NEWS ITEMS A WESTERN city boasts Thee hundred parrots. 4ACFSONVILLE is the largest city in Florida now. I. ATIIRIBTA; Git., his music every ovon ing in her park. NEARLY every town ill Mississippi has a brais band. • - • - GREAT BRITAIN Las-100,00 0 miles of macadamized roads. "PATENT dry corned fish" has been invented in Boston. No daily paper in Germany has a cir ciliation of over 25,00.. SEVEN cheese • factories have recently been started in Delaware. WORCESTER thinks of hanging a man for trying to kill himself. IT is estimated that there are 378,577 Indianain'the United States. , TrtE. telegraphic line to unite England with Egypt is progressing. A VEIN of lead has been discovered in Trumpelean county, Wisconsin. i A NEW . railway route between Boston and Portland is to be established. Tun contest for the 'Gubernatorial nomination is very excitind jri Missouri., NIOY YORK had 1,800 arrests by the police last week, and 379 deaths. THE steamer 3. F. Park was burned at Dotroit, on Friday morning lest. Two thousand coven hundred and fifty-eight horses were eaten in Paris within'a year. Tw::NTr-Two miles of pine .logs are now in the Chippewa river, above ➢lid laud. TILE Italians in this country will cele brat° the anniversary of their war of in dependence: OF the GoVernors of the various States, twenty-nine are Republicans, and eight Democrats. TUE great Louisiana sulphur mine case has been decided in favor of its dis EiMM BOSTON had tho hottest day of the sea son thus far on Saturday, the thermom eter ranging from 75 to 07. CALIF6ITNIA rails the ti'venty-fourth inhabitants, but is fourth in the amount of income tax paid. Trrr•. Ancient and Honorable ...tallier Company of Boston had their annual pa rade and dinner on Monday last. A GEniiAnehemist has found a test so delicate that ono part of arsenic in one million parts of solution may ho delocted. A, TRAIN of twenty-three cars, filled with strawberries, arrived in Chicago. one night last week,. over the Illinois Central Railroad. A GUM-CM:WINO match between two lowa girls is the latest championship feat. The winner will chevi against time. A VIENNA merchant • celebrated the fortieth anniversary of the founding of his business, hY giving one hundred florins toqhe poor. ANOTHER destructive fire is raging in the woods_ir‘the-vicinitrof-Triiiity Bah ou the Bangui:in:ly river, Canada, and still another some miles up the river.. A FIIEIGHT train: from Philadelphia for Baltimore, ran off the track near Babli river, and killed an unkliow•n colored man, severing his body in tivo. • cattlo are' Valuable' for their remarkable aptitude to fatten, the perfection of their form, and the small ness of their body structure giving them great adiantage as beef cattle. T-he-New-Yma:-.Summf_Moudity.,.._ga s : "Official despatches from Houmalia state' that the number of massacred Jews are from four thousand to eight thousand." ON Thursday afternoon, twelve wagon loads of gypsies, numbering about sixty persons, passed through Chicago for Minnesota. They were from Northern Pennsylvania. DELEGATES from British Columbia arc now at Ottawa, and have laid bofore the Dominion Dovernment propositions re specting the entrance of that province into the Confederacy. PERSONAL TENNYSON, IS to spend the summer cn the Rhine. GEN. PILLOW wants to be a TOMIOSSCO jedge. A.LEXANDER STEPITENS bas finished his history Of the war. EF.PRESIDENT JOHNSON, so his friends say; will run for Congress anyhow. BISMARCK is said to be getting rich by his judicious investments. LADY BINIGINEI is the classic name-of ono of England's noble dames. ,EDWIN FORRESTiB =operating at the Eaton Rapids (Mich.) mineral spring's. LOrnS NAPOLEON is importing Bour bon from Kentucky for his own use.' , BW/NDURNE'S poW volume of poems bears the somewhat mysterious title of "Songs before Sunrise." , Mu. TWEED, of Now York, paid a bill of $O,OOO for transporting home the Fen. lane from Vermont. MB. rrat,m,- of Wooster, Ohio, has at tained his eleventh divorce, by using boiling, water and .-a fire shovel on his wife in the 'goat of controversy. 'CAPT. MARTIN J. SYRUS, the success ful master of the yacht Henrietta on her ocean race, sailed on 'Saturday for Europ e to, take charge of the' Dauntless in her coming race. JUDGE jACOD BEINICEETIGIT- declines a re-election to the bench oftho Supreme Court of Ohio, because the salary is in adequate to repay . the nuenses and do privation of the position. • Tun Gb'vernor General of Canada is soon to visit Montreal and invest Prince \ Arthur with the insignia of knighthood of the order of St. Patricic, • coilforyed by the Queen. 11 fRS. aged seventy years, .aral, very deaf, was ran over by a gravel train, near Konnebee e gaine, yesterday, and had both, legs and an arm severed from her body: DE: , .Ntarrairof Boston, reefaests Sec retarilloutwelletb allow the importation of four heifers, free of duty from Prance, for the purpose ' ,of seettring pure vaccine matter.; • Dawn HonNxm, of Taykirsvillo,'Pp,., ,on Sunday night, hanged himself in his He-was athriner, in good *cum stan'cos, but additted to drink. :Pour suicides have. oeoured in the same vil lage within a few weeks. KOormarsouoor, on his return ' visit to Texas,- established an agency in veston for the introduction, of Chinese' laborers, either from'California Or China directOn any; number . that,may 'be re- . mitred, Contracts may be made for ii term of yenrs,qo commence on the 'day of arrival of the laborers at the plate' of designation named in the contract, e SAN DOMINGO The following is the text of the—mes sage of the President in transmitting, to the SoMiteari addithinal artiol6,to the treaty between the ,United States avd -the-Dominican - republic of the twenty ninth of November, UM, for thiannexa tion of the' republic to the United States : To the Senate of the United Stales : ' transmit to the Senate fdr considera tioh, with a• view to its ratification, ~an addithinal article to the treaty, of the twenty-ninth of November last, for the annexation of the Dominican republic to the United States, stipulating for an extension of the time for eialitiiieitfthe ratifications thereof, signed in this city on the fourteenth instant, by the plenipo tentiaries of the parties. It was my in tention to have also negotiated with the Plenipotentiary of St. Domingo amend ments to the treaty of annexation, to ob- - viate objections which may be urged against the treaty as it is now worded ; but, on reflection, I deemed- it better to snbtnit to the 'Senate the propriety of their amending the treaty as follows : First, to specify that the Obligations of this Government shall not exceed the 31,500,000 stipulated in the treaty; secondly, to" determine the manner of appointing the agents to receive and dis burse the same; thirdly, to determine the class of creditors who shall take pre cedence in the settlementof their claims ; and, finally, to insert such amendments as may suggest themselNs to the minds of Senators to carry out in good faith the condition's of the treaty submitted to the Senate of the United States in Janu ary last, according to the spirit and' in tent of that treaty. From the most reli able information I can obtain, the sum specified in the treaty will pay every just claim against the republic of St. Domingo, and leave a balance sufficient to earry on a territorial government -un til-Stich time as new laws for providing a territorial revenue can tie enacted and put in force. , • I feel an unusual anxiety for the rati fication of this treaty, because I believe it tvill redound greatly to the glory of the two countries interested, to civiliza tion and to the extirpation of. the insti tution of slavery. The doctrine promul gated by President Monroe has - been adhered to by all political parties, and I now &ern it proper to the equally important principle that hereafter no territory on this continent.shall be re garded as subject to transfer to a Euro pean .Power. The government of St. Domingo has voluntarily sought this annexation. It is a weak power, num bering probably less thab 1211,000 souls, and yet possessing one of the richest ter ritories under the sun, capable of sup - - porting a population of 10,000,000 of people in luxury. The people of St. Domingo are dot capable of maintaining themselves in their present, condition, and must look for outside support. They yearn for the protection of our free institutions and laws, our progress and civilization. Shall we refuse them 2. I have information, which I believe reli able, that a European' power stands ready now to offer $2,000,000 for the possegi i ofSitmana-Bayealone, if re fused by us. The acquisition of St. Domingo is de sireable because of its geographical posi-. UT?: It commands the entrance to the Cariblean Sea, aid the Isthmus transit of commerce. It possesses the _richest soil, best and most capacious 'harbors, most salubrious climate, and the most valuable products of the forest, mine, and soil of any of the West India Islands._ Its possession by us will, in a few years, build' up a coastwise commerce of im- mense magnitude, which wilWfa - rtz -1 Wards restoring to us our lost merchant. marine. It will give to us those articles which we consume so largely not produce, thus equalizing our exports and imports. In case of foreign war it will give us command of all the islands re-. ferred to, and thus prevent an enemy from ever again possessing himself of a rendezvous upon our very coast. At present our coast trade between the States bordering on' the Atlantic and those bordering on the Gulf of Mexico is cut in two by the Bahamas and the Since we must, as it were, -pass through foreign countries to get by sea from Georgia to the west coast of Flor ida, St. Domingo, with a stable 'govern ment under which her immenco resources can be developed, will give remunerative wages to tens of thousands of laborers not now upon the island. This labor will. 'take advantage of every available means of transportation to abandon the adjacent island's, and seek blessings of freedom and its sequence, each inhabitant receiving the reward of his own labor. Porto Rico and Cuba will have to abolish slavery, as a measure of self-persevation, to retain their laborers. St. Domingo will become a largo con sumer of the products of Northern farms and manufactories. The cheap rate at which her citizens can be furnished with food, tools, and machinery will make it necessary that the contiguous islands should-have the same advantage . der to compete in the prodUction of, sugar, coffee, tobacco, tropicrdfruits, etc. This will open to us a still wider market for our products. c The production of our own supply of these - articles will cut off more than $100,000,000 of our annual imports, besides hug* increasing our exports. With suck a piCturo it_is easy to see how our large debt abroad is ulti mately to be exthiguished... With a bah-' once of trade against us, including inter est on bonds 'held by foreigners and money spent by . our citizens traveling in foreign lands, equal to the entire yields of the precious metals in this country, it is not so :easy to see how this. result is to be otheAvise accomplished, • . -.The acquisition of St. Domingois — atr adherence teethe Monroe, doctrine.'. It is n measure of National proteetiolVt 'it is asserting. - ourjust - elaim to a 'contra hig influence over the great commercial traffic soon to flow from Rust to West, by way of . the Isthmus of Darien ; it is to build up our merchant marine ; it is, to furnish now markets for the products of our farms, shops, manufactories; it is to make slavery insupportable in Cuba and Portcrdlico at once, And Oltifirately so in Brazil ; it is to settle the unhappy 'cowlitiopt of Cuba, and"end . an' extermi nating, conflict; it, is to provide honest means of paying •our honest debts, With out over taxing the people; is ttyfu*E ritsh our 'citizens with' the,nocelitiaries/4 every-day life at cheaper rates than ever before, anal it is, in'short, a rapid stride. towards that greatnesi which the intelli gence, inanely, and' enterprise of the' citizens of the United States entitle 'Gal country to assume amongmatious." -U. 5. GIANT ..I,!',xactiOyo Mansion, Maylll, 1870. • Tint Ditivr timemamicitr.—Tho debt statement' Just - issued siMws rirelluotion duringMayo£ $14,801,962. The amount of coin in Trogsury '5100,780,731 ; currency in treaSury,,'sl.4,4,Bl.o. The following i re-eapitulatkili of the . atatereollt - INTEREST IN CORCL. s.p'er,oot $221,5000 . 00 0 per cant bop& - 1 sae 359,000 00 Total Intarant. $2,10;013,200 00 42,001', 0 . 114 DEBT BEARING INTEREST IN LAWFUL t .... MONEY. 6 ter cent cortllicatee Navy pensidt; run:, nt 3 per cent Total Interest.. DEBT ON otvincrl iIi.TEREST BAS CEASED, = Amount outstanding MEM DEBT BEAitINO.NO Demand and legal-l;Lder nottp.• i351:,107...:21 Do. POB4l and finctlonal reney..... :10,;KN,057 :10 Gold cot tificitt,ir I,r de azi t ..... y SOD 0 Total mitstitilding Iciterent - 1. intal debt. pried; 01 :mil inturext, to dnto, halo lint •ruprinclit due Inll riot prem. 02 fir payluent,. $2,015,121.271 $ Amount fu Trynitiry—coin 00,701,7111 h Currency II 213,01•1 S Sinking fund hi United ...tat, coin 101n:eat bollix, al it net:rued in• truest thereon 11 ;102 22, Si Other United Bi e r". coin Int elms b.& purchased :foil necrinul Ot t r•itt Ibex ou 0.,1.21 Tov.l itt.mtt Itt • nebt.l 1.11.)1111 , .... '12,4116, ,12 371 78 loan nub .la. ILa Troavary May 1 2.12.,1131,331 JS pouronro during p. 4 month Docreatie of debt nhoo Alarch I '1670 IMPORTANCE OP-TILE NEXT ELECTION. —h the presimt House of Representa tives seventy-eight members hold titeie seatsby,majoritieg nndor 2,500 and forty nine by majorities less than 1,500. In a number of cases the vote was very close. For instance, the following Democrats in the present HOMO had less than 600 majority: Johnson, of California, 282 majority ; Crobs, of Illinois, 503 ; Voor hees, of Indiana, 182; Adams, of liOn tucky, 462 ; Hamill, of Maryland, 586'; Wells, of Missouri, 181 ; Griswold, of New Y0rk,.508 ; Strador, of 0hi0,,211 ; Reading, -of Pennsylvania, 41. i• The following Republicans in the pres cot House hold by less than 600 major ity : Roots, of Arkansas, 467 ; Julian, of Indiana, 116 ; Orth,, of Indiann, 457 ; Hill, of New Jersey, 78 ; Ketchum, of New York, 423 ; Schenck, of Ohio, 245 ; Stevenson, of Ohio; 497 ; Smith, of Ohio, 333 ; Winans, of Ohio, _lO5 ; Walker, of Ohio, 462; Bingham, of Ohio, 416; Cake, of Pennsylvania, 223 ; Mercur, •of Pennsylvania, 311 ; Cessna, of Pennsyl vania, 54 ; Paine, - of Wisconsin, 429. It will be seen that a slight change in opinion may in any of these districts and in many others as well, where the vote was nearly as close, change the re sult, and the people should take notice of this fact, and force the politicians to put forward able and- honest:men, capable of understanding and defending their rights in Congress. ZIT ifraTllsll), Mtriiii. VOL.. 70. NO. 22 POLITICAL REFORM A number of the dailyAmanals_in,the Republican party have been discussing the question of reform in the matter of State legislation. , The usual expres sions of horror at the coiTuption and ve nality of legislators are indulged in, and --the--people-are—ex-horted--to-diseard---pi litical adventurers, and nominate ;tad elect-none but good and true me 6; to rep resent them at Harrisburg. This is ex cellent advice, given with the best mo tives, and if followed, calculated to effect great refund in our Slate legislation. But as the political adventurers are a numerous class, and very often driven,' by their necessities, or ambition, to ex-, traordinary effort, to obtain success, and. as energetic work always beats even persuasive and unanswerable argument, we incline to the belief,, that as a whole, the legislators will bo but little better next winter, than they have been for 'many years. Worse they cannot be, con veniently. There will be some men at Harrisburg,. next. , whitey, ..who will worl faithfully and intelligently for the best interests of the State ; there will be many who will have no conception of the re sponsibility of a legislator, and who will vote and pct just as their own. pecuniary interests or their supposed future prefer ment may dictate. Soine time since we indicated our views on this subject, and we now - reit erate them. There aro some powers con,- foiled on the Legislature by the consti tution, the exercise of which has been productive of much evil, and of oven more disgrace.' . These should be taken away, and•placed elsewhere. As long as they remain they will be the occasion of much demoralization to the Legislature, and will perpetuate the repatiftion which it noW,Unfdriunately, enjoys everywhere throughout the Commonwealth. • The most: apparent-source of evil is the election of State Treasurer.' This occurs annually, and has been for many years .the occasion of strife, ill feeling,, corrupt combinations, and general' demoraliza tion among the latti at the begin _ rang, of the session, that enters into and affects nearly every important measure acted upon during the session. Not only this, but it is frequently made to control the nomination. and election for members and even Senators. If current,-rumors are true, and there no•reason to doubt ,their truth, even now: aspirants for the (Ace of , State I`reitourer aro "setting up" conventions and —primaryolections,:- to further their own personal Onds2' We do not now pare to,•refer to the charges imde last winter' concerning the use of corrupt-Means to influence the election except to call/attention to the fact, as It' regards the reputation of the Logisitt-' to ie. Admit the charges all, false, which ,would be to make the molt liberal use of that charity ,whichlielieves, hOpes„ and endures all things, it is certain that, iheso charges were extensively circulated and generally. bolieved.', The offect of such an impression concerning tho Logic- laturo on the community, even if un founded, is Much' to bd (IpPlored, and shotild a4eiCled. • • Witaoht the:- elea, tion of'State Treasurer' this; and 1 r 41 :4- other inaidental mind 'would 'int:t 'exist. Why then should this frditfal source If 'evil be continued Why ohould• not the people voto4irectly•fOr• .tho' man who is' en Ertisted' iritk.'tbe mustody! of fro Mono to-two millions •Cif `dollars in randy ash, • to-say nailing Uf Wino tett' millions of - Valuable .securities? • If corruption, is practiced it will lieinuolf more difficult to roach the people than Oui,sinallhOdy Of Mon who' congregate Ilarrishurg,, If there ja no, Corruption, It IS jinitico c to the, Legislature ,that their slanderers should hoe liairi3 this ..Olection, on which' to Um those Stoiles of Elio Purohnilo and' , sale ennen, which aro annually scattered broailc4st over the Commonwealth; - Another fruitful , sour*of corruption sc these'reation of corporationkby Special acts gf . the Legislature. Thiq:' is Nvi:ong in tlico y ,, and very° peiliiclons in praq, There is no reason )thy the Obtain ing of any .proper corporate priVilego.4 should depend on-the Whim of tile Legisla.; tare, or oath° influence of certain parties in tho lobby. • Corporate , lcivrers should, bo granted,' freely, to :ill legitimate enter prises, but they should be regulated by a general law which would guard fully the interests' of the • conunimity," and they should bograqed as a'inattor or right to all who - conlOY with rue requireinents of such a law either through the Courts or the lixccntivo. 05 540,000 00 14,000,000 00 $3 . 9,540,00 00 430,103 I! 51,724,1 7 .15 4 lOW .8 .This.bralich of legislation is 011011110tlit t allq• the evil that conies of it'direetly and indirectly, is incalculable. corpora tion is once the temptallon and op. portunity of every dishonest• or needy adventurer ill the Legislature. Here it is that corruption begins; and through this channel men are familiarized with the idea that taking money for services in the Legislature is a perquisite of their position, and may be done without dan ger or disgrace. When •tfiat, conclusion is once fairly arrived at, it. is lint difficult to assume that, a seat in the Legislature is an office bestowed for the purpose of enabling the holder to pay, his debts or make his fortune. When the evils ,con nected with this sort of legislation aro fully known and understood, there can be but one opinion with regard to the matter, and that is that .no corporate powers should be granted 'by special legislation. • To effect these.reforms, and ono or two others, that are quite necessary and im portant, 'wo need a revision of our State Constitution. A full generation has passed away since the present one Was adopted, and the "interests of the Com monwealth-have increased with so much rapidity, and so many new complications have arisen in our political affairs, that the changes indicated should be made, and that as soon as practicable. The evils aro patent, 'and the remedies should follow promptly. We hope the press throiighout the State will have no hesitation in urging this matter, henceforth, until it is accomplished: There is little use in bomplainin,gof the dishonesty of legislators, whilst the causes that have made our legislatures a by-word and reproach), are suffered to remain. =1 = MEE 4:23ti,h'111,F09 4. =1 I=l A tommtiv Act of the Legislature I named.the uniformed militia of the State the National Guard cif Pennsylvania. Our Democratic friends see in this change sonic new trouble. It is to them another evidence of the evil tendencies of the Radical party ; more centralization, more trampling on the reserved rights of the States—a nearer approach to despotism and empire. These political dyspeptics see some anew danger to the liberties of the . people every time their evcts open to the light. There is little in a name at best, ;maw() think there is patriotism and .courage enough in Pennsylvanian's to do as ‘rombfighting as tile world' can, show;_ in any proper cause, with any military designation, or even without-a name ;it all.. But as a name is necesSary, what could b%, more appropriate then owl' - whielr - indicates - a - rewrguitimrcif - Cur tional existence, and the duty of sers'ice and allegiance to eur nation? -Pennsyl vanians -are proud of -their Common wealth, and_ the• great cause they have for it is that the Keystone has always been loyal and devoted to the (formai ment, and Contributed her full share towards its presetwation,,from the attacks of traitors. Her militia have earned the right to call themselves the " - N r iLtioua _ Guard," and the Legislature could have done nothing more appropriate than to b'estoty this title - upon - the Stare-legam zation, IC will, doubtless, fall gratingly on the cars of some who diSlike the idea of national existence, and who would pre fer to see the Government simply a com pact between separate and rival States, for the purpose of trade and protection. 'But let such copiplain if they choose. The men who 'are, now forming organi zations to prepare them for military duties, and especially such of them as gallantly carried the old flag to victory in the late contest will justly feel a glow of prid6 when they, are called the Na tional Guard of Pennsylvania. WniTTEmonE, Of South Carolina, who resigned to save himself from expulsion from Congress, has been re-elected, and will soon present himself for admission. The House should reject him promptly, and refuse to entertain his credentials. If he deserved expulsion a month or two since ho does not deserve admission This farce of resigning to avoid expul sion, and thcin going- through the form of an election, and being_ admitted again, should not be tolerated at all: The House has pow the chance to visit on •Whittemore the penalty due his political sins, and it should improve the oppor tunity. One Preston S. Brooks, from the same State, played the same-game fifteen -yearS Vigo ivith Success, That was,, however, a ,precedent which wo had better disregard. . . THE Hon. Wayne McVengli has been nominated by the President as Minister resident , - Constantinople: This 'posi tion ba's been filled since 1801, by the Hon. E,, Joy Morris, of Philadelphia. Mr. McVeagli is \yell known throughout Pennsylvania, as a gentleman of ability and influence. die was Chairman of the State. Central Committee •in 1863, and perforructl excellent service to the party in the conduct of 'that • campaign. Ho was appointed two' years since by Gov orner Geary, one of the Commissioners tdrevise the Civil Code,, which position lig resigned recently. The present lip- Pointnient, though : not n, is an important one, and Mr. MoVengh,will represent the Government creditably 'and 'honorably.. The emolu ments are $7,500 per annum hi gold.. ' TIE' last monthly slatement of_Seere tary Boutwoll shows . a reduction of the National debt, dtiring the month of May, of „ over fourteen Millions - of dollars. This is'almcist•halfa million per day, and at this ratg would pay the entire -bonded `thilit in less than fifteen years' time. Our readers, doubtless, remember the.predie tionsofD,emooratiepolitieians, that it Was itnitossible evert? kay the heavy debt their party had east upon the nation.. The ,monthly statements made since Giant's administration began; show - bow much Intolligenco and truthfulness' there is among Or friends of the opposition. .TEE returns of 'the Now Ydl:k election show that there were scarcely anymore votes east, by both parties than were giVen to SOymcaft: 1818. Thus but thari half the vote of the State :was polled. How ridioidouifor the Dein ocratie papers to didn't : that - the itsult an indication ,of any great change of 'sentiment • in' tlio country. Even they , , know bettei. • POLITICAL B. F; Myers, sap, semloreditor of Thu.. lifornfag Patriot, hakbeownominatedV the Democrats 'Ottiedforil county flip! CongoSs.- - - Ex-DovernOr VPilllhm F. Johnston is 4 :candidate for the Democratic nomination. for Assembly in Armstrong county. How are the mighty fallen 1, . Col. John W. Forney, in a recent letter to Major Picas; of 'Tlee Gerinadtmi Telegraph, .doclares - that he is not a can didate for thenomination for Govlfrnor in 1872. . Marshall C. Hong, who has represented the Sixteenth district of Philadelphia in the Legislature for several years,' declines a re-nomination. The Philadelphia pa pers highly commend this action. . . The Philadelphia Telegraph . predicts that tlio Hem R. J. Haldeman will be discarded by the Democracy of this dis trict on account of his recent matrimo nial alliance. If we remember correctly the sante paper has information - that if Ricliai'd receives the' ro-nomination; Judge Black will bo set - up - as an inde pendent candidate. J. D. Matinkin'has been re-nominated by the Republicans of I tenango_•for'tho._ Legislature. This .is a most excellent nomination. Mr. MeJunkin is a first class man in all -respects, and was a most attentive and conscientious legislator during* the last; session. Ho and his col league, Mr. Stone,ivere conspicuous last winter for honesty, good behavior, and attenettin ,to their duties. The Hon. Henry D. Foster is spoken Or as the DemocrPtic candidate for Con gress in the Westmoreland, Fayette, and Indiana district., The HOn. John Covode declines a re-nomination. He has repre sented that district for a number of terms, and is undoubtedly ono of the shrewdest politicians of the State. Mr. Foster is a gentleman of ability, but has sustained moil) defeats than any other public man in the State. The wonder is he has not given up politics long ago. The Beaver county Republicans have nominated the following ticket : Con gress, Michael Weyand ; Assembly, W' il liam C. Shurlock ; Prothonotary, John .Caughey•; Commissioner, Samuel Tor rence ; Poor Director, IRMin Reed, and Auditor, James 11. Cresty. Dr. Shur lock was the Representative at Harris burg last winter, and proved himself a thoroughly honest and attentive legisla tor. lie goes back of course. Mr. Wey and' s nomination indicates that Mr. Don ley, the preson t Congresonan, may luive trouble about h re-nomination. The dis trict is composed of Beaver, Washing ton, Oreen and Lawrence. "The term of the lion. James Thomp son, Judge of the Supreme Court, will expire next year. He will ,probably be the nominee of the Democracy for re election. di a nye,. Guess not. • ',Judge 'Montimon was cominissioned in 1837, for fifteen years ; his term therefore expires in 1872, Judge Read's in 1873, Jualge Agiurves in 1878, Judge Sharwood's in 1882, and Judge Williams:. in 1884. I f Thompson fills his term-he will-have-beeirChief—Justico-five years ; and if there are no deaths or resignations in the present Bench, Judge Read will ha Chief Justice one year, Ag new five years, Sharswood four years, and Williams two years. Regularly each Judge would wesido three years, but a resignation or death interferes. with the regular tirdcr—the oldest Judge in com mission being always made (Thief Justice for tiro • remainder of his term. There will bo no election for Supreme Judge until 1872, unless a vacancy occuit. George K. Anderson; of Titusville, is urged as the successor of Mc Lowry, in the from Crawford district.. Mr. Anarson is a man of great wealth, a sound Republi . can, andwobld loubtless represent his district with credit. There are, how ever, several candidates, amork whom may be named Messrs. Sturtevant and Delamater, and the irrepressible Morrow B. Lowry himself. Lowry has little idea of getting the Republican nomination, but that is of no consequence to him. If he desires to come back to Harrisburg —a thing that no ono. doubts—he would just as soon run as an, independent can: dilate; or even on the Democratic ticket. His eccentricities are quitens apparent in His politics as in his appearance and behavior. With his easy conscience, his energy, his new county project, the Eric and Allegheny Railroad. and the Erie. and Beaver Canal, it might not be diffi cult for him to reach the Senate for inother term, even if Our friends throw him overboard. The Erie district is bad ground to bet on just now. SPE( ;lAL NOTICES A TRAP THAT MANY OF OUR STOREKEEI,'ERS ITAXEyALLEN INTO. 11‘1)11%, thwlr queens ware, gl , sswaro 11111 i gmeral (Ito cal., whore Ow Empttnaos are multipllyd 11,0 1011. BLUR k EON hat% an lointeti:Vo stock of goods, and oro positively 41111ing to do trade their wb, !t oe of g oods at Over live to twenty-000 per cent irlol than thoy eon bo 1,1.1,1'41a from obroad: WN KNOW eoine Of. .Our 'storekeepersore - paying twelttY ceuln For sock more than our priced for salt three ce n ts more for lest c4foe fifteen to twenty per cent more for wares; two to three cents per gel. hot mote for real oil, ued In Pa inn , nnebs getting The .omlity of goods we: sill. Our 'odd. le, buy near Louie; In 2.1011 quantities; null at louver prices nod make more money. Try It. k r P WILLIAM BLAIR A: SON, "South End," Carllnlo, So OM Colic, Cramp. and ,D)nontery )lel,l at 011420 to It, palocurnttve preport lee. It le perfectly I n accent, and can bu given to Om oltlo4, person or youngest child. No matter if y. shave il confidencn In Patent :110,1- clues—try -11t1s, antlyo 1411 . 110 kum to . buy again, and rectfututend to you antis. Hundreds of Pity. Adana ro Orlllllolll.l It in , Or practice. ... : 4 0111" by t ha' I) uggbits and Etorek alma, Prico Fifty Ceitt4 anti Otto ' Depot, 10 Park Plact,, NaW Yolk. • ZEES Anr . DEAFIMS, ISLA NDNMSS dud QAT.111.611 It sated with the utmost sutcom, by J. IskACI, Ms D., and Protonsor of DiSCUSEJ of the Eye Om! Ear (hi spee(aaily)in the ifettical College of l'bnnsylvqnio, pears pperince, (lurtootly Of Imyth , p, /46 Moo Sitot:t, Ithlls. Testimonials ma be soon at Ills olTica. 'rho medics! focUlti Ate iuvitud to no, cOmiotoy their patients, aA ho Lee no smote 19 his Altpulttl Oyes loscrltuti ollhout pain. No obsogs foooxsuthttinu.- r ; ,OJ'uty OD I y ONLI QZJE lois been proved poluottletir. PrOferror Chilton, whorl, roputolion 11.7 . nu Onttlytleal chetulut iveo 111:1 statetounts •tho ,velirktt of outhorlty, an nonneds (tut • ' . • • CMSTADOItO'S EXCELSfO'I{ np.l bee boon shtlitotu4 to the proper tents In hie,.lohcre tort', ned that the ieselte shhh , ii to ho AIIEOLUTELY HARMLESS, ' as moll in adralrably adapted to tho parties% fir which it Is designed. This Is important, ns tho pith ••In has just been warned; by two, leading aulentitio organs, aOlust • • t• • • - TAIUTY DILADLT 1)1908 . • • . „. • now !Jen:an the yeblle. ,I 1:11118TA11011013 . I.'RE/3ERVATIVE,' le as Drolelng, aotti like a Odra; on the Illainratter 'Dyeing Tay It. lina.7o.lm )17110LESALE'MNLY4 'Coyle Brothers have just ioeolatal '.a ieFYlarga stock or gOods,:aueit ae 'ltoelory, Shirt Fronts Bus, painters, Mien, Cotton And Osmbile llariokorcht4s, White ,Tnmtrilke, Ties end Bows otjlid latent:4Mß Paper Collars and Cuffs in great variety, Paper: and Envelopes, Velvet, .Ribbon, Coat, Vest, Dim and Pearl B.ottona,Threo and Spoo(Cotton Sesitne.SHke,Blsh - Hooks antl'Llnes, Toilat Soaps Perfintiery, Pink's, Shoo DiaykiEtovo Polish, Indigo imuiciind an endless vaklety olNotione, giinerally. • 41,k - the ai;thro to be hadytt Coyle Draken,: latelyremovedito the ke l p . etorciroom in the nor (Rood' llos t o"youse, sva;lntvo itheased our stink forger thatVever; and svßrsell at gold prices. COYLE BROTHERS, 31 rah 24 South Hanover street, Carlisle. =ID ..'gentioinssi who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay,. and. all the effects of youthful ludiscretien, will for The Enke of aunt:lng humanity, coed free to all who nood it. the' receipt for making the simple rexuay by, which 'ho was .ured., Sufferers 'wishing to profit by the iolvortis. er's experience tan do so' by addressing, lin perfect confidence, JOAN D. OODEN, • Ntf!32 Cedar St. ' NOW York. May 7.60-Iyr. %%Int: ItAII.INU, WhIE OIJARBS, fdr Storo Fronts, Asylums, kc. Iron - Bedsteads. Wire, Wele. Wogs for abeeiNld poultry yards, Brass and Iron wire cloth Sluves;NKendors, Serumna for coal, ores.) sand. So., Heavy Oilmptki Chick for spark arresters Landscape Wire for WI don'. he., Paper Makers St Ire., Ornamental Wire Works. Every Informa- Slon by addressing tho man urttrt u rots, M. WA LB Elt k SONS' No 11 North Sixth aired Philadolphla. 24feb70.1y. ' BE WIS.W. Wilma wisdom will benefit you: ho nut el,. on. trolled - by your Incredulity, hundreds have sought teller h util the hors ore of pYinensla throbgh the medium of DmIUTII'S ANTI-DPSI'F.III . IO STI/31A014BITTEIsis and found It. Why should you suffer Olen tills pdnd ruble stomachic has cured many tanner cases-why do 3 on doubt while other believe and are cured? belay in this matter is buth dangmous and um. ofitable. Your health, l‘upplauss and business sulk., while Constant libgleet is is event ly foil wed bkNorloilj_alid 0110011 tvollable results. Dollllll'B MTV:Its sire seq.:illy useful in lie inlineronq difficulties atientl Mg bolt gehtlon: as 1111.1012,1E,5, CONSTIPiTIOI.I, &e., itllllo or ri.VEIL and AUISIS ei.d ether disorders a iceeding from Moon ira, It 1• the only reliable proreutiry null remedy known. • 2,1.70 AraLCOOK,'S POROUS PLASTERS tvrmx to poxyraa 1/11, qn iilt; ACCUMULAIING HISCVvICITV non impart 'ng ft to the body, Nvli roh y the elryn !ellen of tire 1/1001111,0111ril 14111t11i7.0111111011 lhn parbs where applied, pale' MO morbid netioll CO cl/111e• Tiro poroos rioNtoro oro flexible, and !bona or a great help to (11011111q10 have weal: back,, or pain In the tilt IllApeeihily are they valuable to those who If lye fl cold+ They ere often pre'ventlreft of C orh rt fowl. ; nay, they ere b. /loved to hare loot - erne! tla, grasp of trite terrible nllhrllon, and been mainly fOrtru mental In ell'eut ng acute. climate/4 they lhoolfl be WO,ll on the bretst or be. twi , en the ellottlfler.f, or over the kidneys, by thoee a lin are forldert to take rnhi err.tly. lint i7O-lin COMFORT AND BUSS, OR PAIN AND AGONY 1)11'1' BIAS' CoI.F,IIIIAT ED VEN N LINI MEN r "host. wonderful 011/..• :11111 toooto of Chronl..lthronuarmor, Mead- TOOth.llo. Cl.llll/, Cute, Burnet, Colin, Cramp, 1/yttontory, tote, hate toottonialtrol the Ci iii7.lll NA °rid, Do 'how ratchpuntly; hulan in dela dual hat Own] Iheti RI larentyL o p.m, 1 110 1,01111,1 H onht 0111 rapolly Int remol 1.4 demand Is lit once the - slortatt m i t mter-of ILL otitofirlirto and point In tit). No llnnoly nLu I'd he 'WIOIOIII a 1 milt. In ti e tot Mollaro to II many horn or oulrerill may Ino oared Ity Ito Lonely ant. MARKETS CARLISLE ruoDucr, MARKET. Corrected Weekly by 'C. Wriodward • CAIIIJSI.F., Thurmdriy Morojou, Jon.. 11, 1870. FA R 1 I,V FLOUR, - • . - •i TO SUPERFINE FLOUR, • - 4 Utl SUPERFINE RYE EI.OUR, - • ..„ - 4 1.0 \V In IT w HEAT, - • RED 11111 , :AT,• • I IT • - - • ST COIIN, '- - - - 10 OATS.- - . 40 • - PI.OV MISER!),- /1 00 • - Ti NI—T[II'I3I,EO, • - , .. • • a NO FLAXSEED, - ' I so • CAItIASLt rItOVISION StAIMET Corrected iVeekly by William Trashntood C.IRLISLx, Thur,..l.lny Moruipg, June 9, 1870. uurrEu, - 2 LARD, T A GLOW 11111 , 18 W ..X, • , BACON HAMS, BACO '1 911 -U LONG BACON SIDES, - I , 7E lIE t ` , :l :1; 14.1%011 . F:1, ,• ED 9EIOIE' Topeka, la,ao, on tho 111 . 1 . 111111 Of Juno of .onge•tioll oh the loo4M, Humor IC. infant nun of A. hurl p, and 11. lormorly of Om county. NEW TO-D. 41.1 BULLARD'S ,‘P 11P1t()V1.:1) 11 \ "PEN) ti; 1.“ I'o M'l‘AN'l‘ I)! I' ll 0 V L .‘-l HNTR (zit, l'nuoi 11114.) The t xporiniellta awl ptilil... pti.t tip t , .t.tolkt t t I BULLARD T D DER war tha only ono oyorn t,.1 that a iild thoroughly liprepil all Muth+ of hay, 1111 ,. 11.11411 mul TM , t h giontol,l 4 taklog)t up (room LLo lmWmi, will I. ming It In it light, Peony no :Rialt, for drying. libretuln (row I , ielitiol LGu s111111:4, uTur tho gram Is sprusitl It t tlto only nonthino r 011.11111: boy tfiat Is of light, easy drift for one 1101,11'. Its ono cuntoes:tllo farmer 10 cut, cilru, and iltdiv•awity hity. In ono lay, awl tnltlx 21) yor cast to voltie itl crone A laigo farmer Kalu " pr in a alnelt, xriwuii will - morn Matt pay Ito note. The ot.tormfolot; Mr. nor w ill no t., ~,opot do wltlout It; tit. tong. In. vats ott_tilyllig, the p ;era ho will [!o.'! Tu t;u ;Jean nt liltildo's Aindkiti r u Shop, "deur IVoinl *Rae Wiwlaniiu, Car Pa,,' (1111140 . 1 w. ----- " • NOTICE. , • .ltulteil Btattalntarnal'lttlVenuly Collactoed 011icn r 15tn District, pa., ' • • I"CarilidaiJuria 0, • On Wodutiaday; the that' day of Juno,. 1870, 14,600 ow Alts, in bogus, avere• pelted at the info° of J Boa.; In the borough Of Carlialo, Pa ; ibr violation of Boutin 48, Act ofJuly,l3, 11000, of the Inturnalltar r 0006 Larva. Any f ool's°t or venom, cloturing 0,0 'same are required to tipper :and Intik° inich dianti within thirty daya from tido dater, •' • —• '''" • • . JO' EPII W. 'PATTON. ',Goilautor lLta Platriet, Pr. , iiii , Tos „FOR affil t . . inn; O which Lniu Won lu uno but II short limo o will by soltl'iory low for conli. • Apply .lAluelatirit . • • • •JOHN I[, IgIEEu. Mil SODA I V A T,ED; , :FOLD, AID' 00 IC ~.,.N,gdb goulh'llanayer ATM / 4 47 01 y, FANNING'S PATENT. KID. FIT TXrtiCi-, SKELETON COItSET. This ICOrset is, constructed r . on au entirely now princiVing open, and thereby allowing the' freent Mien possible besides giving poifect ease pad condi:l:at to the wearer, and at the Same time, po4sensing all the advantagett of the minimal Coil nuts In giving support to the body. , For.•lle.tlth, Grace and Comfort, they are ,vaned in the nutrient. They . are particularly pp' commended for summer wear, and warm etiolates; although equally well adapted to, all nea•ons of the year.• They aro highly recommended by medical and scientific men. For nalrilry all first.claandear‘nu For eiraular 0, price, etc.. address, the 5% OnCESTER SKIRT CO., Woreenter, Mass. ;000 . (ESTABLISHED Imo , W ELCH •(%.; • ' • SAIVSI AXESI I SAWS! I I , Saws of,all deacriptione. Axes, Doffing, and SIB! Forni.blogs. Circular Saws with 8,11.1 Toth, or with PHont Adjustable Potato, superior to all in. sorted tooth's:m . o. .nfer- Prices Reduced. TID1). . .4CD . Bond for Prico lA..t and Circu , nre.`HlX IVRI,CII & GRIFFITHS, Roston, Mites., or Detrol t, Mich. njunTO PATENTS.—lnvontors who wish to _take jilt Lollera Patent are advised to 'c,onsol wills time At Co., ,dito a of the Scientlflt American, a ho have pronectard antran helots the Patent MrCu for ovor twenty yearn. Tacit American atal huro renn Patent Agency is the most extoualvo in tho world. - Charger lens titan nay other rolloblo agency. A pamphlet coutalning full iustructioos to invon tors is aunt grotto.. • . MUNN d CC., . !Oran . 37 Park now, New I'm k. BOOK "AGENTS 'WANT- Ok.) ED }Olt HARDING'S NEW IL 000 ' and Muskrat.' edit' no of the Life of Christ, and Bunyan'. Pilgrim's Progrtos. Hording'. New Pa:lonia' PatoLylldes. The works into now leanly tar delivery Address, for Catalogue of Om hot tolling übserlplioo books paldlobed W. W. HARDING. Philadelphia, PaWWI,. OJ un7o THE 'WORKINGMAN. An-illustrated %ionthly Paper after the style of the British Worlon tn." :o beitufflol and at tractive I hat atoryhedy la d 0112111.1 with it ; 111/1/ so cheap It t everybody can I eke it Only Sixty o,nts a >ear. Ten voides and a prom Mill for:' , . Clin• serx wantea ever) wh. re. Send tor.spec mans. Sin gh. numb-re (or r..le hy newsdealer., T. S. A wrn Clt SO AS, Plthadolph.a, Pa. TTIE JAPANESE CORN FILE to murex l o,u, without pale; pr•ro 25r. Sold at drug and elnoe stilt, x S ylop .08 walled rec , ipt of Price. u , d trade supi.liedT'y the JAPANESE COZEN PILE t,O , Pine nowt, New York. njntle7o. • YES ES ! IT IS TRUE ! Th it the heal Mowers—the best Droppt r-q—thB belt. Self It ,hero 1., iv finn..l In the no, Id are the nrigond and relic hie Doable-mot' rhlnn, made by the ..ETNA. '3l 831 U VA(ITt LUNG CO. . a I Salon), Ohio. Send for p.unphlet count', ing itrn. - 0,11,71.1. QALESINIE N wanted Lea paying busi 11e... S. KE \ NEDIi, 413 Chertttot stit, t, Phil 1.101011111. TIII HUMAN MACIHNE.—NEW K e lor St. n p, TAM ANT s CO., N Y. tij Qprjay 1 DAY.- AGENTS'WANI ; I3I) . t Alldr.r P.. 1. 11ASTN 111 S k CO., klorces MEE CANCERS ! TUMORS ! I ULCERS ! ! ! Posit, thy ettont Ity anow ntrtnud w.llltott k•. 11 1 ., rninhir. 41 , 1. or 1.41114,1 Pr res,ttrs, Univ,Alty. 514 Pthe , l'. thontt7l4 - - AMYSTERY UNVEILED.—Send ~ c..„ wilt rout . p .ottottrnplt tr lurk of n II) the grea (.11.irt ttsant living, toil re -1.1.i911 rat urn tnal core, t pn , nt Ili ) future 1,11140111 i or nlft., 11:111111 Alit 1,1 t= ii JAM 11 J. Ititinutn SEAFA)N OF PERIL. ./1 1 11111111 ttaturnee tool Au time the tpystoto in a 111,1 tiervetof I lithium than When the 111 Liog Irltt• hoe 01 it colder , einpetato Keep t I.t. 1 11 urott,ruct.d. it Iligebtion nett , e, end the 11l ml,h ,ttriti weather. To elreet " takeoc i i, iita oo of Turraut'A etT, , , I IIS outs. 11 zee Alper toil htgettll.• eutharti.., u 1,1,tn, nul4l .111111111 1 11111•11. It 111.1111 t 111111 It 111 , 111111 U igill fill febrifuge, 11111.1111 111 1011 e niutel,- ling, fiettit hg eii hir, prepored in a nuuae..t ond without 010 .lithtt trouble. tbune:ll. - - MANHOOD A.'l) WOMANHOOD. 111 linnavin nor roan ng Aleo, rinn,d open now:uai A n ciSUCIATIC • , her It, I Viola I'.e. 9)6540 •"" THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN THE Tin EATM. NT OF 01 LSO I ,N SEXUAL DISE , E.E6 —A Plioniological Casio of gi.rn TIL.QIIIIDI'.2.-I_l2nlik ootr_p_ol,llithed, con. tanning pearly 300 p grin, Ind One pint", and e 0 gravinp. "1 the nit In tly of ,110 , 111011,1 organ, in n Nutt« of ho , tlh and ilinionnini ',anti a varly 'errors, RA deolorable citilsolinninren ninon the nithil nod hotly with ,the antlitiCx plm of fro it—thn only raconill and ninvresiifuJ tootle of . lion rep rt , f einqn Iroaloil. A trithlnful whiner to the inarroal. and throw ciint-mplatini.n Inninge who Nilo ilonlito on their plo mica! condition. flint free of pintago, tie an, v 'rein, on re, o lio, ntenro stamp, p viol raingy. Inv nalilletting DR. LA C OIX, No. 3i, 3f oilen Ln-taano, Ain any. N. V. Tin. Hollow nniy""to • contniliol upoo .1" or ill. Ito. .008 1111011 WILICII taroAol Inlonr noiriona ly no by PI oil. nml urudirinen .rut to it 3' p ert "i tlnf world. " • tiJo ne7l) • r, I V wm.1.3. - itEA - NoLps, M. 1). 111'110 rlf ri N V.,%1 N_3111{414.-!ett'TfT.T,r.ll . V. Phi Indelphi OTIIre, 'l3 ht hi. , 111, i rarlid, 9,1 :List of uw•lainicd letters remainining the postolliou--at- Car Hide r _ l'a.,JuLthe._ week ending .Tune 8, 1870 : DIED L.t. DIES' LIST. Alhri 31 ...ITolll.t Low, 31r. 1' only Annil• C I llill. 31 n. l • Njalielr, 311•••Ziallo• A s• - •:1•T---1 r 0,11-kri-, • , 31aroal,t rol N Itl•biodon, .fettle F m k:, • m - I , m-y Sour, Carol Ile •'; Cal.•••, v 31, 11.. n. let in -Snytlor;Mrekri ohi 3El'9 , " Elookti, 31, 1:•• ortist 11•••,v , NM— Ann • WoIL Mnry E Rom kill 31 CorrilL 11 EIVI-iler, Mrs T :r•••/...111 Lo •••• 1.1,•••• ii 0111, 311 S, I Ilt I, Liy. 11i.o`ITstItor Yonger, Mr. 348-5.L.....f...1"' Lt... 31, i'..t• ormo 11•Il..11 ..1,110 It 1.:0151, 1100. MI, .1 II ,1•Is . ',MIT. WM • I{llll,, ‘‘ T 111.-11,111.. r. MEME 11 t 1,.l „ ta k, alO ; ey. Ilp ,... . t 1 /1.1..1. , ~ /okry, .11/ on, D. 1,, .1.,', , • '-'\ 1,..113111 It 11 1/ 1,11,111 Zr ..,,, Hie all molt, 13 nil tl. /0•... \VIII,. llol.n. lc, / lay t 'II 1,1 il ikt, I , ,,lViti S!,),llnt, 'l'llionns ' 110z...1.a11, Cut. r 8110/man, Jne.,l, . /1 .1,111 & 51,./Tut Smith. ,story 11 , 11 rink Jens/ ',l, Stuart, `lnstyr Peter S It too, ,Insoplt Saniltn son, Phil.p C Ha 13 , r, (in,,los ' Bha , pr, tilt It 11, lag, Ito F A 81.reclii, EliWnrcl ..1 , 1:1111. L hen. Soltimil,.l.4olnionea Illari, J il' • Swordn, it K .1,n1.... Co 4 IV Skim:art, st unt I, 111/rigor, Marlin - Thmilam. 11,151 Hurler, 11 a [tor S - roomy, L/al/1 CorleyAnlin ' M iIISU,II, Irlll n Lino, Log/oar/1 kt unlioup. Alatiltew I.arlo y MAY.II .1 ‘Villinkke Air Lohman; Alm Mary I! -,,, • , 'A: K. ItITEE3I, P. M Carriage and Livery CARRIAGE I),CTILDING ALL ITS BRANCHES,ANIi REPAIRING AND AT It 81 ABON.I 11 I, E le A'V 8 Itli lAI IS, CAlt ItlAll ES, . BUGGIES,' - BUGGIES, ''. , BUGGIES, BUGGIES, .., BUGGIES, 1111..01E5, BUGGIES, • BUGGIES, •", BUGGIIS BUGGIES, ' .. JIMMIE-, BUGGIES. BUG.;IES, - BUGGIES, BUGGIES, 'BuGGIES, . EG..tlo , S, . BUGG i Es, BUGGIES, ~ BUGGIE , , BUGGIES, SPRING WAGO , S,sI , ItING WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS. SEMNG WAGONS, • SPRING WAGLAS, SPIIIMI - WAiI ,, NS, SPRING WA(loNs,. . firitlNG WAG .NS, . _ _ FI'RIN.I W AGO s.S. SOKING 11 AOONS;-- SP EINGAVAGONS, •. ' .81461 , 10 WAGONS, SEEING WAGONS, B.•11INU WAGONS, .JOHN 11116:1),LiI, OAIIIt!ACIES,' ISE . . S,EN SE 31 N • . Still wor k, luvlten all hie old cootomerd, and tho public In gvnoral, glvo Moro:coll. Ali — Ito member' tho old potobllohod, phido, on• PITT, 'STREET, notch of tho Itallrond llopot, A PII.tA9T'..aLAI;3,IIYERY Io.O?nneet: 0 1 1 41*, thO n!pto getapOshmollt. 12Me'70tlin K . .. K . PEI4/01. =III G : . 'l' rkohtll;`atid'Ne.'lCl +l6rth • Remo v ' er . streote7' HAVER ' STIOK ' BROTITERS, 14ap7Oly ' "CARLISLE, PENN'A. ' • ' " 1 . NEW TO-DA Y =ll4 I 31. Var.o., IM=MI t. 11l Vxrt ILI . UMIRIAUE6, ' , CihRIALIES, CA itlt.T.4o ES . , CARR]. 'ORS, ' . C 3 itla ill IV, ' CA URI MIES, C.A1t.:1.101',5,. CARRI.II4:B, CARRIALIP.S,CAItRIAIIES, .. ~ A lwaYn t u bit ud, br itukd . (; otillei :1 I will iluniEs: om IVAGOII.I' FOR fIOOD 1101131:8 gonnil-Loud Wnnon;,'nfnll 1,,i,,0,1.k:en In oxebringo for NYork. ,For Stile—Valitable: Beal IZsl at 6 ATALUABI: 4 E REA:L'ESTAT.E AT ki,IVATE SALE. Tho siAbticriker, wishing to" rellnryttlxli farming, loffersut - ,privato Dale . TWO VALUABLE FAR3iS, 'situated iii Monroe township, between the York 'road and , tke rood leading to Bolling `prings, a shdtt 'mile ram Clihrebtown, aud.lWinlies irom Bolling' Springs. • No. 1 contain about 75 ACRES, more or ix,l4, of tricellenr Limestone laud , in a high state of cultivation. Thu linpr,•venn•tits ore n g oil two story Forte House, with Wash 11.1su nod_otli-r omit. building. Also_nu excellent-now Tena..t nod - 11 — iiWgIT - BFWllL a hlimil. With WIWOII sheds, corn cribs, and oilier necessary outtinitflin R. This farm has-two tplendill timings of running water trout whkh every field might easily he sup plied. These' springs feed two sp mond trout ponds The,' Is also a good lirch,d of Chiles. Frult,soch its Ap i l fo s : l 2 '" e r Ot 'o g n fn b sVo ' l er' kl & lt:OßES'of ex cellent Llineatono laud, In fleet, rato order. The Improvements are a double two-story Weather hoarded House, with Ritch..n. Il,ko llonse, he Frame Dorn, recently repaired, with Wagon Shed, Corn thins, and o th, suf.Luildings attached. nn wicellent A pple'Orchurd, whit n large quantity atlirorles and ruttier clinics trllit4, tun around the Wolin. A good Well of dater and it latgo rioter!, atlthe Iv use. If deldrable a Tract of Woodland for each place is olTerud., Portions wishing to view tilosolosopertiee con do so by rniting_ro6 , tito sui scriber residing on the rood loading from Churchtown to Boiling Springs,. about one mite cost of the hitter pine; or upon IL Lot; 11 , log 0 oso by. " '2.inne7o .1011 V LUTZ. Home Advertisements LIVERY, SALE, ANDIXCHINGE sTABLE. J., L. STERNER S BROTTIER, = I= OT IiLASoN 11:1.1: TIMMS, ANTI IT ! , 11011 TICE = I=l ' lli .1,70 COMITINA'PION TWO IN ONE.' HAVERSTICK BR() THEI?B, I= MESE E1.11;NI T FL/I( SITURL, A , B. E'VI N G, • EMI Cabinet Maker and Undortak,r West Main street, OPPOSITE LEE'S WAREIIt,,JSE Premium for lies, atennled at all County Pair s shire 1857.] Fllrolturt• or all v,4"14•04. Ntyl'. of Porelj•lß 34441 Doint,oic utanuEll•Lore, from lII° ti 04.4.1 ro..wood awl 14L140•44:443 Lu 1141. 10w..t, ;44 44.1 144441414- nod i•ini• Chamber, I • Dlniwt-ro .444. FURNITURE. IIIIe1444:4 nod Erobrue ocory nvtlele used by II dom nod limn] koopern ot h.. 01110 eippvaled nod . auttl./11111,11..1....1, nod Ilifb.ll lurludl ue 111,1 , otrilli ore in .ettc !eruption awl Gump Ic.ich.•. pier urns, 2r, Ac. Aitt•ltLi.pegivm. a. ralt. ordKrs Irmo country, AL to •Leo L promptly Anefosi . smolorn erIIII 1,4 lih. pt .1, ;IF 10.11 I. F URNITURE., .i 0 li I , It IV AI, TON A I' 0 ,Cabjnet No. 413 IVALNUT ST., 1.1111,.\ 1)ELPIIIA. . Our Po I 1 , our of Ito ,111,: , t tot f um pert., of rtiport ILI., pi virr, , d I t o luroidlt good It kOl %Vt. 11111.11111. titro lino Wild , tr. owl- ittool-nuf prli tot fount inr.• or, • . large stork lo•u 111,0 Noityuu, I.lld. ill:kill-10 Ord, 0111nior0. De,k Work. and • 110 o Fl-hi 11"... for 01,, •;old Stir lona,- 1•,.. IV ,I.TUN. W I.wri.soorr .10, 1.. ii. of, GENERA L, UrIIOLST-EllY 11.1 It LES 1,. HATA:. DOG Arch Street, Phihulelpliht, off, r tlm Spring Trod,. 11 111111 1111i.i e.snrt non!! of Zslnlto glenn nal Meal I,oe Curtain • Wintlui, l!Iil 11 11.1 Shllll4.i, in tl,e 1,1,1 ,olors 111111 !ll , ongnr 1'0r1.11,, ill 11,10, 111 till 1 /11111 IL/1.1,1,011 ar.t: gilts .S In IWO I, rot 01111 11111 1 / 1 1i Sill OIL: and heir Mattleepo 111.11. to order As. nt f r Metall! , Sluing lied, 111111 for the Palen! Spring nixtur! tin Slindos. holaiM ?An COAL .AND LUMBER J. BEETEM & BROTHERS .uric•„r,linq d• L'manil,sl”, (11endorson's old stuild St the head 14 N,kIN STICEI..I' q.r:l•le, The til:zhext"iWark - P: lie Iry wIl (or 7.;,115 4114 t imltlee of all e..} nt all ,O,Prneing =9 =1 I.lalehamer.' nu.; •Ic•taltle , Ilea] eol.etaql ly of ale. lirld uder ;over, awl dry to any ut t,ha tooe. Air., all kV I.lllllller Oil lior nn CIHEAP COAL! CHEAP COAL!! suletcriber is prepared to deliver, by the cdr lead, to HIM borneol, and other eolonamera Along the eof the Coinberland Volley Itallro Ow cele brated LIKENS VALLEY COAL I =HI • This cuttl to 4.1 o-Nery siq r•inr quality. of will be r• 11l arty ail competition The oultsrriber will deliver c of al Csrlisls, by the nr Inud. Ilut Mg the correct month, lit th. in•m u •l ng I /tic., per ton of 2,t110 Pr. Nut Gore fig• And to other point, of the rood ho will 111.11\,, it, adding ur deducting the nx.l epsu of diffeleute In frui•ahte. Th 4 (dim% ratea tcill he_. object to the rise or fall orpFleeii, molt month, at the aim. UEnd krZ,Z/NN. Office—corner of Main and Pitt NI recto.. 211440 .ALP ST LYKENS VALLEY,WIE COA I , $1.25, at the yerdo of Se . MMIT BRANCH I.ItICHNI , NALt hi' 1:(111 , Sei NE COAL dull VOYfli - $6 CO . NUT C9AId 4 75 In thu yard, 2.5 'cents tree.' At the yurgig. f ~ .. , A.. 11. BLAIR, LUMBER OF ALL KINDS at thu rtKer. A t tbu yarcla df Z.VG,4I, NOT,ICE'S. ADIIINISTR4TOR'S NOTICE Lotter' of Ainintetratlen with the will. annexed, on iilo I atxtu Kf Ennui M. Swoler, Into of the Bor. °ugh of Newvil'e, dec. aeed havo been Witted by the Itugieter of Camilaland county, to the undomigned reel. ing hi Bann,, All pontoon ludebt.d to Pahl °elute are requeetod to make hannatete 'n6.- 1111.113, al,l thoso having elk Ims egainet It, to.vrt oust them, duly ,attlhent looted, for Het dement. • EDWIN .lAMES, - • ' Athnit,fetrator TN' Tllli ORPHANS'. COURT .IN AND FOR TILE ,CJUNTY.OF 01IMIIER0AND. • - In ' the -matter of • tho , Estate 'of James Culver, Into of-California, deceased. Tito on dernigned'Auditor appointed by tiro until 'Court to make thabalane° rom .lithitt ill the hands of John 11119er, Adminlntratar of tho mid - James Culver, tutu of California, tlei.ensod, to and Among tho portion legally' entaltal thereto, hereby glees notion not Ito soul moot tho portion In. ter.ottl, tot .111° pimp.° of hid Appointment. at tilt aloe, in Carlini°, Pau no Friday, July 16,157 a, at ton teclock . , in.,.whon and lifjter° they luny attend iron Minded..'DL 0. 'NEN a AN, 2jtinol Oa t " 'Auditor. IMSTATE OP JOSEPH. (MLIIIII, 1l LATF: Ob"ria: BOMAR:ill. OF wilt4lBLN, In Ow 'Orphans!. Court of I:lumborland • County. • ' • : .Tho Andleor appointod to motto ti currant din trlhn tlon of the estate of Joseph Culver, Isto at tho borough of ',midis ileceswed, and to iisoiytain . the:amount rp oveaid, if anye John Ntllor, xoouter or said, demigod, to the distributees of said orate, and no port the:same to tho said Court will attend tho perfirmance of 101 l duties es, Auditor aforesaid, at his , ogled. fretho - borough of ()aricle, -Pll., enFriday, ale 'Allernilt day of July, A. D. 18111, anitson'elork,iai m. when and where all portion, int ereetsd are boreby . notified unArequesead 10 attend and renresoot their covond Intermits. ; O;,IMMAN, 2tUno7o.ol` , . • Auditor. PROPOSALS FOR FUEL, FORAGE AND STRAW. Cprllslo Daimcks, Pommy'rant, —Office Acti.g A. Q. Id; to entleth )Jay, 1F70.. } Sealed proposals will be received at this dike until t• 0 o'clock, a. to., the twen tient day of Juno, 1r:70, toe supplytog this Fost,for the )ear ending thirtieth June, 1871, with Fuel, Forage and iitiaw, In quanti• ties as follows:, ano Tons, (2,210 lbs. each,) Lykmne Y.4 , 3' Coal. 200 Tous, (2,20 lb, each,) hbamokln Nut Coal 000 041144 W, woo d, 2,000 Bushels (60 lbs. each) Coin, 10,000_11ushela-(3i-lb, each) Oats. 280 Total (2 11Oulbe each) flay. 1110 Ton (2 ,, 00 lba each) Straw.• The coo l to be dellvetud bythe thirtieth day of The wood, forsgo-,and straw to lee delivered in such gnaw Hies as Toothed for consumption, or no the Acting A. Q. M may. dit'ect. Proponals ere invited for och item separately; must be t,, dup,irato, endorsed Proposals tor sup plies," and con I aid the nad,oo Of two respoo slide per sons, who .111 become torches for the faithful per fornotn, cof the contract. ' . . ?dales whe.blil are requested to he present at the op,ileg of the proposals. Thu tiovernnient reserves therrlght to reject any or all bids a Well not be deemed too Thigh; or for any other suglelent CAM°. • Blank propes.ds mar he had on applicatton to this °Mee. FRANK MADDEN, Second Lioutenant U. S. Army, Acting A. M 19nin70Ed iftiutscape Lawn Al owe, LAWN MOWER .Of this little 11 tut! MOWN' wo • urn prepared to assert that it la the EIMI how la bin loarkat. We eh Illenne all others. It in iolohact, Mai dyrnble, and will rabic,' to pur totai 110 nark with rasa arid iiatinfartina. A enroll ran peralo an well an IL Mall. It lam the dna bin ativaiihini 111 . a Roller attachattint, which will Le bu11..,' 'riling of swillith Ac. Call and old W. it. JONES' Phila Central Aerlenltural Inlpltnient and Seed . AVnrelnnure, (lenertrl !Wider In Ferri r, nr nil kinds, unit everything Ileums/try to the Former, NO HUI \L It IC El' BT., PHIL II;ELPHIA, PA 10Ingt37, t I I I,le Insurance Company , N ORTHWESTERN IN MUTUAL LI IT INSURANCE: C031, " A N OFPICE NO., 416 MAIN STREET, The Model Lifa insurance Cianpan3 of tLe Ccoti neat, sod thc largusi cslinpsny • Itinioliu al the Ward moil IMO now uney vach uiun:li 1881.0881 v In 1-6 , 1 4tinll,B, B.f Pi 8111.1., 11 . 1111 . .11 ill I tqiti Z.FI- uNrn ty Int John It !Moon. eal., Smith Ilan .- r w !lure patophlot tt w 1 loformat tot. may obtaitotil, nod opp.l. admix 111101, S1)14.111.1 hot tee nr 111 tt to in In 114. rs anti totroutt itootring for boles to"' lout t Itiorts. 12n0t70.110 Steam Dyettig .Establis!moil DVENNSYLVANIA STEAM 'DYE Iso AND SCOUR !NO F ,SPA WASH ENT OFFICE 41U MAIIKET STREEr, IVo would ri••iu.i tlullp ‘,ll tj/u• nt tendon of the B . lllzuum 1.1 l'utulwrltitut I..addity nd ‘ieddly, t 0.11,4 advert Imd • ing gpt and Id•xt toga Into! I.ldmd., •I 1 the SUM!, outside of Pl. .1..11.111, tin nt, prert,tl to I xeoutu every ..I,s,,lp tum of BTEAif 1)YEINO AND 8001TRINU, iuul eler, utfil au all ta ,, elen, vir 11rere geed, of ill I al,'. s end gent,' g.rtneute, el raw hate, tahlemi, Purl I War eltentleu pill to dyeing end hui-hingceure sham le, getuletnetee :1111i Ck lid. en's uarni,otm rleunt.d tenured ru the Lc ueellile manner. Ladies' dresses • kaued 111;610'1.2 b•uk equal to 111'W. II:11111g groatly redured oar prirrr pat - tier , basing work to to our Hue will find It to their advantage to ph, tea trial NS'i tI, f.iint to uff on the linit of the wool: will lo returt fru &flunky. lEEE Boots, Shoes and Tmuks STitoint k SPONSLER, No. 13, South Hauover,sireet, Carlisle Tlianl,lol for the patroo3lreexo i l thew her, torero, do rims narkouae. their usual large nook f IA 11 SPRING STYLES OE , BOOTS AND SHOW,. FoR IMEI= Ladies and l `• Misses, art. unstilted for mnlort and beauty. Also TRUNKS AN.D VALISES, $3 110 4 00 fi 6 2 . 25- All of 1,11101 Win 1/0 SOW nt 1111/all 0110 , and all, :mai get n run equivalent fra; , your :none). MEI eIHEAP • Goods aro not always the best. When you go to buy an artlifie, and eyed:thy in Om twitter or • BOOTS AND SHOES go too deafer on whose wo'rds you can rely, for very few ar,good Judges of feat t ev,' • ' - AT • Ws' thou or the year 'many will be wanting Algid biNbl,alld Alow for suunner wear. All taleh etin bd acontunalated Gat D 741 D,Y S -where will lie fotiyl a supply at the lowest prleSs hoots awl 8110011 iolldo to order w ith th e titi,,„„t din patch. - Place of business - • . No. 34 East Latithoj• caret; t,":Carlisle, Pa. IJap7o . • IMEIE MEM lEMMIE! ilrtit ,Orphans' Court Sttle. (I RPIIANS' COURT SALE. • .vm.unnta: FARM AND '1 OWN PROPEIITY. ON, FRIDAY JUNE 17, 1870,1 t virtue of en order of the Orphans'. Conn .- of Cumberland comity - the wit' expose at Public Sale, 014 the prem. lota, the lierelituftsr deocrit ed purMirtr,•lnte the property of I.le.d . ge Kdnk, Purloin No.l. 'A, tract of LI it F STONE and SI, TE LAND, adjoining Newvillo Borough shunted In the tpwothip of Newton, County of Cumberlautl; . on. taining rIXTY.O NE - noire and one .10, inked and flacon perches, strict nil inure, b11V11144 them it erec ted a Dwelling Home; large Bank Ewen and utter outbuildings There Wan excellonC).,,mg diehard upon the prondom Thu land is CIICIOCed with good poet and atone hmceit, and loin a very Wen. n 4114 of cultivation. Purport No. 0, A lot of ground 'xitintb.l 00 Mein Street, In the Borough' tif hart.. thet'een erecte l.a large Deel. lug Ileum, Stable - and other outtatildlugs. ' • •. - 1 1 l pert No. 11r111 ha °Korea' on the "mend,. at 10 o'clock A. El.. and l'aeltart NU'S at 2 oyet...k P. AL, on add day, • ' • TERMS OF SA LE.,-.A sufficient 410010 d b• be odd r to pa Mt expaueos oe late end: Lilt.)l Stale,. no, .when stricken. oIT 'rho whiotv's dower to be soeured In the [anti . , the itater.-tdt, he ' yield to her annually doting her liti. 10.41 , 5 t ther death the principle tutu to 40 paid - to thane 1. 11 - entitled therellik. 000.1 df the balnue., to be paid ,on the flrFt day' rorApi /871, 31vItet, on trill ho glveu—lho remainder to he'divided lot .. goal an n.,' ray molds and to ho held April I, 18 2 and • 1073 with interest out both payments from April 1, 1871„ Paymmte In each caw to bin.couted by , . ognisence burttratrt. , d Ottohaati','ootr. — ' , Apy Foon yloldog to catmint, the 'rewires bee fore', day' of sale' can call opal Oa I , uheeell or, or Jim P. Itboada, , • 11 13, 110 YD 20 dial; Ohl •-, ; •Addi'r of Goo. Government Proposals THE 'LANDSCAPE." MEM! AZAMOST EIT ICI ENT M A C llr - N E WIS 0VE1C57,5110,0u41, (MU I Ilpicll) Ur =I 3 6 61 4 Si! =1 DICKINSON, l'.l Spvcitil A I rqut =I JAMES A. ?IONTO031E111" & CO. Hit Morkvt otreet, Ilurrimburg, Pa. Gents and Boys, Youths and Childs, I!ffl=!E!=ST!
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