Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 14, 1870, Image 1
15 IM J. M. WEAKLEt.i J. 3L WALLACE. C.ARDS. ADDISON HUTTON, ARCHITECT, 132 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. PLANS, DESIGNS, PERSPECTIVE VIEWS: SPECIFICATIONS, AND WORKING DRAWING For •Cottag., Farm Mum., Court Ilounro /MIN, Church., School Ilourrs . FRENCII ROOFS 27Jau7Oly, V. A. ATNVOOD. ISAAC W. lIANC ATWOOD, RANCK 't.t COMMISSION METICIIANTS I=l , PICKLED AND SALT No. 210 North Wharves, Abv,t, COMBINATION EIMEEECEE HAVERSTICK BROTHERS, No. 5 South, and No. 10 Northltoodvur etro• 14Ap7Oly DEN A TISTRy ! DR. J. It ZINN, No. 68 East !Main .street, (it row doors east of Gardner's Machine Simi Carlisle Penn'a, Will put In teeth from :In to per 001. roan Luny require. All work warranted. InfoWO ' DR. GEORGE SEARIGIIT, DENT/ST, From tho Itultinthre'Colloge of Dental Surgery. Othro nt the residence of his mother, East !sloth, xt rent, titre° doors bulow Bedford. toroGU D R. I. Y. REED, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, Mx located to Corllxle. °Aro next ,1001. to St. Pool's Phnugulirnl Church, ?N'ett Louth, street. Patients from a dint:owe pletre - rall in the forenoon. lintltCoo* DR. J S. BENDER, , Roma:ol.lmm YSICIAN. OM. Ow room horliierly occupied by Cot. John • D R. EDWARD SCHILLING, Vormerly of Dickinson township.onee of Or. %linty, bees leave to inform Oho citizen. Corinth) nd ichity, that' be boo perninnently aided in this OFFICE NO. 26 EAST POMFRET sTlu• MIMI E . L. STIRYOCK, JUSTICE. OF 'PRE ItEACI Unice, No. :t Irvine'll Row. • E. BELTZTIOOVER, .22 • Al"r OldN EY AT LAW. - Waco ln Son111:11n tidy, strost, opposite linuti.'s dry goods tlti4 , .. ineiPi (2_ W. NEIDICI-I, D. D. S., %_A • I),ENTIST: Late Demonvtrator of Opemt Ire Dentietry of the Mil. timoro College of Dentul Surgery. 011 ice at him resi dence, 014.0011 u Marion llnll, Wee y. Main street, Car- Mile, Po. JOHN At MARTZ. W. W. HEIM U. TTOLL-WHITEIOLN -Co., -- WHOLESALE DEALERS IN MANUFACTURED TOBACC( N. E, Cgr. Third and .Markilt streets C. P. Jinni/CIL H UMRICII & PARKER, ATTORNEYS . AT f. (11 - 7 (01,11 Olt Main ntrevt, in 31 arina flail, Carl 'lit TT AVERSTICK ImoyHERS, = AND PATENT,,:'I I.:PICINI. No. 5 South Hanover Street 14 r7oly ISAAC K. STAUFFER. IVATCIIES AND JEWELIti", No. 148 NORTII SECOND ST1.11.:1, corner of Quarry, Phildelphia. Au e.ssortniont of Wotchox, Jowolry, 811, or Plated Wore conotuotly oh hand. 41-Itoplaring of {Vntclu•9 anti Jewelry prom!, = 1790 pt G 9 1) JAMES 11. GRAHAM, In., A 7."rOItNEY AT LAW, No. 14 South Hanover street, CARLISLE, PA. 0111c.1 ntlioining Judge Ornhani'x 21n11170 JOHN CORNMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. (Mire In building ittlachod to the Franklin Hotel, i tiohlo the Court iiollll, 1 1 / 4 1 l OSEPH RITNER, at., t ATTORNEY . 'Al.' LAW AND SURVEYOR, 3 ochititicilblieg, P.a. 011 ice on Railroad 'afoot, i iiirt northiif thO llank.• " ' ' • tiiiiihiiio'prouthilY . didoodoil to. . psi T44-tgitNr:y A'F 141Y .14, N0.18'9.1011 Ingov r xtrovt, oppolliv Ogle AT C. lIERINfAN, --mkt A'l"l'OltNEY Al' LAW', CarILAIL No. 9 Itheeni'9 FI. SITA74BARgEFL t - .11161ICK CA' TIE PEACE, Plainfield, Weatimunaboro' tdwn.bin. Cumberland County, Pen n'a, blielneo, entrusted tp liim will tbeeive promid, 2fiacl 7u It D. YpIRK. 54.1114: & ?MO: 1igC,11.11,M3 htl 1114101.0 ill Cwill try 1 1 ro11 , 10 0 . Con cialimorad redpoutfully refo relic° gi No. 1035 Marlcot stroot, loe7O =I 'SPANGLER & WILSON, CARPENTEBB AND STAHL BUILDERS, Corner North and Pitt ntreots, Boco9 ST. JOHN'S ScHOOL. FOIL YOUNU MEN AND BOY'S. Having parelmed tho xvl.ol lately conducted by Prof. IL W. Btorrett, I will opon an • English and Classical School, for. Young flontionmi on thu find Monday of Sep tomber nest, in huntes building, Honorer etruet, , _ The conno of Andy trill ho I.llmlgnod to prepare young moo for rolicgo. Addroto J. EVIMIST CATIIELL, Prlucipal• Ilox 21111, P. 0. 11911.70.6 m • • • WATOHES, °LOCKS, AND JHWEI.4I 0 1 1 . 4 1 1 1 1E. 8 I?()qEB'S, Bety9 . 11470ver 0% airligia, Pa., !opla contoppy q n Land a full,mortniaut 'w4Toil HSI • •pLQCK at tif✓ iciwotit . onsli prim. Particular attention , pitnl to tho repliring oI Watchoe, and - Janary. :11PP, AIUSIO couvantly on litual, N. 8.-911 finutlO xr:''wEnlc6ll,sr. WEAKLEY • SsSADLER, ' . .., ' Arl'OttNllY,B .4 . 1! LAW. _Office, 22 South finuovor street, next the .(lorel IVIW /lose lionee • '' ' • . • Ittitthi WA ILLIM KENNEDY, " .ATTORNEY AT LAW Offico in; olunteer bud Wing, Carll!liu. WJ. SHEARER, • • . ' ATTOItNEY AT LAW. Otticb to northettat corner or the Court. llouNo. Ifhtellll WEB. B. BS 8915113, Jam's* AND,courtamito* , , AT ,LA)V, . ' Fifth Atoot bolow.OlitmOut, , Litbraiy, ' PUITADIOI4EFLIA. . , . . ,_ .. . . . . _ . . .. . , . _ . . . ~. . . . . . . .• . . i .• • . . . ..1 • . . 1 . .. - ... . • .• .• . . . . . • . • • • ..... -...--.- P. ' . . . • . . • ( ...-1 . • II- . _.. ..._ , . .., ... „mi... .. •,.. .' . ' ... ;el n a . . . . ! ' ~. , , ! _ ._.• a. E. ,I! Hv •--1. lA' D . , . . , . . . . . CUMBERLAND VALLEY R R CHANOR or• HOURS. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. on and Thuriolrty, .1.01,+ 10, 19.0, l'afiseimus Trains will, ns follows, (900,12. yd ACCOMNIODATION TRA IN 1(,03 Harrinburg 8:00 A. v , 8:30, Carlisle 9:11, Nowvlllkk 0:47, Shipptulablik g 10:20, Chankbersburg 10:48, (I reek.. rustle 11:10, a:, iving at Hagerstown 11:45, A. M. 31A11. TRAIN...IO:Ora Harrisburg 1:38, r. q, Mn clunileaburg 2:011, Catllslu 2:40, Newklillo 3:15, Ship pansburg 3:45, Clunnburaborg 4:20, Orem:castle 4:44 arriving a 0 lingo:Mown 5:25, P M. EXPRESS TRAIN le:mks Harrisburg 4:15, 0 a:, Mr,:hatilkaiburg NOWVIMP 5:50, Ship. pelimlillrg 6:17, arriving Ikt Chant beiabn rg 6:45, P 31. A MIX El/ TltA IN loaves (11:unibokralkorg 8:011, A 31 0.111.1,10110141. 6...1111 . 1V11114 . N 11:Mr4MMIlMVII 10:110, A 31. = A CCOM NI ODA T lON N leaves Chantlrrsburg saoo A N, Shipouniburg Nowvlllo 6:011, Cal lisle 6:33, "Mechanicsburg 7:02. arriving ut Harrisburg 7:30, A N. MAIL TRAIN leaves Hager stow') 8:00 A M, Green. ensile 8:35. Chambarsbura; 5:10, Shlpponsliarg 11:40, Newvlllo 1(1:14, Carlisle MN, Meehilllictiburg 11:24 arriving at Harrisburg 11:55, A. st. EXPIIIIBB . 'PRAIN leaves Hagerstown 12400 Greutientle 12:25, Chumbersburg,l:os, 1:37, Newville 2:10, Carlisle 2:50, Mechanicsburg 3:18, :arriving nt Harrisburg 3:50, e 51. A 311 X III) TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 2:05 P 31, reancaatta 4:12, arrivi:64 at (Illantbarshurg 5:05, P Making clono rannactitaai at 11arrlaborg wit) rainx to and from New To: It, Waal:lag 10,, Boll:more, Nall:mg, mad nil 5011110 SI/111,ifli1.11111 . 11rn 0111 v•, thatub'g, April 3J, IS SOUTH MOUNTAIN WON CO'S Office of General SaynTiniemlod TRAINS HUN' AS FOLLOIN'S aro Carll..lo V. U. 11. I)opi.t,) 11011 y,... • II Nun lin. sal Pun. 1;1.0,. v\p Pl.' 1111111i.1 . , 111111 •' at j'etilittio, 11. p. int In. 11'010 1 . 111113 n. halt inwri• and Ibirm•litirc. Conti., tog mlll3 1,4 n in 111111 Bahl:urr, and t tniti+ from IniONVII atilt urg Tltt • ra•ltellult• to be got.titatoa to and till. ,lir ground:, at Ilantos'. 1:111,, for llttoutroott I at of It'll or 1110/1.. Connot.tlng tit 11 inornit,ll.l traitt:.-to Baltimore and Ila, - lly t.. in, Crev nuJ n•tuil - Iluttte•t'n Itott '• Car From Cal 1i.,1c in 311. Jilly and 1,111111... 111111t1.1 .. HIM rifle 4410, pi , .NNSYLVANI RAILROAD 6UMME T I 31 . E T II I. E. Eight Trains (Daily) . to and from Phila 'dolphin, and Pittsburg, and Two TrainS Daily to and from Erie (Sundaysext)opted). =I =I AFTEII SUNI)AY, JUNE 12, 1870, P.on.enger Trains ol the Peni 1,3 lynina IL - ii n n o l von, 4 ,0 y will7 , ,itri lon. Hart klpunz and arr., r al Po nwlvlpina MI I 1 . 1,C41/111 . g tI4 10—PhIladelphla 11.avea Harrisburg y ( v‘e-pt Monday) 10a. in., nad ry es at fit Philadelphia at t 110 a. in. Yu—Pahl Liva kays.. Ilarrt,harg daily (5 , ...•p1. at 5 . 12 and a; at PhPIOIYI- 9 35. It. 111. 31+11 I ron ion:,, Alt. 113 (t,t.1•1. s 3 on p. a/1.1 31 to .t::--Ci)II iittuttl I,:xitret,t I:•.:v,•v tttrrivlttly t t 111 IG p ttlitt Phil:1111'4111M 111 II H la•avrs 11.trrklmi daily S ::11 aln., awl 1.1111, al 14 at 20. p. Pl. IS 13—EltIF: EXPRESS Iran., 11.,181aln: .I.IIV ~•pl ,Prolit3) p 00.1 at, hes nl HlOlOlOllO at 5 SO it lurrlshorg Avesnallmilallaab &d. today ext 0.1100 1) at 7 10 a. 01., ~...0011, rAt liar burg tOl2 p. 3 65-Ifarrimhartt .It.catanantathtt la.tvea llnrri jig at 3 rob p. at., and itrrir ti at I'ol talalphat I 40 1, in. 0.-I,untuuttor Train, vin Mount Joy, Ivavett riqlturg ILtily t.untlanut 7 tht n itt , atit.l vex iti \Vvitt. Plillude'Oda ttt 1,1 ft:. 0. m. 4 15 = Erli. 11(t !Atilt rill, tie Ei te, llttr rialturg daily (..,:ept :tinolay) nt 4 VI arrh iug at Erie lit 7n. 1111 . , • ti , 20-1111117 MAIL wept, for Erie, leave+. bp rt.; daily nt 320 it. , arriv Inon t Erle at 740 p 111 1 12 10—Geri elandl:sprain lea( ditlly O'Neill, Smithy) at 12 LI it. tn., nrri Veil al Alt , ,, ina it 4 to a in.. and arriit at 10 04 n. 2 40-1 1 111alitir t t Exprotm leaven Ilarrialoorg daily (except Slimly) at Ii 30 n. 11., aril% ati at Alba.. at 110 II r r, 1111110 111 . 1.1l1,11I•t, 1114 , 1 arrllo, lit l'ltk.burg nt 2 40 11. In '4 Expreso leaves 1110 rlsbortt 1111111 al 2 01'n 111.. art Ivo+ at' Alto-I,a at 007 it. to , tulles 111 . 1.111,141 ht 111114 nrrives at Pittnlinc t t at 10 20 if. in. Vogt Lino leaves Ilarritattirvlnily (except :pinky) 111'4 111 p.m., arrives at Altoona at N 12 p. tl, , lutes sapper and ni rives at l'llkbitry:.nt 12 12 n car and 'Pets lesye) /IttrrinluPl; , (any (except Soil. t h a u 4( r i ) ta " a t [ A t t b?l''' ,' g " at lit l 4 ' , 1 0 0 I P ) Viny Pattnenger 'Frain loaves Itarrisburg daily (ex cept .110101.ty)la 7 45 It. 111., A 11...0na at 2 20 p. in.,111111 at Ilitt/bill'4ol 10 20 p. BA3II/Eli A. BLACK, Supt. 310141 e Dtv. I'VDII.I. 11. It. ILarlitlittrg. April 30,1870.. Itre,AI)INCI RAIL RuAD. 111 t I, I SU)I \I lilt AItItANUEMENT Monday, )Tay 16, 1870. (MEAT VILINIS LINE FIN) \I t: And North l'hillahlialva, Putt ewille, Tlllll/11Ra, *14.1111L4,111. Lula non, Alionlowii, E,gclon 1,, ,Le, Ct- Imnbht, lenv, It rluburg ror Nuiv York :is g.:in 11.2, A. M wild 2.50 with nifollar trainx u l'enn.ylvania 11,11 goad, .d arriving n I Now 171clt at 12.10 won, , . .•• and 1000 0. rerprrtivoly. 81.5.100 g Corm 10:...0o pttny.tlio 5:1.1 ttntl 11,25. A u I halos without rhan,....0. Ituturolog: Leave Moir York 8t 0.00, A. 51 12.00 noon. nrol 5.00 at 015 and 3.30 1' It. Slooplog ears acreinpatly the 0.00 A. kr., and 0.00 P. kt. tralint horn Now York, without chango.• Leave liarrisbarg for Rending, Pntlavlllo, Taunt qua, illineravdie, Ashland, Shamokin, Pion Grove, Allentown .and Philadelphia, at 8.10 A, 1 , 1., 930 4 . 10 . P. Cl"xlopping ot"ladtnun and way htollona ; the 4:10 I. at. [rain con w , cting tar Philadelphia, I'olol,llln, and Columbia 'only. k'or Pottsville, Schuylkill 'navels and Auburn; aIM Schuylkill and Suaquohanna Itailro td, lonvo Harris. burg at 0 ;10 P. Tt: CARLISLE, PA Ea:A n oylvanlu Railroad train,. Ivo Redding for Alluuttiwit,, and Now York at 7.23, 10.30. A. 31., 1.27 aid 4 45, P. St. Ibinntigg. leavo Now York at 0.00 A. 31.. 12 00 noon mad s.oUrp. M., and Al •lontown at 7.24 A. Al., 12.25 noon, 4.20 and 8 45 P. M.' Way Patwenger Train leaviix Philadelphia at 7.30 A. at., counecting.with nl aillar train on knot 14 1 1111- hylvooln Railroad, returning from Reading at 0.35 P. Di., Mopping at all Station, Loavo Potttiville at 1.40 and 0.00 A. M., rod 240 P„ 31, Herndon at 930 A. iihauaticht at' 6.40, and 10 - 40 A. 31., Aahland at 7.05 A. m . and 12.30 00011, Ma 11011y Oity at 751 A. M. and 31.; TIIIII3IIIIO at 8.33. A. af., and 2.20 P at , kir Philadelphia and Now York. Loavo Pottsville vIA 4cLuylklll and 81.1fifIllahAIII/H Rail' Road at 0.15 A. N. for Altirrlabilrgoild for Pine tlrovu anti 'groin. ht. ltoilding Acuoiniumintion Train, 'myna Putinvllla at 5.40 A. N., 1111111:1101 111110110 a At 7 . .38 A. N., liOlyl at Philadelphia at 10,20 A. N. • 'lncoming, loavaii Pliladulphli, at 5.16 P. NE., pituallig 'lndia.; at SAN 0. u, arriving ai Vattsriliu nt 9 .10 9: nt. Pottstown Annuittiodatiou Train, Iti . viu POtto• town at 0.25 4. N. returning loam Philadul phis at 4.00 P. N. Columbia Rail Road Trainu 'env., Reading at 7.20 - A. N., and 035 P. M. fur . .Ephritta, LIEU, lanes afar Columbia. to. ono rAcmi, Perklonian Rail Bond Tridna lenvo Pura loniond un c- Mil At 0:00 A. Mt, 000 and 5.00 P. arilreturn log, larva Rohlvenloatillu at 5.00 A al., 12.15 noon, and 4.15 P. or., connotting ,with dinner toinN on Rending Rail 'Road. _ • Coleldookdalo Railroad truing leave-Pottstown nt 040 A. al.' and 0.20 P. 01. returning, 144. Mt: Nora ant at 7.2 ' 0111.111.25 A. NI., connecting with dinillar "trainn on Reading 11011 Road.. ()Roster Valley Itnilrond trains leave' llrldgeport at 8.50 A. M., and 2.osand 5.02 P. At., returning, leave Downingtown at 0.20 A. 01.,12.45 noon, and 5.16 P. DI., connecting with rlmilar traffic on Reading Rail Road. On Bundaye I Leave Now York., at 5.00 P. no., Iladolphla at 0.00,A. at; and 3.15 P: at,,(tho 8.00 a. W. train running only r to Rending,) leavo Porde. villa at 0.00 A. 114 lenvo Ilarrieburg at 5.10 A. IC, 111111 430 P. at., IVIIVO at. 7.25 A. ar., avid 8,45 P. at., leave Rending at 7.15 a, rla. and 10.07 P, u. for Hai rlsburg, at 7.27'A. at., for New York, et 4.45 P. DI. for Allontown, nod at. 0.40.8. at. and 4.25 P. It. for Phlladolphla. ' . Clomnintatlon, Allleago, Reason Sohoal and Ilxcur-, 111 1 1110 pounds nllowod oath' 1 ,01 42,0 t reduced ratan. aloe B g ga c a k e oAn . , set k o a n 4 n t d b f r r g o u n Passenger, eADLEL ECM . . NT,8,17 Run% Wading, OAICOL - on, llltnaYN TRAVELERS' GUIDE. W EST WARD ! I;A - '1'\VAILi) MSME RAIL It OA I) Carlisle, Pen!Ca, July 7, 1870 . 10 0 4 MEM 11E11' RNINI 10, Jr,, If u" 1.2 EXCURSION TICK It.TS F.' C. ARMS, leral Sop't =I I=l A. lb. SPONBILZIPS COL A. L. SPoNSLEIL Real Estate Agent, Seri vener, Conveyanres - an en and - Claim "A OM t. Main Stfro Stearn. VIRGINIA LANDS in the Shenan doah Valley fur sale,—A number of valuable, and highly improved farms in "the are of (bred for Bale. The tracts run from 00 to MO acres The land in of the bent finality ot Ihnestone, fully equal, if not - superior, to tbe 'nod in Cumberland Valley, and will be distumsd of at astenishing/y low figures, The extennion of tho Cumberland Valley. fiallroad into Virginia, as now surveyed, will run finmediately through • the sertion or country in. which these lands are' located, whine, vhsn onto plated, together with the. advantage of the Shenan doah river transportation will give them nil the vantages of Northern and Eastern marlteta. A' rplendid opportunity for Incentive Investments is lierC offered.- A full and milmtn cleserli.llou of tho location elykrarter of illy Vlll lulin 11a018 luny be lind, by plying to A. L. SPONSLEIL OM =ISTI RE BANK' FOR SALE—A rich deposit of the heat quality Hartman° Ore yle ding MI per cont. coloprittleg about 18 ACHES located In Mena° tow nship, about 2 mllett trout th Iron Works 01 0. W. & D. V. Ahl, Routh tilde of the Yellow Breeches creek. There to a stream 01 water running th I °ugh limn tract aulllelont Ins washing the ere and furnlablng water power he alth, dosirinuts of vlawlnetbo bank inny upon llea'rgo W. Lo Bich, o,“Leldieles nterly known no Itrlclinem,, mill, Monroe townk. Cumin.. land minty, air Upon A. L. dPONSI.EIt, 30Jtiney heal Est Ate Agent, ORE WASHER FOR SALE.—An ox. ( ~ .11., , ant the Ore thtok Ovlogi Lehlieb, nearly liew. 'Will In mold very low. Al. ply to A. L. SPON`,I.IIiI efou7U FOR RENT.—The brick - residence of JILIIIOII Sumo, ritual.' on South 'llnuovel street, 111,111 y opposite Early's hotel, will 10. lensed to one year hula trot of April Soot. Also, in eunnorallons two Story brick resitlenco, um East rireet, between Main and Loather streets; and a lot of ground on the Cost bide of the Iretort Spring, belonging to the heir.: of Arneph Shroni, deceased, will be libur lensed for raw year from the first of April nest. 171111170 D ESIRABLE BUSINESS STAND AND COMMODIOUS RESIDENCE I= Th Ante! utlvrA at pri,itte ,ale, that ‘v 131:SINESS STAND, tcl Dwelling , tonece, situated on North eer, two doors north wt 111, C.lrttOli• Deleon Doc ca in the ocrwpaccey uI 11. l'ohly. pcopcnty to .4•1-fent front on Hanover • had in depth, to a 12-Icact alley Tito flow loot, contattoi thin Inrsrvt. Iwst ul molt cooreniont Store 11111 /111 o lii thou is rooreded till Its ,11 to In. lln otrol all 1 protiiiiivot. The II WO 11011 X e L liirgvi fifcri nl ti first i•la's the nevi! ul N'vlitch iv x, plait Weill, alike ti. There - i,,tt't,to on Glut toot tl Ow lot, a twol.tory •ather-lomkrtletl which rettqi retolily, at sfill hia prolturly i. ulll , re• I at n Inn price, mid to easy U•runt. Apply 1, MB OK. RESIDENCE AT riavATE 6AI • Sit Mar On NOl . lll Pitt At ell, in r.le 19oottglt of Carlisle. \o. TO. Tn, tot ahem 22 hot In front and 110 toot to neptib to nt nilry. Th.. ins proven99llt. are a TWO-STOII V Olt I CR' 110 Usp voillnining R,'° kfithen on tit r first Tour, and time einulertahlu chambers an the iiiirond .stirs, and un unfinished stile There urn quite a x'ari,•ty of fruit tree, on the lut. in good piquing or der, tionviini.nt snit n tine ristei it and hydrant in the firoil mmi• sod trill be ilingoiel of .11.0 .fllll - I MA CHINE W OR,K;S, CARLISLE MX:CHINE WORKS ! If. (I AR D . N E R 5• C 0 CUMBERLAND VALLEYhEAPER AND IOWEI. 'i• atm and m ill mil for th curt of Iti7U, the Nett lbtiont Cuttibil loud Valley Combined It KAI'Elt AN ft AIIMV bit, with SELF' awl all ode r late bpi.., ettuOits. It a ill Lo built iii 1119 Qtylo, 111111 11arrant oil 10 wort satis factorily. %taut ern 110100,111Z1111' long L.. Ii frll, allll ue eApevt to be able to eller to the 4 of C . llllll/ and adjoilling !hail I/O voloploo• porfta.l t. , the bruughL Iron) a disl um. 0111= NOVELTY HAY RAN I. n 11111111/11g. t/111.1.11,011. enly 11 1 / 1 10•111 1111111 Hey Ititken. l'he Neveliy Jinn LI, &ell Acting egiimeni, or line lie mielti•ii ley hind, tin the op', 11 will I 111:1111. 0,1 mitten/On, In / 1,11 Wi11i . ..111,A t.. gIVLI I Iu pi, s THE (117 M SPRINII UI L UIIILI 'II 4 ”nllialk. 11011411111; Ille original NVllloughby ttent (1011. ryriuo 1;1.0111 111'111, no ,%4 11 1.10.0'i1, 0,0141 r oolong farmers. No good farnterran nifottl ishoot the IVldonghloy, for it Itirgely' in. ease.., 0101 iilllool,l his crops, and soon pays 101 ell We Inakt. It as a lintin 0041 lila. 13t0.111.1 - 010., ,Jr 01111 (1110110 Afille),11.111 sownig 10S11111.1t x or guano. IVe also 1 , 111141 Mu W1110110:111,, 11, 1110 tilitiV4 , lN 111 straight rank or zit; 444 g, 00 , •[Ol.lO 1011 y ilrolur. VARIOL'.S VARM DIPLEAIEN'N \%o:u•umanuf.t..,ll,..t (I varlet). of ogileultiirtil ijilidnents, flitch horse powers and tliou , liots, der mills, tint, size, 0.11.1 5i10161, , , litirelra fielder cutter, and keep itllvit)ti hand the National Fodder Cotter. throe Utlt rations other lin ming Ituilleunent,' IV ° u i 3O tut, Furner's patent Tiro bender, tun! Porter's pst rut uyere, watell every Iltachtonith ellonl.l bate. Also tot iron, vont crushers, 0/1011 kettles, four 010111, eel rates, fire ottlerent putter., plum cuttings and titer root lugs kept oluaye on, 111{111/. The CA111.181.1 COOK STO,VE,.uur own rusting, is .rf the best Itutt,cliestpet.t shirrs ill the uuti It 1. STEAM ENGINE AND MILL {SORB dH Iteretoftne, we giro p.rtirn ar nilent on to Ind ldlut STE %311f,NOL IVES,Itott PUl.l.llis, it. A evrry l or' 01 the machinery connected with Paper mills. Flouring 10111 r, Sow udlle, 'l'unneries. Aut. Our p.tte. as for ntrytAmteginttH are from tree; up to twenty Ilmt home [Aver, 1.0111111111104 xiwpilelty ur eortutrtiO ion null, ell modern Mt provenutittH, furnitAteti et 10 COllllllO- 11% . 0 “1,0 1 11111111 porMble ettglnes of two horse tootver for rittottn4 Prvettettmte• Iry have nit exteuttive 01 1101 , 00 for 111111 morli, 10 , alien ,vu 111. e con4tnittly unAtliny adtfition,, id mm till multruuta tilt eitgi..v end utak Ut 0114,01 notice. M= 'BUILDING mATERLALs. Attached th our establishment is an Extensith LAN NU )lILL and SASH nod 151011 FACTORY. 'WI all the machinery Ii r Drill itho.turing door and lodate frames, math, .11111tUr , and [binds. brackets, lauldirms, caralee, and .parlith drapery, stair rail .id ',Austere, flooring. 1411414. d every other article the line of building !nab Hale Irmaithe lowest rice to china quality. t!untractors uy r. ly on all ordersdargs or Ninall, being-promptly .An es ten Ave supply bf sessened pine, 'cutout 111 auk lumber kept conStantly in our .umber yard .asly for use. Nnurll 112 M of lull, and law priced .0111111W,IS'el an /1.11 . .11, old other lortlvl t s o nt o, t o der All ordem r luquh lex 113 . moll, or tollorwho. ' In norelloO of our I.ltolmoto loll! ho umptly attended to P. OARUNEj At CO, 111= Clettnzbersb ur y Nursery. TOI?AISIERS AND TREE PLANTERS TRE C1TAiN1819..§1 . 39 , 11111Sgt,T• ''As AKJLATio:I.• ' • (Fppni 4104 Nunimi Astinclation,) vu for onlo, In Inenn Or tonal' gnto ti Lien, .11 ell o l 6 l ino.nt of' ' Apoo, Poach, • Pear, Plum, t Op! , lIIIW Or COOll idndx of Grano Vinos; Over ono Irundrod Varieties of Roses, And an rodlrss amortnient ofoverytling that Is du. sirablo to stook a first class orchard or garden. , • Our prices aro low and our trees aro as good as the hest. Orders by mall will recolvo our host attention, and vntlnfuctlon guariudied in all our 'dealings. For Catalogues and other Inrormation !attired the BUPERINTENDENTr ' Chainlivrtiburg Ntirtiory Amoclution; - Ciabinutiouna, PA • • . IVO wont n good, renal& Ilion In every town to net nx ngunt roe tlnk nolo of our tropti and plants. PIANOS FOR BALE I ii Two fira.t.old Pianos, which lnwo hoon In use but _A almittrUlDOViii bi , fitlill iory - loly - for cuoIN - Apply of onoo to ' .. r., , ,. . klnliolo.4. ,O11N•II. ,11t,1131111 Ell Oh, a dainty plant Is the Ivy green, That ereepelli o'er mine old I g,Orriglit choice fond are mealy, I wei ' Ali his eell`Li lone and cold. Tito walla must be crumbled, the Atone dee, Tu plettatan his dainty whim; And the smouldering dual•that years Lino Is a merry moid.for Creeping where no lie Is seen, A race old plant Is tlio Ivy preen. Niel he edealeth on, though he woo, no wing And Relaunch old heart line ho. llowuloupl3 he twltlyth,ll l ,w tight hry ollogn To his friend 1110 hugh Tree! And slily he tiailelh /limo! the ground, And Ids Levee he gently \S ANT. AL he Jnyouerf tours and eniwlelli round The rich mould of dead nuol'a graves. Creeping where grin, death hits brell, A rare Ohl plant I. 11.0 Ivy green. Wlt le ages have lied and their works de• ay And maim; have scattered been ; lint the stout old Ivy shell never hole, Froin Its halo and hearty green. The brave old p'alit In Its lowly dap., Shall foMent upon the post : For the stateliest building man can raise, It the Ivy's focal at last. Creeping on where tone has beea, Ajar.. old plant le nit, Ivy greeo. Th • " Kitty, Kitty, child !" "Yes, mother!" "Do yon know that it ip paSt six o'clock, and the children to be dressed and the milk thtfrned before breakfast ? Anna has been up this hour, while you are still sleeping and dreaming." Kitty arose with a sigh. She had not been asleep,. but had certainly been dreaming—those vague, lialf-conscious dreams that us in our first wak ing moments when we like to lie and re view the past day and think over the present, and so piepare - ourselves for what awaits us. We 111 like those mo ments of drpaMy rest before rising in the morning, and generally 'feel ourselves refreshed and invigorated thereby. Yet Kitty had seldom such .a luxury allowed her. She must be up at six precisely,' and set about her day's duties—the, mo notonous, irksothe duties which made each day to her :tn insupportable weari ness. Not that Kitty was lazy, Or cross, or selfish. Qn the contrary, there was not a more industrionkk,and- , obliging girl in the little town of Greenville, or more universally, Incur . Her father, who owned a large wheelwright establish ment, was "well off," as the phrase, is, and - lived in one of the prettiest frame cottages on Elm street—a white cottage with green blinds and a trellissed porch extending its whole length. Ile: was a good mans, - all elder in Ills church, Mid much respected by his neighbors. His wife was a notable housekeeper Mid manager, and he had a large family of bright, healthy children, of whom Kitty, now eighteen, was the eldest. She had had a good plain education at the best school in Greenville'; she wan never scolded by her parents, though Mrs. Lennox was sometimes rather peevish when there was much to be done ; and she had plenty of wholesome food and comfortable clothing. In short, most people thought that Kitty ought to be a very satisfied and happy girl ; mid yet 'she was not so. Why, the reader may perhaps discover. A: 1.. :PON,I,EIt, Eual E•latd A. L. SPONSI,EIt, hntato Ageut kitty stood at her Ulla back window, 'essing herself. It was October, - and o morning was cold but br ight. She looked toward the cast, at the rosy flush of the waking day, and the light, crim son-streaked clouds, which floated Nice barks upon t h e clear blue expanse of sky. It was a pity, she thought, that anything so lovely should fade.....--She loved beautiful forms and.. colors, y'ct, without :6n idea that there was Itnything "poetic" in al nature. - She hardly knew what "poetry" meant beyond the, verses in the .stray papers which OP casiobally fottud their way . to her filth pr's honsp, and some of which site would carefully c.nt out and beep between the leaves of her old school atlas, which now served her its'a portfolio 1110 scrap-book. Yet there was Harper's M'aga2in4., and at the thought her face flushed and her heart gave a sort of • throb—a quick, doubtful little throb, in which it would have been difficult to say whether there was most of pleasure or of pain, for Char lie Hallam sent her those precious num bers of flarpor'B,—asiiellad done for six months 'past—ever since he went away front Greenville to. !Nu. ill the city as clerk in, a fium there, Bo had paid one brief visit to Greenville this summer—a two days' visit ; and oh, how often had Kitty Letmek's thoughts gone back to that August evening whenho had winked home with her from church, and lingered IX the little gate, talking in the bright moonlight, till her mother called her \ in to get:), Pussy asleep—that spoiled child having. awakened at the very moment when Charlie was IMsitating, as if about to say something very particular, and had been obliged to go away next•morn -ing in time' to take the five o'clock train to,-,Kitty thought bitterly of it now, ,as she had many a time before. If only she had not to be forevevattpding upon the children! At first she had hoped, and, indeed alMost that Charlie would write. But no,. he had only continued sending "Harper's," and it was only_a week since that Ilary lam, his pustn , , .had strid sometblng e abont a Miss Myra .Gra,y--englf vrctty O r i — Wll° 11 0 .: 1 4 . 4l1 ill PIP 91110 beim with hiMeelf, and 'had •we iced him 4. watch case, , Myra Cray 1 What a pret ty, ntime, So clifilwelit from Kitty..LeM, nox. ~" Kitty,,mother says you're to dross us directly,; and mend this hole in Ed 'fflefs.Stocking; and run up this rind in my apron for mo to wear to,sohool ; and come down and do the cluirning, quick l" How Kitty'dreadedlimedaily him of washing and combing, and mending those three restless children. But she set about the task—arguing with Alice as the. oldest ; coaxing Neddie, and ex orting herself to Beep Pussy quiet, by re- . posting nursoryNrhynies. * And, then she wont down stairs to h . or half-hour's churning; .after which , sho was to give Puksy and Noddle 'their breakfast,' and see Alica'off to 801061, and wash up the breakfast things, and "sot to rights," generally. . And than same the sowing and mending—such ,quantities of it for this large family. She did not Neat to fine "sewing; sho rather liked to sot gown quietly, with a skirt Wham, or an apron, CARLISLE, PENN A, TIIEJRSDAY, JULY 14, IS7O. I'IIE IV.Y GBEEN. =I clect gale, KITTY'S TRIALS. to make ; bUt, oh I the boys' thick heavy jackets anti trowsers, which her little fingers could seareelygrasp without ach ing ; and those coarse flour bags to mend, and tlre•carpot to patch where Pussy had burned it with a hot poker. And then the looking after the baby, and ing her mother and Anna, the hired girl,' to got dinner and hang out the washing, And all the time there lay beside her on the little work-table, the unread, last number of "Harper's ;" and through the gold-tinted vino leaves over the window the sunbeams peeped in and danced mer rily upon the floor ; and without, all warmth, and brightness, and gladness ; and poor Kitty, he• spirits dull, and he• eyes heavy, longed for a stroll under the willoWs by the river, which she could see not far away. Whitt Nuns tila use, she thought,. of such a life as this ? Not, that . she did not love her family, and was not willing to do all in her power for them; but it was so dull, so tiresome, this dai ly, never ceasing routine of petty tasks and troubles. Was there never to be anything pleasant or beautiful' in her life? And she felt so lonely,, though sur rounded by those most near and dear to her. She thirsted for companionship, for sympathy and congeniality, and, in short, for something=she hardly knew What, to fall the meaVy void in her heart, 'and her life. "ler father was alimys ab sorbed in business matters, her mother in domestic affairs. ' Neither of them over seemed to pay any attention to Kit ty, except as regarded her physical com fort, or to imagine for a daoment that she needed anything beyond this to leaks her happy and content. And as to John and Dick, those great growing boys, what did they think of her, except thatllux-was a good sister, and so convenient to run for anything they wanted. And it was no wonder that poor little Kitty felt herself very lonely, and . that she -was not quite content with her lot. No wonder that she sometiOses bad fits of desp‘oncloney, or felt cross and peevish, so that her fa timer Wondered at le,, and her mother declared that "girls were the most cog t rar y things on earth. She never es aid understand them " "Anna," said Mrs. Lennox, "I want you to go over to Squire Lee's this after noon, and see about the fowls she prom ised me. Dick will have the . hen-house finished bylo-morrow." "Let me go, mother !" , said Kitty, looking up from her Sewing. " Why, Kitty, it's a long walk." " I knolk but I shall enjoy it." " Very well, if you'll, take Alice and Will-Tong with you," - said her Mettler. Kitty would have preferred tho soli tary walk along the meadows and mill stream to Squire Lee's t but she kne,W the Children, noisy .and boisterous-as they were, would like it too, so she made no objection. "Kitty !" called out sonic one from the garden gate ; "Kitty ! do run here fur a minute" "It's Sue Somers, mother," said Kit ty, dropping her work on the table. I'll be back in a'.' "Just take the baby out with you, then, Kitty. It'll amuse her, and she's so cross." So Kitty wearily lifted the heavy, fat baby, and took it out to where stood Su- sail Somers, radiant "Oh, Kitty' I just wanted to tell you Aunt Mary's going - to have au. apple paring to-pun•roW, and We're all to ho there—such fun ! and don't yon think, Cluttles Ilalliun huts come just time, for it !" Who?" said Kitty, her heart leap into her throat,. Why, Charley Hallam ; only he has Brown so old with that moustache of his, nil so digliified that we'll have to call Lim Mr. Hallam in future. He Callc this morning, : I'saw him just now, at hig 'male's, and really hardly knew . him, he's improved so ranch, And he'll stay till Hie clay after to-morrow, so we'll be sure to have him at our apple-bee. lle's been to t:--on sonic business for his employers, and., got leave to stop on the way. No* be sure, Kitty, that you're at Aunt Mary's iii good time. It will be so nice !" Kitty walked back to the house, bright spot burning on either cheek. " , \Vell," said her mother, approvingly "a little' fresh , air 'does krighten you Alp A. walk to Squire Lee's will do you good no doubt, uncl you ;nay go as soon as yot please, But Kitty hesitated, with a , hal ashamed look. "I did „think I shouk like it, rriptlibr ; but if you had rathe Anna should go-- 2 —." "I suppose you've changed your min( about it," said Mrs. ,Lennox, shortly . "We 4, girls ' ar5 c the most coatrar! t pugs. So Kitty stayed at home that after noon. .„She slipped upstairs to her little room, and very carefully arranged her curls, and looked at herself in the glass a long . time ; and pe laid ready, just,out of sight, behind the pile of books on her dressing tablti, a little knot of pink rib bon which could' be pinned on in a mo ment. And every time she heard the front gate open her cheek would flush and she would give a little start, and stealthily., peep from behind the white dimity curtains. But _nobody cane 'at least, nobody that she was looking for— and as the afternoon wore away, the color loft her cheeks, and fifer stertS grow imi.voirA Until,' at longth, about dusk,' she away tit° tittle rose-colored rib: hop, and wrapped herself in her moth ,, or's brown cloak—a •jor'y ugly cloak, but thick and warm—and started for a-walk tip and down the book garden alloy. • .; "Kitty I"'- called her, mother, "since you're out of doors, and all wrapped'oP, you may as well take this Palk' butter dyer to Miss Martin's." Kitty walked Mt slowly across , the field, with the heavy brOwn 4 jar in her :time. The wind' was colkand blew her hair about her face, and made her nose and cheeks • rod : but she cared nothing for her looks now., . • • - - Just as she reached Mrs. Illartin's gate, it was opened for her by a ,gentleman 'Oki:had walked behindterWith ayoung lady on hie arm. "Dear me it isn't Kitty Lonnoxy" Said Miss Cynthia Martin, patronizing. ly. Come in You'll ited mother in' the kitchen, I dare say. It's the butter, I suppose." . • • • But Kitty did not reply., She had looked_ up ' and recognized in the tall, good looking r Moustached., and_ WO. dressed young man beside - her, Charlie —no, MP, Chtnl©s :Hallam Hoe face . became crimson.; hor eyes fell and rested upon the hrowp jar, she carried, and upon the ugly cumliersome old brown Cloak of her mother's. . - "I am glad to see you, Miss Kitty," smiling and holding out his And then, seeing that RIM could not let go the jar, to shako hands with him, ho added, "" Let me carry this for you." . . "No thank you," said Kitty, in a low voice. She felt not only mortified, but indignant. While she had been so anx iously watching for him ho had Leon walking with Miss Cynthia Martin—a young lady just from a fashionable boarding school, and with a wardrobe which was_the„,3vonder, of Greenville for its style and expensiveness. A thought of her poor little rose colored ribbon crossed Kitty's mind ; and of the ring lets which she had that afternoon care fully arranged. And to think what a sight she now was ! What right had ho to.surprise her• thus, when she wasn't fit to be seen? So she answered him briefly and coldly, and unceremoniously, depositing the hateful jar myth° bench of the portico, said hastily, "It is late; I must hurry home,' and so departed. "Dear me, said Miss Cynthia, look ing after her, with a shrug, " I had no idea that she had so much temper:" Kitty felt herself suffocating. She walked rapidly across the field by which she had come, but she could not force herself to go into the house. To go in and give the children their supper, and undress them and put them to bed, and then to sit down and help her mother darn the family stockings- 1 511 as if noth ing had happened! ph, .ghe 'einild 'hot do it. The effort would kill her , "Ile cares nothing for me—nothing !" she.repeated M herself, with an. uncon scious wringing of her hands. .And she felt thaeall the light that her life had eVer known had suddeply gone out for ever. So after walking up and down; up and down, in the cold October wind and darkness until she was chilled through, Kitty stole in by the side-door and went upstairs to her room, and there lay down on the bed, - feeling herself unutterably miserable. " I can't attend to you this evening, Alice," she said when the three children came tearing up stairs to call her to tea. "My head aches badly.. Ask Aima, please, to give you your supper and Put you to bed." i‘ There's no accounting for girls," said Mrs. LeUnox, peevishly, when this message - was delivered. " I never saw her look better than she did this after: noon, and now she's laid up with a head- - ache ! It's all contritirinesa, I rr doubt: However, Alice, don't make a 'noise, A rest may do her good." Kitty fell into a dull, restless slumber, from which She was aroused a few hours later by the - slamming of the front door by Master b r ick, who.then came bound ing up stairs to bed three steps at a time. "Oh, Dick, dear, pray don't make such a noise I", pleaded Kitty, as ho pased . her door. "Who was it wont out just now?" " Only young IkEr. - Charles Hallam," answered Dick. "I say, Kit did you fix my fishing line for me, as you prom ised ?" " Did he .tay long, Dick ?" " Long? I thought he'd made up his mind to stay al,l night. It's past ten, I guess. I say, Kit, where's the fishing don't •know," replied :Kitty, ab sently. " he for mc, Dick ?" " Yes ; and mother said yon were sick with a headache, and must n't ho dis turbed. Ilnlla ! hero's my lice. All riglit Poor Kitty ! Let no one smile at-her trials. Slight as they may seem to oth ers, they were to her very bitter and very severe. Let us all look back to our own youthful days, and recall those experi ences, and then ask ourselves what trials in after life have been morn bitter than those of a girl who loves, half-uncon sciously to herself, and who ilutfers iu the tormenting stvponso of hoping, doubting, fearing, Nelletllol' AO is herself bejoved? Wbo sees la her visions ,a par adise of love and bliss that may be ilea= yet beholds it drifting away, and knOws herself powerless, through her • very maiden modesty, and Womanly, sensitive ness,:to grasp and retain it ? And it was her mother who had placed this barrier between herself and Charlie, as'sholutil clone mere 'than : .. - Teo before. She had no feeling, no Consideration for her. Did she look . upon her as still a child—al ways to stay at home, and work and never to be loved and courted and mar- ried like other-girls? Poor Kitty 'felt ro sentful towards lien mother, and to hor whole f roily, who had shown themselves so unconscious of, and regardless of her feelings. That ,they should have fancied that Mi.. Hallam hail come there and spent two hours for the sake Of their so defy! So tatty was sulky next nuMn ing,,and scolded Pussy, and slapped Isred. die, and had never, its Diok declared, been half so cross and disotliging.. And then, in the afternoon, the poor child went upstairs, and cried in hittel'Vopent_ snee r and. , camo down again, lookitigyery meek VG I 4 iiiihaPP‘ t X• Still {fatty had ono hope, one consola tion remaining. Mr. Ilallani—it was only proper that she would call him so, since he was Lsix years her senior—Mr. Mi lani had called to sco her, and though they had both been disappointed, yet she should certainly see him this evening at Aunt Mary's apple-bee. Ilow cheerfully she dressech . hersolf in her new blue merino, with the little rose-colored ribbon fastening the frill' of lace ithopt her throat, and another rose, colored ribbon• confining her bright brown ringlets behind. She was pretty, and . she knew it ; prettier than Cynthia 'Martin; with .all her silks and jewelry:' She 'lvondered if Mr. Hallam =would think so.. She. wondered whether he would pay her any attentionescort her to the supper table, or walk home with hei. Perhaps ho would call for her: Ho had done that once or twice"just be fore-his G 1 .6117.41143. Ma:tat-tat I wont the 'brass knocker, and Kitty's heart beat almost as loud again. She flew to the head of the stairs and !peeped . ovor'ah Alice admitted the visitor: - 'lt was only Sue - Somers. __'..!Are,yett r _ready, . Kitty r? she -called 'outC , Do inakelunte, and we can - go on . together. fivee'cleck already, and I met Cynthia Martin • and Mr. Hallam just now, on their way to Aunt Mary's." She bad run up stairs, and now stood leaning pn the little dressing table while Kitty fastened the lace frills about her wrists. "Slt thinks that-she is making a con quest," pursued Miss Susan, ilaroastical-' ly " but /know better. Mary Hallam showed me to-day, while he was out, the prettiest card case—all of pearl' and sil ver—that ho had bought in C , for a present to'that Miss Myra Gray. It had her initials on it ; and when grandma asked him this evening if he was not go ing to be married soon, he'colored and laughed, and said 'he hoped so.' And what puts it, beyond liiloubf," - qiintintied . Miss Susan, positively, "is that Mrs. Moore told Miss Higgins, that her sis ter, who lives in the city and takes in sewing, is engaged upon _Miss Myra Gray's wedding clothes. So there's no doubt that Mr. Hallam is to marry her." Kitty did not answer. She sat down on the side of the bed, and her fingers trembled about the lace frills. "Let me do that for you. Why, how youtremble—and your face is as white I 'Why, Kitty, what is the matter?" cried Sue, in alarm. "Indeed,. I don't know. I am not well—l have not been well all day," said , poor Kitty, brokenly. And she laid her head on the pillow and closed her eyes, as if she wished never to open them. "You'd better stay at home this even ing, child;" said her mother, who now came up stairs. " I don't know what can be the matter, unless it is that you took cold - staying out so late last night. I'll get you a-cup of hot tea and let you go to bed early. But, to my mind, girls are the most unaccountable creatures!" ICitty took -. Off her blue merino and her ribbon, hardly knowing what she did. .To her all wasa dreary blank —a dull, dead, hopeless void. • hie did not care to go to bed. She went down stair,s mechanically to supper, and drank the hot tea, and then took the baby which her mother placed in her arms, and rocked it to and fro, - to and fro, in the low rocking chair, feeling all the time as though she were in a dream— but such a dreary, dreary dream. - "If you are Well enough, Kitty, I wish you'd stay with baby while I go round to Mrs. Somers'. I've been trying all .day, but couldn't find the time: I'll be back in half an hour, -before your father and the boys come home. ."Fatler and the boys" had ono to hear 1, militical speech,— fof' there was politics even in Greenville. Anna, too, was out, and the younger children were all asleep, so that Kitty-was in the house alone. It was then that the unnatural restraint upon her feelings gave way ; then that the full sense of her misery broke upon her ;_and. leaning her head `upon --her hands the poor child cried bitterly. She could never love anybody else— never,• never ! For her was no love ;no happiness, no pleasure in store, through all the years to come. To stay at hoine, and work, and grow odd, seeing her young sisters married and happy—this was to be• her lot. Well, she would try and be a good child to her parents—and especially to her mother. Her snottier! Oh, if her mother were but more gentle, and tender, and sympathizing towards her. Oh, if she could only lean her poor aching head upon her mother's breast, and rest there as she had done when she was a child I Poor Kitty ! Her head was burning and her temples throbbing. She went out into the little front porch, and sat thew, screened by the trellis work. It was a mild, pleas ant evening for the season ; and she felt refreshed by the open hir, and soothed by the sight of the calm moonlight. It }vas late—almost nine o'clock—and only one or two persons passed hastily along the quiet village street. Pres ently, however, sonic, one stopped at the little front gate—her mother, no -doubt, No, 'not her mother, but, her father, of one of the boys, for it was a man. He opened the gate and came in. "Is it you, Kitty ?"• he asked; and Kitty's heart beat so painfully that she could not answer—could not even rise front her seat on the green bench behind the trellis. "I have to leave Greenville early, to morrow;" pursued Ur. Clmrles Hallam, very quietly, " and 1 could riot do witl out seeing, you and telling you goodbye." " thought you were to be at the apple be its evening," murmured Kate, mechanically. "I have just 1014 here. I had ex. pectbd to see you there;Kitty. " Me?, I was not well enough to go. " " So' Misa Somers said, or I should have oalled for you after having escorted Miss Cynthia Martin. I was on my way hero when I met her, and as she complained of not being able to cross the muddy place above, I offered my ser. vices." "Had you lt phinsant ovoning?" in quire(' Kitty, in tin) snino low, mochani cal voice, "Nak very. I missed' yo u, Kitty." " Me!" Looking up, .sho .met his eyes:fixed upon her with a strange look—a look which sont a sudden thrill to her heart, and caused her almost to tremble. Ho moved a little nearer her on th 6 bench: "I have wanted so much to g r de you, Kitty," ho said in the - gam - e 7 low void(); "and to :talloto you. I wanted to ask you komething." " What?" said Kitty, lifting hor bluo eies wonderingly. They were very sad eyes • now, for she bad. not forgotten Myra Gray. • " " It is this," answered Charles Hallam ,taking both her hands ittps, and look ink tenderly and earnestly down into the blue oyos. I. bavo loved you a long„ time, Kitty, more than two years ; and what I have .to ask is, will you ho my little--wife, and go away will i 'home of our own V! oh; what a light.tind glory burst eta; donly upon Kitty's li ()with those wordS. It was Onehantment, nd • for a moment she could not real4e, eon not believe but," sho fahm'ed,'drawing a iittiO huh, and looking !anion* into his face, "you-L4 heard that you weio to be mar ried soon." . "I hope so, kitty."' "To—to Miss.Myrs. - Gray 2'T - Mr. Charles 'Mallam'.sonketil. !Miss Myra Gray is certainly to, bo married next week, Kitty, but not to me—only a friend of mine—and I am .to be grooms man." - Kitty suffered him to , pass his arm around her and ch:iiiV - Iter-grntly towards him. There was no more ,darkneris for her now—all was glorious sunlight.- What a wonderful change in our lives may be wrought by a few spoken words "Dear Inc !" said Mrs. Lennox, as, coming in a few minutes later, she found Kitty flushed, happy, radient—" Dear me Of all the unaccountable, contrary things on earth, d do think that girls are the worst. There's no understanding them, anyway l" Perhaps she understood it bettor next morning, when a letter was delivered to Kitty's father from Kitty's suitor ; and in the-extremity of her surlyse her only exclamation was— " Well; r•do declare ! Who'd have thought it?" Who, indeed, except those who- had not forgotten thiiir own youth and its secret joys and sorrows, that aro so keenly felt and so seldom told.—N. Y. Sunday Times. 031,11oire Vintrg JUDGE ,NOT. Judge not; tho workings of his brain Awl of Ids heart thou owlet not sea,— What looks to thy dint eyes a stain, In Gail's pure light, may only bo A sear brought. front Inttno well•won field Where thou would only faint yiuld. The look, the air that fret thy alght, May boa token that Inflow Tho soul boo elosod In deadly fight With Homo internal dory foo, Blanco would scorch thy smiling gra And cast thou altuddorlng on thy (deo. _Thu fall thee daroet to deeplee— May be, the slackened angol's Me suffered It that It may rime And take a firmer, triter etand; Or, Waiting loss to human things, May hereeturth learn to me hill wings And Judge none lost; hot wait rind see With hopeful pity nut disdain, The depth of the abyss may be The monitor° of the height of gran, And love and glory that may nice The soul to Goa In after days. riscrlianettits rntlirr THERE is a dentist down east who has a daughter who is loved by a young man ; but he is bashful and don't like to go to the houSe to see her unless be has an ex cuse. So every TueSdaY and Friday he calls and gets the old man to pull a tooth for him, and then he goes into the back parlor add sparks the girl under the pre tence of trying to find his hat. Ho has , only six teeth left now ; acid what wor ries him, is, - to know what he is going to do when they are all Out and his now set is made and put in. Ho is all the more anxious about it because the failliiaid doesn't seem as if she was. going to re spond to his-heartfelt sighs, and there is room fOr 'suspicion that she has been playing . the coghette so as to rope in a good customer for her fond-parent. The young man's confidential friehds state that he has intimated his intention either to have that girl or to jerk the whole skeletoiiout of her father. , PRACTICAL MULES.—In case your house should be entered by burglars, the following rules may be found highly advantageous: • Lio very still and draw the bedclothes over your head. Sit up and listen. Pinch your wife and tell her she ough o be ashamed of herself. Tell her to go down stairs and,see what's the matter. Call the servants to order the rohbers, 011 the premises. If the burglars still persist in their Ue fariouii purposes, go to the landing and . ask them if they know what they are" about. If they don't desist now make your wife tell them that in your opinion they aro wicked mon, and that you have a great mind to be angry. • . Say you are very dangerous when you are once aroused. Beg thein leave„quickly And so.obviate the necessity of disturbance in the house. Ask them if they. wouldn't like some cold meat and pickles, and a glass of beer and a pipe. Let •them have what they like, and leave them a dollar each besides.., When they've gone, bring out Your pistols and send for a policeman. Go to bed again, and "saythe only rea son why you didn't go down stairs at first, punch all their heads, shoot thie, and take them prisoners,, was that your didn't want to disturb the neighbors. THE REAL . 41IASONIG GRIP. Major- James Garrison, - Leßoy, New York, though a small, ma», had a most powerful grip of hand. It was like a smith's vice whenever he chose-to exert his strength. It was one night in the oight of tho anti-masonio oxaitement of 188G'7'8, that a silly "anti" by the name of. Smith, dame - Co Leßoy and sought out the major, saying that ho-had heard that he (the major) could give the real master mason's grip, and that he had come over - eighty miles ou fOot to obtain meeting took place in the bar-room 'of the village tavern, " - Where, as usual, Many persons were eminregated, who knowing 4 2 the strength of the major's grip, were on the .look out for fun. --Having, veording to the custom of those days, first toolc a drink, the major, extended his right hand and slightly graspod that of Smith. "Aro 'vou ready!" sine major.. 1 All roadY," mith.. The major, steadily looking Smith in thooyo, began to tightonhis grip. Smith became unea'sy and began to wince. • Tighter and tighter- 'grow the majoes• grip, and Smith began to hog to be let Off. "why,- this is only the entered appren tice grip," said, the major. "I will give you the follow:craft,l' and the major gailo' his hand several more turns which caused more groaning and many ludi °Fans contor tions on the 'part of Smith, who lustily begged to be let Off ; said he was satisfied; and did not want any more grips. The Major, hOWever, was inexorable, and hold on to Smith, tho time shakinghis ltand . and every shako causing a groan. • "Now," said tho major, "having penm. a long' ay to get the real mason's grip, it *Mild be' wrong' in me to let you go • Immo without it., . Hem it said _the inajOr; " tho.roal rnagtor mason's grip, and tho ono you Wilt not Sochi forget ; and at the.Barno time "exerting-to his utninat his' great muscular powers, causing the bones of SRO's band to crack, and the' blood to start from under the finger—nails ; Smith, in the meantime luilloing with' pain. , "Go home," said the major, "and tell all, your anti-masonio friends that if any of them want the master mason's grip, to come to me for, I flatter myself that I can give it as well as any other man." The-rnajor . kavo ono more turn of the vice and then released his victim. The next day, Smith with his hand done up in a'poultice, started home, entirely sat isfied with the masonic information ho had so painfully obtaiiled—a wiser if not a better man. . , . 'Pinto rolls toetrl. O UR OIRLS No sweeter girls than those of onto Need critics hope to find; They wear their hair frizzed op in front With too big braids behind. - Vllon o'er they hear the voice of pain Bach breast with pity moved; They wear. their drones double shirts, At,,t doable-battened gloves. At home tinny study to perform The dutiful that they find;. Their skirts aro ruined to limo waist A pannier on behind. {Shen Sunday comes.they go to church Ench,qulet In her pew, Nor ttuakx the Into3t foshlorpi nano, As 1)ople say they do. For in tho hearts of those they love They know their reign seem, ; Fantastic bats are on their heads, The thoughts within nro pore They lone nb taste for polities, Nor wish tolegislate, Contented best that moldy hands Shall guide tho Ship of State. Their claims to voto-and equal rights They little comprehend, The only titles they will wear Aro sisters, wife and friend. [Communication.] RESPECT THE MECHANIC. Mn. EDITOR :—Will you permit me to propose a few questions to .my•fellow townsmen of Carlisle, and to ask them to answer thorn, if they can? Can any one toll me why it is that Carlisle, fa vored as it is in so many respects, is not flourishing as it should, and as it might? Can any one toll me why it is that many of our neighboring towns - which we could formerly regard with a patronizing air, aro 'now - springing up so prosperously;and bidding r fair to rival, if not to surpass the ancient borough of Carlisle; in wealth, and social standing? Can any ono tell me why it is that not withstanding the advantages • and facili ties of a College, Barrack and Railroad ; notwithstanding the ea — legacies of our past history, and the vantage ground of high social arid moral, standing be queathed to us by our fathers that are dead--=-can any one toll me why, notwith standing all this, tho dullness and inac= tivity of Carlisle have well nigh passed_ into a proverb among our scoffing neigh bors ? The question is ono of vital importance, and a proper appreciation and true solu tio"of it is the -yew first requisite for our present happiness and future success. The true secret of our difficulties is often. said to lie in the improper combination,, or rather,on-combination of labor and capital prevalent hero. It 'is 'a well known principle of political economy, that the material prosperity of an indi vidual community or nation is in exact proportion to the right union of labor• and capital. Let all the laborers of a country fold their bands in idleness, and the result is impoverishment. Let all the capital of the ecrrintry be locked up in its coffers, and the result imiltirnately the same. Lot both be united, and hap piness and prosperity set at every man's ' door. r 'Now, it is often said that Carlisle is not as prosperous as it might be, not because of any want of money, (for it has plenty of that,) but hOettusc the money is not in the right hands ;• be cause the men who s hold it aro so short sighted as not to see that a judicious ex penditure of money in aiding public en terprise and improvernent, is` always for the. advantaße, not only of society at large, but for themselves' as welt; be cause misg,uiGled by principles of self-' interest, and lacking 'that true magnan imity of soul which rejoices in the well fare of others, as well as of self. ,Thoy fail to see that a benefit to ono is a ben- ofit to all, and so lock up their strong boxes, and gloat Over their golden troas- Urea, and sit idly by, while ttado deserts our Streets, and indiistry - wings its flight to other more genial clinics. This the men who could make Carlisle as pros- porous as it would wish to be, , !oin noy; and those who would do so, can not ; while all alike, must lament the proverbial dullness or the times. Such is the answor usually given; and it deserves to be pondered well, • for out of it aro the issues Of life or death for our inland town. ..But .there is another fact to which we would call the attention et; all, and it is this : The moneyed men, alone, are not responsible for whatever maybe unfortu nate in :our prosiiiie stain's. :Them is a o'Ortain, silent and . unseeniOworvioldqd by society at large, which is equally re sponsible, for the ills of which wo speak. Money does much, but the moral influ ence ofiodety dims much - too. The lat ter-is no less essential , than the former.- The tree may have.'a moist soil from which to draw tlie main Materials of its life ; but if it have no warm atmosphere, no light and no sunshine, it will wither and die—and industrial pursuits are very much like trees. There musrbe money at the bottom Of theih, on which they may' draw for the prime conditions of their being ; but unless 'the genial sunshine of friendly encouragement be- present, they will load but a sickly life at ~ best, and finallyladguish and literally for'want of 'atmosphere—moral atmosphere. The way to Make any trade flourish, is to make it reSpeetable—and , the way to malco4t respectable is tore -- sped all men whose' trade it is. 'The sturdy sous Of toil have a right to tlio estoo:u of their bo they who they may, and they know that thay have. Withhold' that, esteem ; withdraw. the encouragement and respect of the more , favored classes from: , them, and they in :staidly feel thenisolves to ho wronged;' . and it is• alvrong ivliich no rummy van - sot ; for there is nothing that so . Ivotinds and stings the soul of mi honest coxermnun ON kEC0141:1 TEREati : JN ADVANCE $2.0:.; R yonr.