6ji t.- eii,rtigit'llit':itlV CARLISLE, APRIL 7, IS7O . • ° Alderman Cole has been elected to till the unexpired term of W. W.- Hays; deceased, 11ayor of .llarrishurg. As John Liszinan, cabinet toaker, was hatang a lead of furiiitera to the -Garri son, On Tnepday, the horse became frighteneil and ran off, demolishing the n-ag,on 'and damaginge 15 titre con siderably. Mr. John Irvine having sold out his stock of shoes and leased his store, Mr. D. A. Sawye,r, formerly of the firm of C. sawyon & Co, wilt' during the next week open out with an entirely neW stock of goods. ECZICI Charles Ramsey, aged about thirteen years, while playing tin the rift! mad bridge at the eastern end of Main st reel, fell and dislocated h'is shoulder. - The wound was dressed by Dr. (Millman.. and the boy is doing as wcll as onnhl be expected under the eirounistances. The third of the series of .monthly cr mons to young. men, under theauspices of thetY. M. C. A.. will be preached by Rev. Dr. Wing. in the Second Presbyte rian-church, on next Sabbath afternoon, services commencing at three and a half o'clock. Young men particularly are cordially invited to attend. The Garrison Amateur Dramatic Asso ciation will give an entertainment in Dramatic Hall, at the Garrison; on to morrow kFriday) eyening. The genile men composing this association are very tine actors, and always draw crowded houses. We hope to see the hall crowded to its utmost capacity to morrow night. The Land Deparlmont of 'the Cnioi Pacific, on March 31, sold four thon,and acres of land in Nebra,l:ft, west of Co- lurnbus, fora slim total of $1.1.26n. Thar. of these railway lands. is rapidly 'l'n - creasing, and the Pin is Valley will soon 15 , , ettled tc.th in,lu , ti ions Iniqbandrnen. ()or old friend and fellow town man, James A. Dunbar, evy., formerly an ed itor and proprietor of tlik paper, is in town on a visit. Mr. Dunbar is residing in Columbia,. South Carolina, and ,ociated iu his law practice with _Ulm.- ney General Chamberlain, of that State. lle is also solicitor to the Attorney Gen eral. We are glad to le'ain that Mr. I). is succeeding well in hi. new 110111 e, The following officers of Silye]. Spring Lodge, 1. 0. 0. F., No. iiitS4: n ere in stalled on Saturday evening, April 2, by P. G. 'Wonderlin, esq., 0.. .T. Bear; V. (1., P. Ilumer ; Seeretary, 0. Klink ; Treasurer, 1.. Shaull. After the in?,tallaiiiin, the members of the Order bad a grand oyster supper' at Leidig's, who supplied all the necessaries 'on such an occasion. The menthols present eu,ioyed and regaled themselvi ,. at the expenNe of the tiftivi rs ideet. last Friday mening, about eight. o'clock, a tlrun ,. .en man by (lie name of Lehley walked into the residence of Dr. Walk, on Pitt Rtrecf 5 it tmysired wh - rre eertalayerson)jved. The Doctor an swered his questions. direeting_him to the place where* the man lit•ed, and' walked along with him to the door, when Lehley made an attack on the Doctor, in flicting a'nnmber of serious wounds on him with a khife. Policeman George P. Myers arrested him and committed him to jail after eon:pier:ibis trouble. The lecture of John B. Gough, ou last _Friday evening, was nearly as well at tended as that of Miss Olive Logan. two weeks previous. The lecture advert i,ed to, the evening was "Fact and Fiction, — but Mr. Gough, preferring the fresher one on "Circumstances," this was ren dered ip his most eloquent miinner. Opening with a few pleasing sentences, highly embellished with figurative lam gjiage, the orator proceeded to present to the audience, in glowing colors. the prlW erful ehar . aeter of ri 1 . 11111 , i :MCI,. Al though the subject of the lecture was riot one to bring forth great emotion, Mr. Gough managed in a masterly way to in troduce an abundance or 'humor and pa thos. Arter speaking for two hours, the brilliant lecturer miniquiled width mag nificent peroration. The applause is a, loud and frequent, indimiting that the andienc4 appreciated every word. The lecture, was listened to from beginning to end with most 'm011;1111(1 attention. A correspondent of the r In geirei: says: ",Broom corn has mit re ceived the cultivation and attention which' its importance in the family of domestic .„plant s„ and , the high price which it connuands, entitles it to. T,, most farmers - it is a - crop about which they have little experience and informa tion ; and now, that its cultivat on is beginning to be regarded profitable, many inquiries are. mitde concerning it. The best seed comes from the West. regards its cultivation, that is about the same as other corn ; the only difference is, it must be planted thicker. Manu facturers like the brush fine, and conse quently the born ought to be, planted pretty thick in the row, ,and cut MI be fore it is fully ripe—about /I t the beginning of September ;• then the . irtish will have a uniform color, which, is very desirable, as brooms of a uniform greenish color will Command a higher itice in-the city. 'A good acre can bring from fivedituidred to iithOusand pound S-of brush, : which' brings now in Philadelphia t wenty wits per pound, or four hundred dollars per ton., Broom corn is now the most profit able crop that the , farmersan raise." At a meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association,- Meld in .their rooms, on the fifth estant, the lecture committee of Carlisle handed to the As_ sociaton, to be used for . fialiMiellt,.the sum of $73.75, the same being the net proceeds of the recent course of- ectures hold under the control and management of the committee. On motion, it was limo/red, That the grateful tad hearty thanks of the Association bo tendered to the committee for their , kindness is pre,. suiting them with reward of their laljor and exertions, and alsii Reulved, That we fully appreciate their efforts to advance before the public such literary entertainments as will fill the vacancy and supply: the want long. felt in our town; and whielt.may be the -Mbans of-excluding many of thosoexhi bitions, immoral in their 'tendency, that lave so frequently demanded the sup- Olt of the community. _ . . . . S. M. C03.7.E,, Prold . ont! of Borirq Managars, C. L TlALDP.RT,fieCretary At' a Meeting of the Ctimberlapd county bar, ate following action was taken on the death of Hon. John Stuart : 'On Tuesday of last'weelc„the Court be ing'in session, Lemuel Tdod,esq, - au ffirced the death of Judge Stuart, and referred in the couyse of his remarks to the lopg conneetlion pf Judge Stuart with tlib'ciMrt, :?Ind \to - the kindly rela tions which:had\ always existed between him and the met ipers of,..the court and the members of the btitt; affil moved that as'a Mark of respect to liikmemory; the court do now adjoutu and that the mem bers'of the court, and bar take action on the urtlAject at a meeting to be subse quentlY held. This motion was seconded by W.M. Penrose, esq.; and at his sug gestion a committee ofsi x were appointed to make report to the subsequent, nutet, 2 fug, to be held on Tuesday folle'Wing eleven o'clock, a. 1-M And .fudge' Gra- . ham appointed Hon.. F. \fatty lion. SameeLllepburn, W. 11. Miller, esq.. Lemuel Todd, csq., W. M. PQMOSP,• seq., 1lelldt9,011 ; csq., and A. B. Sharp, csq. The said committee on Thursday met at the Arbitration Cham ber in - the Court - House, and Lout csq., was appointed to preside, anti A. B. Sharp, usu., selected for Sec retary, when \V. IL Miller. eoq., offfired the fullowic.g preamble and resolutions which are unanimously_inlopted It is with sincere regret that the court and bat of the county havelleard of the delttli of the Hein. John Stuart. lii name l.as been familiar to us all. Ills integrity as a Judge, and his kind and genial nature in social life, made him a universal favorite. For many years he was one of the Associate Judges of our courts. lie first 'served under the old constitution ; and when that was changed the people had such confidence in his integrity, that continued hint on the bench icy their votes. In view of these facts ; of our long acquaintance with the.' deceased, as one of the presiding officers of our courts; and the high regard we entertained for him. liesuleed, That the court and bar of conffict land comity have heard with deep regret cof the di-vea , z of the lion_ John`trout who has been called hence, tips in years alter a life well speol, to a rewatil which awaits the List. 1:(7,1c, (1, 'flat see offer ',all. condolence to the Gtmilc and telativt, of 1111; de ceased ; and 111;11 this exprossion of our sympathy lie o?litintulit•attl to thtll loy I lov “Illeers of this mt.t.titig. L'emired. 'Chat the .11, , 1ge or the C''.lm• 111011 l'h•os be relptesl.2(l to add Ow fork.- g(Ung dreandde ;115,1 rr olutiotts to be .t.lll (.r..(1 op the reel.lll-; Of ,fur :IS a mark of ::1111 (teem for the 11...ceasetl--atitl that i hey Lnr i it Ihr limv,papers borough. W. 11. 1- B. SlLutv, So,rd,:try. (;It.\IIMATI('.U. EN.I(;M.\ I;.t t 2, •i, plat, ~of repo,e, " 4,5, G. k \%11:1i We al, all ivilding " congenl4,l' . wat er, 7 ;.• a pi - vp.sit irnti .1, ;, 1Iu• extrctoily '•.l, 1, 11, is a I.:ngly.,!leci . - '• ‘rholv i-; h duty t•llildatt o‘vt.. their ha to , At n 111., tI;• 1...,tic I.oll• .t 14.1 1 , -. 1%. E. unitnirn ni•l, Atil,l IVlllllts, I; llhr 111+l 11.1%,•0 nil "/ nnl pr1,1.e1...,. IS 1 ,,, t1•1 has ,41 t ~,,,,, gritti tnl L. a Lin 1 dge hi tii n In rimnNiti, it timilen from a 1 var. Th,tail it -iriipiirt parly BlotLihriii•il Vie right of hit, „I A that tl pull)' ti. II it , thii ii• ii It•iiti•li riiioni a i L'l • , s 1 I. .1 .11,1:1,,,N. A10,1111..111, ~ DE \V WANI)ES Acknowledged to be the best known Pei fume. For tale by N 11. RII EEM •e, Calli,lo Pa. 311111.1 i 2V Photograph Cialli. , ,ry:melluslabiished and doing a good bvisiness enn he bought cheap fay if api.licd for ~00n. • Call i iii or - J. ( l'a sibi k pol boy i•xcels his teacher • • s,") 11;1, :NIL.. (11;11.111:w Id›,pyrcitqlessor. :113ccw,.1.1.1 yming ,itt . cced ' and exrecd the .14.1. shew hot!ienyine For ilimct acting Stearn 1,111111/S fOI'!ICS, kVo., that - will pump. from 12 gullons to :1,500 per minute. Go to ,11,F..11.nalian, , Stone 1 I , et burg,. i'a. Putt 5.11,E Olt ItENT. Th, house in which I live, with or il IMIlt lots acl • joining. W.. 1. SHEARER, No. South ll:mom.street.. Steam pimp. The pninp can he dil connected Ilw engine, and cogine used for `driving any kind of machinery. gas awl water pipe, steam littings, INF La nahan, Flour & Isett, Hollidays brg, Pa. lifebnin A pocket book, containg a sum of honey, and a num her of valuable papers, vas lost on Wednesday niglo, at: the I tot el of Lewii Faber. A reward of ten (10) Huila - rs, will be given for the return if the pocket, bo'hk and contents. JOHN J. DO1'0111 , :ltTY - , .Nl'l,analian, Stone & Tsett, llollidays burg, Pennsylvania, manufacture station ary engines,. boilers,' direct acting blowing engines. Player, Thom as and other Lot-blast: Wass and iron Cast ings from one lb. t0',20,000 lbs., and all kinds ormaeliinery. READ ! READ 1 ! We notice the fact that Loidich Mille arn sending out great' quantities of Carpets, oil cloths, Will(rONV.; shades, and all (Om -kinds of Dly'C oils. They,, must be selling goods vorY-eheap: we ad vise all persons in want of Spring Goods to glue them a. call before making their. purchases, as they are always down to the very lowest prices in all kind of goods. No. 2 East Main street. • =1 IMPORTANVTO SOLDIERS By a decision of the Supreme Court of the tnited_Btatef; made March 14, 1870; all soldiers who enlisted for three years,. prior to July 22, 1801, "atid were' honorably.discharged for disease — bo t fore the expiration'of two years," are entitled' to a balmy *of WO: 'Men who - enlisted after'July 22, 1801, are not entitled un 7 'dor this decision. The undersigned is prepared to,eollect allelaims arising from • the above decision. • " 'Wrimum B.' Bwrmul, . Ci lisle Pa. " Frisinger S.:Wcisor at their Now'Ca,i.- pet Store;sigthp.Bentz House, aro lrold ing out great inducements to - persona desirous of purchasing carpets, oil cloths, window shades, rnattings, rugs,,looking glasses, yarns, &e. You will And an en, tiro new stock of all kinds , of carpets, &c., at their rooms, No. 2:1 East Main street, Carlisle. Having engaged the scrvicoa ofla prac tical piano and organ maker, I will open oir Mofiday next, April 4, a regular re pair shop,' where I will be prepared to do all hinds of repaifing to pianos and. or gans. For particulars, .enquire at My music store, No. 11 West Main street. There is as awe, itween 114tistio and' tirets'eof:it , beginner. tween . an'elegan t penmanship, and a school boys scrawl ; or between a fine speal:er, and a neophytes liepilcg,.limping attempt at reading. Gallery removed frdm Mrs. Neff 's . building, opposite Saxton's lia'rdware Store. OPENING. Of the spring fashion, 'on TlmrsdaY, ?,h 31. The ladies-of Carlisle and vicinity are respectfully invited to call and examine the extensive and beauti ful stock of Pattern Bonnets and Hats, Millinery and Dress Trimmings, Kid Gloves and Silk Messes, at the Bazaar of Fashions, under the Marion Hall, Main street, Carlisle. Dr. Wisitar's Wild Cherry , Balsam. This Balsamic compound has become a home fixture. Let all who suffer, ant hart in vain attempted' to cure their coughs, colds, bronchial or pulmonary complaints, make use of this unequaled remedy. ,it can be relied upon, the mass of testimony that has been published t,Mce its introduction, being ample proof of its efficacy. ,VE IV 10-DA Y. FoR SHERIFF.—i hereby oilhr my •.•!! .3•• 11. e olliro of Slll..lol'l'. 11 1.1 111.• 11 ,, 1 it , • l.lollcau Iting C,yn rum. lii'NON Iv Ipr il 7 , 1 , 7 • T YU. Sll ERIFF.—I horeby (.11vr a •aitalatal- 4 , 111-c 1•1 :11E11,1.1. ru d•. I 011 0: 11, It 1,11t,111,11 N.0111:11.lt• EX 1:( NOTICI• - • It ~.111, nl,ll 00 t of J.. 1, ! ,, hall, t,,,v, 4114, 1, 1-11,1 th • , 1., ,11 , 1 All 1.. th, • -tit,4l° , l, 1i , • , 1 I,,tv claim, to preqr , ,, , ,11,1 v ENT DMINISTIIATort'S NOTICI. A.llti/I1 Lill` ~ 1.‘1.• nat. i M to, 4i tle o 1 . 14 1,.. : , 411.• 11 , y 11“. II , •g rlrr of r..tmtv tri Illo , l,lrllV.lt ., yhl•ng inn the y ‘l , llii. All 1,1 - .lr. tl ,tild ~4141.• ute ,ittp...1,1 1. its.ilo• Imilte.ll3te payni.nt. 1141) 14:1,41t• 110. 1.r....1,11 111 , 111. lilo 311- tll,/,..1 .IEIII AduCr. ' ..l kriltf di.' 11 • 4 " ".^...? I ' V SI'ATE No'l'lC'l' ME I ell, •or A.lttittti.lt att..rtn e..1111...tr let, t.i l'ettnght tt - I.N•tt grunt.. It,' the liogi-t r thr untlet+li.titol rrsitling 10 the nu 1.4. ti • IF I,"''!)4ivrnt tn •il S t itt.elsem in trltted It, mid to n I thrlso intvi g elOtto. Itt pt . t .4 0 , 1t the uti.ttt 11.1 r I..ttiont. A Itt.A RM . JANE CAIII/1 1111.1 . 5. Adotiffi ,itED MEN'6 ('onodognitiet nib, No. lOS, will give G BAND it A LL, Rlierni l s Ilnll.on ‘loiiiloy April A [omit., g.r I Willi. rlOllll bake City, niol x y• oral Hoot Nliri from il.lToiont part , of the cow try. ti 111 lo• Io 1..enl rh, I. n Ilse wor Ilnlee two , " ut ot i•ltilto, , •onliting tool i i•ryloory Th.' 1.1 . 0:11 Cxlopt 14,1 to 1., Fr t., .I`,. The riirloile 11, o• sti bratiol t , c• I,llllor ull.nt Of the perionion•o. Of i 111111,111.1 Ci 110.11.1,1 wlll Ilia 11 , 101114 it TICIiII4I.III .1.1.t010d Ir. Jai .'lr Lew!. Zit z• I/ pp 1,41111 C ILIIII/1.1.. - 1 0 „FUJI SA desirable Private' It o No so 11',•11I'.'11.1 nnr.rt.Cal 11.1.. 0...,14114- 11011 y feet w trent 010 211 tind.lu L. Th.. 111,11110,1111.11 t, 1•1110141 111 11 .040. ro .11 at , T 0 ST: 414 K I,ollll l ' ilia:. 1 1 1 ler 114'1 101111;:it.e011, Paz 100 0 14it. henn .1 NVat-111001.0 en the I 0.1 11. er. awl •et en t.th•. 1110101.0 - • e 0 11, tel„ Jloer, three o , ver 111. hO, 1.111.1114, 504 le, .0. r ;Ito heck 1.011.11 4. 11 1 01 haft 14.001, 11atet 11. e. 4011,11 P.,11 zopl gths :elm it: 101 the e.lar Ihult,ll hi the hlso .101 eh ilh •eee 1111000 'rho. 111 11 11011 1, 1,11111 11 1' 11, 111111 01.,1 111 i• 11110 01 11 , 11 1 ,0 01 11,1(.1 1,11. 11 11111 Tll ' I.PI 011 .111 ilioll DUD 41,0 , hery atel .11101.00011. 01 \llO.ll 011li 1 111 1 411. , /1 F 1 1 I. cox 1. .0 I. Sl'll 51.1.:11 41. - 0 Real 0,1 at. Agel.t. - _ A PP E:k f.S. appeals un the as -.will of 1.0.1 S ate 150e1 tor Cll. 114.10.401 at 11,, 101000•01 , 100 • ell4O, a. 4011 . !dottrel. 5101 Upper Allen Ih,' 10.111)-111th due u: April g Bet rtugh, Nen: 0•41‘111 111110 1 .1.1 Ap ir. :11.4 ettly.t.eh • enlih 44 01 .1 011. 1.;1101. l' 1111.1. m 1111 Ilmotoden, i••..010-eiglith day of Apt 11. s, Si, Iti; 011.1 t ..111)-thint It ilth or .51;. s e ,ol, •111tIlet 0.1111111 , 11 h day or 0100. North )11.1t10 leo 11101 Fl 11111a111 11, 111. , 1111 110 ..1 \ Itty 9101110, 11.00,, ell oull Neoloog, 11111.1 Oft) ..1 )119. 0•101 6 11.0,toglt 0041 ..0004140. fitorth as 01' )111y. 0110001.1.01111.1 Ne • I Illy, 110 .1 ij '.l :WIN S 0 1011 111111 1'I•1111. 1,1111 thy - , 1 NI,IN ,Di 11 ill,l /1 Id IV.. 1 11 11 1 0 Or 310 y • . li•I . : - 11111th . I .le .14 . .11111 4 11Allit11,, ' N PI, 11' I WWI 11.11(1A11, 4 ronm x.loper.. p Co 1100.1 . 1.1,1 y. RF.l. , orcr OF THE Col\ - 1)1T1()N OF !mi.; I , lll o l' NATIoNAL II INIL CA 0- 1.A.. 1,1 (.1040 0f bubilll,l4, Nlllll.ll 21. 11:711. LlliDOl and DkoolioriS (Ivor drafti 3.025 31 U. 5.110.1 at len 01000 110 • 01.5 1.11.1,1 • 5,10 000 OtlrPr stn. lie, 11000011 and )holgitgt, . 10,000. 00 Due Iroth Redevinlng ntel lhoo.rve p. 0.9 03 Doe from 0110 , 01`40110nal 914. 1:1 Due frton of liter 1111.11, nud 1:11111:01, , 0,0110 :a 110911 thg 1110001 001 11suratt0. 8,092 17 1 , 00111t0.0 1101111,1 1,034 40 Currothl 14.pothei 3,103 00 Taxy+ paid IhellllomB 375 00 l'ash 'ltems„ • • .5, tl3 73 Bills or Nation 11 .114okti 1,74: 01 11111.1 I,lSlthle Banks 11 10 1,.111111101 Curl envy • 2,11111 35 Legal Ter.tler 11t04 '111,230 00 1..111e.,1 A ee.llollo 343 Frock paid In. Ittirpln+ Fnnl omit Interest Profit int•l 1.0,‘ . .. .. Nat'L-ltalt Circulation 1004tandittg.... 45 . ,000 00 Itlivl'aual DOil..l.liS h 0,055 41 Duu t 5 National 114nkm 5,901 37 Doe toot to r Ilatilc4 and 13:0.arti - ..' 11g44 77 Ph Woad/4 11111/11111 40 00 . . "' $ . ....1 2,82[4 0 . 7 ' - . . . .'flin ah Ivo stiailtuuni In true to . thn host of Iny . itnowlellgo null better. CHAS. IL HEPBURN, &Ade, Sworn Rini nithserlinni hefore RIO; this thirtieth day of'..)lnroh, 1670;., - JACOB iItIDLEY, Netnty Public. 7[1117011. .`.., . . COUGHS, INFLUENZA, Sonia THROAT. coirou, LitOuv: Lnr.Ete CO(tI Ln INT, BRONCHITIS, AB'l'lllll4l, BLEEDIN(I 01! TIOI LUNCIS, and I , very all - actin?) of the 711 r• nt, Lung/. and Ch.M.; ore speedily atuttierninno utly cored liy tho ole of WISTA it' BALSAM OP WILD CHEERY. ••• This wo.I known prltt• Mon dove; not dry up 0 1:101 :It ninth ion , o the canna behind,-n0 Is the into with moat medicines, but it lowiptui and rientmea the ItingS, and Whoa irritatam,,thus I unloving the 041010 of Ulu complaint - , • -- • CONSUMPTION CANAIE CURED by a timely ret o•t to tub , otandard remedy, ins itt proved by hundreds of teetbnonlmis reonlved by the proprietors. Prepared by sum 'w. & SON, Doeton, and mild by dealers generally. '' 201109 MISS THERESE Lon SEMI S .I.b:Ertl A :11'.11tr MEMO .1 tool: Ilit•IlLE, I . EI L. Mll.l.[N, LE,: 1,0 I Ell, 11 l'llll.ll' 1,141.,1 .1,11.\ A. AM ',HEIN.. •I 111 1011 T, LE, I , •Ull.ll, t E. IAI 11,ernirn $22,8 U Ot Ml= 0,000 00 ..t(00) ),673 I 8,714 HH STEW TO-DAY.. g DECLINE IN GOLD ! CORRESPONDING DECLINE IN GOODS! Quito nn oleiternont In the Dry tioutio market, In very morkethdeoline inpriees of DRESS GOODS, Delalnon, Merittoes, Alpacens, Poplins, Bergen, Reps, and a largo variety, core riding nearly every thing In thin line of goods. ' STAPLE GOODS Flannels, Ticklugs. °high.... blankets Col lunades, Kentucky Jeans, C 1,011.9 and CASSIMEIIES. Linen nod Co. ton Tnelu Thais re. Nh Cheeks.• WHITE GOODS Swig.., Nalnanok, .li.consto, Fn•uch Man flag. TarMom', Can, In it nod Sw lan plgingo and In serttngs. ITOSTEAY, GLOVES, iu great c is y, I..bbone, of the beet nifty, llnia end Fnnduuv u 9. FANCY GOODS. or r, many nlyll audTill very droop Ladies' .Under Clqking, Tn V handnoco..l.) Itirt4h. andlillll2lleil. Afuv CARPETS, OH, CLOTHS, It ugge te, it ogx.. Window Sinitic. (lan ti, Counter pane-, idadJoany good; not Inv i,r.wiled for want of We clshn to , hare the Intl.:wit and best stock of Dry (loons In the Ibterlor of the elute, slid will sell at such pTlees IS t.. 11 eallsfy ull lint title Is the place to get g Od bargatnet " ItENTZ .t CO. MIS CELL A NEO ITS. RARE CHANCE. I=l C.1101:1A(IES, 11 WAGONS, By A. B. Sheik, C'arihUe, Penn'a., On 11 7 edni!scltp, April 20, 1870 The sulwrllnr, having a large lot ' of Carriages, Ilugglrs Spi ing Wagons, Sr., of his own nurnufact ure non Inanol, his dem, mined to rimpl - nm on them at pub lir our ion at his Coach Fart ry, on northear.t c. rner of South and POt strerts, nn tbr ovr day. Among the vehir , ev to which hr spirini at .rn. n of lour. are the follow ngn 2 TWO SEATED PHAETONS, one plot bolo, loath, top, cloth I : 2 tvetiveated (2. rm.lltrovn carroig• 0, a ell liniobcd ; three porno box linggleg..loother top, elect tire; twit coal box buggies, leather quorteri„.jileci lire; n 'Ort , RVIt. dOC. tres eight otyit.li Boot body I,IIggIVN. lOC her oturierd, atoll Ire; eight boot body bo gg , u. on,•1; p; boor tr ti, g boggles: 2 two eat .oloare body earring, ; n Coffr.l carriage: Otto rock a I;y.leart one thud y lug at on, with Gout , prin4 witgob, 1,0 with top.:; one t for .pringq. . . 11., I. I llel oi ',rend lem velliCei • ,fight ex. e, 111 1 1 1 1 111 1 1," 11 //11111/ lx‘ r; Kral arriage ; e ;env! h i.d sp; big W 1 1 .201111. I-o, one line I. are 11,. y. aru • 11••• Nt . •••k •I• no 1 , •. A. 11. Sh• rli 1•• nxe••11•••1 I.v rltme. 111 4 ••••••1• . 11AN ••,nil . 110,010.1 y ••••A•orK411•••r•t, 1••••••gtt1111,•••1 lrl , r rti" 1.1. Ntorl, •••• nra-Omontt flit. t- .1.1 111•1 lastio• 1•1 Lt 41111,1. All lhoLt , r wi;rk •• ••••1.1 In. _•••••••••t•••••1 for oil, p•or it 41‘.•in 1 1 n,• 54 4 1. Ptrup• 1 11 ‘• t •••' •• 1••• 1.• of ally kiwi - . .•. •rttl•l 11,-n •••• 1 4 41, 4 i•.lr. • •• r•r I•a•gaiti- ilittl••••1•1•••113 . IT • r.• Salo to C,11,111 . 11 , .• a . II II ,r,j, k. h In,.iid ii, .1•. z d, fight I„Mill 111'141,, h) . • .:41/111711 a, it AYER'S SARSAPARILLA TI!E 111.000 'rile reputation this nr4diel DO is deriver! !rout l• • cures, 111.13 or which ere truly morveloris. lu•etersfr. roses of Sero•ulrom tIl tors, ullere !bess•ern ser.oe solurate.i sr. ith rruption. ha! hoen purified nod cured by it Soreirdous alit..lions and die doers, which wore ng sertntrol Is) tire snolulou• ritorolnotion until thee painfolly lint, I /Po O IM.d. Ira/ /Y rur...l in such great ounibers sloro.t Ivory see hor .4 the rountry, Shut the Ltbl sr.nreely need Is. Lo innenrerl ut its 1111.1.1.er ,VP. sirroultor. prison Is one r the n orost, - .(4:ructlve VII HIP I, our raTe. Often, unseen and • usfelt terrant art tl.e • r.ortnin midi ines the constitu. doll, and ins Ite• the shark ei .111t,liling . or. f s ii,al dLr s e u Montt enrltint It 1,1'1116011 its pro,- enve. Again. it seem.. to breed in lotion -through ou t the burly, and then, on scans foroLihierrecnshru, rapidly develop into olle o,her of hideous holes, either on the surfnee or among the to the In tur,t &rea lee may he suddenly deposited in ;be lungs or heart, or turn. rs ,formed. in the liner, cr it shows its preseu-s. I y eruptions oft the elfin or' foul tileorat ions on 11011, poi t of the hotly lltoree, tide oreselonni use td a bottle of this. Sursoporillu is adenoids., even when no arrive symptrons of disease appear. horsons afflicted, with the telloe log tomplaluis ger evilly find Immediate relief, mid. nt length.cure. y the nisi of this . .11711.1-1 : ,Inthorry't Fdre, .11e , e. or Erwipelas T tier &111 t r od, ltrrry 'ore Eyo, S.re- L'orsyntor-ut her:- esuptdritis yr sterile Mims of Sorts/Woos Also in rile • to ! ..py l a n,psj 4 If all Disease. FOY, Fla Dpsw, fa &via, Iltlll the rlverotta affect lot.. •1 the ;mud uervo. xi stem, :An, li. or V•nereal anti Niel.. Int Ititivases ere elms' by it though a long tints iN required for sub titling tins„ oltrt mate nutletlit • Ity any n edic.ne. Ito. long.„n tint..' i nee , t this int e will core tire otopl titit• la to orrlittat or 11.•. Uterine Uterra Iron s, oncl Female Itote.t•os are ntnonly g es anti Illt 'nudely tacit hy taa its plait', lu :Ind int igornt int effect. :Mount liirecilUtlF for rich cr.. , ore fo..d in our mandgarAle, supplied g k nod Gout, ben ....tined by woininubilloo. Oi PX , 11 - 11111 . 01” , Inat. ter; n the blood. toad Itut• kly to it. as air.° lA,r•Ornipla inth Ivrpid y, Po, yeliient, or Infignul hoa /.sere and Joundo, when arlidng, boyidten do fridn the railli:ing pi 'non In tbe blood. SA 1,0.4 PA It IL LA in .r great ',don, bd. the ,tieneth rod 'rigor of trot intent Those rib, id and Lisllrss , Dr.y..ndr:ll, end troubled w Nerrout. A rpreliensieoill ko ' , cars, rre airy bo affections r.;,tuptoinelic of ladiris, will find loam-dint, led er And condnelog mel ded, of I s reidnretiVY prin., II:1 , 3 1.1111. PREP .1 RED BY I:. J. AYER A CO, LIONEL. MAS' Pm lira( and AlullytieW 9 , ii.L BY A lA, DRUG!II.Br, 4 10' 1.:1( k gents 10 CA. !fele. B ORO r.;Gil ,S TA FEHENI AN NU AL FINANCIAL. STATE- - 4.0 ,of thg• qougli of Cal liar. I lOw 11,10 )e.l •11116.14 Mmrli IS, 1,711 ' =II Et' F:1 bawl , two 144 , 1 .1,440404.441.. i. 41 07 l'Io•Irro v1,411111,1'6 I MP, 1101 1444 dx 1,4.44 10,000 041 tank 4,4..4%441 01 4' 0 Nhogl 40441, , vall, tett 10.40•1 • • • • 179 50 044,14ret00l of .1 lin orno an, 40 , 4-04 111,1,14 . 271 110 ESlllbitillll ACM, I. 07 00 Item 4.f Ili, hot 1,351 IT A -. 1.5111., ,/r Mark,. • 225 71 11. clip ty v 011.4104, 14 , 1,0 537 45 A .1. NVel,t), jr.l tor, 10011 f 4,4• 3 4 , 3 1441,4 n 110. 40441 W 441441 1104441 .."44•144 DISIII'IISENKN'I'S AND EXPENcravitEz. Outstau(ling ()i'ders of previous years. c.)l paid G.nd Vitt. r •: , 3-1 I :5 nppr pri.ttion to I:uutil, Co • IS 4 :011 110 1.1 T. or..uttt.ii. l'o •SOY • 1:. 1 100 1;. A, ih it1I•1; Mi . fll , ISt S. 15'1 00 If 51 . 11 i'NO, S or. .1:111111go On ire 1.11,•••• 2.0 110 I e r v, Ithr , J,ir I /m.„ ' 4 .1.1110 and ls , te r palw, . 6,1 511 ‘N II %:i kr, t1,,,,g.... ou alky 2.r. u 0 E. llipmelly. I.al . 01 rut C.mo. Ix luovr.. 0.1 25 W 1. 1.v.0.11, g.... 1151111 , 6 , 50 Brut:. ti.lC liouni•oly, printing.. "" "" 11. Saxton, gin 14, .5.. Peter Spahr, lac k 111111 h.! lop )rders 'drawn and paid fur debts con tracted by pyevimiA CouneiL. To cosh itl4l D.filte; am/ oln +fleets f 27 (i . ; ./. AV. 12 rnfttneled t x 1 / 1 01-7-i 3.1 fal John.3l Inore. , ,latniteff n7O H,l W. II fl nfrny, in foil Inflg fin. nuittgen.. 700 1,. T. (Ir. nnflnitl, . :Op nil 31. Ilan.]Atoll, IV, J. Simon, El= Tu Clllll pnid Jlount,emit 111111 . I . CLIPI'IIII . II and hat rest un judgmi•ut e,.. , ,i)16 611 A. L. S. on,ler, gun and water • E. Swartz, vol Wl'llllol %VII/. t norm). •• • r 3ithu Orion, Jobis T. C 4 ozier, Curl, lAA I hmhiL J. T. 101,1°3 J. Itunitr. .1. Campbell.- extra. polio. 111210 . • 4 hi) ' , Etter Nionyer,higit .161 f)'.l 0.1% Al se. .' • . • . 28 62 • . . - A. 13 Lyne, clerk of atorket 200 00 Joseph W. Vg Illy, tromotror 175.00 C. A. I oration, talerplary 125 00 • (I pow° 'Taylor,. Janitor 40 00 Siiitiol C'Tiatolt, .Orttor of grove} or ll 12 00 tlattlaerfr. Co., lamp poser, Or • - 107 :IS Can lib; II '0'110:mood, gas Mt log. 01.... 112 RI A. S.'l,yao:'repalni to gnu tannin; ac .. 05 40 A. O'Daitiol, 100011 - - ' ,' 18 00 Dragon & Katualy, printing " . • 102 00, Rimini 0 Donlon., .83'26 James Artnotropg, itraparlagatlpllvato.... . . 20 00 .Ifooo4 M. Allen, serslves IN clew 2 (0 &ohm .1 cobs and. F. Cprinnath East Ward • il,ctlon espouses 22 00 J. Worthington and J. It. Turner, 'Weal 11 - nrd a ectiun expenses ' 22 00 Itober.t Citeaffur,.l -vet •lb 00 It. McCartney: selling markot atolls " O5 00 James I oudon, stationery nod binding. • •.,. " 000 E. 1.. Ritrythlt, ittraticeit lees 1 24 C. E. Shrom thpenu ea to Ilan Wawa , 2 SC) , 'ph. anus Conlyn, winding town''elt.ek...:. •20 00 ,W. Or. at; 'nod Georgra_Coorlio,,.p.ting ,• • or dilutor. ''' irar , ....... •. 2 .?. 0 . Joseph 11' - op.s.flby, lob:Carat tlit' gralekilet, s4atopti on bon.M,,lce, ... ' • ' - H'62 C, A. C. Conlon, stumps, piper, St ' 4 10 Acura° Toy for rennin. to eiql; and lot bill 6 Eth C. A. Elliman, appropr Mimi to Comber- Intl Eire contputty, 1000 ' ' - 10000 John Its till. 01 proprlation - to Union Fire .'. .. company, lihral ' 100 00 . .30.“ ph W. t 'gill y, approprlittion. to . Good - ._WIIL.FIre noinpany, 1809 . 100 00 John Campbell, appropriation' to Empire ' Ilooktind Ladder company, 1009 BOROUGH ,STATiIIIEXT. John .IJoyoWnknot commhisloner, work no drool. 8,082 86 . . A. Carbaugh, work on East Main street... 681 75 E.,Donnell3, ." ~, . 424 - 38 G. & 11: She:tiler, stone for " Geed Will Fire Co., "... 21 00' ~ Spangler & Wil.on " " ~ " ... 17 00. Peter Spahr, brick, sand and hauling. ••• • 3,28 11l banml•Myers, meson work and stone for bridge . 103 3? - Jacob Dick, b go for bridge 28 00 Lewis Faber, building Bower ' .. 3O 00 Ilelehter & Spottswood, laying crossi n g , , and repairing Market house pavements, 33 37 , Sbealter .1 M. Clellan, laying crussings, re• puking pavements, curb, Se 51 20 Zimmerman & Uilmore, laying crossing.. 10 00 J. hn Uregg, repairing Market House , - pavenieur.. ~,,. .. , .............. .- c , .. -18-75- lonaihan Zelgibrlttal A. Barman stone 44 45 Bricker & Jacobs, nd E It I,vottaol, .. " 11 92 .*. " J Park , and J. 11 trick, 30.23 (Mod Will Fire company. 5 00 Jheaffer,.Myerk, and Baird, regulators.. , . an 00 ' J..& J. Bottler, blackemithing33 40 It: Ruggles and it Uipp, blecksmithing.. „ . 5 88 W. i•enni. , nl, repairing loots - 10 00 Spiv 0 Bro , limo 6 00 .1. Plink and J Bretz, lime., 5 10 WM, McElwee, sin•l . 260 NI os •a it et zel, hauling '' 300 It. Thompson, ,"" 10 Id Delancey. & Sh, nm, lumber and coal 101 20 Beetem & Co.. lumber 79 67 ihmtein & McCommon lund, r 17 08 . _ WJ. Cameron, ne, coal 041, !Toon., &c. 20 33 John Low and J. El. Man , uhelmer, 10 /3 latlM=2:ll 121111==E B=== Total paynivilln IN DUIITEDNESS. Cal.lisle (Ink And Wn $25,000 00 Borough loan, prOpyr,. 28,4U1/ 00 Warth.n.Jottlnnul 6 , 11 00 Ontett 1,141111 g ordorg 1,377 01 0 5.277 01 • 11'even lm mired and four olives Carlisle (las and Water Cow pony smelt psr va1ue......:.228,100 00 Legacy of 51ra. n 1,000 00 Duo no et, eel RWB9II, 111, 300 00 Borough tax unto looted ,1/300.. 353 20 Nateliar, lieu 20 30 - .. -t, judgniont 30 00 Casa in bands of Trea-over, (1,- •. • 000 Gas and Waler bonds eounled-Its rash,) 1,501 30 -$30.863 80 Exaens of indebtedneFa $24,413 18 .4‘lo BOROUG II BONDED DEBT FALLS DUE AS EOL .Itorquitv 1,1676 .7,tnu ry I, 1577 January 1, 11.79 Janunry 1,187,9. .1/Lnuary 1, ISIU BOUNTY STATEMENT. MIIIII2 11,nont' ' $1,173 9 Tn:nmonnt received of S. iv, 11.1 r y, c ,Itector 8, 890 00 To amount r. eel% ed of II L. lbws nr doputy co lector IStiR, 2,103 53 To ruhnunt • received 01 A, J. Welsh, et,ll.,tor of 18( 9 3,947 20 By 14,11111 y hdadh, nod Intrrert due aud 1.41,1 Oet d re I, Isll9, 90 00 By 11,6‘ey r'oupd•dt redo. toed, bull OU By •Iu nue , toe )101111tV puriuNe4. 1 - 14 14% Trea-u: 1'0n.161.41 le, 97; 914.:6 06 07 MIIIMIT El= .1 t” I. Ih7l .I.tultary 11:11 . ) 1. 1S7:I .1 mil.iry I. 1R7,1 =1 =IMEII3=nI thit.tnn nog Int IS6B Ontot.tntlitl, td z. ISO We. the /0011810 of the borough of Carlisle, do cer tify dm we Rive the foregolue, Borou,ll 01141 It. only !lemma, Jo,eph Ogilby, Borough Tremeurer, mud fitgLa I alooce due ouid hot ough of 1 00.70; end 0110 a I.ll\l,ca due tho bounty °e t omit 01 it 107.;.5. IV, 10100 01)0 he dole 11110 to . et.ty-first day of Morph , A.-D. 1079, WILLIAM E. MILLER, WILLIAM O. WOODS, :11 ;oh ' Auditor, Dill' GOODS, .I.‘c SPECIE PRICES. It EDl'Crin st pit I (`Es GREENFIELD'S N 4 lAsT MAIN STMEEr 'GRAND DISPLAY Of all tl„• 1.111r..t Nok Otto, to Int}:SS II OL MegAO ortuteot of BLACK SILKS .1111/1111.441 . Vaal/ I SlP...iii, Ile Mlgu r. I' 'pllux. I==ll I' 0 1.4) It I, 8 I I. K 8 .oNor.titPut I Nes% I Ilnp Pop vtuts. Very Cheap 21 , 01.1 [VC, lei. la IV l'elklit, A I Ilseb.s roilko• of print •61 12! v ti • 11 . .11 ' 1, I pH.. ilS32i O 1 14vnt 1 4 applr.tuil A littinlllt I turd idt..lll • I• 11, 1 -1 4 plt IN cent A ..r tin I 1.1:11, , who.' mu I 1.50 11) 1(0 0) I= BIM I= Ma -;,~. ~: LINEN TANTS 'TUFF.f '. iid,nll; , ! gr.gtly mdncrd ptlis. )4. • 1 r od Cavelc 1it.1,214j 100 1 BLACK ALPACAS 114-6 CO .1c A SPECIAL BARGAIN.: ~ 111 the metre, wt. tllfy 'ettipt.t lieu for weight td 6'o 1, 4:16 611 4)1 43 cloth. For beauty jai Itixtre and shitd, they eanitoi bn 447 16 2. xiirpasnotil.b, oily ilk tray olatitry Iv. ./4 25, IU, 511, 00, $lOO I= - , Jmit, opeuell ANY) BOYS, v ry rbeap I= • • WHITE GOODS, Llnenx, Cnmkried,, 8 ntx ee, N N1901i119, Beautrfol Pl . quov . 1111 Y por•i:el4 Im•er_ Ulna lo . filPyear'.4 prlver, EMBED dLOVISS, NOTIO.N 8, kc., The-al4ontlon of buys CJ tO ' filo obtlyo 'stool:, is earnestly eollegrid. I will offer bona fida' Ilargaind that cannot be. found In large holm!, Olaf are none atoeked with old gouda bought at war prices: L: T. GREENFIELD EMI BlmaTO PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. ° Eight Trains (Daily) to and from Phila delphia and Pittsburg, and Two . Trains Daily to and from Erie (Sundays excepted). (AN and after Monday, November 15, 1860, Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad emu any will depart front Harrisburg and arrive at Philadelphia and Pittsburg ne follows: . HASTWARII. • . 210—Philadelphia Express luny. Harrisburg • daily (rrc7pt - iitrinday)nt and - atTlves at- Woit Philudelplila at 0 30 rt. m. S 20—Fast Lillo leave.; Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 6 n, tic., and anhrn at West Phlladel• plila a: S 40 a. m. .11sil I rain learns Altoona dolly (except Sunday) at 00 p. tn.. and arrives at Ilarrlahurg at 910 p. m. 12 10—Padile Express leaves Harrisburg daily (xcopt Sunday) at 12 10 p In., and arrives nt West .Phlladelphin at 4 p. 10 45—Uncial:MI Express leayea Harrlsburk daily at 10 46 p. tn., and arrives at West Plilladelphi. at 3 10 n. m. 2 50 . Soutnern Exarars leaven Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2 60 p. Si., and or iven at Went Philadelphia at 7 00 p. m. Harrintung Accommodation leaven Altoona dolly (Sunday excepted) at 7 Si a. nt., and arrives at Har risburg ut 11,5 p. m., S Accommodation Haves Harris burg at a '55 p. m., and atriv n at Phi adelphia at 050 p m. 8 0 —ltantaster Train, via. Mount Joy, leaveS Harrisburg daily (except ,unday) at 8 00 a. m., and arrives at Went Philadelphia at 12 55 p. In, 60 00 $.2,787 79 $17,321 7D 4 20—Eric Fak Linn {vest, for Erie, riohnrg dal!) , (excopt Sunday) at 4 20 p. In., arriving at Erio at IQ . . . 12 10—Cincinnati Express leaven Ilarriotmeg daily (except Sunday) at 12 10 a. m: ; arrives-at-Aitoona at 4 So a.m. and arrivea at Pittsbura„at 9 20 a. a 2 40—Pittsburg Exprola leaves Ilarritiburg daily (except Sunday) at 2 40 a. M., arrives at Altoona at 8 00 a. m takes breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1 30 p. io„ 4.lo—Paelfle _Express leaves Ilarrßburg daily at 4 10 a. m., arrives at Altoona at 8 55 it. m , takes br'enkfast and arrkyea at Pittsbura at 1 50 p. M. Fart Line leave il Harrisburg daily (except bunday) at 4 15 p. m., arrives at Altoona at 8 50 p. m., takes suppor and-arrives at Pittsturg ut 1 45 a M. 'ling Train leaves • Harrisburg daily (except Sun= day) at 1 15 p m., arrives at Altoona at 7 25 p. takes supper and arrives at Pittsburg at 1 36 a m, Way Pa..senger Train leaves Harrisburg daily (ex cept Monday) at 7 45 n. m., arrives at Altoona at 2 .0 p. m., and at Pittsburgat 10 30 - p. m. SAMUEL A. BLACK, Supt. Midd lorDiv. Penna. R. It. Harrisburg November 30 1869. READING' RAIL ROAD MIMI Lows 125,900 00 700 00 1,600 00 13,400 00 12,600 00 ••/------$53,4110 00 GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE North and North West for Philadelph , a, New York, Hooding, Pottsville, Timaqua, Ashland, Shamokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Litia, Lancaster, Co. lumbia, As., &o. Trains leave Harrisburg for4ow York astollows: at 5.30 0.10 A. m.,12.20 . 11c0n ' and 2.05 , connect ing with similar trains on Pentlaylvania Rail Road, and arriving at New York at 12.16 noon, 830. 0.00 and 10 00 P 31., respect ivoly. Sleeping Cars accom pany the 6 35 a. at., and 12.20 noon trains without change. Returning: brave Now York at 9.00, A. M 12.00 noon, and 5.00 P 31. ' t, • 815 a. 3.1„ and 3.30 P M. SlSeping cars 'accompany the 0.00 A. M., and 5.00 P. 0. trains hom New York, without change. Levee liarrihharg for Reading, Pottsville, Ttinta qua, 311 nm-twine, Ashland, Shamokin, Pine Grove, A and 4.10, P. M.., stopping ,at Lebanon and principal way : the 4.1 u P M. train connecting tar Philadelphia, Pottsville, and Columbia only. For .Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harris burg at 3 40 P. M. --,---- $7,214 10 MBE I=llll3] Way Passenger Train leaven' Phlladolphle at 7.80 A. u., connecting with similar train on East Penn sylvanla Railroad, returning from Reading at. 0.35 P. , stopping at all Stations. Leave Pottsville at 5.411 and 9.00 A 01., end 245 r, it., Herndon at 0 30 A. M., Shamokin at b.4o,.aud 10.: 40 A. 11.. Ashland at 7.05 A. 71, and 12.30 noon, M. 001 00 Inagua at 8.33. A It , and 2.20 r 01., foe Philadelphia and New York. (9,000;00 ~000 1 0 3,000 00 9,0' i 0 00 .1,0 0 00 Leavy Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susquehann • Rail Road at 8.15 A. It. for Harrisburg, and 11.80 a. a. for• Pine (drove and Tremont. ME= MG 37 367 31 f 3 GOI 1:3 . , iteaffingAceommodatlen Train, Waves Pollen.'llo' at 3.40 A M paSSea Reaffirm at 7.30 A. It., arriving at Philadelphia at 10.20 A. U. netUrMillir, leaves ,Philadolphir at 4.15 P ' patalng Reading at 7.40 P. , arriving at Potthville at 030 P. L. Pffitstown Accommodation Train, leavos Potts. town at 0.13 a VI. returniug'loaves Philadelphia at 4.00 P. 3. MEE . . Columbia Ilan Road Trait. leavo Reading at 7.15 A. 51., and 6.15 I. 11. for Ephrata., Wit, Linea ator Columbia. kJ. .. • . Porkiothen Rail Rood Train. leave Perk Lorne° Jane. Lion 1t 0.00 A SL, 400 and 5.30 P. 01 return ing, leave zehwenkuville at 8.05 A M , 12.45 noon, and 4.15 P. m. connetting ith similar trains on Reading Rall , Royd. Cold]rookdalo Railroad train]] !Pave Pottstown at 010 A m.] ' and 6.20 P. M. rui log, leave Mt. Playa t at 7 a 0 an.i II 25 A. AL, connecting with similar train]] on Leading Rail Road. Chester Valley Railroad trainuleavo Bridgeport at e3O A yi. and 2.05 and 5.02 P. M., riaturning, leave Downingtown at 6.30 k. 0., 12.45 noon, and 6.15 P. eattneetang with duallye train], on Beading Roll Road. On hundaya Lease New York at 5.00 p. It.. Philadelphia lit R. 00,1. xi. nod 3.15 P. xi.. (the 8.00 t. a tr.iin ranning only to Reading.) leave Potts. *Vie nt 8.00 Harrisburg ut 635 A. 11L , and 4 - 111 - Pnr:"lartritemlintvor7:ll - A - ; - 1 - r - nrd - ltro3 - P7lr: - 0;r Ilan risburg, at 7.23 A. 31for New York, tud bt 3 40 A. M. and 4.26 P M. for Philadelphia. u ta t 5111eage.'Senson, School and Ezetir +ion Tickets, to and from all points.at reduced rates. Baggage chocked through(loo pounds allowed each I es:emitter. NI BERLAND VALLEY It- 11 CIIANOF, OF DOORS. On told niter Monday, NO, ember ItAlt, 1669, Pas songor Trot 11, will nui dolly, as follows, (Sundays earepin Iy ACCOMMODATION Tit AIN lenven llarrluburg 5:05 A. II „510elialikdburg 8:35, Co rlinlo 11:11, A owymo 9:40, Shlppousliurg 10:20. Chnulhernburg 10:4.1 11reon• maeltly 11 :10, Arriving ta 11400:ntown 11.45, t. at U ently !totlac..l pie.: MAU. Tli AIN Ituts,:t Ilarrintitin4 1:35, I' 3 , , 2:57 •Carlisle 2:40, 3:15, Ship pewilaug IJA Chambettiburg 4;40, Orcenvuotle 4 55 outs,ls • ut Ilager3town 5:23, r M ENV/LESS TRAIN 11:Avegburg 4:13 t• a, 311:Otani: slain . ; 4,17, Corinth: 5:17, Nntvvilln 5:50, Ship: new:lung 6:14,, nit - 1114 at )1111111 g 0:45, 9Y. A In,N, El/ TRAIN I.•a.vrs Chatnljeral , iirg 0:00, k 141 r• is 9:25 arriving nt Ilaggr,tiown 10:10, A Y. ACCOMMODATION THAI lonron 04111111.1. rsburi: 5: U NI, Slllpp , •nslturg CA) ,, , CarllBlo 0.33, Illerhunicxrmrg. 2 arriving at Iturriaborg TR.\ I V I nvt.s II .g.• mono I.oot Oren • eaat It. 5:35, ethrknlllei rg 9: I ShiPlo9•9 o oorg 9 : 40 . oillv 0.11, nr1111:24 Ing Ilttrtlohnt - g 11.55, t. a. X1.111:1:4 THAI>: I,ivrs Hagerstown :2:00 a, 41.ee• eastklge4S Cliaml , foshurg 1:05 Old uric 1:57, Newrilit..2:l"ol, 3teelooklesinag 3:18, arriving at 11,1 slot 3.50, A MIXED '1•It11N Doter. ling tot.. n P W, rotiototlo mr:vinv nt rlknil.erKnurg 5:: 5, P )1. ot thur lotion; with trait. to loot from Plalinlriplitit. Now York, Pittoloirg html tint , le nail Witoltihn't NOTlCE'.—Notiee is 'hereby given th t the fol owing mini 11 perttous have filed npplirn l is fur 11.101. n t. restaurant, and ii.ensett 110,1001 h.•• iteverni 1 m iug th• rent, In the 0011.1 , of the Clerk of the Court of Quirt., SUSHIIIN of Climbed:at; county, u wid t o plientimiw , o i l. he pre•enteil to ittil.l Court, on Nlitilittiy the 011,111111 day of .4.1 nil, 5570:• 0 1 1111% N(;., \I •.. Igo/ Z. Bentz, Collis)°, Loot Wot it. Lee in Fa' er, . . Ihin le Liiiiieniii er 0 John Noll. " West II ord. 0 ..Is, oh 'rhodium. l u N. IC. W00d. , , ~ lieurge N , .47.01. 0 " .. I. L. iikiitlipitig , l•; _ 6. - Wiiihllll Crosier. - I kid i.o,in -- Triwtishini, — : — Joni. Hoy,: • Iltif 1 P einio . •,.. " • h.'i (ii.Orge, Win .1 Morris, Ii S. IViiii,", - .. • ' .1 it. oh Siviivir. " John ICrel zer, liiiiiip.fou 11.. .LAOI 0 Ile , k, . Lower Alien 0 .T 01011" &highly, Iliddiese: A:•L. Horeb, • MOIIIOO 1r • J,, hit Thompson, Herhonlinsburg, North Ward> Isaac hail, " .1. W. Souders) ' • " George I. 5p0.11.1% " . 41., W " . Laidig, ' South Word. 11. 0. Blot teliberger. Newton Township, C Hollinger, ' - .. " 11. It. St.reile, P.O II "dory. " ' , " • J. 0 Beecher, North Middleton Winton' 0. Sharp, • Newburg ' Borough. Charles Ilenneberger, Now rill° " 'Georg° Beltzlioover, . • ' Elias it. E.i Bier, Peon Township. Henry & David Itursh,Shippensberg Borough. John Wynkoop, or,, . . Samuel Stover, ,- - " . r 1, enamel. limey. , " 0 mon av d &ler, . i° ' Samna )(Loughman,. n r ontlianipton . Township, Iyi Minn Clark, ' Divehi Z Guyer,. Stalih Iliddleton Ellen Ittipl.y, 04.orge Fl ter, " ' e .Wilholu S. Mullin, John 0 Reeser, Sliver .Spring. . • ," -• ' .1 W. Lohlig, Georgo K...Utiey, .1. 'Look, Peter Conklin, ' Upper Allen 0 - ,loolioa Culp„ . . • " I , Jacob Chisnell, • Rest Pennsboro . 0 . - J. W. F .Ir, • George Emrich, New Cumberl'd' through.. Ilenry'llopmon, • I= CLOVIS AND CAMIMNIIES, Jug . : a,lughton Henry Pohly,, John F,aller, John Honnon, hi grl.4.Vl4.lVillifl • RESTAURANTS. , Frederick Ilebner,, Samuel Browit John Brown, hointin'S.,Colbort i - -11 TINA ro Jonoa , Wont Ward. Adam Hoffman, ' " , Nllllam Reactor, llorriugh. Jolla Holoy, l'ilochanlcahurri . . • 'Ail Monson mud ha lifted within, 5 day! after .granted, or they wilt Clark of Quarter flerlone.! J2AILROADS =EMI WINTER .kRRAN¢pIEI,7. Monday, December 27, 1869 • G. A. Z.: moLLs. Gen Sup't Heading; l'n. ln,ernter .17,1.560. WESTWARD ! o.AST W A 0 N. LULL Supt. o tll 011 Ice, Nto, 0,4i9 EINIEBI RIITAIL TB CaTato_ • 'Borough MEI 31(1SCRALAX4 . 0,.17a. - 21. MAtO'NHEiMER. J• Dueler to CHOI6Ii VASIILY GROCERIES, FINE QUALITY, OF TE4B, PURE SPICES QUE ICNSWARE, fILASSWAItE, STONEWARE, WOODEN, AND I, 11 ILLOWWARE DIST BRANDS OF FAMILY FLOUR SALT AND FISK. ALL KINDS OP COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT AND BOLD HOUTHWEAT comas PITT AND P3MPRET STREETS I Cdec6o CANDY ! CANDY I ! Th aubscrlbox keeps constantly on hand, at No. 35, Yost Maio street, s lafgo atock of Franck and A moriena Candle°, Nnto, Frolta, Ac., conidstlng of EZEIMM! racin LEMONS, PECAN NUTS, RAISiNS, ENGLISH WALNUTS, PIGS,CREAM ,NUTS. PRUNELLAS. " DROUND'NUTB, COOOA NUTS, . AND CIIESTNUTS. ALMONDS, MI TAFFIES OF 'EVERY VARIETY; each a Walnut, Coquonut, Fig, Fruit, Butter, Scotch, Cocos Chard, and Coeds Strip. FRESH CAROIitEL EVERY DAY, I suannacture largely, and can supply the Trade and Hucksters on reasonable terms. - Ito not forget the place, .44 , 8- No. 36 WEBT MdIN STREET, * CARLISLE, PENN'A., D. W. BURKHOLDER MEM PraLADELPIILt PLASTER WORKS, COATES STREET WRARF CALCINED AND LAND PLASTER =3 Bol'l2 DUET, TERRA AL RA, &a., &o ANY inquiry will receive immediate answer. Satisfaction in peke and material assured, and shipmants promptlyinado. = 'Lb7C ly (10,000 GUARANTEE IlUk'K LEAD Excels ull other LEAD! First. For Its Unrivaled Whiteners. Second. For ltx Uurqualod DuroHilly TlCrtf. -Fur Its thiaurpaxEed Covering I'rop•rly fm• ite Ecortomy.—Qt 40w- IT emit., lean to twilit with Buck Lead, than coy other White Lola extant.---The aame—weight e..vora morn aurfoce, it more dumbio, and maims whiter work. Mit= I=ll2 ESE =1 ll=l Firt.o For fie Unequaled Durability. =1 Third. }or Ite nititirptidmed Covering Property loultly, fur Its Unlit ECOII 1111 l bring the chrapeet, lettebteeret, and most durable White Paint in the murbt. BUCK LEAD, AND BUCK ZINC ; TRY IT AND DE CONVINCED; mtbditeibon Ounro teed by tilt. 'lantifeeturerg R UCK COTTAGE COLORS / relrn r.l .•a let e../1 y for 1 II ha/UK Outbuililinxis of esi•ry NVri; limn , Ferweg, ko Thirty-limo iiiffermit U oifurm, and Itenutifol Simileo uuplo c , rd. newt by Deillerti 3 Oriliqw will b.. trot• ly executed lunnu lite to rot, FRENCH, RICHARDS LE CO., W. Cidlt. 'O:NTH D .11AltKiT STREHTS PHILAbELPIIIA =II BY HENRY BAXTON.& ('O., =I C I:A. ------' tqjatliolY SPECIAL BARGAINS. OG . I L B 'S, / .47,W ST, MAIN ST.REgT', ALL GOODE REDUCED Pleaini•Call, nod be courlaccra j lat wo cad sell goods tit prlces that doff Sosslislltlon c: 24mbiQ FISK te 11A2'011; BANKERS. OFFICE OF-FISK-& R'ANKF. R.* A N 7) EX 1, I.; S GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, 4 No. 5 Nassau Street, New York, The remarkable sure, as which attended our ne gotiation of the Loans of the Central Pnafc Railroad Company and tho Western Pacific Railroad Company, wad the popularity and credit which these loans have maintained In the markets, both in tills coun try and Europe, have shown Gist the First Mortgage Bonds of wisely located and. honorably managed Railroads aro promptly recognized and readily taken 'as the moat suitable, safe; and advantageous form of Investment, yielding a morn liberal Income than can hereafter be derived from Government Bonds, and winnable to take their place. ' ' Assured that, in the selection and negotiation of superior raliread loans, we are meeting a gr'ear. public want. and r. ndering n va.nable service-150th to the hot vrs of capital and to these great national works of 1, tcrnnl Improvement whose Intrinsic merit and substantial character entitle them to the use of capital and the confidence of inv,stors—we now offer, with, special confidence and satisfaction, FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS Chesapeßke and Ohic. RAILROAD COMPANY The Chesapeake and,Ohlo 'Railroad, connecting the Atlautle coast and the magnificent he'bore of the Chesapeake 1107 with the-Ohio MT. r, at a point of reliable navigation, and thus, with the entire Rail road system and water transportation of the great West and Southwest, forms the additional EAST AND WEST TRUNK LINE, so impeintrvely demanded for the accommodation of the Immense and rapidly growing transportation between the Atlantic ...aboard and Europe on the ono hand, and the great producing regions of the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys on the other. The importance of this Road as a new outlet from tho West to the sea magnifies it into one of national consequence, and insures to it an extensive through traffic from the day of its corn; lotion; in the development of the extensive agricultural, and mineral resources of Virginia and West Virginia, It Posseie.es, &Goa Its mfiti Doe, the elements of n largean - dnfofitablirloral business. Ihne tho great Intereate, both general and local, which demand tho completion of the Chersapealce and Ohio Railroad to the Ohio river, afford the mirest guarantee of its success and value, and render it th,Mcit important and substantial railroad enterprise now In progress ito this country. superiority as an Vent and West route, run the promise of an immense and profitable trade awaiting die completion, have drawn to It the a Walton and cooperation of prominent capitalists and railroad men of thin oily, Of sound Judgment and known In to4rity, whose connection with It, together with that of eminent eltize no nun lousiness men of Virginia and West Virginia, Insures all energetic, lionn'rityo, and successful management. PlOllOOlOllB The - road le completed and in oporAtion from Richmond to the celebrated White Sulphur Springs of Went Virginia, 2 237-miles. and there remaiit but .2.oo . miles (now partially constructed) to be com pleted, to carry It.to the proposed terminus ou tho Ohio river at, or door On , mouth of the Big Sandy river, 10 miles shove Cincinnati, and .350 miles below Pittsburg. Lines ore now projected or le progress through Ohio and Kentucky to this point, which witl rennect the Chesapeake and Ohio with tho entire railroad systems of the West and Southwest, I.tl with the Racifititatirsattl. Its valueltle franatiw , wrol wlventag,, will place the Chetapeake and Ohio Rail ood Com pany among the richest and most powerful and trustworthy corporations of the country; and there exists a present value,_ In completed road and work done, equal to the entire amount of the mortgage. Tho details of tho Loan have hem arranged nllh special referenco to the Ivan is of all ebonies of in vestors, and comblno the various features of cot venlence, eafoty, and protection against logs or fraud. The Hoods are in denominations of $l,OOO, $5OO, and $lOO They win be Issued as COUPON 80ND.3, PAYABLE TO BEARER mid may be held ill (hill lorm; vi The Bond nuq La regioti red le the HUMP of the owner, with the eon'pons renqning pnynble to bearer in twined, the principal !wing then rainfern- ble °llly on tho !pool. , or 11w COIIII.OIO r itroikl.rd 1.. 1.34,r; or '1 Ilk' C4lllll/1. 111/1p lu tle•achi,l atel the llund lihmto u Permanent Itegittter,tl Itumt, traulter. also, only ou the le ohs et Ow t . . , lnputy, and the lute eot zuadepliyalill• only to thv regi.tered on ner or bin a term}. I= 14t. " Coupon 13omis payable !,“ ME 2d. " Registered Bonds with Coupons attached." 3d. "Registered Bonds with Coupons detached, '.' awl nlitgititl Fil dosi unL I l•y it r.ppelfyitig Om Oa. of 11.11,11 x They have Thirty ,Years to rliu (tom 35.1.,ry 15 157 e. %kith inter A 31 biz per'i;.rti per nnhum frein No, I, I'll h.f•CIPA I. D NTERKST PA YMILE INTOOId IN,Taxsivr OF NEW YORK. . The In rrn t in llgn6lo In M A AND NOVI.UIIIIII, that it may take the plan, of that I,f the etrlier Insmx of Ff. TWelliVel, and suit the convenience of our biennia who already lank Central and . Western Nellie Bonito, with Interest payahle in January and July, and who may desho,'ln . anakinkt additional laventiamitH, to Lase their insteront re,9lvatdo" at different monsoon of the The LO3lll Is secured by a mortgage upon the ant lens lino of road, ?rem Richmond to the Ohio riser, snit"! tlan eiptipmeat and all other t roperty and anipurte !MlMl connected 111,1,161 A Stoking Fella 'of $lOO,OOO pen. ann or.. Is pro vided fur the redemption of the Bonds, to take effect one yew after the completion of the road. The mortgage fu fer 515,0 0 ,1,000, of which $2,000,000 will be reserved anti held fa trout far the redemption of outs aiding bonds of the Virginia Central ltall roka Oompany, now merged n In the Chesipeake and 0 10. Qf the remaining $13,000,000, a sallieleut anniunt willlietkold•to !complete the road to One Ohio rlyyr, porfoot and haprove the portion now in operation, and thoropghly equlja the whole fur a large and' active traffic; s „ . ~, Tho present price Is 00 uud nccruud Interv.t. A Loan so amply sectqed, eib ductility - guarded, used so certain bereattor to command 11,prominent piano anteing the favorite sec urit les ln tine markets, libtit of this country and .linditio, wlll lir at once atmreeintrd and quickly 41,110.0.1., Very rolivert fully, P. B.—Wehite.i leaned p4mpLlalx Sentainlng full • particulars, statistical details, maps, ate., 'which w in be Punished upon applienllop. . Wu buy pod'Wc,ll GOVERNMBNT BONDS; and receive the accounts of =MI ntni others, subject toubork nt sisbt,.and allow to teroet daily balances. ! • ,:••' • 911113704 m February 15, 1570 OEM 0 i FIRK HANEFREI .lIANICEAB, oonionnams, CANDIDATES. OR SHERIFF.=I . hereby.. offer - iiiyj ' wolf an a 'cantliolitto fur the of fi ce of SHERIFF. on Ject to the deeielon of the ItCpubllcan Nominating Convention • . It. N. SENNOLER: Carlilole, Marelt 2, 1670. 3mltto - - MIOR tho solicitation as of n number of It. publlcano throughout the county, I olTor myself nu n cruelutato for Lilo nom hut (lon of Sheriff ot the next County Convention, eule Pet to Ito dorlolott. 17tohte Carnal; March 10,1670. ILIISCELLA NEC! US, . 1 011NAtilOADF 1870 HARD WAIL E LENOX" SAXTON SA.XTON EAtT MAIN STREET, Dealers in Hardware, Iron, Cutlery, &c., Carlisle, Pa. • lerehyllllll9oncf: to the poblb:, Oint hey Intend selling everything In their line, either wholefolo or otail, at prices much lower than ran tin bought thin Idn of Philadelphia Our stock en.lBo la part of BUILDING MATERIAL OF ALL D ESC II PTI ON g Paints, Of • roil 'int/ , Shovels, lines, Forks, Itakefi, Spodee, Crow blui, ' Sledges, Picks, Alto a foil nod well selected assortment of Putty, Vartdeltea, Cement, Fleeter, Sand, Powder, Safety fuse, Table and Packet Cutlery Mechanlcs' Tools, A full etook of P•ARM BELLS, 47 , Plana, llamas, Cimino, Grain bags, Ropee,Hays, nod Ray Elevators of all descriptions GUNS, PISTOLS, POWDER, SHOT, CAPE, and ammunition of all Icinds Thankful for past favors, by strict attention to business we hope to receive a continuation or the 11. SAXTON & CO. ALL PERSONS knowing themselves h.dottm t Henry Saxton aro tequenteo to make imm•diato settlement, and those basting c 1.11.1111 to prt-nott them IT settlement, as I visit to close up my books to Jannaryl, 1870 HENRY SAXTON. 27jan70. PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY --c -3xAT.,-; 1~000,000 JOHN B. REESE & CO., O ENERAL AGENTS, (IFTTen.; 122' South Delaware ave., Philadelphia, 10 South street, Baltimore. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GTJANQ =1 Middle andFonthorn Stat. lute siren more general and uniform gatli.f.tetion ti nu thix guann Thy trade lii it h. htesdily I urreaged tlntil -the onnunptlon now thronoaout tho enliro country liir nriy other fertilizer The In capital loyal, dal In iI4 Irralutelon ttliortht the surest guarantee of IL, vontutuell -exert Th.• emniatti3 ha, A fat ~inter Intrust iu ll= =EMI csfisilmi•ts cm) Itsnsu It It the highest Inter. ei of tha , mnpany 1. pal tho Load: fortillzor Into mar =1 solvittliv pr.litre Thin is al retail Ita tigttnin i /I ribmpany Ihttoighout Now Je,..y I.lawarv, Pena and the Southern Stator. and nt 1k 1101V.IM .10!IN 111.:EtiE 3: CO. (*lomat Agents for the Company liffubig=3ma,‘T2m INTER. NA L REVENUE NITED STATES 'INTERN A f, U n,FE.„ • Appeatton Annual Taxes in the Fifteenth Collection District of Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of York, Cumberland, ❑nrl Perry. - N. 111.1.1 —An :Ippenl .111 1... lii 1.1 a oh. I Ch Allen In Yn 111 Thurrtlay, April I, and 7, 1570, on the n. , ..0. , -niont of tIo• annual' .of Income p.• urns for tho yo•r Iton; tlfo I.IOU ,perkj t,I appli.itllon.,t t.ritt f, ut Mar I, IS70: and 1111 thr rv•turu• of to tiol.~ in roleltalo A. oi/. cordage., rod 611 , 111 . 5, in kept far u.o tul . the lIr.I .In: of NI •reh, 1.70. %then and oluronfl p0i..., In !oft-toil tune tottood • V1I). F. W 11.1.1 .1:11S, Ass., or kV Im lab I)i' I, 1, ra. 1"1.1.. Vol k, Ph, dI arch 16, 1 , 571,- .I-24i0 TT NI TED STATES TERNA T. lJ lEVENUR. potucTioN OF ANNL AL T. FO., is7o. =I Car.lAlt., April 1,151 , 70. j Purnitani.lo the Internal Itevenue Lnnsoftlte Unite Hates, allii•pesseil 0.111116 ttlllllllll list of 1t 70. or 144 111.0, Tax On Hoge, (Until Wolelo, 111110, ke. , nro loirelly notified that - the CiAvviiir of tlio District. or tin Deputy will lie present to receive the nfiiieiial.l taxes, at the (Imo -111.1 Owes ci'maxikipiNp AND At Mitten Brillp,port. on *inlay, ApH I 18, ISIO, from noVen o'vhck, a. In ;to Metre o'oiook M.. for last I't , '' boro',,llantrion, and Al. lon town.hips, ettioholhold . comity, .itntl. Poirviem township, York comity. , At the 'lallr. ad !foto!, dioldstroo',.on Morda), April 18,1870, from o'clock. V• to. to li. to. for port of the seventh thvivion, including Cinewago, Newberry, and Warrington townships. York r 011111). At the American dbK, I, 51. clinnlcalmra., en "pace. tiny awl Wednrs..ily, Aim' 19 and 2n, 1870, lit the town hips of Silver Spring, Upper Allen, and Mon roe, and the hoiongli of Mccli•nleabur,r, Cumberland county: and the t .wu.hlpn of khan nrintli, Cot 11.1, Franklin, :it'd Washington, an I the borongl: of U,lh burg, York county. At this n'..:106 of the AoMatt Pi Shipp., 011 Thursday, April tl, PT O, for the townalln.n, of 41tIponushurv, B ,, ntlimplon, and llopowoll, ma. the boroughv or S1 , 1111..11.4.10;1..1 n owburg. At the rhino nf ,Coi. hi. 11. it oollhorn, forluorly oc• e . oplell by Ax-Isfitl,t him; at Nowvllla', on Frailty lin& Saturday, April 21 nod ta, lhio, f.t. thn 10,1,116114. of 11111Ln, Frankfurt!, W. it Pomo, boro', Penn, and Nowt..ll and tho borough . of Now .vllle.. Ai the olliee In Carlisle. on Tuesday and Wedni /Any. April 20 00,1 27. 1870. l r the townships Of No th Middleton, South Middletoh, Middlesex. aNLlAttklnson,lttl tho borough of Carlisle. - . PERltrdburav At Eittunates hotel, Landisturg. op Tuesday ; May 10, 1870, fur the townships of 'Tnboyno, Jachson, 1,11011 , 0 n, Barium, T)rone, Carroll, null Spring; nut the borough of Land smug. - At Ithlnestnith's hotel, Now ,Illoomfleld, on Wed. tnominy,ltay 11, 1870, f r the townahpa of Centre, Juniata, nod Tuscarora, and the borough of N'en 111..0185.0d. x At Parrett's lintel, Newport, en Thursday. May 12, 1870. for tho townships of P hvattlrld. littler, °dyer, Watts, Howe, Buffalo. fliektwnod 'had ,Liverpool, and the bordughs of Newport, 31111erotown, Livor• pool, and New At Stephenson's Hotel, boo rani,, 1 1 , iday, Sfay' 13,1870, for 'he tow, ships of stye and Penn, null the borough of Ihntrannon. ' . TAKE NOTICE.—IIy the Caw, o, dunend, II Mord, 2, 1807, parties falling to pay, at the time xpeeilled above. will Incur the following expenoes :—twenty cents for notice and four route per title (ornery', of the xnmo, with five ber centutnpenalty and Inter, fit at One per runttun per month additionid. The above nudttioned places have been ecleried - the MONt. * central. In the srveral divixbmn. emit mdse couvenient to the Tax Payer, and all partle,itre .re• 4triited to pax on the thiys nod at thu t lineo4fpee i fled JOSEPH' NV:P4TTON, 'Collector FiftoentlitE:striet EXECUTOR'S NOTICE, ate hut Letters Austainentary oh esteto of Margaret Forbes, Into of Wi•at Pen:tabor& tow ' , Alin de ginned, having boon granted to the , Folbscriber, reeidlng iu - I.nitt townaldnotti person. , knowing thenntokon in dobtod thorato nro requegeg to make_ payment, and.. thorn It sting cia.m., Or - dentandat'to present them, duly authenticated, for setlititnent, to , WILLIAM , Executor. 81A0i6t • WANTED. • : „ • A no f mmicrpor—onn o v ho thoroughly underotituthi tliu bluthiesr—ot Um Bigots Iloilo, to whom llbornlW , lmea will hu slum. Inquire Immo , dintoly. " 24,m1,701t ••• OHO. Z. BENTZ Propriolor. o • . • 1870. BEEMIER!