FATAL AeernENT.--On the Fourth" of Julylliairi VOlandi;- 4 :7(pa.ititer,) Well knogn to most of the aitizerp,-pf .Car lisle, together with two companion.47 - eria' fishing in, a stream near Roxbury. Mr. Cloudy and one Of the others Were hold ing the seine tybile the third . was etlging_ about in the ,water with is pole, imme diately under an old, bridge. that crossed the stream. Without amoment's notice the structure fell; the koystrie striking Mr. C. on the head, crushing his skull, and killing him instantly. II a compan ient` (;s6ipoif ',eeribus injtiry. Several hours were, eonemnedin romov 7 ing the debris, in order to recover the body. A Wife; and child kre 'left to-mourn his untimely end. How TO STOV A Perris.—The follow ing ffom one of our exchanges, so fully and clearly expresses our views upon the subject' that we copy it without com ment: ‘ You have an undoubted right t'o step a newspaper whenever you arc dis posed, upon payment of all arrearages. Do not hesitate to do so on account of any tenderness of feeling,' for the editor. Don't you suppose he would. stop buying sugar of you, or meat, cloth ing, dry goods, &c., if he thought ho was not getting his money's worth? And when .yon discontinue a paper, do so manfully. Don't be so pitiful as to throw it back to the postmaster with a con temptuous, 'I don't want it any longer!' and have 'refused' written on the mar gin, and have the - paper returned to the editor. No gentleman -ever stopped 'a paper in that way, no matter if his head is covered with gray 'hairs that should be honorable. If you do not wish longer to receive a newspaper write a note to the editor like a man, saying so—and be sure that , arrearages are paid. This is the way to stop a newspaper. ===llE=l THE SYNOD of HARIIISIIIIItO. The Jiketing nt Bellefonte,—on Wednesday eyening last the Synod of Harrisburg, as formed by the last General Assembly- of the Presbyterian Church, assembled in the new church at Bellefonte. From I'luin Words we obtain the following account of the proceedings, which will be of-interest to a large number or our citizens , The object of this Synod, is the recon struction of the New Synod, for Med at the last General Assembly. One hun dred and thirty members, were in at tendance, forming a body not less dis tinguished in personflia than in intellec buil attainments. - Rev. Dr. Thomas Creigh, of llercers burg, delivered the opening discourse, after which, as Moderator, he called the Synod to order. Upon the completion of tlfe roll, the same' gentleman was chosen Moderator; Rev. Wm. Simon ton, of Williamsport, was elected Tem porary Clerk; Rev: Dr. T. 11. Robin son, of Harrisburg, Stated Clerk ; Rev. R. M. Wallace, of Altoona; Permanent Clerk, and John A. Weir, Harrisburg, Treasurer. Committee - ow:Resolutions,- consist= - ing of the following ministers add lay membtrs, were' appointed on Recon struction : ; William Blair, L., of Carlisle Presbytery ; Rev. Dr. Wing, N. ; J. A. Weir, L., Harris burg Presbytery ; Rev. Dr. Hamil, N. ; 11. N. MAllister, L., Huntingdon Pres bytery ; Dr. J. 0. Watson, M. ; W. C. -.Lawson, L., Northumberland Presby tery; Rev. J. L. Landis, M., Wellsboro' Presbytery. . . • wednesdity Arorning.-- , ,Firit hour de , voted to devotional exercises, under di- _reetiotrbridetterator. ' On motion of Dr.. J. C. Watson, Mif flinbtirg, the present rules appended to .the form of government governed the present Synod, and a committee of the following named gentlemen was ap, pointed to report general rules at next stated meeting : Rev. Drs. J. C. Watson, R. :Hamill, T. 11. .Robinson, C. P. Wing and 11. N. Esq. Rev. C. P. Wing; Chairman, of the Reconstruction Committee,' reported the following as the report of the Commit tee. The resolutions, as offered, were unanimously acßipted , .±:Roolt?d, That in tlmdischarge of the duty -- enjoined upon this Sinod by the last amoral Assembly, in the work of Reconstruction, the Presbyteries and parts of Presbyteries within the bounds of the Synod of Harrisburg, be and they hereby are, organized into four Presby teries constituted.as fellows, viz : I. The Presbytery of:Carlisle shall. consist of the ministers and -churches within the : territoriallhnits of the coun ties of Dauphin, Perry; Cumberland, Adams, ,Franklin and Fulton, to meet immediately on the adjournment of this Synod, 'in the - PreSbyterian Church of Bellefonte,„atyhich meeting Rev. C. P. Wing shall:preside until a new-modera tor skalibe choseb ; and said Presbytery of:Carlishi:is hereby designatdd to be, the legal : sudcossor of the late Presbyteries of Carlisle arid' Harrisburg, and as such is entitled to the possession a all the rights and privileges, 'and liable to - the performance of the duties of those PrCS- bytories. 2. The Presbytery of Huntingdon shall consist of the ministers and phurehesvtiOdn'iltO torritOrial ,of the counties of Bedford, Blair, Clear- field, Centre, Miillin; Juniata and Hunt= ingdon; Wariest• immediately on the ad;., journment of this Synod; in the Presby terian Church of Bellefonte, , at which meeting. Re l y: R. M. Valhie& 'shah pre side until a now . Moderator Shall . be . chosen„ and , said ,Presbytery of, .lbint 7 ingdon is.hereby.declarecl to be the legal" - ancceSsor of the late Presbytery of ['runt; higdon, nnd as such entitled to the pos T session and onjotment of all the rights ntieirfirilege's,' ' mi liable to the 'per= formation of.all the duties of that 'Pres= bytery. ~. 0 .. • lb.. The Presbytery of North umberlead shall- consist of all the ininisters and churches, within the: territorial limits of the counties of Clinton, Lycoming, Co; lumbia, • Montour, -. NorthUmberland, , Snyder, Union" Mid' CaniCren,' to meet immediately on the adjournment of tl4 Synod, in. thl4 3 ,rekibYterien, illlerch of. ' Bellefonte, at:which meeting the Reii,.- Dr. Watson: r eboil preside until a; now moderator shall' be-Chosen ; and said I Presbytery . of Jsiorthumberland is hereby declared to be the legal imccesior oethe' late Presbytery of Northumberland, and i as' such entitled to the possession and rMijOyment 'of 'Atlid rigidS "and Priiii , logos, and 'liable to. the . perfornaancsAf ! all the duties of that presbytery.,i 1 4.. The Presbytery Of Vellsbeki' slia 1 consist' f all the ministers and churches -within the territorial limits of the coup- . . ties of , Tioga, ,Pottor and M'ltean,. to . !meet on the third Tuesday in July nox4 at twe 'o'clock p, m., in the Presbyleriak haroir of' 'Wellsboro' - nt which'meetingi ' ho Rev. J. P. oalifi9Vialiliiika6 - nii i , • - 4 a .now.moderator„ shell be cleettd; nd, said ProlebyterT. of Wellsborte: is OidliliAaied-to'be`theYtial 'o4cosidr. the r hte, preslatery,,,ef ,„Vellehoret cl As Ana ofititiod to. the .poriEionoio and enjoyment of all the rights, 'and privilbges, uiid El - thief:9 the lArfoiniance of Opp, orthut,Presbytery.. ' The next stated mooting will bo held the Pine Street Church; Harrisburg, the second Tuesday in October, - at'sovon o'clock 4). On motion of ReV.B. DI. Wallace, of Altoona, the following wore.adopted : WirEnEAs, The, 'General Assembly . 'have directed the Board of PubliCation at as early a day as possible to consider the propriety of establishing a. - Depart ment of Sabbath Schools; whdo office it shall be to promote the number' and ef ficacy of Sabbath Schools throughout the Congregations of the Pilesbyterian Churoh : Now , inr aid of the movement, be it Resolved; That a committee be ap pointed by the Synod, whose ^ duty _it shall be to gather all the information necessary in regard to the condition and working of the Sunday Schools within our bounds, and report the same at the .next meeting of the Synod, together with a recommendation of such measures they deem best suited to put all our Bab b:Ali Sepools in the best possible work ing Order. In accordance with the above, the fol lowing committee was appointed : Rev. R. M. Wallace, and Rev. Messrs. Wiley, Rawer, Hays, Landis and,Ti9bindon. Much discussion was elicited on the $5,000,000 memorial fund, resulting in the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved, That in accordance with the. recommendation of the "Memo/Mal Fund Committee, a committee of two—one minister and one vestryman—from each Presbytery be appointed to coniltituto a Synodical Committee on the Memorial Fund. The following named committee Were appointed : T. H. Robinson, D. D., and W. G. Reed, of Carlisle Presbytery ; Rev. Mr. Barren and S. S. 'Blair, of :Huntingdon yresbytery ;.Rev. Mr. Caul lcins and Judge H. W. Williams of Wellsboio Presbytery; Rev. Jas. Ste vens and .T. B. Ilan, Northumberland Presbytery. The following resolution was, also, adopted : Resolved, That a committee be ap pointed to prepare and present to this Sybod a plan by which regular Benevo lent Contributions to the various objects of our church activities shall be secured from each member of every church and congregation. The following committee was op pointed : T. 11. Robinson, I). ; Revs. W. T Wylie, A. I). Rahn, A. K. Strong, I). D. and Messrs. H. N. ,'Allister and .1. A Weir. The Synod - accepted, with resolution of thanks, an invitation presented by the Snow Shoe H. R. Co. to thalce a trip to Snow Shoe oil Thursday. Also, on motion, a resolution of thanlin; Was tendered Alle citizens of Bellefonte for their hospitality. A Committee on Nitrratives Nr.S.-itp oointed, to which the churches are re 'nested- to report two weeks-prior to the text meeting. -- The following resolution was (Akre ry_Rev. 1)1.. Ilamill : IZeaoZred, That our churches, in view of being called upon to contribute to the $5,000,000 Memorial Fund, have their attention specially directed to the pro posed Sustentation Fund. Adopted. Adjourned Immediately upon tho riming of the Synod, the various' Presbyteries held their first meeting undr the provisions o the report, above pnblisifel the Reconstruction Committee, The following is the result of the sex era] elections : Carlisle.—Moderator, Rev. Dr. Wing Stated Clerk, A. J. Mitchell ; Tempo racy Clerk, Rev. J. Crawford ; Treas li - rer, .1. Smith Gordon. No rthu inberlo lid. —Moderator, Rev. Wm. Sterling ; Stated Clerk and Treas urer, Rev. - W. Simonton; 'Temporary, Clerk, Rev. A. D. Hahn. flu nlingdon. —Moderator, Rev, R. M. Wallace ; Stated Clerk, Rev. R. Munn!. ° The exercises closed' on Wednesday evening with a Synodical Prayer Meet ing led by Dr. Robinson of Harrisburg, and the Synod adjourned with mutual expressions of. utmost harmony and Christian fellowship. After the adjournment. of the Synod, the members participated in an excur sion to the top of Snmi Shod mountain, where they were addressed-by );x-Gov-: error Bigler, and had a very pleasant time generally. Aip uncu ni C lIAPMA 3Photomivatalresaropretty AT BURIC'S, 35 WEST MAIN - ST., you can buy Candies, NMS, Fruits; &c., cheaper than anywhere else in town. Candy, at Wholesale, 10 cents' per lb. " Retail, , 20 cents and upwards. A N0..1 Crenni work, 60 cis. I keep -no second -quality of - Cream wiu:k. • I have first-cliss workman to manufacture, • and can g(vo a better se lection than can be found in the town. A^ large lot of Fire Work» cheap. Soda Water I Soda Water I Don forgot Die place—No. 85 West Mai street, next door to Piper's 13oolc store. CAIMACES, BUOMES, SPRINO WACIONS. Carlisle, May 0, 1870. A. 11. Sheik has 'now on hand, and will make to , order, all kinds of Oar- Buggie:i,'"Spring "Wagons, 49 r has they best workmen in each flannel', and has :all lads' of material constantly , on hand. Painting and ro -oairing promptly attended CO. timalOtf team-plump. • The pump can be Pit; doimeat a cl from pie' engine, and engine used 14 df maeltiner3i. gas Mid water pipe; steam,. fitting's, &e: Ill'Lanaliaii; 'Atone Sc; leett, Holliday4- burg,. X'a.jt— , , • l7,fobOm 014man'e Enameled, Card :Pie ME If you want a good Corset, Go to Wolf's If m Ayaot a lloop Skirt, to Wolf's If you wautistponderp, '• 4' Go to wolf's If iOti'iiant GlO4os Tio;iiCrk, ,(10 to Wolf't3 In , jhct,you•had bittoi go. to 15 . r.0.f 16 Islortll I3anovor street, i foF,Olyout: No . tione, iE you Nvißli to figye:money. • 2j12,70-1m ' ' Aharialianu,Stone 3c sett, Holliday& burg,,Teimisylvnia, 0 - antlFactfiro statica' 7 : ary engines,, direct t'Pitt, , Y ol :;lo ll ns other ~.hot blast. Brass rind kinds'ol'maeldriery.' , ,4' st6,,'ilairoglynerino;*ns ?Oxpipiig tin iienit.6l IL' P. Clittmn4rit PluitoOph Galleilvw the ovonlng ci'pe;Touith. 20,000' pounds of shoulder and 'side ',Moat': wanted elecliabgel don IpUre "Liquors, and the Vest brands of chewing ',laud smoking tobacco, by , ' JACOB LIVINGSTON, • 21ap3r4 • Np.:2'i-Noftli ilailovei*akecit For direct acting steam , pumps, that 741 pump from 12 . ganOns to 3,600 poi' Minute: Go to APLanahan, Stone & Isott, Hollidays burg, Pa. , J'A'COB Dealer in FINE WINES AND rrquons, No t 27 North HanovAr street, o • Offers the following goods; War .ranted pure, nnadultorated and . full proof., Always as represented. Genuine IMported French COgane Brandy, old age. - Pure old Ryd Whiskeys by celebrated distillers. Best quality, - Ginger Brandy. Pure old gin. Pure old Port wine. The very best quality Sherry, Claret New England Rum, &c. Kimmel. Pare white spirits, for drug gists and Tamily use.. Sold at the lowest prices for cash. A call solicited. 21apOni JACOB LIVINGSTON, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in TOBACCO, SNUFF', CIGARS, PIPES, &c: No. 27 North Hanover street. Offers to the trade the best brands of a largo variety of Chewing and Smok ing Tobaccos, real Michigan Fine Cut, in bulk or hi tin foil. W. E. Garrett's celebrated snuff. Real genuine Imported Havana Segal-gr, Tara Connecticut and Domestic Segars. A large assortment of everything be, longing to the business, and sold' at as lmv a price, as in any Eastern city. •The public is respectively invited to call and inspect my large assortment. Every article warranted as represented,. 21ap7OCim DI - PORTANT To PRIVATE rAmiLrEs,. Pure and unadulterated Wines and Liquors, supplied at their resideuce, 'by sending order to store, or Through Post O ice. Eery article warranted as rep resented or the money refunded. JACOB LMINGSTON As 21apthn No. 27 N. Hanover, street • SPEMAL N9,TIcIES. TO THE TRADE. wm.l3hdr t Son, otter a largo assortment of the Treat urnit Jar,lat priers that filly competition. Also, prima Mess Sha , l, Mackerel, Dry Salt Marine lien ring, Salt, Sugars, Syrups, Coffee., Warea, Coal Oil, and everything else hi on line, that storekeepora may want, in quail( itiert and at price. that will not WI to please. Plena,. give nn a call. • WILLIAM BLATT: A SON, Wholcsnir and Basil Grocers and Quart:,7am Merehantg, "South Elul," Carll/16 - . — Pa. • 7ju1!.70. "WHO WOULD SUFFER?" It Is now 22 years slues Dr. Tiibias first introduced the "Venetian Liniment" in the United Stelae,-and never in-a single Instance hashisinedicinefalLed tp do'all, If not more than it stated In his pamphlet. As an external remedy in wises of Chronic. Rheum. tisin,-headache, _Toothache, Brnises, Burns, Oats, Sores, Swelling+, Sprains, Stings of Insects end Pail, in Lltubs, Back and Chest, Its tvonderfurcuratlee powers are iniracnl . ono. Token internally for the Flue of Cholera, Colic, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Sick floetlnchn and Vomiting; soothing and podotrat irig quolities aror felt as soon as taken. The oath with whirl, each bottle is acconleanied will show that there is nothing iniurious in Its c ‘ otuposi Thousands of certificate:, have keen- received Fpeak. ing of the rare virtues of this valuable artiel:. Any person after having used it once will never Ire With ouldt_ _l:roc-y-114 4 I le-of - the fronutnoli.ii of " S. I. Tobias" on the outside wt tipper. Sold by the DruggbAs and Storekeeper:, throughout the United State.. Pric.• 50 ,t•ot, Urput, to Park Place, New York. ;10,june70-1111 = Thu Constitution and Health may be ruined by it few applications of the lead or sulphur hair dyes now in the market. "Not a Dye", 'toy be the motto of ouch nostrums, hot. .A DIE maybe the result of using them. lint one IDiir Dye hoe been ti INd and acquitted of till'deletviimm tendency, under the In fallible lawn of Science. Ile it known to all, that Cristadoro's Excelsior Hair .Dye hoe been ambit:ll by tho dibtinguisited chemist; Professor cldl imi, 4tiel hie eertifienth of its coheir:- SODIUM. may be seen et Cristadoro's, a Astor Home., Now York. Grialailoro',4 flair l'reservaii% e, as a I)resstag,artii 1110 a aliarin on the Dais after Dyeing. 'leg it. 311.1 unc79 ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS. SUIT and Dry Throat rot'ed by half IL Nast, t+ually lo two or lhrru hoorm: Dr.Ureen, No .863 Broadoity, New York. informs us he sold on Monday, .Inue 22, 18112, too Plasters to a yoong woman suffering very severely filo. lone lingo. 00 Thursday 010.1 . 11'1i to get two noire for a friend, and then stated how the too idle had pur dilled 00 Monday had relieved tier Immediately niter potting t hem on, and tu - 1411e• 111 t.,11 &I'', of h most distressin4 pain itt tier l n o•il alai loins. Alloook'A Porcoot Plo,tors 1.101 boon fouOil xprrillrx for ItloommUsto of Ibu {Prints. :folonO7o-Im. , BE WJSI, WHILE wihilon4lll benefit you: I.c not 0: trolled by y • Incredulity, hundreds bate iddight relief hunt ,the Aomori. of OppepSla through the medium of Innorit'S.Ayrt-llyssidqqe So.m.tcuil Mtn% tool found It. Why should you suffer Mu, this mind table stotuachlehas cured many xiinilnr eses-why do you doubt while other believe and ore cured 'l' Delay In thle matter In both thingdoiun uud noprofl table. Your, health, bajtpluess and business suffers, while mush.' neglect Is frequently foll wed by serlotts and uneqt *tillable results, Di:moves BITTERS ore - equally useful In lila numerous diDlmatles tillemliq Indl• gold.; its CONSIIPATION, while or FLV II nod AOOO null otl!oF illsorders weeedlng 'Om MiksitATA, It is the only rellabln lit online tutu rionsdy•ltiiwtt. • Noo7o ' WHOLESALE ONLY Coyle lll:ethers have It.t recelVed at wry large stock of gotitiqowelt as Hos; try, Shirt 'Fronts, Noll winders, Linen, Cad ton And Cambria, pandkereldols; Whlto Trull:ll'l,gs, Tics anal Bow 'of the latest stycle Vapor Collars and Cuffs in t•reab, variety, Paper , and Envelopes, Velvet, ItlLloon, Coat, Vest, Dress. and Point Bottom; Three 'and Sin Cord . Spool Cottoti Sewing Sifts, Fish Hooks tall Llttes,.'3:9ller Soaps Pd, ❑unary, Minis, Shoo black, Stove Indigo Blue, and an endless varluty of Notions„generally. All the above to he hail nt Coyle.llrotherit Hurlug httoly ronicrrott to tho IrFgo arm room in thu now (turd - Will llore flour, wi lurreuxed our Mork larg!tr thou uvor, Bud tyIII, pall at Ett,td priers. '," ' • COTLE 81101111118, A Bluth 21 South HIAIIOIVei (flirt, COMPORT . AND misp, OR PAIN AND AGONYio ' s IBt TORIAS' CELEBRATED VENETIAN' LINI, DIENT, siboso wondorfol cures, Novo mid Lushtnts- BsoUsilollOn,!lh' ossdi of chronic RioluwAtistn, Hood acho, Toolldtsho, Croup, Cuts, Burns, Collo, °moils, DyNohteri, kito.,'haVd aslonisliSd thoclvlllzed .10 no um catulipoony; hut an flrilelo, that has Stood the tent twouty-tUo yen.. 1:110 VIIOIMOIIN sole and rapidly Incrouslog didluiud ie of Oned thb sorbet (Uri 'dunce of its usofultuissupuLpopuluritl,. Nu foully should ho without bottle Ulu hooka." Hundreds of . dollars itul iuouy huurs of pufforlog may ho toyed by its : ' ' , 9s DEAI 1128 , lILINDNESS'''arId - treated with tha utmost success, by J. lotto, (ifs D., and Professor of Disease. of th . e.Ly and Ear (hi sinciylity)in the Jfeclicqi,C r opeocAf j.'copncyfrotifa, 12 years experitice, Ocim'orly of Lcycieti, lioliand.) No. 804 ArcO Ntrcet, Riffle. ,Tectltcooialc tau bd e4 , efi at Me Oleo. Tholifiadiefit'faculey are ialtud to Aff , ' inpacy-tliCir•peticifitif, - as 110 11,11111!110 cadmic In hie pruotioe:l Artificial eyes limited without wan. Nt chtiriff tbi:oiceinfifflitlpp; • I ••,•• 4.oJuly ol.ty c‘ti, : Bodk,toads,Viro hn Icon wita,aoui.Bl 9 vcs; Fondorg, borgoni, „Oro!, Oritriped 010 h forbyark fardat'ars ttpOticsife *i:ry ' vo T i4Oß Wiepii;.ol:l3 itmokiil. Wire ,Worics, Von by 'aiblroeslng th'emanutactFare,M.Witabla i3o* .2461)7447 ). ERRORS OF YOOTEI .014 10 ,_nripw 1 !* , istgorMfor,swefi99 , ; 46 711 111 Ilebiilly, Premature Decay, and ott the effects of youthful indlecretion," - Nillitbd theesiikci off stroking b l umautty, aoml free to all who need It, thd receipt. for making the simplO remedy by which ho was cured. Sufferer, whiting to profit by the , adaertia, or'e . experience' tan dolio by addretaing; in perfect cothdenco, 3011 N D. OGDEN, • 1 /N9,42 , Caqtu: P. blqw.Yl?!k , Noy 7-70.14 T., • MARKETS; CARLISLE PRODUCE MARRET. Corrected Weekly by I?. C. Woodward. CAnum.r, Thurinlay Morning, July 7, 1870. FAMILY FtOl7R, - $0 25 SUPERFINE FLOUIt, - - - 4 . 00 SUPERFINE RYE FLOUR, - • - • 400 PIIIITE WHEAT, - - 130 RED {VHF:AT, RYE, CORN, • - OATS,. . CLOVERSEED, TIMOTHYSEED, FLAXSEED, CARLISLE PROVISION MARKET. Corrected Weekly by William Waslonood. CARLISLE, Thllrtililly .51ornillg, .illiy 7, 1 . 870; BUTTER,- . - $l5 BOGS,- 20 - . LARD,- - l7 TALLOW, - 09 BEESWAX, - •- 35 BACON HANS, •- • 18 BACON SHOULDERS,- 15 BACON BIDES,- - WHITE DEANS, PARED 'PE ',ORES, lINPARED PEACHES, DRIED APPLES, RAGS, , - • MONEY MARKET -:o:- • CLOSING PRICES OF DEHAVEN ds BROTHER 40 South Third Street, PhilaticOicc, Three o'clock, p. m., July.s, 1870, U.S. Wu of 'Bl llb .111,N 11I., , ; 112 Illlr2 MEM **** J. 30 . Year a per cent Cy 114 pile come. Int. Notes Colnl Silver • • . Union Nellie It. It Ist 31. Bonds 815 855 Central Pacific 11.11. • tlOO 010 - • . Polon Pacific Land Grant Londe 780 79U We are prepared to farnlah Bayern. Starhpa of all danomlliatlona to our chstran 1111,011111 the fol• lowing iliecontit : On $ 23 and iiiiwarde 2 per cunt.. " 100 " " 1' " :100 " 4 i• "' We fill and forward all oidera upon Ow day of -their receipt. Coupono on Government. and Pacific Railroad Bonds doe July find, taken 8111110 Its 0111 d. 31A.RRIED SLIA ItTZ ER—SIT EISLEY.—On tbu fourth Inetunt, by the Rev. 11. C. Purdue, Mr. Jacob J. Sbartxer, to MI. toll to J :Diehlley, both of Dauphin county, Pu. NEW TO-DAY. 5-20'S AND IRSI•s = MOST LIBERAL TERMS GOLD Itoilght anti Sold at Mthrliel rntee _(I . :9'9 , NS CASHED PACIFIC RAILROAD, BONDS ar.l Fld itewkx bought .11,..01t1 On Couinil,slon only C II I C A G O, =I FIRST MORTGAGE 7 I'. C GOLD BONDS For Sale at 00 and accrued interetit:f_ A€ -counts received, and IntervNt ulloweil on I tally 1110111 M, Subject to cheek nt •Ight. -• DE DAVE BROTHER, No. 40 South Third atreet, I'IIII,ADELPHIA 27.1en701) List of unclaimed letters remaining in the postoffico at Carlisle, Pm, for the week ending July 6, 1670 : = ut•11, Ali.x Fsumb• , NieVure, Miss Margretln Deelelu, Mi.. Sarah J tilrlty, Mrs Henry ' Bunts, Mrs Slortiot ;Motto, Mrs Mori:lasi 31100 Lueri A Sutton, Alixa Catliarino Cough.), Mrs Itueliel Smiley. Miss Nthiervit 11111, Miss 311mtie :mitt, Mrs Ann • Tolouil, 3110 1: Frick, Nsimy Thompson, 310 i I lien (Irplmrl, Niniy 'Crosier, Mlnv Smite, Ilieiter, 'Miss 3loggie 1:1111,`, ❑numb. Mrs Mitrgoret Roll, AlrA 811 H. Hughes, Mrs hiizxbnlh Wo,ollund, Julie FIN3'LE3I . :N'S LISP. Anee, 21r 210 L Lepiarrd,Georg. Brown, .1 21 I °gun, (leorgir 111mriner, Kilward It '3lc.Keo, Stlllluel Bran.her. ll W ' Mior, 6 S Hebrew!, Jacob • Mar hi, A lox Bender, Lirel Oiler, Andrew 0,2 Donahue, It or .1. Polk, Henry D. 14, 0 M Phillip, Abroltom ' Dan blow', Ferdinand° Rol prig. Daniel lehlibough, downit Slay dx, II .. Herr, David 8110 rotaingli, Jolp • llogan, Daniel Swlt;ort, Henry llorttoon, A hewn Nell inola, John 2 Ilurroll,,Phllly . Swlgle, Goo N .. !longbow, Ladd Ellgot I, William Belly, George Sholir, Won • lorper. William Noll, J 9 Roman . , David • IVollior, 1111 • 1( Imo. David ' • Waggoner, Hoary Kregor, Ferdinand Wert, Abraham - Reek, A rolrew Wllklioni, Georg. Langrdorr, 11' 11 IVolker,•Welarrd A. K. lIHEEM, P. M • T U K ARORA ACADEMY,' ' ACADEMIA 't PA. The nth School year will begin Oopt,r7 toik the attention of inn nth t ud goorilion. to coilehlotation 01 tho locriln of thin 14, I IWAIION nltractlvw and In ovary way I'avwuLh• for pltyxical tluvolqn onna. p Tl.lll,ATlONE.—ltinnoved front the Saloons - s 'and loafing planes Ineldent,to townr,- d, EtlllektlONAL AnyiaiTgUES L-liarimst tenclii;rs and surroundings favor. • }Astor study. . „ Love I , ,wrAn:Mutt:l,-U lion boon 'hi itiecipgfu o;.etittiou thirty-fotir yen. and lute but‘pludento Iron ' uoirly every State. bib, MunAL inl.vinet.s.-=Mbe,,pracepte of thu Mblo .era daily taught. • ' 6th, CjiJur 1;:•tx.3 :77 1 . 4 , 111:t1e, : ii;2 , 9 9. 0-0 4V. Send fol. a 'at:ridgy. Alarlicaqp.a..allyill!',l; , D.' D.' STONV, A. XI l'Prlnclii!ile J. J. PA'III:IO , ..ON, A. M., 7.1‘.1470. °I t .DINANE Repealing . .an • OrdinanCe'. ' regard to . Cattle, Hoge,, Sheep, 'and Goate ning atlargedfttlnibaough of Carliele. • -no It eneatr;d by the Town Nounclrof ,thq.borough ;of Cutlet°, and It le hereby canoed by thottlutherlty, bf the Barnet That 'the' ordlnattro•pagged the 'Meth day 'of Blay, • 100, prohibiting the matting at largo of °nate. end. Ooaterwlthin the lludtwolthe borough, ho eng,the game In hereby re-, peeled. .„. ' Enacted tutwitn ordluatwo„ thy ,Ilret , day of . dilly, A. D. 18 7 9. • fiEiktiiii ''reilldont of Cound Attox..—lL , McOOottiii, JO -, :4 4 Socrotary of Corpo ' n. ' DUN 8. LOW, 1 , 0180.11iirest =SI 7Juli7o4t • EST . /ail is•TOTICIE: • Lotto of Adminlsteution on the oStile'of Sin. u* lthenl, late of paver .4prinEr—tesmddPe. , ' aosom,,lnaldr. hada I groniedj Aid Itegieterj of Cumboriondeounty,to the undersigned residing !nth° Shake township, notice .15 hereby ;Ivan to ail, por oons knowing thogirobies Indebted t,d Fold &date, to mita - Payment, and those having claims, to jiit S oent thent,proporly stithentleated for settlement. , , ii,t4•11214 BITNNH,' ' • Isdsolutatrator. 7lnly7oot ' ' ' ' ; •"' •'" =I .11TETi' TO-D9.Y .. ,~ Executors, ailnlinlelr6W 6 ;_ . "4'o !f r di ang 811' null.? fled that all accounts for contirmation and alloWtinco, dtdho out. Orphans!, Court, (ilageot 16,) must' Mod in till, Reth.lor's Mei, on dr, boforo the 'rayon toonth day of July, 1870. J 0 44 . .4 NEELY, , 7July79 • 11111;1SO:fr."' • INOTiCE. Notico hareby given„tliat upplication,Nlll ha made to ,tho next Legislaturo, fur the' incorpoVation Aof,a Dank of Deposit and DlE:aunt, to hojocated In Carlisle, Cuiriborland comity; 'Pa; -to ho called' the Farmers' Batik," with a capital Ur. Fifty ThOrisand Dollars, with the privilege of increaeing to Ono nun , droll ThoUsand Doparq. NOTICE is heieby given OA Willitini clerk, of Southampton townshinims thade'ait Assignment of all his proporth.real and personal, In trust for tho benefit of- his creditork to the under signed. All parsons, therefore, Indebted to the said William Clark will make payment to the raid ea. dignees, and that, haying claims or demands Win make known the came without delay. • W. 11: MILLER, P. SADLER, 7J uly7o-6t 'Assignees of William Clark. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of Administratimi on the estate Of "Edward Shower, late of thu borough of Coldish', deceased, have been Issued by the Registor.of Cumberland county, to the undersigned residing in tho sumo borough All persons indebted lb said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against It to precut them, dilly au thenticated, for vottlament. ' JANE SHOWER, C. INIIOPP, . '&131(i-1A Administrator. LARGEST -BEST-CHEAPEST . Enterprise, Industry, tart, liberality, !Ina the best talent, have for over twenty years been feeely need. upon 3100RE'g RURAL NEW YORKER, and as a result it is now. 6re-eminently, the larest, best; and cheapest Illustrated Rural, Literary ; and Family Weekly In the world. Tens at thoutrande of wldeqmake people all over the ,continent take and admire the Rural; for its superior ability, v . alue, illustrations. style, hc. The Press and People praise it / 171 y 1 - 12 la r' 1117 1 , ..r example, en extlattige says " The 111fral in the most elegantly prlntml, ably edited, widely cir culated, and heartily welcomed paper, se a whole, which now finds its way among the people." 42 — V01. XXII begins .Inly 2. Try it " Owy $1,50 per volume 01'26 numbers, or $:1 per year. Lere to el aloe. Subscribe tow! Address I). I). T. M001i24, , 7.1u1y70.4t 41 Park Row, New York. 3.1(4% ni 111% 107 109 50 CENTS Will pay for the • NEW YORK WEEKLY DOLLAR SUN • from now to January 1, 1871 Ouei/olhtr will pay for tho StanhWoekly do. do. (7.4_11 alAtltiotyli for the Dolly San. Addiwti duly - II tt AGENTS WANTED SURPRISE SEWING MACHINE, Pile° $5. Warranted to do work equal to filo boat nunibluo in nom County ItWan for /ado, Ornrl for n sample machine. 7j011)70 It ATENTS.—lnventors who wish to P ink, out Letters Patent are advised to counsel with Munn Co., editomlof the Seictaific A merican, who have prosecuted claims before the Patent Often for over twenty years. Their American and Euro pean Patent Agency Is the most extensive In the world. Charges less,than any other reliable agency. A plunphlet contailihm 101 l instructions to Inven tors la smut galls. MUNN S CO , • 3i Park Boiv, Now Yolk: NEWSPAPER A Rook oil 25 closely - printed pagek-lately-Ismed, .rontairis a Dot or the' best American 'Advertising Mediums, giving the ironies, circulations, and full particulate concerning the leading Daily and Weekly Newapapprii, log ether, with all those having large circulations, priblfilieit In the ins threat of Religion, Agriculture, Literature, &c., Every advertiser, and every person who contemplateg becoming such, will find this book of groat value. Mailed free to anyraddress on receipt of fifteen cents. CIEO. P. HOWELL & CO. - , - • 1'111)110ms, No. 40 Park Row, Now York (ESTARLISIJED 1830.) ELCH' & GRIFFITITS Mn=l Fawn of all descriptions. Axes, Belting, and Furnishings. Circular Enos with Solid Tooth, or with Patent Adjustable Faints, superior to all to. iotrted teeth sale. SIFW- Prices iteducod,'"oll.- r Pricy Lint lout Clivelnrev - LZ WRI.OII & GRIFFITHS. Thtton, Mom, or Detroit, Mo,h MEI FOSTER'S Ppent Conyortible Hoe, Fork, - Rake, and Spade. Pour bitlhipollsable Imply:llo,as for the wit° of NI State WOW fur Sulu. 7/u1)70 4t ~- . .IALIE*3IEN wanted in a paying busi: KJ aims. S. ICENI:VEDY, 413 Clieptuut street, Phil adelphia. 9July7o-4t. CANCERS 1 TUMORS! ! ULCERS ! Positively cured by n. now inettualoiithou pain, k nifo, nr catictie. Call o :Ale°. ProreHr!er University, il4 Pine vt , 011110. r .101 a, Pn. 7jitly7o.4t. MEDICAL Lrt hopo that the ine.mr imartir'e of touninla turing poisonous evaeiranta in. moms of ituligrstlon billemmvm, rountipation, and femsle rlohrlay, altneAt but of /late. Whet the Tenlc.Cothartie TN, dared by Mature herself In the most valuable Bind Wry Spring in the world is re,preilumd by .clones, In the term of • • Tarrant's . Seltzer Aperient, . it lo indeed mithauntuer toodniao le rook, reloxand Irritate the diseavoi or Mitobbled oyat am with &mile purgative., This refreohleg 111141 delirious counter , part of a remedy rtepored by rreutive,hatt of the Omnipotent P yokinu . Ilimxelf, to everywhere ' tlupertiedlug tlio ilinueolls unit 1.1”1:0111.•g e.topounds heretofore meal ao Inxotive.. told by all Druggi.to. ' , 71111%70—1t. PROMPT, ITONQRABLE, Lg. iS wnntu.l In evkry pity, town null villsgo r.r tile largest and inns[ toweessnil 1101,f,A111IOUtqE 14 the emintry , —tmly one endorsed 'by the leading. papers and express companies of the United Slates. Our goods give universal satisfaction. our premium's to agents cannot be excelled, and our clivelts are Iron, Having twit lanilon—noidon and Chleago,our , tics are unequaled, and 'our 'business' exceeds in itinonnt sill oilier enneermi in ibis trade combined. tie-SPitrl for Clrenhirx • 60' Froo . .Clilli 'to" TIIOSIPSON lz CO . 1:1(1 F(itoral Oreot, • Ilotitnti, or 168 n fit re et; Chleliwi. ' ' PSYOIIOIIANCY, or Soul Chrumilig. woudorful, book ; It. ithoWft 'how either Nor 01111 fomolindo ally uit. thoy wish. Inlitatrtly . • (All -powee.)— It toocholi bow to gat rlgh, Alcholoy, Ineant3 loon, Doinonoll fry, SOP tihltoto.,"llllyrltiAti and..a thousand wonderk. :Mellott fo(' tbloontd...r Ad drens T. WILLIAM k l'uldhillorkt, South grviloth street, I.ldladelphli: Pa.', A)! ' I 7Ju1y71.1-1t B RIDE „ a „ 1111:1 I'ND.-3jlip?Ellotor. • ; for Inting,inen: noi, In emleil en •e Inpus. ITOWARD ABBOCIATION , Ilos I', Ph 1134.1 " ' ' • 731t1y711. NEW MEDICAL PAMPHLET. Boiidnxl, Phyeleal, , o'd Nerrauto Debility, situ ofteeto and, core. PriceYG apt. Aiire., SECT I:• TALLY, Moscow of . -tuotoff,'l , llti Brutolway, New York. . 71,11Y4t. soIITH mouNT.A. , IN_JhoiS qo's.; RAIL ;., j °pa; of .oelet3 : 1*(411,11'illie'llIdelti: I • • Tenn' a, July 7, 184 Tienri6 MoNt I Pi 31. Leavu Carnal. (C. V. IL. c vbatiol 210 • " .7tanctlon ' .111).°. 1141114 "..9,45. 6,6 14 1 11;;t . i's "' " TOM" - .gge• Arrive itt 146 Groyn;..l, ... .. T. 10.45 , , ,I ;I • atICTUILNIN:O:r ••( w ' '' 7' ~,,..,1,210 1 1.50 4.25 Leave PIO Gr0w,..... .. 'Hunter's Run;. , .. . .. ... ,Arrive tit Auldlon ' • •• • • ' • Connoctiont witlAtet trains, fronfl t bliailol: lialtintora rtnd Ilarrlsburgt , - *Connecting meth *tuning trallarfrcusnyhthAa. pith% and Baltimore Mad aftornoon trains:frau? gsrstown and Ilarriebtirg. . -•;••J •t • ' • It_ Thin schedule to bb continued:to and from Tle-Dia grounds at fluntos's Run; lot Etrouriduu• tfial'of ton•dr mored 'Ol 11, ; ,! 1.001:11100tIng 'with morning faet;traloa toMbilattol.o Ilarrlatoirg ; , . Exoonszox. ,Tiourra. ! iidni • • g i utt.or . a Win • • Wrom,Clarllelo to 2.1 t. Holly and 4 .' ".•• Honor'a Xtun t , - '''• ........ 0.76 'Pim" ardve: . ;.. 7.00 • C;'' =MEE 7JU I Y 2 PL, . ~,;, R DA: AlAtel ON, - -4,wborpoko- AL. Hon. James U. Graham, P.residentrJudge ofihe . Havana Cdurts of.Cotamcgi , :Views ,pr lbe counties of Cnniberland, Perry, and Juniata, and Justice of the Several Courts of .oYer and ,Termlner and General jail Delivery in' bald ionntfedi tail tba; 11o17,Thalandi P.lllalr, and the 'llan. liugh .Eitnact,,JO.dgm ,of gioj Courts of Ayer and Terininerland Getunid dry for the trial of all capital. iind other offenders, In tho said county,ot,Cumberiand, by theinpreceprlo mo directed, dhted elefdatti' of Aprik- 1870; 'haVebniered, the Court of Oyery and Terminer and General Jail Delivery to be hoiden:At 'llsrliele,..yn the 22d of August, 1870, being agiffourth Monday.afl o'clock to the forenoon. Notice le hereby given to thO!Coraftye, drastic e bf Oho Pence, and Constables of the said county of Cum berland, a that they pro by, the said precepts onn., rruinded to be then and there to their proper pernens; with their rolls, records, and inquisitions, examine, tlous, and all otherycluembrances, ty.do thus° th Inge which to their elks. appertain .t. be_ dons; ntbt all these that nro, bowl by recogniglinces to, prosScute against tho prisoners that tire or they 0411 tab In tbli Jail of sell county, nix, to be th.,e,to prosequte the, ni Us shall be Just. i II `1 • , TT ,„,, 1 Shurlll'B Office, Carlia l l ° B s N' - : -- r 7 2 g17;,;18 . , Juno 22, 1870. f . 7July7oot ST. JOHN'S SCHOOL. F'it It Y.O II NA 2kl E N A N.D .11 O.Y $ Having parcbmied the ',cheat Intoly onnduatud by Pea. N. W. Wrratti I %%111 opan an . , , English and Classical &7e061, ior Voting Gentlemen on the first Montlny of Fry tomber next, In .lentils Im!Ming, Hanover ntrret Corlittle. courNo of study will be doBlgned to propire " Addre. y " ng '°c° for co J. }VERIST CATIIELL, Priocipto." Box 2t13, P.O. Wiloio7o4l.ti REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE .PIIIST NATIONAL BANK. OF CAR, LISLE, PA., cit. ebb of LIIfIIiICNP, June 9, 1970 I, , . . ~ . • I .LOAIIIN um: plecoun t s ": ps trio *,7 ' ..Over-Drafts tit 5.11 tia U. S. Bonds for circulation .10,000 fOO , Other Stocks. Bonds, ritid - Idoitgapes.... 10,n00 tio Due from Redeeming and Reserve Agfr. 1,109 22' " " other Notional ,Benks 2,119 .19 other Banks and BAnkurs.... 5.892 89 Banking House Insurance 8,092 17 Furniture and Fixtures 1,090 CI . . . . - . . Current Eitionees ' • :1,112:1 30 Taxer paid .. 1,515 21 emit hams Including Stomps 94805 ON 11114 of other NOttonal. Ilan Lt 0.1,530 00 Legal Tender Notes , 15,220 00 Fractional currriney, includl icscin 1,020 80 Protest Account eltpilal Stock paid in Surplus Fond Discount sitilinturest =MMI National hunk Circulation 0100tantling. 45,000 00 Incllvltlool Deltoid!, .. Doo to Natio.] Rooko 1. W. ENGLAND, I'lll,lloler, New York Stale of l'ennsyleluda,l County of Cumberland, f•"' Tbottbovo statement Is true to the beet of my knowledgo and belief. ' " ' • ' ' CHAS. lIEPOVEN, - Cegh Solmeribed and sworn Lefore toe this seventeenth day of Juzw,lno. J. M. ALLEN,. Notary Public. Ern MESSINGER A INMAN, :to North Filth tdreel, Philadelphia, Pa SCHOOL TALC FOl 1:18n The School Directors of the borough of Carlisle, hove Issued their dupitexte for collection of the School Tax of the present yosr 1870. Notice is therefore given to the taxable Mizees of sold school district. that the School Treasurer will attbunt3lie County Court House; (Conimlssi oilier,) 004 , • TAU/J(l4 a n d:Fr iddY, ll ve p tc atll send next, between the hours of oleo and five o'clock of sold dam (or the purpose of receiving said taxes, and uji to said.dates the Treasuier .recelve, the taxes at his office. No. 29, '' Marlon West Main street. ' ' - ADVERTISING On all taxes pant on o, beforn tlm [thin . ° dates a Crlrwlll-110-tnado. NOTICE I. Sealed proposals will ho roceivi.l at thin oillve until 10 u'elork, a. in, lilontinv,ily IC, 1870, for furnish ing'the" Coinuntnir at Carlini, Barret:hi With 155 BE:g - T — F - A.3IILY for six mrinlbs, front and after the next tiny of August, 1070, or *such teen Unao no thu Commissary °donna of Subsistence V. B. Artnyaney_tlitest.. —i'ruintetalt7l.lTiat.. told. oncrorseir 11 Proposals for Flour,", must contain the dames of two responsible pet's°. 0 Ito will sign the bond and heetnne'reeponelblefor thti faithful perfoinutitro of the colitract. . . . Pereons who bid nro reqiented lobe pronent of the opening of tho torponnia. The Gonermoont refterven thu right to roJeut only or all bide,which they may snider unrousonable, or fur any other nonielent cnu e. . . Dr: Ayer A) Advertisene 1 AY ER'S JSQ. 77. FOSTER. Vit For. restoring gray Hair ,to its natural Vitality and Color. A anissing which tt at once agreeable, healthy,, and effectual for preserving the bait Fade d aY yray hair is saint re stored toia origknq color willr'ihe Eilv4s rind frcslinrns .of youth. Thin haiiiS,lbick efied, falling hair checked, anti. baldness often, thottuknot waYweurediltrlts',use. Nothirg can • restore tit where the follicles are destroyed, or the: glands titroplifed ant.l'Oceayed. .But such. at' re main can be saved ftir.:uioNl i n,ossi byf; ibis apPlication: 'lnstead of foaling the hair wide a pasty sediment, it wilfbe - dp Italian and vigorous. • Its occasional tisu ', will proven (the: hair from' turning gray 0.1 Wring Mt, and • censequMitly prevent Free from` those delettirioes substances ,Allich.nlak . O sonw'nhiparatrons ,tolgitrt!tit: and injurioug to the the Vigor can only benefit but not harm 11 wante,l nu:Nl')." for. ki ' • M A D I N E iEmAirtx 710,1114tpR0 him bo linmd ' , 4ii 16111'2011e C 6,1 t,131 .1 ) 1 ti'g Theit.l)o. it (loeA 'll‘. soil ,wliito cambric,. and yot insts:lOng :ork tliva.liuir, giving it a rich ghmsy Itiqro and • ar,c kr4t - epo ;".;". - • I?t(.paie"il by Dr: J. ‘ii:.‘A . u.; PiuturicA Al 4 4FfOT., LOWELT„ 'MABI3. • .• • • • Apet.ts, entlislo, Pa. 1141,70.1'y '• ' " ' • ' • TIGOIJBLIC SALt. Or A VALUABLE .JL,TAN YARD" AND OVINIL:IMA I ! , ESTATES, ,G 0 SOf !gi; Thursday,, July 21, 1870, bit that Valuable talqstirti awl elegant Inhale re I. donee, .on Pomfret etreet, between the Luton Spring 111111 Emit ntreet, in tilt cmlislo, belonging tuollehuel The ton rani Is, bevoild all ,uniparison, the best in Carlisle or 141 the . • POtltleSell. Of tlu•_ttu yntd n• 111 Ito given Ire to ,cilLttolY - ottOr of tim retO6tlioi4oi Ai.rll 1.11171, or noon, it• titNirMi by limo porch:l/or.. • ..totloo.otho'u will 611,1111lIk; Imioutu oilAty of noL•, ttr privatoly on tippllcatlon to FURNITURE, FURNITURE. FURNITI7RE gaDinot Malcom, .1 ' No. 413 WALNUT ST., Our evt.boonoutiA one or thu °Meet ih l'h tikin; Lllnt Nom fungal ppritinee Und eurietier lilt lex 1106'pqAmt4+d i ty hirnfalfwantl'u'ert, at , ienstt tilde ' _ • .1 , t , , M3 ,• WenuOittrattilte fitio'fnrniftire,f t6lfi 'lilll . lllllollilllll' priced furniture of eupetior quelity2 l 14terkeitneft of futnituro ntwnye on hand. Goods , Ynadd tel °Het i -I--- ' . vdfilr•lVotqc-,*'lvnti. , olTlto , Ntirtti him Ifor Ilsolc4lllllcthi tiotrßtotklisninle to . Jos, XV , ArroN. ' J. W. WPINCOTT, • JOB. L. SCOTT li;lofob7oA.i4 !i ir I; G ENERAL UP lOLSTEItY. ~,i filfAiti, .: I.:IIfALE,' '' i /_ l i Aad„Axell , ,tp,qt, Philadelphia, offers for tlio Spritgerrialo n splendid assortment of fliittigglials inO'llentLsco Cartains.,Winilaw Birds itral !Mario*, inittlotioirost's6lorattildillehikks. .11.iinduir Cornieos in (lap, NVainat.ittnililtoratiood lirld'itilirPirdrnititrii blips MO boolotedlttdd, !bard rriogri. , lk , s I ‘',.oor rig. : :, , ,i to :toi,t,lis it 'Spring and f s air Mattresses rondo to • orgem, 0 Agent'for Om &latent, Siotaillo,Springdigars ai Sir itholPitteht liitfringiVixture forl tv klit Yindaaos t , f 1n070.2m _ „ aItRUDIT-SEBASI-, ~ ', Qenerat Bnp(0 EDI7CATIONA FINANCIAL IZEI'OBT =EI EIZI LIAUIIITII $ 50,000 00 25,000 00 9,380 79 EU= =BM JOHN 11, 0111 t,„. C,.rrve t: SAMUEL itp.mairit.N, S. HESBUITH L JA. :4i.00167 0 IMieclors School Tax f9r 1870: J. w. BM, . Teensor.. 1 junt "tft-,t Proposals for YRANK-MADDEN, - 2d LiPuteurtnt 1.1:S. A.,. A: C. S. 0111ro Of A. v.rlislo IlarrnetcP;•Pd%, Junels,lhlo ft f • lIAIR HAIR VIGOR..i lIAIR VIGOR. HAIR VIGOR. 'II 'AI It' 'I) It' Ie; B'B IN. , Beal. Estate: at Fatale Sale S. HEPBURN, , Attorney ;Br ;111.411 lquily7l) ~ y . ~,~ J 0 S lo.ioN . 5a CO,, • .u't • • 5 11714 1 rititicTtlk yritiver stree •14k1;1 1 4Vn E l :6) AIL 1‘ , 770fflip"--4 1 11#-PICANAYk i k . „ .11 ";OUI.OI • • .-.- - • I• Tho Ittdia336 are Il it m ted•at liw l ipper part of the Idln,.;nrroufidtd b;k fat, and col,. dieting of three pitttiVilt: ttullApterlor, the tote and'thNi Elderlor . ! ' ..1? ! •t" t ^ •‘• anterior nheorbg. Int Herr 4slsts of (heap v Ins, which snrve ali4Jll4injit'fiirstltoltrine and Loirey It to the exterior. The exterior Is n rentlye Sur also, terminating In nainglo tube, and called [IRS Ureter. The liroterp (irggipmdle . , l with tlin bladder The Glm4ler Is conipeni, ynriou, coverings or !MICR, divided into paHj,: the Upper, the rower, the Nervonx; jAttweue. The upper expels, the lower NAOMI. , Many It vo 0 desire to ilriltilto without other', ulhiate xlthout ho ability to retain. Thin frequently occurs In To core these ntlect long, NOI2 out ring Into erllno ho muscles, ahich•nlr ertgago i l In their various functions. If Choy non 111.1.6itl, " praVil of Dropsy hilly in m • The reader must 11111111.lear13, thnt bOWtVer light may be the IW:telt, It is .tire to affeet the norily health and Monlnl lowers, is m.r llc.h and dood are supported frotitlon: to tiot.4 ort RiltumkriSti.—Pott; toreurring in loins Ix Inilicati vet of 'VA. nhme Jiseaieg, ,•••Tlit.y ntcur In r:• rernoll , l 41Iffp?qq4 , t., acid 4tomnch.tpl.l theAvEr: —The gravot from n.•glrrt or EMI rlllprolll2l .' t rent inert of the hitlor3,. or,ethe •eing weak, the water lo not,•sp•lh•d from the Wail VI )7)1 01 de . , but allowed to remniu; It become; feverkli, and rditn,ta forpip. „ Is k from this cleiit that th• •tone In rorime,t, and grace) en.nes. DnorsY le n tollection of wn ter in Amt. part.s.,l tli MED 5)234 61 1 . 2, I, I 2 oaly, and bears dilrerrat 11111111,, eveatiling to the EOM :arts We, wit ' en 'generally ;flamed o,er the ,t 04 body, it is csQlul A Inuaren ; tche•u of tbo itbd,',up• Areiten; when of the chest, Ilsdrothornx ,TSI LST.-110hrIbrIld biglll3' Colleen trat”.l n nu Pound Extract ,1111Chtl in dplAettly_gite..f eledie, for !Ikons. of the blad.:er, kidney., grallol tlropNival ss% ell ingx, riteuuntlispl, .4 gouty atTeri . . hen We Lore arranged ifinnin y nod pain in paniing wafer:ty. S. Teflon, or small and frownt disrlmigeg of iiltior Strangnry, of hl4 , pplng of water: !form:1011ln, or blood) mine (lout and Ithetionitkin of the Ic'ilneyii; wit: tit airy iii quantity, bat iu,'rert , • ri or dal* cantor.• It WWI 111W4 . tyS . Ilighly recoil ion:idol I.y late Dr. Phy+iiik, ' 1 Tills inedici no litOrrhses the pow, r of , tigo.tlon...t. CX.Citeli OM srl,othento Into !remit by exorcho• hi which thewatettir — irtiirti+l3l,llrptiMtitot, and i'dh , . uuunlnral eubvgennrots, as %%ell n, pain rethicor, awl 414 tnyen by men, woinen, and chlkka.a. Uirretiou.lbru.r and diet acromlmny 191111‘411.11.1tia, l'n., Fob. 1,C.7 I=l9 Dear Sir—l hove been a sufferer, for upwinxl of twenty 'years, win In gravel, ',holder end kidney alien thins, during which ninon I have used various noodle hal preparatfnms, and been under the treatment of the most eminent inhjsiciens, experiencing but little relief. Having somf * yntir preparetions ex I oaf I vet y adver tised, I consulted sVitli my family physician IS regard to using year In n is:tract Burton. I did this because I had lavtiall kind+ of remedies, aniblooltonntl thnut worthless, and some quite Injurious; in fact, I despaired of ever fettling well, and determined to use no remedies herealter unless I knew of the ingredients. It was this that prompted me to use yobr remedy. As you advertised that it was tow puled of listehu, enthebs, and juniper berries, It occurred to 1110 . 11111.1 my ph3nielaii as au excellent combluation, , and, with Ida advice, after an OXIIIIIiIIIItiOII of thin ',tide, and consulting again with the druggist, I concluded to try it. I omit :twinned Its one about eight months ago, nit which time I was confined to my roam. Front' the firdt bottle I want astonished and gratified at the hen ell vial effert, Emil after noting It three weeks, Was able to walk I,llt. I felt much Into' waiting' yon. n full sratentent of my ease at that time ; but thought my limo common( might only ba to.r.r.rY, nod here' loro r4,llollldlql lit defer and HOO if It would elleet pert et cure, know lug' then it unjcl lie,of greater cube to yon. nod more sa tisfnictri`rj , VS Me.' Ilion 11(.1'11111v to report that it cure Is 11. cliff:it - ter tat tug the remedy for live months. I have not used any note OV F months, and feel as wont in nil neapniitirninilnsine 4 linl.n, • Your Iluelni beim, devoid of tinny implentanott meta and odor. 11 nice took and lu viginnitor al' the by inn nn... L d" Uithollt It n Inene‘er invasion luny retilltrie lint nog In ouch Artrorti.,r.. Soo IJ 11“ doubt 11r. N1.C. , 11111 , 1,'s •ilittetlirnt, be ;life. to 110. gi•ilthiovn : .•; lion. W[11.11141,, rc 11..vvrnol, Ptult,4)lvit.nla nom Mhos, B. Florvuoe, L's.! ltdol Oulu, ~ lion. J. C. Judge. Phi' :olelphia, pli D. It, Pot 11,m. E:118 , .• n,.... I, C, c • cutt~:j~uµ. U. W. WlnflardrJudge, Ph Ifoit. ° W: A. Porter, City Solicitor, 1169 1 :/011 , 111yet,., (!x , .i I c,iv'!lrlio,'r,:Blll?,r,,9lll, lion,. H. thilikti,'Aiitliti.r Caporal, 'Washington; It. C. •..• • • . Atsd ngwyaglugq, If ni;oriA.ry. hors. war?:offqhplprfO . tio. Auk for Ileltollold'o. Toko ath'or. Prloo-8145 per bottle, or U bottl vo,fq . $0.50 bulivdrelt ta;ai•y:iulQrdn IDeecril.D:smbtot hi all c( 1?? . .klu.'1 1 Sli, 1 ",":•: ?. 'y , l ;'; ....; ,;p. , Att4robw , '•! ti, , tf-41ELlitrtbr,D,h ' pi,-tg• dirt eniicat titi:(4t`o? . 14. o 17. 1 • , Maq:10. , ,E , ;.. 13 ,g/q/kil'lf , VlNbErS ilono.up witASL.P:4O;II° 'Aiii4Mlicklic;il,4eo4'pplB;nna elgnoQ id>. rt i - 3011igegii • r . • .. 1 431-2 1 Y , A , D kElill/SiEMENTS. jFEIL t .1 El PRODUCE AND c9Arr,tlp§ipx NO. 10 . NOItTlf WATER s'ittEivr; . Solicit consignments of all kinds of Product,. Also, Butter, Eggs, Poultry, &e., Use , ' Philadephia Ryferatees:—N., C. Namicman President of tho Union Banking Calumny, Phila. 3fessrs„tillen & Clifford,; and Messrs. henry gloom & Son, N. 11..t1olane 'fiend fia. 11 . r.61t1y 'Priv.. Current free of ehnrge. ' 3ninr7Oinn PLASTER WORKS, COATES STREET NVTIARP. • A NY inquiry will receive immediate annwer. Sati,factinn - in ',leo and innt,nial amoral, 'Lad silipMelltit promptly undo. -4h110.1) 810,000 GUARANTEE 811 Bt. }'Or iIN Unrivaled Sectititl,fritrks Unequaled bpraltility. tt Third, Fen its I:usurp:Need Clivvj int; Vnititt.ly 4d - IT raft les+ t, paint, with the k fiewt, than any other White head extant. 'rho same i•halit I . OVPI'S more sus fare, is mere ilaralile, aunt make, whiter work. First. For it 4 thssiusloil.flurability =lll Third. For it+ Illisurp,tdled Cove, ing .Prop.rl. beim; the cheapest, hanthomest, 411111 nwet ,littable While Paint to the morlol. BUCK LEAD AND BUCK 'LING; =9 BUCK OT'T 1 UF, CO L,O • outbuildings or every deem Perm= &e. - 'Thirty-lire dilierent Colors, Liar:dile, Uniform, and Beautiful Shades. Sample rxrdx i (desired. Dealers Orders hill ha prodill3 asi tailed I.y 0,1 111.11111f.t111 . 1./11. • 1 N. W. COIL. TENTH AND MARKET STREETS BY HENRY SAXTON & CO., lii 20j 5t,701 y B9IVEI3S- COMPLETE MA.ATRE, undo frnin Super l'lniaplinto of Lime; Ammo nia, and totasii. F'or sale liv all loading dealora. = Ott account of (ho reduced coat of !taw \httericle I ant enabled to toll ••Compicte 31Itunre," at a lower mice, and by the alii of now machinery It Is improved in condition, 111,/ iu PIAUI'. (Warranted frrefr.lit adulteration ) 11 ENII • BOW Elt, Manufacturing Chentist. Oray's Ferry Road, Philadelphia. TIM manure emit:Um all ilte elearentx ill plant final is n Eoluble form, 'von tahring nx wu 11,.L0„d for gh in lasting fertility to the hill. Exp.-rience lu thelmo " Complet.. Ma pure' by tho twat Eitinnoit of Pennsylvania, iler,.ey, aware, Maryland, and al the New England Slates, running through a tairtod or three 3 eat,' trial, has resulted In confirming it to In. TICII lIEST FEINT LIZER NOW OFFERED FOR SALE. _ ,DIXON, SIIAItPLESA & CO, 40 South Dulawitre - wit.t.litm nErcor.bs, 105 South strvt.t, Itulti Iwo lOinar7l)-::““k.sop:iin E XECUTOR'S NOTICE o/11 1111. EEEtEill• of John late of Om lE.ErEEttgh of earlklEE, tErtEmEtAl, litre Ewell I.Ediel 1,0 Mu IttEgEdter of Coniberlantl comity to the toltbseribtEr, renitling t said lEortEElgh. All perStkili 1114014 Ni to Ow Er.tattE Et tequE,lEEd to 111:11, ImmE.Eliato payolool, and thou hileltig Malmo to prevent thela, Ehilly 11.11,1E1 icated. for hidtletatErEt. GLIIEFII 11EjontE70Eit. EvEEE.Ettor. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE , I.uttrre yt Ni ill ou illy • kati• 01' Baralt 1. t. Swriyer, Inln of the Ito,. nugli of - Ne,,vllle, livtii 14,1101 hp ibe It.lthiter fit eimiliprl, millerslariell residing itt Hlllllll — 7ll ill•rmillq to nalti 1.8L11.0 are reittie.stiiii to. ik nae 11111)14 , 11We pay ent, mai lla.n having vhit. :tgara. It, hi t Item, duly 3110101101 at.:ll, for .WMOllll'lll. .}:I)tV'IN .IAIIES, • ,„ I . N TNE ORPHANS' co trill' IN ANI FOR THE COUNTY Or CUMBERLAND. - 1.11 the' nui,,tt9r of the Estate of ;Tames Clk , er; late' of California, 'deceased. Tho-untlerragned Auditor r appointed by lito arid Conn to make distribution et tint balance remaining in the heaps of John Miller, administrator of hue said Jantra Cutler, bit,, er , Californin deceased, to Among the parties legally entitled thereto, hereby gives IwNpn that ho will meat the parties In-. teri.strd, for The ingpme UI• his appointment, at 111 Ciirlisie, , 7•a , on Priday, .litty lft, isToor tens wiivre they may attend Ifs., minded. . M. C II Elt nAN, 2jnnosU•it . n Antlitor, ESTYPE ' JOSE]'J{ C INA?, LATE OR TUE BOR01:1111 cAIti.ISLI.;, dee.ved. . In the Orphans' Court of 01111001-Mac Countyt . Tho !Lamer appointed to unto n correct distribu tion of the ioduteof Joseph Culver, Into of the borough of CarHete, deceit...o, and to •anorrtoitt tho autonut overpaid, gaily, Ivy John Miller. oN . Peottas or . 1,1 'aecoltsed, to the dithributees sold Mate, find to loot the same to the said Court, wilt stteud to the ptirfortuunee of his thilks toi Auditor uformid, ut his office. In the borough or Ourilt.le, ht., on Pridelb•tio, .fifteenth day qf Jtely, A, D, 1070, at ten o'clock, • when And • Wilero all portion Interestud ure,hereby untitled and requested to attend told represent tlich several interests. • Mu C. 111,1101 AN, jupp7o-qt „ _Porn bat.e---, , fra/ttr;o/e.Reat Esttite LUABLr R i d k.L ESTATE =MI oubserlL'er, wishing to rellmiolklk fltrmluq offers at pqvato sale , I.lllc. i •• TWO VALUABLE FARMS, ^ ' altinited In! Nonni° township. bet Ween Visit' rOadjurdrille roail loading to Boiling Springs, a short milt, from Churchtimit, and 1% !piles front Boiling No. 1 contains about:ls AOllllE , i, or lets, of excellent Litupstojr, inulifgh.siato of cultivation. Tho' indiAtinnelititro•aigsoil two story Farm llotWit, with WBBllllolltlo and bUildlagil,:.Allia,Allifllßolllll.lt now TOll4l}tlll , n.o. and a largo Dank limn, with wagon sheds, dom .:Tilts, other necessary outbuildings. fatal' heti' two necess ary springs' Of 'running water from which every fiold might easily hri sop , plied. Theso spriogs,food two spiondld. troll ponds.. Melo lents° n gaud Oraterd of ChalstiFroltOincit as v No: Z'containe about 4 ' tl .k .koll , Eg 'of ex 'eellent Llmestono land, in first rate ardor. 'tun litiprovoiuputs -aro 4,4100b1e, tiro. tory Weather hoarded lions°, with Kitchen, lake Homo, ,to J A Promo limn, racently repaired, with Wagon Shed: Girl Ca Ohba, andiftiter brit -Winding's filter:heti. • .An excollont Apple Orchard, with ti largo quantity of Clisrlics.outl,ottior. Apia?, „froifs„mo mound tha: buildings. good Wolf of water undo largo ciblerii nt tho lams). If ileslutble a Tract Sf , llrgodiand for each placnis, • " ' ' rename wishing to riot; those properties can ' do t es,' by 'cnlling on tint subscribor rosiding on thy ioptl lending from Oinirchtowit to Hulling Opringi, about ono mile oast 'of rho latter photo, or upon 11'1111i n:4>,', hy, F:i ; „ ~2June7o JOHN S: o , • ' COLVAND SPARKLING AT . , • fTt rAtYar,t cgcr. , 4 O'T E B No. 5 South linoove'r MERCHANTS, PHILADELPHIA, PA I=3 CALCINED AND LAND 1,5 T ER. r'3 z =Ol =I Cc., &c. SMITIt k HARRIS ICCK• ',EA!) hxcels gal ntrua I.E.tu! is 1,,.n0my.--6.tt BUCK 1,1 Ali i 6 tllO 011 , /lfrt and Lat.‘ 1 , 10 ,000 I'Alt A N 'LEE! I= Lastly, for Its Gn•+rt Pe ow.), =I Prep:ul • ll rxpr, ly for Pointing FRENCH, =I FOR SAFIE IPHOLESM.I2 A.Y.h tunAu Uo.i n iu Ilnnloam, I'ilnt~, Wt,, l; Insr, ,Er LEGAL NOTICES. -CAND.TD.ATES. FFOR,SHERIFF.—I hoyeby offer. my f wi'n:citilditlatti for. tha alto of FRIERIPP; anttioct to tho &ditto of tho 'Republican Nominating Oonvention B. K. SPANGLEIt. Carl Halo; lifitrclo2, 1871). . . „ FOR SHERIFF.—At the solicitation of a li - umber of Republicans throughout tho county,l offer myself as a candidate for the nomina tion of Sheriff at the next County Conyention, sub ject to Ifq.decisfon. limbic Carlisle, March 16,1676. Olk SHERIFF.—I hereby offer my- A 2 Fell' non erttuliclato for the office of SHERIFF, subject to lite derision of t . hoßopublican Nominating Cowinitta: Mt. Moly, April 6,1870 7.4)70te. FOR SIIERIFF.—I. hereby offer--my /wolf ae n caudithltu forth° offica of EIHERIFFI eithJebt ti, the lecklon of the It t epoblienn iNomhint litg ' JOHN FISHBURN CarliEle, April U, 1870:. inp7ot.o. COAL , AND LUMBER CHEAP COAL! CHEAP COAL!! N.L./ Tho subscriber is prepared to deliver, by tbo, car load, to notelet niers, and other consumers along the !toe of the Cumberland Valley Railroad, the cele brated / LYKENS VALLEY COAL ! AT 'Hai LOWEVI i POSSIBLE RATES FOR CASH This coal hi of every tmperio? quality, and will ho furnished at price. 4 which will defy all competition. The nulNeriber "will deliver coal nt Ont.'bile, by the car load, dud ng the current month, at the following pricer, per ton of 2,000 : Pert.. . &ovn 1;6 . And to oth', 'point!, of the road he will .flellyer adding or deducting the expense of different.° in rro K hto. The fthove rntes or ill he subject to the rho or fell of pricos, °nth month, nt the °lines. GEORGE ZINN Oftler—votpor of Main nod Pitt stmt. .1134170 BEST LYKENS VALLEY LIME COAL, $1.25, nt the yards a SUMMIT BRANCIT LYKENS VALLEY EGO STOVE COAL, dt.livortel R_ NUT COAL In the yard, 25 contx .At ;lie yards a • • A. 11. BLAIR, 1.1131.14111 t OF ALL KlND§ttt tho lowest priers At tho yatdt cf Boots, Shoes and Trunks STROMI & qPQNSLER, No. 13, &nth. Hanover street, Carlisle Air the patronage extended them litre traro, oaw annnunco their araal largo xtook SPIUNO STYLES OF BOOTS AND :110ES, FOR Ladies and Afisses, Gents and Boys, nrr 0ur11,111,1 for roml'ort and beauty. Also, AND V4LISES, IN= All M . m bleb r, ill be ,old .3t Small :1,1 . 211t. .0111' one and all, ani,:et a lull equivalent for your money MEI BRE Good. are not ,klways the Lest. Wisest you go to boy nu article, and especially lo the matter of • BOOTS AND SHOES go to a dealer on whom, words you ran reiy, - for very few or good Judger of leather. this time of tho year many will he wanting light boots and shoes for summer wear. All ouch can Ito accommodated at ADAM DYSERT'S, whore will Id, found •It supply at the lowest prided Boots and shoos made. to order with the gamest die patch. Place of business • No. 31 . Nast Lnitther street,:Carligle, Pa 14 , 4170 Gelarrated Hay. Tedder B U LL A.TID' 'IMPROVED HAY Tr4IIMEII I M It TA N T IMP 11 E NT9 I ' (Svo l'nlopltlet.) The eAperhoentg - tkiol pnhlle. trials of Um puot 60,14611 66t1,11 ,, 1 `LH Will1P1 , 1•111111 . 111 til•lt thn 1.7 L„L A It D TE,D DE, 'v"OW onlY ono' npp,./0141 Algtt ao! 111toranAhly ; , j)rAiitfall izUnils of linj., , on blllaolll giC;111111,! ny from 11In I?otttim, mid lettr . 4n4 . lt Its a light, (level' condition for drying." 131;reittin frehn hots iul tlin whrohl, and dorm norrun Dyer t,ho gra. oiler, It Is spread Jt Intlin only 1113 , 011 . 111‘ Ny Lotting .111)y t h at Is of light, easy hurl; for ono bons.. Its ono VM,1,114,:v Ihofirmer In rut, cure, nnil stow' limiy hay in (air day ? and cout IL :~rnl4o of rrnpv A large farmer' 'PaSi; . ''• TVs ',we in a.ithiglu.etson mock, limn pa): Ito ru5h, ,, '11!! , ./u!lori[ l . o . +l . m.i far iiiee ; the longer lie pulp llluy log, tilt) pcon . q. 1111., will Lo." .Tlll,O-.011 Vood waril . s IV:U.611611o, Ph gjant7o Itt. SPRT T NG 1807 •BIA leCl NOW orkitim IN DONITSTiO GOODS,ty IMPSS a°l3/101F11.ES, • " 413ATINETS, w lIITE' GOODS; ,~:~::., DItISB - TRIM)fMO9, • - . . ---•-•-•zioTp-ms AO I;l',Eif • GAIVICAT MAIN aTnyyr.,.,;' Opposite the , tleuelno Now, mixt to Poet pules Osclleld• • • • I= JOIIN RIAOADS MEE= $3 00 4 00 5 /5 6 25 I= VI 00 1 ri =I! Youths and Childs, IS . JOIN Agbnt 1111121