cijs darlitts VrraPir. CARLISLE, "3IARCH 31, 1870/ Early market on Saturday morning. To-morrow (Friday;) ie All Fool's day Eager Sunday comes on the seven teenth day of April this year. -- The next Annual Conference of .the Methodist Episcopal Church, will con vene at Carlisle, In March, 1871. The newly appointed pastor of Emory Chapel ' will preach on next Sabbath morning at eleven o'clock, and in' the evening at seven o'clock. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will bendministered in the morning. The Sabbath - School will meet, as usual,, at two o'clock in the afternoont It is umiecessary to tell our readers who is John B. Gough, the world re nowned orator: His singular ability as a lecturer has made his name as familiar as a household word wherever the English 'language is spoken. To hear him _is a treat which no one who loves the charm of fascination of the Most brilliant - elovience is willing to forego. Our citizens will be favored with a lecture from him on Friday evening, April 1, 'at Itheem's Hall. Mr. John H. Rheem will be at the Hall from three to six o'clock, on Friday, for the sale of tickets. On Sunday night the twentieth in stant, a man by the name of Henry Hef ner was shot by another named Jesse Diehl, at the corner of Half and New streets in :York; under the following cir cumstances.. Some persons had thrown stones at Diehl's house, when ho came out and meeting Hefner at the corner and supposing him to be the guilty party, drew his revolver and fired upon him. The ball penetrated the bat and skin on one side of the forehead passing round to the other side, where it was cut out by Dr. A. 11. Blair. The wound is not necessarily mortal although. Hefner is represented to us as lying in rather a critical condition.— York Democrat. On Thursday afternoon last, a buggy containing John Humer, jr.,, and Robert B. Weaver, collided with a horse mounted by Isaac -Parsons, on East Main street. The particulars are, as follows: The buggy was moving Along at a pretty rapid rate-of speed, and as they neared the horse, he , shied, aid jumping to the side came in contact with the buggy, knocking off both front and hind wheel on the left side on which Mr. Weaver was seated, and injuring him slightly. in the knee, and severely internally. The ma chine was a complete wreck. , About half past nine o'clock on Satin day morning last, flames wore discovered issuing from the frame stable' of Dr. Geo. S. Searight, situated on Mulberry alley, ,between Main and Louther streets. This building was entirely destroyed. The flames then communicated to the stable Of H. C. Murray; and the building occu pied by Jacob Strock; and used as a slaughter house ; these buildings were but partially destrovd. By the efforts of thefiremen who wore promptly on the spot, the conflagration was prevented from•becoming general: The Doctor's loss was.about.s2oo,_ow_whichathermiszio. insurance. Mi. Murray also loses sloo,' his property ismot insured. The damage done to the other property is aboutslso, on which there is. an_insurancm _ supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. As a lady..the wife of a respectable cit izen of this place, was returning from a sale in the country, on Tuesday evening, about sunset, neared the fair ground, she was attacked by a negro, who knocked her down, breaking one of her fingers and otherwise' iiljurin her, and attempted to commit an outrake on her person. Before he had time to ac complish his hellish design, Mr. Park Henderson and a colored man, who were nearby, hearing her cries, came to' her assistance. The. negro. ran, but .was finally captured near Henderson's Mill, and taken to jail. He gave his name as John Myers. Twenty years in the' peni tentiary is too mild a punishment for a demon of this kind. On their return from the fire on Satur day morning last, taking advantage of the time and opportunity nilorded, 'the Good Will Fire Company ,housed their apparatus in their new building; on South Hanover street. Owing to the great difficulty experienced by the members in getting their steamer to fires from their former house, it is decidedly a change for,the bettor. The new building will compare favorably with any structure of the kind in the State, and ono - of which the members may truly feel proud. Would it not be ailvisable to have the small indezboards, on which tho' names of streets and,alloys are marked, - mint- Wed or repainted. In a great many cases we notice that the name has been entirely obliterated. Several new streets and alleys have been opened and named within a few years, which have never had an index board, to indicate to the passer by the name thereof. The first annual ball of the I. 0. R. M.. Conodoguinet Tribe, No. 108,, will be held in Rheem's Hall,. Carlisle, Monday, April 18, 1870. The grand feattire of the. entertainment will be the appearance of a treupo of real red men of the Octo rpra. Tribe, who will perform 'the war dance, scalp dance, burning at the stake, scalping, marriage -ceremony, &c. For a good -hearty laugh, and an evening's entertainment, go see the "big Ingin Tickets GO cents aud $l.OO. =::=1 All Pool's day is rapidly. approaching, and NOll i no doubt be observed by the ju venile portion of our cornmanity:' They will 'endeavor to sell every person. they can, arid enjoy a hearty laugh at the e2r pens° of their viotims. Reader,, watch yourself on the first of Apri The" lecture of Dr. IlimeS upon the Recent Solar Rclipee, announced in the' last issue of tho•HICILA.LD, in connection with a notice of Dickinson Mission Chanel, , will *be delivered in 'Rheer r oi, Itall on. Friday, April 8, to commence at eight o'olock, p. m, The prieo' Of ad• mission has been fixed at 25 cents', an almost nominal sum to bolDaid for a rich solentiBo, roost. In recommendinithis jeottire to tho,publio, weneed do Mailing more than try, to impress upon each, the intrinsic Interest of the subject, and the ability_Of the. legtttrOk.'. Tickets tan be_ obtained at Saxton's Tltyriaard — Store,^ Blate,tiGeooety sto r m, Horn's Drug store, ituyeiretiok's Drug store., • Boston contempiates anottior greai mu , illoal noise, • , • • — The - brder. of the United Americitte . Mecbanice; generilly, purpose celebrat ing the eighth lay of .July, next, with appropriate ceremonies: It being the twenty-fifth anniversary of that organic ration. . . Our attention. is frequently 'to tlie - lifactica of boys mutilating and de facing posters, &c. We would inform the-persons so engaged in this` bid habit that itisliot_only wrong, but there is a law prohibitingit,,, and im posing a severe penalty, on ail employed in this mischief. - ' Hon. John Stuart, of South Middleton township, one of our. oldest and best known citizens has paised to thehome Of his father. He died at his residence on Monday last, in the'seventy-sixtl4ear ef_his ago, leaving behind _him a family_ of thrifty and well to do people. Start ing a poor and honest boy, he succeeded go well in life as to be able to give each and every ono of his sons a good, 'square start as he reached his manhood, and each one of them, We arc glad to re cord, by his thrift, energy, and industry has been successful in swelling the patri monial estate.' Judge Stuart was for •fifteen yearsan Associate Justice of Cumberland county, first appointed by Governor Porter, - in 1842, and lastly by Governor Slunk, in 1847, and retired in 1851. fo served on the bench with Judges Reed, Hepburn and Watts. As a friend, Judge Stuart was warm and ardent, al ways ready to lend a helping hand to those in need 'or distress. Honest and upright, just in his dealings, generous at home and abroad, his memory will live in the hearts of his friends long after his body is mouldering in the grave.' At a meeting of the Carlisle -Bar on Wednes day,morning, on motion of Lemuel Todd, esq., and ably seconded by W. 11: Pen rose, esq., a committee-of seven was appointed to draft resolutions of respect to the memory of the deceased, which we hope to present to our readers next week. Mr. Baker, clerk in Saxton & Co's hardware store, on Main street, met with an accident on Friday morning last, which providentially did not proye fatsl in its results. It appears that he had been filing at the hammer of. a revolver, and in order to ascertain if he had reme died the defect which -had existed, he placed a cartridge in the chamber, and recommenced filing; while se'engaged the revolver went off prematurely, the ball entering the fleshy portion of the left hand, and passing out at the wrist, went through his vest and - shirt, striking him on the left side, and glanced off. The wound inflicted, although very pain ful, was not serious, and we are pleased to learn that the young. gentleman is in a fair way to recover. John Clare, charged with the murder of Henry B. Grove, formerly of Carlisle, on October 10, 1865, was acquitted on Tuesday last. At the •first trial he was convicted murder in the first degree. The defence asked fora now trial for en•or the indictment, which was granted After a long delay: It has been five years since the first trial, during which time Clare has been imprisoned in the Balti more county jail. The verdict of ac quittal was , received with cheers by Clare's friends, but the public are much surprised, at it, as the evidence seemed to be strong. against the accused. Considerable damage was done by the Equinoctial storm of Sunday last A barn which was being taken down at the eastern_encLof-town_somewhat—facilita— ted matters by tumbling over. About twenty feet of,tho roof of the forgo of Jacobs & Bricker was blown off; fences were every where strewing the ground piomiscuosly, and even large trees were uprooted. George M. Graham, Esq., formerly of 'West Pennsboro' township, and for the past few years a resident of Newville, died at his residence, in that borough, on Sunday morning, the twenty-seventh instant, in the sixty-eighth year of his age. The deceased was a decendant of one of the first families that settled in Cum berland Valley. His grandfather, Jarnea Graham, purchased from the Penn's, in 1745, a largo tract of bind, Vicated on the south side of the Confidoguinet creek, about two miles east of the borough of Newville. `Thomas Graham, the father of George M., had a piirtion of this land allotted to him by his father, on which ho resided until his death, leaving the deceased, his' only child. George M., con tinued is reside upon, and cultivate the inheritance derived from his ancestors,, until within the past few years, when ad vancing years, and impaired health in , duced him to leave his farm, and remove to the pleasant village of Newville. The deceased was a man of reading and in= formation, and possessed the confidence and esteem of all to whom he was "known. Genial and pleasant in his sp. cial intercourse, ho had many friends, and we do not think he had any enemies. For three years be held the, office of County Commissioner, and thus acquired an extensive acquaintance. -in early life he became a member of the order of Ma sons, and was one of the oldest members . of that ancient order in the county in which he resided:' Announcements There is as much difference 'betWeen Lochrnan's finished Photographs, and those of a beginner,- as there is between an elegan t penman - ship, and a schoolboy's scrawl . ; or between a fine speaker, and, a neophytes lisping, limping,attompt at reading. . Gallery removed from Mrs. News building, opposite BaxtbietP Hardware, Store. • Moving engaged the services of a prac tical piano and organ maker, I will open on Monday next,. April 4, a regular re pair shop, whets I will be prepared to do all kinds of repairing to pianos and' or gans: For particulars, enquire at my music store, No. 11 West Main street. JOHN H. RIIEEM. :•-• For direct acting steam pumps for .mines, • &e.," that will pump from 12 gallons to 8,00 per minute. Go to MrLanahan,.ptono & Isett, Holl4lays-• burg, Pa. • . • . 31'1,rinabani Stono & leott,• Hollhlays.; burg, Penneylvimio, Manufaoture station ary engines, . boilers;' , direct noting , blowing engines. Player, ,Thomas and other hot bloat. Brais and enOt ings from one .111. .20,000 . 11 )8.i Ps& .kinds of machitiOri. •-• ' .fiteam pumP. Who pump, can, be diti= connected fromtheliretigine, and .engine I used fordriyieg tiny kind of ma!ohinerg. gas and witter.pipe, steam M'Lanahan, Btono • Isett, Ifollida.rl bdtt Pa. l'ifeblitd • '"TaW IrANDES, Aoknirwledged to be the beat known 'perfume. For sale by 'JOIN H. IPEIBEId music ,etore; Carlisle Pa. • 8004 • FOR SALE OR : RENT. • -, • The tiousO in which I live, with or witl?mtt lots adjoining. W.V.,fize.snan, No. 186 13butl Hanover' street. • CARRIAGE FOR BALE light carriage, la thorough repair, for attic. Apply at the barracks, to . J. P. PlATi;ili. MarCE - ;- : ' A Photograph Galiciry,sFell established and - doing a good business can-be bonght , cheap for cash; if appliedfor soon.- Call on or address J. C. LESHEII, Carlisle, Pa OPENING Of the spring fashion, on Thursday, March 31. The ladies of Carlisle_and vicinity aro respectfully •invited to call and examine the extensive and beauti ful stock of Pattern Bonnets and Hats, Millinery and Dress Trimmings, Kid Gloves and Silk Dresses, at tho Bazaar of Fashions, under the Marion Hall, Main strdet, Mies TzEimen LOB IMPORTANT TO. SOLDIERS By a decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, made March 14, 1870, all soldiers who enlisted fox-three years, prior to July 22, 1861, are entitled to a bounty of $lOO. Men whO enlisted after July 22, 1861, are not entitled un der this decision. The undersigned is prepared to collect all claims arising from the above decision. Tirxr,mur B. BUTLER, Carlisle Pa 81mh7Otf - Every person goes to the Carpet Store or Frysinger & Weiser's, in the. Bentz House;Tor — a - full assortment and choice selection. We have line of oil cloths in'all widths ever brought to this market, also Mattings in all widths, he: sides tire largest variety of Carpets, Mats, Window Shades, Yarns, and Look ing Glasses of all descriptions in this valley. Prices are down. Thousands have been changed byl the use of the_peruvian• syrup, (a protoxide of iron) from weak,' sickly, suffering creatures to strong, healthy, and happy women and children, and invalids can not reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. For dyspepsia and debility it is a specific. The Educational Climate is a first class family journal, devoted to pure, high toned litera.ture. Its aim is to furnish in alpopular and attractive style the latest results - in scientific, educational, and lit erary labors, and in these respects is well deserved. ~_ The March writers 'contains valuable ar ides-by-such writers as Prof. John B. Hart,.Elihu Burritt, etc., etc.; good stories inculcating the best lessons, avd much special matter in regard to Nation al Education in our land; not before pub lished. O. H. Turner ,k Co., 607 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, aro the publishers, and they deserve , thanks for the excellent residing they have provided for the home circle. Send for a specimen copy, and while you are writing the letter, send the amountfof your subscription, which -is-only-one dollar,--foryorrwill - bett7 after seeing it.. NEW 'ro-DAY. ANNU AL . FINANCIAL STATE moot of the borough of Carlisle, for the Ascot xeer.,etkdlog March 18; 1870. .1. W. OGILDY. Treasurer tIEOXIPT. To amount on hands per last etatement..s 44 07 Cuh received proceeds of Borough bond* issu. d Cub received of C. E. Ilaglaughljndien rollectid of Peter Faust 370 80 Cub received of JohnCorrunsm alum meats of strute c011ected........ Exhibition Mans s Rent of Market Mall. A. e. Lyoe, Clerk of Markets IL L. Hecker, deputy collector, 1808 . A. J. Welsh, collector, 1800., fut. e n Be. and Water Bond DISBURSEMENTS AND EXPENDITURES. Outstanding Orders of previous years. To cash paid Gas and Water company.... 8644 26 John Campbe:l, appropriation to _Empire • Hoek and Ladder Co , 18 8 800 00 I, T. Greentleld, Union Fro Co., 1808 • 150 00 (O.C A. Dldman, umberland Fire Co., 1805. 150 00 0 lir,iii,lon, Mono 108 20 S. M. Hoover, damage. on College atonal. 230 00 -Pater Spahr, .• North" • 160 00 Jacob Zug: ''loo 04 " John end Peter Fpahr, " 85 00 W. 11. Miller, damogee on Chestnut alloy 26 00 K. Donnelly, bal no StreatCommiationer.. 85 25 W.I. Lynck,,gas fitting . 88'60 Bratnon A Kennedy, printing • 55 OD 11. Saxton, gla.a,. die - 44 25 Pater Spahr, brick and hauling ...... .... 24 ea Orders drawn and paid for debts con tracted by previous Council. To cede paid, D.Blpe, and others, viewing streets I 27 03 .7. W. Gby, refunded tgl 11060-7-9 ...... . 35 00 Johnson Moorn,"damalres 070 190 W. G. Murray; in full Judg. for damages, , 700 00 L. T. Greenfield, 200 00 M. flandshoh, , " 100 no W. J. Shearer, 960 00 =I To cede paid Borough empty. redeemed' and int•reet.on Judgment A. L, B: ouster, gee and water B. Swart+, policeman Wia. Crouse. John Green, • ‘i • John T. Crozier, F. Cart, Levi ... J. T. Itipi ay J. humor, T. Campbell. ortra policeman Peter Monyer, high rconelablesk. e a. P. Myer., A. B Lyne, clerk of market Joseph W. tig DI, treasurer C.A. rornman, *errantry George Taylor, Janitor", - Samurai o,rnman, curator of graveyard... Gardner& Co., lamp poste, ko Camphsll & lienwood, gee fitting, *tr., .. A. B Lyne, repair., to gas lamps, &c O'Donnel punlp Britton & Bronedy, printing Itheetn k Dunbar, James Armstrong, preparing duplfrata,„,. James M. Allen, cervices as eters 'John Jacobs and tr. Cornman, Beet Ward rlection oapenum J. Worthington end J. B. Turner, West Ward election expenses Robert tlisaffer, Irvel •.. „ . It. McCartney selling market stalls, „ Jetties I oudon, stationery and•binding E. 1.. Shryock, justices fees 0. 5, Shrum espen•es to liarrieburg....,.. mac Cordyn, winding town cluck W. Gregg and -Georg., toucher, posting' ordinance!' Joseph W Ggilby, Interest on gee bite, stamps on bowl.. ite C. A. C.-roman, tamps, paper kr ..... George*Taylor. repairs to clock and Ire bill 0. R. Dilloten, approprletion'to Cumber ' land Sire. Company, 1869 John Martin, arpropriation to Union Sire company 18110 Jo.r h W. b glib y, appropriation to Good. Will /Ire company, 1860 John Campbell .appreprfation to Empire llerk and Ladder company, 1869 / John Doper, street commiesioner, work on. . street.. A Carbeush, work.on /Rat Main . street... E. Donnelly, 0 - 0.-A 'R. Shearer, stone for " • ~ Gm/ 121'1 Fire Co., " • • Spangler .6 Wit, on 0 " Deter Spahr, brick, sand and bawling Samuel Myers,, mason work; sad stogie for bridge.. • • 103 83 Jacob Dick, 1 pi for bridge:b., • • 26 00 Lewis Saber: building sister - 1115 00 Relehter k_ Spottswood, laying crowing,- • . And rePairlng Merkel Rolm pavements, • 83 97 Bbeatfor A McClellan, laying er. Datum, re.. ~, • pairing pavements, curb,. AC 4 • • •in 1) 21nunerman A Ottawa laying crowing.. 10 00, tepairag, Market :Ilona, ; pavement • • 29 75' Jonathan Zeigler, auk , A. lloffman, stony • 44 45 'Drinker k Jacobs and DD. lbsoisard, . 0 ~ 11 . 12 J . Park*, and J. Musick, - • . 30 25 Clock Will Fine tompany.. ; 800 - . 4 h o ear po ,,ltg r ers . b , imum33 and Dithk ithag regulato u ltil d o cio NEW TO-DAY. . B. Bugglea and U. Glpp, blackamlthlng... 1- - 6 83' W. 4 ennhedi repairing tool!, - , - .' ,16 00 13pahr a Bro.; hmel - . ... ". .. .".:.......'....." ' .6 00 J. Plonk and J 844.44.11499 ' • 810 Wm. Dianthe, pawl( •111onee Witool, hauling. - ' " ' sac B. Thompson, " \ • ' ;10 00 Delancey A Shroni,limharandcoal ' • -•'" . 104 20' Ileatem a Co., lumbier...,,,i c 79 67 Deotem d ElcCeonnlibn lamb r."....Y. ..... .. • l7 or wJ. Cameron, @hate, coal 011.'brocinia, do. " 26-33 John Low and J . M. Alaseitholmar,"• • l: 10 23 Mr,'. B.Elltott, 'moot 01l ' ' 180 B. Lytle. cunt, on cult , John Coutionp,a4lorney'a, fem. Total payments • ' . • INDEDT,EDNESS. - ' ' * ....... , Carlisle Gas and Witt e 10an...326,000 03 Culls los Borough lain, proper.. 28,400 00 . WardenJudgnient ' 600 00 , - • .-' Outstrnding or d ers 1,877 08' - . -185,277 04 I= Vev'en hundred and four shoes - -- Carnal° OAS and Motor Cou.- pony:stock, par value t 29,100 03 Lugacy of Mrs; Thorn , LOOO-00 - Due on street oeseeamrnt. • 810 CO Borhugh tax uncoilected,lBo9.. 359 29 Batches; lien '29 80 curigurt,Joditment • So 00 Caen In.bandu of Treasurer, (1,- 000 - 'Qua and Water-, bonds counted as crib,)' , rams of indobt,dneso BOROBOiI BONDED DRUZ FALLS DUE AD FOL. January 1,1876.. Janu.ry 1,1677.. January 1, 1r78.. January 1,1879.. January 1,1890.. BOUNTY STATEMENT To amount.on bands forMor est- . ~ dement' • $1,173 97 Ti }amount received of S. W, Harly, collector 1288 890 00 To amount received of H. L. ~ Hecker. deputy collector 1808, 2,163 63 To amount received' of 1. J. - Welsb; collector 01 1809 2,047 20 ' . - $7,214 18 By Bounty bonds, and interest due ind paid October 1, 1809, $3,090 00 By Bounty Coupons redeemaa, 990 09 By stamps tar bounty purposes; 1 14 By Treasuror'a Commission, $7,. 21446 By bsione in kinds of Tom IaCT 3,007 151 - 91,214 76 BOUNTY BONDS YiLL DUE January 1, 1871 January 1,1812 January' 1, 1818 Janu.ry 1, 1871 January 1, 1875 Total Bounty debt EMI= Bslnnen In hanalq.of 'X'rnik - Nurer.. 33,697 65 Oungt.o.nilng tax,lBoB 206 , 37 ' •• OalstandLoi tax,lBB9 indobtoSsieso, Izieso of bount We. the auditors of the borough. of Carlisle, do cur• tify that we have examined Oa foregoing Borough' and 11,unty necounta of .1.4011 W. Ogilby, Borough Treasurer, and find a Warm. duo sold borough of $1.900.30; and also a bola., due the bounty ac count of $3,097.65. •Wi to ass our hand. this twenty-first day of March, A. D. 1870. EECI pROCL A 31 AT I 0 N.—Whereas tho lion. James II Gmbard, President Judas of the eer.thl Courts of Common PICIII/ of the counties of Cumberland, Perry, and Juniata, and Jostle of the several Courts of Ojter and Terminer and General Jsil Delivery In said counties, and the i;on. Thames P. Om ai. arid the lion. Hugh Stuart, Judges of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliv ery for tbelrial of all capital and other offenders. In the said county of by thtir precept tome gr o e cat t da o t i c d o t y e e n r t h . n o! , January, oue .7 1 . 710 ik. ll i v e o r o y r to de ordere d e holden et Carlini., on the elevthth of April, 1170. be ing the second Monday, atilt o'clock in the forenooon. Notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the s Pesce, and Constables of the said county of Cunt - berlaittk that they are by the amid precepts tom msnried to be then and there lu their proper pereone, with their rolle d records, and inquisitions, essualna• Dons, and all other reatembrances, to dot: ose things which to their offices ;appertain to be dons, and all those that are bound by recogoliances to proeecute athtnet the prisoners that aro : r .then shall be in the Jail of said are to be these to pronecuto theni an shall be just. . . . . JOB. C. THOMPSON Sheriff. Sinuorp'e Orricx, Carlinlea . b. wiry 26, 1670. J 31mh70 . DRS. D. FARRNEY & BONS' -celebrat -preparation ler C S, NG THE .111,00 D. he_long natmorably_knortn_preparation_oLD D. Fahreey & Bon for cleansing the blood, need. at this day do recommendation at our hand., lts virtues having been eatubliehed by the annual:ale of cases where it has given relief in the Most Difficult Forma of Chronic Diseasee during th i s last sixty - years. So highly Indeed Is it esteemed. that the demand is. constantly lutreasing, not only at hbme, but we are daily receiving applica tions for it from the meet 'remote sections of the country—North East, South, and It est.. To meet this demand, ea well as to prevent the public from being Imposed upon, we have determined to put this PREP A.ll A T I qN 10,000 00 in such a form that it may be within roach of every body everywhere. Other preparations. far Inferior to the genuine,'. haring been put out by -certain parties. hat• been mistaken by Tome for our own. and WI • matter of course the old Preparation of D. Fawner k Eion has been made to suffer comet, Fs:natation; therefore to prevent this mistake, ,as w.ll at to meet the creasing demand mout , onen above; we limo con; cloned to send the Medicine out in " EMI 87 00 1,361 17 225 It 637 55 0,603 0 3 28:60 $16,323 06 LIQUID FORA We will Oro at the same titre put out the original in Wimp, form for the benefit of romp of our old euetoiners and others whe may ybt prefarthe media rive as flit prepaicd. Not re ommending it to Mu* all Demme the huiman body is heir to, but as • fern lie medicine, and for ail disinecs- orlginsting from Impure 'demi and disor,Wrad liver, It has no equal; and will cure the folbiwing diseases: Scrofula, cutaneous diseases, erysipelas, bells, .ro eyes, senalmed, pimples on the- face, totter aloe- Cods, old and stubborn ulcers, rkieumaticalifeetions, dyspepsia. costiveness, sick headset., Jaundice, salt rheum, general debility, mcreurlal diseases foul stomachoosether with all other dist niers arising Iron Impure blond, ail! disordered liver, lc„ prepared by Drs. D Sc Son. Dooriaborte, hiarydatid, and. Dr. Pk ,Vahrnoy. Ileedysville, Sold by all -druggists and merchants gonendly. Non. genuine uniesseigned D. Yabrney Apo* Boa bro. 1. Igera,•drultrist, Car dele ,• B. 8 druggist, ,• James A Clerk, Lees Cross Wads; John C. Attiok, druggist, Sitippensburg. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.. $ Au 17 Letters torten:unitary on the estate of Matgarat Worbee, late of West Pertrisbere' township, deceased, basing hears' granted,to the mbscriher, rending in told towniLlp,xll person• knowing themeolvva to dolled thereto me requested to, make payment, and those ittrlng clime, or &moods, to present them, duly authenticated, for settlement, to WILMA It Il v dIEE.. Executor. $2,052 60 I=l List of unclaimed lOttors romainini in the postofilco at Carlisle, Pa., for tho hook onding March 80, 1870: , . •.• • LADIES' Liar. 7, • • •Distablwith,'lMlti Elle?' Mrs .7(1911/• 'EI lott, Mrs Miff B Sotto's, Mho Hata ' collars, Emma Bome,vllle, Mb/. Mary Hunter, Mrs &limit Sell-n, Mn/ Elisabeth • Mel, Mr. Mita Stauffer, Mt* Bailie B llorr.d, Mlaa Anna 0 Elhormak,r, Mrs Mary has, Mri Kato ,• ' Etla t, Mfu Mary E Pyle, Mr. Laub* - Wale!, Mary B • Intatto, Mrs Susan 6SCITLS3IEN'd, LLBY. Adams, Jacob ' . •Nyffer, Dr.Charlea Atorio, William • '. Quint, John M • . 0 Vi • , • Brahm,.John J • . naboo,Ceorgo . nowerw,l3rorgo Wlltlom Sponalar ;Dolor, Joseph r . I „ Snyder, I A. Cooper, Samuel P Swiger, George W Campbell, Joseph Stly,mr, John N Dill, Abraham • iThatron,lohn A Fair, WilllKm . „ 7 humma, Willlam Yoh}, Rae John • Thematic, William cephart, John' Trostio, Andrew . Guildic, J Moses s. Oriminger, Alczaador • Worley, William W Heil, Daniel • • Wol.h, - Roller, John Wolf, J W Kum Chorine Waters, John Ratner. Jacob • - Wlll.y, Chorine Martin, A' • • Waggoner,Vmstrei II Mellinger, 'Levi Wllilemson, Tbomaa Miller, John • . !• • , : 22 CO 22 00 16 00 85.00 EH 2 40 SO 00 A. K. IMEEM, P. M IaIOR SALE.—That desirable . Private . Emblems. 4 .40 West Po 4 , fret street, Der• Able. The lot co for thirty • feet la frontiand 214 feet In depth. The impruyem outs conalat 'itcout modlous ' • , TWO' STORY...nut= ROUSE, containing' lodge Tarte - re, Dell, Dialog Room, itod Kitchen en the lower Moor, and eight coneeeleit ,Chambere. en the acoond floor, three over the hoot bulldlisg,.and. Dee .oyer the been' bulldlog. • Wsch noose bath Room, and Wahl, Close t, and gamll 444 running Into the cellar. All Arent In the yard and water on the second story., The tutimproperty la In moetnicellent condition, and the location one of the mout , deelroble la the tows'. The lot le well 'toads& with fruit, trnia , and shrubbery ' end unite a awake of gripe slam Of superior Tv by. For torms apply to ,A. L. BFONOLIDS. seal Datate Agent. 1499. 4 00 0 40 100 00 100 SO ioo oo 100 00 8,082 80 684 II 424 88 16 12 • 21 00 '.'' 17 00 828 00 . . • . ' Assistant Assessor'a °Moe, pii4 Div.,l6 Carlisle, March 12,1140. I IUOTiIbEAIS .hereby giiroa; 'that aU pensonatiMided and tarnished telt . iticomei blank% trhri 0,11 to mato a return , of their illEo4lle b7 - the thlsty , ,Aret day of March, will be aluteakA by the Asfletani Alesessor -front therlittrinfonnation he sin ,obtain, and,Alty per tint trill , be,pilded•totho, 'Amount Often. - • • '"; • • ' ..iAataa; !!42,04114t Assibtot TTED - STATES TDRN , VENVEL Appeal'on annual Taxes inthQFifteenth Collection District of -Pennsylvania, 'composed of; the Counties ofYork, Cumberland; and Perry. • - . • NOT/Mt.—Axe appoel .seilt be held at the U. dieeettee office. In•Tork, Pa., on •' ,Wicfnerday and Thuriday, dprii 0 and 1, 1870, on the; iimessment of the annual ,Ilst of ,Income re turns for the year 1800; the ,annual special tax , epPlieatlens ;Ming from May 1,1870; and on the r returns of EchodUle A, 'Adz. carriages, gold watches, Ito., owned or kept for . 111 , 8 on the arm daySafklarcb, 1570, when and where - all persons In terested may attend, ' • 00 00 $12,787' 78 Eigl3ll A Z(,F;IVS , CHERRY PECTORAL..--- Per rdiseases of the throat aud.'llingi, such tie eoughii, colds, tt hooking cough, krouchills, asthma, and consumption. Probably never before in the whole hktoryotmed: !eine, less anything_ won to widely and so,denply _the confßence of mankind, as this excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints. Through a+ long screen of ,years, and arbong moat of .the races of men It has sullen higher and.higkor la "their 'estimation, as it has became better known...lts dulform charactor and poir-r to cure the vast= affections of the luogs, and throat, have made it known as a reliable pro tector agsiret them, . : While adapted tg milderferms of Macao, and to yourigchildrso, It is at thisxamo time tho most effectual remedy that can he green for incipient consuroptioni . and the dangaroua affections of the throat. and lungs. As a provision against sodden attacks of 'croup, It should be kept ots hails in evoryfamily, and indeed as all are some. times subject to colds and conehs, all !should be pro= tided with this antidote for them. 1,001 30 8.10.863 88 $24,41a is ',-.l.lthoughsettlimiconit vyn to oM thought Weara ble, still great .number of comes where We disarms learned Settled, have been completely cureJ, and the patient restored to health 'by the Cherry Pictoral. So completely is its ma•tery over the - .disorder" of th" Lunsi' end Throst,that -the- most obstinatrrol thorn yield tcr - it When nothing else could catch them, trader the Cherry Pectoral they. subside and disappear. • ' Singers and Public Speakers find great praortion from it. Asthma is always rellevedand often whol y tired. .by it. • lfronebitle Is g morally cured by taking the Cherry Perron! In small and frequent dom. So generally are its vlrtliss known that we need, not publish themertlficair:s of them bore, or do more Ahan mere the publtc that Its qualities are fully, maintained. 03M . $25.800 00 . 700 00 __ 1'3;,4 5 22 . 12,000 00 00 For rover and Ague. Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Perbdlest or Bilious Fever, Ad, and Indeed a l tho allophone which arise from rualarious, marsh, or miatanatio pima. As Its name applies, It dews Cure, and does not all. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bismuth, Zane, or sine other mineraror poisonous substance whatever, it In nowt-el injures any patient. 'the number and Imp rtanco of its cures in the ague die trichs,Are literally beyond account. and we believe without a parall•l in the history of Ague medicine. our prldola gratified by the ucknowimigments we receive of the radical- cures effected In obstinate case., and wherAtither remedy ■ had wholly falli-d Unacelimated persons, either resident in, or trav elling through miasmatic localities, will be protected by taking the AGUE CUBE daily For Liver Complaints. cricing from torpidity of the Liver It is an excellent remedy, a imuLting the Liver into healthy activity. / • Fur Billions Disorders, and Liter Ccemplakits, it la an 'Me( Ilent rerfteds, produclug teeny truly remarka ble cures, Where other me,lichiew had failed. Propared by Da. J. O. Ana k 'CO., Practical and• Anel•:tical Chemistp Lowell , Mass., and mold all round tho world. EMI $3,000 00 3,000 00 9,000 00 3,000 00 9,0 0 00 $15,000 00 987 31 man 29 Ell 808 77 2mh7017 WANTED A houeekeoper—one who thoroughly underetende the buillnese—et tho Bents House, Car to whom ifl oral wave trill be gtveu. Inquire Inue 24tailiid3t ' OEO. Z BENTZ, Proprietor. WILLIAM B. MILMR, WILLIAM WOODS,• 4. Auditor, AFINE STOCK OF EARLY ROSE potatoes, warr4ntod pure .and, M EI. 60 per bushel, or Et per barrel. Any order. 'Moo& mall, for delivery at Paper town or CarMe, promptly attended to. JOEL V tERETBON, j•ltab7o3t Bendereville, Adams county, Pa. $ 2O REWARD. bu the twenty-third of Noveril, __Lii e doeoph Putt, son of Joseph Putt, left the residence of Jacob lieLy l'utt, 11 Idieburg township, Harks county, Pa Us had on an old svelte wool hat, black roundabout, whitish shirt, black pantaloons, with blue overall. over thorn. ' lio has dark hair, g 0 little curly, a big broad face,. and ...ft earring.. If he has not iho earrings on, anybOdy -an ten where his pierced. Ito Is about 14 )ovre of ago, JO:EMI PUTT, 21rnh70-4t Rob:soda P.O„ Barks county, Pa. SPECIAL BAR(IAINS:. ' , 47: WEBT MAIN STREET, goods at prl Os Mot defy compolltl. n UN I 7 4 I N ) ux. EITATER INTERNAL COLLF.OTI.OBI OF ANNUAL TAXEI 10 1870. , • : Ottice,./ifteentli Dist Penns., Carlisle,Xprll 1,1870. f Pursuant to the Internal Ratenbe Laws of the United Plates, all persona wstesed on the annual list or 1870, for Special Tax or LlCeare,, Tax.oo Imam., tar. rlagos. bold Watches. Plate, ka., are hereby.notilled that tits Coliector• of the District. or his Deputy will be printout to reality° the nro Maid taxes, at too times and places below named : • CUWIBIIhAND AND-YORK COUSTINS: • 'At Wilder's Hotel, Bridgeport. on Monday, April 18,1830, from seven o'ch ck, a. m, to twelve o'clock tu„ for East •Posinsboro% Hampden, and Lower. Al. hut townships, Cumberland county r -hod Yeirriew township, York county. - At the Nallroad Goldslsio.. on Mo• day, April 18,1810, fr0m.12% o'clock, p. ra. to 33 p. for part of tboaeveuth division, inefectirig Conewago, Newberry, and Warrington townships. York county. At the American. 11047, Mschanicsburg, on Tues. •Clay and Werinee•ay• April 10 and 20, 1870, for the town.blps of SliCer Ppring; Upper 'Allen, and roe, and the borough of Mechaniesbura,•Cumberland county .and the townships of Molitgbia, iOur. 1, Pratiklin,.aud 114•Iiington, ant the borough of Mils burg, York county. ••, . At the aloe of the A;sistant Assetwor, at Shippenas berg, on Thursday, April 11, 187 u, for the townshipe of hippousburiri. Southampton, and llopoWoll, and the borou4lus of Shippen.burg and Atiwbutg. At the °fats of Col. W.•ll.'lloodbarn, form Orly oc cupied by Assistant Autaisor 'Williams, at Newrillo, on friday and Saturday.Aptil 20 and' 23, 11110, f r the townships of Mifflin, Wranliford, Welt Poring bora', Penn, and Newton and the borough 'of NOW.' 'rill°. "'At the Colltetor'n °Mee In earllele: on' Pro eaday and Wedorsda y,rlprll 281 and 27. 1870, ter the teennehlpa of North Middleton, kloylh Mlddlatdo, .Mlddlreen; and Dlcklnion, and the borough of Carllile.• ' • PERRY 'COUNTY , , • At elbumanle Hotel, Landieburg. on Tumidity, .MAY 10..11510, for the toweahiva - of Toboyny, Jacheon, ,Madlion,, ,Carrell , and. Opting, and th : l 4trit l i:in o ftte i rkilTaleM Bloomeeld, on Wed: needeY, Hay It, 1810, .E r the to ernehga of Centre, Juniata, and Trumatora,' and the borough of New . . .At harrett's Hotel Newport, on Thursday. !day 'lB7u, for the township* of wheatfleld. Cidver, , Watts, Nowa, Buffalo, Oroenwnod , and Liverpool, and the .borougho. of Newport; 11111erstown, Livers, pool, and Now Dloomeold. , • ... . t Atephenson'ellotel, Duncannon, on Friday;llley Jpotro, for the towolthlpe of flys mod peon; and the loroughof Duirannon. • . ••TARE NOTION.,Dy, the LaW, ai , ardended March V 801; partly &Mpg to par at the , time opecilled • re, will Incur the following expennos—twenty Mute for rustles. and four renter per mile for servlOo of tlisi Came; with Are per cantons penalty and iatoreet 'atone per cantons' per Month additional. • • , • The &boy* mentioned, places hare been seleoled ac the most ventral In the arrant 'Motel: um, oud mos; oonvenleat to the Tin • Payer, and all partfoo ate 1••• ,qtaiitsd4ppti.on - the days and At thotinies specifics', 1. "Josirall rxrrox, Alamo. ' : coneccps,VUtoonth DLltrict , • , • ' .N ' 017- DAVID Y. WILLIAMS, . Aisessor Fifteenth District, Po. Assessor's 401eit, York, Pa', March 10, 1010-M-24m A'YER'S A,GUE CURE, PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE. OGILBY'S, ALL GOODFIXEDUCIID Pl.•neo cull and be convinced plat we con sell -0.,001L8Y MOM , 2ZATI.ROADS. r -FIENNSYLVAIIIitritikILROAD, . 0 -• r • Wltf TER' TIME T,A.BLE. . Eight Trains (Daily) to and from Phila delphia- and . Pittsburg, and Two -..-,-. Tialai:DailY;to and from Erio.• ' - • - •-rr "(Sundays excepted); •'.. ---- ' ON'and after Monday, , November 15, .1809, Pait:enipv Trains-of the Pennrylvaula 'Railroad con: any will depart from-Rdrrieburg and 'arrive at Philadelphia and Plttatrarg du follows: . • EASTWARD.* , • • 2 10—Philadelphia' Express lerives Harrleburg daily ((except Monday) at. 2 10 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 0 30 ar 6 20—Past Line leave.; Harrisburg daily '(except Monday) at 5 20 a. m., and arrives at West Phllarlel. Tibia al, 940 a. m. • • Mall Train Irwin Altoona daily (except Sunday) at 3 00 p. on., and arrives at Harrisburg et ,9 1.411 4 447 L 12 10—Pacific Express - leave s Harrisburg, daily (except Sunday) at 1210 pr m., and arches at West Philadelphia at 4 21 p. m. 10 46-21neinnatlExpresaleave4Tfarrliburg daily ntlo 45 p. m., and arrieg, at West Philadelphia at 3 10-a: qg 219 Soulnern. Einem. loaves Ibirrktonig doily (except Monday) at 2 50 p. m., and (mires at West Philadelphia at 7 4)0 p. m.' Harrisburg Accommodation leave. Altoona dVily (Sunday excepted) 441.7 8J a, m., and salvo at Her. riaburg at 1 65 p. m. 8 66—Harrisburg Accivnmodatlon leaves Hauls berg at 3 - 66 p. mi., and wilt at - Phindelphia at 9 501)4 8 o. , —Lauraeter Train, via Mount Joy, leases Harrisburg daily (except smudgy) at 8 00 a. in., and arrivre at West Philadelphia at 12 110 p. m. WESTWARD 4 20—Yrlu Hint Lino woo!, for Edo, leave* Ilar rlaborg daily (except Butky) 424 20 p. m., arriving it Erle at 10 a. m. • 12 10—Cincinnati Express leave. Harrisburg daily (oxcept Sunday) at 12 10 a. m., arrives at .kitoprla at ii 50 a.m.. and arrive's at Pittabtuu at 9 20 a. m. 40-t-Pittsburg Exprett_imirs Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 2 40 - Emi., arrives at Altoona at 8 00 a. az, taken breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1 50 p. m. 4.lo—Pacific Express lollies Harrisburg daily at 4 10 a. tn., arrive. at Altoona 'at 8 55 a. ui , take. breakfast and arrives at Pittsburg at 1 50 p. m. Fast Line leaven Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 4 15 p.m., arrives at Altoona at 8 65 p. m. l taboo rapper and arrives at Pittsburg at 1 45 a.m. Mall.Trein leaves Ilarrieburg daily (except Sun day) Mil 15 p m., arrives at • Altoona at 7 26 p. m., take, ,upper and arrivea at Pittsburg at 1 30 a ra. • Way Pavan : ger Train loavoe Harrisburedely (ex cept Monday) at 7 45 a. am, arrives at Altoona at 2 20 p. M., and at Pittsburg at 10 30 p. m. . SAMUEL A. BLACK, . Supt:Midd le Dlv. Penrublt. B. Harrisburg November 30.1869.. READING , RAIL ROAD. • WINTER Ap.I4I , IGEISIENT. Monday, tiocember 27, 1869 GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE North and North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Bhamokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephmta,i LOU, Lancaster, Co. tumble, Ac., do. .Trains leave Uarrisbgrg for New York as follow,: at 625 6.19 A. st., 12.20 noon, and 2.06 P. M , connect ing with similar trains on PenneylvauLa Rail Road, and arriving -at New York at 12.15 noon, 8.40, 8.50 and 10 00 P. It., respectively. Sleeping Cars acme:- gany the 5 96 A. m., and' 12.20 noon train, without change. • - Returning: Leave New York at 9.00, A. it, 12.00 noon, and 6.00 P. m. Philadelphia at 816 A. and 1.20 P bleeplog ears accompany the 9.00 A. /1., and 6.00 P. L. trains from Now York, without change. Leave ilarriaburg far Reidling, Pottsville, Tama qua, Minstarllle, Ashland, Sbacookin,• Noe Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia, at 8.10 A. 11, 205 and 4.10, P. U. stopping' at Lebanon, and principal way ',lotions ; the 4.10 0. N. train connecting for Philadelphia, Paterlllo, and Colombia only. Pm Pottsville, Schuylkill Mien and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad. leave Garde , burg at 340 Pea. • Way Passenger Train I Philadelphia at 7.30 A. a., connecting with similar train on Haat Penn sylvania Railroad, returning from Rending at 9.35 P. a. stopping at all Stations. Leave Pottsville at 5.40 and 9.00 a a., aid 2.45 P. a., Herndon at 9 30 A. a.. Shainoklo at 5.40, stud 10.- 40 A. IL. Ashland at 7 05 I. II; and 12.30 noon, Ta maqua at 8.33.- a. a , and 2.20 Pa , for Philadelphia and Now York. Leave Potterllle via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Ralf Rood at 8.15 A. li. for Ilandsburg, and 11.30 A. sc. 'for Pine Grove and Tremont. Heading AwcOinmodation Train, leaves POttsville at 6.40 a. X . paases Reading at 7.30 a. X. arriving at Philadelphia at 10.20 A. M. Returnicig„leaves Philadelphia at 4.45 P. a., parsing Reading at 7.40 P. al ;arrivlog at Pottsville at 930 P. X. • Pottstown Accommodation Train, leaves Potts. town at 6.45 A. a. returning leaves thlladelphla 4.00 P. w. Columbia Rail Road Traina leave Reading it 7.16 A. At., and 6.16 P. M. for Ephrata, Ms, Lanus star Columbia. &s. rerldomen Rail Road Trains leave Parktomen Junc tion 'at 0.00 • a., 300 and 6.20 P. U., return ing, leave tchwinikaville atnooo, and 4.15 P. v., connecting with similar train. on Reading 1411 Road. Colcbrookdale Railroad trains loam Pottitown at 40 4 is. and 6.20 P. u.returcing, leave illt..Ptess ant at 74:0 and 1126 - •, 11., connecting with similar. trains on.liesding Rail Road. - . Chaster Valley Railroad trains Immo Bridgeport 8.30 • a,. and 2.05 and 6.02 P. m.,•returning, leave Downingtown at 6.30 La., 12.45 noon, aed 0.15 r. Cot:muting with similar trains on Reading Rail Road. _-, Sundays -ware - "New — York - at 6.00 r. ire,-Philadelp,hla at o,oo,ar.t:wnd-0,16-P.-st.,(tBaB.oo - tr. traits running only to Reading.)leave -Potts. villa at - 6.00 a. to., Darrieburg at 5.35' A. SI , and 410 P. to, and Reading at 7.15 , A. v. and 10.05 P. a. for liamlshurg, at 7.23 A. 31., for NorYors,and at Con:mutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excur sion Tickets, to and from all points, at reduced rates. Baggage checked through; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger 0. Al MOLLS, Gin Sup't. Readtag, Fa., Deeember 27,1209. 10feb70 CUMBERLAND VALLEY R. R CHANGE OF ROMS. On and aftor Monday, November 16th, 166U,•Pu. tenger Tralnn will run daily, Eta follow., (Bundaye excepted): WESTWARD 1 ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 8:00 1. Y , Mechaalesburg 8:35, Carlisle 9:11, News:llle 9:40; Shippensburg 19:20, Chambersbarg 10:44, Green moth) 11:16, arriving at Hagerstown 11:45, A. It MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 1:351 r. se., Me. ehanicaburg 2:07. Carlisle 2:40, Newrille 2:16, Ship. pensburg RCS. ClumilienbUrg 4:29, Greencastle 4:60, arinina at Hagerstown 5:28, P M. EXPRESS TRAIN loaves Harrisburg 4:15. P slechard mburg 4:47, Carnal e 8:17, Newvlll6ls:so, Ship. penaburg 6:17, errivinr at t hambenburg 6:45, P 11. A. MIXED TRAIN leaves Chan,bereburg 3:00, Cin mimetic, 9:25, arriving at Hagerstown 10:10. A IC ii;AST WARD ! ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Chanihersburs 5:i10 a id, Shippertsburs 6:29. Newrille C:00, Carlisle 6:33, Mechanicsburg 1:1,2 smiths at :Ilarrisburs 7:30, A MAIL TRAIN Ikaves Mown 8:006. w, Green. smile 8:35, Chambershurg 9:10, Shippensburg Memento 10:1 t, • ludide to:50, Mechanicsburg 11:24 arriving at-Harrisburg 11:55, A. w. EXPRESS TRAIN • leaves Ilageretown 12:00 Is, Or1mile:1:obi 12:28 Chambessburg 1:05, Shippe.aburg 1:37, News'lle 2:10. Carlisle 2:60, Mockmicabutg 3:18, arriving at Ilan leburg 3:50,0 IA A MIXED TRAIN leaves liagmatown 30 , 5 PM, Greencaelle 4:12, at Chamberaburg 5:416, e le. Rir Making close connections at Hart isburg with trains to and from Philadelphia, New Yotic,Pitteburg Baltimore and Wlthhington - - O. N. LULLi Supt. Rail. clad Oillea, Nov. 0, 1880 • NOTICE.—Notico boveby given that the fol`owing nomad persons - have clod applles!lon for hotel, liquor, restaurant, and Wail er's Menses. under the several acts of assembly re- rating thereto, In thr offleo of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Cumbmiand minty, which 541 d applications wl.l be presented to ialdiCouri, on Monday, the eleventh day of Ai HI; 1870 • =22 Glsorge Z.l3onts, Carlisle, Lewis Water, , . • " Daniel Blioemai or, . " John Bali, • " West Word. Jaroli,Tlendion, - • ~ ". . - N. W . Woods,' • h ... George Wetzel. .. " . -If. L. Burkholder: . • " 0 William Crozier. t lekilison • Township.' -James May,. . • . Es X Pennsbo.u! 01 George, • . , Will am Morris, • . . 4 . : D IL Wilda,' '' ' • " . h Ja-ob Swilicer: ' • '. , ' ' John Brel sor, ' Hampden • John G Ho. k,• • . Lower Ailed ' - John F Sheibly, Middlesex :AA. /Lash, .. , Meng. hi Jahn Tuoropsun, Mechaidcorburi, North Ward. Isaac Bull, '. . 44 J. W. Bonder., • George I. Sponsler,- . J, W. Leldig, 1 v! ~ South 'Ward. 11.0. Blattenberger. .Newton - - , •Towriship. ' 0 Mellinger, ' '! IL B. /Leese, P.O. Marlery. " : 4( • ' ..7. 0 Beecher, . " North Middleton . ',' '!' -, William 0. Sharp... , Ntorb,urg • Borough. . Charles lionneberger, Norville - 1 George lielishoiner, • .., • -".• . Mks B. E) star, • Penn . . . Tcsworilip. , • Henry & David Efursh,ShippenvAnwg Baronet. John Wynkoop, er., ' Samuel Slaver,. - " , . demon Groom.' . • ." lisumel Slaver, • . ... v " . :. v!! . Samuel Baughman, . kouthampton .Townshln. William Clark, - - • " v - " David Z Geyer, . South Middleton-- --. Ellyn ltupley, , • . ~ " . . George Wider, ' William B. Mullin,' , • .'" •. •. ',. v ! John 0 Rosier, '. Silver Ppiing 2 . " . 3_, W Leidig, ,•.;, "v ,• , - • •, ' , !! ' George 11., , Duroy, '.o' ' ' ' ..!: , i • 'I " , Peter Coolain; - •- • Upper Allen " Joshua Culp, ' 0 • ' .4 Jacob-Chime% Rest Pontiaboro ' . '''' • .", ,* George }lmolai, New Cumberl'd D.rough. ' Henry Denman, .., pll '''':'''' - .... . iipTizane. _ v.v. . . • - .ladob Livingston, 'Carl Row:nigh. .llenry Pohly, John Yallvr , . • John ilannoti, • -• IiSISTAIIILANTB. • 7 . • . Tredinick .. ()mind' . Wald.. Piunuol Drown, •. : , " 'John. Brown, . Thomas 8. calbert, " 'Theodore Janes, - Wvet Adam Ilogniart, • v . " '•' William Beaver, 'BliippensLurg . Alerougb. TAO 810107, . Menhanictenrg ' • 'Ail licenses must. bo lifted within l 8 Aiwa attar granted, or they will be toilbited. •' r , GEORGE. O. 81181A1/110., • Cut 014u:tor HM/404,1r , MIScELZ-4X2COUSe e j . M. -NABONHIMER. Dialer in - .CHOICE VAILILY GROCERM3,- PINE 41:7/I.lTlr "of TEAS OMB SPICES QUEBNBWASE; ..GLASSWAIIR,t sroiraeuz, ILLOWIYABZ 1118 T nruyas OP 411 B ALT •A,N D 811 ALL RINDS OF, COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT .AND BOLD. EOUTIPASsT coma PITT Dp3MPILET fiT/LFABTE ICdeco9 - CANDY I „. Tlyinbscriber keeps constantly on hand, at No. 55, West Main •tratt, • large stock of Trettch and American Candles, Nuta,Prtalts, dm, mulling of ~...,, '. .„_„....,----- .- 01TA ,,.., NGE5; 7 , - FILBERTS, LEMONS. , , PECAN NUTS, RAISINS, ' . MOLTS”! WALNUTS, PIGS, ' . CREAM NUTS, PIUINELLAS. GROUND NUTS, ' COCOA NUTS, • AND CIIREITNUTS. ALMONDS, . ' TAPPIEB OP !mars , VAItIETY, , ructeas.Walnut, Cocoanut; !lig, Veal', Buttar, Scotch, Cocoa Gaza, and Cocoa Stripa. • FRESH CAROMEL EVERY DAY, I manufacture largely, and can supply the Trade and Hucksters on reasonable term.. po'not forget ttke glee°, tkii- N 0.35 WEST MAIN STREETMiII olamisLE, PERN'A., D. W. BURICHOL(DER. 1110t40 PHILADELPHIA PLASTER WORKS, COATES STREET-WHAM* LAND CALCINED AND D PLASTER 4r. II&P.TILIZIN9 SALTS, BORN. DUST, • sae74 AL D A $ A- NY inquiry will receive immediate _CI. Ammer. Bothdaction la price and Material natured, and shipment. promptly made. 44fab70..7y $lO,OOO GUARANTEE DUCK LUAU Excels all other LEWD Fire. For It Unrivaled Whiteness Second. For ita Una:guided Durability nerd. For it. lineorponsed Covering Prrperty 114.. Lastly, for Its Roonomy.-ilak air IT costs Jess to palot with Buck Lead, than any other White Lead extant. The earne wetight covers more surface, Is more durable, end makes BUCK LEAD' I. tho cheeped and bat. $lO,OOO GUARANTERt MUCK ZINC Excels all other ZINC. 9 Tint. Tor Eta Unequaled Durability Second. rot Ito Untivol.l linelteneas Tlard. For lb, UromrpaszeiCoverin Property Lastly, for It. Great Economy, being tbs. cheapest, band.oracat, end moat durable White Paint ID tbseworld, . . BUCK LEAD 'IND BUCK ZINC; '[AS S AND II& collation>: Fallefaction Quartuteed by tbi limantichweri BUCK COTTAGE COLO.RB; Prepared expriaso4 for Painting . Cottages, °LAWIdiom of 'every ilescrl;tion, Ireaceit, kr.. Thirty 7 flee olftrout Colors, Durable. Chap, Uniform, mad Deautlfol Bbadem. Sample oath wet by mall, if desired.' • Dealers' Order. will be preroplly insetted by the manufacture.. .FREHCH; RICHARDS & CO:, *. Y. W. COE. TENTH AND MARKET snakes PIIILADELPILIA =I B•Y HENRY SAXTON & CO.; Den'en in Iltu:dw,rn, Pa!nte, idle. alnes,Ac., CART-181A PA 20101701 y RARE . 9HAIKT EXTtkre•ITEBALE OARIIIAGRS, 111100 It WAGONS. SLUG BS, tc By Ar B, EThork, Carlialo, Vonn'a., On Wicinesday; Aptil SO, .1870.. The subscriber, boring ` *. large lot of Carriages; Buggies. Bluing Wagons, to., ni hie own menufacturs .oir hand, has detstruined todisposo of thorn et pub, lie auction, at his Coach Fact. ry, on northraettarair of South and Pitt street., on the at eilo Anal awing the,vehlclee to which he invites the spatial:at ,en th tont kuy era orb the follow ug: 2 TWO BRATED PHAETOW, ! , ono platform, loather top, cloth Holm ; 2 twotseated• Germantown caning. e, well finished; threepiano, box buggies. leather, top, stool tiro ; two coal box buggios,loathor quarters, steel tire; a one mat doc,, tor's phaeton, leather p; sight styrialitoet body buggies, leather quarters, steel elm; eight boot body buggies, duck top; four. trotting buggies ;;2 'tWo seat square body carriages ;.I.Caffrey carriage; one ,rock away cerrisiet. ono fatally spring ww:ors,, with top; four throe epring Wagons,. two with, tope; oho Wavy tire horse ;wagon, furipriege. 'Also, the, following second hand vehlo'es i eight second hand buggies; throe second hand two seat carriages; three second baud spring wagons. . Also, one fins ware, five years nid• 2 he' work dons by A. P. Shirk Is excelled by eons. His materials. and all 'thoroughly seaweed ;halloo being worked up, and his workmen are. among the most altliful ailluxis of GM country.tko neer Work *Alibis wild bs guaranteed for one year if dealrod by the purcloser. Persons in want of •slibile of any kind, ohould not fail to attend this sale, ae rare chaucoo for . .bargelni will maiolibtadis be offered, ' • East Ward Sale to commence at ten o'clock: a. m., on saki day when a credit of eight month. will be glean by '• lanitiTO • A. al SIIEIUL A"" ST. CARPET WAREHOUSE , 832 Altai EiTRSKT, Below 'liitith.Eltreet, , PhlladelphiA. The old eetablhhed stand receiving for the Spring Trade a large 'Lek of tho new etpleit of • I . OA , 11PVTI , N411$ - ' purChaerd at the lowest Gold Ita,tes, find will bewail at a great redectlen from Ind reasoria vie... • ENGLISH 8111188 14 , LS et t $l5O, and, all other - good, In propirtion: • , • • • " •LJOlfrif, GLACITiVOGP," • _ .24tatel0301 " b 32 drch•street, Philsdelphia. IRON 1;,T.trr.g....33xm0i)•1' NATORIO.I OWN VITALI73IIt. TEE PERUVIAN' SYRUP; • . AN IRON TON Wrwpwrexc9uoz., • - . , Assimilates with the Mond as sully Al the simplest 'food. At4klhg loud InyWriting the who!, diatom , Wltileut:friwalord %Wide up, the. broken down, cure* Disposele; Mobility, Liver ',Omn i Weskuessek DroC i . Iltimorli•Mq• ink e x po. disva•• syq inn by Ineritileg Natural own vitalising Minuesb— PlimPhiettfree. • J. , P DitiehiOtiNi - Propriktor4o D.r ' trim % P 44 ?.? drulgistifirentr!dly; 4TCLATOMPY - . ~.„ BANKERS. OFFIDE psic do HATCU, WOODEN, AND The remarkable - .success which attended oar ne gotiation effhtiUtintrof the Central Partite Rallread Colopnr‘and the Western Pacific Railroad Company, pad - thi popularity and credit 'Which these loans have maintained In the markets, both inValdstain trj and RurOp e, have ehowdtint the First Mortgage Bonds wisely located and honerablf managed "Railroaddarit promptly recognized and readily taken as the most suitable, safe, and advantageous form of investment, yielding a more liberal income than can hereafter be derived from Government Donde, and available to take their place. iiisorenliat, in the itelection and negotiation of anpeurior ?arced 1 loans, we are mooting a great public want, 04 rendering a 'minable sarsice—both to tho haiders of capital and to those great national wocite of itternal improCement whose Intriosto merit aid subctontial character entitle theca to the use of capital and the confidence of linwstore—we now offer, With 'Octal confidence and saticfaellon, the CANDY-11 The importance of this Road is a new - sett.t from the Weal' to the - sea magnifies It into one of national consequence, and Insures to it an extensive thr6ngh Mcrae from the, day of Its completion; while, in the development of the extensive agricultural and mineral resources of Virginia and Went Virginia, It possesses, along its ovni line, the elements of a lergeand profitable local business. &s., &43 to the Ohio river, afford the surest, guarantee of its success and value, end render It the moat importaiit and substantial raliroid enterprise now In progress. In this eauntly. superiority no an Test and West route, and the promise of an Immense and profitable trade awaiting Its completion, have drawn to it the atantlon and 'cooperation of prominent eapltalista and railroad meta of this city, of sbund Judea - slit - and known in tegrity, whale connectionleith It, together with that of eminent citizens and business men of Virginia and West Virginia, Insures an energetic, honorable, and successful management. ' • The road is completed and In operation from the celebrated White Sulphur Springs of W r est Virginia,' 277 miles, and there remain but 200 miles (row partially conetructod) to be com pleted, to carrYit'to the proposed terminus on the Ohio river at, or node the month of the Big Bandy river,, 10 miles ,above einclunati,:and 350 miles below Pittsburg Line. are now projected or in progress through Ohio and Kentucky to this pant, which will connect -the Chesapeake-and-Ohio-with-the-entiro.railroad 'Sisterme of the West and Southwest, and with the Pecifla Railroad. ISIIITII HAMLIN, Philadelphia I!ANEEIIIi 4ND..DRALERB GOMMMVNT .81;ettRITIES, No. IS Nassau Street, Now, York, Fabpory 16, 1670 .FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS IMBEE3 Cht , Ba . p-eake and Ohi(S. RAILROAD COMPANY. The Chsimpeake and Ohio Railroad, counectiug the Atlantic coast and the magnificent harbors of the Chesapeake Bay with the Ohio River, at a point of reliable naelgatlon, and thus, with the entire Bail• road systein ,and water transportation of the great West and Elonthweet, r ibrme the additional • EAST - AND WEST MOH LINE, ■oimperatively demanded for tho accommodation of the-immense and rapidly growing traniportation between the - dtlantin aeaboard, and Europe on the, one band, and the prat producing regions of the Ohio and Mealnippi Valleys on thuotber., , Ihna the great tutereets, both general and local, .which demand the completion of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Its valuable franchisee and superior advantages will place thy Chesapeake and Ohio Rail oad Com pany among the richest and must powerful and trustworthy corporations of the country; and there exists a present value, In completed road and work done, equal to the entire amount of the mortgage. The detills of, the Loan have been arranged with special reference to the wants of. all classes ofirt resters, and combine the various feitures of con venience, safety, and protection against loss er fraud. The Bondi are In denominations of $l,OOO, $5OO, and $lOO. They will belesued ea COUPON BONDS, PAYABLE TO BEARER, .-, and may be hold In that form; or The Bond may be rrgietered In the name of the owner, with the coupons remaining payable to bearer attached, the principal being then tremferw. ble only on the hooka - of - the - Cdttapany„ pnleea re assigned to bearer; 'or • .11,0 coupons 'nay be defacbed lied' canceled, tho Tend wade a Permanent. litgisearrd Bond, transfer 'able only of the,.le;oke ,of theoompany, and the Latest made payable only to the rTictcrrd owner' or'l2 a torney. The {hue &am will be ktIOINII merciful" as Ist. " Coupon Bonds payablo to Bearer." 2d. " Registered Bonds Nvith Coilpons attached.'! Bd. "Registered Bonds with Coupons detached," and should be so deg. noted by corre•pondanta It specifying tho CWIII of Bonds doefrod, They have Thirty Years tb:ina 601:0 T000er,7 15. 1870, with lutereat nt elz per colt per annum from November 1, 180. 'HI` WAY. AND INTIiREBT PAYABLE IN GOLD IN TIM CITY OP NKW YOUR. The kV oro4 to rajablo to ',.-"MAY AND NOWEUDRA, 'that It • iney hike thd 'dice of that of the earlier iseri4 of lire Twenties; end /ult tho convenience of our fileude who already held ,Couiral and Western 'Pacific ponds, with intorest rajah!. to January and .104:dna who may desire, In making additional invostinontk, to have s tbelr Interest rocelredde at different tiossoinf of the year. ' • . . The Loan io loeured by }mortgage upon thonottre line of road, from Richmond to tho Ohio Hoar, with the equipment and alinitLer rreporty and appurto rianceli Connected theriwith . ♦ Sinking, Fund of- $lOO,OOO per annum le pro . - tided for the rodomption of pro Bonds, to talio effect ono-year after the completion of tho road. The mortgage is f0r515,000,000, of ivieleh $2,000,000 will be reeerred and held to trait - fir the redemption of outstanding boll& -of Alm Virginia Central nail road Company, now merged In the Chekrprako and • Of the remaining $13,000,000, a sufficient amount will be aid to complete the road to the Ohio river, pilrfeot and improve !lid portion now la oprration, and thiffoughlr !Quip the whole for a • largo and active traffic. .The . present pare Is 00 and accrued loterest . ♦ Loan so amply secured, so candidly guarded and so certain hereafter to command 'a prominent place among the farorito securities fu the wicket': bOth mf thia• country .. end 'Enrops, bt onto appreciated and quickly absorbed, . , I • •,, .Ifery, respectfully, ‘. FISIC & HATCH, , ,-• . . P. 8.-We have tiiiied pamplal.t a coulalning fql _ particulars, atidiaticid details, maps, flaritelted We buy and sell ' ' GO VE 1 N 'ENT . B 0 •ud recelvoihe account. of ILWEB, TIMiII.EIII3, :13aiiionittion0; and ottio , to okotk olt4 'atm hi toroot tot dotty balskictos; - •. c 4fobTO•Soo• • , . CAINPIDA: T.ES; FOR, SHERIFF.—I hereby offer my- Bolt' as it candidate for tbo °ince of IMERIFF, subject to•tbe decision of tba Republican Nominating Conventiocm ' • . MANGLER: Clarilislo,ilfsrch 2,1870: • ' •• Bzobto FOR , BHERIF.P.--At the solicitation of a number of Itcpublicans throughout the county,' oiler myeelfas a candidata for tho nomina tion of Sheriff at tier next County Convention, sub ject to iSa decision, Matto Carlisle, March 10,1870. IL VA ESI'ATE SA4,.ES REAL"ESTATE AT PUBLIC BALE Weitnisday, - ,4far . ch: 80, 1870. By virtue of a Plurieg order of Bale, leaned by tiro Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, I will ozpose to publi, side, on Via promises, the . following de ierlbed real estate, eltuated In, the Village of enwp 11111, In Net Penneborungh township, adjoining lends of Dun Jolla WI David ll•ubaker, and the public road, containing bout one-fourth or an acre of ground. The • lmprov onto, .conelst of a TWO BTOR.Y PRAISE 110-118 E, Vramo•Stablo, Illnelamilth *shop, and other necessary 1 helot contatno hpplol3, poaches, and gropes, with a good cistern toorenn. ' . gala to commune') at ono o'clock, p: when at tendanco will be given out term mane known by G. W, cluaclux," Executor of Isaac" Millard. Ibmar7o-4t THREE FATtMS FOR SALE AT A ais,EAT BARAJAIN, In West VirKluia: ONE OF 485 ORE'S , / Land In felr condition, of very' good quality, un der geed fence, Orchard, ClarJen paled In. good sisal and comfortable Dwelling. Barn., 00x35 loot, Corn House, Wagon' Liouse.,9lleat Herr House, Spring House at a spring of good water near the Derellin g—Ono half la under cultivation, balance In Wood-and Timber. Said Form is situated_ within tulles of Sleopy Creek, a Station on the Baltimore a. d Ohio 11.4Droed, at which lea Store, Post Wks and Express 0111ce, where all. killdeer Produce can be sold. Slartinebarg, a large and flourishing town, la 10 miles distant,' where the highest prices are paid her all kinds of Country Produce; 2, miles distant la a Quarry, where good Limestoue ran be bad for three years without o et, and can be burnt for eight-Feats per inmost Tao Tenant on above Farm raised the pest yea SOO Bushel. Wheat, and in a short time this amount might be doubled, Wuxi. of Lime, as it acts well o.a 111114 Land. This Farm will be divided to wit purehinenyand add on easy terms. Price $25 par Acre. one of - Two Hundred and PourteOn. Aires / At 120 per Acre. Improvements common. And Mae of Two Hundred and Fourteen Acres, At $l6 per Acre. No. Improvement,. flood water power on both. The Land on these Faring is of t good quality, one. third elpared, and balance in Wood and Timber, attach commando a good mare et at Cherry Run Ste. don - These Farina are situated one mile frompemy Run Station. on the Baltimore & uhie Ent rood, at which Station is a Store, Poet Onlce and Express Of.• floe, and 1 mile from a bimeitolie Quarry, where Limestone ran be had for three years for nothing. Martinsburg Is 13 mike distant. All thri above locations are very healthy. I offer them a Bargain, as I em old. have no family, and wish to sell. .114 r 00 to Sleepy Creek Stistion,,on the Baltimore A "Ohio Rekrued, to zee these Farms, where Ratrilton lane. seq., tenant on farm, will givti all particulars; and show the farms. -- - Address, , A. SitliTlf, Aberdeen. Ilarford county, Md. 203en2m lIIISCEL.L4NEOUS. CORN SHELLERS AND CIDER RILLS. Hickok's Pdralo Cldor P. Gardner a Co'e„ Portable Cider MIII, Star Corn Sheller, (threo elzow.) Cannon Corn. Shollere, National Fodder Cutter, (throeelzos,) Comberland Double-action Harrow, Togotbor with othor AGRICULTURAL IMPLEURNTS. • For sato at tho Carlisle T'oundryand Machine Works 80p.% 2m LIVERY, BALE, AND ,EXCHANGE STABLE. J. L. STEIINER & 13ROTJIER, In rear Of Bentz Ilou Holing AND CARRIAGES TO HIRE ON DOABONADLN TEEM, AND AT SUOTLIEST NOTICE CARRIAGES rcrnmeratri PRP, PUIIERALS ;Kir N. B. Stable room for GO head of hones on BEM 1870 HARDWA-RE I=l A. SAXTON & CO., N 0.15, BAST SLAIN STREET, Dealers in Hardware, Iron, Cutlery, &c., , iCarlisle, Pa., hereby aunowaca to the public, that they Intend selling everything in their tine, either wholesale or retail, at prices much lower then con be bought this aide of Philadelphia Our atoak couslata In part of lIITILDING MArERIAL OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, DM Shovels, ' Roes, Putty - Forks, '• • Varnishes Rakes, - Coment, • 'Spades, Planter, Crow hars h -Efand, ••• Sledges, Powder, Picks, ' • Ilisfetj fuse Also a fall and wall aeleclod asi - ortmanf of • I=l = FARM lI6LLB, Plox,e, Rattle., Chains, Oruin bap, Illopeu„Pullny., and Hay Eloralora of all deseilptlnum atINS, PISTOLS, POWDER, SIIOT,, en Ps and ammunition or nil kinds Th,nlf.fpl for 1.6 t 'lmre, by strict attontlou to busineo wo hope to recolva ttcorttbiuittlou of tho ALL . PERSONS knowing themselves lodated to Trout, Saxton aro ,oquested to make immediate sottloment, and those having claims to present thorn for. settlement, as I wish to close up My books to January 1, 1870 HENRY SAXTON . 27Jnn70.• pACIFIC ; GITANO CMPANY CAPITAL, $1.,100,01X) JOHN S. REESE & UENERAL AO EN l'e, 122 South Delaware ave., Phila4olphia, 10 South street, Baltimore. . SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO No fortlittor lottoducod to 1110 fanners of the Middlo and dontliornßiatee hna given more gonerni add uniform satisfaction than this guano The trade In . tt bee !IN.:lily increased until tho eorksitelitlon flow threuihout the ontlre_country fur exceeds . that of . any other J . 0 rtt ter. .Tbo largo capital Invared in. Ito -o.rolidclocr nirost grarantue of it ooOluued eoeol BANKERS lawn. TLC," tbinpany Las fnr motor Int ore t;t 'ln tba permanency otlts Arado than any' nuiabor of .cousOnoro . eati have; bine° it le tho highest totereAt of Via c4opapy to put the bait. "dills= into mar - kot, tbst,tholr loud 11 . ttAllties, aided 14 -7 111 c; beet . . eclOntlflo 'ability prodade , poop Is.dtipl at retail by : local : igonta of the A-7 timpani throughout - Nem ,Doluwor;, Pour, aylyatiti; analbo tioutlorn Statot, and at 'wholesale roc:tlmi!bompany lonbiO•saiitleykri JOHN RLEOADE F. GAIL ONES. et CO 1870 BEIEESE3 QM °Hu, Gla,s, %%tido and Pocket Canary I=l IMIERM JOHN B. REM k 00.,