equal lo the bt , t hrtoylit hum n ulan,re
grit "wilding, tidy billion. only it Iwlit, l 0010
bey 01 ll.ty lnlkeo. 'l' l 0 Novo ly hlio the 0011 Acting
1 ‘i . r 1 iii$ 1111 1 1 ". 1 , (.1* woilwil 11•0.11, till till' old
riniolo. It will hu nunlo of the hest in
!Janda - wino N tsl,...nd true nuttedto line
Send in panr
. 'pop r. Lb. •
Wo continue building the original IVilloultlitly
Patent Gout Sprlog God❑ Drill, lot well know Iloilo]
polio'ar oolong fiumure. No good farmer rill /Ilford
to do without the Whlunghby, fur it torgely In.
eroni.esond improves erOpi, and soon pty.l fur
Itself We bunko It as tt Grain and Urns, Seeder
idiom or with Potent Guittoi Attitchnient furrowing
phosithotee or guano, Weolso build the Wil tuitgli by
with the shovels Lt straight rook or rig fog,
formers may prefer,
i..twoua F4roI.tmPI,EAIEN't::.
lye \ intihopithWri.4 it variety of alp leoltural
inplemente, ouch 14 hem powers and throdieru,
'tiler mill., Stir corn uhullere, three adzes, l'hanon
.eru 'diallers, Eureka fodder cutter, and keep Awn),
of hand the National Fodder Cutter. throe OZ.,
vith various ether farming Implelavnt.. W e al-e
flake Farner's patent 'Me bonier, and Puri cr'n pa en t
'aynro, which every blacastaidi Rtanthl him.. Also
ant ire,, corn crushers, wuxh kettle., flair alum, eel
ay grates, live ulirment pan, rux, I Inir ra , tings w,d
alter COStill pi kept alwtLys on Lund.
The CARLISLE COOK STOVE, our OW II cn,liug , t o
tie Of the hoot tool ohttopott stows ttt tho notrit
0 1 14-01 ENUIN.O 4144) Mlld Woini
A,; In.tutotore, we give 'ollen or talent on to
'hulloing STEAM ENUENES, tool lurnisking :HAFT
INC!, PULLIM. , ,' tool ev,PlNnit of the
machinery connected w,11.11 t'oprr ndtlx , `flouring
mill, Now ndlln, Tanurrivel,_,A, Our p.lte.lis for
nteom unglited aro from two. up to twenty five louse
Tower, combining dimplielt) or eutooriaction with ell
rouler!. IMproVrillOlON. and fOrillokOd at 1,011010';
i pu pop, we 1 1 ,111t 1 .0;000,,s 01
too Towtr. Ira iltlotoog pr,olep,
IVO 11001).ii0 I , ..toutivq.vorlety of Jor poll
wurN, to 01101 lre Oro 000 , 4101tfy 1 001dila .1‘10•10ne,
0101 uOOllll volaractA fur' uligllo e end mill: at xll rrt
42i Two mow Huttlot nry yogi nns now nn Innnl and
r eolo
Altai:bed 'to' our tstablblimoit, 1,1 MI- 1 1 :N11 1 1101V°
1.11,4,tr VitlAlll44. am' 411 , 1 nowt .vAryroitr,
111111011Netg.rt.11111/sl,4lll . ll , lllthlit quo' . aml
Window Intim:o, toi,ll, dilater. and
,ault portico ilromqh , Atilerrail,
mid I,3ltin iv:4, thawing. aldlig, and al l Oat_ollier artlrla
to thu nob ,or bottling andrrlala. frolic lowedt
Ptlru. to (trot quality.nod 4mittractors
f 1 ly,.rvly on all ordera,larg“ or mall; bettug prolaptly
illed. Au .exteii•cou supply ut moromal plot; willatit
and oak lumber Ittlll. conitantly to our 111111 b, yard
randy for usu. ,Small sizes ur loth and 'low prim'
doors 111W,1p1,011 Itlllll, 111111 0111111 . lil . lllllUl. 1011110 111
, ortlllra or lqqlllrloy fly ay imrlt
comil)ciloa ivltn 111111 liranyb ul oirbtolmsa ba
prolppuiV 1, 401d , d Flt
V: A itPNEII Al la,
/4111110 ,
Clu Nursei.P.
' (Formerly Ryder Normery
novo for ealo, In largo or'smoll gluuLLitiox, n ellolep
xdortment of •
•• • "
nd other troo., wlth nll tliu I . IIIW or good kinds of
a Grapd Vine's
Over eiioof
Anil ail °fallow, ondortition of ovoryllOut; that Jo ,flo
liftable, to gook a first chi orohitrit or toirthin. .•,
Our prices urn low mid ur trob4lfrokaff good au
bolt.. °Mora by mall rvtl rectivo our Lott attoutlon,
nod lintlidnatiop gurputin, (111 c l w •. yaf
CictiMillial ON"l'liir4lothautNropri
, , • ~
81.11, 4 1Ut 111 NDI7NT
Chninliatiblirt Nurtork
. A 806141011;
Wa si;nntii mail In ovary town Pact.
ds apintlbrAlMpali of oji tcp
41m,ii litiiltnCwhl
gvoLoan if bittltt,tiroolvo4,ir
q°?° 76, 15 "" • • •
The undersigned having tokon end entirely re,:
fitted and forniehed this hotel, is prepared to - I'm - Mlt
gotal accommodations to all who desire to make it
their home. A share, of OM patronage of the sur
rounding country -- travelling public solicited.
Rooms largo and comfortable. Table- always sup
plied with the best. ' '
• ' ' • • • woons,
5 .,, _
.•;.. .14opriaur. , .
(Fohnorly Comma House,)
Tho undersigned having putehasett and entirely
re-fitted, nod fornished anew throughout, with find
class furniture, this tveli•known, and old established
botel, , rolielts the custom of tlie community .and
traveling public. Ito le well prepared to Inrolal)
first clam aecommodatimas to all who desire to make
a hotel thoir-ITOMI3, or plea •ant temporary abode.
The custom from t h e surrounding country is respect
fully it elicited. Courteous h rot attentive servants are
engaged at this popularhotel
(31:0RU13 BENTZ, P3oprletnr.
N. 11. A first class' livery is connected with the
hoist, under the management of Joseph L. ;Berner A
Brother. •
FOR SEIERIFF.—T hereby offer my
soft as a eanditlitiu for the ale° orSIIERIFF,
subject to the decision of the Repoldican Nominating
Convention 11. If. SPANGLER..
Carlihile, March 2, IS7O.
of opuOifier nop!Ohlicails
co - untyj Omer 5t y6olf rui'weawlldato for tho nomina•
Lion of Sheriff at the ilex!. • oty Cotlventiop, sub
ject to its
Carlisle, March 16,1670
F OR SHERIFF.-1 . hereby offer my
a eandidato foi cho °Moo of SHERIFF.
Itubjrct to Om tioeißion of the Nominating
Commit too.
Mt. Iltoty, April 0, - 1070:
FOR SIIERIFF.—I hereby offer my
.If 0 110 pined or II
subject !o Ile. ile• islon or 11, ivpwoipui l
pig -poll1;11iWp"
- • . .
airlide, April I:, 151 n.
7np7Oto ~
RUEN T PU (1.11. V.
Cabinet Malten+,
Our est, illislirsent Is our u: Lilo oldestin Philnel.
llls, and Bum loug and r lilciiitiud
"'` prepare (1 woti: :ti `. ca•nuußln
IVe inanufutitri , tine (grill:lire. and al., medium
priced furniture 4,inliperilor qnu lily. A' !Pry.: ideck
t,11„r011rf, I;ip , i;J'lj 1,1, Irluel. ins:jo t;, order
linsk Work, a. d ilkino n'ttrulture for
Blinks, educes 0401 Stores inuilo to nrder
Jos. l'skros. ' .1. W. 1.11 . 1•:571 , TT. `. Jos. 1,. Scott.
A 4
-4 B. EWING,
Trost Hain. Street, • -
Prenlinin for Bea Furnitnre ,warded at all County
- Entre eineulni7. -
Furnitni oil all varieties and etyluu of Foroitt • and
Dement ir men ufactu IT, fro,. 41,e linnttr uud nail
mltheouy to the I , west prie:tli maple unit pine.
I ,I
• pLyixo Room, •
Embracing every article use I by Rouse and lintel
eiipets of the meet approve,' tend fashionable lieNigll
11.11.1 fleiah. L ditn ifnK also Cottage Puriiit tiro
setts ;. Reception and Catnii Chaff's, Ilairesses, will
Fluters, Plettirea, be ~bc.
Particular ottentien Oa. it us taint to funerals;
orderh ;row town and count.y attemliol tt. I , rouipt ,y,
and on moderate tennis.
void c[iebt r:1 II ii(11;r
21marvb18111, A E. E.
PRO C L AT I O N.—Whereas the .
Join,s It Oraluini. Pft , lgliod Jinftre of till
COT 01 'Cii:1110011 of the 'rmwlieu of
Perry, and , ink .Iti,tirr. of the
V 13,11,1 Coin ul" (Ayer ;lint '.feritiloor unit floor
4 1 , 11, 1101iv4T Y in aid vonnii, a. and the lion. Minima
• late. and tile lion. .of Iho
Con tCs of Oyer and triter and (t anent] ..lail Deli v.
icy for Chi, ti htl of all awl of lit, 111,4,, in
the said Nullity id Cpm bet pint lby their precept tome
irected, dated dei on tin of il, 1070 have ordered
tic Court of Oyer add Terminer and (It nein! Jail
I),•llVery In turn !with tl IttOn 22d of
41,gliSt. 1(70. being the it Mi•iichly. at I {it: oil:
he Coroner, .itialiceA of
the lheieu, C0n+1111,14.0 ul , he inkt county of elmin
berhil,l. (hat linen are ln itin./odd precepts eoni
la b•' their tint nor yell perainis,
piththeir ro•la, retail thi, lin I esnoilint
•0 , 1 ronionil inuetti," 10 - a ii t 'oat, ililnua
aldnh 10 thele ollieea Miner nib lo and all
t.litiao that Insult( by on ngulunaees n. pnereente
against the that an nu t then shall (m the,
Jail of until count% , pre to be (ho n
e to ioaeoute them
kin rdlall Le just.
Ohm lira 01Ileo, C, rlkle, r SherMl
June 22, In7U. , 7,11.1370 Q
bottet, i PA;ll) , :bib,lo OKI 611 . 11t0 ~latv of
Siwb4r, , lno 44 Ow' 1 , v,411:1; of t',ll tloyoltned,
Intro 4e.Y11 1011.1 by On .:t•gistio. of Outuborlitnit
00unty, to trio on ey•lgip.ti molding tho 0400
borutigli All 144000440 1041, 404 41.t0 441 004010 001
119.P.t , ' , 1 to 1114. , 1111111otibite. tbo•(.
1111V111., 11111111, ugnlnM it to vroitbit (boo., thi s ) . nii•
111..titiOir 1.01.
iiii .“0 At
or Admittilbal,6""'
tiel Shenk !. to Fro in.; I, witp.iip,
bolll.r trx.3,,..,ti 11 the. y
6 01 10, 0" , 41 ,00 Uts,lo uotkohivai•drea,ling In the
- nut) towno4iip, heyal,y givrn pi.Y.
tI4 knowitig thom inn , olod to .14,
41or I.ny mru t. :001 tlui,o having clog., to p,pn.ut
em, pngwrly not toottfrot 4, f I oncot.
7Jltl. "OM.
iretoolboluoy 00 Ito, e• 1110, or Joh n
ktu,.l.f lnoo:11 (4.11.1 n, da paled,
1 ; oro born I Ily or or poinberlorol
ennuis lu thol. holin g In .11,1 horoor.ll
All por.oos 10 017+ °null,. 01, 11.11111,(121i to
loomeillatv payment, than, Intl a m rialto,
pn,lit them, duly 3111thrt/t1.11(10, for e.oltlyinvot.
NOTICE is hereby "Ives
Mil:. or sootiomist uoolo qri
.‘sal•o!000t. of WI Idl prop,. 4' refikund nal, in
if,ml. for OW 10'1 , 014% of tij treilllore, to Tito 11•n•r
-s1UIIiit 111401.'i to , tlo olln
1111110 1 , 11 , 111.11 t to the tolllli , 4'
xlmomm,.nod" tli - i;tl having sonlins or tklnittola wi I
!maw known tile .4l1:1-
7.11‘1310-111. Axxigoreti of Willkfot Chuic.
fkk' votiiiri, 11 • 41glya1'1110k4 ipe , voth
fklltlint opc ef foroknt ;:ontfrikotion nod allowance
tka lOobt klrtild.'' C o ll' (Anitst 10,1. must 110'
111,11 ill I 1 1 , 1 0 .04cr'o ou Ur 101010 Ike 00y 1 11.
itonth ih y I.f 1 11.1.1', 1010,
• •welivu NInMV,
Y 1 uly7o •• Ilegkiter.
Nalco In hereby glvuo ' that • uppllsafloo bo
mails to the xt LT611111,1.0; ibr tho 1111,01p01.11().
of a Houk of DevoAlt and Intsount, to Ito located In
Curia l°, Cumberland coon , to bu colbst ilia.
" Eartuttellsolt," With a raoltal of Filly Thousand
D 011.1., .1111 Ito privilege of Incrosiug to Ono Mtn.
Brad Thousand Dollars.
~213Juntlo ' . ,
Q' IPA iu lanaliS , given ` , that Barnaul
-, • M. Ito(wee,.6t 'to i!v, ough or owli 10. hex, by
I INA of yolofttory norlolutrut, itsollll6.l to too all lilt!
N .
Ostoto, real autlitsrsouol, 11, tribal b,r11,0 1101000 of
tilo ,ertstitora of tho, anbi !Abut,' 'AI. flower. All
'litmus, theroforo, toilobtotb to the add liatehot 3 1.
Ifooror will Make payiwiht to mo;ntill thugo buying
claims or &moods will !oohs know!) the ,nine with
out delay— ,
JOIN 11. coovEIL
~ 11.4Ju1y70 61 • . „ , , Arslgnoo. '
_ .. . . .
IVOTIQ.III. is .horoliy gitou'that .Thoin • As
Leo, jr.,,ot pink limn inwuthip, treeing wing,
nii natignininiCothis estate 1111,1 OtreOtS 10111 U for {tin
linnolit or eted4nrY, nt,l poi lions , iniitdited to trim ate
'notified to Otalttip.t)Ort‘t, , tlineoi tiny iiis.nluitun
a ' art Al l ' i n ttt thioll toraottli>mnnt to 1110'
doll:.e,.E r 4111,NR011;
' ''." Ansignoo..
iIIOTI.CE is lairoby givon ill#,Honry
,Luo; or; Dlukininin- tutinniiip; tidying rondo' nil
iclinitigttood l A% rro p
;notified to tilidteMonist, anti the. iiiiisktiarths
ashinnt tilitYterprenout tlient for eutiluittenit to more.-1
• taJOIIN-B:110NITO1t . „; ,,
4Julyto 3,1 r ,
.211C AV . 1111 4 1 . ° 4
1 0 1(9;• AM?" iAII.IETY
reorihjai;ovor etre ? t:
- ,14,41701y •
• t
Up dila world and down ran world; •
• • ' , Anil over thliworldund 'Oro gh, • -
•.• • Though drifted aliout,
• •:And-tossed without, ' •
'• " Warr your men canoe. , ,•
:What, though the ski is heavy •itlrelouds,
' shining a field of blue s ;
" If the bleak wind blows, • • •
Or tho sunshine, glows,
" - paddle your own canoe."
What if lirenkors deo up ahed,
' With dark leaves rushing through,
' Moro steadily by, ,
With a etendfwit eye,
And "'paddle your nuts
If n Inirrieano deo, in the
And . thigirtare lure lost to view,
Glido . sofely .
With n motto and a gong
And "paddle your own envoi,"
Up this world and 110W11 thlg worth,
And over this world and through,
Though 'Teary and Worn ;
hia•rrft and forloVn,
Mill " paddle your own calloo.'
Never give op ° When WO:. come,
Never grow Batt and blue,
Never nit down •
With a teer end frown, _
But riddle your own canoe,"
'1'llo•ro are doisior svrtoglog ilk rhotri
Blooming and meet for you, •..,
Thrro at° roso•lmed dyer • •. •:.
111 (lie autumn Odes ;
Thril - " paddle' your own canoe.”
Rap l i'api rap l upon the tior of our
sanctum. "Come in I" from the occu
pant of the same, no other than ourself.-
The rappist opened the door anti obtored.
He was r stiIIPPIT.; fellow, six foot two
in his boots, awl "big enoulh to' eat
us," had the diet been to-his 16ind, and
ho felt so inclined ; and we ar no mor
sel. He was armed, our visitor 'was,
with a huge portfolio, and-sm
in lieu-of a red, red nose, adorned - OR;
lappel of his coat, We looketlintothd
faoc - of our visitor t and ho looked into
the face of the" Ether feller." - ,What he
thonviit of us we don't know i:Vilnkt
thought Of " - hitt/ "proW,I3IS , ( 14 u't care
a continental red. A grin, sem iisardonie
in &meter, parting his lips, qe• upper
of which a grizzled moustache Worned.
That grin we interpreted. thus 't I've
gotyou dead to rights, young: fcll4—hived
yon—you -can't, - escape." Tl&e cer
tainly vs no escape for us, vhateyer
his mission, with him between-us and
the door ; but, wo had a table, :it which
we were seated, between him 41cl our
self, whatever protection 'that; would
have afforded. • ' - ;
- With our eyes still fixed *Wins,
which looked down upon its criini their
towering height, ye cjaculated,l l '
sir, your pleasure?" thgught we aid not
the look of one bound
.on n Ple4ure
cursion. A voice of double-MO, that
.s - ounded as though it came fain the
regions below, answered our qinky :
"I'Ve come to talc your CCIIE!IS.'.2-
Thereupon ho took a chair,loOlc
seat at the aide upposito r ne ttle out it
handkerchief and wiped his ee, and
took a glass of water, a pitclulf whicli
soothing beverage stood enujn ie table.
to was right on tho take.' We;lmve no
doubt th 4 be would haver•q„alenia glasa
of old rye, and n stiff one, lunl we
him, which we did not do, Mr
throe g,ood, reasons : In the first place,
it did u't ()tour to us to inyit4 him ; in
the second place, we tad no, (111 , rye (Si
• hand ; the third place,
,wel‘yould n't
•haye invited 11444(11,ot:a hula of it if we
had any, unr hospitality in that line not
extending to entire strangorn-Lat least,
not until an introduction has been ,gone
through with. d '
Recovering from the agacons indul
gence, which must have astonished his
stomach, we were convinced, he opened
his portfolio, exposing a _quantity of
blank forms, ruled in colimns, tha
head of each of which ;q•pm.e.o 1 1 .04cf1.
,•!•. 4 .
matter. ,
unm of the canny;
eL ?" We que r ied,
The (lOW/104)1M Ivoice ',aid, after its
proprietor had taken a pen from out his
pocket, and uncorked his ilk bottle :
"Yes, and now let's, go l into the con
sus business."
J.tNE S111)1V1.:1,
"All right. Go ahead, but Kay dott't
iIICCIISO Us," we The joke
was I st, 48 illigllllloo wilted 'on the
tle4ort air, The consul-tiker did
lancol'yo the jokomio intentsvas 110 upon
the census, and that did intense no. ,
"Let me say to you before I coin
monce," said the deoNoned
.*„.thilt if you refuse to at' .an s
tion Want; calislor, ct 'if you lie to
iwo, you tlO so at tho rato qtliiity dollars
for each refusal and lie. to talk quitdc,
speak tho truth and spume the
unless you have more int.Tiy than you
know what to do with, and, wish to help
extinguish the national del by lying."
"Thirty dollars a lie, eh'? , 'pa; al,
lowanco for speaking tb:,: tettli, any?"
„,,,, , , lito drawbacks, eh ? Ilia sort of
-a way' is this to encourage t uth:telling?
Slap goes down thirty dolla, l ts against us
if we lie a little from delicacy, but not
one cent to our credit fo,L the many
truth; lye May tell 1, 'his; if crow, fur us
4, 1 1 , 401 u to . i.ineleSamielpvery tinie.”
it you twist, look at it in . mailer light,
A1if,".4: 11 4 the hoarse-voiced ieasus-taker.
"Lying, iii this matter, is , luxitry. If
you see lit to iodulgo iu- 1, 'pay for it,
that's all, What's your One?".
"Slam," wo replied,
Was bent on commencing
"WO doif L 443 it,' we k
in upbn him :qhu . 4n7ipc
lettvx w,i,tll eciknonion
''criainog." Sink.
wo nit(l4 : with a liOitv.
the lc
."Oh, k, oh? '1(41--=or is it o I"' ho
queried, looking atiis..
"You aro correct; Ai is iight," ivere.:
turned." ' 'l l
"What's tlh Until!) 'You)
" Si for 81,1410 ;
`Au.y auxiliary nameh
" auxiliary,"
What.year *as yott,
Of tlio
the 41ortots . Foui
July, 1776." • • •
, nulnbor ,oue,"
bie-bas,-arid &mil. 4014
4tapd.litts that' , piiid
th'ptlciog orotir•bo4 4 . it ,
iniuliOnlli6 of I,llfoll'is
"Pi ouith of July, 188
oing that ho
o intOrvicw.'
t '' ' ! 1
,?4?` . \ V °
61. , ..40t(9r by
tho column
nt, with a lc,"
egiphasis on
a l .
Ckt. with ?!.?
in—.tlio ilny
Fourth of
vlod .tho . dog
• • •
.411qw us
nn,ttt ,i ll;y ? tho,,
oloso In‘fid.,
was the day of
our birth." He Made an Xof the Straight
mark and said, " Excused."
" Wore you born at home or abroad—
I moan worn you born in tbilkoonntry or
in a foreign land?"
"No, .sir," I s le looked up at us, as
ranch as to say, explain.
"WefirsksaW daylight on the raging
main," we Volunteered; •
_ - "_Wheres-thatTi he - mite - a, and adda,
"I'll?. a littla lamp in geography." We
thought so ? too,and that he was defi
cient in poetry, also; sgwe came down
to hard-pan.
"At . 'sea, we were born: - Upulithe
deep and dark bine rolling sea, the wind
ldoiving a gale from the nor'-nor'-west,
the waves running mountain's high,
everything close furled, the ship. lying
head to time wind, the cook's mato washed
",There, that'll do. No matter about
the cook's Mate, or any other man. how
old are you" I forgot that.?'
"Thirty-one, the coming Fourth of
July." Down it went, ho not appearing
to notice-anything out of way in thO
i'.oectiPation? oh, seaman—l forgot
—born at sea." We made no, objeetiomi
to being elaSsed as- on old. salt, though
we couldn't see how being born at .sea
made us a seaman ; mt the principle, we
suppose,' that being born in a stable, we
Should have been a horse. -
"Black or white?" he queried %
" White l" We foaNd out, and some
what sayntiely.. 'he looked at us sharply.
We admit that wo are no blonde, but a
brunette of the deepest dye ; still wo pro
fess to be of finality known as the
Circasian. The census-taker appeared
to be in doubt, but at length sign, O
" W" against our name,
Married or etlinrwiso was his next
Otherwise, censidei'ably," we an
"Old huh or widower?"
Not ally," Q. T. looked up at us. PM
dantly he was puzzled.
" How's tkat ?" he queried. "What
are you ?"
Divoreedi" wo - rctuirned.
Divorced,. ah ?"
" Yes ; Mit, is tho fashion now-a-days,
you know ; and one might as well be out
of the world as out of ,the fashion," said
we, laughing. .
" What was tholittle unpleasantneSs?''
he asked, evidently interested in our
matrimonial affairs.- We felt confident
he was getting beyond the range ,iues
tions allowed law, to ask, and
kqe ' wcvery Tell that it was none of his
business what the "little impleasant-
IICBS" was, as he termed it ; still 'we
didn't object to letting him know all
abOut it, it it would :must -Int.
"Incompatibility of temper, in one
instance, was the "little nimliimiaM 7
ness," said we. "Ii mmther, ineompa
-fibility of tastes. In the, third instance—"
"Thunder I three divorces?'' , lie quer
ied, breaking in upon us.
" Three ! Seven,- man," said we, hr
" d-i-vorees I whew l" he
claimed, slightly astonished, we thought,
Placing his vlbtiays on the table, he laid
his thumbs - along his lower jaw, and
thus supporting his head, looked at as
with all the eye Alie 110 i by which ex
vressickri wp tilean tceeonvey the idea that
loolicti at ns thorMighly, intently,
Uearchiugly, with his two oyes, At
losgth lie said, in a vole° heavier, deeper,
hoarser Uwe over : "I, believe that
statement to be a d—d lie, sir !"
"Your size protects you, sir," said
we, calmly. •
"Du you mean to stand to that st•alo
mont, sir ?" he asked.
"'What, that your
" seVen divorcesi"'
" Won't you take off a divorce 'l'
~ ,Not, a divorce," we said firmly. Ito
said no more ou the subject, but made
four straight marks in the lie column.
" What ate you doing ?" we es y,Sh
• " I'll allow. y A IAI Woo divorehs, but
1 . /11 Mewed if I allow NOITII• rinir
mark downali lies," ho said, brutally.
"As we said ,before, your size pre
toots you, sir," said we, in a freezing
". What pursuit are yoU 011*Wetl ,
he gruffly asked.
" Inosmu:
• ,xioat put us,down as a
tii' l lktil.nove presume we are engaged in
nautical pursuit of liappiness, like all
mortals, and, like most mortals, missing
. ile,dropped_on 'himself at t h e ploy
lion of "seaman."
"Soldid—iieaman. That, was a queer
mistake on my - part.
itinyhow :'"COMO
~ P rom our chrzteaurcoi Icvagne."
'!,What's them?". ingilired the C. T.,
L iSifire'r perplexed. •
" 'Castles in Spain."
Castles in Spain, WO Ifow irkany
castles have you' in Spain :"•.
"Oh, they cup juuttmerablo, We build
t ( hem
c' Sa y, look here, feßel; this
thing's been going long . enough,"
roared out the C, T. ," Your castles are
castles ha the air, I fancy. Refusal to
answer and a lie." Two marks went
dowfpigitinsViis_ahbirty4lollars_a_inark. :
" Are You the agent of , the Slolcunt
asked the C. T.
"Sole agent for tN, IJuecect Statei and
Canada, ; 1,1,1,50 tlurope, Asia, Africa, and
k:qatlyg placies.".
maay doek tile family 4onsist
. ,
"6no. You see the „entire
000 andiindivksiblo, LoOk at him."
- "'No 'brothers and sisterts fathers and,
mothers, oh ?"
Brothers :and,sistegAn-laW, tots of
r"em, ' NVO h 4, yu
ht,kt esaaged them; by divorce, and aro
hampk." Pour marks—ono hnudred
twenty dollarsL.went„..dowi'Vg,ainst us iit .
the lip column: We uttotod .no remon.,
strange„ ? l int, lot the V.T. take our census
in hiErowir wayi.satisflod that he' would
flo'so 'anyhow,' - •: „. •
"GOOMY'horobs, eatthi or hvo stools,
- H I
'' , ‘,X0F3,1 , . have; a' latwier,.WOolt, ,
two' ealvokii doer ? ' Millibpr -Of
hart3;ll . aol4.-4,411, • ivp.liojiovethA's ;,1,14 out
'all tile' , fittspl,c :•t • • • :
• 4 .'Ohat'n ,theiterde 3 I ~ „' I
Yoli; wo said Nid hail a liaivaar-tlila , .i.K
"Go on young feller, if you think you
cah afford to• pay for the amusement,"
said the C. " sarkastlek."
"You mentioned a colt, : I believe,'
he continued. •
• " Yes, and hei it is,"' we. Said, dis
playing a small sized Colt.
"11'-m I Well, 'don't let it go oft I
knowthepace of that breed-of-colts
it's a 'killing one. Frow'about that ram,
and the calves ?"
"The ram is of the hydraulic strain,
and the calves—hero they are, just below
.our knees. _Hein are our kids,l_and_we
Showed him three pairS of the Alexan
der breed. "As for the hairs, our head
is at your service if you wish to count
"We'll lump them. - But ho* about
the deer • I
"We decline to ranswer any questions
abccit her while she continues-to reign
in this bosom, and is so dear to us."
"She' must he a reindeer," said the
C. T, With a hoarse laugh. It was the
Arstjako ho WILT guilty of. But as wo
put it right into his *Louth; ho deseived
•no . eredit therefor, : '
"Sec' hero, young feller," lie said
sternly, these yarnsabout your eattlffi,
and live stock 'generally, aro uct exactly
lies ; they are evasion;,f; and will be
charged against you as deliberate
at thirty dollars a head. Your troop of
hares will cost you fifteen hundred doll
lava, as I shall place but fifty marks
against you-on 'account of these animals,
You have about one hundred nml twenty
five lies charged to youraccount, thus
far, and if evprybcflY does only a twen
tieth part. pa well, the national debt will
be liprl out existence, with a dollar or
two, to. spare."
At this moment we experienced a tre
mendous shock, and heard a heavy fall
and crash. On looking about us, we
found ourself on the floor, surrounded
by water and the fragmPnts of a pitcher.
We had fallen asleep and (hemmed, all
this, and in eapsivlll hittl;Parried the
pitcher of wr ‘ tor. down with us. The
pitcher was a dead loss to us, but then'
Our fines for lying were settled at one
fell swoop.
- -
(Never put off till to-morrow what
you can do day after toarloaTow ,Ptst as
This .), , Aqy \qas 01/0 of thosd parsons
whcm, they call. philosophers. Ile was
twins, being born simultaneouslyin two
different houses iu the city of Boston.
These houses remain standing unto this
day; and have signs upon thorn• worded
in:accordance with the acts. The sign's
are considered well cupugh to have,
though not -uecessary,---because- the -in
habitants point out two birth-places to
the stranger anyhow, and sometimes as
often ns several times in the same day.
The subject of this memoir was a a
Vicious disposition, and early prostituted
his talents to the inynntlott maxims and
aphorisms calculated to, inflict suffering
upon ttIQ rising generatiewof all subse.
anent ages. His simplest acts also wore
contrived with a view to their being held
up for the emulation of 4 bays forever—
boys who 'might otherwiSe have been
happy It was in this spirit that he be
came the son of a soap-boiler; and
probably for no other reason than that
the efforts of nil future boys who tried
to be anything might be looked upon
with suspicion unless they were the sons
of soap-boilers. With a malevolence
which is without parallel in history, he
would work all day, then sit, up
nights and let :N. to be studying algebra
by tk.e tight of a smouldering fire, so
1,11;it, all other boys might have to do tliat
also or_ else have Benjamin Vranklin
thrown up to then,. Not satisfied with
these proceedi 4 ngs, he had a fashion of
living• wholly on bread and wa,Yer, and
studying jtstronowy '34 meal tine. 7 -a
~a illiction to mil
liens tii bays since, whose tlithers had
Vlvid Franklin's pernicious biography.
Ilis maxims were fill of animosity to
ward boys. Now.a-days a boy cannot
follow out a single natural instillot
out tunibling over some of tjuise ever- _
Lasting aphorism: hearing , front
Franklin on Ini:,buys two
netts . U:UFGh V.l peanuts:llls father says,
',`Bernemlier what Franklin said, my
son : 'a groat a day is a penny'a year,'"
and, tIM comfort is all golf out
peanuts. If lie wants to spin his top
when he is done work his father onotes :
PrOVrilStillatioll is the thief of time."
If he does a virt\lon,s''ltetion, he. never
gets anytAlug for it, because " Virtue is
;Lk own reward." And that boy is
houruled to death and deprived of his
natural rest because Franklin said once,
in one of his inspired Ilights •of ma
Blake n man licaktio:, IY, txilW dud %VIGO,"
as if VOW any Obinet to a boy to be
4c.Mthy antl • wealthy and wise. on such
terms. The sorrow that maxim has .
cost nie through my parents' experi
menting on• no with it,: tongue cannot
tell. Tile legitimate result. pi•es
ent state' of general debility, indigence
and. mental ahermtiom My parents
used to have' nut up before "nine o'clock
in the mornhig, • sowetimes, when I was
a bey,' If.they had let me talch my
nAtwai rest, where would I have been
.Keeping store,. doubt, and
respeCtect by a%
.And what an.adroit old adventurer the
subject of this memoir Was! In order to
got,a chance to Ily his kite on, Sunday;
ho used to innig . alcoy on the string and
let on to be a. qshing lightning. And
a gnilelp4a publie would go homq chirp_
. big about the !'wisdian" ;MEI tho' "ge . -
Mus" of tho'hoary Sabbath-breaker. If
anybody caught' him playing "Mumble
peg"' by hirnsolf after the ago of sixty,
ho would immediately,appear to be
niphating,out how the gross grow 7 Eakif
it 'was:anY.'br,his business. My . grand
father knoW him. Well, and,:ho says
Franklin was. always 11xed----arways
ready. If a,body: . , during Lis old ago,
liiiiiponed on him unexpectedly whoa ho
was catching theli, or naking.'mud pies,
'or sliding oa . a cellarfddor, ho would im-
Mediutidy look wise,„rip otit It maxim,
'and walk• otf with his nose in the air :tad
his cap turned wrongside tiefore; trying
to appear rtbSent,•,.minded and eacentrio.
Ile was a hard lot.
. .
Ho inietiled-O.`,tstpiO Wit would filooko
hOlta 14; thb
thio•imp% sob tlie; almost'aOvilhitx
tiOn ho. took in "it,' htii_
name. . '
was always proud of telling low
he entered Philadelphia for the first
time with nothing in,tho world
,but two
shillings in his pocket, and four rolls*
bread under his arm. But really, Mien_
you come to examine it critically, it cdas
nothing. Anybody could have done it.
To the subject of this memoir belongs .
- the - honor - of recommending the army to
go,back to bows and arrows dl , place of
bayonets and muskets. He observed
with his customary force
-that the bayn.-
net was very well, under circumstances ;
_ but. that-he-doubtell whether dt - could - he'
used with accuracy at long range.
Benjamin Franklin (lid a great many
notable things • for his country, and
made, her young name to be honored in
many lands as the mother of such a son.
It is nq the idea of this memoir to ig
nore that or Covey it up. No; the 'siM
plc idea of it is to snub those pretentious
maxims of his ; - *Melt he worked up
With a great show of originality out of
truisms that had become wearisome
platitudes as early as the dispersion from
Babel, and also to snub his stoves and .
his military inspirations, his unseemly
endeavor to. make himself conspicuous
when lie entered Philadelphia, and his
flying kite and fooling away his time in
all sorts of such- ways,---when-he-oughi
to have been foraging
,for soap-fat, M.
constructing candle. I merely desired to
do away with somewhat of the prevailing
calamitous idea among heads of families
that Franklin acquired his great genius
by moonlight, and getting up in the
night instead of waiting until morning.
like a 'Christian, and that his programme
rigidly inflicted, will make a Franklin of
every father's fool. It is time these
gentlemen were finding out that these
execrable eccentricities of 'instinct - and
conduct are only the evidences of genius,
not the creators of it. I - wish I had
been the father of my parents long
-hough to make them comprehend this
troth, and thus prepare them Co lot
their son havo an easier time of it.
When I was a child I had to boil soap,,
notwithstanding my father was wealthy,
and I had' to get. up early and study gw-..
metry at breakfast, and peddle my
myn poetry, and do everything just as
Franklin. did,. in.the solemn hope that I
would be a - Franklin sonic day. An.
here I am.—.Vark, Twain.
1113 F are a few pithyscntenpc which
aro truly' suggestive : e oi's best an.
tidote is employment. Beauty devoid
of grace is like R book li7itho4 a bait.
Confine yam expenSes, or they will con=
fine you. 'lf you cannot do as you
do as well as you - can. Promises made
in time of afilletion require a better
memory- than - people - commonly possess:'
When you hear a mat} say life is but a
dream, tread on his corns and' wake him.
kip, -Life is real. Bo deaf to,the quar
relsome, lilind to the scorner, and dumb,
to those who are mischievously inquisi
At the Presidential Celebration on the
fourth of July, at Xoodatoeir; Conn.,
Henry Ward Beecher, of Brooklyn. N.
Y., delitiored the following charaeteriS
tie address :
It was arranged that Gov. Woodford
should make the main speech upon this
oceasi, , an, ..I was expected to do smite
thing supplementary ; but when It wae
understood that General Butler wascom
ing up here, Governor Woodford and I
put out heads together and concluded
that we should put the burden of the
speakinig on hint [laughter], and we
have convoyed to him this information,
and he, has prepared lihnSelf accordingly
.[(Treat laughter.] He laughs himself as
if to turn away the force of his remarks,
but lie will not dare say that an Satur
day last lie left New York with us and
after learning this faa, he shoved off
home to make liht preparation over Sun
day. [Laughter.) I have no doubt it
iinswer the expectation of all-assent
bled hero on this occasion:
Follow citizens : I am sorry for you ;
but there is one other party that coffers
more, and that is he who is abort to
speak to you. We mp all miserable to=
gether this afturt,oon. [Laughter.] We
lie gathered together upon Our annual
patriolie boasting. day ; wo tell what
great men mr fathers were, and, as like
begets like, Wu elegantly, leave it to bo
inferred wlu r it sons our Sailors. had.
[Great laughter. ] Wo -read again the
Declaration of Independence as wit• keep ,
the old Queen Ann's firearms over' the
Anantelpiceos of oar chimneys, to show
what sort 'of guns out' fathers shot,
though it be .50 years- past. So we ex
hibit :Main the old copy of the Declara
tion of Indepondeneo, which teas good at
thp beginning, and was good at the end,
and was good' in , thp middle. • But that
was gone by long ago,. What do you
carp and what do I. care what our fathers
Snlibred irobro they licked Great Britain•l!
They settled all that long alict, and the
only good of such rehearsal on this'oc
gisiolt is to hear it 'Cadby : a good voice-
As a historical-document; it is interest
ing: 'I expected to hear, and . was 3fot
disappointed,,somo -allusiommado to the
groat 'Conflict whicli Ims...recently been
concluded. , After all, the fighting was
the least pa'rt of that business. 'Although
'Gen,' Grant is
.hero present aching to
make a speech to you on• tho matter—
[great)aughter]L-I have no doubt ho
thinks-,there Wits seam fighting. Yet,
after all, measurP• it as much a:4' you
please, Maim the diameter co-equal with
*that of the. oarth's, and then double it,
and it was the least part Of all that was
done hi that groat four years:that elapsed ;
for, whiio No worn fighting, this country
was enabled to' unfold an exampla,•and
to make a demonstration of
. government
which it nover made brifere,• and' could
not havo made, except, under some• such
pressuro as that. Any. iicht, will stand,
weather when it is moored in Now York
harbor ; put it out to sea; whore the tor
xadO'catclies it, and thou bronght ,
to her Moorings, and slut shows youltow
'she him& 'and what stuff shorts made
of: SOwitga groat people .spread on a
groat' continent, almost - rathiF in abun
dance. 'Why . shouldn't prosper
ous? Mon said this is
.no test of ropult- •
lioan _no_tost.thai its
people, wore tho.g oittost. Thorn aro two
gavoi7ialoatii in the' world 7 -tho imperial
and the domoaratio—ovorithingbotwooa
them being .bastaid. It is' an .o.4cpori
niont. I would not say that rOpublican.
' •
• I
ism was not the best formoftbvernment
in the world, brit Ms -the one that suits
the American people-; and not de
termine whether it would not be a hotter
form of government for 'monarchies than
that they hold. When I 'spoke in Lon
don, Exeter Hall', in 1863, on this sub
several Americans nudged_ree i and
said : "Explain how it is liberty-loving
democrats are hobnobbing with theßus-
Sian officers in New york,'? and' my re
ply was ; "I have found more. sympathy
from mankind for the enslaved, and mare
liberty in the heart of the Russian Gov
ernment, than I did in the heart of the
English Goveminont, which had its face
against us in the attempt to bmancifrate
the slaves." '[Applause.l But I am
not hem this afternoon - 0o rdake out a,
ease for RN Majesty' UM Emperor. T
am to speak this afternoon for Ion•
Majesties the democrats, and I hold that
the great conflict through which we-have
passed—the great ten years which is
now rounding out and ripening ibrelf—
has done a great deal more than to
show we could overcome the South.
That is the least. lam glad it has done
that—that we were able to do it. I
knew we should ; ive knew we should. I
know it for this reason—that this people
are -slow,- cantious;'-miglity—p;u•ticular,
and hard to got a going, but, like a huge
heap of green hickory, when they get a
going nothing can put them out, and so
we gained momentum daily as - we wont
on.. The South aro more mercurial.
They start quicker, and stop 'quiCker. ,
They charge we did not boat them, but
wore them out. r take it so, for fighting
Means wearing out, and it does not mean •
merely the bayonet or• the bullet, for there
aro a great many things beside to con
stitute war. But the great point is this :
They wore whipped, and the Govern
ment was saved, and the great lino of •
longitude that God put round about the
North and South to hold them together
was not snapped, and it will be one coun-
try unless we betray those principles on
which unity depends. Of the few things
which have been deMonstrated by this
conflict tine is that a democratic goVern
ment can contain all those great func-•
tions which have been supposed to be
peculiarly the property of strong govern
ments. If there be one thing that a strong
government boasts of, that is law, and the
execution of law, for it must - maintain
order in the community. I point ouE the'
example of the States of the North, to-
more than 20,000,000 of people convulsed_
with civil war, and who devoted thorn
selves to the struggle of five yearS' dura
tion, - and I point- the world to the ex
ample of the
.nation- - residing in peace,
maintaining the structure of society,
carrying'. on the mechanical arts, carry
ing forward 'education, and - enlarging
and developing benevolent operations.
There never was u time when not ofily
the unanimity of the Government was
saved during such an intestine convul
sion; but when so many farmers paid old
mortgages, when so mg,ny debts were
paid, when so many colleges fotinded
, low professorship's, and so many shops
were established for internal indbstry.
More than that, it has shown strength
favorable to armies. It was said that a:.
Republic might have Militiamen, but it
could not have. a standing army or ex
pect to excel as a military power. . They
are huge and strong, but their strength
is so distributed that it cannot be can
eentrated. War means concentration of
power, and therefore thigßopublic could
not be a warlike nation. I refer you to
any nation on the face of the -globe, no
matter how rich or extensive, who could
in so short a time muster a million sol
diem as the North did, and nearly the
same number in the South. When the
people thus determine their laws they
get them. ; when they determine their
policy they carry it out ; and when the
people say war there isno other govern-
inept on 'the earth like a free popular
government to make an Artily if you
have the ofcers prevred. God forbid
that old West Point should go down—
that is your standing army. A Put West
Point down and you either become feeble
or eke, you are obliged to enlist 20,000
men to uphold the Governnietrh A Ed
ucate officers and you can dispensvith
the army, for it takes but a little time to
seiplino the inen . and put them into
Lterfect organizedion. Educate the offi
cers oi• you must substitute for them a
standing army. The tire cheap too.
There is no body of men less warlike
than military officers, [laughter], there
fore we are not. ter danger from them. I.
sot out to make that assertion but I could
not resist the temptation, though I do
assure you I had not McClellan in my
thought. [Great laughter.] 'We have
raised 1,59,000 men, and never was an
army better served, hotter Clothed, and
lianAid, and bettor organized, just so
soon as they had learned to adapt their
iriilititry education to,the patteru.of thp ,
magnitude of this contiiniiit.. And three
de-four years of such fighting as they ex
-1)(31.10114,0a 1 hope neveCwill again be seen.
in this land. The conflict that bas bcon
settled could not be avoided:.. But me
thifflcg there has been enough of blood
shed, and that the sacrifice made should'
stand for figes before God. - Well, it Was
I;redicted' loudly that just as soon as our
army became disbanded, thero_yrould be
no earthly potter to restrain the ambi
tious ofileors, .and that there would ho no -
peace front the disbanded soldiery who
come home with the habits of the camp.
As -near .as I can observe, it is certain .
that tho camp spoiled a good many, hoys,
and it is juSt as certain tho' camp
saved as Many others.. A great - ManSr
went into the war good, and brolto . dowm,
under temptation, and became-
came home sorrows to their friends ; but
it is just as true that. thoi;a wore.htim-
dm& and thousands of lalnc4imbed; pur
poseless boys who wont into that camp ;
their, patilotisna been= fired .oven. to
their finger's end, and they came home ,•
citizens, of wp shouldleei
And to the demoralizatitin of the' army,—,, , ,
the SHOW that molls on the . Itillsidesihils.
not to. leave a freshet ; nor, is it possible
for the storm :which
,bursts ,Over the,
monntain not to upturn:,banka and no.
doripino 'floplo trees ; , but. y9u aro wit.:
nesace tiint in the disbenchn'ent of this,
Army, . in do
. city or county, or town in.
. .
tbOio. Eftstos was gny cumplaint mado • . ,t
flint mly ono innroickbyflto n12111%1411 . or. . ..
by tho miscomluot or t qui . ,fioldiers...E ;,"
[Chinn's.] It , is n.tosthrioni Isclosivo/to ''.,":.
have borno ovor.tbow,orldi Uinta million ,
of AmOrican Holdicra went back to,tbo
Tritiflyrtt AT MW