Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 14, 1870, Image 3

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    rqy 11 , I4rti,5ii: VO:att.,
CARLISLE: APRlaq.i, 1870
Ndxt SunclN , ,is Easter.- Eggs evil
likely be high, at markety on Sat-Archly,
Every one laming, ground is busily
engaged making gkden.
The eountry roads are getting in excel
lent condition Our country friends can
. sCion visit town sonm
Persons in town - who moved this spring
should notify ti. from where, and 'where
they Aoved to, as our carrier experiences
bon;:iderable difficulty in getting the
papers properly delivered.'
Ilev. 11. B. liartzler, the pastor. iai
charge, will preach a sprinint Un. Sabbath
Schools; in St P. 1141 Evangelical church,
on Sunday,• the seventeenth instant..
Those interested in the nursery of the
church arecordially invited to attend.
Haverstick Brothers at their new drug
store, No, 5, South Hanover street,
formerly occupied by B. lston, have
opened Out with a full tine of.drugs and
varieties. They have their soda fMin
tain in full operation, and all desiring a
cooling and healthy drink cannot do bet-.
ter than by giving them a call,
- A serious accident occurred task Wed
nesday as the mail train of the Northern
Central railroad was going south. It
seems that David Strine was on his way
from New Cumberland I'd-Bridgeport,
and as the train was crossing the pike
his horse took fright and threw him out
of the buggy, inflicting serious injuries
about the head and other puts of the
body. Dr. Rutherford, of Harrisburg,
and Dr. loop; of New CUthherland, at
tended to the injured map.— Fork True
Dem OCra
On Sunchty last, as Mr,. 7.40. it. Carbaugh,
was driving omthe York road; about one
mile east - of tire - -- St - crne 'Pa vent, a - bolt
came louse on the shaft. and falling,
frightened the horse, who ian throwing
Mr. Carhatigh from the earl iage. Too
Ir.dies and two children who' were with
Carbaugh, were left seated in, , the
carriage, nimble to jump out owing to
the rate - of speed 4 which they were go
i After running . several ',Mildred
yards the )%ltgon came in conflict with
a fence, hreakinc: an axle, when tiie horse
tore the harness from him, and . ran
Fortunately no one was serilmsly hurt,. -
• The committee appointk d by St. Johns
Lodge, Ni. 2.110 :1 ..Y. to furnish their
new lodge room in tilt Good Will Huse
building, have finished I hitir lahor, and
till! Ilan is 111111' prepared Inc the reception
of the lodge. The room is tastefully
frtseocd. the work hay ing heen performed
by Mr. Wm.. Elmer of t“is place. The
floor of the hall . and --- --I-s4uquet 'room is
covered With - qapestry Brussels carpet of
exquisite pattern. The ntrllilllro 11111
fixtures are of timmost beautiful design
and material, and the roOm as furnished,
cannot be equaled this side of Philadel
phia. The imminitte consiked of Messrs.
L. T. Greenfield, MX. Item:it' awl John.
dutshall, - who have spared no pain.; to
make St. - John's .11,hionie jlall :1 pattern
of elegance and comfort. The isiiili Rill
he upCif fur Visitors on Fidday and Sat
all, interested may attend
Edn'm otl the if 11 isle 11. tlf 're
Among the list, of announcements of
candidates for the nomination of Sheriff,
"subject to the election of the Repub
lican Nominating Committee," I notice
name of Mr. John Rhoads of y.llll'
town. Mr. It. lens appe.ued in the po
litierli field at the splicitatioti of many of
his friends, and is willing to abide by
the decison of the c invention. Ile is a
man of sterling character, and,thoroughly
republican in his political convictions.
Ile is well known throughopt the ,bounty
as a business man. All this, in connec
tion with his once havingbeen the no‘ini
'nen of the Republican, party Mr said
office, and at, that time having reduced
the majority of his opponent to about
sixty votes, should he taken into consid
eration by the committee When it 11011 AS
its meeting for the purpose of nominat
ing candidates for the various offices of
the county,
Prof. Dimes, of Dickinson College, de
livered a lee lure to a large soil apprecia
tive audience on Friday evening last.
The subject of the lecture was the recent,
total eclipse of the sun, the observations
'taken It the time Lynne of the obsexviiig
parties sent, out, for that purpose by the'
Governmed, under the direction of the
'Professor, with the practical o benclits rb
•finiting from those observations. The
lecture was illustrated by the magic lan
tern,. by means of which; the appearance
of the sun at different stages of the
eclipse was shown from the first point of
contact to the last. The red prominences
or jets of flames observed on the outer
edge of the sun's disc, Baily's beads and,
UM projections on the moon's surafce
'were, shown. The different theories Con- .
cerning_,the source Of the sun's heat
were explained, and the arguments pro.
and con. dwelt upcin by the Professor
1,010 illustrated by experiments the prob
ability of the correctness of ono•of these
theories, by, means of the calcium and
lime lights, and Bre electric lights. By
means of one of these," he burned aftteel
sword blade. All who heard the lecture
were interested, aird,jew among them
failed in gaining information and Bistrne
Lil'e 'of Daniel Web Star. This great
national work, from thu,:pen of the able
auth'iir and scholar, George T. Curtis,
of New York, is psi, issued in two ad
'ninth% . vOlumes, from , the press of D.
Appleton & Co. It is' oxeented in the
bes,t style .of these eminent '
And it comes:math high praiso from the
first papers in New york. Philadelphia,
Boston,' and olsewhore- The 19in York
World, New York Tribitne, &e.
Not only a biography of marvellous'
interest, of extraordinary merit,
in a literary point of view," says The
Boston Courier. "A. model biography
:of a most, gifted man," says Thy New
York...rodrnal of 00712.71iCTC0, " Probably
the last life of Daniel Webster that
will over be written, and it is beyond
comparison t ♦ he - best." N. -Fri Tribune;
SOM by eubsoriptiononly, i'roci.Chnd
wick iS , tho agent, and 'new is the time
to'hubseribe. .
"The Standard Bible Dietionaiir," by.
Smith.& Barnum, is also' published •by
D. Appleton & • Co. '. It ia the most emu
pieta and oompielionsive : pietioliary , of
the. Bible initho English language, with
.00 maps and engravings. ,• '
The agent tor this' Work is'Prof. Clad
• see
wietc. Persons who. w,puld p
the BibleDietionarn or tho Lifo of 'Web
ster; will be waited ori bytliiin if they
will lea6"their nammat tho dlfico of the
Hicnea,i). • H.". •
FoXes arosaid•tO . 60'1,04 troiihlesome
in - somo - parts of tho county. A gentle- -
man in West Pennsboro': township, has
killed six within, a short space • of
It is rather plicult to raise chickens :in
that section of the county'.
. . .
The White of an egg-has proved - of late,
the most efficacious remedy for burns.
Seyen or eight successive applications of
this substance-poothes the pain, and ef
fectitally excludes 'the'burned part from .
the air. This Simple, remody.seems prof-.
erablo to Collodion, or even cotton.' Ex
traordinary 'stories are told of the heal
ing properties 'of a new oil, which ,is
easily made from the, yolk of hen's" eggs.
• Tlfe eggs are fira'boiled hard, and We
yollcs are theturemoved, crushed, and
pliteed.over a fire, when the Oil separates
and may be turned off. One yoke will
yield nearly two teaspoonfuls of oil. - It
is iu general use among, the Colonists of
South Russia as a means of curing cuts,
bruises and si‘ratt:hes.
We call the attention of the people of
Cumberland county to the fact that the
Census taker *ill be o lround shortly,
and beg to submit the following as ques
tions-that will likely have to ho answered.
Have your answers ready so as :tot to de
lay the Assistant Mdrthal :
Ilow old are you ? •
Where were you born, • and:how often,
and were you present on the occasion of
'our birth ? •
:Wore you ever 'elected -Inspector of
Elections? - What was your majoyity,
and what did it coat ydu ?
Are you a maryiedpeysou and how do
you like it?
I lave you ally' children, end how many
nu•ash•.i have they had?
Do you grow any corn, if so, how
much do You waqte in in tking bread?
What::: your " opinion ol• lager boor?
llow mity glasses can you (111114; :and.
with what effect ?
What, is the value of a one dollar
Woro vony lather and inothor both
white wen?
IVll;.rt is your opinion of our LOW.II
council 1' •
Can }cu stand on your head, and
long? If a good while, how nlOOll longer.
ncoesAary ?
Ilacc you any children married, if so,
ow mach?
1i1..y00 ever go a Ii Ling for frogs?
hall . an acre of ground kill yield
ore hundred bushed; of rata haga.4, how
many glasses of.lager will it take to re
( 11 . 1r0 a Mall to draw a bee line?
if yiliti• family oat; a liam
ays, how long will iL Likc LLom lii cat'.
cn~lili of hammers?
• Lena me five dollar,?
There are a number of other questions
to he an,wered, which we omit here,
front the - fart that they will .at Mice
suggest themelves to the ininl,4 of the
mar,hals, just as soon as they think ,of
Court. convittuttl on :)lontlay, ului•utith
in , :t anti: at ten o ' clock, a. in., and the
morning . was ocenpied with the miseel
lanr-on, bit:Thiess incident to the April
session. The attendance was not very.
great. The constables elect ii:ere swots
into office,. and the fliinal Airy was sworn.
David Dietz having been chosen fore-'
man. The following * civil cases on the
list for trial for the first week were called:
APril term, 1867--Trespass on the case
upon premises—continued.
31axwells' Executor VS. llarknezis'
Adiu'r. rt. a!, No. 2.70 August term,
1807, Site leadag—continued.
Cippinger and Wire vs. Clever et. at.
No. 140 November term, 1807—Eject
ment—agreement by counsel to make a
case stated.
anil Leslie'. vs. Haller
93 ApKil Serra, 18M--onse
( upon prem
Ensnlinger vs. Henry. N. 107 August
erm, 1808=tusspass on case for slander
Buller vs. Watts. No. 231 Augus
term, 1568—debt—referred to C. E. Mu
Marst & Co. vs. Earnest.. No. 39 No
t cinbes term, 18'18—by consent, judg-
Iromt for pills. for $20.70 with costs.
l'p to the time of going to press, the
i:ad ry, which is still in session, re
turned the folloh•iug as true bills : _
Common wealth vs. Zachary Taylor.
Larceny—No. 1 April session, 1870.
Commonwealth vs. same. Larceny—
No. 2 April - session, 1870.
Commonwealth vs. George W. Deitz.
Entering house to commit felony—larceny
—No.II April session, 1870.
_Commonwealth yr. Zachary - Taylor.
Lai:Cony—No. 4 April session, 1870.-
Common Wealth vs. Mary pershoy
Fornication—No. S April session, 1870.
Commonwealth vs. Jacob Simons. Bet
ing on elections—No. 9 April session,
Cownuonwmilth vs. Alfred Cornman.
Burglary—entering store to•commit fel
ony—No 1 0. and T-., April session, 1870.
Commonwealth vs. :Tohp Myers. nape
and battery with intent to com
mit rapeas.ToZ:2 0. and T. 1870.
Conithiawealth vs. Henry Johnson.
Assault and battery—No. 11 Jrpril sos
sion, 18 1 '10. •.
The followingiiills.were ignored,: .
Commonwealth v:r. Pater Nu
14 April session, 1870—Assault and bai..
Cann oimoal9l vs, Henry K. Landis
Illalieious mischief—No. April 'session
Commonwealth vs. Aiwa Nevin. r As
sault with intent to "kill—No. 7,Aprt
session, 1870. , •
Cioninonwealth' VB. Br idges
Athilteii—No. 10 April session, 1870..
Commonwealth vs. Frcd'k. Lalzabaugl
Larceny—No. 11 Aprilsossion, 1870: , .
Coninionwealtli vs. Joseph . Johnston.
A4Sunit and battery-No. 19 April Nes- -
sion, 1870.
Commonwealth vs. Adam Johnson,
James Johnson, John Borkheimer, Sam
pel Swelte, Andrew Koons , Koons,
Daniel 13rbribler, John Primbler, Wm-
Myers, •Thcodore" Arson—No.
30. and T. session, 1870. •-
Pending the preparation for the trial
of-Qll3 of the civil cases on the list, the
following cases were called; and.disposi-
Lion made of thorn as follows : • •
. Connnowealth•vs. George W, Peitz!
No. 3 AprilseSsion, 1870—entering house
to commit felony—laTcony.' ,
. The ilofendant in this,' cage is a Goy
man, who represents himself as corning
from Prederick, county, Md. Some time
in Pebruary - last, he
,brolte. into the house
of .Mr. George M' Koehan whilst the lat
ter was attending 6, sale in tip?' neighbor
hood, having loft his house locked np and
unoccupied, and stole therefrom} a large
quantity of clothing, whiCh was found,
in his. pOssessiom Plead duiltY,,alleg:
ing that it was an accident. Sentenced
to three years in . Eastern penitentiary.'
Commonwealth vs. Zacitary - Taylor.
jmrcony—No.:i grind 4, April session;
Thodefondafit in thesn - mos iß°iCeol-
cued boy, agedialimit ,
.six:teain years, ain't
is-well.known-to the citizens-of ,Carlisle r
as •aii old offender, Yonnei4
years. Ho was indictecLintheSe bung for
stealing from,three ,different_persons. en
gaged in the shoomakingbushieSs, small
pairs of boots and jslaes,'Whieli Jib sold.
at a discount .to a boot and shoe dealer
in Carlisle., Plead.guiltii and sentenced
to House of Honig° clUriudliis;Miierity.,
Dr. 0. Both of Boston, farnishes The
-Good-Health-for. January,:with a paper
on Teas and. thei r inwhlal he dis
: cusses the relation of medicine to sci
ence, &c. Speaking of scarlet fever, and
its treatment he says :
It always begins with .loss of, appetite;
then fever: and sore throat ; then red
patches.; then 'recovery, or otherwise
("Mak or slow death, aceord,Vig to
cumstances. • To arrest its coursa, and
to prevent its ravages, medicines and
manipulations ad libitual, have been tried
in vain ; for more children die of scarlet
fever, now than ono thousand years' ago.
But.why ? Because that nothing, alas° ,
lately nothing, is as yet known as to
what scarlet fever is; and, what is still
worse, there was, until recently, no need
felt of such knowledge.
It is its unnecessary, fora child to die
of tho.scarlet fever, as it is that it should
be blind with a Cataract. Lot us see : At
any time before the b,ody has finished
its ineffectual struggle, we are able to
help it, not by wonderful' medicines, but
by the knowledge of anatomy, and the
application of common sense. We con
sult the sympathetic nerve, and do what
it commands us to do. We must give
this child salt when it wants it ; we
must give it acid when it lias a fever,
and anxiously craves it—not vinegar,
but lemon juice, because the first-co:l,ga
later albumen, the latter does not, on
account of the surplus of exjigen which it
contains. To imitate the soothing ina
ctions in the intAttnes, Which is now
wanting, ,and to give some respiratory
food at the seine time, we add sonic
gem arable. To restore and relieve the
injured nerve, We apply moist wiirmtli
In practice we can fullilball this with
the following simple Manipulations : Ln
dress the child and bring * it to bed at
the very . first stage of sickness. Give it,
if it has• already a fever, nothing but
sourish lemonade, with some gum arabic
in it. Then cover its abdomen with dry
flannel. Take a well folded bed sheet,
and put it into boiling hot water ; wring
it out dry by means of dry towels, and
Pill this over the llannel on the child's*
abdomen. Then cover the- whole and
wait. The hot cloth will perhaps require
repealed heating. According to the se
verity of the case, and its stage of prog
ress,.,perspiration will commence in the
ehild, in from ten Minutes to tWe hours.
The childithen, is saved ; it soon falls to
sleep. Soon after the child awakes, it
show; slight symploms of rel. Inning i i
nation for flood ; helP its bowels if Acc
essary, wilt mice tons of oil, soap , and
water, 'and.its recovery will be as steady
'its the growth of a green house _plant, if.
Well treated. Of coma p, if the child was
already dying, nothing could saves. it, or
if it has already effusions in the lining
of the heart or brain, it is much, better
that it should die. Bat if the above is
applied in tine time, under the eyes and
directions of a competent physician I
will gtiarantee that not one ill a hundred
children, will ever die of scarlet fever.
11nthrirstirtirsvill'grxrtio 51,tne dr my — elir
ors, especially those who have lost ehil
&en already, but I shall go still further ; I
maintain cant a child will never get scar
lot fever if properly treated, if a child
has correctly mixed blood, - it will not
catch the disorder if put In bed with a
sick child.' This is still more startling,
but nothing is easier of proof. The sant e
is also true of whooping cough,
'cholera infantum, &c. I refer to Prof.
Von ,Nituneyer's treatment of whimping
cough ; it consists of equal temperature
in a room of 71 degrees, and the regula
tion of appropriate digestion. Ho war
rants, by following this simple course,,
every case of whooping cough to disap
pear in three woks.. I think even this
could be shortened. Lemon Mice„sillt,
gum arable, and heat, are all that are
licqurred in cholera infantion—oily the
restoration of digestion is here more
difficult, 011 account of the intestinal lin
ings being injured directly.
Chapman takes good pictures
A Photograph Gallery, well established
and doing a good business can be bought
cheap for cash, if applied for so nn. Call
On or address
POI. (Meet - acting nfeam pinups
for mines, &c., that will pump
from 12' gallons to 13,5001ier minutes Go
to :lir - Lulaban, Stone S. heti, Hollitlays
b4.g, Pa.
Head, a,nd leayn 6ont the
ment in another column of Kepple,
flarrislnirg, Pa., the best varieties of
grapes to plant that will produce an un
interrupted succession Of ripe fruit for
the hugest period of time.
Steam pump. • The pump ean I,C d is
• connected from the engine, and
used Tor driving toy kind of f machinery.
gas and water pipe, st r eam fittings, &e.
itL'L Stone & Isett, Hollidays
burg, Pa...
A pocket book, containing a sum of
money, andn number of Valuable papers,
was' lost on Wednesdnly ni ht, at• the
hotel of Lowly Ration A reward of ton
'(10) dollitrs, will lie given for the return
of the pOillict book and contents.
bl'Lanalian, Stone & 'sat, liellidays
burg, Pennsylvania, inaintradure station
,engibes, boilers, direct atting
blowing. onginet. 'Player, Thomas and
other hot blast. Brass and. iron cast
ings from one lb. to 20,000. lbs., and all
kinds of machinery.
• H you liran't carpets, 'oil cloths, Avin ,
dow shades, lobking . glasses,. mats or'
yarn, don't forget to call at Prysinger &
Weiser's in - miens& carpet store for the
styles just out, at 'low pric6s,
Bentz House No. 26,.' Bast Malti Street,
their stock
p is entirely new,. Go and ex
.amine for yourselves.
By a decision*.of the supreme Court
of thO 'United states; made Mareh , 14,,
-1870, all soldiez9 , who enlisted for three
'years, prior to July. 22, 1861, "and twerp
honorably discharged for Aiwa's() before'
the expiration of two years," aie entitled
tci'n, bounty, of $lOO,. '3.ten who 'enlisted
aftei aily 22,1801; :31:0 not entitled Am-
Apr this decision. , The tuiersigne& is
'prepared to oollectallehdm's arising froul
the aheve decision. : . .
to . •
WitLi,km, 8.. Berrani; •
,Carliolo Pa
r. ( ESHER,
'lisle, Pa
. .. .
: - P
Plutpmant,64itotutes)art, ploasing to all
who try tlie — rn. -- - ---- . , • ''S- • --.
:----" :;--40-=- , -.-,:---r . H- : f , -,..
. Haying engaged, the, o . ryices of a prac
tical piiiii&and'organMalcei, .I. :will open
on Monday next, Aprll9, a,. regular, ,po
'pair ullop, where I will be Fidpaiedcto do
all kinds.of `i:opairiag 6 - 111a:n6s , JAM' or
, particulars, at my
music storo, No. 11 West Main street.
• Joni< H. '11nr.141..
There is al winch differeneot)etween
ltietWaphs, and
those of a beginner„ as there islietWeeii
an elegant penmanship, and a school lioy's
scrawl ;.or betweee.a fine speaker, and
a neophytes lisping, limping attempt at
'Gallery' removed frimt Mis. Nell's
building, opposite Saxton's Hardware
Of the spring fashion, on° Thursday,
March' 31. The ladies of Carlisle and
vicinity are respectfully invited to call
and examine the extensive and beauti-,
ful stock of Pattern Bonnets mid
Millinery' and Dress Trimmings, Kid
Gloves and 'Silk Dresses, at the Bazaar'
of Fashions, 'under the Marion Da 1,
Main stffet,' -
The most unhappy personp the work
is the Dyspeptic. Everything looks dark
and gloomy ; ho feels " out of sorts'
with himself and every body else. Life
is a burden to him. This eau all be
changed,'Ary taking- PeruVian Syrup (a
protoxida of Iron). Cases of twenty
seven years' standing have been cured
by it. •
A LA% t.tory —o:; th;oro. 'At ply 79 North
'ltt xr rvvt. I uontohote 4 ;!‘ on 4 .,
144,701 t
An o'.l- lon for Pr - sitlent nod El, 31ar.agor, .of
CLc Carlido , x nod Won r C Itl in hol
ht, 111,- hitrafloo, C
CI. I .le. 011 oon.l.ty, 111.- •I,ty 3ltty, I 7.1,
oe o Ito. h. or. , ..1 LAO I'lol I. lota boor o'clock,
1 , . 01.
I.lap7Olt -
1104 s: rA IL ]...T SrOAl
v.dAttlll it It,' the C 111111.1111% tt lit tory
Watch I' I.eut to
fi11,,! 1. 0,pr0 , , loi‘ll.,e of
r.t,1.1,, I 1 ”, A ol
sNDEIt R 11A111',11.
30s (1,-o,la mt..•.• 1.1•11111114. 1 ,1111.
11 1.7t,2n,
o. 56,,,c,qtth Hanorcr,Ci., (Yu,'llBle,
evps ..owitanily 011 iii,! a 1,,i1 .I, 4 orJllollt of
HIV 11., 4,1 1 .41 1 , 11C1,. Inn i• .1, ort. ; to,l
H. rquiring nt ‘v:cteltP, CI
SIC cmoithily °wit .tttl.
chi NbIDA
F OR SLIERI.I4I.—f lwreby (drer my
-4)1 sill.:1111 , 1%
sto j E 1 t 11..1 t'it IL.
All.lll LI, 1 , 7 , ,
li 012 si
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Ili,. —al thi• 11..nt-A I'l,l lA,. li;1
whom Itiar.Al r,ag w.. 9 (01 , u. 111.1111. r 1111111,
91m L; P:Iti11:0. Z. LI .NT'l, 1 . t..1
Lilt can tort...tzt.try I{ll till, 0,1.. t,• of )la , g.aot
Forhug, 11,551 i‘ l' , lin , htor , hhir, ensvtl,
havi 6 g t 4 '. o gra , to the eul.serilwr,
told lOWli drip, 1111 p 5 1 ,011. 1.110, 511r010P1 io
1106(1.11 theses.. m 5. 1. ioaytilt.l)l, 511,11
tho-c It oing 015,111, 0 donlabil,i, to pree.;tit
dilly for .vtllothent,
W 111.1. 1 ,1 IV:ACK .
3111111 M cozor
le•Iler• leeireettlely oe the • •• .elan rte.lll;
lute. I ~.tith Mill.ll 11,11 te,r..5h.,.,11..,.• keen ••••tr..rl.
1../ the hill.•••r•bers r e shl ip i . All
hers .11,111.1 litt'll to tit° .I• I „ 111.1..13
1 1 : 11. 1:1 1. 1 . t .. „ 1 1 . 1
t't N,ILT.
.11•11 h .\•-e,
./0:4:1•11 '
1., ter , fpf ,11111.ittk• ti 'Onto a
It NValnoo, lat. , of NS v. 4 hie 10-hip,
• one 10na..1 1.. Is:4001 , y tlp• , i 1•1
rourity to I tt frg in th...,...1.
05,11,1111 , j11 , 1E , •.1..1 I ...ale aro
•••itqataal tiltli(( Intaudiat , . in lit, :tad tho t•
littl Ihcu clan), 'against It to nt.n.4 Ii tutu gigy
yva•gal, 1,0 Intuit-no-ill.
A ISt.:4
.kilin . r. Ihnian I lAatif on. an
ESTATE Nu - I'lcl].
etto, or 'Arid ulstralltni in 'the erlal - ' •)1
g, lute of 11 . 1.3/ /8/' 11 8,,1811111/ .
41.1•1818•. g beim gram. , N. lb, Icl.o 1 r or
(xlllllllll'llllll enllllt ,l 1 EL. 0 0 d , r tll the
to, 0,11111, Mal", In 1/18.81J gin. II i - II yr,
•01 II ilignirehen 111 Irked 11 aid (-A 'N., in,
Ma,' parr emit, :9,1 thy. lmrl g In l Ire mit
t 11n :•, oprlly What. d, C r 'Agog.
ra1i7061.. •
,1 0 I: W.A o HI„ ,
Cabinet, Alai:or:4,,
Our cot ,hli ho.eol IN one of the oltlest
[ila, alai C Out long oapori eI ee,,,and anpelf r Inc .1110,
.0 are prepared to fin, ILL 61,nd icon: at len , i.niLle
prfr o
mapufat'lliry ilyd pm
111 1 . . 4 1•11 intidt oin tdtpn - lor °Md. : A larg, el, el.
of Mtn' tare al Waya On hand. Comte nlpile fir
1)e8k Wink, and rntnit ore for
Sloe-n maths to order
.14,8. WALTON. .1, W iJelesci , l T Jon, 1,. 131.1,11.,
10114;7 0-13.
REI) BALL. ConodOguinot
Till/a : No; 108, wilt, give a\ tin in
callow Nitealay 1117:, 'Aprlt le, INTO.
A Of 404 ia hour lotl f.alco ' :OA H. V
era] Hull Mon from different pal t -Of the 0111.trr t (VIII
ho pronont, the poi f01111:111 , 111 t.IIV stageNVl . l COll
- 0r mill dame, Noll.lp dance, 1 at Iha Wink°,
Bealpf ng marriage certnaceny:
11, urea t CI lel, Ircohoole, la expected 10
out. The 1101 , , wi 11 theWeel• hratejA
mellextra, still constitute it pert of 111 ,, TPIIOIIIIIII. 0.
I'e , s , 110 la Disproper character mill not L.
Tleltel4 - eau ha obtained
LOW . IO 71liatr, Jacob and C 15M1111.1 . .
JACOIf Meru:,
•• 1 1 0.0011 !quad:lw' .„
I,EoNit .11, 1:1111C11,
Pllll,l 101M‘t IN,
' JOIIN A(11.311.118 . 1,611:8,
dACaR rnturnum,4:,,, •
Cunnnttt:o Of M." 040.140114. •
APPEALS. Tho appeals on the as
,ol.lllollt, Of Pointy and Solo tatrs ' for tint
year Ib7o, WI 1 be bold at Om Conmilssioner's tare,
as folio.), viz:
'Monroe and pppor Allen, nti•ti . .e ttaiity•llftit day
of April ,
. Mot lionlesikurg llorougli,. t writty.sis tit - day
,4Nyitir,ttilen, , lppl, ?lady, contberlund, to etkiydet,t ,
entit day (if A, it.
Bust P. njusitortd and tramp-tot, in on t 3 -eighth day
O Birv i t3l : Elik Ng and
- 11IIdJIc)ex, ttventynittilt day ' nf7
Al o .'r o Tti dtry . /44111. •
Igt3;tllllltiditton And FratintOtd, bertha tidy - tkf.
M llllllll l n,}flo ;nitrall uAd ~l'isstinrg,•titirkl Any of lifeY.
•••, 8111p y penttlimg lloraugh• and :township, fourth day
il , ,fititainnton and Now villa, fifth day . ot May. '
'Ne .0 tort and Penn, sixth thy ot May.
IMlrinsort and. 1 yosPpennsnoro', suiontlt :day o
' • ' • ' . •
,Carlisle, ninth day of May,
• • L. , •k ' • • ", .• TOlf . IfiltlllB, '•
, •• ' •ttA.I.I•JrN ,
, •,, • • ;r• . • • °' ::JACOB RHOADS,
Commissioners of Cumberland Comity.
Artnet.ftimo, Clerk,
7ap7Vdt ••
w --
DEoLk..7y, IN p9LD : I "
, DECLI . M.I,IN . 0,001)9.1
• -
QUI Wnu ixWeihetit lzi.the Dry Oam .ntarkot, In a
very marked decline lit pricoa or
,!. • • DRESS coons,
Sulks, DrinlOte, Dierhineo, Alparcan,• Pennon, Beiges,
Reps, and n large variety, comprising nearly every
tldrig-tu thla tine or goegis. •
• ••• • • ' .
' •
Flannel:l,4la fonadel,
Kentucky Joann, CLuTIIS and OASSIMERES, Linen
mid. Cotten 'rade Thapt re, 81nrtings, Checks,
o u rd,riv, ..Tticonets, Hrbnch..M.m
'llivt....Citrlotoni, Cantlulu nnU EV/V1 Edglngq and in
suit ings.
TrMirnings, tugralt varlvly, ItihLone r I , r !Ito hPAt.
quality, lliiiErand Stintl4.m.,
. .
n tzront mituy Myles, nml .11 v,'rY
Undo. Clothing,
ry ham!Homely . mnde and trimnied. Alan
,( 4 ,1
paged, ltngs, - Window -, Shadet , , 'gofits, Connter- , ,'
~a n, - , .., 1 t i 1 11 . y g.,,,11 not tneottoned for want of:'
We c aim to bane the largett end I,st stock of
DeS• 0 als in the Interior of the :Isar, Rini will sell
at „tech prices as truth satisfy ail that this is the place
to get g 101 l bargains. '
Ultolt7o • BENTZ & CO.
IV A. B. Slierlc, Carlisle, Penn'a.,
On Wednesday, Apra 20, 1870.
The subscriber, l u n•lug a large lot or'Carria g es,
Buggies Spiny; Wagons, &c., or bie own innourncture
lot hand, harslet°, mined to disposo 01 Mont nt pllb-
Ile auction, ul his Coach Fact ry, on northeast corner
ofSoiteh anil Pitt atteot 5, on the above nay. Among
the veldt:l4s to whioh ho lar,len• the epode] at tra•
IL 0 Or till) era ate the follow yr. '
one - platform, loather top, cloth lining :- 2 two bested
I) rot ;Mown earrutgps, Dell finished; three piano
box Itggles. loather rop, stool lire; two coal lox
tonties, leather quarters, steel tiro; a one so it dri••
tor's phaeton leuthor tr• p: right stytkliThaot body
hurpro,Plortber Fit,' I Ito: eight hoot Way
dart I. p; four 11 Wog haggles; 2 two
oral squints I•n•lv earringos ; a Catitrsy carriago ; one
rogicaony earria• ; ono fauti y spring wa on, with
top: four tut Po spring wagobs, two With tops 01:0
In, horse w 'got, fur springs.
Also, the t• lowing second bond eight
boll hand lo;g4los; Ills on seeopd hand two seat
at ringe , ; flirt seronti hand spring wnAons.
,11.4. 0;10 fine mare five y• ars not. - -
. -
1 he wet k done lo A.ll. ,qh•rk is exerlieti by none,
Ili, materials are all thotenghly x t.ourd befOrc
being worked f hie W,kll.bll •are among the
nest ski Itul tens:ins of the .'ona ry. All - the new
ork. ilO L Ituraute,..l for ono pow
by 11. u pu„li our. .0 Ara t 01.0
chicle of . lona. hloolld n. .1 f ill to id tend I hn4
to no rd... ri.lll, for biogaing mill undooldiolly
r . ir,•,, , ~ • ,
5:.,,• to ci,donience• atl,evil o'clock, a. in., on hind
t. whrn I crcitn of right 111011ifis Wilt lin given by
I:1110170 0 A. ii. Slltaidc.
Ayer's Cathartic , Pjlls.
FiA all thu purl aces - Of a Laxative
Perhaps no nee uneliclue Is to universally fe
u.] isi by evr3 bode s s a • .11 hhaie. vier was ever
❑, bolero sef el sally Adopted lifts uto If:revery
btry and amour. classes, as Ibis mild but
diciest purc.,tivo Pill The obvious POSS , LI 1e,,1 hot
Is a :acne reliable and fat morn effectual recut-
Iv thou ally Wile, 'Mote iv o have triad it. know
hit It roved lb. in, and ' who huge not know
hat it cured their o.' ghL.ns and. 'frionils, and nil
th it wbat - if daes ours It, does always—that
never fails through any Inuit or-neglect of Its
ruporitlar.. We huto thousands upon il•usandi
tf cut Hat:ll,l their rennaltuble cures of the
allowing caul plai our, hilt such cures are known
11 every He ighborin od, and tro need not publish
hem. Ad,pl , d In all :sins conditions in ail
•lium ernth ltd.,: neither calomel or oily
leloterions dl ug. they tiny to taken with safiny
Theh sueht, coating pro creel-them
er frcrli sod. 10510.0 them pie:Man t while
log purely ve h etuble tsi harm eau also (loin,
h 0-e in any quantity. ,
Mei fd — la • in, link pos., -1
ful influence on die
ouA ma- trs.alta to per 4'l hot blood and shintoist°
I 1610 I:, 'lii ream, o the obstructions
knool,, liver, and ether organs of
tta.tnring their irregular action tb
multi, rod by oswreethst, wherever they exist,
xcii down„cmafita us ale the first origin of
n t. 4 direction( aro given 1m the wrapper on
'the box, for tLitt. - I.titorug complaints, o hien tit coo
sp. tly 'Onto
Otte ll IJI 1.111111:0,tiri, LIStIe.D . C6B,
I..otituto abo boss ot A ppotittiv, limy should Oa
tabeti ortilcialtry to tattooist° tit o stomach and
e it, no to loco and ~stirs.
lot Liver L0141.1/fliet nod tle various symptoms,
Ilitulatilte, Fitch ileadocho, Joundice or
llrtron tieklielut Mt 14 Colic nod Ulllou6 Foyers,
they shonld be judiciously taboo for each case, to
rot rot•• the dke.ined colon, ur remove the obstruct
nous ol.lelt cause It
For Dysentery or Dial rints, but one mild doeo lot
generally requlrod
For libetonatisto, Onot. gravel, Palpitation ol
the flearl, 1 , 1011 1n the :tido hook and I,OIM, they
should coI coutinuouoly taken, an ...Ntri
. rnitt
*eh. •.. the thre m
abed action of the syoto.. I
surf, :Longo titooe complaints diesppgnr ,• • ,
so tilling. they ivlttould
he tube,, in largo tool fitottlent daces to prod ucu
the elico ‘ t of a tn., tic purge.
Fut Sapp large Mott should bo taken, an
It ~d Vert the U. sired o ilea, by 0) nip:, tiny,
As ti Dion, htt, take tote or two lYlls to pro
1110, di. notion .sod roll eve the stomach.
An t comitortti thou, stimulates the stomach ant
hove!, into boultlty action, 11,101 . 1,4 oho appoint..
toot lovigoottes Um 03 Ont. Hence it In onto,.
adiantagtonau Into Orr serious thitattgrauent,
tots. One who frets tolerably Well, Orton find-
Linn a .1 .so of theta , rats mob, s him Wel necitiot ly
Letter, Irmo choosing and renovotirg tiniest
on 1f,,: dincotivo apparatus.
r) c. J l'Ele i rtE Co, l'eastical CC;;Z;Li,
to WELL. IT S.
Arm II;
. .. •
.13 . 0e1i! OUCH STA TEMEN
eitt the b 'lough of for the 1161,0
year ea. g llzuchlS, 187 u
„,,,t, ror xlaten,l•llt.. II la
Ct. 11 1 .0 . ti voce,lo 0, Bur.. h iio ?A/6
Lnia •
111. - .411 llteviVl . ll• 1;
vollo. led . 1 . 11•1.
Lush r rrlrn 1 of .1.1111 1'orn1:1111,
nkglulS of Sir, 01, collectttl
:het.% 11 '
1;6,1 1,1. ,1.:111. •
A -. of Mario;'.
11. 1.. Ilrohor, clrpoty
A .1. Wol 4h, olio tor, 150
Int... alrl rood •
)utstanding Orders of pllev4ens years.
CAI paid \Val, (.0010.111y.. , . 5514 25
oho I. 'olpr ' , H E
',Halloo to nti.1....
11 114..r0., 15. 5, „ • 31111
i 150 t 00
....1)1 1111111, ('ot..). rl.ool Co, 10,8. 150 00
I W 111 t 1.11,8 6111. 20
Iloovvr, - klanlirro on Collogo wtrent - • 250 110
rO, nkr, ' ' Sort!! ' n 1511 110
dnrol Yog, ' 100 00
.101111110 1.0t , .r `• • , 05 50
11 11. lir, 11:110 Igen on elkeotion nlltly 25 00
or SIIVet CV1111 . 1 , 1 ,, 1011er: . 00 25
' 1 , iLynclt. ,no littln, 04 50
1,t:In1111-• • 55 OW
11. Solon, gln,, Fr, 14 25
prier Spahr, Irivll initl 101111.110 24 6:1
Orilers.drOwn awl pniq, for debts eon.
3aucted by previous Council.
I'll ellfl}l raid 0 . Sil 0, SIMI .1.1.01,1, VlOWing ,
St r 011 LA i ..27 0,1
al. W. Ithy, reltintlotUt x ISI.O-7-S - 3.1 00
Johns 0310 ore, tlntnitiev , , ' ' ' 1 070 00
W. II Nlttrrity, Itt full Judg. for damages.. 700 00
. .
NI, 11r001,1tult, • ~ ' 100 00
W.. 1. Shunter, "• 360 CO
To"o.ndi nnlit tolon';.11 cnuronn roslee'ritd
and Int. rent on Judgment V '.?... 4 Old 00
A. 1..'8;-olvder, gay nod water ' • - ' .-.(31'0 .05
11. Swart 7., . pollchann '' 430 50
Win. l' -'. .f . .411 43,
Jobil lireon,
John T. etort.q . , "
F. Ca r ".
.1, T. 10440 y i ~' • ' . 88 65
.1. limner. • 0 . ..•
81 42
1. CAtmillell. extra 1,0110. . I ' 460
Peter Illonyer, 1411 Constable, , : 401 08
(I.l'. Mier,,, ‘• ~" ''
- '2B ' 60,
A. S. type, en of nutricet . • '•,...-. 200 00
303,401 W. Cg 11. - y, lronnurnr • ' ' ' . 175 00
C. A'. I',wplaam Neel Mary , t;• •• - 125 00 *
George Tiallor, Jmlllor ' ' 40 CO
SIMI.' C,11)11111.11, curator of gr.eyaril... 'l2 10
Gardner .0 CO - ., !map poxte, Oct ' . 157 80
C.m.p1,,.11 .0 Helmond, mai fitting. 0r.... - 112 80
A. S. I:]oo,,r,tmnlrs to, gas I.smnß, Or . 86 40
'A. o`llonnol, 'puns!, ' ' ' , ' ' .18 60
'Brattna k Krtmedy, minting ' ' 102 50
11.11eom A Dunbtrr, . '' , 83025_
Jame,. Armarong, iireparingdoplkato:... -`, '2O 00
;rallies N.' Allen, trery foot no elec.!, • ' 210
Om 3 “..11.: lutil F. Cornwall, Boot Word '
• i•li shout expenoeil
Wiirtiiington and J. it. Turner, Not '
11 mid oiectiun expenses '22 00
Robert s Irvol ~ ,4 1 6100
It. McCartney, wilting market Molls' 35 00
James Loudon, stationery and binding, .. , 6 00
It. I. Sitryinic, bodices leen
A. P. Shrum savants to Bart lidiiurg 2 60
Timm. Cottlyw, winding town cluck..... 120 00
W. Urogg
. and iiieurna Clunelter, posting,
. ordination "i 225
. -
Joseph Wtuterost on gas, bills,
. stamps on bows, dio ' , 1 14 00
Cu A. Outman, stamps, pspar C '4 50
Gourgo Taylor, ropairs clock mat Ice 059
(1. Au 11tilmnii, appropriation to ,Ctitriliar
land Firs company,, 1050 1 100, 00
Jolla Martin, approprlittion to Union Sirs • ,
• • company' 1010 ' 100 00
Josimit'W.Jiglity, appropriation to (loot,
Will lira Compatiy,'lBo9 100 00
Jobs Comploll, appropriation to Empiro •
• Jitoolt and Laildor company, 1000 lOO 00
L'!3 on
lii 00
1,2 .1 17
.1.7 E. 71
6 ; 1 1
CK L o
slb,'l_ i ill
.•2,M.2 SO
... - 147 111
.. 2i.. 74
... 42' 811
JohnlSOYor, striMVErimmisalblier,ufork on .
slrents• ; 3,082,80 •
A."Carbanglovoric on East gala strOoi,..‘ . ..684 75;
11. Donnaily, . " . " ... 428 $8
G. & 11:8110niTor,. stnoo, for; 2 k ' .l ..... ~. -75 12
Good Will Piro Co~ _.
Spongier & Wii , on .- ' ' . --'''- +... 17 00
Peter Spahr, brick, sand 064-haullng - 328'00
Samuel .a
Myors, consoi! mqvmurkdd r ilt9lpp for '
brlclgn.:.l " .' " ;lit ,1.. .. ....,.... 1103 33
Janob Dick, ,1 go for hridgo2B 00•
Lowiti raber. building. sower _ ~ ,
llolchter .&. Spottswood, laying cropsing, .„
..., and repairing Market House, pavements,, 33 37,
Shonifer 4.111.010111 m, laying crossings, re- , : .•
palling Paremonts,curb, &c - . •,61 20
,VAintnerman . k Gilmore, laying crossing.. , 10 00
Jan - Gregg, - repairing
~- r darket - M - ose ;`"
~" pavement 13 75
jOnalliaW2Blglne - sitia - .A::1161To11i, htone" -- .144,45'
Bricker & Jacobs, and B Ii Leonard, ' " 11 92
.7 Park , and .7. Ilarrick, 10 23
buod Will Fire company. CI 5 00
.11.cafTer, Blyors, and Baird, regulators.... 10 00
.1. & J. Basler, blacksmithing., - ,.......,. 33 40
11. Ruggles and Ii Ginn, blacksmithlag,,. , 6,88
W..? 0111 Ii. al, repairing ;no!, ; .. :12 00
Splhr at Bro , 100n _ ' 11 OD
J. fink and .1 Bretz., lime 5 -10
I2Z ==Ell
Mos. a 11 et zel, hauling 3 00
. ~
H. Tlannpron, " ' 10 00
Delancey & Shrorn, hunter nod cunt . 101 20
Beekom & Co.. lumbdr l'O 07
._.. ..
' ---.—.... . ' 'DT 0 "
. ,
'Motom & McCommon lum tbr ' .08
3. Faineron,p , no, cool oil, brooms, 20 33
John Low and J. hi. !dumb°hoer, '
Mrs. E. Elliott, swpot oil
B. Lyno. c , UM on snit
.John o,llllolth, attorney's frox
Total pv3llo[oll
, .
Carlitle Gas and Water 10an.... s2opoo oo . .
,_Corlio Borough loan, proper.. 28,40 u 00 , _.
, .Worden. Judgment 500,00 '
thaildluding-orders - . 1,377 04
, --: $55,277 04
l' ASS ET$.
I Devon hundred and four °liar. . •
Carllolo.Gas and Wator Com. ,
puny stock..par valno ...... .. 040,100 00
Legacy of Mrs. 'florin 1,000 00
, DuoD ou atrebt assesgrntlitA ' 85U 00
;Borough lux unco.leeleJ,lB6B.. 953 20
, Nidehor, Hen - 20 00
I'•,wlgeri,,judgniont 30 00
Coon hi hairdo of TrOa , urer, (1.-
Dos and Water bonds
counted go e10th,)...,.....„,.. 1,001 30
-$30.503 80
i n:'..44 of indebiedner,
• L9{118: • ." •
.184, nary 1;1675 . 44 5,800 00
Jailll'iry 1, 1877 - ._ 700 00 ,
Jan miry 1 4 12 7 8 1,600 00
Janu., y 1,1879... ......... ....• 13,400 UO :.. _ _
Jautuir).l,olo ' _ 12,000. 00.
-r--$70,400 00
To touountl'in lianas fur mer set
tlement: $1,173 D 7
To omooitt received of S. IV, •
Lrr y, e •Ilector 11.V8 800 00
To Ellllollllt heel, ed, of 11. L.
lreekor. doviayro. ootor MT, 2,103 33
To amount ru'reived or A. J.
Weo4l, r0114440r of 1860 3,047 20
/ty /toolay botale, and Interest'
01111 paid Octal in. I, 1,69, $3,090 00
By is. uniy redeemed, 990 00
By ,ta11.1,4 ror bounty purpoemt, 1 14
Ily Tr.amt, , q's Cominissi..ll, $7,-
211.T0 36 07
113.danro In hands of Treas
.., . 3.007 05
annnary 41871 $3,0 . 60 00
Junuary I, 18720,000 CO
:14.i:try 1, 1873 - 3,000 00 1 1 '
.Innutey 1, 1874,.. 8,000 00
Javonry 1, 1876 v.. 9,000 00
'Total lloOnty debt $15,000 00
Ice in liandeuf Treasurer.. Ana 7
Outstanding to ,1888 206 37
Outstanding tux, 1864 • - 387 31 ;3,691 23
Excess of bou n ty indebtodon.
Wo, the auditors of the berongh of Carnal°, do cer•
illy that we harp txnmiriod the foregoing Borough
and 11, only accounto of ,losopit Ogilby, Borough
Treasurer, and find a balance dm - said borough of
$1.000.30; and also a balm., due the bounty ac
count of $3,007.10.
Witness our hands this twenty-first day of Marell,
• ..
G N D - ST I, A Y
Of nll Ilu lAtteNt Nay Wen itt DRESS
lt,ol !went of
Pa tly Itedtketql
.htp.t . ll,Bo Phan talti Striped 511. n, Jepmu•.n
CO I,Ult ED S 1 1, I:14,
A 4plemli 1 ndsortuiewl el New Art jug I't,ll hidl I
sulk, Very Cheap
Belt Dolalwis redocotto 20 and 22 rents
_ooo . yw• , iy tip top C h o nt 10 eento
11 tho Lent zonl.tiet of prbits nl 1:16 eentx
.Hl4;ll , :min
Bent bd oppleton, A ntudlin 1 1 ard x idn Kt 1.2!
Sourer Weal 44 nt 18 cot.,
ll ocamtia at 2'4 Tato,
A job lot of. llleak:bud uv•l It, to l ,t {Ol,l
uuu p ra s.t eFiC.7
Stork , ' of, COI TON AD NB,
Mid all at grand• reduced julced
A liqud Check 0.123,?, conlx
in tln Opl a, w . e;olefy etip , :t Linn for weight . of
cloth. Pk' hiqaty In Jinn ie 4nd elle& they i•niuTt Lip
rurnmlicitb.y uny.ittflio country
Pi(en 25, 4U GO) 1140
, .
.lust' cipentl . for ;II IN 4,ND
.npyO; ; YOY Chfinji,
Cambrico,' ''Rivlformi+, 'Nniosook AIIIHIIIIa
lloadlful Milos - fifty .por cent'lomei:r
lima hist .our'a
'!;:4ntt,nUuu olbiye%'to . tho'Aoeo muck, In
. .
earneudy ociiielto. I will olio tonofldu Ilqrsithhe
that cannot i)osibilint In . larga iaitaita,t4a't urn over
stooloAlvith ?Id;u:ght at war prices
' .
Eight 'Trains (Daily) to and from Phil
adelphia and ; .Pittsburg, and Two
Trains'Dnxiy'to and from Erie
(Sundays oro4ited). ,
ON. and after Mendd,y,',: November 1.5,'
1000, Passenger Truing Of, the , Pennsylvania
Railroad nom. any will depart front Harrisburg and
arrive nt Philadelphia and Pittsburg as follows:
210—Philadelphia Express leaves Harrisburg bignsloy) at 2_lo a. 111, and arrives at
West PhilailelPla at 6 30 a. in. •
5 20—Past Lino leaves Ilarrislmrg daily (except
Monday) at 5 2,i a. m., and ar, Ives at West Philadel,
plan 40 - a. m.
Mail Trait. leaves 'Altoona dolly (except Sunday)
at 3 00 p. m., and tirriviisMt Harrisburg at o.loli. m.
10—eParilic Express fame Hari ishurg daily
(oiicept Buinlay) at 12 10 p, m., and a'rrives at West
Philadelphia at 4 21 p. m. , ' '
JU 45.—elneinnatI nip:VS.43o,4os Harrisburg daily
at 10 - 45 p. m., and arrives.4lilyrit Philadelphia at
3 10 a. in.
. .
2 60 Soutnern Express; bni'vnli Harri,btirg' daily
(except Monday) nt 2 60 p;m), And art ices nt West
Philadelphia at 7 00 p. m.
Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Altoona - daily
(Sunday excepted) at. 7 30 a. m., and arrives at Har
risburg nt 1 1,5 p.
3 63—Harrisburg Arerommodatim leaven Harsh.
burg nt 3 56 p. m., and Italy fl at Plci m1011)11111 at
0 50 p m.
8 0 —Lanenstor Train, via Mount JO7, leaves
Harrisburg daily (exceptFunday) at 8 00 Li. m.r and
arrives at West Plilladelplils at 12 05 p, nt,.
1 30
co 00
$12,781 79
4 20—Erie FaFt Lino volt, for Me, leavem Ilor
rixburg dally (except Sunday) at .1 20 p. m., arriving
at Erie at 10 e. m. •
• - • -
12,10—cineinuatl Express leaves Harrisburg daily
(except Sunday) at 12 10'a. m., arrives at Altoona at
4 60 n. m. and arrives at Pittsburg at 9 20 a. m.
2 40—Pittsburg Exprers - Aeavvs -Harriabitrg daily
(except Sunday) at 2 40 a. m., arriVes at Altoona at
0 00 a. In ;takes breakfast, add arrives _at Pittsburg
at 1 30 p. m.
4 10—Pacific - Express leaves Harrinburg daily at
4 10
. a. m., arrives, at Altoona at 8 56 n. m , takes
breakfast and arrives nt Pittsburg at 1 fio p. nt.
Fast Line leaves Uaerlaburgdally (except En °day)
at 4 16 p.m.,.arrivea at Altoona at 8 55 p. na., takes
supper and art Nell at PittsturgAt 1 46 a.m.
51a11 Traloleetves Harrisburg daily (except Sun
day) at 1 15 p ra., , arrlves at Altoona at 7 25 p.
t akes supper and arrivia 'At Pittsburg at 1 36 a m.
Way Passenger Train leaves Harrisburg daily (ex
cept Monday) at 7 46 a, m., arrives at Altoona at
2 20 p. m., and at Pittsburg at 10 30 p. m.
• Suit. Midd lo Div. Penna. It. it.
Ilariisburg November 30, 1800.
$2x,413 18
igonday, -December 27, 1869
North West for Philadelphia, Now York, Reading.
Pottsville, tamaqua, Ashland, Sh . amOkin, Lebanon,
Allenlown,-.Easton, Ephrata ? LIU.; Lancaster, Co
lorable, Ac., Ac,
Trains leave Uarrisbuig for No Yorh as follows:
at 5.35 0.10 A. 3x., 12:20 noon, and 2.05 P.M", connect-
ing with similar trains on Pennsylvania Bail Road,
and arriving 'at Now York at 12.10 n00n,1.40. 0.50
and 10 00 r at., respectively. Sleeping Cars accom
pany the 6 35 A. a., and 12.20 noon trains without
Returning: Leave Now York at 0.00 ; A. a , 12.00
noon, and 5.00 r At, Philadelphia . at 8 II A. 31.,
and 3.30 r. 8' Sleeping cars accompany tho 9.00
AI to., and 5.00 P. m. trains from New York,
Ivithout change.
Leave liarrlsbarg for Reading, Petfsville, Tama
qua,ollnoravale,, Ashland, Shamokin, riAO Grove,
Allentown and Philadelphia, at 8.10 A. U., '205
and - 4.10. P. to., stopping at Lebanon and principal-
way !dation/. ; the 4.10 P train connecting mr
Philadelphia, PoLtavillo, and Columbia only. For
Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via
.Schuylkill and Susquehanna Italirold, leave Harris
burg at 3 40 r. 51.
Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7 30
connecting with similar train on East Penn
ey-I'4lmM Railroad, returning from Reading at 6.35 P.
, stopping at all Stations.
Leave Pottsville at 5 411 and 9.00 A to., end 2 45 r,
m., Herndon at 93n R. a., Shamokin at 6.40, and 10.-
40 A. St., Ashland at 7 05 A. a , and 12.30 noon, Ta
maqua at 8.33. A. M., and 2.20 P. at., for Philadelphia
and New York.
Leave Pottaville,vla Schuylkill and Stisquehanna
Rail Road at 8.15 A. M. for Ilarrlsburg, and 11.30 - il 01.
for Pine Grove and Tremont.
• Reeding Accommodation Train, leaves Pottsville
at. 5.40 A M plumes Reading at 7.3 U A. M., Arriving
At Philadelphia st 10.20 A. M. nrtAlrfilltfr,
Philadelphir at 4.40 1 M., 111.almq R134(11111 , at 7.10
P. 51, arriving at Pottsville at U 30 P.M.
Pottstown Accommodation Train, leaves Potts
!Own at 6.45 A. xi. returning leaves Philadelphia at
4.00 P. M.
$ll3OB 7"
•• • • .
Oolutubla Rail Enad Trains leavo [trading at 716
A. u., and 0.16 v. motor Ephrata, LEN, /omen star
Parkiornen 1101111.0 Trains leave Perklomen Junc
tion at 0.00 A st., 300 and 5.00 r. sr., return
ing, Inert PCIIWPIII‘BIIIIO at PAM A . 1.45 noon,
and 4.15 0. st., connecting with similar trains Oil
Reading Road.
Collibrookditle Mainsail trains leave T''ottstown at,
040 A Dr. and 6.20 P. M. ror nroing,. have tilt. Pleas
ant at 7 i:Onntt - 11 25—i,17-Dr:;—cerrnertinig-With-siimilar
trains qn 1 , 031110 g Railißoad.
Chest, Valley itailroad-tral. leave Bridgepor t at
A M.. n 00.2.00 and 0.02 P. sr., returning, leave
connecting with similar trains on Reading nail
On bundays Leave New York at 0.001 P.
st., Philadelphia at 8.00•^A. st. and 3.15 P. (the 8.00
A. Al. train running only to Beading.) leave Potts.
villa at 8.00 A. 0.,. Ilarriaborg of 5 35 A. m , and
410 I'. it., and Reading at 7.15 A. t and 10 oa r. N.
for Ilto rltburg, of 7.23 A. or.,
for NowYorB, and at
9,40 A. A. and 4.25 r. 11 . for Philadelphia.
Commutation, Mlles, o, Season, School Bactir
lon Tleketi, to audfrom nil points, at reduced rates.
Baggage checked tliro ugh; 100 pounds allowed each
G. A. NICOLLS;tion Supt.
Rending, ra.,'Denember 27, 1860.
• .• •
On and altar Monday, Novel:Ober 16(11, ISC,9, Plia
.anger Trains will run as follows; (Sunday
:wept ad):
ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Ilarriebnrg
8:00 A. Mialianiptibarg 8:35, Cartipin 0:11, isewville
0:40, Siiippoiniburg ChambdrOurg 10:44: Groan
cantle 11:16, arriving at lingeratown 11:45, A. At. -
MAIL TWAIN leaves Ilarrhiburg 1:35, P. M,
(Aaiun:slin; 2:07. - Carlisle, 2:40, Nvivvillo 3:15, Ship
ponsburg 3 45. Clam beraburg 4:20, Orreneavtle 4:00,
arriv at lingeri-town's:2s, P ar.
EXPRESS TRAIN Davey liaryleburg 4:15 Pm,
51erininimburg 4:47, Cliri la le 5:17, N owv flip 5:50, Shlp
peualnirg 6:17, arrivint at k eriburg 6:45, 1. n.
A 111 XED TRAIN Larvae Chinn loPialturg 0:50.A at
fl room-a:111e 0:25, tirriViDicpt. Hagerstown 10:10, 0.11.
ACCOMMODATION THAI Da,ex Cluitobsrbliurg
fitSo tt Sltitipentat N swiilly 6•oa,,Crlislit
0.33, Merlutuicsburg 7,02 /writ jig at Harrisburg
MAIL TRAIN lonvex llage,town 8:00 A N, Green.
ensile 8:35, Chntnbernburr, 0:10, Shippenllkurg 0:40,
Neweillo enrlisle Ii):SO, Mechanicsburg 11,24
tkrrivittg nt Ilnerkiturg 11:51 t H.
.XIGIESS THAI'S leaves Hagerstown 12.:00
11 reencitstle,l2:2B. Chainbotsbarg 1:05. Sitippe et l u rg
1:37, Newvillo 2:10. Carlisle 2:00, Nlechanieslang 8:18,
arriving aCilartlciturg 3:50,P 51.
A MIXED TRAIN leaves Hag. rstown 3:115 :p2!,
Greencastle 4:12, arriving nt Chattibershurg ha 5, r 11.
xpz , Making close connections tit Hart Islturg with
14411141 u ilntl front Philadelphia, Now Yorlt,l'ittsburg
Ilaltiutere anti Washingt.,n
0. • N. LULL, Supt
1101; u... 1 Office, Cltutb'g Nor. 0, 1800.
$10:000 GUARANTEE '
• • BUCK NI okhey LUABI ;
Flat For Itn Uuilrnlnd Whitman.
Th 7d. For UllBllllllleirli Covering Cri11;01.151
`@a—Lastly, for Ertmoniy.—Cti
ht:6 — IT emits le,Ol' to 'paint ivith Bull: Lead, that
any other White Lead extant. Tho Came 'Nveigh
ei.vera morn surface, In mere dorablo, and make
whiter rat.k. •
BUCK LEAD lq,„the cheapest and Lent: '
BUCK ZINC Excels all pH* ZIDNB,
prfit..''For Ito Unequaled Durability.
.ereond. Yob Ito Urn . . Dialed Wltitoneos
itn : l,innlmm:Hsed Covering Pririty
Lantly,joy, Ito ()mot Economy, .
being' the' chenpeet, loththottlest, and tenet thimble
White Paint to the woiltl.
Eatitifttction ptpirini.teed by tbo..slfinufacturys
Prepared exproFely - Tor Painting
, . .. .
• • ,
. ,
Cotlege& Oulbulldlnge Of oVety diverlrdlon, koncer,
&a. • Thirty-fly& elffetent. Colors Durable, Cheep,
Uniform, and Ilelintlful. Shitdev. ~ , ,
Sample virilo vent by mall, if devlred. .•
„.1;lonlorel&Ordero will
,he proutplly,,executed by the
manufacturer& .
'ln Frent vntln'tlux
. I • - '
- • Pott!ors Ifailliaro; Paiute, Olts, Olnee,
A A••.:,;f•i•cikalitAxo,:•pit ,- '•••
2011.701 y .
•• • ,
SAIL2t 04D,5
vAN'W !
• rrsir - 41HATCH, BANKERS.
- -
No. 5 Nassau- Street, New York,
- FVliruary
The remarkable success %Odell attended our ne
gotiatiqn of-the Loans of the Con tint Pacific Railroad
Coinpany and the Weldern Pacific Rail toad Company,
and Alto . impularity and credit which tbcdo loans
Iwo-maintained in the markets, .both in this
try and surope, havil shown that limo First Mortgage
Bonds' of wisely ideated and thooorahly managed
Railroads nro promptly recognized and readily taken
as the moat suitable, safe, and advantageous_form of
imiestment, yielding n more liberal Income than on
hereafter be derived- from Government Romig; and
available to takil their place,
Assured that, in the selection and negotiation of
superior tulip ad loans, wo aro meeting a great
public want. and rendering a . valuable service—bath
to the holdera of capital and to those great national
worko_aL IntertutLimprovement hose—intriffsie
therit and substantial character entitle item to the
use of capital and the confidence of inventors--tve
now offer, with special confidence and satisfaction,
the ,
, .
Chesapeake and 'hie
,The Cheimpeako and Ohio Railroad, connecting the
Atlantic coast and. the magnificent harbors of tlie
Chesapeake Ray with the Ohio River, at a point of
reliable navigation, and thus, with the entire Rail
road system and - water transportation of OM great
West and Southwest, forms tho additional
so imperativeNleroanded for tho accommodation of
the immense and rapidly growing transportation
het ree4llia At'entre seaboard and Europe on the
. can hand, and tho great producing regions of the
Ohio and Mississippi Valleys on the other.
The 'importance of this Road as a now
outlet from the West to the sea magnifies
it into ono of amtional consequence, and
insures to it an extensive through .dmllla teem the
day of Its comi lotion; while, In the development of
the extensive agrlcullutal and mineral resources of
Virtania and West Virgiela, it possess. Wong Its
eon line, the elements of it lirgeand profitable local
'I hum the great interemta, both general and local,
high demand the completion of the
Clie;apeako and Ohio Railroad
to the Obirrriver, afford the unrest guarantee of its
rucceesand value, and render it the tricot important
and substantial railroad unterprirre now in progress
in - this country.
superiority agar, East andPirost route, and the
promise of an immense and profitable trade awaiting
Its completion, have drawn to' it-the at Atinn and
gooperatinn of prominent capitalists and railroad
'men of this city, of sound Judgment and known In
tegrity, whose connection with It, together with that
of eminent citizens and business men of Virginia
and West Virginia, Insures an energetic, honorable,
Rod successful manapmlent.
The. road iv completed and in operation from
Richmond to the celebrated While Sulphur Springs
of West Virginia, 227. mites, nod there remain but
200 miles (now partially - constructed) t? be com
pleted, to carry it to the proposed terminus on the
Ohio riVet7:(FlitsaT - Ilni lio tar-or
river, 10 miles above • Cincinnati, and 350 miles
Ohio and Kentucky tri this pilot, o Well will ciwileiat
the Chesapeake and Ohio with the entiro railroad
aysteina l oc the Went and Stiothweat, nod with the
Pacific Railroad.
Its valuable 'franctliges and superior advantage
_will place the Che.peake and Ohio Ball east Com
pauy among the t44vet ou.l a,o ,ownatil
trustworthy corpo . rations of the country; and then
exists a present value, In completed road and Ivor!
done, equal to the entire amount of the mortgage.
Tho details,of the Loan have been, arranged It it I
special reference to the wants of all classes of In
vectors, and combine
. 1110 various features of con
veulonco, safety, and protection against loss or fraud
The Brio& are 1n denominations of •
$l,OOO, $5OO, and $lOO
They will he issued oB
I tud may be hold In flout; or
The feud may lie * registered In the name of th
owner, with the coupons remaining payable I
bearer attached, the principal being then transfer
blo only on tho books of the Company, gidevs r
assigned to beat.; or
—The coupons may he duilichnd nod “Am.oled, th
Bond niacin it Permanent Register. ,I Bond, transre
obit, only on the booki, of the Coinpany, nod ti
Into, eat made iniyahle only to the legintered own,
or LIN n turney.
The three classes will he I:nnn•n rcapecth•els' us t'
Ist. " Coupon Bonds payabio to
•2d. " RoAdatored Boads w ith Coupons
attached." . •
3d. "Registered Bomb; with Coupons
detached," •
and should bu so deFicurded by corresPooden in in
specifying theslnss of Bonds desired.
They have Thirty Years to ran
frour2u:nunyy 15.1670, NOth interrEt llt six pur C t
per atuiluni [Wm NOVOllIbl.l . 1, 1860.
. , •
• ..
LL PERSONS knowing themselves Alllk:bled to floury f Axton tiro requested to
make horn,diate sottlerneur, and. those bating
clams to presprit than for settlentn.. as I wh.ll to
ChM° up lay boolN to January 1, 1874.
B 1 /1.. V. AI4D N 0 1',1 , : 31111111, - I 27-jan7o. , 1117N1t
AYD r.vrv.ri . xsT PAYABLE IN oom)
Tlie Inlerost la rityni,lo to
tlint it .luny taiga the place of that pf the earlier
issues of Five Twenties, not suit the cam eniettee of
our friends who already held Central find Western
Pacific n la, with interest payable In January and
July, and who may desire, ill mahing additional
Investuteicts, 10 hove their iitterOA rLeivehle nt
different seasons of thp year.
- - 1:110 Loan Ix secured by a morldage,mdm the entire
Line of road, from ltichrinnel to the Ohio ricer, with
the equipment and all other property end nppurle•
minces connecied therewith.'
• A Sinking Fund of $lOO,OOO , 'per amain. is pin
vided,for,the redemption of the Bonds, to take effect
one year after the coMpietton of the road.
The mortgage le forsls,oido,ooo, of which $2,600,000
will ho reserved and bold in trust ffir tho redemption
of outstanding bonds of the, Virginia Control natl.
road CoMpany, now merged In the Chesapeake and
Of tho reintlining $13,000,000, a eollielent amount
Boil to complete the road to the 011ie river,
Perfect nod Improve tho portionaew in operation,
and thoi•Oughly • eduip tho whole for n largo end
active trafile. • „ • •
The iteliont prim to 00 and accrued tutore4
A Loan no amply secured, no catefolly.guarded,
and no tortilla Aetraftor to command a promtnrnf
plata among the favorltd necurltlen In the ninrlcrt
both of Ude cotintry and Etropo, u 111 be nt onto
apprechtlild and quickly almothrd. •
Wry, regretfully,
. .e^ ,
FipK & iiATOII,
bayo Willed pamphlets cuntainiug full
:pgicticulars, statistical dotulle, rusts, etc, which will
be furnisliedliponnitplicntion.
1,93%,nn poll
matt reedy° Lisa n. 0114611 -
• •, ' cORPOTtATION3,
'and others, subjedito talpiv
,toroot on daily ' '
prEIL & CO
_Solicit conyignmento of all kindi ol• Produce. Also,
_Butter, Eggs, Poultry, &e.,
Philadelphia-.Rcicreuc. C.• :thins'email eau.
President of iho Union Banking I ompany,
Meosrs. Allow & Clifford; and Henry Sloan)
N. B.—Please anal for Weekly Priro Current fro
of chargo., •
_3mar7Q6ln- - J
----- •
Donlor in ' •
'BEST ..1.MA . 2i1,3 OP
TL subscriber kbeps constantly on liand,•at No.
35, West. )Itim street, a largo stock of French and
American Candies, Note, Fruits, &c , ., consisting of
such auV'alout, Cocoanut, Fig, Prott, gutter, Scotch,
Cocou Gum, and Cocoa Strips:
I mann filature largely, and can supply lb° Trade
and Hucksters un reasonable terms.
Do not forgrt tho piano,
;'ti - No. 35 WEST MAIN STREET,-TO.
ANY; inquiry will receive immediite
ansi4).. Satisfaction in pi - ice and material
tcHuroti, and shipmenta promptly made.
2 f 140-13
11. SAXTON & CO.,
Dealei 7 a - in Hardware, Iron, Cutlery, &c.,
Carlisle, Pa.,
hereby announce to the public, that they inland
selling everything in their line, either wholesale or
retail, at Oleos inudh tower than can ha bought this
ski° of Philadelphia
Oar stock consists In part of
Shovels, Glass,
Fl/11., Varnishes,
Spades, Plaster„
Crow Itro,' Saud,
Sledges, Powder,
Safety fuse,
Also a Foil well selveled recur I mon t of
Pk.o (AlaiDs, i;ral” bags, Itopex, Pulleys
41 I lk Lieolti 41%11 ipliolt.
I,'NS. I PISTOL:fI 91'10T,
all.l hoLoluoitko of oft klndr
Thankful for Last favtirs, by strict attention to
business we 1.1. s to resolve a eontthuntion of the
c ITAI 2;
J.011.N,.5.t & ,
122 South'Delaware ave., Philadelphia,
10 South street, Baltimore. •
No fortllkor lutrodneed to tho formera of Om
Mfildi a and Sniitherit Staten has ktvint morn maid
'Fnit uniform satinfact lon than thin gamic,
The trade In it I steadily, 'nudged until tho
cousnaption now throuilionttbo entire reentry far
exqee,l3 thet o or ;my other ferollizor
Tlo !Argo ',pApltal involved An Ito produtelon
afforde Cho eurpet,gunianteo of Ito continued oicol
loner, Tho company htis a fur giontei Interest in
tito vorninhonoy of
. 1 - . trade (Lon {toy munlior of
consument ran boo; lintti It Is the ltigbeWt Interent
Oftho.compnuy to intt, (Ito boot fertilizer Into num
loot, that their unuab. foellltlce, aided by ibn beet,
sciontific nblUtycau prodnco.
Tlsgamon Is sold at retail by local agent's of llt o
Cpmpriny throughout Now Joraoy, DeltWaro;Poun-
aylvaula, and Alto Eouthern Btateaond at wholesale
aetternlOuts fur i O
10feb70-om&eopam -
&c., ac
Phihula p 1 a
•na,io aud i,ocket-Cutlory
11. SAXTON & CO.
aoini S:'ntutio4 & co.,