CITY A 0 VER,TISEMENTS. 0 PIIILAPELPIIIA E , LASTER WORKS, COATES BTRICET WHAM' CALCINED AND LAND PL A BT'llß TBRTI.LIZING SALTS, BONE Dtiff3T; TERRA AL BA, &d:, t A NY laquiry will roceivo immediate A answer. Satisfaction In _price and material awaannl, and . ihipmenta promptly made. SMITH h HARRIS, riM)7O-ly $19,000 GUAT{AIsyrEE BUCK LICAIiI."FacCI.; all other LEAD First. For Ito Unrivaled Suroud. run itx Uurqiuilod Durability 'l'hhd, Vor ilx 1J rpar.rd Cororing Property I=l 466 - IT costs lees to paint lacisine. a little family men(,,no 0110 sect. dMd )) thing be o [thou. :titer heo illy. seen one in operation. ne Wid: la In Yingla Thread 3i/whine and 11,11 no supetiorit) oier all ileuble Thread Machin., lu the to Ng le rtiOulart. I t id simpler and lona Ihblo toy get 0 lit 01 repair It id cheaper IT rune with loss noise, It rune wisher It- rand faster It has the best device — for prevezel lug the dined freent running backward. It required 1.1. cy.1 . 14,1 Ito operate IL. It rats. lees lora time end Instruction to dear!, .10 eve It, It Is tilt most, certain It operationd Ito needle Id straight. and Ir., liable to he broken than a equated ono The needle id evecured in its place by nu ingeniously patented device which renders It Pelf adjusting to that to:ltleter akin nee experience 'are required in orranging it. It suave directly grout the spool thus &Ong awny the tedious opera till,. of row biding the thread (or adjustment lu the shuttle. II mekea the Wilcox k Gibbs' of leap stitcl o " a stitch original with this 11100111 Ile sod Rittlit , by lie other, the h. 111 In more elastic and strenger than the Lock litich. The deem Is the mei': even and beautiful, the seam In always delf t:tattooed time avoiding a re versible feed. Its ten sion is more simple and more easily" - adf u.ded; it la mere speedily cliangVd from one kind of work to another ; It-iload .ocautif vuttleroldetvj - , -- tr - ha. iho best beta iner, it bad the best It has. the bear braider,dt hoe the tenet bolt. The Wilcox AI Ultebee has beet. In the market Yoe 49 ilOO 01010 eight )ears, during wiiich thud upwards of sixty thousand leave been made auel sold, a ounebeA by lilts per cent larder thou were sold el . any Double Tler , ati Ma chine in 1110 BODO- number of its °fullest years • 111:11.Cetift , 10 aullieieue to warrant the sale of this Mat:blip) WhereVer it has oh Ag, ‘rithvir the uoubliug cciococn of tostitunnialt, of which Men , aro enough to fill up the. col urnto lu the land...—Thubo Machines arc ou exhibition at our itiro, No. 2a, North lishovat ktrcet, Ca/ lido, whore they may be gaapunou, nod they nlll take great pleasure-to ea- Phoning aoy thing reial ion to it. itukotatinl,y MILLEIS A: 110' No, 20, Nortla 'Hanover lulus., Curl l'a OM 1870 ''ll A It 1) IV A It E I=l 11. SA. X 'l' ON & CO., =I Dealers iu IT idnnrc, Iron, Cutlery, Carlisle, Pa., y I, to , Uu• pyl lc tint Ilwy ImroJ ISlig V. I• 1) tiliil4 t 1041' EDI . , 0111/1”. ot• :al', 11 01,1 i lolt 1p ught 11111 .4.1, i.”.inte ill 1.1111 =1 In i 1 \•11, Gla.s, Putty', Co•nitlit, si.aden, rtm ‘s, Bofet) Intl and wtol 011/11..111 1,1 • !.'.alti , t Cnllur .1 fnll .1 it II I. r. F, , j'l4, , s: !hobo:. (Airth n, a 1,0 l Ik;0,-Itort•n, Poli) null 11.0 I I 01 lin 1.11•1,-Iiptig.1,;. ou~a, Ignyout. snug', cm. The Best, ,Shoplest and Cheapegt. 111 au llESE'ranchineB are adapted to do kth , ie or toooy working equally we I up.," Silk [Anon .1.1 Cot.lom goods with c0t.0.,..1 1.1 , 1,11 I lawt.t., makik twautltul nut) perte•t. all,tl 11.. 2141c1 11 SAX.TON CO, and htmountliaa a. I kinds Th .1140 tot lunt fitvoi , , Lv i..lrkt utl.4.tion t Int.lness Sup hoju• 1.. 1 eviVen (011111IIILL1lau • Of lb lIEi RIN.O'S PAT I.:NT CHAMP lON'‘ FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, SAFES, • , IV ITH D . ll Y L'L -I AWnodod lug H. 010 At 15',:r1,1'1, Fell., Loudon Pair, Sew York, Expbeltion r • Unlvorselle, Voris. FA 1141 F, R RING Si, CO., •CATEOTNUT 'STREET . . ._. , Harvey Gillen",,, 1 _ Chas Mathews , 1"111L'.41: -Geo,- W. Myers. t • - • 1 I o ring; Farrel, St.•Stiermun, N, York fl4;iring & Co., Chicago: thing, Farrel, 3,7.: Co„. New Orlean& 3leio tLaa 3(),00% 7initnip4eB BAPES lay. 1,,c0n 411 d ak NOW tnio; and over BIZ 'manila)) bayd posedd ' through acChlojitit tiros; voterflog • that! , 000trottoluiongu surfaucoa nporp monyothors fulle] di ! SICOND- HAND BilltS of our own 111311 - othei flingers !laving, been 'received In part pay for the Improved .11orrlai'a Piieiht Champion,' for HMO at -low prices. . • j 06.1. p • , , CLOTHING, HOOP SKIRTS. GRAND OPENING • OF SPRING} AND' SUMMER GuODS I - FOR NEN, YOUTH, AND-BOYS'-WEAR, at the old and, well known store of ISAAC Livi,No:sTox, NO. 22 NORTH HANOVER STREET, , Now opening the latest novelties large varieties cf the bent mattes known to the finds. Finn French, Saxcli„Englimb, and Domestic _ CLOTH, CASSOIERT;S, SATIN .re, COTT6NA DES, made up lu a superior style, or sold by the yard, at the.lowest prices. It sold by the 3 ard, no charge for coffin. lino of 0 ENT I,ll7llilN'S FURNISHING 0011 DA TEIINILIS, VALISES, CAIIPETHAUS 01111tELL IN, .111P1'7'..NS, ' NIKDINUN A general lot of Tailor's GoOds FM (l hn In:it t.tyle l'lntli!nv, In 10MII • Lev mnle Clothing in tnwn I Thr Innt tni,ortnlnnt in t tl!!! tor . Sliperl, 0 to any in town! ) Thr lout,t priori torn I , n• snow gnality of goods 101 l In. No trool,ln to nhow not ottiontlnt•nl. ) ISAAC LIVINGSTON, No. •1! N, rth linnioVer MITI, C,r lft le. Established 1847. MEM CITIEAP JOHN has just veturned rom the I•).mterrn nuu k pt. where, he usual, ha hot the I,th.qtee. berg - hies it, =MEE MEM = I= whu•li L,• 1 /111 sell lin‘v at Gold rur pi =1 His gee !r are no Iter th .ti thou 1 , 1,t, .% lid hoop, than the ehtmloott,.. l And \oh n he and d‘‘. hls ' 1 It to now golot; to tell. ISe lives in the imUlu; att1,11,..1 to Ow Fr Midi., 110. e, ( rotov curl,) Inte - ar of the Court. Irouse Ile k u full Av that mit!!l to pare au I .11 P. S.—‘Ve . 11 is,. It rillentliol Iktokk ol BOYS' CLOTHING Woct. any buy II age of lour ropl sevoilty-nine.. IPr lutnnd 1,11131, 111 l VS-el.ollllXti, A. SP E('l A LTY INN 1= C It E A P 1 0 lIN MOP SKIRTS ME I= IEI a I tha Si . riu t ; St E'en, test I..nliev, Mkt' and Children: the EIinEVE) vml lEE v Ed' which w tem maim J 111°10 elves ill 1,1 1 1, /111 tumor. CO ttit'rri ! t IbESETS!! J nal mark Elown In gold nt I„r; Et. , pr ei t iil tile , le. than they elm Ie all rand, iiEEtirg I 1 la linen to th 1.1 , 111 i, 111 11 11 . per cent IE, I h:at the price nliu yo ag E. Wen 1. rod in l i lt limo pi, to give tilt c to E pr rindoniell, 111111 1111.1 take inn l, In gsvlnc thnia hill ail iambi I. 1.1 the tetttrn to n op 11. 1111 , k, in alliiinemEl the F E 1.1 inarlti t t ch he frilly apprinElot it by our c I rin- ly lairlloup Skirts. our Ein n make, e 21, .10, :EO, ME, 011, in, 7., 411. 111, 9;,, 01.00, 12.2.11 11111. ( . 14,01, :It SU, 61, 75, 00 ;100, kr, to $1.75. ritpuri. r to.t. nl 71 cool ruillteml from 1 , 1 o at 31 up. (Imo sl..:ttt: ILI $1.2 rt. (too sl';s, to :4 0". tt`dochtl from $7.0,1 H. Wt., ly t ur..tx u 1 5 2. 0 0, I, ilit,ll fllllll & Thoo:psGlow Fiotinslsol.: n 1 51.75, reduced nis Io $2 .10, to.. Sr 71rm. Patonl. r,t Ad justail; AI 41 01111:11 Coinota nlll 1.11100100 of contx 10 01 00 per pair. :prordo; to Oily. All :Aber 500111 proport and (loropla IllatiO to 01 • r. pail orhlll , S4oo tied rclo:1-410 prior only—tall, or tow] r cifeiVar WMPT 1101KINF, Chip' tna s ruet, Wheeler and Wils.,n and Elliptic LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES fall Mllll exatalnt. at I.n ll Itoad Valegraph (Man Pet. • • 11,1,24..1867M. HA S AEI) CA Pb T G CALLIO, I= CARL•ISLE, PENNA., = The lAt.vxt bt, j t.• jaxt 10,1vod I SILK II VI'S from tlit, Imit,)liplufnettirtim I I I F 1 !IL/NOBLE lIATS Jotl out I !! I U. CALM() n , lxhos to ptllAtletttiott .to bin largo. MIS HATS AND CAPS Cu innnefintnr.ti Itats tte - itidt . e, and halt the Lost rrungements f r coloring lIRCN , Woulon Glootti fid 0 cereoals, at short notice The higheEt C.ISII 1!.t.(9 . ES ladd fqr COUNTRY FURS Wour'mukt , nl, - (0), SO 21) MAIN STIMMIT, MEM F Rp4,ARRIVAL Of all the. New Spring Slyle,vWf XATs AID CAPS Thu ilithecrlbor has,Just opened, nt No. 15 North Hanover St., a fon doors North of the Carl Isla Deposit Bank, ono of the largest and boat stook'-of HATS'4I OA PS over offered' In Carlisle, Bilk, Hats, Cassimores of %ill stxics and qualities, Stiff Brims different colors, and every description of Soft Unto now mado.Tbe Dunicard argil old fashioned brush, kept constantly on hand andinorm to order. all warranted to glv,o satisfaction. A. full assortment of STRAW lIATSt Non's boy's and chlidran's fancy. I Mon, also added to my stock, Notions of different kinds, Musisting'. of Ladies 'and Goat's Stockingn • Nook.Tlei.VencliiirOloCes,-Thread, Sowing Bilks, Sox ponders, Otabrellas, ko. , Primo Sows and Tobacco, - Mamie on hand,,• • • Oho ma call'and oitainlno my stook., MS I feel.mns Admit of pleating, Wielded savlncr you money. • JOHN A. 11.1iLLN11, , Agt. Ne. 15 North liatiovor St. 01m167 Carlisle -IFS !NOS, TWEEDS, LINEN, MARSEILLES, Large Variety of MEMMEI I= DON'T TORO I T .73) ME SEWING MACHINES Riin== Thu ILATITIt of Curlix!ol I .STOVES AND -TINTVAR,E. ECONONISTSI Your atttUdlou Is called to the fact that at RHISESMITH & RUPP'S Sto r e you can aeo the finest dteplay s of goods ey kept in any, similar establishment In the county, con alatlneln part of the following STOVES AND HEATERS STOVES AND HEATERS, Warranted to give general matiafaction SUNNY SIDES YIRE PLACE lIIIATER, ORIENTAL PARLOR LIEATER, ' ORIENTAL. PARLOR STOVE, LIVELY TIMES RADIATING I:IASI:BURNER =I PARLOR LIGHT BASE BURNER, 11 DIEM ECM I= COOK sToiw BE= NOBLE COOK, NOVELTY PARLOR COOK 11/111 NATIONAL ItANGE, 10=1 BA KE. ItDA ST AND lIKAT rUCi 111411 - (111) 011lur Blur. lu thl. MEI Attu oallvd tir uor REVOLVING LIGII ; fBA.SE BURNE R, Rt:yofi,VlNU LIWIT,BASE BURNER, 111'1111i led it I..initniil/13 w thiS and itd.joirdng I=l STOVES, • %tie . . it; hoop the sat. in 110- lottire t thud V.I . can null yon good at titlee at iVo hare. till. oil wwd, „ti c., , ale tt Bite useurt, IMES =I I= =I EMEIM WM I= HOLLOW WARE, if (toot' material and elteu)o hare. tyvl krup comitunil, hondok ye!) large = ISEEM =I TIN AND SHEET IRON WAREHOUSE =MEI EDS= Done on thort notice, and nt rumuan6h• iarnni. Nona but 7,t , o.lutorlinio, and gaud 111/1(011d un bawl RIIINESMITH & RUPP, Nos. 62, 64, 68, • NORTII HANOVER sutural' CORM ell 1 AD VEB ITS EIIIE' TS. 8900 active • note, In web county it, thu States to I. nor! .atol take ortlelir'hy sato' le, run TEA, bun E and sl' ICES. To suitablo nvdi 1 1.; eo •Ivo ‘ n na , at y $ , 0160 to St a par, abort. travellna 11111 i other expetArs, albt rea‘onable tom nil-won ou sa:es. Imowalla° nppllrailon. ore odliclteel !rout prope portit, itofel,nouo t... hanged Apply to, or ad r tlrt.Ao lunooduttoly, J. PACKFR l'aLtinrn tat :111114,'' '314 Iltm,ery, N6W York .. 2l p7O QC) d" 11 - 1 'i'EAR AND EX. e_fiLd9IJILF•Jr potato. to ogurthi to soli Ow relehoo tt \ll LSON SEWING DI Thu he. 1 tuovhioo in Oto Mach alike on both sides. One machine So thoor rooney. For rorthor partiellllllll, [Won.. li N. Ilth St., Phi 21up:0-3nt S), -THE FOLSOM IMYROVED ottlinr Vannly 4ewL g Nn ~llme. 'fits cheapest Cis,... Nlselitne 1., the Mark t. Agents wanted in smry town. Literal .111111 i— 1,41. Fur terms and Awoke, lladt.ll A. S. II Ittnilton, den Agent, Nu 70i Chestnut. street, Punta., Pu. 21up70-tint SOLID SlLVliii and SILVER PLATED WADE Of t., ii.t ion awl 1/? dexigne, nultable for Bridal Gifts, Testimonials, and Holiday Presents. , Pricer low, than the regular u,r rat. Extr.tot,hmer) itt , hterineltitt plirchtor.. NO, 716 Arch vtreet (Okl E. , titblielteil Itt,Ltp4.) AGENTS WANTED. Agents want ed, .175 to i. 200 par month. male and - female, to ant the 'celebrated and original Common's ruse Family Sewing Machloo, Improved and perfected: it will hem, fell, stitch, tuck, hind, braid, and entbreider inn most stiporlor manner. Price onty $l.l. For sim plicity and dundoillty It has no mai. Ito, not buy front au) parties selling machines under ilia same same 11a100 nn outs, 111110.4 having tt Certificate of Agency signed by on, as they are worthless cast Mon machines. For circulate and [WHIP, apply or add ass ' If. Cho WFOILL44, CO.r • 413 Chestnut street; Philad,'m • Dr. HAVEN 4:,'BROTHER, llANiti , ,its AND I/EAT:KT.:4 IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, UNION ANL) CENTRAL PACIFIC IILKOAD inter NIORTGAGE 110:411$ No. 40 Boutic Third sh•tet, Pllitqdelphia Buy, I+ II and liNellango all IsAtlaff of U. S. BON-DS, mi the moat 'III and terms. GOBD BOUGHT. .;11178 SOEYD -, tllrkt 1,0. COVPONS CASHEL) giookii bought nntldold on Coionilogloll only iivCeiurte received, arid .iniercoyallowCil ou boluteekt, fitillect to ehriqtett 27J uVuly GARDEN SEERS, ,J,., : A'I"IIAVESTICA No.lo owl 6 North an Eimith iimidvdretreeto, cenwritt, FA:, 14ap 01y .11 DURABILITY Quite a novelty I=l I=l CARLISLE, PA PHILADELPHIA. 220a1l =1