61y Ca;rtiolejlitittt.i. CARLISLE, ' MARCH 24, 1870 Orphans' Court convened on Monday Wild Pigeons are said to bo very plenty this, Spring, in, the , neighborhood' of tho Mountains ; five flocks 'WM seen ims.4ing'over town on Tuesday last. . Tho bill to ine Masa the rate'Of taxation for borough, .purposes, for Carlisle, 'has been reported from the committeewith a negative recommendation. This, practi cally,, kills the bill. We would call attention to the adver tisement of Joseph Blackwood, 832 Arch street, Philadelphia, in this, issue. Pur chasers of carpeting; &c., should not fail to give him a call. On motion of \V. F. Sadler, esq., James .ilerron__Graham, son of the Hon. Graham, was yesterday admitted tosirae ties in the several courts of Cumberland county. Mr. G., we areinformqd, passed a very _creditable examination. We wish Lim abundant success in his new career. INEZIE A chair in which one of the signers 0 the Declaration of Ind4endenco was seated at that time, and which was after wards presented to the late Chief Justice Gibson, was sold at the auction of Mrs. M'Clure yesterday, for $2.5.9. Mrs. Col. Merchant was the purchaser. =ECEI Horace• Greely says: "Every parent Whose son is away at school should furnish him with iticime newspaper. I well remember what a markeil difference there was bet•' een those of my school mates who had Und had not news"papers. The former were always st / merior,to the latter in debate composititim and general intelligence." I=M=l A musical entertainment will be given by Prof. John A. lli.tKeeltan in connec tion with Mr. E. B. Dunlap,' at the Bon ny Brook school house, nearßcisler's mill on Sat. rday evening March 26. Mr. McK, is a popular soloist and ball adist, and persons fond of enjoying an evening of mirth and good music, should attend. The price of admission is ten cents. Information is wanted of the wkerea bouts of William Decker, of this village, who left home nearly two years ago: When last heard from he was in the Franklin iron workit, Oneida county, N. Y., which place he left one year ago, Ri rico which - time he has not been heard from. Any tidings concerning bhp will be grate fully received, if addressed to Mark C: Decker, Port Jervis, N. Y. Exchanges please copy.—Warerlii Democrat. ' I==IIII Mr. Abel Marcy delivered a temper ance lec.ture, in Rlicem's hall, nn Satur day eveninglast.. * rho audience was not as large as we would like to to have seen, owing, probably, to the•nnusual number or entertainments offered to the citizens Of this place, during the 'Week. Mr. Marcy, however, delivered quite - an in teresting address, which was well re 'mired by those piesent. • An unknown Man was found, late on Sunday evening, on the turnpike, about one mile . east of Mount Rock, in a dying condition. Ho had been at a house 'in the neighborhood about one hour before, and asked for some milk to drink, which Was given him. While there he , stated that ltaliallisco-illtughterslia,thg,i'Oliu— risbarg,and was on his - way to visit them, and wished to reach Carlisle that night. llis body was brought to, town ,on Monday morning, and deposited in the jail. Coroner Smith being notified summoned a jury; who rendered a ver dict of death from natural enures. =En= Among the list of lippointments by the Central Pennsylvania Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church; the follow ing for Carlisle District will be of inter est to oUr readers : T. Mitchell, Pre siding Elder ; Carlisle, First Church, 11. C. Pardoe ; Carlisle, 'Emory Chapel,. W. M. Frysinger ; Mount Holly, - J. M. Lauti ; Chambersburg, E. W. Kirby ; Chambersburg, Second Church, J. Dona.' hue; Shippensburg, 11.. M. Ash ; Ship pensburg Circuit, J. .Lloyd ; Newville and Rehoboth, W. H. Keith ; Mechanics burg,' J. H. McGrirrali ;__Kow Cumber land, .T. M. 'Clarke, and J. B. Shaver, S. 'L. Bowman, Professor - of Dickinsd College, member of Emoi7 Quarterly Conference. F. P. Ege, President' of IrVing Female College, member of Me chanicsburg Quarterly Conference. Rev. J. Cures, who has been Presiding Elder of this district foi*i,e'vtiral years, has the scenes of his -labors transferred to the Williamsport district., Er3:11111 -- Mid new Town Council; elected in Oc tober last, assumed the duties of their office on Fridarevening,. After taking the usual • oath of office, the follow ing officers were elated to servo for the . ensuing year : President—George Sheaf ' fer ; Clerk—Robert McCartney, jr. ; Market -Master—William 'l3. Gregg; Treasurer—Joseph W. Ogilby ; Tax Col lector--L-Josbna Fagan ; High Constable •J'esSe humor; Lamplighters—Samuel Brown and 'George P. Myers; Street commit!slOner—Blias, Donnelly ; Street Regulators HenrY Myers, William Spangler and Robert Sheaffer ; Curator of graveyard—Leopard, Heckendorn ; Janitor—George Taylor. The salaries of officers were fixed as follows Secre tary, .SWO ; Treasurer, $125 ; Clerk of Market, $2OO ; High Constable, $520 ; Keeper of Graveyard, 425.; -Janitor, $BO. The salaries of lamplighters and' night watch were fixed :it $520 a year. The first Friday pf &Loh Month V 4 as fixed as . regular meetinc nig:fit of the Council. Adjourned to meet Friday; March 25. , . At a special .communieutiOn of tto Grauil Lodge of Pennsylvania,. A. held tit: Yoik Bpilfigs, Ada.w county, March 21, A. D. 1870, A. L. 5'610„II virtue of. a dispOMiatiou -from the 1 1. W. G.' Master, R. A. -LambortOn, io R. W. D. D. G. 3,f., Robert H. Thomas, of Dis- , trict No. 8, 'for the constitution o ai now ',, lodge, "to he called Hebron Lodge; No. 468, A.. Y. M. Grand Lodge opened in ancient form, Brother R, W.'"flionms, in the chair. The warrant for coniititution of now lodge was read, - and. Ilobron Lodge, No: 40, A. 'Y.' 111., ikfiti consth tuted, by the installation of the following officers: W. 31., -Brother H. C.?!..-.lThters; . • S.' W., Brother Pierson; :T. Brather Sheeler ; the Mimes of the Secretary and 'Treasurer ;We'have , not learned. After the evening 'session, which was devoted .to _hist ructionelm the work, by D. Thomas; the hii3thrim regaled them selves with refreshments; prepared by 'the members Of- the now lodge,' and' en- joytd themselves ffrOntly, until tito the (moping. The ipdgoe from Meehan. iosburg, Carlisle, Elhippensburg, York; anif,Gottysbnrg Worn represented. Who, - now ontorpriko prdmisoh to be- a suecess .- rid Wain' • THE C CHB EI2L - AICD "CO U.NTT PO OR Ho USD: " ' • • A. REPORT Tagn 1"8 NOT "ANNUAL SI'ATNIIIhNT"TILEFARII-TUE STOOB. :-TUt'ITUILDINGS*-111.EATEIVAND -A VISIT TO TUN INSTITUTION - • ACTERS'?..7-TFITi NEW INSANE ASYLUM -ITS INMATES. • ' ' „ Thp, Directors of the Poor and the RousO of Employment” of Cumberland county having _doclined to publish the statement for 1809 in the columns of this paper, and it being desirable that the payers of two-thirds the taxes of this county 'should know what becomes of their Poor nouso taxes, the HERALD seen lit to compile its own report. The Cumberland county farm lies about ono mile east'of Carliste,:the Cum berland Valley Railroad running through and dividing It Contains more than threo - hundred acres of the garden land of Pennsylvania.• The farming work Is performed by the paupers, and during harvest n-numerous and motley crew are distribfited ()Val. the Trill, - gatheribg the rich products of the soil. In 1809 the yield of the farm was as folloWs : 1,920 bushelS wheat, - 2,200 bushels: bushels shelled corn; 1,100 bushels pota f, toes, 70 loads hay, 28, loads fodder, six loads pumpkins, 81 bushels onions, two bushels seed onions, 51 bushels rye, 80 bushels red beets, 20 bushels green beans, eight bushels peas, 22 bushels -tomatoes, eight bushels turnips, 10 bushels pars-. nips, 5,000 heads of cabbage. 1;000 en cumbers, two bushels. dried cherries, three bushels dried apples, 127 dozen eggs were given to paupers; 2,250 pounds of butter, and 95 crocks of applebutter were made. • -As good stock as can be found any-. Where _will be seen at the barn. 311; , ., Snyder, the steward, delights in the sight of fat beeves,. and knows how to raise them. On January 1 he had charge ofg \ lit mules, three horses, twenty-five nip COWS, eight bead of stock cattle, sixteen steers, two yo' , :e of oxen, three sows, twenty-eight shoats, as -the farm stock. During the year 1869 twenty beeves (average weight '681:1 pounds) 13,632 pounds, and thirty-three bogs. (average weight 232 ,pounds,) 7,661 . munds, were fattened and killed. A complete outfit of farming imple ments-is in/possession of the steward. The laboing machines introduced of late years have-been-prodneave of much economy in (mail for faint hands. The immense stone bank barn attached to the farm is a model of elegance and ex- raN,lgalicc. • The Almshouse and the new Insane Asylum are located near the centre of the farm. We cannot better—describe them than by, giving the details of a re cent visit. On entering the office of the Poor House we were met by Mr. Henry Snyder, .Mr. John Paul, and several other gentleman of- highly respectable appearanee, serenely ruminating over a 'sumptuous dinner just finished, (it was "Director Day.'•) On making krnfivn our business,.Mr. Paul obligingly volun teered to lead the way through the inSti tutiMi,mlthougli it was after the hour for admission of visitors. The eastern end being devotedlo the use of the steward, visitors are not ad- PaSsing: throng!' ' door from the ale° we find ourselves on the first floor, which is used as sleeping and liv ing apartments, for the Men. 'To 'bur right we were shown the "old men's room," where a half dozen veterans were musing by the - fire, or, leaning on their •erutelies r -Eeeoa Tonth. Immediately opposite, to the left of the entry, is the "traveler's room." Here is a babel indeed. When we en tered, nearly three dozen of those itine-' rant philosephers,,,,commonly known as "bummers," were dispeXed of according to the taste and fancy of each bummer—many conversing earnestly and loudly in many lauoages, enriched by brogue,' accent and the varieties of dia lect. Ono sporting chap, unmindful of the prejudice against progress manifest ed by his thriftless companions, ,was seated on n valise, and submitting his shaggy loots 'to the tonsorial shears. Some were, mending, the tatters-of gar ments ivbich could look ba - ck to the time when they decorated a second hand store as their palmy days. A systematic old codger was packing a valise which was a model curiosity shop. A tier& looking, one armed fellow was trying to kill flies by a sudden bath in tobacco juice. We admired the picturesque attitude :did stoic indifference of ,an antediluvian Dutchman, who lay on the floor, his usehl stuffed handkerchief serving as a pillow, his legs crossed in mid air, and who re-. garded us with as much interest as if we were the afore mentioned flies. More than one man in this room appeared to be carrying on a business requiring' quick manipulation with infinitesimal partners. The odor of this roopr Would be,a study for an analytical chemist. Mr. Paul in formed us that as many as sixty persons had been packed in this room in ode night. The liOoks. last year. recorded nearly eight thousand traveling paupers, to whom were given • 13,715 meals, and many were furnished with'clothing. Moving on a short distance the men's dorimitOries were seen, one `thr each side f the, hall, and each containing fifteen OFtwentiy beds. All the - beds had occu pants. :A -few-steps - further,wo - saW the negroes, of whom there were a dozen, in their apartments. The second floor of the building is m ollified by women. Theregire dormitor ies corresponding to' tilos% on the first floor, TheNloctor's room, the narsesq "rootn, and•several small oiMs are at the eastern end of 'the hall. - Some women,. nursing thee,Vcrlasting baby; appeared flattered sit our offer fo kiss them, (tho babies.) • The attic is divided into..rooms con taining six or eight beds, occupied by men. A largo romp, at westorniend of the, floor, holds four negroes and four , 'teen pine coffins—the latter empty. • In the basement wo expeCied to find the kitchen, but tyer6 ,somowhat sur prised to , discover several sick persons 'confined to their rooms. lii a room dark as midnight 'was is man suffering with sore oyes. Close by was a woman tduiict edrwith consumption, 'evidently with the hand of death uponler. 'lruniother pri son like cell's, crazy won - ion was lying asleep. Hero ware Also several dark cells for the obstinate. • 4 . large dining room is next order,, the mien sitting to the right and .the wa meff opposite. The social benefits of the fifteenth amendment have not y,ot been 'conferred on the Africans; no they munch. their IMe cake in..a corner. ' • . . • An-Hie - wash robin we saw a raimber of Womini deep delightS of Soapsuds, water,.gossip,; and tho dreari ness of a wash day, We were disap pointed on notieingthat the lords of,cre atimr net only did.hot grhid at the.prOi poet of Cold'vietintlathat day, init ignobly heaped wend on the Are , and stirred' the clothes pot . A little'totheyestl,of the main Wild ing lithe bal9 ho_nse. Bore „ . ono; barrel of flour'dak bread. • This finisheilife eirCiil6' of.thhe Poor Muse., )Daring the.,year 1800 there* were tweiny deaths and _seven births, three WOre'boinid &if, eonif'•lnnifreci and, fifteen, eloped or wore discharged. It will' thus ho seen. that many of , the ••boarciers eke transient: " Thd Poor '11d110 . ... 18,. not: witilout its "characters." The - first of those alwaYS seen is ToMßichardson, irlie:greets the . visitor hoistorously acids OilorouslY. nay ;log lost his palate, Tom's' greetings arc more amusing ,than intelligible. Ho knows horsolangriage, though, if we may judge from the way ho quiets a spirited animal.. - Tom Ma restless worker,' 'car rying water and fuel for the kitchen; and would be missed sadly in his absence. Geo. Evers, who has,, been "old Pal siea George" fbr a quarter of a century, is as .well known to our citizens as he is at hiihome. There are few who do not recognize him as he slowly dr4k his . - limbs front door to door, vending, trifles. He is a strict member of the - Lutheran churl', and it-regular communicant. John Best can be seen in all sorts "of weather, standing about the kitchen door, hands in pockets, moralizing on the fitness of chickens standing on one leg, or a like abstruse subject. John has his notions oZstyle, if he is,not n leader of the ton. No inducement will cause him to wear a hat or coat. Give him a pair of breeches . with big, wide pockets ! TIM NEW INSANE ASYLTINI Is situated perhaps one hundred yards north of and facing the railroad. It is a handsome, four story building, more than commodious. The front • VICW sufficiently imposing and attractive to cause-time-curious passenger to inquiro '! Who lives 410170,7' and.- distans.the ity of furnishing first class board for the 'indigent and,--neglected." In this building .fifty-four'-persons are lodged, About 140 is the total number under the 'Di'rebto•'s charge. •'Under the guidance of Mr. Paul, we entered the asylum. An entry extends through each story the 'length of the building from - west to east, and is crossed at right angles by another in the centre. At each side of the main hall bre ten doors, leading into as many rooms, mak ing, in the entire building, eighty rooms. On the basement story is the kitchen, Supplied with a range, boiler, etc., a wash room with stationary tubs, hot and cold water pipes, and a pump. There are also four of Boynton's largest heat ers, one built near each corner of the building, all having heating ti pines radi ating to the different rooms. In the ex treme south west corner we, have an other "bumnner's•room," used to shelter the oncomings from the- Nor llonse. In another corner room we find standing several barrels of salt piekle„in which is occasionally saturated and drowned the liveliest portion of that heterogeneous mass—the "bilmmer." There is no mom speciallyt apart as the hospital for .the building, but a sick person may beSound 40y place Ona can be comexiiently .and comfortably ledgcd. The sick arc visited by Dr. S. P. Ziegler, of Carlisle, twice a week, or oftener, if called. On the first floor male* paupers ,ere lodged. Two and three beds are stand *ng in each room. These rooms are re markably clean and - well ventilated, and more neatly kept than one would expect, considering the character of the. inmates, On this floor aro eleven sick men, several of whom will not long require the attmt . .. -77 _ The women are placed on the second floor. As we passed along they were quietly sewing or sitting and gazing Va' cantly into space. One or two simple ones jabbered incoherently, the ruling passion of the-sex thus Manifesting it self. The western end of the third floor is unoccupied. A glass partition, Strength ened by a grating, divides this story. In the eastern compartment are kept insane men, NQIIC are confined to their rooms, bat all are allowed the freedom of the hall. Six okliese patients were removed hero from the State Asylum. A few have their boarding paid for by friends. On this flooi:_ we saw Jako Diller, a youth who has much of the comic and absurd in his character. Upon being asked if he would like to get out, he pointed to the ripen window, intimating, that some clay he would juMp out,- and seemed immensely tickled at his own pleasantry. Jake is a vain fellow, the smirlebf conceit never leavipg his cowl-, tenance. At supper he gulped down two pints of colic°, grounds and all, that he might 'Win the flattering title of gour mand. JAM; others of the house he some times casts oil surplus clothing. The day we were there he, thinking the bare walls his only olatervers, doffed his pant• aloons. This was an evidence of the taste of, advanced civilization, though we doubt if he ever heard of Lydia Thompson's blondes, But he was Moro modest thauthey—he wrapped his nether limbs closely In a woolen blanket. Mr. Paul, has in this charge another simple "Jake,", a lad of somo ten years, who odeasionally' adopts the costume of the Garden of Eden. ' He has a furious temper, and his paroxysms of rage are conquered only by the dark cell. We happened tolind him in agood and 'being . asked to sing, he complied' to the extant of his somewhat limited Among the paupers and insane we no ticed some who had formerly enjoyed' health and `conifOrt. The causes-which have led-to their present state are vari • ens. Among the regular paupers we did not lehrn of any whose degradation was caused by intemperance. . Some woke born simple, some became insane through trouble, some through poryert ed 'notions : 1U religion: We conversed with- two who had formerly been well to. do mechanics .in.CarliSlu, and also with, a man Who was once Of some prominence in the profession of medicine. After 'sea% the interior of the asy-' lum, .we were conducted to the observa tory. ••Elerea , broad view of thjs district is obtained.. Indeed,• from' almost. any 'WledOW,of 'the asylunfa; fete Stretch: of country can be, seen. - While, pacing his lonell coil, 'does it over.' enter the mind of the Maniac, that the Creator - made that beautiful landscape for such poor people? . . . =IC= The first meeting of tholloard of True.. tees of the Dickinsen'Alission - -Chapel, was hold a short time since to takO ~poss ossionof: the" chapel agreeably to the charter reqritly . granted by,the 'Court. 31r. Henry Elaxtdri 'was , called to the ,chat The board there organised: by eleetnQ as permanent 'offtcers:;Pres. ),:ht 3,:p 4 uhtell ;r , Vico' Pres. - . Sr. R. 'r C. Woodward:; .Treasurere Dr. C. F. Mimes; and Secretary,' Dir. C. "A; Loosp. The oadit ion or the chap r ol was then fdily: 'considered, and . may be. briefly stated aiVfoltPws i. Its ontiro'oost .ing lot . upon: whiali, it amounted to, $1,026.50, ciewhich $1,113:- 'O6 Las beon paid. 'The lAlarica pan bo paid- in• five-equal annual .instalments;., with'iifteibet '' It lir the wisli,..however, .pf t tljo p9F4:1 4 0, lividate this debt at as early .e: date as posSible. In order to: ms- . eist in meeting tile payment !due about the first og, April, Dn./Times COnhented' to &direr rt.Yleciure ; henext,few. ; weeks, .upcin the q :nee* Solar Eclipse." - This , lecture we (mi..- nestly.receteraebtl to_the public not only . 'on account of the, -'Object, which forth but as to our confidence: as to what will be its intrinsic merit. Th:o subject is ono that cannotlail - to excite the in- Wrest of every One, and 'we esteem the Doc tor! as :highly 'qualified to lecture npom It, he himself having had' charge of a eorps. or observers sent out by the Gov-, eminent for scientific purposes. ; The lecture will ho accompanied by a num-, her of brilliant experiments. Further notice with reference to the time of the 'lecture, &c., will_in_dne time be given. HISS LOGAN'S LECTURE. The lecture of Miss Olive Logan,'which was .delivered on .Friday evening last,. was the crowning one of the season. WO dee not remember over seeing the hall filled With as large, intelligent, and as select an audience as on this occasion. In fact, anybody that was, or pretended to bo anybody was there. Miss Logan is a -lino .loOking young lady,of—but as it is not polite to tell a lady's age, so wo won't—a good figure, and appears to ad vantage on the stage. The lecture was upon "Girls," a subject with which the lec turer was perfectly familiar; from her own statement, and from the masterly man ner in which she discussed it, we are of the same opinion. She divided the subject into six'parts, each part &Scribing a different kind-of girlsvas—followsl .-- The - , - Fashiorr- - able,. girl; the Beautiful girl; the Woe manly girl ; the Yankee and Western:girl, e and last, but not. - least, -the Strong Minded girl. The Fashionable' irl, who lived for fashion alone, whose mind was not the possessor of a single thought, or idea beyond what she wore, what it cost, where it was made, &c., the lecturer ex pressed a holy horror of; the description she gave of one of these votaries of fash ion was Fo lifelike, that every intelligent person present had bee prototype within the range of their acquaintance. The Beauti full girl was then discussed. The speaker stated that she loved a Beautiful girl ; that she never looked upon one of these fair beings but slue felt like taking leer in her arms and kissing her, .(a sen sation, by the Way,' that some of the audi ence, although they never acknowledged it in public," have often experienced.) The only objection which could be brought to - bear upon this class of gilds, was that she almost, always knew that she was- beautiful, and, as a natural conse quence, became proud ; that there was frequently great danger in beauty, and, although a man might go into raptures over a pretty face, yet, when it came to selecting a fair partner for life, lie gener ally wished to obtain a good, practical, common sense sort of a person for a wife. The Womanly girl was defined as being very proper in her conduct; of having everything quiet and orderly, and allow ing no nonsense, for,} ..iyas not womanly • —ive don't like these womanly girls our selves. The Yankee and Western girls, we must acknowledge, plewee us, • They were described as being above the nice proprieties of fashionable society ; of act ing true to nature, and doing as they wished, regardless of-Mrs. See-evil's-pry ing eyes, or . slanderous tongue, or ascii ing no harm in.iunoethlt, rational amuse -mon t 7 or-Lany--lt indrraller.Bl;l2MOrintrEd girl MiSs Logan confessed a weakness for: She stated that Strong Minded girls were pretty much 'as other girls, the only, difference being ,that they theught a Woman shmild be entitled to vote ; she also reminded the gentlemen that. they had swalloited the negro wool and all ; and she thought that they could not, consistently, refuse to take our mother's wives, sisters, and sweethearts at least as far as our lips. Miss Logan speaks in, a distinct tone, clearly °nun ' elating each word ; her voice has that silvery ring which falls, sopledsantly, on the, car.. The lecture consumed nearly • two hours im its delivery, although the time seemed incredibly short, so great Was the interest manifested ley_all present. The course of lectures is now closed, and the committee can con gratulate themselves on the success with which they have, met ; and the commu nity can, cheerfully, award - to them the full mecd of commendation as intellect ual caterers. EXTR::4 CT FROM AN .0 LD NOTE I? 0 OIC. .The following Ifnes - 16. - v - e - been tram. sullied front fijournal kept by the late Andrew Holmes, cog., of this - borough, in 1794, wheh the Carlisle Infantry, of, which he Was a member, .formed a part of the army that, left this place, under General Washington,- tp quell the dis turbance in the western part of the State familiary known as thri " Whiskey' In. surrection :" SATURDAY, October 11, 1794, at 2 Welock, p. m.—The Carlisle Light In fantry,' together with from three to four thousand ,troops,—CavalrY, Rifle, and Infitntry,--An arched - from Carlisle to Mount, Rock. The °Wen; of tIM Carlisle Infantry were , as- follows: George Stevenson ; First Lieutenant— Robes Second Lielitena haM EllBig2l----,Thonms Creigh ; Orderly Scum ; Sen: geant ^or—George Hackett ; Drum_ Arida?' MUCH: Holmes ; and fifty-two privates, among' whom were ThomaS Duncan, havid'WatV, Robert Duncan, John •Lyon, .Nathaniel Weakley,. George Pattison, Charles Pattison, William Holmes, Andrew Holmes, Abraham Holmes,. Archibald Ramsey, t.77(iitiight, Ramsey: Joseph Clark, WilliaurDunbru;, 'Al.chibald McAllister, William Crane, Jacobketter, Archibald Loudon, Thomas Foster, Jacob Housdhet, George Wiight, Thomas Wallace, Frei cis Gibson, Joseph Egolf, Michael Egolf, Robert 'McClure, and William Levis. , . -• • • .At Sidling Captain t.'oveps(in was Ina& a, Major, and, Levisap. pointed; Quartentkastori BRIGADE °EDER& CAIWAT STRA9IIIIILO, Dec.. 4, 1704 The General congratulates the, troops whiehle, has the honor to command, on their - arrival at' Strusbnrg, . and feelingly anticipate's tho pleasure which the worthy Citizen sohlimii and hiMself shell• Lave 'in the company of - their nearest Connee-, tions, Ile also has the pleasureef . anpeuncing. to the Brigade, the entire approbation of the Comm ender in chief, for their orderly , conduct andstrict%dificinllee ? which re, : fleets the,hlgliest , lkotl?.-offlects 'and oeldieri. • lie is liiteWisChappy in atisuringt , his fellow, eitizena that thole soldierly behavior, dtiring' . the •Nyliolp campaign, has merited hit( higher t knewledgements,, and atf they have sap iorted the lawoi of their cottatry, ho rests assured, "they will, vprytheylia•Ve re tired to piiiato life, support civil society in eVity li - that 'of view; As the Wort* mew Who stepped for ward in atipPort of the htlppin OEIR of their .country, and the - supportof the Consti;., intion of the, Tearer Cidlicinnient,' are 'to deplealt theft:, arinC in 'this ''towia' to morrow, the commending officers of "the • BegimentsTe'ornpesing the Brigade, will see - that fair'inventories of every article are made to Mr. Samuel Riddle, Brigade Quartermaster, who id to iivti receipts for such ,delivery. And the Quarter master of the • Brigade is ,to detain , a 6111'1161mA windier of,,Wegons to transport the aims to the Placeqopited - out in the orders, of the Coniniauder in chief, of the seventeenth ult. ' The officeilj 'commanding the several 'corps, will inset to-morrow morning, to cortifyto their men, as to their time of service, and the balance .due, and to be come. due, agreeably to Gen. Irvine's orders of the thirtieth of November. By order of GEN. - CriAlll3oift. Whf. •Ross, Adjutant. The Infantry company Was mustered old of service, and arrived at Chrlisle, Friday, December 0, 1704." 11==l1=1 . We would call special attention to the exhibition to be given for the benefit of the Sabbath school of the First, Presby terian church, on to-morrow, Friday eve ning. 'lt Las been highly spoken of in many quarters. GRA.MMA'fICA.L ENIGMA I am composed of ten letters. My 8, 10, is a preposition, "'B, 7, is a-neuter vei,. " 2,-3,_is_auconjunetion— " 7,<8, 0, is an adjective. " 2, 10, - 5, is a numeral adjective. ".Whole is arnessential elnine t lit K)f true discipline List of sales for which: . hills have been printed at, this office : On Saturday, . ' March 26, Susanna. B. Otto, in Bpriagville,,bousehold furniture, shoats, &c. Monday, March 28,' S. W. Early, National. - Hotel, corner of South Han oVer and Walnut streets, Carlisle, beds, bedding, carpeting, tables,_ looking glasses, stoves, bar room chairs, &c. Tuesday, March 29--Joseph B. Stay man, Carlisle; bis'entire stock of house hold furniture, all of which is nearly new. 'Wednesday, March 80, W. L. Craig head, attorney in fact for heirs, South Middleton township, household and kitchen furniture. Wednesday, March 30, G. W. Cris well, Executor of Isaac Millard, dec'd, at-Camp Hill, Wegt PensboreTownship, frame dwelling bouse„hlaeksmith shop, &c. Wednesday,, April 20—A. B. Shenk, Carlisle ; 23 hew carriages and buggies of every description, one mare, five years old. Tho nnesver. to Cliapthan's last cha rade is Photograph. FOR SALE. Ono top buggy: Price $! at E. InliofFn store. _.., A carpet store exclusively has been 01)5110(1 by Messrs. Frysinger & Weiser, in the room formerly occupied by Saw yer & Co., in the " Bent7. — House," Car lisle, whore the greatest variety of car e 4,l4...ail_eletks,..:(viniiesh.leur-iooltiall, _ulessee,Mats, - maftling,4)ild:A l Anclu,of chain can be had clieap. Wild Cherry Balsam—The memory of Dr. Wistavis embalmed in tho hearts of thousands whom his Balsam of Wild Cherry has cured' of coughs, colds, con sumption, or some other form of Pal ninary disease. It is now over forty years since this preparation was brought before the public, and 'yett , the demand for it is constantly increasing. 3PLanahan, Stone & Isett, Hollidays burg, Pennsylvania, manufacture station ary engines, boilers, direct ' ,acting blowing engines. Player, Thomas and other- hot blast. Brass and iron cast ings from •one lb. to 20,000 lbs., and all kinds of machinery. IN= GOLD DOWN ! A fact well established by reading the new advertisement of Loidith & Miller, found in another column. They are alivays in the market with gredt 'bar gaini, and at the present _time _are •-sell iug-goods very cheap. Their stock of carpets is vertlarge, and - at present they aril selling them at extremely low pri ces. They have a full lino of all descrip tions of house furnishing goods. -AVe think now is the time for 'bargains as we notice their many customers carry.: ing. off goods in great quantities. 'De n't fail to call and get a share' in the great bargaini.i- N. B. PleaSc make black alpacas a speciality. SCHOOL AT GREASON A School for tho admission bf Male and Femalo'-siudents will ho opened by County Superintendent Lindley, at Greaten, April 4. Board can be had in thdwillago, 174012 t DEW D'ANDES, Aoluiewlqged to be, the best known perfume. For sale by JOIIN IL TWEE M l i music 'store, Carlisle Pa; Bmh4t FOR SALE. OR RENT The house in - which 11ivo, with -or without lots adjoining: W. J. SHEARER, No. 130 South Hanover street. MarehOT-3c CARRIAGE FOR SALE A light carriage, in thorough repair,. for sale. Apply at the barracks, to P. "lik.TC.H. • . March, 1-4 t A Pliotegrapli.,Galloryovoll established and doing a good btisinegs nan,bo lie fight cheap for sash, if applied for soon. Call on or addregli * GRAND STEREOPTICAN ;t pissolVing view entertainxnenti. to, be given it the First; Presbyterien church, Carlisle; ,on Friday evening, March 25, 1870, by II; Willard, of Pulladolplii Subjects of illustrations: Views of inter est in the Holy Land, and. scenes and in cidents' connected with .the go., of our Saviour ;'Views of 'ancient 'Rome Mound Vesuvius,' Pompeii, ginellerculaneum the glaciers, ravines, and ;ice gorges of the, Alps . ; tho.:beautiful iahee zeriand i'Ogether with Seetioni of tho most interesting palaces and :castles in 'Europe, interspersed With., a choice col 'action of statuary, pt a refined • and ele vating character.. , • • • - - n!IMI=II!I UM MICI2IIII 111:::11 I==ll =II= cz E:nos J. C.' In . addition to 'these there. will be - ex.; hibite , d a selection of views Abe Yose mite. Valley; with new and lirilliard Pfel ttires made on the spot ; a series' of lii agralitlltiinWinto,, together with other pleturei 'Of National' interest ;. and to copeindaiivith the recitatioriVf a beauti ful illustrated 'poem, byTheadore Tilton entitled : "' The: Free ' Chyrp . 7o The stereoptican pictures exhibited will be on a colossal scale'and brilliantly Muir& nated by the oxybydrogen lamp. Price of admission for adults, 25 cts., children 15 obi: 0:211:::: Steam pump. The pump , eau be dig- . conneqed from the_engine r and—engino used for driving any kind of machinery: gas and water pipe, steam fittings, &c. I,l' Lanahati, Stone & Thett, Hollidays urg, Pa. • • 17febOna ITALIAN BEES The undersigned wishes to dispose of his entire stock of Italian bees.. Nearly all my colonies are supplied with queens reared from pure stock, imported from Italy last summer, by Adam Grimm, of IVistonsin. They aro in good hives and good condition. Also a lot of new hives, surplus honey drawers, bee house combs, honey, MP - of which will be sold cheap at No. 109 South Hanover Street, Carlisle, Pa. RHIN OTTSITALL. 17feba lII= Thoweatherisliowfinoanclallwhowishlia veachancetohavesomeofthefinbiiieturesth atChapmanmalcesathisgallery. For direct acting steam pumps for mines, &a., that will inunp from 12 gallons to 3,500 per minute. Go to M'Z.anaban, stone & Isett, Ilollidays burg, Pa. • Portland Me., has' a club devoted to the improvement of cows and their milk. At — the last meeting the question dis cussed was,..‘! how do we know who has a good cow ?"- The next question will be : ." Is the retroactive element inagni- Red ,by the oloaganious nutriment ?" That club evidently has a. Useful future before it. MISCELLANEOUS J . M. 3IAF.ONITEIMER DonlPr in ()MICE FAMILY GROCERIES, FINE QtiALITY OF TEkS, ITHI: SPICE'S QUEEN L-WA ILE EMIL= STONEWARE, WOODEN, AND ILLOITIV ARE Door DRAM'S OP FAMILY FLOUR SALT AND.YLSH ALL KINDS OF COUNTitY PRODUCF BOUGHT AND SOLD Boteruwerr coaala prry AND P)MFRET I.Cdee69 CANDY ! CANDY !! Th eubeeriber I , topo conqantly on band, at No. -2r4 Weet-31ane-streot,!l- large ntoek. -Freneb..and American Camix., Nnte, e , m , ./..ting of ORANGES. ' FTLIIERTS, LEM() %S. PECAN NUTS, RAISINS, ENGLISH IVA I.NUTS. ERIS. R. . CREA %I NUTS. p,,UNET.T.As. G KM: , v D NETS, COO , A NUTS, AND CHESTNUTS. t !MON• DS, Cu TAFFIES EVERY VARIETY, ..,11 on Walnut, Cocoanut, Sni , t, Better, Scotch Cocoa Gum, and Cocoa Strip, FRESH CARAMEL EVERY DAY, manufart um largely, and ran supply the Trat , nud Hucksters ou reasonable terms. I= 35 W EST MAIN sTREEr,—t-iAt CARLISLE, PENN'A., 1). hURKITOLDER. EiIEM PIIII,ADELPIITA P 3 . ., _I; BTER W.O II KS, C . :PATES STREET WITARF • CA.LCINED AI% , TD LAND 2LI,.STEB I=l METES I!MI=E/Elllll ~~ AN inquiry will receive . immediate 4wnr. snth.fnetion fu wit, and nuttefisl ""nr..ini o. l lnnon Kinn:l'lllly [wide. 4;MITII & 11Alt1tib,. 11120111 ~10,000 GUARANTEE BUCK LEAD ExceLktill ooh. VI KAB First. For Ito Un voted Whii moo S.•r,pil. k'or Itx Un. yunlwl DuilibillT3' lii Yd. 1 , 111, it E l'lllllll - 1/144 . ft ng. r 4" - a) • lunUy, f.r Its gednotni."-Ttt costa toldint,' %QUI Bock Lent, thnn any other White' Load extant. no Nome weight c Nen; nuke mirfaco, IA more durable, and make, whiter W. rk. •— ItUcK LNAD Ia the rheayest and bent. = LUCK ZOO Extr-'4 0 141 other =NCB VILA For Ito trit.eq‘l3lo,lUura V.cf;11 , 1.. For Its ynrilnictl.ll !Mewl. Third.Ypr Ila Unatirtiam 4 / 1 Coy. ring Prolwrir .:Loolly, for Ito Giditt'i:coromy bofig2tliti:abenpest, linnJ nniost. sod .montlo 1911,1t0 PAintin the well.' . MIME BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC; TRY JT ARP DE CONVINVEN `intbillaction OunTauteed ManufatialTs B tiCIC COTTACi'E ,COL 0B S, Erepthul oxiirete`y for hauling. Cottegen,,OutbuSdlunn_of every &seri; lien,Veneder t‘c, •Tldity-fivo different :Color!, Durable, Cheitti, Volforaiond'Dentitifel Minden. • Simple e,rd, nent•by mull, If don rod. , ',Deniers' Ordern bu promptlyeneanted-rby the nannufactueorn.. • • • FRENCH, RICHARDS fi t ,cO., con, TENTH AND MARICET STREETS; • • —. PUIDADIR,PHIA. . 'FOR BALK WIIinfEMLE ANA NETAIL 111" Yl3 A.',V . l`oll Op., Doa:ere la llardwaroasipte, 011 s, Glass,ac., oenLini4N.m. clianToly FISIE B OtTlet 91' vi(EXYcn, BANKERS AN"D•DEALERB GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, No. 5 Nassau Street, New Nei*, The remirkable suer,, cc which attended our ne gotiation of the Loans of the Central Pai tile Railroad Company and the Western Lucille Rath odd Company, and the piiptility and thelia loans 0 maintained to the murktdo, both in ibis coun try and Europe, loco shown thlit tho First idortoga Bonds of wisely located and honor .bly managed Railroads are promptly recognized and readily takon as the most suitable, safe, and advantageous form of investment, yielding a mote literal income than can hereafter be derived from government Bonds, and available to take tholr place. Maul, d that, ' ln the Helegtion and negotiation of opeyll !MIT , ad we are mooting a great punk want, and r. adoring a Vicuable farvice—hoth ho hold. TS or capitol and to those groat national woaii) of I teritni improvement whoa° Intrinsic Merit and solAnutfal rhorneter eolith, them to the .use of capital and the confidenee of inlitstors—we now otter, with etitniini confident, and FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS FIRST • Chesapeake and ohl6 RAILROAD COMPANY Tho Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, connecting the Atlantic roast and tho 'magnificent harbors of the Chesapeako nay with iho Ohio I", at a point of reliable mavigation, and thuii, With the entire Rail road oyotem and water transportation of the groat Woet and Southwest, forms tho adddional EAST AND WEST TRUNK LINE, so imperatively demandsd for the accommodation of the immense and rapidly growing transportation between tho Atlantic seaboard and Europe on the one hami, and tho great produ•ing regime of the Ohio and Alissiesippi Valleys on the other. The impollance of this Road as a new outlet 1e i 9 the Weet to the NM 11111411illes it, Into one of national consequence, and Insurer to it an extenetiyo through trunk from the day of Ito mm 1001611; N‘lliloa, In the development of the txtensive npriculi tool and ois, al rehoorren of Tir,,lnia and DI vet Virginia, it pometo.es n oug Ito men line, the elementa of a largnaud profitable local bunion., the great luterent,, both getter,! and loon bleb demand tho completion of the , Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad the Ohio river, afford Ilia martial guarantee of Its ITPOR and valuti, and rend, It the to , so Important id aubatant hal railroad °Wellman Story kri r progre, in this comity.• nuperiority as atl Heat and West route, and the proini, of an inanenne and profitable trade awaiting its completion, have, drawn to it the a tension and .cooperation of prominent capitalists and iniirohil men of thin eity, of sound judgm.nt and known in to/ray, whole connection with it, dogettier with that of eminent eithelDi MOO bet , ' ores MO, of Virginia and bleat \lt:glide, insures an energetic, honorable, and succensful management. ' The road is eomploied and in operation from Richmond to the Celebrated White Sulphur Springs of West Virginia, 227 miles. and there remillnbut 200 mile) (nom partially c met roc le I) to iv corn , Velvet, tirparryit to , the Tr:Tenni (emitting-on the Onio river at, or near the mnintli of the Biz Seedy river, it topes etneinniii, 1011024 below lijitvLit!g. Litien are now projected ur in prozrievi through Ohio and Retain:l4lo this p Ant, iv Web will p unix( t inn Cihreapenlio and t , hio witli the retire roilromi system...M . the, and S.:ilthWMiti aria w•th the , -- Ito- volualdp fertnchi , en nod- ildperior tut ekes will piece the Chesapeake and Ohio Rail cad Cocas pony among the richest and odd powerfol /111 d trustworthy corporations of the country; exit there exists a prone at value, In completed road and work dooe, equal to the entire amount of the mortgapo. The details of the Loan horn been arranged will; special reference to the wants of all claxsev of P vcators, and combine the verb no features al con von kence, eafaty, and protection against los-1 or fraud. The Roods ere in denondnatioxs t f $1,000,,_5500, and $lOO They will ho 121 , U0d ne COUPON WIND?, PAYABLE TO BEAIUM-,- nd !nay bv .. 11 1u•1d In thdt fnrnS,ynr• The Mehl why 1;0 regittrred 111 the tame or the tioner,: witli.the . ..open% eetectintog payable to hearer annulled, the Wine pal ladng then trne.fers- L 4 only On Um book., tof un'es. nr4lg od to be.hrer; • The coupon: , unty,tei debmLrd 111/1i ran. t•leil, the Bond to don Pertusnent it, girder. d Bond, bra onl, a tho L uke 01 the company, and the interest need., paylible only to the I (1.0--terLd own , r or Lie It tortie. The thre‘;'lnkeree will lo hoerrn retirectively ae Ist. " Coupon Bonds payable to Beal r. ' 52(1. liegistbrecißontls w p.l) Coupons M!EtZi :)d. "Registered 80nd,5 With 'Coupons detached," ' - and SiMUM' 1.0 HO I,lllltl 11'p-1101/11010 perilying the clean 1 , 1 . nee& 11 ee,t • They haye t ybirty Year:4 to run woin .htnunry 15 1147.1, with !tiler • 1 rie•ta per 111511 tall (none uher 1. It !I l'ltlle II phi Ntl • CLI Al, AND I N'Tjai EST PAY A HLE Evtla UI 'IN THE CITY OV YO'tK 1.1 . 06,1. IC I tty,il.ll. 'ld A V A\ 0" . C: 0 V V. M 11 E that it may take": Of that.yf the varlirr. „ . o r Fi at , T„.,,,t1::„,.111 Nat the rninvenivnro of one friouda MO already 1101 Contra! •and It eaters Pacific 111,4abi, n v iL interetit paYab:o In dannarY and -July - , and who day &Aro, In inaking additional invpainuntai In bal . /a thole - internal - reonivabh‘ at ditrurout r.eaaona of dm year. ' Tito Loan in c l cnro 4 by n mortgage upon Iho entire lino of road, frOM flichmond to the'Ohlu rive., with tho . equipment awl all other,irnperty rout annoy 'lntim connected therewith . • , A Elloklng Fund of It100,0:10 per • annex.. to Pro vided for the redemption of the heads, to take effect OHO year after the comp'etion of the rood. Iheinortgage 'nfersls,oo , ,ooo, of which' $'2, , 00,900 will ho reserved and hold In triist far the re lemptlnti - of - outstrindlng - .hotals - of - the - Virgip In - Central road CZmilltray, nbM Ytierged Ins • tho Cin;s4p, me and • Ohio. Or $1,3,9J1,00c, a Halllolent amount will ha 41d to colOjikto Om - road to the Ohio doer, Aierfilal nail improv the rf rtlonmow 11101.14 km; and thoiouglily equip the li - holo for a largo nod . active traffic. - - Ilieprenent'prrq , ix 00 and .termed Interest, , . A Loan Ho arrildy . neoured, err carefully guarded, find dtl cnrltln' iley'rafter to , centrum.' n promln nt place runin,4 tholavorlte eec irr yku,..jn, the market.; 'bear 0114. unit will be it once # appreclat,d and quick y srlimcbcd. Vqry rexpr'et fully, FISK & RANCH, CRUM P. 8.- - -IVo havoleduocl Coutchfil4iuli partiCularc, etattxiunl 4ut.1110, marn, etc" which wlll ho furplehea -We buy and aoll OONEfI 1 M BO' B 0 :Ist S 'rind re'ooive , Slut ncerViziain BANKS, , BANitmits;,'" conrOxt,ArioNs, • - - ~.- . , .rood others, suhirict to Oheek sit iltiht . rind sliest. In terest on dittly bibinces. St4tsb7o4n . • - . . . OM FBLIERIOF.-1: hereby ofter my= FUR soliae a candidate for 1.193.0ince of subject to the decisionaf the Republican Nominating Conectidb6 i't`,'.l';4 IL B, brANCILER. Carlilale; alarengB7o. . nm 1.89 WOR SHERIPF.-- - At the- solicitation Li u\ or a nutulP6 CO - It-publicans throughout.' the o ufity, I olio , napv6fas n tando•ate for he notolun , Hoe of 13 era at,11.!3; next County C nveutloo, sub• ject to Its deehnoll.* 1 17rallto JOHN RIIbADS. 'Carlini°, Hardt 16 1670. REAL ESTATE AT PUBLId WIJE Feimutl7'ls, 1670 Wed Abilkv;; . March 30, 1870. - 13 3 7-,,lrtairmnltorle6 - m - d - of - nr - gicie; o•Tillans' Court. , of . thintherlawl county, I Will expose. to-publi-rselo;lokl.e-ro-emittes, the following de. - am thud-real es(nte, actuated in the villige of temp 11111, in East• FeptAborough township, adjoining !Hide of Dail/dn. kti, Joh., W if David 11.uhatter, owl the nubile rdnil,Xmatoloink about on...fourth of an ecru of groM4 7l Tlm improventewn cOnsiet of a TWO vr tc sr FRAME 110013 PI, Prone Statute, Blacksmith shop, and other necessary outbuildings. the lot contains awes, poaches, and s7.lpes, with a good cbdern thereon. Palo to COllllllOll , O at one p. m, when at, tenclance will be given ant terms male known by 0. W. CRI - WRI.L, • Executor of Isaac Millard. TREE4`ARMS FOR SALE AT A GMAT. BAltitAIN. in West I and in fair rendition; of Very g,nd quality.'nn dergo d lance. Orem. d , Our , n paled to good tilted and eonilintablo bw, Ring, n. 90x:15 Met, Con Hauge, Wagon Bence , Meat Ileum., lien Honor, Spring Mu.° at a el rkg Or good wat. r mar the I:).ve ling, 0,,e half ie under caltivanto. , , bileurn In Wepd and Taub, Sa'd Farm in !Moab," within, 114 miles at bl. off Crook, a Shan nu too Baltimore a d 00M Rd real, at whi h lb re le a Store, Pout Office and &sprees Oflbe, o here all kinds of Product eau he so 01. !..artln-liarg, n large and ['enriching town; ie 10 nillea d stout, win re theAllioiliml prig e are p;tid for nit kinds 6f Country Produce; 2% miles db.tatit 1. a Quarry, whore good Limmitoue oan !JO hart tor, three yeani. without e et, and gnu be burnt, eight route per Mabel grao Tenant en above Farm raPed the poet yo it 600 Baobab; Wheat, and in a 'bort thana tble amount might be &nib rd, by two 1311M31 of Many,. tt nets Wah Who sod Land. Thin Form divided to snit puriltit , ererifia — ininTiiFicsy tome. re to qYS pot. Acre. Aloe, ono of At S2O per Acte. IrophiveptentB common. And Two Hundred and Fourteen Acres, At $l5 per Acre. IN - O — lmprovenienta. CTid) Niter power on lioth. • • Too Land on thorn Farms is of gord qualty, one , third cleared, and- balmier in Wood al d - Timber, width commando a goon intir et nt Cherry Run She. lion Th,bo Farm aro sitnated one mile from Olm7ry Run +-lotion on the Balrtmor4 wino Itet ro•d, at which Station lea e tore, Post 0111.. e at., Papreas t•f- Boo; sod I nil o from a /Linte,tene.Quany, wines die•eatono tan he+ had for three ye,,re tur notuing• Maronsbure Is ip miles distant. All - too above I. cations a. o cry healthy. I offer I hour a - Ilar,alu, as I am old halm no f wally, and wish to 60L B'S Oo Sleepy Creek Statioo, on the Bal. imoro & Oh in Rai r. al, to eon t Farms in hero Ilan 1 ton Lana req., ten,nt on farm, will g,ve all particulare, and show the farms. A ddrora, BEIM 'l:t ! CA NPIDA TES: f BEAL ESTA.TE:B4.EfS. 10mnr70:40 ',0F",4,35 ACRES! Tyco Hundred and Fourteen Acres mg A. SM , TrI, Aberdeen HArrord county, Md 103 . 0 n2m IMII. CE1.14 N.LO US. CORN SHELLERS AND CI 014 . 1 i U MILLS. •Illokok's Portable Cider MITI, F. Gardner Az CO's. ' Portable Cider 101 star Corn Slallor,Oln eo nized.) Cannon Corn Shellera, NotionAl Fodder Cutter, (threoAlzeA,) Cuinterlifitti D9uhl Ilarro Together w•th other AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Fqt. Bale at the Carlinle Foundry end Machino Wurhe Ml= Sep. 3, an LIVERY, SALE, AND EXCHANGE .T. L. STERNER & BROTHER, 111 rear of Bentz haute. 110ItSES AND CARRTAGF.S TO lIIRD ON REASoNAIII.F. TERNS, ♦vu AT SIIORTENT NOTICE CARRIAGES. FCRNISTIF,D TOIL FUNERALS O":e N. B. Stable rOOlO for GO he td 01 ItorviW. on It ep. 17Kb70 11 A It D . W A 11 E awarded to subset P.m.., and agents f.r W..od'• IIon•e -hold nag ri..o ilia largest and best Dollar ISlonthly in the w rd. Si,. Mir prises f. to rep at. d soon. Full uarileniurs in March nunber. Fen into by oil ...adaw era, or BMA with Catalogue .IP. 01111111101. on rex° pt 00 in reuse Andrei. S. B. WOOD, Now but gli , N. V. Dealers in Hardware, Iron, Cutlery, &c., I 1..1,4. TIEN TIX 'SAXTON. I J. P. DIX I,ER 11. SAXTON S CO.. N 0.15, EAST MAIN STREET Carlisle, Pa.; hereLy aOloolove to the th.4t they intend e:Ilog everything in their lint, eithrr wholonde or retail, at prices much lun•ur than can he bunght this a. or rhitTl6iphb, Our aLock roi.lNts in part of BUILDD.:II MATERIAL OFALL DFSCRIPTIONS ESE EWE Potty, raettiblitte, Content, Plotqty, Hors Forks, Shades, Crow hir. sledges, Picn;r, Abu a fall and writ relreted tth , oriturnt of, TAM , ' Clttlyrg I=lll MEM V A It 3I NOW Ibtri•e, Gia In !mg., =I I; 1 . 15T01.. POW VER. Inia.llolllllllliquiiot tukfili for pus( Ivor by 8 trio t. Losinte. o•.• 11.41, to trceive IL I.4AXTON.IOO) A • LL , PEIISONS knowing . themsolves I. dol,tod t.t Jtonry Saxton pro ,olloodted to anal. .inun. clinic sottleuxuni, - awl Olivia, Jinxing el go pres-nt their (4 , of:Moment, 19 1 aim tip in; bouLx to JII unary 1, 1870 ..11/01(1'„$ANTON. padi RIC GtUArp COM PAIVY c I'l7'A :,1,,C:11,tloi). JOll N S. 1:t E I.] SCO., .;I 1tN1111.12, ,kIIEr!TS EMZEI • . 322 South Delawitre are., Philadelphia, 10 South street, Baltimore. .. .. . •-. , • . . • 501,,V,131,8 GU#NIO No' fertilizer iutrodocrd to the ferineee of thu Midulo and Eontliern Wales lam given mini,' gonerar an 4 unifyfin B.4ls6tctign tl,lTa t!,!le'gunno The tride In It hes . 113eFejused until the F OR SALE OR RENT. _L" Tnnuery 'of Mi. had Allnleb, now occuilled Ly Lori blinlnh; le for nolo or rout. Apply to, • . S. lIEPLIUSN, Jr. Inrgo capitol juvolveS , Ito rroIII?toon I, lOntarlo3t doritriroptiOn no*Alnottgliout the outiro country Air 9Nceede that of ors other lertiprer affords thosurest,gtiaranteo of ts continued .0.1001 grente - r • lntereat In the permationcy of Ito track than nny number of Consumerecitn'have; !vim:. It Is the highest inleli'est: of the company to pot plo 'boat foillintor MP? mar. kot, itutt 'rook factlitice, aided by be'st 'iscloOtltic ability Can produco, This [Nano 1e mold at nt¢ll by bent igoote of tl.to company !brow/holt AlpiT:Jorsex; Dotarirkfor- Rsireuln,ll/4 the Bolltbqii Stateotod at Irianle.solo co., • -, for the Corop6l4. totqb7o-504e03m A. ,I f .,SX'ONS.,P44 , .001,T7M: . A: L. SPO,NSLER,:„ , Ilea Estate Agant,' . Scavener, bonvo.iauter, Trindr waco•' and Claim. Amt. 011icr, Main' Wou-, nuir Contra 8 oars.' V _ TRGISTIA. - .LANDS in the Shenan- • Va.ley for a masher 01 evalitabie.,' end highs ovel faint.. In thu Va era or eed 'or pale 'l be Into a tie front, tht, to f;to noVes. Tho I.n I la of the boot qu lIN.f limestone, fully 1 . 1111.1, if not superior, to the land In =holland Valley, and will berd.scosed" .1 also onialungly low flguroa. 'ill° eilevition of the Coroner and Val ay Ike broad iota Virginia, a. Dow surveyed, nil I run tunnedihtely through the no Lion of oolluby In wh,ch Muds Cie 1: rated, which. o n. n pined, t gether el• 11 the whom ago of thelSheuan -doah river tra..ap I tattoo will give UTAH rho ad vanioges of Northo.n, And, Eeatern mite!. A. nplenold opportunity for- I n-in eAtuents la Ther. - offorod. - A full and minute deseription Of Nee location and clletra - terlif tho valleda tracts may hid, by ap plying to • - A. L. EPONSLER, tintiflo llea] Estath Agent, Carli-le. • ORE BANK COIL SALE'' deposit of the 1 - cot quality Herm/alto Or; ylelding.oo percent. comprising about lEI ACItEi3, located In Monroe township, about 2 mile's wont the Iron Works of 0. W. k D. E . Alai, on the south side of the 'Yellow Breeches crook. Thera le a stream of wetoll running to rough- the trace - sufficient for .wasia,ng the ore and furnishing water power be sides., A portion of the bank Is under a lease and will be sold strident thereto. The balance is eels cumbered. . Patrons (lasi:gout or viewing the bank may call upon - George W. Lettlich;rit “Leitlich's mill," for merly known as Bricker's mill, Moore° township, Cumberland county, or upon 30,ju non A. L. dPONSLER, Real .t:itato Agent, ®RE WASHER FOR SALE.—An ex 'eellent Oro Wanltur,'nt the bre Think of tleorgo AY,.Leldlelr, nearly new. Will be sold ve y low: AC plf to. A. L. SPO. , teLLIt. bjan7o ' ' FOR RENT.—That commodious pri vate readerau situated on Booth liaLover eirect. late banging to Benedict Luw—now W ohm ad—coniirl-ipg 00 feet of ground by 240, -with all tho modern impr.veruents, and libund.itco df fruic, le offend for rent. rO4I4CYLL n given first of April ni;iXt . . -Muhl° • OR RENT.—The brick residence of F Janie. Bentz, tituut-t1 on tuuth lionowr o root, noirt. opp alto Eally'altotol, will be I,n.ott tar ono your Loin Urn?. of Aptil,Ava., Vinal47o • FOR RENT,—Tho north part of the lwaling.housio,on-routo—lbinover street,-he-- longing to the In Ira of Daniel Loll r, dt ceased, sultanle for a Illefillthe pace, or pelvic re• idenco, will boloasAd for no year to.. first of Apr 1 next. Also, atwo story brick awaltiog ,ituate4 on Pom fret street, between Hanover and Beam' 11 teem, belonging to olehttel Dawson. Also, a rommod elle two story brb le residence, on East kteet, t etween . M..in a d Loutlier streets; nod a lot of ground on tho a at ~itiO of„t he Letort Spring, belonging to tho heir. or Jo oh Shrum, dect.a., m ill be a so leased for too year from tho first of April next. rimbid CITY ADVERTISEMENTS (EST %PUSH , D 1830) WELCH GRIFFITHS, SAWS! AXES! I SAWS!! Fawn of all deseript•ons, Aire, nntl MIII Furnt•hings. Circular caws with Solid To th, or with P tent Anjustabla Point, superior to all In• , serted teeth awns. • . A$ Pr`ces Reduce 1.-Ut Fond for odd Circulnre. — Ell. & °RIFF Ilontoo, l‘illEl3., or Detroit, Mich IMMIMI T" DOLLAR SUN . ! • CHAS.h..DANA, EDITOR The denim t, smartest, 61111 best N w York 'Eve'ybody,libeelL. Th oo ed boo, Daily, •; I 'Weekly, f, a year. All the news ut half price. Full reports of m rkete, y,,tatino.s' and fads roaar•' duke, an i a complete story in every Wekly a it. S n t ti eekly numb• r.. mrec t of vain ,tile p ante a d Vinci to meryMapelber; ind remo to to ca vas-ern unanr 'pnyyd SLOW ii 0 Lusurnmee, G n at Plan e, Unw log , achines, Purl, 0. mans, Sewing t nc toe., @c, among the premium, Specimens and lists free. ;end a dollar ..nd t y It. 1. MI . ..I:NOLAND, Publ:sher Sun, New Yolk. 17mhtt. AGENT , -CANV>SSIvCi ROM SENT FREE. S ECRETS of Internal Reyenu?, by a" Prominent Officer ! f the T. etsury Serdce, Awning up the se,rets and inn•r workings t f the Iteve , uo I opine - lord, the it his y Ring, Gold fling, and De ilwbeek Fr at matie Itebbery,Depreda .thruS,Censpiraeles, and Stain a - .-i htrt,ever own; um to , F ll.O Tyrunt , y, a. , .(1 Corruption f High OM ci .1s The nio t•aturtli g •nd inportant book pub- Maned. Containing aliout 500 well fillet pages, sp ritedly illustrated. GE S it ANT. D. Can. vassi. g oak and • ompl. t • ,litfit sent fr, e. Address WILLIAM FLINT, Pub Ish•r, PhlinoelPhia, PP.; Ch , cogo 111 , or Chtelnt.ntl; 01110. ' • EU atjfiQ. Prtizt§: vo 1.50 Aro atuo LIST. OF 2.500 NEWSPAPERS FOR ONE etAMP. p. P. ROWELL k CO., N. Y. MED AROMATIC VEGETABLE SOAP COLGATE & CO'S. TOILET FOAPS, NEW YORE ESTABLIBLIED IN 1806. For the De!lento Skin of Ladles and Cht:dreu. SOLO Ilk ALL DIGIGOIaTS. 17napit I= TATE WILL PAY AGEIiTS A SAL kale OF THIRTY DOLLAR WEEK, an,r - r-viinsrs, or adlo A u 1 rgo CO*. Mi 8.004, to ,01l odr new wonder nll..ventiOUß. Audro 31, 11, - An2q.En w CO., Maidtm:l, Mich. Frohlt j'4, A DAY.--40 NEW A'RTI LP CLES Purr AGENTS. rA % , PLF S 11. B. A.fred, Me. P dt.r, Pak y Coe , MEE " VCONO MY 19 WE \ LT,I."—F a A NICLIN. WHY will peoplo pay $5O, or mote, for n ,ewl g Mucha e, whou 9:2 mill boy one that has FI Mondani - repucltion, is duablo thr• ad, ramplute Iv it. table . , constractud Open Mil lir/fly flew and pr c !Pal p kwiples cotta by Inch to, and ex 0 H 1111 0, hers? ri'lles • C lebtftted MaChilICS, fully lie- net d, arc intends I fur pour wool,. who want. to Imo flute. labor, sod In [toy. Agents NVIELS.tOd. nchines .11! to ngen N. 11.11 . g:von otvity to needy families. her tar, tare 01111 re .nced Redress J. It. Ott Is r Pronlin nod 1 itunond C. td. 4. Co., boo liii, Poston, 1100SYCII0.111.A.WCY, FASCINATION, Olt hOUI, 411A1t31 loges; cloth. - Ilk iron lorful book hint till, intittnction• to t.f all., lho reonor t fay 1000 . Itror pea, or oily a. intal, at pill. plomintriarn, 'Splrttunlinm. aid humlr. de t f alhor . curi in cop rintc.as. it can b. cbtltinod br Bonding .rldr.es, with It/ conk fu4n,u, to 'l' W. };VANS, & CO ,No. dl, Footh Eighth nirdct, Phila. dolphin. , • 171.1t4t • TAR. WHITT R, 617 St. Charlog roo., "lOW of 13 - nlou 1, !do re, nit, I lOU goon. Ott Nonerenl ratio..; ale • 1,1 , 0100, iIO OLb, cy, n C., al. Teat& of ettlf n6ute. 80111.1. tul '0 n,ollcr- WllO tallO r, 01,110 :Asc. CuL.oultnt lon fro, " 17m)14L... MANHOOD 'AND . WOMANHOOD. I.esnyg for Ynnt,g 31. it, foe, in n, at. d °me. 110IYARD ASSUCIATI.UN, Oita Pa.' • TIIIRTY YEARS'' _EXPERIENCE JJLL IN TILE Tit EAT.IIhET OF it:11R0 ANTI SEXUAL DUE! SES —A I.l4idologicel View.. of Iderrin.ei Ti.e eh Mint book avid patine!. d—con• teintug neat ly 300 p fed, and I. 0 00e plaice, and on. gravities of the an toe., or the bitniA.,' orgens in n mt. of tin I , tll nod diocese with a t rbatior on early or ore; 114 delleroble ou'recquences upon the what end liody, with •the tut l.'s ph. of tra..t nue it—rthe tt and eurp•o oralu made of cr nibehct bye rep rt .1 need treated. l A truthfu u l e, iideleo o r w tin the rn Ruled. and those c nt. niplotine min°, whd entoi bill dpubto or their pblsieal ci,ndl: lon. Set.o fro of p ttan° to' ail,' aid rose. on la.el it of 2fi cent% In etinp ' ii. r P ooriency. by drossint: DIL LAO DIX, No: 3., Id Won Lane, All arty,.N.l., atithor :nay . 0 • Cologati treatn NU of tilt. die , enact ttport which' ble 0011.6 tither peniona ly, or he man, nod inedlcinon toot to ,e11.3', port of thd world. - 17mbdt' MISCELLANEOUS. . B • ONVERS 'COMPLETE MANURE, ` made' froni 'Savor Chogat« of Limo, Ammo. tils, and Potash . , Nor into by lona g dealers. A PERFECT FERTILIZER PPR Isf:L 011.0 PS. •' • On account of tho reduced cost, of bow Ma torials lam onoblott to no I Complato Ma..aro," at a lower prico,'lind by Ow old of now machiscry it is . Improvo.llll 011,011 lon, also in. quality. OCarronlri4 fivefrom odt/iteration ) " . • lIENSY MOW r It, Oruro( adoring Chemist. . • . • 0. crry Rood, Pldladolphla, This manure cant/Spa all Out elements of plaob • Riad in a nob:ibid form, coo bilnlng as .wait, food for giylng Inottbl [vanity to_tho Yoh.. • Sgp.rioneo lu the bab'ot •• Complete. Maluku' , by tba best lamb , s'a PaIDNYfT O 9' I, N•W Joo^o , K , Do/7 Aware, -Mary and, and 'of too Now ,Nogland tritaNs, • running through a period of thyaa yea s' trial, bag 'resolted incoutioulog It to b • TUN BEST F. 141131 Latta NOW Onleblt.bo, l 'ult nd.d. IL D.IXON, S • tATIPLESI ic CO., • • " 40 South DelarYare ayout4.l.oillatlyipbta., . WILLIAM 111,1161. 1 i.bs; •L ti South 'grout, BalUtuore. Md. . • 20M4410.3m 48 ,90M., . . El