NEWS ITEMS SuooFLy soup-LOx Fur %Ilan bow time flies. A vnLommon dealei in Maine has sold out a, stock that cost $l,OOO f0r.,5 25 . "SUICIDAL aquatics" is a'Clucinnati heading. A Ifisso - uni - AN killed GElo.snakes in a lot ho was ploughing, last week. HutisoN *or summer resort has engaged the sea:serpent for this 'season. SAORAILENTO has . ..twenty-six ,Ohinese laundries; „ Al4TErn'AtrrE coal.haß peed discovered. , in Worth county, [lowa. There .are three chines° photograph galleries in San b'rancisee4, , : TIM Boston Advertiser says our •lan guage-is fast becoming slangnage. A NEWARK woman made li r! last fire the other day with kerosene. • Too much cotton and too littlo corn is the cry of the Alabama papers. - Nnw Muir lis had a case of sun stroke already. • PROHOLOCIISTS predict a plentiful fruit crop. . . BREAD is seized in Montreal for light weight. C0L133113176' Ga., complains that its streets are 'too wide. VE watering-places ace busy prcpar ineo receive company. No licenses to sell liquors aro granted in Frenchtown N. J. Tni tea and silk mops in China prom ise to be largely above the average. AmmsTs' arc still being - made .iu Francein connection with the conspiracy., dOsts $3O to refuse to answer the queStions of the. census-taker AN English professor has discovered a now Muscle in-the human body. CmorrzNitl will have the Samgerbun convocation BUSINESS at Salt Lake is said to very Gi , I:EIECEprOfOSSOS tO have exterminated all her brigands. MILWAUKEE made 328,168 kegs of beer last year. • TIIE Oily' limits of Allentown me to be -extended. lOWA CITY dug up six pounds or ele phant too9h the other (lay. BETWEEIN Omaha and San iranciseo there are nineteen tunnels. Tat Prussians now-have rifled cannot that will safely throw grenades. ..Tar hot iiprings of Arkansas have al ready Over 100 visitors this season. MINNESOTA' and Wisconsin call for I,OOQ celestials each, from California. TExmo will send. more cattle , to north ern markets this season than ever. AN average of fifty car loads of oil a day is shipped from Cleveland, 011ie. STnINo of small silver bells are worn around the neck by Parisian ladies.. TifERE is a machine for making ice in New. York city, which, it is claimed, can make any quantity at-PM-per ton.- - FIFTEEN workmen are now engaged nt Newport, in finishing resi dences for the coming season. OF about 18,000 clergymen of the Church of England, it•is estimated_ that 5_,K9 are what is called Evangelical.. , THE hay crop in Maine is worth $14,- 000,000,-and $4,000,000 more than the grain and potato crops together. AN Indianapoliian got killed the very day lie grew sobm:, after a two weeks' drunk—probably as a warning against getting sober.' A BOY nt Waterbury, Conn., split hig companion's head open with a hatchet, because the latter would npt give him a bite of candy., A SMALL boy, a blind man's guide, stole. a set of false teeth, in Rochester, while the lady of the house was getting them something to eq. AN Indianian lately indignantly denied to a paper that his body had been found in a neighboring creek, and offered to furnish-the proof. Tine warden of the piison at New Das tie; Delaware, says that but ono disc ever occured theM of a criminal having-been ,whipped a second time. T 11E Cotu•t of Queon's.Bench has de cided the proper addressing, posting and non-return of a letter evidence of its de- ECM A KIiNTII.CKY lady was attacked by a huge gray, eagle. She to van quisb,;:him,-.after. a severe struggle, in. which she was badly torn by his talons. 'W ORCEtiTEIt, Mrissachusetts, has 2,400 French inhabitants; Southbridge, 2;200; and Webstor 1,800, snaking a total Of 7,400 in the three places. LAl6s in Louisiana are being sold for almost' nothing, ' Two hundred and nighty-flye acres on Bayou Gros Tete sot4l at 'sheriff's sale .for $Ol5. —, SEVENTEEN Americans died itt Rome, this virinter, and . seven rich American 'girls there have.formd titled paupers for lovers. .; • . L.e!,/{ollElifi an English railway lately, found a thrush's nest under a; rail, pith the, hen peacefully 'sitting on four eggs; ,undisturbed by the thunder of pass ing trains;. . . - - -Tim Chicago Firemen are down on chemical fire extinguishers; profeiring water. An envious Western paper says -this is the only instance of Chicago thinv indiqondneas for that Ira'isNaid that the tobacco trade in New. ..yoFk is represented by 'se 'many nationalities, that • fifty-three differ Ont languages Aro spoken by the cigar deal ers on'Broadivay. • • CiNif, thousand seven hundred, and•for ty-siX - cr'leitils of coal, more transferred from 'the Clay Bounty, pill mines, oiler the Terie iliinte 'and Indianapolis RUH road:last month. - • . GnormiA.,hopes,to do a licavy 4uainaks in dried . idackhorries. She has largo or •dors from California, whero tho' berries lialto:a*roady marlmtont goo, .pricos. In portions of North pard)ina similar orders have been received. , A.•,courjx.of gentlemen out trolling.lor bass, , the :father , *day, - - took , the Merciful method 'of leaving the : corks' over the points of the hooks, so as not to hurt the fish._ :The desired effect wasob. but the fishers don't -HU to hoar zinything said about it. .. • , Tnn , -Novh Elootia marble mountain, discovered at Cape Br'eton, in 1868, is to he worked-by a company, with a capital Of $45,000. A. mill- for sawing. the marble will ;13O"erected i this , sumnier, and the' siabewilLbe,stypag,!on board- ship; at a cost of less thhuls4.'a, - ,tcid. , ,l , ' , ; • Ix the' recent Illinoitt "Cohditutioitat Convention au hinendnione - f was propoSed Proyiding'.that' any ludge. - accoPtin4 free MOB fiorara: : riffle* nipatyy :should . forfeit big ciffle:e`. ll LTide ite•VerY.Weli, how about qui free passos'or the Goiter: nor and'tegitilal,ol.o A miir in Wayne county, New York, is feeding, a cow or} juniper boniest° got her to gite gin and' milk; It On't be done, anY, more :than a hen can lay scrambled eggs by, stirring her upwith a p o lo.• 0 ri • Teti "ScinieerS"' of .a hoarding School: in Vermont charges his young lady put pils for "shoat masix." Re has also a work of art in his parlor which ho calls a "brown stauto" (bronze statue). To make a little MO last a long titne, got a doable pocket of woolen cloth,Aave a sipace of two inches pr thO' hillier and outer pockets, 'and' pack tl4 •witlifeathers. •. the 'dearth - of '.arriusemente In Con= tral Row Yor!c, the papers are 4 tryMg; to he. funny over, the p'revAlence of the measles. The' Roeheter''Pooocrat'says they are - haVing a splendid:run iVith - Med, , sio, matinees Wednesdays Mid.Snturdaye. PERSONAL Wza THE: Stanton memorial fund amounts to $147,000. PRINCE GEORGE, of Pnissia, is au au- EMI TuF.rings of Saturn-are now open for investigation. STOVER, Andrew Johnsons's daughter, has married. Her husband's limp° is BroWn POPE INNOCENT XII excommunicated all who Used tobacco in any form. Pius IX smokes and uses snuff. VIaTOP. Huoo has authorized his name to be added to all petitions for the par don of Criminals sentenced to death. Bnumnsi YOUNG is striyineto keep his large family from want by investing $60,000,000 in Now York. A SCANDINAVIAN preacher in 'lllinois ocinipies three . hours in the delivery of a serMon. TIE Empress Eugenie is forty-four, Queen Victoria ilfty-one, and Isabella, the Ex. Queen of Spain, forty. GENTLEMAII -in Norfolk,. Conn., on the thirtieth of elpi•il,`dug through snow two feet deep in order to repair his fences. CHER, ono of the most sedate and owlish of the Chinese 'Commissioners, has succeeded Mr. nurlingame in the direction of the legation.. Mn. GrOROR W. GRISWOLD, of Golds two, N. C., has already shipped up wards of one thoiyand quarts of sti•aw berries this season. Tim. believers in the-Gospel of Gin and Milk propose to erect a church foPlhe Rev. Mr. Smythe, to be called " The Church of the Holy Juniper." Tint woman suffrage people, it is said, will nominate Train and Vallandigham for President and Vice President iu-1872. A strong team. BEN BOLT has been'conviated of mur der in the second de'gree. at Cecil, Md., and sent to State Prison for eighteen years. This is not the'one fo whom the conundrum was promaunced in Jlie song. A sox of a colored member of the Boston bar, wlio is a. graduate of the Collego - of Frititide, hasipassetra - sttepessz ful examination and entered the Middle Temple, London. Lucy STONE has been talking on vio man'ssuffragemt Brooklyn. She is de bribed by a paper of that city as "this little specimen of the advanced thought IcavrEngland,"-- " Wwv," asked a governess of her lit tle charge, "do we pray God to give us our daily bread? Why do n'twe ask for four or five days, or a week?" "We want it fresh !" replied the ingenuous child. EDWARD BURLINGAME, SOlldf the late MilVster, is going to look after the San Francisco property purchased by his father three or four years ago, which Californians now declare is worth about $BOO,OOO. 3lns. McF. , :m.k.ain is about to sell at public sale the country house belonging to the late A. D. Richardson, in New Jersey, called Woodside,' Where she and Mr. Richardson's orphan children' (of whom she is guardian,) now reside. THE King of Prussia has' caused his name to be enrolled in lthe list of mem bers of the Germail Association for the protection of emigrants at New York, with an annual *jibscription of $250 in gold. Thu President has forbidden volunteer regiments at the West Making war on the Indians. If volunteer companies are permitted to .hunt the Indians at their . pleasure, the President is of the opinion that an Indian war cannot be averted. MAJOR VON BECK, a Ilfealthy German of Rondout, who has been living with his second. wife nearly forty years was lately quite astonished at the sudden ap pearance of his first wife, just from " in derland." IT is said that Brigham Young has an eye turned towartliffoxico, if theto is an attempt made to compel him and his saints to abandon polygamy, and that Juareos,vvilling to receive him and his wives,with - open arms. A 1&v. lll.n. Gns NT was indicted. iR 1700, in England; "for that ho bath af firmed that he had rather hear aft organ (ten te,ono).lii,the church than singing of Psalms,which scoffingly he nailed Hopkins, Ms Jigs." . ARCIT9IIKE AVIIIERT of Austria while walking in .civilian: garb in Paris ,' tho other day, helped ,on, his feet, a guards man who had boon throWn from an um,. tuly, horse. ".Thank you, my good low," 'said the cavalryman, ash() rode off. suicide in San- Francisco Jett as his dying confession a letter read= ing, ,'tChinese young man, Hemulllalm p'oO,Alventy.nino years 'old. Have sink) Would Jive. From Canton, 2i vier& Name, Sun Word; 'Farmer.. China Sab-i lop: Company. I have soul: Had boot on My bad. I dead riow: • Can't . Amnov in Bangor, who directed a servant to take out and clean, the win , - death in an uppor story, w.?slatensely, disgusted iviien, on, making s visit, oy, inspection, - She' found ':that Bridget, had removed every pane of glass from the . oshes ,and neatly washed and piled them. on the floor. • • ' !GEN. Gnu. H. THOMAS left, up, will., The amoiint of Ids.personal, estate, is, re. , ported , $40,000, .His. brothers, , John, W. Thomas and. ,Benjamin ; R. Thomas, aro still living,' and also' three , sisters. ,Tudith Ann,.. fled Thomas, who, live on a plantation near. ?CoMir,nall'a.Denet,, Southampton .county ButonaulOouwayecontlY admonished :his' brethren ageing Chewing - tobacco' wlrilenin. meeting f' and• cautioned thel door. keeper if they . SoundTalik - Orni , sisting in the inaetice;. , !•to takei thenennd lead • thorn out .carefully and Ikindly; 4 2,,: The 'prophet ended by saying; "Elder& of Israel, if yea must Chew.tobacioo• '4:haft Inlneetitig; %rd. when/yen - leakree you can take a double - portioir , If you , wish to." ' small -vjority the, Mahe of tOds have ret'Vn - fdtiiisttpolrdWid Tiding the 14141egatIng . tiialiagetOth ee)msed wireta ens tYAT'leffersogille, tYnd.,l. l . tho hLye` a now order ofiilifldelkl oat 04i " belfMiaitetv'total hilation of•sottl and body after death. TrtE -Waterbury (Connecticut) Ameri can, has a preparation for the coming. hot weather,:promises a "red hot Sunday School• - biibictet - • every , bsrAvlitr! dog. ""WOMEN WHO DON'ir WANT f3III , FIIAGIC: , --At the 'recent election in , Normont' poll was opened in ono of the dietrletg; to' Which: the women were qnvited , tol onto hnci 'vote ithe i r Solltiniorits upon,woman. Suffrage. ; Th, following waa the . . ,Number • f Warded the gun'. •Dhlo:t cure .Not et home let • • . •Tliis is varidM'e;etiraiiiiiloMri:'Sbin ton, Miss . Anthony and their associates of Sixteeuili .A.ineaditiont fame: Froin these indientions it would be aion,cntiiiie, before a majority ;of iv,emen will want the privilege of PRACTICAL IVOMAN!.B 1?1011 . 7'i9 A FEMALE STIERIFFIN lOWA. , Here, now, is a woman in: authority who is hilly equal to her duties, albeit, those same duties are- of the roughest character. The 73urliagton::llate41 -Eye tells about her : Much interest has-boon excited-by th& empanelling of a jury of women .in °Ming Territory, rind the appointment of females as notaries public, and to other •civielimetions hitherto supposed to bo hTevocaably reserved: to (the masculine sex. It is reserved to lowa, however, to produce the firstfernale Sheriff, and to Des Moines coucityto be tlmAst in the State to accord to woman the- difficult' and trying duties of the sheriffalty.• is true, t,he people have not formally elected a lady as Sheriff ,of this county, but in so far as "practice is bettor than precept" the substance superior to the. shadow,, and the "deed greater than the mmo" to that extent Des Moines county has had a lady sheriff or at least a lady deputy sheriff. Qf course we allnde:to the estimable wife of our worthy Sheriff,, .T, H. Latty, Esq. Mrs Latty, at various times, has displayed remarkable coolness and nerve in the management of the county jail, over which-she presides with a firmness of government and a vigor of rule rarely excelled by the best of prison wardens. At one time a desperado con fined in one of the'oells attempted to es cape by making a mamof straw recliuin,g upon his couch as usual, while the llosla and-blood prisoner secreted himself in an empty cell and ivaited the advent of Mrs.' Laity, who, in the absence' of her hus 7 band, entered the jail room -to lock -up the - prisoners,for the night. When she came to the cell containing the man of straw, a very elovor imitation of a man asleep, she called.his name,, and, receiv ing no response, entered 'in and .detected -the cheat, Instead of calling for outside; help in an emergency which• plaiiityqn dicated a plot and a determination mpen the part of one or more prisoners to break jail, Mrs. Linty quietly proceeded to the other coil and =yelled the pros, Pactive - - fugitive .back to his cell and locked him up. eke he wasAjwayy, nna, ' • n an.. and the Deputy Sheriff a den. , der, light built woman, it is 'evident that, Siert° triumphed over muscle. Womanly, courage was mora than a match for. brutalforce and the dal:l(ra- Don of the criminal seeking to flee from the land of justice. .On another occa sion two young men in a cell refusing to cease their frofane and boisterous lan guage, the deputy entered the cell and gave them a sound flogging with a whip, until, with tears in their eyes, the • ras cals promised bettor behavior. Tho last egploit of our deputy, And one whic,h . recalled to our• mind the preceding inci dents, was the taking of a prisoner ko the penitentiary a, few days ago. A man who had .been arrested fin• stealing. a carpet bag, at the ,Union depot, in this city, last January, was sei4enced, a 4 the last term of the District Court, to two years' imprisonment in the penitentiary, and was' taken to Fort Madison by Mrs. Latty alone, and without any assistance from others, and did) , delivered to War den lleislely, Tho astonishment of the Warden and the Fed Madinonians kne'w no bounds. . , POSTPONEHENT,p:R? THE TARIFF BILL If any one among the opponents of the protection of American industry' fancies that the postponement of 'the considera tion of Schenck's tariff :bill disposes of the subject,!,that person is most ogre - gieusly niistalcen, n ,This i t l llitf, bill bad.' been distorted loin its original shape by amehdments .of all sorts, [ until.[ it was 'Satisfactory. to .neither side, and our friends were content tcilet'it moveialong, in the full belief in their; ability.ttinet all things right the moment they could bring the House to vote by yeas and nays upoii the amendments, as. there 'were: many Members doting about; lust on ono side add then on the other, • who ,seemed Act be eithetenxious to deceive the public, or. else did, not know their oWn the subject. There can be no doubt that the agitations of the war and recoustrnoe lion have thrown ,upon,; the surface and into respenelbilities,offaligh order men . Who. knew iiothing ~a,t, all about, tariffs,: revenue, commerce, . Science, mann. factures, .and whose,..minds: pro :like .a sheet of blank ,teipor!,as to ,proteotion 'and free trade. This domes of allowing tn` bo ram away . with by ideologists; [ who. when once ,off theielobby, seem like a toitoisel pirOwn . ; , We' have inadirit gallant , fight - ill - Con. grdss, and dir not feel iniany Way die.' coliraged bythe result, On the contra.ry,. we 'believe itihas,beenrof very great sin.: vice itrateusing public . attention to the vest iniportance 7 :of the subject;, disieminatingl inforniation among thou.; sends.who Stood very 'ninth. in need of , it.' ;The debates upon , this tariff bill, fie linliod in.rhe 'Glebe, wilbbd : read , fat and wide ail over' the! Lind; air; indeed% they .111019: been already,: .tholighr.not4tothe extent they, are'idestined;to fern', aAnost useful rePertory.frbm which: writers' and speakers far.: protecticin 'may draw ;the inform:die& needed by then' , ih thu coniing. public ;discussions: ;For. the , debate , rnust got, be transferreid.frcitittlie, haili,of iCengressrto-the:lptiblioloritrei, The free.trtulerivlevidentlyl.iafraiditti Idtid-this.,. bill tdi,:conie iroAr haVe tidied hice'ssantly and lvdsted tine sells of kvaysr lesisting !'everyloffert! , lol l eiliedito , blisireisii;ThlidWingi oklarlY thirti theyknew the;sentitnetie of, thei . House . ;to boin'favof iifLprotectioit,P;( theY hitivo appealed , front Congress , tOlthe, , Veoplel rand we accept the Cfingreki.) stens). ticatiens are Ad* shoat Co be Veld: Let tul see that nb roOre*.then:ishall matt.. age to sneak into Congress under cover of tnzr r!,..otitioutociteniqnt about south 7 ertAlisloyalq, tokletray • us on the q ti 04.1.0t.e0.4,0 Itls time nciA that we had a air,; sqt#o, thorouk agitation in public,i both* print on the stump, ofkthd .whilet:questioulfinotection. NoneFpttn possibly desire it More_ than_theiriends of , ,home industry:: Confident in Our strength among tliepeope of = all etyises, and all Parties, weiask;:nbtliii4so malt as genergand,hamoMate„,,tlisettseion„ In the-contest thus .far -the '-free-traders , 140,• boon, -0f31301104y, iheatoe,;b4l;,3n Congress and, in the pressk.:, Wo„ are san c uine,that beforei j the o r !tpirationof.the terbi!of ,the ~pFe§ealt•: , Copgt•css:the tariff bili,samentlO aato be o sattsfactory ,to, the friends,of prote,ctionovill be passed by both,llonse,s of, Congress and beanne a law. ~ .-The poltponementja, only:acqui„ es'eed in at .09 present, time ~ in order, to dispose of the.present financial measures that have beep delayedby the tow yin. • , We, urge our : friends,-.ltowever;4e or ganize at all points thoroughly, make, protection ~every Where the . main issue.of the contest for Congress. , The frce-traders appear,,to, l haVe discovered theirweakuess fOr any. such purposeiasa, .separate moVementof a.poiittoal charac ter; and are now earnestly engaged •proaching ; favor of Republican unity. iOr the sake of the grand Ifistoric.'earcer. 'of the. party.,this Inearts,, that ,they. will yob for, Repnbiican protectionists When.nominated, , ,icis,all right, ;,but if V „ means tlie old garnet. qt. 4 ! .uortib3:l ''tails you lose I" these, frep:traders will 'find out that they,. have , no fools to deal with this time . Let us alt devote our •attention to' cm , .. :13 - ollyinythe strong publie - Teiitiment in favor ofproteetion in any andevery way that may be. found, available. -,Republi • can journals should all he compelled to define thdir position,.. mid whereVer. they aro found to be tainted with free-trade notions,. separate and , ,distinct; journals ftivorable to protection should .beestab lislied. Itis the policy WO have -already .adopted in St. Louis, Chicago,- and Clu.: cinnati, and with manifest effect. Pub lie sentiment in those 'cities is rallying ttround.the protectionist orglibui, and their &parities meet With hearty sympathy from the' country press. When Ths St. Dottis Tiibu no was' .established by the protectionists of that .city the intlu;3nce of the free-trade clique in The Democrat office had became so potent that there was scarcely any visili t if.partY of protec tion.. The country press was silent, and . politiciatift seemed to be.under cow. But no sooner did - Tits, Tribune commence the waropenly, than protectionists,begati to start Op everywhere, as if by magic: A strong association , .was, organized in St. Louis, :The governor came opt man fully for protection, and fifty-live Re publican jourtfals in Missouri. indorsed .Ifis position. 4 . A friend in St. Louis sena us a list, of fifty-one Republican journals - that are outspoken for. protection, ' and this list grows so- stendilyAhat it will soon exceed the number utility-live ; which The,Dem. ocrat has disputed. To show the effect • this agitation is .even. upon the Democratic party, The St.'Lou,iir.b.iihe, says • " The editor of-it deadinglWi'tid paper in the interior ofl4o - 44tiA i liAili visit tn p4r, _city, a f0r5 5 4,044441ii1d us • that he was heartily Witir' • ' - 'uiiin the protective tariff question, but he Was a .peinocrat in 'pOlitics and conducted"a 13e - ifiradratilt — paireri — imd - couldnot-adwi-- mite it therein. This is the false idea ,that a great-many people have, and yet there is nothing more absiird." There can be little doubt that the ex isting discussidns on the tariff have been felt in the Democratic party quite as much as in our own. This has 'bob clearly exhibited in Congress, where the Democratic. members divided, some voting for-free trade and some for pre. tection. If we can bring our own party 6 . 1) to the Standard of protection,. and make an open light forit, we shall secure cis many converts from the Democracy on that, issue as we in the slavery struggle. The great misfortune lies in our being obliged to make terms with a few free-trade.Replablicans, whose votes and influence are not .worth the distrac tion they cause in our ranks. But, with- Mit stopging to consider whether these men are in or out of, the party, the busi ness of the proteetiouists is to- agitate, again to agitate, always to, agitate. Let us discuss the great question everywhere freely and fully f ,and leave no chance for thernasses of the people to becunioformed 'on the subject. , , As the free traders have been afraid to, face the issue of a vote in the Housei their monifespobjeet is to cheat us again by 'sneaking into Congress a fresh batch of free-traders duly labelleaßepublicans, but who might as well be called Russians or ICamschatdales, for all the'repuhlican ism they. have. Pilbile sentiment must ,now,be awakened and 'embodied, so:as tO,compel,randidatei everywhere to de clare Ocunserces honestly., 'Above all wo must nee to it that the members of COO. grosswho have fought . this battli3 for protection so liravely'shitll not AM footed °at Alio 'palls as the freS-traders have insolently threatoked. r ;If we 11116 iii it we' shall be dishopordd:--P4Va. Worm Anierican: • • • ; ; . Zhz Cidiote lavald. ; , 70. NO. 20 "NEW—YORK . EL.ECTION. ' 1 'Last week:!ta,olection for :Tudes was lieldfirii;eSiate of New York 1 'rho Domoenipy have swept the,,AO9rd Am mistalcably. Thcfrmajority, iseeftainlY ' 1 16,090, and may, reaeb a higher , figu re. Very mach of _thisis coiase' Made up, froin,the . fraodulent„ yoting., : in the city, usual, the,Dtirp.q9Katip ,7,vd6la east aho`dt fifty per pent more ,votes than 'were , carried, on their „registry., ~Nut; ivithodt this, Ind. even rejdeting the on tii•O'v.ote of New. York pity, the insjority, is sufficiently : , decided. New Toric, may neW„With reasonable , certainty, hp,con 7 , sielcred.„n: Democratic titatO,T - untg the excesses and. villamies of the politicians o,t 01 ) ,.ltrRqqhqiiiqf 49F; 'stlft?, gq)".°r.PP'Pqt. qfP4P 3, tho thq of 0 0 4;7 thqir ,t 9 PolitAct, ,:.;. Jfhp rcsait., indieatos neceSiarily ; ; nq °lilting° of public sentiment. There are, no more Democrats or fewer &publicans New York now than at the last °lea-, lionithat 'the' 619 tlid rfenMeritCy" says; oW ' orturdiy, ' !mid 0141 . 616 i; lil tliirt afate r niniMifir;tlikte.`k :thc)r. whole; force 44; ITheidOsigiiditi Maki) 'it" the Occasion, ' ;ilhrolf•WOuld'Aiditlfed thOlNOWAroiii Otilg 'tie she to dittattPier-Merto , their pititykk• Olio neit'Prttaidentiiiiiedekitioti, tia;isrk - dir 48 ) 1 ' vigifrObsly' it; fitOilidiin ler the Presidency. The licans who remained at home h'avo al. lowed their State Jndiciary c to fall into 'OTIS- of tho':,-;Detrio,erticY; 'riff ;live cis :, ' ade the-,Dinnocrato politicialikiof .Ne v York mastol of, t.,srzatiiati.ol(for 1 tigt residential flgiht. It they late better 4,0 f their,advklatages,ttianit py -dittWhetkliernondinatell - - Setrnbur istni Blair,_then perhapsa Democratic victory last - wenk was better for lug than theli defeatwould hav,o been, ; Ei; 1,- -Jr i , Of‘cdurie 'tile' - very , beidghted•seetions' mf.the , Denuieratio .party , will elaini-that. this great triumph. in -New York grow rout of the IFifteentb:AtnendMent I It, should be remembered • bOireVer that the 'New York Democreep aro ad fully corni Mated to negro sairriige as:it:Was possi-• Ille . to.ibe,'Crommitted..l ThO , NiSw York' , , Degislattub which was DemOcrtitie'pasSeil • an act after tile iatifloatiOti ofthe . ain'end went-removing-all 'disabilities'frirm cel= l Oted:•Votersi which perhaps no . other :State in the Union did. , It- wag not tit -,tenapted to make tho negro questionanyr part - of the issue. .Arid even - The WoOld admits that had this question been raised, and the Democracy had arrayed•-therti- , I I 'selves!against it the contest would have Mx:algid. , oat :the RePublican vote, and I • , their defeat would have' I followed.. • The simple difficulty 'isms that • our .party treated the-fight as -one they -had no in- I terest lig and were beaten accordingly. •,. A WHITE. MAN'S 'GOVERNMENT. ,:.A white man's government we should ha;zo, say the fossils of rthe Dethocratic' Tarty. Of course tva should, and , must ,have it necessarily. Ours is a. govern metit,ef majorities, and not of, minorities. We have .flue white men for every eel - o d:ni en - Totvii7the lands,, control all the instruments shy which, nubile opinion is moulded,sind di rooted, ,are accustomed to, the machinery of geverninent, and-are ono too modest "to, 'use their advantage. , Tbo colored men, rotatively speaking, own , nothing, control nothing, aro without , experience in public aft'airs, and have but lately ac quired the franchises of freemen, or , the title to theirown persons. Tho disparity IE,. in all respects, misnrinotintable. Every year the _preponderance of the , white, race at least, in point of numbers, will increase. ' But governMent imposes responsi bility. Those who rule are respoti•• siblo for the condition, welfare and im preventont of those they govern. 'lf injustice and oppression are exercised 1 toward any, disgrace and crime attach to 1 those-who do it, or allow it to be done. 1 All should have their rights, not grudg ingly ,or unwillingly, but freely and gen erously.. The tyrant is a more dospi cable object than the slave. The latter may-be pitied in his weakness the for mer should be scorned, despised and hated in bis power. The government, of whitit' men .should be 'worthy of- white men. It should reflect their wisdom, honor and goodness. Where it does not, itis Mien white man's government, but a government such as men of a lower or der might create.• When the white men of this cOnntrysuslaved colored Men; aiiil grew rich on their labor, their govern ment-was unworthy-the name Of a-white. pan's: government., When they loosed fthe chains of the bondsmen, and gave him an equal chance with theM in the 1 race or life, they gave -to their govern ment, the honor, and magnanimity that l it had lacked from its foundation. They removed from it the disgrace that at -1 tactics,. to. all -injustice, and oppression, everywhere. We have, new,' — a ---- White man's government in the highest sense of the term, since we have written in its constitution .a guaranty of justice, liber ty, and equality for all men. GENERAL' GRANT has moat, grievously wounded the tender sensibilities of our Democratic, brethren. The- death of Gen. Thomas made it necessary to make some changes in the commanders of the military divisions and departments. Gen. lianas& who has been rusticating at St. Paul, Minnesota. and drawing a Major General's pay; desired to be sent to California, or to- St. Louis. Th.e. President saw fit to allow him to stay where ho is, and in reply to .his applica tion for a change, informed him that the relitiens assumed• by Gem Hancbck to ward himself were sodas to randerhis per ,sonal preferences of no consequence. Of . course Gen. Hancbck is outraged 'by this action of' the President. So are the Democratic joUrnals, who think it pos sible they may have to support Hancock for the PreSideney, ono Of • these days: They regard the action of the President as an outrage,. nnwarranted• either by principle or precedent: • • s Let us see, now, how this case,stands. Wisp Hancock was. serving the :Demo= crafrc party in NoW 'Orleans, Gen. Grant who was his superior officer, modified or revoked one of ;his orders. • Hancock re. garded this as a personal affront, and , . took lipids to show discourtesy, and in. subordination to his superior. Whodhe returned to Washington lie neglected to call on inlet When they nest on the street, Hancock made no response to the ' salittatitin_of his ;•;commander. They met At, a wedding4aety; and. the dinato turned his back on his' superior: This would have 'been ! guar.:limn to satisfy :almost - any one ells°, but Hancock descended to the meanness of boasting.of i Dlis discourtesy : s s If, after , thiS treatment, the-Presideni had granted his request, , or if failed .make 'this A'apeeitic cause of sreftisal, lie would bate been. censurable.' Gen. Hauceseles behavior was such, as to, make him un worthy, not chily.of the favors of the ad ministration, .hut oven of kolding,uey, Pol4lenunder r it whatever:: His conduct .was,.dietated-iby a:desire to gratify; 66 °4O of politicians wbe bad previously (*Used him to de many acts calculated to, tarnish the fame bp had won, as;,a,hraye and.ablp yERY nsany,'nowspa • pers are still'en. , ' gaged in trying' Noiol York Pr'iluno for the minder of Richardecni. Many 'of 'them ire of the class' that 'charged that , paper with! the' Sbith ern:obe111o , e • 'York•riote. • 'Mid '.iihont 'every: other trouble that liae'oecurred 'sine° The , TOil `babe came into existence; Tho:'argii4 mantis like this.:l7l4 Tritqcne opposed' slavery; slavery , rbbolled , against the povernmeqv therefore T hfp ;Tribune of tlie.,rebeillen. The Tribune, :aCtifecated.' erdtsrf and' obedlence-to A niokondeavorcd , to destroy the eiitatr , ' liehment, therefore in he Tribune legality: of !the .riot. ,And in.thisinetanco , a man rehOdt&a,2 l . ribuseeclitor Horace.Eirsieley , otters , to: help counsel' to convict this, lidlowopraurderl , theniforo T lje kuiltyl of the inurder,an'd 'many tliiirgs • ~.„. - ' ,tT . fliiiiiiired,;,ihnhe'clatio' ri4anilere iitectioh,, I clted . ll4indu-:' fhintlit'Ajn oUni.ddraN;iiiters'' Ofj etitiii*:tli4' .thie r ' the white race. • CONGRESS has agreed, to. adjouvi. on th4f - tieVth Itify: - is very` ny, ifying3 , *ad tk i tY, adjott4ment beeitked q' • a montfqarlier have beetymOni gratify#r." ho p 0 howeyktr-that 'after tilelaPso;;6l a dyeek. Tr,txtb,bottk `biancheirwill \ see the riaessity.oitetting . to work on somemeasnros _ofAractical 'legislation. The' funding bill which ,should have beeplispesed,of a considers, .ble 'time hand. The tarift,question, .has -been ,postponed for. ' the present, which moans practically for thO session,,and thus all: the important ineaspres hive:been trifled with' hi order. that 'each sinember Might get something , said or dene'''whioh• would' increase.' his popularity in his own loCality".. • IV • This appears to be the. Ineurabledi,dl 'Connected with all 'oui 'national 'tion. No matter how much the count:4 may need'' legislation''' on" 'any'' any : ' giyen subject;" each '.'nierriber'' 'Must have one,' two, or 'half 'a' doien buncombe 'aiieecheli - deliieied 'for' liinne consump tion, on the" pendin 'measure.Hp, well knoWs thathis remarks' will net affect a single vote,' and 'Very' frenireptly ]knows' that he hns'not an idea of fo'ad vance the'subject.' '.Nevertheless the 'debates are interminable, 'and the ebunl 'try suffers,''while licinorablo 'gentleinen . try their hands at 6106ieon!: Thaddens Stevens rendered • great 'service to the 'Country on more than 'oeCasion' by his inexorable call of the previous ques-' tion, and although - the' piiiVer may be, a' dangerous one to exercise,' it apPoars to 'be the'only ,rneans' of getting' anything like reasonably prompi'legislation. next best thing,. is"a fixed'timefor ad journment," and as that is now . accorn: MEI pliihed we niay reasonably ] tope for more work and fess talk during the remainder of the essiott • 'l,4s'i week in a, lively little personal squabble in Congress, the Democrats resorted to the stale charge against nig- saehusetts of having burned witches. Do these gentlemen remember that , more. than a. century later, about fifteen other 'States bought anil sold slaves, and dulged in, all the horrible concomitants of •of that traffic, including the killing of the colored people if they Aid n't Elie the business, and how Democratie politicians used to justify it all by Bible arguments. If they do n't they must have precious short memories rif -they do they niiabt have the sense to let the early settlers of MassachuSettS 'alone. That State re formed some generations since ; the De mocracy have let thought of reformation even now. Tke New York World, speaking of tho, ,Louisiana election, says " Whore the barbecues had been plentiful and the whbiky !Milted free, the black man voted for the ~Democracy." This was very, natural ; very much the same result fol lows from the same causo ; among -white voters. A Democratic majority is al :ways in proportion to. the amount of whisky consumed anywhere. This state• ment of The ,Wortekis pretty strong proof that Our new citizen is a man and . brother".at least in those respects that interest the Democracy. The Volunteer rows up the Radicals at Washington for extravagance in public lAtildifigs. .That is_ all right. The fel lows ought to be blown hp handsomely for wastingthe people's money, if they do it. But how about home? Cumber- . and — county—autkoritiesare--not—ve economical in the matter of buildings,. nor arc thby Radicals. How would it be to talk, about the insane asylum and neW bridges in ails aunty, before going to Washington? Tur, widow of SecrCtary Stanton re cently received $lO,OOO from an insurance company% which helield a policy. We presume this will dispose of the infamous . story set afloat by Democratic papers that the company refused payment be cause Mr. Stanton committed suicide. SPECIAL NO 7' ICE. WHOLESALE ONLY • Coyle Brothers Lava jolt roomed a v.ry large lock of goods, such or lisriery. Shirt Front :;..t ponders, Morn , C Don n d Ciunisrie ILn, ke.eitiefs, hito Trionniogir, ill vs arid l'ow' of this lithe hiyiss Cuff. in µr, at variety, VA, l`r 1.111 Velvet, ltihhou , Coot, Vrer, Dress and 'Pearl Buttons. Three and Slz Cool Spool Cotton Setting BPka , Fisk nooks and Liniis, Toilet Sonps, Perfuntory, Drugs, Shoo 'Black, Stove Polish, Indigo Blue,'and on endless yariety of Notions, generally. All tile ttbovo to hejtatl tat coyls Brother.s, Having lately removed to the lArge of io booth tit the LOW (.1001i VIII Iloilo 11011,49, wa havii increnhed our stock larger litho over, mad will toll ht gold, pricelip CO' LI!: BROTHERS, • ttlsoh r 21 Saudi Honorer etreot, carpsle. A TRAP THAT MANLY OP OUR ;STOREKEEPERS HAVE PAULEN INTO. Huilng their gneensware, gl tlmxarn and general suppllee In 11w elllen:where the eiiens'eti nro undtlpliod [lvo fold.' ' WM BLAIR k SON have en innuendo stock' Of Goode, and aro pooltlvely to the trodo their whole 1100 of goods At Iron gvuto twypty;five per _centleas than they can ho brootht frpm abroad. WE KNOW ono of our otoridicepors aro paying twenty centiiper sa6l; uite then our prices( fot'salt. throo,cerito more' for best coffee ;. liltoam to 'lovably par rintmore for wore.; two tdthreecouln per e for cool, oil, O 9 In, fop inolence.gettlag 0101 (virility of goodo. wO -sea. Our ethic° . is, buy near borne; in mall ljuantitlos; soil at lower prices' and make nitro money. Try IL . WILLIAM BLAIR L SON, South Simi," Crirllde. Ps.' TO'CONI3Unt TIVES. Advirtleor, hating Loop ,tostoroo to . ilea itfdw iveoltit; by h vorY ioinedY; otter Lei 'tag itiffored severolleont relth' 'oefore . tung • 'area Hot, +trot thot tltpati dlreoen, coolomPtinD ie 1, .. 1 9, 111 to itiako follottr.ollgronttlm Itootutti, Oro. ' 'To ell who deeire it, he will eend a copy of •the preacrlptlon uerd(free'uf.ihnrce); with the direction' for preparing and ming the Fame which they will And a BURS_ CIIRRFOR CON; 0U 13110NCIIITIB: 010. The enject the advertider r in bending the • PieecriPtlon to to benefit the 'afflicted arid epited Jam:nation, which , no eonceivois to ho in valhafflo; and he , bopea',overy . etiFeror Nap! : try hie remely, ae4 will coot illont nothing end play . prove • Partlei wishing' . ther'Pri4criPtion 'Pleitio Ad: iire's. ' . . UEV. UDIVAIID A. WILSON, WEllarilsbui-g,:littike CoinitiNow York: Mnv7.69 0 ,,Y • J. ,! 1.:.> aud,4l;lATAltllll' !tecit i cd yttli Elie,q19cic!...,11,4,;51,,A,ca,_2.1, Prorelzoi of Difecitet pf the Eye, and Ear . (hi siceilkifid (n the ilecliedl &liege' of Pthitistll3ilnia,l2, years experittre, (lormorli of Leyden, Holland.) No:. .005 /tut, pip:sft, .111)11,1., Teetlmpplals can lu? goan et Lie office. 'he nlnttlnl'foc 1 y lan incited to ac company thelipetlenti; tie lid has ia) airreta in ids Pre:ctibe. Attlfi,;lnl'eyeetrisoried , rillho'ut vein.' „kip' tha_rgt4 rp,C.4txsud , tation.: :t ; ' I 01?•14 , . . r ,•.•;,; 1 • ..• • Ilatt , pye beau proied polsattlew s utrotestur Ohiltork,nhosti roputatio? 'eta ,tkn : pnttly,ttpalchoFolo, fitvCiklttlt 'etattomoote Otti , wetgltt ?t' authority, ?- murk??? that • , • • • I I • ' 41" Ott STA 0 O'S _XO ,::•DYE' • Itaso,altlOrelcd tc4boprpyrr,teptrt , l9,lihrl,bor4 , s•• •!'','.4C‘ l iq'" 3 A tt P°FP" l l4l xb YP' l !: t hc '; • ':•,; rf J. 4 .,ANgoFirgrair Ue ati lie ,arlmiroVlf tier ;pitrpoeys !rot; pub r te Just born viarn9d, by tw?-11ealltig acieutiflri o . rgntle, air4ltlet , ••• •!:, r: 44, ';Lc. ,;1 • )41otrfieforo ). 1:00 , i . tni.eW4:)?9n9'fi Ildl4il.,lltßaultyMp#,,se,ne l Droning, note Ilk, (Um on ttialunit attar g Try It. ,12trakT041to A34N.LY ONE- . BE ERRODB/OF PODIII. iaentidenatewhe er tied for year!' from Ne,tiono Debility, Premature linay, and all the effActai of youth feet Indiacrotionotql for the eako of suffering humanity, coed frooti s ill who need It, the ree4t f or making the einikk remedy by which 'll/0 . 4, as coml., Sufferers :Oiling to profit by .the ailvartia .er's wilier/omo win do co by addresaing, In poifect confidence, • JOIIN B. 013 DEN; _ No. 42Codor Nt. Now York Elay 7-60-IYr. RISE NAILING, NUDE GUARDS, for Btoro Fronts, Asylurnn, &e. Iron Delleteads, Wiro Web hinge for elleep.aud pouliry , yards (Imes and - Iron wire cloth Sieves, Fondors, Screens for coal, oreee :eand, lc" Ileavy'bfintßed Cloth for spark.arresters landscape Wire for4,,;Mndown!.Sc., - ,Paper Makers Wires, Ornamentarlifire Works. Ever; inforoso thin by addressing theinannidet &ire; RI2IVACRED , 11 SONS' No 11 North Sixth street' Phllidelphia. 4feb70.13r. BE WISE. What wisdom will benefit you: be not Kin : con trolled by your •Incrodulity, hundrodsThave•bought ;killer from the horrors of Dyspepsia through the *odium of DEMiTII'I3 ANTI-DTSPEPTIO STOIIAOII Barrens and found It. Why should you sugar when this admi 'robin stomachic has aired tdtiny slinfleircaseS-Wity do yoiu doubt while other believe and are . ctilled? ' pllciy In this - matter is both dangerous and unprolltablo: Your health, happiness end business suffers, rylifhf constant 'neglect Is I °Tient!y foil -. wed by :serious, and'uncon trollable results. Demurn'a Eititns art; equally 00011:1 In the numerous dlfllicuhreS offending tall 118'1111,10LISNEAS, CONSTIPATION, &d., while or Xtrtn - and Aunt and other disorders proceeding from 311ASMATA, It is the only relinble preventiynand comedy known. , • , Wein • .. Colic, Cramp, and Dysentery yield at- once twit, pablounttive proportion. Ills pePrectlY I cocoon t, and eau be Oren to theoldo t person or'yonngest And. No tuat'or if y n herd no coolldence ih Mitont Medi. ,chide—try this, and you will ho sure to bey agent, and!reconi mend to your (clouds. laundrette of thy. .fliCillll9 ro ottimetra it in their practice. , by the Dfugginte and Storekeepers. Prim Fifty Cents and One Dollar. Depot., lb Park Place, ..hew Yolk. Ea= I' ALLCOCK'S P0R0179 PLii.TER - g setqlts to possess the qtthlity, of -'- . ACC O3IULATII. LEO r lOIT Y and imparting it to thp body, whereby tho circulation of the blohd bccomesequalived upon the pert., where applied, causing pain and morbid action TO cease. The Porous Plasters are flexible, and found or great holp to, those who hate weak backs, or pain in the side• Especially are they valuable to those who have neglect. d colds They are often - preventives of Cons premien ; tray, they tiro believed to hasp lour , erred the grasp of this terrible sill ctien, and been mainly instrumental lu offveting acme, In variable 9ltaoles they should be year on the breast or b, tteen the shoulders, or, over .the kidneys, by those who are subJect to take cold easily. ' 74mn40•1t0 • • COMFORT AND' OI PAIN AND AGONY. DR ED VENETIAN II NI. MEN r, who wonderful cm en, sere and instant/I- I - mond artioe, In ens. of Citron in ilniuniatlon,., Head ache, Teritlittelo.. Cn milt, Cots, Boron, Coffe, llyitenter), eta, hawn astonished the clrilizeil world, is no new catchpenny: but all article that basswood Ile list twenty-tau years. The en tnitouti sate and rapidly in, real log demand Is at one. the surent ewi denee or Ito useful.s and impala, ity. No fain iV sinned he a I °IOU In the house. II ondreds of dollars and many hours of suffering may In' Bated by its timely me. MARKETS CARLISLE I.IIO,DUCE MARKEN. Carracced Weekly by R. O. IVaothoard CenLine, Thursday .110.5niug, May 24, 1670. FAMILY FLOUR, - -- • • it, 2, SUPERFINE FLOUR, . - - - 4 0 8 ITEMISE RYE FLOUR, , - , - 4 t , i Wllll E; WHEAT, ' -- _, - - 1 - ^ _ , R.ED Wilk:AT, RYE, , CORN,UI • OATS.- . . - . f; - CLOVERSEED, .R I - - TIMuTItYSEED, FLAXSEED, - • 1 8 ' ,: CARLISLE PROVISION MARI:ET. Corrected Weekly by William WasTmond. CARLISLE, Thursday Morning, May 26, 187 - 0. BUTTER, - - _EGOS,- - • 15 - LARD, - __ . . 'VA 1.1.0 kV; . , - 09 ' BEESWAX, - - • an . . -BACON_li.tme,. IS BACOV7A I '7U halms, 15 - BACON SIDE: , ' ' - 15 • • 15 111 al ILEA NS, -11 no • PARED PE %CU FS; • 20 U s PAI‘EII PEACILES, - - _ 10 DIVED itI'PLES, - -- On • ItAOS, • ` - , 03 MONEY MARKET 0,1.0.51N0 PRICES OF DE HAVEN &'llBO UR 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia. Three ohArk p. m , May 24, 1870. U.°. li's of 'Bl, - • - .110 7 1' .1,17 , 4 i .n . , , .4 • 111 Q , 111:tfi : - 11 1 (1 1 ° " 111.,, • . 'B5, new, •. , 111 118.:•4 . . 't.7, •. /NO ' 1187. •• - * '6O, - - 110 1 . 11:1 7 1 U, 4 s,l';4')'., - . - . - 108 ', /,' . I,oBt,s*. U. ti. :el Y. or 1 . , per reot Cy., 1, 2';,i 112 g Dt•• Compound Interest Notes, - It. B . 01.1.• • 1114; 11.1%' ' • 8 , 11t.r. ' 108 110 I.!oion.l'ocillc 11.8. lit 31. Bondi, 8110 1110 Ism& al rocilic It. It. - - 930 010 Gunn I..elfic Land Orant Bondi. 770 .. 700 3IA:RRIED W VEUSTICK.—On •erot h ooth inutanC by live John Ault, nt Sylnatt Re , reat, in Sill 0. *lila; loon:hip. Mr. Edward IL Weibley, of Alluglietty Icy, to Mihn Phony C. Ilaveysto k. HEAR—MANNINO —Oh the scone day. by thu .110. Pi, /elf Pm; to Mee 1.1221. Mantling, Loth Sll,ur Spring townrhip. C 4 CKI.I N . —THIMBLE tlin twelfth instant tip the sane. at r: John A Conklin, of Munro° towt.hhip, in 't is* Aguas Trbohie, of ShdpurdMown NEW TO=DAY. - --- • (AIIPITAN 8' COURT 'SALE. ',L ir •V a LUAIII.4 FARM AND 101VN.PROPESTY. 4 ' ON V , /DAY JUNE 17,,1570, le. limn of,. order of the Olphan.' Court of Cumberland 'colt y. the ,obser.hor.ultl oxporte at l'utule. Sale, oo t pkom we.. tho horelnalter do nil ed purports, la the property of Om rge Kin it, ,'. red. - • • . • ' ' Purim" , Nu. 1. - A Arndt of L1..1 t.STONE and SLATE LAND,adJoinlng Newedlo Borough. Si •UM Od IQ I h.. IOW:. ^h , P , of Newton, Co: Itty or , Cumborinlid, eon.' talning ..IXTY.O N 4 um ox 11.11 A ono hundred and Anion perehoi; strict sa , inure, having thero..n , 6i•ea• Ted aDo oiling 'Luau, largo flank, .114rn.ultd other ontlndhlii go' 'Moro In 'au ex.:lima young Orchard upon tho promisee. .Tll. blurt 13 enclosed, With good • prod and atone lencex, and let in -a tory high lona of cultivath.n. , ••• . • . Purpert ef • A lot,of 'ground *Mooted on Moth, 'Street, In the Poridull of nowylile, havio.; thereon fleeted largo Dtolley.llounui Stoat,• anal othor 'outbuilding'. . : Pit pa n rt'Sty. 1 'will he'dlt . on.! on the pronoloni' et 10' o'eleek.l4,, opd .P invert 'No Cult 2. teelnqc AI., oo tat dity. eufllelont moont'lnlho paid to pay all expellees of tido 'and !Jolted States ant, when the etrlcken off. The wfdlire'l. tiower,tO lieoeurett, In the land. that •Interel , tlo ha paid to her aliontillY dining her Ilia and at her thath tho Ptlarlpio turn to .be paid to- (Imo' entitled therefor f)nedi If tho,.balauro ,to bo paid. 'on th.. firbi tiny' of Aprfl, 1871, when' preeetalon will' be iiivonlliorontantilor toile divided Into rqunl mull' lay Inotita atid ,to'be paid April 1, 1642 nod 1873 with. interest ott bunt paymtintli front April I,' ,1.101. Pay tnet , to In catch ClItli) to ho at ten. oittlattbro a irphittnecotift, ' .Any person wiphing,,to Mainline the- ',mullein . be. for, day. of Belo' can call ypon the titheerkiler, or 'Jog P. IthOade. • • • ' it'll, BOYD '•i' AonYof.Gtoo..K kny, dre'l MIZE 'List of unolairnod letters remaining in tho,oSteflice at Ca - Aisle,. , forithe weekending May 25, 1870 Mrs.Mnry C Illnositrs bsiliOrine , ' • ..Orittih, f Wiz Mary— - 2 —..l4figlit Mrs illiirgarel-',- Cancide, Mra Jonas ' ' King,llllMilthillle 2 " Dueling, Miss, maths 11, 12lorionddisa /1111 en Mall, Sister ° 3lnry ' May, Alias r, 0 - lifiN7l,ll3l3lN'S'LlSt., Nathati • Killaggit. David • Ilushmen, , Metiry " Leonard, Daniel Druchbacher, Jag.,, •... • Altisersullol. Ars 'l,l en ' " MOrme, em• COdrer,lNplzri,lll, , I Millar, Wm Al •. • - Cm moms Martin MuAin, Wm D ItiWar,•Wm • Rohl, Jilihn colt Weldon, James, . .„,1311,111ey Obristatlll "' " Eirillth,"Wittor Munn's, .Stnith;.3ln II Farenbaugh, Meaty , Watiat, Diode: W liarroll;John ," ' betty. David • ' ' lloiribuic, Joseph, , y ! ;,fgetic s a,4l, lt IlayCPCk, nos A. A. K. RHEEM„I3.--M: ''Kurrt Aave;'txsenlcnts „ 1 r • I ( J. ' 11(IIP 01 , ' !, • QOM:AND ,SPARXIIIIO.• AT O A v , lj§,T-AP,FrATt IV'. • • If', .1.(N3 :•;.r i= I;* ; .1 •.,t ,';':?.;00 10 ..i:l ,, 1111ifIP,PRV; apaYQr Pt.FAgtfr:: • Jig uOTIIERS,"' , . ,,, ~ 11 • , . , MA...CHINE . oRKSf. , „ 4 . ARLrBLE mionNE WOREb P . GA - ED'lf E R DUMBERLAN.D VALLEY REAPER AND:iIioIVER Wo aro now building, and it'll' bring. out for the harvest of 1870, tho New Patent Cumberland Valley Comblited-',REAPER AND MOWER; with' SELF RAKE, and all other Into Improvements. It will he built in the beat style, and warranted to Work satis factorily'. The want of q home made Reaper has long 'hedn'felt; - Und wo•expect to be able 'to offer 40 the fanners of Cumberland and adjoining counties a machine 'Which shall bed completti.and perfect har vester, equal. to the best brought front a distance. Farlit,e'ra tiro requested to crll'atktintnine it. ' t ! 4 r • ; NOVELTY—KAY RAKE, We are building, this tiett:on, only it limited num her Of 114 Rakes. Thq'Nov.ty booths dolt Acting itrrangoment, or, can be worked -by hand, on the old prin. Min. - - It will no made of the beat niuterinia, in handeurue style ' end •wa, ranted to'give satislaction. Scud in your ordots si , nnw GRAIN DRILL We continue building the original Willoughby Pa.ent Gum Spring Grain Grill, so well known, and popular among farmers. - No good farmer c ;Moil to do without the WI, Inugnhy, for It large)) , D.' creaees, and illtprOVSS ills crops, and Bould paya for itself Wo. mako, It as. Grain and Drone Seeder alone, or 1 / 4 vlth Patent . Goalie Attachment for sowing phosphe tee or guano. 'We also mild toe Willoughby .wnth thy, aboeels In straight rank 'or rig mg, as Armors may ',rotor, ,VARIOUS • FA - 101 IMPLEMENTS We are renniffacturing a Tar ety agricultaral Implements, such as horse powers and thrn• hers, Odor mills, Star corn shallots, torte sizes, Cannon torn shelters, 'Eurek.t tedar cutter, and keoaalwn)a on hand the National Redd, C u tter• three Aura, with ea, lons, other !alining implements. We al•n make Farner's patent Tire loJnder, nod Par; er's pa en t 'layers, welch every blaessaiith ntionld have. Alen rust ruin eon', croa ,,e, wash kettles, foot lur grates, five ultho eta patterns, plow caaings and other camp gs kept al,ays en Iked. The CARLISLE COOK STOVE,inrown cacting, Is One of the beat and cheapest '510005 in the anerktt. STEilleifiGli)ll AND 3IILL WORK, — - • An heretofore, we give turtle lit attelit'on, to 1011101iii7Ste; 131 ENGINES, and forilitilling /NO, it nniNCi, PUILAIIES, :L d tlytry out, of the muchinery connected with Pap, mole. Flonr,ng ~riun-rii - OoT - 1 [v m gines are trout two op .0 ip.enty live 101 l power, combining nimpileity 0f conAtroct,on modern inl ) ..roventento. hod . furl/hilted 'atllllllo- doting p ie. e ntn I build portable enginee ul 1 ..o horse lo,wir for eon.' I< prlottlie pr , sato, Sc. n.), We tun nil es telmiye vat iely IA p. :Os 10111 woe) , to which we aro constantly nothing atill.tione. and can tin eantracte for en,;111.), :111:11 lt,,rt ft Two new Btitionnry engines now on hand And for auto I= Attached to our estahlialnitent in en Extansive PLAIN NU 3111.1, and Sde. l ll .0111/0011 vAcTuity. will. 01 tlm machinery a I' ~an Al luring done And a I t.dow name, 410.11,, ritide, and It iron. 'tacit, t and ponn drapery, tdair ra I rod fiaiitittlt. Siding m,d eren other tali. e in the line el Inu ding in, rials nom tpt. 10WP.,t prive to 11.4 cli IA quality. contnw!,.ors y en all orders, L,rg tr small, lining prnmptly Oiled. An e..ten i c e simply 01 intamrdal pine, Mali fill. flay! mVt Innilter 1 . 011,1111111 y lu u 111• curler yard read, far lase. :mall Slott or lath and low priced d 011 'Um', and other — arthdele Made to All !odium,i r initial! i. 14 bOy MH, Jr 4 to lierwipw, in nopouitiou 11ithl all, I.llllln 01 our tow in,o, will lio ii oinptly uttiliJoil to. . F. 0 A ILDNiiit It CO. I.liip7o Good ii, Oil Ludes, Carpets D ECLINE IN GOLD! COItIILSPONDINO DECIANI IN GOODS lint, lin ex. itnineiit hi the uq Onoils r intirket, in a lint• in prices or DRESS GOODS, 31ut 11111( . 4, A I pavcas. 9t•rge..l, Irgti a al go vitric,ty, uni prising nearly 0, ery lb log ifftliisnian of..goggle: STAXLE 600 DB lnewels, Tirk Inge. a inghains, Cohn. Ides, tedtm ky.lvans, WOTIIS nii4l CASS; M EKES, Limn Lnil CO:ton 'rade Sh rti“gg, (1160.1. WHITE - 00Q DS. \ninx'oh, dinnobrlco, Jaconets. French A4llB Torlotonx , Cntu uric and toms . litignogn and Ins .ortingen. lIOSIEnY, GLOVES, Trimmings, t vill kit). of ilia liont quality, flats nail -• • FANCY GOODS try;~,.,~u~~:.ay~_„ryFe-ay.t-Rn~~~~ ~:~p. LadieB' Under (Nothing, ury. merle and trimmed. AlllO CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, littggetn, Itugo, NViroltor BLnde•, Quiltf , , Country Floes, and loony goody not moot:trued for wool o WO aixhu to brrre the hirevat nod stnek iry floods In the IT. tenor of the r lat., and will li. it midi p. lava as will ealliify lilt chat this In the pinto to gat god bail:anis. IIeTZ 3 CO. C oat and Lumber. riIIEAP. COAL! CHEAP COAL!. The subscriber Is j.ropared to dell, or, by th o 10101, to Ihn•hurneiti, ntol other CW.llllll'lll n Int.g the line orthe Cumberland Volley 110110.01, the celo bratud LYE:ENS VALLEY- COAL 1 =Ell TI k earl Is of a very snpr ior quality. and will hr furnished at pa area Ichich will defy ail c on:petition Thn sulogrtilier will deliver r al at C•ribile, by thr tar bud. doting thy r nrrkint month, at tho foilowing prides, per ton Ili Ilya And to other yolks of the road lie will deliver it, adding or ediltuding the oxi tots° of dithirearClu freir Ids. Th. above rates will i n ,111. dent to the rise or ta I prices, rn it mouth. at the iii pew• ca:onnE ZINN. ..... Office—corner 6rllUn and Pittst rests. 21a1,70 B EST LYKENS VALLEY. LIME cont., $4.:25, nt the yaOA of ecommiT BRANCH - 1.1"1:1 7 .1 , ..VAL , ..4.Y1n Sr°VII C 9 AL $6 00 NOT 0 0.11, 4 70 do the yard, 25 ciattql.m.i. At the yarthi. f A. Ii; lILAItO. ].LM INK K•OF ALL KINDS et the lowe,t prier Ihe aerie oC. . • RentL.-Divelling. Horse. HOUSE FOR RENT •: )111111 'tltre-et, 'near tho Eck', note% Would a eu or for'plvato Crokil,) , ,,or boarding holm. Will bo relited low. "tholuiro of ~10oloy71)-31 D. STERRTITT, B,opoug4 oi,(ll4cilices N, ORDINANCE . • . . . . • . ' . . . Repeatins rtn. Ordinance in Relation to the ' Police Force of thelior'ough of . Carlisle. . .. , •• ~ . . , . . Do it Qua Town Cannel et tits borenAb ,of Oar tato, nh.l it ler bdr.,by enacted by thd anther. Ity• e:, !Ito same: Thnt the Ordinance t o ned tin. twenty-third any of Aptil. Itlll7, pro‘litilug for the opliel htinent of a Itorotigh Police fur Ito belough of I edible, le and the a4the is hereby rep..aled; : t Tina.l ' elLiti;o an ori I.7.eii - thi. axtii - ifay - 6[1114 . A U. 3870.' . . OVOltOr. E. Sllll tI , IIIR, -- rtetident of Town Council. ' ' ' JOAN 5. LOW,, . lAttilt: ' . . Chief .. .10,iiiEivr,,,AITAltt : igi;.Jrt., . , 7- I ,' ' 80eretary of Cdrron,ll6ll.. ' • ' • lOnay7o.3t , . . . AN ORDINANCE. IV Relation, to - Horses, • Cattle,' Sheep, &e., • , Running at Lih;lle cti ihe,Borort!)l4. , Ito it enhchvl bo the ToWit COtilldll of the Borough of Cat lisle, and it is hereby enacted by the oath ..ity of the some,: That from. and. after, the 'lnteettgo of lime act, it altalt bo uu awful for any Homes, Ca tto. St.oop, ilogtv.atrol run: tat large within the borepAlz of ' Wallah, audenny nonson . allowing the 'Mania to eon at largo; shell he •Ilablo . too too of Five, bpilttre for every ouch t,jence—ttto (Inca ntri penal ilea to to collo, tot!. provided for by ' •Ent* I ett Into An Ordihnheo•thla slxilt Jai, of May, (41:0110•E'lt: 1 4 11111AFOR, Prbehtenrof Town JOHN Et: 'LOW:" ' ' 'olllof Burgess. jtolint7 , • ' • rific6rUtilry, of Cerppration.' , t ,'lthetty7thBt' s I , • , - •J. • rani ltr,rn'=l E r. 'Runt. .11.74 . , , ' Vie sameriber 'otters Ms • NEW' TANNERY, on, K)i,utts street, Carlisle;, r BOw_pr iOg y ,on "ftivoi,Lle .trps. Iminettio.t6 . pos_rsitAoh 10 , 1/.4. Amity to . - S'ilsaVittit . i.‘l , 4' I At'. ,‘ i : I. , ,iSILLIASI uldill:, THE IftinY'I.I , TSTITDIT,:', , ' AtuN.Nr:A: A B , 9R,l:,,lingHBcltoel rod Thri ulnplrnffunl k °salon will bnen nn Wodarinin c , Beptembie anti ,Jfor circulars or, Inrainnyatornunlon inictiounl. 'tor. IV. O. LEVERETT. varllelo ra, spril29.o4y Home Advertisements COMi3INATION TWO IN ONE HAVERSTIC.Tf BROTHERS, No. b South, and No. 10 North Hanoior streois 14ap7Oly NTOTICE 11ye resolution of tho Board of Mane gers of the ,Carliele ,Qas and Water COMpalay,•si have been embodied to subAltute for the present outstanding Bonds of tie company, 'doe in 1674, caber COMion Bonds, maturing In 18U0, but redeemable at the pleasure ot the -comp my in 1886,- With interest at the Tate of six per cent,, payable semi aapnelly. Persons Ilemirous of making the charge .or substltu- Ilea will pease apply to me. LIIMUFL.T9DD, 12may703C b. One and Wafer Co Dm: • , HAVERSTICK BROTHERS, maws, BOORS, AND VARIETY STORE, No. 10 No lb Hanover street 14tp7Oly R EMOVAL LOCIIMAN'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY Has been removed from gelT's Building to Ilia NEW GROUND FLOOR GALLERY, No. 12 Emit Main Street, • •Ivuene,7nE LOST -PIOIUREB IN TOWN ARE LADE. sJeu7., • Government Proposu Is PROPOSALAnpany ORTRWESTERN MUTUAL LIVE INSTIIANCE COMPANY OFFICE NO. 41G MAIN STREET, MILWAUKEE, WIS:ONSIN. Tlw yip Insurance Compan) of thu Cos/ti lent, 011(1 the iorgvet company utoldit of the .11, ASSETS, OVER 57,1501,000 CM = 011.1 tktltllng 1,000 new 6110 S each mouth ) Income In 1 , 09 Number of Po'hies ,nmed in I bull =1 trZ- (Mice vial John T. larrea, erg o South Ilatau utree , , whure 1 anualleia null information mar 14, ot.adard. old aprai.ationu lined. Spe6lal induce- Ineuta t,, m i 11114,8 and persons lumuring fur lionevu lent Iklecta. :Steam Dy •inp Establishment PENNSYLVANIA STEAM DYE -1,0 AND SLOCicINU LSTABIASIIMENT. OFFICE 416 MARKET STREET,6 lIANIII.BURG, PENNSYLVANIA oo 00 We would re , pectfully call the attention of the ch wean of Cumberland rowdy and vicinity, to [lob iolvertisement. Ilnt lag the le gest end heat regu• Into extol, t .11 the State, ontslde of Phila delphia, in, toe prelim.] .to.execute every descrip tion of STEAM . DYEING AND SCOURING, , in al colors; and on nil viz: lbws goods of all lad sr. and r rots' g.irtuesta, stray: bats, riblsins, Sit , I'm ti olar at teltlon pithd to dyolng .d finishing, cr'apii". allow Is, ladiss' gon.lernen's and oh ddnou'd simile:its cleaned iii.d swayed in itio best possible manner. • M=CI3 and ell ildv en's dresses cleaned and 11111141 ed wade to look equal to new. • !laving gro.ttly roducod our prices. portleo hiving work to do in our line wilt hind it to thug advautago to giro us n ttild. EMXIME2 IVork sent to ne on tip, first of tho o sok will be returned on Saturday. • JAMES A. MONTGOMERY A CO., 41ti Market. street, Ilarrlsburg, Pa EMI Boots, Shoes . wid Trunks. STROM' BPONSLER, No. 13, •South Hanover street; Carlisle .Tll,toafal for tho pntronago extondod anon hero °fere, tin n m 11;1110111:19') their !Urge stook .SPIIINO S t11.1:9 OP BOOTS AND SHOES, FOR Luries and Misses, 'Gents and Boys, Well ore tthrivollOd tut comfort nun TRUNK,B AND VALISES, MEN'S AND BOYS' HATS &1 of millet, will. bo tbld "at small :profit. Call ono and all, and get a full equlynlont for your Inoney OE CHEAP .•• Gopdn are not nlwaya the Gas'. Wbon you go to buy, Antettolo, and especially In the matter or • 1100T.8 AND SHOES go a µn Orono words you CACI rely, for 'rimy • raw are good,' udges of ItektGer. I I ' AT' *.. :; . ' ttio (Imo of GM' yor - ninisy whin's — W - .lllllllg' Red boetn Mill shoveler Weeper wear. ' All ntrch can Go 'acdommodated ' , I , • • ADAM DYSEIIT'S, • - ra. whoro will i o found u , supply at the toweat 'Mete, ltohle and.ehoon mode to Oder With the Utinout dL patch. l'inco of buelneas • • ^ :No. 34 East Zorttliet ,14oplo. ND MUST EFFICIENT 11,33 s ;,e 61 I SW DICRINSON, PA Special Agent Youths Oid