Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 24, 1870, Image 2

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HinnISBUIV3, February_ 22', 1870.
• But little legislation. has been-done
since my last. 'OeFriday • the Legisla_-
'L tui:e adjoUrned ever until Wednesday
morning, in order that the inemlkrs
mi.htlave some rest f •.. • 11 4 1 -
. ous labors, and that they mit4ft they
chose - eelebrate this:anniversary - Of the
birth ef,bWashinton pG their homes.
Freviouri to : theirSadjournmentr-Hom-W-.-1
H. Bußti og6Fcd a resolution,, giving
Hon. -Alex. A d aire the use of the Hall,
to-night, for the reading of Washington's
Farewell Address. Much to the ~ regret
of every one, Hr. Adaire's engagement
prevented him Antertainiug hjs fellow
members by a roncling of that most ex
cellent, but somewhat. antiquated docu.:
The measure attracting the Most at
tention at present,, is the , bill providing
for the paymentpf darmagekanstained by
the . people Of the herder counties during
the war. It was offered in the -House. On.
Monday evening, of last week, and was
' referred- to the .CRnunitteo of Ways and
Means, :from Which it - hes - not boon re
ported. Judging from the vote on the
question of. suspending the rules, when
the bill was offered, it will, at least, pass
the House without;diffieulty;pnless.sonre
of the *embers haio . discovered some
reason to change their minds, during the
time they were A home. : Ohambersburg
receivedaniiPpropriation of
.half a mil
lionsOinesvcars.ago, in compensation for
drianages .done, by,the rebels, -and that,
may be regarded as indicative of a will
ingness, on the part, of . members from
oth6ftarts of the State, to. deal goner
.h. those • -
ously wit who suffered directly
from the rebel ininsion.
The Scull4'.indlay case . is practically
decided, the*ajority of_ tbeCommit;
tee have rePOrted in .favor- of Findlay,
which will, most likely,
,be sustained by
the Senate.. A Minority report from the
same committee is promised. Before
the majority report was made to the Ben
' ate, Mr. Scull Wrote the committee a
communication, withdrawing . from *the
contest, and accusing them of unfair.:
nese. The rulings of tho majority were,.
certainly, of -a very original character,
Tarticularly When therdecicled that pan:
pers in a poor house had the right to
vote. The Senate still has a Republican
majority of three,' if Mr. Lowry is counted
' a Republican, and of one, if he is counted
a Democrat, , As there will not likely
any purely party .question arise during
the session, it may lie difficult to tell ex
actly how the Brio Senator stands, Po
litically. He is, however, distrusted by
nearly all the. Republican members on
A bill has been passed giving the Gov-.
ernor authority to.appeint as ninny No•
taries Public ag ho may deem proper.
Thie will relieve the Legislature, of some.
trouble in the 'way of paSsing special acts
butwill most likely increase, the number
of applicants to. the' It is sur
prising how nii#ymbnlihe,-W he-Neta
ries, and hOw,ver?:-Ofteiiip'*,4o9oveypd
that it is verYaii:nrtan(.o,ihointereets
of the
a full assortment. of these-Otte'
Dr. John 11. Gillen, has been
Governor Geary's Private Searetary for
the last 'two years; retires frorn'that.Po
sition on the first oT March: Dr: Gihon
has - Seried moSt — faltlifully in ft very la
borious, and responsible position. His
devotion :to Governor • Geary, .Und his
close ,Atentionto business are well known
to all -who are familiar With - the Exocu-
we iam
.iSe re - fries pur
pose of - giving:his whole tine - and Tatou:,
tion to a new daily newspaper which wiiti
appear in a few days. It Will be pub
lished at.- Harrisburg, and called The
Daily Topic. Dr. GiliOn is • a veteran
journalist, and will certainly !flake his
new enterprise a success. Colonel B. F.
Lee has .been s.ppOinted Private Secre
tary in his stead, and will, doubtless,
make a courteous and efficient officer:
London' has its first street railway.
Canada has b 7 snow shoe clubs.
The cholera is spreading throughout
Business is said,to be greatly stag_
Hated in Ban Francisco..
A monument:ito. Prentice is talked.of
in Louisville. ,
In California .thore are some forty
thousand Bidians.
"Jollification" is the name of a now
town inv3ligSouri.
Six hundred and two convicts are in
the Boston State prison.
Baggage' masters are responsible for
baggage smashing oz the Kans'as Pacific
Tho Stato geologist of Indiana values
the coal in Clay - county at $6,835,000,000,
tit .$2.50 per ton. -
The New York World says Reddy the
Blacksinith is getting bettor, and will
soon be as bad as oVer, •
New• York paper very . candidly
admits there is "no-kind of Security for
• life or property" in that' benighted .
fiittlage, • •
Seventy thousand acres will be sold for
taxes in .Babe,Onk county. , Ata., Mardi - 7:
Sixty,thousand:arn intiblinitto unknown
The Northr'en-Indiana College build-
ing, With -- eight t - aerea - Of giound,, has
been sold at siteriff'ic sale' for . $8,625:
The cost was over $20,000. •
The municipal eleetion Salt Lake,
on Monday, - -- resulted - the - stiCe . ess • of
-the Brigham .Xonng 'ticket, by a large
majority: About half a' 'dozen women
voted,. dividingupon the' tickets. 'The
Minnesotallouse of , Representatives, by
a vote otBo to 18 -yesterday passed a
.resolution submitting a:female suffrage'
amendment to the people. It is be
lieVed.the Benate-willconour. •'. . • '
A little four year old hey in Richmond,'
Virginia, on- being asked,by his mother
if he would not like, to be an. angel and
have Wings, 'refilled" thathe had rather
be a Mid live On chicirena--
_whereby lib' gave4V'iderice' of being de:cid
cdly human" ; '
At b 4,
, ArownsVille,4exas,, Idoxic,an heir,
who beeri'lab,;,ring Under the hallu
' °Math:*
Wail . and
,favoriOpaStitee was runninghiinself in
horse"iiming,bedarne frantic and iinsean
ageable the other wildhorse': like,'
and 1.0 Ml° the'riVer and,#as. droWne4:'
ewes Uearl3i 0;000,000'4?*, contracted
before', the' legal` tender n 4 Was PaSfied,
• to be', paid, ot in
~ gold: :The
annual 'charge fez. interest 'ompunts to
$103,000, 4vhich will hero after lie; paid,
ip'coin„._ • , , _
'ilk' •• ata IJ ' r•
Th ? 9,7 , . er , a mau
who ono month Used, :two gaalmrnera, .
and ie‘eellid a bill Of nix dollars.,_ Ire
his bills immediately, became Much
larger. Neat, in deinniii, lio boldly
lighted s every; bprner,' and uaed• several
gas stoves, Amen whielrbis bill was.but.
five dollars: E '
, partrrrof. , English , liunte're Aim& ,
— i roturned , te ClrahafristoWn,l Cape:
loclllopi, after , bagging (?).during
the' hut season S 2 elephants, 11 .: whlto
rhinoceroses, 37.. 11494 uhinocerqr?,
- gitaffeS; za Wltalons,t , tkooloos, 9 ofjx'es,
17 elands; • „2j sea. Oits, 5 Idoparg 19
lions, anon host ofr*thaller
The Tea-¢s alas rigrool to
diec,f , ,Vpited'StatesSetiitto43:on tholOth
to i li`
Drenches have ratified the llifteerith .
,Anenchnent, and tholvoulteentlrAmend-.
ment has passed the House. The Presi
dent of the Senate has been declared
ineligible by General Reynolds, who has
also unseated two Conservative Members,.
giving their..scats 'to radicals.
In the Senate,on sMor4clhY, 'another
large mass of memorials praying for the
r abolitton of the Prankling Privilege' was
handed in, Mr,
,Scolt sending•oite,to the
detik measuring thirty-six feet in length,
Senators seent.,:tp. lave,come,to regard ,
these Memorials as a good jOke, gen
nrally presenting them. with some face-
Deus remarks, or with ironical binge: at
the Postmaster Coneral.
' Boston has a co-operative kitchen,.
I ,from which all sorts of cooked food are.
furnished to families, at regular • meal
times, -in-large or small quantities. Tpe:
ability of the kitchen enables the pro
prietors to supply 200 gallons of soups
and 3,000 pounds of solids of all kinds,
every ten hours: . .The proprietors appear
to have, earnest faith lathe nhiniate sue
'cess of, this scheme. , • •
Victoria has laid up ,C 2,000,000.
Mr. , Steward is • going to Hayti and
thence to San Domingo.
A Macon•broker phid $1 for $2, 500 con
federate money. • ' •
Commodore Stephen Champlin, U. B.
N., the last surviving officer Of the bat:
tie of Lake Brie, is dangerously ill at his
residonee in Boston.
William Jolly, driver of a small mail
wagon in Chicago, has been arrested on
tho charge of having robbed the mails,tif
over $lOO,OOO in thrifts.
' 1 Washington- belle 'visited coven
social -entertainments •in one
deClared, as she ecTheluded her half hour
at the seventh that she had "two more
to go to" before daylight.—'
Some rash fellow says that the giving
Of the ballot to women would not amount
to much ; for none of them would admit
that they were old enough to vote until
th* were to - old to take any interest in
Repi esentati we Dawes, of 'Massachusetts
writes to the Chairman of the New Ramp-,
sbi . ie Republican Committee, expressing
bis (.lii - re for the sueeess of tho Radical
Republican party in.tliatSta te, and saying
that lie will make a speeeli there before
the_elcqion. .4-
Prince Pierre Napoleon, says a radical
paper published in Corsica, is known in
that island to have killed , or wounded no
fewer than a dozen peasants who objected
to his riding across their fields during his
hunting excursions,
Just before leaving Boston, 'Prince Ar
thur sent to Miss Minnie Sherman,
daughter .of General Sherman, a ;chaste
and costly gold medallion,- having his
likeness on - one side and that of Queen;
• Victoria. on the other. Accompanying
the gift was a delicately worded note,. in
yhich the Prince - beggedAhat Miss Sher
inhawould; accept of the medallion as a to
keirofhis appreciation of the generous hos:
pitalities he had experiended at the house
other father, and as a slight tribute to
the. beauty of American women, of which
she wics — solstrilcing an exppnont
pg - hrOmtgl - rfwV - ttv
VOL. 70. .NO. 8
•The attempt to read Governor Genry
out of the liepublimm part-p, for his veto
of the I,letropolitan Police bill, lute been
indefinitely poStpontd.
Our old friend Rufus E. Shapley, esq.,
addressed the Democratic Association in
Philadelphia, on Saturday evening last.
He took the broad ground that the Dem
ocratic party-must accept the issues of
the; pie Sent, and discard its ancient doe.
trines and' war cries, or it will perish.
He proclaimed the principle that every
citizen haves right to a voice in the af
fairs of Government, and urged that the
Fifteenth Amendment was a fact, and
that its conditions must be fully complied
with. The papers speak in high terms
of Mr. Shaplcy's speech, and it was
doubtless as ableilllts arguments were
well founded and,coriset.
We have once or twice, heard INIY.
Shailley defending the actions and prin
ciples of t h e party of his choice. • That
labor was doubtless a sevens,. strain on
his conscience and his. resources, In- it,
however, lee alwayS setured the applause
and encouragement of the mnterrified
"voters of the Demecracy.' His recent
speech must have been more in harmony
with his own views and feelings, than
were thoso,ln which he pictured, the deg.
redation inflicted on _white men, by
negroes to fight intim armies of the.
Union, bu his formersPoceltes.rellected.
the . .geritlifidlitii : of the Democracy, . and
this doss not. ' •
. . •
The Demobratie party takes ne stock
whiitcver in any political breed dofeloPetrj
by the results of the war. Its masses be:.
Hove in' the justice, expedicricy, and CYCn
diiin l ity of slavery: They hate cordially
fulY. Party oi.piinciple' that •
Tfiey hated the war, victories;
,and its
Minks. The ouninciPation of 'the slaves
made them writhe'witlranger end disap.
pointnient. err enfraii
made all good Democrats groan'inspirit
over the prospect Of possible 'competition
for social and political honorh. The Pay- -
mcnt of the National Debt is dinsidered
by the' atty as inerelydegaliZed'robbe'ry
of the Democracy to - Miftlic casts of an
' i abelithin triumph." 'Mi.: 'Shapley
could see the average Dentocrat turn in
I 'disga s st froM, the well roimdCd sentences
of Ms speech, to - . read with avidity: the'
,slaShing parhariiplis . of Brick I"onibroy;
on Miseegenists tind blordedbondluilders;
Would prehdps realize that a Demo
,eratie 'mraele • - speaks to Projndice a'n.a
not io reason:
~ftecoilAtruetlngrthe ,
labor lost It is iiiipoSaibl4, and if
possibie,'us6les , ii":: The nation has PaSsed
its most trying ordeal' - withoilt its
t?ile°, and has been rescued . from!.the
hands bf-traitors by'a party'tliiit (foes not'
nod npw lip ehlinge'its , plinoiplos
.der to siicitro Imocess.' If thernow' polio;
,of, the. G overnrriont is a falot, ail& Auld lie
aoecipted, let'itte administered by tlids6'
ritli whom'itoilginated beliMm
and fitoessityj'ancl. Who' Made'
it triumphant irt•ipite. ' of thoDomooraey:
For those That' believe that ' tho ' day vfoi
qi issues is pest, - the paitYokjustici3
equatrights liie +TOOni,' . .. :They 'Cad
have no 'piaci° iii the tho
:racy, ifor itirovdi learns abd •niw'er 'AO
getd. - welcome mitm 3 r
monloorte4 like Cassidy, O'flyrne, and
a..partY. that' ilooe . not•hest- .
atO, deoLiro whbro: it Stands' ' , itntt
;14hat it Proposon'to4o.l! 4
If Ithe pri 1 elections, 'in the '
.Aem tic party , ii ybody slio_uldnecal,
just. . :votest, 'at someone else' fiii"
the i ttatirun, o,t a- few Americim
Citiie 'tot Africa's(' escent were conve
inient,i4n.d , cold induced 'to vo*. 4
-- ' 4l . thny-gerdle ..!.' . .
~ • s ~:
no-aggregate-or receipts•orideexpon i - ...r. . u.. ,
indTee - triPri? — '.Aii 1 any . ono should
three of the State, as they appear in, the .
succeed diy it, would ho "regard the
last report.. To - facilitate 'reading; and' succeed
as a good thing, or other
recolloction,.wo Lave discarded all figures
- af mg- t ' .
Pindikeg is a v impOrtauttdo9ttruetie t
but#s size voryloftpp,(lAeth-peoplsfrolo
reading-i .k care VNlxave thfughi4
Wonlct intklsst oft reach*:
After - even - hundreds, -- Mad-glve-nothil,
."The revenres of the - Commonwealth
zire, fi; l om 'iourees; and Yin
the following„anfonnts ;, Tllo State
celves; from lands, 1.(26,800 ; ,anetioneets'
$01,1110'; *- tai,on , 'eorp . orationt.4el: - ;s; , - .51 . ,-,
07;90 pe'.*nal'i)icip,,eit -l y, ?A' 414;:-
`OO to.x . 'ofiidaiis,'s'349;3o6l tax do "gross
receipts,, Oilrolinent of
laws, $51,000 _ ; tax on tor;ilaio;::s293;:
. 900 • tax On elial l $169;590 ; tai' ou na
tional bank, stacks, $197,100';• eoriWrinia
tion of bani arrotax • on
• 136 '0 ( 00 •• •
'tax •
writs, $09,900; tax on certain offices;
_slo,ooo ; collateral inheritance tax, $227,..
328 ; tavern lieensav, - $269,009•;
licenses, $422,209;• sainple $7,-•
400; circus, licenses, • $9,000 1i
ceases, _$0,•890•; reslativinf licensee, $32;-
000; pedlars,: $8,300 iirok6il.,
patinit ineqicifiefi,;t 2', 766 ;',ilistilie • rs;
600;; millere; - :forel0 insurance
agencies, '5206,200; prohiuiis"'mi`char•-
ters,, $66,606 ; PrinipidetlawS, $493,; in=
terest on • loaiis, " sll,4oo; esehoati,
.106 ; • Pennsylvania tuilroridbOlid, $10, 7
000; Ununity . for $10,000;
•fees. of public ( - diks, $7,900'; ;teemed in
terest, 87,600. _ The entire receipts teem:
nll these arnount'to - $5,2:11,711.28, which
was the amount of money which found
its way into the"Stitto Treasury for the
year 1869.. • • •
This was .jstid Out, for the following
purposes: For' the Senate, $91,500;
llOuse ef Repi•eseiitiiti yes, $198,300; pub..
lie printing, $117,700; Executive de
paranoid, $12,800; Auditor 'General's
office, $21,200 ,Treasury office, $12,-
400 ; Shrveyer General's officOi $24.400 ;
Adjutant General's office, $9,700 ; Attor
ney 'General's office, $0,800; Judiciary
of the State, .$207,000 ; military expenses
under act of 1862, $52;300 ; other military
expenses; $12;000; pensions and gratuities
$123,200; charitable institutions,s7s4;oo9;
. seboolk, $486,090; paid sinking
fund in payfaiT4t-lbans:rind-exprmsos,.l
s 4 7o,6oo;iptei . 4eompubliede9h,l,B96;ls3;
damages 'and old claims,' $111,500; State
- Library; — sB;7o9l — publte - rbuildin,gs and
grounds,.. $02;200 ; penitentiaries, $lOl,-
170; mercantile appraisers, $1,900; spe
cial commissioners, $8,300; miscella
neous, $49,400 ; lnal iil a total expendi
ture for last 'year,: $4,853,774,10. The
excess of revenue over expenditures is,
$387,07,-12, to Which should' be added
the amount of debt Paid by the Commis
sioners of Sinking Fund, about $473,000,
which will make the excess of revenue
about $860,937. •
The State owes WO fiillowing debts,
Payable-as stateddl - cwerdne debt not pw- ,
'Seated for payment, $360,4.82; due July,
1870,'51,483 ; due 1871, $2,820,750; duo
1872; $5,000000; duo. 1.877,.' $11.844;
dnelB7B, $.321;000:;. One 1870, $400;000
due 1882, $10,571,000 . ; making the total
indebtedness, $32,810,047. 'As an offset
to this, - the State holds - stoeks,' and other'
securities, stated at $11,554,321.,
The ease of Fitz Jelin Porter; who was
eAshierMl- fee ilio , nherlient'e of—orders,
dining U - Meampaignhefore Washington,
under General Pope, in 1802, is now in
the hands of the President, with General
ShermaiPs recommendation -- for -- a new
trial. General McClellan is out in a let
ter defending the action of Porter, on
the ground • that the attack,otdered.
would bate been unsnecesTfnl, because
of We superior 'strength of the rebels.
This defense is -entirely outside of the
question at issue, but it virtually admits
him guilty 'disobedience of -orders.
'Every pffieer know§ the consequence of
such behavidr, and Ivlien -he attempts it,
should - be willing to talci3 - the• conse
quences. However it can do uo harm to
review the' ease. Fritter was •ne worse
than hundreds of others, who acted just
as lie did, and from the same-,motives,
and'perhap; not quite "so bad ns 4.` good
many of the rebels of the South. Am
nesty has been made general, practically,
and there is no reason why he should bo
inane an exception. .
Mississippi has been restored to the Union
of States. The work of mstoret oa is almost
finished, but in order,that it may, be per
maiteid, let destroy xv - lnitercr, yet re
m airmef t,114
,DMnocratic party, throtigh 7
out the country. But for it,' n 6 flag but
that of the Union . :would over. have
naved,; no, treasonable confederacy ever
have raised its, ,fiend ; :and. no .war, fleso
latetUthis fair land. We want the recon
structed „Union to endure while thne
Shall that etitial'jilitice
shall Aloud:to all, Our Mtaen - S. - We ex
poet peace, at 10,14; until tiro last. of tills j
generation has pii,Sseir froth Mirth. To
-,secure all these blessings, 'ne, must 'O'rifsit
~ont'*hu,t l'nft, of UM - i - illy of the
Southern 'Confeitenicy: ' '
4.4ndral Parrafint -i.4; lying quit+ ill at
Wa'shington: Mayi lie noon recover, and
lOng enjoy health and vigora—• _
How, many competitors 101 . . there
for ttm ,norniristions ,for, the different
Offices in this county,,in the Dexuocratic
Harty, at the next
_election! . .Got yoiir
castle out gentlemen, as as possible.
Delays are dangerous. • ~•••-,
Texas and,Neliraidp,.
Fifteentli Ainenclinsut.. ,There ars tliirty,
States now on the,roord, for j‘t . st*.pi'l4
I .l 4 fCre lary:,,, This., disposes of
tllo long yoxed,
.BtateS, would, hayei beep , sufficient, but,
thirty makes assinaneOdo,ll4ly,eure, and,
provents.,nny trouble ,
,arimin ;concerning aeoop.: tow
,York and indiana, let, is have:the
proclamation, and , Alen
ilo,ng, ang...desPerl49/Y:
pattio, ; bris oncled;witlx, glorious : trinrupli .
• •
,The nomination of
iltrong was conibnied last week' by the
Sonato and he now - ono of Ow Justices
of - tilet! P4 O
Stat'es: Judo "Stronk'wili flit , ,
station, as ,ho / has dono all ot iors lie
li:isocgapioil 4 withyionor. '"
,•( •Ilii 4, 1 ~ ; 11: 4
lacbs;?' ho 'Ring
'praihtoil by tiro DiSinoo'rittio
'to •come OM Wl3 of 'thit
conftiot , ho?oftaii; tliht *fi , i , donfoss'to soma
inapationch at Inita tioginning.);' , 7itio Fie.'
AlrilOnc 4 11430 , dlip*a;
'and irio'seo.riohignt. Who aro,
t 4 3. light P. - . NO'groon'add , Thimobtats,corl in;
iit only Domoorats, , • •
bo,,gronted um,til •
noy op, of tile a ppl leo
.tlierofor if hall
'have beaU vice for twct•
•consediitivp ; , mospopee,
,polinty, iii„whieliptlie, con
Si'6oncl. ; No pardon be granted
' kinWsiicieipe theitppl ication shall have
been'giyen,to„the judge who tried tlfe
case,' to the district attorney, or. the atr
torbey 'who, proacouted. Proof pf,,s9r-•
Tice-of said notice must be submitted.'
• Third.;, All applications for pardon,
inust't axo witli_theni_tho- following: pa
-Ors, written in a clear, distinct hand :
• 1. 4 certified copy ofilio Whole:record,
including, docket :entries;. ininutes, .of .
court, copy ciL.l,poieppynt, pleas,,and all,
other papers in, the court relating
t0th0ip.a5e..,, , , , ,,.. • . •
"'g. A Rill statement of the reasons upon
which the, application is Wised, setting
forth all the facts; lte notes of: . evidence
,oaken on trial; .lettorafront responsible
persons the Community . whore the
crime was sommigecl; a recommendation.
from the jurers who. sat on tho trial,- and
if :any of them refuse to recommenda
pardon, reasons given for such refusal;
'letters froM the district attorney or,
counsel who tried the case . ; also; a cow
of conimitinent petition. from prisoner
setting forth., reasons ; and statement
-fibre warden and inspectors of prisons
as to depottniontef prisoner during his
filiurt7. In Consequence of the un
authorized use of the names of certain
persons as petitioners for pardons, it will
-hereafter ho required that all signatures
to the petitions be published- -with ..the
notice referred 'to in rule second..
• Fifth. As these rules aro intelitle'd to
subserve the administration of justice,
they will be strictly enforced, and re
laxed 'only when good reasniffriliTill be
furnished so doing.
Ino. W. Geary
d~snmtl_siz~-.Fnrrnl -,C
no 7, ror sale at the mhnlesnle notion and rnrlety
Store or
COYLE ilicaLiElt,
11. -ILNntri,r gtreet, COIIIII
lir 31
!we, supplying storekeepers with evert thing In their
ILue, in large and mall enantftles, at prices that - will
- afford good profits. Coal Oil .down price, throe
eentipOr gallon. Everything wanted by hucksters
attending 1,003, on hand, at low priCUs7:7l — di r Ce ar
ticle of hoary, sold rheaß. of (bloom
Ware, Glasewat'd, Tablo Cotlei)+, and House Furbish
ing Goode le full, and aOmplo.e, and hill he — sold;
wbolenklo and ratail, at KINe quite, low. Flak and
Salt on. Innal, at all times.
These norctriiieti u”lt a ibtrongirdurriblo nod elastic
Mitch; will ra, vith cam, every_ variety of col tor:
woolen, liven nul J 11 15 550., froth t e novel to the
coarsest, and of lair required thick !lota at prrator
*peed and with Iced , power and no no than any oilier
• r Ageorn rrenteikln—Arrirac-tinva....LlbtraL
Comm baton For termorwd cheater oddrear
A.. 0. 11AM11.401 , 4
No. 700 Cilia tont et. , Pliihdolchla, Pa , Solo Agent.
' 1051,70.41
.Front F, A,9 I a nig, Sr.
Wags for ,ta,p and paaltry yards, Brain and
hdro Inth rileves, fr ode:, ~ e rreon fur coal, °rem.
sand, de, holy Crimped Cloth for rparlo nrreaturn
iandbelipi• tS lio for Winduvra de., Paper Milkers
Wire,, Ornamental Wire Worke. Every inform,
than by add: ersian; the 171.11Illip• to rem Si. W.llllElt
dr SONE , ' No 11 ELI ill Sloth hlretit Philadelphia_
24(47.14 y.
It is now•" • rirtin e Dr. Ti blss Prat introlucod•
the "Venetian Liniment" in the United B talus, and
nova la a slue ° ii stance his ineilleithi failed 'to
do 011, If not mor° t hall' Is mated iu his psinplitet.
Aican r x.tet eat remedy in arises of Eltronie Mounts:
ttxtn Ileini.ho r Tooth tell°, Itral,es, Burns, Cuts,
SereS, 5161111.g5. SAge of 1119,01 and
Paine in I hubs, !lack, unit Chest, Its Wl,ll seiliti enro
llee parsers lire Miraculous Taken Internally for
the rare of Chol.a, Chalk, Diorama; lli3sentory,
Sick Ilestlache, and Voinitin s :, its soothing and pen
stilt Bug ill:slides are felt as soon as tal.en. Thu qatli
with Chi,h each litittlo is Ai:coati:lnit.) will shoot
that Quire is nothing' i Juriotto hi its caapoollion.
Thousand,. of cettillutios hate been.receltod speaking
of tier Faro virtues off thin valuable, article. Aoy
person after haying nice will never hu With
out it. Every L'ottle r f the ;.,onslno 'has flit slim.
tage . of "S. 1. 'fold." on the outside wrapper. Sold
by tho Druggists and Storekeeputis throughout the
'Unlit:O.!, to Tries, 50 coati. Depot,. 10 Park
Place, New Verdi.. , infel.7p.l
Th it; to ibo pi - over title of ti Lorribla metallic
hair dye's: Wens ti :nn the fattfr•Of AI:Halo:a maybe
the fate of iloiso :ali mai; IL.m. one NViaileneme
preparation far changing 111,1i:0r to nay .doki:V:le
ateolo hrown to jot hlaekinny „ he procured
everywhere, viz: etintaxioru'a I•:xceisior Bair Dye.
After rife NI froleione Chilton, tin: dielfri
gaiNited elterairt, r ,m anthorlard tho lappriotor to
declare,-on inBhohnif, , thatit contains - nothing (Lela
terioue In !teal !It:, 1 leg Otl3cr hair the worl d
hue tho like geln.antee. Crlataluro'H Hair Prep.:vit.'
tier, as a iirtoring, rats like 'a aarlk on`the hittr
after 4,sing. , :Try it, - -10fr:b704tri
4,'rc qnd .pry,,rtront, cnly.l by, hay a .I.Notor;
usually in moor throu hours.
Dr. Green, No: God Ilreembeay,, NOW Yorlsi Informs
nitro sold,on Moptirty, Juno 22, 162., Ore l'hultern
to a yottng unman euff4ing Tory 'neVerely from
lumbago. Or, Thutudny bLi) palled to gut tu r n moro
for a friend, end tbori, etated bear tho two elm boil
purchased on Ithintloy bed relieved 'tor Immedletoly.
idler putting them on,. and aired her in Imo days of
n most diatfedslUg pnlo lh iliA,Vack
Al le.rk'isi &mans j'insteo Lave imenlound specifies
Tor 10.1 . 1R!qpifri,,of • 10feb70.1m
Jicos Bcrmn- T -Desi air: I have Anton aillicted
'.for tho Isie ton Years with" the Bluirictallsre and
N:1„ Your Bitters was recommended to me.' , l
have used It, and 1 am glad` lb en, It has Wooled 'a
Oiled cure In arvery, short time. :ytieraforc,l, re
commend it to all perifons efflicted•7yith the same.
diseases. I cceslder ft the boot Odra It, use for oily`
'aleeCoo the hriman body liadulbetoJ
• B. DelNlUNCl , Vbllanolphla.
!• :Tito A ,TO
having boon roater od to ; heaf..
;k.foir week; by,a very ehnplo rotriedy, at - tor
,ing,aufforod mayoral yoare With eieovero g - eftuf
. goC, and that drool! Illsonao,Conenzeptlew la analanor
'to inako known tohlo fellow•eiacrern tho nicaue 0.
iloalrerlt; lie - wiillsond copy of the
•Berlption need (free of horde), irith the direction
'for Prorating and using thesnmo'whictiAok Jwill
,RRONCIIITIS, eta. The object of the advertiser In
sanding , No •Prorerlittoriilo taireirdilt • the .nitiladt
and dpreridinfortnation . w.htchltsceondelvis tb ho
-4idilablo; and he hopes ossry, b outferar Nlfl .tryititt
kebody, slot will cost thorn . nothing and may prose
a Idesstrii.,
Patti oo lid:Vaa the pi . esariptlop will - pleas° all.
L'..' • • • • '
EDWAItDat. , TfIf,SQW u .
',, 2 46,P 3 1 1 1 . 1;,*?ur3' , .44 0 13!!'9 , 0??0, 110w_xoris.
• ; ~ E llllOlll3 OF ••t t
. ,* g"entlpmfirt !who nuffoiod for yOkr4 from Eoprono;
Dabllltyaro ‘ rrinforn . ifiectly, ,and Also . Affooto %of
ToOthfulindiscrotion, seill for tlib ,rakcyof egQudng
liornanity;"tioila ildod
:for: malittnt tha hlin'phioromo4/14 , ivhic6hO *0?
oared... (Niteroi."( .wisbing to s : prellt the hdeorilo.
:!7'l_°'!PAl 4 Nte9...fp ll , l ,49.isp W ad4rmelog,,lp fprfop.
ooa • ', ft..0431Mt 0
•'" '"'" '444'7:Can ' t' ot,'ito'vr'lorti:' •
~‘f Db'y 7:60.1 7 1 : p 1 - i' I
C 1.9.3140 • I l lllellt3 OF DR MAVEN & DROTLIER
South Third Street, Philtutetphia.
. ' - 7`lii•JO; O'clock: p. In , F9l;ruary 21' /870...
U. 020'4 of 'Bl, -.- - 117% . .1177
4 1. J. 'I 'O2, • 1 116
" " • 'O4, - . 114 114
•,. 4 ~3 5, .
114 114
~ ~ l 'O5, LOW 1 13/ .• /13J
0 lc • r O7, ~
112.n1' , 2130
1 ' VI,
, 4 11 1 . 1 2 N .
, 010, 10•40',,, . •
U. 8. 30 Ytur 0 per cent Cy. • '9 111 o
Due Compound.lutoreut Note°. 'lO
Gold,' j • . .-• ' 118% 110%
, 110. 118. .
Union Poeille 11. R. let 15. Bowl., 805- 875
Coutfol , l'aellle It. R. - - - 900 970
Union llooltli Lund Grout Bood4, 690. • 710
• SPOWSWOOD—GILBERT.—On the tlfteen , h
Cant, by Rev. J. A. Murray, Mr Charles 11. Spate
rood, to .311 me 3laggleJ. Olm.rt, both of Carllelo,
thht.l.lorougin; on tho eighteenth
hudaut, Mos. Susan, who of M. John
..Early, and
daughtor of no lola Milton Wunderlich, cub aged
taunt fifty -fon r you,
CRALL.—On Monday morning, February 19, of n
lingering Worse, Ida V., daughter of W. W. nod M.
;.Crull, aged slit years and three months.
STERAIIT.-Trk. ;Me borough, on 'Friday morning
Jost, aftor-&-lingartug. Mum, Miss Sorob Stewart;
aged about seNn.nt.3; )ears.
SALE.—WiII ha offered at .public the
Mrs. 'nfsabeth Sharp, deceased, en Tuesday,
March 1 , 1570; en the pr.misee, on Parsonage streetr
in the borough of,Newville, a 'voidable' town
property, comprising "
and lot adjoining.. Fronts 12 feet on Parsonage
htreet, extends back to Church alloy, and tine thereon
erectod.hesides a dwelling, a good stable, and other
outbuildings. lit the lot arca number of choice fruit
trees nod vines.._,The_housaluts_tive- rooms,-and-'n
- kli r e on
hen first story, and four rooms on the second
story ; Latrobe haves in two of the rooms 1u lower
story, which heat time of those above; everything is
complete, and in good order; cistern under' the
kiloton, and ono plot confide of the door; the dwell
ing is built in Cottage style, centrally located, and is
considered 000 of the moot valuable properties In the
place. Persons des/ring to view the property will
_call at the residence.
title t. 4 commence at eleven o'clock a. m., on mid.
day, when terms will he mode known by
• H
N. 13. The above property is offeredT E
al priluto sale
until day of pubic sale.
IV. S. .3tounotc, Auction..
17febts ' '
List of unclaimed letters remaining in
the postoffico at Carlisle, Pa., for the
-- -
week ending February 23, 1370':
Bearer, Mica Ultra Melo.t,r, Mrs A Z
Ilontsisr,'MYs II . Monier, Ml,, 8.1
CrotOn, aet, Anna lll,Cennmon, Mies IL
Cooper, Miss A It • Mors, :Miter Dennis
Cooper Miss Eznino. Mentzer, Surah.B • .
Coon./, Mrs 0' ' - Munutu, Mrs 1'
Dllts, Mies 51. II . WIWI:my, Mrs L
Dive,, Mrs Mary Oiler, Miss Kato .
Lronsey,. SM. M Seibert, Miss L
(hey, M se .1: Si ne, Mrs Mars
Cary, Mrs II ' Stuard, Mrs St
!lair, Mrs M A &recta. Mrs II B
Bonier, Mrs S Stoll:bora, Minn L
Moths, Miss XM Mumma, Mrs .0 A
11(11.zpr, Si.. Ann Si '-, . Wood'ey,lE
Lenieks, Miss Lizzie Wilson, Mrs Id -
I,lncleey, Mhs Kota Wolf, Nis. M It
5i,.., Si no M B Yarlots, M:118 5
'- . . -- CIEXTUEMZNULTar: .
Albright; Joon). Latelmw .9atunel
Belize!, Samuel Jr McCoy. John
Bran , her, tieorge W 'Meyers, John A
Beecher, Peter ,
Co," Moore; N 11
Brown, 9
lityers, Jacob
Ileaser, William • Mooto, William
Drown, Daniel Rhoads, John 11
Cormit a 0, ;John P Pecbert Isaac
Conner, 0 0 ltilner, Jacob
Doligherty, John Stouffer, W II
Donna,,, Denied Smith, J N
Eberle), Mt .
.. „ „1 4 ykes..lS ,
Pox, IL ties' Stouffer, Onorge•
Faber, Gorge Bitax, Tobias
Flssel. Niles Strickler, David:
F•nnicle Franklin lllnlikinr, U
r 0 I 11. t , 111 , 01ge . Tote, J• um
lielser, Polar - THU, 0 5 (2)
Homer DP Tonylla,,Y 0
Howard, II •' - w en loft, .1651,
Hetrick, J 0,60 Wlllisins,,Jatoh 9
,Loren, Andrew Willinintion, IT II
Kiner,•W J Wine, John
Hinter, Samuel •••- Walker, Nll (2)
Kaufman J A {Pod, Alexander
LeitheA, w D Waohter, William
Lay, Samuel 31 ' Zeigler, Fredericlf
Lewin,' L M- Zelg er, A S
Low, Jeremiah ~
Iron Itear.teado, Web.
Parlor, Dining Boom, and Chamber
of 'the I.ta4 Axles •ull boat olenufActure,
REGISTER'S , NOTlCE.—Noticol is
hereby given, to all persons Interosted, that
the following accounts have been filed in thin omen,
by tho raccoon , ants therein named, for examination.,
and will T o presented to the Orphans' Court of Cum•
herland tonally. for' confirmation dad allowance, on
Toothy, March 22. A. D. 1810:
1, Ph. first and final account of John Mounts,
executor of lost xlll auj,.testamont, of Susanna
/Them docea.d.
2, Tho•account of Thomas P. IlrysOn, trusts°, 'un
der' tho will of Fame] ii. Addnme , doccosed, of
* Thomas - IL 11. McOniro . !
• 3. Th. second account
.Thomas n.„llrynari, tram.
too, wider'? Ith will - of &Maio] 11:Addams, docensed,'
of Miss lifetty Quigley. I. • •
4, Arcemnt of OcorsoW. eaq., atiminia.
Amine an bores non, With tho hill arm of Mrs.
Ells.beth 'Kimmel, Into of Shipponsburg borough,
do mead. "
0 . Account of .Jelin Ihnboriter.• administrator of
Inane Barton, Into of Lower Allon township, Comb. ,
land county, deceased.- . .
. .
- O. Tho 11 rat and Civil account• of JRMON D. Brown,
gnardian of Martini M: Drown, &ceased.
7. Accouninf Jame. B. Drown, guardian Of Sadie
11. 'Brown, minor daughter of John 0. Drown, d.
8. Areonot ofJomes B. Brown,, guardian of Lizzie
B. Brown, minor 'daughter of John 0. Brown, do•
.Cer „ , ; •
1. Ardnint o fJanieall. Brown, guardian of JOhn
Q. Prawn, mli,or eon of JObil 0. Brawn,deeeded. •
10. Acconfit,of...Tamea B, •lirown, guardian of J. A.
F. Brown, minor Pon of John C. Biown, deceded. "
11. First and final account of Barbara hillier, ad ,
mlnfdratrix of Daniel Millor;lato of the bprough of
Mechanicsburg. &dosed. • •• • •,
12. First and 'final - account,
_of •Darid , on, 41-
tninialrator of N. J. liamSoy .Woode;late... r. Went
.Fonoploprough,rdoccaPed. „
11, Tioi account of John 0. hind°, toidamontary
gbardietwof David B Glenn. 'a minor child of Wll.'
Ham Glenn, into of Diokl mom township, dedimod.
14, Tho ' account of David__PflPkord,_ guardlau'of
Samuel Lahti; a minor child. of Peter Lohn, late of
Nertli affddlotoo township: doceased
•15 Tho account of &tronal llaahore, executor of
•Catharino HMIs, )ate. of Hasupdon- township, do
omed. • ' • '
16. The 11rsi•account of L. L. Kolar, And . J.A.
Koller. administrators of William. Keller, late Of
Soutnempton'townehlo, deceased. • . ' • ••
17. Tint and Anal scconot of,Daniel Rudy, ndmin-
Istvan:4'ot Frentie Rudy, of South Middleton town- ,
18. Sehond awl final account,. of Daniel Rudy. ad
mlnlstretor °Mime Iludy,',lath at :South Middleton
township, dace's 0 • • • . ,
• 10 • Acebont• or Alfred A. Iternian, administrator'
of Alireimm; pow,. ;ate, of Dldkloson township, do
• • .
.. 20:1 The nceonnt f Jepooph,W. , •Petton: and Joeeph
A. Stenrt, n dminialreters 11711111 am AL, Beeteeldat,e,
Carllale; tlecenaM),' • •'" ' • •
21: Firet account ok.lagoL Zug, preontor of John,
'Bug Into of Booth Middleton township, &cowed. '
22.; ThoirteolllibirfJeiboi Miller, iadiolnistintor of
%Tani" Pule.Or lath of California,, decanted, ,
23. Arcbno& of oho Motear, l adminietritor
Story, hlo, with, whoewari. rho - daughter:of George.
Brent:or, late of Silver Spring township, decioeird. ,
'24.:1110 Brat And final account.of Samuel Plarsig,
executor of tpo hurt pill ' and, testament of Samuel
'Albright, Into of Bait 'Pornreboroirgh :taiernehip,'do:
canoed, . (
• •
25.! Account Of R. WlLgn, adminiatrator of lay..
Jamas L 'BeLoch,'dochatied, Into of Now.lfork
2,0.' The account of IL It. -Boyd, nqininistnstor ,
the catatworgeorge Klink, decease& ' ' -
27.' Tiro first. and final peopunt. of: Georg°
execrator orchsoige Holm, &monad.
' Rho The 'first nod final account' of MargJatio Piper ' ;
executrix, and John LLoada, ogoeutor; of ,ihatnuel,
j ar; doCuiracit' ' '
• IL Acoolint of S.Bould, oripritilstrator• of lobo .
n: trlnafelloti,lat,o of thriborough Of Catlialo,Ao
-30.: Tiro Oral account Of Noah hf,
litiatoe of limbed IL "Laughlin, late, of ' Mole burg
b ' ) ll'AbrlqCoham!. • I
40iIIIP*Priight e lkiefitor.
• •
. . .
• •
porrOsietl Weekly q. • lfrooittoevrila,
AmwANLovn, - - $6 ES
§UPEOINE ' ELOU - 4 7 08
.F" - E NE Sri,'
uPEo4rE gun noun,
Viiirti Wit En c.
i t ) ?":
, .
„. „
()AMBLE rnowspx 'MARKET.
, VorrecCed , Weekly by Wiliam Waohmood.,
CAnusce, Fol?r,uary 23, 1872..,
E. 35,
CAnb; i. •
DERSWA X. , • -
lIACON , BIDE..I, • •
RAGS, • -
NEW , 2'O-DAY.
A_D 0 D 0--T ,
No, 809 Market Street,
North Sil.,
On !ho' drat day of March,' , s'ffi7O, irn trill open a
now and eitensit!imortmentof CAIIPSTB , lo
the "Bentz noose," innd the kcitim formerly occupied_
by Moosrs.t3awyrr & Co., dry gocdsna!rebuntl, Our
.toak will consist of
'VPs shall also hasp -0
large es.orlment of
Hornesnatie Rag and Listing Vorpeto,
Laving made arrange..Hata to have a full and con
E.:" "PPIY. Aho,
Carpet Rag . s bought or exchanged
fgr gootla at the ILlgheat market rat.
Hiving a buyor of ingoty-three yearm' experlortea
the trade, we expect to open at greatly reduced-
rateg our entirg stock,
We invit•the citaene of Car Hole and vicinity to
'WE our store, sad Judge (or themrshes a. to the
qualltj and prli:o• of our good.
Carlfille, Nbruary 24, 1870.
to mstko room for Now Sprint Stotk
I:semi. , tins -
IN Ot.OTUS AND oeissurEmis,
V.W AT 0 dik ;clg
' l )o3ingTlC . gOOIYS,
inst armed. 'AU Winter °nada Nul bo wra
T R //.1f.1?, 0„P El T,
. '' • •
No: • pAsT,
2ifeb 0
No. 5 Nassau Street; New York,,
. ,
February 16, 1670,
'The remarkable ancetna which attended our ne.
getlation of the Loans of thagentml,railfiCltallroad
CoMpady and the Western Pacific Fallroad Company,
and the popularity and which theme loans
have, malntalnedle the markets,. bath in this caul"-
try aucl.4nropei hare ahown,that the Firer Mortgage
:Donde of wisely located and honorably managed .1
Railroads are promptly recogiacd nod readilytairad
"as the mat eultahlo, safe, and idvan tageaus forth of
ttiyeattuent;jrleldlng a .tacire liberal income titan can
hereafter ba,derlsed. from Clorernment't Bootle, and
. 4.ailablo to take their
. /muted that, 'in the ,snlSetion and neinlietion.of
superior railroad Igana, wo jiro :miming a great'
public want, and rendering a baiunhle narcloo—hold,
to the Hiders of capitril and to-thoea great national •
wink. --oi- Marna-- improyemeo t , whose. latrine/.
merit and sastantial character °Mitts them to the
nee of capital and the, eonildenco Jf : I tlYte tors —we
noir offer, with -epee's) confidence and satiersCCltiou,
Oh esape alc,Ho and Ohio
The Cl/mynah,: and Ohio Railroad, connecting the
Atlantic coast and the magolikent harhors of the
Phesspoake hay with the Ohio Myer, at a'polnt of
reliable navigation, and thus, with the c•tire Rail
road systeni and water transportation of the truat
West and Southwest, farms the aciddiotad
so imperatteely thnant4d for iho accomutAut.un oY
the I teelellea and - rapidly - gro wink irnoepariatiee
between the e tthin tie
_seaboard and Europe on the
oue hand, and • the great producing rogi me of the
Ohio and Silashas'ipplValeye on the other.
The importance of thiti'llOad ni; a new
'cutlet from tha...„
_Nest to the sea magnioe
It Into one of iintihnal coneenu rare, and-
Insures to It fuiertouslve th rough trunk from the
day of Ile comfletlou ; whilo, intho developmen t pf
the extemilve agricultural nud inloetal reeoureee of
Virginia and West Yirglille, It PO.V.PB, [dem; Ile
own Ilne, the element./ of n larze and profitable likai
lhus tho great Interetots, both general n u ll local,.
which - doniaml the uUtiljoleliiiii 5111.1'0
Cliesapo'ake and Ohio Railroad
to the Ohio river, afford the rawest guarantee Of 111
success and value, and render It the most important
and substantial railroad enterprise now in progregs
in thlg country.
Its superiority at ars East and {Best route, and the
premise of an immense and profitable thnde awaiting
Its completion, ham drawn to it the aliintion and
cooperation of prominent capitalists and ra , lrond
men of this city, of sound Judgment and known le-
whose conneetion'irith It, tneilier with [lint
eminent ritizone:and bneinees into of Virginia
and Weili t ‘Virginia, insures an energetic, honora Wu,
and suceesifid nianagr—uient.,
Tito mid is •ramplrtoth and in oparatien from
Richno . end to the Itelebrated White Sulphur Springs
of Welt Virginia, 237 tuned. nod there remain boo
20n minus (cow partially c.,uarttcte.l) to be com
pleted, to carry It to the proposed tornii OUR on tin,
OISIO river at, or near the month of the Big Sandy
liver;ll,sPrillles above cineStnatt; and p3O miles
below Pittglourg,„.
Linea aro now prbjected or pro,ress through
Ohio and Kentucky to this p dot, which will c .unent
t ho Ckeenpeeke and tsklo with the entire railroad
vatemrof . tho - West — ernk•Ernethereakr - and—lettirthe-
Pacific Railroad. '
Its .ralualol• frnucialres and superior nrivant•ges
will pia. the Choutpeuko 1.1401110 lion oad Cu.ol poop.rimong - tbw - rirlfesratulu fnit 'penePhil and
trustworthy corpcouLions of th• count ry; and there
exiata a prosout value, In completed road and work
donw.equal to the call, amount of the mortgage.
The details of th o' Loan hero been arran A ed elth
apeclel reference' to the wants of all classes enu
re/40., and rot_blne the varibus features of COll
- aant) - , awl - pr deetlen against lons or fraud,
The Bo r.ds e. e In denconlostlotts f
$1';000, BEOO, and $lOO
Tl.ey bu le .eLI
e.)uvo Romp, P.A.TABLN TJ BEARER.
All I op •r hold In that form ; or
TI • 11611 may be trgi•tertt lu th• 'mutt) of, the
own,. *Ph no Napo., retaaiulaz payablo to
A:y. 11 ti 1 ,110.1, the ptiu-'pal beittg thenirausfora-
ont, 011 tio boob of the Company, unlera re
s I ed bear•t ;or
Tite r - uppne auey be delachtel• and win kfo,
)10111i i11 , 11U , 11 Perm. nent Itegieter.d Bolo,rA
(he leloho of. the rompanYTffnd the
iotere.t tuaile payable ottly to the regletered owner
or bit u toroey.
. tbroo 0n... will Ino known roTeellvely ne
'ALES BY comArdbollE PORTtII,
Feb. 28 Tbotnits Shover, West Pennsboro' twp.
Mar. 1 .7. It. t.C.ukanecker. Wit Penn•borp'dwp.
•L 3: Goo. Ileltabcover, West t onnsboro‘ twp.
7 John Fantail', 11hflifit.
10 , 0. M. -er, West Pennsboro!•twp.
11. l Itristian Lee, Frani fu d twp.
17 A. , Itninbaugh, Idoltinson twp.
q• 18 .1 11. Davidauo, Plwintl dd.
" 10 Vanua areas., cirsonnonvillo.
21, 22 and 48, J, , uoplt geettle, earlier.
'' 24 W. It. Brandon, Altertun Station.
. •
and should bo_ so dos' netted by correspondents In I CANDY 1 CANDY ! I
ernotsin the clots of.llondd desired. -- • ,
" Coupon - Bonils payablo to
" Registeredlionds with Coupons
3d. "Registered Bouds liith ColApoivi
Thoy..haye Thirty Years to run:
front Janthry - 15: - 1870, wffirltitrerget at 11:c pmmmt
per annum from November:l,4BW.- ,
. ,
The _lnterest la payAblo Ju
that it may tako the .place of Bud of who earlier
'bunion of Five Twontloa, and suit tha convonionco Of
our frie'oda who already 'hold Control and IPostonr
„Tactile Bond; With Intermit payable to January and
July,: and' who may doeito, in making additional
limatmente, to. kayo their Intoroat rocekablo at
- difforont 41M10 . m of thoyear.
Thi Ldan Io encored by a mortgage dponlito onilro'
lino of road, frOnt Richmond 'to the Ohlo.rlvor, with
the mlulpmeut and all 'other property pntl appurte
nances bannoctod therewith:
Sinking l'unA of .$1.00,100 per enneni la' Pm
forthe rodent pike of the Itendi,to take effitt
one 'iner after the oomph:ilo. of the road:
'Vint mortgage la for $16,11),0110, of whiO 0,000,600
:wilt b• reeerrod anti hold in. revolt for the redemption.
outatanding bond, of the Virginia Central Mt 11-
road Coklpany, now merged is the .Chaarpeake-and-
Otilr remaining so i ooo,op, f< oulnetont amount
wlit.ho !Wit to e4napleto .tha dad to 'thi Olifo'rhor,
pottopi and hoproTh the: portion now In operatlbo,
; and thorodgthy ni:di:the witolo for n kat'gro and
,aketlio tradio ; • • ; • .
The pre,nat pH. is DO and accruod lotortmt.
-4 X.aa'!" ... no toupli "2"OcOrif, - ito cir•folly guarded',-arid do 'certain hereafter to;;kommorid 'a !!rou!loent
pla'a among the favorite eicarittat lo,tho !market',
.both of this uountry
,enti .Fecope, heat once
apyremintuf and quickly alMorbed." . •
. • ; ' ' ''t ; ei7hopectfolfl,"2,' • -
" : • :
:13c--)99 heve leu
.bnltlipbrete senettlnti4 NIL
:pattcularajitattettecil detaltli melte; etc„ ‘Thich.wlll:
be 'trashed even appllcatloi,
. .
IV buy aTil.,t,y, , •.•,•
N•iir iN 'n 0 D
ocelvo 49ounts oft: ,
.13 WE'S;
' t •
, tthert, eq n Nitokto A5t4,411pty,)4,:
ter, t ou dells loPltoc.4.
2ituierl34m.' ,
• "'I
, .
bANHE It S A. , .21,D DEAL * F. It
• .
. .
Distriet I)ourt of .tho United States,.
for the E stern District of Pennsylvania: '
. or.
111 the matter of JACOB C. BENTZ, n Bankrupt.
Jacob Q. Bents, ,of North klidieton • township, In
the county ofOuntherland, in mid District, a Bank
rupt, lotting, u [tilde tho Act of Coogress of March 2,
0 180 1, path Piped, On; his/ iditiclungo, n meeting of
creditors will ho held on Wednesday, the' second day
of March, 1870;nt ton &clock, a in., before lirgistort
Charles A. Mundt, at idi al., in the Court Buose,
In the borough tit Carliolo .whin end It hero the
,examination of tho Ilmkrthtt may, Ito !!filched, epd
the business of mcotinga required by Sections 27 nod
28 of cold act stay ho trauracDotr(at which time
end Place the Assignea of mid liankrupt,will submit
file accoon t and 'nppiy iiiittioinont of tan , !Mlle,'
'mid for adischarge from all liability ea lorrignoa,ls
Ardor Mot a• final dividend of the estate of, said
bankrupt may rho wide.) / _
A hooting it 11l also ho bold on
..q.y, the
aisfeenth day of Earth, 1370, "hoibro b tli c e o C a o , n tore etet .
PitilndalPhia,:nt o'ctook, ' w hen,
partite Whirl/841 . m0'. show ,cause ago asttho mill
dischaige.t, • ' • '
Attest : •, „ • . R. VOX; - -
Chick of cold Court,
'i • r . r , r. r , Itcgister. •. • . 1 / r
t • . • ,•,. .1 ,Biliab7o-3t
PA! , l,!iNts
lo .:
; •
NE W , TO-DAr. 4
• - i' F ., - ,. ~.' THILADiLI'IIIA
„ .
P.y., - A fi,.-IE, R',.. r 4 0 111 c. (S;
Terre Alta, - &c
AiQY inquirS , will feceivo iinmediato
answer. Satistnelion in Yriee and material
assurad l and shipments promptly znade,,
1 foL7f ly
OTIOE.—Tho N. stoZfkkolders' of tlio
Ilarrisburg',Carliola, and Chanibershurg Turn.
plko. lb ad Company aro licrobj notified that an
elOction will be held at tho public house orllenry L.
Burkholder, la the borough of Carlisle, on Monday,
the eetenthday of March next, batree..n tho houro , of
twedro o'clock, a. nt., and.ono.o'clork, p. m , of sold'
day, fooled three manners (or Bald company.
Presid, at.
1870. 164
Ribbons, Millinery, and Straw Goody
Import°. stud Jobbeni of
BOnhet Silks, Satins, and Velvets,
monde; Nrtts,
Crape., Ruches. Flocorn ; Panther'',
Ornameutn straw B. note and L• dies' Bata, trimmed
and untrimmed, shaky r Honda. ,te,
Baltimore, Md.,
OfTor tbe largest'alneti to be found In this eauntrr,
end unequalled In choice, variety. arid riienpneea, r
eninp.laing the latest Parisian novoltien
Orders ..ollelted, and prompt attention given.
21 f, 1,79-3 m
F 0 It PiJ 1t.1.F Y N 0 J_FIJI ..11.L 00 D.
ire' reputation this excellent medicine enjoye,
is derived from Ile cures, many of which aro truly
marvelous. Inveterate co. of Scrofulous die.,
esso, where the system seemed saturated with'
cerruptlen, het, been purified and cored by It.
Scrotoloue affections and. disorders, which ware ag
gravated by the armful°us contamination until
they were painfully afflicting. have been radically
cured In such great numbers in. almost every se,
tion of the country, that the pub! e scarcely need
to he informed of its virtues or name'
Scrofulous poison is one of the. most destructive
-enenflenohlue rarer ,- Often, - thh./13.611
tenant of tli:e organism undermines the constitu
tion, and Invites the attack of enfeebling or fatal
dl.axesorithout exciting a suspicion ot its pres
ence. Again, it seems to breed Infection through,
out the body, and then, on some favorable °erasion,
rapidly develop Into ohs or other sf Be Lideoue
"fortnK - Oth - e - r - uu the sur Mu eritnirßik - tfre — f MIT"
I. the la ter, tubercles luny he suddenly deposited
in lb. lunge or heart, or tumor. formed in the
livery or It showe lie presence eruptionn on the
skin or foul ulceratione on seine part of the hotly
Hence, the occasional use of a bottle of this
Sarsaparilla Is advisable, even when' no actl••
symptoms of dkease appear, I'm-bons afflicted with
'the following complaints generally find _immediate
relief, and, at length, cure, by the nee of this
SARSA l'A R1LL..4.: St. Anthony's fire, Rose, or
Erysipelas, Teller': Salt Rheum, - Scald Head, Ring--
worm, Sore Eyre, Sore Ears, and other eruptions or
visible Ibrnas of, Scrofdlotts disease. Alen. in the.
-more .concenled fgetni,- as Dyspepsia., Dropsy,
Heart Disease. Fits, Xptlepsy, Neuralgia, and the
various Llkerons.ffeetions .1 tke muscular and
nervous systems.
Syphilis or Venereal-and Mere°,litl Diseases ore
cured by it. though n long time is required-for sub
duing these obstinate maladies by any medicine.
Doe long continued one of title medici im will cure the.
complaint. LrneorrhtCx. or Whites, Uterine Ulcer.
lions and Female D1110:180/1, ale commonly soon se
tiered end ultimately cured by, Ia purifying aced
invigorating effect.
.Minute birectione for etch case ere fenkd In our
Almanac, supplied grail, lihatmatisan end Gout,
when.raused by accumulations of extraneous mat
ters a the brood, yield quickly t• It, es nice
Liver Complaints, Torpidity, Congestion, or NMI.,
lion of the. Lief,. and Jaundice, when arising, es
they often do. from the. rankling p..iges is the
blood. n SARSAPARILLA he a great restorer lor
the strength end vigor Of tee system Those who
Cr. Languid and Listless, Despondent, Sleepless ani
troubled with Nervous. Apprehensions or Kara,
or any oi affections sympteirmtie of _Weakness,
sv ill - ftood - immioliati -- rettaosust—erm•lool•g--••1
deuce of its restorative sewer upon trial.
PRE'PARED - '11"7"
Ldt. J. C. AYES S CO., 1.0W.E1., MASS„
Ph/areal arTit gilts! Chemists.
Ilsverstick Inothers, Agents fo Carlisle.
Price, Six Cents
A lecture en (lie ragtime, treatment,' And nine.
cure of :low initt ,, rrbtra or 81 . 11161111,1'We/;k1leetl,•1.
vol eatery Enliseione, Bestial liability and laved
meets o'Marriage gen si ally, NorvollSllos,l, COI
suniption, lipLepny mei Fins, Mr ntal and Pliyele
Incapacity. remising mem Ito (Mime, Ac., by Robot.
.1. Cele.. eell, M. D., nether of the " tireen Book,
The world renowned author, in th a admirw
luctore, cltarly prove,. wont bay own exintrionco th
the nein] tonsegnenred of Half abnee may he On
ntly r.morad vfll.ll , llt m•dlrine, u. at without d
t ennui turgionl operAtione, hung •r, InHtnun,
rings, or col duals poluiing out u mode of cure
. . • .
of c• aert,Cal and effectutl, by which ovary oulTercr,
no ran ttur rhea h a coed van may be, may rura
heel n, cheaply, pail a:ely, out r.adinuihy , Thie
I dhors 1.04,010 u l.oon to thottaan to nod thou , anall.
Sent Lauder seal, to any add.", in u plain envelope,
on the receipt of air rental, or two po•tago otamps.
Alen Dr. t ttiverteell's "Marring° prlret2s
,conts, Attain,sal alto publiehat.,
. C. KLINE At 0.,
127 Bowery, Natr York, J Post OlSon D C
os, .4,588.
Th subsuribtr koerot 'cOtntantly on hand, at No.
35, West, Alatu Wept, a, largo atoctt vf ,Frond/ and
anunlcao Coluba, Nuts, Fruits, or., vmslittni; of
°RAM - 1m
inch as Iralnut, Cocoanut, le Ig, Fru , t, flutter, Soot
Cocoa Guto arid Cocoa Stripa.
I nnyt n fan t ure largely . , nnd, can supply tho Trade
nnd littekntergion reasoned° terms.
dot 'forget tho placo,
43- No. 35 WEST MAIN STIlpiT,--aIS
1311 . TUKITOLDE . 11
.7;0 13 II WV , LTON
Cabiriat 161cors, r
Quo oehbliahmontia ono of tho oldost , in.Philitdol.
tbbi4o'n4driop"Troo l ongd t Wigitruco°4lPidi'rinyti rfamlitlea
110 niatatfaeturdllit'allin'tnedliim
,palOod: fitinituro of superior-. wiallty. A larg petoCk.
olJurnituro nlways.on band. ,Gooda motto to ardor
' , Coontert. :Utak Work , fintV (Moo Turkdbiab - Mr
Oftleoi and E4ores
,J. W. LyppyNcorr . 400, t. Store.
'• '• ,•' • •„:1; th:•"? .
(Fourierly Ryder Nursery Assoclatlon,)
nave for solo, In largo or small quantities, a choke
. seortment of ,
• Pear, •
od other trees, with all tho now or good kind, of
Ovei! ono hundred Varieties of R0,E34
And an +and's. assortment.o'forerything that le do.
nimble to stock a first class orcluird.or ganlon.
Our prices are low and our trees art as good as the
best.' Orders by mail will remiss our bast attontlon,
and satisfaction all our dealings. For
Catalogues and other information address the
• .
We want a good, reliable Man In ovary town to act
at agent for the rule of our treat rind blunt., -
. .
f,) The undermined. whose time la wholly iaken
up by hit dulloc to the Carl Shoe-Company,.will,
In comAneneelherel, s.ll his Store, situ ted on the
north coat tomer of the Publi6 -quote; where ho has
sons aNU ccessfu i business for many year.. To a sat•
laluetorY person ouch facill.i,m can ho offirel for trio
prosecution of the Lundeen. as will m.lie It a peculi
arly demitable opportunity to cornmenco the Neat
businese of the town. ,JOAN IHYIN&.
Philaddli h la
W. A. AM - 60D. 'ISAAC R. DANCE.
Wholegal.; Sealers lu all kluda.ot •
IL) •
I N C 0 151 E TAY. ..
. . .
Awniatant A Fx.assorieg L.Mee, U Div., 15 Diet , Pa., i 0
I arlislo; February lU, 18'70. i
ACCORDING to the instructions of
the Colllllllpoienor of Interual Ite.onue tho
othual of the Income Tax will lieglit
All pervert, why have an Ilicome tax In totem of
$l,OOO per annum are required to maki; a retoro Of
the mime. No rehire n ill be accepted ,else made
nut In detail, that la, with the proper entry. opposite
eAch item of the return, and the whore suteerl bed
and seer n to. 'fire Conan huluster Ims decided that
the form n.i.d minter for detinri, g that a person le
not por.stesed of,, lo Income le, the prescribed
pr: perly tilled up. subscribed ardl sworn to en
above indicated. Ail retort,. must ,be made before
the hiternth of ',larch, lira
W3l. B. , PARKEft,
'Assistant Asdasior:
Onicq-26 West street, Carlisle, Pa,
t .
122 South Delaware ave., Philadelphia,
10 South street, Baltimore
No fertilleer futrotitztl to. tho femora of the
Alith furl Southern Slat ve hall given morn' general
and uniform a Itiattetion than this gonna
Tho trade In It has stusilay Increased until the
concumptlon now throuyhoAt.tho entire country for
esrecds that of any other fertilizer
Th.. !Argo enpltul Involved in ite PrOdlACipll
affords the surest guarantee of Its eorttinue4,94col
leave. The employ Inas a far grridii;*464l!•*"7:,,
the permanency of Its (ride than: unrinfttilie4:'A--.44'
consumers can have; hence Ills the highest Intiont •
ottho cutup.) , to put the beet AtHiker
het, that their usual facilities, aided by the best
ialculdle ability ca. produce
Thlx'guallo Is If o:d at retnll by local agouto of tb o
company throuzhon; Vow Jamey, Delaware,' PORI]
sylvania, and the Southern States, and at wholesale
Itifub7J-3m,Lsol 3in
That leo are just receiving
et MI owl coutpl.;l.neeorttnout of nil Muds of
MLA° Linen, in great varThy t at exceedingly
luw prlepu, Unbloachoi Sheet
lugs, all *Mills and qualitlea,
Tiekiugi, of ell wldthe, Alia every quality In the
Int kut, 3pirlluaos Quills, a /1191011 and qualltlea,
Lancaster Quilts,
Honey Comb Quilts,
°tall Silo ssrobiOlodoseiisotlsctorlei'of the Eat. 'Also
•Ilandsotrio Imported Carpotoi
of o;eiyirsulo, glnd sty!!!
Table Oil'Oioths
. .
avini , puFeluixed u lino of ouch foe& a. ar '
Wontlion'ocl ltudor tho gio'at iraesuii. of tho low mop
4ot,rio are 41113 praparod to offor groat itatneamonta
o all
,X.Oxio:tg l OoPiati 'nod tI;Oio .cOntOMplitiog'iolog
to !IPigo,kCePingir! the Spdog,. Cnkt and
&Doe tl4,l‘o'ctod stock of
~ • •
„~ ;~i,,L~IDIOH,dc ~NT~LES.
. Itikrivar4aa
.xchina? fug
„Au' s_ezti x:koil8.1-1--
Grape Virtue ;
bur Nursery Amioclation,
No. 21b North . liThrirves,
Above Rove utreet,c,
CA PITA L, 41,00,000
li kIN ER AL All k:N I'S,
m rt CI
(;enerai Agents for the Company
Day Herb Ac.
Floor Oil Clotho !