uarttotr trail cARLIsi;4' itrisi Tim ice cream season is here BitAttrt , ,Y 3iout 7ardA wit Hoors, , worn, by ladies,. are almost nnmliered among the things that were. MARBLE playing is at itiheight'among the Yopng.Agalrlea of. our borough. THE last sensation—two dogs in mor tal combat on En:S‘ti Loaher' 1 / I= A onrad many of our pavements need repairing,'We bricica, by long E dna'cOn= staut use, having becoom •looserkedrund in a very bad condition for pedestrians. 1=:::=1 To TruyE r t.Ens.,Pmlcr the head, of "New; to-day," it wilt he noticed that important changes have .been made in the time table of'the Pennsylvania Rail road. . . . . I=l STRAWBEURIEB.—The first strawber ries of tbe season 'were offered in our markets on Saturday morning last. They appOared to sell rather slowly, at from twenty to thirty cents per box. Too high in price for the poor printer. ATTENTION, , iS directed to the figment , in another column, Of A. L. Sporyph offering that well known busi ness stand and dwelling known as the Pohley property at priitate sale. This is a rare inducement:, lEMECZII SILIZURIO nV GOVEIMIENT OFFICIALS. —We aro reliably informed that Captain Landis and John Crozier, Major Patton's valuable assistants in the Collector's office, ou Wednesday morning last, seized 14,000 segars, from one of our promi nent merchants. • Failure to_ have the segars properly stamped led to the cap ture of Wein. 1111::11 Picmc. 7 -The Harrisburg "typos" in tend holding,a picnic at Marysville, on Saturday next. Having had the pleas ure of being present at one of thes'e social gatherings, We can safely assure all. per- Sena who.purpose participating, that • the printers of Harrisburg will spare neither pains nor expense to make all enjoy them selves hugely. MERCAkTILE.-D. A. Sawyer has jut returned with a new stock of Summer gdois, consisting of Lawns, Grenadines, Bereges, Hernanis, Piques, Marsailles, Lace Points, Summer Shawls, and eve rything suitable for the season. In which great bargains can be had, and money 'saved. ,Everybody call before purchasing elsewherx. See and read ad vertisement under the head of "New To-day." • PUGILISTIq.—QtiIte an excitement - was caused. on Monday evening last; in the neighborhood of the square, by two young men "going for" each other a la Mace and Allen. We did not learn-what was the, cause of their difficulty ; but certain it, is that they pummelled each other right; lively for 'a few -minutes, .whett.Otficer Hunter interfered and hos tilities ceased, without either gaining any decided advantage. Result—Two eyes nicely ornirtnexted, and one comae nance consiclemhiy scratched.. THE FOURTIL OF JULY.: -We SUplibSO there be some more talk this year concerning a s- gourtliTcfJury . celebration, and flat,it Will and as allother talk of the kind has done. If anything is to be doncriWthaidirection of a really ; worthy coleb6.tion, care should be taken to let the matter be thoioughlYywell kliown not only in the town but in the sur rounding districts. Last year the matter was only spoken of for a few da,ys prior to the fourth,-and-then -through neglect or from Imbecility of management, noth ing was„done. Let some one stir on this occasion and get up a celebration. worthy of the old borough: WE wish ,to inform our business , men, and the public generally, that we have, and keep Uq„nstanily on hand s large stock of all kiwis:. of. Paper, Cards and EnvolopeS, which, were purchased froth. large wholesale establishments in Phila. dolphin and New ',,auc i lwlUclr were obtalnuant,wholesale oriCes: We have nice line paper, all colors, for Posters, C irculars, Erogranuncs, Letter Pa ... 0; per, Note Paper. and Bill. Heads, Pine cards for :Weddings, Visiting and Busi ness, together with:l - list-class Railroad Cards, suitable' for Concerts, 'Exhibitions, Uaving added new material to our jobbing deparynunt srlthin the past few weeltS:''3444iifabled'te &Onto all the different styles of: printing, as cheaply as can be done in . anY office, and in a style excelled* neni3,... Ax 'ExCuuszoN;-.4,' number of 'the gentleMO;of cont , towttytopose organizing ri schooner 'excursion. down the Chesa peake Bay. — A - gentleman, a friend of ono of the excursionists, and the owner of two fine schooners, has promised the us - e of one of his new vessels, the "C. W. Buoy." The party will start on the proposed trip sometime in July, and will be abSent aboyt,Awo,wpela..J, To ope who - has never experienced a trip of this kind the pleasure and enjoyment cannot be overestimated. A landsman, cooped up amdng the'ilill ' s'ntieMOlMtainS all ' his life; has little conception Of the charms of a voyagopl theiwateip, , ,T4O pprOple., mont of gentlethen has not been filled, but ail organizatioii is about being formcd, , frito the 'eYitaiiatib' (Mt of the necessary plans and arrangements. We will note from time to time, the pro gress of the 15xC'ursion, as it is soli - 160in , so 1110 .14•4'4.440i persons .}4 l;,t~zi9 . section of country, the details will prove of in terest. •Those who wish to add ton years to their lemo , of life, , slimald , be of , the party, =I W are inforiiii4l zen, agon f the American' Tract Sonic- , ty, is visitin . lo4pAyn . ll,loug,,,tho, Cum berland Valley Railroad, topupply'fami lies add Sunday Schoolatastitlitheir pub licarOnif, \ , vvell&i, U16 1 4)514 otli& establishments. To - 'pastors, students,' and Sunday Schools, he offers - the sopie ty's own publicatrOliii t qkeduotion •of ten pOr cent fran . Olic. cataJogno ‘ . l)ticos . ; other publications according. to arrange ments pfibtriOntiWtitiVi3' .44th tlid4o'eliCce: ,t, From the third to the eleventh of,Jime• he may. fours ' j ai ;'' dtlid,'4aliiia . Valley Hotel, in Carlisle ; from the elev, enth to the thirteenth, at Dr. I. Lefe vro's, West . Main street, Mechanicsburg. During the State Sunday School, Asso ciation, which begins Junel4, ho may be found at 121 Washington street, near .the dufmtsllaxxifaligsgiV4tlkragard• to quality, quantity, ini6bi:tind4Ole'llf binding, the society feels safe M repre- Senting thekhol4sl ne.qoqualecli by few; and excelled by inimp, , aplipatie l n r, delu P. irifotivelitta logue. 'Wo bespeak ,Krilim If t , liberal • pAtronage. #'6 l .l?;:t . .1'0 1 iv•• 'AgrECT TO OUR ~I:OErAIiT4W. 'ffiko ORAND DISPLAY OF ! TII$ ~MILTTA Y. = IMLOSISO NBTRXT . lOW 1W rSECREIT IMITECMI FIVE HUNDRED gEN IN LINE - *onday, last was a day widely will long remembered by the citizens of Cat , ' Our streets wore filled early in the forenoon by crowds of visitors from .-the, country, while the arrival of every train greatly augmented their numbers. 11Ien women and children Could be seen, at any hour of the fortthoon, harrying wreaths and bouquets •to the Court! house, (the place of meeting,) a freewill offering in honor of the patriot-dead. . - &Inc before was there so much interest manifested in commemoration of the day' as upoti'this occasion, and the liberality with which all gave of their choicest lowers, cannot be too highly commended At the hour of ono the time appointed for meeting having arrived, Post 114, of the G. A. R., under whose direction the graves were to be decorated, marched from their hall, on Main street, to the Court House. Soon after the officers and troops froffi Carlisle Bar . ratiks, preceded by the Barracks 'Band, arrived. The Red Men,,J3rotherhood of the Union, and Junior American Mechanics, preceded by the Carlisle Brass Band, and the !senior order of American Mechanics preceded by the Barracks Band, were marched to the Court House. The soldiers and members'of the \ t , lilierent secret organi zations, after considerable difilmilty, were seated in the room. Hundreds were unable - to gain admission to' hear the addressdeliyered by Rev. Dr. Wing, while on the squares were several thou sand persons, awaiting the moving of the vocession. After a prayer by the Rev. 41. Eggers, of the German Lutheran church, the ora tor of the day was then . introduced by Col. R. M. Henderson, .who addressed the audience as eellows : ADDRESS" OF REV: CONWAY P. WINO It seems difficult for us to realize that we are the same people that used to meet together so often, a few years since, in wrow, and deepest anxiety. The same pleasant skies are, indeed, over us, and_, the same beautiful valleys and grand mountains surround us ; 'we have the same faces, in general, moving before us, and the frame-work of society is not, es scutiallS,, changed; but where are all - those thoughts and strivings of heart, which these constituted our inner andtru est life. Each morning,,then, we has tened, from our almost sleepless cham bers, to inquire what news had come. dur ing the itight„ from the scenes of battle, not knowing whether we should hear of terrible disasters, or of exhilarating vic tories, and onihe tiptoe of expectation, whether we should have our ears saluted with shouts of :exultation, - or ; with the sighs of mourning. Each day was spoilt in busy preparation for some perilqus enterprise, in anxious suspense, or In _adittinistering • comfort and --eon nsel -- to those who seemed to have- lost their • ' earthly all. At each unaccustomed sonud of the night for many months, we, in this region, started from our beds, not certain but it might be from the presence . - ef — alio§ - Mii - anny in our streets, or from the conflagration of our dwellings.. Al most every day, one or another of our families was stricken down with sad news of some absent soldier boy, who had surrendered his life or limb in de fence of his country ; and, sometimes, his remains were received, and conveyed, by his friends, through our'streetsito his quiek_resting-place,.oe*e beard of his .burial, unknown and undistinguished, on some distant battlefield. Oh, as we sit to-day, so quietly on these seats, and look around upon our smiling fields of plenty, we we almost startle, as reflect upon our present security. - And to-day we are met to do honor. to :those whom we lost in those dark tinieg. We are gathpred here to collect -m0 thoughts for a few moments, before wo meet around their graves. :We want to have right thoughts, _and to cherish the liitrest emotions. 'We do not like to trust to those hasty Impulses that may ho super ficial, and misdirected, if not controlled even in the purest hearts, bia Wise judg ment, and a heaven-born inspiration. Those; who lieve originated the custom of ibis day, appear to have struck upon . what seems admirably adapted for Its purpose. ,And yet what should be our object, and what,slioulddip the direction of our; thonghts`? Everything most natural to ;ionic hearts may not by the most desir blc. Is it desirable to preserve the memory ,of 'those terrible days ? That depends on the way in which we remem berthem. Some love, 'simply, scenes of horror, and their recollection fastens only upon battle,lields, and prisons, and fam ines, and hospitals, and weary marches and nieges . . - We, too, would not forget eSo ; let history record them, and lo them . enter into the awful' picture of . Nilint Arne_ patriotn_had -to- .oncounter, But thiljifidet. the Picture must not terminate here. ,Tliere is a significance in all these IMysidal'suf ferings, which is indispensable, to their proper street. Only the loWest natures will stop at them,, , and lose sight. of the grand priniSipleS wlifeh '.thrB . 4 a spiritual lustre. A picture of a Mere I)atile, with-no histocical bA• relished mono, _but lovers of more excitement. 7f , our inonuinents, and histories, and celebrations haye,,no higher thought thusthis, lot thew all, polish-64 will dObasil, its. ' 1;1 ' it to ' ' the . • bittOtheSB and' hatred which were so apt la.Fpving Oil betvreen tIM contending -parties in those strifes?, Thera were..persons engaged , . - corft struggle Ntirlto mud have been actua ted; limy the i nsost corrupt ,and„ spirit. They sinned against:light al d knowkid.: • TheY'llinied the floodgates' 'war and i•evolutiou;:when they'inust, have known that therhad no reasonable- 1 cads°. They blew the coals of strife' when they kYrdiv that. Abditi bionth' Vas the( breath of calumny and falsithoect. But thesa wel;o.ifot'thd body'of , the Imo ,rdei who followeduthemV. and , wore de- eeled by thorn. The great multitude, AMi l owed them under a wrong impression ,ot: our views, and- tiatillijiliiyi areV-iih4 t generally, un . 4eepived.., Is At well, for,. ns, -to I chorili' flitlo'r s tibe.W' li,Yasin:4'' 'aiiCii? VV lea we ronagO4 fi'at- tfiti•did , nn de I',Jct.l, f 4 #__'1 5 ,f9 i , t .1 3 1 6 -V9;.'iV4 Yi t iO 140: 1 -',: i i , in s hoff,natiekedmen,andJwhe n 'a w ' e i tow ,, he qt . , I 0-,OF.iirOconOli4l4. ! r A''ainikiiiiiCa, a l u lLC''',. 2 ! . : 3 . v ,rl ti .tir 3r ls,n, 10 1 i11 6 . 1) ,"?...0iir!1VA , ge oualun eadies, .analtnweilwb co . It'iauty i t . a)iiv,.:44opipideo4..tiiiii th,eY:itioliriiiii;.i - only tnct•dalurtbo evil by cherishing ani,- liiciaitlea?.:.:Tliero may 'livq - baciva'tbaio , , when* aonto . load erii tnigfit pro (Bally, li avO 'bebb4-ado . to suffer—but if 79; bare raticbed tliii:itusantitiUta,dit tiatoty. Ultb.; 'out thciiiibiiiitibdiiriogar Penalties, -riiiit', l illeindnldenCii;AiWcfriffAfinib, ( tilli wo may now dismiss such things forever, 'Edict have thanameos well as the reality •of a free and, univeys i alpmflcsty : ns „ accept of the necessary logic; of '&064 . and rejoice that we are• not called upon for. severe crlminiations, and recrimina- tions,nor{oi bfcgoging flyor,,pastlyrongc: Some cif yOn -''xiiitY 'hiivici 144 - 'cif i 'thb young man,.whose father, mother , ‘ sisters and brothers were all - murdered, out. ragecli'M ;. I :iiiiitlllit:o/ ibys Alicllt#f kc, /, giabs. ._Undori-the- impulse ofty tier re= se,ntment, he immediately 4pnse rated .his life to one long; 'undying' hosti ity to the; Indian. - The last time he was seen he had 108 scalps. He seemed confident that God would protect hire till 'is had accumulated 200 scalps, when he thought he . slimild 'l's6!ivirrinitl to 'idi©." . rwi, filo • told ticat ilils;.le. onlioiid , de. i;,.'iliaL.6'iii3', s'ir l itai'eages... :,, ~', :;:-... : ; ,;'.'.'n:..'-.. The severe chastisement which Baker recently gave to the Indians in Montana, was - reported to be the-iresultef t l he pri vate vengeance or a hidy fit iilitinesota, 'whose brother was.murdered by an In dian. chief Who' had been "'tender& brought , up' with him.. In contrast iwith, this we are now able to give an instance of a more enlightCned and Christian spirit. That lady now writes to the edi tor who had published:the account, "The only steps I took in the matter were to send for the bereaved children, and to protect and save them ; and my only, prayer-is, that the murderers may be en lightened, and made partakers of A re ligion of forgiveness and love—and. far am I from wishing that they may be sub jected as they noW lire to , the tieniMent and broken promises, and, vengeance of a powerful nation, who considers not God's great law of doing as we would be , done by.:' This is the sublime spirit which now better becomes us. There is deep - meaning and Wisdom, as well as true piety, in the spiritovhich, after law and justice have - gone as far. as is need-, ful and possible,-would melt the hearts of former enemies with kindness, and if posSible, lead them to a better mind. The errors under which the great multi tO6 at the South still labor, will never be dispelled by returning railing for rail-, ing, but by the exhibition of a spirit' which will show them - that theyrrow:are and always have been mistaken and mis informed with regard to us. But why, then, not leave the syhole subject in ob- - livion,- and why revive any memories of those painful years? Because we have some profitable lessons, for 'which even all those sufferings Were not too much to pay. That terriblestr•uggle was not anacci dent of history, but a lesson of the ages. God was not the author of the crime, for there were men who needed •no or fiendish prompting. ' But the gtertit- Hulur of all saw It to be a necessary re sult, produced by the collision of good and evil in our race, and he would have us learn great principles from it. It was a tremendously costly lesson, and-- we should lose much, indeed, if we lightly refused to learn it.,. The occasion doeS not require that I should dwell upon the lesson. itself, and, fortunately, -there, are Many seasons in which .we are not a forget it The lesson we have to learn-to-day is to bri - gMlicld at the graves Of °Ur - hived rims. It vas said of °hexane-It beloved of our Lord, "She gooth to the-grave to weep there.' Every ode turns tenderly, Mid thoughtfully to the graves of those _who -inc -lovett — Thriffgli \e may have - cherished their remains, and protected them, like Ilizpah from the birds of prey, we are obliged, after all, to bury thorn out of our sight. .Dear mother earth, alone, can endure them in her bo som; and to her care we resign them out of our sight. I do not wonder that wo all,' however, love to have those who have boon united to us by kindred dos, - united wftlr - us, also, as nearly as pos sible, in death. My may, perhaps, sleep as well,7perhaps• even more honor ably, oil some tattle-field of glory. There they seem to be an essential part of the glorious scene. 'But the quiet family cluster, in the village cemetery. has a striking history, too ; flints: as beau tiful and endearing, as can be found in the national field. If the goldiers' l grave is touching and instructive at Gettysburg, at Antietam, and around the famine pri sons of Andersonvillo and Bello Island, it has an equally touching significance in the family group at home. There, by the side of the wife, the father, and - the children, who, equally brave with him-. self, shared in his sufferings and lofty sacrifices, his plain tombstone has a voice it could have no where else. "Bury me with my kindred„" 11a3 al ways been the cry of nature, and like other instincts it often has a deep wisdom ;juf it. Every time the eye of a child, or friend reads thejnseription on a soldier's tomb, let it rest ; also, upon relative; sleeping by his, side, and think of him only as a part of a common group, that shared, in all his toils and sufferings. But what mean we whop we Would deco rate these graves? There are three plaSsespf persons who would build mon uments to ' the departed, and linger around their supuloh res. 1. The first do sfl_becitit se their heart,. are buried there. They feel that the stall' -and hope of theinlivos wits taken hay, when some. loved:ono ..died. nothing niore to ,ltve Tor, : but they wait,. in broken-hearted'Ospond?ney Mita life. breaks its , hate,fut eirii: and let them go down,' sorrowing, to the This seems amiable, 'and we admire the fidelity of affeetithi , etthlbitedi—but we cannot ,apiirmie of its wisdom, or its scope. We were .neYer made 'td lose all aim in life when another leayes our side. tis lio complimentp I.llnWpd,to, inplS. rniit,ea rikl igher aim. We, too, aro mon, and' have grand ond!tpf if,Dt us not feebly wither up, and loso all lifo,:w4on wo lOso Iti'nfost prediousl,j6ol3l,•dildi oh& most ondezired assoolatd. If. those wo boye,4l. yirtno,9 .lot, no sinniotohlies9 copying thorn, Ana let ,ais tlint4e, 4114r0 profited by . ' tififir' l litfifid` 'examples. We would not forgot thorn—far enough . ram thak=rlo ,oftpl) go Wtheiwaym 'tit mainly le learn and refreali the lesson 'of their lives: 2. Aiirdt?iir; Iclan biiiid,'Whrti'lielkilatee l i ac ovi the' tombs of the . departed in the verli ,sel7rit thotie Thuti tho JeWih Jesits' qey r tii4 set mlolires of the prophOte, wgile thew ifathAp, „gym:, 1:,-,Tho t y alArweA .010, doWs of the same fithers. .They those4.whd'had , ilothegatod'' hose prophets, and now it they, built the , tomha livas Vbxoeopal,ibirasVn odnoss. Alas there aro some who bated 1 ,q4 "Ve`rYgbiili t itiOd''Ciiiik'd" 'dr hou' ~ diers while t 17934 won plkie, bat w4q,now.„ Wauld fain seem to cast a flower on their on) y, thoy,liaye seen tile error of their former sympathies; and wo iojoico'lii thelepVistlfie ovenw!),,qp,,wo, ;; their, forrner distrust. Att to' thrit muoklargerolao,,ieho,:saatilado-day r • ttedorate graves only to perpetutte.tM , :sp,e:r r, , it and virtues of tho depOted. • . , concUatil44lloleS3Vt&bitainctßON delarted friend is the ltnifitidlOreihiedial which mOulder in his tomb. If ho has /ii lid-worthily; ho;lranstihtwevleft=elicer furore precious, and more olnracteristic , of himself, thati l ' 'fbu ) nn .there.. But ordinarily, no,Wherev.,oarflthe world,. see,land no where' can -we more strik-: exprelh!'6iiit' parted, than theropillleni!iirmgoneral; will appreciate what is done by sensible 'o , iltward acts, and connected - With objets: And in,the grayc i wc,,havele 7 , posited all that the senses could appre hend. Tho outward' bti'is theirs;' grant that it is nothing ,but ther,..fteshy., tahernacle, end that the soul that gave it all.•elrarietor is : departed •to Is higher' . shore, still, around these remains we linger, .as the ,rouly , ..reliot , L ayli4eh, is, left. We cannot, altogether, forget that there all that our sensr.s. CNA aPpreffiato.' is governed. Is it wrong for us to make our pilgrimage therecto_teStify . 'cle.L . votion at such a shrine,? , And what is it that we there' do l No one imagineAthat It Lithe Mere: ihiSt that slumbers there. , WOO:low Oat: the casket wo once loved, was soon dis- so1e(1. "It waB ti:;6llptidi in dishonor, in weaknens, natural body."'eif if tlin:npir,ifn nf:the i 'de vitrted revisit, not the plates whore their mortalifY reposes, find 41.14, know not what is .dono by in the conflict, wo , love' to. tell• the world how precious' is virthit,, demeStic affee,-; tion, patriotism; and i, „disinterested, self-sacrifice for truth, and the pUblic welfare. hvary flower we, te-day; pluck from its stem, blooms' mOre,heatitifyillY;, and tells a lovelier tale; when it dies on these soldiers' graves. It is a syllable 'in that •impassioned language by which wo.not oniy`speak forth, a nation't grat a itude, but commend td all around us, and eSpabially to the coming generation the, principles 'for whieh they gave their lives, and the noble devotion with which they met death. Some of us have shed many bitter tears over their loss. I • We remember when we met them as they wece, departing on' their warlike orrand,Nbraher, sister, father, mother, anti teacher, and gave them our Bibles, and ourblessingwe remember how the hands of dear' friends clung to gether in parting, and almost refused to Separate ; and the image of those manly forms, as they went cheerily away, Was blighted when we learned that they were gone forever ; but we are coin forted, and almost lwouil, when we think ' it was our brother, or child, or friend, who so nobly died, and left his name on our country's nnunents, and his virtues to be copied by all who hear his name. Oh, such memories are their truest graves, and such praises the best flowers on their tombs. ,We will not refuse, - however, , oven' the perishing flowers, and now we gd; each thiel in his own:way, to find the tombs specially dear to us, but it is in our utmost souls, and heart oi'helirts, that we would embalm the imago of their char acters, and seek the good of that coun try, they so.learly saved. The address was listened to whit the utmost attention, and at its close the `speaker was loudly 'applauded. The flowers were then - distributed to those intending - to take part in the decoration- . of the graves, after wflich the line of pro • cession was then formed in front of the Court House, and moved doWn Hanover s':,rect, in the following order : == Post No. 114, G. A. R., numbering 35 men, preceded by the Barracks Band, Col. H. M. Henderson, Chief Marshal. Soldiers from Carlisle Barracks, number ing 200 men, under command of • Captain Carlisle Council, No. 905, O. U. A.'111., tiumberityrlo mon, 11,9bort Caitney, jr., Marshal, and Win. Thrush, Assistant . Marshal-. arion Council, No. 88, Jr. 0. U. A. M., numbering 3l yohng moh, El dor Beotom, Marshal. Conodoguirtet Tribe, No. 108, I. 0. R M., numbering 35 men, pre ceded by,tbe Carlisle Brass Band, Jacob Thudiumi Marshal, and Jacob ~,Hipple,7l.s4ktant Marshal. Cumberland Circle, No. IS, B. U. (H. F.) C. of A , numbering 41 men, • Jesse D. Rhipoilitrt, The procession marehed ver street., yueping time to :funeral dir2 - ges discoursed by the ... bands. In the ands of ovoyy ono Nl*o b6uquots . of flowers, while a number of baskets (fon taining,tlowers wore• members of the G. A. R. and soldierS. 'The' Meni bars of 'the tlitlereelnt'does worn clothed . . in their aPpr6Prina Ritaliiiii,and pre sented iillandsdino'.obiiearanco. On arriving at , the old graveyarkl,, thu, woeession brolcti ranlc6, and proneinledt o decorate the graves of 'who lost• their lives in the late wai, After this sad and sihint duty had been performed; the processinn again formed line; lat , the call of the bugle,) and marched: ihilt . 4 East up. Bedfoi'd - to POmfret t 6 'UM gra.veyard, dotachinMit . ddebratiad'iliO of • • soldiers buried there. The proedgkee ite march to Ashlera \vliere thqi , decOrhifon 'theidnives (;)idiotiA inEdri•da theW was". . After all, had.,hoon (lego,,luu.lthq pro - molly of paying the last sad tribute of respea4,6 ;the Fcrepakeil Iroo4s IleeiCpin.- fortned,,t,he-linc i lyas,again reforlue4,,anO, leturned to town, marching ,up street, to the Court .11ouse, when the bono d le tiOn, 15,,tas i prctupµnee4 by t ,t,,hq ; Rev. Joel . Swartz , pastor of the Lu thbrantlliiitteht iituf , nlisse4l )114° , ,i ,giVilkoJA Band roturning to the Barracks, and tho Aeildriii si4)ctive halls and were dismissod.."4-,,,,,.,. Thus 0094 . Aty,.)ycp z. epont, and which provod, conclusivofy, that tho , AaietricAn and rvvorpntco h uttlfoir !vies tat •thoir , country•miOt be; savb.d;:t DIZCORATION DAY.- A C KNOWLEDGi:. .IAII b- itlii—Post N0..1- ;-, I-i l A.. ~ -arl is lc'; M i ry 31, 187!). .; ThO• uqoisiggod Coin. 41 ttoo of tho PCist, dosilie. tffus publicly to offer thoir: cougratulMlohlo, upon .tho' bc i autifill and ontliusiaitio observance' of '“ I 000ratioril iDayo" ...orcilloutim,(.l the •th Meth instant, in Conformity with the general orders.of.the.Grand,g*giveiF .0 th e Grand Acrityrsif , the Republic. :1 O annuaCiiiiiii L to the graves of our fa len conaraliksyjkl) pfferAno pry/13:1111s , 4 d •garlands of flowers, is a sad yet pl lasing day, calling inta i ,o,yegoifte tho c deepest and mableVedliiigtiiif the heart. *Rh. thalmenitiers of the Grand Awry.-, ofithe Republic it inn'Ay a national holy (1?Y, to be nvei obseyved4withleamled yet • grateful manifestations, 'l.• , ;Lnd itiadeoply'lcnti*: thatutlie L edineinnl i q: generally so warmly sympathize with us Our . unito , with';;Mato'..l.ictW riattiblt. ant i s l ip „fl i ts Anterestipg • Tho $1116 , 044 aiviWilistif on thci ! : recent anniversary, of Decoration Day, in, Caidisle was unusually brilliant and im posing' arid tile 4drrilloitice, A repre'senta eves of IN . ist4s , l'o. I,..l.l., {l have,tho t highest plelisure in' acknowledging their oblige.- tionStO;!the,!l;cirionSOrganiatiOns ivliq unitertwith.ns.4bo splendid parade of Cayalry,,,with, tlio,urlanfl)Ptia:i 3 6'4O.; irom Carlisle 13arracks, coin-- manded respectively by Captaintiii.s4; 'as 14entonantsChicicorhOOP.Whon, ,forined a striking featurn of the proces sion, tho,ologinit'soldierly appearance of .offiCei4 Mid mon eliciting the highest ad ' iniratlthi! 'l74are indebted to the cour tosi of General Blake, commandant at the!Garrison, for their, participation in th 72.1 carom° Added ' t6' alb' brilliant military display was the no loss imposing ;annoarance of the several fratoranl or gam fttions ; : of our borough, ; each. aeso elation turning 'omit with full ranks, and 'wearing its ,apprOpriate and richly ,wrought regalia. Tho fine personal ap pearrinCe'of tlieso societies was the sub ';ject of warmeomment, and we owe the officers and members of the Order of American Mechanics, the Junior Order of American Mechanics, the Conodo guina, Tribo•of Red Men, the Cumber land Circle 'f: the Il3rotherliood of the . Union, and our admirable Carlisle Brass 'Band, which accompanied them, our hearty thanks for so cordially joining, to give effect to this oceasidn. :Last, bgeriot least, our thanks are due to the Liao's. The beautiful and frag rant tloral dee j orations, •wrought by loving hands into every emblematic form of cross, shield, anchor, wreath, garland, and bouquet, wore contributed in oyer flowing profusion by the mothers, the the daughters and children Of our community,. each vioing with the other in twining' lovely offerings' to beautify the graves of the patriot dead. Our i beautiftil Soldiers' Monument, now se far completed as to exhibit its fair marble tablets with hundreds of names of Cum berland County's fallen heroes; was tast bfu 11; draped with the American flag combined with wreaths of 'flowers. Wo , • suggest that next year the preparatory ceremonies of Decoration Day be held in front of the Monument. • The religious services were conducted by the Rev. R. Eggers, and the Rev. Dr. S)s.axtz, and the annual address delivered My the Rev. C. 'P. Wing, of whiCh we need say no more than that it was truly eloquent and touching. At the. Close . of the address hirthe Court House, the' flowers were distributed among the soldiers and members of the societies, the line formed, and to soft and plaintivo.musio the procession moved to the various cemeteries in turn. The efficient committees of ouf Post had, pm: 'vionsly marked cad), soldier's rave with small national flag, and the work of adorning each with flowers was readily, attended to without confusion take. Neither the huniblest nor the most -Soldier's resting 'place was forgotten or unvisited. R. M. HENDERSON, - - -I. ! ErNIUEL tODD r E. BEATTY, - Committee q. A, R. llonmatE -DE-ivrit:—A, young lady biltlyeba — eTgliteen andlnnereen yeais air age, named Ilia,rgaret Dabaugh, residlng in Meadow Lane, betWeem Second - and. Third streets, was seized with hydropho; bic symptoms on Friday last, ' which at that time were little regarded, but which grew worse and eMminated l yesterday af ternooniu_a horrible death. The circum stances attending her tintinibly fate are substantially as follows: About uine Weeks ago she was attacked by a vicious dog while passing along the street, and iiitten in ono of her Slums. The flesh was scarcely penetrated, and little attention was paid at the time to the cirelte stances. The first serious importance attached to the bite was -on-Friday-lastrwhen-the young lady e'xporienesd a pricking sen sation in her right arm, extending from the finger in which she had been' bitten 'to the fartheitt extremity of her shoulder, Ind noticed that the, tip of her finger, : was slightly inflamed. When called on ' to do some domesticiwork ahecOmpflineth that her arm pained her so badly that She could do nothing that required its pSe, On Saturday it was her custom to .attend market, but last Saturday she .said it Nokild be impossible tot:tiny any_ thing on her right arm. Her step-father. asked her to accompany - him, and he would . see that the articles, purchased were enuiveyed home. She accordingly went' with him and made the selections.: On Saturday afternoon the symptoms began to assume an alarming aspect; and 'a physician was 'sump - toned to alleviate tiir sufferings. Uptothis time no fears . of serious consequences were entertained by the lady or her friends. r 46 physi cian imagined he discovered , symptoms of hydrePhebia, hilt wits not fully . sati- liedlis to the Correctnels of his surmises: . :During the night slMbecame alarmingly , kvot'se; Juting.thrUivit intospa'ams, :; whi eli continued "at'iriVeyi , itia - aintirthaff'-pitst,' . eleven o'clock, yesterday morning, when. : chloroform was first aqtnittisteee4 anfl at hydrate of)ehlo:-. Yesterday ni ort fin g -anOth ur physician vas called tO Vie hid or thb young lady, - who at once pf;:niounced hor conditidn• .incillahlei .):Ddiing theiday• 'she I.Was ~,1,,= ited.hy a ; largo.nurnber of physicians; all gf whom concurred in !tlio opinion t,hat, a 4 O : was :, afflicted' • with ' hydrophobia.. lterjpa - i" . Oxisms - we're a .fibi : rowful - speetn l'cle::' , The nientionOr sight or a dog droici , 4r , iiia violent spa sills, 1111dd , u ring on o of tltege 'a' iliig entered `theroonc, As soon, as, shoSitiv:,tliOniinal . she Ueeamo :furl. •onsli aiitated, and . her feelings were!' onlji',tkiacpiiiliZeci - ,wlicii,* 00i*ii3 4( 7 ninved:•. The . Sit/116 , 0f; water 'was..alß 6 o: a ,tderiS,it to li:. I:BsO.tO:iiiied 4O:oli 'at,' the. lontlyokhibited greatinerveus•rritabil, ! : ~,ioo, , .breatlied,.Witli, . great %difficulty and. at'Veiged ..i )'•;tlo44:.abAi,ehei,'i(?, lceep at a distance, as -if fearfal that' she: -iiiiglit,do . ..iliefri,porsoiLinjurY;. From ••tlk . 4Oniniencenient, Of I , lle;',iirsteP4in.`tiii." t" 'drugs were inbuinistored she wag' don. cg :,.I,i' ii: 'riii:itiiiii - ()hair, oecasioniy_ ifs lligiffl'iiii'linil '•sll,l;:ifirgit':tyl i ll / 1:71A:," I l i S bsoquoutly she ,Was placed on a "sofa'. a d Beguiled %Mil tier death; 1 vshitii , oc c rrcd -yeAterday afternoon , . at half-'past f ur. Shq•lii)eheid t 'fitlfi'leofiticlons of 1f r: 4 daUgeliniet; diso a ' se ,, : ll .fuadiede , ',of: Prsoph.tdhltddl Mendel:W : llmo'. yo:lteidak ~ t ~obtain par tioulare or. thi& unfortunate c so Einifie6 t iliii iiiffieied`ladi. "' . :L'''' That thiawasi -a ease of:, hydrophobia a doubt seems fto:bvrerpoved, and is ftillY‘establialied• by, the , .OPhdefi or , tkor , odical fraternity tG ', ) pre9f l ,sall,o, p40,(4 1 ii,. I 4 i o had Witnoilfied'aindlor,,eases, , AVll'at' stiff. further f,conflrni?i;it +l4, Aiathat t4e dog.*hteli:fibitbe young lady died frortiltho• effee4 or disease, shortly aftor., wbrd, whiciii l iii 'Saidlii:iiliy;iiiiiiiii6'' ( ,hikviii'fiVethe ii,dt's Efaiatiathoili•ibli n l 'pOl , Upon hydrophobia.—Topic of Tuesday.: "07 . 1 - 0 i • . k OW7l ' nO to the: crowded - state' Of our doliunns much interestinginatter has, iinnvoidably, been Crowded out. ruouGE DEDICATION.—BoiIing Springs Coiincil, No. 182, ;will dedicate their new Lo dge:l l,oo M . ;rttctlllP•ti , P l o9 o 49 l .V.44aY7l .tutee 10. A large number of sister Conn cils from this andudjolniug,ountips will Am - ;present to.. assist in the dedicatory set Vices and .pattioiriate n !a, ,, ,parade. W.e'll_knowu-sprkprs ; -be in uttend-' nude and deliver addresses. We hope our l friends }Wing Springslioclgo win have a good day and largo turn-out. • WANTED.- 1 4PernaiSSIoii attdok ) a Binding Attachment, on which two men can bind the grain cut by one • Self- BakingHeaper—Wew ;Yorker preferred. use of the Binding Attachment will be given, free of charge, for ono season. Address Frank B. Isett, Hollidaysburg, Blair county, Pa. • Announcements. FINE P9IITPqRAPHS C. L. Lochrnin makes decidedly the best PhotogTaphS .in' town.. He excels himself, since he leftliirs. Nefrs and operates' in his newly fitted up gal lery,. S. H. corner of market square. CroirmAii is generally successful with those, who' have obtained good pictures elsewhere. . FRYSINGER & WEISER have the only Carpet Store in the town, their stock is entirely new, and are daily, receiving' new patterns of Carpets, Oil cloths, &c. The EthbosSed Window Shades are something entirely now, and all persons 'are pleased with thorn, also Bray's Patent Balance Spring fixtures. Call at Sawyer's old stand, and seo them. If you want a, good Corset, Gott' Wolf's If you want a Hoop Skirt, Go to Wolf's If-you want Suspenders, Go to Wolf's If you want Gloves . or Hosiery, Go to Wolf's In fact yo u had better go to No. 181 North Hanover street, for all your No tions, if you wish to save money. 2j070-Im. CM A STARTLING T RUTH l--Thousands die ann . nally from neglected coughs and colds, which soon ripen into-consump tion, or other equally fatal diseases of the lungs ; when by the timely use of a single bottle of Dr. Wiatar's Balsam of Wild Cherry their lives could have been preserved to a green old age. =MI= CHEMISTRY is furnishing us new agents ?or fuel, force, food, and many other im- portant aids over those WO once pos-• sensed. Ports from which commerce was driven during the hot months by ,their, terrible fevers are visited all the year with impunity noW.. Many localities in the South and West kept . tenantless by . their deleterious miasms are now Riling p with populations under protee ti on of flyer's Ague Cure. Their afflict ing Chills and Fever pro so effectually cured by this reined yl that, the disease no longer turns emigration aside or de stroy s the settler if he ventures upon its infected districts.—'eGazetts," Independ ence, Mo . _ JA,C0.13 LVINGSTON, andßiit - ail - Dealor-in.TomACCP, SNUFF', EIGKES, PIPES, &C. No. 27 North iftznAer street Offers to the trade tho host brands of a large variety of Cbowing acid' Sinol6 ing Tobaccos, real Michigan Fine Cut, in bulk or in•tin foil. W. - E. garrotes celebrated snuff. Real genuine Imported Havana &gars. Yara Connecticut and Domestic Sugars. • A large assortment lif everything be longing to the business, and sold at as low a 'price, as in any Eastern city. The public is respectively invited to call and inspect , my largo assortment. Every article warranted as represented. 21ap706m. JACOB ,LIVINGSTON, /Dealer in FINE WINES AND - 'LIQUORS, No: 27 North IlitnovCi;:streit, °aims • the following tieeds': Waro mated ( pttre, unadulterated `and full Xlwliys as reptesented., • • Genuine ha - pc;rted - French' Coganc Brandy, ' • Niro ad Rye Whiskeys by.celobilited distillers. • , , Best quality. Ginger Brandy„: Pure old giri...-Pursild Port wine. ' The very best ,quality' Bherry, Claret* New England Ruin, &c. Kimmel. Pure white spirits, for drug: gists .and family use. Sold at the lowest prices. for cash. J. call solicited. - 21apann - • „ ' ~ I,M 'OIiTANT TO PRIVATE Pure tuundulterutel. I NV!4es, iftul itt"their resiikUce, .tteuding ordet• to store, et. through- :Post ()Mee. Everil hitide4ii,i:itni.ta,;l:'si'dli resentei: or the money, kefunde.d. „ . , • '•• , JA6OII - LIVIN(IgToN.. ' 21aptiut .!No: i 2711.. ll:mover streat,, M'Lanahnn, Stone & Isott, Holiidays 'buig,Vennsylliniiie,;innikrebtnie:kitAion- e+7 engines, • ,boileie, , direct • :noting ;blowing, engines. Pleyer,Thoinse,nd. otlioi, bot bl3'st;. vast Inge fioin,.ene, lb, ,t 9, 20,000 Icinde 4,mneliinOry. =I • 20,000 pounhAl'oeisiioiAl: moat wanted:! in; oxoliangot puro leiquora pi tylil i qm hop , t , lirandikpf ol.nrring -and smoking tobaiicAi b3i." ~ • - .1.00 , 1,. 'riAcos:,LivrxuisTaii;./. ,?,- Ip,pm c , No. 27' I ! , T 43 so4 l anoveyst.req• 1 - , •,' ' , - 7 - ' - n - ,! l '''''', — " -- 7',:. ;' ii4 i- ' , l*oliE 1, 4itw : . G 00D f)i 1 • ; T. ifilliiii3 .. to' iri ; fiunil . the .publio goner ; .filly, that ./ 1,1 1 1 . 7.14.0 s • PePia a . ow. Ala .. hetip ~ (Apatite- Store, • and: '; am,,,,rio* lady; to offer a,large aisortmentpfloady ado elothinefoiiiidn'ii-and.brifa! wear, 4.i I of my own ratainfaeture;* whichX Atilt Arillintito-f r it, 4ricl' z irie rldi 'sr.iisdloi I SliWaYeoitgilitii assiiitrirehtfidlaithsl' atislan'ives; tlatiirttOi' l A t licS4'eas,' Co titbit' a l ind Li !lq?)gq? d *..R l .49l'; I,Yffq PP) l l l o4h° 3a l °F.lBl 4 e ll , d JP /a 1 163-t Mil t .c r lA.Cttli?Z stisr Ost nc: ice, n.a,,(1 1- ,',4111, to niose reason.. a le terPlerl.; , AlsrEeiAssertnlent of men's and boys' hats, umbrolles,ravel . iiiiphill, s iDteleellteed.aPdrAver37.vsrletyl primp i t oria tisually.lioind ri, , ilk4nilemen'ti' :shiMi.iiterei'l 411 dr Viiibiklivii i ii l dar fined to'sellet,miceb tliet,.§ol.l'4lerkiltii:-._ petition. .. please retkisrobeF, ,, , tho Elaes t.h ls,To. South' Ilanover Street, ' iietviperk Inispir's C' t i roebiy and • StOliin '& 'Spelml4k4 l Silis) store, , : , '''l:- ',., r 1 1 " •Ty.'l o 4. Sliflyß, ~, 1 12'646' '''''' ''"''' '• • - . • ' The lifOsizo Photograph,, in 9% of the lath Mr. Zitzer„ptlmi ,k444. i/ Atzer, fond° by C. L. cApchmani4s4ho most truthful llkonoss.virshWer -..,CHArmAtee,large-neW:!ool6s give s goOd account of itsolf.44ti,:fillfil large , figures will, pleas e q I ct HARK 1 LISTEN I ! PAUSE ! ' ---What is-that whir-r-r-ing -noise that is heard daily, proceeding from No. 35 W4st Main streot l o ll liClyu r rli r s Soda Fotintain, where, if yp i u p l rafhirsty, and wish to drink, yon quench your 41tutst. He has it e,oiisfantl3 , on hand, fresh, cool andspiricli,44; l: lOu can also find there an endlesska4etp of choice Cmidies, Oranges, )Toys land. j oyerything in the confection line only to bo found in a first-class confectionary. Don't forget the, place, No. 85 IWost Main street, Car lisle, Pa. 26ma70. ATTENTION, milyipps MEN . . • All who are desirousof:baying posting and distributing done' can'. have it at tended to prompflY,/in 'eftfrlstyle, by Michael McCarty. ! .'inquire at tins office. 19may70-3C ;. • For direct acting steam pumps; ,for mines, &c., that will pump from 12 gallons to 3,500 per minute. Go to Mq..a.iiiiliaio,tone & That; Hollidays burg, Pa. Steam puppy Tile putriPi.can be dis connected from-Hie , : engine,: and engine used for driiing,„anY kind of"niacbinery. gas and 'Water pipe, stdatn M'Lanahan, Stone d Isett, Hollidays burg, Pa. 17feb6m EGGS I EGG ! EGGS.I EGGS From light Brahma fowls, pea combed, strictly pure from imparted stock, $2.00 per dozen: ''Na order will be booked unless accompanied by the cash. , kfew pairs for sale—s4.oo per pair. Half breed Italian Bees for sale, 'in movable comb hives—cheap. Address C. U. HOPPER, 12may70 P. 0. 80x147, Carlisle, Pa CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SPICING WAGONS Carlisle, - May 8, 1870. A. B. Sheik' has now ,on hand, and will mako to ordor, all kind" of Car riages, Buggies, Spring Wagons, &c. He has the best WOrkmen ni -each branch, and has all kinds of-material constantly on hand.. 'Painting- and re.- pairing promptly attended to: - sinalOtf COAL AND LUMBER J. BVTEM &'BROTHERS, Forwarding ill Commisgion: kreltants (Henderson's old stand At the head of MAIN STREET, Carlisle, Pa. The blgbast market Proki< be pald for Vlou Grain and produce of all kinds. Coal of all kluda, embracing' I.YFENB VALLRY; • •4- LOCUST -MOUNTAIN, thueburuore' and Illackom Kits' Coal conetaully of eale. Kept wider cover, and delivered dry to any part of the town. also, all klade of Loather on hand: 17spr C. CHEAP COAL! CHEAP COAL!! Thu subscriber is prepared• to deliver, by the cur load, to litnebornors, and other conformers along tltpSL'~_~Llhu Cumberland Volicylytilrostl, the cele brated c-•• - • - EVICENB VALLEY COAL AT VIE LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES FOR CASH This cosills-ixf itery superior quality. and will ho furnished Pc n.'rea VIIIOI will defy all competition. Thu ...Lib,. Me • will deliver coal qt Cornell., by Mil ear loud. daring the current mouth, at the following prime, pe .on . , Pe, Nut Stove - . And to oilier point., of tho road Ito will &liver I , adding or deductito; the uxl•rnro of differ., .1 freight,. • Th. above rates will to rubject to tie rice or (a of prices, each month, at the Moto. GEORGE ZINN ttlrice—corner of Main and Pittstrnets. 21•p70 BEST LYKENS VALLEY LIME. COAL, Et. 2.5, ut the yartla or SUMMIT UIIA\CII LYICEDIA VALLEY EGG SIoVE COAL delivered • 00 NUT COAL 4 75 lu the yard, 25 cunt. Ire.. At the yard* A. H. BLAIR. IBM HER OF, ALL KINDS la the 1055e..4 prices. At tun Atolls of . . _ A. 11. BLAIR. a fob . For Rent—Dwelling loose. itOUSE: VOR RENT 4luin mtreet, hour the Bout. Hutu', Would for pivot° or loonrklriik will hu reurud tow. , • ; lUoluy7o-3t Borough Ordinances AN ORDINANCE Repealing an Ordinance) in Relation to tlei Police Force of the Borough of Carlisle. Ile It emit:led by tho Toni Oa MICE of the idireugh °fear halt', eel It Is t•erete uli.uted by the authbr- Ity of ilia sante That the Ordinance passed the ttreoty.thlrd any of Aptll. 18071 . 31r0t Whig fur the oPPolututuot at a Borough P..lleelor the berookh of Carlisle', I a and Ma SCllld le hereby rejulded. Enacted Into an r thin Plxlll day of Mny, A: D. 1870. , row; r; 1."000.t 01 Toro cannel. LOW, • .Atteet : thief Duro.... hoaxer l'e.tatlir.Y../11., B , iletlitY - eleOrthrtakin. Tammy/0-31 ORDINANCE: In Relation to Horses, Cattle, Sheep, 6.e., • BanAing alobilege.iwthe:Barbugh.: : Bo it enacted by the Town Coatuil of the Borough if Carlisle; end it In Indelor,yuncted by the autleolty f the mute: That front and after the mons of hie Act, is chill be unlawful for any Hum., Ce tie, copOlogoonOd;ID0A14,0kt1111) at. largo within the borough of Carlitie, stud any aensou allot+ log the statue to run at large,oluill to liable to a fine of Elva I°Wad for 'bray such,ofibude—the fides . cast les to ho colliwted en provided tor by low. Eitietitil lulu an Ordlusti t ca tl,lo olgth dye ofply, 'GEORGE E FIEEAFFER, . ; • • l ' r "it i el'"f . /JOY4C°WIiI , 8: LOW: A ttent:: Chief Burgetts. ME 1 - I,Louiar.alTAnztax,. JR.; :L : 1 Secretary or Caporation. . 4 may7o.3t • /%0/1. REN2'- TAIVIVE'R Y. ENV tANNERViiii.'Sa O or Rent. Tito .. 31 /1 , 49. 1 0 . .10it0}1i 4 bi.C.NAW TANNERY, 0.. ..utb Went. usrlisle, for solo or lenst on fuvoriano orals. -Immr . diuto possession glv.n. ,Apply to ' 4}3aplTl :::,.11.i . u.c wILLIAmoLAIrt. = k 0DA11WAT8130.17.:..•11,-'ll, , ''W,a - iApVi l EirAiik'idzid 1 .;) , " .1. '" A: ii t`it gt'i'd'k'' int so T'i-i'tif s . ~, : nt , r 6'14: .u.• ~ i !,1!- '. . , : !, .! , N0."6 6outhmouorerotrool. • 14607011 : • • '' RUGS .I ) ACV 11 -1 L. '1 Z.l 1.1 *. • .L,,,,,: I,:t. t. , ,,t,. .: •,, . -, '.' " I ',11!) [../.' No. 5 South, and rtio. i 0 North Hanover streets o'' I. l 4l CV:aiSi l idiflirieeitiisl - t i g, ' ig'.. / OAItLISLE,' PISDIN'A. '' • • I 1 . 4 1 1•0;11i1 iis i .11 ~ , , L n(a. 031331211..T10N....... , ..... t . 4 . - J 1 ..t?.... , .). :' , :tt '', , li.fif 1' ) .2-sit.Otilt ti'l4:B:h. ,11 .1.t.. . HAT1M5211;a1C148.44.747P.#3, I , latuth,:vdi Nt9M:ll , ll, mry i 14,re0,. 140701 y ~ 'arrtape t,~~ta d~L Verl/ CARRIAGE BUILDIXV 114 - .AI t ITS BRANCHES, , AND REPAIRING AND R.ISASONADLE RATES . , . . .41 i :I I .) tAn ....;Au' ;.,' CARRIAGES, . 11/ES, CARRIAGES, ~, CARRIAGES, . CARRIAGES, CAGRIAGIES, _.olatnrsaEsi." , ' =•'. 'CARRIAGES,. _ CARR! AIES CA URI AG ES, n CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES, CARRIAG h. S,C A ItRIAGES, BUGGIES, 1 - ,'„IIWGIII.EN t; 7 BUGGIES, BUGGII.S, . BUGGIES, BVIGIES, itUGGIES, BUGGIES, BUGGIrS BUGGIES, BIRIGIBm, • • • BUGGIES, Buoilur, BUGGIES., BUGGIES, BUOGIES, - " — ' ,111.160108 , ,.' 4 P9II.IOGIES; BUGGIES, BUGGIES, • BUGGIES, SPRING WAGOAS,:sPRING' ,WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS, STALING WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS, SPRING WAG , ,NS, SPRING WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS,'{ I ',SPRING Ai, AWNS, SPRING WAGONS, SP itiNG'WAGONS, ' SPRING WAGONS,, SPRING WAGONS, •I will oxclutriga • CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, Olt Ir=l2l Still at work, sml Inv!too ni l blo ohl cuntumero, run) tho public norol, to glvo him o. coll. ' ATP Rowel - the old estiadishod since, on PITT, STREET, north or tbeKor] lloptd, CARETAE, l'n. A'FIRST GLASS LIVERY In connect:on with the above establishment. 11. K. I'EFFEIt EMEEMI LIVERY, SALE, AND EXCUANGE STABLE. FOR RENT.—The brick residence of James .11enta, situated on South Hanover a root, nearly apposite Early's hotel, will ho leased for ono year from first of April next. Also, ft Commodious two story brick residence, on Sort street, between Main ni•d Loather streets; and a lot of ground on the oesebido of the Lotort. Spring, belonging to the heirs of Jooeph Shrom, decOased, will be alto leaned. for ono year from the first of April next. XSZ- N. It. Stable roots for 50 head - 7 . ,f horses on I 17t0b70 ON REASONABLE TORIES, A ' 'NEO AT SHOBTEAT NOTICE CARRIAGES FURNISIIED-FOR FUNERALS keep. rieb7o Dr. dyer datertisem't AVERS For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A. dressing which ti at once agreeable, healthy. and efiectual for preserVing the linii Fai led or gray hair is soon re stored. to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hniris thick ened,,falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cored by its am Notliirg can restore the , hair whore the follicles *ti l e destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as v nutin hen be saved for _Usefulness _by - this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment,it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning 'gray ea falling off; and consequently prevent baldness. Free rrom those deleterious sillislr - uia - s - Allielrmake some prepartitirms dangerous and injurious to the _hair. the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it If wanted merely fel• a • _ SSI NG, - LAW ttc, J HICETRId i. BROS .nothing else can be found so desirabl e Containing neither oil or dye, it does. no soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, givihg it a rich glossy lustre•and and a..-gratefill--percumer ' 51 00 4 00 0 25 25 BERM Prepared by Dr. J. C. er, & CO., PRACTICAL Ati r D AIe.ALtk.ICAL PRICE 11.00. lIAVETtSTICk 111000., Agents, Carlisle, 10falt70-ly For bale--ralitable Real Es'ate A. 11. IiLAIII VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. XVIII be said, nt public axle, on tho l realism+, Weed Penstaboro' towll,lllp, at tan a. the followins describellreal estato, late the property of Andrew Forbus, deceased About twoutptwo acres of ' GOOD LIMESTONE LAND In 0.1111 township, north of lends of 3ltirg out 101 boo, ileee teed .10001, Itliosils loin. 90011101 I Islilintn, and the ConoilegOlnet creek tral, a good TWO-STORY BRIOK ROUSE, Now llnuk !Ism; alto) n I wo.Btory LOG iiimrsk ‘vo.therbo.rded l h Well Of •wit ter wllli pump. tte Ala•, ■t the rand• tine and place. the one and aided half of about ell,. aria,on, , lkal !I...1'0;1)1 010 m tabu land In FranklOr d toil nab p 'Attendanee will he given, eau t. erns untie know on day of s bu oy ALS.I. Will be offered, on etne premises, at the name time, the foLowlne de.crihed tracts of Brad of the estate of Margaret Forbes, deceased: I. A tract of LIMESTONELANIV,, containing about . thirty °errs Title tract is situated ill sat township, on the State road, nod adjoins tin , above described tut t and !midst& Jacob Illytdetrand Gee. Strohm. It le n first rate quad yof litnotdone Nod, and et dialed into live fields. , Alen, the one Modiidisi half of about seven Mid ont,ltrlf acre. ot - MOUNTAIN - LANDIII - Fnink= ford town:tido. Thit will ho gold in entinectlon with' the °Gloried( mentioned Mly°, If desired by per. ' l4 l . 4ret e' ttindanre will be given told'terthe ui Ids known on day 01 sale by 121;n170to TO ,FAILM MIS AND Vltlikl PLANTERS.' • riIHE CIIAMBgIISBURG,NURSEI,II( AS:OCIATION. .•. (koramrly ityder Nursery_ Am:iodation,'. lavu for 131110, large of quaiitit ay . a claal snort nivnt of Pltnn, 1 other troos, with all tho 'now or gooil khidti of Grape Vines; Over, ene,l}updrect.VarietieFt 9f „Roses, And an endless imortment of everything that is do. nimble .0 Mock r. !Int Masi Ortlillll . o or garden. +. • Our priced aro 'O. , nit oor rove alu as good as tho 'beat. Ordoro 1,3 mall will foreiso our best - attention,. and mt Inf Action guarantied in MI our' ' Not Catalogued and ut her Information address tho ,__lVemant a guild, reliable every taiwn to et as agent for the sale of our trees and plants. rhiladelpleia Aaverelsc»itt!ts TO TIIE LADIES Thera can'bo nothing that trill Vaasa thu Indies ,etter.thaltit gotl,artlclo, which la, n901.10d1 n tn , ery and iy tor ovary Jay's Wee. ;Such attloio Is- • TALLOW BOAI', :recommended for ibe following ytirposes : lior gon• oral household use; for iho toilet: for the laundry :for . oheyped hands, told by alb grocer. 00 , ( 1 .storelleopors everywhere. NATII AN iqilt s ,lb, sole iatibut; Nar.'lllo NoribTiont el reet, ' 10fsb70.01n , WAistilA. — Watches Tun comeArini . rtutius, • • And • woman c;11. the ,lioro pony sent witl4 every wbtcttPH Chtbloguo soot to addrese, • orderodilied byloniess,,p, 0.-D. with privilege of nirriintition before payingfltlio money. Address, I.i ; AIti.,PONPO,YOI4!TY4+- 141002 m _DONE PROSIPTI,T. Always on Itatid, or tiindo to older. SPRING WAGONS FOR GOOD MINES. cunJ•Lnnd Wagons, u 1 nll l infix , Inkiln In exclillige for work A. SENSEIIIA-/N' J. L. STERNER & BROTTIER, =I HORSES AND eAItRIAOES TO lIIRE =I IBEIMEM HAIR VIGOR. G HAIR VIGOR LOWELL, MASS OA Thursday, June 9, 1870, W. N. gENDERSOV, E.cutor of Andrew Forb., d,'d'oood WILIAA3I C. 111.A1 Executor of ➢lnrgwnt docento2,l Chanzbersburg Nursery; Peach,' , WM SUPERINTENDENT, '''' Olutiburelarg.Ditimury Cit.tuftrualtuty, FL. 808 Chesil:l4 atri.Ot, Phl 1► F• OR, kerobrpffor tielf nu o candidate for tho office of SHERIFF, subject to the decision of the Republican Nominating , 9onrention- n_ Ifs OFANapElti Harch'2,lB7o.' 3mbic . FOR SHERIFF.z-,-4t .the solicitation of a number of Republica. throughout the I triyool r ‘4,o4ll.inpi C.. 010416111111 /- lion' of 8 °riff at the next County . C.Mtentlon, sub. Ject to its (locution. 17mitto, March 10;1870. 31:411111,110.1149. Carli sle FOR dfrei my teif as n candidata for the office of 811EI1IFF., aunirct to thedecision of thojtepublimin Nominating C02411)116°3. t. Maly, Apcil 6, 1670 l'ap7ote. FOR hei'eby offer my- Belf ox o condhhtto for the Ofilcu of ellE11.14.1?, autilecti to l tho do,ollup of the • • • 10trsj 11'5114n:sr Carlide, April 0, 7ap7iitc • A. L. SPOIV,ELER'S COLUMN. SPOSSLER,- ' Real Estate Agent, Scrivener, Conveyancer, luau r• IV3CO