Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 26, 1870, Image 3

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    6..-ljt . 0iir1,t51t'..4,-tialli.
THE fish season is waning
CELERY is pronounced a cure for ner
SCRAMBLED hair is the latest agony
among the fashionables.
LINEN dusters have mule their appear
THE wheat looks splendidly:iu t 1,3
„ ,
GREEN peas and new : cabbage have
made their appearance in our markets.
GILASS butter, of deli; Olden tinge,
is plenty iu our markets.
\Vi: announce a new. arrival of orgai
grinders and monkeys in town.
Tut: Orphan's Court was in session on
Tilesday last.
. To BUSINESS M.E.N.—Persons who
want your patronage always invite you
through the adV:ertising columns to deal
with them.
THE Lancaster Express is boasting, of a
calf which weighed 127 pounds, when
only one (lay old.
Trim.locust tree. 'are unusually full of
blossoms at present, filling the air with
their fragrance. This is said to be a sure
sign of a lunge and bountiful corn Crop.
Four D.—A lady's kid glove was found
in front •of the Good Will building, on
Hanover street, on Tuesday evening last.
The owner can have it by calling at this
office. .
white guinea, belonging
to Mr. Adam Fredericks, of this borough,
was killed by clogs on Sunday morning
last. It was a beautiful fowl, and highly
prized by its owner.
THE taking of, the census begins on
the first of June next. Our lady readers
should make a note'of this, :bud get their
ages in readiness, so as not to cletnin the
census-taker when he is in search of the
desired information. '
.SCA imor fever is said to be raging
very badly in Hanisburg, Ciolumbia;
Reading, and other towns in that section
of the State. We have out heard of any
new raves in our borough for scenic days
past, and hope that this dread disease
Las, at last, left us.
P. I{E.v. DANIEL W,A81I131"ItN,
of Schuylkill county, has burn appointed
Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of
Pennsylvania o.p. F., by trinT Grand.
Master. The Grand Secretary has also
appdiiited Augustus PfahT G . ranti Mes
senger to the Grand Lodge.
A'' the recent session of the Grand
Lodge of Pennsylvania, I. 0. 0. F., at
Philadelphia, now constitution and by
laws for the government of that tidily
were adopted ; also, for the government
of -Rebekah Degree lodges. + Charters
were granted fur seven new Lodges in
different parts of the State.
of the census taker, to use a typograph
ical phrase, is a " fat take" : Two cents
for each mune ;'ten cents for each fill-in ;
fifteen cents for each manufacturing es
tablishment ; two cents for each de
_pOrSon and ten cents for every_
mile traveled.
ACCIDENT.-011r • friend Samuel T.
Green, foreman of the composing room
of The Harrisburg , Telegraph, met with
an accident the other clay, while engaged
in splitting a board with a hatchet. The
hatchet missed the board, and cut off the
end of the first finger of the left hand,
causing a very painful, but we are glad
to leant not a serious wound.
Tim celebration of the Centennial An
niversary of American Independence, on
or about July 4, 1876, has been talked of
for sonic time. Philadelphia, Washing
ton and New Ycrk have announced
themselves as candidates fur the, site for
the occasion. It is proposed to celebrate
the event by a Great, International Fair,
under the auspice's of 'tlie'"General Gov
ernment. Last winter Committees of
the Pennsylvania Legislature, Philadel-
Phia Councils and Franklin Institute,
visited Washington and'appearud before
the Committee of Manufactures in behalf
of Phiktdelphia. This Committee, of
which Congressman D. J. Morrel, of Pa:, ,
is Chairman, propose to pay au officialr
visit to Philadelphia On;Friday and Sat
urday, the tenth and !eleventh days of
Juno next, in compliance with an invita
tion. of the Mayor and. City - Councils, for
the purpose of Axamining ihto its claims
and advantages in a manufacturing, point
'of view. There ought to be no division
of opinion on the subject. Philadelphia,
where the Great Declaration was , for
mally passed and first proclaimed to the
world, and where the Hall of Independ
ence -is still standing, is the only proper
place .that, can be chosen fur the.diimon
stration proposed. Besides tlMre•is no
city of the Union where manufacturing
in every brain:ll , ot business is carried on
'so extensively. To celebrate the Cen
tenary of Independence any where else
would be entirely out of place. '
CASE.—Wo have received the following
solution of • the Lancaster will problem
in last week's IhmAmi
By the condition of the problem Bonn
was 21 years ; but" Joseph lacked 1
year, 11 months and. 15 days; John/ 4
years, 6 months and 4 days, and Jonas
11 years and 17 days of being 2,1.
This innblem - and - all similar one . eclin
be solved by-dividing the .$1,296,96 In
proportion .to the present worths of $1
for the time each child_ lacked of beipg p 1
years old, or by dividiuv in the propor
tion of the reciprocqls of the parts of the
prineipairequired to equal the amount
for the tint°. I chose the former method
in this oasil.'
. .
p r „,,,,t worth of $l, 5113110 . 8 ease, fur
the antic to, • 1 51,140
Tho present worth .1 $1 ; in JOsepli s e.Lne, fur
ly ear. 11 months and la days is ' 911
The present worth of sl,ln John's ease, ford.
yours, o months and 4 days, Is
4 1113
Thu present worth of ,$l, In Jonaa's ease,for 11
years and 17 days is :644
81.206:08 f 3,3114 = $388. 8 8 o.lnled tgaTO.
$386.08 350,81 Joenph's Elam.
000,08 8 ; 813 = 818 07 Johlex alma,
385,08 8 .818 = 248.00 .7 . omall'i Aura.
I have long since :thought .we should
ha've a problem in the. papers, occasion
ally hence, I' propose the following for
next' week : A father willed to his three
sons, Adam, Byron
. and- ,Cyrus, whose:
ogee wore 15,-17 and.dWyearS, retMectof.
ivoly,-the;:sum of •$73,4.82, -to be divid4
into - three skcires,.which put .
,ont at 10
per , cent. compound intored, would
amnia to the 'Sadie Sur& When tlinyU:
come 21 years 015ag0,.., What was tho
sharp willed to-each? Q.
The dedication of the now hall of 6t
Lodge, No. '260, took
place, as per previous annooncement,.ou
Tuesday last. Quito a number of Mein
hers of thefraternitrarrived on the nine
and ten o'clock trains from Lodges In
different parts of this Masonic •District,
to participate in the affair. The : streets
of the town were thronged with persona
from town and country to view the
parade. The weather, it was fCared,
would prove unfavorable, and no doubt
kept many aWay who would otherwise
have been here. Four Lodges front'
York and Lancaster cOunties were - linable'
to get here, owing to having missed con
nection with the • morning train from
FORMATION ON rnocassrox.
The lialwas formed on Centre Square
at eleven o'clock, a. m., inlay the eon
trol of the following Marshals.: Gen: L
Todd, Chief Marshal ; Charles B. Mel
S. W. Sterrett, B. B. ,MS'ers, C. F
ninkle, P. M. C. taring, and J. P. Bix
ler, Assistant MarShals.
St,. John's Lodge, No. 200, Carlisle, pre
ceded by the U. S. Garrison Band.
Hebron Lodge, No. 465, York Springs.
Mount Pisgah, No. 448; Greencastle.
Big Spring, No. 301, Ncwville.
Cumberland Valley, No. 315, Shippens
burg, preceded by the Mechanicsburg
Cornet Band.
Eureka, No. 302, Aleelianiesburg.
Orratown, No. 262, Ort•stown.
Cumberland Star, No. 197, preceded -by.
by the CarliSle Brass Band.
George Washington, No. 143, Chambers
burg. -
Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.
RepresentatiiAis from the following
Lodges were also in the line of proces
sion, and assisted in the dedication :
No. 45, Pittsburg.
" 144, Lewisburg.
" 190, Norristown.
" 20:3, Lewistown.
" 227, Reading.
" 205, Bloomsburg.
"1119, New Bloomfield. '
":330, Gettysburg—
" 171, Philadelphia.
" 403, Shrewsbury.,
" 404, 'llarrisburg. f
" 84, 5L
" 103, "
" 1, Washington, D. C. •
" 150, Sandusky, Ohio,
"107, Fortress Monroe, Va
" 24,, Belfast, .Me.
" 210, Ne a. York.
Lisbon, Portugal. nom..
" 14, New Jersey. -
Friendship Ledge, llageMown,
Down Hanover to ',outlier ; up Lou titer
to West up Nest, to Main ; down Main
to Bedford.; up Bedford to Pomfret;
Pomfret to Pitt; down Pitt to Metho
dist Episcopal Church'.
The procession presented a very fine
appearance—themMmbers being dressed
Innforinly in black, with tlm very hand
sonic regalia worn by the Order. The.
Band discoursed ex'Eellent musie as they
marched tit rough
,the streets.
The church was well filled with Masons
and spectators, to listen to the remarks of
the Rev. Dr. Pattison, of Philadelphia
U rand aaplain of the l'irand Lodge of
Pennsylvania. Grand Master H. A..
Lamberton, of Illiirisburg, introduced
the orator in a beautiful preliminary ad
dress. The address of Dr. Pattison was
well received, and was well timed and'
appropriate. We .regret very much that
, we could not get a copy of it for publi
cation in this report, but hope to be able
to present it in fall to our readers next
After the con-elusion of the exorcises
at the church, the procession reformed,
and the uew Lodge Ruom,
on the third story of the Goad Will Hall,
where the Dedication Ceremonies were
performed by Robert Lamborton, esq.,
Grand - Master of the Grand Lodge of
Pennsylvania,. at twelve' o'clock, in, as
sisted by the, following acting Grand
Officers :
R. W. D. G. M—lt.'ll,,Thomas
H. W. S. G. ‘‘..—Roberi, Chu-lc.
R. W. J. G. W.—C. Kingston
R. W. G. S.—John Thomson.
R. W. G. T.—C. J. Mclntire
R. W. S. G. D.—M. C. Herman
It. W. J. G. I).—G. B. Cole.
C.—Rev. R. 11. Pattison, D. D
G. S.—O. 'W. Brewer.
G. S.—John Campbell.
G.Y.-=Milliara Vance. -
G: T. 7 .lolniZ nger.
G. S. i3.—E. Corninati
EVEgilani .16t-OCEEDINGS
• .•
At seven o'clock in the evening the•
Masons pc-assembled in the new Lodge
Room, Whell-a Lodge of, Instruction was
opened and conducted by Grand Master
Lamberton, until nine o'clock, at which
hour the Lodge adjourned to the Banquet
Room- , -theluill of Ole Good Will Fire
Company. A number of our prominent
citizenii, members of the press, and offi
cers of Carlisle Barracks were the guests
of St. John's Lodge at the Banquet.
The supper was most splendidly served,
and the table fairly groaned beneath the
weight of tho good things placed upon
it. Vases filled with choice flowers were
tleattered hero and Wive over the table
to add to its beauty. After remaining
'aboift two hours, partaking of the deli
cacies and listenlngcto the sweet strains
from the Barracks Band, thoyadjournod.
TliO visitors lefeat 114 o'clock, p. mu., in ,
special trains, - for Harrisburg and Chain
bersburg, and Other points -sin the-Cuni-•
berland Valley Railroad. , , •
The affair throughout was a perfect
success, and reflects great crediton_thoso_
who. had the napageittent r of it,
Trou'lliiaMkniturs. Our market's are,
well attended, and 'fully supplied with
meat, flail; butter, egg.', and -vegetables;'
together with all,nie diirprent article's
which constitute a market. Wo ,report
butter as coming'' forward quite plenty
within tha.past few weeks ; it is hew Sell
ing at twonty-five cents per. pound. We
believe it was' sold as low as twenty cents
Weren't) close of "The.marlcet on Wed
nesday moilning. . Now is the time to put
tip butter for winter consumption, .as
seldom declines' under:.
EggEl are Beare() : end, sell frtim eigh;
teen to twenty' cents' per dezen. Ilfeats .
of ; all kinds coniiittind high prices; why.
it we de n!t knone.,; . The liutch era in-.
form us that it,is owing , to tha, scarcity' ,
of stock,. and the, high',o4oa :461011.14.1,
lady:Trrn Mine'rs'cyoutnar.'says, 1 , 1 ,a
Pythias Loilga - wan instituted in..Potts4
viile,On. 'Friday afeeruoon ar'..,party.
ladies frcn'Phlladoliihia. We . :40 ,t0 1 (. 1
that the coretnonhia - ; , yesrewellOondufiteid
aid that iiiau'yaddiCll4:civoro entrain:6d
with the wonderful .naysteiles.'
Tun South was' on•iiro 'for
several days piLst, but tho recent rains
have ei o tinguished tho devopriug flames.
TRa members of thbMecond'Pkest*tot.
Han church have 'concluded to' tear
down the present dilapidated
and erect on , the site, a modern house of
worship. ''ThtV• 'nre well. able' fo'dO bib),
and we have no doubt will orect.a church'
which will be an ornament to the town,
and a .credit - to the: nongregatiot,t4
to' the provisions of, passed by the
Legislature of 1868, township clerks are
required, each Spring, to make out, and
publish a full and coin Leto statement of
the financial condition - of their respective
townships, under, a penalty,•of fifty d.ol- .
tars. ' The clerk should, therefore, bear,
thiS fact in mind, and act. in accordance
with the law.' • •
. FA:in.—The Second Annual Horse Pair
of • the Lancastei.' County agriehltural
Park Association will Co hold at Lancas
ter, on Wednesday, Thursday, and
day, Juno 1,2, and 3, 1870. Quito a
number of premiums in inoney are offered,
the lardest - cff which is for a trotting
match, a purse of sllooo—s7oo to the
best, $2OO tune
_second, and $lOO to the
third. ,
<11:p. --
ANCE.—This organization is the result of
the eloquent lecture of 'J. Everett Ca
thell, "The Boy Orator of the Potomac,",
delivered in the Emory M. E. church, on
Monday evening of last week. Mr. -Ca
thell possesses many excellent parts as
nu tuh;ocate of the temperance work.
You hear the interests of the cause pre
soared iiraplain, yet eloquent and elucid -
style. The violent denunciations, and,
- anathethas against the contra are care-.
fully avoided. On Monday evening last,
Carlisle Division was organized, with the
following officers : . W. P.—James Fow.
den ; W. A.—Annie Paitte ;. A. R. S
T. S. Wilcox ; P. S.—J. S.Williams; T.;
J. K. Shifter; Chap.—Rev. W M. Fry
singer Con.—W. K. Bradner ; A. C.-
1. 'l'. Zeigler ; I. S. James E. Taylor ; 0.
S. Daniel ,Mclntyre. These were .dnly'
installed by Mr. Cathell, as D. G. W. P.
The Division will meet un Tuesday even
ings, nt the Emory Chapel. Every day
the press informs us of the progress of
thd temperance in other climes, and we
trust that the two organizations which
now exist in Carlisle, may beget such
healthful interest in our midst.
RAII4COAD ACCIDEN T. —A fatal railrond
accident oceurred s on the Nothcru Cen
tral Railway, two miles beloW Parkton,
Oil Friday evening last about five o'clock.
The gravel train No. 1 was backing up
to Parkton at the'rate of about twelve
files an hour, and while passing through
a narrow cut in the road a. cow was dis
covered on the track, but too late to stop
the train. - several cars of which was
thrown front the track, and the con
ductor, Mr. Samuel Decker was injured
'to such an extent that he died about
cl9ven o'clock the same night. lie re
sided iu South Water street. De was
about thirty years old and leaves a wife
; aid threechildren.
funei•al took place on Sunday even-
lg . last, and was attnuded by an unusu-
ally large concourse of relatives and
friends. It ,was also attended by the
Laurel Fird Company, accompanied by
the Citizen's Bacid, our two military com
panies,_ the survivorsof the Eighty Bev
e.ith Regiment, ul which no was - IrbMiti=
liar, and the employees of the Northern
Central Railway. The funeraLwas ono of
the largest and most imposing that 'ever
took place at Prospect Hill Cemetery.
Six others, employees on the train,
were more or less injured. James Ba
kßresiding in Parlcton, had his led frac
turkl. John Batiblitz, residing in Botts
town,' hurt about the knee; David
Decker, Albert Dgentritz, and Eli Recite,
weie slightly injureil— York Rep üblicath
CARD OF THANKS. -At a meeting of
the Union Fire Company, the under
signed committee was appointed with in
structions to convey to Col. 0. N. Lull,
guperintendelit of the Cumberland Val
ley alailroad Company, the - Fraatti
thanks of the Union Fire Company for
the valuable courtesy extended by him
to said company.
In pursuance of these instructions the
Comm ittee prepared the subjoined reso
lutions which were unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That the thaplcs of this com
pany are hereby tendered to the Cumber
land Valley Railroad Company, through
its efficient and gentlemanly superin
tendent, for the enlightened liberality
displayed by him in passing, free of
charge, the committee of the " Union"
to Harrisburg and return, Whilst re
ceiving their now steamer, and also for
the free transportaHon of said steamer
over that road.
• Resolved, That we accept this courtesy
as an act of generous recognition, of the
voluntary and frequently hazardous pub
lic service, which is the prime object of
our organization ; and that we will ever
cherish a grateful . recollection of it, and
hold it as an incentive to greater effi
ciency and usefulness. • • •
By order of , the company,
• JOnki B. Low;
A. K. RUE/Olt-
DEconyrioN OF §oLninus: GnAYEs.—,
Poet 'No. 114, O. •.A.. V. - , iii accordance.
with the • custom, of the order, and in
compliance with - instructions trbin head
quarters, at Washington, will decorate
the grayes of their fellow•comradcs, bu
Moibiy; -. 016 .- thirtieth day of May.
The' committee t of arrangements, in
Order to make the ceremony he imposing
as the occasion, • demande,. and'feeling
that all aro - eijually interested in p:iying
Clio tlihuto of respect to the memory oC
those "who died for their country,"
very raspeetfully'ask the eorclial coopora
tion of the ontije community in carrying
out the ceremony... ,
Forinal invitations liavn hemi'oXtdiuled•
to the Masons, Odd Follows, K. of 'P.,
I. O. of g: t T.., of 4. ,M . .,-;4tirlior Q.
Of A. M., Red •Meii, Brotherhood of the
llhiofi;t Carlisle Band,Cpwrilandiiv;P(-,
Rears and Seldiers.of; Carlisle:Barracks,.
Barracks Baud, Faculty mid' 'ettideitis of
Dioltioson.Collego, to jpii in the core
inordee. ,
' s. Hpecial inyitation ;whereby extmlefl
to all members of the G. A. R., whether
they havO ta4pn,tho:new.,worit, ot the,or 7
ihir or - not, to meet us at our lodge room,'
at, one' o'clock, m.; on thicoraticin• day:
A,Pliograiarne of the orclerof:,e;cerelAea
will fm announced in duo sousoii: Dona=
iiens of . fimirers arg.,;,argently requested.
NY,o wish all to contribute, in large or
Imait quantitibii,'as they have tbein.
L. pAYOI,'...
H. Monon.Y r ,
'1,.1". Zoo, •
thnt but Patpte.hre l be,
ginning to appreciate - the :binfintifii of itIM
Postal Money Order System, we can state
that "over bp? -thousand 'moneyanders;
have been issued, by , tlic Carlisle Post
oftice,,.and quite fig Mani paid since the
establishment of it, ,• • •.• ,
r , .
oDOLDIERS''MOMIMENT..- 1 - , Tll64tlitizVns
of 'Carlisle have, dotorgdneFl
Soldiers' Monument she'll, oltn-r-finished
40,_eiected on the squarefas' intended.
A number of, gentlemen have
. already ,
. enbseribed liberally for this purpOse,•
and all will have an opportunity , of doing:
annual Sunday Conyer
tion of the Church of God will be hold in
'Hatrisburg Pa., comme - ncinn. on Tilos
qv neat, May 3i, and
session till Thursday, Juno 2.. Wo learn
that the' Cumberland Valley itaifraiie
will issue excursion tickets on. the thirty,.
first to all who attend the convention.
. CARD OF TRANRS.,4 take,thiSlTlethOd
of tendering my thanks to the fire
panics - of our borough fOr unre
mitting exertions in saving my property
from those fierce and dwouring
proceeding from the horning, stablo. .of
John :Kramer,. on -the niglkOf the-six
teenth instant, and particularly , to the
EmpirO Hook and Ladder company. „
ACCIDENT.—As Pr. .L Irvine and
daughter were driving along our , streets,
on Ipst Thursday evening, the hors bd.,.
canie ,the, Union steadier,
which was throwing water at the caner
of Hanover and North st roots, and spring
iag suddenly forward. throw. the- DuctOr
Out -- Thulgfrge — rau up Hanover tif.MaliT
down Main to East, and in going around
the corner, daghed the buggy aaainst.a
tree, throwing Miss Irvine out, and
bruising her considerably, though not ,
evening last, over five hundred per.4ons
were present to witness Dress Parade at
the Garrison. Among the spectators we
noticed quite a number from Mechanics
burg. Every thing about the. Barracks
is in magnificent order ; the grounds are
nicely adorned, grass' clipped close,
buildings nicely painted, and everything
about the place shJws care and atten
tion. The band discoursed some most, the soldiers - drilled, the
formalities of Dress Parade were gone
through with, the cannon was dis
charged, the flag fell, nod the • audience
gin to fear that" Cumberland county will
have no good cattle left within he'r bor
ders, if they keep on going to market, as
they have the past few weeks.
On Thursday last Mr. W.illiatuctaig :
head, of South Middleton township, sold
to-Messrs Swigert & Kerr, of this place,
fourteen head of very fine fat cattle.
They averaged 1,459 pounds, and were
.:hipped to the,Philadelplda market.
Several fine lots Were weighed at the
National Hotel, on Monday last, destined
for the Pottsville market. One 'bunch
fed by Mr. John Monroe, were exceed
ingly line cattle. We were unable to as
certain-the weight of them.' Another lot;
was fed by Mr.. Curtis Fishburn. The
Pottsville people appear to appreciate
good beef,
—RA.umuntp--EN•rrnie ‘4,
received information from a source en
tirely worthy
. of credence—a gentleman
largely interested in business, and' inti
mately connected wi - h raifroad inter
ests—that the Cumberland Valley and
:PeensylVania Central are likely to have
formidableyials in the field, to dem pete
for the same interest. The Reading
Railroad has got to bi; one of the, iron
monsters of the land, and, like the
Pennsylvania Central, the great New
York corporations and the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad, is striking at once
for power and for trade. The shortest.
line-from Hagerstown—the center of the
narrowest portion of the groat Appa
lachian Valley in Maryland and toile
graphically the railroad center in this
sectionnf the Union—to the city of New
York would be through Reading and
along the line of the Reading Railway.
Hence: the shortest line from Nu w' York
and all parts north to the South Western
States -would be over the Reading`road.
Coming south, that road crossi tithe Penn
sylvania. Central west ,of the.:
city of Lan
caster, and extends to the Susquehanna
at Columbia. Crossing - the river at that
place, the road has reached- York, Penn
sylvania, where it new Mt - initiates. To'
get to Gettysburtifi•din York it is necbt,
sary to pass over the Northern Central
Railway to Ilanovq. Allied - on, and thence.
by another railway,to.Oettysburg. .•
"From our informant wo learn that
when the Reading Railroad moves
this matter, it will,be with a view to the
building of a line entirely under its
oontrol. What the specific' plans of the
Company are' we do not kuoW, bat a
glance at tiro ;nap tellS us that the coil
struction.of 'llfew miles of lnZlepencicet
road from 'York to the ; Reliever
Gettysburg Road-,which may for aught
we knew be now under way,-will..bring
the Reading Railroad' to Gettysburgi:.
There it will bavollitvcelebrated' "Tape
Wenn" which wascomnieuced with the
view of reauldpg,E , agereitewn, and which
now,lics,in an unfinished state between
GettAtirg and the MaCyland line, on the
top of the mountain 'CcUning Out' of
Gettysburg the ,grealei i portion of the
road iii finished and oft-half of the.
tUnnol,' -which was the heaviest ' - pint or:
the job„is completed. Our rocolle,ctioe,
isthat about three-fourths or two-thirds
ef_the gradirbetifeeniGettisbUrg'itild_
the line was done phon,the wort, stopped-
This is Meet Important Consideration:
the,AMestion aSked our' infovinanV
whether the Company expe e te;Laimake
Use of the Western Maryland Road, tho
reply was, No,' not by any meanie; the•
Company 16 eble• to build , its oWn 000 e,
signs, and desiguethispya through lino.'
FOlll Hage'ridOwn the '4610 is to iMe
fleet with2theShollandeah Nalle3t . , ;
road by way of Antietam Iron Works,
CharleSieWn till, - 'Luray Valloyi,
ildence it is that wo see so many 'Penn,
Uylvaulans Participathigilu the orgenl l ,
Cation Of the Shenandoah Valley Rttil- f ,
read Company, .ii •12 , :i •
The hitter lino from Reading, by the
Way of Columbiti; Ardrlc aiatrOottysburg
liagerstoNyn„Tphero 11.191 . 1 . 91/4,rith
tlio `Sheimmdoah Vidley liallioad via
Sharnsburg, the Iron NlTorks and shop::
'herdstown, orna 'lean to"thoW6'nhides [t
passible, to :'Oliarlestown, and tlienee
through the Liiia7-Y,vqleirpliTl corn-.
Doting lino CuMberland Valley
and Martinsburg and P2t4ipt4,9,41i°0.1;
from Tlarrisburg. I OilitOlcOrßbUrg tO
pend• and Martinsburg to Winchester..
Tliq Readiitg,ltallroplconam,Vp quip
as able . to'pl4,th'2 ; one,,p.s o the pumber
!, land :Valley ,Raiload Siorupany.:. Is; ,tlko
do well k to'reinemVef ttat
;Unger the existing gime; law§; Alley , aro .
t lialflo to i)ne for taking Bsh from. streams
on SiMdaV. • ' ' '
-delightfu roorea ion
ie now indbagtd, in to ri corisideripicObx=
tont by 'our juveniles. Is a great pro
norvativo Of health .
ilioatsaNiing of
dodtoeS. bills..• .. • •
.tlx two or :tare° "weeks Atarmers :will
conimenee euttink itass;' the vaSsat
s'O r on follow, and - the oats will
the rear. And when the. Irina WOW
aver the oats stubjbles,'autuniii is not fur
TheseasOns pass around very rap.
TO BE VcriEnoa.—Carlisle Council,
.kro. 205, O. of U. A. M. have, purchased
a Past Officer's Rogalia,.whiclh is designed
to; be voted for, by any Lodge of
eau Meclittni4in the State, at the Fair
to be held ey this Council in June:
Tho, , ,'Regali'a is' -white, and blue
satin, lined 'with rod silk, with ,a heavy
border of silver fringe, and 'covered with
thirteen silver stars... IVe have several
titac“poken 'of the Fair tobe.. hold by
this order, and would afiain remind our
Oilizoss, that contributions will be thank
fully received, and gratefully acknowl
edged by the committee of arrangements.
peits were afloat its our 'city this morn
ing of a, terrible accident on the Penris,yl
- railroad, and the number of killed
and wounded variously estimated., Upon
iaqUiring at, headquarters, 'We were in-:
formed that their information was rather
milked up as yet, but as near as they
follows : The way passenger train west
had reached t eamab Place station,, and'
had nearly come to a stand still, when
the Philadelphia express east was thrown'
from the track (by tho crossig.tuvitell
having been turned wrong by a brtike
man of one of.the freight trains)'aod ran ;
into the way train.. A brakeman named
Thomas Wain, of Philadelphia,' was
killed, and an engineer, whose name we
did-not learn, was slightly injured. The
engine of the way train-was considerably
broken.— Topic of Tuesday.
respondeot of The Philadelphia Bulletin,
of the niuteenth instant, writing from
the Cumberland Vally, discourses of
its great agriculture I and mineral wealth,
and, after describing these Ooquentli,
though still not telling half the truth,
concludes thus :
" What is now needed in this region
is intelligence and capital to develop the
enormous wealth hidden in its mountain
slopes. The' people have heretofore .
been content to revel in their .agricul
tural riches, but when they see the bene
ficial effect of the opening df railroad fa
cilities into the South Mountain they
continence to feel a first interest in the
further development of- their region.
Besides all these ores already "enamor-
ated i I find traces of 7 sulphuret of cop
'lir (blue vitriol of •ommerce), red and
yellow ochre and chronie ores, alum earth
and copperas ores, porcelain earth, clay
for stone ware, common pottery,glazed
ware and lire bricks raise; epsom salts,
shell marl, lime, manganese and valu
able marbles. The variegated conglom
erate which goes under the name Of Poto
mac marble, from the fact that sonic of it
on the Potomac has been made use of
as ati ornamental marble for the columns
in the old capital at Washjffigtom comes
Wont this range of strata. ,The red sand
stone belt of Connecticut is only alt in
terrupted prolongation Of this very ex
tensive red shale and sandstone group
of strata. Uwe, t, :Connecticut,
these strata arc intersected by long
ridges of trap, the principal masses of
the rock in this country; and what is
not a little remarkable, nearly all the
legalities of copper sic within this tract
are adjacent to these outbursts of trap
rock. What this region needs now is
more railroad facilities to bring its min
eral wealth into a profitable market.
:When that is done, capital"will flow- to
ward it as naturally as a duck takes to
water, and the prices of its land will go
up, as sites are needed for manufactur
ing establisihments and buildings fur the
mechanical population which will be at
tracted towards it. Blast furpaces' and
tolling mills will go up like magic, and
in the not .distant future the Cumber
land. Valley will be gridironed all over.
With rhilroads; as the Schuylkill. Valley
to-day.. •
PRENIE COURT. —Several important eases
will be up for argument iti the Supreme
Court this week—one brought by Mr.
Swartz of Cumberland county for a map-
Thinfits edmpelling the State Superin
tendent of Common Schools, •Ifoti., J. P.
Wickerslnim, to Commission the plain
tiff as County Soorintendent of Com
mon &limits in Ctunberland county.
The facts of this case ale substmiti
alliaS follows
The convention : of directors to elect a
County Superintendent, nfet at - Carlisle,
.I , IIIY '4, 1861), aml,hy s Ving duly organized,
several'' ballots' t . oolc :place Without an
election.; Finally all the candidates but
two informally %withdrew, and the 'bats
lot stood G 6 for Geo..: W. 45Waitz, fo
Kast, .atubone.,direetor, although . .
known to be present, refused to vote,
not desiring the election of either of
these gentlemen. The , President of the
Convention ' then declared ' Mr. Swami'',
elected, but ;when objections to
ch,lon Ware. ina tle:ind the" law relating to
the electiiitr 'of; :Connty Superintendents
was react he refused:to decide the ques.: .
statMg that matter Would belleftin
the -hands, of the • tate.-Soperintendont,
and anivention ailjouinedin oonSicl
•erableietinftision. Subsequently -,a cer
tificate of election was received at the
Seli#Ol' thb
'Went and Secretaries - of the, convention,
.thWhieh r they. ceFtifylliat Cleorie
waS 40elaro elected 'vies eke by a Makin.'
ity of the - members I t
:Twenty-nine direeters then petitioned :
the , EitatoSnporintondent not to commis-'
sien' Mr*: Z, de elaring. hia elation
illegal and' lie': incompetent for the posi,
, Another...protest' was afterWarde'
received._ A,,full.lui.aring,of the.cakwaS,'
afforded ter , all - the,..platies; . .' when... Mr .,
Tekeraltantlechied that the , cortilliate k
was not inelrenetmas'elM,laW:iiqmres
Or in form twproseribcd rho Depart—
Mont? andtliat it was not doeigned to be:
a „ consequeetW i .4
rte - . ,e9Mmisshin,
Mr. Swartz, , and accordingly; viewing
the office as vacant,' appointed Wm. A.
: Lpdsay to fill•this' v cunoy. •
The base Wig CoMe l iiP in the I Suprome
potirttci:.infirroW;'when David Fleming,'.
'90 2 , of ; Harrisbnrg, Williappear '-for the ,
planitiff, and AttorneyAGerteta c t F Car-
011 Brewster for 'the' State 'l3Upbrintend
ei4l,i9.f .
blince,Abe Almil?.Wall•P4 in .type, wo
,learlithat the., eaSe',hast ' , been postpOneti
- for the present - .
( •
OrrAPMAN takes pictures rthe - size of
, ' ONE.
'C. L. Lockman lies removed his Pho.
togrhph'Clatiery' ,. 'fiem' Mrs. Trefra
ing, and is now permanently, situated - at
the Soatigeast corne.i - iiiaiket square.
:Having purchased .W.,-4,efiher'4l
, 1 rooms,
and refitted d the gallery, can now post:
tively assure' the' "best 'Work hi'' the
Photograph line,in this place, and equal
to the - bestiajcVn anYwlieres.
`Phis pub
lio is respectfully Invited to call and ex
amine specimens, , , •
ChrtirmAzt,l4ides - dattires defects in the
faces 6f 4 those whein he takes pictures.
What is tltat..whlr-r-r=ing. poiso,that is
heard daily, . proceeding from No. 35
West Main' street? It is Burk's. Soda
- Fountain, whore,
.if you are thirsty, and
wish to drink, you c'tn quench your
thirst. lie has it constantly on hand,
fresh, cool and sparkling. You can also
find there an / oudloss .variety of choice
Candies, Oranges, Toys, and ..everything
in the confection line onlito be found In
a first-class confectionary. Don't forgot
the place, No. 85 West Main street, Car
lisle, Pa. ^ alina7o.
At their carpet store, in Sawyer's old
room, are still .offering inducemests to
all purchasers of carpet's, oil cloths,
matting, mats, window slutdes, looking
glasses, yarns We have something
entirely, new, the EMBOSSED 'WINDOW
r•lLAnrs. Call and see them.. GitTo - ds arc
reduced to the lowest market prides. ' •
26ma70 .
All Val° aro desirous of having posting
and distributing done, can have it at
tended to . promptly, in city style, by
Michael McCarty. Enquire at this office.
HAVING purchased the good will and
fiixtures' - Le'sher's rooms, with all
his negatives, I hereby cordially invite
his customers, with a full assurance' of giv
ing.entire satisfaction. Reprints can be
had from the'old negatives at any time.
I desire to inform the public gener
ally that I have just opened a New and
Cheap Clothing Store, and' am now
read§ to offer 41 large assortment of ready
made *thing, formen's and, fi9ys' wedi;
all of my own manufacture, wifich I
will warrant to fit, and give full si.tisfac=
Also; a complete assortment of Clotjis,
Casshneres, Belinetts, Alpaccas, Cotton
and Linen goods, which I will sell by the
yard, or cut, and- make tb order, at the
shortest notice, and on the most reason
able terms. A large assortment of men's
and boys' hats, umbrellas, travelingbags
shirts, collars, and 'every variety. of no
tions usually kept in.a gentlemen's fur
nishing store. An of which I dnicioLer
piined to sell at prices that will defycom
Please remember the place, • No. 11,
South.• Hanover street, between Imhoff's
Grocery and, - Strohm & Sponsler's,..Shoe
Store. B. M. SMILEY.
20,000 pounds of shoulder and side
m at wanted in • exchange for pure
iquors, and the best brands of chewing
and smoking tobacco, by
JACOB LivricosTo's,
21aplIm No. 27 North Hanover street.
The subscriber's time being fully occu
pied with the Furniture business, he
uffers for sale, cheap, his entire stock of
tombstones and door steps, either whole
sale or retail.
Corner Hanover and Louthee streets
where to purch* goods at the lowest
prices. We would tidviso all in want of
such lamination to call at Leidich &
Miller's as they must be staling goods at .
greatly reduced prices, from the great
amount of bundles that we; see carried ,
away from their store all the time. %%
notice,them receiving another large sup
ply of Carpets, Oil Cloths, 'Mattings,
Window Shades, Dress Goods, Cloths,
Cassimores, and everything elsO in the
Dress Goodi way, all to be sold at gicat
bargains. Do not fail to call and see for
. yourselves..
WlloloBldO Mid RetiO 13hJaii3r in TOBACCO
Yo. 27 North .11-iurover-rtrak,
.Offers to the trade, the beet brande.of
a large variety ot. Chewing and Smolt..
ing Tobaccos, real ...Michigan- Fine ,Cut,
iu bulk or in tin foil. .
W. E. 9arrett'scelobratad tiutiff, Real
genuine Imported Havana Sugars. Yara
,Conneuticut and Domestic &gars.. • ,
A. largo assortment of everything be
longing to the 'and sold at as
low a:prica, as in auk Eastern city.
;The public ie respectiqillY , 'invited to
iep.ll,nnd inslieet niy • hcsortininiti
Eveiy articlo warranted , .ropresented.
21cp700iri . •
Denier hi
No. 2 , 7' Nor . th, .71:aptie? .",troat,
Offers the following goods.: War-
Snted pure, .!unndnitoruteds arid' 4'llll
procif. ,Aiways as xewasonted•
I Genuine 'report:ea French Coganc
Br:Lindy, old age.,
Bost Ghiger l . Brandy. Pure
old' gin:;'. ',Pure old port Willi].
The very , best . :qualiti. Sherry, Claret,
iltitirmel. Pure wirliAspirits, for 4rOg n
gists and family use.
Sold at the leWst lirlei3s fur cash. A
'gall solicited.
fai n p'u n i` .1 .!
' • - • • IMPOP.TANT:';” - !'; ; . , :;: - :
j. •
Pure and urtadultdrated
s Witios • and
liiiiuord,'sfippiod 'r r eiddciri&3l . by
.orderito atoiu; or. through - Post'
()dice. Eypry ivaiThuted na rOp
ilia anted
JAcOl3. 1.417:1 , TG1131c,0N.
10 1
• • - 7
t••• • •;• . 7,-i
Zei!Lonalian, Stone & Isetti rfolltdayor
Pennsylvania; 'manufacture stattou—
iviy engines; ' direct noting
T , 4 111 . 4 5 1 , 1 4
lither, hot blai3t./ : Drass , and ‘flroiti , :east
gs_from,ono„lir.,t,oNAPOlMS:; and' ilk'
kinds Machinerir. - ' ••• ,••
pictures in town.
- •
- tixoTro.!t.—Purcnasars of tnexeruvian
kyrup(a protected "%del - 11th%; Of; the pro
toxide of Iron) are . gaiitii - .*d against bey
ind deceived by any.Of 'the, pkparations
of pernvian Bark, or Bark) . and Iron,
which may be.offered theM.l"iEvery bot
tle of genuine las jBs;iliii (not
Peruvian Bark) blown in the,glass. Ex
amine the Bottle before Purchasing.
— ran T
' For direct acting i steam pumps,
for mines, .Lc., that: I will. purhP
frpmAi . ininute. Go
to Bl'Lanahan, Stonel.VAOth .
burg, Pa. 0.1r)•:1;
Steam pump. Theliththp call be dis
connected from the engine, and engine
used for driving any kind of machinery.
gas and water pipe, steam fittings, &c.
M'Lanahan, Stone Lt isctt, Hollidays
burg, Pa. / 17feb6m
From light `fowls, ,
Brahina.f pea combed,
strictly pure fromjnaPerted Stoolc, $2.00
T'er•44,._)2.en. No, order will be booked
unless aet"ompanicd by the cash.. A few
pairs for sale 4.00 per pair. 'Half
breed Italian Bees fOr sale, in movable
comb hives—cheap. Address
•C. U. Hoverat
,12rnai70 9: . 80x147, Carlisle, Va.
• A fellow, who calls himself Chapman,
for the purpose of.deceivingboy patrons,
advertises that he has "taken Lochman's
old established Photograph Gallery." '
. I have removed my entire establish
rimut, with negatives and all, from Neff 's
building to'the.Southeast corner of Mar
ket Square, one of the most,capacious
and best fitted up rooms this side of Phil
adelphia, Where, with superior instru
ments, lights, and accessories I can ntake
Photographs of. overy style, , infinitely
superior to any this•part of the
country." Thankful for the generous
support extended to me by an apprecia
tive public, I hope by renewed care and
attention, without the use of falsehood,
to merit a continuance of their patronage.
Respectfully, C. L. Locaimx.
12may70. •
LOCIIMAN makes the cleanest pictures
in his new third story gallery, South-east
corner or Miirket Square—Zug'S. build
Carlisle, May 3, 1870
A. 13. Shark , has now on hand, and
will make to order, all kinds of Oar
tinges,- Buggies, Spring Wagons, &c.
.11e has the best workmen in each
branch, and has all kinds of material
constantly on hand. Painting and rt
'pairing promptly attended to.
.1. BEETEM 1311.0TIfERS
FOrlba riling It 0/7)11ILLiS;011 /llercha s.
(Henderson'e old btu - •
At the hood ur UAIN STREET Carllfilo, Pa.
Tho highest market i vy Paid for (+tour,
Grain end produce of all kinds.
Coal of all kluda, embracing
Liconburnore. and Bleeken, 'the' Coal constantly of
solo. kiept under cover and (lathered dry to any
pail rorliumter =-
hand. -
rtapr 68
no ad vantag.n and lturtirtlorm dl thin Loan, fur In
veAmont purpoues, 'are Tunny and 'important
1. It Is htmed one of the Greta THROUGH
LINES I utwtrulho SEABOARD 11111.11 he WEST.
.2. The syxultiry IS ALREADY CREATED, the
grvutor part of the Halo hiring In successful -tau
°log operation.
3. Thu Loc.] Tr.. 111., trow thu oorl.nlled Agricul
to al region. and lton and Coal dypolita adjacent
aunt bo large and rrutltable
4. The enterprise receives Itiwortant Co ncemiuns and
Prtyikges fro& kho Elates or Virginia
6: 1t In utAtr the usitnati•inent of illlciint and viol)
known Cup talldtr, oL:nmtner Ivo gooranteex
for Its 1 0 .arly CompL4luu told oureedsful upu. IL
form; thoyhoyo.„tbirty yr;ikr4 to run, both pan
dit! and Intoreat belni;plyablqln gold.
7. They ure oftlunornin ktion. or
;1,000, $5O and $lOO,
briting ILivr,dt &alba rah, oexli pl. tent.ln
COI n:puynble 314 1. un .. .l`Nov. mb 1
I routs our iutPituto B , 6lllalittailoo with. the olTaira,
iud conilltiptk el the kuowtheke A:ea
[fed tp 1.0 peculin•ly tIvelrAWU,llO xnitgblo for xpro
ruyioptylq Vf xuri;!lus,Capitul,'una futi4;tw of Got.
At rinuelit by Li ven!ord, Trkatenor
and othurs Who prefer ttbsoluto locitrity with reu
soliablu- Iticomo
'.llohlera of United States k ire Tteentlen lire omitted
o procure there .Itelftle. Deering the eat. rate of tu
lurest. and having a longer ir•rloll to run : unit to real
Ito u titian or In addition:
olichongo tot this Loon,. ot , tlldfoll now:
kut.vuluo, and Alto. floods roturued Cod of egiirkee
'00'21.111:0 ACOIiDEP:
I "
i+:,..;1 °IJI . 1 1( ,'..1 1 (1 1 1'. - ,
'lPitlaphlots,litope, and full ligoymatlon furulphetl
. •ri
Ocil) tt
1 7 .1/, ;
f;. . ~• RISK &..11ATC1i,.;
run AMBKIIr OTBEET, NE , W. Yong.
• • „f;;',; 4( .r. • •
"br!rriage Bitititth4.
CARRIAGES, i '' ' I I • : :: ; 'I. I' 'CARRIAGES,
OAtItI , GESI, ,, .4
BUGGIr B, 5' ...' -IllIttGIES; •' I .' BINGIES,
BUGGIES, , . Hui:MO, ; • BUGOLEs,
. .
A!ways oulninetir nui4o to RAI..
Sr ronii-ininti lPnguna, f nil kintlif, tal:ril in
Still at %cori . and inv/Ica nil lila old cuptuniers, and
thii public in C•nrrai, to give Lim n
Air Ao , nnoll,nr the ni,l entablisloni phtrr, on PI'C'T
STREHT, uortbluf tho Itni[road Depot, CARDS - IA::
loconneet:on with the above wito):llAlmeni.'^
12inatO im
N, B. Stuble room for 60 head oh horroa uu
,dyer .t' Co's..2l.7ltTeTtl7ein't
For restoring Gray dthiT to its natural
Vitality and Color.
dA. dressing which fr at once agreeable,
healthy, and effectual for preserving the
hail Faded or gray hair is soon•rii
stored to its original rolorwith 'the gloss
and freshness of youth. Thin hams tinck
°fled, hair 'eh eeked , and baldness
often, though nuf'adways, cured by Its ake.
Nothirg "can restore the hair where
the follicles are destroyed, or the glands
atrophied and decayed. But such as te
rtian) _eau be guyed for usefulness by • this
up'plication. Instead of fprrling the hair
with a pasty' sediment, it will keep it (dean
and vigorous its occasional use 'will
prevent the hair "I'TMe turning gray •oa
falling or, and consequently prevent
from those deleterious
substances %chid' DAT some preparations
dangerous and injpriotis to the hair. the
Vigor can only - benefit but not harm 'it
If' wantei merely for a
LAW BERRY. &c, ikc
HAIR D 13;li N G
npthing elstrcan he found so desirabl e
Containing neither oil or d y e, it does no
soil Iyhite cambric, and 3,et lasts long on
the hair, giving, it a rich glossy lustre and
and a grateful perfume.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer, & CO.,
PRICE shod.
lIA VERSTICK BROS., ApenO , , Cariban,
For Dale-- 7 1 - aittab[c _neat Es'ate.
Will be sold, at Plibli: the iretnises, lu
West i'sn, elturo' tau uVliip, at ten II
On Thursday, June 9, 1870,'
the followlny &scribed real estate, Intt: the pro, erly
of Audrow Forhyl, dove:owe :
About twenty-tw,utrint of
In .Id town Alp, north of Phil licld, adJolnln,
Jowls of Morn o ot. Potions, deo u uuo•d alleoll 11.1101111 S,
Hon. Soninol Hepburn, sunt tbu Curnolognlnet Clark.
Thorn la, on this tr,t,jk good
NVW BIM!, Blot; n'so ovo.story LOU I . IOIISIf
Wvittlivrboorl , J; n• wril f wavr with pimp
,k 4
Aht , , et the lame thee met plum, the OM. uudl
vitml Irtlf of nbottt erleu nue ttcte.hal acres of mono
tatinlittel Lt Frill k 10,11 , 10 W nth
Attelol,lo e e 111 I 0 gi oeti, xi, t rm. , toatle known
tea *ay y
AI c ',. Will be offered nu the pretillsoi,, at rile
.1111 • time, ilie tel de• t r lied tracts of and of
tate ••131argaret Furl, .s, Ifeceikne4:
' I. A tract. or I,IM \J I, Cola:doing
silent ,thirty acres • Tide tract Fs. nil tutted sal
idwast•lN - on -- the'Sfule - road,ittolradf he-above
descrilivil tilt t nod, lands of Jacob Rhodes and (lei,
Strohm. It is It rata qua.l yof litae•tunti laud,
Hirt is altl luilloto live tielac.
2. elan, the 000 00 hull of nhmr seven
And one-lialf acres tit MOUNTAIN In Frank
for.i too•nsltlp Thi. sold Iw sold lie coiniectlon wits
the other half mentioned. skive. It desired by pier.
Attendtin, o WI 1, 1,0 A..y pet pull cu . :1119, lundu kfiuwn
ou day ot nolo by. '
Exacutor of 3,lurgarot, Forbes lecevetl.
Clietnzbei.sbitiii Nrirtiez U.
T Sp r • A I i t o B v ERSBUItG NURStRY
(Formerly Ryder Nom* . ARAnclation,)
Have for inl;,111 large or itamt!tien, o.• choice
mortment of
. Apple, •
• '• • Peach,
Pear, --
• . •
' ' • Plum,
tol other tOOOO, tvitla ell the nett. or good Icinuti of
' • `‘ " •••,. Grape• Vinos ;,,
Over one huhdred Varieties of Roses;
, . .
And an endreen annortment oreverything that •Is de
sirable to stuck Is first duns orchard or gardesi.
•Our pelves sirs, low and ow, treeit tiro so good 'IS the
best. Ordern by mall will berelve our bent attention, -
and initlkraction gissirsolliod in nil one dealings. For
Catalogues mid other Infornintlon uddrests lila . •-.' ,
We want a good, rellatilo than In every town to act
as wilt for the aide of our trees and plants. -
Philadelphia Advolitsentents
TP .11-1 F; LADDER
Ttter4 can be not,Wndlthnt :will plena° tho ladles'
hotter then n good, ttrtlelo, Ivhlelt fe neededl every
hintl fer i eve.y Any9lllllo. boob ou nrtiC. , l Is
reeds ended tor the following purponep :'l3or gen..
oral houeehold nee; for the toilet; for the Inuttety ;
fur chapped lutode, &0., ,:old by 01 grooms nctl
storekeepers everywhere:. NATHAN 91110 t, Bole
ageot, Nw. 919 North Front tared, Phllndolphht,
And 'warranted. by. the 'Company sont with- orory
watch , ibdes) Ldlt and oespripti , vb,Catalpimo sont to
qpr '"..
;04bas.fliled by oxproks.,o. O. r.r. with prhdlogn 0 f
e 2 am I ti Piili
x Pg A , N t¢ D o in iit. .61,r
mu ney
.u . Add
a ra i s , :,
111 excbryngo
exelmoge for work
In roar 9f Ltentz
W. N. 111 , NDEItt. 4 0' , .
Ext.:tier of A da
Clitinkbersblirg Nlimory n nnoclatlon, ,
- .'''sd4.iirlirziAil.E.,§! ~__.. i
FOR' SHERIFF.—I . ., hereby, coffer my
sell' its a candlett
hit‘Ptir 'the office Of ISHERIbI,
subject to the decision of the Republican Nominating
Cunvontion „
if t ;
FOR §olicitntion
•_12., 01 n nwnliM of 14putilkariiktirtittglIciat the
cubit y, oiler myself nn it modulate for itte.oetnina
floe of SIATilf tit the next Coil oty Couvention, sub
ject to its dmmi9o... r • :
17oilltc • 301IN'Itlf0ADS,
Norch 10,1670.
t.elf o o eontlitlote for the °Moo of bit EMIT,
so hleet to the deuhilial of the Reptibliettn Notohottlog
. .
11191 y, April 0, 1674
. ,
FOR SHERIET.—I hereby offer my
melt', an it crootidlito for . lho ollho ut ::11lint FP,
nialoot to the do&khi of the , Reliohllenit NOuihutt.-
lug Coutnotteo. ,
CarllLle,• 1816:' • • • • •• • •
751i7Jt0•- •
A. L. SPO4YOL4I.II,'S COL U 111117..
A . L. SP9SSI..ER,
Real Plmtate Agent, Scrivener, Conveyancer, Incur.
4 . 1.1 end Clalru rAgout, I.)fline, Main litrert, livar
Castro 8 pure.
VIRGINIA LANDS lit the Slienan
,lol,ll Valley for ntiniher of valinthle,
and highly 11111/.0,1 1 1 farms In " tho Valley" urn of.
.roved •or sale The trouts run Rom 00 to
'ho lm-1 is of the best rill.,lltv of 111110 , 411110. fully
ir not superior, to the larid•ln 1 1 . 10110 0.1111
Volley, 111111 Wlll 10 1 11W1f1081 1 ,1 ,f ni tooonishingly low,
tlgorrs. 'I ho exteeehm of. the Uttruherland_ Valley
Railroad Ilan Virginia, or now snrveyerl,',oll run
immedletely throng], the se. lion of country in
whirls then, lands are located, which, 0 lIPIII eon,
plteed, t uetlier nilb the advitivage of the intermit
rloah river Iritosp 0 lotion will give-them oil Um ad
vantages or Northern and 11.1stent markets. . A
splendid oeturtuoity for, luer,„•tdaro invoattneuto is
hero ulTered.
A full and minute -description of tholoration and
clone ter of the various Mich. nifty-11. had, by 111)-
141111 Z tO A. 1,. SPONSI,I7II.,
171.11.71) /teal Tittle Agent, Carliale.
deposit of the I eat qualtty Ilertantitu Oro
yteldha r'a per:gent. einoprieleg about-IN 'ACIlkg,
locate.] in Monroe township, about 2 trAleg ?ton, the
Irun .. 3Losju Lo S C. IV. & O. V. Ahi, an the-Routh atria
or thi."Ydlow Lireerhea erode. 'There in a attune. of
Water running through the tract nueleient fur
wat'hing the ore and furnishing water power bu
PulEo,lsl slosh.lous or olowlnit the Lank mai roll
upon flonriN W. Letitia], at '•Loidish's ni111," for
merly known as liricker'd mill, Monroe township,
Combo, land county, or upon
A. L. SCONSI., - Elt
, ,
30Jun069 Beal Estate .Igont, Carlisle!.
.,..1111t O h • Washer, nt the Ore Bank of George
W. Leitlieh, nearly new. Int sold very Ap
ply to ^ A. L. SPO:{ . .,LEIL.
FOR BENT.—The brick rcsi L•nco of
, James but,. ,ituntttl on Nouth. lennover
z reel, noarlr oyene,alte Coe ly•re hotel, will be leased
for 000 year Goon 11,t of Apell next.
Also, a eannenothous two emery terf k residence, on
Coot e.treee, ret wren 31,10 need Loother steeebe; and
a lot of ground on It/ o tot aids of the betart Spring,
belonging to the heft, or Jo•eple Shrone, clueensed,
c lit to,, alsu leesad for one year freln the first of
Ape II nest.
11,, 070
Lettere of Admit)filtrate - II to the 4,d/thief Swum
, ali Shea ITur, Into of 1110.1oP011 towlo,hlf t thieeneeti,
have hall mined by the sloe-of Cinnlierland
enmity tone, u teierrigned rrelding in South
toll 11.1n•hip All iiiiremai t. 1110 114 i 1 entitle ere
req livered to nail,f lu,wdiute iiityinirit, and tho,
linllne clirlinirligainiit It In prrs(nt thew, dui) all
theilLicated, ler ret Element.
JOEL Sfilit% EPEE,
Mind istratui
t.I23IIIIiItLAND COVNTY. . . • . _ .
Eat Ole of John Zuq, late of the" Townskip
of South Middleton, deceased.
TI e Atall'or appointed by the Giort ' lo
tribute ant the looanee in the Ilan& ob ?dal,
ex...liter Id the tnlJ John Zur, dot:maul, to anti.
RMOOK. ti,d partlrtoentitled titer t , , Gill nttond td
be dot it, ot his appoktoinitit In AIII/llljr of nyuid,
at Ins oak., in Om aorough 4 -tot Alonday,
tho ttorternth dot: of Jima, A 1) le7o, at Id &Omit,
H When and Where nil 'miaow( Interottel lire re
woo.loded to attend and ropreihnt their several in-
Sarnueel Zar,e ling !mole nn asFlyonnolet, for thee bon,
fa of leis VrOMIGI x, to John C. 'Monroe, le, whom all
11111 k lee• preseerleal, anti all lee moots-Imola.
21ap - Oft
Notice k liorehy given to all pm°. Interested
-- th - at - rm - lvdpnrrirc.n Coon or G•tnmou 1 eon w
hold at lotle, Lt and fur Cunt ber.nnd aunty, on
Monday, the fifteenth day of Augast, 1870,
and to continue Ono went: for Ihn fetal of moved
pending tel urolotorrnined In noel Court.
Ily.order of the Conrt.
Jl.O. C. TII(DIPSON, Sllorift
May 5,1070,
'the Tremlurnr of Cumberland enmity trill attend,
for the purpose of receiving Co o nty nod State taxes fur 1870,0 s tell oiled by Act of Al•senthly at the Ml
lowing limes and idtices,iffiT-
snotb MkklloGm , nt ItuplOy's iiotol, May 27; at
ol lag .I . )rings May 2S. -
Flankfmt, nt Illo•ersilie, ' , lay 30 and 31.
311131 n, at Knettl,'n school lulu. e, J nun land «.
West l'onueboin' at. ellinn6ll'n 'howl, Juno 3; nt
Faire hotel, June 4
Nowtml,ut Ittttenbutger'. hotel. Juno 0; • tit WO
nveem, Juno 7.
Vicki ta Crotlpel. hotel, .1911.3 10 ttntl 11.
Southatiwttal, nt Balogh:l.l'n hotel, Juno 13 and
irllllo Lorg, al Sharp's hotrl, Juno 15
ml 'U.
ehlpiwnsburg ➢ogoug6 uud Tau nthip, at. MJ Nu'
y', hut.-I; Juno 17 and 18."
N,aville, at Ilanod.ergar's hotel, aunt. 20 and 21
MechanteslJurg, at Lol.:lg's hot, , Juno 22 and O.
New C 111111,104 at Bull's hotel, June 21 and 25.
Curti:4'v: at Com In lesion yr'e4 011ie; June 27 and iR
On :01 tines not pall 011-Ir Vororo Iha lint of au.
gu , t'noxt, fiat. per cant will ho added: _
The'l'roxrrooe all foci-Ire tins at his offica until
tho 11101 day of :eptembo• next, nl irhieh time dd..
pllcatol. of all unpitid tax,s bill ho issu...l to the con
stall., of the rvsprrtive liorougli.. and fownships'for
12,011,41:on. .
Treamort, of Cllttibtnillnd ruonfy, Pn
. .
Gabliaet Maker and Undertalr9i.,
West Main street,
Pretabint fo7;. Beet Furniture awarded at
1 - Coiffd , Latta siuec 78 i 7 j
Furniture of all enact!. m d Styles of Foreign
arid Domes , lc manufacture, from tiro finest' rosewood
aljd 31ahogany to the !Defeat priced maple and plue 4
Obemboryl' -F * I.IItNIT -' RH . •
.ICitoben end ' .
•Ofilee '
Emtp.Ticlng every article used by Iledsaand !total
'keepers!of un most 'approVed turd lashionaldo design
000 11111 , 1 i Including^dso Cottage romp urn In suits
,01 Wad Nattyasrs, ailtframes p
csit'"PartCru r attendne given nit usual to funainfs
orders from tows nod country, atter•tml , to promptly
and m, modecnte Lefton.
OF • WALL PA PHIL •. ' i' r • -• ' r
=whin. C 4
:FURNITURE ---' ' " ''' •
i q'F.JL . E P tr iv A r,!T o'N • & d'o ~
.. .
. .
- -
Cabinet Alalmm, " ' -
. ,
co. A1.i.1 WALNIJT 61'., 1'.11,11,,A.13113.3'.11./A.. ..,
(ia...&1•Lii.4‘,.i4,,,t 14 one a,tho oldo:,+t lo I.lliladol.. i.
I dklo, owl ran s k tong oxporlonce,6wd,merl rfoollittim
, A: urn prkaokred to fitrillth g ood on Ii nt. It:wow:Ole
NVo too l lifil'ettiOu II pe' (Otlil 11, to, 4014 : ago mod'iml':
priced furutturo of on i ieilor 'Ci l oollt i . 'A largo OtoCk
of flo nI tiro di ,i'st'ys on lotl o .l. Ii otl,noi du t o ordoF ,
Coitilters;' Pink Work, hid I file° For:afore ror
liooko, talleus and Om'. µ I./oh', to of der. : ,
'1 ‘ ' ' ' J. -ii- - T ii•vio'r 'r L' S
.pa. ,VALT9N,, , ,, 4 , .• l r. . 04. L. COTT.
10fob70-Iy, . . . .
• .4,.......__..,',..._:...__,.
. .
. •
.00 Aath'Strcot,
ers for tine Spring Troth. a onsortoient 4
ottitighom and Real Lice Clll.llllll, 11111110 W
t3bution;inAlto.ryowert colors and Ore ig
CornlCo,l rind ito•cwood
and Oht. ruriiititro' clips ,rip.ciiverii Sttid i cut and
walla: ' •
SpritigUnd Liidr Mottiewito tomb to order:'
Agent for Out ritilit Metallic Spring flea; and for
the Valera Spiinglixturo for Wiridolviliados. '
.. Dorit'Peoli„l
Tho .13oand .of .hireajors tit le :day dolared a
dlvldebd of NIVE..PaII. CENT tor thol.t ell man the
oh the capital stocky free from, lqalional and Stab.,
tem, payable on demand. , . . 1
t . .
LNOTIdE. „.,
_ • .
.OLU•ev of Troveurci of Ntlielo U . NTareree4'
May 7,:1896.
; The adtilido Otts'Ond Welbrl'onipanyL4e‘ 1.11'14 (104
declared a dividend 'or' 0 : 1 ; 1 •POLLAR•
The ,baeltal 'etcck Of ',the conikeny•,• payaLlO tender
Wald, °fear of lambs. •
A. H. k: