E;fjf ga,r1i,516 VttaDa CARLISLE, MAY IQ, 1870' Tns ilt.W.D'offieo prints the best col ored bills in the county. Tun latest nevelty—.-the Union 'com pany \now steam fire engine. TIIE time for the holding of the nubile schoolnicaminatiens is faSt approaching. LINEN suits and straw hats will sop be iii demand., TIIE. soldiers' monument is not yet completed. What is the cause of the delay ? WIVES whose husbands go., town to "Tile OMCo' at nigbl,should be Moaned that that is the hame of a, saloon: I=l Otm streets have been thorondhly cleaned recently. This'is 'right ; but where will the Council got the money to pay for it. Tut: prettiest public grounds in Penn sylvania—the two squares in the centre of this borough, on the north side of Main street. TILE most unsightly public grounds in the whole planetary system—the two squares in the centre of this borough, on the south side of Main street. Flux...—The alarm 'of tire on Tuesday evening tvas occasioned by the burning of one of the outbuildings attached to the College.' 1 I rAVERSTICK Bito's: have soda water in abundance and of the best quality. If the lovers of this delightful beverage think they can drink that fountain dry, they are invited to make the effort. QUARTERLY MEETESO SERVICES will he met in the Emory M. E. Church, on Sabbath next. TIM Rev." T. Mitchell, D. D., Presiding Elder of Carlisle Dis trict, will preach at 71 p. m. The Pastor will preach in the morning. WE are requested to state that St. John's Mdsonie Lodge Room will be open on next Monday evening for the inspec tion of visitors. We would advise those of our eitize 118 • Will) have not yet seen it ; to Lake advantage of tlik npportunity. -The organ grinders are aga in our midst, ._'_Yheir melodious instru ments can be heard on every-street cor ner, while a throng of barefooted boys greadily drink it every note as it issues from the •!music box.• _ _ IBM THE Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, I. 0. 0. P., net in Philadelphia, on Mon day, and - the Grand Encampment met ou Tuesday. The Lodges and Encamp - 'flouts of this county are fully represented by Past Glands and Past Chief Patri archs. . CEI WE have, a magnificent "Asyltnn for the Insane of the County of Cumber ---land,;-oitr-Gourt-llonse-donit-meed-any paint until next year ; we don't hear of ;my new bridges to build. 'How are the Commissioners of [be County to invust the people's money during the present year ?_ DON'T be in a particular lini : ry to throw off you}: oofforolothoc Gloioodi (1.1375 uncomfortably. warm. Better suirvt 3 little from the heat.lthan'suirer a great little prudence' is required to maintain health at all times, but more particularly this season of the year. FATAL RESULT.-Our readers will re member, that some two years ago, of an accident at Sipe's new building, which seriously injured James K. Strcaly. We have now to recd .the death of this young man, whieh occurred at Cham bersburg, on the eizlith instant, from tho injuries he received at that time. PROPOBALS —lindertlie head of "Pro posals" it will be seen that sealed pro posals will be received at the office of the Acting commissarY •of Subsistence, at Carlisle Barracks, until ten o'clock-a. m., of Monday, May 23, 1870, for furnishing the command with good fresh beef, for six months from the tirst of Jtine next. Under the head of "New To-Day" it will be noticed th .t proposals for fuel, forage nod straw will lie received at the office of the Acting - Assistant Quarter master, at Carlisle Barracks, until ten o'clock a. in., of the twentieth day.of June, 1870, for supplying the post for the year . endhig June ao; 1871:- =ECM FIRE.-LIVE STOCK BURNED.-Alptit nine• o!clock on Monday evening last, flames were seen issuing from the stable of Jolinitraincr, on the alley in the tear of Pitt street, and 'the alarm quickly given. Owing to the structure being frame, and the wood perfectly dry, the tiro had gained suclr headway before the arrival of the engines,-that nothing could be done but protect the surrounding property. Two fine pews were consurned, with the stable. The stable of M. Hand show, immediately adjoining, had to be torn downdo prevent the fire from spread ing. D was only' by 'great effort that the dwelling of John B. Noble was saved, the roof having been on tire several times. The Cumberland was the first to play on the fire, and . rendered most efficient MEM .111A50..4c.".!--St. John's Lodge, No. 200, A. Y. M., (Masonic,) of this place, will dedicate their neiv Hall on Tuesday, the m tweiaty=foutthinStant,_wiltir_appropriato ceremonies. - The procession, in full'Ma , sonic dress;will form from the old hall on West Main -street, at ten o'clock in., and Move through pOrtions of the principal streets of Gie town, headed by the, Garrison Band, Mail cleven o'clock a. m., when the entire ,brotherhood will assemble in the Old Methodist .Church, on the corner of Main and Pitt streets, to-hoar an oration delivered by Rev: Dr. R. 11. Pattison, of Philadelphia. The PublMare generally inidted ; to the' cxer • cisos in the church, -which will 'continue until 'twelve o'clock. After tho'oratfon ' the procession will form again,, and march to the . imw . Gan t on El,outh : vcr Street, where the ceremonies of dedi cation will .he perfOrmed. The Lodge will be closed at about one o'clock, and aineeting agaln be' held in tlte 'el/ening; after wh ich , the Vedges.,present, ,will be invited to a banquet. The line -having been formed on the square; from the old' HA the route of procession will he as follows : DOwn • Hanover to Louther , up Louther to West:: up . %st to Maid ; doivii Main to Bedford ; up - . Bedford to Pomfret; up .PoMfret to Pitt;' down' Pitt to Old'Methodist - 011arch.:, :,After services in church dart Main to liana. - ' Ver ;. down Hanover t? now Hall. The Lodges' of-41Mtillerlartil," Pranklin and • Adams counties, ogatlny %hose 'of. York, Lanottitton;-Columbla, - hailislpit and J3loomileld• have NNW Minted; are oxpectod.to ho in attendance: • '" UM-61T'; IT is rsoNou.:4(.3' sticos'Si , . . . ' . . ~ TilitoWS . A i30 . 1,6 ' STitlialSi '2ol' irEiT On Thursday, of list week, the now steamer built for: the Union iFire. , Corn: pany, of this place, by Messrs. Silsby Co., Seneca Falls, Now York; arrived charge of Mr..J. P. Teller, practical en gineer, and a; committee of tlio Union, who had met the machine at Harrisburg. The contract under which this machine was made, specified. that it should be brought to Carlisle, and thoroughly tested before a committee selected by the Ulan Fire 'Company, When, if its per formaiMC: proved entirely satisfactory, it was to be formally re'coivcd by the 'com pany.; otho'rwise, the manufacturers were to take it away, without any, px pense whalCver to the fire company. On Saturday and Monday the engine was thoroughly tried, at the Letort Spring, foot of Pomfret, street, in the presence of the Members of the com pany, and a large number of spectators. In the incredibly „short space of three minutes endugh steam was generated to blow the whiale ; in four minutes the gauge indicated twenty pounds of steam ; in six minutes it laigan to throw water, and in a few moments reached the :distance of 2Gf feet, through an inch andan eighth nozzle. Stream's were threwtfin every di rection, perpendicularly and horizontally with' the same gratifying result. All present could not but acknowledge that . the performance of the steamer exceeded their most sanguine expectations. A number of machinists were present, who remarked that *he working of the steamer was superior to any they had ever seen. The. distinctive feature Of the Silshy engine is the rotary pump in contradis tinction to the piston Pumps used, we believe, by all other fire engine manu facturers. Amongst the advantages claimed for the rotary over the horizoi tal or piston principle aro the equable pressure upon fill parts of he • hose, the'reby avoiding the frequent burstings of hose, and the general ivear and tear of machinery incident to the thumping action of piston . machines. Another prominent. result ‘if the-rotary pumping apparatus is the pMfeet quietudif7if the machine whilst in servive ; indeed—the pumps being encased -if it were not for the noise of the numerous exhausting,s of steam, it would be difficult for a by stander to tell when the-steamer was iu operation, so little intttion is visible. Nuine'rous other points were claimed for the rotary principle, and conceded by all but we 'have not space in this noti e e to enumerate thent It was built by the Silsliymanufact:n•ing company of Seneca Falls, New York, and is a third class steamer. Two gentlemen ‘sere. here with the engine, Messrs. Rob ert Bickford 'and - - J. I'. Teller, and ex plained all its workings to those present. The steamer is a model of beauty, and an ingenious piece of workmanship and - 61;11r, and from its simPlTery is not liable to ;;et out4f-repair ; and will, i-it rightly used, last the company many yetirs ; its weight is about 3,200 pounds, and cost $O,OOO, which was paid .by the lire com pany, without outside aid. In eonclusi we extend our cougratn-. latiOns to the rueinhers of the Vnion_rire fionipany, and thank them, in the name of the citizens of Carlisle, for the great ~ r irrrtgit ion the ) Ira-m—minie- to -our-Fire 157,111„in t. iIitTITZE - 01E7 2 7tirtRnil ways done their duty, and stood high in the ettimation of the peonle, and we are confident that now, with the help of lin- - proved apparatus, they will'add to the already well-earned reputation LEurt . i:Es ON Pll YSICAL LTI; ItE.- Our borough has been favored, during the past week, with a series of. lectures by Dr. Gleason, on "Physical Culture." The lectures are illustrated by a large eollecti6n of costly and wonderful mod els, paintings, manikins, &c., which greatly aid the-audience in undersetind ing the anatomy and physiology* of the human body. The apparatus is very ex tensive and complete, and is said to have cost over $2 . 5,000. The Doctor has de voted many years to lecturing and illus trating his subject„and is doing what he — calrs "missionary work," in a: field which is very greatly There iB, perhaps, no subject on which persons,zemurally, are so little informed. or about which they' , think so little, as the preservation* their health, and the improvement of limit; facilities; and whoever succeeds in directing public tention to this most important Of all s jobts, is certainly a. benefactor to race. Disregard of the laws ;of he; should bo regarded, by' all, as a nos tivo sin and all should thoroughly on derstand. the wonderful -structuri!, and 'Uses of their bodies. We know no lec turer who is better ithie - to instruct on this subject, or who shim:, . more thoroughly in earriegt to do good, than Dr. -Gleason. RE:= MiLirmtv SEnvict:.—lt may be-of in terest to many of our readiTg'Tp learn that previous to adjournment Ur) Legis lature passed an act relating to the Mili tia organization of the State and militia tan 'The bill provides as, follows : 'Each and every peon not now, or who shall not hereafter become a mem ber of some military organization shall pay to the collector of taxes in the city, county, borough, 'or township in which he shall reside, the sum of fifty cents annually; the payment of which turn 'Shall exempt him from_liability to-por. form military service except under orderA to prevent ,or 'repel invasion, or to sup press insurrection, tumult, or riot ; thu proceeds to be devoted. to sustaining volunteer military - organizations'; and In any county in which there shall ho no volunteer' military organizatibps, the money received into the brigade fund, as'aforesaid, shall be paid by the county, at the eloSe of each year, loitlaiLsthool bUtird of t h e several school distriqts 11l said county, in proportion to the number of taxable iningtants in said district, to be used for school purposes." • 'LIMBER MAnaur.— The Ibtorisbarg Topic states • that nearly overy fok of lumber floated doivn 45; or past that city has been disposed of at good prices. ; It 'may be safe to-- estimate , the average prices at about $ll for hemlock ; $lB . .pine, and ,$l5, for loge. No round logs:. haVes heal' sold at the lia4isburg market. 'Over th . ree lion feet • of lumher'havo hack S9ll in Ilarrlsburg during thof present rafting season.. One alone; . ha's. ,bOught eltivemhundrcd thonSand,febt. • ItLjyri.ixo ,rnexnberis of this Junior, ollss of PennWvanin College' at Gettrihurg, having beein .',eusponded f r om trifling ofronci3s the 'honed;'9 ,l it:/la7*l47tyir34 , Teinhe:telniet#, The prohable#Wt will he the anspensie 1 of the entireentire, , Know ye the priiiter's IfOuir Peace ? Icnow. ye an hour more fraught. with joy than ever felt the Maid of Greece when kissed by Venus! loying not when news of solemn note, his columni all with sadness fill, nor when brother printers quota the effusion of his blunt worm quip, 13,ut 0, 'tie when thermith er's Ildr, or clad in rain, or hail; or• vapor, ," I've come to pay you for your paper:" Moitte Fi is CATTLE.—WC' some fine cattle the other day being weighed on the scales attached to the National Hotel. There wale fourteen in number, and averaged . 1,324, pounds each. They wore fattened by Mr: .Tohn Craighead, of South Middlethn township, and were a fine lot of cattle., They were, purchased fof.the Philadelphia 'ma,rliet, by Messrs. & Kerr, of .this-place ASSAULT.—Betweon eleven and twelve o'clock on Saturday night loud cries of "help" "murder" startled the citizens residing in the k4 - or end of North street. On proceeding to the place the night watch 'discovered a soldier from the gar: risen who had been attacked, when in the vicinity of the North street bridge, ted very badly beaten by some unknom imrsons. DECORATION DAY.—The decoration of the soldiers' graves will be-performed by Post No. 114, G. A. R., of this place, on the thirtieth of. May. It is hoped that alb per . sons who' have flowers will give libdrally of them for this purp9se. It, is the intention of this Post to invite the different secret organizations to par ticipate in the ceremonies on this occa sion. Last 5 - ear but one Lodge,' the Knights of Pythias, accepted the invita tion, but we hope that more olthe orders will participate on the thirtieth. ARRESTED FOR FORGERY. —Joseph Darr, constable of Monroe township,•'this county, arrested harry C. Springer[ of Centre Square, on the night of the ninth instant, at Sidonstown, York county, on a charge of forgery. The circumstances of the case are about as follows It ap pears that Springer had purchased a horse' from David Rider, -of. 'Monroe township, on the nineteenth day of April last, giving a note for ninety days, purporting to be endorsed by Jacob 11. Springer.' Subsequent developments proved the signature to have been forged, an I led to his arrest.- We learn, from the same source, that Springer has been engaged in this business for some years ; and that he has; within the past feW months, mirchaseti some, five or six horses in this- mariner:- -He was—com mitted to jail on ill° following clay, to answer the . eliarge at the August term. TuduuTE OF. RESPECT. —At a_meeting of the Carlisle Bar, held in the Court House on Monday, May 10,. 1870, the folk.4ing proceedings were had,..to wit : On motion of M. C. Ilerman t esq., General Lemuel Todd was-canedlo the chair, find On motion of W. F.'Sadler, IV. Foulic,--esq.,--was-chosen Secretary. A. B. Sharpe, esq.,. announced the death of James R. Smith, esq., where upon die following resolutiolv were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That we have heard_ with sincere regret of the thiath of James R. Smith, esq.; late a member of our star and that in his death - we have lost a a;asaat aad agaociate, and one y.llM47lll7TaraTrire7llll—altellahTfortlia sake of the many agreeable recolle - eIfo:; - I contacted with it. ReNolved, That ,Tames esq., as a member of our Bar, was honorable and high toned in his professional con duct, mid that we, his associates, sin cerely . sympathize with his family in their affliction, and tender them cordially our condolence and aid in assisting them to bear the severity of tha blow which they experience in his deatii. Resolved, That we wear the usual badge of mourning, and attend his funeral in a body. ilesolve,d, That a copy of these proCeed -Igs be communicated to the family of our deceased brother, and be published in the Carlisle newspapers. These resolutions were feelingly sec onded by W. 11. Miller, esq., Gen. L. Todd, W. B. Parket and L..J. W. Foully, osqS:, and unanimously adopted. On motion, the officers of this meeting and C. E. Maglaughlln,' A, B. Sharpe, and W. 11. Miller, esqs., were appointed a committee to Convey to the family of the decedent the sentiments of the Bar. noglecte Cnuncu DEDICATION.—The Evangel ical Association dedicated St. Paul's church, at this place, on Sunday la r .4t. 'Phe attendance was very large, -and the proceedings interesting and impressq.e. The &dim'' ry sermon was "preached at 11 a. . y the Rev. P. Bowman, of the Pa. ,Conference, from tho third Chapter of Ephesians, verses thirteen to sixteen inclush e. In the afternoon the Rev. .T. llartzler, of Glen Rock, preached on "The Ileav only Assembly," from the twenty•ninth verse of the thirteenth chapter Of Luke. Iu the evening the Bev. F. Bowman again preached. His text «•as from Isaiah, chapter twenty-five, verses six to eight inclusive. CM Monday evening the sacrament of the Lord's Sipper was celebrated after a sermon hint been pi:cached by the Rev. M. J. Carothers,. Presiding Elder the Centre District,- from the thirty-ninth, verse of the tenth chapter. of Nehemiah. The total cost of the church and lot is nearly $12,00Q. Anne:luta indOtednoss yet testiugmu it on dedidation daywits nearly $6,400, 'which was secured by subscription during the day. ' It is Propel: to stateihneseveral breth ren assumed certain amounts beyond their ability to pay of their own mcana, with the understanding that the church grant them -authority to , sceure. such t money by collecting; hut Making them selves.persomilly responsible for the same. 'Thus the whole aineunt of • debt resting on the church is'qukivided for ; and this. neble day's work will not aeon bCforgot ten by tboso ; who :. pycivyd that. It is more blessed to give than to receive: The noble hearted frien4whn gave so liberally of their inchns, to theltouseof the Lord are deserving- , of ouc 't spent and Miaise.. . The" church is 11 hall(1011110 and sub stantial brick structure,' and for, bpauty, and artistic finish iinishwihi compare favorably, yvltlrauy in the town. ,The : first floor, is divided into convenient class and Inature rooms; well lighted Ventilated. t 04 the seaond floor is the placo'bf holding -worship, and is.capable of 'cutiv'eniently seating Six hundred fien3ons, ~P 1 .90 61 95. and 'platform are covered by a carpet of ,:tu - Sat.,llesign, :and the 'wall& and coiling ',arc, very , tastefully f i rseoed; the' work : being done. by „Omer. In fact twery - thing'abOut t_ church is finished Ott in a- superior.- manner, :and ,rO4 - 0 credit on those who planned and fur ' nished it.. Oon citiiohs behr in mind that - thd Fair - of-the Ameiihaii will commence on the eighteenth of Juno. ' . • • ; . Hon.-Itionart`ri t .1.:1126.14,1irin, mem- UM' of Congress from this:District, was married, on Thursday,ast, to Miss .3fag gin Ciimerorl,' d&ii&lietr. of HOtif."Silon =I - . TUE "LANDSCAPE."- ; A • little Hand- Mower. ( the best, simplest, and mast efficient machine in the market lil lawn§, &c. For sale by William H. Jones, 1621 Market street, Philadelphia. Read advertisement. , • REMEMBER that we are prepared to ,oxenuto all kinds of job work, in the best manner, and ;with the utmost dispatch. Wo have, within the past week, added Considerably to our already large stock of job type, \ and do not hesitate' to say that we have now ono of the largest and most complete job offices in the. °umbel:- land Valley. THE season for oysters is past''vith,the exception of the Dolawarh Bay Cove oysters. which aro now just in season. To the lovers of these delicabios we would recommend the restaurant of Mr. 'George Wetzel, Where his affable•,and accommodating attendant, Mr. George Colvin, is always pleased to wait upon his customers. The stock of_liquoisis largo and of the best brands. Give him a call when in want of anything in his TILE Gettysburg Compiler says we have long believed that stone coal would some day be found in Adams county, and the belief may not be far from yeri fication. It is said that a New York party has leased the farm' of Mr. John Cullingd, on Opossum creek, Benders: ville, and. that in the shaft tiow'beitig sunk they are recelvin.; additional en couragement day after day. Proslieet indis also going forward.near, Mr. Henry Eppleman's mill, where a small iehi of genuine coal has been found. AT a niu, thig offeho Union Fir.. Coluirt ny, held Weill's-edify ere, log, May 1,1:37 h h., lb low rg pro' amble nod rrnolutionn uere oil pled: WHERIAV; It 11. pleased AlllOlllO Opil It, MS prl/VidellVO to tithe Ir stn uur u. ilst "our folorr•nuini. our, rr. F. A lehene: therefore, lin it It r sof red. hnt the house oh;.II I o draped ts•:t g for tho l et led of thirty Iterefeed, Tloit ihe member. of the Volopony la tent' Om fumeotl in it hotly. Rerolerii, Th it it ropy of ILI nit rE•eolotio., ha Imodo4i to faLtsijy of ilt.co..tleti. awl al , ” that thy to. put in 'lto lootoltgl, FOUND AT LAST.—A - remedy that not WE are pleased to learn that the only' relieves, but; cures that enemy Of School Department, at Harrisburg, has mankind, Consumption, as well as the granted immanent teachers' certificates I numerous satellites which revolve around. to Mr. John Li Henry and Mr. Samuel Coo- it in the shape orConghs, Colds Bronch ver, of Penn township. These gentlemen tis, Sore .Throat, Influenza, &e. The have been teachers fur a number of remedy we allude'4o - Is Dr. Wistar's years, and - the fact that they have re- ,Balsam of Wild Cherry, prepared by ceived the permanent certificate proves Seth W. Fowle & Son, Boston that they are thoroughly booked on all I 10ina701t, -the-brancliesLrequirmf--by-Inwrand—that they are proficient in the theory and. principle of teaching. We are person-- ally acquainted with both gentlemen, and arc glad• to know that they have been so - successful in their profession OUR 13ANO.—D1Willg the itl.!it two Sal mi:stay caamings_the. Carlisle ..Brass Bhnd has been giving concerti on the Court House Square, ranch to the delight of our tris-imprarectrvers—mtrelnivirlArthb — REFir winter, and will now compare favorably with the bands of any other' county' in the State. It would be but . rusti,:e to them, aad would show that they were properly ap preciated, if our citizens would have emoted a music stand for them on the square, and raise a fund to pay them for their services. Let some enterprising citizen move in the matter. AN ARITHMETICAL PROBLEMA will on file in . the office of the Register of Wills of Lancaster comity, contains in . substance the following clause:. "I hive the sum of $1,269.06 to my four child run, to be divided among them in such sums, as each will have equal sums, upon arriving at the ago of. twenty ono years. Interest to bo counted at five per cont. Distribution to bo niade, April, .1, 1870. The ages of the child ren, April 1, 1870: Susan, 21 years ; Joseph, la years. 15 days ; John, 16 years, 5 mouths, 26 (lays ; Jonas, 10 years, 11 montloi, 13'days." The auditor, in 'making a distribution of the' estate, was required to ascertain what amount was due to each child. on the first of April,. 1870. Such of our readers as are fond of tough arithmet ical' questions may _exercise their inge nuity on this. LOFT CIIILDREN.-011 Saturday even ing last, Susie Thudium, daughter . of Mr. Jacob Thudiunr, proprietor of the Cum. berfand and Ferry hotel strayed fiwav from home. Every place was searched that she was known to frequent; the Court House bell was rung several times, but all of no avail. The search was kept up ,fot A considerable length of time,, When information was received that she had beeli seen in a wagon belonging to Mr: Kauffman, residing in the vieinity of the Stone Tavern, ,This report proved correct. About te'n O'clock that night, Mr. Thudium tirove . to the residence of Mr.' li,; on arriving there ho' found het' safely tiesonced in bed.. nu dons . minds of the distreSsed. parents wore greatly relieved en this discovery of their . little daughter. ' ' _ The-same-evening a little hey, whose_ name we did not learn,. also strayed away from his home. After some little time hat] elapsed, lie .was discovered in the lower end of toWn, and" speedily" rathrnedto his beim. ' ' ' SnrTi u.-It 41.43 e Its pleasure' to state that , the difficulty , between UM Faculty and the Jailor and Sipliomore classes . of Dickinson College L t 4 boon settled in a manner 'alike honorable to '.botli -par ties. Tho titladbtl,4 hesitate to say, that theirlove for the old College is greater than 43 . 1101; . . Thii letter wiffiiiithe committee, eit,b,ohalf of the claSses, sent to the'Facuity was such a paper as we would have expeettod from gentlemen desiring liOn&rahlyfte..riettle an unfortu... , nate difficulty: The Faculty met ,the request of the • alasses'Miost, generously and gracefully , showing that they know how to blend' inagninihnity with -firm-• .nose: • ,; „ . • 1( When te decisionof the Faculty. was' made announcing ther 'full and. froe , ror mission of the . ,ponaltY,' 'the "students made( the al :Chapel tremble A9th 'their sluilitl;'irnff'iie sooner had. the,f:, / reached the Hall„ three; elleel43' Wore given with a will for the Faculty,. • , • In the settlement of titesii`trenbles i tlM Faeulty-,hay,WaVelded 'everything )cyllioli would humiliate the students,- while the St r uderff:S" Ny 9 . t re eeci sufleient con& deft° whele . Matter in' their hands without exacting city unreasonable conditions. o ,Conodogu s intif Tiibe,;NOl•loB, TO): iif R.'DL. held3lay. 2,.1870,, thelollowing • To4olutions were adebtrid : • WHEREAS, It has plowed the Ruler or the Voivors o Co Call from our midst our brother, Oredehlisk' Althelel le it'' e "'RCsatvecf,; That byphe,deatlkaft4rather dich . cla.this lodge has lost a faithful brOtacx:;'whoso goiicibus haart:aint,htni - .: orable 'conduct • had waft • for . ,bin f : ofi r , *armest.oiteem• ~,, •• ; Bei°lved, That this Lodge' extends to the—orphan -children 'Of- one-deeeased brother the deepest syrnPathy folr therir in their bereavoinent; and pledge to therii the . protection;_and support' of all its memberti. Rcaolved,; That thesii proceedings be published in - the Carlisle papers, and in the Harrisburg Stagts Zeiltt4. - ANOTHEIt COAL 01.1; DISABTE.B.—A few days ago, at La Crosse, Wis., a terrible calamity,occurred, which resulted in the • dii:Struetion of 'three. hundred thousand dollars worth of property and Cm loss of four . lives. 'This disaster was caused by criminal carelessness. ,\ cooper undekbok to mend a leaky bar rel filled with coal oil, and to enable him to . prosecute his work at night, he played his lantern on the head of the cask. A steamer, a,freight depot apd some houses • kv9re burned, and four people were drowned. This was most. emphatically not a casualty. It was the result of a piece oti criminal carelessness, for Which the perpetrators should be se verely and.speedily punished. We.claily, - ehroniele accidents which would never occur but, for this species of insanity, with Which . some People seem 'endoWed.: To a man in his sober senses. to plit v a lighted lantern, on a barrel of -coal 'oil, nearly as dangerous as' gunpowder, would seem mubh like an earnest deSire to commit suicide, and murder those about him. These `!_accidents" arc 'host frequent in the West. If the persons who occasions them were to be arrested and tried for manslaughter it -would prove the most efficacious remedy possi= ble of application. ecazzi 121=111:11 All who are desirous of having pbsting and distributing done, can have it at tended to promptly, in city style, by Michael McCarty. Enquire at this office. 19may70-3t ,„ 11 1C - PJI,III. .1 %I. ‘1.1 , 11:11111311:11, Colllll.lllce. At their Now Carpet Store, in Sawye - r's' old room, have a very superior grade of Linen Carpets, which they are selling at the lowest-market price. Also a large choice collection-of Striped and- Itqr-Car- - pets, besides .Cloths; .Matting . , Mats, Looking Glasses, Window Shades, &c. ihua7o t Ili% vi ng advertised Lh at. I, had taken Lochman's old established Photograph Gallery," whereas I am in the room he occupied, and as far as "photograph gal lery" differs from "photograph roeirt,l' so far I retract and apologize, as I shall always be glad to do If I .only appear ter be in the wrong. Thanking hiM fur the' reproof, though it be an unpleasant one, I remain respectfully, For direct acting steam pumps, foi• mines, &c., that will pump from 12 gallons to 8,500 per minute. Go to IlPLanaham Stone 41: Isett, Hollidays burg, Pa. 20,040 pounds, of shoulder and side meat wanted in exchange for pure • Liquors, and the best brands of chewing and smoking tobacco, by Steam puMp." The primp call he dis- Connacted'froni the 4ingbia; and engine used for driving any kind o' machinery. gas and ,water, pipe, steam fittings, fie. lintnalifin, Stone Li% Isett, Ifollidays burg, Pa. i7febOm EGGS! ESGS-1 OGGS I EGGS ! From light Brahma fowls, pea combed,. strictly Pare from Imp.9rted stock, $4OO per dozen. No order will be booked unless accoMpaitied by the cash. A few pairs for •saleL4l.oo per pair. Half b reed Italian Bees for sale, in movable, comb hives—iiheaP., Address' ' • • •G. E. 11. FNln, /21103'70 . ,P• 0. 80x147i Oar isle, Pa. DON'T . BE DECEIVED B 'A fellow, who calls hiinself for the purpose of ,de l eeivind ray Patrons, advertises that ho has "taken Loohnian's old established Photograph Gallery:" have removed ;my entire: establish-, went, with negatires and all, from Neff !s: building to the southeast, corner cif,Mar ket Sauare, • (nib of the • moSt eaptclous and boSt fitted up rooms this side of Phil- . adelphia,: where,' with superior instru ments,' lights, and accessories I can mulcu! rhaogilioi§ of 'ivory style; Superior to any matte in this part of the' coUnft. "Thankful for the generous support extended •to , ine by an.apPreelai . ; tivo public, 'I hope by 'renewed itttoipon, raillioftt the use of falsehood,: to merit a continuance of theit patronage, neSpeetfullY, Lodumns:'_ "12,znay70,, '„ • " , . ••.Looirtatt makes the cleanest pic4uies. in his'new, third iterikallery, - Soutlt:east cornbr of -Market Square-:—Zeg's, lug. ° • ,Readori if you mirth .a, Waiis ?f odd,' sparkling Bode. Illator',. rvitli , Clloloq Syr ups, drop in. at . Bunt's, 95. Wofit Main street; whOrp lio kaS it constantly- on; hand, 1 bannanas„ figai - propollas, Gma7o-,;-1 'B.tituirEß,..-BPnma WAuomi A. 'n: lavact will make to.. ardor; all. kinds;•of.:Oat': rialtos, Buggies, 'EliwtaglVagons,•&o: He in each branch, kinds matoriaj constantly, onl baud. rainting ',Sad -re - ; paking,proinptly'attouded t iima7ot,f C., E. MAGIAUGITLI:7, WILLIAM" BLitt* - SAMUEL KRONENIIEII3, Committee. A indf 11 two. nts . ATTENTION, BUSINESS MEN I FRI'SINGER • • H.' P. GIIA.P.MA.N 19m L7O JACOB LIVINCISTOg 21a1)3n1 -No. 27 North Hanover street HOOD SODA:. VVATE,I3.. tairlii3id,Llltay 11, 1870 - HOritd, purchased ` the gOod will and - , 'fixtures of Mr.'Lesher'e rooms, with all llis negatives, I hereby cordially invite his customers; withtifullasebratico"ofgiv,.. ing entire satisfaction. • Reprints can bel had from the old negatives at any time. , ,0,, L. L9OHMAN. 'NEW- STORE I NEB ;MODS ! I desire to infoi;ai' the public .gener ally that I have just opened a Now and 'Cheap Clothing Store, and am now ready to offer a late assortment of ready made-clothing -formon's and-boys"--wear , • , 'all of my oWn rnanufactur6, which I. will warrant to fit, and give full 'sr.tisfac- Also, a complete assortment. of Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts, Alpaccas, Cotton and Linen goods, which Lwill sell by the . yard, or- cut, and make to order, dt the shortest notice, and...on the most reason able tArms. A largo assortment ofmorPri and boys' hats, umbrellas, travelingbags, shirts, collars, and every of no tions usually kept in a ntloinen's fur nishing store. All of/Which lam deter mined to sell at prides that will defy com petition. Please remember the place, No; 11 South Hanover street, between Inhoff's Grocery and Strohm & Sponsler's Shoe B. M. SMILE Store. 12ma70 $lOO 'REWARD • Thesuliscrib - m."Sluno being fully °cmr pied with the Furniture business, ~he offers.for sale, cheap; hid - entire Stock of tombstones and door steps, either whole sale or retail. CHA.RLEB HALBERT, Corner Hanover and Loutber streets 12ap703t INFORMATION WANTED ' where to purchase goods at, the, loWest prices. We would advise all ini.want of such inforination to call at Leidich & Miller's as they must be selling goods at gregly reduced prices, from the great amount of bundles that we see carried away from their store all the time. Wc notice them receiving another large sup ply of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Window Shade's, Dress Goods, Cloths, Cassimeres, and everything else in the Dress Goods way, all to be sold at great bargains. Do not fail to call and see for yourselves. 12may70. JACOB LIVINGSTON, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in TOBACCO, ' SNUFF, CIGARS, PIPES, &C. North jranov4r , Offers to the trade the best brands of a large variety of Chewing' and ing Tohaecos, real Michigan Fine Cut, in bulk or in tin foil. W. E. Garrett's celebrated snuff. Real genuine Imported Havana Scgars. Yam Connecticut and Domestic Segars. K large assortment of everything be longing to the business, and sold at as low a price, as in any. Eastern city. -The—publie- is—respectively invited -to call and inspect my large assortment. Every - article warranted as reprosented. - 21ap70.0m JACOB LIVINGSTON, Dealt'. in 'PINE WINES Alp LIQIIOItS t ,. No. 27 North Ihinover street. Oars tlio following goods War ranted—pure,--unadulterated—and—fol IiRTGE7ATi,7I4S-aptrite'sontottrt---r-s Genuine IMported French Cog ane Brandy, old. age. • . Best quality Ginger Braddy. Pure old gin. Puro old Port wine. • The very best quality Sherry, Claret, New Eugtond Rum, &c. li\butnei Pure white spirits, for drug gists.add family use. Sold at tho lowest prices for cash. A call solicited. 211pam IMPORTANT I= Pure and unadulterated Wines and Liquors, supplied at their re:nonce, by sending order to store, or through Post, Offide. Every article. warranted as rep resented or the money refunded. JACOB LIVINGSTON. 21aVUu No. 27 N. Hnuover street. 3PLanallan, Stolle & biett, Ifollidays burg, Pennsylvania, manufacture station ary engines,' boilers, direct acting blowing enginea.. Player; Tho Mas and other hot blast. Brass and iron cast ings from ono Ib.' to 20,000 Pos,,,and _all kinds of machinery. MA: CHIN g 71' OR KS. CARLISLE 3t.A.CIIINE WORK'S 1 F. 14,D N E 1? C 0 CUMIIIiALANI) V ALL I*ILE A PER AND 11.1.615-tit IV, arc now building'. and will In'ing out for tlro ha vet of 11310, the Now Patent Contherlitud Valley o,int,lned ItOAPEIt AN 11 MOW hit, with SHIA' JUNE, and all other to to improvements. It Wlllllo' /..,11t In List, style, :and warranted to work sails-' tat:Eta-11y. Tio trout nfu limn. tondo !tc,,per has tong en Ni., And we expect to be able to otter to the lumina. of Cumberland and 111110111illg mittutien a ,ee•biu, Nettlelt idtail lit. a complete sod perfect latv v,ster, equal to the lost brotMht from a distance i artneg ztro,refinested. to call tout examlne'lt. = 0 0 . 0 14111(1111g. tuba 003•00,, only u ritual Et r Ilny - Ittther.. 'rho It:ove.ty toot tiao Acting arrungetuto 4.1 . ram br wanted by It I rd, on the oil 1110 1/0.0 1011(10 . 1004, bra 0..1111 uro ettyle, • nil WlLlrattbil to gIYO elthth4o.ololl ..30 II hoy, lir ortlo =I W. sot.o. o boll4llng .tho origin& IVlllooghloy sot (lulu l•pril...t Gruin Drill, Ho well knowb.• nll4l l atrular among laroa•r•. No twilit lamer 0 o lio,ll . Jo atltholit the Witiongbloy, for It largely lo• srsa•ot, and 111111.0Vcx ills- pays Yor its, WI, ineko It ut n °nail 1.111 11rstas der 'llona, or with stout Guano Attachment for oils lug plompkatt eor luau 'Ws alms'( nllll t,tio will, the shot el. lit straight rank or zig iatg, na V • • AKIOUg 'F.7111.31 turiamEN'ts. Wu yore mattufacturinz v. variety , of agricultural implem,lllo, such 118 1111r1111 powers' and throe here, cider dills, Stir 001 . 11, Once 1141,11,' anoint ehellerr,..Ourek3 Judd or cutter, atm' kiwi) alivai il/11 1181111 00 National Fodder Cutter. 1 oree with VIP km other- flout Mg Implements, We ul.o make putout Tire benaer, and Pot' eras in, 1114 Ttlyrie, wi.lch every'l,lac ..eloltit should have. Also thou. Woo corn ortuther4, •4aBll kettles, four altos, cel lar grAtes, tiro .11111111311 t IlAtterlol, plow 1111111.111p1111141 011101 - llllBlioge kept saw' ye ou hand. tiAItLISLE COOK, STOVE, our swim routing, le unu of limo heel arni.uhea po e t stoves 1.1 the mark it. BTEK3i .liril4trkl AND , buroiofole, we ki lye p irllon or ottlunt. on to bulloino STE t II ENGANIIS, and furulolithg o/IAFT-. INO, WEARING, ikui.,Lise, nod uvery port of the tonchinury uonlio eke& .with.. Paper. wills, Flouring 10111 1, Sow 'tiiillo„ Tunneller,' 4.' 'Our pub no for ktonot on glues nre from twcittp to I limply lino horde P wbioliol construction with.nll macho% 11 - Array nniOiltp, told ftirolkhelt doting Iu loco. We oleo build purtnble onginee oR two horse for 'rliniting printing pbodes, Ao. wo.).avo ,no ..extenkivo-valety of -potterit - (or OW work, lambi ch we ore conotatitly nothing othl,tiono: tiild can till ..tintructs rot.ellkliskl( told spat , . • notice. ' 4"d ` TWO 120 W stationary engttios rtow On band and Corrado " )JUILI?ING pIATEILIALS. • • . . Attached . ,ro our establiehmout ,is 11,11,4Xteh$1 , 0. PLAN NO 111161.; and fikEilrond 141)(111,, V.AtVGICY, with all I.lla machinery for numutiPturlng door and : vando:iy.franiail..elndli,ekattord and.b Itiankote, uthuldlnve,. cornice, end diapery, eteierall t and belnetore,oorlng.aldliiir end ovory other ortbdo In tho diatior building millairiole. Goat tho lowest, prlen'to first 'cilebei quality.' Dullthint nod ocaltractord .m iy rely Oct all, orders, larmionnuall, belnkt promptly Shod. Shod. Au tnittintdvo supply, oreivtoonial Ono, walnut and oak lumbor kept tionetanitlYin our 'itiiniair'yar.l ready for ace. Small sizes 01,1a1.11 anti low priced dooroollvaye on hood, and, othor ,. .irtielve madu 6 411 quioter ednnoetlion' With onv bianah of our blitlueei wlll Uq promßlly attitriaq tq,, ' GAIIDNER.,CO. -'• • • ' COAL 4.IVD LUMBER. 1 - IHEA.P. COAL 1,-, CHEAP, .COAL. I lJ Tho subscriber prepared, Id '4611,1,6, by the car lleneburners, and other 'ocinoum'ors along the lino or thu Cumbarlowlyolloy Railroad, the cele brated • LYELENS VALLEY COAL 1 At TILE LOWEST gOSSIBLEICATESIFOR CASH. - This crud la of avory aupo.hir lauality. and will bo furnished nt mires whtch•wtll defy oll.compotitlon. Tin auborribor will deliver ceal at Corliele, by the ear land, during tho ourrefit mouth, at the following prices, per ton of 2,000 Ibs : Pen..... Nut.... Stove _ 't ~~ _. .111 And to other point, of tholppti.he mill deliver It, adding or tieductifig the 'igcrevo'..,of dlliprenco In freights. Th.. above rates will lid cubject to the rise or Nu of prices, emit month, at thp. pines. (lEOitGE ZINN. ()Mee—corner of Muir and Intim raga. 21ap70 J. BEETEM & • intOTTIERS, Forwarding & Commission. Merchants. (Ilende`rson's old stand • At the head of MAIN BTENET, Carnal°, Pa. 'rho highest market prlco . will ho pald for Flour, apao nod produce of all C.l of all kluds, otnbraeliig. LYKENS VALLEY., • LOCUST i'IOUNTATN, LAWDERfIY, &c., Ao Cialobtiroors' and Blecknoltbs' Coal conatantly of sale. Kept under cover, and delivered dry to any part of the town. Also, all kinds of Lumber on hand. J BI ETEM k BROS 11=1 BEST - ETICENS - - VALLEY LIME COAL, $4.25, at the yurilv of SUMMIT llitiliiCll LYKENA VALLEY ECU SE4 , VE COAL. delivered V 00 NUT C)Ab4 70 Iti the yard, 26 cents ken. - At the yards . f • A. 11. ELAIR• LUMBER. OF ALL, KINDS . rtt the lowest prices At the 3artla of A. 11. 111.A111. FOR lIENT-T4NNERY N EW TANNERY for Salo or 'Rent The subreriller offer. bin NEW TANNERY, n. South street, Carlini.., for sole or lens, on favoruln. torus. Immediate poknesAun 11,n1,70 WILLIAM liI,AIR. TREASURER'S NOTICE. LIST . OF DEALERS IN GOODS, MerChandise, Breweis, Distil lem, Lumbermen, Eating 110 Uses, be., entail the comity of Cumberland, as apprsised and assessed by David Wherry, Mermintiln An/MEW, in accord.. with .the several acts of Assembly, us follows, to COILIBLE. P lieldieh Si Miller Dry Ooode 9, 25 00 do - 9 25 00 Dente, Si Bro 4 / • do 12 12 50 I , g lby a 14 7 00 - do , - Mlle:. W A -11 15 1,0 do Greeotlel4 L T 14 7 00 do Ring J 0 II II irper A Thome do , II IS 00 do 11 7 oo Lerhey, 1111 sell .1 I' Fancy Glid, '147 00 Co. le Ili others do 12 14 1.0 I I 7 00' do Loeb, Jacob 14 0 liceliere o\l Jewelry. 7 II 7 W O I do I onlyli 'Thomas do I 4 7 00 Kremer I C du 14 7 I/0 , • 11,iiinger II Ilaidienr ' e - 11 22 00 Sexton lloory ' do 10 211 00 • Mid, A: llowere O FO k , i , i , r- r 5 1. 1 , i . -11 01 A ,, 11 . 11-eivliig do o licblilee 14 0 7 7 00 0 I'effer•l, Wiieldnoilik., .1 .-. .. - i d /i d ' _ 1 1 i 1. 7' (0i 111'31olion - 14 7 CO Stovex 51e0onegal Jame', -14 7 101 do Illtiesiiii h /I,' 0 upp 14 7 00 do Fridley William ,TI 7 00 do Av,,ik ee .FC loudy . c „ . „ e - , ,,,i 6 i. r y • 14 - ' 100 Se lore /1 illiani 7-i Sill nor Peter du 14 00 - do 11 Ull Der- Kiefer .1 er D NV A do - 14 71Uu Kiefer 51re o'sl 11 14 7,00 do ... tighies Rolim 14 -7 - 1:10 do Tileent George 14- ~'7'. 1 01 - do Martin &don Sulu - deuleingli 3 -- do 14- ,14 - 4- 7 10 110 . 31-eli. J D do ~ ,,„14 47,,00 du M'elo , •11-3egepli 0 410 14 7 0•. -Fort., John ' - 14 -7 00 lituner . 3 liti .: . ' ' -.1 ,14 - -7, 00 Faber deiirge 11 . 7 Uu do Jo, nings Walliain Zeigler JA Flour end Feed 11 700 11 13 00 Pi - 011100 Houton di 00 do II 13 Uu Dueler ABr um d o " 11 13 00 __llslolvariLlC.J l do 14 7 0- , Milk:ie. , II , ..91)77.111 , 077J:11"./7 • : —••••—••••7 - • ' ••• " -•••4 '''''' ' ' 14 -,, ' Uu Cornell. & Both d o w John , do - . 14 n 7 is, 0 1l son Rol, I do 14 7 00 Hoover S3l Luniber nod coal 14 7. Oit Blair A 11 do . 12 12 It, Blair, A II du Ithrads 11 0 C.l • - tool 13 In 0.1 14 7 U, do ''' 11 700 74,01 George Dreamt/in U Oroesrles 14 7 00 LIKI.IOOO C r do 14 7 00 horn '0 it do 14 7 00 Weirmill W3l - do ' 14 700 Ilender.lol,ll do 14 7 00 Mtisonioiluier 1/ NI. do 14, 7 00 Sitv 0 J ' do 11 70 , Blair Williiini 0 Soo do 0 :00,00 1111thilirtint II , do 14 7 0 , 14, ,, i11e had, Fr.irleri k clo 14 7 00 Zeigler Joseph . do • 11 7 no Pohley 11 do 14 7 00 CliiiirowlV .1 do 34 7 00 Sum, r Jacob do s 14 7 00 luhrill Christian do • ./ 10 20 00 11.11,n00d NI" 1.1 do 14 7 00 'lolllllllo (I lllln Li ,i 0 111) les.l. l'rtrr du 14 71x1 Eg. ler ~ i li. ~ do - - II - 7 110 Bra sler Joseph do 14 7 00 ilex men .1 liti do 14' 7 I II 111111.1mte. .1 IV do 11 7 00 IAiS/00L0 .Into Futoltitre .31 7 .n, l'orhoraii, Fielierwl, do )4 7 00 9),,pley ) do 14 7 00 IlwingA II ' • do - 14 7 01) •S re U as 14 7 00 Awn. N . 'Mows nod 110010 14 70/ Myers Ii C do 14 7 11) roil, W3l do ' 14 7 - 00 Comm., .100.1111,t10 00 14 7 110 Floiniino I , C • do 14 7 00 Strohm A Stionsler: do - 12 12 70 lArtnati Philip dr; 14 7 00 Carlisle Shoe Factirry ' do 11 7 00 Clisonwetir William `' \sl6l3uhry ' 14 700 Willa,. Mrs K do l4 7 10 Niof 31rs II .do 14 7 00 Hatton 31r4 40 11 7 10) Million William Club lig 34 7 12) Lechler A 0,. Os ' 01) Kronetilorrz 3 ihi 14 7 00 1,0110 tl Ell s 4o 14 7 i) Smiley 1 W -- du 14 . 7 141 Lining tie, 1 du 14 7 002 Boner JlO.O, ' •du 1/ .7.11.) Elko. J A .11n 14 7 00 Hitt -r 11 9 ' 111 i 11 7 1111 I...lionin A • do 24 7 01 Cornwall Daniel Orinoi 19 7 0,1 CO , OllOlO S: Worthington- do 10 7 00 Ilaver2tiek Ili o bur's- do ' 17 10 02 11in-or/dick llroilow's do 14 7 01 'Prank 'l' 9 do 14 7 0 , 11 ril. IV F do 14 7 12) Frysing. A Weiser Cal l ,l4/1, 14 7 10 Rouen), 211 Musleal Ilia..istuniiits 14 7 00 13 sh 11 11 1 0b.., 14 7 00 :pang .11 E. do 14 7 00 "'Livingston Jacob 110 14' 7 00 Otsubo, .1 A d,, 14 7 00 /Inswinger ftc rue. ' Leather 14 700 Eristalitger S Holm+, 14 7 OU Lochinsii C L • Mlorliiitrriplis 14 700 fresher J, lin 'II ' ~.. . do: 14 700 Chipman II l• do . 7.1 7 01/ Igor IV Ii . Books , e 4 7 00 Loudon .11111104 , . 'AO 'I% 7 00 11111110 in S D ' do • 114. V 00' Ilona Jiieoh lints and Caps 111 77 00, Kell. John A dOll4 ;7 V Callio .1 0 - , . i - do . IA .7 iOO I hd '7 oc Saulello N . ' ' Duster • Forth:nun, Julia,. 'Variety Store II ^.OOl MEM . 81.o.dror Job a . , • • i Pod ruce 14 • 7 4401 S ' 31y , rs I) V do 11 710 .I)ult,rar It ~_ , ' du 13 1100 My ro 1.1 _‘) '_ du 11 - 7 00 . .... EASY 1•L'1N0R011011k111. . Zucorla ,k Co Produce 14 700 'Zioni ins SCo • do 14 700 Thompeon,Mo . do .'l4 700 limiloi 15' D••,, - Dry . O.,odu . 13 10 00 Snddkr .S. Howl., • do ' 14 •7 00 Glamor Joh.do , 13 10 00 llotrisi U 0 Son 11 rbeorlex 14 700 Longneckor 1 ' do •IV 700 .- . • notiOnel S L • ' do • /4 • 706 Mail or Prin. 10 11 7 00 oertlOo D/111o1"7 - do' • l4 700 WI/ J‘onpll ' lolioloT l4 700 'IIRILger Torodoro - , do '. 14 700 Alolta T Id' ~• • . . Confectionery 14 7VO Smith!! W. •-' • , , do 14 704 . . • . . Itupley, 11.trry • do 14 700 Druidfell 111., : , Clothing ' 14' 7.00 Clod N,' • • Stoves _. 14 7On Ebn.pr A , - .Fiti 'Attire, - 14 700 31 03'3 ly(01do - 14 7 00 , lioior, Mr ; 2.llild,.ery . 14 7 00 Martin MIR. A . • • I do :' •., 14 700 IMEMEI Blyntife.7ohn ' ' Dry (Thoth; ' 1+ 7 it AMP4II, 'Templlu JN • - Grocerlce . 14 7 Wo11 • IE. . ' .- Drynoode .' 14. 7 'Rupp 11 M41,C0 , ' do 'l4 7 Rupp Daniel ' •14 7 -TenipllwCylue '- , - Eurnilwo 14 T Gilbert Cyrwi - ' .Whlps ~• • • 14 7 Rupp JJ& Co .. , Produce ~ 4 14 7 , . . 1 • ; LOWER, ALLSS. , -.. Good D V • ' Drylitoodi ' • , Bowman Ay C 0,.. ' , • do Kunkel & Deo ,' ' do Denrleb (1 J • Stoves • Preto A & Son. .' Lome and Shoes D • • , - 'MIDDLESEX ' . • ' Dry Goods MMM•111 " , • , , - .,;.i., . '' incii4xfonull4. ' . Down'in G W . - Glk . .h . rY llobr lernel ~ • : " , do . Arnold el . : : ..,.., ~ , ,do '. Duyinpey.Davld • , ,', i:' ~ , ~, Fouglit-eumnal ' ‘,' „ d o d Enelftnen J A ~ -- . •••,' ---: • 'd&'' "7 ' • ' bletrison,ll W'. , , .1, i, ,': • Mlllbion kW , ' ' ~ do ' Eberl D W ' ' do George' .i ..,' \''..1,1 •': d o ' ~ Wleo ' : ' " . . l'; LREd'S'UILI:,IL'St'~NOTIZ'E. Weelhoßer & Beck Elcoeli & Co Buttor f &*tiewald Risher Joseph Bruck t Boyer -Burst. Soh Raman rg or R Brindhs h Nelssranger Leng.& Ebudey &, gone . A Son WA. II 9 Staym., 4 Burlier St:lnwood & Tltrel Bryson 'VIt sillier eGstrrett Urlch & Belfry Kherley D & Son & Kimmel Cl.rk & Byoni---- Nonanin , er J II Day Alfred • Herring JAI & Co Sliavwyli If ‘- Cr der Zinn Henry Kelrn 0 Belgic Levi Bowman C & StelnerN Shinn. S Burkholder C K ... $.l oo F.: liazktt & S,a Bubb 11 V ttgent Hauck S: Co W. 114.1101 0 k F 31tilick k Diolll Titzel C 1.1 Itut p John Sum . T Jncu St npley R lb Palmer J B Cnxwfl• r M Uhler Philip r•a r [retch J It Wright W F. Uarr 11 agent lie , fer I. D Alum. L 1C JlakerJh reiler B L I..Lin , wer R TI roe' villerJ k Co Kuser MI:. Clara Bryan Airs S Cl,rr NE A .I,lndsey Mrs F, Y Yithui UB,a.ge =I Sh, nth n John NUJ/ Z c man 0 T 11 lank .1 Au Dovinny 1. I) Driigt 14 7 clank Saauu•l Foca 14 7 Sputa Henry do 14 7 31:mu11...kn. Dm , Produce 0 2.1 Gush & Dro do 11 10 • Snyder Henry do TO 21) Wagner 9 C do 10 :20 Ilur,h J & J 11 do II 2.1 Stoner O A Dry Goo& o 14 7 Clever & Eon nest_ do 14 7 11,10 John 4 , do 14 7 Honor J do 41 7 0.0 et .1 C &Co do - 14, 7 Forenoon Strohm &CO , do 14 7 n Olinger C& Co do 14 7 Leo. & Ore Groceries 14 7 Senn, OP K do 'l4 7 IliberN le Sou do 14 - 7 011oniele John • do ' 14 7 S.nder-on David do 14 7 GI , 800 George Conllcllonary • 14 7 Match Samuel . Shot. 14 7 - i )1, 1) W. Jell I I i t K Janos E oti Dro Dry Goods U 25 Stough & Ellicott do 111 20 31eCnudlicoh Thonnoo do 11 1.1 Ghoisoc S 31 ot non Groceries 13 10 Mouser S3l & Son do 14 7 Iron A L Boo,ts n Shoos 11 Mc lure,( IV do ;.- ,14 7 3lnnwel i & Ili Ho. do 11 7 to 11 7 E=M MIME eoll Iry it Huller MESE . oudlhi r undlor.. 14 7 richer 4 old. do 1 / lanner . .t. Son 11nrdwara 13 In IV II b lit I❑ L+ndu• U W Jovulry • 14 7 lieor ge 1C Stows 11 7 Ileno 11 Confectionary 14 7 11.1 J IV Ao 14 7 lialr n du 14 7 Laughlin Jubt . .'-11 . 7 -- Harriett - Miliiiit•ry 14 7 :cod, Al las h E do 1-1 911,11 , y 311 , x A Litinberger 31. E Holt & 13,•rr , ' Dry (1u..,1s 11 lii. , ---W....!gert 0 W ' - flu II 11. - N1.11:01 , Inki,Iol Mot+ r. Shoe:. 14 -T -sll,vick C CF , linit ore , . II 7 Ilyers,S Hein, do 14 7 NI I 'W (123111E111,AND. ME] Itugplitin 4 5 4 911._: , num 4: Co MEM 0 sterl'ltarlem .littitiN Owen lEEE NISi ,111 • 111 i II &ID do - 11 Jay 1.0111, & CODry IL, C e . rI " I : S 14 i' .12. 1 . 2:' , 0 7 o.k, 11,1101. COMM =EMI ololuy Mi MMEIM =ZEE IMIIMIM /=I . Sim MEG Fo•nairtht C • Orocerleh iartuank Kimmel do ME=l MEMO EIETIE2II4I MEM IntIZI MEE M:IEZMI Ai•o M M li. Is Jmuos =I 2Z=ll MiffM3=ll E=M= C mitt 3 Iqoutgoniury ME= • Danner 0. Neely du 13 10 Ilvddig .1 03 It , do 1 'lO 2/ Wow' rlieh 'k Mel] lumber 1:1 10 lb rearo, lb N Cunivvtliduiry 14 7 rttrl: do 14 7 11 oightuan It,ru. hir " do 14 7 3lnt look s W 1116141 Drupt 14 7 atom BEM - 04 , 0 It S A k Ilto Nl' n & Cox eviek Bltvnu,k =I 111112311119 Bar lot,. I nkr fi llro (I. ;OWN a N in err t0y.14 32111E11 Itt so Joules hooks l4 7 Ilridtc x John k ...., II . Clothing • I 17 lti In' Mx k Its nil r do t — "'11; • 7 Blair, John r._ do 1r •7 timiluy J M • do 11 co 'raigho tli Brotlie, Ihud..co MEM I . { ik Lri it IL A. %I I. rt it r .1 It z I .1 Clepp,PlJlllll Confectionary ' 14 7 \V rd Wm do - 14 7 Fur.'lmmo tr,lK•rt I: Kaufman ilo MEE Dow It) N oh t.rundries 14 7 BILVER si , 31:4tni, IL.. ry ll Is Co Lamb S.ongnl rf A 8 Ilgr,bolder S IKbAs'.l It ==l 1.01.11 g .1 11 4. Ilro • l'iods. o 13 111 :lover I 1; • Conf.: 11011 say 14 7 11010.0001.011sty0 Fr , WI: do 14 7 122113 ;Mu P 311 Per I nniol Cloy. r 0 11.11a.d4 ' . Dry tloa.s . • 14 7 Clover thorgq d , " 14 7 B,l'olllll t A111:0),) 4,1.:) lo 'MINIM, Ct: 0, . dog id 7 Croft 1)8 . ' ' .. .1 ,, -' ' ' 'l4 7 4.:l;lier 1) S • 8 oyeo' . 11 7 . . ' 171'.1 . E1C. ALLEN. . • • 4 1m trl4 (Lnscll❑ .1, N Ile!dlor .1 K , Dry liondn - 14 7 DAT di Durkin !der • do 13 10 .3113ndoelt, A 8 ' .do 14 1 rton.linw, J W, 18 10. Jncoby, Clkadinn Pr duca ' 14 7 Carothers &mit& p -do 14 7 II:ol, J StOvuo 14 7 • . , ~ I PATENT ;MEDICINES.- Schaubla A & Co a 110111119011 t EISOIIIIOSVer ,Ntoloy John lleclutill:sburg gpune:or Wollsau . Curllslu , . 5 DISTILLERIES .t liIIER'~iRA 14 -7 14 7 14 7 14 7 14 7 .11 .1 W Newton Distill, 0 25 Krattallrost J t'arlinitt Fitbur 0 . Car)lnlo do . y .23 If[pule Jacob' •, tables Carllslo $l.O Libor N.D. • table Now villo .00 Nalco Is hereby given to all persons named in trld• abovo Ildt, that by an act of Assembly, approvial Apr i li t iBd2,- Untidy Treasurers nro r. glided to brlll4 anti, and collect al. lironans rotnalultia unptall On or boron, the Drat - day of. July . next; nod by otheracta of Adidnible, vendors of viomt4, Malt, or brewed liquors are •also Ilablo to indict ment to tho - Court - of Quarlee - ATeillons. •Thosd t.r.tpEl aro theroforo rentio , ted to Ilft their Menses stll, hp at ; do,lay f and save the costs .00, • • . • • . • _ lt11101101: WETZIA, - ()man-at „ . Tronettrer of Cumberland County. MEI 1.11 7 12 12 70 14 7 14 7 14 7 1''.12 g . t? 1 7 It" IL 12 60 12 10 14 7 .Dry Goodo 14 '7. do - 10 2). . do 1113' do . 14 7 -; -.do- .•14. 42-50 do - .31 1.5 do 14 7 do 10 00 : J.umbor ' 1-1 7 do 11 15 do 121,4 '• do 14 7 Prc duce 0 22 do 14 7 do HOO do 11 15 do 14 7 Irdrthraro • 11-16 do 10 20 do 14 7 do 11 7 do 13 do ,14 7 , 911000 - 14 • 7 do 14 7 do l4 7 _ do 33 111 do 14 7 do 13 10 Variety 14 7 - Mankato a wllllll 14 7 Plumberb•' 14 7 Stov,o 14 7 do 14 7 ' do 14 7 - Folnitoro 14 7 dp do 14 7 14 7 Jewelry 14 7 -do 1 , 1 7 Clzarm v 14 7 do - 14 7 Confer'' , ot , ry' •" r 14 7. do 14 7 do" 14 7 do 14 7 C. 011111 1 ,2 1.1 7 do 10 7 dn, 1.4 7 (1 Bookm n.OOlO-'0 IA 7 S.ddleryk Idauto , t4 14 ,7 Cool 14 7 14114000 II 7 31110001 / 1-1 7 do 14 7 do 14 7 - do - 14 7 Hour and Feed 14 7 MIFFLIN. Dry Goodx 14 7 do 11 7 ETIMMI Dry Go.,d,A 12 12 GO Flo- 12.12 50 MEM mm 14 7 do H 7 = OM IMES 14 7 11 . J. 1.1.1 !hi 14 N ot ionti 1 =MEE El= 111E1 in ) I nods 1{ 7 11 17 MEE do 14 7 do , -14 7 OEI IIII! ... - 71i7177Thrirr 7-7- .. 7 7 .57. 1r . T 7 14 7 =EI BM MEI ell OM MEE OM EllilM litEl ell = MEI MEE lldo l.l do 19. 19 li.. 1E 11 7 il!i= lIIMI IlliMl t.. E 1 ' do 14 7 d.. 14 7 11111E1 BEI =MI 14!EM r. Si 1113113 IM MI lIIM EOM do 14 1 do 14 7 11'15 lit e lit 1.0 1111111 QM I= 11=1111151 EINEM riliM I=4II 14 7 14 7 fffl EMI Pro, 11 lh 13 11) lEEE CM Un 14 7 Stote , VA 7 - ft 0 UT IC/61: r•I'CYH. ' Clollllll'4 14 7 Dyi floods 14 7 WEST miNsuoito' 13 10 14 7 EATING HOUSES nrLLTnnp hdLOO:NB CA . NDIDAT,E4 FOR lieieby offer my self as a candidate for •the Office of .1311ERIN.P, subject to the decision of the Republican Nominating Convention Carlilsie, March 2, 1870. Bmlite FOR pIIERIFF:---At the solicitation 4 of tr iiumtnr Of .11..tiutillthuis itiroitillout 06' eimnty,TVlßiFiitySelf as n candicato for Olio nomina , ties of St.eriff lit tiro next Coot.ty Cunvention, Hub- Ject to its decision. 17nilito Carlislc,•Marcir 16,1610, JOIIN 11.1113 ADS FOR SHERIFF.—I hereby offer my- For na n candalite for the °like of SHERIFF. ati , J•ct to the dechgton of the Reintbilmo Nominatoig JOIN UNION Mt. 11toly, April 6, 1870 7ap7ute. FOR SIIERIFF.-1. hereby offer my melt nil n elindidate Tor the Oho of e HEM tounket to the tleallotiof the Itepubliegm hinninnt loq =1 Carlll.lo, April p , 1870 . 7e1)76t0 A. I[I . 7SRONATLE'Ii'S COL UMN. A . L. SPOISLER, Rost Estato Agent, eerlvonet, Con vet ancm, I nay r • ance and Claim Agent. 01lice, Main Stra.4, nPar Centro 8 tuaro. • VIRGINIA LANDS in the Shenan doah Valley for a dn.—A nornbenol . Valuable, Rod highly Intinoved farina in "the .Valley'' ore of. hoed , 031 Allie The tract's tun froth Oti to 850 acres. The Wed it of the best quality of Ihnestono. fully eullol, if not superior, to the land in umbOrlood and will be dothosed 4 at astonishingly low figures. 'the extenaion of the Cumlionand \ alley Railroad Into Virginia, us now surveyed, will run Initnedintely through the to thou of country hi which thew lands ore located, width, uli-n math, the ed, t. gether with the advate age of the Shenan doah river trat.sp , rtittithi will give them all the ad vonteges of r .Nortlio.n awl .11attoru. markets. A aplentlid opithrtuoity for lucrative luvettatents is here offered. A full ant minute deteriptioi; of the location nod chera,ter of the vat ions hoots may be lied, by ap plying to A. L. SPONSLER, 17 nth - in Real Estate Agelit, Cornet, ORE BANK FOR rich depoxit of the lest quality Ilermatlte Ore >leiding LO per cent. cetnprlalog about Iff AMES, located In Monroe township, about 2 miles trout the !roll WorhS of O. W. St' B. V. Ahl, on the south Hide of the Yellow Breeches crook. There ns'a stream of water running through the tract autllcknt for washing-the ore and furnishing water power ho• sides. Potent. tipsirlous of viewing the kink hilly call upon Go.olge W. Launch, at “Lehlich's wetly known an Brickeen mill, Monroe township, Combo/ laud courtly, or upon • . • A. I, iSPONSLER, Real Estate A gent, Carlisle. tlojune6o ORE WASHER FOR SALE.—An ex cellent Ore Washer, et Ale Ore Bank of treorge W. Leltlieli, nearly new. Will he mold Yet y low. Al? ply to A. L. SPON.SIAIIt. tlpt.l7o • • FOR RENT.—The brick residence of James Bentz, iltuated no Pont!. Hanover ti rest, floral, oppreiito Early's hotel, will be lensed idr ono year front tirst of April next. Also, 3 commodrouir two story•bridi residence, on East street, trotween Mein of•d In:outlier streets; and a lot of ground on the mint side of the Letirt Swink, belonging to Om heirs of Joseph Sirloin, deceawd, writ he also leaned fur one year from the first of April ors t. Eimb7o LEGAL-3TO7'ICES. • NpTICE motel Zug has made an alolgnalont, for the bone sf his co , i.ik.rs, to U, ha ;3 Monroe. ill ahnat all dmn mast be presented, slut all pa4mentm made. JOIIN S. MO \ROE, Assignor. -1"p - Ott COU RT PIIOCLA3iATION Notice Is hereby given to all prrmoos interested, out an Adjourn.' Giort of Gnomon Plea., will be at Carlisle, In and bi!t,:neber . itial county, ou Fonday, thefifteenelloy of A u guAt, 1870, andiWirontinite_ui_e weolt, for Ihr trial of CallEcA ' 111.11rillfg and Ur drier finned irr said Court. coder of the Court. JcS. C. THOMPSON; Sheriff. Slinairr', OFFICE, Carllsle,'} - 31ay 10711 NOTICE TO TAX PAYEES 1 he Treaxuror of Comlterlnud county will attend, Rr IhcatOrpose of recolCink County and Slate taxes ; foe 1;;;O, t coal , ed by Act of Annombly, nt the fol liming t Inver and placea, 1.1;;;;or Allen. at Culps hate!, May !I and 10: - - bow, Alen, at 111n1:0: 1 A hotel, Nay 11; nt If telea 11010, .11ay 12. • , at tumult's botch Nay 12 and 11, Ea.tc - l l ennaboro ; at -Wlider's hotel, SiCatrellioldh:Mg 17. • Haul pd. it, at Krettarr's hotcl ; -May It not 19 ;laver Spring, nt Davy', hotel, May 20; at Zua'n bolo', May 21. . . Mlada , ex, ut )11adleacx shoal house, 1;;31 . 22 and - Nortl:4ll.l.llbtoayat—Boe.hor!n—botel South )11.1 , 11etfm, nt 1101)ley's lint(;1, May 27; nt 1411 1:18 811rIngs May 28. Frnilltfo•t, nt I4ln orrille, !any 30 and .11. 1l illlin, at Knott k's 5t.110..1 holt A.. Jui•e I nr..l 2. West Pent.slonro' at ChlanalPa 'Ate', Jute :1; at 'itlr's hotel. June 1 Nt, ton, /it 11.ttenhergyr'i hotel, Juno 6; at Mel In:er'o, June 7. 11311102= M=I==EMEM Soutlmnipton, at- Thu 01.141475 howl, Juan IT/Towel' and Ne A burg, at Sbarp's het• 1, June 15 11(1 16. rhippoushurg Borough aud Township, nt 81rNal y'B hot. d Juba - 17 and 18 - Nroville, at Ifenneherger's lintel„Ttine,2o and 21. Mechanicsburg, at Lei.lig.'s h0t..1. Juno 22 and' 3. New ,Ctunt.erimd, nt Bell's lintel, June 71 and 25. Carl nt Commissioner's Office, Jana 27 and 2S. On ill tines not paid on cr botoro the.Bryt of Al.l - neat, ties prr cent will Ito nailed. The TriinstirOi nit reci.icc LiXes at hie office Until he first day of Frotenther near, af whiett tint° tit, tlit'i.ho' °rid , n , olmiti tam s will ho istmod to the con tables or the [expertly° lan oughs anti townships for mileation. IH:OILGH RETZEL, etwor, r orcumbirrland county, I MEM FURN I T ÜBE, FURNITURE. A B. .EWING, Capinet Maker and Undortakqr, West Main street, OPPOSITE LEE'S. IVAREHuJSE Premium for Be,it :FUrniture azintr4tn t all County Fairs since 1857.] Furniture of all varieties nt Styli.. of Foreign nod ilomeslle•manufartnre, from the fluiest reseirood and Mahogany to the lowest ttrlend maple and pine Pnrlor, Chamber, - Dining-room. Kitchen and Office FURNITUV Embracing every article used by II WO. and Rotel keepers. et na me.. t approved au 1.1 emblouulau desitte aim Mash Including also Cottage furniture In Butte I fOIOOIOII nod Camp Chalre. Nn t trusses, (jilt teduion, pictures, tte , 'Os. o..el'urtleater utteullou given, as usual to futtOrato orders from teal. and country, littented to promptly and un moderate terms. SPECIAL ATTENTION . PA In TO TLIE SELECTION OP IVA L L PA PER. EMI= MEM JOSEPII WALTON Z.: CO., • ' Cabinet Makers, NO: 413 WALNUT OT,, PIUILADELPI4A. Our est .bll.lltrent Is ono of tlto oldest In I'ltlndrl ,Lli,coldf Wmlboq ,xpurlet,ce and rityrrl, furglt leo rett‘otAibli. aro prep:try wirow, - • Wo toot orar titre ❑tto ford t.re, and 10mi turd tint aired forint urn Ql . ollreritO . goal Li% A lame stock if (1111111 nm iti ways On 11 incl. Goods mods. to order Counters. Doak •Wot lc. and Wilco Furniture for tat ko, Vlllccu nod Stun. s mode to order.. • JOIR, - I%.LTON. -- J. \ "I.PrINCOTT 101o1;iliq y IMIIMI=E CII.IItI.ES 1,, HALE,' , 936 Areli - Stkeet, ofTets for the Silting Trade 11 sph , ndld essortutent of Nottl. gluon old Heel It•tee Curtain.. Window Blinds mod Sloole•, in the nourst colors Illld ',helmet •, Allodow Cerolesi In (Mt, Weloot , anti Ito•ewerel 41141.0111, Fornltto,r, slits or ehvers 11110,1, cot end nude. SVriug end ILdr Mathews, s nettle to order ..Agent the Motallte ttiing Ilea, tool rOi . the Potont No log Fixture tor Window Eilindrs Moen 'int DIVIDENDS. 45T11 DIVIDEND. I Gar Ask Doitisit Catll,le, May 3, le7O. f, . . Tho 'Board of ntraotorn 'has th la day declared a diyhltoolof F•lVti Ph.lt CENT For tholast Ida 111011 tha on tiro capital stock, trou 1001 w Natiounk null, State tax, payablo tnl &wand; J.`P. IlitaktEr' ' Cmshict, IMEEM BOOTS AND SHOLS, CHEAP . • 00011 P aro not always tho best„, WWI yon go to buy an Pak) rkg,no espo.tnily 1 . 4 t.yo.lll3qe.r of • • , • BOOTS A IsTD''§TIO.E.S' go to a donlOr whop° wui'o,..).ou comryfy, for . very . low aro goodStitlgto ..„ Ye or this them or tho yehr many will I nklit hoots and shboirthr 'summer, wear. All finial] cnu, ha accommodated lit , ADAM 'bYpOtri''S, . , vijioro 1,111 ho fauna,. auinply . ut tbe flools'AnciAlloaa made (4.0e(1,;i• utiii9st dix po.tc.4. )..Jitcu 'No. 84 East LsWhet. street; Ca ?isle, Pa 14(4)70,' ZEN !ME! 01=!!