61jt gartistf . gtraltr CARLISLE, YAKJ2, WM. Oun. lawyers are at the Supreme Court QUITE a .quantity of hail, full the vicinity of Churolitown on Tuesday . tfternoon. . „ , Tat Car Ilidss'Bited gave .us'sorno 'hie music at the Coure-11ouSe last Sat urday evening, which *as 4,ufortunately out short by the rain. _ WIT. would call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of the Dye ing and Scouring Establishment of Montgomery & Co., of narrishiirg, The firm bear a. first class: reputation, , and aro worthy of .patronage. DIRECTORS ELECTED.7At ameeting of the Borough Council, held on Friday vo!ling last, H. M. Henderson, Charles Weaver, and Robert Given were unani mously reelecteddireetors of the Carlisle Gas and Water Company, on the part of the borough, fo; the ensuing year. r take great pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to the grand display of new goods, just received at L. T. Greenfield's. ' He is' offering great bargains in dress goods, piques, domes tics, ' cloths, and casshneres. Do not forget to examino his stock if you want a bargain. =I 2::= TILE committee Of arrangements of tho order of American Mechanics have left at the residences of our citizens, a circular soliciting' donations' for a FaT, - to be held in Rlicam's Hall, commencing Juno 18. We hope there may be a lib eral response, as the -Object, is ono that is undoubtedly good. TROUT are unusually plenty, and largo numbers are caught in the Letort daily. We were shown one a few days ago, caught by Mr. Samuel Elliott, at the head of said spring, tho weight' of which was 21 pounds, • and which meas ured lli inches-in length and - 9 inches in circumference. IC= WE regret to learn that Gen. George W. Bowman intends removingto Phila delphia 'Shortly. 'Gen. B. is a most estimable gentleman, and we had hoped he would spend the remainder of his days in our midSt but he thinks best to do otherwise. Be will carry with him to his new home, the kind • wishes of all who ktfoW him here. F. Alcutimvc, formerly a sergeant in the C. S. Army at Carlisle Barracks, but more recently a keeper of a restaur ant on•Loutper street,' departed this life on Tuesday of last week. His romaine were conveyed to their final resting place on Thursday afternoon' last.-. The ceremonies at the grave were conducted by Couodogninet Tribe, I. 0. of It. M., of which he_wits a member. Nowt:, obliging gentleman connected with the Statp Department has kindly furnished us a copy of the General Laws of the session of 1870, containing -a-card-with-the-eempliments-of-the-ilm F. Jordan, for which: ho will please ac cept our thanks. The matter contained in the aforesaid , pamphlet has been so frequently before the editor of this paper, and in so many shapes, :that it is scarcely now what Horace Greeley would call "inighty interesting reading." =MEM DEDICATION SERVICES.—The St. Paul's Evangelical Cluirch, on West Louthor street, of which Rev. H.' B. Hartzler is ',aster, will be dedicated to the service of God,, ou Stihday, May 15. Reverends T. Bowman, of the East Pennsylvania Conference, J. Hartzler, of Glen Rock, M. J. Carothers, Presiding Elder of Cen tre District, and -other ministers will take part In the services. The dedica- Dori' strmon will be preached at eleven a. m. Also preaching at three p. m., and seven and a half p. in. Communion services on Monday evening, May 16. The people aro cordially invited to at tenk, Seats always free. MIDDLESEX TOWNSHIP, May 9, 1870 7, the Lmt,n f the Cali(, rkrara: As the time for nominating a candi date for AsSembly is fast approaching, we wish to bring before the Republican party, as a'eandidate for that office, the name• of 'F. L. Rodgers, of Middlesex township. Mr. R. is a young man of rare abilities, an active worker in the party, and fully qualified to fill thin im portant office. Let him be nominated, and we are confident ho Will be elected, and discharge the duties with an eye single to the best interests of the people, and ivith•honor co-himself. MANY REPIJIILICANO \Vi take the foLwing from The Vol MEI "SOUND.—The New York Herald. is claimed to be worth $3,000,000,- The Tribune $1,750,000„ The Times $1,000,- 000, The Journal of Conmeree $BOO,OOO, The Evening Post $700,000, The Sun , sooo,uoo, The World $400,000, The Evening Express $300,000, and The Vol unteer $25,000." THE HERALD i 4 worth, at least $50,000, by our own estimate of ourselves, but whenever The Volunteer jieophi realize the amount ffitedlih the above , fel; qbeit; concern, and want,to buy us out, we will take $25,000 cash payment, ,and a mighty, slow !iota for the balance. CZ SOMETHING Woirrn KNowmul---)193 , find in an exchange the following simple remedy for house ants, 'whioliWt, earn mend to the attention of housekeepers troubled with those pests:. Procure a largo' sponge, wash it well and press it dry, which will leave the cells quite open ; then/ s'prinkle . over;it some fine white - sugar, and place it whore the ants aro troublesome. They will soon collect upon-the ii'penge and taVe' up their abode in the tells. It isonly nue& sayy to dip the t sponge t *scalding, 11 , 0 Water, which will wash them otiedead. Put on more sugar and set the trap for a , new haul. The process the house of every ayc, .. •. •.•; t: , IMPORTAid. TO 41013fiE , CiatilliT4t13.--'• As the 59sen for house, eleaning at hand; the follOwiPg direetioni for'clean ing "paint niay be found serviceable : Proyide a plate with some of, the best „ whiting to be had, and have ready some , clean warm water and a piece of flannel, 'which dip into the water , and squeeze nearly dry ; then take as Much whiting as will adhere to it, apply it to the painted surface, when a little rubbing will instantly iiiiiieVeltiiir"dirtAir".greaSi, After WM . & wash well with elearrwater,„ rubbing it dry . with,softliannels,, paint thus cleaned loolik'" is 'Well Whou'ilnit laid on, Without' anytlinjurytto the Moat delicate colors. , ,is 13,et i tet + than using soap, an&,,doeil' dot' "rOikuflii more • thaq,half the time and labor.' Accanirr,r7Wliile ~ some b0y0 .. „ : 70r0 p " lifYing' ion ; tatttrilay liat, knob!, disehaiged: a 'bow gun, loaded with nail,' striking a boy natneti Jacob. Lang.. on, son ' of Wilson Lamison, in.tho oyo, It . is feared tho sight of the oyd'islosti - COACII it'ACTOIM.-lUllder4llo 11100 of "Now To-day", will be found the ad vertisement of Henry - - Peffer'e-- Coach- Factory and Livet;y Stable). -Mr. Adam Sensenian has charge of •the :practical part of the business, and it is unneces sary; .to' add is .ticcitWufed with.coacli building, having for many years manufactured vehicles for the zees of Cumberland county. In lifs' livery,stable can . Always 'be. found ilot class outfits. . . , O'BRIEN' s Mammoth Menagerie, great' moral entertainment Lt:i4is not, succeed ing so well. The Harrisburg papers say that a number of employees left at that ,placo becatise the thing wmild not ,pay, and the show moved oil considerably in debt, It is said that several young la dies left, iidth it from Harrisburg, and that ono frohi. this county was only saved from, going b being arrested by an offi cer. WO linking this is the moral itrt, of .the entertainment. - TIIE following are the " deadly sins." , as viewed by an editor : • 1. Boring him, when ho is writing. 2. Boring him when he is not writing. 3. Reading - his exchanges without permission. 4. Asking permission to road his ex changes. • 5. Hooking his scissors when the devil is clamoring for "original" matter. O. Laying profane hands on his proof. 7. Asking him who " Knickerbock er" or " Con. Denser" I=l THE Garrison Amateur Minstrels gave their entertainmentlin the hall, on Sat urday evening, the rain having closed them up on the previous evening. They had a full house, and every one appre ciated the performance. The music was excellent, the jokes were good, ambViat is unusual, some of them were new, the dancing Was well done, and, altogether. their entertainment was a success. Our Amateurs are much bettor than most troupes of "'professional" minstrels, and we hope to have more of their minstrelsy. STOP-TE-k 2 lntEr !—On Monday night last, the garden attached to the property of Mrs. Bills, on North street, was en tered by some Miscreant, who made-him self the possessor of a beautiful 'keno- . trope, together with several other valu able, and highly prized flowers. Also the same night, in the same neighborhood, the garden of Mr. Liman _was, in like..manner, robbed. This is .11 new kind of thieving, gotten up, un doubtedly, for the occasion. We would advise our readers to be vigilant, and prepare yourselves to give these midnight (flowery;, adventurers a warm reception. Tin Philadelphia papers of Monday are filled with accounts of the great hail storm that visited that citY'on Sunday. It is said to have been the greatest hail shower known since 1847. The ice came down in chunks of very' unusual size— ono of them inoasuring as much as six inches •in circumference, and several -Weighing,..e.aelich as a pound. The windows of the residences, churches, and public buildings suffered severely, while the. conservatories and hot houses with their collections of plants and flowers, were, in most instances, .de stroyed. The street lamps were pretty generally destroyed. The damage by the storm is estimated at over one mil lion of dollars. • lIORTICULTURAL.--The Cumberland County Horticultural Society held its an nual meeting in Franklin Hall, Mechan icsburg, ou Saturday, May 7. The meet ing was by far the largest ever held by the society, and there was more than usual interest manifested by the mem bers. The 'Tune exhibition promises to be of unusual interest. Thepromium list will be quite' extended, embracing a va riety of articles not heretofore enumer ated. The members are anxious to have contributions from all part. of the coun ty. .Hundreds of packages of seeds have been ,distributed among the menthol-a. The following named persons were elected officers for the ensuing year: Alexander Wentz, President ; Wm. R. Gorgas, Vice President ; .Aahiol ,Shelly,_ Secretary, and C. B. Nissley, Treasurer. Dim—John L. Waggoner, of North Middleton township, and late Teller in the, Carlisle Deposit Bank, died on Sun day morning last, of coilaumption, after a lingering illness. In his death there has been . lost to his family a.kind hus band, father,. soil, and brother; to'tlM Community, an intelligent citizen of in tegrity and worth ; and to many, a sincere friend, A. large. number of: mourning relativesluul friends followed his remains to their " narrow house" ou Tuesday morning last. NO was, at 'the time of hi t s death, :,Senior, Warden of Cumber land Star Lodge, No. 197,_ A. Y. M., the members - of 'whom attended his AMerat in a body, and by whom be was buried with Masonic ceremonies: Ashland cometery holds' no more honored dead, or none NvlthqO'nioniorji.shall, longer,be, cherished than John•L, !Waggoner. , C.: FINE CATTLE.—We saw a' number Of cattle, on Tuesday last, at the,,National :Hotel, that can hardly be excelled in the county.: Two were county steers, fcd Mr. Henry Snyder, Steward of the:Poor House, .itnd averaged 1,700, pottuds,eaelt., Twelve head weie fed by Mr.. John Stu art, of-Southlifiddleten tovviuMip, ono of the best stock feeders in, the county ; the average, weight' of those was ' 1,450 pounds,: making an aggregate . of 17,300 pounds.' .Fifteen werefeclhyMr. -- . Woodti 'Sterrett, of DickinSon township, the average 'WOight - ' of whiCh was 1,150 pounds: These cattle were purchased by Mr. Carper; of Franklin equn'-' ' ty, be disposed of in the Potts viihrmarket., 1 _WII9- have . any. , :cattle of this, kind been .slaughtered for the carlisle mark. 7, %eta? "Echo answers—When. , • FINEI WitrriNe.4.:weeyY,Er B P'jl* called the 'Eagle, Its' s jtist Made its ap pearance in Louisiana. Inhiesalutatory the editor opens out iu the following style : 1 : " • • o. more at 'thq helm, wo fear no storms,; no thimder,. no minds'inay roar and surge, and in wild mad'cateer,uphcavvthe,politiratl ocean, ',nail her discolored•depths are semOnd bear inottetain,lioight, with typcl.centn 7 ,, sion tht and the billews , spray:: From o Ond aloud the , idnilink 'ning mhq rag 6 until the beitvetis ono brciad , sheet: and 'the torrents The -i.ePP.r.M.l*-tY;''0,10 111 )d strive to reach. the - very heavens yet: safely, ir(o*, .fearlessly oUritatmoh. storm. tossed barque draft anelnired Of the akhcligt:fe ` neUtutioiatiberty.n: There, noWl , ‹ . 11- : proposed to repair and-remodel tha Oqiend Presbyterian Church of this - borough. i This is a much needed im- - ,proyement, and wo know no-oongrega-c tion bettor, able to make it. PENNSYLVANIA STATE SCHDAY SCHOOL 4t3BOCLkTiON.--MMAIHUHI , pclirmtic%. will be - held at Harrisburg, Tuesday, IV9dneSda,y, and Thursday;-Juno 14, 45, and 10.• George Stuart, .esq.,, is, eir, pected to preliidel sehoOl in the Is requested to send two or 'More delegates. - Pastors and. Syairlay school workers are also invited to attend _and. participate. It is requested that the names - of those who' expect to at tend shall be sent to Rev. Thomas L Rohipson, D, p, q 1 irman, pr 4plm,lg;, iiyford, esq., Secretary of the, local corri giittee of ,arraligermints' rit'Plarrfsbur4,, on - or before the first 'dny.'of .lune, -. So' that places of entertainment may be pro ottcolinty organiza tions are requested to iintriediatelt s'end' their address to the State Secretary, Lewis D. Vail, en., SanSoin street, Philadelphia, •so as to receive printed details. Wheile organii.ation, • the Secretary wishes to correspond with some earliest Sunday school worker,' and requests that his or her name be for warded to them: ' ! LODCIFB IN CAELISLE.—CarIiSIO is, at. the present time, well supplied with' secret societies. The 'following com-, prises a list of all, as far as we have been able to ascertain : Masonic—Dumb&laud' Star Lodge, No. 107 ; St. John's Lodge, No. 200 ; St. John's Chapter; St. John's Council; St. John's Commandery. kasonic, Colored—Carlisle-SbF, LodgO, No. 18. .4 . .. 0. of) Odd Allows—Carlislo Lodge, Nu: Jl ; CarlisloEucainpmont, No. 183. Knight, of Pythias—Triio Friends' Lodge, No. 56. 0. of U. A. Machanics—Carlisle Council, No. 205 ; Junior---Marion Council, No. ;-1. 0. of Red Men.-Conodoguinet Tribe; No. 108. F.) O. of A—Cumberland Circle, No. 88. If 0. S. C—Carlislo Lodge, No. 247 I. 0. G. T—Letort Lodge, No. 603, , • We have also. Lodges of Daughters of Temperance, The Golden Chain, Union League. trice. CZ MASONIC DEDICATION.—On Tuesday, May 24, we expect a grand Masonic dis play. St. John's Lodge, No. 26fi, has, fitted up for itself a magnificent lOfige room on the third floor of the Good Will building. And amagnificent-affair it-is.- The workers of this craft intend to walk on Brussels • carpets, sit on cushioned walnut sofas, and have thiu,gs.magnifi cent generally.. They have all these fine things ready now, and only await the coming of the Grand Master to dedicate them to their proper Masonic nses.' • The Grand Officers have promised to put in an appearance on the twenty fourth instant, and on that day we may expect a very imposing display in the interest of Masonry. The Lthlges of Cumberland, Franklin, and. Adams 'counties, and those of York, Harrisburg, miLancaster have been invited to be present, and have accepted the invita tions. An address, to which the public is invited, will be delivered to the Craft by Rev. Dr. H. H. Pattison, of Philadel phia, in one of the churches of the borough.. There will also -be a grand procession of the brethren in full dress. The occasion promises to be'one of unu sual interest, not only to the - Masonic order, but to the community. AT the last stated meeting of time Good Will Fire Company, the following offnet:s were elected to aerye for the ensuing IBM President—C. P. Humrich. Vice President—J. M. Wallace. Secretary—J. L. Meloy. Treasurer—Joseph W. Ogilby. Trustees—O. P. Humrich, J. D. Rhine hart,Joseph Bautz, James White, J. T. Zug. Chief Director-,Joseph W. Ogilby. Second Director—Joseph Bautz. Third Director—C Reighter. Vourth Director—T. C, Zimmerman Fifth Director—J. E. Steele ,Plugsinen—William Harkness, Charles Harkness, A. W. Walker, J. P. Lynch, C. Reighter, Joseph C. Halbert,' Sam uel Claudy.• Chief Engineer—Robert Hannon. First Assistant Engineer—J. Bauch- MEM Second Assistant Engineer—A. Jack son :Roightor. Third Assistant Engineer—John Blair. Ohief Fipesman--Blias Minnieh. First Assistant Pipesnum 7 —William M. Ogilby. Second Aisistant Pipesorn—cliarles Spottswood. "Third Assistaiit ,PipesmaCharles Noble. ' Chief Firen9n—Samuel Elliott, Firist Assistant Firdmaii—J. White. cond Assistaut Fireman—G. Sehuch mdn: --Third Afssi§!.airp .Firpman---Louis Hoffman.. • , < FICI AL , VISITATION.--=The Grand Officers of the Grand Encampment of the State of Pennsylvania arrived at this phice on Thursday lateral:ion; :of lasl week, accompanied by D, D. G. P. 'Weinier, of Dauphin ,DiStriet,'; , They wore met, On tlMir arrival at the depot, by a committee .of,, three. from Carlisle .Encampiiithit, and escorted to ilia Prank= lin libuse, whore everything'was done to make their stay in this ,plaeo.as pleasant as possible. During the, afternoon and eVoniiig they worel visited by a number' of members of the Patriarchal Order. ,if t ei g ht o'clock the officers and members, of the Calinatte4 proceeded where" they wore recellicd by the nieMbers of Carlisle and Big Spring, Encampments. , Y,Tho/ ,Grand; • Pr'efiiit were . Grand Representative 'Stokes; Grand Treasurer Reiss, Past -Grand patriarehe Bektra iii d TrunniCk, Grand PaCriareh Samuel Foster was not .present, he r bopg , detained by Siolinties. , ".. After the'Grand‘Houol had .fished the. officers of the Eil'eanipliriene vacated their scats,,,vv,hich were ocoupied, ; by the Grand Officers—li. W. G.' 11: 'fgtaipsnotink as Chief,patildreh: > Ad- 'tdrostres Were delivered. by the Grand Oilicerei,:a44,ltiie tont lit to ~ „ wpri,,,folly„, explained by Past Grand Patrlareli Trin nipk,jalfOf Wlifell'i4rti, atte,ntqel.Y.? 1 ,v7.4 10 if?, T'atriaroli 0. Jp. Maglaughlin responded of the Ledge..„ • •f o'clock the members escorted the .9111kerii i4 L D ' ifi s e; a,mest;sumptuoue Topaet had:boon pro• lir4 . o4;iy the prlncoof caterers, George ~; Wetzel, ,i ) ,i111.1 .0n FridaY Morning ther.left , for , ,c,hambersburg to visit QliVe'Brauchgm,f, carapmout, '15T0. , • 1611, of that place. !,11, .'19,1130 .. ,We fool bi7infldent that this visit will be produ4tivo of much good; • aini'l+We know that , never was a more pleasant. :SeSsicnispent than Mi-this occasion. gay •.. DECORATION DAy.-=';.the. following, 4oA6ral, order in reformicolch•Docotatioti, Day has been'issued by,,Tohn, bpms .l ..Commandor in Chief of.the "Gland Army. of the 'Republic :. Ho adqua4ers Grand Army of tlie public, Adjutant General's : " Office, Washington, April 80, 1870 : ..t, GEISEI4I.. OltDRO; I. The annual ceremonies of Me -mortal been: estaidished by national choice and con iorito will lake Jai°. ori , .Monday, the , thirtieth:day of May. IT. AS Departments, Districts, Posts • and Comrades of the Grand Army of the Republic, wherever dispersedthroughOut ' the land, will unite in such roam:tor, and with such ceremonies for the proper observance of the day its 'nto,y be best suited to each respective locality, and all organizations, common itfos i And persons whose grateful aid, sympathy - and pray, erS sustained us throughout the dark days of the nation's peril;', and those Wbose patriotic - hearts - beat iq unison with our own, and who lava' hereto fore, or may hereafter; JOill with' us in the observalice Of 'this Natioral Memorial Day, aro' hereby cordially. vitod to. unite, and' are 'earnestly re quested to lend their aid and assistance in „strewing tho' pure garlands of Spring, that come with votive memories of love and prayer o'er the mounds that mark the country's altar, and fold in rest eter nal our martyred dead. This'is thothird psblio. observance of a day which has become marked and national for this sacred. occasion. Many aro now missing from our ranks who were with us' before. Time, with busy finger, counts the hours for all. "In the midst of life we are 'ln death," and. ono by ono our veterans aro " mustered out" to join the Grand Army on high. Let this teach us that we should so live that when we too • are gone, it can be said i He was a citizen, a soldier, and comrade, "without fear, and without reproach." 111. It is desirable that the nfemorial services may be preserved, and Depart ment and Post Commanders will forward direct to . the Adjutant General at Na tional Headquarters a. record of such proceedings as may occur in each local ity.. Should the save appear- in-- the press, or by pamphlet, a duplicate cor rected copy is requested. JOHN A. LOGAN, Commander in Chief. ---- Wu—Z. COLLINS, ' , Adjutant General. Official—Hanson,E. Weavei, Assistant Adjutant General. I= —ME Steamer of the Union Fire Com pany has arrived, and will be tried, daily, at tho Pomfret Street bridge. Members of other coMpanies invited, to be present and witness the trial. 1:311 HOW TO CAltvil.—Al though it is a daily duty for many men and women to cut up meat for a family, there are multitudes Viliiriltririfiritray - wetr - Tror - wa following suggestions, from an agricultu ral paper, on this point, may not be out of place, the more especially to young housekeepers: To carve fowls, which should always be laid with the breast uppermost, place the fork in the breast, and take oft the -wings and legs, withoitt turning The fowl ; then cut out the merry thought ; cut slices from the' breast; cut out the collar bone; cut off 'the side pieces, and then cut the carcass in two. Divide the joints in the leg of a turkey. In carving a surloin, cut thin slices from the side next to you (it must be put on the dish With the tenderloin under neath), tlion'tUrn it. Help the guests to both kindg. In carving a leg of mutton', or ham, begin by cutti ngaeross the middle to the bone. Cut a tongue adross, and not length wise, and hold from the middle part. Carve a .forequarter of lamb by separa ting the 'Shoulder from the ribs, and then divide the ribs. To carve a loin of veal, begin at the 'smaller end - and separate the ribs. Help each one to a niece of kidney and its fat. Carve pork and mutton in the same way. To carve a fillet, of veal, begin at the top and, help to the • stuffing with . etich slice. In a breast of veal, separate the breast and brisket, and'then cut up, atk ing which, part is preferred, , • In carving a pig, it is customary to divide it and take off the head• before it comes to the table, as to many persons the head is revolting. Cut off the limbs and divide the • ribs. - In carvin g irenisom make a deep' in cision down the bone to lot out ,the juice, and turn the hroad end toward you, cut ting deep and in' thin slices.' Warm plates aro very neecksary yonison and mutton, and•in winter aro desirablO for all meats. • I===l nanuitucemoat..: A is a thilig bf joy' ! Liko Chapman's pioturos aro. !i; •. " . I DON'T BE DECEIVED irx FALSE HOODP'' • A fellevi, who galls 'himself dhapinrin,' for the purpose - at deceiving my patrons adveitises that he ha)s "taken l ?ocliman'a old established Photograph Gallery." I.fiave'remenied - my ' (Mitre eidablisli- Mont; with negatives and all, from Neff 'a building to the southeast corner of Ifiar- . . het &Mare, ono' 'of the most capacious' and best fitted up TOMS this aide ofP,hil, adelplia, with superior instru ments, light's; Onditece'ssoilesieitinnalie` Photographs , of every stylei infinitely iniperiono any trade lif this part" f the . country. - — Thankful for the generOuS support extended - to - mo-bran. apprecia lino public , I,hopo ; by gonow,c4 -- 6iii:i arid, attention, us bout the use' of falsehood, to meritiveonthinatice bf theirpatrOifiike.f Respectfully,, , ,p, 4,,I 7 iOCUMAN. 12.311rty70. ',EG/(181 _tiEGGS I ?Li,'GGß:l' EaGS I From light Brahma, foxyls, pea eombed, txidtli pure from IMP:AMC:steak, .$2.00 por `dOzon. No order , booked anhids, accompanied by the cash. A few pairs for sale-14.00 per) Bag .b reed:ltalian Bees for sale, in movable corlab lilyes—oheap. Addross n • !`,, c llorPFrini • • 12iriay70 ,P. 0: 8ei:x.147, Carlisle, Pa. , . Ovnit etcalm:4 : 66lM of body or mind, Pr9dllepe debility and - disease., • The usual iomedy la-to . tglc©;,sdlnn ` stimulant, the of riie . ol",ihieh ie tho,,aame as gl4ing thAdhoree the whip inetoad of oats. The taro way qiitetin Vial' fat ke'tlfiiPeruviart ykup) (4'oB6ici'do streogth, and vigor to the 'whole system. - f i‘ '‘' SlOO 'REWARD. y. pied with ! tlie,i FP14.4.0 OPPill°4N ho. offers cheap, .4is entire .steek et ~tombstones and door steps, eithoi sale or retail.' , • .. 1, , -CHAleitEl HILBERT, " ; ,,porner Hanover and Louther streets.; 124704 ti Mon. Whet makett Tom's' picture look so dil ty.2,Because it was taken .in a ground floor gallery. Chapman has a third story room-.. DiRS. MARY. BRo.'?irl4. Begs leave to •,inforiii,the . 'ladies of Car- Uske and vidinitk, that she has opened an Enihroideroiiord,,Xo. 01 West Louther street,. whore orders fin. Btamping, in all 'its 'va'i:ieties, will be promptly executed. Also. Fluting, Nifking, . Machine Stitching, , and Dress Making solicited, at reduced prices. Please sma7o2t J. W. WOLF Desires , to inform the public, that ho has opened a Store at No. 18 North Hanover Street, where he is prepared-tasolgoods i :Wholesale and retail. His stock cOnsists of a full assortment of Hosiery, Hand ,kerchiefs, Collars, Parasofe; Kid Gloves, Fans,' and a full assortment of Notions of all kinds.• Call and dtmiue for your selves. lima7o2t. LocumAN makes the cleanest plot= a in his new third story gallery, South-cast corner of Market Square—Zugg's build` INFORMATION WANTED where to purchase goods at the lowest prices.. We would advise all in want of such information' to call'. at Leith& & Miller's as they must be selling goOds,at greatly reduced prices, from the great amount of bundles that we see carried away, from their More all the time. We' notice them receiving another large sup ply of Carpets, Oil Cloths,' Mattings, Window Shades, Dress Goods, Clothe, Cassimeres, and everything else in the Dress Goods way, all to be sold at great bargains. Do not fano call and see for yourselves. 12may70. INFORMATION for the people where to purchase Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Looking Glasses, Mats and Matting, at the lowest prices. ,-We would advise-OF-persons-to calla at Frysiuger & Weiser's Carpet Store. Thcy4ave the largest assort ment and the greatest variety orstyleS; It is surprising to see the bundles and packages carried away from their store daily. They are receiving goods daily. Call and see for yourselves. I=l SODA WATER Reader, if you wish n - g:taSs - OrcOid, sparkling Soda Water, with choice Syr ups, drop in at Burks, 35 West Main street,. - where he has it constantly on hand. Also with candies, oranges, lem ons, bananas, figs,-prunellas, &c. :5=70 E==l CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, ' BPRING . WACHSES. :CRT.BOp, Mayes, 1870. A. B. Sherk has now •on hand, and will. make to order, all kinds of Car riages, Buggies, Spring Wagons, &c. He has the best workmen in each branch, and has, all kinds of material Constantly 'au hand. Painting And re pairing promptly attended to: . lima'7otf JACOB LIVINGSTON, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in TonAcco, SNUFF, CIIMILS, PIPES, &C. No. 27 North Hanover street Offers to the trade the best brands of a large variety of Chewing and Smok ing Tobaccos, real Michigan Fine Cut, in bulk or in tin foil. W. E. Garrett's celebrated snuff. Real genuine Imported Havana Segars. YaTa Connecticut and Domestic Segars. A large assortment of everything be longing to the buSiuess, and sold at as low a price, 'as.in any Eastern city. The public is respectively invited to call and inspect my largo assortment. .Every article warranted as represented. 21ap706m JACOB LIVINGSTON, Dealer in ANN. WINES AND Llivlons, No. 27 North Hanover street, Offers the following goods : War ranted pure, .unadulterated and full proof.• Always as represented. Genuine Imported Wench Cogane Brandy, old age.. . • Best quality Ginger Brandy. Pare, old gin. Ppre . (4d Port wine. •The very best quality Sherry, Claret+, New England Rum; &C. Kimmel. Pure white spirits. for drug gists and family use. Sold at the lowest prices for' cash. A call solicited. F. ~21ap6tn MC:=2:l 23Planalian, Stone & Isett, Hollidays burg, Pennsylvania, Manufacture station ary engines, boilers, direct acting blowing engines. Player, Thomas and other hot blast. '4lrass'and iron cast ixigs from ono. lbr to 20,90 Q .lbs., and all ,kinds of Machinery. n'apoRTANT Tp rUIVATE IMMILIES Pure and, unadulterated Wines and Liquort4; supplied at their residence,- by. sending Order.to store, or through Post Office. Every article warranted as rep resonOd or the money refunded. JACOB LIVINGSTON 21npilm :No: 37 . N. Mum'. street =MEM The,'cheapest Dry: Goods in town-qt Laolloy's, on. North Ilatovo . : street, Op- Thildium's HOW. Novi goOds' 6coivo~l ,daily ., ; ' . .111p4t Foe direct acting iitootu PtimPs, for miubs, &0., Mit from 'l2: gallons to 0,500 per miputog Go to M'Lituahan; 'sett, Ilollidays • burg,! 2 ' . . . ' . WANTED' IMMDDIA.' TELY:" ! ... , Ton.exgertencod! cigar mak9ts Mlted nn .iiiediately. ! Apply to or address' • '. . law: 'A..Ssirrir; 21ap4t !,' .'',.'. ',:t . , ' Ctit4B,lo," Pa. :' . . Steam pump. •Tbo pump bah, bo dis counbcted from the , engine, and engine used for driving any kii4 of riumhiner:y. gaean.d water piPe, a am , #tkings, &c. 31.1'Leamium, Stone Isott, Pa. - • . .I.7febem ' 20;006 liounds of shonldir inid 'side meat wantsii ; in, c x c longe ' for' pure and the best - brands of chewing and siino!ting.tobiincolly .!! 11 ' 21apaiu "N 0.27 North lianoirer streoi'. •Il , '' • „ • ; evngo &ned the good reli will and Ilittriris 'of Mr. Lesher's his negatives, Thereby cordially , invite ,hisenstoMers, with ayayassiiranceiifgiv. lug entire satisfaction. fteprintri can be ly,ul„fromthe old negatives at any time. ,NEW NEW I •desire to infOrm the publie-gener allylliat-I have _just opened , a' New _and_ "Cheap Clothing Store, and am ,now ready to direi - a large assn rment of ready made clothing, for Men's and boys' wear, all of my Own manufacture, which I, will warrant to flt, and give full satisfac- tion. • Also, a complete assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts, Alpaccas, Cotton and Linen goods, which .I will sell by the yard, or put, and make to order, at the shortest notice, , and on the most ration abledi:ins. A large assortment of men's and boys' hats, umbrellas, travelingbags, shirts, collars, and every variety of no tions usually kept in a gentlemen's fur nishing store. All of which lam deter mined to' sell at prices that will defy com petition. Please remember the place, No. 11 South Hanover street, between Inhoff'd Grocery and Strohm & Sponsler's Shoe Store. B. M. SMILEY. 12ma70 FISK HATCH, BANKERm. lANCF THE CHESAPEAKE D O . IIIO.ItAILROAD COMPANY. Tho advantages and attractions of this Loan, for in vestment purposes, aro many and important 1. It Is Dosed upon ono of tho Groot TIIROUWEI . LINES haute,. tho SEABOARD and tho WEST. 2. The SECURITY IS ALREADY 'CREATED, the greater part of the Ilao beteg In suceousful run Ong operation 3. The Local Traffic, from tlka omitailed Agri.' turn! regions and Iron and Conl deposilaadJacent, Ir.riFt be tarp and profitable 4. Th, enterprise receives Important Concession: mid Privileges Inim the Elates of Virginia and West Ilrgiula 6. It is undor the inunageoloot of oiljalont and wolf known Cop[White, whose names aro gunruntooe for Ha Early Completion and auccaaarni opera .1110 Bonds um be Ind either_ It COUPON OR REGISTERED form; thoy have, thirty years tortm, both prjn lnlorest bong payable la gold 7. They aro of donominitlons of 11,000, goo andsloo, trvnr:ng Internet nt the rate of nix per cent. In coin, payable and Novembn 1 From our intimato arquaintanco with !be affairs. and condition of tho Company, wo know thos6 eocur lusj4iltos2 .. .djarly dusirAdo, and !ultra& for safe doployment of !unpin! Capital, and funding of Gov rthlont Bonds, by Investors, Truateca,or Eatates nd otlicre wbo prefer nloolute oecurity with roa onablo Incomo Holder. of United States Flrs Twentlen aro enablod o procure there Bonds, Deering the mule rate of In neat and having ;longer period to run, and to real ie a larip, humane of capitli in addition Eon& god Stocks dealt In at the Stock Ezsbango , reiveti in carbon° for thin awl, nt tho full mar kot valor, and the Ronde returned .11es . of exprkes hargoa PRICE 90 AND ACCRUED INTEREST IN I= Patophletx,lo, end full lilfor:nation fumbled o application FISK A HATCH, FIVE NASSAU STREET, NEW. YORE ITEM MACHINE WORKS. CARLISLE MACHINE WOW!, 'F: OAROTER--g - CO. CUABENIIjAND VALLEY READER AND MOWER We - nre now boihitng, uud mill btlog out fur the lin,vZt:t of 1870, the New Patent Ctnter'nutt.Valley . Combined REAPED AND- MOWER, whit SELF RAKE, nod all othertit'e lotprovements. It trill be built In the best ntyle, end wpm-ranted to NVOI, ratie factorlly. Thu want of a home motto Reaper has long ti eit Celt, and aro oxpcct to bo able to offer to the fitment of Cumberland and adjoining conniles a machine which Omit ben complete and perfect har vester, equal to tho boat brought from a distance liartnerA era rralititod to call and expudne It. NOVELTY HAY RAKI,, Ru itro building, thlg sertion, only d Iliulted num ter o Itoy link.. Thu Noye.ty has the cult Acting arrangement, 4r can he worked liy hind, ou tho old principle. It will be made of the, brig materials, In linnihninic style,' and warrented to give Bend In your orders early. , 01.31 SPRING •ORAIN DRILL , ' 'Wo continua bonding tho original Willoughby Patent Gum npiJog Grain Drill, so well knourn ' and popular-oolong farmer, Na good (armor om, a fford to do wltlnint the WI loughby, for It largely In . creams, and Improves his orops,•and soon pays for Ruoff Wo make It aa a Grain and Gross Seeder 'alone, 'or with roteat Guano Attachmont for sowing pho ol ,,,r e s or guano, Wo also nand the Willoughby with ,tho ettorok In straight rook or rig rag, as locators way prom. • • • . VARIOUS PIiNt , IIIPLEMENTS. Wo are manufacturie var ety of egilcultural Implements, such us horse powers sod threehers, cider mills, &tor corn Owners, thaeo sizes, Lannon core diallers, Hut eka fodder cutter, and keep always on ihand the National 'Feebler Cutter, three rises, With vatic.. other Pt ming implomente. Wu aleo make Parner's patent Tire bender, and Porter's psi eat Tuyete, which every blot:km.lth should Wan Also cast iron curt, crushers, wank kettles, four aloes, cel lar grates, Ave different path:rue, Plow cludillAs end other castings kept always On hand. , The'CARLISLI4 COOK STOVE, our own casting, one of thy , beat and 'cheeped stoves In 'the mark . . STEAM ENGINE Al heretofore, we giie • pertice'sr attent'on • to building STEAM ENGINES, and furnishing IGIAIiT ING, WEARING, PULLIES, and every part of the machinery connected with Paper mills, Fletirdig Sow mills, Tsuperiee, ^sty,' Our patte,us for ateaut engines are from two tire to twenty five horse power, combining situplielty at construction with ell modern Improvement., and ftirolaheit at ercourdoe dating paces. We also build portable engines et two horse power for running printing presses; ko. We have an extensive variety of patterns for mill work, to which we ore conetantly making additions, and min fill contracts for engl ate end' mill. et short notice., /al Two [Or stationery engines now en band and for auto ' BUILDING BUTEBIALB Attached to' our establishment Lao Extonsive PLAN NO MILL. nod SABII and DOOR -.IIAOTOItIf, with all themachloory for inanufadturlng door awl window !Yampa, 'milli phut ter..013 d blind., bracket'', mouldings, condo° and portico drapery, stair rail and Winder., doorip.oldind sod every othexartiele In the line Of boll ing Material.. ftom 'tho !Must prim to Bret Mass quality. Builder. and contractors td,y'rely on all Orders, largo or etnkil, being promptly Au antenelve nopply of enasoned pine, walnut and oak itunber kept constantly, in our lumber yard mady~(or mom Small sloes of lath and 'low priced doors always on , hand, and other articles .taado to. • All orders nrOnqulrlea , by mail, or otbcrwlan ,a/nuact.lon•wlth one branch of our budgets will be, vomptly Wedded tqo t? .1"T. . GAItONER k CO. COA. v z UMBER: `,r IHEAP COAL CHE 4), 11 0 QA-T i t NI) Tho subscriber is prepared, to del par, e b narloadi to limsburnong,'and ,otbOr 'consul:rifts 'along the li n o 'ortho Cumberland Vallay listllroad, the 'oele• 12M LY3I4NB•VAT,LEY COALif~' C • AT THE .I,OIVEST rossinix BATEI3 tpu.124141. Thin coatis of.tvvery supovior 41i1 be famished ist wires which will defy all compoiltioti.' The subscriber will deliver cool at Osrllsle, by the Fer load. during th'e current month; at the following prices, per ton of 2,000 iba : . ' • Pea oo Nut 4 00 Stovo 6 25 ag " • 525 • ' ' And to other pottlts of tho road - he willtdolivor It, adding or deducting' the °aroma Of ,tlPretyparo in freights. Tito alarm ratan mill be subject to the rim or fall of prices, tads month, at the ninety.' oicinen ztror. fliTicocorner of Idaho and Pitt direeht., ' • 21ap70 • s - J. BEETEM '.54 BROTHERS, Forwarding & Commission Merchants. (Hondorson's old stand • At !be head of MAIN STREET; cartlele, Pa. Tho htthoot market price all: be paid for Flour ; Grain and pm:Alice of all kiode... Coal of all kluda, atobraelog • LYKENS VALLEY, Uhler Philip Confect' nary 14 7 Or ,e & Ntaley do , 14 7 etretch J It do l4 1 _WrightiY_Edi 14 7 Carr H 0 agent . Clothing 1.4 7 LAWBERRY, &e, &e 1 Keefer L D do 14 7 - • Abram. L W do . LOCUST-MOUNTAIN; -I.lmoburuers' and /Mechem!the Coal constantly of sale. Kept under cover, and delivered dry to any part of the town. Also, all hied, of Lumber on' hand. a 'BRETEM d BROIL rTapr,6B . BEST LYKENS,, VALLEY 'LIME COAL, $4.25, at tbo yards of , A. 11. BLAIR. SUMMIT GRANGE! tit ICENA VALLEY EGG - STGVE COAL, dalivered - " - " - -42 00 BUT COAL - 4:15 1.12 thd yard, 22 cents Ides. At the yards I f A.-11. TiLAIR. LUBA DER OE ALL KINDS at . the lowest prices At the )ards of A. 11. MAIL FOR RENT-TANNERY. NEW TANNERY .tor Bale or Rent.' The subscriber offers his NEW TANNERY, on South street, Carlisle, for onto or lease, on favorable . terms. Immediate poesession given. Apply to 28np70 WILLIAM BLAIR. TREASURER'S NOTICE. LIST OF DEALERS IN GOODS, Wares, and - Merchandise, Mad Brewern, Distil lore, Lum. Olen, Eating Houses, ,te., within the county of niberland, as appraised andamersed by David Wherry, Mercantile Appraiser, In accordance. with ;the several' acts of Assembly, aa follows, to wit: CARLISLE. Dry 11cods 9 25 00 do - 25'00 do 12 12,60 do 14. 7 00 do „_.ll 16 00 do . 11 7 00 do 11 15 00 ' do 14 7 Ou do 14 7 00 Fancy Geode 14 7 00 do 12 12 50 au 14 700 Jewelry 14 7 00 do 14 7 00 do 14 7 00 do 14 7 05 Hardware 0 25 Oti do 10 20 00 Bowing Machines 14 7 00 do 14 - 7 00 do • 14 701' do 11 7 00 14 7 00, 14 7 00 14 - 7 00 14 7 00 14 700 14' 7 nu 14 7 00 14 7.00 14 7 00 IA 7OU 14 700 14_7_00. 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 0 , , do 14 7 00 do 14 '7 00 Vieur and Feed 14 7 U 0 Producell 10 00 do 11 15 55 do ". 11 16 OU do • 14 7Ou do 'l4 7 04 db 14 7 00 do 14 7 110 do 14 700 Lumber and coal 14 7MI do 12 12 50 Leidicb & Miller Bentz $ Bros Ogilby CI Mlles IV A GreanflulaLL.T, . lung J 011 114rper.A Thomas Sawyer, D B Lachey, D,II NotrA Coy to Brothers Loeb, Jacob - Bodoni C M Conlyn Thomas Kramer F C 11,einger II ,• Saxton Beni,. • Miller & Bowers o.•kor Mrs A 11 Parer -Lewis DOW & Washmood M'Malibn = .-- MeGonegal James 01 0111 k & Bun , Fridley William Walker & Cloudy Setlera I . llllant_ Mil er Feler Buil. hot.. er D W Kiefer Mrs S 2d Hughes Robert. yocum.ocargo Martin Jacob SchrJelenbaugh J Dick J D Wotzoll Joseph 9• Faller John unTirjrarh --- . - Veber George Jennings William Zeigler J A Beetem & Co Beillee,itifroa Woodsisrd It 0 Ilink.ose II Stamen 0 B Cornelius & Bosh Low John All non Robot Hoover 13 M. Blair A II c=a do do do Ckbfvetlonerz do • ,13 10 00 Coal . 14 7 00 do 14 7 00 Groceries 14 7 00 do 14 07 00 do 14 7 00 Blair, A IL Rhoad. II A Co Zinn Goorgo °rental. 0 Merman C. Man %V II Wctzell W Bender John Maaounehner .1 H Sites A J Blnir William A Soo Illidebraut It Esche..bach Frolerlel: Zeigler Joseph robley II Cameron W J Sena Jacob Inboff Chileflan Wnahniood W 0 Hoffman 0 B Fouot Petor Egbort. 1 It llontzlor Joneph Ileckmen Jltn do 14 7 00 Furniture 14 7 00 do 14 7 00 do 14 700 do 14 7 00 do 14 700 Shore and Boole 14 7 00 do 14 700 - - -- - do 14 700 IL4xeboro, J W Lissmnn JoLo Cornuntn Frekorick Shxpley C Ewing A B Biro 11 Burner N Myer. Di C porter W N ' Cointnan Jonathan Fleming F C - du do do Millinery do do do Strohm & Boonslor Lisman Philip , Carlisle fame Factory Clienoweth William Mr. E Nett Mrs M Hatton Mrs Cloth'ng 14 7 00 do 14 700 Itnifing Lechkr A G ME= LEE= • do VU do do Smiley .1 W 7 Iring.ton I Donor Jolin E keneJ A RH t , r IL 9 I lulu. A Drugs G=E=l do do do do do Co.nini. k Worthington linvorstirk Dro•hor`e linverbticif Drochor's 'Frank T 14 rn, W Fryainger.ls Wellivr Carp”ta, 14 7 00 Itheem..l II Musical Inerumouti 14. 7 00 17 , 0 GO lob.. 14 700 pang or II K do 41,1vIngdton Jacob y do Oembo, J A — do Ennuinkor Go •tgli Loather Knanduger 8 Rubor Locbannn C L Pbotoglrho Loshpr J dm tl Ch spurn II P do 'per W K Loudon Junior, Itillmon El D EMI Vous Jatob - Jlotti and Caps Honor John A • ld (Milo JO , , , .' do Saidello N FOrthman,:Jobo Donlon' „ 1 , /lyloty' Store Produco =I Dry Goo In Ai do du do tf o'l 8 Bly,ra D 11 Dott•rnr H 'April 1) ..,......- . :. ' „EAST 1.19NNE1090001.1, 7,ncorloi 9 Co ' Produce Zocarino L Co, ~ , . „ do Thompoon, Wm " do 11.1,94 IV 0 ' Dry Ooode Fliddler A Doorman' . ' ' do Glamor .1.11.. , du - - nook. n&, Sou . • . Orocorleo Longnooker I •••,,- •do • Ildhonol 9 L .. do ' Roth ..# Soli Jo . henna, Iludol do Do.t Jo. , Th ~' ,' Lumber__ _ HoNt,ger Theodor* . , 'do hlults•T 31 ; ' , , Coocect!ohory . thnith 0 W • ' ' do Duploy, Harry do Noldleh ID• . ~- Clothing s•--------' Hood N • ' ' fitOoes Maier A • Yulniturn moeso• DNhr:.. , • • , . do KKm,' , ,' MON , ' ',' ' 'llllO. ory blortlh Miso A • i '.' • do YRANKFORD Dry Goods blouus Johu W • ',. .„ - • HAMPDEN, , • : , 1 ••• Tiraplin JM ' , • Groceries " 14 7 Wolr.l 8 A • 1_ .• ' ' ' .• Dry Goods " . 14 7 •llupp II 111 &Co • do 14 7 Rupp'Douiel do 14 7 Temidin eying • Furoldilie ~ • 14 7 Gilbert Cyrus Whips 14 7 Rupp,J J A Co. , N PrOI2PCS ,` . : 44 :7 1 ' • LOWED ALIAD. Good pu . . Dry Goods 14 7 Dorman di Co ' ' ' do ' 14 7 Kunkel & 800 , do l4 .7 Deltrlch 0 J " . Blom 'l4 .7 Dr. to A A Sou • Boole and Shoe. 14 7 MIDDLESEX Dry anode O'Llarni IL ""rdlOiiitabinuitct.; I . . Downlaul3 W . !. ._ Grocery-_-. 14 7.. 'Mohr, Israel , •., . _ - do • ':, 121260 Arnold IC ' do 14' 7 DovlnliOrfijtd; ';'• , ;',,*,!do ' : ; : ' / 14 ' 73 Fought domilel . - .do :14 ° :7 linuflhom J A - , ~ ' do 12 12 50 Mattison 11 W Vi ' i ,;:.i : de.. .':1: •. .1,,:7 141111 son ANV - ' • ~ :do ' - )2411711 D' W , : ,do , ~, . 12 12 50 EmmlngoreJ : ,i'„ , 3 ,, „,: ' !dol. 1; ~‘, ~ 010 , 14Leo George . : - do .• '34 T ' ~. • .• • • . ... ~'REdS'UßEl't~Sf` IV~ ~'1'II~'E: Weeth - olier & Beck.. •' - nii Goode - 14 7 Elcock & Co ' '27 , 4.1 - • do 10 20 Butter r& itewrild do 11 16 Esher Joseph 11 . do_ , l4 7 , Bruck &Boyer " do.ii: i.fi a i..12 12 50 Hurst. J 1.1 & Bon ' do 11 15 Rafensbi rip* B. • do 14 7 Brindlo & Nehiwanger ~ . do 10 20 Long & Son.: - ; r . ' . Lumber, -.-.: 14.,:-7 _Eherley ilr.,Sims --- der . 1115 Millleen A. 898.. • do . . 12 1250 Moor 11B Eltnyman & Bucher Produce 0 25 Atelliwood & TWA - „ do , 14 7 Bryson TO, • ; do, . ,'8 30 Miller & Garrott do ' ' " 11 15 Mich & Balky do 14 7 Eherloy D & 8011 \ liardlcilre f 11-15 Bohb & Kiln wl ' \ i tdo - . .. 10,-20,, Clark & Byors ' rugs' ' ' ''l4 7 Nonsmoker J II do 14 7 Day Alfred do 14 7 Herring Jl3 & Co,, . \. . do . 13.10 Snavely II 11. - , '„ do ' k • L 14; 7 Order i brlstlon ,Bhoes - 14 7 Zinn Ilenry do 14. 7 Kelm 0 • do - 14 7 Bolide Levi - , . ; . do .. - ./3 10 Ilowcoan'.l C do 14 7 4leyd & Stainer ''' do. 13 10 Simon 8 ; v.iioty • . 14 7 '' Burkholder C K Blankots 4 whips 14 7 Hazlett & Bon, Plumliera „ ;;. • - ;1.4 7; ; Bobb G W agent Stoves , 14 7 ' . Hauck &Co - do • 14 T Wondorlich 0& If ' do ' - 14 ' 7 ?Amick & Diehl • liiirnlturek.--. 14 7 VOA 0 II ' ' :14 , 7 Itui.p John do 14 7 Swots Jacob Jewelry • .. , . „ 14 ',7 . Shapley It .12. do 14 7' Palmer J 11 ,„ Cigars 14 7 Cluswlkr 21 • ; . do ' " 14 7 lommi D L Bsddieryabloukoti 14 7 Fltdoolver 8 Tltzol Cool 14 7 J dr. Co Dltteri 14 T Kosor 51Ins Clara ' lIIIIIInery , 14 7 Bryan Mrs 9 do 14 7 Carr M. A do 14 7 Llndsoy Mrs tilt to 14 T Nlshol Georg,' flour 'and rood 14 7 Ell= Sherman John 'd Dry Goode 14 7 Null 2 • do ^ 14 7 MONROE Herman 0 T 11 Dry Goodt, , 12 12;50 Plonk John do 12 1/ 50 Do finny L D Drugt 14 7 Plank Samuel Feed 14 7 Spahr Iloury do 14 7 lIIIMEEM Manning & Bra Mush & Bra 811yeer Ilonry Wagner 8 0 ,IIurAJA J B , . . . Stoner 4 A • Dry Goods 14 7 Clever-& Earnest do 14 7 Kyle John do 14 7 • Baker J do . 14 7 Fosoot .1 0 &Co do l4 7 Foreman Strohm & Co , do 14 7 Itollinger 0& Co do 14 7 Lewis & llro Groceries - 14 7 DonnYr W K ' . do 14 7 Iliberlig . & Son do 14 7 Munich John • do 14 7 &older:on David do 14 7 Olt oho Georg° Confectionary 14 7 Match Samuel ' . Shoes .. ,poncor II IV -- - ' Stoves '- 14 7 Duch II K do ---- 74 -- 7 NEWVILLE. ` . 15 Jmnos E & Ilro Diy Goods 9 25 * Stough & Elliott do ~ . 10 20 McCandllgh Thomas • do 11 15 limusol BM & don groceries i 13 10 Clouser 851 & Bon ~do 14 7 Boots &Shoes 14 7.,,. I h r le v itieJ W do 14 7 51.11.11 &—Bricker —_ ::do 14 j_. Menu, J C do 1.1 7 North (IVClothlot 14 7 do 14 7 [Lundnll N L5: Sun ~‘ . 0.1 \fie U Nub r 413 Ilenn«. V II • . - vere.idb'n • BLulenbergerFurolluro 14 Brlcker John do 14 7 Monett & Son Ilardwore 1810 hoetnnker W 11 .lo 13 10 =MEI -.- Mull George W Stove. 14 7 Ileum. II Confectionary 14 7 Craw ford J W do . 14 7 Dale • re . do 14 7 Laughlin Laughlin Joseph Feed , . ,14 7 a'i.aughlio Harriett Millinery 11 7 Reed, Allas`E E ~u, - to _ 14 7 Stalky Mice A ' do 14 T inunberger 31 Notions • . 14 7, I= Motor Joe to . . Elliott b. 111,r Dry Goods - 11 15 owe gent U W do 11 15 M'Coy Daniel Ilnotv a Shoes 14 7 Btovick.o C Foruiture 14 7 Dywre .5: Hoover do . 14 7 NEW CUMBERLAND. ELME BSES=III .. . _ • llla.or 11 11 Lumber • 0 25 0, otor Charles - do 14 7 Jame. Owen do 14 7 Leo Jan P do 'lO 20 Farueet & Co C nor & Co honk II & D Jay Cook A Co I(l)rri;cGo;i'eds 12 12 50 Ckkor Henry 14 74 BIIIPPENSIIpRG IMMO Mk, %V' D Davie Ire M Hubley Mlaa'S Frantz Miss M 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 0 00 00 14 7 01 14 700 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 10 20 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 =BIM . .. Mowers Mrs 14E do 14 7 lawton & Co Prodboa 10 20 Long & Olsh do 1l">15 Cleo vor k Soo do 12 12 50 Blair T P db 11 15 . . Vnpoought C . Grocer 14 , 7 I annon & Kimlnel do .14 7 %Mar John do 14 7 Novo llt - do 14 7 Martin Martha A do ' 14 ,7 =UZI lIBZO 14 7'oo 14 T 00 1 7 00 14 7 tO 1122321 llnller 8C & Bon do 14 7 AngloM M do 14 7 Relts, James do 14 7 feeder Tames %Nillie .3 tt. Co . . . M'Phersen T W pry G. de 13 10 Snodurase Robert do 1 .1 12 50 K. note it Montgomery do . A 15 Jameson W 1, do 12 12 GO .... .. Dauber & Neely do 13 10 Reddlg .7 & J B- do 10 20 Iti(ind..illeh & Mall , ' - 1 utabor 13 'lO (treason 0 N Cunfeetionary 14 7 Clark William do 14 7 14 7 00 14 7 00 12 12 al 14 7 00 14 7 04 14 7 00 14 700 14 7 00 14 7 VO - • • Ihughtnan 11.1nrolds do 14 7 Mathews k Grlbbla • Drugs ' .: 14' 7 Allick J(1 do ''' 14 7 Croft 0 W , oh. 0 D WITIW.WTfI . . .. . . Sl'l'llors 11 k Co: Hardware i i 11 15 Rtes.lck k Roburk „ . do "" 13 10 Grabill k St ewat t do 11 15 Snt'dy. 8.1 leurulturo 14 7 llarolotrc NW& Bro do 14 7 1-1700 Milli 14 7 00 11 700 14 7 00 14 7 00 Halters k Wlutorn Wolf Dro Keixo James 1S 7 00 14 7 00 Ilcidivo John k Bon Clothing , •• .13 10 LIMN g llrndtr do' 14 7 Blair, John do 14 7 Smiley J 01 do 13 00 =II 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 SOUTH MIDDI;ETON EEO Cr lio3d & Brothor• Ploduco E=MI MEM )ll'AIII•tor t B. 14 700 14' 7 00 14 700 14 7 00 14 7 00 14. 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14,700 14 7 00 Bowman I tlammlugor Hutton John do 14 7 Leldioh A M do 13 10 Webort a Co do 10 20 Zeigler J D Orocorlea ' 14' 7' Ilan zol J F - do 14 7 ClOpper Philip' Confectionary 14 7 Word Wm do ~ 14 7 Aupp,Cattrad Furaturo 14 7 Motion & de 14 7. IE2EI 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7,00 14 7 00 :71o . wriey =E! MEEI Myers, floury' ' Dry 00013 14 7 Orris k Lamb do 11 15 Lougadorf A 9 do . • • 1310 Burkholder W 9 ' , do • 14 7 Noss 4 B , do 14 -7 Looso a Ewalt 1.10 . 14 7 L01415J B a Bro Produro 13 10 Glovor Tll • Coritucliouray '. • 14''7 BrichenmakerFred'h • do . 14' 7 .11.pkar J 9 • -- -4.1 o•• • •• ' 14-7 Leldh; Jacob ' do - ' 14. 7 Millar 9P . _. . §toves! - . ;l4 7 , . , 14 - 14 700 14 7 1:0 13 10 00 14 700 14 700 If 700 14 700 13 10 00 14 700 1910 00 14 70Q 14 . 7.00 14 700 II 700 114 700 14 700 14 700 14 700 14 700 SCIIITIIAMPTON Millet Daniel Orpootles ; • 14 7 ,Cloy.r A Rhos& ; Dry Goode . 1d 7' 'over George d t 14 7 Strohm Y A ninon .; • • • do • • 13,10 Allelotl C. 4 Co . • 14 7 Croft D ,• 'l3,hot DEI • , Stores 14' 7 UDDER ALLEN. ' • Swartz J Ouew)lorJ N LENZI 14 -4 7'00 f 14 700 14 700 14 700 14 700 14 7 (X 1 WEST PEN 1331130110 - . Iloldlor,JA, , / , , - -.." . Dry pooda/ 14 7 Darr. &Burial/idol/ „ , do - 13 10 • 31'Culloch,11. /3 , , ,do , . . • 1 14--!7 0 lloonhaw, J W • • do ,11, Jacoby, Chrlatlan Prodooa 14 7 Caretbers Joalah, ' '• do - 14 ,'7 Mod J . , ~- , • S toves -- , 14 7, • PATENT, lq,D.T.pnq*, Behaubin A & Co 13 10 14 7 houlpson & Eisenhower John ` • ifkbenlreburs Spvalor Carlife. • • .DISTILLERIES D situiv.ttne.i • Whaler .1 W Niiwten Distiller • 0 20;1 ,Kratis Ernest J • Carlisle Brewer 025 Faber C, do • 2 0 25 • raLLiAiii) tumpoxe. Itiripis Jacob • 2 tables Carlisle 140 ob d r )7 , •ttabti go EEI "Notice le heroby alten to , all porsone named Itt the Abovp lint, tbit bY' ask 'net"of 'Asietubly,/ approvid Aprllll, 1802; o.Muty, Tromurere are 1.4 qulred to brlntault, • and collect al: Ileums remaining, mold,' iop'or boforo the find day of July 'neat; and by other acts of Ansamblr, Vendors of vinous, aplrltuo us, malt, or brewed Ilquore aro' 'Mao I table' td ' moot In the Court of Quarter Scanlon/. Tiioen in. Wonted era therefore requentod t 0.114 Cob" licensee deIAY, c , 114 govp 1.10 cesteoto.r • ' r OBOIMPI WETZEG, 6ma70.3t Treasurer of Cumberland County.' '• F P4. hercibmffer.m' - self iis a candidate for [WORM° of'BIIERIFF, suldoot to Ilia doclolon of tho Republican Nominatine. Convontion s, o.PARfaltalii T Carliislo,' arclit'2,lB . 4ol. ~i 'amhto sllEitlFFsti-AtAT 0 - .60/10,11.11.t1011,%, of dlttituU . :r 'of nelfultlictuislbkingitout . Elio count y,I otror myself nit a candidata fortna - aatfilikr- ------. tip. of. di.cciflat.llto next COunty Convention, sub- • ject; to its decision. r 37 6 -4. 17mittc 1 . JOUN RIMA!Ds. • Carlielo,llsrcla 10,1670. • FOR SHERIFF. —I hereby. offer my- . oelflan n candid,tofor.tto qklia,lo of .141c1t11{'E, nuopot to }ho Aeolshro Of 01.1.11o1;u1S1f611Not7ftualAtt ' Commit leo. ,JOkIN1,10:10N. Mt. Ifloly, April 0, IR7O FOR liereby offer my oaf d a candidate for the office o,c ellliJt It. 11, putijeat to tho doelMon of tbo Itrpubllcali—Nondiiat -fogolllllllltteo. JOll , l FlSllBilitri CarMle, April 0 1870' ' -' • 7ap7oto A. L. SPONOLAWS, COL UMN. A.;1 14, pmalk.atato Agent, Scrivener, Conveyancer, Incur. duce 'and Claim Agent. Oflico,.Moin Ctrept,neat Centre S stare. V.LADS, the t3licnau. . c doah Valley for s ae.—A auniber`of - and highly lmp,oved farms In "the Valley" are of , fared torettle:—The - tracts-rucc-frottr , 9o to-850-itere4P.- The I..nd is of the best qupity of limestone. fully 04(101 1 if not superior, to, the land-1n.,. timberland. Valley, and will be thsposed A at astonishingly IA" figures. oho extension of tho cumborlatal -.--. Itallread into Virginia, as inky surveyed', will rue Immediately through the so that' of country In which these lands aro located, whim 'coni• pltoed, b gather with the advantage of the Shenan doah river trollop station iwilluive there Rho ad, •. vantages of, North°, la „and Eastern. marliets. splendid opportunity for lucrative inVebtinento Io . here offered. A full and minute description of the looatlett and ehura..ter of the vat ions boots may ho hed, by ap plying to A. L. SPONSLER, •17m1.70 Reel Estate Agent, Varlicle. 11E1 Dogip and Paper ORE BANK FOB, SA ,E.—A 11(2.11 ~d eposit of the Vest qUality .11ermatite Ore J.‘ yielding 50 per cunt, cemprising,aheut 18 ACII.EO, located In Monroe township, about 2 miles from the Iron Works of C. W. & D. Y. Ahl, on tho noutli Bide— of the Yellow Breeches crock. 'there n, a stream of water 'running tp rough . tho' tract sufficient-ler washingtho ort, and furnishing water poseur 'bo okies. Produco 9,1'5 do ' 11 15 Petrone dordrloun of viewing Um bank may call upon Georg° W. Laldlch, at “Lcidich's mIll," fur• merly known as Brlcker'e mill, Monroe 'township, Oumbo, laud county, or upon 130.1une60 do 10 20 do 10 20 do 7 23 (I RE .WASHER FOR SALE.—An ex cellent Oro Washer, at the Ore Moth of ltettrge Vi. Leidich, nearly new. Will boNoltl vo y 10to. Au, ply to jou 0 FOB, RENT.—Tho brick xesidenco of , Janice Bentz, I.ltuat.d -on South ilnitover'""' s root, nearly oppoolto liarly:x hotel, will ho leased for ono year feom Orel of April next. Also, a commodious two story bride residence, on Bost.Areet, between Main and Louther etreets; and a lot of ground on the mat skle - of the Votort Spring, belonging to tho heirs of Jo-oph Shrum, dereased, will ha nom rabid for inn year front Oho first' of April next. 17m1.70 .• WE2_c2TJTOR'S NOTICE -1..0t tero tretamtntstry en the estate or Joint Stuark Into f tooth Middleton trtvriship, have been bonred to who ruloicrlbefa reelding In. cold township. .All person 9 ind. lard to the estato are reilifosted to roator truntedlate pnyrnotrt, arid time lutvorg claims to present then., duly malarial. uteri, for nettletuent. It Uftil U nia,• - SITAIII`, , ' JOSEPH A. STUAIIT, ExecutOrc Gap7o6t. Drugs 14 7 du ' 14 7 I-I Inn Jimalry ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIOD, Letters of Administration on • the rittate of ilar. rh.tt Watson, late of West Pettllshor.' town-Min,- de , eras.), have been Issued by the It eglster of Cumber land rounty. to the undetwigned - reniding in the swot , township All perrona indent, dto said estate afa r. ntleated to 'nuke Immediate paynwnr, and those lOtt havin4slajtm.ttgainat . lt:to preipreset[thetn, duly au thendeated, rpr.iamolit. ME 111=1 I=ll ESTATE NOTICE Letters of Administrotion on the eittite ef 'ltem Carolina/4 lam of West Pennehore' township, Are_eatiedanvlLL . boon gontod by the Register Cumherland - Founic,iiiilio aide7sig - niliriealdluglntho --- enme . towor.hip,..nolleo It, hereby given to oil per- - . •ro Oa knowing thent,elvenindelded - to ,aid estate, to make payment, and those lIRVIrg claims, to present them, pi overly iwthentleated, f, act' toment. 77 AIARGARET JANE CAIIO ' -' Admintatrafrix. Oap7o6t. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS 1 EEO Dry Qoods 11 7 -11.15_ 11262 Dry Goode 14 7 do 14 7 do 14 7 The Treasurer of Cumberland comity will attend, far the purpose of receiving County and Slate taxed for 18:0, as r eq aired. by Act of Assembly, at, the fob lowing limes and places, viz: Epper ‘ A Ilan. at Culp's hutel, May 9 and 10. • Luker Arlon, at Hinkle's- hotel, May 11; at If erys hotel, May 12. Monroe, at Ilursh's hotel, May 13 and 14. East Petishoro' at Wirder's hotel, May 16; at Siemer, !tofu!, May 17. linnipdvn, at lireitier's hotel, May IS and IS. Silva} Spring, at Euey'S,holel, May 20; at Zug's hotel, May Middlesex, at Middlesex sChool Leine, May 23 fpid 24. EMI Jowal ry Sowing Machines 14 7 Millinery 14 7 I 1 111 M North Itilddletop, at 'Beecher's hotel, May 25 and 20. t \ • South middietan f at Rupley's hotel, May 27; • Rolling Springs May 28. Fiankfmt, at Blo•erville,,May 30 and 31, , , Minn, at Knellle's school' inane. JUlikf 1 ' West Fennsboro• at Chlanell's hotel , JIM° 3; at Fair's hotel, June 4. ' • Newton, at Thattenberger's hotel, Jude 01 at'MelJ Ilmter's, June 7. Peon, at Eyster's hotel. June 0 and 0. . Dlekinsoa, at Crozier's ha u l, June 10 and 11. ' Southampton, at Baughman's hotel, Jane 1:1 unit - ' 14. 12116 F" _LI F 0 -Iw' ERNE • rrepowel I and Newburg, al Sharp's Juno 15 and Id. . rhippenshurg Borough and Township, at BicNul ty's hotel, Jnne.l7 and lA. , Nit vale, at lienneberger's hotel, June 20 and 21. Mechanicsburg, at , Leinhes hetel: - Juno 22 - and-211;,, ,, Nun entnuerland, at hotel, June 24 and 22. Carlisle, at Commissioner's Onion, Joan 27 and 204 , On all taxes not paid. ' ou or the Orel of,Au guA next, Ilea per coot wiil he added. . • . The...rill/M. or wit rec..ive t.oas nt bin Mike 1111 la • the first day 'of : , epternber -nest, at which time' du plicates of all unpaid taxes will ho issti.l to tic coll - „ stables of tin respective, boroughs and Luinnltipii fort collection. EMiNI =NM UM `COVIIT . ocbAMATI Stings 14 7 do, 14 . 7 Books 14 7 Notice Is hereby gliren to all perhon3 lutc , repted, that no Adjourned Court of Catauum livid at Carlisle, In and for Cumber:and minty, 00 Monday; the fifteenth day ofAogust, 1870, and to eentinrin ono wbolr,. , for the Wul uF enrutpt. pending turd undetermined in raid Court. By order of thd Cour;, '; ; JIB. C. i I .VMI:SViSi, Sneirri's °PPM; Coilisle, t May 8;4870 J nil Dry 0 code nil 'B' 12:M=121 FUR NIT UR E, FUR NIT UR.E4 A. UZI RE) MEM Mal OPP.OBT TE • LEES. WA RE JIG • Prethiumlop Bast •Finniturc.,auircicd at Irt`firniturti of all 'varieties at t Styles of Foreign d. 4 and Oomealle InanufactOro, from L 11011064 rOtewArd' , am! Mahogany to tliolosvost jirlood inapt° odd pins `4.o.ibritclOproiery artlclO, 'osed tY'llouee mot nolo) ' " koolirs, of Ito momt tippfa‘cd Mid cumblonaltlo 0.0 Alpo Cottuo futon uro netts ` motion and Camp . aaly.. Nattrahi.ett, Gilt trainer, • "' [adorn, he., Ao.. , AClF . Partleular attention given no unual to funpials ' orders from town and qoulttry,l}W,Mtl to promptly and on moderato term!". '— • •-• • • SPEW AL ATTCNTION PAID TO THE SELECTION: OF WALL PAPHIL ' " • • mai - dal. 69, .. • F URNITURE, Clothing 1,1 . 7 Dryflouda 14 7 1. ,, NIX 41.13. WALNUT. ST, • •PruLAnz l aßiii.s.: - • • , Our eetabliehf,oritle„oni,of thn oltkeilu L. PhilndOW ' phis; nod hom long eipertunrC and iliipyikVfne II (tlkui wo nro prepared to furutalt good w,ork,nt Ani4q14 . a r ,.,.: manufnettiro fine furniture, nod ofed inetOuhf 'priced ft rnituro of superior tptality. A largo ntonk• •• of futnituro niwnya•ou hand. Goode motto to order ••' • Cohnietn, nook Work,. 0nd,,011.100, yuritituro ; fec •Badke, odieee'eild htdrie Mode to' ordkr: A,. 11.4. 'sde. weirde. 17 MC:.PIVIZTE rr • •• r ••'': • !Dag ;roll: offforp forlho Spring TrntlO n • splendid ali,nortrunntof Nottl, g htuu Mid Rua L.cn etfthilini;•l'VlninnW Minns end Filming, In theninw.t colon nod ,v,O tluveootn Ica Cilpt, M'ol nut -and ltoontrbod . And pot. vurnitityu ips: or. oiniurn tlttudynnt Audi Lando. • ' ..n "-, • • Spring and Holt Itinttitekin iirderiq ..el4 Atont•fur,the Pot.•nt , auddlir ,the phto.‘t tivlini Miura fur Window Oltaileii. .the:i4l pnio7o•2ln • • • ...! ..... c , lio - ii - H.;i' . ili."'.'::''''' A. 1.. SPONSLER,. Real Estate agent, M=MM LEGAL NOTICES. 301IIMAT - SON. AduVr. of Harriett Mason, d GEORQD ETZEfcc Trenßurt r,of Combo htnd county, kit -qap764 n. iwuc Cabinet~Makor~an<i~.i7ndortn}.vr;~. ~~a West Maim street, s Parlor, • Chamber, lolog-room, , : PURNITIIItH Kltahvorand • • . • .~._.,r._ ; _. ,; . ~ 0 . 8 E P wALT O-N s CO'., C4bp;ot i ,blakep3, , I tt i ME -:-.-..“..; - ..A. i( ;Or
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers