ill OWING , MATCH. ELEVI.IN hIACUINES IN COAIPETITION HIY lIIINDRED PI3IIOOIIB PR:E.RENT, THE ," DODGE' VICTORIOUS Oh 'Mond:l34lnd quite ti novel and ex.: citing contest took phiee on the "Happy' Retreat" farm, about ono mile west of Carlisle In TUE HERALD of last week Mr. Solm Hall, agent for thb Hubbard Reaper and Mower, published a challenge to the agents of the different machines in the county to test their relative merits by a public 'trial, on this day, in krasif. About half -past nine o'clock the com petitors and spectators began to gather at the place of trial, and preparations wore commenced for the test. The following Reapers and Mowers womentered Champion, manufactured at Springfield, Ohio, A: Kerr, agent. Williams, manufactured at Syracuse, New York, B. W. Woodburn, agent. Kirby, manufactured at Auburn, New York, W. G. Peffer, agent. • World, manufactured at Cantu'', Olio, W. G. Peffet, agent. Cayuga Chief, manufactured at Auburn, New York, W. T. Brandon. Ball; manufactured at Dover, York Co., Pa., S. Overdeer, agent. Dodge, manufactUred at Auburn, Now York, Long & Gish, agents. Hubbard, manufactured , at Rochester, New York, John Ball, agent. Buckeye, manufactured ;at Lewisburg, Pa,, Dunklo, agent. and the fellowing Mowers only : Kirby, manufactured at Auburn, New York, W. G. Peffer, hgent.' Wood, - manufactured at Hoosick ....Now York, John Fiehburn, agent. Sprague, manufactured Harrisburg, Pa., Parsons Finney,. agents. .. - A committee of judges was appointed' by the agent of each m:1,6111110 selecting ono person. The following gentlemen wore selected as the judges : S. W. Means, K. J. Coffey, 'William Cameron, David Lino, John Beetem, N. B. Moore, J. C. Sample, Samuel Greason, Thomas Leo, G. W. Ptessel, andllatutlaQ Corn man. The rit7es adOpted for the trial were as follows: The ground 'to he evenly spaced off, (ten steps,) and each machine to make one round, followed by the coin mittee:; after which all the utachin cc to start at a given signal- and finish their lands. The committee worked very hard, the sun was sweltering hot, and the distance traversed by these gentlemen was very^ considerable. The trial lasted from Len o'cloclc a. in., until two p. m., and it is estimated that over nix hundred persons were present, although not-more than three hundred were present at any one time. The Hubbard machine was ,the first one to finish the space allotted to it. At three o'clock p. m., the judges met aftlie BM - MD OFFIcFE t to• deoide as to the befit machine for grass. All the mem bers of the committee were presonti, with the exception of Samuel Greason. It was decided to vote by ballot, and on the single mowers first. The majority of all votes east tieing necessary to a choice. First Ballot—Kirby 3; Wood .3, -and Sprague. '2. Secoul. Rallo.l. y uu(1.5,. Spragno 2. Third Ballot.—Kirby I ; W and Sprague 1. Fourth Ballot;—Kirby 2 ; ‘Vod 6, and Sprague 2. • The Wood having the majority o 1 all the votes cast, was declared the hest mower A vote was then taken on the second beet mower, which stood Kirby 4, and Sprague 6. On the combined Reapers and Mowers, where, in reality, the real test lay, the challenge having boon front the agents of a combined, machine to agent's' of the same machine, a vote was then taken, which resulted as follows : Onvthe first ballot being had, the Dodge Reaper and Mower having a majority of all thvotes oast, was declared the best machine. A ballot on the second hest machine was then taken without result, but on a' second ballot being taken the Hubbard Reaper and Mower was declared the second best. Everything throughout was conducted on the fairest principle, no agent of any machine being allowed with the committee whoa-eunintllg the workings of the machine. The gentle men composing the committee were none of them interested in any particular Reaper or . Mower, although most all were familiar with the workings and work of a good machine. We know there was no electioneering in favor of any of the machines, and the committee voted without any consultation, each one depositing his ballot in favor of the ma chine that he believed was superior to the others in all kinds of work. We must say that all the Reapers and Mowers anise trial 'worked well, and no doubt any one of them would give satis faction to' buyers, but that the Dodge possesses superior advantages over the. others was believed by the committee, and as far as wenould learn,,by the ma jority of those present on the occasion: This article would perhaps bo'incom photo were not some paiticular mention made of the Reaper and Mower that was consideredl,he best of those ,placed in competition. -The Dodge Reaper and .Mower is manufactured at Auburn, New York, by the Dodge & Stevenson manu facturing company. It' is compact, light of draft, exhibits good Workmanship, is ,neatly, finished, -and combines, great strengths and a4aptation to all kinds of work. The machine has two driving 'wheels which Support the whole weight --of the-frame, --gearing, - and - drivers; and operati either together. or independ ently. ' The machine operated perfeetit . at either a fast or slow rate of. speed, and can be stopped 'or started in the heaviest grass-without clogging.. It has a'double hinged finger bar, which allows if to fol low the surface. of 'the ground without being offeoted by the working of the franio. • In addition tothis, it has an fn: dependent rolling, rocking or warbling motion, .which" is a very - important fea ture when the machine is used in mow ing, enabling it to rise over bogs, nut hills, loose stones, or projecting ledges of rock, The operator can ()hang° th 9 height of cut,.at pleasure, while in mo tion. The finger, bar can be folded while in motion, alloWing the machine to pass through gates, or on travel on the roads. A large bevel wheel is keyed to the main shaft or axle, communicating me- . Lion through • the bevel pinion to the ternal gOar and , pinion, which pinion, is attached ,to tho crank shaft .at the. for.. wale 'end of the.mitehitie, therdbiallow big the crank, shaft to run the length.. • of the machine, which is most Important and valuable feature hi Able The (Aran of the•ni[ohiiio is yob? . light, And a pair of ordinary horses call Work it all day With ease. It has no side-draft, and there is ho weight on the.. horses necks. It - has a complete self-rake, and! if wanted, a i hand:rako as well. Messrs. Long & Gish, of Shipponsburg, are. tho agents for the western part of Cumberland county and the eastern part of Franklin county—Parsons & Finney , of Harrisburg, for the eastern part of Cumberland and Dauphin counties. A machine that attracted a great deal of interest and that is really a useful and desirable invention was a Bullard's Hay Tedder, exhibited by the agent Mr. John P. Brindle. In appearance it is something like it horse rake and the way it spreads grass is a caution. It will spread fully as muth as Rix men, and does the work a great d i cal better. We would suppose that our larger farmers would purchase one of these machines, "as it would - save its cost in a season or two. The bay fork man was there of course, and whether lie effected any salos or not we do not know, but wo believe the fork to be a good one. BANquEr:-. T According to previous an nouncethent, Cumberland Circle, No. 88, B. U. (11. F.) C. of A. gave their first grand banquet, on Thursday evening last. The American House had been selected as the place for holding the fes tivities of the evening. The gallant lit tle " Captain with his whiskers," was on hand, and in readiness to do the hon ors of the occasion. Owing to the limited space of his dining room, the guests were obliged to cat in sections, as only thirty-eight per sons could be seated at one time. The 'doors were thrown open at half-past eight, and from that hour until eleven o'clock the scenes that ensued within those four walls, our pen`fail to portray. Suffice it to say, each and every one done justice on this occasion. To use a mercantile expression, the Captain Made a "speci ality" of spring chicken and strawber ries, which was duly appreciated by his visitors of the evening. During the course of the evening, C. E. Maglaughlin, esq., being repeatedly . called upon, made a few brief and pithy remarks in response to the toast " Broth erhood." The speaker was listened to with the utmost attention by his bearers, and at the conclusion of his remarks, was loudly applauded. Tile s following burlesque bill of fare, for - thewas - PliTdiiffred, wllicli we are led to infer from the imprint as having been printed at the office of 7' he Bunglown Bugle: At the head of the bill was a cut of a venerable rooster•', lin mediately under him Was the line " Land ' lord, respect old age." Soups—bread and Fish—scotch herring and sardines. Meats—cold tongue (at lionteo and two eyed steak. Entrees—boiled snipe, and spring-ed chickens. Desert— boiled milk pap, and iced paregoric. Cakes—corn bread, and_ slap jacks. Winos—vinegar, first proof,• and corn at the bar, without cob. The table inure than groaned (it suffered) with the many delicacies so unsparingly Javislied ,by-,the little man that "knows how to keep a hotel." About eighty', perons partook of the repast, and all participants ex pressed themselves as highly pleased with the evening's entertainment Tho Brotherhood hereby extend their warm-- est thanks; to those or our citizens- that patronized them on this occasion, they having been able to realize their most sanguine expectations. F. C. B.—At a regular meeting of True Friends' Lodge, No. 56. Knights of Py thias of Pennsylvania, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted in memory of John Bender, Who died in 'Carlisle, on the eighth of June, 1870, in the twenty sixth year of his age. - Resolved, That this LoAlde has lost a worthy and exemplary brother, whose virtues we will strive to emulate, and wlMse remembrance we will ever cher ish. Resolved, Thatiithe civintry has lost n pure patriot and brave soldier, whose fame will be as enduring as the freedom for which he so gallantly fought. Resolved, That the community has lost a good and useful citizen, whose past life gave promise of an honorable future. Essayed, That While we mourn his loss as a brother, a patriot, and a citizen,, we feel that there is a still deeper sorrow in the hearts of his young wife and children, and venerable parents, to whom we give the firmest assurance of our sin cere sympathy and condolence in their. melancholy bereavement. ". Resolved, That these proceedings be published in the papers Of the county, and a copy of the same transmitted •to the family of the deceased. ' F. BELTZIMOYER, J. 11. RITEEM, J. C. STOCK, TIMIUTE OF RESPECT.-At a meeting of Cumberland Star Lodge, No. 197. A. Y. N., held on Tuesday evening, Anne 14, the following proceedings were had, (to Wit WHEREAS, It has pleased Almighty God to call from aniongst us, to his ever lasting home, our beloved brother and Senior Warden, John L. Waggoner. Therefore, Ref . olced, That . 'wc deeply sympathize with the relatives of the deceased in their affliction, and whilst the wife has lost an affectionate Husband and the children a loving father, we no lege mourn the loss of a true friend and efficient Oille'er a worthy brother and a zealous membdr of. our society. Roolvol, Alla a copy of these resolu tioifs be handed the family of our do-. ceased brother, and..titat they ho pub lished in the papers of the borough. ISAAC LIVINGSTON, Srr Jos. F. HOOVER, Attest : Committee. .Truro. CORNMAN, SCRIARTY. THE ILIIISTitpIIII IIIISIonIST.L We have received tho first copy of a'publica tion bearing the above title. It speaks well for itself thithestait, and needs no second scrutiny to raise - an innocent laugh. Its illustrations are witty and, comical, without' slurs r or inuendoes on persons or associatiohs: ;rho reading throughout, solected , and original, is pre pared with such careAs to show that a neater-liand hi in the •editorial -770 Humori# is placed at 'an ex&ed ingly low price, (50 cents a year,) com pared with all other illustrated papers, oi'even with publications not subjficted to this costly it r enr Of, printing. Hand sormi,.premiums are olrcred for, clubs. :Vuliiistual PayetteVille, §ondfor circular, and specimen ; ; • . A. , nrnanann coming to, or lituming through. our town cannot fail un favorably intprosaoll . with the crowd of idlers'at our depot. In , olhor toWn. of its /31241 aro half as m any, to bo fonn4 at_tho. &pot at tho arrival of a train.- . . . . THE pubic SOl.lOO OXaMinationm Oro in progretis the pronent‘week.^ " I TILE printers of Harrisburg will hold their third annual plenie at Marysville, on Saturday next. Six persons were immersed on Sunday last by Roy. John Htnater, in the Letoit Spring, from the foot of Pomfret street. 13ALLoornim. Professor John A. Light, the 'daring young mronaut, will make an .ascension from the . Diamond, Chambersburg, Pa., on SaturdaY, July O. WE will publish in next week's issue, 'by request of a number of our patrons, a piece of poetry entitled " Carlisle in the olden thee," by the Rev. George Duffield, junior. THANlp.—Generld Blake, command ant of the Carlisle, Barracks, will accept our -thanks - for a -copy of The Alaska Times, published sit Mks, Alaska Terri tory. It is a very neatly printed paper, and from the number of advertisements which appear in its columns, we should think it was doing a paying business. CAUTlON.—Captain John S. Low, Bur gess of this borough, at the earnest so licitation of a number of citizens, hereby warns all persons from exploding fire crackers, torpedoes, &c., under a poualty of five dollars, excepting on the fourth and fifth days of July. Ho also 'recom mends to all merchants having fireworks for sale, to suspend the soiling of them until these days. Ni w Cum - ter.—The trustees of - the Second Presbyterian Church, have pur chased from Robert McCartney, sr., the house and lut immediately in the roar of the church, for two 'thousand and fifty dollars. The work of tearing dawn the present building, preparatory to the erection of a new church edifice, was began on Tuesday morning. The con gregation will have service in the Court House on next Sabbath morning at the usual hour. Announcomonts etrArmAN has often made good pie ures of people who have never got a ikenesm elsewhere. WANTED I WANTED !! Every person to know that at the Cen tral Dry Goods Store all kinds of Sum mer Dress Goods have boon reduced, to close out the stock for the season. Great bargains in all descriptions _ of dress • goods, shawls, lace points, parasols, white goods, ttc. Also great bargains in every grade and description of brussels, three ply, stair and all other kinds of carpets. To close -the season, we are selling carpets at least 12 cents lower than any otherliousoin tho county. LEIDICII & MILLER 23je70 Mu. C. L. LOCIIMAN, since he has left MM. Neff's building for his superior room and light in Zug's building, southeast corner Market Sipiare and Main . street, can exceed his .former efforts,' and can" make a photograpli:' of a child in a few seconds, in cloudy weather as well as clear. Dont wait for sunlight or snow light --4.-- BARGAINS ! BARGAINS 1 ! Frysingey & Wei Sees Carpet store. They arc offering great inducementx„,to purchasers._wishing ; _carpets,..oil_clot . looking glasses, ivindow shades, mats, mattings, yarns, &e: Their stock is large and select, especially their stock of brussels carpets, having just received sonic new patterns from the city. Go examine their stock at Sawyer's old stand. 23.1070 NOTICE Header, if you want cheap candy, Go to Burk's, 3 . 5 Main street (fr'anges, lemons and figs, 'Go to Burk's Nuts of Go to Burk's Fireworks of every description, Go to Irtlirk's Everything in my line I sell as cheap as the cheapest—can give you a better assortment than anyone in the town. Ice cold soda water always on hand. D. W. BUIIKHOLDER, 23 West Main street. 23.1e70 FUSS ! RUSH ! ! 13ARGAINS ! ! ! At Ogilby's. In dress goods, pant stuffs and lace points. Table linens, napkins, white quilts, hoop skirts, from auction, gentleman who suffered (or years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decoy, and all the diode of youthful Indiscretion, will for the auto of suffering humanity,. !end froS to all who need It. the receipt for nutting the simple remedy by 'widen he was kifferers wishing to profit by the advertis er's experience can do se by edtessing, In perfect Ogiltiy's, 47 West Main street, I "nfid"". JOAN B. 000NN, Black and colored poplins and alpaccas, At immense reduction Everything reduced, Cull and sea. Bound to sell goods for Cash, at prices to suit the times. 23je70 Por ,Why is Mr. Chapman a bad man ? I don't know Jolimpi. Because he makes everybody that he inaires a pie, tore for. WANTED A situation as housekeeper. Please address E. W., Merccrsburg, Franklin county, Pa. • 10je703t* For direct acting stpam pumps, for mines, &c., that • will pump from 12 gallons to 3,500 per minute. Go to ArLanahan, §tonoA,- Isett, Hollidayai burg, Pa. 20,000 pounds of shoulder and lido meat wanted in exchange. for pure Liquors, and the best brands of ohnwing and sraolcing tobacco, by JACOO LIVINUSTON s • • 21ay3in N 0.27 North Hanover street. THE QUESTION SETTLED.—Those em inent mon, Dr. Jas. 'Clark, Physician to Queen Victoria, 'and Dr. Hughes Ben nett, say that consumption can be cured. Dr. Wistar knew this when he discov ered hiS now widely known Balsam of Wild `Cherry, and experience has proved the correctness of his opinion.. Steam pump. The pump can bells conneetedfrom tim engine, and engine used for driving anykind of machinery. gas and water pipe t stem-fittings, &c. APLanahnn, Stone GSS , 'SOW Holidays- - burg, Pa. • ' . . .P7febam WLanalum, Stone & burg, Pennsylyania, Manufacture station ary engines, boilers, - Allred acting blowing engines. Player, Thomai and othor hot blast.. Brass and iron cast ings from ono lb. to 20,009, lbs., and all kinds of Machine 7. EGGS I' _EGGS I "EGGS i EGGS I From light Brahma 'fowls, pea combed, strictly pure fromiimpinted stook, $2.00 per dozen. No order will lie .booked Unaoskt accompanied by ato"eash. A few; pairs for :side—s4.oo per, pair; Half breen Italian Weil for: Sale,- in moiab)9. evil? Xddress • • 12may70' P. O: llox,l.47,'Clarlisle, Pa. CABBIAQEs,• litmarus,- A. B. Shark has now on hand, and will make to order, all kihds Of Car riages, Buggies, Birlng&agons,- 4c. Ho.. has. the best workiriMi each branch; and has all kinds. of material constantly on hand .Painting' and re pairing promptly attended to. ' Gina.7otf If you want a good Corset, ' Go to Wolf's If you want a Hoop Skirt, Go to Wolf's If, you want Suspenders, Go to Wolf's. H you want Gloves or Hosiery, . Go to Wolf's In fact yomhad better go to. No. 18, North Hanover street, for all your No tions, if yon wish to save money. , . 2j070-1m JACOB LIVINGSTON, FINE WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 27 North Hanover street, Offers the following goods : War ranted pure, unadulterated and full proof. Always as represented. • Genuine Imported French Cogane Brandy, old age. Pure old Rye Whiskeys by celebrated distillers. Best quality Ginger Brandy. Pure 'old gin. Puro old Port wine. The very best quality Sherry, Claret New England Rum, &c. Kimmel. Pare white spirits, for drug gists and family use. Sold at the loivest prices for eath. A call solicited. 21apam --JADOWLIVINGSTON,- . Wholesale and Retail Dealer in 70jiAcco, SNIIPP, CIGARS, PIPES, &C.,, No. 27 North Hanover street. Offers to the trade the best brands of a large variety of Chewing and Smok ing Tobaccos, real Michigan Fino Cut, iu bulk or in tin foil. W. E. Darrett's celebrated snuff. Real genuine Imported Havana Segars. Yara Connecticut and Domestic Segars. A large assortment of everything be longing to the business, and sold at as low a price, as in any Eastern city. Thu public_is respectively invited to cal - a d - flTpect — nty large assortment - : Every article warranted as represented. 211tp706m IMPORTANT - TO PRIVATE FAMILIES Pure and unadulterated Wines and Liquors, supplied at their residence,' by sending order to store, or through Post Office. Every article warranted as rep.: resented or the money refunded. JACOB LIVINGSTON 21apOro No. 27 N. Hanover street SPECIAL -NOTICES PACTS FOR THE PEOPLE I My tsble to set with the beautiful white, ;mouth ware I bought of William Blair k son, and I buy the whole of my supplioc for my family there, and I ad• vine you to 'do oil too. You, will he sure !awaye to gut" everything fronh, and sweat, and clean, and nice and at the lowest. juices. They haie Just received fresh Teus gl best quality, linglish um (a full annuity for pirating and the dolly waste of liartreo• O, ‘Viio Our fir ondorkoo nil lido, and will uny of the kind Monde .oho have ho on 'wlth nn. =EI Coil e, Cramp. and :Dysentery yield at ,once to it, imincurative properties. „It is perfectly Innocent, and can be given to the oldest person or youngest child. No matter if you have no confidence lu Patent 'Medi cines—try this, and you x 11l lie sure iu buy again, and recommend to your fi feuds. Hundreds of siemens re.oinineud it in their practice. PM by the Druggists and Storekeepers; Price Fifty Cents and One Dollar. Depot, 10 Park Place, New York. ME= WHOLESALE ONLY Coyle Dr..tilers hove just received a very large stock of goods,atielt as Hosiery, Shirt Fronts, woe ponders, Linen, Cotton and Cambric Handkerchiefs, White TrtnuninxefTies'an t Dews of the latest stye!' Paper CyHare •It Cuffs in sruat variety, Paper and EntidatAi, Velvet, Ribbon, Coat, Vest, Drees and Pearl Button., Three and , Sic Cord Spool Cotton Senlug Mike, pleb Hooks and Linea, Toilet Soaps Perfumery, Drugs, Shoe Slack, Stove Polloh, Indigo Blue, and art endless variety of Notions, generally. All the himvs to he It al at Coyle Di:others. Having lately removed to tho I*rge stare tOOlll In the new Good Will Hose liottee, wa hare increaried our Mock larger than uvcr, and will null at gold COYLE BROTHERS, II toll t 4 South Hanover Ftreut, Carnal*. =I x ,„,llhay r. WIDE lIAILIXO, VIIII OUABUY, fur dime Fronts, Asylums, 114 Iroia Bedsteads, Wire Wub• ibings for shoep and puider, yards, Brans and Iron wire cloth Sieves, Venders, :croons (or coal, Gress sand. to., Heavy Crimped Muth fur spark arresters LandseapioVire for Wbutosta Ac., Paper Maker, Wires, Ornamental Wire I,Kcsirs. Every Intormu• Um by addioasluit the I/I. isti.tairero, 4 . I...WALKER k SONS' gip 11 North Sloth 'strum Philadelphia, ,dSeb7U•ly. ME 4.4 - UNAVNESS; tnaliuxurs awl CATARRH troaltol with the• utmost ru.:1113.. by 4.juics, Me D.; and Profetieur of Linares of the lige.n4 It (hi spectutity) in the 'Medical Odlege of i'ettrayteautd, 12 years experitace; (loaed) of loyileo:111ollaud.) No. 805 Arch Street, Toethootilelr roe he sued at hie °lnce. 'Elio medical faculty arc Invited tO cc compully their patinuts, ae ho his no wrote in hi. practice. Aetihalul eyoa lueortod 4hout pail, No charge ler elaitlin'atiuu. : oJuly 80.1 y 'BB Wurtu whahlin 14111 benefit you tto nut itv• oir• trolled by )our incrodulity, Iqired. Lava hough( relief 'front the horrors of Dyspepsia through thin medium of Dm+ MI'S N Tl.Dra PKPrIO STOWACII Lahti imd found It. Why should you sutler Uteri this adult 4ablo stomiichlehas'cured Loony siMllar mutt's-why do you doubt whllo other believe Bud are cured I Delay In matter Is bo th dangerous awl unprolltsblo. Your lieu,ith,liappinows and buslooss sulfurs, while constant neglect Is treipiutly roll, fired by merlons and uttrou• trolls blo 'results,. DIM*/ are 'equally useful• to the numerous attending, ludl. gostiocit 00 BILIOONFOS, CoNSTIVITION, ao.', while or Fiona and Aim and other dlsordors proceeding . from Mt LIIIfIM, It is the °illy reliable provoutive unit' -routedy ltnowu. toss 70 . . COMFORT AND BLII3S, „OR PAIN . AND AGONY. " • • ins TODIAS'' ' QNLEHRATSD VENT AN whooo wondortial . europ..eure and Inelailta• noone cue, of Chronlahlwarnallom, Meld. aoho, Toothado; Croup, Cute, Novl2ll,ool'o, Cramps, Dytiontery, eta., havo solosnehed fhb olvllle4morld, to no new catchronny; but no uoticlq that has stood tea teat twouty•two' pure. '„The onotmnue sale and rapidly luereaolux elonnetnil Is at onno the merest out. dance of Ito ueofulnaeo and popularity. No family should Lo without a boillo In the houoo. Hundreds of,dollura and inienykaufs of iniforluainay bo Mood by Its timely no; l ARK ETB. „ . cenTaptat ruoDudit'AisnicEl s, CoProofed Weeny,_ by R.' Woodard. amityke, iniurodulsLirstlui . ,Jdue 27,. 167 p., FAMILY FLOUR • • - • $5 10 eursavnin PL6u77; • 4 00 BUPERF/NE RYE YLOIHA .! •• ' ' 440 WHITE WHEAT, • - - 125 ,RED WHEAT, • • •• • • CELONiCRBEED - , • • • • ,a 00 TIMITFUIDIEED, • • • • • • 300 FLAXSEED, • - 180 Carlisle,' May 3,*370 Dealer in Mawr), Goorgo Iday , II It _ Burly, John It Mercer John Brock, 000 Moore, Win Beck, Jacob Minor, Joneph I Bonjainlu, M A Kan Johnny tarn:lkea , J II Itickabaugh, gam! 0 Onukle, Band • Sailors, Richard Kronceo, Lenored Bchuchntati, Pater Hough, Jacob ' spongier, Cant Jpsl_S - ICnottlu; -- Jolib ' - - - ---.- Thomas', 0' • Lackey, John Swonglo, Edwin Lino, kredorlck Waggoner, Wilrou Lincolln, Meredith Waggoner, Wm E' Mayberry, David Waiver, hlra Emend ' A. K. RHEKM, P. M WILLIAM BLAIR. A SON, &mai End," Car = ,Correete4 Weekly by Wit Wain Washmood. LTAL:I6: w A ALS 1 :, Thursday lll Morning, Juno 23 .1 ,.1870: . BUTTER, - $ 16 E BEESWAX, • BACON 'UHL, • 1B BACON SHOULDERS, , • 15 BACON SIDES,- 15 WHITE BEANS, 2 60 PARED PEACIIE ,P , • 20 UNPARED PEACHES . , DRIED APPLES, , 05 RAGS - , OD . ,•, , • , , MARRIED. WEARY—BEETEM.:.:Oti the, slzbrenth Instant. at tho Lutheran Parsonage In Dloservilla, 'by tho Rev. D. Dolt, Mr.. Daniel Weary, to Mist Nancy J. flattop, Loth of thle county. 'I.,(W--4:ILARICSON.—On Thursday, June - 0, at the residence of tho krlde'e parents, In Mlllorton, N. Y., .by-the Rev, B. Hunt, Mr. Charlos -D. Law, fornuirly of Carlisle, to Miss Josephlno Clarkson; oldest dough. for of Dr. k'. Y. and Josophino W. Clarkson, of Now York City. _ • • - MeI'IMMISOA—CARSON.—On thellfteenth 0401 loot, ot Allogheny city, by the Rov. I. K. Übll, Mr. Jooeph Y.. IlePheroon, formerly of Cornelia, to DU'S Marlon Carlon, of Allegheny City. DIED WEISE —ln We borough, on the fourlh instant, after o lingering Illunko, Mr. George Weise, aged years and 2 months: HEIr TO-DAY. List of unclaimed letters remainining tlie posy:office at Carlisle, Pa., for the week ending June 22, 1870 : LADIES' LIST. Bishop, Miss Maggie A llolsingor,Misa Muggy lllessing Mk. Ell • JOhlabUll. MI9B Harriet Bearer, MisifElica ➢ Lino, Mira Sarah Blessing. Mu Emma Leaphart, Miss Lizsoy Brandt, JOUllifl 111 Luckey, Mrs BUFIIII Bsochor, Miss Mary Machin, Min Dori nio Dant), Mrs-Mary Ann .lionhrab, Margrotts Davie, Mrs Little II St Levin, Ansa Emma IEIO, Mrs Margaret UlrioL, Min Herrin% Miss Maggio Woods, Miss - Elirrboth Homan, Mies Al3lllO 2 GENTLEMEN'S LIST, CHEAP DRY GOODS ! Still Another Reduction in Pricou! Large Lots of Goods from Irimi4gery == OGILBI"S I arge groorlto r nix ilf DRESS GOODS I= Cloths, 'Wahaimeres, and Cotton StiltTet for Men andltoyte Nur, at lower plicate than coat .t factory, SPECIAL BARGAINS In Block Filks, White l'inimr..Foney Faker_ 11000 liklrte,.and nobly_ Linda of Willi . goods. Endlees.varleity of Fancy ilooda—all cheep.. Never - bony I hevermituiciFicaattnTrUliarAinaZaiir or Poplins, and 14111 another reduction lu them. ego be coinpari.d with any In the county for price or LAW/HST ASSOITTII ENT ace POilltS, Silk Coats, and Summer Rhawls, 1= C. OGILBY'S, I:= .Ij,mt - 0 iire.BLisugn 11451 HIGHEST PREMIUM SILVER Msi'AL, awarded uvvr all competition, at Alechunica' Boston, October, IROD. TUE ORIGINAL. AND GENVINII =I WROUGHT IRON, AIR TIGHT, GAS-CONSUMING HEAT It with patentod Duet sereen,Orato Bar Beet., Wrought Iron Itadintor, and Automatic Itegulator, for burning Anthracite or liltuutino um Coal or Wood. 10 nizee for brickwork, Mid 2 eaten Portable. Nlikourocturtd only by J. REYNOLDS & SON, N. W. cor. 18th t - Filbert &re hi, PIIILADELVIIIA, PA Thee° Heaton aro mad. Id — heavy wrought iron, ell riveted together, and aro warranted to,be atm. dely liar and Dust Tight. They are tho only Heaters that aro untuaged without any damper., lid In whim all kind. of fuel can he buruedWithout Iteratioo._ Cooking Rangotb • fur Itotols,"Reetatirailtii, LEE Flat Top Heating Range, Fire Place Heaters, • Low DoWn grates, Slate Mantels, Registers, V.i3nillators l'amplaste giving fall thorlptlon, on t fro»; to ony toldresS. 23J uus7Oly Dr. Ayer . ad` Co's. Adverttse2n't AYER'S SARSAPARILLA FOR PIIRIFYI NO TUX BLOOD'. The reputation this excullent uneliclue enjoys, ha derived from its{:user, -many of which are truly marvelous. lure orate canna of Scroluioue earn, where the Symons ineutod Palmated with m, o wruptle have bowl purified and cured by it. Scrofulous affection. and disorders, which were ai grarateall by the scrofulous contamination mall they were painfully afflicting, have beau radically cured iu such great-uumbera in almost every rut tiou of the country, that the publ o ,scarcely need to ho informed of Its virtue. or twee. throfulome poison Is One of the moot deatruct Ire 111:1131211ao of our reel; Often, this unseen and utfrit, tenant of the organism undermines the conatitu tlonotud Incites the attack ot enfeebling or fatal dineasee, Wthout exciting a suvpiclon 01 , Its pres ence. Aga i n, It seems to breed, Infection through. out the body, and then, on some favorable occasion, • rapidly develop Into our. Or other of Its bldtous Smut, either on the eurface Or among • tbu . vitals. lu the laWer,tuberclint may bo suddenly deposited In Ma hinge or heart', or tumors formed In the liver, Grit lament Its.ptoserve by.. eruptions on the. skin or, foul ulcerations on some part of the , body. Mance, the occasion/it Oa df a bottle of this Sarsaparilla le edileable, neon _when no active symptoms of dismiss appear. ' Persons afflicted with 't he follosilnir complaints, generally find immediate - relief end , at length, 'cure, by lite me of this 'SARSAPARILLA: St: Anthony's .tire, Ron or 'Rrysiaclas,..7ktter, Salt Rheum, • Scald lima, Ring worm, do' rs,,A'yer, Sore :Ears, and other eruption, or visible forms of Scrofulous, disease. Ain in 'the 'More twitcosled " forme r - We' d isease. Dropsy, Heart . Disease, MO, An t rhmv, Neuralgia, • snd the; mistime Ulcerous TiffiiCtlove , of the muschtar and' 'ziefvous whew., -'• -: , t :,'. ' • Syphilis or Venerect outk, Mercurial Diseases ^aro cored by It, though. a lodir limo is fo quirod for Sob gluing. theas °lndust° .maladitta by any medicine. But long continued new ot ills medicine will curo Um complaint- I,cucorthaw er Whites, %crime Uldere. lions, and Wombs Moons*, ate commonly soon te keyed and ultimately ,quiud; by its lfurlfying and Invigorating effect." ' Minute Directions Ihr-each ease are found in 'our Alutanae,,eupphed, grellai -7 .llhemnaffset aod Gout, when caused braccumillations. of extraneous wai ters In the blood, 'yield quickly tn, it, aslio Liver Complaints, 2brpidity,Oongson, or .1,1,11 ta • lion of the Liver and' Jaundice ' when ar i sin g as they often do, (rem' the rankling poison in tho blood. RARSAP4RILLA Is a great. restorer. to the strength and.sigor of tho .aystem.'. Thema Wit troubled strength and Lisllasplle,sponacni, SRepless cud troubled With 'Nation* %Apprehensions or Shure, or any 01 the affections trymptOmatio' Of Weakuus, will fled lOnnadtata , relief and convincing. pelt filence ofitscresforittie ,pewer upon trial. ___., 1 Ilk-X . :EA. ,R.:&D.L.XL.Y..: _"._:—._ 0...t0rz0,,t co., toyin.,,BlAllB„ • - • ~ t , ~.' . 11,3 40 4 4 "it .. 4 . ttalY4c4f 'Opnicsit.: ;', , ~ .8 041 Z. it ' D i r i, t r a b o A u z LI T . , I E O V . e l 0 4 11, 0 V . U .. ii ... 1 1 It 21r470 . . Sante AilvertisementB. SPRING QM BAR N S NOW OPENING IN DOMESTIC GOODS, 0 PRESS GOODE!, OABSIMERES, , BATINETS, JEANS, WHITE. GOQDS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, ZEPUERS, RIBBONS, -NOTIONS, &O RING'S NEW STORE, No. G 6 WNtIT MAIN STRISET. 'Oppoolto the MIIIIIIIOI2 lloune, nort to ,Post Mee GARDEN SEEDS, AT lIAVRIISTICK BROTHERS, ' No. 10 and 5 North and South Hanover Btroota, CARLISLE, PA 1411p701y COMBINATION I= HAVERSTICK BROTHERS, No. 5 South, nod No. 10 North Ilmnor ttreotit 14sp7Oly For ,NaleValuable heal Estate -• • • - • - VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE fiALE. The subscriber, wishing to relinquish farming, offers at private solo TWO VALUABLE LIMESTONE FARMS, situated In Monroo township,' hetweon the York rood and the road lending to Boiling Springy, n short mil° from Churchtown, and 1 1 ,4 tulles from Boiling Springs. ' No. 1 contains about 75 ACRES, more incellent_Limestono-laini, in a high state of cultivation.' The improvements are a good two sitory Farm House, with IFnusu and other out. buildings. Also, an excellent now Tenant House, and a largo Bank Barn, with wagon sheds, corn cribs, and other necessary outbuildinen. This farm has two. splendid springs of running water from which every Cold might easily be son plied. Three springs feed two splendid trent ponds. • There is also a good Orchard-of Cholth Fruit, such as. Apples, l'enra, Poodles, Cherriet, Ac. No. 2 contains about 70-ACRES of ex .nent Limestone land, in Bent rate order. The improvements site a double two-story Weather boarded House, with Eltchen, Bake Home, Ac. A Frame Barn, recently repaired, with Wagon. Shed, Corn Cribs, and oilier out-buildings attached. iP An excellent Apple Orchard, with a large quantity of Cherries and other choice frilitt, aro around the buildings. A good Well of water and a large cistern at the bonne. If dealra bin a Tract of Woodleind for each phut, is offered. Pomona wishing to view thee, prolong'. can do F, by calling on the subocriber rosiding on filo rinl. t ono wile doot of the latter plooo, or upon William It. Lute, liv fug rlooo by. 2Juno7o JOHN LUTZ. . 1 PUBLIC SALE. -Or rAI;IIAIrEE - ERAT: ESTATE: Th. aub.ribor offors at ',oldie tato oa tho prem. (too, on Thursday, June 30, 1870, at 1 o'clock p. nt, two tracts of hind situated In North Middleton township... situated on Long's Cap road, By, miles north of Carlisle, bounded by lands of M °ace 18 etzel, George Brought, William M. Penrose, esu ' and others. eon tattling 81 ACRES, more or less; of excellont gravel and slate land, under good cultivation. The lin provements ore a good DOUBLE LOU HOUSE, an excellent FRAME BANE BARN, with wagon shed and corn crib attached, and nil other necessary out buildings Art excellent spring of - water Mar tho Inputs, also a' stream of water running along the wr.wtern boundary; from which if niiitiber of fields, aro supplied. A good - orchard of apples, peaches, pears, baling ,anticl' a tract erriesc of i°" to llo b tro i a l t di l ' h g' iand situated about miles north of tract No. 1, containing 'PWEN 1 g ACHES, more or less, well timbered with hickory, oak, and chestnut, the latter being lit con siderable quantity and very valuablo for fencing. Persona wishing to slow the property can do no by railing on R. C. Dumbarton, reriding near Mid dlesex, on public road to Bteirett'ii Gap, or John P. Brindle, No.Bl Wert Loutber stroot, Carlisle. Pa. - Linens, ROBERT C. LA3IISEET94, --TAltilS.:4lG4ter_etutt—to_bt.t....pulaultutt..pruput.*ai stricken anal tlau lattice Neill lie nuoP Iu pay metals may es po,aultalu to Nutt puitlaneer. lat)ulieTUto • PUBLIC SALE OF A 6VALUABLE TAN YARD AND OTHER REAL ESTATE. Will be sold at public nulo, on the preiniscli on ThurBday, July 21, 1870, all that valuable tan yard and olegiukt private re•l. deka, situated on liant Pomfret street, between the Luton Spring and tianp street, in thu borough of belonging to Michael Mulch. The tan yard in, beyond all noinparlaun, the best in Carlisle or in the vicinity. Possession of the lan yard will bo gin en Jimmie diatoly after sale; of tho residence on April 1, 1011, or sooner If desired by tho purchaser. Terme of tale will be made known on day of Hale, or privately on application to 8.•IIIIPBUBN, Illjune7o Attorney fur M. :abaci]. FUI NI2'URE, FURNITURE. A B. EWING, A Os`Sinet Makor and I.lndortalror, West Main street, OPPOSITE LEE'S WAREIIt;JSE. Premium for Beet Furniture auinrited at all County Fairs-lbece 18571 Furniture of ell varieties at d Stylus of Fond. .d Domes , in mannfacturu, from the finest rosewood nod . 56110011 y to the loweat ;wired maple and pine Parlor, Chamber, Dining-mem. I r FURNITURE'. . Kitchen and ' Mire Embracing every article aced by Homo add Ilotel keepers or itn mint approved and Inahlonable design end nail.. Including alsoCottege furultuni In setts Inception and Cerny attressus, triunes, pictures. ac; & ift-irPertieular attention given AY usual to funerals orders from teal. and country, attented to promptly end on moderate terms. SPIMIA I. ATTENTION PAID 'n, 'rug SELECTION OF w A 1.1; PA PEE, ..r, : b., W. FURNITIMiIi JOSEPII 'WALTON CO Cabitiet Makers' 413 WALNUT BT., Our est .blith went In ono of the Oldest lu Undid unlit, and how long experience and Impeder (helliti. we are prepared to furnidlt good work at reasonable Wu mataffacturo Onto furnitnre, and also nit.dium priced ftirolture.of flupPrior quality. A largo stock of Int ultnre al..vayx on hand. UNAs matio to ,srdt.r Counters, Desk Work, and Wilco Furnittirp fur Ilauks, ullices mud Storrs tondo to ordor =ll2 Jog %VAL 0.1• 10reb70-ly GENERAL-UPIIOLEITERY.• 611.11tLES L. HALE, 9311 Arch Street, Philadelphia, offers for the Spring Tjltdo a spletidid assortment of Nottloglotta itnil - R9IT let Cat Window Blinds anti Bionics, in the phs et colors and desi g ns \Viggo* Cornicotin Wttlatit and 11....5w00d and 0111. Furniture or covets lilted, cot and made. ' Spring and hair Mattresses tondo to order Agent for ths Pstent 810111110 SPrlng lied, and for the Paterit Spring Fixture for Window Shados. flutaTO 200 Dry. Goods, Ott Cloths, .Carpets DEOLINE IN ' GOLDI . • . CL 'CORR ESPONDINO DEINII IN W.M: Quito an excitement In the Dry Geed mitrket, In a very marked decline Invitee Of . DRESS GOODS, DIAIIIII ,, V, Mu.littoCli, AlpaceittS, l'optitvi, &nes lteps, sod Is !gig° vurluty, cotuprisi rig Dearly every 1,511115 ISIS of goods . STAPLE GOODS . . Ticking.; Gingham, Illanket..Cuttonadee, Kentucky Jeans, CLOTHS, and OASSIMERES, Linen and Cullen Table Diapers, Gianni/1+,131163m - WHITE GOODS._ • Nuindouk, Coutbrlrs, Juconets, FrOnd , Mus Turlthonn, Cutilbrie mid bwlas Etlgingq hind In pollugs." . , . • Trimmings, in groat varlisty, Editions, of, the limit fluidity, MOM sod Bdndowne.' FANCY GOODS of a greni many style+, owl all variclarap: zadias!-Undelt Clothing, very handsomely' Made and trlnunad. • Alia, . . . . CARPETS, OIL °Louis, nuggets, Rugs, Windoia piuuter pines, and niouy t gaods not inootionOtt Pot 'woiltot apace. • ' • `. ' ' We claim to Sipe lb° largekt nod. best stock of Dry Goode to tffe Wolf° a• . tho State, and will moll eyeuch pfiCOP he will sotlnfYiill Dint Ms Is file Disco good ISlrgitlnti, . • ams:i CITY" AD-FEBTTSPAIDNTS. pFEIL co. 1867 PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 10 NORTH WATER STREET, PUILADELPIIIA, PA Solicit consignments of all kinds of Prod... Also, Butter, Eggs, Poultry, &c., &c., Philadelphia References,—N. C. Mnsslemon esq. President of tlio Union Banking Company, MN. Messrs. Allen k Cilifoid,; anti Messrs. Henry Shaun & Son. N. 8.-- 4 Plosso send for Weekly frier Current froo of chargo. al:nor'/06m PLASTER COATEB STREET WHAM. CALCINED ANT) LAND PLASTER I= TE.RBA AL BA, ANY inquiry will receive immediate nomor. Sanxiaction In pies 111111 nintnrial assured, and sldiononni promptly 111101 V. 241 i We 1 y $lO,OOO GUARANTEE I= I= Second. .roi• Ii Uned Third, For Ins thrturpas,islei!vering Property. . Arh • t,wit ly, for it. Eentloniy.--GO, o . othi kilo to point with Book • than any other White I.eml extant. The son.• weight wcovers more million., is more ilmialde, lad Makes Whitur work. BUCIi 1,1i.11) tho elit•ttpedl and 51U,000 . ,U Alt A NTE E I El= First. For Ito Untottotletl Durability I= Third, rid- its Uuitimideistill CON ering Prisperty Lostty, for Its Groot Economy IJOi Mr, the chettpext, Ihthittomt,t, and zthe,t dnnuLlo White Pahl in the tvothl. MMEEME BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC ; =I Fn ti.i111 . 11./11 Ounrnuh , •d ley Il• )innul:•rn:,ra B U ./C CO7'TA6'E t; 0 I, C O • , Prepared axpremdy Ipr Paintjog • _ COtt/IP,, 00611111:MI0 of every tlevoripion, Frimez, Thirty•livo different Colors , Barak', Cheap, Uniform, and Beautiful SMltleg. Sample cards meta by mail, if dehiretl. Dealer.' Orders will nu promptly executed by thy , manufacturers. FRENCII CO, N.W. Colt. TENTII AND MARKET STREETS =I FOR - 171? -- W - 110171 . 1, , A - h - E A - lie - it ETA-11-7- BY HENRY g I X Dintlerii iii Ilarilwitre, Paints, NlN.iilass,A.c., 21j an" oly LEGAL NOTICES XECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters te,lninentury On tho t,tate of John Render, luta of the •Itorongh of Carlisle, ticeoused, •Intro been honed by tbo Itegister or Coniberland county to the subscriber, residing 111 mild borough. All persons indebted to the Crude roll reunosted to make 'lmmediate payment, and those 1010ing clubue to priwut (hem, duly toithentleuted, for scttleinent. (iIItIVEEN ,ItENDER, Executor. 16j1110 06t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Lotters of Administration 011 010 eNtllto4li Sll4llll - Shoatror, late of Plckinsim township, doceasol, have boon I.uod by tho Boglstor of Cumberland county. to the undersigned residing I/1 Sonth➢liddle totttowtuhip. All ttersons indebtod to sold estato uro roquostod a, tuako lintnediato payment, and thorn hosing claims itgalost It to press of them, duly au thenticated, for settlement. 1411 n :0 OW t ADMINISTIWFOR'S NOTICE I.e . tters ministration trith the will emir:toll, on the titlel Sarah tl. Swoyer, Itot. 11,0 Bor ough of NeWVIIIO, dreistsed burl, IIs1•II homed by the Iteglster of Cumberland county, to the melersigued residing, In some place. A ll•la.r+ally. indebted to, said estatodire reimested to mid, Immediate pay ment, nod those haring claims soling It, to litg.litt them, duly soillteuligatiol, lot mottiMnennt. BD IV IN 'an m ES, Adlitluitilrutor 111=1 N THE ORPHANS' COURT IN AND ' YOU TOE COUNTY OK CUM , BERLAND, ' a the matter of the Estate of James Culver„l,4o,9 . f California, deceased • The untlorsignat '1441,11-tor appointed by the maid Court to make distribution 1111/1111111111111 . 1 . ro.fiting in the Lando. or John MI kr, administrator of Ito said Janus Colter, Into Ii111,1"1 1 10d, to and among the partios I, gaily untitled thorolu, liorehy gtreo oaks that Its will toot the partiea terostrd, fat thy lirpo•e of his sprolittnimit, at his onion, In Carlisle, , out f riflay. July 13, 1370, at ton 1;111110k. 11.111., 11111'11 and whorl , they may attend if so minded. 31. C. HERMAN, Auditor: A h ESTATE OF JOSEPH CULLER, LATE OF TUE 1101WV611 OF enRI,I6I,E deceased. In the Orphans' •Coilrt of Cumberland County. tutu Auditor appointed to foal, n estrreetills tribut thin of the entitle of Joseph Culver, late of tho hotough of Carlisle, deceased, null, to lutesrtalit the moonlit overpaid, If any, by • Jail stet:liter of said treceaned, to the dist rfloitees of said estate ' and so port thu same to t h e sold Court, o 111 ahead to tho ,performantut of his ditties 110 Molitor aforesaid, at his office. in the borough of Carlisle, Pa., on Pritiv, the fifteenth day of Jolly„1. D. 1070, nt tun oltdoelt, a. tn. when nod wheys 01 parries interested sou 'hereby notified and requested t s attend and represent their several Inlet. ids. N. C. 11Elt‘IA -2J tote7o-Ut Auditor. NOTICE TO•TAX PAYERS 1 The Treasurer of Cutatierlaud county will attend, for the purpose of receiving County and Stato taxes for 1870, as requited by. Act of Assembly, at the tot-' lowing lintel and places, Now Cusat , erbond, at Moll's hotel, June 11 and 25, Carlisle, at Connri'splutter's Office, June 27 and On all taxes nut paid our or botore tho tir,t of Au •kust next, lieu per cent will Ito added. The Tressuror yl4 rcsltiveAsxes jit his office wall the lind day of Feptstabor I,aot Nihfch ti - 6 - u .41u plicatea of all itupald,taxist gill Ito Issued to tile 00n stables of Ma respective bOloughs 41111 townahips for collection. • ' aeonou WETZEL, Treanor, of Cumberland county , Pa, 5 - •'• 2841p70,1t COUGHS, INFLUENZA, SORD THROAT. COLDS, . - WII'OOPINO COllOll, CROUP, LIVER COUTI. AIN'T, BRONCHITIS, - • ASTUALWIILEEDINO obriru LUNGS, and ovory affooifou,of tho Throat. Lungs, and Oast, aru apoodlly Ned nurunthoutly etirod by tho uso of WiSTAltht BALSAM OF WILD " This well lotaton preiffirillloti does hot dry up a cough and - Ray° the CHINO behind, Mils 0100.0 WWI intuit madleineo, 1.1114 It lothons 114 Id CiUtlll.4l thu Icings, sod ailnla BTRation, thus [moving tho canoe hf thu complaint . • CONSUMPTION CAN BI CURED by a timely resort to 'Oils standard remedy, as to proved fly hundrols of testimonials receivod by the propriutore. . . . Propared by BETIX W. YOWLE .4 8014, Boston, and told by dealers go rally. • 20n1b70 liopte AdveWisemenes. NOTICE United Stat.belntomitl Itovenno, Vol'vetoed Office, loth .I.)lptrict, Po., Curliele, Arno U, Ib7o. On Wednotalay, tho ilia day of Juno, 1070;14,000 010A10, la imam., worn nuked at tho atoll, of .1, lioae, in tho borough of Carlisle, Pa, for violation of OCiWlt 40,',Agtq(J nirltli 1800, of tho Intorunillav epuo LIM& Any "inion or persona Claiming the HMO and roniiirod to' apppar and make each claim within thirty days front thin JOSEPH W. PATTON. • kinno7o-.41 . cou,*.toi• 10111 Plutticl, Pa. • , . SQP4, ;: yIG TE/3?-,. COLD AND NPADKLINO AT 07,0 () IC BROTHRIIS 4Up. s,ffinillt I6umvrl xtivot 14t1 1,701 v =MEM I= BONE DUST., &a., L&G SNI/TII Jr lIAIlltrS, Phil 4tiopllia C ARM SLR, PA JOEL SHEA FF niiud nixtrutor CITY ADVERTISEMENT FANNING'A BE PATENT KT D•F T NO :3 I{4l . l:}lT ON f; OR SE '.I Tide Corset is constrticted 60 an entirely now principle, being open, and theroby nl lowing, the freest circulation possible, besides giving perfect ease and comfort to the wkaror, anti at the Hantellmo possessing all tho advantages of the common Cor sets in giving support to the body. For Health, Orace mil Comfort, they are tool. rolled in the market. They aro particularly - re., comMondod for seamier wear, andnrarm climat • . although equally well adapted to all seasons of the year. They aro highly recommended by inedirad and scientific mon. , For Halo by all first-ctn.:or dealerri. For circulars. prices, etc., address the WORCESTER SICIRT CO., iVorrester, (ESTAIIM9IIIO 18:10 WELCH & QRIFFITHS, . . =1 Sown of all domeriptions. Axon, Boiling, and 31111 Fund/4111w, Circular Sawn with Solid Tooth, or with Potent Adjustable Points, irtiporlor to nil inr synod tooth Hawn. Itethicotl. - lEti AU) -- 1 , 4.11t1 fcr I.lst and CIIVII)/11 . 8. - 44 (11111 0 FITIIS, Bolton, .Mass., or Detroit, 3licb. Oil PATENTS.—lnventors who wish to take out Letters Patent are advised to counsel with Munn & Co:, edit,. of the Scientific Avirrican, Rho have prosecuted clalin4 beihro the Patent Office for over twenty years. Their American and Euro pean Pateni Ageitey is the inert extensive in the wsuld. Charges les+ than any other reliable agency. A pamphlet eontaininz full Instructional° inven tors is sold gratis. Y 1 LINN & CO., CM :11 Park Kmv, New Yo!) 5,000 I.IOOK AGENTS WANT- En volt 11AltDIN(PS NSW:" 11,.. lutionated and llluutiated editions of the Lifw of Christ, and (Mayan's Pilgritidu ('ingress. 11/wiling's New Pictorial Funnily Bildta. The work:: are now ready for delivery. Address, fur Catalogue of the Lust selling Subscription honks published. W. IV. 11.ARDINO, Philadelphia, Publirlii•r. 11.junin THE WORKINGMAN. An illustrated llonthly Paper Idle• Ill• style of tin• " AVorkulan." lint/ at tractive that everybody in delighted with it; and to chum; that everybody can take it. Only Sixty cotta year. Ton rOpies and a premium for S- C 11111,11,1- Fors wanted ovt•rywhere. Send for •peritnenx. Sin gh; number.. for ants by lowesdeniers. T. S. ARTHUR ,h SONS, Philadelphia, Pn. :ljtiu7o THE JAPANESE CORN FILE re cll Corns without polo ; price2ric. Hold at drug 111111 8111,0 stores Pimples mulled flu receipt of price, awl trade supplied try the, JAPANESE CORN FILE CO., 3-1 Plan street, New. Dirk. OJutie7o, YES ! IT IS TRUE ! That t lin host Mowers—the boot DropporO—tho Lost ~Il*-Itakers to ho fouml In the world uro the origlhal and relinbtreltanblettruttion ilitna Machines; made by tie /ETNA MANUFA(YEURIN(I CO., of flak., hood for pamplilid containing polio oloro. ninne7o. QALESMEN wanted in a paying Ugsi- IJ rms. i. KENNEDY. 413 Chestnut fitreel, Phil add ph ht. Iljunu7o. rrHE ➢OOli.—Free fur Stamp, TARRANT h yo., N.Y. 9,11111070. M., A 15'11Y.-AGENTS WANTED. 41,71_1t/ Aihires+ T.. 1. 11ASTSIl;S 8 CO., Worcet.- ,•1111M-."---* CANGERS ! TUMORS ! ! ULCERS ! Nhiihely rum! by a new method with,' pain, or cauritici. 12 di or Liniver4ity,:?l,l Pine at , Philadelphia, Pa. 0i11111.70. AMYSTERY UNVEILED.-=set 3uc. and stamp, with your photograph or to or hair, to the greatebt Clairvoyant Itt log, 011 , 1 OLCIVO by return mail arot reel [del. re or your foto „rgad name. = Aildrt 4 ..jlllleo T"E ti EASuN In ate Suienter and Anittran dlr systein in Slut le, 114,0118 ruudit iou than wlout Iltlittlr the bracing 110111.'11N Or 11 colder toutperatu re. Iterp the bowls it nortstructud, the digketlun retire, nut .the hittOtt etttll In warm weather. To pins t this object, take Isetall.3,a 4._frakratit'wEffaratateout.Saltzer Aperient. It Is a Kolltitt eatharele, a wholesome tonic, an antidote to billottanets, a blued depuront, ml a most auligittral fola•CfagE., united 1.11 one spark faatultig elixir, prepared la a moment awl •Itlmut the illgltest tr.mbl... • 41.070. MANHOOD AND WOMANHOOD. I.:maim for l'oung . MPH, fol, In apnled vovel 110W - AILD A6SOUIATIA)N, bog l', rAio, l'a. J301..70 TIIIR'r,Y, YEARS' EXPERIENCE TIIE THEATMUNT OF CIIIIONIO AND SEXUAL DISEASES —A Physiological View of 11arrInge. The cheapest hook ever published—cons tai tang nearly 300 pages, and' 130 fine plates, and en. griteingS of the anatomy of the IttoThin organs In n state of health and disease, with n treatioe oil early errors, Ito deplorable consequences neon alts 'mit! 111111 body, with the anther's plan of treattnent--till , (oily rational and.succie.sful mode of 1 . 111 . 1., 00 shout, by a report of cases treated. A ruthfol adviser to t lin married, mid thotie contemplating marring°, who entertain doubts 01 their physical nO.llOOll. Sent Dee Ltd postage, to ally address, on receipt or 25 cents in stamps, or pivtaf currency, by .I,lmo o hte Dlt. LA CROIX, No. 31, Malden Lane, Alhany,N. 1. The author may lio consulted upon any of the din. 1 1 1.1 1 11 sport which his hooka treat, either personallY, or by mail, nd medicines cent 111 1111 y p a nt of the world. ti.ittne7o Cizvviaye Building and Livery BUILDING IN ALL CARRIAGE ' IT:5' BRA YCHES, AND REPAIRING AND AT REA: , ONADLE RATES CAltlll AU CS, 'RI CARAGES, CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES, 'CARRIAGES, 1 CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES, T CA It R I AGES, CA 11111 AG E , , ' ' .. CA R MALI ES, CARR !AGES, .. ' CA RR{ AGE'S, OXIIIII Al' F. RIG Al ES, }tciiii I ES, , BUGGIES, ' 'BUGGIES. BUGG D F., . IIUGG I ES, , BUGGIES, BUGGIES,. 1 I UGGIES,- BUGGIES, BUGGIES, 4,,,q11410 1E• ‘,.... 5 ., , , ... BUGGIES, BUGI 7 LES, f BbiLUX,..ti;4; BUGGIES, BUGGIES, BUGG! SS, 11U(10 JE3, BUGGIES. BUGGIES, , BUGG I ES, , SPRING WAGGNS,SPRING WAGONS, SP RING , AV AGONS, SPRING WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS, , • SPRING WAGONS; , SPRING WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS, SPAIN 0 WAGONS, SPRING WAGON?, SPRING WAGONS, SPIT INS WAGON;, SI'IIINU WAGONS, A lmralrt r /11:11ie 10 miler I nlll oxrhange Ctllktl 1111. =II A v lI ❑oo9 itoitsEs ettottl-Lewd t I all I,,ltttlq, lalzttlt in I:,clutilp• lot' Wild; -,A.• 'SENSE:ALAN Still at work, and Invltem all Ida old (:11,41/11101 . 4, and tho public In gpnortil,. to give, hint a roll, tOli"ltentinlier tha old istablioliati plaeD, on NTT STREET, north of tint Railroad Depot, CARLISLE, I.a. A FIRS:7' CIIASS LIVER] To connect!ou With Um ahoy,' untoldbiliment. 11. IC PEFFER. OEM School fraa for 1870. SCII9OL TAX OR 1870 1 The School Direetorm of the borough of (article, hove .insued their Auplicute for collection of the fthool Tax of the present your 1070. Notice is therefore given to the taxable citNenonf said school district, that tile School Treasurer wilt attend at the,county Court House, (Conunisaletter'a spice,) on' Thuhday and:Fri day, Anyus6ll an 19, noxt, betwoun tho 'nwind' nine and 11,3 o'clock of said days, for tint purpose or .recolvlng Fold loxes, and tut to mold dates thu Trotoutror whit rocolvo thu taxesOtt his ofilco, No. 28, •' Marlon Ilan" building, Wont Morn street. On all taxon paid oft 'or heroin tho above dates ft deduction of FIVE P.Elt CENT trill tad made. ,•J. W. EllY, TretUairor, , Proposals for Flour. 11.June700t NOTICE 1 goaleq proposals drill .ho racolvril this ofncO mien 10 o'cleck, s a, 111onday, July 18,1870, for furnlsh• lug the "Command" at Carlisle Barracks with the BEST'PA-MILY PLO.UR,_ for adz (6) monilut, from and after H. hrst - Elny of Anguat,l67F, or 6091 t Into Iliac an thu Comtnipary OOMlral Of Butodutoncoli. 'Army may direct. ; Proposals 1111106 NI ill dimilouto, and widow,' Fropoprtia for Flour," And must contain tho names or two realm:mild° mrsotis who will sign tho and boom() rokmonsiblo for tho faithful perfoppil the-contmet.. . • Persons wile blill'oro requented to tin present at the ..uppang of this proposnis, The Qoverntnept rosOrVoi 'the right to reject coy or ell Lids which thoyonny consider ittirensonablo, or for .iiii r y . ether nuolfk•nt ellllllo. • FRANK MADDEN, 2I Lieutenant U.S. A', A. 0,41 0q! •e or,A. 0. 14., 151111310 Barrack g. Da. „ June 15, lti7t151!•1 I Liendscapo' Lamt .111 olver LAWN . MOWER TME '•LANDACAPI&" Of Ulla 11tOo MO Mower we are prepared to assert that It to the EMI SIMPLEST, now hi the market. Wo challenge all others. It le compact, cheap, and durable, and warranted to per form Its work with ease and nodal/teflon. A mall Cloy can operato it as well no a man. It lute the double advaritngirof a Roller attachnient, which will bo found woeful In the rolling of make, itc. Call and rice it. • W. 11. JONES' Philadelphia Central Agricultural Implement and Seed Warehouse, General Dealer In Fertilizers of all kinds, andeverything necessary to the Farmer, Wholesale mid Retell, NO. 1621 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. 10may70-:im CANDIDATES. FOR SHERIFF.—I hereby offer my- Reif no n candidate for the office of SHERIFF, subject to the oleelsion of the Republican Nominating Convention B. IS. STAMMER. Coriliale, March 2, 1870. Binhto FOR SHERIFF.—At tlio solicitation of n number of Iteputaleens throughout the county, I offer myself is a catulidato for tin, nomina tion of Sberiff at the trest County Convention, sub ject to its decision. 17mhtc Carlisle, March 10,1870, FOR SHERIFF.—I hereby offer my self no candidate for tho office of SHERIFF. subject to the decielon of the Republican Head tutting Couniiittee. lkit. Moly, April 6, 1870 7up7Otc, FOR SITERIFF.—I hereby offer my nulf an n candidata for tho office of SHERIFF, nuttlect to the decision of the Republican Noutinat • Ink; Cornnottee. Carl6le, April 11,1870. 7aik7Otc. COAL AND LUMBER CHEAP COAL! CHEAP COAL!! The subscriber Is propared to deliver, by No car load, to I'lllo,llllmm, and other consumers along the line of the Cumberland Volley Railroad, the'cele• brated LYKENS VALLEY COAL I Al THE': LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES POE CASH This cool is of a very attporier quality, and will be furnkhed at prices vThieli will defy all competition. 'rho subscriber will deliver coarat Corbels, by the car load, daring the corm& month, at the following prices, per ton of 2,000 Ilea : P Store Egg.. And to other points of the 'road he will deliver it, adding or deducting the expense Of ditteretWe lu freights. Tb, above rates st ill be subject. to the rise or fall of prices, Niel. month, at the mine.. (11:01t6E ZINN Oflien—cnrner of Main and Pitt at rei.ts. 2101)70 BST LYKENS VALLEY LIME liSMiffli SUMMIT BRANCII LIKENS VALLEY FAIO STOVE COAL, delivonsl NUT COAL In (he pull, 2ti t eentm Iran. At the?Arltte LUM t, ER OF ALL KINDS at the loweot pH, At the 3aa do of Boots, Shoes and Trunks STROHM & SPONSLER, 110. 13, South Ilanover street, Carlisle MB Thaokfol for the pntronago oxtetuledthom bore tufure, du nim• anuouneu their mord large atiivle SPRINtI STYLES OP BOOTS ANT) SHOE?, Mit LadiaP, and hisses, which are linelvalledl , rer.rtual'art, and beauty. Also, TRUNKS AND VALISES, MEN'S AND BOYS HATS All ”I whyl, kill he mold at mint! :profit. Call 000 and all, [Ltol gel a 1611 equivalent for your money MEI CHEAP GOMIS are Hot IVIon you iw to buy all article, mul especially In the matter of BOOTS AND SHOES go to s dealer oil words you can roly. for very ti•u wr good J wig.w of leather. Mix time of tho year many will be, wanting light boots mid xbora Our 3UIIIIIIPr wear. All talch ba arolininuilated nt ADAM DYSDRT'S, wlu•ro will be rattail a supply at the lowent pricee llools and 811001, made to order it Ith the utmost sit lutteM ]idea of Modnese No, 31 East Louther strect,:Carlisle, Pa 1-Ittp7o Celebrated Hay Tedder; 11101,ULLA.R1)'S lI4PROVED HAY' TEDIM =I INEPORTANT IM'PROVEMENTSI Tho oxperhhents oud public tr b *lo of the phst Hoo.on arithhod all who wh00.03 them flint the 11 U I.ok. RD TEDPER A Hitt only 0110 operittra timt x (milt titor9ughly lAnd ! ltlf Itiv, on ILngh andslno . L9k gruttud,l It Yip trotn the! bottom, and Irncing It In n firvey romblion for drying." 13prvadli froth behind the win eN, lint run I over tho grata! A tor It hi,, . • . It to tho au ;tateltino 'far 'turning atoll N.readilig - 4 i • , , hay that to of ligltt, my draft for anahorar: Ito ,10. onnhlce-thotirmm•;to'cut,' Onto, and elm', away hay in ono dny,ond a.l . do:tlo prr con Cto ' rotor of A lingo farnir ' Bu} . I L'a ho, In ANinglu nenuon will ruoio , thaw pay lig cont. Tko ootorprbilng 11.1 t mot , will Cwt. .61.11 DC do 0101 It It; OW longer he puts off Loylogi the poorer ho.wlll tw,o p •. To Lo anon ntldo!slitnenii Shoo tionr.Wood Wiltd'O.Warollotme, Carlke, PA tilitlio - li lut .\ AND MOST EFFICIENT MACHINE En= li= JOHN FISHBURN $1 00 4 00 0 20 5 1.5 I= 0 00 4 75 1011111=11 Gents and Boys, Youths and Childs, (Sea Pamphlet.) 40IIN P. nnLNnrs, I=