...Geologist is prospect- il EEO . The Government is "reconstructing" -Fort Sumpter. 'rho-Ohicage—Fire- Department fast year cost $342,062. _ The Methodists aro , actively at work in Utah . . Fort Sumter isin danger of being car riedoff_by-tourlsts. 'The free-school system is rapidly ad vancing in Arkansas. . The Union Pacific , Railroad has sold 150,000 adres of land. The Now Jersey State Papitol•will be repainted and repaired: • ' The Georgia Legislature haS'adjourned until the first Wednesday in July. Buffalo wants more money from Con gress for harbor improvements. The Lrench goveinment supports NO medical students' ' , Mormons are classified as Brighamfies Gobeites and Josephites, The United States Supremo Court has adjourned until. October. 31. _ Detroit is exorcised over strangers and mysterious boxes, snuffing Fonianism. One hundred and two mines are being worked in White Pine district, Nevada. The internal revenue receipts for the fiscal year to date aro $187,100,899. Now York has 500 horse cars in daily use. - It is estimated the license is paid on hardly one third. The divorces in Ohio last year num bered 1003-one divorce to each 24 mar riages in the State. Out of 4,500 pictures sent for admis #iou to the coming Paris exhibition, 4,000 were selected. It is rumored in San Francisco that the Central Pacific Railroad Company has purchased the California Pacific road for $3,000,000. - The total amount of expenditures au thorized by the appropriation bill passed by the late legislature is $3,000,978. ;The Navy Department, it is announced, has decided hot to raise the wreck of the Oneida, but sell it to a wrecking company. At Quincy, Illinois, the Mississippi is ten miles broad, and still rising. Above Quincy, at some points, the river is• twenty miles I/road. At Spurenburg, Prussia, a layer of salt has been bored to the depth of 2,630 feet, of which 2,347. is through pyre rock Salt. At Indianapolis, members of the City Coupcil were elected, 6 Republicans and 3 Democrats being chosen. This makes no political change. The newly discovered coal vein near Brookfield, Mo., is one hundred stud fifty feet below the surface of the ground, and entatirtytiliolie:a4nttbigkneaslmat4 - Ailtag • The Senate Committee on Claims will • report favorably .upon_the resolutionpay-_ ing Southern loyalists for property taken for military purposes by the Union army. There is rumor in San' Francisco that the Central 'Pacific Railroad has pur chased• the California Pacific Raiiroad for three million of dollars. The Missouri tobacco crop for last year is reported at 10,967,000.p0und5, grown- on -- 13;105 - iteres-of - land ; Illinois crop, 15,160,000 pounds, on '20,026 across The cold east winds of Bostdn are very destructive of human life. Last year, it ib stated, they imposed fatal forms of consumption ' upon 016 persons, and killed 146 with bronchitis. PERSONAL Manton Marble, of the World, istbreat ened with blindness. Chief Justice Chase is not going to Eu- rope, as reported Spealcer declines a, nominatio n for the United States Senatorship from ME Secretary Boutwell announces that he will sell four millions' of gold and buy six millions of bonds during May. Gen. Logan announces that ho will be a candidate for re-election as Congress- man at large from Illinois. , General Lindsay, the commander of the Red River expedition, will, it is said, remain in the Territory, as Governor. ,Red Cloud andtwelve' other. priucipa Sioux chiefs are about to visit Washing ton; to consult with the President in re titian to their present-condition. Brigham Young, in his latest reported sermon at Salt Lake, gave his opinion adversely to any idea of leaving Salt Lake City for a now location further south. Ex-Governor *ells was offered the'pa pointment of D. S. District AttOrney for Virginia, on the day on which he was injured by the Richmond disaster. It is thought he will iteeept. Bismarck threatens the North German Roman Catholic—bishops with suspension, and the .Holy See with the withdr‘Wal of GM Prussian minister from Rome, in the event of the adoption of the infallibility doctrine. • Since the death of General Grey, pri, vato secretary to Queen Victoria, it has transpired that liar Majesty takes a very active part in the business ot,overy partment of the govoinment, and eSpeci : " ally the War ofilee, the ,Admiralty, 'arid the Poor Law,'Boaid,, Captain Cornmerel t of the: -British steamer Monarch, has written Secretary liehalf of the Queen and din British navy, to' elcpress thanks 'and aa- IC know c 1 gmehts for the attention which thek officers received while in this cone. try. • AV,orney General Hoar has no inten tion of tendering his resignation, °MAT now or next fall, or at any other:time, but is making his arrangements to. re= Main until the close of General' Grant's administration. :• , . Lady Lopez, the mother of two mem bers of the 4ritiall Parliament; was burned, to death on the 'twentieth at her country, scat, at liome, s England: Her muslin dress took fire whireehe was alone in her room.. The deceased was Seventy years old. • • , • . An Assistant Secretary of the. British' Astronomical Society has juA" flashed a' translation of the Chinese records of com ets observed for 2,250 years endingA. D., 1640. This.is the only continuous regis try of the ! kind •in'existence, , and petted to yield 'important vesults here after. • , • , . • Among the passengers whosailed froyn Yorlc on Saturday. for Europe wore . -Rose and •Blanche, twin daughters of the 'lnto Nathaniel Niles, of Connecticut, •and known as the heroines in.Eugeno' -Wandering Jew. Miss Lizzie goes •to Paris, where'slinis tolie marriedito M. _Cerruti:Oat° Italian Minlstei , Wasiv• ')..Tly -their :father's', death tlioy 'come into possession of ,the "." easitot” of diamends; of which 4 - thrillingbistory IS ; given in, tPat , ; 1•101101: :' ' • The. easket was presented to their .motlier'br press Josephine, and As actually ,Worth _only 0,(L1:K.. although' , represented by: - Bite as being Worth $0,000,600.. • • MISCEINEODS. A.- Georgian hai;ight-ae;i4 of - aspara= gus. I,ll' Texans fro thEtpotato bug. - .r .1a S been -pro hibited York. , A.,Chinaman- believesho_caretget_to_ liven if his head is cut off here. _ Many of, the 3fississipPrrhiei boats -publish - 446m' thithigLtheir-ti•IPS. -' 2 News from California respecting the crops is of a,gldOiny character. , tiypsum linsbeen foudd in large'Ohij- . titles in Aroostooi'airiunfy ? Me.' ' New Crleans pollcOmen" are charged with sleeping iu dry goods bOxeS. A half million of cattle;',ii.is'''estitna.: ted, will be . drlvoiLto KanSas:thiS;'yet A Louisville bloodliothid 'MeaSiirei eight foot from the tip of his nose, to the end of his tail.' .TEMS The resulthof the Richmoii&calarnitk aro 57 killeothiq 153 wontide'd: A one Cent of 1800 brought $B5 at'n sale of old coins in New'V'Orlr.' A Westein -freight' train was lately' loaded With a ihillion and a'half2of eggS7- lifonograni fdris designed in WOod will ho the 'style this . summer: ' The Sorosis has declared 'against long trains foe tlie,street. The , Money question—ls the money laid out by the young' . ladies in . expenses mOspent To cure' deaftiegs 'in a Man, , begin to whisper to hini about a Cliatiee to make his fortune. In Milwaukee a ride tii learn 'to cook has sprung up , among tho fashionable I adios. , The Georgia colored peciple say "massy cash" is better to work foi than "massy EOM Irish landlords are sometimes warned nowadays by finding fresh graves clog in their front yards. The Boston Transcript wants to know, what has become of those. people who, used to defend slavery from 'the Bible. "Died from the effects of mixed eolla terals" is the way they get at delirium tremens in Cheyenne. It is reported that the Indians have seized the Cheyenne Ageileg and Mijn•is onod the military-garrison. , A San Francisco gentleman, who viewed the three. inek_fout_ofa_Chinese lady, describes it as a hidebus mass of lifeless integument. Out 'West burglars am called, "moon light mechanics," and coffins are known' by the expressive title of "underground overcoats". A sect in Massaclusetts have found gat Sunday comes As Saturday, begin. ing at two o'clock in the afternoon They obServe it accordingly. A cco t]iug tiNtk-NRUVV.',97,P9 MatitAT4 l l.9 . ~4i'iditil44iiiilVeitiC.7 I greatly alarmed, and believatliiff" : 4rtlie' Indians -are not _ they_ Will inaugurate - an extended war. Extensive fires have been--burning in the mountains around White haven Lucerne county, for several. slays._ The town is in great danger. A great amount of lumber has been detroycd: The world issatb koin colliSion for a while longer, as the consoling intelligence ITT.froTdrit years the distance between the earth and tho sun will gradually' increase. • Several seizures of goods for anpaid, customs are advertised, at , Pensacola, ; among them !‘..A.bout two , thousand segars ; ono cask, partially filled• with Cuba rum, aMl•three, M - isesbf whisky imported in a` Norwegian ship, find do dared to be "excessive sea storm,' A Boston gentleman who could no waltz, offered a young lady one hundred dollars if she would let him hug her as much as the. an— did who had just waltzed with her. It was a good error, and showed that money was no object to hint, but they. put him out of the house so hard that hiceye was quite black. A German exchange tells the story of an enamored couple (lie 65, she 48,) who concluded to get married. The ardent lover was too feeble to walk •to church, and was afraid .to trust himself inside a jolting. Carriage, so the bride put him into a perambulator and wheeled him to church, married hint, amdl wheeled him home. , Charles Ellis, recently arrested for pa ticipation in the $lO,OOO -burglary at Wilkesbarra,. Pa., was identified, - while having his hearing; its the person who committed the great: $70,000 diamond robbery from Solomon Miguel, of Now York, -and has confessed that , he robbed IL 11. Ifarrison, of that city, of $2,000 worth of diamonds. Kentucky is having a veritable " temp est in a teapot," Senator Id . c.Croery lately wrdte a long letter charging all sorts of political rascality against gover nor Stevenson, and the ; latter has •just come out with a reply which. fills nearly a role page of tho Kentucky , papers. The battle is a sharp one, but Ts of no hind of consequence to any• one outside tbat State, and, evem tluise affects, only the Demodracy. ,c, RAPID RAILROAD TRAVELING • WEST WARD.—Thir "Piffirdelphia Inquirer, speaking of tho fast through train of . . the Penne,ylvania . railroad, says: The . . Pennsylyaoia Ceetral railroad' corirpaily have put a fast- train upon their road, which intike4 the apstanee betmicon !this city and Chiiiago in. tho !extraOrdinary; , short' tinsice' of, time. of itocuty,six ,ohd. half ho 11 ~ , SEWMIOTO half , Past biletVe, nopiii it, Makes no StOimage' until it ieablies lii`frrisbut, at Tiqpnuvon , minutek pad --Ore° - Then it dasbesalleml, .Altoona; ..where it ar riVas at tWelve ,minutes past bight.p,•:.m: FOur }lours later,: tivive minutes past twelve a. tn.;llinls it in Pittsburg: ' At three o'cloelc!the same afternoon it is in This yapid running is-almost unpyecdentect in . American. • .iailroad history. • .•', • • . Forreta.l3 , 4 took thirty four hours tai make the distance:: Thiki•was regkiirded as rapid -running. Hilt ; - thiktlikts''been , entirely ecliptcd, by rthe train , that wee, first put iiport the new Schedule on:llfon.i day last: -thie of these fiist trains leave daily, both this city and , Oldeigo.:. They consist of tvo Diaiving-Itoont Oars, Thaggagpikie nhd WO day 'ears.. ' • • On some portions of tho.yoild the ning A tlio rii,tei of ,about thlrty:totii miles tuif hour 4 Tito tiverago'. running "time, ' , including , . Stoppages, nearly thirty miles an hour, TLo time gaided. td).tlie: greatest 'extent, resulted from having', but few stopping.. points. Not only is time lost=ivlfiio tlio :train As not in motion; at a . staticini ,but and McMinm is gristly lessened. in ;aliprOaelll. tug and !leriyifig. a station page i s fi n ad o . !,, .) r I WhiTo the ponfisyltiailia •Cpntral is roe 'garde& n i tho shfos 'road reading; toAlra tAlS;o4rhorclitlary fast- Arainctriar •htringaiiladnia trio safest train on Alio othor trains aro. instructed that it has tho right of way Over , all 1,...-„. Atliers,mgOit , .. , ry Int ooiterd it is run tqiii:& v.. fruit' to ofpteis edi nle. A,' A - . -.. 44,. r; ~ .,.i . .. The ruOing , of thisy , ast Wain wult -Aroughrtitont bkthe y y4il c Co; kr, . qiha , s'Eire": : renret— an itti4in eineiti ttt ity would run trains - between Now York and Chicago in thirtylieurd.:l7li3Witoforeilleir fiine_liitsbeen _from_thirty-six to forty" hours. The Pennsylvania Central invari , iil3r =tido the distanocibetween V min:auto. firtho - Wost mid East from three to - four hours •shetidlof tliosoteominuzies, •.. , ;in '.:.Thn4 far,; Monday,•nnthTuesdey Mid Wednosilny,ithe trains on the . Formby], •vanla•road ariived,—both rind,in New York_ on the very niiinitoof the , advertisddl Imo; thr3lorid:Oast, the )first , da39..of the, , rieiv•schadule thneYtlio train ran .01J116, se etion! b etwee Tfarilsbnrg anti diltpon a, tho distance 1 difes,Witl t dia'fing to stori A ifor Ooltde fivat'erJ r 'Ail; n,l y.A.q •: On alb tither road firAni&rica has liar 'feat. ever, heciii cgerfornied. It" gear.. to show - plainly that onr Pennilyfvania road pOsSesses in every way facilities au pert orto 51 IiAW the sliortbsti best and saf6st rotid,, and th us. isiembled to ont-dista4a .611 obrope ting : . • ',TEPI , EitAO.I: :DAVIS liftVillg ivritteh to ti liPother Dent:obrat'nf -Philade un-' del; date of l‘femphis,-Tiireli '23, - 1870, denyhilf tiint Senator Ciiinbi‘On eVer 'said . to him that; in the Mnet, Of tebellitin cg•ro 3N , Ould occupy his: (Davit)") 1-11:17cd, in the U. S. 6onate, The -Thiladelii7dry • PresB responds with this eitsumadithil stateineut ' •" • ' •• . "'• lalBdl, Aland tWo .Weeks before: (Air. Davis left Washington-to join IN felloW traitors in the 'Smith; sthiator 'Cameron met:Arra, Davisonil'timMylvania Alromie: In reply to her question as to why he did not "come- and • soo Jeft;" Sonatm , said, "Why does not • Jeff :ask— roti'?". "Well; laskyou to come And breakfast with us ; to-moiroW morning." " At'what eur?". "Nine o'oloek - ." . "I be bore." • At' he time mentioned '§emitiir''Chth eron made alifieid?.ftee, - mid after breakfast.. the conversktioh naturally' turned' opOn tbe'' then attitude Bonn. Davis was; as osnal, 'outapolcen iii his secession viinN's; .11iiliatenCd at if it Caine to the worst: and ‘bliied had to flow, war would be Waged in the :Rates North of lillisit:andDixen's line. As may well supposed,' such 'NVOIAR were not, plea.ink.,l6 Pennsylvania' Senator, and be ansWeietthi 'alba 'that' the rebellions iection would` b 6 iwthmitht blVek into the Union, aid that Ihmly allowed that, if the South ntfigtod in its , course, not only would. the 'slaves all he set' free, _bi.ft that "One Way ez' cot, red man Mt der spy Awl, Drtni.4, tla 4(15„,00111StvlrA Se note!"' ' 7 1 7 0015 , 11ittifrAniabter,' to Son iifiYtiiiferniiriesaiif that' tliii - North, not the South, would stiffer from the ominVwnr, and IEIO lin - - liiiii - SeTriVoia : ` "load a pariy.` i to burn to tho'''groMid four proPertry, ,, MtYClaineron; , Penii . - sylvanin.-" -- •, Of this incident Mr. Davis appears tom hoias forgetful as he linS boon of his oath, When the invasion of Pennsylvania 'was attempted by the - rebel army, Ono' 'of Ow Deperals received orders to' destroy, -if possible, th - eiwopertyof Simon Cameron and Thaddeus • SMvens. They burnt that of the latter, and went on their way to destroy , Qeneral Cameron's, when they turned upop their traelcs. ' This- is a plain, -straight• story. thin eromfulfilled his , propheey bettor than Davis did his threat. • ' • GcbottED VOTERS IN 07.11 ' Washingtt 'll Ilarr,'"an . 41 citizen '0 Ilarrisbui•t;, has been censured for ridin in the Fifteenth imendmifit - iii•ocession with colored men, lititt . Tuet.dtiy. 'Fie de fends himself in an able article, whiel concludes as follows The flrst,rOte I ever deposited I Arent 'to the irolls with that honest Democrat, Francis R'. Shank:7 - He hfaltWO coldred nuns by the itrins, , Je6g and Gco: Kelley, and-I bird a gored man bg'the name of Zeigler ; we both depoSited our' rota for 'a Democrat,: Gen: Antli•eii : Jacltsoh: I hope to sae the day when a hundred thou sand=colOred men shall march up to the polls and vote against the inanufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors. I pray God tg hasten the day, that children and friends may be saved from tiolfell de-. , strayer," ' ' ' pram ovCrrrits.--4lio folliyiving tires show the conipitridive indebtedness o'f the principal cities of the 'United 'States at thelatest It will be obki•ved that Philadelpyla 'leads off amount, excelling:even 'Ne:Nil77lc . by a million or so, but this ls,,tiaid to bd the' actual debt 'Of Neiv YOrIC is iroarly quite one hundred Millions of dollari. Brou )11 uff do.. 11111ot-we (icy°land " Chicago.., Charuniiti Dottoit ~~'..~., ...., 311.topldff., N!..Y; Ci•} ar,lean: . ... Iteadlok, ..... °lto Fntut•Nci.t St t L0!415.., SE • - • , . . apvElizion's,Folt is the list; •These omcor in seven of the Stateg,:o,2:i :tblifornin,•ptilaware, Kentucky, 11.Iniy:' :Intul, - 14eVt JOrey,' ig( n itillro - fkr and - Din= • neetieuti ;are Deniebt:ath. two,•Viri ginia, and TOnne'sses, they are Conserva. liids or. indefinites: - rivitlnhei i 4 e"SE;3II4: are Renahlicans. The figures' stand for the years in mhicli jtheli!ternis' Alabama, Win. ll:l3inik-1870 ;%Aflthh-' sas i l".• Clayton, 1873;' CiiliforlahOE alaight, , lB7l ; CoMmetieut, Janosyt: :English; 1871 ;' , DelaWait., G:' Saulsblni, 118711-Fierld4, H: ""Reed, 1878; Georgia; , 3.-8. , 13u40ck, 1872 ; Illinois, .1. 3 tner, , lB7o,;;ln:cliatta; CithiradTalrtily 18721 Samuel Morrill 1872 ; IC'EUtslth" J;tmes . 3l:-llnrve'Y;437i , Vi.t'Stelvenncini , 1871 I , oditdanN , ll.: , Q. •IVarthotith, !. 872,;'1 'Pt; Charn:: borlain, ClB7l l .;qklaryland,:lodin' 4 1572,; ~l lasSa'ehtisettt4 1871 1 ; Atiohigapis:lL .P:ißald , :vlM , 1871 K, iniesotai- Iforace' A u5tin, ,, ,187211 Miss s'ssippi; Alcorn, 1872 ;' , lllisdolfri;li, ,71 , C1urg; . 1872, Mobrasica; Bat.; lep,%lB7l,;!;lsir ILainpshirei 0; ' Steariw 1870 ilbremyp .4l '. , l.l';'../tatidotribr 1,72; Now Voyk,: J!.qP'.; LloffinarnlB7l,4, : Ottrolimy . , 1878'1 `llaysi ;18721 Oregonp: Geo:I PonnsYlcania,.4. 1V Geary,4B7B , ,;lßhodoelsland, ;131 , APaddlit.. 1871; .130ntiveakbilittq':11triK. : 12oott,.. , 1471: ; Teanes aee,IDOW-4•o(l3enta tit lazy ;; I C.lWalltor,, 1874 ;, V,ormbabi:El Tit:Wash.; burni . 7 4,37 ;:111 11. Farrehildpl. 1872;-West--Virginia r -W,1 , 1 Stevenson,- 1871:; Nevada, -H. CL,' 131aiedell, 1871, --' i • 7 ' Vii . diplialith't tr,311 4,,... .....k , , ) . , 1 , : ,' ,- ‘ i 70. N 08. TO OUR _FRIENDS. ', -- - - The approaching -- politteal tl utipaign, dlthouglr it may not excite rpy,:genemli interest throughout the State ; Is'ont - Ot •verrgTertv-irni (Irtltx eir , to7otunsartrin this Bounty., ' The largo new 4, , 0t0 that . rivill'b'e plaid by the'rietti,V'efifiaUbbiSid eitizetid,' it•-i1;1 doubtless eliougo: Cumber- IkUil': rt4ii`ri j Hp ,TAittAitlvaly q.DoipoorAtiP staiit3i4),-, all(1.1 1 1 Lid lc!), -j# , a:Meta for 'o l 4ss• coiite4' . -';iiiii. ~ ..,t 6P.gotiiy. ;work: ~:Thin is, , iiii,ilii'llW 34 , ..ifoy...ilud.wside,Taloxtiz : 4P r . :ii'insi,i.ri'iit ioi ii;l4.gymmioritiesforoiplAci , 't)aiitli.A;?":i, 1101.01,v, ,(itt triiney44, tf'.l: the , iiekt i I'll'6/4, i.s: c:,j'.ti..., c 4 .o) l niunity.i awl t:llis . i3 r esiiolliillyitlitt ca,v,wlici),gtatmajority, , bildli' tlib'ilonitie!atic t Ride.- tiMlenO.yFr ltriibilillutitii.ki*equivolont Aq; l'iu oleotiork tilierlidoi6'.'n'rq alpwst solely ; in the tondo of the ri6liia?iapp, 490 ! ,t,1i0, yotip?g *kill°. regul4r,oleetjon is but- little better than it; 'farce'fin. tile ,ailtisonnnt „4:g the .pgi)pli r d . • - Tegiqotislyi. in, this equrt'ty, ,the,Tiepuhr, ME lienns lhid bet little +responsihility, irPour pelltihs.. , Xeeiloetiens,:wore made : merely for the .i)hrpege of preserviug the orguni zatien,. 'ROW egt ..the: hope; or intey tion eleethig the nominees,, IVliethe, they Wow) honest or dishoeest t ,eatable : .or bighpuble, was of but littlo moineut to gn'y but themselves. But the proses : Oofulitioh of hiptirs giyee us ,new oppor-. tunitie And tlijilces neyi respoOsibilities,. Suocesi is lOW within Otir,,.rpech. , if i lye , will deserve it: . If the" ,Denhoerney, still mftintain their' : ascendency, wi11 : be : either beaawiebur friends nominate men ft& office - Who do not command there-. of •the- people , or that by indifference and apathy they fail tobring 'but their- full strength on the 'day .of bledbiom •• • • 'These, 'Obstacles 'to success must . .ho avoided. , We must put in ,nomination for every pcis!4on in the county the you. best` and' tritest men, in our .ranks, They ithotildheMen, in ivhom the comniunity have entire confidence, and who aro willing tolabor faithfully for their own and their party's ; success. We need no men who look upon the 011ie° as a pros 'ent necessity, or who desiro it merely for personal gain. ; All, such'are injorious to a party •under any . circumstances, and . would be ruinous to our chances.of cess:: Our nominations should be ten- dote& to ,, bny r iuni most worthy eitizans—those who line shown them. . , selves competent and trustworthy . in posit ions,thcy have.. filled. and who are notddly 'waiting for something to turn up „to their advantage. And suiah men, when positions on the ticket arc.tendered should accept, not i'efuetantly, hut cheer- fully andwith an intention Of using al means to secure tlieirolectien And nominations are flat „tllYhat i 8 tieeiled.'.7 . We must have a thorOugh and liyr,tematicoranization. Every election tliFtricG should-be tliciroughly eallN:asseil; the--flouldful- and wavering - should -he furnished with the arguments on which we rely to conyiuce the people of our claims to their- aulfrecy the careless and inactive should be stimulated to effort; and all should : work heartil unitedly to ‘secure victory which is norrivithin ourrgrnsp. - The evidences of- the misrule of the Democracy in thikcounty are apparent; There is sCarcely a county in the State in which the- political -machinery is - so thoroughly 'corrupt and deinoralized. Ask the leading,' substantial, independ-, ent men of the Democratic party What they think of tho men_ who have been' elected to Ake in this county within the last two or three yedrs, and hoar their answer. Are they competent and honest? Ask The-yotuaide; as to ,the merits of our flotigressman? Ask T he Sentinel, and Volunteer, as to 'the merits'of our 'teoshitors ? Ask the Whole party as to'the"manlier in which our county affairs urn mitoaged, , and it will not need 'any Republican- assertions to condemn. the'whole crew, when the anawers are given; Out of their own mouths. the Nuttier:icy of this county arc convicted Of political 'sins that should forever keep them frain power and place. Lot our "friends 'neejliat they improve theivpres ent"chance to, rid the county of its• present misrule. • • THE MTARLAND TRIAL Tuesday,, the jury in the McFar land Cage rendered a verdict of acquittal. t surpriSes :no 011 P, as • t 'was antffilpated,' from .the . beginning. By What MeeeSs of. reasoning the jury 'rived at their verdict would be difficult to imagine: Thervere sworn to try the Isste; arid give a verdict according , to the . liilW - Mid the evidence: • As proved by the 'proSocutiOM Mid•,'nnquestioned by the - defeince;MdFarland deliberately wont to TileliMilison's !place' Of .iittßifess; awaited lids coining; 'and, ,as soon as he appeared, ebot 'without any prOvocation wbq 'fir ps that -Meeting was con eerned3 The law says that such killing is nipidoi. Tho jury, viewing both 'the law and the ;evidence; have said, in. feet; that • this - killing,was no cilthe what • As it !is. not , possible that they. could :disbelieved the ovidence.• their mullillcati - of , trti4,lB9,tio 8 AM) . 4,9 7 935 ],581,100 11 000,000 0 010,000 3,21'2 WS 4,!4,_,10U 3 2:1 1 70: 6ro '1417!0,8W) 00,707 735 ,1,41,0 0(0 7,7:34 "4,700,100 ~....__ _.ply,e. ;ion loi ;he la:yingainst murder:. ~ . . :. • :, .. '' ,i'lie'ltinteeettlent VOnt4etices''.ibrit' 'aid i:Oli 9(1 ,cm, to !jnetlfy , ail; eririiiiml'disre g!trd, ot A tbe lqw of the land, on the part: of xt ewer!! jury,. are'thkeez.'"ldeFarhtild, at'. tii'' 4 )'''. r 6° ' i ' •;,.e , titirtY3iveii, nitiriied 'ti young a wl of , ninefeeon 'Ha.'ivas 'tyist:tll-1 'l4'S for'all ordinary inalSoses' Or' life t Mid ivti r e' it.ileii to,drinhing , 7,ldektinimOdor- At'ely." 'll.ii 'lied a 'wortlatoks for. itliO4iink ds'iiKition •'forliis .iifitie, by gnat-Jai:lg .'iitii,r'ieltriing, 'lfinehlak; - entli o'oeaftion ' allYbeiditig betc - vrievillowedltisfartilly, ' 'id ertiiit O - Veti for 'broad iiid , elOthiti'g'"; ) 'aii r d ti'ctiiiikpf . bilk Werthledehei3k life Ni4fli ' ' iiitS ilti;len td writing and adtliii, l to dittii '6tilisat6ACo •oi.'• heilielt:' mitt n'eldlareft: A l lie l y`'l;id ' , Vitt ted ' :frovla Ely.; , 'and'' Sled litiecifirdi ' ` . iiii - ci.i' 1 60, it% 1 31.1b1Pailaddr t ieliatited' 'flitiltY d lftiiin. 'dieV "Initibatid,'"iititi &l'eL'' 'iCiiiddell" to/ obtaid , ..4 , 4lvo'i.de. I 'Aitiii 'the igetitatilD . nt44;t3: ile,t''..'llialn&dedh; 't Blau lutltta IN'i'as an itatilbi:.'s be •soibb' iSideneneei v. 1 'aitd 'olo 'Tahiti:di:436d' '''. li iiii • tdieli 111. , )g4tting Earl:l6li' ' '• • •'tiii'd ''-'iliii;- ' writiregtuil eaSkirtbteir iidtick , Aetiii'4' , itline tbdiiin iiiitieqiiiiiWeitt6titihbbizida tad iltiobwratioleledoitti*eillii i iiitltf ( iii' taf iiittiO her ,itwiiii*isttitib i g litriiiloiebh iltih 31tirarlafitt , MniuMbil'ittififid ' - I ;, tint • id ( Itidittatti i and obtained a divorce: 13litrieltifito . 144.11tet tistittfatjoit focit itel:: iluttsbatidV iotn'obdil)llhtitruipied: tit:Hitter ' et.ltiebaillsotini,dinid plated It.in'lnne. • -Initd'tt , haddi 'whi'obi vitliltieltatdti6iiiii'l dthilaltitt'od , ir in tentithe I'd! iiiiiii+y 116.1% 1 1 abadi alVtlie;taigtttle'diddel`lee' l iortillthiri. ,isiiii'dit.ex.intlnti.dits,,.or',6ottksi inb'tiglit;; t!o.ll6rFAiliviidio notice, otqltai,of.gtiftetegt fdltsitwakatd , tlpee tult. idited bleitoliiiitifi 'a'd dottlibthte atid';iniliolouio it btithicidb, i 1 awls known in . tim - anstattilireiiiiio - r 7 " -- I .13tit is Rieliardson's crime. to`kgo un- I t,r 12,000 puirsl;Cd,noVs Ovol .- 7 son 'itioniit , intlai: land? 41y * means. ,it 414 ~,,,,,i that c e _';,' mo t it crimin Ito be , 4,3j,d 2 :1k, wirnai wb As mkking th Aivi for her -A ii 11 sefisßnd o cirenAthat kdrim en' lu3¢4 batd7ficoijl ;nil - kW? Noti - 31actlk, - IS it I a crime to marry a womao:whohas sopa : - [ ' • rated from her husband, and is divorced? Wp knqw, of nik - holnitc,:larr'iolilflng it sdble aml`we'sfibridt.thilt_the'iliiiiietlaw! =that , sarrtitisriradulterydorrin'eXactly rintliorifi the taking of - flzt life Of - the'• Lin .wino d4es'if.'' 'aut'46'riOt tednethtm . ' and adhlte4. driin6snt their/nat lniiiidii4' ~ ,Onracto? 'Ciniainly, ' hat WhatAiiitiLf :nrony proves 'ifither"in'illiii' eniii?':' , Tfie . . lisWl :IA sits] Wigthiili; j ';3 ' ayii, ' drintiti ! iifau 1 •h 9 presumed Innbeentvaitll liitl4 . l6Yilt is' :111Pved: i ;I'll& lileFarland‘ r jurY, 'mil ' tliO l PPPP I O i;whd . are responsible for their Itrailaing and idimi,;declare:a - livirig - inala,l ,igoocent,who , con.fesses tolonficide, -and') presume thd man killed guiltyCOf , ali • of , forme to justifyit,. withelua a worcl'Oftes thnony, ,or. , rihow . of Proof. '-: . , , ' , Tlie , effeet kir ; huoli . verilicta 'id'depler:! able in overi aspect. : They'establish! the principle that b. man WhO haS the; •illigio sition inlini td take the life of 'a 'fellow being,. may do' so 'at his pledsOrir" he r heing;the ;judge of tlio hecerisit3r'oi ? the' case, . All , tbrit is riee'besiii to so'ciiie . hli , - inanity front panishment, 'is thtitthe of ' 'fence:shall beaf the hik,heSt 'grade linhWii to.theylaw. ; ReF4rjar,iii. is ' prono4nced guiltless, and Walks the earth a', free inan .on ,the groUnd that his own, and his, , counsefis theory of what justified • blur dor, was a ieod defence. ' Richard Son, ti, man who was Worth to.the , woild at least ,one hot - ired 'such men as he, IS ant off. ,in the prime of his manhood, 'liecanse he' purposed marrying his diiinrceri Wife; and the imrdiett that, clears. McFarland says, that. there is no , explanation , that will 'relieve this, of all the lelements)rof the , greatest of crimes. Chu absurdity go farther, ;unless its limits are, judged by the numbers who applaud this %er diet?,. --- - - - .. • At 614 'of cotiree, we baVd seen but feW'''of the' comments of the prods on 'the !ceneuhimatiOn 'of thiS fdree.' We aro sorry to say that many journaiS' b their codine during the trial, indicated ap roval 'of such._ a verdict. We hope they Will not: evade a full expression of thoir views on the matter now. ff this verdict is right, , let those who approve it , state on . what groimds it is justifiable.: If there are no reasons to' justify it let ib be •Ilenouneed rte 'a direct and palpable violation of the diftie , a'of jurors, and a t total disregard of the lawn of the land. Those Who desire that men should be judges, juries, and execution ers of their .follow beings -at—their:own pleagiire, should spsak out and Say upon what grounds, and for what reasons, these' extraordinary and irresponsible powers should be bestowed. - Fifte4tl Amendment has,lteens ilked ffiet for sonic) time' entered men everywhere nation ale vested with -the right ta vote, and tozi, hold office, if they'earf be elected or ap pointed, 11,13 have waited with beeme- ing pationeo to Sot the 'first Syniptoms of thc.many evils that were to come upon us iMmediately after the consummation - of - thia — grac-Wnfili — Of But they aro nowhere apparent. • •Th aun-rises and sets with about as nine h Certainty and - remilarity as when it no a 3 on bondsmen and masters. The re in falls at abOut thersame intervals now as then. The.trebs put forth their' leaves and blossoms, the birds sing, the grass' grows, and the . 'waters rim now pretty much as they did, when the divinity of slavery' was a recognized article of liolit ical faith.' The people too are much the same. The inevitable 'conflict of the races liziSgiven no marked symptoms of its existence, , White men.are about as bitsy:Makinghnoney; hunting office, and tying to 'ilia without work, as ever, and have very little tithe or inclination to cuta he man's . throat merely because.he Can -vote, Tho - colored men go to work about as usual, behave them ihives much . better, have parades and processions without :getting dilmk, or requiring the police' • to. keep order. Where, we ask agath, is the evidence of the demoralization predicted by Demo cratic politicians if equal and exact jug.: lice should be done the colored men? But, thus it is always. The enemies of progress always,see the paths that lead onward lined with lions. They roar the advance, and their howls of terror make many better men as fqarfo as themselves. Why- : shoeld. slavery eN;er have : existed :in this countryafter, the adoption bf the Federal Constitution? lWhy should ono than ever have poplceted, the carnings :of another,, or the price of, hls nthscies and brains?, Why should one, Manever hav'e been refused all therights that any others 'enjoyed? .There is no, reason for the, perpetration ,of 'these mast, hideous crimes, ~ c onnected ritic theYstent.of slavery, ,All reason,. all the,dictates, of conscience, all eraight, ened considerations -of public -Interest, n °kilted, j u stas stiongly „in thri:diroctio ß of.2qual Ttiglifty yearn. ago as they do now. litit.they, were thaltheded oven ;by. these, WhO were wise enough terse© Had they, been of .eyed lto Would haViibech scourged by n, o frakern4,War; no efforts' would have teenovasted, in agajnSt the C ,bye r imept, We ~*0,4 1 4 have had 'no to•Jw:,olemenkinour 'polities; for 'all oat*. cople would have been gradually ethic: ,red to a full knowk edger of thelr t rigbr Intl duties.. We 'lnive,Paid dearly' th',l'Pkiillty of our folly t but let' us prbtit t,y the lesson taught. Hereafter len not from tinciepoliti icans frighten; At. .e people , from.thd path. rigitt ;rid justice polot.: 0N:1%16y , yeeic, tworia W,grWmgtop,, 3.;04 , 11i0nip13 pp tpid , phi rd R0,1i0 . 0 1 1, 1 tti Ai (lac 1411;,.1A;:itli,kiticc#1111i,Y,7 rflt;3.lihittirelf . * ra 'pPt-lirpugh,ll,ll,4llifippr, , t 11 . 4 ilivstiple4liy t1 , 1,(3 .'bti ' tb:bir ; 14 . ,.p!1 of whidh , Ereill 4 :visitors }yoga hgbfy doused' ivitli disk i and s the se l i9pi ttil y tenitist inipoliopp ;porinniciu'Ziotiert; Cohndetibiii, ititiugul6Wd'on" .11,.c4vamt• "11'd s•ays. i slthiild % 11,4 `biloYdit sucb:mspacted."''lF'vaw ( 16415 ii nome , tivealci4 Endltati pectlout , 1) : 5 :, 11 ; P„ 6:°-11, 41't LIWA•4 1•1 " )I T a .".' 1) r *L46. 4 i 14. 4 11... ,iCt regent ; vYsIE tooßBdford.- county, -with view of 'lriviOing * l4go . ) ron ninnufacturi4 there. ginidl hug: id& ih•ollintgiql4ll: . ' -- ticket. It ocaupotion. ' • ' • * -AGERAL *4 - 7eirriettor, dilieusses the ietotion*•aifo ng pfd y tetol4on to laborfAnd labtrs, consid-, enkle length, oa witM.mu abiiity Tlfog:wing ate 44 , 81 YorobAie.:.fatti4-ccort with regard..to.this.verylin'portant sub ject: - " - - t _ii:a : li . o ll ilne ll -i a inlle l srf ib ial t iluVo n i r I: , bor, -, and - the.limit , of , the.employmenthof youth, to 'detain - dile how far it is best for the 'Stat:e . 'that ' Its r. children I shall' be' de.. , priii3d 'of/ an leripcirtutilty fdr.4 education 'omiltialinng by: the"binplOYMent of ifs' 'font* life iiir acetiMUlating the ~ gain Of rselfiSh parent% , or .adding 40' , flio . , profits! izrf eilually billfish , eaPitalists ; als'or,' What• it efegitardS Ought:to he 'placed hriind&the' lives itnithinbt3 of tlie operaiives'engaged. itc)inanaging • hags and powerful -rni ,l chines, , where.a false stop, &A .falie rno- - * tion may 'cOst; the life' , or•lirnbs. .-- On Very neae4sarY Mid 4toportatif sUbjeet OM , Statute books:are wholly silent; while the law's of.Entiland•are dotted 'allioier with -penal eriadtinents to preserve the per'sons of the•laborers from accident. , --Also, , to inquire asti, what maybe 'chine to insure fool:air division of the ri3wards (*labor ris' against:the 'profits 'of capital.'- Ina word that ithe, law may iotelli6ently do in: this most: itinpOrtant , relation-of life and busi ness what it (Melt to do, and doesdo, in , almost i3very other, StepAn and !restrain] the . strong, from erushingothe , weak, , and protect the needyagainst the promptingi fo avarice, 4r , tho' dimity of. selfiehness.'. WE have received a popy'of the annual Topett of 'the, Directors of 'the Tonnsyi iYania institution f'or • tho Deaf and Durb,. for 1860: :i 7 ,'l.:omltwe learn the . ,rninlbot: Of pupils' the institution 'during the Year was' as,foiloara, On the first of Jan 'n6fy, 1860; li34,"ot`oo.:io:l%yore , hoYs 'and.:B6'gfrls: received during the year, 42-1.24 lioyp , and 18 girls. eim F eed dOring the, ,:arne poriod, , lo-00 boys and 20 girls. There remained, at the begiOning of'the year, .186- 7 168,130ys and . 'lB ,Thd report giyea.a num ber specimens of the; conlinisttiieris of. thewhich arG 'yerYlnterestini- The 11,01L_Gainge_Sharawood is the Pres 7; ident of the:lnstitutiou. • • THE Coca of Common Pleas of Phil:l , J delphia. has :filially decided that Farmari Sheppard,. Democrat, was elected Dis• triet: AttOruey of that'eity, about a year and a half ago, And that Charles Gib bons, Republican, was not. Mr.: Gib bons has now given _place to. Mr. Shep pard. Our Republican friends. LOW ewe it to Mr. Gibbons and themselves,: to nominate, and elect him for, the next term. ‘! HUMANITY MOYB6 •nward" oven in Oho city . of 'Baltimore.- The o Passenoei: Railway companies have actually put on cars cin,,their±toadii i mu' which colored ' people arc allowed to travel, if they limy' their fares.. Of courne , . they ai•e:nOt pet initted in the•same earn withwltite. pee= plc; but aro limited to those.! 'marked' colored. Even- this,--however, ie great advancement for 'Baltimore. About a dozen years "ago a "black Republican" _R . :m.llot allcoved-on-their—lpassen,ger rail roads. But the world moves. A correspondent .pf T Daily Topic m . 7iting'about the DfoFarland trial, dis courses thus "It is the contest of essenced Spit itu alism, Free - Love, adaptation, and psyc ho. logic sympathy, witintationallegislati on, marital union,, and social integrity—Sy tm pathetic ThilUtionship and Aristocrat 'within the boa constrictor folds of X. Humid legislation, held for its principle a a crime against. God, society, justice and hymeneal honoi." . That's just it. Lot McFarland bq au quitted immediately., . . of oar Ilejiablican pott!ities are about calling their county conven tions, to'nonninate Members of Oil Leg.„ islature, and county OffreeM: ad vise them,mo4t cetineStlY'itot, to renoiiii nate any , man whit `Voted' last winter for the ,Ophilis Railroad hitt; jority of thoso gentlemen get ixiek again , to the Legislature,lbere`wiil left of the Rephblican' party winter.: Let all'gehtlemen of that 'stripe remain at home.' vi coo GEARY itaaappointe . d ses ra e .y.iao; ,of Philadelphia, Notary Pab -49.., Par Pi?mocratie . papers aro horri .fled, not,.beadoe he 4Jan:incompetent, or !unworthy .peason, .but. because ho.is not altogether white.: • . ~‘ SP ,E CIA h A TRAP THAT. MANY .OF 'OUR STOREKEEPERS HAVE FALLEN • INTO: Iluying thvir • que - olorwarp: ; Alitepiiar j e general ~ P PII.I intito clues, Whore the, ~ x -itfieeißro flr!fohl. .; .Iy3l Itt .. t iit k FpN, Lngo to i11 1 M 0 1 1, 11 1 140 , k Or goods, a n d nro : pos!tlyoly toilliv to tt o trodu, their, why pe lino of goods 'nt . rtont Ili° to tu'enty-flxO4oor . cent let. than theft rah bo ltroo rremi ibt'oad. WI KNOW ;loth o of ',tiff oittrultieitere nrti putting tultitty runts per dark morn thrill our prtolsit ; three canto utOro ; for, ettcolt.t t, fifteen to ~t woo kr por cunt more for wares; . two to 9wett,Futitp jro gel:, Ton motelor Ceti oil, it, ti qtr fair inutaneetr gettinc, tint quolitACPOds are solt:':but • mitten' t , t; totr 'rteor,tonl7,ltr unisli guntattles; Roll ttt Ithtor tuirps,. rtart Take tit9rtt - 1 IVlLLlA4.lgdittt ;3',809, South E t uttp Corllttlo, ;,, "limtid CODIFORT AND- BLI§S, OR ` PAIN AND AGONY. ' ` I pit,Toux.fist CF,LiBRAT , I'D :yENBTTAPI MEN r, whooel wonderful cures, sure and insinn in 11t011fIllete00. In eds.' tir , ' aciie, Tudtbocite, Cibup, Cute, Burns, toile, Cramps ? Dysentery, old, bay° estoulalied the elvlllecd world, ie no new peteltpenni , ; bnf tin article (b r at battsteed t Late at twepta-twc; 'l'l4 enot'ineUs stile And itiPldly tui i6ludnig dtdikna litit dile° tbe'stiseeAsl-• dation Of/ Itte ttearlalueits abd popularity, ilietftunlly about,' boyollutut . ‘u FhP house, ifitstdrpr , 4, Pf 4 h 4 dr,!° 1 ?"°1 1 11'IT) by Ito potely nob. t Coiic t Cramp, anti )3;8 yr,pf,;t ' o;;cotl,l6 ' iainclin,i'Arcipt, 'some.' 'tie parketlyintiAghti, , aild ton r Ed 4l+Atitc lite 410 P,pmmze,or.o oungod 01114. tbdr, .aud rtt , 111 be, &urn to ply nkittl, l end reeonametpUt'a yOur: fria Lida, 'lttintddAtle '01'1'16? getout] do binteendit ' l ' ''"1 1 ' Ii -- the, Blilbigltka, and htvr.lte.rierb.lotridei FiftY.evPlo q u i d ßP? iNI II ISI.IP.I'F °t . r lr/S PP`T York:. ;„ n. ,(, ;„ i l2EnsiO4tu ,;I • 1 . 1 ONLy RNE , • /.1 irti f:: ~ . ..muten,ivlico, l sepal illon a's an annlpnlcaf cliosifsw . ty; riff i fl .9uptios that .• In on , /WS! .!.4. 141 5. ) 1. 9qp 9914 ckb',l l ii,.ifio' l il l 4.llii l .l.Alt.d'iii l l;4l l : a#4 ! , j 6 j !,it' tilli6Sr It WWI ft) „t 1 r . ottrzuvii/quarifiss, MI g9ll,ps qthirnblY , fildlitedlOf tiny puitisitnelbr IS'4's.s,lisardf. id w c W n t , tc ° Vub4 la ha j L'esnj.ritridvAY'llt.,7,?:ls?ll..PF,::,°sl,4.li4il/9' nrgane ti kkolnlit . 1 , , • ~` • i ;rf f• • nr i TUPI'WY: bORPIAini. P 31 0 .10., de ••,/ g/CrAtiV,V7"Arii - Dragging, acts like a ilharaiiiflinalialr alter 14;11; g : I;yr Try It. • : • 'Fr . ! 420D5.nt-1m MEM Bt vint.B*l. /HAILE w 10.4 benefit - you , a t ivil b a y . y 'Le r % d r u s l I t o y t , 1 , 17 ,,g 1:111 1 : o t 21;ed i r Dstrutn's Artv-Thre p tromActi BITTERS nd. und It. Vhyl should you 1p um when thlsudiul rablexchilrha, cured many- liar cases-why do you do bt whildnther believe tplOarecured I Delay In this 'also tikslange ejOIMI unp roll ta We. Your health, happiness and DIM - asshealth, suffers, while constant neglect Is frequently foil• wed by serious and uncon• trolluble. reselti..-DsnuTn's- Birrens • orb. equally - uscfni In tho numerous' difficulties attending Indi• gestion; Os BILIOUSNEtE, CONSTIMION • &G., Willltt or Woven and AGUE and other disorders proceeding from Music...Ts, it-is tho only-reliable pregentive and remedy known. • =se 70 WHOLESALE ONLY Brothers- have just reiltived 'h.:, very large rtockpof .gytnn, such le, Ilual ery • Shirt Pronto, Flop : Sepde,re, dott r on'atidleettilbri'llaileoFcbtas; egil 4 Tlthintill , DriViles T ibeldnelutyi64t in scone variety; Yip or hnd, Envelops, - qqat,..ymt 7 lllicsa p and, ycarl...,Buthitui, Three and Six Cord Spool Cotton fliqviuff Iloolta nod Linea, Toilet Bongo, SCrlinpuntAiuga, Shoo Slick, Stove' Polhill; Indigo Bine,ind'tiii . tlesa variety of Notionh, generally. • . ti;;;A:ti•tIle: ova to be had nt Collenrothern. 410vlog : 044ely removed to the Imo Mere room In tlttnew f Ho4d I WM Hose Housoore .Lava 'lncreased, oui sici4k . larger than over, and '4'lll sell: 01. gold eeti;• ' I COYLE BROTHERS, alnlh 24 South Hanoveretreet,Carlisfo. 4 ERROttB OF YOUTH... , j./1 goutlemou who suffered For yearshfeto Nersehe Debility, premature Decoy, nod ,d 1 the . offeSti youthiefludliere lion, will for thli SONO hi suffering h4o4r.oltrY, !wed free to all who ..needit. the receipt ' Tor huskies the simple remedy by Which ho woo oorpd.. zt , ufhirers wishing to profit by, the easel-Us er's- exp,erlsoch eon do co by addressing, hi hSrfect eetifideece;' JOHN II: MOEN, No. 42 Cedar St. hew Ymk. bisty 60-Iyr. . . air; DIMPNtSS. BLIND . NESB pod., Cia'.4,Rllll qoatadiwlflaibe utmost success, by J. !MAUI. Ills IL, sod Profas4or of Dimlees of. the 'Eye and Ear (hi We'dicifyy)n the Medical Clatrye of Pennsylvania, 12 years.aaperince, (lormorly of Leyden, Holland.) No. BOan.Artb;Stre'et, Mills. Testloionlabrean be soen nt his :Ace., The medical faculty are Invited to se • • company their! often's, as be has no snrrota in his pt;tiet leo: A AlhJini eyes in without pain. No elatrao for'oan'udostion. . • . ' " - . :% 0 J.4 1 Y; 0 9 1 y: • I• ItAILING, WIIIE GUARDS, for store Fronts, Asylunir. &r. Irou Buthtrads. Wire Web. binge forshoep sod poultry yards, Brans cod Iron Ore cloth Meter, Fenders. &roma for Coal, ores. sand. de., Peary Crimped Cloth tor spark arresters Lanutrape Wire for Windows; dr., Paper . Makers Wires. Ornamental Wire Works. Every Informs• ikon by addreesiug the manure , turers, M. WALK Mt FILINn . .No North Sixth street Philadelphia. 2.lfeta TO CONS U ALPTIVES. The, Advertiser, having been roNtored to ho, 11 n few wrolop, by it very simpio remedy, after b ng sufferod sOvOrel years with n soVorO ' 'nog MT Oidt ibott4 vonsiiirld I n in itmloi o mato known to hie fellow.sidroters the Owens 'urn. Ta ~II wha desire It, he will 505.1 N ' copy of the pO l ucripl.lon d (1r •e of har,se), with the direction, for preparing lied using the i::inte 'which (boy will '1111:1 A,TIIIIIA etc. The osject of aloe edveithier hn awading the Prees•ripitisis Is to . , small the 11113h:fed sonlapreed I.s Oemutl m which 1..• cs nc'eiviss to to In viii isible; and' In looses cocry buffeter will' try Lis r. mt.ly; as it will t them uethal . t told only wove a bleoldna.• og the prescrhsti so sill pluasund• dress , REV EDWARI, AVILMN, 00, l'floaty Now York May 7 co 1. 1 , . _ _ MARE S CARLISLE PRODUCE MARUET. Corrected. Weekly by R. 0. Woodtcard. CARLISLE, 'Roy 11, 1870. *6 '2.5 4 00 4 I 0 ~.1 20 FA,\ITGY FIAUE, - SUPERFINE FI)Ult, SUPERFINE IsYE FLOUR III11:!IVICEAT, RED 1% . '1V411 - OATS • " CEO V EIISEED, - Ts.NI , .TIII'BI,IIP, FLA \yI:1!U, atAJO.Et,- = Oorreoled Weekl la William Waslemood. !lay 11, .INTO.. • $ 90 • - EI illS,• MIL), • - .141IESW a. •• lIACON , 11:40) • Fir. , OLDER BACON • a: N ' S, • renew 1)11 IS . U ,1•A El) I . D.•IICD A I.PLEB, DIED MICON ER t o otghth Inhfivit Ma. John Woggouor, of oyt fi tow,loll, agod LOOM thirt )sate.. 6 . . LI NT II LII•T ortuum; I u thu ulght h taut. 4211:11Ii•+ %V. Linplurot, ugt.ti hirtr"ut, t.. .igh I ~,,, utiu. 4,0 tworuy two nay. Juv0agm1y...11.1...1 lh Company Ithglinhnt Pena tyl ouch 1 eau, Yue,;,,atal sem ed trltlt ..Is , it rtlou duriii~ On, Ti van' em v)te, Icahn a hg at kruol • egjel,At, rg. C 1 was Foal 1:1111/11, stt,.:llcratit 11,111,y . at, !Ito who h. NEW .Y. N ORTHWESTERN 3ITITITAI; INSCICA SCE • CO)II'LL N OFFICE 10. 416 VAlti STEEET, uno - Auwi, wis .. . . lib. Modo, Ur, Tu;,11311116 Company of 0.6 oi •ni. •'..1 ll,' hti.gt.st tunivilliy . - utedrbj 01 iii. -- . HI" I Citkil. H AFSF:TS, PY.ER 37,:!00,000, (an" iikpftllftnerSs ng.) . Numßult or mimurit.i, a ,Uon (ailU ¢4ldiugl.o(9,l4oW,ollte eppit mouth,) 111.tntho in 1 4 69 • • ' ' Nu u.Lut• of Pollo. ei idaued Iu phit. it IX. 4,1mv3 DregiksON: gpcclul Agent.. ' Office n ttbdotn T. litoon t usq ionth • /lOno •••or htreo.i . whorq pi11 . ..11610 11fIli infornottlou, was, t. 01,tolord., nod opt,' filled: , Special Indic ittootll4o.thfolbt,ro,yid imgpilictuiicyiug for bvnoyo lent 1•11.picoo, 121110031 n t ~ • STEAM DENNSYLVANIA . M . .9, 7 AND SUOD:IINO ' I• BrADLISR PST. , oirr* .416_ 1 1,TATOCPM fiTIMET, ' '~.,,'' If AIM} 11111110; P.E.NM:YL.VANIA: • " r„, • • , We 0 01p. , 44)41.1.y 5 eq11 illn,k,tontloti of ,the, eft item' of jentilberlimi county cod ‘lehtlry; t advertly anent Out lug the lu. gest nod best I egkl Wed'111:1111111014 the SLIII”, °WNW° or I% hll- Oolphh‘, w • urolireisii:hd ilOtt of • • • S7'EAAI 74.1NG.AND qao6wx.iyo, uli Colors; 410 . af anal f ! ,113, viz: :,:t i o n go ?laol all ladles' 4ti;7*"tami 'l.rtn b'tb iildilh,'4a Pay. l, ularpt lo IY! Il t„, 141,11ng , , g•H tn , and pit; inOtte eloaasd aA; arodred IttAtto.tiott tataatta ottitinpr!, , • •' 1 '; t • c10. , m1 ti!+ . 11111414 he'd, lutWb't°l " 9/i fq , !l'', l :t?c., • vtl.tott darigob t' Partite bwriiig; ' to t t • • ••y;t•,•l4 - .•/f! gif Bent to Ise 7, tit., Iturtied Sathiag 4 n , • st "I " • I 'l' 1•: I I t '• •;: , I:.•gAgEs,,..4,yinTrq°llritric it.lllp,;, . . 11W:oat:nor airfot,- a , /Mtn Oto.tt 'zfitttt.t Au it. tl}o . l)R . s . 016 4 . dtd.' , tve k f" , , ' iri ostviovi:.iiii. '•'• I '• Dporar, .1? , IhOwtiltt Bllsi Sternor`Alta.Agneljanojo • DPut9Y. bli.•l .cp4P.F4 „ • ht,..ri.A.1.0 ) 01 , - • hitt or,- an 19.14ce, ; 410..,t0ua „t,t,.lAttmttvt, Attar, .am t Tr odwiok, gate " ,;.‘,l4iViliX;4l3,aaNWilde./1 I'o °L. Mee It It fa Wo • , ~)I•u' '• • , - .1'.4%);•;,...0',". I cumi4VMEN93 , 118 r. if it 1: - N• k ) •BOriihk. l •4 I t , o') Dirnor; ior4e .vmuzyidlolipl '4 , 194 JP , '” ) : 4•• .' • l'ug" s "o Vea,Oi, 'Orin( ' " tPbtid bn4l 1691 i Nyti7up.sll 'l.llll' - 11 • • • fmos :.:I A . :A 1 , I It i lt i m m fd7holryNit .1.01 , :li t3lti d i4 o h o i t, vormaa 4,tk. b gli l i ) ;:ig i l ° ,trkl;•.•l 01140,011;5 114.1.:‘,, , 1 , 1 , 'jci I r. Met, Tobias ' Ogler... l l=os • . • • A. K. ''/".• Mr ' ,r .... .r. EDI] „ Of 4 l ll- q 3E tip BILI*HEA:ANDAEPAIRINGf AND AT RDASONADLE RATES • • CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES. CARRIAGES, \ .." -• 1 ()ABM ARES, 1" CARRGES lA, CARRI +OEB, CA MU GEII, • CARRIAGES, • CARRIAG ES, CARRIAGES/. q 1 A 4 t . CARRIA l• B,C A BRIAGEB,' Impunm„. BUGGIES, . • , ,nv,qcaps, MOGI. 8, nu/./nEs, / , BENGIEB, oukziats;- BUGGIES, . BUGOIr 8 BUGGIES,. i• • BUGGIE., • ' BUGGIES. BuoulEs, „ BUGGIES, '.'• BU.:(I i 8, BUGGlES, 'nuaings. ; •,;numnEi • ' B PA I NG s,bytum: tvAaosA, ; WAGONS, • SPRING WAGONM,' ' •"' SPRING avAaNis p BPRIA 0 • WAOONB. • ..BPRING WAGONS,' SRRING•WAG .ES, ' SPRING WAGONS , • SHUN oIA AOO , B, ' RING - WAGONS, . „• SPRING WAGONS, 8511IN0 WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS ' • Ahynya on hand, or made to order, CARR/ AU ES. i , 110(MIE9, .0 it 'pop. gpop g 043. 9_. second•band Wng+nnii, of 01 kinds, taken il ex.rhangu fur work A . S E 9E I A'N" BEIII nt Work. and Invites all his ol•I cofdoinerr, and till) public In g• floral, to give Woo a coil. Ara. Ito moonber, Rio old ..tonbllrli tot 'do., on PITT STREET, uonli or liar 11l ilioOT Dopoi, cAhra,LE; A' FIRST CLASS LIVERY In connection with the abut.° intahlishinent. H. K. I.IIFFEK, 12ma - 0 Im VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. Will be sold. nt publiz o•lu, on Iho irenthien, In NV;•st Pen.bora' toundliy, :Lc ten U. 111., On Thursday,' erith6 9, 1870, the fullinvine cleseriniel lea] estate, Into the prop of Andrew Forbev, deeemed : 'A boll t J wilily-two acres of . - - Gaon LIMESTONE LAND 10 said `tonoiship."north or Nab-field , adjoining; luudx or- Mato; rut For boo, deco toed. Jacob Rhoads, stan. Samuel II elaiurn, an a thu Qollollo,olblet neck. .TllOO k on this trot I, a oimil TWO-STORY 'BRICK. HOUSE, . • Now Boldt B n'tto a two.atory LOG 1101:80 Nltitallteßlartlett,; uht,i n wt.ii 01 wttior with -pump, • Ale at Om I.rtzue limo and placo. lho one 0110 ri ded h if of abool td,'Lto 01.1 ouod.nl dortoi of moot Coln laird in Fro , •ltto.d p At 11.110,11.1. r, lit 1 S biter, 11110 t rftl, mode know ou cry of y W. N. II ENDIAISO ' ", Evo.ilur of A: th.lw ot-ceasud A 1.6 I%dl Ile 011 ad, am wun • oule, the fol.ol% . tracte of nn tho a •tat f ga..ot Fri , • .1. A tra..t. or LIM ESTONE . ,Dalai ala i ; Bitola Mir, +wet.' This teat , shutted In Anti Toa llK`ip, un t lio Rau., road, a ..11.it.s this alma, demcriltutt t a I. lay! land. I.i tTIICVLO undjlea. Strada:l. It is Writ to to gun it; ut Nino tuuo to il, nnl .oi tea in to AI, 110 a 2. .)Ine, the ono Jut te 1 half IP( abut' , so "and one-It .11 nires t A I), 1, Fri. fur, -1 111/• 1I I ytli.l the ott.er'hul" ur.utiot".d these, It tle•n od by o by given awl b•I int lu.ttle on dtty sot Oslo by VICO entdr of slargart.t. Furbis &reit. I:lcrgrioto MEE Laws Ilya reel/It:Li Uof tho Board of Mali •gere of thy turfinlo 6u and 11".iter CMlts oily, I have b.en atTeltottartivto-note.trtiat.., f,. thirk prinranta Boil& of the cotopavy, dnu to is;., oilier t °upon llotain, mil/wing in 18,0. 101 l eialeettathlo at the pleasure of the - Cl.llllr ny with intervBt at tho tufo or six per Cell( ' ila)11illt , 1.1-1/.1 a uitally. yeretion i,esiroas of uotlung IHI eh go or itrit:tie t ott Will p eano appl,, to me 124 . - .0 0 ,3t Pr Mdon I 111 er Cu NOT= Sunrir•l Zug . Ir. urn& .0 un Itrrturrirt, for the trout. ft .f Ito ttre, to Jr , Morrtuir to whotti nll cirri m. 1110.1 tat prerrn tort, 000 all firt trent. 11111110. JOHN a 111 l %nor., .10.1000, MECIE NURsElii" As.so4 Liall4lo ,FA/51 Eli, AND PLANTERS TIE. GRA 31-11tHSBU RG NURSERY AS 1/CIATIO., Ityd, Ntiniery in large or 611111 ii lidalltitleS, n Ch Bons 11114.111 111 Apple, 'Plum; :nd other trut.,, with nil the um or gOuli kinds of Grapo Vines; Grer,otin hundred Varietiesof Roses And tin endleae avenrunent ore, erything that is do. !arable ly eteek u nret class oreliard or garden. Oar prireq lan lrtgg Mad our irees tiro as good as tlri best., Ordant 41y anal will wren.° ~ r best idle:snail', and watistiirtiall guarantied Ib ail ear deAlinya. For Calaloguee and other 131r0111110.1013 nddruso the 9 Ul4:lt T, Olumbvranirg Ntio4vry nnm•lnllon, i.n.tuu.suunu. PA We'wnnt n gowl, reliable mmn In everf town to an,agent for 1110 aide of our trees and plants. .31ED L CAL. Ayees'::.Cathaftic pill. For ell the purl mica, of o Laxative i%lodloine. Pertin+ no not, medicine le no .unlvowolly re quired by ovary Nide as a• cathartic, nor was ever any Moro' vo univerwilly adopted Into use,ln every iountrY• and among all classes, as this mild-but eflle,letit purgative Pill .The obvious reassulic that It is s'inore reliable andlor more . effectual conic., ;dy than any lobo,. Thoreiwho have tried It. know that it cured feint, at 1.1 tlioso• who have not know that it Mired their uu ghbura and mends, .and all knew that what It dory onee./t does always—that It hover falls.through any , lault or negioct of Its composition.; We.havo thousands upon thousands of certilloges ui their , remarkable cures or the following complalots, but such euroTgaro known in orory neighborhood, and we need trot , puolleh them. • Adapttal to all egos. and modal°os hoot' clitnaleti contrialtar neither . calomel. or, any . delete"riouli (Ikuu.Alluy may . token • with - safety by anybody.' That auger coallui pre °ryes. them ever fresh add maims thoupleasant , to ink.), bridle b Ing pucely vegetablo.,uo harm eau arise nom .uric an, Quantity. ' Thaly opera u by their powerful lull uonco on tiro ILLe.onl eneite to purity the blood nod stimulate It Pay eeiillY u-okunifkee r thy 041nroplonil of tho eltbirincli,'l °nolo, H0t..., and ether_ avails 61' thethe, loiklyi le/pries their irregular adtion to , 100 ,by corrtleilitg,/ tvinieuvet , they' eklat,i suds :derangements ea are , the first origin, of disome„ • 4 , 41rectIo1s ore glean ' in the 'Wrapper ow thti qqa, foe Ole following cowl:0310s, union these . P4lfetopli.llpouto . 1 • ! • .;,4 1 0 .rl),,opltpoln or Indige).tloti; - 'l.l24lreenesa. • Latucuur and Lot's of. Apt elite, they should bo Ititit'e Moderate y to, ,stimulw ,the7'etarnach ,nod. - restOreits healthy nnierrind " ' bar Leer Coniplali,t audits. 'airtime pyluptoms, fflituue .Headache ; slido leadaeLo, Jettudice or Groan Sickoesa,.llllltios 1.:4,110 awl nillaus Vevers, they should I,nJ udiclously taken,fOr, , Mich .sea. to correciAhe diseased eictiuth'pr'remo.ve the obatrue. tions which roust; it t 3,8 8,588 6 9,EU 1,, !fur tqgentery or Warrlaoa,,but One , '41114 4°1;4 hr geierally rocluirtnl. , ". Fur .Ithannuttbini, 'Otmt; ,cbq Heart, Pnip'in the and Lulus ? ',Way Mould be oolltjntivnaly.(altlin ' .ne• reilulred, optoputliki4lll.gaseit'acitiol,' or. the' /Omuta. Wlth such fbangte those cugopiallitn oliesppaar. , For Mopes , nod Ifropnleal Y , ,wellruKu ~bey should ,be taken In largo and frequetie to , ,prOdue the etretot 4 drastic purge. I,,k,'ortinppresalon n largo dine Inhould bo taken, as t wi:loves the dela' rd • n truct , by eyuipatby;:..! i , , "qes phink,P4ll, tope one. or two Villa pro; 0 the atonnteh. An bbenaltuail dome stimulates the 'etninacb cod t..,W0141 lUte puJtl.p eutluo, resturis the appetite.. anti loylioentam the ,aYatem..; Meucci . 1000 onlealitAlgilaunitliore . .un serious Alerangrintot 10e, r ‘i ho foal. tolerably well,:„ often .dude, 4tlaE , A'And o,k. P.m; pupa a blln feel,w4rlt' ‘ lY 1.140 r cßioeincan?.l., quwpal. , 6L!alolnt_ 114 e .44414tu, • 0 0 " . • 0, 1ttn . .,rj a2l - o,iiclicar cknayer s', • utPH'~` ' dD~Lt Jild~ .d D Y'd:' . • . . 17191t1V 1/4151041: ..'. :, i ' i ther•l'ViLL 1401011 Itintlyint-Vlll-plpayd tho incline I t ,Ijoityyiyb r i A na itrilciu, livtdolit isoithelodlii dy sty . 1 fondly for p i y day's use. Such an alibi. is _. , j Kli i , V:o! q'UI N 1 AMITICAN TAtLOW 96AP, , ti(..l i " rooointnynded for the fulloiNoKplitlimPiii 4 0 r9Seq• . : , eibtlidlidididhl hen; foy the rdilid ;Tor tlio Idiindiy y,, F ,, ci il op A ll li ru ip, As., ;old, by Tat grocurs and Adroatehors' dVdryWit , r6:' TUTU Aii 'I. blf K, 'sole azoiib NoY;".0 0 Mirth Feut.firryt, R biladOpbla ..1 I , . , WALT44 3 t,,ttiIIPO THE COU S BNY B PBOEB, tho Comil,Orry,ofht with ovary I :,/,4 et a ! i l , e?it ,.. n4!of Io u o soot to H.,E,.,w1.th willoixo ; of ,ptipplay . .tkrlOdr4llleyhig 'ttiO ,',..4LEXANHEIt It, 11AHPER, 808 Chostnut ~„„.„.. Mini DONE PROMPTLY • • I will etoaugo i spitixa wAgoNs MEM EIMI uarivallud Lir comf?rt and beauty. Alm, TRUNKS AND VA:LIgiES, All prwhich will bp mad Nit emei . ll;prop . l. Call oqii and all, and get a roll nonlonlint foridor money. CHEAP • •'• ' - Ootale.oro not always tile beet. When you go to buy au natio o, .pd especially in tbouacter of ;DOTS AND SHOES . i . go to ou mimeo won% you con rely; for vary few,ore*oeiljudgee of lentbor: . tiino k 4; {h.) yenr many will be-wanting 1104 bbOts and shocks for summer wear. "All such ran bre nectniptiogat.bd ft! ' .„ , • '• Ai DY BERT'S, where will , 10 re!ked, a..aupply at, theleweah • Doom and ahoos made tq a ardor ? with Mmost'dit ; . patch ' • Pilch of buolneas " • oi Ere - Louthei• atreet,.:Cartialt4,P,q, DIVIDEK*I),§'; /15 - TP. DIVIDEND. • 1.1 •'.•j dividend of Pi , :xt, umNi !o ff r t t t n i alm d ! y td t a a . c rt ''r t a bt Ln i t i = j ll:t , o l e o k aia i n ty . fr .. , T ;N f glo s t l l,:to°P. iito ' .; . , 5rne .. 0.4t IliEBLE11; ' - • • cffibier • DiViOi,TP.,. Bleed dividend of If clear of taco ftatl7o:2t lEEE 4DVER,VS 'j'• IVRItY; - SALE; - AND EXCHANGE 1-.1 STADIA:. ry J. L. 6T.tRNER & BROTHER, In renr of Bcntz 'Bowe. lIOR . RESAAND CARRIAGES. TO_IIIRE ON HEABONAIME.YEEMVAND , AT4IIIOETZET NOTICE CATTIAGEfi FURNISHED FOR iVORETDILS. ME , 4* - - N. 13. litable room Itr'so hires 'on ktiep. 17 IWO OMBINATTON. TWO IN ONE BRO'THERS No. 5 Brut and No. 10 North VALIOTOr streets 14 1,704 y NoTidt 8..1d pmposals will bo reeblved at tide .once up, it lo o'clock, a no, on ; Monday, May 23, 1970, for turnlohlng tbo ""CommiLnd" at Curlis:o Barracks Pen do:, with' GOOD FRESII for sii.montlis, frem,aud after the hest day of June, 1870, or such ,long time as the Commfsaary General of Subsistence. U. S. A., may direct. Proposula must he in •talilirtite, and endorsed "Proposals for Fresh Beef," end mast c•mtalo the nano s of two reeponsl - perr"n•, who will ,Ign the bond and berothe responale lor the faithful performance of the con tract - P••iahns who hid aro rept. sled to he present at the opening of the pe pFals. The Oovernmeat reserves the right:hi reject any or ell bids which they may ..snider tileramenieble, or fur any other Stlfficieet entitle. IL E, Arai Lieutenant tinth iu litritrv; I W. irneet MAlZ Captain, U S. A., Acting Continfintary offiabalatouce. •. 2047 u-et 11AVERSTICK BROTHERS, DRUGS, DOORS, AND VARIETY STORIS, No.lo Noah Ilanovor atrout 14ap7Oly REMOVAL LOCIIMAN'S I'IIOtOGRAPII linx Veen removed from Nen; Kllllll4 to do NEW GROUND FLOOR GALLERY, No. 12 East Main Street, MIXER THE REST PICTURES IN, TOW]! ASS MADE 5.jp1170 . SODA WATER, - .• • POLD AND SPARKLING AT HAVERSTICX BROTIVERB, =II= 11=21 THE 14ARY: INSTITUTE, CARLISLE, PENN'A A Loardicg School for GIRLS Tho I.lnth.nl/11111111 .SIIIOII will bnnin . nn WednoFdn., Septomber Int. For clicularl ,r !twain. itilbrnintlon "addrenn Raw W. i 1 LEVERETT. Oar tele Ps; I= DRUGS. AT No. 5 Smith, itlol No. 10 Nurth Ilhouwr otreate BAVERS'TIOK BROTHERS, Is 141 p7uly DRY GO ups, OIL CI, TIC, DECLINE •IN GOLD ! coitnEsvoNinNa DECLINE IN GOODS! Itt• uu 6xeitenient In tho Dry Goods market, In • wry rnnrketl e In prices of DRESS GOODS, :%4vrinnes, Ainneraii. replint, Burgos Reps, n 'eta urn. Vartuty, con.prieing nearly every th g flail tine of notelet. STAPLE GOODS Hann,'tie, Tfekl4e limghnme , Dlankorto.Col tonsd lirutut CL9TIIS /13144,ASSINIERMS, Li II 013 1111.1 Co on l'a,l“ Diupt re, Slr,itrde, Chicks. WHITE GOODS Swint, N111...k. Cambiles, Jaconots, Went* Tarlotons, Curilbric and bwtHe Edgings and In st7tiugu, lIOSIERY, GLOVES, Trimmings, iu groat variety, Libbous, at the beet quality, Ilaia end Sundown, FANCY GOODS t n great many ntyle% rya. all very cheap Ladies' Under Clot cry handsomely rnadaand trlmmod., Also CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, linggetr, flogs, Window Blinder, Qufitr, Counter. pane., and ninny good. out 11101/ t oned fyr woLt of space. We claim to have the largest and best stook of Dry Goods in the Interior of the (tote, and will sell at each pricea ne with ealisfy all that this is the place to get g ad bargains. :Malin 'BENTZ & CO. BOOTS AND SROLS. STR I OII3I & SPqNSLER, No. 13, ~ .South Hanover street, Carlisle Thankful for tho lattonage extended them her!. loran], noLounea their usual hsrgo stock f STYLES ON BOOTS AND filloEB, 808 i,aaios I,nd Misses, Gents and Boys, Youths and Childs, 41.0'S :AiiD BOYS' BATS IRE tarmirrie'Diu*,.oo.4lllel 80870 1 a? Directors bag docliii Ocl UOn rxn, OBNT on (tie , ' etbble,r a. 1 .1:'0. Mayon, Oulderi ' EEO 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers