NEWS' ITEMS 470TRIA islo have an industrial ex: position in 187* _TUE, New Yori'Seventh Regiment en A LiingE. supply of superior Strawber ries is now.expected from New.Jorse.Y. . IT is'now said ,that one thousand lives wore lost in the Constantinople fire. Tn bridge• over' the Mississippi at Keokuk, lowa, Will be'6nipleted PITTSBURG furnishes forty-six. per cent of all thO glass mule in the United States. •• • A GENERAL amnesty for :political offences is .promiSed bY 'the *Portugeso Government. • AFTER R. •WCOk'S recess the English House of Commons-rosumed.its sessions on Friday. Sr. LOll/8 suspects the corporation dog-killer of irregularities in the destruc tion of canines. TrrE corner-stone of the Now York masonic ball.and asylum was laid on the tenth instant. , F , F . . WHEN the warended Kansas had no railroads. Now she has more' thin a thousand miles. COYNECTICUT people are beginning to think a single capital, at Hartford, will ho sufficient for that State.' ABOUT OCOBOMOIVOC, Wis., within a circuit of twelve MIMS; there aro about twenty lakes, from one,to three 'miles long THE shoyellers at the grain eleVators in Bullhlo .strike, andtlisturb anees were apprehended, .but all is now quiet. . ' THE crop report from all parts of the West and Southwest arefavorable. The only exception in some western localities. is wheat. • MANCHESTER, Michigan, proposes to sink an artesian well in the court house yard, in the hope of striking magnetic or mineral waters. A SORT of Boston peace jubilee will be held at Belvidere, Illinois, this month. Cannon and anvils 'will contri bute to the general effect. AT a Ni'e 4 (.11I1g in Janesville, Wiscon 'sin, lately, the guests were made happy with four gallons of -wine, four gallons, of whiskey and ten barrels of beer. , THE illinndsota Historical 'Society are to, collect and preserve the records of decoration services, and publish them in book form as a memorial volume. ABOUT 400 men are now at work on the Portage lake ship canal, Michigan, and in a short time nearly as many more will be added. THE Danish Gorman_ railroad carried 2,000,000 passengers and 0,000,000 awt. of freight last year. Tho stockhOldors got a seven - percent dividend. • TIILItE is a colored woman, named Nancy Johnson, living at _Bergen, N. J., who is in. the hundred and fourteenth year of her age. 'She tvslies, scrubs and does all kinds 'Of housework. 7 111AcoN, Georgia, thirsteth lifter water, and it is proposed to build a canal which, besides furnishing water to the city, will give Macon an immense water-poiver for manufacturin g -purposes. THE Arizona and Sonora Milling Com , ,• • e se d - 200 with Henry rifles and supplied • with mining tools, to work mines and repel Indians in Arizona., The. expedition will leave San Francisco about the first of August. PERSONAL entc.too now feels the need of free EMI NEW ORLEANS - Witilitg - ii Yd.§ pital. ; • dal miles of railroad, but wishes more. THE Oneida Indians r liav'e organized , CHARLOTTE CUSHMAN, it iS said, is coming to this country. • CHAIt t LES . L;m4, iculltins Breit- mann—is in London at present. KANSAS State scrip Seqs for ninety cents on the clonal'. . . IT is proposed to put a steam eleyator o'ritt-TokotiCity Ball., . ONLY one thousand couples were di vorced in Ohio within a year. ' CATERPILLARS are. interfering, with the fruit crop..of ,southeastalissouri. THE British conscience money aver ages abdcit $2 . 4,90,0,a year, , . - . , IT c r ests' about ~$910,1f00 to take the census of Great Britain and Ireland. THE lion. 13.,F. Wade and wife are at Eaton Itapi4 „4ichigan, using mineral water. ^ • GEORGE Auttusyne SALA exemplifies his initials in Englantl in the nineteenth century. DR ABEL qTEVENO Will' probably IRIC ,teed Dr. McClintock as prcsident, of the Drew Theological Seminary. A STEAMBOAT . caßal . is to be .con structed dhuto' Island, Wisconsin, costing p 00,060.— ' . THE building for , tp.o Cincinnati Slenderfest will~hold 2,000 ~nustcian,~ and 10,000 auditors:. ;11, An lowa farper!eltarr9w teeth setapetll - nugget of pd:ro: coppor k NV,4Nngll.7 pounds, the ol,her'da'T,:' - A. w.nrr da lunixtico:', t'izquXi•endo_has been taken out iii New York for-the PrincesS Editba Gilbert Montez:.' TENNYSON will iiceopppay the nslish' expedition which will seirpn. December to observe the .next went, ecliPse . PRINCE ~p as` invested with the\Abrder. gf fit.llllohaek ; .atl .St. George by the Governor General of the Dominion, 'at .11tort,.rel,with imposing . SYLVESTEIi PlIA119A11: !i King,, o,f tho once powerfuitri6 of, Montauk Indians, died on Long Island; May 28, aged 60' years. Of this •triba Iheritnow . remain• bni,turein persona. , ' <, r - '• • MAzzin's connection with the Itnlian insurrectionary movement on the Swiss frontier frontier is saidio'bb'eOrieluaivelhnivited;' and hiseurrend4r mantled of Sviltierland.' Tim Spanish treasure gallooripuidi'in the bay of Vigo in 11702, are '•beiriglever; hauled by M. fPereire, the banker,givhd has agreed tolgivoithe Sintriish; 'govern: , ment one-half , ktrivhat : BENJAMIN G/tEila, Inge& 70, killed by a locomotive 'on the Philtuleb ; phia, Wilmington'4aid Baltimore Attn: , ' road; near &maces 'RunoinTuesdai: On the. sane • dity ) , : , 7,edickY, Volker, carpenter, was killed by falling fronva: housetop in Baltimoie. firnc pavement, bi'siOtitthl; colfeirt: Each :iteM; blunt wedge, bight )vhioll,' when lard Ou tit arch, grows meitO atiirdurabli: the' more it le trtivlelted . F'dvai: 'lt • Ydiai l wears smoothly; • • '1 BETR GREEN, of piscioultural fame; is engaged in stocking. the,, Hudson river with material for hatching half a mill: ion shad. . ClueAao has,:a newCh—nrch, the Firs) :Congregationtilwhich - iliarinst — beCTi finished iltA, cost of $lBO,OOO. ' 'A peco4 liarity of this church is that the reading desk, or pulpit, is provided with a cop per • Speaking trumpet, which is con nected with eleven pews, where, 'with' rubber hese and cup attached, the deaf may enjoy`'seirnon :is well' as those not so unfortunate. CHARLES DICKENS. There Could hardly be a more painful* task than that devolving' upon us, Of announcing the ileeease of Charles Dick ens, the great English 'novelist. The news comes with startling.. suddenness, and it will be received with sorrow in every pArt of the world where the En glish language is spoken. Mr. Dickens has not been in - very rothist health of late ; but he had ,no serious illness, so far as any one knew"; lie was fifty-eight yeara old ; his mind was in perfect vigor, as his latest writings have shown, and there was every, proSpect of there being many more years of his useful life. But death came upon him at the very moment when ho appeared to be in the fullest enjoyment of life. HIS 'has been the most remarkable literary career of this century, if we except that of Walter Scott. His popu liFity,.indeed, has exceeded that of the Scottish novelist ; and without disparag- - ing the latter, it niay be said that the novels of Dickens are destined to a-much more enduring fame. Ho -was the novel ist, not only of the 'English people, but of all humanity. Except Shakespeare no man has created so Many distinct, well drawn natural and individualized characters. Not even Shakespeare ever represented simple domestic life 'with such truth to nature and - to humanity. No man except Shakespeare conibined huinoi with pathos as Dickens did. No Man ever wrote so much, and then could look over all he hacl published and been able to say that there was not Ono Ilno 'which dytog be could sel%li to blot • There is not an unchaste thought, or word, or suggestion, in any of the nu merous volumes of Charles Dickens's Works. There is not a character- por trayed by him which does not inculcate some moral, or expose some vice, or illustrate some abuse that needed reform, ng. lle bas been, in fact, a great re- formal., a great moral teacher, as - well as a great novelist. If time permitted, we might go over his works along with the progress of EngliSh society, and illus trate how one abuse after another 'fell before the magic of his satire or his ap. peals, as given in his successive works. England has chiefly benefitted by this, because ho wrote in England and fur England. • But in America, in British India, and even in the Continental States of Europe, his idfluence has heen_felt, and. always for the benefit . of human ME The place of Dickens among novel ists is in the very front ran)c. In some qualities he lias been surpassed by Field ing, Smollett, Scott or Thackery. 'But in the great qualities of a writer for_ peo, ple of all elasseS, he was far beyond either of theSe; and: beyond all other Kila,g_aliption in his nrir'n or_any-oth • language. This is high praise, but who will gainsay it? Does not the heart of every intelligent reader of his works re spond to it, in this inoment of sorrow — at: hearing of his death ? The judgment is not perverted oven by grief, when a sub ject is before it that has occupied the thoughts for so long a time. When the shock of grief subsides, the cpinifin will be the same. But the pen fails to express the thoughts - that sunlia calamity, and it is idle to attempt to do justice to such a character in ' a hastily written itrtiele. ~ T he first visit made to America by Mr. Dickens, and the hgok he then wrote about us; made'an unpleasant sensation among a piartion of the people. But there was a great deal of truth in it, and his exposure of some of our national peculiarities in that book, and after wards in "Martin Chuzzleivit," led to some more excellent reforms in our hab its. • ''he more recent visit he made brought hini filch to face with the people of the United States as a reader of 'parts of his own works, and who that saw him can forget the delightful fascination of his manner? He found us a greater, wiser, more refined people, and he went away with such an impression upon his mind, that he has never since said or written anything aboiit America except what has been favorable. It is Pleasant to think that he lived long. enough to come and see us a second time, and to find that We were not deserving of the satire that he administered after his first visit. ' The sensation' producild by the death of Dickens is greater, and more wide spread than that. ever before produced hy.the death of a man of letters. It is an instantaneims and a simpltaneousim pression. Ho died on Thursday last, and now there is mourning for him in Europe, in America„ in Asia and in Af rica, to all which quarters of .the parch the telegraph_ has sent the sad aims.— Bulletin. • • TEE ,INpIAN DELECiATION.—TiIe lOiving is a, correct list' of Indian 'Chiefs and squaws, who are the delkation &bin' the hostile Sioux' to conforwiththe nnthcirities at Washington ' • - Idark-p64-Lu-ta---,lted Cloud. - •• • Sburk-km 1;u.t..-Red Doff. . ida-to 6:lie-ta...lta , —Brairo Boar. - • *a-to,Zo-ze—Yellow Boar. ; • At , 31a-to -. 31n-to'll&-auo—Bpar Skin, •,- ! Sap-pa- 7 -111acic.Ikurk.- • , bfun-e-to Has.liz—Long Wolf. ,Hris-katlil an lvitll. a a woid :Wp.olut-sa-t-Man that .I A.friiid. • : . j „ . ..; , Wo=oliit-sa Ezlia-ta—glfati tliat runs t l r 9 9g ll . • ' ite4ck 144---Rod FJ.Y. FOUL 4fti:4i)-•-.ll.ock!Bear. , 3ftinioZto . Shirt: ' flmneniatrAwa...:l ;,; i u-hit-Th.undor , Skim 'Enda-F.ltroliu—Saus Aro Woman, r Tith Qui fri xox SgriLED.—Thodo orn.! dmintnioni , Di..rdris: Clnik, Phyilician to: "Sineon hnd Ilueds Hon- Allettrlnattlint:oonsumption can loi'oui r ed. DrAiMletar bow thin when he - dinCov- Aretkills, Itnovin . .11abinid:Ot ,Wittehorry, land naptirihndo intn•piiivod the oorr_eatno4s'bflis opinion: ! . . ' f f!..*'glti r i t li , welcome to our ev4 . ouge iistiligdkitipi*AFßALTN ' .PF ° i / . lEn .1 4i ' Lli . is' Alb' bl,dokt', !mid-Bast Ralier . Pill>. IfilibtPiii . ttithlitYrland Oukity."—.2troulit' gitv 'ffiztald; VOL. 0. )TO.' 23. TniA President has. sent a special met ,sage to Congress,' on the subject of the Cuban difficulties. Ho says tint the condition of the insurgents has not im proved during the last six months, and that the insurrection, though unsubdued .shows no signs of advance. The struggle is"in the nature of a protracted . guerrilla warfare, WiiiiirCl3pain seems un able to supprogs, and which the insur gents have not succeeded in raising to a point, which entitles them to be recog nized as belligerents. " The President states the established policy of this Gov , :ninent, as announced by Washington, • I adhered to by suc ceeding Presidents, is that of neutrality; and abstinence from foreign entangle ments. Recognizing this as the true po sition for our government twoccupyothe question. of the recognition of the Cuban insurgents is ono which is to be decided on Alio facts of the ease as they 'stand, and not upon the sympathy for, or preju dice against either party. As long as the insurgents have no semblance of the organization of a government, there can be no ree - oguition of them, as belliger ents. The principles announced in this ipessage of the President are unques tionably sound, and cannot be contro verted, and it would be well. for some of the ardent friends of Cuban indepen dence, who hre denounced the adminis tration without stint, to read them care fully, and understand thret a Government has other considerations than those of mere sympathy to regard in its inter course with other nations. WE publish to-day on our first page the admirable address of Governor Geary to the people of the State, warning them of the danger of • another attempt next winter to turn over the bonds belonging to the State to certain railroad corpora tions. Every tax payer should read it attentively and heed its warnings. The Gtovernor is not sounding any false alarm. If the people do not make this queStion an issue in the choice of their Senators and Representatives this fifil, they will unquestionably find the State Treasury shOrtjuSt nine and one-half millions of dollars' worth of securities this time next year. The scheme which was beaten last winter by the Governor's veto of the Omnibus Railroad Bill has not been abandoned, by any means. Quietly. but surely the railroad monopolists are at work having the men on whom they can rely elected to the Legislature. When they have ace.omplished it, they will, with the same boldness that character ized their•. oGerations last winter, drive the .Ahme bill through, with a two-thirds vote, and then impudently claim that it is tho act and will of the people. ..i.Lusanziu Democratic paper in an article ridiculing Governor Geary's ad: dress to the people; on the subject of the Sinking Fund securities, _says that the thiee railroad companies that were so edger to be subsidized last •)'lntel; are now going to - build the road on their own resources. Womre very glad tefiear it, and ho c the may:Alia_ • taking successful. If, however, these companies can build these road?; them selves, why should they be so eager to get_the_bpuds in the Weastuir? And . further, luiw much truth - V. 7 asiliere in the pretence that „these roads couldn't be built by these corporations without State aid. That whole transaction last winter had a rather singular appearance. THE House of - Representatives have modified the income tax law by exempt ing $1,500 front taxation, anil reducing the rate to. three per cent. This is an improvement qu the old law of course: but it would have been much better to have allowed this tax to expire with the present year. There are many objec tions to the law '; its unpopularity being perhaps the least. It creates a useless, and annoying inquiry into the private affairs of every man, and is calculated beCter than law we know of to promote dishonesty and perjury. - $2 . 5,000,000 ap pear. to be collected from indiViduals under its provisions, and perhaps three Litres that amount is evaded, by persons wko have easy consciences in the matter of making their returns. Congress has certainly erred great i ly in not removing this item of taxation. NORTH' CAROM:NA is rather an inter esting place of residence: Governor Holden anriounces,:oflicially, that during the month of May a State Senator Was murdered in a Court House in (men day, a colored man murdered at night, twen ty-one persons cruelly whipped an'a scourged, two colored women outraged, a colored' man shot, another. drowned, two white Mon murdered, many more persons wounded, and their property de stroyed, and a State Senator compelled to leave his.district to save liis life. The Governor offers a reward of $5OO for each man concerned in any of these offenses. These interesting little departures from good behavior are tlnr work of- ,the Ku- Klux-Klan, performed in the interest•of that highly respectable and conservative associatimf—the Dernbcratic party. '. DANTIEL lifcli'Ant.,4rn is in Indiana, endeavoring to have the divOrce obtained •by his wife+ set „aside. This is entirely. proper, - and wo would suggest that the Court, if within its power, make a decree .that hereafter Mrs. McFarhlnd be cora pollud to live with him, support him, earn money to pay his whisky bills, "find bier" 'in revolvers and ammunition, and pay his counsel foes whenever his tem porary insanity leads himto shoot any body. This . might The objected to as unreasonable by Some, but we hope the objection 'Won't' be tqed by those, who 'applaud the 'verdict that acquitted hiai. 'Ran 1211,0iJil ,and his' followerg have been the centre , of, attraetiqu at Wash• ington for the last, few,days, They have ,had frequent conferences:with the Pros (Went, :Sedretaries ..Fish and ,Cox, and Coinmisaioner Parkeri j Red,Oloud is by no meant inclined .to" allow .the people whit represent the: great Father to get the bettor of him, and it is doubtful , whother his .visit to Washington"will be 'ofpneh avail. - This make Indian clues, tine is beset with many difficulties., ~, r°.,, J. S. : 81.19.1 has puldislnid .in 7,"-he Ge/cizifer' um; an article in reply, to fienator,;Wilso,'s_artielo on pevietary publfslied:n inentli previously.. he puper , ia nu able one of its kind ;-in deed : it : , NvouliV:l l 6 , difficult for Judge Illaelc to write anything that didn't show appears, howevep to desire of,,a common scold, and hief i dertalnlY A lr ,,;lthioapacipy in that by the Pith t;iii•oduotion. _ tElla Im is :ahnounced thiktA3ccretary Bout welt ivill'SCO $8,200,000 of gold during .the comineMonth. This amount is the accrued inteieSt'on the bonds which have heretofore Boon purchased, and' credited ..the—Sii4tg...Furid,44l'-ho-Ay 'Edam-, of., Hthe preseht Treasury, management is in striking contrast . to tho-imbecility, and I stupidity displayed in the sane depart ment,'dining-the administration of An dronf Johnson, and the improved credit of the country indicates it. GOVERXOR GEARY ' . visited the western • portion . of the State during last week and was everywhere received with the most, marked manifestations of respOci, and courtesy. t His fearless and inde pendentdre , istance to the Manklegisla tive jobs of lasi; winter have won for him the, admiration and respect of. good men of hoth. political parties. • GEN: GRANT visited Pennsylvania last week, at the invitation of Senator Cam eron, with- the intention-of trout fishing in the mountain streams of the interior. The Weather was unfavorable, however, and the President saw but little of the sport. JIG returned to Washington on Monday. • GEN. ANDERSON, I of Fort Suniptor fame,. who has been in Europe' for some time,. for the improvement of his health, ie said to be in a dying condition. Holz. • lircirAnn J. HALDEMAN; representative in Congress from this gloriously Democratic, diStrict visited our borough on 'Saturday. Ho came, doubtless. animated by the same mo tives that always actuate statesmen of the Democratic party. He came to visit a constituency that had honored him, and which he desired to honor in retur* He desired to see his friends, to shake them by the hand, to render-an account •of his doings at the National Capital, to renew his assurances to the Derancraey that he had heroically battled against the heresies of Radicalism, and would so battle until time should end. Mr. Haldeman saw many of his friends. He held prolonged • conferences with them,, of course, on'the subject of tariffs, land grants bithailroads, the ratification of the purchase' (K:iSan Domingo, the Indian question, the funding bill, and in short,on all the subjects of national legis lation. Mr. 'Haldeman doubtless ex plained his course to them and invited their opinions and criticisms. After a whole day spent in this manner, the friends of our representative tendered him a sere nade.. About - ten o'clock the Carlisle • Band, dressed in their newest uniforms, and prepared to do their sweetest music,- appeared in front of the Franklin House, and discoursed some of their most ap: proved melodies for the delectation of the peopleS' representative. The crowd gathered to hear the music and see the statesman. They were abundantly grat ified. The music - was exquisitc;' - andi, after it came Richard, to speak his ac knowledgments for the honors conferred. Mr. Haldeman appeared 'atthe north entrance -of the--Franklin House, and spoke - sulfataidialli thus- : "My. friends, I thank you for this honor. lam Richard J. Haldeman our representative in Congressc.„.l. never de ceived any man in niy life but, one, and that ono is Mr. John Campbell. ° I con fess I, went back on ,him. I. could have made Lim Treasurer of -the-county-with a single turn of my band, and I am sorry now I didn't. My friends, such of you as are my friends here, I say to you Richard J. Haldcrinan never told a lie in leis 'life. I have always been true -to the `interests -of this Congressional district. I defy any man to say truth fully, and I defy any man to say untruth fully, • that anything dishonest l ean be laid to Richard J. Haldeman. Fellow citizens, I am the representative of the honesty of this district. I have never voted in the interest of corporations. My ,position is, in some respects, a deli cate one. I have been true to the inter ests attic- Democracy, and I defy even my friends just below the corner to say that I have not been. I am your repro . sentatiye in Congress, and' Richard J.. Ilalderman has been faithful to your in terests. hfy friends I bid you good- niebt. Somehow there was no enthusiasm. No ono cheered. The meeting was de- Cliil34 in the hikhest degree. There wore no cheers for Haldeman, and what 'is stranger there were 'no cheers for the. Democracy, or even the New York elec tion. What the deuce was the matter with our friends? They wore in the 4 presmice of their leader, they Wad been inspired with his eloquence; and with the musio , of the band, and yet there was no enthusiasm, no cheers, and no Applause. 'l.,round the spot stood many who used to roar furious approval Of anything that fell from a Democratic 'orator, but now they roared more gently than sucking doves. The demonstration was a failure for any legitimate Democratio purboso whatever. Even ' moderately dark skinned 'citizen by the Fifteenth Amehdutent, might have passed through that crowd iu safety, so little of their ancient spirit did there seem to be present, Perhaps it was the humidity of the atmosphere that affected both orator and audience.' It had rained much recently, and this ',may have ,ac tirounted few the singular dampness of the "occasion. ,Directly; lioWever, - the band recovering its spirits, struck up '" Shoo fly," the crowd dispersed, and our Con- , gressmaa. retired to fold the drapery of his couch around hint; and lie pleadant dreams. SPECIAL NOTICES FACTS FOR 'Tilt PEOPLE My tablo le set with tho beautiful whito,' siriooth ware I bought of William Blair& Son, and [buy s thu wholo °tiny Cupplios for my family thare, and I ad vise you to do so too. You, will be sure always to got everything fresh, and pwoot,_andelean, and nice, and at time lowest 'priori? 'They have just if:waived fresh Tens of best quelliy, English Plekles, and a , run supply' for ploniolug and thO daily wants of pa tiles!. Ihr Jiving famillos. • . ' On W9i6Lwts, On Sinn undone's, nil this, and so will ally of in kind Mends who have berm , dealing with um. WILLIAM BLAIR & SON, • " South End," Cikrlislo, Pa I(UtuloTh Coly, Cramp, and ;Dysentery yield at once to It, relncuratriC prop vales. It le perfectly Innocent, and Can Iniglvon 6 tho, oldo•t, person or youngest`NO mattor If you tiara 'nO conflitonci to Patent Medi elneer-dry CO, and you' will ho intre to bUY' and rdcommeud to your friends, llundrade 9f rep, elelans ro,,unitnond It to they , Fold bir . tbo 'Diugglete an d Btgrekeopere. Prleo ,Nifty Ocala "nlitt Ono Dollar.' Depot, 10,Paric. Plage, . •, • Tow . nma7o,lw BLINDNESS and IiATABEII . , troated sueceis, by leAtcs . : 'Mt D.", and Droreseer of padre* el Iho' .104se. cad .10ar.'08 . )4 idci'Co 'tpecialtly e 1 114 e 01-Antuylunnivl2 years expdrillea, ,(lorunirly of:Leyden, liellind.) No. 806 Arab Street. El!Da. .Testiroonbds. .can be sego nt. ills office. The medicsl faiulty ire iniltedbo*: oolnimny 'their Ostlenls t cube hAe .no sooyots in hte proclaim .ditUbdal eye' basOrteClatilhon'6'n.lioi.' NO' lebergo.tbr examlobtlon. • . • ••.?•- • 00.1 y • -WHOLESALE ONLY. ooylo ItFothers have jUst • received n gory large stock of .goOd!sonteln as Ifoslory, Shirt Fronts, Ens liondors, Llhe: , ni Cotton and Cittabrlc rhindkorchdefs, Whlt,e,Trutitufogi,,Tlesana Attire of the lafist Ayala d' spar, Collataand Cuffs In great variety, Piper and ~Envotopca,,~!glvat;,.72lEbon,__Ggat, Veet, Dross pod lottarl Butt One ,Thiee and - paid Spool cotton Snwlag'Bol4; Vlsh 'llOoks" and ,Llnes, Toilet Soaps' Porfumory, Drugs, Shoe Block, Stove Polish, Indlgc. Blue, and an oodles. 'variety ofNotlons, generally. rho above to Wind - at - Coyle BrOthers. Ifavlng latoly ralnovad to tkoliugo 'attire room In the now gond Will Wee Houle, wa havo Increaeod our etoak—largor than err, and will WI at' gold COYLE 11-ROTIIEES,, 24 . South Ilauover Arcot : Carlisle: prices. al lull ERRORS OF gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous 'Debillly, Preimeture Decoy, and all tho effects, of youth fill Indiscretion, Will' for the eako of sugaring humanity, bend froo to all whe nood It. the receipt or. making tho simple remedy by which ho was cured. FulTerere wishing to profit by the saran!. er's oxperiprico can do no by addressing, In pcifect .confldonce, JO iN D. OGDEN, No. 42 Codar BC Now York tkin) 7-701 yr. 111iir. RAILING, WISE (TARIM, for Blare Pronts, , Asylums, &c. Iron Bedsteads. Wire Web• bins for sheep and poultry-yards, -Biafra and Iron aimOth Skives, Wendors..Bareene for coal, grime sand, Ac., Heavy . Crimped Cloth for spaik arresters Landscape Wire for Windows de,' Paper Makers Wires, Ornamental Wire Works. Every inform. Ma by addressing tho manufat tu rem, ill. WALKER, SONS' No 11 North Slath slreot Philadelphia, ' BE WISE, Waite wisdom will benefit you: ho not am .ou• trolled by your Incredulity, hundrods have vetigid roliof from the horrors of Dyspepsia through thu medium of Dr:kit:TVs ANTI•DTEIPCPTIF STOMACTI Diruns and found it. Why should you smiler when this . admi cable stomachic has cured many similar cases-why do you doubt while other believe and aro cured t Delay in tide matter Is both dung:nous and unprofitable.. Your health, happiness and business suffers, while constant neglect is froquently foil wed by serious and uncon troliablo results. DirTuos are equally useful In the numerous difficulties attending Inds. g'estion ; as BILIMINSFI3, CONtiTIPATION, whilo or FEVER and Aaum nod other disorders proceeding from lilusuars, It Is thou only reliable proventive and 24se 70 remedy known COMFORT ANIS BLISS, OR PAIN AND AGONY DR TOBIAS' CELEBRATED VENETIAN LIM. MENT, whose wonderful cures, sure and Institute. neous acti j on, in roar, of Chronic Rheumatism, Mead ache, Toothache. Croup, Cuts, Burns, Colic, Cramps, Dysentery, etc., have astonished the civilized world, is no now catchpenny; but nit article that has stood the test twenty.tao years. The enormous sale and rapidly intreaslng demand is at once the surest evb dence - of its usefulness and popularity. No family should be without a bottle In the house. Hundreds' of dollars and many hours of sulfuring may to saved by its timely use. MARKETS CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected Weekly by R. C. Woodward Cinuoue, Thuroduy Morning, Juno 16, 1670. FAMILY FLOUR,- SUPERFINE FLOCS., SUPERFINE RYE FLOOR, Wiling WJIEAT - RED WHEAT, RYE. - CORN, - . OATS, - CLOVERSERD, TIMoTIIYSERD A . FLAXSEED, CARLISLE PROVISION MARKET. Corrected IVeekly by William Washkood CARLISLE, Thut,;day 510r61ng, Judo 16, 1870. BUTTER, '• - $ BOGS, _ , TALLOW, B NES W A X. • BACON HAMS.' BACON. $ BouLDEBS, BACON SIDES, • wIIITE BEANS ' • _PARED PE ACIIES._ TAILED—P EACH Ei v DRIED APPLES, SAGS, MARRIED SOUDERS-•CROMER —On the 1( 1 11111 ultimo, et the ',Went, of the brlde'e falber, by the Rev E. Don, %Tr Levi Soodorn,„ to %lied Panel., E....Cretth.r,' both of Frankfor4 low whip, title crawly. . . STAMP-7ZIENTZKIL—On the tineontinsttentritit the reeltlence t+l' the Itehle`e.,.finthen-hrthe r um. , ate.--1..-fthluner'Miltrie :nary 1 Mentzer, both of, Frienk ford townehlp, thlz ceunty, DIED eallforti.n. at th.. twe , ..ty-iterooll of April. Aft- r u Ilnaerlug 11111.4, David Egolf, furturrly 01 this nand NEW TO-DAY - DRY GOODS! DRY GOODS! 0 TTRAOTIVE SI'ECIAI,TfES H A It l' I , : it 'S POPULAR DRY GOODS.STORE- — Purelknaed du 'lng the gruateßt I lopra Won In th tuarkut, and to lot xuld et cur. .1..11 ugly low p.Le I=l co ml riving ull the 11 vol lea of the sum, ,n MOURNING & SRCOND MOURNING 00018 d IOK SILKS, BLACK SAIIN PANISES, In ',Ana 'qua' lty. Puns MO11:1111N, UL.11:6 A LPiCCAS (Specialty). WHITE 000D9 Piques In great •arioly anti fatal styles. 'French Muuliue, Nanst.ulis, Catlin - lea Malloy anti Victoria Lawns, Turistuns, Ac., HOSIERY and OLOVFB In grant vrtrolty. CWIIIIII,II Dicer—bent and ohenpeat alock In iown. Itrnl Vol°. Throad Lucca, •Inaortinga hamburg Euibroidurlod and Lane Collars. LINEN 000D8 Llnem for sung Linen Dud. and Drilla, =I ' Men Shootings, Whito liolland for { blinds, . Table Linens and Napkins. Doylle, Towels, White kprends, kc., &a BOYEV'CASSIMERES AND AJDN'Ii WEAN, ' nuwain kyles, lota than rogelar rates; • SPECIAL NCTICEI •- Opening of LIMA' LACE POINTS, . • LAMA LACE BOOKE„ - BEDOUIN MANTLES • SHETLAND '73IIAWLIL . THQS. A. TIARPgR, 16june70 Cor. Hanover and Pomfret ete CHALLENGE' TO REAPER AND MOWER. 'AGENTS. The. scouts of all 'other Otet•elgu Homier' 'and Mo%Vern aro horaby respectfully requested to meet the. HUBBARD Chaugoabla Motion, Foll-ltaking Semler and Mower, for tha Undo( their respective Morita In gnus .51.0.NDAir, JUNE 20; and In lodged end itandlog grafni on PRIRAY oe the nappy Retreat firm, about one mile writ of Called°, outlet the direction of a competent commit tee of 111. who will renda,their verdict on .trial grounds. Trial to cotnabcce at 10 o'clock. a. an. • The 11u bard Combined Self-Raking • Mower ' with which the million of the cutter, And the height of cut can be •chankad while In operation by the driver. 'I ho gearing all ODCASed, clean drive wliceir—pet even ratekota and pawls In them, two separate finger bore, three minarets Cutter bare and two acts of guards with ouch machine. Is the leading machine, and host Sallitlakor in America. Dont fail ,to examine tt at the Pennsylvania lintel, Carlisle. „JOHN II %Lb, 10tano70 ''''Agent forr be '',ltubbard.” XT.OTICE I pooled p rom o, ,i l ta t , FACAI94 d At this (Mee until 10 O'clock, h. moodily, July 18, 1870, for runlet,• leo the "Command'. at. Carlisle Barracks with the BEST PAMILT.TLOU.II, '(or are'(d) roonihe„ itoin and, after the ant &rot Augnst,,lB7o, or such' Imp time Ito the Cloinmlstary anuerhl for Flour." and 1.1. Arms his,' direct. ii . l i topoonlifr." and thuet contain the ' 11111331311 .'!• Prep.'s's, moat be' hi duplicate, and endeteed ior two resiouelble, Demme who will olgn,the bond taltheconto teepotilthi performance' oldie contract. • , POtoone who bill ire r ieqtiOelott to ho.preient et the ti n , ...rti;T: 4 l , leg i ro ec p t oen a. h. 3 . , or T a h l e t ? ) cir:r w el i ty c e i t i kt i clffre eonshfor„uuromonoble, or r'for Any ' other mottle s :4 PRANK MADDEN, Ed Ltoutonont U. O. A., A.. 0.. p. '..QOAs.r A, 0, f3,.ostitille Uotrookk • Juno /870 bt _ - NEW TO-DA Y. .. , . pIIBLIO - EfALE: ..,',' 7': OF VALUABLE SEAL ESTATK ''' , l'ho oubscrlber ' Oars at' Onbllo ',Anon tho pron': ilaeo, on - . nut.*ty, juri*-30, 71870 ittlreolookrP7 - ktErt"tr - traets — Of7llll.l - sltrititettlii North'Middleton. , • No.l, situated on Long's Gap rood, 5 . ,14 miles north of Carlisle, bounded by Mtg., ofSloses Wets..l, George Brought, William AL Penrose, esq , and others con taining/11 ACRES, more or leek of excellent gravel and slate land, under good cultivation. T rrovemonts • arc a geed mitunallika 'nom, an excellent FRAME BANK 111ARN, with w goo' tilled and corn crib a • ached, and all other necessary out buildings ..An excellent sprir 7 of water 'near the house: also 'el stream of. realer ruilnll.7 along the western boundary, from which 'a unmoor of holds are supplird. A good or lard 'of. apples, poaches, peers and cherries close to buildings - 'No:2, being a tract of Menotti . Land • situated about t 3 miles north of tract No. 1, containing TWESTI 'ACHES, or less, well timb-red with hick ry, oat, and et estnut. the latter being in con nidorable quantity and very valuable for outing.. Persons wishing view the property min do so by calling on It U, Lumberton, re Meg near Mid eirs•X,'On Ipublic, read to rte, roll's Gnp. or John I'. Brindle, No. C 4 Weal Louther street, Carlisle Pa. ROBERT 0. L QED aII.TON, J. P. BRINbLE. Tzahts.-16 per coot to be paid when property stricken down, and Ills balance will be.thado to pay moors issysti possible to suit purchaser. Ittjunentts PUBLIC SALE OF A VALUABLE 1 TAN YARD AND OTllkat REAL EStATE. ho sold at public sale, on premisesi on Thursday, July 21, 1870, all that valuable tan yard and elegant prieato ro donee, situated on East l'ontfrot street, between the Lotort Spring and Eat street, In tho borough of Carlisle, belonging to Michael Maids. The tan yard Is, beyond all comparison, the heat In Carlisle or In tho Possession or the tau yard will be given 1; 1871, dlato,y aftor sale; of Eta residence en April 1;1871, or sooner if desired by the purchaser. Terms of an o will ho 1,01100 known on day of sale, or privately on application to 16Ju 1070 SCHOOL TAX FOR 1870 The School Directors of the borough of Carlisle, have Issued their duplicate for collection of the School Too of the present year ISM • Notice le therefore gluon to the•tazable citizens of Bahl school dhtriet, that the School Treasurer will Attend at the County Court House, (Commissioner's office,) on Thursday and:Friday,- Augusta and 12, next, between the hoarser nine and Ovo o'clock of said days, for the purpose of receiving said taxes,, and up to said daten the Treasurer will receive the taxes at his office. No, 28, Marion 11011" building, {Vest 'Min street On all'taxes paid on or before the above dates deduction of FIVE PER CENT will he made. Y. W. EBY, Klune7Ott Treasurer. B RICK RESIDENCE AT PRIVATE 13A.1.E. 8 tooth on North Pitt street, in Lho borough of Carlisle, No. 79. Thu lot contains about 22 feet In front and 110 feet in 41.101 to in alley. The Im• iirovements are a commodious TWO-STORY ERICK HOUSE, containing two rooms, hnll and kitchen on the first floor, and' throb comfortable chambers on the second store, and an unfinished attic. There arequite a variety of fruit trees on the lot. in good bearing or der, convenient out-luildings, and a tine cistern and hydrant in.the vw.d. Th., property is In g , md con dition, and will be disposed of nuon reasonable terms. Enquire of 16jtinE7n ADMINISTRATOR'S NQTICE Letters of administration on the ,estate of Intuit bender, late of the boiough of Carlislee de , ensed, have been is.eN by the Itegix er of Cumberland county to the anliscriber, residing lit add boriingh. All persona indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate pnytnent, and those having clitintie to ',foment atom, duly nuthentinted, for Pettit:moot. GODFREY BE n DER, Administrator. 15 50 4 00 4 PO 1 .5 1 lli ICJ uno7oot Home Advertisements BULLARD'S 11111 5 ROVED 'HAY TNDDER = '~ (Sea Pfau phlet.) is and public trbtlX of the post Wei1401.1..t sflod'alt who %V it 110; Od thorn (hilt Um BULLARD TEDDER tll.. til/tt uuu Id thoroughly 011,1td ull kinthi Of ha*, tai nm,li KoLl th grollud.l takl , glt lip from the hull obi, end I:tkvlng it It light, Ilevry emill.that for drying. KI t 44.111 (rob, helttlid ti o wit 41 N. MIA duu. 110 t or, the grtted .fur It I. oprLd It lo IsloChilli' :or tur.p.lne.,l r 1,11111 timt I, or light, env ilrit't tor cone hot, • lln u vnatres Oar fa: taur to at, care and •tuu awl lu In ono dn.., uu Ind le A./ p.• eo tto ',Moo cr:l A lit•g.. .• I in 1.111 tatoru thou pity Ila CM. . TLu a itql,illll hit ThuMitillor appoint.' L.y me said Coffin,. to make liLairilouthat LLI tip balance roll IfiAl.e)ilk. 41- of John 111 I,•r, mloolti , strutor of the .1 r J:11111 . 14 set., bite of Culifo.ttin. ~,mod. to !it'dmong the partioa irTilly entitled thereto, leer' y flUt {hot 110 will meal. the ',Ludo.. It.- ter 2, • tl, Gn Om' porpo.t. or Ida appointment lit ILIA ill ''arlialo, rn, au hriohty, July 15, inn. at lan .club, it where they tnny attend I au winded. 31. e liElt LAN, Tu Libido's L3lachin . Shop. Lear Wood. I Auditor. mor will not ciLl/U. , t to With .111 it 10114, It In?j's La 1 uylng, thu p.orxr will ho WMAI t e Warolloll4o, CI IN n !A 9Junu7o Im. LIVERY, SALE, AND EXCHANGE STABLE. t J. L. STERNER & BROWER, In rosr of Donis Mose HORSES AND CAITANES TO num ON NICASONABLIt TERlllir AND AT 811ORTEST NOTIet. CAIIIIIAGEB VOINISIIED 1:011 . FIJNERALS OU' N ; 11. Stable • room for 50 bead of 10 - raos on keop. 17(670 'Co7SIBINATIQN. .~ HAVERSTIOK BROTHERS, No. 5 South, and 1'4:10 North Itnito'ver'si;aoto 14.001 y NOTICE United Statem lutenutl lloirBuno, Coßector's Wilco, 16t0,PletrIot, Carll,o9, Juba 9, 1870. , . . On Wednesday, the grit day of June, 1870, 14,000 CIGARS, to Imam , , were molted at, tl l l: i st i ore of .I; Don., In the borough of Orrilsle, Pa , for u nNon of ' Section 48, Act &July-13,1868, of the ntellnii *nue Laws.. Any 'serial or permit cielelln the same are roquired to apponrand Mate, inch c nun within thirty-days from thin data. JO=KPII W. PATTON. njune7o.3t . Collector 15111 Matelot, Pc THE WlAltir • INSTITUTE, OARLISLEi ?ENN'A. .11oardink School for GIRLS The ninth annual melon will begin on Wodneada,•, 'September Ist. For circulars or forth., Information liddress , , f.• ~• „.. • . .. • Roy. W. o.4AirMitEri." ' . •. Carl tote Poi S 2I ? A: „,, • COLD ,4,14 D BEI4ItFLINa AT ' /14VIUS.Ti01t - 11 / 1 0,Til nembrer"stroot. 14!,p7d1y PIANOS FOR , S/11.14 . , . . . • ~ T•j. flnd•olasa PlAnoc r which linve Veen 10 ate Mit • thort limo, wilt kroold ,:irery : low .for. caul', . , .I.ppy: at oaca to 9JutieTo4 - JOHN EL HUNAN, OpTi'ADVERiTSEIIIENTS: ,pFEIL & CO PRODUCE AND .COMMISSION Sault consignments of all kinds or Produce. Also Butter. Eggs, Pou try,lro , Philadelphia Reftrences.—N. C. Mumsleman esq President of the Unit, Banking , I ompany, Phllo Messrs. Allen & Clifford,; and Messrs. floury Sloan Bon. N. B.—Please end for•Weckly Pride Current freu of charge. Bmar7oom , PLASTER W.ORKS, A • • • NY inquiry. will receive immediate mower. Built/faction In trice and material aammed, and shipments promptly made. • S. HEPBURN, Jn., Attorney for N. Mulch' 24 rub7o ly $lO,OOO GUARANTEE =I Second. For Its Uncounted Durability Third. For Its Unsurpassed Coverlug Property $ IT coats lens to paint with Buck Lein, than any other White Load extant . The same weight eovere Mere inirface, is more 'durable, and nadtes whiter work. First. For to Unequaled Durability Second. For its Unrivaled WhitelieStl. Third. Fur its Unsurpassed Covering Property A.' L. SPOT BLEB, Beal N state Agent being the eheap.t, handemest, and moat durable White Paint In the nodd. BUCK LEATI - AND BUCK ZINC ; Slalgiket kin 0 uerilb teed by the Man u fide rers. BUCK COTTAGE &GLOBS, Cottages, Qutbuililings of etsiry tlesjilt,lion, Fences, &c. Thirty-five °Morelli Culors, Durable, Cheap, Uullprut, awl Beautiful :Lades • Sample cont.. sent IT mall, iftleslred. .. - Dealers' Orders - will be promptly eseepteil by the manufacture'', FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., N. }V. COIL. TRNTII AND MARKET STREETS FOR SALIc.WIIOLESALE ANA Itl TAI/ Y--11-E-N-11-Ir--S-A. T-O-N -4S:- Den' ern In Hardware, Paiute, 0110, Oluan, b.c 2 '.1."7013 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTI,CE. Lotters of Attioluist rot lon on rho VOtiltl l .ol . nail Shit:lifer, Into of Wel:town towndlitt. drcettrot, have Lern ortutt by 111. Hog of or of C111111.1,1/1011. South Jlt.nlio. tots to, itt.ltl it All pert.. ot ttettt, II to totitt ...LIU. , or,. rogorOtrti to mai:, hinoetlint., pop.. nt, nod thooe ogolost it to presort thong, duly ttm thouttrototl, tor t JOEL SIIEAFI , EIt., 'l9:nny'o , A dint I.ktrutor A. DM IN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. I vtl• n al A Illi II et ration Ultil the will annexe, en the •et ot Sarah M. Switier, hoe to the Ito Newell to, lee axed hone been leaned by th Iteirlsier rut Condi Hand" comity, to the 1111111.1,11:1,1 reah'ing in .only !thee _ait ' , email irolehti sold tio.tte reaute.ted to make honied ate pa) Wept a d Mew it, iu pawn 11111111•IltiCatCli, for settl,oent. EDWIN JAMES, 2jeint. Athillri. rotor TN TM:ORPHANS' COURT ININD ro., THE CoUNTV .01 , CUMBERLAND In the matter of..lll * e Estate of James Culver, lute of California, deceased.' - VSTATE OF , c.TOSEPH CULVER, 12J LATE OF TilE; 1101WO011 OF CARLISLE hi the Orphans' Court of Cumberlam County. JOHN r. 111.INDLE The St ant, appoint.. I. to talk,. a correct distriba tion'of estotoof - Josepit Culver,hte of the b., °ugh of or isle, deceased, nod to 11/10 1111111 fill' WllOlll/I OV"irad, if .Iy, by. Jinni Al flier. exr cut, r of salt deeotts•ti, t • the distribute., of said esta , e, and to port the sante toAlie sold Court, will shoed to the ports - manes of his mllk, Ils Auditor aforesaid, 01 his ogles in the borough of Co. lisle, Pa., nn .b.ridast, the fifteenth stay ft/ July, lb: th at ten o'clock, a tn. when and whet, all itartitenlinterested ore'bereby notified and It:quested 1., attend sod xstiresent their several Leer, xis. M. C. IMP. ti AN, tjune7o.6t Auditor I= NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS 1 Ito 'Tremor.. of Cumberland colutty will allow), for tin purpone of receiving County and Plato taxes for 187 U, us t aqui, ed by Ant of Assombly, At the fol lowing Halos and places, vnt: eltipinolnittirg Borough and Township, at NicNtal ty'ti h0t..1, Juno 17 and 18 No wvlllo, at Ilenneborgnem hotel, Jour 20 and 21. alechnnicaburt,, ut Laiolg'a hotel, Juno 22 and 23, Now Cuntl.orttud, at doll's hotel, Juno 24 and 25. At Commitadoner'a °Rice, Juno 27 and :8. On all tarot not paid on or nuloro thin brat of Au. glivt next, Ilvo per coot will ho added. Tho:fressurer nil• receive taxes at his °glee until the first day of Fepteulber next, at which limo da , plicates of albunpael taxes will ho Issued to the con stables of the respectlyo boroughs and townships for collection. • - (11C011011 WETZEL. • Trencurer of Curnbertaud county, En ZSap7Olt Dry Goods, 'OW Cloth, Carpets D ECLINE IN,.(71;)1,D1 • CORRESPONDING DECLINE IN . GOODS! Quite an excitement In the Dry Goode market, In a very marked decline In price. of BIM; Ilolainee • 1/1[1008, Alpaecue k Popllns.,Stirgoo, Remaaa a largo 'Variety, comprising nearly elrlll7- 111Ing. 1 111 this lino °f goods. • • Ylannola,+ Tlakinge, Gingham, Mankato. ett l tonadom, Kentucky. Jaano, CLOTHS and CIABSIMEIIES, Minot and CatNn Tabla Mayas, Murano, Cheeks. Swill., Naimoli. Cambrlca, •Jaconots, - Vrentli ?dun Ilne, 'farltdons; Cambric and bwiso Edginga Rad lu outings. • ~' • • • . HOSIERY, .GLOVES, Trimming; %vont rurioly, Ribbon; of th. bud quality,liaiy, and kinndowuri • . FANCY GOODS. ofs gnat, want elyloi , rind all 'very °heap. • ..Dittlys'.,Undei v9Fy, made And,tdintneC; iAleo. CAn4Tili 'OP Ituggets, Rug", Whidow abides, Quilts, , Cuunter• . gsues, mid toauy: goods not "moutiouod for Wlo4i 01 to hare tho largest nod beet stoat, or 'l:lty Goode lu tho I otgrio r , the t tote, said will moll at such prloes'es will ttathifyull that this lothe place to got good bargalno. - - •• -- ''• Btothlo ' • It NT$ A CO.' ~ M ERCHANTS, NO. 10 *MTh" WATER STREET, PHILADELPHIA, rA YEIILADELPIIIA + COATES STREET WIIARF CALCINED AND LAND PLASTER FERTILIZING fil-ALTI3-,- BONE DUST, Ti/RBA ALBA, &a., &a SMITH 4 HARRIS, Ph Iladelphis DUCK LEAD Excel° ull other LEAD: .Inrinetly, fur Eta Economy."-(0i DUCK LEAD lo the cheapest und beet. $16,000 GUARANTEE! BUCK ZINC Excels an other ZINCS Lastly, fur Its Great Economy =I Prepared expressly for•Paluliig; PHILADELPHIA CARLISLE, PA LEGAL NO2'ICES DRESS GOODS, STAPLE GOODS WIIiTE GOODS POr sale—Valuable Rear, Es! are, yhAttiABLE:REAL ;ESTATE AT , lIIVATE PALE. o subscriber, 'Nil/11111g . to • eelioqulnh fermlng,.. °lre& nt;prlvato onto: ! TWO VALUAIII.ILAMIEBTONII Monroo., townehip—botween the Ydilr road and the road leading to Bolting ~p rima, n abort rellodtom Chnrchtown, and 1% 11 11iCli trout Belling Springa. _ No. 1 contains 41ion' bout ,7G ACRES 'more or lees, of oxcellen , Limestone lend, • In a high state of cultivation. The Intim 'temente are n g od story Farm House, with Wash Mune end other out, buildings. 'Also'; an excellent new Chant Ihnig o and a large Bank Barn, with wa ton eheda, coe .; cribs, and other necessary outhuildin e. - Thus larm. hes too eplentlid alt.inge`of :Antos water from 'which every told might easily be sup piled. Theft° springs teed two sp undid" trout pandit Moro tinted a good ur chord of Cle Ise Bruit, sock as A ee, Pears,leales, C ltrrieis-lo:.2eontansa3outo. ACRES of ex cellent Llniestuno land, In first role order. The Improvements aro a double two.,.tory Weather boarded noose. v 'th Bitch. n. 1111. 111 , 1180, Ac A 'Frame Ila'rn, recently repaired, with Wagon Shed, Corn Cillis, and other out-buildings attached. An excellent Apple Orchard, with a large' quantity of Cherries and other choice fruits, are around the Iti.dinns A good INell of outer and a largo ehtern -at the to use. If tit:nimble a Trait'of Woodleial for eocl place le offered. Persons wishing to view these properties can do so by calling on the so. scriber sod ding 011 the rood lending from Churchtown to (lolling Springs, (timid ono mile east of Ma latter piano, or upon Uhliatn-11, Lutz, Ih Ing'closo by 2J u no? LI ( /TY 4 DYERTISEMENT.a. FAXN ING'S PATENT KIP-FITTING SKELETON CORSET This Corset Is constructed on an entirely CI ete principle, being mien. and thereby allowing' tho freest circulation possible besides giving porfect ease and comfort to the wearer, and at the same limn possmalng all the advantages of the coalmen Cor sets in giving support to the body For Health, Grace and Comfort, they are unri valled in the nutrient. They ere particularly re• commended for summer wear. nod "arm climates; although equally well adapted to all sou-one of the year. They are highly recommended by medical sad scientific men. For sole by all find-ChM denPre. For clrenla.s, prices, etc odd. etc the WOIiCESTEH SKIRT Cu. , IVoreeste6 , 3l . tpx. ritiirap (:ST4III,I9IIED 1030 ) WELCH ,45 GRIFFITHS, SAWS/ AXES I I SAWS!! I Sais of all dencriptions Axon, and Mill Forni.lllagn. Circular Saws with Solid Tooth, or with !'.dent AdJuntablo Polatu,silperlOr to all tn• sidled teeth noes, . • . . Kir Pricer Reduced. —ea Send f r Pr.ce 11.1 and Circieurs. - 6:11 WELCH & ()MIT iT11.9,- Rostou, Musv., or Detroit, Mich ME pATENTS.--2lnventors who wish to take out Let ter...Patent are ad viand to Cu.. teed with Munn A. Co., anto•t of 1110 Scientific American, ho have prosecabil claims before the.Pittent 011100 for over twenty years. 'ft eir American and Euro pean. Patent Agency Is the melt extensive la taw world. Charges le w than tiny other rethink agency. A pamphlet coutaininr. fall instructions to inven tors Is scut prate.. iIUNN A CO., idtal7o 37 Pack Itow, New Yo.k. 5,000 BOOK AGENTS WANT- E 0 fllli. lIARDINWS NEV IL. luumm,ed nOl Illuntrated Hitti no of the We of Chrlot, and Bunlairu I'rogrios. Hard Non Plololilli Fans' y Haden. The works nil. 411/W teinly for delivery Addreas, for eninlinine of Ow beet nellhtg Sub.eription betiko plaids:led W. W. HARDING, Philadelphia, Publither. I.J u rao THE WORKINGMAN. An Illustrated o untidy, Paper after the style 01 the ° British Wm.lon $1.." So heati:Unl and aa trdrtive i bat escrybeily Is . 1 / 1 11$111ea with it ; and .0 cheap ;hat everyboils ran lake it lily Sixty C. nix $ ear. Tell copies and a sle nun for SO'. Can... serx vothpil ever, Mi. re. Sena tor specimens. Sin gle nun aa . B far solo by newsdealer.. T. S. SONS, 1'hil:0101M* Va. Uluaih rfillE - JAPANESE CORN FILE re moves Loots without pain ; pi lea tte. Sold nt drug told , iltJe mons S , inilLes , 11 recstpt of prim. .11111 tools supplied Ly the J APANESE. CORN FILE CO . 31 Pule si rest, New Yuri, gjtine7o. VrESI - LIS_7I - 'l2llE — ! t 411 e e best Droppers—the belt Self it skers to be - found in the woi Id are the original end relielde Double-mutt 0 0 i 31 , dilute, mode by the ItTNA M %NC eACTi 11 CO . Nnlem uhid: Seed war, tritibp7o. SALESMEN. wanted in a paying busi net.. S. lUES N EDI', 413 Clintu Clintut she. I, Phil tuldphin. 11111111,70. ripHE HUMAN MACIIINE.—NYq e lur 514,105,T %RR INT 0 co, N.Y. tipme7ti. Q 1 f•-•,' A DAY.--AGENTS WANTED Addrut. 'V. J..11,Ui I'SIUF & U), ITuu eu ter, Mus, tiju u. 7u. fIANCERS ! TUAIOIiS !I ULCERS !] ue It v eor eared by a Ilea' tortloal W thou Rain, 4...0', or enu-lic. (: , 1 , or 10111111.4 Jr i 11111.44,11 y. 514 Poo. al , U;uU,•7U. A MYSTERY UNVEILED.—Send .C.l. 3 c. Awl stamp, with your p' otogroph or lock of U.,fr. to till tis,.t rte,oyutut li clog, and rc retro lo a co: roc' picture ot putt- future hwltuittl ar %elk-, mid mule. Add,. C. II JA\till, lib., 01.411, N. J. 9j onellt • le THE SEASON In tits Summer and Autumn ILe system Ix le a liws nervous itinditiou than when Okime the hr tibig inilimn a voider temperate e• , • Keep tie how s unoliiiimeto• il', the digestion and blood cool tooarn. %ember. To effect t is obits t, take cc mil nall3 a d ise.of Titentnos r.thies•er eta Peltier Apse eat I. is is • gentle entlaffik, II a Itulemume nu nu tidoto tit blllpuxiie x, /t hl. od d. 1)11,1a. od a tai tide ightful febrifitge, tiul eel i.t anti spark ling, foam tug tibiae, prepared ill a moment and without the • 114ile•L trouble. • MANHOOD AND WOMANHOOD Efixitys for Vomal..; M.D. Luc, iu ~ 0 1, hpes 110 W ARD et SSUCIATto buxladoi phla Nun. 70 TIIJRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN 'my Tit HATNI L.NT thin° AND SEXUAL DISE ONES —A Physiological View of l..rrittle. The book ever,publielted—con. tabling 1.011 ly LOU p .gdt, and 100 tine plates. anit - on• antvinge of 'tit° 'tool). of 'tint human organs In state of health and disease with .0 treatise on early errors, It, deplorable connoottenees upon the nand and body, with the engines plait of troutimed—the only ration,tl 1401 suceessful !node of core, nn shorn by a fop rI ~f o men treated. A truthful adviser to the tearr•ed. and Own cenb.otplatind ncirriatte, who' entettain doubt. lot their ph.)eical condition. Si.o t free of p,mtago, to env address, on reeelpt of 2A cents in stallion. or p stet correnry, by oddressing Ult. 1,4 C.rOIX, No. :ti, Lane, Allnuy, N. 'fbe/a4lor holy lid conqulted upon one of the din ette upon `wltiell Ida bulbs treat tither &Nu:tally, or ,vn all, 11141110theibeS 110111 to 01.3' part. of the world. ikittoo7o • Curpiage Budding - and Livery CARRIAGE BUILDING IN . ALL ITS BRANCHES, AND REPAIRING =HI AND AT REASDNADLE RATES EMITIME! BM= CARRIAGES, CAI , RIAGES, CARRIAGES, CARRI+GES, ' - CARIB GIES, CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES, ' ' CARRIAGhS,CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, .' BUGGIES, lIIIOGIES , lIUGObS, ' BUGGIES, ' BUG GUIS, BUGGIES, --- BUGGIES, ' - BUGGIES lIIRIGIES, ' • BUGGIF., • lIIRIIII I 8: BUGGIES, BUGGIES, BUGGIES, IItIGIES, ' . IIIR.(1 11. 8, . BUIIIIIII II BUGGIES, BUGGIRs, BUGGIES SPRING WAGO G3,sPRING IVAGGNs, SPRING WAGONS, SPRING IV AIIONS, : ' SPRING IVAGON 8, SPRING WAGirNS, SPRING WAGONS, . SPRING II AttoNS, SPRING WAGONS, • SPRING AGO s B . • SPRING WAGONS, , 1.1(11 , 111 WAGONS/ . SPRIN9-117k0ONS, • SPRING WAGONS' , . , .. • ' itttroyn oh hooll, or stool!' to mato'. • ME= OA HUI All ;it', ' lll/001E8, OR `SPRING WAOONB MI via GOOD HORSES BeconthluidWagons, of CI knob; token in orehango tor Work: • A. B.ENSEMAN Still at Invites d 1 Me of tho public to general, to o himvall. " gr•Riatalbqr lite alit tatablitlival shee t ott PliT aottlt at !ha ltaf tt tot Uopot , ()Attu • • • . . . A ./f'.( . , 1! 32' i; A 3.3 r . u thonWsit rsitliktAlnltuWut.. . It; W041.0:411 Government Proposals ROPOSALS FOR FUEL, FORAGE P AND tam w. 1:1,11410 Barracjle, Penenylvanla, 0 - 111 co Actkg A. Q. M., to entleth Slay; 1670. 1 • --Senied-proposels 'he reariveditt , hiarfieeTllolll t.n o'cl,nk, :L. la the twentieth day of June, MO, for auPPIY a.n thls rout, for the 3 ear eliding thirtieth auve, 1871, with Fuel, Forego end ht. aw, In quanth time as follows: 341 T0n5,(2,240 lbs: eicii,) Lyhenii Valley Cent. . 5 . 1)0 ,, , 0 T0n, , Cf ,, ,2 k 4U4b od s.. each,) hhatuokin NntCoal. 2,600 Particle (50 ibo. each) Corn. 10,050 Bushels (3: lbs. each) Onto. 280 Tons (2 000 lbs each) -, IOU TOns (2/00 ILFi. e..ebY Straw. The coal to be deli Voled by the thirtieth day of Sehb mime next. I'ho woad such e fcr ~g,,oroaqnul stited raw t e e ° n li z . re o d r. in the Acting A. Q. M may direct,. • Proposals'' aro invited for rack Hoot separatoty; must be I” dup hnto. °adorned !. Proposals tor 'sup plies" and C. Idu the names of two ream. eible'Per sons, who pill become i.uro.tios for the faithful pore forma, e of the contract. Parties who bid am requested to be present at the °finite p of ffin proposals. . • The (ffivernment reses•Ses tie right ,to reject any or all bids .filch may be deemed , too high; or for nay other sufficient MUM Blank proposals may be hod on npffilention to this office, nNE Second - Llezteimnt U. S. Arm MABDEN, 1:11.70Gt y, Acting A. Q. • latudacape Laim .11 oitmr •• ECMIEM THE '‘LAlQ'Lviti:lA,pll" Of this little heed Mower we ore prepared to assert that It Is tho BEST SIIIPI ES , AND MOST EFFIO TENT MACHINE' now In the market. We elrillengo all ahem It lb rompart, rhea p, and divable, and warranted to per form Ito work with ease and mtiefactinn. A mall boy can operate it an well an a num. It hoe the double ad vantage of a Roller attachment, which will be Rand In the rolling of walk; &e. Call and Imo it. • W. . JONE • • Philadelphia Central Aer.enltural Implement ' and Seed \Varela, nee, General Dealer in Pet Wig rt• of all kinds; and everything neteseary, to the Farmer, IUI IWPI,IIIII knoll No 1621 lUIET ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA, • lOntity7u•tini CANDIDATES FOR SHERIFF.—I hereby offer my ;elf as a candidate for Hie office of SHERIFF, subject to Om decision of the Republican Nominating Convention . it. It. :PANULEIt. Carlibtio, March 2, 18711. 08n1hto FOR. SIIERIFF.—A t the solicitation or a tlumW r of Ittpubllcrins tlooughout, tho county, I ant, alvoelf as a cutfilianto for Iho noutine 1100 of S. trill at tho next Coni,ty et.ovention, gob ject to fts - tlectsiuu. - lotttc Corille, March 10,1670. FOR SHEIUFF.—.I. hereby offer my relf o candid %le for the ollico of RI CAM, oi,l Jret to tho deck. 1101 the Repot/11mo Nmitottiog C mm mat,. Xlt.lllolyApril 6, IS7u 7up7u • g FOR SIIERIFF.I hereby offer my self oo n randolato for the rare of 11EIttf P, outdo° , to the th•. Kleini thy lug Committee Cllrlkle, April n, 1870. 7 a pit, tc COAL AND LUMBER ( - I.I7IEAP COAL! CHEAP COAL 1! lJ Tlio is prepared to deliver, by thu c, load, to linieburnme,.lll other cumenmere along thu Ilbc at the Cumberland Vu ley liallroad, dm cele brated LYKENS VALLEY COAL! --- - - . A'l"f 11E LOIVEI:T POSSIBLE BATH FUlt CASII This e. nl In of every sunsuit's quality. tuul mill be _furnished at I whirl) will defy 1111 competition_ pubseriber olibdrlivrr e. nl Ili CArible, by 1110 or load (inning the Current month, - the to:lowing priers, ver ton of `,nun Ito : •' $3 130 14-1 g - 25 5 25: And to other puha% of the road he hill deliver It, adding or titaluriing the exr l'll.l of ditlerence in .frolohts. ,e Le r vet tf prices, 1•1, It 111011t12,, at the nlmw (1110110 E ZINN Yi nice—corner'ul Main and Pitt ai reeta, Zia pi .1 • 'Mir LIME EST. LIKENS 'VAL; COAL the yttrd,, of summiT bitA C LY Y A L'.F.Y EGO Sc YEt UAL d,•lirumd NUT thl Cu tl u • 3at d, 2.) cents less. At thy 3 ar.l% A. IL BLAIN. - Lilt DER OF ALI. Ii.INDS a the lovre•t prkes. At the 3 anis of Boots, Shoes (old .Trzinles STROHM & SPONSLER, No. 1.3,..9inith Hanover street, Carlisle 'chunk fill for the pratonng • extemluil thew tare fun du DOW to.nuiltic6 their uku4l largostock PERIL SPRING STYLES 'OF IS AND SHOES, FoR Ladies and Misses, tire l mll - 1,1 , 11i1.1 for comfort and teauty. Also, TRUNKS AND VALISES, 'M N'B AND 110Y8 . BATS Allot wide!, Lo sold st .mml :profit Call ,aca 15 . 1111 all, nad gilt equlvalvnt for sour utoarl 14ap70 CIIEAI 3 Cloud', are not olwaytt thebeet. When you go to buy na arttele, and °Ruth:lefty 'M the matter of BOOTS AND SHOES go ton denier on whose worth' you CUTI raly, for vett few ore good Judgri, of leather.. A this time of tho yror hinny will ho anatiog light hoots :1111i shore for sulanler Wear. All !bob eel be ecoointoodifted at A-D 4..31 D'Y B E.R , 11=! =tam vro will 1w !burnt n ouppiy at. the lowest price* oil mid ohm., mode to older with till utmost as tit. Pim" , kif tql.itleff3 Nit, 34 'Laidher streat,:CarMle, Pa 14410 , lAletit tit. Orphans! Coeri•t Sale. COURT SALE.! Ip VALUABLE FARM AND TOWN" PROPERTY, IN }±HIDAY JUNE 17, 1870.11. virtue 01 en ohbr. or the Orphans' Court of Cumberland rouhty. the will expose at Rate, on the prem.... Wee, the horelnafter &soil rd purperte. lot. l b. property of Oe.,rgo Kink, "rod. - Purport No. 1. A tract ott.lM bElYiNEaml ELATE LAND, 10,10{1111.u; Newvillo Borough sitented 10 the township of Newton, Countyof Cumberland, con. talnlng 01XTY.ONR 0010 a 'oust one hubdred Artd fifteen perches, millet tat mare, hitting thet*On' rnri led uDNo ding House, large Bank 111 and other .. outbulltlloo There to ea exrellOnCyoutur °moor! upon the premises. The laud to enclosed nith goad peg and atone Blow, audio lu every high mato of, cultivation. • . rutpirt No. 0, A lot of ground rinmUd on Street, fu the Woo. whowille, bolus thereon: ' oroctot A tette , Drool leg Howe, bleble lend other' outbuildings. , •• Pu pest 'No. 1 will be °Resod on tbe premises at 10 -• o'clock A. It.. and Purport No 11. t 2 o'cleck I'. Id., . ou mild • . TRIO1111 : 01 , PAI:11%—. 1 1 aylrefoutSulueuut SO' P I pold • • to pay all expohles ealesoul tiollett. Status jaw, whim the . prs•unoy Is 'Woken' oft. Tho widow'. • to sullied to the laud, the Oloreet to P. Ohl, to ktr, euttuelly duilug• her lite' alit et hoe • loth (ho ptiiblPie,itun to be paid to those 'vitally • thlitliel Que.holf the ; to he paid" , ub Ito. lint ditto ot.itioll; 1011, when pore ..out • Ile glxone-,llio retunolor bo dlebled int an. noel t arum II and to lie pdd . April I,' 18.2 and 1013 with ittlevet on , both paysuoute from April 1, WI; • payuosirie In each cuss to be eta,..ed by .. roc. . 0001anum with ',curtly L.o Orpb.ooTourt.., Allypt , roon rdAllong to examine the o *tithes' - Rut. day of soh can call open. the kubecrlleer, or tto M 11.11t)Y1) , 50 1 to • ASIOS'i - of Gee: Klink; di:o'l,7: -- . DRUGS. IAT „ • • • No: 5 South, and 1:10. !NOrth 1141:110 \ 4116141, ' CI ViRSTiCK BROTHERS ,. ' ' PENN . A. 14a11701$ . ' OWER JOHN RHOADS EZBEIBEZI =1 =I $6 1,0 47 4 , A. It. BLAIR. Gents and Boys, Youths and Childs,