Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 31, 1870, Image 1

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When Darby saw the sott'ng sun,
He es unghts.seythe and borni3 ho run,
Sat down, &link off his quart. and said,
" My wl rk a done, I'll go to bed."
My work is:dono I'," retorted Joan.
work is done I' your constant tone
tint bol'plosa women never can nay -
Mar work la done till Judgment day.
Young men can sleep all night, but we
Meet toll." " Whose fan Lis that I" quoth
" I know your meaning," Joan replied,
" But elr, my tongue shall noi ho tied,
I will gay en, and let you know
Wilt, work poor women hnvo to do ;
F rot in the morning, though we feel
Sicken drunkards whoa they reel,—
Yes feel such pains in back hoed
As would confine you men to bed,
Wo ply the brush. NYC wield the broom,
Wo air the bode, and Right the room ;
The cows must be milked—soli then
We get the breakfast ter the men. •
Ere thLi is done with whimpering cries,
And Watling hair the children rise ;
' Thoy must be drgved and dosed with rue,
And fed—and,allhocauso of you,
We next— " bore Darby scratched Me hood—
And stolo oil grumbling, to bed ;
. And Only paid, so on he run,
lOundi t .roman's lack in never done,
- At early dawn, e o plimbne roao
Old Joan resumed her tale woe
- When Da by thus— . end the strife, .
Be you the man and I the wife
Take yon the scythe and mow, while I
Rill ell your boasted cares eneply."
" Cottent," quoth Joan,'' give me my ithit ; "
Thie Darby did and out she wont.
ol+Darby rose and sele.d the broom,
And whirled the dirt about the rum ;
Which having done, he scarce knew how
• Ile hi dtomi k the brindle CON ; „; 1 1.L
The brindle cow wileked round her tall • 1 ' ` •
In Daryb's eyes and kicked the pail ;
'The do ern perplex - DI with g Wand pain
Swore he'd err. r try to milk again ; •
Wh n turning round in sad nmaib,
Me saw his cottage Ina blaze—
For as lie chanced to brush the room
In careless haste ho fired the broom,
The firo at Ins, subsided, he swore
, The broom and bin ebould meet uo more ;
Pres ed by mist-Mute and perplexed
Darby p. roared for bre thfsat Pext.
But what to sot Ito scarcely know—
The bread was spin, rind the butter too,
hands bednu ed with paste and flour
Old D rby labored fora half an hour,
But luckless frig. t ! thou could not make,
' ' The br ad take form of to or cake. '
As every door wide opau stood,
In pushed the' sowl., quest of food ;
'And stumbling onwar4 nith her snout* -
Overset the churn—the cream ran out,.
And Darby turned, the sow to beat,
The sl pp ry cr. au. betray. d life foot ;
' Ito caught the broad trough in,his fall,
And down mono Darby, trough and all.
The children wakened by the clatter,
'Bract up the cry ; " Oh I what's the matter !"
Old J vvlor barked, and Tabby mewed,
And h.pless Darby cried aloud,
" Return my Jean as heretofore,
I'll ploy the housewife pdrt no more ;
Since now by nod expe.lence taught
Compared to thine my work is nouglit,
Honest rth, no business calls, I'll take, '
p'oughTtlursicyrbm - the - rukr7 ---
_ And never more transgress the
Oar fates - are marked while thou art mine
Then, Joan, return as hailofore, •
• tll vex your honest tiul no more :
et each our proper 'ask attend— .
. Forgivo the past, and strive to mond,"
I was a modal Luabauil lo a drown
Whore thing, aro not exactly what [boy nem
A moral mon L ts, skepticß . be lt, known:
The wlto he loved and cho.lshed w.—hla own
- And-for the r the iitibb.bilt
With htirs., add' elinh.o fi'VO minutes at the gnte,
{Ph to Juno put ou things; nor spoke ono sous
Or blityr word, th•ugh wadiug halloo hour
r_r dloner; and like patio co on n throne,
Ito did n't ateear to find a button gone
This human nature story well illus
trated perverted temper, and shows how
in one case it was subdued without re
course to corporal punishment, ditorce,
or suicide.
" Beldam let loose I Pandemonium in
rebellion I Chaos turned wrongside out.
What is the reason a man cannot be al
lowed to sleep in the morning without
that everlasting racket being raised hi
abotd, my ears ? Children crying; doors
slamming---t will know did reason of
all this -uproar."
Mr. Luke Darcy shut the door of his
bedroom with considerable emphasis,
and went straight to the breakfast par
All washriglit and quiet the pleas
ant—Bedlam was n't located just there,
and Mr. Darcy wont stormingly up the
stairs to the nursery.
Ali ! the field of battle was reached at
last, Mrs. DareY sat in a chair trying to
quiet the screams of an eight months old
baby Scion of the house of Darcy, while
a rosy boy of five lay'on his back; kick
ing and crying in an ungovernable fit of
childish passion. '', •
"' '
Mrs Darcy !" enunciated. Luke,
with aloud an omnious precision, "may I
inqure what all this -means ? .;do you
know that breakfast is waiting ?" •
," I know Luke—l know,"; said - poor,
perplqed, Mrs. Darcy, striving vainly
to lift the struggling, child up by one
arm. " Come Freddy go, up and get
washed." •
"'No-o-0 , 0 l" roared Master Freddy,
.performing a brisk 'tatto on the carpet
with his heels, and cla j wing at the air a l t
a furious rate.
Like an avenging 'vulture Mr. Darcy
pounced on his son and heir, carrying
him to the closet and turned the key on
his screams.
" Now sir you can cry it out at your
leiaure. Evelyn, the nurse is Waiting
for the baby. We'll go down to breali
fast."-,-- `C . )
" But Luke," hesitated Mrs.; Darcy,
" you won't leave Freddy there !"
" It's temper that's at the bottom of
these demonstrations, and I'll , conquer
that temper or know the reason why. It
ought to have boon eheckedlong ago but
yen are so ridiculously indulgent."
"But if he'll only say: ho is sorry,
Mr. Draoy tanned .sharply at the pail
1101s of the door. ', • ,
" Are you sorry for, your naughtiness,
young man?"
A fresh outburst of screams rind a re
newal of A tatto was the answer.. •
P.Lom sure he is sorry, Luke,"pleaded
.liis'inotlfbr, but. Mr. : Darcy 'shook his
head: „ •
. .
• " Entire submission is the only thing
I will listen to,"le said shortly."
Evelyn with a dewy moisture shadow
ing -her eyelids, and. a l - dull ache, at her
hearticollowed her , liege '.lord :doWn to
tko breakfast table.
A tall, blue eyed young lady with
bright chestnut ,and cheeks like a
velvet roso, , was at the table; by nano
Clara Pruyti, hi:Gulag° Mrs. Daroy's
sister. She opened hoi • blue 'eyessivery
wide as the twit entered the 'roam. , • , •
• " Good gracioue Evy what's themat.
" 'Nething," answered Lilco tartlr.•
" Something is the matter ? though,"
said Claray Shrewdly.' " What IsitiEvaq
lyn; has.Lidie 'imp' of iiirtantrunia ?"'
, .
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Luke sat do\vit his coffee cup with •u
sharp click.
" you have very peculiar exPressOns,
Miss Pruyn.'!
" Very true ones," said Miss Clara, sau-
,Evelyn smiled in spite of herself..
" It's only Freddy who feels a little
cross, and—"
" A little cross I" interrupted the. in
dignant husband. " I tell you, Evelyn,
it is quite time it was checked, Oh, that
parrot I what an eternal screeching ho
keeps up I Maly, .take that bifd into the
kitchen, or I shall be tempted to wiing
his neck. What dOes ail these — eggs
Mr. Darcy gave his egg, shell and all,
a vindictivethrow upon the grate. -
"And the plates are as cold as a steam,
when I've implored again and again that
they. might be warmed. Well, I shall
eat no breakfast this morning."
" Whom will you punish most?" de
manded Miss Clara. •
Luke pushed his chair back' with a
vengence, and took •up his stand with
his back to the 11M.
"Please, sir," said the servant, &pre ,
catingly advancing, "the gait bill—the
man says would you settle it while—" .
"No I" roared Luke, tempssiuouslY,-
"Tell the man to go about his business;
I have no small change this morning."
Mary retreated precipitately ; Clam
raised her long; brown eyelashes.
"Do you know,. Luke," she said' de
murely, "I think you would feel bettor
if you would do just as Freddy doeslie
flat down on the floor and kick up your
heels against the carpet Tor a' while."
Liike gave his infichievous sister-in
law a.glance that ought certainly to have
annihilated her, and walked out of the
room, closing the door behind -him With
a bang that would bear no false interpre
tation. Then Clara came round to her
sister, and buried her pink face in Eve
lyn's neck.
"Don't geoid me, my Evy, please, I
know I have linen naughty to tease Luko
so I"
"You have • spoke nothing but the
truth," said Evelyn, quickly. "Clara,
sometimes I wonder how I can endure
the daily cross of my-husband's temper."
"Temper I" said Clara, with a toss of
her chesnut brown hair. " And the poor,
dear-fellow _basn' Cthe least- idea how-dis-
agreeable ho makes himself:"
"Only this morning," said Evelyn; "be
punished Freddy with unrelenting sever
ity for a tit of ill humor which ho himself
Mill %pleated Witliin thi - iTaTithitlf hour."
- " Evelyni" said Clara, gravely, "do
you supposo-he iS beyond-the Power of
"I hope not; but what can I do? Shut
him upas he shut up little Freddy?"
Evelyn's merry, irresistible laugh was
checked by. the Arch, peculiar expression
in Clara's blue eyes.
"The remedy needa_to_le_tiomething
taloa and sharp," said Clam "and. the.
dark eloset...s3iteiteonthiriesloth Fermi
sites. . .
"Nonsensii !" laughed Dire. Darcy,
rising from the breakfast table in oWl
once to her husband's peremptory .sum
mons from above stairs.
Luke was standing in front of his bu
reau drawer, flinging shirts, collani,
vats, and stockings recklessly upon the
bedroom floor. .
. .
\i" I'd like to know whore My silk hand
kerchiefs are, Mrs: Darcy," be fumed.
"Such a state as my bureau is in Is en
ough to drive a man crazy I"
"It's enough to drive a woman crazy,
I.think,"' said Evelyn, hopelessly stop._
ping to pick up a few of the scattered
articles. "You were at the bureau last,
Luke. It iirYour O fault I"
"My fault—of course it's my fault I"
snarled Luke, giving Mrs. Darcy's poo
dle alcick that sentit howling to its mis
tress. "Anything but a Woman's retort
ins and recriminating tongue. Mre: Dar
cy, I wont endure it any longer!" .
"Neither will I !" said Evelyn, reso;
lutely advancing, as her husband plunged
into the closet for his business coat, and
promptly shutting and locking the door r j
"I think I have endured it quite long
enough— and here is an end of it I"
"Mrs. Darcy opened 'the door !" said
Luke, scarcely able to credit the evidence
of his own senses.
I shall do no such thing," said Mrs.
Darcy, composedly, beginning to rear
range shirts, stockings, and flannel wrap
pers in their approPriate receptacles. .
"Mrs. Darcy," roared Luko at a fever
heat . ocimpotont rage, "what on earth
do You Mean?" •
"I mean to, keep you in that clothed
press, Mr. Darcy, until you have made
up your mind to' come out in a more
amiable frame of mind."
There was a dull silinice of full sixty
seconds in the closet, then a' sudden out
buret of vocal wrath.
"Mrs. Darcy, open tho door; this .in
stant, madam . I"
But Evelyn went on humming a sancy
little air and arranging her clothes. • .
"Do you hoar me?"
" - Yee, I hear'
" VI ill you-obey me ?"
"Not until you have solemnly prom
ised ino to`, put smile sort of control on
that temper of yours ; not until you pledge
yourself hereafter. to treat your wife an a
lady should be treated ; notai, a meniril."-
." I yion!t.7
"No? Ilion in that caeo I hope you
don't find the atrnotiphofe at all oppress
lye there." . . ,
Another' sixty seconds.of dehd silence,
then a sudden , lain of .heels and lirda
against,thenioden pannels.
"Lot nui.'out, - . I BA Mrs..,,,Dprcy't
Madam, how dap) you perpetrate this
monstereua audacity?"
• mi•
:" My dear Luke, how strongly you do
remind inO'of Freddy. , You soo.therp in
nothing.' have so littlo.toleronoe for as a
bad, temper. It ought to have boon.
chocked, long ago, only you know .I'm so
ridiculously indidgent.'
Mr. Darcy winched a little at - the fa,
railiar souuttof his Own words. ,
Tard tapl tapi came softly on the
door. Ifirs,..Darey composedly opened it
and saw her husband's little office boy::
!'Please, ma'am, there's some gentle
man at the office th a groat In jijiee
Mr. Davey. It's 'about the Apilegate
willease." , . r • • . • ' ' •
Mrs. Darcy hesitated-an instant
,; there
.was ,a triumphant I:natio:ha the elesetned
her tletatrinnation was 'taken. "
"Toll,the genti6rean that your master
has a bad headaebe, and won' t be doWn
town this morning." • ' • t
LukoTgnasheill his' teeth audibly, as
Soon as the' closing of the door admon.
ishedhim that ho might do so with safety.
Mrs. Darcy, do you presume to inter
ford With a trinsaction of business that
is vitally important, ina'am?" ' '
Mrs. Darcy nonchalantly took up the
little opera. air whore sho had leftit, let
ting the sortntiowing words ripple music
ally off her tongue.
"Evelyn, dear."
" What is it, Luke ?" sho asked mildly.
" Please let me out, my dear, this may
boa joke to you, hut--"
"I assfue you, Luke, it's nothing of the
kind ; it is the soberest of serious -mat
ters to me. It is a question as to wheth
er my future lifo shall be happy or mis
• There was a third interval of silence - .
" Evoly,u," said Luke in it subdued
voice, " will you open the door P" _
" On ono condition, only.!'
"'And wliat it that 2" '
Ali I nh 1" thought the little lieuten
ant general, "ho is• beginning to enter
thin terms of capitulation, is ho 2" "On
condition," she adde4 aloud,." that, you
break yourself of the habit of speaking
sharply and crossly to me, and on every
occasion keep your. temper."
"My temper, indeed," sputtered out
Luke. .
" Just your timpor," returned • his
wife, " W ill you promise ?"
Never, nth.dam."
Mrs. Darcy took up a pair of hose that
required mending, and prepared toleavo
the apartment. ' As the door creaked on
its hinges, however, A voice came shrilly
through the opposite keyhole.
" Mrs: Darcy, Evelyn,
" Yes.''
" You arc going down stairs to leave
mo in this 'place P"
" I am."
" Well - look hero—l promise."
" Al), , and everything I require ?"
" Yes all and 'everything you require,
confound it all 1"
Wisely deaf to the muttered sequel,
Mrs. Darcy opened the door, and Mr.
Darcy walked out, looking right over the
top of her-shining brown hair.
Suddenly a little detaining hand was
put on his coat sleeve.
" Luke, dear ?" _
" Well?"
Won't you give me altiss ?" •
And Mrs. Darcy burst oat crying on
her Idisband's-shoulder.
" Well," ejabulated the puzzled Luko,
" if you are n't the greatest enigma go
ing. A kiss ? Yes a half a dozen of
them if you want thoin, you kind little
turnkey. Do n't cry pet, I'm not a bit
angry with you, although I. suppose that
I ought to be."
"'Awl may :I lot Freddy out ?"
"Yes, on the-saw:acme that papa was
released. Evelyn, was I very intolera
"If you' had n't boen, I shouldn't
have; ventured on each& violent- rom
" Did I make you very =happy "
Vory i"
• And the gush of warm sparkling tenni
supplied a dictionary of words. •
Luke Darcy buttoned up his overcoat,
-put on his hat, shouldered an umbrella,
and went on the, Applegate, will case,
musing as ho went upon the new state of
affairs that had presented itself for his
By Jove," he ejaculated, " that lit
tle wife is a bold women and a pluelg
And then ho burst .out laughing ou the
It is more th'an probable that he left
his stock of bad temper in the law build
ing that day, for Evelyn and. Clara never
saw any more of it, and Freddy is daily
getting the best of the peppery element
hi his-infantile disposition.
From tPlanam's Magazine.
The purest and most transparent ice
of the Nova was chosen for the quarry ;
largo blocks wore then cut and squared
by rule and compass, then carved with
ornamental designs, as carefully and
skillfully as if they hadbeen marble. Af
ter they had been cut and carved , with
the greateit accuracy,, each block was
raised by orano and pully,t, At the Very
moment of lowering it to its destined
positionoa small quantity of water was
thrown on the bleak below. The precise
quantity of water was regulated as if it
was so much mortar ;' if tee:munch was
used the symmetry of the work would
by injured. Asthe water froze the
different rows of blocks became so close
connected. together that when corn- .
plated, the :Whole building became one
compact mass, looking as if it had:been
chiseled entirefrom ono icy mound. The
dimensions ofthe building was not very,
largo. 'rho front was 150 feet: in length,
simple character, and divided into
compartments by pilasters. In six of
these compartments were largo windows
the framework of which wore painted tO
imitate green marble. •
.Tho ice took the;
paint perfectly: Tho panes were' thin,
sheets of ice beautifully smooth, and:al
so as transparent as the most costly of
gins's. The central diVision projected so
as to form a doorway, sUrmOntecl by a
Boman arch and appropriate architeCtu
nd ornaments. On each side of the door
stood a static of ice, on a high pedestal,
and in front was an approach of several
steps, This apparent door was in reali
ty, hoivever, but another, and a large
window on a level witty thefloor. An or
nament baluStrade sunnonnted tho front,
with an architectural ornament - rising in
the contra above the doorway on : eithe'r
side: of it. The' roe; was sloping, and
marked in linas,.to represent tiles; there
wefe also' chimneys, all cit ice. The
height . of the building Was' 21 loot ; ' its
depth was feet. , : '
..-'But the palace itself was not the only
wonder . ; tile accessories were eturipletiv
and all so much frost work: hind.
ficnno balustrade, apparently' sf . anarblo,;
with • statues. •and architectural oral.
Monts, completely ,sprrOundeld: ,the•
'ace, beliidB7 feet,lit hingth,..ruirir, to' , in :
widtho .InolOsing is sort ' , of garden, -
ri court, . with two handsome gateways in .
0101dir:: ' lfwas - through:OieSe(,gliti:
Waiathititttincbiiiiding was ,apPrijaphtidi
Orange trier!, nearly; as high as thelnilidi
trig, "bearing,frnita, flower* i With'
"birdS'Ort the branches, also adorned - Pid
court and *mdse .—trees; licirvers,
leaf and bir all being delicately chiseled
out of-the eine magic marble ail the
palace itself. , .. • '
Tho: front ..a proach was guarded' •by
six cannons regularly turned andlndred ;
they stood-before the balustradeS, 'three
on each side ,of'.tbo aooiway. ' There
were also of ice.. They were 'of the 'Cal;
ibro which usually receives is charge of
three rounds of powder. , In addition to
these cannons there was 'a largo size
mortar, on each side of the entrance, of
It size prepared for steps ef .80 pounds..
In advance of these mortars '.stood two
neatly carved ,podestals or'olphins: _ To
the loft of this pedestal stood 'an ele
phant, as large as life ; on his back was
almtin in Persian dress, with ' two similar
icy -, ono bearing a pine° Stood
near tfib -- elephant. Thus it wad that
the approach of the Magic • Palace. was
gdiarde# . by other magic wonders.
, Melt was the aepectoffamous the faous pal
abe of iceovhen, early•in theWintor, the
Empress and her court came to admire
ft. The effect was most brilliant . The
palace itself shone like ono • vest gem ok
opal, so perfect Was the transparency,•
and so peculiar the blue tint of the fab-,
ric. Every part, of the building, the
dolphins, the elephant, every leaf, flow
er, and bird, - aye the veiy cannon wore
glittering with - the ever changing bril
liancy of the many colored prism,with its
crimson, green, golden lights. •
As the Empress approached wonders
ncreasod. • A salute waa fired 'from the
y cannons, and the mortars threw their
shells high up in the air. Yes, real 'Ere
and smoke leaned from the magical ar
tillery, and at the same time the magic
elephant threw Up' a spray of water as
high• ea the meta the palace.
The enchanted portal opened and the
Empress entered a vestibule, whence ap
peared a lefty room- on either side.- In
the drawing room stood . a tablp appa
rently marble, supporting a liandsome
eloch, whose icy wheels daintily eat, ap
peared beneath the transparent case.
Largo statues filled' the corners of the
rooms. i3ottetra and sofas, handsomely
carved, stood on either side, nor wore
chairs, foot stools, and other smaller
pieces of furniture wanting. The sleeping
room, or what appeared-as-such, on* the
opposite side of the vestibule,, was even
more luxuriantly furnished. There was
a grand state bedstead, with its appro- I
priate • pillows, bed, counterpane, and
above all, finely woven curtains
~- a ppa
rontly lace I . Theto war, a dressing. ta-
blo with its mirror:and many kniok
knacks, jars, and bottles, for powder and
perfumes, with cups and boxes for .trink
ets. The table was supported by pretty
little carryatides; On right was au
elegantly carved' mantle piece, and on
the hearth ,Nero laid logs (Twee' ready
to kindle I Here_ and _there wreaths Of
flowers hung in icy 'festoons:
By night' the enclMntinent
still greater. — All - tho windows were'
illuminated i with colored transparencies ;
rould exceed_the....henuttfa
elleet Of the: light,: which filled not only
the windows but all the transparent walls
— oTirM - bnilding iteelf, li a d ic — ate7
pearly glow, even more beautiful than
the opal tint by day. The.elopluint was .
maw seen sporting a stream of burning
naptha, a fire like spray, high in the air. •
while a man concealed in. the . hollow
body of the animal, by blowing pipes,
succeeded in imitating the real roar of
the animal. Within. the palace, the icy
candles smeared with naptha, were
lighted, without molting, and the icy logs
'in the fire place were lighted in the same'
way, • • • .
A beautiful moonlight, view, on still
another occasion, was most charming,
from the . 4rystal like *character 'of the
palace and its garden, reflecting n• thou
sand silvery like rays. Then, again,
fresh falls of snow gave a new charm to
the spectacle, as every architectural or
nament, every twig, and loaf, was dain
tily marked by the white feathery flakes
of a soft even down, more puns than that
of the ice on which they ,fell.
Through the long winter of St.. Petert
burg, from . January to the equinoctial
days of March, the icy wonder stood' on
the banks of the Nova. Before April it
had vanished, and disappeared again in
the bosom.of the stream from'whenee it
lose. - , ,
The Cardiff. Giant, which created such
sonsation last fall, which many scion.
talc mon declared was of great antiquity,
and ono of the wonders of tho past, turns
out to be a grand humbug. - It was got
•ten up in 1818, b.V.H. B. Morton and Gee.
Hull, who employed a sculptor to chisel
It out of a largo block of gypsum, at,
Ghicago, 'and, afterwards . had it .buriod.
whore it was • found, near "Cardiff, New
York. The intention orktio originators
was to beat Barnum at his own game—
but it turned out a failure in a pecuniary
view. • The following opinions Of scion-,
tine pen show how Aitlo their judgment
can lie relied on, , eSPVelally in such mat
General Leavenworth said of it':' "It
has tho marks of the ages stamped upon
every limb ..and - feature in a manner
which no art cart ; ,imitate. " ...Professore .
,and Hall decided in favor of
Its antiquity. Prcdessor Ward, of Ro
chester University, was bow,ildered by
tlo•speetaele it presented, and suggested
that "all one's
..foolings :persttadobo ac
copt it as a real human being, once
Banat with life and activity, now 'a noble
corpse." Professor • Olmstead .. saki :'
"As a work of art the Cardiff- statue'' is
Perbaps'a bettor enibodiment of the in : .
telleettial and physical power of a rock
hurling Titan than any italypolisestscs. "
Rev. Ildr. Calthrop said that in the an.
clout -wOrld- only , die 'Greek School' of
Art Was capable of .suelt perfeetrepro.;
ductiorief the human form.: I;lr,'.lloyn•t
bon did not 'think the • statue; was' abo
yearn - old; but did ihinkde was the work
of the) Joartit•Patheri of this cone=
.who' are -known to have , . frequente4
• - the Onondaga valley' from. 220'44, 25p
An 'esistors'editor• says , that-i xiat tin
New York - lot lirnedif into tronblo:by.
rearrylrid trro•irtives.• Amretifern.orlitor
replied, that a good many rberilhad done,
the, same : , thlug .•by one. ,•A
no'ithenieditor daya that , quite a number,
of his acquaintancrefound trotible
!bYbarely. pitmieing • to , anarry, rilthont
goinieny!forther.? , ' • ;
lIA titak Yort• titivile has!
trgikollsoo l, Miith btu ltir ihts Wintek,"!
[Prom tha Bride Xspreaa.]
The first notice that was taken of ma
when I "settled doWn," recintli; was by
a gentleman who said he was an 'assessor,
and "connected• with .the Dnitnd States
Internal Row:mini Department. I t Said
had never heard of his tiranck of, bust.
nem. before, but I was very glad to sea
him, allthe same:—would he sit
Ho 'eat doven. I did not know anything
particular to say, nnd yet I felt that peo
ple who have arrived
_at the dignity „ of
keeping house -must be conversational,
inuat be easy and sociable in company.
Bo in default of anything else to say, I
asked him if ho Was opening hts_slin - p in
our neighborhopd.
He said ..ho wss. [I did not wish to
appear ignorant/. but I had hoped tie
vvouldmontion what he bad for-sale.]
I • venial's& to; ask ' him "hoe 'was
Vaal"' and he said "SO•so."
I then said wnwould drop in, ani if
wo liked his house as= Well-as any - other,
We would guru him our Custom. - •
' Hai said ho thought woWduld 116 hie
establishment well enough t4:coidlne our.
selves to it--said ho never saw anybody
who would go off and hunt up another
-in his lino after trading with him
ono°. ,
That seunded pretty complacent, .but
barring that natural expression
of vil
lainy which we all have, the man looked
honest enough.
I do not know hew it came abouti,ex
actly, but gradually we appeared'tomelt
down and run together, conversationally ,
speaking, and - then everything - went
along as comfortably as
We talked, and' talked, and talked—, ,
at least I' did: And — we7laughtalTaint,
laughedourelaughed—at least turdid.
But all the time, I had my presence of
mind about me—l had my native shrewd
ness" turned on, "full head," as - the cm- ,
gineers say. I was determined to find
out all about his business in spite of
obscure answers—and I was determined ,
'I would have it out of him without his
suspecting what I was at. 1 meant to
trap him with a deep, deep ruse.• I would
tell him all about my own business, and
he would naturally sowarm to me during
this - seductive-burst of confidence; that
ho would forget himself and toll me all.
about his - affairs before ho suspected
what I was about. I thought , to myself,
my sou, you little know what an' old, fox
you are dealing with. • I said :
"sow, yotinever would guess what I
made' - lecturing this winter and last
"Np, don't believe I could, to save me.
Let me see, let me see. About two
thousand dollirs.maybe 2 Rut, no—no,
sir, I know you could n't have made that
,mach; Say' eventeen hundred, maybe?"
ha I_ knew you, could n't.
lecturing receipts for last spring and this
winter-- were fourteen thousand, , seven
him - died - and arty dollars. Virinpt do you
"Why, it is amazing—perfectly amaz-
I will Make a note of it. And you
say even this wasn't alff"—
• !‘it.h Why, bless you, there was my
income-from the Buffalo Expreta for four
months—about—about,well, what should
you say to.about eight thousand dollar
for instance ?"
" Say Why I should say Ishould like
to see myself rolling in just such another
ocean of affitionce. Eight thousand ! I
will make a note of it. Why, man l—
aud on the top of this I am to understand
that you had still morn income ?"
" ! why you aro only in the
Suburbs of it, ao to speak. There's illy
book, a The +lnnotionts .abroid"-prioo
$3.50 to $4.00, according to the binding.
Liston to me. Look me in the oyo. Du.
ring the last fourmonths and alialf, end
ing March 15, 1870. we've sold .35,000
copies of that book It Is nearly $4OO
- my son. I get half." •
" The suffering Moses_!_ 1,1 l sot that
down. Fourteen-seven-fifty—eight—two
hundred. Total, say—well upon my
word, the grand total is about two hui.-
dred and thirteen or fourteen thousand
dollars. Is that possible 7" •
",Possible: 1 if there's any mistalto it
is the other way. Two hundred and
fourteen thousand dollars, cash, is my
income this year- If I know bow- tp,'ci:
pher." _
Then the gentleman got up to go.' It
came over . me most uncomfortably ,that
maybe Lhad niado my revolationti for
nothing, 'besides 'being- flattered into
stretching the& ; considerably by'', the
stranger's astonished acclamations. 'But
no ; at tho last moment the 'gentleman
handed me a largo envelope, and said it
- contabeed hia adyerfisoment ; and I
would. find out all about his buoinoas in
it ; and that ho would be. 'happy to hay°
my custom—would, in fact, be proud to
have the custom of a man of such pro
digious income ; and that he used to
think there were several wealthy men in
Buffalo, but when ho had come to trade
with them he found that'they had barely
enough to live on ; and it had been such
,a weary, weary age since be had seen a
'rich man face to face, And talked with
him, and toughed him with, his bands ;
that ho could barely refrain from emu
hracing me—in fact would esteem it a
grrat favor if I would lot him ,omhrace
.This so pleasedmo that I did not try
to resist, bat allowed thiii simple hearted
stranger to throw his - arms about ;me,
and to weep. a few tranquilizing, tears
down the back of my neck. Then ho
wont away, ' • •
.A.s'soon as he was gone, I opened his
advertisement... I studied it -attentiyoly
for four minutes. • I then called up: the
cook and said ' •
"Sliold ine while faint. • Lot Maria
turn the batter-ealros." •
and "by, when I'cabin, to, - I Mint
dovrttio . the rum mill on the corner and
Mica a n` artist "by - the week. to sit up
nights and eurse•tbat stranger, and give
mo a lift "occasionally In the • day limp
nben I came to n hard place. ,_;
' "Ali; ;what' a ., miscrcatit ha was ;Tile
"advertisoMent" was nothing'. `;
world but a Nrick'ocl tax rniurn-:a* String
Of2impertinOnt nbreat
vato alfahn ocouPyttig the heat kart of
four foolicap'"ages of fine piitit-'-'qUes.
Mus t . -I indy ; reinirk;''gotten with
inciavelouti;ingenuity tlint the.old=,
cat Mau' lit'the' woild'obilldn't 'Under
stand ishat:the -Most of them *ore 4riv
ing.'sitqttetitiorsi - tad, sieio
lated man takeiVabent Our
times ,his actual income to keep frOm
swearing to' a lie. . I loOked for a loop
hole; but there did not appear to be any.
Inquiry No. 1 covered my case is gener
ously and as amply as - an umbrella could
cover an ant hill :
" What wore your profit/Iln 1869, from
any trade, business, or vocation, wherev
er carried on ?"
And that inquiry was, backed up by
thirteen others of an equally searching
nature, tho' most modest of which re
quired information .as to - whether I bad
committed any burglary, or highway rob
bery, or by any arson or other secret
-source of emolument, bad acquired prop
erty which was not enumbrated in my
statement of income as sot opposite to
inquiry No. 1. '
It was pain that that stranger had en
able& me to make an ass of myself. It
was very, very plain, and I wont out and
hired another artist. By working on my,
vanity. the stranger had seduced me into
declaring an income of $214,000.- `By
law, $l,OOO of thin was exempt:from in
come, tai—the only relief I could see,
and--it-was, only a drop in the ocean:
At the legal five per cent., I must pay
over to the government the appalling sum
of ten thousand six hundred and fifty
dollars, income tax. .
[l'inay, remark, in this place, that I
did not do it.]
I am acquainted with -a very opulent
man, Whose house is a palace,
.whose. ta
hie is regal, whose outlays are enor
mous, yet a man who has no incoine,'as
I haye often noticed by the'reyenuo re,
turns ; and to him I went for advice in
my distress. Ho took ray dreadful exhi
bition of receipts, ho put. .on his glasses;
hitook his pen, and presto I I was a pan.' was the neatest thing that ever
was. Ho did it simply by deftly mani
pointing the bill of "DEDUCTIONS." He
sot down my "State, national, and mun-
Jcipal taxes" at se much ; my. "losses by
ill'ATO;*, --- _ - ect," at so much; my
"losses on sales of real estate"—"on live
stock sold"-- , -on" payments for rent of
homestead"—on "repairs, improve
ments, interest"—on "previously taxed
-salary as an officer of the United States
army, navy, revenue-service," and other
things. He got astonishing "deduc
tions". out of each and every ono of them.
And when he was. done. he handed me
the paper, and I saw at glance, that
during the year 1869 my income, in the
way of profits, has bosh oite. thousand
two hundred and fifty dollars and fifty
" Now,"said he, " the thousand dol
lars is exempt by law. What you want
to do is to swear this document in,
.and pay tax on the two hundred -and
, flftY dollars."
While ho was making this speech his
:little boy Willy lifted
. a two dollar green
back out of his vest pocket and vanished
with_it,-and ho-would bet anything that
if any stranger was to call on that little
.boy - to-morrow - he would make a false
"47= .• e
. Do you,' said I, "do you always
work up the ' deductions' after this
fasitiort_itLyour case,'sir ?"
" Welll, should say so I If it weren't
for those eleve'ri saving clauses under the
head of deductions,' I should bo beg
gared every year to suppOrt this _hateful
and wicked, this extortidnate and ty
ranical government."
This gentleman stands away up among
the very best of the solid men of Buffalo,,
the men of royal weight, of commercial
integrity, of unimpeachable social, spot
lessness—and so I bowed to his example.
, I went up to the Revenue office, andun
der the accusing eyes ofmy old visitor ' I
stood up and swore to lie after lie, fraud
after fraud, and villainy after villainy;
till my immortal soul was toted inches
after inches thick with perjury, and niy
self respect was gone fordver:
But - vita - Of it? It .is nothing more
than thousands of the highest and rich
est, and proudest, and courted men in
America do every year. And so Ido n't
car(2. lam not ashamed. I 440 simply
for the present, talk little, and wear tire
proof gloves least I fall Into certain hab
its irrevocably.. • •
Frp,qt,llu..rserf, kin
Coquetry is born of vanity. The delz
etorious influence of this unpardonable
human Nveakuess, though perhaps not
apparent attlia time of its exercise, comes
back, 'like' chickens, to roost in 'after
YOlllll. •
In mon, " it exhibits itself in various
Shapes: With some it is perceptible iu
an ovorwoaning. love •f admiration ; in
others, in a handsome face, an inordinate
love of self, a fine figure; a faultless
moustache; a diiimond breast pin, and in.
in an over estimate of natural endow.
In women, it is displayed, in articles
of dress, in personal charms, a pretty
foot, a taper„waist, a good voice for .tho
and a restless desire to win
admimtion, love, esteem, and • when
chievod, to triflo with the objects by
wio they are profusely lavished...
-Domestic education, early training,
pernidious associations, habits, &0., have
much to do in gi'ving birth to and in feed
ing this passion for flirting. , Yet, looked
upon by many as a fashionahlo foible, if
not exorcised to_ too, great an , extent,
they are too frequently made tho cover
for the most disastrous and venal offences.
, In the social erirelo,wo look in vain Ihr
an excuse for The, habitual
,or profes
sional flirt," Whether the wretched being
exits in, tho form of man or woman ;for
in either, the trade . they pursue is as des
pigahlo as it is unmanly (or unwomanly)
And mngtural. '
A malellirt, though a Worthy' object
of contutript -and ridicule, can do but,
little harm in the circle wligiein,
prompted by, an, insufferable self conceit,
his airs and graces' aro brought into
play; to oxOito'an evaneelent flutter- in
the female Wart. The natural -shrewd.,
noss of a woman's perception provonts
her from being drawn like a doomed fly
into a spider's web,:!' The moment OM
finds that aliC is about to 'be'-entangled
into the meshes she ,avoldi the , danger
by winging her course safer quarteri,.
and -'the baffled -spider' Rooks prey
'elseviheee. '
flitt is a datigerotte cOot tt
all tinieo,'ln all. 'iociaties, 'and . With 'nll
Lord' Byron contended ~t hat nll
wonion . adtoie alihot • nagabi . Or
and that thtiy 'nevoiloOonided' any .tna 7
tf 46 are al-
lowed to take tiift sweeping (pm de:We - for
granted we are necessarily forded• to the
conclusion that the majority. is largely
.irr favor of the former. And, by the
same process of „reasoning, we are
equally impelled to, place the.female flirt
in the latter category. The woman flirt .
Is a veritable devil. At hoWever early
an age she may commence her career of
deception—and her whole artificial life
from girlhood to the grive is but allying
lie"-when'she has glutted her insatiable
appetite and deserted her victim, she in
variably leaves a subtle poison in her
trail. In practising hor' arts In early
maidenhood this poison, as deadly as the
venom, of the rattlesnake; rankle's deep
est, and its effects -are more enduring
than in after life.
Many a youth raerges , into manhood
With a seared heart, his manly, trusting
nature' blighted and grown callous to the
finer feelings from being jilted by a
heartless young flirt. She thinks not,
can form no idea of the cruelty she in-
Mete upon - her - - Unsuspecting victim as
she toys wits his first deep, pure, cling
' ing•affectiorVonly to make hie► a sac.
rifled to her heartless coqiietry. Nor
IoOS she realise what the uonsegtiences
maybe to herself.
Most young mob feel flattered at the
seeming preference shown them- by a
pretty woman particularly when her
beauty is associated with intellect° and
ornate accomplishments; but the larger
portion soon learn to estimate the'-dis.
pensers of these coquetries at their
proper worth—they despise' while they
iibfoss to love.
She acquires a name and
,a fame es an
accomplished flirt.. The brand is indeli
bly stamped upon her
. brow, and go
whither she will she is pointed at, spoken
of, contemned, ridiculed. Though she
may elicittlie pity of a charitable feed,
the hearts of thii many are steeled
against her for evermore.
The female flirt is seldom troubled
with and as seldom mends her
ways. Coquetry becomes a passion with'
her, and the habit; like the feeling of
jealousy, grows by what it feeds upon.
In the course of time it ripens into a dis
ease, and her own cruel heart is made
the victim ; its tender instincts are des
-troyert.its general impulses withered," by
the cankeririg poison: . Time flits by, ,
and youth, and innocence, and happiness
pass away with it. Forced bite a real
izing souse of the position she 'occupies
in society, she entertains serious thoughts
of matrimony., She has too much pride,.
if she can ordain it otherwise, to live nd
die an old maid ;' and seeks to elipugle
someone of_ber male acquaintanen into
a matrimonial alliance. Well versed in
all the arts of dissimulation she succeeds
at last in captivating some unsuspecting
noddle, who, like herself,: is gifted with
more self conceit than brains, aad eventu
ally marries, for money, a position in
society, or from unavoidable necessity.
As a married woman She launges into
every - speciiiißiTaFraiiiiiiek - phinges
into the vortex of fashionable dissipa
tion, and fdr a briiif season becomes a
-dazzling centre of feinale attraction._
Meanwhile her wedded victim has been
weaned from any little affection he may
have entertained .for her. The scales
have fallen from his eyes, and with them
the personal charnis .that lured him to
his destiny. Fable hair, teeth, bust,
figure, and a false heart, inspire him
with loathing and disgust. _Mutual re
crimination follows, and if there are,
children, they; toe, aro made partici
pants in the domestic unhappiness of
their parents.
At length the curtain falls ; the beau
tiful young fli fteen, now a pronia
turely told wo & ed, wrinkled, ugly,
lies upon her ',sou of - pain and misery,
soon to be &tiled to - her last- account, to
be arrainged for judgment before the
Mighty Judge of all mankind. What
are the thoughts, the feelings, the re
grets, the stings of conscience that affliet
that dying *loin Tho hand of death is
upon her ; let us then profit by the, los 7 ,
son of her example, and throw,: the' veil
of charity over all that is left of the
"Professional Flirt."
• row have any just conception of the
vastness of the public domain of the
r enttedStates. The whole, prior to the
Alaska'purc*se; embraebd
Tbri puichalle,
Grand total 1 616 243,672 scree.
or moro than 2,83 . 7,882 square miles,
Thbro havo been ' Iranted, out of this
vaat , domaim- - for sundry
...purposes, as
follows :
. . . ,
To ynrcha-ars and hon7asl64d
Fe ArdenWaal oitlosea '
For rejl r 0,11,1 and otd'•r. In te flint Im-
For ' , Mali ■nd nnlre:eltle•
TO Biafra ay tbrouriir lend'
For Indiana
for other p&p me—public build
lug!; Whim, de . ., do
• And yet,' tbis more than royal bounty
of the , GOiernment has not dostroyod the
publio,domnin thus given ; but, like the
Spared boas of tho Sybil, the remain,
inipubliedomaln, by thia.liberal policy
of giving away, has becomes more value.
blo thati`the whole was botoro, It has
been a donation that • has„ enriched- pia,
donor ; and more than' anything beside,
in connection with Our free gpvornment.
has made us a rich, •popufona and 'pros.
porous nation. • •
In tonna numbers; 000,000,009 acres
have boon 'surveyed, 'and more than
400,006,000 have been'disposed of, a,nllyet
there remained; on the thirtieth ofJuncs'
1808,,, 1,405,8130,678 acres or more
thin 2,105,000 square miles. Binbe thit
time,' largo giants !lave been 'made, in
aid of the magnificent system; of Paelfie
railways and other purposes, perhaps to
the extent of 100,000,900' cores. • This
'firreit and Ininetleent „policy of the 'Ciov-
ernniont his hound with handS". stronger
thaniron aze whole IlOpull e. hOr
opened and'is.'opefiing vast' _ regions for'.
seltlenient hi the interior :of our. Conti
nental aimpire, : ; prepared highways foi
eniiipation trein EUrope, 'Asia nsuleAfklisi
to people them,. and SuPplielithani wlt
'alun:ches noil.eblionbi,'‘iolleet# 'and' tint
o.piiii,::4lth i;11 thii'•6lenieni8 1 6rii iapid
and healthy growth in 'ninterial wealth
and Christian civilization. ' •
As before shown, we had on the thirt4
eth,of Tune, 1808, • about 1,400,000,000
acres unsold: How insignifleant' in view
of this imperial domain, are 100, OM acres
granted in aid of Other 'great lines and
railways, and canals, needed for the full
development of our great natural resour
ces, and for the establishment of Hiles of
iron stetnusbdpa that shall make our com
mere° whiten every sea, and the .power
and enterprise of the United States bo
acknowledged in every part of the world,
7-not for conquest and oppression, but for
enlightenment, for liberty; and Christian
'Guard these grand donations to the
people, for . great enterprises, for rail-
Ways, canals, steamship lines, and tele
graphs, with every precantion to procure
their use for the public .good, and' the
old proverb will be vindicated ; " There
is that scattereth, and yet maketh rich ;
them is that withhohleth, arid yet tend=
eth to poverty."
Alexander Selkirk, a Fifeshire man,
bred up to the sea, started off abotit the
beginning . of the , last century on a voy
age to America, half commercial , and
half piratidal, in a way - much in fashion
in. those days. Captain Stradling, the.
cot:amender of the ship, having taken
some offense against Selkirk, put him on
shore on the uninhabited island of Juan_
Fernandez, with no day's food, a sea
chest, clothes, bedding, a little tobacco;
a few books and nautical instruments,
some powder and ball, dgun, knife, ox,
and a kettle or boiler. Thus was the
lonely Scot,. on a September day in,1704, '
left to shift- for himself, on an island
about eighteen miles long by six broad
and at least four hundred miles distant
from the nearest mainland ( the Pacific
coast of South America.) When he re
'covered' from the first feeling of dismay
and - despondency, he sot to work. and
built- two huts of pimento wood, one as
a kitchen; he' roofed them with long
grass, and by degrees gave them a warm
lining of goat skins. Strips of the
same kind of-.wood-supplied him with
are and light, burning very clear, and
emitting an agreeable, fragrant odor.
His chief food was boiled goats' flesh
and crawfish, seasoned with pimiento
fruit, but sadly in need of a little salt,
of which he had none save the brackish,
bitter. salt of sea water. When his
clothes were worn out he.made goat skin
garments, using a nail for a needle, and
narrow Strips of bark or skin for thread.
As'for shoes,he soon learned to do with
nut- theta altogether. Many - Cate 'and
goats were fbund on the island ; the fim- -
mer,helped to nere away the rats,. which
- at-first were very -troublesord ; while the
goats served him as playfellewi and as a
supply of food. While his ammunition
lasted i he - shot -down:thergoataTWhenit
was exhausted, he caught them by run
ning; and so expert,did he become, that
he could mud down any of them. One°
he foll c ovar aprecipice — while - Alma on
and-onlY escaped destruction by
falling on the animal on the beach , be
low. During his stay on the island, ha
appropriated five hundred goats to food
and clothing, and sot free another five
hundred after marking them on the ears.
(Thirty years afterward, when Anson's
crew landed on ther- island, the first goat
they shot was ono Of those which Selkirk,
had thus marked.) . When his knife was
worn out, he forged others from old iron
hoops. Thus did the lonely man pass
four years arid four months ; when, in
February, 1709, he was reactiedty a.ves
tel by Captain Weeders Rog
ars. Although he had some difficulty in
returning to the heo of his speech, and,
in reconciling himself to the ship's pro
visions and usages, he gradually became
fitted to not as mate to the ship in whish
he returned to England in 1711.'/
Such was the true story of AleXander
BOlkirk,' ., from" which Defoe , ' elaborated'i
the "Adventures. of Robinson Cnisoo,"
and in which, it will be seen, then) were
no ludians and no man Friday.
A . 0111128 P.XrLANATION OF Tttg DiFFI
, A great dealTci said and"written now
adays of the reasons why young men are
-afraid to marry. The most frequent of
these is, that the girls of this genera
tion are too extravagant, ,
:1!fow I am a girl ; and from my stand
point see some things which older and
perhaps wiser heacht have failed to notice.
Dear brothers and, friends, lot mo toll
you how it seems to me..
That we are extravagant I admit. But
who makes us so? Did it never ocpur
to' you that this outlay in. diens is to
please the gentlemen? And does it not
please you? 'ls not ,the girl who makes
a tine show most 'sought ,after? Of
eortiae, there are ex . cePtione—girhi who
do'not care most of all for dress, and men
who in their admiration of ladies look at
something beyond this... But, after all,
is it not the most common remark, "Is
she not stylish ?" • "What a flue ap- •
pearinco that,,,gn:l- makes." And no it
pleases their vanity to die the escort of
such attractive ones. ' • ! . •
1,45a,n6.,172 acr
:.369,520.601 ar•.n
....31 0, 1(6005
12 Olk7 t
For Myself, 1' dress rather plainly.
Perhaps I could bettor afford to put on
this style than Many, who assume It. But,
my, taste does not so lead mo ; and thou,
too, knowing' the sins which love of dress
will drive women to, I try.„hvan humble
way to'set is bettor example.. - ,
Besides, I ward my gentlemen - friends
to 'feel that one:giri, and, if they will
but see it, hundreds besides, do not care
for dress for themselves, • Ambitious pa-'
rents desire, it, and shortsighted, young
ma. admire . it ; and so often they appear
frivaloits; while . really their thought is
far beyond.' And lot me toll you luiw
„Ma tiled Sometime' Tosave tho expense
of a citrriago for the opora,l don my lace
bonnet and walking snit. Now, my
friend sits 'beside ate end should be think.:
"ThiS is a ' sensible . , ‘glrl: She
comes to hear the mush). eats afford to
bring Ler seyoral tithes Tor what a eat.
iiajtO 5 , 0u1d cost once . foillie'se butterfly
no i - he doee noflookNO fares that
int; tibetluir hexnerii*the , comphtisonor
not,; 0 41 iilY:itimit l 94 , to ' most 1034 Y
Uttiretl young ladleis eitying tuinairingly •
" 4 11 Ow becomingly tluit
l ittly flieened."
"What an elegatie' entume
his conversion ho forsook his old haunts
and companions and was without : work
for. thirteen weeks. during which time
his wife and children suffered° tho
treme of poverty. On the last day kis
wife, had-divided her remaining piece of
hard, dry bread between their tWo child
ron, and they were sitting opposite to
oseh othor, contemplating their future in
blank despair. The thought occurred
to Wright to go out and steal; but his
wife encouraged him to hold out against
the temptation, saying, "A erupt aith
Christ was better than the whole world ..
w4thont Him." Her faith was rewarded
almost on the instant, for a friend called
,with- tho good news that he had irk
Work for him. Ned turned to It like a
man, and, to use his own words, ".he
has never wanted 'for a pound since."
But ho has done more, for ho has tried
tot restore to industry and a good life the
poor outcasts with,whom ho formerly
associated,. Ho has i boldly gone aniong
them and give them -the history gill-M
-ewl' degradation and of his escape, from
it,.pointing out this way which,3H open to
them all alike, and -4rging .. upon
them the fact thrii.thOy would - be better
off in a pecuniary way,' as Well as a
moral one, by turning to holiest labor.
His latest scheme has been to hire a
largo room, which was formerly,used for
a penny theatre, in the vory heart of the
wOrot thieves' district in the south of
Loinloh, and to invite a 'select number
of convicted thieves, male and female,
to a supper, consisting of pea soup and
broad, and- to' preach to and exhoit
them. Two of these singular entertain
ments luivo been given the first to tho
mon, the second to the woman, and on
the whole, the shootings have been
derly, although, perhaps, no very great
impression.was produced on the audience.
the peculiarity- of the scene was that
none but thoso . who had boon actually
Convicted of and punished for theft worn
admitted, and all policemen :wore care
fully excluded. But Witiors woro ad
mitted ilito the
. gallory, and. it
_may lie'
questioned whether this was a wise thing;
it .may have prevented the, outspoken
manifestion 'of feeling which, noverthe
loss, many found difficulty In restraining:.
" Now my little boya-ind said a
teacher, I want you to be very quiet e r
solvery quiet that you can hear a pin
• • Ina 'Willa() all was .silent when .a
little boy shrieked, out, ," Let her,drop 1"
The Union Pacific trains took west in
-regullir morning train, on •liforolf 1.6,485
psasengors 'from, .the trains' which laivei
boon arrow bpiuni' in lowa. The number
was so great tlrtworo obliged to ,sond.
ant, :two trains, , lhe first Consisting of,
tbiee riser:lnger' poodles, linail — and ex-
proes, and liiilleaau'e elegant 2
iirawing room 'oars car; . the
second had four coachea;,three baggago
oare;and, two sleeping Calm Busluesui
for a while loOkecl very lively alipuktim
Ninth itreet.depet.4 2l o, niaa Herat 1.
Mat is th© best stimulant for the
bairo T4oiptiyhaind. •
$2.00 a year, ..
wears." 'I dcfnet say to him what lam
now telling you;but I feel it all,*and am
almoil resolved the next time he invites
me—if he does again—to 6 to-ml this
But so mach show hi a 'public place
does not suit my taste ; and then ) I' do
not wish to be one , to frighten mgriends
from that.holiest and best of earthly re
latiOns, the married life.
Oniithing more. Wo often hear young
men say, " All that a girl wants is money;
if a man has not that, ho may pass 'on."
Veryltrue of some girls; but is itnot the
revere() as often true? These showy
girls, whose parents spend their all tp
Marry 'them off; are taken ; while the true
Parents, whthwish-thoir daughters to bo
chosen for their real worth, and so con
ceal the possession of wealth, find for
them a poor market.
I feel this subject keenly myself, for I
have lost a valued friend.. " Pled ?"
No ; that were not so hard. But he has
gone ; and to his last look I think I saw
a resolve to bury the - love which he dare
not speak. A few hints thrown out con
vinced me that be felt his business suc
cess would not warrant the luxury of a .
wife. And so he will go on in the lone
ahem; of hotel life, while his hoartyearns
for the comforts and joys of liome;1,
Oh I if I could haVe told him that Bela
more to me than gold'; Multhat with his
love I should be . happy without much
theta generousfather now lavishes upon
me. But ; he is proud. His wife
must not work. Elio - mast boa lady, .
dress-and be gay ; and until ho can as.
ford-this ho will steel his heart against
lot e.. ;
Oh, friends, bathers, will you not
think of this l Do not expect to com
mence life as our fathers leave , off. Only
choose a wife with tastes congenial to ,
your owni a happy spirit ; prudent for
the things ‘bf this life, and yet with as
pirations bey \ Ond. Be willing to givo up
your own extravagances ; and be proud
of her not for " tho outward adoring of
putting on apparel, but for the orna
tne‘t of a meek and quiet spirit." Bo
not ashamed to be called poor. .Care not
for the world's opinion; but only for her
whom your heart loves.. And so the
blessing of wifo and Children shall be
yours ; andln the atmosphereThrhorno
your own i character shall expand into all
that Is pure and good and noble.
This person, a reformed London thief,
is thus spoken of in an interesting arti
cle in the Philadelphia Ledger, viz : Ho
was' once a rowdy of the lowest class. Ho
was a thief and a pickpocket, and served
several terms in different prisons for his
pilfering propensities. He was a _sailor
in the Royal Navy, and was flogged for
desertion. Ho was , also a professional
kin, fighter, and at-the- same -time of
his conversion was under an engagement
to fight: The fist act of his after - the
•change — ofloarrcithiiinieF liim wai to
Ithrow up his engagement, which so ex
asperated his backers and trainers that
he narrowly escaped ill treatment. Tne
account Wright gives Of his conversion
is deeply interesting. It occurred sud
dpnly, at religious service held at Ash
ley's Theatre, near Westminister Bridge,
about six years ago, but it is fair to give
much of the credit of it to the influence
of his wife, who seems to have 'been a
true friend to him, and to have adhered
to him with unshaken constancy. After